! !V I I, PENNINGTON. k- u pAlLY PROGRESS " is served toi;own and trv subscribers at Six Dollars a year payable? sonntr) paper8 discontinued when the time in -"ifi!!-expires, unless renewed: - i PV' rtiementa inserted as Special or Bishop No ire charged one-half more than the usual rates, t,CL Headed) or less consisting a square : Kunlaxe notices inserted for 25 cents ; Funeral pa 2a cents; Obituaries at advertising rates. -t(kA vertisemenfa inserted1 e Very other day will be ed 3" J cents for each insertion after the first. Where the number of insertions are. not ex M'd when advertisements are handed in they will Parted till forbid (tf,) and charged 60 cents for tie fir iTlf"ei"t'en an( 5 cents for each continuance j-Ai'KHS AND PERIODICALS. THE CHEAPEST PAPER IN THE 'STATE; """ ! : OF THE - ' ' : ; ' ;' v v w ii v v .w . ' 7:' iV 1 U JJ 11 II 1VEEKLY PROGRESS, Cwtncrcml and Business Newspaper, intended jot the Countirig Rooin, the Work Shop, and vie i Family Circle, To be Issued at IVcwberti, IV, C, 05 or About the First of October, 1858 At $1 5f a Ynr Irtrnriably in Advance ! Tlie editor, of the " Daily Progress," knowing that the mail facilities do not enable many persons' in Craven and the adjoining counties to avail thci'usfclves of the advantages' of a Daily Paper, 1ms iletcriiiinjed to issue, about the first of Octo ber, a Weekly Editionintended for country cir dilation.' ! Ij i: ' : ' i . The " Newbern Weekly Progress" will be de ' viitad to the great Commercial, Agricultural, Maiiy factoring: and 'Educational Interests of the State, and to the building up and fostering of all her interests. ..'..: Each number will contain a full and reliable l7onirf- nf TTnino nnvl Vornirrn AT.orkpfs cnrnfull' compiled and ! arranged, with the principal edito rials, of the daily issue, and a choice selection df miscellaneous arid Literary reading. Tt will lie til A emin siVf if tbr ' T)ni1 v-Prorrrpsa. ' . hut as each number will contain three or more pages of rpading matter, the "quantity will be 1 larger than is given in a majority of the weeklies in the State. ; ; t ' '" issuing the Weekly Edition from a Daily Of-, fee, we can afford it cheaper than it could possi bly be done tinder other circumstances . TEK MS INVAK I ABLY IN ADVANCE : Fintrle Conies. One Year ,-..$51 50 To Clubs, of JO, to One Office.. , 1 25 iTu Clubs of 20 and over; to One Office . 1 00 - k -l i: ..v. : ill. ivnj prison- seimmg us icu suusciiueis, wim the subscription money ($12 50) will receive one copy one year 'gratis. Agents for the Daily are requested to act as agents for the Weekly. -fUrF Snrxl In Vrnir ti.imps i minp'lTftfpW art s fr commence- with the first issue. Address1 . J. Li . PENNINGTON, '. :' I i 4 Neicbern, N C. VW3- Post Masters and others receiving this Prospectus, are requested to procure all the re ; sjionsihle nauies they can and send them -to the Editor; at Newbern,' by the 1st of October next. IvkWheun, NC, September 1, 1858. . , -i 4 ' 1)r6pcctus f 'Thc States." Which haj now been published near, seven months, has, met with such success as to justify the ' Proprietor v i ejilarging the daily edition to the size of the Wusliinuti ii Uiiioni v ' Tlie States jvill( continue to .represent the sound fiistitutioiial ltrinclples of State rights, .which have ever lieeii upheld 'by 4he 'National. ' Democracy, but ' it will not 1 sti .entirely political that its columns Will Hiieiest tne politician -exclusively, not so suUservienf to piirty as to butray principle at the eoinmand of power, ir disguise its convictions at the suggestions of cxpt'dieuey, '-) !"', . - ' i . .i" uuuiuou in uie discussion oi important political .Jl'iustuwis, its ciluuins will be devoted to the proceed-. hi;; .f ( 'ongresWv to. current transa-tions of the toV-.. eumuMsf, to gerlpiral. news',, and matters of interest ap li taining to Llteruture, Agriculture, and Commerce; ! V TEItMS: The subscription price of .the enlarged Daily will be : Jik copy fur one year . , .$ 6 00 Two copies fur on- year .10 00 l'i Weeklv, one copv for one vear . ... .3 00 THE (ilK A PEST' PAlF.h' V. TltK ROUT IF . I ne Weekly is published in a large doultle sheet foiui, nml prirtfe..l on superior paper, with hand "nie, 'type '' at the following reasonable sub- I'er year. 2 00 ;....