PAILY PROGRESS. ATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2, 1858. Asentu for the 'f Baily Progress." C rh following gentlemen are authorized to receive riutions "and advertisements for the " Daily ogress, in their severni luuauiucn, auu receipt ior j W. Morris, Kinston, N. C. : :'J j B. Whitakek, Goldsboro' , N. C. ,V William M. Bruce, Greensboro', N. C. ARTHUR P.- Nevvsox, Salisbury, N. C. j w Clemmons, Sa'em, N;- C . Z . W. AVER, Statestille, N. C. Geo W. DILL, Morehead City and Beaufort. jl p. Allen, Washington, N. C. f j James H. MoOftty Gaston, N. C. .. I g Pettexoill &!Co.,119, Nassau Street, jfeir York City, will receive subscriptions and adver timents for the 4i Progress,'' ' To Correspondents. Will our correspon dents please to write on but one side of the paper, and be careful to spell proper, names correctly and ,-rite them plain. j I - ; Correspondence of the Daily Progress.- JlifSMte Fair again ' A Good Time Coming" flu Salisbury Band Engaged A New Feature Mr. Sanders' Lecture The Press " could 'nt come ;n"Bad Lick Oak City Guards Cltange of Captain Mayor of'. Raleigh in a Fix Won't Stand Cursing Rowdies Duicn on Him " Wal tit" in Trouble Dreadful Calamity to the Daily Progress Gas Again1 Walter Backs Out ' The Heather, etc. j 1 . j Raleigh, Sept. 30. kar Progress: We are going to have a fine time of it at our State. .Fair. I learn from parties well informed on the subject that an unusual de gree of interest is being manifested, and that the. exhibition will be a very superior one. Virginia will be fully represented, as the time does not Con flict Willi: illiy Ul uitu uwu ruiaugcmcuisi a iil quantity ; of superior stock, particularly of horses, V 111 1 ' v Ullj'l v. w vi vii u . -JU ' r . m.m. m-,j v . v. j have boon received. The executive committee are active in the preparations, and, amongst other things, have secured the services of the Salisbury liras.IJaiid said to be the best Band in the State. Stir up your people, for 44 there's a good time com- ing-" - : v-; A decidedly novel feature for our State Fair has just been proposed and worked out by the young gentlemen of Raleigh nothing short of a genuine Tournament. The boys have taken the matter in hand, and my word for it, it will be handsomely carried out. Send up your younir bloods, and let tkrii take a turn in the lists with our " chaps" and let us see some of your celebrated Newborn beauties ! compete with Raleigh for the honor of queen ! Raleigh has already enrolled some fifteen to twenty knights. I say again, bring up your fiat tmrre viuir lm"ki1il VAiinn rrnt1fm? irwl your celebrated beauties. 1 And let them come, also, from all parts of the State. Old Raleigh arainst them all ! I wajs not present to hear Mr. Saunders' lecture on bejfialf of the Oak City Guards, last week, but it is very favorably spoken of. I was surprised tu see that the press took no notice of it ; but on iuiiiuiiu iuuiiu miit 1110 icciuic cuimimieu nau excluded the members thereof that is, they did ijut invite their attendance, or, in other words, did ; notpve theni tickets of admission. The policy of such a course is extremely doubtful, even if the Guards owed nothing to of Raleigh ; ' but the fact is they are deeply indebted, not merely in this present instance, but also in every instance in which a word could be said for theni. This is decidedly an unfortunate commencement having thrown the press upon its " dignity" and self-re--spct and working injustice to the talented young lecturer. 