DAILY PROGRESS. JVKWIIEIilV, IV. C, FRIDAY MORNING, SEFf EMBER 17, 1858. The Fall Trade. ' Business already begins to stir. Our packets are arriving full of goods, and stores in every di rection are preparing to receive tbem. The anx iety of importers to sell and realize their profits -will induce them to sell at a small advanceand Newbern, this fall, will offer advantages to country merchants and farmers on good credit, such as they have never before been able to secure. Independent of our regular importers, heavy invoices will be brought here for a market, and the stock being heavier than usual, goods can be purchased at the very lowest prices. Country stores, which are usually furnished with a small invoice of all kinds of articles dry goods, drugs, groceries, &c. can here find in quality, quantity and price all the variety they require. And transportation, too, since the completion of the railroad, is so cheap and rapid that purchases can bo brought in a few hours, to the door of the country dealer,'and forwarded at' comparatively trifling cost. -a : We say again, to our country, friends, bring down your naval stores and produce; for our mer chants and dealers have determined to pay you the highest cash prices, and sell you goods low, , Itailroad Accidents. The readers of the Progress will recollect the account given by our Raleigh correspondent, some days ago, of the manner iu which Edmund Ellis came to his death, by attempting to gel off the Raleigh and Gaston train, while running between the two depots in that city. The Standard, no ticing the accident, says : "The practice of allowing idle boys and chil- areu to nae to ana irp netween tne depots snouia at once be stopped. It is matter of surprise that aceidents do not more frequently occur from this I' iractiee. It ns but a few days ago that a small oy narrowly escaped destruction by jumping off a car in motion after his hat, which had. fallen or was blown off. The persons in charge of these trains are guilty of gross negligence in this matter, and require to be reminded ot their duty." While reading the, above it has occurred to us as rather remarkable that no one has ever been injured or killed about the depot in Newbern. We know-that boys have been whipped off the cars, but notwithstanding, they still follow the practice of hanging abuut the cars while shifting and making up trains, thereby greatly exposing themselves to danger. If parents do 'not wish them crushed tq death by railroad cars, they should pay more attention- to them and keep them Away from the depot,for they should not impose this duty Upon railroad officers, whose whole time is generally occupied in their own business. - 1 ISrautiful Unm.. The following beautiful lines, ""To My Daugh ter," we take from the Beaufort Journal. They were written by 6ne who has seen some of the bright ,side,,and much of the dark sde of life The " Daughter," of which he speaks is in the far, far West, while he is engaged in, the Daily Progress establishment, in -which he is! con sidered, by all, as an amiable man, and one thoroughly conversant with all the intricate mys teries of the "-art preservative of alljirts." May he live to enjoy again the presence and dwellin the sunshine of happiness created by "My Daughter:" TO MY DAUGHTER. I feel alone ! thou art not by An isolated one 'midst many ; IW not. a sympathetic sigh Nor voice ot love is heard from any ; Nor look, nor speech, nor kindly ton . But tells ine I um now alofte t - Ahyes!oo well I feel that, now; Tue toues I love no. longer meet. me--Alas ! .there is uo'jiy when thou And others dear no loiiger greet me Tho only hearts I loved to pies . ' , Are far away In my distress. - -' How soon a little time has changed The prospects and t he hopes we cherished-' In every thing but hearts estranged, And every thing but love has perished ; Ko joys to glad my lonesome heart, " lint such as Love and Hope, impart, ' - l A flower will die in summer brief, . '.' . 