-.3 00 Single copies r r iv. o. II.;.,., ....7 00 copies, to one nddrens. and anv larcer miinl.er at the -rate of 1 per year......... 10 00 It'ii copies, to the address ot each eubscriber, .ana any larger Jiumbbr, at $1, 20 each 12 00 Any Postmaster, clerk, or -other person, who may - id live subscribers, with 7 enclosedwill receive - extra copy.! v " : ' l'liyuietit in all cases', is required invariably in ad- j.Tnm-r; Jin, nu p.ipei-s will 'be -forwarded' until the re f,1l't of the money. KXTIIX NOTICE. . As '''gress ill soon' assemble, and as it is ex rted tli.it ivill be one of the mOst important and "iK'iestiug wssionu ever convened in the Sletiopolis, L , stl!e n object with persons at a distance to fr.,,.' i r e!lllist and most reliable intelligence iroiujhe Capitol. ;..:.'. , , .U0,?,irj. f;eforer-to oblige those who de&ire to f,,r Juper i)ublished in AVashhigton City, fWVv v t?si,'u t,f Congress, we propose to furnish p . ciaies on t he loUowmg terms t.., . ! FOH T.HKKE MONTHS '"oeojnos .. 'opies..,; At'U copies.. .... ,.$1 00 00 ...3 00 FOR. SIX MON'THS We copies.;...!.' . copies .... I ' " $ 1 00 .--........3 00 ..A....... 5 00 pnetor of f he States was one of the orijri- sewlm th- ''dngtonUnion, aad his loiig It Tl tt-P"- jtitie Orwell worthy of tleirpatr re anu since the estab tiries him in promising a itronacre. JOHN. P. II KISS, Proprietor. . BULwt i lato ChC6t' u 1 dtf Npti .J'.!-:.'' (jT fc V I A D y S BOO It , of Literature, f'f remli?raVn's anU fashion. One hundred pages at,r'rM'VtT)'month' Avith every, new Fashion as nds ,1'Colomlana ot-lw.- Ladies work of aU thorg in '"M'dmtions from aU the celebrated au- twf'n,-flrfrrt:--bie copv one vear, $3. Ve c2- ne yeilr' Tliree W one year, h. b w",,, l?ie v,ear nml n extra copv to the per-Pi-s onf lub, making six copies, $ 10. Eight "'liti" T' "u, .un ex,ra coPy. to the person p,'rin, . , lub w'Hkihg nine-copfes, $15. Eleven "iiiin f I, e.,lmMl' Mn extra' t'opv to the person h tadv V,"'!11 twelve n-pies, $20, Go .ne vl. V ',d Arthur's Home Magazine, i 5 BAIJLY VOL; L KEWBEM F. PKOSPECT18 OF ;TIIE NEW ERA, : . and .-'.-' --;', i-' . ? : . COMMERCfAL ADVERTISER. The undersigned will commence the publication of journal with the above caption on "Wednesday the 120th of July, to be continued every Saturday there after, jthe regular issue of, which may be relied oh. . -The poUtical character of the New Era will be of the same caste as the Union, (which expires with its present issue,) namely Democratic. ; i The best energies of the proprietors will be directed to any and all measures tending to resuscitate the dormant powers of "Old Athens," and particularly to keep the people posted on what we are really do ing; with this determination,- they will furnish a faithful record of all statistics which may be in their power to obtain, in addition to any commercial infor .mation which" can conduce to the welfare of our mer cantile interests, , v ; The Farmer will find in the New Era a column from which he may glean some information in addi-" tion to his previous store of agricultural knowledge. The Literary man, will we trust, discover that, in our selections, the constant aim will be to present nothing which can be unworthy the refined taste of an accomplished gentleman.- ' - The Ladies who, though mentioned last in this classification, have always held the first place in our affections may be fully assured that, if any matters of interest capable of being construed by them as " news '' can be found in our rambles through "the world of letters, we shall consider as prominent among our duties the gathering and placing before them all that may tend to elevate and improve the mind, whether considered in the relation of sisters, mothers, wiresW daughters; pledging ourselves that there never shall be found ia our paper in any de partment, or on any consideration- a word or sylla ble to offend tXe deilicacy of the most amiable and virtuous of the sex ; for, as we design the If.w Era to be a herald of the growing prosperity of our town, s6 do We also desire to be able to chronicle the evi dences of her morality. : Terms Two Dollars a Year: ' " r J. 11. MUSE, " ) ' Newbern, July 16, 1858, ' 1). W. DAVIESj PKOSPECTUS V OF THE "N EWBEBN. G A ZETTE The subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Newbeni and the public, that he ha3 made arrange ments for the publication of one of the largest, neatest and cheapest newspapers in North Carolina. It