1 ' In connection with this I have to state that Captain Tucker has resigned the command of tires company", (for what cause has not transpired,) aifd tliat Lieutenant; Charles II. Thompson has been fleeted-ta the captaincy. Captain Thompson will toake a competent commander ; .but I confess to dislike fur these Sudden changes in organization. A district constable, named Hint. Franklin, has filtered , an action flMinst : Afnvnr TTam'snn fnr fa! e: nuprusounient, assessing his damaged $1000. ine tacts seem to Up tliaa Franklin interposed without cause, in a case before the Mayor and .nS'ie Use of imnrAnui. lon.nA Tl., A(. .him to be silent and leave the office, or he put him in the guard house. Franklin in the office turned, and, addressing the may- .said U5- d d d you, I'll settle with you Wn you come out !" lie was thereupon ordered J"'r arrest and kept in the guard . house, one ! In this connection, it may be proper to . say, at Mayor Harrison has rendered himself extreme J wipopular amongst certain lawless classes by unflinching enforcement of the law; , Those . ncw Raleigh in years gone by, will readily Frcve the improvement in ' the moral r tone of Bow v dyism and street drunkenness are fur , aImost unknown here, and negroes now tL'1 SfirSt time' i vvou appear, seem to know 8;i.puVe- I need not add that the Mayor is orJer1-l unanimous voice of tne Iavv and ,h rlovin? citizens of the city.1 I 'understand H iniv , .Commissioners will I sustain Mavor ' tit rank-lin'o - . . , . oncht " acuon against mm. Ana so tney Vnn V Hlin f ---v.v ogititu itiicia Vfcat ... ?tat.ements " ; made by " Walter ! com- hnL " 1 ! ou have been Ions: enough in fvfJ:. Pross' to. know that aer'ts ran T ' 1 aiv omer oiyour correspon- 4ear T':'ril:ase every bodv with whom he has to k.. " V ad Walter alter does not try to do so. He trtohn f ul?provea anything alleged by frorii nt, . , a Jart- But you had a naner returned oftliSv0?;yoar 'Kaleigh subscribers." Well, !ufjSf,riWr'a ay r;st ass"rpd, that, whatever that r nural or reliffww condition may be, nd ti csvcct'jble." intp.UoAt VI Villi nA. a. . . 011 may rest assured of this, that you t in far'. 1 l" uu wn persons m merelv deals 'Win'o. i t ,1,Tiakes n personal attacks ; but in !he fauu is ifer,wronS'!if anv one interposes, ;rs ' v,; 1 " alter's. No one of the " several have gained the friendship of ten where yotrhare : lost that of one. I can't imagine what the "Stock holder" has to .complain of with reference "to my remarks on the " eras question." I am a friend of the enterprise : and in speaking? of it. I but drew inevitable conclusions from facts stated by an "omcer TiOt the Charlotte Gas Company. But, my dear' Progress, I don't lik controversy, and will have none. ' .---- ; - -. The weather is delightful, though somewhat too cool for the season. " WALTER. - . . " - " CorreHpondence of the Daily Progress. :V Courtof Pleas and Quarter Sessions Distinguished Characters Fight at the StJ1 Charles Our Mer chants Crops etc. , . . Kinston, Sept. 29, 1858. Dear Ptogrtss .'-After a long time I have em braced an opportunity to drop you a few lines, and let you know how we are " progressing " in this section of our beloved country. I have but little news to communicate, of inter est, to your numerous readers. pur County Court was in session all of last week. Much business of importance was trans acted by the Court. The State Docket was unu sually large, and many old offenders were fined and imprisoned for the transgression of the laws. Quite a large number of legal gentleman were in attendance. Among them I noticed Hon. Wm. H. Washington, George S. Stevenson, George Green and Seth Attmore, Esqs., of Newbern; E A: Thompson, George V. Strong and William Rob inson, of Goldsboro' ; Mr. Stallings, of Kenans ville; John F. Wooten, George Washington, George C. Woodley and Henry R. Strong, Esqs., of Kinston. I also had the pleasure of meeting with your townsman, Win. H. Oliver, Esq. Mr. Oliver is One of the most energetic business men in Xorth Carolina; he has a very extensive up country trade, especially from this county, and it continues to increase. I