DAILY PROGRESS. NEWBEKN, IV. c, THUKSDAY MORNING, SEPT, lf, 16G6. The Commencement f a IN'ew Era. Really wckbiiik we way begin to hope, with a degree? of certainty, that a new era is rapidly opening up to our people, and that a prosperity is in store for ns everr more brilliant than the most sanguine have been led to expect, Eet our people be active -extend their business, and offer the best possible facilities Co shippers, and also to those who wish to sell and buy in ouf market. , 'New bern must, Newbern will advance. The shipping through this place, to and from .Northern, and even Southern ports, is certainly increasing, and what is more, if Will continue to increase. On Tuesday last the Schooner Merinah N., arrived from l'hiladelpljia, with a fall cargo of goods ' and merchandize for the West, among which was a turn-table for the Western N. C. Railrpad, and several tons of gas pipe and fixtures, we presume, for Raleigh. Besides this, large fjuantities of paper have -been recently shipped through Newbern, both, for Northern and South ern ports. .v . TJio people of the West are beginning to find out the advantages of this route, bothin freight charges and dispatch given to good, produce and i merchandize, an are availing themselves thereof. AH our packets are busy, having full freights to and from Northern ports, aii'l wo doubt not but it willsoon be found i)o only expedient, but posU finely necessary, .to ' add other vessels to supply the demand fr freights. ..Our town is looking up,' let. our bu.siness inch only remain true to her and to themselves and all will be well. A Foreigner Sold bv a SriAKPF.K. One day last week a Polander, just arrived, became the victim of a drop pocket book thief, in New York. The . foreigner, finding that he had been sold, went to a police station and made the following complaint, from which it will 'be seen that he has become disgusted with " zu countray : " "You zee I have' a hair of cbisses on, and! gannot zee very gut,; you zee I cum oil de ship, and I vas looking at tie great zhip.s and houses, ven zum vellar cum along and Caleb me by de heel of my boot, by gar; ze vellar zay to me, V Sairj you ' have lost your porte mon-naie," and quickly I'clap my hand on my pockate, and 1 vind my porteinonnaie all right, and I say, " No, Sair; you am mistaken ; I no lost .'me, pocket-book ;" ze man insist zat 1 lose my porte niolinaie, and zen he open him and show me seven hundred tollar, ami tell me zat if I give him twenty -five tollar he give me ze pocketbook, and 1 get zo re ward ; zen I say to ze .man, "Give me ze porte monnaic, and I give you ze twenty-live tollarsout ov : him t "".but man zay no, zat woidd be steal ing; and 1 dinks not a bargain ; it would be zc best bargaine zat 1 make in zix months ; ;and I also zinks vat a great country zis is zat I can make such a bargain; zen I look in my pockates and I vinds $10 and 15 cents, and I offare" him zat; ze man yanted more,, but 1 zay no (confidentially to the officer) by gar 1 von Id give linn more nut 1 Jiiui tirt ninrn fli l,r" nrvir in Inlro. 70 innnntr and 1 dake dee porte-monnaie and butts him in jne pockate, and ludd.nry hand on him and run as quick as I can to my room ; I. look ze dor and I peeks droo ze key hole to ze dat nobody looks; zen I erets on ze bed and opens ze porte-monnaie ; by gar Tv eels so rich zat 1 slaps my hands ; zen I proceeds to look ; veri, by gar ! I found one dwo, dree piece papier and vive. pennies, and, by gar ! dwo of zeni is bad no good ; zen 1 jump,up and run Iwk to ze shipe vor to dell ze man zat he is von tarn rascal, and inake him give me back my ten tollar and vifty zents, and, by gar! zey is gone; zen I comes here ; I have draveled in ze 'Koose (Russia), ze -I'roose. ( Prussia X in zcVrance, and in ze Inglaud, and, by gar ! I nivare get zo sheted in me life; I altare my mind about ze contray; I now dink it a tain rascally countray, for skete me out of my ten tollar and vifty zents." I The CIreat Slavery Debate Parson BuoWNLOW in the Rixg The slavery debate between Parson Brownlow, of Teim., and the Rev. M. 1'ryjMi, of Yankee land, was continued Wednesday evening. A number of Southern students now in I'hiladenhia, at the medical schools, were present. rarson B. said he wished to be understood as not demolished by Mr. Pryne's rejoinder. He ; would soon crack his armor by holding up the Scriptures. It was not to be expected that he (Brownlow) in opening tlte debate should treat upon the whole subject, but he (Pryne) would Bear enough be tore the debate was closed I Ilirson B. then made copious extracts from the Bible, recognizing the relations of master and slave, lie was in favor of. treating, working and whipping slaves well. His quotations from Rev Hatiorrs, recognizing the appearance of a freeman and a bondman at the last day, created great scn- saiion and applause. Jlo contended and endeav orcd to prove that--slavery had bromrht mnre . a LLZ: " " , r "i 1 V, " 1 tVJVl'iVic lilt rl 4t.l nlillfl. 11 il.A ' ? toA, oo o .i;. -r i..t the negro race, that slavery could only work this improvement, and therefore its perpetuation Was in Wnrdim w lib ti, Div?n0 Aii to hUmauU .AUudin'tr to Sir PrS w :i Ja ri..o:Ki aiT: t.i: ! -.i -a crners only need fear their neirroes who nossessed bv educat on soi,,, of tb.Ir n ' j If the Southerners ouly had Yankees to fear. thev never need Kleen u itb AnvfhJno-wnreo i.n.ir their pillows than" sniked friinl.'t,r But. ?f ever was an invasion of the South, and his onpo- nent was one of the invaders he (Brownlow) would be ! pleased to know his reo-tmpnt, ih.it "Greehr nuvy meet Creek," and have "a tu- of war. j Mr. Pryne followed with a great number of pviipiurai rejouiuers. ' The debate is creating considerable excitement. j Fayettville and CoalFiklds Railroao The completion of this Road, in our humble oin- ion, is a matter ot more importance to the State at large, than is generally considered. In a finan cial point, North Carolina greatly needs a staple to export, to equalize exchamri-s. inst snrb n sta ple us her inexhaustible supply of coal will afford, if it can ever hnd an outlet to the maikets of the- world. Grfwswro' Patriot. A Mmuuage Ceremony. Horace Greelev and Erastus Brooks are announced t meet on tlie same platform, at the Cwier Institute. Those Well known politicians have not cordially em- bracea eacn other since the davs of Henry ClaV. and it will, no doubt, be an afTectiuo- sijrht to see V: - : v: t . - """"p m ircai Mogul ot iNigensm nreet after so long a cpiuiiuuii. xju hook. LOCAL MATTERS. Town Snfccriber,'--; ' Who do not receive their ."; papers regularly from the Carrier, will please give notice at our count ing room, that the neglect may be remedied. Of course we shall have some vexations and annoy ances to contend with at first, but, we trust, in a few days fc have every thing, working to the satisfaction of our friends and the public. .... j . . . ; ; - i - ' -' Cravn County Court. This honorable body is still in session, F- P. Latham, Esq., chairman, presiding. There seems to be nothing of -very special interest to engage the attention of the Court, notwithstanding the dockets are unusually full. The Court, yesterday morning, took a little respite from their duties relative to the proper gov ernment of the free negro population, and were busily engaged, setting the financial interests of the indebted to rights. . We remained in the court room until the fortieth case on