is designed as a Family and Literary Journal, and will be devoted to local and commercial news, the promotion of southern literature, sience, art and ge neral information. The "Gazette" will be neutral inpolitics, but, at the same time, the editor will claiiri the prerogative .ot giving its readers items ot political inlormation: The services of a valuable corps of contributors and reporters, have already been engaged, many of whom rank among tne most scientific writers in America. The editor makes' no boast that it will be " the best paper in the world!" but earnestly and confi dently commends it to the ; patronage of a liberal public, with theassurance that nothing shall be withheld to merit their warmest interest in ''its pros perity. ; r ; . . - - ' , . " Any favor toward this laudable enterprise will be thankfully received and kindly reciprocated. . Terms Two Dollars a Year in Advance. r THOS. K. MURRAY, Sept l! i - Editor and Proprietor. "Tl JOSE'S LETTERS.-A Nrvr BooU. The jJjL Editors of the Live Giraffe are now publishing a book, the title of which will be " LIFE AS if 18 ; Or, The Av ritings of will not only contain all the letters which have an peared hi the Giraffe over the signature of "Mosk," but many others, rich. rare, and spicv. that -have never been read. " The Editors deem it useless to say anything rela tive to the character of this 'New. "Book ,-nor need they say that jt will be the. -most amusing work that has been issued in half a century, for, it need only be known that "Mosk " wrote it J to satisfy all on these points. AViiile It will be an amusing wo lk, rt lustrated , with' proper designs and cuts to show up persons and things in their true light, it will be free from Vulgarity, and, will have lbr its chief obiect the correction of the many absurdities so prevalent in tne present nay. - v j . ' ; . It will be a book of over 160 pages, printed on good material, and bound in pap$r cover.- PRICE FIFTY CENTS for "'single copies Five csopies to one address for No money required until the work is delivered, but those who wish a copy of this rare work should send ii their orders at once. It will be ready for delivery in the course of a mouth.; All our friends are reouested to act as ftgents. Address WIliTA SEIi & BUNTING, , JL,diWrs JLive brtraffe, Sept 1-dtf : ! . Raleigh, N. C. Carolina Statist JL -.- : AM) ITIasrainc of Useful ilnfornmtionV The first number of this Magazine will be issued, if sufticient subscriptions are obtained, by the meeting of the General Assembly.- It will contain, among other t hings . J . A Short Description of the PJiysicql Geography of the State, it$ P rod 'u ctiom, lye.w 1th notices ot those countries, ancient anil modern, in the same latitude. Area of the ' State and of the different Counties aiid Senatorial Districts. ' , Population at different periods, by Co,unties, Sena, torial and Congressional Districts. ' Agriculture productions of the several Counties History of tlie Agricultural Fund and of our present State Agricultural .Soeietv. Re ren ycf-Amounfrf Taxes paid by each County, with a Digest of the laM Comptroller's Report. 1 Finance History of the Debt of the State--for what purpose contracted its amount at different pe riodswhen due, &c., and the Sale of State Bonds in the New York market, during 1857- 8.- 7aA:-Dates of Charter Statement of their Conr dition'at various times,!&c. ' Railroads, ic.- Ah Enumeration of the Public Improvements of the State when Chartered their Cost Debt and their Present Condition. Commerce of the different Sea-port Tpwns the Tonnage employed, &c. - In addition to the contents proper of the first num ber, Mill be added A Full and Complete Directory of all the Public Off cerx Federal, State, ami County which will be found extremely useful to business men generally TerMs One Year... S3 00 Six Mouths. Raleigh, N. C., ' Sept 1. . U 1 50 QUEXT. BUSBEE, . Editor and Proprietor. 13 OUTER'S SPIRIT OP THE TI.TIES, - f A CHKOX1CI.E OF THE '! Turf, AgTicuItiirc, Field mrtf Eitcrature, Had the Stage. Published every Saturday Mornincr, at Nos.-24Q And i 318 Brood tray, Netc York. ? GEORGE WILKES, EDITOR. z" Single Copies, Three Dollars a Year in Advance. To Clubs. 5 Copies.L ... o 9 ....V.-...........v...-.....o No subscriiUions received for less than 6 months. Postmasters are'requested to act as agents, and re tain 25 f cent, for their trouble. 