DAILY lEWS. ""NEW BERNE, .y . C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1881 You Are My I All tUe World." BY GRACE B WELLS. You are my all the world : no praise or blame From lips leas loved can move my fixed heart, ! Yon are my all the world : none else i impart j x The deathless woe to ehame, the joy to i fame. ' You are my all the world; 'I throw , all care Of others voice in this depth profound. You are my all tLe world: lie's ut most bound I reach through you, my hope and my deepir. Yoi? are my all the world: what you j have said, Oir felt, or thought, my sura of good or .. .ill ! ' ' " ' 0, deeper life, you so each purpose fill, 'That all the; world beside, methinks,are ! dead." be fvund elsewhere in the world. And then it is in the heart of a sec tion needing manufactures to , go hand in hand with hei agriculture. As Birmingham has risen as if by magic to supply a local demand of iron manufactures, so will there be many! other Birminghams to dot the slopes of this unsurpassed sec tion, j But not alone will iron be produced ; hops for the construc tion of railroad cars, for agricul tural implements, for furniture, for tho manufacture ot all sorts of sup plies,1 for steel rails and "cotton ma chinery, and for everything that human industry can produce, will speedily follow. It will be the mar vel of the age. Such is our belief. We will see. A Phenomenal Region. i The News and Observer The South has in the past been known only as an agricultural sec tion, and we have been so in the tnnlV.t. of reirardinsr that our mis- sioA is purely agricultural that xir possibilities as a manufacturing cen tre, receive but little consideration. ycjt the truth is, nature, in making us ihe great cotton growing region of the world, has not withheld from nnnnliilif !no fell m n tVl ' f It t- U llvever important our farming interests may become, it seems cer tain that our manufacturing in terests will in the future rival them. It may not:be within this century, but before another generation has . passed our prediction will assuredly he realized We do not refer mere ly jto tho manufacture of cotton joods, which can flourish equally at Augusta, Columbus (r Wilm"ng ton; but to a far greater deyelop men of industries.. The plains of thej Atlantic slope and the rich pi a teus of Kentucky and Tennessee are1 not our only wealth. Locked in the recesses of the mountains which separate these agricultural zones are deposits of treasure as yei hardly explored J In time they will be "brought to the use of man. The mountains region bounded on the scuth by a line from Birming ham to Statesville, and. penetrating up into Kentucky, embracing a territory of fifty thousand square miles, is a storehouse where nature has been lavish with her supplies. Vast beds of coal lie in close proxi mity with inexhaustible deposits of the most coveted kinds of iron. Copper, silver, gold, minerals and rhetals of all sorts are found in pro fusion. Prof. Smith, in a few remarks to the North Carolina Press Associa tion, a. Atlanta, in referring to this, said all the mineral wealth of i2us sia could not approximate what is here found so compactly placed. Again the woods are as yet undis tubed, arid" choicest specimens and most desirable kinds are in abund ance; nowhere in the world is there eqch another collection of useful and valuable timber. But that is not all. The climate is peculiarly adapted to manufacturing enter prises, the altitude giving a bracing air, freo from malaria, conducive to vigor, while the latitude and situa tion preclude the rigors of the North or the enervating heats of a protracted summer. In addifinn to these advantages. tnero is a peculiarity no less strik ing than important. Water power whout bruit can be had alraost at nv Doint. and these streams are iever blocked with ice, and vary 'flit little with the seasons. Thev ire neither subject to floods nor roughts, but preserve a very con stant volume, affordfnir nower to rn all the machinery of the ani- erse. When we view this com pttct region, where nature has be- itowed.so many favors, mingling oal, minerals, forests and power, cannot but believe that ab'.- Uie iproper time its storehouse will be Ripened and its magnificent resour ces developed. No gift has been J withheld from it. Indeed the con Station here of the elements of : ,nanufacturing enterprises is pheno j enal. There is nothing like il to CO o 3 B3 5" XJ1 S3 ' as o 5 H p S3 o S3 03 2 ST g WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CD p 3 a . b: 2 M BEME AC ADEMY. ?RIMARY DEPARTMENT, Free. The Trustees of this Institution, in the further prosecution of their published de sign, and by the generous aid and co-operation hi one of their number, Mr. Wm H. Oliver, Agent of the Grittlu fund, are gratified to announce, that a PR I MARY SCHOOL, FOR BOYS ONLY, i will be opened, at the. Academy, on Mon day next, Oct. 31. Tuition will be free. Application for