DAILY NEWS BY TUB Commercial Printing NEW BEKNE, Co., WJlf. A. II EARNS, EDITOR, - .. - . SUBSCRIPTION PIC: Oie year . . fix months . Three months - Uue month . , . $4.00 2.00 1.00 no Eight Cents pkr week, payable to the nu-rier uverv Saturdav. All other sub scriptions in advance. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1881 The President's Message. Tho Message ot President Ar thnr was sent to Congress Tuesday. It opens with an eloquent tribute to Garfield and proceeds to a re- view of our foreign relations, which are. pronounced satisfactory. The action ' of Columbia, in seeking guarantees of foreign government the President thinks is unnecebsary, and a modification of the Clayton Bui wer Treaty has been suggested. A restoration of the missions to Athens and Quito is recommended. Tho department reports arc re ferred to and important recommen dations are made among them the adoption of the international code inrthn nrevention of. collisions at t - , sea; the retirement of silver cer tificates; repeal of the Silver Coin age law ; a law prohibiting retire ment of national bank notes except on notice ; no legislation on Win dow bonds except for lower rate; reduction of taxation ; revision of tariff laws; increase of the army; solution of Indian question by civilization; rehabilitation of the navy, in accordance with, the recommendations of tho Advisory Board : vigorous prosecution of star route swindlers; relief for the . r- ovurburdencd courts; repeal of the army posse coniitatus law ; appro priations for internal improvements and an increased clerical force in the Pension office. Tho subject of civil service reform is exhaustively considered and lemslation ti in crease our merchant marine gested. sag- Secretary Folder in his annual report Tecum mend's a revision of i the tariff, the abolition of all inter - i cal taxes, except those on 'whiskey and tobacco and the tax on the manufactures thereof. He recom mends the retirement of the silver certificates, the suspension of the con i age oi silver dollars anfl the passage of a law facilitating ; the reorganization of national jbanks where charters are about to ex pire. . Expressions Regarding Message. 1 Tho President's Message an excellent impression npon the .made Sena- tore and representatives of both parties. -It U regarded as a cpnser vative and business like statement of public affairs. Some of its recommendations will, of course, be Opened, those . relating to subsidies for ships in particular. Some Democrats differ with him on the silver Question and some of both sides on the question of res fund in jr. Put such differences are a matter of course, and those who most disagree with bim say freely that Mr. Arthur's Message is a document of uncommon mcritj. It is remarked by many shrewd observers to-day that the tone oi the Message and of Secretary Folger's report will not fail to raise our credit abrvad 'still higher than it iz, because, tay these people, these documents when they are read in Europe will show to the ablest financiers there that the new administration is in the hands of men soundly instructed in finance and aUe to advise Congress and the country in clear language concern ing subjects concerning which pre vious Presidents and Secretaries have give been too crudely informed to either definite or Valuable advice. Among the Democrats in the House there was not so much enthu siasm as among the .Republicans. Mr. Hewitt said the general ex pression was favorable to most of the President's utterances. With a J few exceptions his position on the silver question and national bank circulation was heartily com mended as in accord with the sen- timent oi the Democratic party. The Cotton Crop of 1881-2. Bradstreet's, Dec. 3. Tc obtain at the earliest date pos sible fairly complete returns on whiei to base an accurate estimate of each year's cotton crop is of the first importance. The planter should have fuck information in order that he may get a definite idea as to the yalueof his productions, and the general public should have it to the end that, so far as possible, blind speculation may be diminished. It is a ell known fact that previous to tliis year trustworthy reports of the cotton crop were not at the command of the public. It is un necessary to enter at . length upon tne causes or failure beyond remark ing that successful crop reporting is I essentially news getting, and therefore falls within the special province of the journalism of trade and (finance. With the purpose of perfecting the machinery necessary for procuring such a report, we have used all requisite means and all the appliances at our command. In the expenditure of money j we have! not been sparinsr. Our tores- ent lists of correspondents, who are all located immediately in the cotton growing regions,have been judicious ly selected from the