1 ni centae is however, not to be deducted from Club rates. ' To Agents and Adcertiser. The terms of Porter's Spirit, to Agents and Newsmen, will be $4 a hundred. Agents will please at once' forward to Wholesale Newspaper Dealers who supply them with New York papers. t3!r" Advertisemeuts, 25c.' 4i line payable in advance . v . -fceptl ' 7T C, FEID1Y MORifKG, SEPTEMBER .17, 1858. TEK.TIS of the- NORTH CAROLINA i , r- JOURNAL OF EDUCATION: Single Copy, one year, - n -'-.... ..... $ 2.00 ;i -SixICopie' 40.00-, ;. Journal and Times " . 3.00 . Subscriptions required invariably in advance, and receipts will be found enclosed in the first Number after tlie money is received. :, Persons wishing the Address of the "Journal chang ed, will please mention the office from which, as well as that" to which, the change is to be made: 5 ? All communication, relative to the Journal, should be addressed to The Editor oj the Jmirnal, or if to any name, it should be that of ' the Resident Editor, TERMS OF ADVERTISING. ' Advertisements, not inconsistent with the character of the Journal, will be inserted at the following rates : 1 I ear 6 Mos. 3 Mos. MOS. o 3 r 2 One page, Half page, Fourth page, $57 40 02 $10 22 12 $22 10 -7 4 Eighth page, 12 7 Advertisements by , the year payable quarterly : all others monthly, in advance. We will publish the names and address of teachers wanting situations and of schools wanting teachers, on very moderate terms. If all will unite, upon the Journal, as the medium of making their wants known, they will soon find it an easy matter to have them supplied. ' Sept 1 , !'.". .-';. dtf S1 ECOIVD VOIiUITIE 1 OF THE ''. BE ATI F OR T.J OUBNAL. A Commercial ! and Family Newspaper, ' : PUBLISHED IN BEAUFORT, N. C. . Tlie " Beaufort Journal" commenced its Second Volume, on the 12th of April, 1&"8. The Journal being the only papet published on Beaufort Harbor, and the only one dev6ted to its interest, the Editor appeals to all who feel an interest in that locality, to give their support to his paper. The Editor makes no hollow promises that his paper shall be the best in the country for thie price, or that there will be any extra display of talent in its Editorial Columns, as is frequently the ease in issuing Prospectuses for coun try papers, but he does pledge himself to publish a good paper one worthy of a liberal support from the people ot the State; tit is the design ot the Ji,cutor to make the Journal a first class Commercial Paper, to give reports of the Markets, Foreign and Domestic, the Latest News, &c. - v - - c The Journal will. continue, as heretofore, Inde pendent on all subjects.- It-wilf take sides with no political party, but will advocate such measures as' are thought best calculated to promote the interests of the country and of our State. - As to the different ! localities in this vicinity: it is not our object to showpartiality, but to advocate the claims of Beaufort Ilarbor, and leave Beaufort, Morehead, and Carolina Cities to stand on their own merits- believing that more good can be accom plished in this way than in discussing the claims or advantages of. localities; and we appeal to the citizens, those interested, and to the friends of these juaeesfo give us their support. 1 ne completion ot the Atlantic & JNorth-Uaroima Railroad is near at hand, and it is very important that the only paper published on this Harbor should be widely circulated, in order that its Commercial advantages may become better known. Persons at a distance, who feel an interest in, this plaee, will find the Journal to be very interestrng, as we shall be careful to give all local news of any importance. ... ' : .TERMS: ' . One Copy one year,- .T. fl 00 Five Copies... .w.. ......... ......... 8 00' Ten...."....:..".:........... : 15 00. The sretter un of the club will be entitled to one copy gratis. j ' - . v ' . V Auvertisements inserted at the usual rates.- A Uberal deduction made for yearly advertisements. All communications must- be addressed to , JOHN NICHOLS, Ed. & Pro. . - I , Beaufort, N. C. Sept 1 -: . ' -j- 1- -:'-- ' dtf ' . PROSPECTUS I . v . .'