1 . By genial showers no longer nourished Tliouch no erotic, ahed its leaf, " r; And wither where it might have flourish'd ; i So I, w hile, there is 'nought to cheeT, Am sad ami lone, my daughter dear, : j. g. s. ' 1 - T POPULATION OF PROVTnP.VfTP Tf.Q lo. C tU " almighty dollar" and visions of the cmM ti rvi jcko musk navu operaieu strongly on the compositor who perpetrated the following, which we find in . V . -. 4 1 1 ... A V . A i i -i . . u iMiiinijru iruiii viaoaina i Providence is a large city, say $50,000 lation." ' . - " ' jThis blunder is no worse than one we beard on the Fourth of July: A captain of one of the best volunteer companies in the State cl6sed the read hig of an invitation to dine that dav. bv reading the date" July 4th, eighteen hundred and jily A Change in Trade. Norfolk Va:, the point from which so many cargoes of vegetables were shipped to New York last summer, is now receiv ing large suppliesf cabbage from that city. The urougm ra lower Virginia is the cause. y Americans in Paris. J. t. Pendergasf. Jfaryland, and W. C. Cattell and Dr. W. M. Tur- ner, of Virginia, were in Paris about the last week in August. , ! . ; ; ': ...... - , Withdrawn. The steamer Powhatan, which has been making weekly trips between Norfolk Alexandria and. Y asmngtou. ' Executed. Jane a negress was hanged on Fri day last in Liberty, Bedford county, for the mur der of Mrs. Musgrove. - he .Panorama of Com. Perry's Yoyasre to Japan, is now on exhibition at Metropolitan Hall m Kiehmoml, Vav . i - : On Saturday evening, Messrs. Brownlow aad lJ , -A. .1 . ' - rynne teraunaiea tneir debater on slavery in adelphia. . United Statesr Court at Charleston las e- hasa tixr crer of tb capttareaf sUvef. LOCAL MATTERS. Twa 8bicriler, y Who do not receive their papers regularly from the Carrier, will please give notice at our, count ing room, that the neglect may be remedied. Of course we shall have some vexations and annoy ances to contend with at first, but,-we trust, in a few days to have every thing, working to the satisfaction of our friends and the public. , Only One Obstruction. A visitor to New bern the Athens of North Carolina, a? our friends are pleased to call it is particularly struck with the beautiful location and elegant streets of our ancient town ; and says, after traveling very nearly all over it, that he found but one obstruc tion, and that was a very ancient and unfashion-, able brick building, situated in the middle of the cross of two of its principal streets, nearly en-: tirely blocking up the way, which, he learned, is the building where the citizens of Craven county resort to receive dispensations of justice. He suests that it would add very much to the beauty of the town and the convenience of its inhabitants, to have it demolished, and a more appropriate structure erected in a better locality. The suggestion is a good one ; and as the County Court is now in session, the hint might be taken into consideration. Detained. The passenger train was detained - . 1 , . j J j.1 L I . A in aloreneaa yjny some iweniy or miriy iuiuui.es onger than usual, yesterday morning, waitin g for the boat from Beaufort. The boat, however, did not .ome, and the train finally left, and we understand quite a number of passengers will have to revel in the beauties of ocean scenery fo r another day. The cause of the detention of the boat was not known when the train departed, bu he supposition is that the boat was disabled by the heavy gale on the previous night, the force of the wind being such as to severely shake the arge hotel building at Carolina City. I Since the above Was put In type, we learn that Beaufort Harbor was visited on Wednesday night ast with a considerable