was also pleased to see in our town on last Saturday night, President Whitford ; he called at the Pollock House a few moments on his return from Goldsboro'. He come down ori the freight train. Mr. Whitford appears to be in good health and jovial spirits, and withal he is a very clever fellow. ., A fight come off at the St. Charles Hotel, on Monday night of our County Court week, between two limbs of the law. The affair caused quite a sensation throughout our peaceable little. village, but owing to the interference of mutual friends the difficulty was amicably adjusted. , -Our merchants are daily receiving their Fall and Winter stock by the way of the Newbt rn Rail road. Many of our merchants have returned from the North. Amongst those that hav returned home I see Messrs. Stephen White, Bear & Bro's., F. G. Griffin, Moses Einstein, Moses Patterson, West &- Broth, and John H. Stevenson Messrs. John H..Peables, R. W. King, E Wil liams, and M. Harvey will leave for New York in a few days. . I am of the opinion that our merchants would do a splendid business this Fall and Winter if they would but subscribe for the Daily Progress, and thereby keep pace with the commercial move ments of the world. I am constrained to think they will do so. Our farmers are busily engaged in housing their crops. They will make an abundant harvest. Lenoir county is the garden spbt or North Caro lina. We have a plenty of corn, peas, pork and potatoes. We will be able to supply our Western friends that have beeu cut off by the drought, in that section of the country. ;. Yours, &c, RICHARD ROE. Correspondence of the Daily Progress. Superior Court Capital Cases No Civil Cases Tritd A Woman to be tried for murder, etc. Smithfield, Sept. 30th, 1858. Dear Progress : Your valuable paper has found its way to our quiet town, and as you have had, as yet, no letter from this place, I will attempt to give you a synopsis of the doings of the week, it being the Fall Term of our Superior Court. Three capital cases stood for trial at the com mencement of the term : On" 'yesterday, Exum, a slave, was put upon trial for the murder of Mr. Alvin Atkinson. Attorney General Jenkins, assist ed by Wm. T. Dortch, for the State, and H. W. Mil ler, and A. M. and R. G. Llewis for the prisoner. After the examination of witnesses, and argument by counsel, the case was given to the jury, who returned a verdict of guilty. . To-day, Mrs Martha Morgan, indicted for the murder of Alex. Allen, was brought into court. The excitement in her case was intense. Strong prejudices exist against and for her. , The case was removed to Wake, on account of the prejudice in Johnson against the prisoner. She will be tried at Raleigh next week, when the Attorney General, assisted by Sidney Smith, will appear for the State, and JI. W. Miller, A. M. and R. G. Lewis and Mr. Abell for the prisoner. To-morrow, Friday, Henry, a slave will be put upon trial for the murder of a Mr. Murray. The Attorney General will appear for the State, and Geo. V. Strong and O. H. Bryan for the prisoner. After this case is disposed of Judge Caldwell says he will adjourn the court, so there wifj be no civil cases tried. The usual amount of bustle and stir, drinking, horse swapping, &c, is visible on our streets. Our merchants are receiving their new goods preparatory to the fall and winter business. Yours, JOHNSON. BOY' VAITE1-A sprightly boy, ten or twelve years of age, is wanted by the month. Persons having one to hire can apply immediately to HENRY T. CLAWSON, Opposite the residence of Mr. James C- Stevenson. Sept 21-dtf On East Front street. GOOD9..FalI, 1858--Just received, i3l per schooner Howard, the latest styles of Black and Colored Soft HATS. Sept 21 , ; J. M. F. HARRISON. AfOKE IVEVT GOODS.-Fall, lS58.