..,- OF THl4 -'" SO tf T H E R N S T A T E S M AN. : BY HICKS & EVANS. In view of the Great Destitution in the reading, commwnity, oeensh n;d by the discontinuance of the Carolina Intelligencer! a net Cleveland Times; the sub- scribers propose to publish: a weekly Newspaper in the town of Shelby, North-Carolina, to- be devoted to Politics, Agiiciilture, General News, Education, Morality Internal Improvements, Commerce and Miscellany. . . ; j s ; 1 In its political complexion the Southern Statesman, will be the vnwavcring advocate of . the principles 6f Democracy, as expounded by Jefferson, Jackson, Polk and. others,'believing that urider these prin-" ciples,- the union of the States and the perpetuity Of our glorious xorm ot Government will be more likely to be maintained than by any other party in exw tence. . . . ' The interest of those engaged in Agriculture, (the most noble andindepehdent avocation on earth,) shall be duly attended to, oy puoiisuing, occasionally, valuable agricultural correctly, tne prices o essays, as well as by giving, prtwuce at tne markets wnere our patrons will be mostly concerned We shali expect our paper to be the medium of News from the Churches ; aid shall publish a suffi cient amount of moral and religJO matter to make it a safe and desirable Family Newspaper , In short, to do good; is our object, and will, there fore, be our greatest aim. This we hope to accom plish, by making our paper as free from errors as our capacities will enable us. ' ' 1 We will commence the publication of the " States man," shortly after, the Democratic Convention at Charlotte on the 14th prox.-, if a sufEplent number of subscribers is obtained to justify it: ' : All Usts and names -of subscrioerirmust be foi-ward-ed to us, at Shelby, by the first of April. " , Terms : $2 per annum payable in advance, (on tlie receipt of the first number,) $2 50 if not paid in 3 months, and $3 if payment is delayed longer than 6 months. R- H. HICKS. H. F. EVANS. , dtf Sept 1 HARPER'S WEEKLY. A JOURNAL OF CIVILIZATION . A Splend Illustrated First-Class Family Neicspaper. Harper's Weekly wjll be mailed to Subscribers at the following rates, payment being invariably requir ed in advance: , I terms., . iv1'1':- One Copy for Twenty Weeks. .... . . . . One Copy for One Year. One Copy for Two Year....... ........ Five Copies for One Year.. . . .......... Twelve Copies for One Year. . ......... Twenty-five Copies for CTifc Year.. .... . ..$1 ... 2 4 ...9 ...20 ...30 00 50 00 00 00 00 Harper's W eekly" and " Harper's Magazine" $4. V olume 1. of Harper's Weekly, handsomely bound m Cloth extra; Price $3 50, is now , ready. Muslin Covers are furnished to those who wish their Numbers bound, at Fifty Cents each. Twenty fiJe Per Cent. Discount' allowed to Bookbinders and the Trade. ,-'..' ':; y h - - To Postmasters getting up a Club of Twelve -or Twenty-five, a Copy will be sent gratis. ; Subscrip tions may commence with any number.' Specimen Numbers gratutiously eupplied. ( - i Clergyman and Teachers supplied'at the lowest Club Rates. . , As Harper's Weekly is electrotyped, Numbers can be supplied from the commencement. . Bulwer'8 brillant Romance, entitled "What will he do with it?", appears in Harper's Weekly simul taneously with its publication in England. Septl v c dtf .NO. 12. F)BOSPECTl!4. ' ' ... ' ' , , NORTH CAROLINA .; '- - UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. The eightft Volume of this College Monthly com menced with the August number. The Editors will spare no pains to make it; W'ile under their charge worthy ot support arid Patroiage.- ' ; ?, ,' Each number, shall consist of about fiftv paes of original and choice matter. n the editorial of each number will be found,- besides other " articles ' a monthly record of College and such other events 'as may be deemed suitable. i ' : This Magazine is entirely devoted to the cultivatmn of North Carolihg Literature, and should have the support of every Carolinian. ; A liberal subscription is much desired, as bv nTthe-Editors wi'l U' t.wnj te make several neeessary improvements. - - '; ' .B.n.La -. x, oi Himum, aivance. ijioerai re ductions made to Clubs. Ad&ress, EDITORS UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE' Sept 1-dtf : , , .;,;., . i . Chapel Hill, N. C. DBITISn I'EREODIfiAT.S JL . L. SCOTT CO.; NEW YORK, continue to pubKib the following leading British Pe- THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative.) TnE EDINBURGH REVJEW (Whig) NORTH -''BRITISH REVIEW Free Church.) ; THE WK!sTMISTFR TJfrVTP'W lT.;Knv.l ! 