the civil docket wasL called, and learning that there were about one hundred more to come, we left. , . Quick Sailing. The schooner Sabine made the trip from New York ip 48 hours, arriving at her wharf this morning at 8 o'clock, with mer- chandize to Ii. B. Lane, and will leave with naval stores for New Yrk to-morrow evening at 4 o'clock. Thus it will be seen that business is done here with dispatch; and persons in the in terlor, w ho want to get their goods without delay, will find it to their interest to ship by way of this port. ; : - " : - . ,-: Rank Checks and Bills Lading. We have rf'.ceived .'i lot of Klectrotype Blocks, for Checks and Jiills Lading, whiclrwere ordered by us when in New York recently, and which will enable us to get out as good work as can be done elsewhere. -Merchants, Bankers and Business men may hand in their orders and have them filled forthwith. We have on hand an extensive and Varied assort ment of paper and inks, and Job workmen who cannot bo excelled in the United States. j It Rains. Our Foreman still keepsi calling for local items, but it rains so thatVe can't cretout to see whether things are goiNg on right about town or riot. If that bov runninfr over the wav there would only fall and hurt , himself, or that horse round the corner, w;ould run . off; and break the cart, it would greatly relieve us- just now. Hope howrevcr it will slop raining; soon,; and enable us to comply with his request. ' i J DROP In. Gentlemen- from the ; country who may wish to have printing, of any description, done during next week, should call at the office, of the " Daily Progress." two doors from the Post Office. There they will find a large lot of paper, cards, colored inks, &c.?,xiud job printers who cannot be excelled. ' . ' Failed.- A negro bov named Saegar, belong ing to James E. Cibbh3, of Beaufort, attempted to make bis escape to a free State on the schooner Jane, on Fnday last. He had secreted himself in the hull of the vessel, but was detected soon after leaving portend the schooner returned and delivered him up. lie is now in jail. : ; , Fatal AccideT A lady friend of this place informs as that Tr. Harrison, formerly a resident of North Carolino, who married Miss Collins, of Edenton, and removed to Alabama, was recently throws from his buggy and died of his wounds, on the 5th instant. A Fight, but no Blood; Those boys had better quit fighting in the neighborhood of the ship yard. Eyes were not made to be gouged out, nor hair to be torn from the'rpots ; and profane language is a bad sign of good morals. Better quit it, boys. ' Cheap Paper. Gentlemen visiting Newbern during court week -will do well to leave their names at our Countings room, anjT thus secure a reliable busincs and conwrrcrclal rfcispaper for $ 1 50 a year. To clubs r of 20- only one ".dollar a year. . ' ' Two Jon Puinters, who possess a thorougb and arfiatie knowledge of their profession. : whose taste relative iff lights anrl shades, and harmony and ar rangement, enables them to give the utmost force to type, in getting up large a'nd small, jobs, are engaged in the Job Jjepartment of the " Daily Progress office. Jobs handed dn at any time, idav or nisrht. will be promptly executed, and delivered ; in a few nours. See advertisement of Dr. Sariford's Liver Invi gvrator in another column " se 1 dly Southern Teaches at New i York. The Journal of Commerce says that New Jersey and Delaware, long the peach-growers- for New York arc tailing ; the supplies lessening evexy year. Sf"' lt fT'X" &t S??! : wh51?