-Just XfJL received, per schooner Sea Bird, Fall and Win ter Calicoes. Hoop Skirts, Marlboro' Plaids, and a va- riety 01 otner anicies suaauie iur iuo eetusoD, uy . Sept 21 J. M. F. HARRISON. . . . i -1 ! 1 1 1 f .1 I JUST OPENED, All Wool d'Laines. 30 and 34 inch Black SRks, Sept 30 1 AT HARRISON'S. tfclVTeatness. Accuracy and Dispatch." 1Y JOB AVORR, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Neatlv, Accurately, Expeditiously, ana cneapiy exe - U tt rTlv Prnr-roon " Hflfirp. cuted'at the 44 Dally Progress" Office. MISCELLMEQUS. SWAN A CO.'S LOTTEBIEU TRIUMPHANT ! ! ! Swan & Co. Continue to Irtow . Usual , Witfaat lutemption. ( i "" SWAN & CO.'S LOTTERIES ARE LEGAL, AND AUTHORIZED BY THE STATE OP GEORGIA ! The late attempt to injure our firm hasshotcn that our Lotteries are drawn fairly ; that our Prizes are ' Paid Punctually ; and that our Schemes are more liberal than any other Lottery in the , . - .. World I t ; , '.;.-, The following Scheme will be drawn by S. Swan Sc. each of their Single Number Lotteries for October, tocb i ' y-i .; V.i: J A 1 . tendetice of Commissioners: v ( 5 s Class 35 Draws Saturday, October 2, 1858. Class 36 Draws Saturday, October 9, 1858. Class 37 Draws Saturday, October 16, 1858. ! Class 38 Draws Saturday, October 23, 1858. e Class 39 Draws Saturday, October 30, 1858. ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. 50,000 Tickets ! 3,485 Prize Nearly One Prize to Every Nine Tickets! MAGNIFICENT 'SCHEME ! TO DRAWS EACH SATURDAY IN OCTOBER 1 1 Prizes of.... , .$70,000 .. 30,000 ..10,000 ... 5,000 .. 4,000 .. 3,000 4 Prizes of.. ......$900 ...J.. 800 ...... 700 ...... 600 .. J.. 500 ...j.. 300 ...... 125 . .-... 100 4 4 4 50 50 100 1,500 1,000 230 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. i 4 Prizes of $400 Aprxg. to $70,000 Prize are $1,600 . . . 1 1 . i"i 1, .t An n .1. at i . . i f 4 4 4 4 . 4 4 5.000 300 it 30,000 it 1 1 tnn 200 125 100 75 50 10,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 1,500 " 1 800 -it it t ti t 1 nnn i it (t t( i tt 400 300 " 200 ..100,000 20 are . . . ; 5,485 Prizes amounting to $320,000 Whole Tickets $10; Halves $5; Quarters $2 50. A Circular showing the plan of the1 Lotteries will be sent to any one desirous of receiving it. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the fol lowing rates, which is the risk : Uertiheates ot Pakage of 10 Whole Tickets.. .. ..$80. ti it ii 10 Half " . 40 10 Quarter -20 10 Eighth " ...j.. 10 ii ti it ti In Ordering Tickets or Certificates, enclose the money to our address for the Tickets ordered, on re ceipt of which they will be forwarded by the first man. rurcuasers can nave ucKets enaing in any figure they may designate. . The List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. . Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their Post Oflice, County and State. . Remember that every Prize is drawn, and payable 111 full without deduction. All Prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immediatelv after the drawing other Prizes at the,usual time of thirty days. . ' All communications strictly' confidential. Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates to S. SWAN & CO,. Anensta, Georgia. Persons residing near Montgomery Ala., or Atlanta, Ga., can have their orders nlled, and save time, by addressing S. Swan & Co., at either of those cities. ISF3 A list of the. numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to will be published after every drawing, m tne lonowmg papers : Augusta xn-) constitution alist, New Orleans DeltaY Mobile Register, Charles ton Standard, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligen cer, 2s ew York Weekly Day Book, Savannah Geor gian. Richmond Dispatch, New York Dispatch, Paulding (Miss.) Clarion and Little Rock (Ark.) True ueinocrai. -Sept 24 ' ' dly FOR SALE, A STORE! ' The three-story Brick Store, on the west side of the Uld Uonnty Whartj a desirable stand for; the transaction, of a large Grocery Business, and for storage, &c. Also, A VESSEL! The Schooner Frances, burthen 122 tons, capacity 950 barrels, or 73 Mi feet of lumber. A well-built, .copper-fastened vessel, and well found in sails, rig ging, sec. LAND! 400 acres of Land, situated on Jones' Bay, Beau fort county. ' ' i 3 half Lots of Land in the town of Beaufort. ; NEGROES! 