thousands'with whom we have had communication i . i '" 1 i i during the year. They are repre sentatives of the best business men of the South. They are not of one- class, but of several, and include cotton factors, cotton buyers, cotton planters, public ginners and general storekeepers. The men of business who have written us, while beiDg in! immediate communication with planters, stand sufficiently apart from them to sift and modify re ports by intelligent and wide ob servation. The manifest care and precision given to the preparation of, these reports cause us to have great confidence in the following summary. The reports have been sent; us, and, relying upon the authorities indicated, we seed forth the j estimate to be tested by the final return and count of the crop. Special returns to Bradstreet's frond eleven hundred and thirty-four correspondents give reports for five hundred and thirty-six cotton grow ing counties, which - produce over 91 per cent of the entire crop, and give full returns of the weather be tween October 24, date of the last report, and November 21, the mail date of the present report. During the period between these dates the weather was moderately favorable for picking the crop, j In the Ats lan tic States it was very favorable until about November 18, when ai severe cold rain set in. In the Mississippi Valley and Texas, how ever it vras less favorable, there bein j too .tnoek rain, which not only delayed picking, bat also did much to prevent the top crop and the second growth from maturing. The reports from Texas, Arkansas, and Tennessee all agrve that this sco ond growth has been killed by frost.) and Has made little, if any, cotton. In parts of South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama a fair top crop has been made, and more would have been secured but for the damage done by worms last month. Killing frosts are reported in nearly every State. In the northern cotton belt cotton had virtually stopped mak ing before the dateof our mail report. The increase of the revenue on beer is something wonderful. In 1863 the sum derived from this source was $1,500,000. But in 1 881 this had grown to over $14,000,000. Did anybody remark that the Amer ican people were not fond of beer ? PROSPECTUS. WEEKLY COMME C1AL NEWS, Largest Paper ever Published in North Carolina. I . TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. TO CLUBS OF TEN $15.00. GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO O alnvassei srs 2 Agents wanted at every Post Office East of the Wilmington and Weldon Railro FOR PARTICULARS, AND RATESOF COMMISSION Write to THE NEWS, New Berne. A LARGE EIGHT PAGE, i ' - .! FORTY-EIGHT COLUMN PAPER, only Two Dollars a Tear. "FIRST PEEP 0- DAY!" MIDDLE STREET, (Two doors above K. R. Jones') NEW BERNE, j HAS IN STOCK, AND BOUGHT IN original nackairfis. thn best and nnr- est Brandies, Wines, Whiskies, Hum. Porter, Ale, Ci er and i Eager! Beer, - i . Gin, Bottled ani or. draught, which1 heoffers to the relau trade, and to his customers a" the counter hi ; R A R quality of the Li I celebrated for the quors it dispenses and ior ine politeness, drompiness and skill of its attend-iuts Open at daybreak every morn Dg. j I sep!5tf O UST PROOF OATS, LI, gEED WHEAT, gEED RYE, for sale by WOLFENDEN & SHALL WOOD. wholesale ArpRETAIL LIQUOR E. II. WINDLEY, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1 . .'-.- DISTILLERS AGENT AND Wholesale Dealer in WINLSAND LIQUORS, EW iBERNE. I solicit consignments of RIce.ffE. H. Windley. I I "I carry the largest stock of Wipes and liquors lu me qiuic; ju. x. n iuuicj . I solicit consignments of Corn. Windier. E. II I keep the hest Bottled Lager Beer ever imported to this en y. 15. 11. Vv indley. I solicit consignments of Cotton. E j H. Windley. V . I bought my entire slock of Wines and Liquors from bia E. II. Windley. hands for cash I guarantee to sell jgoods as low as any JoLbing House iu any of the Northern or Western Cities. E. H. W ludley. 1 keep nearly ev4ry kind of Wine known to the Trade. E. 11. Windley- I call special attention to a large lot of rmre old ScuoDernonff. made on the nlaitation of the late Col Tim Guion. purchased this wine from the administra- tor, Dr. J. A. Uuion i. u. winaiey. I keep imported Ginger Ale, Porter, Bass Ale, French Brandy, and various kinds of Bitters, and; a good assortment of Ciirais- I E. H. WINDLEY, Corner South Front and Middle Streets, New Berne, N. C. nov. 9. ji. M. HpLTON, DEALER 1 FOREIGN AN 0 D OIMESTIC WINES, LIQUORS, i TOBACCO AND CIGARS. MIDDLE STREET,. i ! e w Berne. He offers to the Trade, by the retail and small measure, the very best BRANDIES, W KIES, GINS, INES, WHIS-POR- HUM, TER, ALE, CIDER AND LAGER BEER, ' I Bottled or 6n DraugM His Stock is large; and carefully select (d to meet the wants of the Retail Trade of this section, aud lie