- the shipments from "le comiiraea, nor nave prices been lower. Southern peaches continued in a sound con- anion long aner otner varieties, grown nearer home and plucked much more recently, became e lt. c- iiJ. P , J u,euis irum lue ooutn,m nuure years ?II0P, Janes Shot. Bishop Janes, of theM. - nurcn, naa narrow escate trora deatb m Indianapolis, ImJ., on tbe 2d instant. He was Passnn alongthie street when he -was struck in fa by a shot from a gun carelessly fired by somebw, and painfully wounded. The shot en- te red tu left cheek and penetrated the side of the nose, A sunreon soon extracted the shot, One of Lolas's Plagiarism. The Syracuse Journal say s the celebrated lecture on " Fashion," by Ijola Montez, was stolen bodily from the Mir ror of Graces, published in T81 3. j I j Mistaken is tiIe Man." Mr. Jenkins will it suit you to settle that sold account of yours?" No, sir you are npstaken in. the man. I am not one of the old settlers." ' 1 Madeline Smith is said to le maldnga pleasure tour in America, She is the young lady Avho, a year ago, was accused of poisoning her lover in Glasgow.- - -; - :---:. ' -'. A man named Delaware Kersey, died recently ni Richmond Va., of wounds intlicted by Alex. liuriey, trial. free negro. Burley is awaiting his Maggie Eitcliell, a merry young actress, 1 a great lavonte in lachmond, Va., is now Pymg t the Marshall Theatre in that city. leiroponian nan, m iuenmonti, va has re- cently been thoroughly overhanlod, and is uow ! s;ud to be one of the prettiest iii the South. LATEST NEWS BY .MAIL IfdcgYaj&eA expressly for the Daily Progress. ' te; fboji ecuope. " J ' 'I II "'.I '. "' '' - ' - AHRlVA L. OF THE VAN D EKBILT. Important from China Cotton Uunch.anged Flour - Advanced ! New York; Sept. 13. The U. S. Steamshin Vanderbilt- arrived last nijrht, ', with Liverpool dates to the 1st inst. , ENGLAND. , The Queen has returned to England after a plea sant jaunt to Cherbourg, Berlin and other places It is not stated whether her health has been im proved by the sea breeze. , ' liold, valued at one and a half millions of pounds j sterbng, is on the way from Australia. - . , ; CHINA. The diplomatic agents of the allies are to be al lowed to reside temporarily at Pekin. x ue vuinese x.nvoy is coming w i axis. GREAT FEA1VOF CUESS PLAYING. Paul Mornhv. the creat Chess Plaver. has n1Vrl : eight irames at once and blindfolded. He won them all except one. 1 ? HEAVY FAILURE; : 4 Rudolph, Junz & Co.. larcrelv ensrad in the silk trade at Paris, have failed. Liabilities very large. - . . ;: TRRAgy WITir CHINA, i I Great hopes are entertained of a treaty of com merce wititUhijiA, A new Turkish Ministry has been formed, and the Jesuits have obtained the exclusive authority to establish a branch of thejr order in Unma. ' I , FROM INDIA. I he Rajpootana rebels fled atter. plunaerinsr Touk, but were pursued by Gen. Roberts. The Gwalior rebels were menacing Beel . I Beehorse and Bughore. - Commercial. 4 . Liverpool , Wednesday, Sevt. 1. Sales for "tho three days past, 19,000 bales, i Prices unchanged, but inferior qualities weaker, n - . Flour firm and advanced six 'pence. !: Wheat ad vanced from one to two pence. Corn dull. Rosin steady at 4s. 2d. 4s. 3d. Hice dull. ' Spirits Tur pentine steady at 38308. ' -. Consols yGg-syGg. Ti lc raphed exjncsslv for the Daily Progress. CELEBRATION IN BALTIMORE. Baetimore, Sept. 13th. The anniversary of me battle oi iNortu l'oint is being celebrated to day with great spirit. A large civic and military procession accompanied the remains of McComas and Wells, ftwo ot the heroes of the battle, through the principal streets to the new tomb provided, Houses and stores closed, flairs displayed, guns fired along the route, and the day observed as a general holiday. i ADDITIONAL CALIFORNIA NEWS. Oov. Wilier states that there is a general upri sing of the fcdians in Northern California, and that communication between Humboldt and Yrcka has been cut off. ' j Several whites have been killed in Orejron. A large body of troops inarclted into .the Indian country on the 7th, and another contmand was j. 