2 Negro men, one a good CURRIER and TAN NER, the other accustomed to the work of a Tan nery. ' ; :. ' . FURNITURE, C! 1 Three-ply Carpet, 45 yds., but little worn, 1 Handsome Rug, ... 34 Yds. Good Oil Cloth, : 4 Parlor Curtains, with neces'sary fixtures, 1 Large Book Case, 1 Handsome High-post Mahogany Bedstead,' : 1 Large Dining Table, ' : 8 Mahogany Chairs, 1 Hall Lamp, , 1 High Bronze Oil Lamp, 1 nign uut uu Xjamp. . 1 Set Candelabras, Gilt, 1 Mahogany Wash Stand. 1 Wash Stand Furniture, white, " 1 Mantel Glass. : 'r Apply to MOSES W. JARVIS, S)t U-dlm -. Old County Wharf. FOR SALE LOW. " T ; ; 60 hhds. St. Kitts. MOLASSES. Good article by Sept 7-dif BENJ. ELLIS. HEAP Ladies' and Gentlemen's Kid Gloves, V slightly soiled, tor sale at 25c. pair, by Sept 7-dtf J. M. F. HARRISON. 1 Ml BAGS N. C. FLOUR Just received and JL J7 for sale by WM. C. WHITFORD. dim Sept 6 300 BUSHELS COARSE ALLUM SALT on hand and for sale by - Sept 6-d3m WM. C. WHITFORD. For sale. 15 bbls Mess Pork $19- s . ' 10 hhds Trinidad Molasses 33 cts ; Terms cash. Enquire of J C Stevenson. Sept 1 dim R N TAYLOR, Agent. Ed AIiIjKIV has received, by late arrivals V a supply of Beebe's New Pall Style Silk Hats. Also Netting, Trunks, Skirts, Shoes, Do mestics, jjuster uiotu, Pnnts, &c, &c. Sept 1 dtf ONLY 25 CENTS, for 15 Gallons of Soap, by using one box of concentrated Lve, to be had at V CAKMEli tj. 1 fl?S AT.T.F?J'S lTl WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER, and ZYLQBALSAMUM, ITT All- -m-m- . v arraniea to cure way liairs. For sale bv JAS. W. CARMFR nrvtrntf FOB ALE ! Received this day, on consign ment, per schrs. Sea Bird, Sanders and Watson, - -on -- 50 Bbls. N. C. Inspected HERRINGS, 400 Boxes SCOTCH HERRINGS, 100 Bales of HAY. i Sept 1-dtf W. q WHITFORD. JUST RECEIVED Per Schr. D. W. Saunders and by Express a varied assortment of NEVV DKX GOODS Suitable for the Season. EMMET CUTHBERT. spt 1 -u:-y, v---.,:v-.,tf HOOP SKIRTS. Ladies, Misses and Children's Patent Extension5 and Princess Roval Hoon own-juBi receivea per Jixpress. . , - EMMET CUTHBERT Septl tf ; a. - 1 a TVH RECEIVED AND FOR SALE ON CON v oiuxNiUJi.iNr, ; v 100 sacks Fine Liverpool TABLE SALT, 160 Casks LIME, 1 5 Hhds. MOLASSES. . 1 ' 160 Second-hand Spirit Turpentine CASKS, uuur,mua,ui,i,I .c.,oce., cneap jor casn. oept. l-au DIBBLE is. BRO S BUSINESS CARi)S!: GEORGE ALLKX, " J, . - ... DEALER K rivPT m. DRY GOODS. -Rttf)Tst JsiFt. tTt- -v CAPS &c l ' Would respectfully invite ttt,n, rv . 1 to his Stock, which will be found7e Uastorti cumwcuui iuic bi au seasons 01 th year ' 1 yraera prompuy and caiefuily attended to . i SfPtl 1 .i dly ' 1:: Tne modern FHtablishlnicttt " OF NEWBEiy N. C. j f M . P. IIAllRISOIV, I V-.l1 1 . WHOLESALE Sc RETAIL DEALER IN F Stapi.1, Fanct, FoRtiGii and Domestic 1 r y 0 0 d . : Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes ,Carpetine s. Matting Rugs, Jewelry. Trunks, Ready-Made Clothing. ! . . .: , 1 j ,r ,T . NEWEKRff, N. C. J,M. F. Harrison-has just received a pnmhlpfA assortment suitable for the season and will continue to receive by every arrival alMesuable Articles and Novelties ot the season. J. ...'