admission may be made to (the Principal. Prof. Fetter, or to tke President. By order of the Board, CHAS. C. CLARK, Pres't. New Berne. Oct. 27, 16H1 " FIRST PEEP 0' DAY!" H o o O 3 Q .fl CO CD C o a o o fa O c! M a CO CO O 3 fa H O fa H i i fa rji Q MIDDLE STREET, (Two doors above K. R. Jones') new :berne, AS IN STOCK, AND BOUGHT IN original packages, the bet nd pur est Brantlies, Wiues, Whi-kies, I Gin, RumPorier, Ale, Ci er and i Lager Beer, i Bottlert ani': on draught, which he offers to the retail trade, and to his r. customers a the cou uter HIS BAR Is I celebrated for the quality of the Li quors it dispenses and for the politeness, dromptness and bkill of its attendants. tW" Open at daybreak every morn ng. I sepl5tf 0- CD CD 5 CD N2 C C- P CO o p a- 5 o o" c CD CD P CD CD CO CD 83 cT 1 INSURANCE. - On tru-k On 1 feet 1 i. 1 Ah. P.; PORTABLE ENGINE order. FOR SALE. 1 j NESO IT. PPORTJ kind Boiler,: in gquu get Saw ;,')11 Iron?, with; saws ;and Jin M. P. HOLLY, PRACTICAL ; TAILOR, (Next to P. M. Draneys.) NEW BERNE, N. C, W. "W. WATSON. S. STRJtKT, JIl HARDWARE, fc Watson & Street, BONDED AUCTIONEERS, ISDMCE AGENTS NEW BERNE, N. C. WATERfTO WN , FIRE NND LIGHTNING Insurance OF WA TEH TO WN, N. J. JJ1 JdLXy TfiirteenBi Annual Statement . $200,000.00 Capital, Assets, Surplus, $778,304.70 $540,654.70 Losses Paid Since Organization 81,501,539.75. $10 00 in United States Bonds Deposited with the State Treasurer of North Carolina. WA TS0N STREET, Agents, NEW BERNE I THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION OF LONDON. Established by BoyalChui ter 3F" X R IEj , STAT Ell Gross Assets, ENTt $16,021,010 Assets in U. S. including 1,080,000 Cash Capital, $2,241,375 United States Bonjis, $1,231,913 WATS0X& STREET, AyinU NEWUERNE. I Tie Western Assam Coiiy OF TORONTO, CANADA. Incorporated by Act of Parliament in 1851. WATSON STREET Agents, NE W-B E R N E, N.O. " Kotoert 0. PATTERSON'S UNION Lodge, WAREHOUSE, OINT. NORTHERN HAY,j PLASTER, L:3fE, SAIR, RESSED B22ICK, RO SEND ALE CEMENT, PORTLAND CEMENT, 1 ' " . no. 13 SELENITIC CEMENT. New Berne ail Beaufort . O -A. 10" Xj ! A LL PEPSONS LIVING AXD 'CON tiguous to the line of Abe old HARLOWE ANP ICLUBFOOTJ CREEK CANAL, are requested to commmunicate in per- son, or by letter, with Wm. El 0arke, ATew Berne, N C. . 10 inch MUiT. new:. fiflv "UT$ AND MAKES ALL DESCRIP; j ytioiis aad patterns of varments, and ove will be sola ..for $150 cash or ! $850 j negotiable note, six and twelve 1 months' time, 8 per cent, interest. Ad j dress 7 B. 11. TYSON, sep. 15 tr Box 43, Wilson, N. G. guarantees good fits, low prices, and perfect satisfaction. ! Cleaning, Repairing, Rebindin, &c.t a specialty. OLD i CLOTHE 3 MADE TO LOOK NK IF AGAIN. sept-27 I. H. MEADOWS & CO. Dealors in DRUGS, SEEDS AND GUANO g Agrictjltueal Chemicals. JC Trackers'JSuppliea a Special ty.tBQ NEW BERNE, K. O m, IMII S OD.8 :)EALERS0N i -- GENERA! HARDWARE Agricultural Implements STREAM EN G I NE S, Gin?, Presses, Rice Th reshers, Pows, Harrows, Cultivators, Axes, Hoes, i Shovels, Tools, Carriage Ma- tetyal, Saddlery, Bag- . ging, Ties, &c. i jIME,: BRICK, CEMENT. PLASTER. i Paints,! Oils and Glass Goods of all kinds very low for cash. JLL H CtTTLEK, 1 i STOVES M ,EAMARE, I ' SADDLES? jHARNE S S. LEATHER, Paints, Oils, Sash, i . Doors and Blinds i i No. 26MidiIIe.St.t'4Vew Berue, N. , auff 11-tf 1 ; MANWELLJiCRABTREE, ! . ! 1 : CRAVEN ST., NEW BERNE, Machinists, Blacksmiths, - i I . F O U N D E R S ! - ) AND p:o 1 l'jEir i:m:a ke k s I i ... jTTlNGlNES AND MACHINERY of JC all kinds made and repaired. I C. B. HART & CO. Would inform their friends and the public .generally, that they have opened an entire MEW STOCK OF GOODS n thetoi on Middle Street, adjoining Jj. weintein ? 1 comprising HARD WARE, ST0 VES, Am House Furnishing Articles- Kerosene Oils, Lamps m Great Van etv. i Also manufacturers of TIN A s SHEET IRON WARE. Special attention given to repairiL. Goods pol-1 low for Cash. aiig 13-3m TO SPORTSMEN. TSELL the cleanest made and best phootirg Breech loading double SHOT GUNS in the orld for the money. to $20.00 side lerer EnglisJi Gun (13 gauge, H to 8 lbs. ; 10 gauge. 8i to 9 lbs. ; if lv) lbs, $i extra), has genuine, fine, English,: real twist barrels. Every barrel bear tha proof-master's tamp showing that it baa been tested with two or three times tho usual charge. Thev j arc choke-bored, an will shoot as weft as an ordinary $100, guni ( Sent C. O. D. subject to examina tion; every 500 miles away $1 must come with orderxandover 1,000 milts $2 is required. Irwith pistol grip and re bounding locks price is $22. ! CHARLES FQLSOM, ! j 100 Chamber St., N. Y. City. O PTilV iiniicp C 1 1 AAV u.iaiuji uuuoij o.iLUUJi WINES. LIQUORS. CIGARS, LAGER BEER. PORTER, . ALE, etc., doc. lew Bilarl ana M Tate he quietest and most retired place n the city . ; No accommodations for "REGULARS." JAJIFS CAMPBELL,

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