'T j i o t 1 . . u leave wunin a lew uays. Emigration to Eraser River has ceased, although trie mining reports are more lavorablc. At San Ju&u del Sur two Americaifs were, im- prisoned byhe local authorities. Capt. Kelley of their release and despatched an armed force ashore in case ot reiusal. NAVAL AFFAIRS. Norfolk, Sept. . 13. The United States School ship Preble, arrived yesterday from? a regular W . ...ni i - i' i i ciuisc. one will proceeu io i.nnapoiis to-uay. DENIAL POLITICAL, j Springfield, III., Sept. 13. Judge Breese, Administration candidate ior Senator, denies hav ing resigned in favor of Judge Douglass. - FEVER AT SAVANNAH. ; Savannah, Sept. 13. The Roard of Health has reported a few spasmodic cases of fever since Wednesday last. Mild type. JNo epidemic. YELLOW FEVER IM CHARLESTON. Charleston, Sept 13. Deaths from Yellow Fever during two weeks past, one hundred and three, f. .;: - ; " AIIIUVALS AT Til K HOTELS. W A S II I NOT OK HOT EL WILLIAM J, SMITH, PnorRiKTOBt - Sept. 14. C. Eatman,, W. R. Eatman, Atlantic & N. C. R. R. ; J. A. Harley, R. A. Russel, F. P. Latham, O. II. Wood, Capt. BrabbleTl Stephen Barrington, Farney Rhem, W. V. Barrow, John B. Wooten, Joseph Nelson, Stephen F. Street, Craven ; 'Wiley G. Green, Lake Comfort; W. R. Fortiscuc, D. L. Burges, Hyde; W. M. D. Moore, Germanton; Jas.iA. Maglenn, Post Boy; Sept. 15. W. B. Rogerson S. D. Ward, Joseph Griffin, W. S. Ward, C. Duffy. Onslow; V,P. Ward. Joes; A, A. Mitchell, Haw 'Siver; Mar- cuss Swindle and Lady, Hyde ; Charles C. Massey, West Massey, John Massey, G. W. Himmant, Johnston Co.; J. L, Ward, U ray Witltacm, Mar tin Co. '.,.:,.' ,' " . . j Irl ' j ( GASTON HOUSE. WILLIAM I MOORE, Proprietor. Sept. 15. J. A. Hartsfield. Hookerton; J. B, Danieland Lady, Term. ; J. Y. Enight,Newr York ; A. E. Watson Plymouth; Frank Fov, Lady, Child and Servant, Clones; N. Beck wit n, Middleton; Allen, N. C. lii R. ; James Brush Philadelphia; Samel T. Carrow, L. Buck, Philadelphia ; Lacey Lancaster, E Cleye, Swift Creek; Geo. Oreen, T Alo- Taxrnr TCowKiprn ; ' W! FV Ffn trcri n'. Trenton ; A. H. Jordan, Philadelphia ; John Tull, Lenoir; E. B. Sanders, Swansboro' ; Caleb Hardy, Charlotte. . . ; i ; FEMAIE .SCIFOOI. MISS LIZZIE MAYIIEW Will reiaume the duties of her Schwl ok MONDAY the 4tb day of October next. TERMS TKR SESSION OFs 21 WEEKS. Sneiu?. IteadinEr. Writinir. and Tables...... S3 00 ("ieorranhv. Oraininar. and I Arithmetic, ...... 10 00 History.-'' Naturaf Philosophy, Astronomy. Cliemistry, Algebra,.and GilMiietrys,..- 12 00 For French, an extra charsre of. .-..U....... - 8 00 One halt payable in auvaoce. No deduction made, except in case of protracted illness repi wuiin 117 w.r;7,rt,V v y VF1JIVA S XIOOTJF. will iVHiimo!; t ia dni m of her School, (D. V.) on MONDAY, the 4th of 0-tober, Faithful ana eiheient teachers ol the r rencb Language, and of Munie, will be connected with the School V A few vomiir ladies will' be received as boarding pupils. Thenumber of popiw will be hnnted.to thirty. Trrnv Per Se4MiB of fitte 7InlhM .- Tuition. .... . -f 50 00 Board and Tuition... 200 00 rp WANTED TO IIIBE, a tro-1 COOK and AVASHEK WOILVN. Anrdy to V. S. M., Gaston House, Newbern. Sept Il-dJw COMMEHGIAL. NEWBERN 5IARKET, Sept..lG, 1858. tliOUR Sales of Flour ih quantities to suit purchasers, at $7 00S$7 50, wholesale prices, j. CORJT A quantity of Corn sold at 3 2a by the barrel. ":,.'