. i Particular attention paid to orders.4 Sept 1 j. . . - . U V . '-I dly -! The Oldest Dry Goods House in Kenbern. ESTABLISHED IN; 1845. EMMET CUTH BERT would respectfully inform his inumerous customers! and the public generally throughout the State, that uas iu oiuic, aim 10 i;uuBia.iiuy receiving oy rreso arrivals and by Express, a complete assortment of Foreign and Iome8tic Staple and fancy : ! T Dry Good. PARTICULAR ATTKNTiON PAin To ! LADIES' DRESS FABRICS AND WRAPPINGS " , .1 ";- ALSO - . :. -'.! - ! v -ReadT Clothinsr. 1 Carpets, Rugs, 1 Mattings, Trinks JewelrV, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Umbrellas. Parasols Window Shades, Drapery, Gents' Furnishing Goods. tx-c., mi ui wuicu.wui De spia low iorcash. or to prompt paying customers. Orders solicited and rmtir1!-1 lufiuy aiienueu 10. . 5 ! . BOUGHT CHEAP, AND FOR SALE LOW. N. B. The- Subscriber will remove to his NEW STORE, corner of Pollock and Middle streets, in October next, with an entire nqw stock. -, - EMMET CUTHBERT. Newbern, N. C, (opposite the Episcopal Church.) Septl j j - j dly " XV. CAREER, -. : 1 WHOLESALE, AND RETAIL DEALER IN Drugs, Jledinnes, Chemicals, Painto, Oil. GLASS, DYE STUFF SI PERFUMERY, ; stlUiitAl. IK5TLMESTS, PATENT MEDICINES. i PURE WINE AND BRANDY, Gaizdcn Seeds, Burning Flkfid, &-c, $., &c. 26 POLLOK STREET, NEWBERN, N. C Sept 1 -! - . - 1 - . j": dly J V. JORDAN, Wholesale and itetail Drnssial. ; XFAVBFTfV Iff P Keeps constantly on hand a 'large and well selected SiUUJK. OD' FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES Also, an extensive assortment of I PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, CIGARS." and an endless variety of Fancv Article. Orders from the country respectfully solicited, and promptly atrenaea 10. fiept -dly .. 11.. .i, j -i . - - - ...- Zi S. COFFIN,: SURGEON DENT IS T. Permamently Located in the Town of Newbern, ten- I aers uis proiessionai services to tne citizens ; of Newbern and surrounding country, i Office on South Front st., opposite the Gaston House acpt 1 , i . : dly J. C. WIER'S ITIarble Yard, NEWBERN,j N. C, Marble Monuments. . The subscriber' is receiving a large stock ot American and Foreign Marble and is at all times prepared to fill or ders for Monument Slabs and Tomb' Sto7es, of every de sen prion, at less than NORTHERS prices. . j Our work will be delivered in all parts of North Carolina and Virginia Free of char ere. i Our workmanship has been generally introduced in some thirty counties in North Carolina, and speaks tor itself. . ' . . - r Orders by mail will meet with prompt attention and be faithfully executed. . ! . ' ? . Address, ; J. U. .AV1EK, JNewoern, u.. Mr. Jameq Robertson, Traveling Agent. I Sept lb ; . diy IS. LANE, . - j .: Receiving, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANT, fat the store formerly occupied by Wm. P. Moore,) CORNER OF SOUTH FRONT & MIDDLE STS., NEWBERN, N. C ' Particular attention given to the Sale of Country Produce, and the Purchase of Goods generally. I have a convenient . Wn art and commodious Warehouse. I have also a line of first-class Vessels, running regularly between this, port and the ports of .New York and Baltimore. Agents in New York : Agents in Baltimore 1 Davis & Holmes. James Conner & Sons. Sept! 6 ;! - . - dly DIBBLE &r BROTHERS, FOR WARDING COMMISSION MERCHANTS, : , ' New-Berne, N. C. Cash Advances made on Consignments to be sold here or forwarded to Northern Markets. Sept 1 , : dly T J. HUGHES, DEALER IN NAVAL STORES and Commission Merchant, ' Corner East Front and South Front Sts. Pork, Bacon, Lard,' Corn, Whisky, Flour, Coal, Hay, &c. A supply always on hand, and for sale on commission. Consignments will 'have every atten tion. Will keep vessels running "for Baltimore, by sea and through the canal. Freight taken at market rates. ;! 1 ". . ' . Sept 1 . dly y n W 1 1,1. 