5 BLACKWOOD S Edinburgh) MAGAZINE (Tory.) inese renoaicais ably represent the three great political parties of Great Brituin--Whig, Tory, and Radical, but politics forms obly one feature of their character. As Organs ofthe 5nost profound writers on Science, Literature, Morality, and 'Religion, they stand, as they ever have stood, unrivalled in the WOrhl of ifttters hpindr fnniiflprml imlianoTiaalilo tn the scholar and the professional man, while to the lmemgent, reaaer oi every class tney lurmsh a more conect and satisfactory reeord of the current litera ture of the day, throughout the world, tuan can be possibly obtained from any other source.' ' : EARLY COPIES. The recipt of Advance Sheets from the British publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now be placed in the handsel' subscribers about as goon as the original editions. TERMS. Per annum. For any one of the four Reviews S3 00 jb or any two ot the tour Reviews . . . For any three of the Four Reviews.,.. For all" four of the Reviews. ; . . . . . . For Blackwood's Magazine.. I. For Blackwood and three Reviews... For Til no.k wood unci the fnnr ' 5 00 00 (Kt 00 00 00 . 7 .8 . 3 . 9 .10 Payments to be made in all cases in advance current in tlie State tcliere issued will be r Money rceived at : par. '": ' l: - -. CLUBBING. v A discount of twenty-five percent, from the alove price will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or more copies ot any one or more of the above works. Thus : Four copies of Blaekwood, or of one Review, will be sent fo one address for $9 ; four-copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $30 ; and so on. ' POSTAGE. . In all the principal Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered, Free of Postage. When sent by mail the Postage to any part bf the Uuited States will be but Twenty :Four Cents a year for "Black wood," and but Fourteen Cents a year for each ot the Reviews. . . ; ;..''. .'-' . . N. B. The. price in Great Britain of the five Pe riodicals above-named is $31' per annum. ; . Remittances for any of the above publications should always be addressed, post-paid, to the Pub lishers, LEONARD SCOTT CO., . Sept 1-dtf . No. 51 Gold street; New York. Prospectus r " :: . . OF THE '.'"- .' - ' SCIENTIFIC AM E R I C A N . VortrME XIV. Besixs September 11 1858. Mechanics, Inventors, Maivfaturers andEarmers i The Scientific American has jnow reached its Four teenth Year, and will enter upon a New Volume on the 11th of September, It is tie only weekly pub lication of the kind now issuexljih this country, and it has a Tery extensive circulation in all the btates of the Union. It is not, as son-je might suppose from its title, a dry, abstruse work' jon technical '.science ; on the contrary, it so deals fith the great events going on in the scientific, mechanical and industrial. worlds, as to please and instruct every one.' If the Mechanic or Artizan wisiies to know tne best machine in use, or how to make any substance em ployed in his business, if the Housewife wishes to get a-. reqipt-for making a good cjolor, &,c if the In-vt-ntor wishes to know what isl going on in the way f iniprovemeiits if th e Manufacturer wishes to keep posted with the times, and to employ the best facili ties in hia business if the Manjof Leisure and Study wishes to keep himself familiiir with the progress made iu the chumical laboratorjy, or in the construc tion of telegraphs, steamships, railroads, reapers, mowersf arij a tiiousand other tnachines and appli an j, both of peace and war all these desiderata et oe found, in the Scientific American, and not chc f here. They are here presented in a reliable and, intcrestiug form, adapted to the comprehension ot miiius unlearned iu tlie lii'ruer brandies oi science and art. j Trrms . One Copy, One Year, $2 ; One Copy, Six Mounts, $1 Five tNipies,' Six 'Months, 4 ; Ten Copies, Six-Months, $3 ; Ten Copies, Twelve Months, lo; Fifteen Copies, Twelve" Months, $22 ; Twenty Copies, Twelve 3Iontlis, $28, in! advance. ;' ' Specimen copies sent gratuitously for inspection. Southern and Vestern money,! or Postage Stamps, taken for subscriptions. :' -I Letters should be directed to" . ' , MUNN & CO., 128 Fulton-Street, N. Y. Messrs. Moxn & Co. are extensively engaged In procuring patents for new inventions, and will advise inventors, without charge, in regard to the novelty of their improvements. - -' .