guarantees PRICES AND QUALITIES of his goods to suii, and refers to any of his customers in Eastern Carolina. MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE, N. C. EEFKESHIN DRINKS! il Havana Cigars ! BEST LA.GER BEER! FIXE BILLIARD TABLES ! Including a New and Elegant 15-Ball Pool'lWe. Also a : I v Fine Shooting Gallery. vervimng ,tn nrst claps oMer.Only i strict'y firtt class saloou in New Befne. , au(y 23 tr I I ON'T UK AD TinlAT, UEL F16HER. VeiretablH Broad street (next riOor east of j. J. Tol- .. l- i l. l . bou;, wuoiesaie auu letaii Uvaler in Cab bge. Onions, Irish jand tWfet Pota'oef, Eiigs. l hirkns. Lemons. Or.injr,.8t Can dies of all kinds. Canned Fruit of every description, and all kinds of Notions Call and see mo before purchasing plm I where. AH orders promptly attended lo SIEAJH LIXES. THE KORTH CMOIJHA' FREIGHT LIME kVR HEW YORK BOSTON, PROVIDENCE i ana an pom is NORTHS WEST. Semi.Weekly Steamers. . Between New Berne ani Baltimore. 1 ne steamers of this Lane will Ioavh Baltimore fok hew Berne every WEDNES DAY and SATURDAY at 6 P. M. Leavin New York erery Thursday at 3 P. M. fnm pier No. 34 East River. Leaving Heme for Baltimore every TUESDAY ami FRIDAY at 12 M. Agents are as follows: REUBEN FO.STER, Gen'l Manager. I 90 Lisfht St., Baltimore. Md JA?. W. McCARRlCK, Ag't, Norfolk, Va. W- r. CJjcUs & Co.,, Philadelphia, lj South Wharves. W. p. Clyde & Co., New York, Pier No 7 N. P.. ' H. L. Chapman, Solicitor. E. Nimiisbn, Boston, 53 Central Wharf. E..H. RUkwell, Providence, R. I. D i C. Mink, FhII River, Derrick Wharf. sn-ps L-ave Jioston, lttlsDAia ad 1 1 SATUUDAYS. New Yolk, every day, Sun day excepted. Biw:iinuro, Wednesdays and Saturdays. 4. Fall Rirer, Mondays, .Wed nesdays and Fi idays. 1 Providence, .Saturdays, bills lading given, and rates Throuprh guaranteed to all points, At the d.llerent offices of thn compaiiies. Avoid breakage of bulk and ship yia N. C. Line, i a 11. GRAY, Agent, 1 1 .. New Berne, N. C.- OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY, for nev jyork, baltimore, nou. folic, boston, elizabeth city, philadelphia providence a"nd other citifs. THE STEAMER NEW BEXt3 Will leave. ! uporj arrival of train on Nor folk and Elizabeth City Railroad at Eliza beth Cityi every Monday and Thursday,' for New Berne direct. Returning,' leaver New Berp for Eliaiibeth City direct, every Tuesday and Friday, at 2 P. M., making close Onnectn,n with Norfolk ard t.z beth City (Railroad for northern cities. Close connection .nade at WashiiiL'ton with company's steamers for Greenville and all lauding on the Tar tiiver, and at New Berne jwitb ste-aiuers Nense aud Con. (entnea for Kinston, Pollocksviile, Trjnton and all landings on Nensean j Trent rivers. f reight forwarded revived dailv until 0 P. M. promptly and ! lowest rates .ts uarauteedj to destinati n. j B. 13. ROHEIiTS. Aosnt. CCLPEPER ki TVUXES, j I Ag'ta. Norfolk, V,i. W. H. Staxkojrd, Geu'l Freiirht Air't.. New York City. flEMMyjEE KL Y LINE FOR Uw ASIHNUTOX, MAKELKTSTILLz) SOUTH CHEEK, n- c. and points on tar kiver. The steam Pamlico, I &tain W. T. Piitchott, wiM leave Elizabeth Crity, N. C, every Monday and Thursday on arrival of the 'J a. in. train from jAWfolk for VI ashington, Make leysvillrt and South Creek, AT, G ., connect ing at Washington with tstewuere-on Tar rivei. Monday's steamer vill touch at Makelevsyille, and 'Jhursday's steamer at South Creek. N. C. Returning, will leave Washington every Tuesday 1 awa Fiuuay. t miking close connection cverv Wednksday and iS.tuk,day at lizaheth City,-N. C, with the G. k Ar. li. K for Aorfolk and all poihts A'orth and iKiat. STEAMSHIPS to and from .VW YORK OLD BOMINIOX, K1CHMO.VD, WVAN-OKE, ilATTKBAS, BiiEAKWATEB, ALBER3IAKLF, J MANHATTAN. TfROM NORFOLK-PASSENGEJi r steamer) leaves Arorfolk at G p. in. eveiy JONDAV, VVed.NESDAT And hATUKDAY. FUOM iVA'W YOUK. At 3 p- m. eveiy Tuesday, IThutisdat aud Satukay. FARM lit st Class j ....... S 8 50 it Hound Trip. 1G 00 Second Cia.s. j 5 00 FOR ATorfolk 7'TltIDAY Rl CilMU A D Steamers leave every Sunday. Wed.nesuay and AriGHT, fcai riving at A'ithuionJ next inoihins CVLPEPhP.X & 'TV USER, Agents, Norfolk, Va. Trent Rirer TranEsortatioa Cmpy. P. E, FOY Prwilnt. E. II. 3rnum, Sec'y & Trca C. E. Foy, ) W. T. Tatlor, V Directors. Sam'l Hudson, ) i Ronninsria tri-weeklv line no and dwa Nerwe arid Trent rivtrrs. Trios regular. Freight rates low. j AcENTS-p-Geo. T. Dnffy, New Peme, X. C; A. a.HarTn. Poilokiville, N. C. Chas. It Yoj &1 Co.i Trenton. N. J Chaunceyl Grav, Kioton, N. C; C. M A Griffin, Bell s Ferry, N. C: ! F. M. SIMMONS. CI.KMENT MANLY. SIMMONS !& MANLY, Attorneys at Law, Orp. G.vsrro House, New Bekne, N. C. Will practice in the Federal and State Courts am regularly atteud all sessions of the Courts in the following counties: Craven, Carteret, Pamlico, Jones, Ons vr, Lenoir. i fctplC If