-' :-- LARD. A small lotof Lard changed hands at TURPENTINE 700 bbls. changed hands'yes- terday at $3 65 for Virgin ; and $3 '20 for Dip. ! ROSIN 300 bbls. sold at $1 20 for Common. CORN MEAL Small lot brought, $1 00 busheL , ; . ' v SHINGLES 50,000 Shingles sold at $2 00 for sale, WILMINGTON MARKET, September 14. TURPENTINE Further sales yesterday of C07 bbls. at $3 for virgin and yellow dip, and $1 50 for hard, 4j 280 lbs. Some parcels on' market this morning, but no sales up tp the time of clos ing our report. ' , SPIRITS TUUPENTINE Sales yesterday of 800 bbls. at 44 cents erallon. . Nothing done this morning. . : . KOSIN-400 bbls. Common sold yesterday at $1 20 for large bbls. . . 1 FISH-Sale this morning of 18 bbls. Mullets at $7 for pine bbls. . NEW YORK, Sept. 13. Cotton 'active Steamers .news caused easier prices ; but quotations unchanged. v neat : wuue oo. "iu aciive : inixeu 4z. ; wque 80e , i Spirits Turpentine dull at 43c. Rosin heavy at $1 72. ' ; : ; . ' ' ; - sfmot n'nri ri.;,v 4 'nit unao .in .i iwor n.-n . J.,V- .-v II r2 IILUL UU11 A'J IT V VJA Am white 78c. 8(e. ; yellow 00e.-a 'J2e. MA RINK .NEWS, ' ; ' i TORT OF NEWBERN, NORTH GAROLINA ARRIVED, Sept. 15. Sehr. Sabine, Day, from New York, with nulfce., tOj B. B. Lane. fechr. htarr, , irom uoose (Jreek, with naval stores, to T. J. Hughes. Schr. Maitlarid. John Hill, from Hatteras, with indzc., to B. B. Lane. I " ' V The Schr SABINE has. arrived from New York and Js-disc.hargi ng : cargo at. my Wharf. Con- sijrnfea will please attend to the receipt of their goods. Septlbdlt IS. 11. LAKE. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ! H TW 1 TT .7 A 1 TT TT1 Ci Ci JOB OFIPS(DIS Soolt autr 3JoO JJtfutlng, NE W PRESSES ! !NE W TYPE ! ! ! ; . - ' A LARGE LOT Of Colored IrtUx, Plain & Fancy Card, Paper, &c. CONSTANTLY. ON HAND. PLAIN AND COLORED JOB PRINTING, of eVery description, can be executed at the office of The Daily JPvogress as Well and as cheap as it can be done in North Caro lina, and in a style that cannot be surpassed. Our people need no lomrer send their orders Tor VSA V. & . -' to New York, fm' We can! do it as well as it can be done at the North, and on terms which should KKEP-1T AT HOME. IVcatilCH, Accuracy and lirialch' v shall be our motto, . . - The Rerviees of an experienced Book and Jol Pi inter have been seeured, whose whole time will be devoted to the Job Department. - Cards, Blanks, Circulars, Labels, ; I'l-ogrammes, Lafjre Posters Catalogues, Pamphlets, , Sliow Bills, of every description, dme promptly and 'satisfaction guaranteed ? ,' No work suffered to Lie in the Office ! Jobs Delivered when Promised ! v ; As Cheap as the Cheapest !- As Oool as tire Best ! ! Ordei-s respectfully solicited i r Address J. L. PENNINGTON. Proprietor. Sept 1 Polok Street y Krtrfx-ryi, AT, C. A STORE! The three-Btory Brick Store, on the west side of the U11 Lnnnly Whmt. a desirable stand for the transaction of n, large Grocery Business, and for Storage, &c. Also, i vf : . A VESSEL! J he feclimner Frances, burthen 122 tons .capacity yj unniiifi, or o- iu. ieet. oi mmoer, A Well-bum, copper fastened vessel, and well found in sails, rig- , . . LAND ! ' 400 acres of Land, situated on Jones' Bay. Beau fort, county. . . a halt JLots of Land in the town of Beaufort, NEGROES! ; 2 Negro men, one a good CTJRRIETl and TAN NER, the other accustomed to the wnrk of a Tan nery. , . ; : -"' r pKNITUREy S? C ' . I ; 1 Three-ply Carpet, 45 yds., but little worn, 1 Handsome Rug, . , ; ' 34 Yds. Good Oil Cloth 4 Parlor Curtains, with necessary fixtures, i 1 Large Book Case . 1 Handsome High-post Mahogany Bedstead, 7. 1 Large Dining Table, . . 8 Malwgany Chairs, ' . ' , , 1 Hall Lamp, ' ' r 1 High Bronze Oil Lamp, ': 1 High Gilt Oil Lamp. ' ' , 1 Set Candelabras, Gilt, 1 Mahogany Wash Stand; Wash Stand Furniture, white, 1 Mantel Glass. ' , ; Apply to 1! MOSES W. .JA Ti VIS, pt 11 dim Old Countv Wharf. r v r-?