storm of wind, which played havoc with the stuping in port, driving some of the vessels far atfay from shore, and landing others out on the wharves. As to the amount of damage done, we have not been ad vised, but und&rstand that it will take some time to get things in proper train again. t -Bank Checks and Bills Lading. We have received a lot of Electrotype Blocks, for Checks. and Bills Lading, which were ordered by us when in New York recently, and which will enable us to get out as good work as ean be done elsewhere. Merchants, Bankers and Business men may hand in their orders and have thera filled forthwith.- We have on' hand an extensive and varied assort ment of paper and inks, and Job workmen who cannot be excelled in the United States, Ran Aw AY, The negro boy, advertised in the Daily Progress, over the name of John Ferguson, Administrator, to be sold at this Court, failed to nake his appearance on the day of sale, and the owner had' to return home without either negro or money. The circumstance caused some disap pointment to a few ' gentlemen from neighboring counties, who come to town specially to attend the, sale. ' : , Drop In. Gentlemen from the country who may wish ,to have printing, of any description, done during next week, should call at the office of the " Daily Progress," two doofa front the Post Office. There they will find a large lot of paper, cards, colored inks, &c, and - job printers who cannot be excelled. Cheap Paper.- Gentlemen visijtirig Newbern during court week, will do well to leave their names at our Counting room, and thus secure a reliable business and commercial newspaper for I SO a year, fo clubs of 30 only one dollar a year, ; " : Q -. .- v ,.--. ..' A Stockholder.- Stockholder's article has been received, but not being accompanied with the proper name of the author, of course he can not expect us to publish it. V ; Bravo.- If sharp words, flourish of arms, and rough epithets mean anything, one would think tiere is a good chance for a fight in our imme diate vicinity. ' ;,' Two Job Printers, wlio possess b thorough and artistic knowledge of their profession, -whose taste relative to lights and- shades, and harmony wnd .ar rangement, enableR them to give the utmost force to type, in getting up large and small jobs, are engaged iu tne job LEPARTMr?iT or tne- "Daily lroarress " office. Jobs hafided in at anv timfl rfav or niht,. will be promptly executed, and delivered in a few nours. . See advertisement of Dr.' Sanford's Liter Invi gorator in another. column se 1 dly Fishes Traveling ry Lanv Ttr TTnnrnet in. the Zoolocical Journal, e-ive.s a discretion of t nsn canea tne nas ,neaa nassar, that travels to i , -.v . , r ; r . pools of water when that in which it has resided dries UD. Bose also Vlescrilws anntliPT Trarrprv which is found in South Carolina, and, if our memory serves us well, also in Texas-, which, like the flat-head, leaves the drying: nools: in search of others. These fishes, filled with water, travel by night, one with a lizard-like motion and the other by leaps. The South Carolina and Texas varie ties are- furnished with a membrane over the mouth by which they are enabled to carry with tbeUr a SUTtlv of WAtr tn hnrn (Voir mim during their travel. These fishes, guided by some . the nearest water, This thev do wifiioni tfeo aid uwuuai ocuoc, aivvavii Li rt v fi in a HTrfjinrnT imp rn tilled with water i sunk in the ground near one of these pools which they inhabit, they will, when the pool dries up, move directly toward the tub. Surely this is a wonderful xnd for the preservation tf these kinds of fishes : for muaouing, as iney ao only stagnant poola, and that too in countries odical drouths, their races would, but for this pro- isKJu, uecorae exnnci. IjOU. Journal. A Snake Ch arxier Bittex-A letter in Dispateh recently, noticed a snake charmer