-: - Sept 1-dtr HARPER S rfAAZINE .' SEVENTEENTH VOLUME. The Publishers of Harper's New Monthly Maga zine refer to the Sixteen, Volumes already issued as the best assurance that no labor or expense will be spared to render if worthy of the liberal support which it has received. They believe that the Mag agine now" embraces in its general plan every thing essential to an attractive literary miscellany , adapted to tlievWants of -the .American iPublic. Its' regular c-u-culaHon has not been diminished even during the unexampled financial revulsion which has proved disastrous to so many literary and commercial enter prises; and they are assured froin every quarterthat the Magazine is recognized as a necessity rather than a luxury. They therefore announce no ".New Features ' for the future. They will continue to fill the Magazine with articles inculcating sound viewt in Life and Morals ; leaving, as heretofore, the .dis cussion of sectarian opinions iu Religion, and section al questions in Polit ies to their -own appropriate organs. ! Wise men and true patriots agree upon points far more numerous than those upbn whiehthey differ.. Tlie object of the Magazine will be to unite rather than to separate tlie views and feelings of the people of our common i country. - ' The Publishers do not find it necessary or expedir ent to appeal" to public attention by issuing " Speci men' Numbers" containing an unusual amount of matter or illu.trations-. They intend that every Number shall prove the Magazine to be the best and cheapest periodical ' published. It will contain a larger amount of matter, more numerous and better illustrations, printed in a better manner, than any other 'Monthly Magazine ; and the Publishers are confident that it will deserve and receive tlie .fame cordial appreciation and liberal patronage which have been accorded to it during flie Eight years of its publication. pfo- Franklin Sruaret New York, August 3, lbo. - . Y J5 AI? bY A D V E RTI SI NG R ATES HALF sqcare. One dav.T. $ 25 One dav.I. Two davs.. $50 .i-i. JTw days;.. 50.Three days.. ; GSFour days.. . ..... " 75 Five days..: . .-. . . 871 One week : : . Three days. Four. days. Five days.. One week.. 75 ....1 00 -...1 25 50 U.A 75 75 Two weeks. Onemonth....2 00. One month!Ii Two months.. . . ' 3 50 i 1 ifrt mnntho .4 00 Three month6i..ii:5 00 jTliroe months. Sjx months.... 8 00 -jSix months.. k; One year.; 15 00 One year.. ....7 00 .4.10 00 J..16 00 ...25 00 Twelve hiiesmftke a Fquare, six lines a half-sqnare Liberal aiTftngements made with venrly advertisers. DAIIY PROGRESS. FRIDAY' MORNING, SEPTEMBER 17, 1S5-S. IVorth Carolina. " ' ' Railroad AtciDEXTS. We regret to learn fhat Col. Daniel Coleman, of Concofd, had his" ankle dislocated and the small bone of the W broken, on Priday last, on the N. C. Railroad, iu attempting to get off the freight train before it had come to a dead halt. ' A man on the passqnger train, a-Mr. Overcash, after seein Mr. Coleman prut on the cars to re turn to his homo in Concord, and after hearing" the circmnstanees f his misfortune, had not gone more than two or three miles, when he delibe rately took up his carpet bag, and walking out on the platforrrt, jumped out at a point nearest to his residence. ; He was, seen lying on the ground aa long as the cars were in sight; and that evening a messenger sent to Concord for Dr. Gibson, stated that6 Overcaslj had got his le? broken. The,wonder is that it tw'as not both legs, or his neck. Salisbury Watchman. KjLLED.--We learn that a young man named Jesse Dowd, was ' accidentally 'killed on the 24th of August at the residence of Mr. Albert Wallace in this county.' He was riding a young horso through the lane when a dog jumped"before him, causing the horse to leap forward which threw Mr. Dowd upon his head on the ground, inflicting in juries which caused his death in a few hours. He was a Painter bv trade and was recently from" Tennessee, in which State he has relatives living. He received all the attention from Mr. Wallace's family that could be rendered.