- j .r,. . ,r V, .-, ' -1 nT.V''L: At thp pternljerTerm A D 1858of the Court of Pleas Jt A f of the' County of Craven let- Iters of Admimstratn )n upon the Kstat.e of Ifenry G vuuer uececa, ia e 01 fiam county, were duly guieu oy saia Court to Uie buhenbervwho. at the Auuiuiiiriiir ot uie sum deceased, m due form of law. All rxirsons indelted to the Eitate of the said deceased, are hereby notified to make immediate payment ; and those having claims, accounts and demands againsfc the Estate of : the said deceased, aria requested to present them for oTuiem, u m iauuscrioer. wii im toe lime ore scribed by law, or they will le barrel of nrf-overy bv virtue of the Act of the GeneraV Assembly of thfs oiate, in sucn cases mane ani proyidea. iseptemner I .it 11 A. 1). INV. W1LLLVSI II. PEAKC'E, Administrator Sept 15 , dliu SIM'XIAL ,0TlCi;s." 3i shares of Merchants' Bank St shares of-the Bank of the Stat For particular apply to Dr. SAM'L E. 'CIlAPu or to JOHN X. raSttlNGTOX. Sept 6-diN Notice. Application will be made by the Xew hern Light Infantry, to the General Asse4l,iv if North, Carolina, at its net session, for a Chaker h corMrating said Company ' " Sept 1 .',: .',- v-: " -.j d3ui Ambrotyprs. No stranger should visit N"wW without obtaining one of Watson's well ku. wn 8 perb style of Ambrotypes ; his Pictures are merk, gems of this beautiful Art. Don't forget the j.la(.J on Craven street, vp stairs ' 7- "7' v . . Septl ;,: - y ; ; :' ... y,y"-'y' :.' .' : - dly Niellgrapl The Niellgraph is a'neW an.l beautiful style of Pictures, taken on paper, al ju,t the thing fur mailing to a friend.. To obtain nSie caB at my Gallery, on Craven street. , ' ! - J WATSOV . p1 1 - J ' 1 '--'' ' - Qy 1 A L V..!.il t K i- . I. the Cuininistiiuueris of Newlnrn, held on the 5.1 'iw" Tt vas Ordered that thj& Quarantine Law be in f.,W force from the 26th insst.iut, until otherwise ordtrel and that all vessels coming from any. Port hk-A. the Portsof this State, are required to stop ojl anr ing Point, until boarded by the Port Physkia jacii permission be granted tojnroceed to NewWrn. ' Tliose coming from any Ports' within the State tint are infected with any cuntagious disease, are s il ject to the same regulations. Bv Order. Newbern, N. C, August 23, 185S. Sept I dtf - " - ' " ' : . 1 lou may gei jswks m mner places, lut if yon want uoks -worth readi-mr, call t Walsh's ICKk Store, North side of Pollok K'.- bern, X. C . M. at. WALSH. Septl 1 - d:iW' SARDINES Wholes, halves, and quarter for sale by ; J. S. B ANKS, A gent - Sept 15 . , . ll- : "VT OXIC12 All pei-sons haying lulls or accounts" 1.1 atrinst the "Newbern Light lnfantrv," aVeiv. quested to present them to Capt. J. V.,.lORlAX innnediately, 'as it is desirable to settle the jcom- pany 's indebtedness before the 1st of Oc tober. oept l.J r , dlw X1 40 bbls. N. C. Family FLOUPw, a No. 1 artic! o .A .1.. 1 , o u T . 5p bbls. Itectified WHISKY 150 sackSALT, (3 bushels,.) . S(M) sacks: SALT, (2 bushels.) ( 25 bbls. MULLETS. Bv B..LAXE. Sent 15 - ' . ' ' ' ' wishv 117AIVTE1A egro lioy, from 11 to If an If. Ol W ' , . , -1 .1- 1 i aje' to do ilight workmust be , pr ''iW and intelligent. Apply at Jthis office immediate ; Sei)t. 1U .. . v - ;- ; . - . C IIKAPLafTies' and Gentlemen's Kid, 01 Hlifhtlv soiled, for sale at 25c. y iiair. tiv . Vi', Sept7-dtf J. M. F. IlAKIilSOX T?OR SALE LOW GO hhds. St. Kitts. MOLASSES. Ooed art Me. by SeTt7-Uf. BENJ. ; ELLIS.: 100 BAGS N. G. FLOljR . WM. -n.Tust rcHH'ived mi C. WHITFOKD : ' dim for sale by . Sept 6 Off BUSHELS , COARSE ALLUM SALT im O" IU hand and for sale by Sept (kl3m , WM, C. WHITFOKD. ! TUST RECEIVED Per Schr. D. W. Samid n bv Exoress a varied assortment of XEW and DRY. GOODS Suitable-for the Season. i EMMET CUTIHIERT. Septl ! ' . - ' tf HOOP SKIRTS-Ladies, Misses and Chi MuV Patent Extension and Princess Roval llmtit Skirts just received. per Express! . t , EM M LI . CL ilJ)l.lCl. . Septl v - y '..,-;.