was p-K?K?f?Tvnp r: j. : , the who . . .... c, ,13 , cuiuus wattnn? places, xj I f ' o--vv. .uaa loo niciK afe kllU XTHtU AJOm Willie " " iic imucuiateiy prrcKea mer vein from his wrist to Ms shonldef and dVstok freely of uc uh,m:u, xiu iraneaiaieiy prrcKea tne' n uuw , - t uvu pw a forisant KKy B&'wSSI very LATEST NEWS BY MAIL IMPORT ANT FROM MEXICO. Washington, Sept. 14 Mexican advices say that Minister Forsyth will not leave Mexico, as ordered by the government, and that he has not aid before the Mexican Government all his late dispatches. Orders are said to have been given by the United btates to take jSenor Ainsa from nson at Uuaymas by force, and a ship has been detailed for that duty. 1 he Mexican government has been informed of the determination of the United States to protect its citizens, which created considerable excite ment at the capital. r, .. , , . j -, .v . second dispatch.: Washington, Sept. J 4. Mr. Forsyth will not return to the States, until the 1st proximo, on ac count of unfinished business, and the feyer at Vera Cruz. j: ... " ' , : MAINE ELECTION. Portland, Me.. Sept. 14. Tie election for Governor, Members of - Congress and Legislature took, place in this State yesterday. The returns are scattering. In 134 towns Newell (Rep.) for Governor has 31 ,087 ; Smith (Dem.) 27,108. The hrst Congressional district is doubtful. In the third J ohnson (Dem.) is probably elected. In the fifth and six districts the Republicans have undoubtedly elected their candidates. . RESIGNATION OF GOV DENNER. Washington, Sept. 14. Gov. Denver, of Kan sas, has resigned, to take effect' a few weeks hence. It is understood he will ; be reinstated Commissioner fjf Indian Aflairs. Senator Benja min declines the Mission to Spain. 1 : DEATHS FROM YELLOW FEVER AT NEW ORLEANS. --.!. . New Orleans, Sept.1 14. The deaths from yellow i fever, for the 30 hours ending Monday noon, were Wi. - . ':.-.! DEATH OF A PUGILIST. Boston, Sept. 13th, 1858. T, Belcher Ka v. the wen Known pugilist, alter several week's lit uesss irom rheumatism, died yesterday from heart disease, tor ty seven years old. I Arrivals at the hotels. GASTON HOUSE; WILLIAM V. MOOIJEi ProprIktor. ; Seft. 16 Jos. Nelson, Newiiefti: A; .tackson. Jackson; Joshua E well, Swift Creek; E: II. Rhodes, Onslow , R. S. McLean arid Son, Swahsbofo' ; Wt V; Barrow, CraVen ; W. P. Ward, Jones ; Mrs. Easter Stanley, Mrs. J Harrison, Mrs. S. Washington, Mr. J. W. Jones, Mrs. . .Jones, Miss..E. Jones, N. C, John S. Moore, Mrs. Mary E. Deford, (Joldstoro' ; W. K.Outlaw. Duphn;; j i WASHINGTON HOTEL, . WILLI AU J.j SMITH, Proprietor. ; Sept. 16i: John Al McDaniel. Trenton : Henrv u. dwindle, tiyde ; r. F IJnght, (. olina Uity ; W. D. Ihomas, Davidson; J. A. Richardson, H. O. Wood, Craven ; Thofaias Wilcox, Trenton; F. M. Harper and wife, Craven : F.I G. Simmons, Jones ; W . II. Ellison, I Arthur J. Wynne, Swift Creek; James K; Lane, New York ; A. T; Savage, Kaloigh. A woman's Podge in Rotterdam. I had not gone far in my rambles about the city before was brought to a stand by a discoveryj On both sides of the streets, projecting from the cen tre Tt almost every winaow of the dwelling houses, each at an angle of 45 degrees with the window, were placed two mirrors of about a toot square, each in a vertical position, one facing up the street and the other down. I immediately set my' Yankee ingenuity to Work to "guess" their object; and was not lot? g in discovering in these mirrors plain indications that here, in this great swamp of Eu rope, woman's curiosity is the same as among ver dant nilis ana more genial climes, the mistress of the house seating herself in her parlor in a par ticular spot before a window' with book, needle or knitting work m hand, has 'but to hit her i eyes into the twin looking-glasses outside her window in order to catch -at a glance