':'f .r-:f:-::;:W;i : i : ' ; - 1 1 11 ' ' " , . '.IN - . " VOL. 1 NO 95, CITY NOTICES Gentlemen's Under xt e a r Gents'Uodersbirts in all wool and merino in bea stylesj at A. M. Baker's. Cloaks &nd Ulsters. Fine Cloaks of latest style. A beautiful Hue of beaver and jur cloth for Cloak's and Ulsters, at A. 31 Baker's. The Agency for Wanamaker & Brown'H Ciothing, now established at J. F lves jn examination of samples invited. A sure fit guaranteed i Diress Goods Kowetv-Dress Goods ! . 1 . k I Kia C4i oshn IhuH f ma -- i arc iuio rtowu iui iui inauj vertrs. Bhick Cashmere, all wool, from 40c to $1,004 A beautiful line of Verges clotb or mourning, at A. M. Baker's. I J. h iTes lias now on exhibi tion samples of Cloths from the Popular Clothiers, Wanamaker & Brown. The public are invited to examine. A sure fit guaranteed. J ewelry -A beautiful and fc!egan fpsortment of Jewelry just purchased in New York, at Bell's, the jeweler. Any article ever sold that is not as -was' repre ieutd:can be returned and the -money will be refunded. Ladies' Furnishing and Dress Goods. A beautiful line of Children's Hose, in oil colors. Jadam Fov's and Thompson's Corset. A full Hue of flan nels, and an elegant line of Drefs Good and Ladies and Children's Undei vests, at A. M. Baker's. - Ojsicr Saloon. David Fpeight, jlarket Dock, next to the Farmer's Home, desires to inform the. public' that he baa opened his OyterS loon, and is now pre pared to serve the very bfcst and freslust oyh'ets t all hours and in every style. Attentive, polite and hkllled waiters. General meals at all hours. Triminings.-Plaid8 and tripes in 6iik and Worsted for Trimmings, also beautiful Fringe in Silk and I CJhenille beaded in Steel, Jet and Irredefient. h. Urge -assortment of Tassels and Cord. Brass, Steel nd Metal Buttons bf. latest itjle. at A. M. Baker's. SPFUIAL XOTL ES. fVRY Our Butter, it can't be beat. Alex. 1 Wilier. . 7.1 B EST Brands Family Flour, a Alex. Miller's. r : i " (IjffOCEtflES, Hitrh in quality l,llt .low in price, at Alex. Milk-rV: GHOtCE Groceries aud Farmers Sup p'i-s. We warrant all gouds as rep resented, .'Alex Mi ler 7 f EXAMINE, New Crockery, China, -J G'ass ware, Ifuod and Willow Ware. Good tdiown withplc-jsure. Alex. Miller. :C. E. SLQVER'S Christmas Advertisement! .j THE FOLLOWING NAMED GOODS just received and all fres-iW . S MINCED MEAT, 1 1 . Btt'fToncues. Dried Beef, Spiced Pig;.' Feet. Lambs' Tontiues (Ioi!ed hua Souced), Corned Bt-ef, Breakfast ; Bacon, Sugar tured Shoul ders, Small Hams, Raisins, Currants, '. itron PKUNES, JELLIES, CANDIES, Pickles Oatmeal, Macaroni, Cheese, BUCKWHEAT. RICE. WHITE BEANS, GRITS, COD FJSH, Irish Toiarofs, Smoked Ucrricg BUTTER,! Cooked Corned Beef, Yeast Powders, ENGLISH WALN CTS, UK A ZJJL A UTS, ALJHO.vDS. 1 1 Cknrjcd Corn, Tomatoes, Pearhts, Pine Apt.le, Lobster, Salmon, Peas. Sardlnr s, Poltf d I!am, Ciite Oil, LEA & PERRINS' SAU( F, Essence JL mon, Ess. Vanilla, CATSUP, CHOCOLATE, ! j Fit. MUSTARD, SPICES, Essence CofTeej ' COASTED COFFEE. Yeast Cakes, Fine Ti as, Cond. Milk, fine Syrup. Molasses, Crackers, Powdered Sugar, Granulated Sugar, Crushed Sugar, White ExJ V 1 - Sugar. Yellow C Sugar. 1 TOBACCO, CIGARS, FIR E CRACKERS ! Powder. Shot and Caps, Ct.OCKERY, GLASS WARE, NEW BEENS, Tournament at Stonewall. Letter to the Newt-! ' Enclosed, I wnd you a complimentary ticket to the tournament and ball, which takes! place on December 20th. Ho: W. T. Caho has been selected oaato and will deliver the address to the knights. Knights from a distance are invited. Knights entrance fee 3.00, which will entitle the knight and one laoy to the ball. Single tickets to the' ball j$1.50. Lances to be 7 J feet in length and pointed if desired. Please make mention of this tournament jour paper and come, or send a repre sentative and we will take care of the "Stirs, : a w p tieneikii Kews. ! Minister Kilpatrick died-at Santiago cv' 1 t . y ounuav last. Vm. Sclator was murdered by a negro at Newport News, Va. Secretary Folger's report ia very.high ly complimented by Congressmen, i The President's Message was received with favorable comments on all sides. Gapt. Howgate's counsel will move to dissolve the attachment on his property. Ex-President Davis is aj passenger on an European sieamsr overdue at New York. ! . 