-,-; - : : . cf FOIt HAIjH ! Received this day, on consign ment, per schrs. Sea Bird, Sanders and Watson, 850 Bbls. LUMP LIME,. , 50 Bbls. N; C. Inspected HERRINGS, 400 Boxes SCOTCH HERRLXGS, 100 Bales of HAY. Sept l-dtf W. C. WIIITFOK1). just received and for sale on con' , signMent. , ; . - . , : .100 sacks Fine Liverpool TABLE SALT, 160 Casks LUTE, I ... 1 ' 5 Hhds. MOLASSES, s 1 GO Second-hand Snirits Turnentine CASKS,' HOOP IKOI, GLUE, &Cv. &c, cheap for cash. Sept, l-dtf . DIBBLE & BRO S , flOrt'TBACTOU AND mJIIilKK.-'nie J f linlPrHltruorl fflL'Dfl tltnncura in nni.ounoi'iur bi('il citizens of Newbera, that he is prepared to take CONTR A CTS FOR B IT I L D IN (i fr, OF EVERY D ESC R I PTI ON . and execute the same in the lest style, and by atten tion to business Itopes to merit a share of patrotiH-j;. Sept 1 dim - P. S. WIIISNAM: LTKNRV H. RbAt liU DLI,, 11 OncdoorlVcrth of the WrrcbnntM' flanks. NEWBERN, N. C. ! Wiolesale . and Retail Dealer in Groceries, TkkiI, hhoes, Liquors, VC. ! A fresh supply , of Family Groceries irfways on hand' 1ruers respecutilly sohcitea. S;-pt I ' ' "d2w 1i; i i:u 9iAijijKT.Ty .:'" " i. '" with ' - ' OI,I)i: ifU RUAY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERClfANT, tiZ Mo 11 1 h Street, New York. Sept. is dlr A IIOJIKHTrcAl) VOK JjilO ! 1 A few nicre l of those desirable buildinsr lots and farm;iri tbe Gobi Region and other portions of Yitpnia, are t ' bo divified amongst subscribers; immediately fr .t he benefit vf the neW town of Rappahannoch "wlijcli i situated in Culpepper county, and is now , being rp- luiy seuiea. , Suhscriptions only $10 oach. one half down and balance on delivery ot Deed. Every suhseriber wiii get a building lot or a farm, ranging in value fr'"l $10 up to $30,000. The olyect is te build up tH trwli. manntacfiiTes nd trai n lixr crtvinrr awav P'V of the property", so as to enhance the value of tLfl met Atirl T r A it rsn a irn wAn kf Km!t1 mancifk fOTH5 ' in and grow with the place. There is a demand all kinds of business. Lumbermen. Mechanic). Manufacturers. Tradesmen and Farmers cannot hw to do well. . ' ' "'' 1 70 WO acres of land, in large and small tracts Some of it in.higlity i-mpro-ced. , ' Agents are wanted evcryttfiere to sell tnese lul Salary f 1,000 a year, or an interest in. the bu-iriv", Apply to 1, E. BAUDER, Purt Royal, Va., Sent 1- - - 3ut AtlitAKtii'n nvr.-btf Norwich, Newport, Fall River and JStonington; ati with Boats to Albany, &e., &c. ' Tlie sunerior double enrrlnet steamship JAM ' TOWN. 1200 tons burthen (,'ar.t: Lewis I'aki.ish, will leave NORFOLK FOR NEW YOKE enry WEDNESDAY MORNING at U o'clock, arriviRi? there aext afternoon in time to c4nniKrcf tcith st'-am-; boats'going East and North. beiBg only twenty f"Br. hours on the trip. 1 - 1 , Passage aid Fare, including State Rwin. -7 Steerage Passage. I . . . : . . . . . . . . ... 1 , This route will Im found far the rJeasariteft ana j most comfortable to New York, bo-ides bc:n-? l cheapest, as the dust and heat of the ra"drtfids avoided, and there are no ehanees from tii ae' parture till arrival in New York. . . . llei tirning, the Jamestown leaves New York V Norfolk every Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. For State Rooms, apply at ur office. -' ; I J. 31. SMITH & BR 'The E0AXOKE CaptTsKIvvEE. leaves N' fthe anival of the ST.ntheni Cats, Rffiiniiit, New Yrk every Wtdueod ay at 3 o'cIK.k,: t st-ft 1- 1 ; diy ; 1

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