the whole panorama of the street in both directions There was also another queer looking-glass arrangement which, for a loiiff time, puzzled me. The puzzle trrew out of the peculiar positions and various angles at which these mirrors were placed. I was about giving it up, when, observing that their inclina tion was always decidedly towards the fro Bit door, I saw the whole secret as clear as light. The good lady of the house, hearing the door-bell ring; darts & look into the curious mirror, and thereby knows in a moment who stands at the door; Of course when the door servant comes in her lady ship can at once say whether she is at horne or not. In all the cities of Holland nearly every dwelling house has projecting frotn its windows from one to ten of these ugly -looking mirrors. of. Louis Democrat: : .i ; 5 Pure Air. The Electic Medical Jour rial of, rhiladelnhia. in speakine on this snbiect. verv propeTly remarks that it is hot only necessary that men may have sufficient air to breafhe,1 but It ' is necessary to provide air for the apartment itself in which they live, as well as for the persons who i.i. ?i rr. ia 1 j.c ? ; ; : ' x ; 1 muuie n. : l lie liiiiutsiicc oi ljiipnre an is uoi uuij' exercised upon persons through their breathing organs, but the surface of their bodies, their clothes the walis of the aptftmenf-iri short, the free" stir faces of everything in contact wuth the aif -tit the place becomes more and more impure a harbor of foulness, a nieans of impregnatiug every cubic foot of air with poison unless the whole apart ment has its atmospheric contents continuously changed, so that everything animate and inani mate is freshened by a constant supply of pitr'e air. For Texas Quite :. a caravan of emigrants passed through our town On Friday, says the Wythe-ville Telegraph, on their way to Texas. : We understand they were from Rockingham and Shenandoah counties, and judging from their turn out, they belonged to' the wealthiest classes of citizens of the. alley. Indeed we have heard it stated, but do mt know how the information Was obtained, that one of the .gentlemen was I worth upward of $100,000. v j A New Bodge.- A Yankee in Kansas, occupy ing aa old wagon by the road side, was discovered a short time since scouring an old gtin barrel.' On fceing asked what he intended to do with it, he replied t,hat he was fixing up to go into the liquor business' and to avoid the law was tfoins fa make use of this instead of glasses, thereby making it appear that he was selling liquor by the barrel. The fellow is doin? a thritinsr business. ; A gTeat many persons have been ' shot in the neckT by the novel contrivance. j j Hayti axd the Uxited, States. A fetter from Port an Prince under date of the 19th nit., states- that " two" American, men-of-war are at this place on the Navasa Island aflaif.- Nothing is yet decided.- 1 he commander of tne Saratoga j has declared to the government that be fc&s Veeti sent to protect the Americans on NavasaV and that if the Hayti an gqvernment has any declamations to make on the subject, it . must address rtself to the governraent st Washington. iTEriffiSHtXG? RaijJ A e!t4ftt rara fell at C0MERCIA1. NEWBERN MARKET. Sept. 17, 1858. ; TURPENTINE 300 bbU: changed hands yes terday at $3 65 for Tirgin ; $3 20 for Dip. SHINGLES A small lot of Kale Shingle brought $2 M; ;r No trnsactions in other articles. : ; NEW YORK, Sept. 14. Cotton quiet and un- hanged Flour dull and lower; state f 4 85 S $4 95; HIV Kryf - 9 I I-VIIUiClll dull, and low; $1 13s$l '20; white fl 25fl 38. (;orn at-tive white 80 a &ic. Spirit Turp;ututf -Ibjcj Itoeiu $1 72f I 75. Rice firm. r: ' BALTIMORE," Sept. 14. Flour dull ; shipping brands nominal; extra lower. Wheat-dull red f 1 25 tl 30 ; white $1 37$1 45. Corn dull white 78 88; yellow 90c. $1 00. 3LUUXE NEWS. port of Newbern, north Carolina .;::.r';.