1 The reading of the President's message in Co igress occupied two hours and a half. Oldham cotton manufacturers are8 mov ing for the encouragement of the growth of cotton in India.. The Utah Delegate question came up in the House, and a lively debate follow ed. The natter went over without final action. j The French Minister of Commerce de ' Clares his readiness to withdraw his de cree against American pork if America would instisute a trustworthy system of inspection. . .Senator David : Davis "voted with the republicans on the question of continuing the committees as : they were constituted last session. He made a lon speech in explanation. The evidence for Guitean's defence is all in tlnir. except as to t bat' of President Ar Much timer was devoted to read- ings Cue prisoner from his book on theology. Congressman Farweil, whom he aked to lend him $2 OO.OO to start a newspaper, thought him insane, but be- lievec he knew right from wrong. Poultry and game are high, j ! . 1 . Ducks and wild geece are making their . 11. appearnce in ?hnf"ke places. Eggs are eggs, per dozen, also. and twenty-rive cents Cuthbert's new nearijig com pletion. machine whop is StiIeet venders nd patent inedieine men . ! Cltv. aie driving thriving trade in the Suburban farmers aie preparing their trucking lands for i.liintitig neas and early vegetable?. Makwell Ciabtree were yesterday giying the finishing touches to ths" uir. chiheri of thenew Steamer Trent. jtpuE Green id having his office in fron'. floor of the Gaston Hoa.e repaired, the lowered and generally remodeled. j he ship joiner work on the new . i I I : : '. steamer Trent 1 it progreswtng- Quite rapid and is a credit to the workmen employe! upon it. LaJsg quantities of oysters are being shipped North by steamer lines.- One i - i Urm jshipped twenty barrels by the last Baltimore steamer. Pol dr. Paid. The Order of Choeen Friends, holding a policy 01: the life of the late . M. Carpenter, for three thou- sand dollars. , nas promptly paid the 1 same at maturity. Mr W. E. Clarke goes down to the Harlbwe Creek CaR-ftthworbthtS' faotmng. N. a, FRIDAY, , DSC I f f."v '"fi" lUB-Biwoirr quiCK speed. 1 I I "' - I EXTRAORDINARY FACILITIES OF OUR ISLAND WATER tfAYS. rTRENT RIVER TRANSPORTA TION COMPANY AND OTHER STEAMER LINES. 1 As we shall be urgiug before the pres jent session of Congress increased appro- priauons lor . more extended improve ments in our rivers and harbors aod in- Uaad water wars, it is not too effrfy to begin upon a , etattraent of some of the reasons why this portion of Eastern Carolina deserves, to a sui erior degree, the fostering aid of the general govern ment in what we may term the marine branch of internal improvements. And we may enter upon our work by illua trating. fir.-t, the j TRENT RIVER TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. In the fall of 1876, Capt. W. T. Taylor and Mr. Chauncey Gray, of jKinston, conceived the purpose of placing; a steam flat, moved by S screw propeller, on the Contentnea creek and Neuse river. They made their contracts for lumber, but not I being supplied in time, they were in duced to examine an old flat, belonging to Mr. Cicero M. A. Griffin irF H.ll.. Ferry up or 'rebottoming anI repairs generally, which thev finally concluded to take, and Mr. Griffin joining them. the partnership entered! upon the work of fitting up a steam flat for our, river navi gation. Capt. Taylor,' a practical ma chinist nnd engineer, manufactured and got together the machinery at Kinston, and placing it in the flat, towed her to New Berne, where Mr. Edwards had prepared the boiler. Here the "Con tentnea" wa9 fitted tin and completed, and in March, 1877; as a steam flat entered upon her traffic in our waters. She cost some two thousand dollars, and was regarded by many ment. But she was a aa a wild e.xperU success from the start, and soon began to attract the atten tion of those of our people interested in the eteam navigation waters. In December, 1878, of our smaller Messrs. Gates, Foy & Co., acquired a fourth interest in the "Contentnea" and the fblldwinc year her owners built a house and upper works upon her as at present, transform ing the steam flat into a'stenmboat, with saloon and paseenger accommodations. At this junctute the Trent River Trans- 1 1 ' portation Company was formed, dating from November 4th. 1879. '.The Com consisted of C. M. A. Griffin, of