-;-Charlotte Dem. Judge Bailey. This very agreeable andac complished gentleman, who is to hold our Fall Courts, spent a day or two in this place last week, on his way to Cherokee, where the Circuit began this week; ; . ,. J , . We are, gratified to learn that the Judge has Eurchased property in this i county' and designs ecomifig a citizen of Buitcoiiibe. lie has bought land on the Tomantic Swannarioa, right under the shadow of. the Black Mountain. Right heartily will he be welcomed to a home among us. - L " AshevUU News.' Mill BLUNT. The mill, steam engine, for saw ing, and tan yard buildings , of David Maffett, two miles from Thomasville Davidson county, were destroyed by fire on last Tuesday "night. Most of the stock, books, &c. were .saved. The fire oc curred by accident. The sufferer js a very worthy man, and" his loss, about $4,000, is a serious one: Wake Cotjnty Cottox. Cotton raised by Mr,. W. W. Whitakej of this county was sold in Petersburg last week by Messrs. Mclhvaine, Son & Co. for the handsome price of AG fcents. : '.. ' . . ': . ;- . Register. The Post Office at Spring Grove, Iredell coun ty, N. C, has been discontinued. All mail matter addressed to that office is .retained at the Deep Well Office. ' A New Post Office. Has been recently, established-at Blackman's Mills, Sampson: County, N. C; Ra C. Lee, Post Master. ' . Miscellaneous. "'. Good Advice to Promote Bu.siXESS.--In the life of P. T. Barnum, written by himself, the fol lowing is one'of his rules for euccess in business : " Advertise' your business. Do not hide your light under a bushel. Whatever your calling or occupation may be,; if it" needs support from 'the public, advertise it -thoroughly and efficiently in some shape or other, that will arrest public atten tion. I freely confess that what success J havo had in life may fairly be attributed more to the public press than to nearly-all other cause's com bhied. There may possibly be occupations that do not require advertising, but I cannot well con ceive what they are." j - J - Iow-Necked I)RESSES.--In the early days of Pennsylvania, there Vas a law which stated as follows : That if any white femate, of ten years and upward, should appear iu any " public street, lane, highway, church, court house, tavern, ball-, room, theatre, or any other place of public resort, with naked shoulders, (i. e., low-riecked dresses,) being able to purchase necessary - clothing, shall forfeit and pay a fine, not less than one nor more than two hundred: dollars." The closing, para-, graph of tho law, however, permitted, women of questionable character to bare.their, shoulders, as, a badge of distinction between the chaste and unchaste." -" , " - ; j - At a festival, a pretty miss waited upon an edi tor with a pie plate of antique manufacture, in' the centre of which he espied the following into resting couplet ; . ' ; , . ; . . 44 One sweet kiss .. .. ' " Is the price of this." This excited iliis feelings, and a.s soon as an Op portunity presented itself, he motioned the young lady to his sideband pointing his knife to the line, said : " Tour pay is ready whenever you present your Dill' ' " T M " ' - - ' 'High Aiming A Scotch Reformer, lately de-. - - . .. 4 3 - lit- -t- ceased, was so tuliy impresseu wuu uie iuc ui always keeping before youth a high standard to aim at, on one occasion he delivered himself on the hustings of. the following magnificent senti ment: '--" ' " ' , , , " - kAf I were a chimney, sweep, arid had a son, 1 WOuld hring-him up with an ambition to sweep out Mount Vesuvius." .. ...... ;. - ' The Detroit Advertiser says :; ,: that rats am continually gnawing into1 the Treasury'. W cii let them gnaw in. Rats, as everybody knows, die in an exhausted receiver and we suppose they will share the same fate in an exhausted treasury ' Luck? f PravrER Boy. By the death of, ilr-: HoBson, of Calcutta, a youth now in the employ of a printer in London Js. smddenly put an pos session of more than a'miUion and a half sterling. 4''Johnt spell effects," " F-x- j Kight;- Next, spell seedy." " C-d." " Eigl't again, Now spell cakes' " K-a-x." " There's a good boy V ;said ius motner, uanawg vo""uj ----- Mairied, in Michigan, Mr 7ary Bill, to Miss Mary Small. We hope the issue of. small bills i not prohibited in that State. ;.' ? ; ; v Martin Kosta did not, as reported, die inpover ty and want, but is living, in easy circumstances, in Medina countyi Texas. ; . UNFORTCxliTE Kates Five girls snrnamed Kate, were arrested in Boston, on Thursday night for night walking. , . . ' '.;.. '. The highest . flag staff in the United State.? is said to he one at Worcester; Massachusetts. It JIr2feet. - : - . - - . - 1 1 w F t V TT enTDIt M IT I IIH . .7