-;V; Arrived, : .-V.'v- Sept. I6.-r-Schr. E- Pisfrott, Curtis, from Hatteras, with mdze., to T. J. Hughes. Schr. Joseph Ann, , from Hatteras with mdze.. to B. B. Lfine. Schr. Wildcat, , from SWnm's Creek, wltli naval stores and corn meal, to H. H. Brinson. ' v CLEARED, I Sept. 16. Pchrs. Elizabeth nnd Ontario,;john and Wm. Latchum, with naval utores, for Baltimore, by B. B. Lane. 7 ' , , St'mer X rth State, Day, with mdze., to Rifcptcn, bv Dihbl" Hro's, 17th U. S. M. Steamer Post-Boy, Osgood, for Hyde count v, ' . i 1 Schr. E. PVerntt, Curti.?, with'naval stores, to-Baltimore, by T. X. Hughes. :: ' Sclir. C. S. Watson, Rohbihs, with naval stores; for New York , by W. C. Whit ford. f LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST "DALLY PROGRESS 13 dolt antr 3)oD JJiintfug NEW PRESSES ! NElV TYPE ! ! ! I.AKOK LOT OF ' J Color ri lukh, Pluiii & Fancy Card, Pnpcr j CONSTANTLY ON HAND. , pLain and colored ' J O 33 P R I N T I N Gr , of every drfseriptioti; can lie executed at the office of The Daily rogvesSi as well and as cheap as.it can be done in North Caro lina, and in a style that cannot be surpassed. . Our people need no: longer send their orders for to New York for' we can' do it .as well as it can be done at the North , and on terms which should "'M'' KEEP IT AT HOME; - -- r":.. " Neatness, Accuracy and Dispatch," i , sh all be our motto. Tlie services of an experienced iJook and ttob printer have been secured; Whpse whole time will be devoted H to tno Job Department; -Cards, Blanks, Circulars, .Labels, " .Programmes, Large Posters, , i Catalogues, ' Ptunphlets, ShoW Bills, of every description, done promptly and satisfaction ... guaranteed. No ibo-rk siijjered to Lie in the Office t Jobs Delivered. irhen Promised! As Cheap as the Cheapest f As Good as the Beet ! ! lap Orders respectfully 'solicited; i j Address J. L. PENNINGTON.-Proprietor. Sept 1 Pnllnk Street, Newbern, N. C, DARDIES Wholes, hajves, and. quarter boxes, kJ lor sale by J. S. HAKKS, Agent. Sept 15 , dlw JV OXICKAll persons riavmg bills or . accounts 11, against the " Newbern Lijrht Infantry." are re qucCsted to present them to (iapt? V. JORDAN, immedialclyv as it is desirable to settle, (he com pany's indebtedness before the 1st of October. Sept 13 dlr VIVT l5l-A NecrO Bjy, from 1 4 to 16 tears oi a''e, to uo iisnx, worK must De 8pnrnnv ano inteuicrent. Applv at this office immediately. S-pt. 8. dtf II1?AI .Ladies' and Gentlemeh's Kid Gloves, slightly soiled, tor sile at Xoc. v pair, bv Sept 7-dtf J. M. F. HARRISON. T'OI? SALE LOW. 60 hhds. St. Kit ts. MOLASSES. Good article. ept 7-dtf , BENJ, ELLIS. bj1 100 BAGS N. C. FLOUR-Just received and for sale by. C. WHITFOIiD Sept 6 , dim ' Of iTB0sl IELS COARSE ALLUM SAfFo jXJV hand and for sale bv S"ept M3nv 1 WM; O. WHITFORD. JUST RECEIVED Per Schn D. W. Saunders and by Express a varied assortment ' of NEW DRY . GOODS Suitable for the Season, . Vi EMMET CUTllBERT. - Sept 1 ; . : ' tf ' HOOP SKIRTS.- Ladies, flisses and Children's Patent Extension and Princess Royal Hoop Skirts '-just received per Express.- - . i EMMET CUTHBERT. - Sept l -: . -.- '; '. ; - a- - - - 'tf FOlt SAIjK ! Received this day, on consign ment, per schrs. Sea Bird, Sanders and Watson 8f0 Bbls. LUMP LIME, , 50 BbU N. C. Inspected rtfiRRiNG' 400 Boxes SCOTCH! HERRINGS, 100 Bales of HAY. sfept i dtf 1 w. a wilitFORD, JUST'RECEIVED AND FOR SALE ON CON SIGNMENT, j ' ' KH) sacks Fine Liverpool TABLE SALT, 160 Casks LIME, 5 Hhds. MOLASSES, ! 1.60 Second-hand Spirits Tnrpefftine CASKS, HOOP IRON; GLUE, &c.,&c, chenp for cash. Sept.