pany Bell'- Ferry; ChaunCey Gray, of Kinston ; J. C. Whitty, of Polloksvilie; vV. T. Taylor, C. E. Fov, Thoa. Gates a'rM F. M. Simmons, of New Berne;! Capital stock $3.00f. - , j j . .' The success of .the Rtpamer continue ! the most gratifying, and it wa? last spring determined to increase the capital stock of the Compauy, and with the learnings of tne Contentnea, supplemented by the. additional" 'paid up capital, build a new and a-better .boat. The et ck was in created to one hundred and forty shares, of $50.00 par value, being $7,000, and the Company in ftti new organization Ws limited to S25,000 capital stock. The new or additional flharebolders werp, Sim mons and Manly, S. jll. Gray j and D. Styron, of fCew Berne ; Frankrin Foy, and Samuel Hudson.! of Folrokftvill. Bynum and Jenkins, o Banks', of Trenton. Work begifrr on the - Jones, and J. Bl new eteamer in Skptelnbef, andoti November 10, she was launched, arid christened the Trent. The Trent is a screw Aeamer of the trharpie model, one hundred feet long, seventeen feet breadth of beam, with five feet depth of hold. She is bein housed a- a river freight and passenger steamer, and will have ample first clas passenger accommodations. Her draught of water will be from two and" a half to three feet, loaded, atf'f he? freighting capacity Cpuvalent to three hundred ; bales of cotton. The machinery Was j built in Baltiraore,- is first chrss-, asnl f auiple' EMBER 9, 1 881 tghl dranght, ppei aha capadtT combined, it is believed that the Trent has riot been equalled by anything in our watew. She is the first xteamer ever built at New Berne' will com $7,000 and estimate 1 to be worth ten thousand. Than we see what has been accom pi is Led from the most insignificant be ginning, by one partnership or company, in the matter of establishing team navw gat ion on our local waters. Ii, the Trent, New Berne owns a fine river both beautifc'l Hfnd ufu model as a pattern for further steamboat building. The Contentnea has not near run her race, and wjll donbiless live to build another and still better boat, while affording the public those transportation facilities so essential to their progress and prosperity. 71 The example here noted must stimu late enterprise and the investment of capital in steamboat building, until our rivers and pounds are alive lib local steamers concentrating their trade at New Berne. How far the Tren i Ri ver Trai sport a tion Comnanv has contributed to the here, we do not We only know r . increase of business pretehd to estimated that when it began to navigate the Trent, the receipts of cotton from that direction Were 'wo hundred bales per m,nth, or about eight hundred for the season. Now the j cotton ieceipta by the Trent navigation are more than eight hundred bales per month and about four thousand for the season. By putting Trent steam navigation, the River to the use of general government readily coneentedg o improve it, and in 18i9 appropriated 7,000, in 85l$10, 000 and in 1881 85,000- A further ap propriation of $-20,000 is necessary to co'nplete good navigation to Trenton, and we must all feYthat the monjy is obtained of the prtsent Congreas. 'J'he wisdom of the pact appropriations is de monstrated by the iuerease of traffic, which ia the unmistakable indication that increased and cheap water transportation facilities have multiplied productions in the Trent River country. The verv marked prosperity of the people of that section would supply any evidence wanting. j OTHER TRANSPORTATION. t j i Nor is the Trent River Transportation Company alone in this line of New Berne enterprise. We hats steamer the Neuse of the JNeub'e River- Line, plying between New Berne and Kini-ton, whose owners, for pluck and energy are not one whit be: hind the others, and liunng good stages of water has served tle public with cluap and efficient transportation, and comfits uted its full share to the business and prosperity of this port. The General government is also engaged in improving the navigation of the Neuse, and public interest muj-t not relax the effort of (-(ill furlhcr improvement The Content tiea Creek h undergoing iuiprovemetr!, and cac be made a valua ble contnbutioW to commerce; and when opened will afford Water for steamers ot the class of the Cofrtentne. Swift Creek, having a general depth of water greater