- 1-dtf ' DIBBLE & BRO-S. GOJfTBACTOrt AND RlILDEni-Thfi undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Newbern, that he ic prepared to take CONTRACTS FOR BUILDINGS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, and execute the same in the best style, and by atten tion to business hope to merit a share of patronage. Sept 1-dlm P. 8. Will SNA NT. OnedoirXorth of the Irrcbants' Hank, j NEWBERN, N. Ci, Wholesale and. Retail Dealer in Groceries, BoitS, j Shoes, UqMors, Ate. A fresh supply of Family Gr KeTh af ways on hand. Orders reipect fully so&cited. Sept 1 !- - : d2w : iUTKll JIALLETT, s L - : I - WITH ' , . : t;coLi)E.'v intilnAJft., GENERAL COMMISSION MEEClfAN Spt- h 1 dly SPECIAL NOTICES. ' ox suarea oi iercnuio uu 5ioefe iixA 7 sl:arfes of the Bank of the State for.i. For particulars apply to- Dr. SAM'L E. CIIAPMAV or to JOHN N. WASHINGTON, v Sept Wlm v- ltic. Application will be made by the New KLrn I.irrlif Tnfanfrv to i t.b General A jon.v.i North, Carolina, at its next session, for a Charter in. corporatmg saia Vrouipnuy. , . ? Sent 1 f v d3,Q Ambroty pr. No stnin-rer should viiit Newbern without obtaining one of Watsos's well kn.wij n. perb stvle of Ambrotypes his Pictures are superior -trems oi this beautiful Art. Don't, forget the nlar on Craven street vptstatr$. 1 ' Sept 1 ; ' ' - dly NiHloirmph. The Niellograph is a 'new hn beautiful style of Pictures, taken on par, ami jnct the thine for mailing to a frieml. To olUtiii one caiii at my Gallery, on Craven street. . J. W. WATSON Sept 1 ' dly Quarantine Police ! ! At a regular uuetiugof the Commissioners of Newbern, held on; the 9:1 insj It wa Ordered that the Quarantine Law b in fui force from the 26th instant, until otherwise ordere,l and that all vessels coining from any Port bevon.i the Ports of this State, are required to stop at Rai.T. ing Point, until boarded by the Port Physieiiui anil permission bo routed to proceed to Newlk-m. ' And Those coming. from any Ports within the State that are infected with any contagious diseaterare sublet tothe sauie regulations. ByOrder. STEPHEN B. FORBES, Clerk Newbern, N. C., August '23, 1&"8. Sept 1-dtf You may get Books at other places, but if Vou want books worth reading, call t Walsh's Book Store, North side ot rollt-k afreet, Xew. bern, N; C: t j WM. M. WALSH, i 'Sept 1 ' , ! d'Ur I1 TK.TIAIK .HC?llOOI4. i MISS LIZZIE MAYHEW Wiil resumetue duties of her School on MONDAY the 4th day of October next. ; TERMS PKR SESSIOje OF 2i WEEKS. Spelling, Reading, Writing; and Tables,-. .... $3 0Q Geogrphv, Grammarj and Arithmetic,. . . 10 00 Historv, Natural .Phiktsophy, Astronomy,' ' , ChemTstry, Algebra, and Geometry,.;...;. 12 (M) For French, an extrw charge' of. ......i 8 00 .One half payable in advance. ' . Kb deduction made, except in ci.se of protracted illness. ! ! Sept 15-dlm S UOOb FOR YOUNG I.A1II2H. WILMING TON, N. C. VERINA S. MOORE will -retmjne the duties of her School, (D. V.) on MONDAY, the 4th of October, 1858. ' Faithful and efficient teachers of the French.' Language, and of Music, will be connected with the School. , ; .: ' . A few young Imlies will be received as-board ing pupils. Ine number of pupils will be limited to thirty. Tr4-iu, lrr Hcnsiou of lYlue ITIouth) .- Tuition. r . - . . - -..... i i-i .? & 00 IJoard and Tiution. .;iit - ... .. i ; 200 00 WANTED TO HIRE, a ,go;Vd C06lv find'"' WASHERWOMAN. Apply to X. S. M., Gaston House,, Newbern. i . S'l.tinri'w FOR ALK ; . i A STORE J '""' The three-story Biiek Store, on the west side of the Old Conuiy Wharf, a desirable stand tor the transaction of a large Grocery Business, and for. Storage, &.c. Alo, . ' . .. :: - ! A VESSEL! ': ' " '- The Schooner Fraiices, burthen 152 tons - capaoity 950 barrels, Or 73 M; feet of lumber; A Well huilt, cojper-fastened vessel, and well found in suils, rig ging, fcc. . . - ' . ' - .. . . ; LAND! . ',. .;.'"' 1 400 acres of Land, situated on Jones' Bay, Beau fort county. . 3 half Lots of Land in the town of Beaufort. - NEGROES,! . M Negro nien,-oue a gmd CURRIER n rid TAN-. NER, the. other accustouied to the work of a Tannery.- ' : - -,'.- -' '. FURNITURE, $ 0. !t 1 Three-ply Car pet,Ji5 yds., but little worn; 1 Handsome Rug, - : 34 Yds. Good Oil Cloth, v . , . 4 Pfirlor Curtains, with necessary' fixtures',, 1 Large Book (se, ' ' . 1 Ila.ndsVnne Iligh-potst Mahogany Bedstead . 1 Lnrge Dining Tsble, . 8 Mhoany Chairs, ! .. 1 Hall LampV ; ' " ; :. 1 High Bronze Oil Laiiip'j ' 1 High Gilt Oil Lamp. . , 1 Set Candelabras,' Giltt 1 Mahogany Wfjsh StMnd, Wash Stand Furniture, whit, Mantel Glaus: Apptv to Sept 11 dim MOSES W. JAR VIS, ' .Old Comity Wharf. VTOTIC'K. j . . ' .. -.' i. To the Uehforn ft nd Creditors njf Henry ti. Cutler,;. deceased late if' the Cov-nty nf Crorcn : At the September Term A D 1 H.rSof the Court of Plea and Quarter Session'- of the Uouty5of Craven let same time whs qualified ns Administratorof thePHid. deceased, in due torni of law. All persons rfruebted to the Estate of the" said deceased, are hereby notified to make iminejdiate pay uieht ; and thOfe bavin? claims, accounts and demands against tlie. Estate ul the said deceased, are requested to. present them for p;iynuint to the Subscriber, within the time pre '. seribed by-law or they will be barred of recovery by virtue of the Act of the General Assembly o.t tins Slate, iu such cases made and provided; -SeptemW 13th A. D, 1858. - V - , , WILLIAM II. EAUCE, Administrator: Sept 15 '-;. 1 r dim A IIOMESTKAD FOIt tilo ! !-A few mor ters ot .Administration upon the rotate ot Henry o. Cutler deceased,. late trt said County, :.were uuly granted Iv 'said Court to the Subscriber, who' at-tlw V of those desirable bnilding lots and farms in the Gold Region arwl other portions of Virginih, are to be divided amongst subscribers, iro mediately for the benefit of the new town of ' Rajrpajiannoth. which situated in Culpepper county, and is now being rap idly settled ; Ji - Subscriptions only ?10 each, one half down and -balance 6n deb very, of Deeds ' Every subscriber will get a building lot -or a farm, ranging jn lvalue from flO up to ft3rt,(M 0. The olyect is fo build np the town, manufactures and trade, by giving away part of the property,' so as to enharrCe the value of tbe rest, n.nd to encourage men of limited means to eoire in and grow with the place;- There is a demand ft all kinds- of bninefii Lumbermen, Mecliatiic, Manufacturers, Tradesmen and. Farmers cannot fa'i to do well. - ? is ; : 70 000 acres of land, in large and small tract, can also ire bad at prira ale, and on reasonable termor Some of it is highJii imprnted: , Agent are wanted creripr.hrrt fo rrlJ these land?. Salary $ 1,000 a vear, Aran interent in the bu.-in-"?, Arrry to " E. BAUDER, rcrt KoyaV Va., . Sept r .: A 'hy.; r - -3 . YORK, connecting with Boats for BOSTON , vi Norwich, Newport. Fall. River and Stonington; wit 'i Boats taAlbanVj. &c., &tu. ntP'il -The superior double engine steamship TA.nt-" . TOWN. 12M tAtn burtheu. Cant; Lewis PakRIh, will leave NORFOLK FOR NEW YOliK evfry WEDNKSDAY MORNING at U o'clock, arnvE? there next atti?rnoon in time to connnect Vitb team lxits going; E'st and North, bing only twenty -four hours on the trip, ' . . ' , . Passage and I are, including State Room. v Steerage 14. t .1 '-.This route will be found far the pNantert al most eomfortable to New York. beides being tr.e cheapcbt, ad the dust and heat of the railroad ar , avoided, and there are no changes from time if ue parture till arrival in New York.- . Retaming, the Jamestown; leaves New Ywk . Norfolk. everv Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. For State Room,-apply at our office. . . J. M. SMITH & Blip. the ROANOKE Capt. Seiser, leave NurtoJk for New York, every SATURDAY EVENING, the arrival of the Southern Cars. Returning, lfVl New York every Wednesday at 3 o'clock. Sept I N ; d1 WW f ISorfclk fcatnruiy'.- 1

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