than jauy of the streams above referred to, with a little effort on the part ot the General Government would be open to navigation by larger boats than the classwe have teen deal ing with, and upon the bosom of that stream could be succored a valuable commerce; and through transportation factlities th3 should; be afforded, a nat urally rich and productive agricultural section be brought under tribute. Belo w we have the Bay and the Sound, constituting present outlets to our coin merce ovei-:axing the capacity of five large steamers per week, and concerning which Mr. BesV President of theStidlaad Railway,- has recently informed hig Bos ton Directory that he- ha kept from one to two thottsnd bahk of inland cotton lying at hfs Nev? I&rnc pier for the want of outward water transportation, and had it bean adequate for the guarantee of prompt rexHovaV hej coiridr hav& abaut doubled Ihe Urge business af his riilwir liner.4 0 Bach mpect, therefore: we invito the Wew of .Congress to the po'rt "of Netr Berne; aud its tribUry"waterwYS :and we Put our enterprisb abd the resu t of rcent efforts forward afi the plea and justification for the aid and assistance we shdl ask at tbV hands of thi Geiientt Government. ! Personal, j Dr. C LJ. Mattocks, of Pollokville'i Mr.W N.Dennis, leading merchant of Swansbop, was in town; ! Mr. J. of Jones, N. Foscue; a nrntnlnAfif form' wa3 ih town yesterday. - Auj.cpnuiuef xiuuson. a leadmg mer chahl of Pollokville; was in '(own yes terdav. I h Mr. Ged. X. 'Smith, hie reliant nf Webb's Creek, Cfnslow county, wms ia nhe city on business Rev. Dr; Bufkheitd, new pai tor of Neuse Stfett Methodist Church; arrived in" thKrtiy vesterJay, abd is the gliVst 61 Rev. ilr. Wood. ! Rev. F. H. Wood, retiring pastor cl' th Me'hoc ist church, wfio goes to ttig Wilmington station, returned from a visit to the Atlanta Exposition yesterday4 Mr. Wood does n know at what time precisely, le will leave for die new field f of his iabo s. Judge Gilmer adjournal crurt and left for home ended his yesterday morning. He has fall circuit and now has a rest until thS first Monday in January, when the quarterly term of Wake Superior' Court begins. It is the expression of' sorrre of our members of the bar thai Judge Gilmer is on of the best judicial officers in !the State. Grand 'Tournament at" Sto n ev a ltj'. A grand' tournament, coronation and ball, comes off" at Stonewall Ion Tuetda the 20th nstant. D. Gen.! S. Atmore; Chief Marshal. The Assist a nt Marshal ' are J. F. Sawyer, II. If . Duwdy and ih D. LewiJudges, C. M. Babbitt, W. Hj Sawyer and J. W. Brabble; Honorary Managers, C. H. Fowler, WjT. Caho, B.; F. Myhew, L. Miller and J. B. Qdick; Managres S. W- Ferebee, Frank -Mti- otter, J. T. Cooper and A;'S. Hudsonr Floor Mai acrers rfnd Committee on' Ovu lation, J. Ferebee. E. L. Dawsori;' A; W. W. Hooker ttrtd11 C.flfi J. Flowers, Brinson. Scndav iMail; A r ra Kfc e JI E NTS" PEfer fected 'Creneral Manager Vates. of the Midland Road, received ii disnatcli" fr'om" J 1 i i the Post 'Jffice Department at f a'ShTngi ton, ysterdav, stating that every'nece. saiy arrangement for the Sun'day mails over the road had heerr perfected, atd that hereujier the"' mails' would be ' re ceived an.; delivered at all post'ofrtces'on the line on.uiiifays the satire J as otlfer days. J Col. Yates states that tbis arranged ment is entirfly due to the eflbrts and attention jof Hon. Orland6' Htibbs; our member of .OorigreK, who already gives an earnest, in the most signal manner, of becoming ti niost usefnl and ef&uent represenfatiye of tile p'eopTe of this por tion of the Slate. j We are vefy ihankf?J fof the perfec tion of thejSnnda mail arrangement. At best we are twenty-rout hoifrs be hind Goldsboro, and from jthjrty six to forty-eigh jhours fr'orri the National Capi tal and ew York, and the intervening loss of a Unday mail would throw New Berne, and all this portion' of Eastfn Carolina, jalout seventy-two Sours nhree days and joften m 01 e behind' die balttnce of the world. j We trust that' our Congressman wift now look jafter. the matter of the doable dailv mail which we placed in his hands from' the Ns? Berne Board of Trade, alik also the, restorat of . the daih mail' service between thHf poinff and Wa6hjngtot;, our next door nei'gh-f Bo r, and husiess rival. j See Fm tf Page for other local Matte L'