1 ATI 8 Ac WHITTY, COMMISSION MERC II A N T S , BROAD STREET. NEWBERN, N. C, Keeps constantly on hand all articles usually found in ' ! A VARIETY STORE, ' ; which they-will sell at a fair profit. Strict attention paid to the sale ofeountry produce. Sept 1 ; ' , dly The Newbern JTIutual FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. THIS Company hae now been in successful opera tion for ' " ' - . ' !: 1 THREE TEARS, During which time no assessment has been made to meet losses. " -" ." :' The Company is now prepared to receive Applica tions for ' ".! ; - ' INSURANCE, Wliicb may be made to any of the different Agents throughout the State, or to the undersigned, at the officevof the Companr, hi this place. . i MOSES W. JARVIS, Secretary. NewbcnyN'C., Sept 1. diT GEORGE BISHOP, ; NEWBERN, N.C, Manufacturer of Window Sash, Blinds, Pannel Doors, Shutters, Wood Mouldings, Brackets, Balusters, i Newels, &c., 6ms. ' ' ":.-.'-..:- ALSO, ' mannfaetures and keeps constantly on hand, a large stock of CABINE T FURNITURE, at wholesale and retail. , - . . " Sasb Mill on Broad st., Ware Rooms on Middle street. Septl dlJ - . r "f"- BUSLESS CAHDS. ALEX. jrSTICE, Attorney and CcnnselUr ' j NEWBERN, N, C ' at IaW, v ill attebd the courts of Craven J ones, CorterM d3in veil - and Pitt Counties. O . 1 , SOUTH FRONT XTREXf. Newbern, IS. Would respectfully call the attention of families, tod the public araUr, to his lare and weU selected STOCKS OF 0ROCERIES. . sncn as Sugars, both refined and raw, Molawi. Teas, Coffee, Pork, Flour, Cheese, Soaps, Candles Hams, both North CaroUna and Western 5 MeaL and In lino f.rtm arfinl. Lai r f i . . , X J invic a-cui iur lauuij use. A ireVQ' supply of Crackers of alf kinds ju?t received. Also a good assortment of Boots and Shoes,' Hata and i X V m "V's"cs. Any one wishing to furnish their family will do w11 A vt- J v.rl" purchasing elsewhere, as he!s determined that fiono shall go away, disatij-fied. He is wdhn by wholsale lre. ieap for Cash or Mtry Produce. ' AT. JKRUIM. A GENERAL COintTSSTriv WFPrniv : EAST FRONT STREET, Newbern,' N. C, . Sept tf INS PEG Tf) f? OP Vit'jre Tr r ct South Front Street, Newbern, IS C, will attend promptly to all business entrusted to him Sept 25 dlv - 1f RS. CIVEY & MRS SIISSIT.TTM? J - -1 1TX CRA YEN STREE T, NE 1VBERN, N. C, Have opened a tie w and fashionable assortment 6f ' 1 iriilHnery Gooda, of all kiadn. Dresses, Talmas and Cloaks made to order. Cut ting andJTitting done by measurement. " Sept 8-2m C. TITIlTFORDr- " . M GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. , East Fbovt Street, Newbern, N. C . Agent for -SMITH S LINE New York Packets. Goods received and forwarded. " SepU . dly T 1 1 1 " . T o shippers. Builders and T.umbrr n.l. er. The subscriber is DreDared to fnrniRh at ' short notice, LUMBER, either Rough or Planed; by the cargo or in smaller quantities. Rongb Lumber, any size and length under 50 feet. -;' Planed Tongue and Grooved Flooring, and Rabbit ted AVeatherboarding ; Door Facings and Window Casings. Sawed Laths in any quantities. Terms strictly cash. ! ' R: N. TAYLOR, Agent. Newbern Sept 1 ,d3m flEO. F, FISIIKR, DEALER in GROCERIES, fsxeevt. UouortJ Provisions Dry Goodo, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hardware, Herring, Shad, and Mullet Seines, Set Nets, Tine and Lines, Salt and Fresh Fish, &c. &c. "Particular attention given to the sale of Produce j also, to receiving and forwarding Goods on the most moderate terms,. - Sept l-d3m AXflT.IAM II. OLIVER & CO., ION MERCHANTS. TT COM MISS Dealers in every variety of Agricultural Implements, Castings, Fertilizers, Lime, Calcined Plaster, Ce ment, Marble Dust, Iron, Steel, . Iron .Axles and Springs, Hardware, Nails, Cisterns and Force Pumps. India Rubber and Leather Bandings, Rubber and Packing ; Lace, Hemp, Leather, Rivets and Burrs, Hoe's Circular and other Saw8,4k,o., &e. ' Particular attention eiven to-the Sale of Produce. also to Receiving and Forwarding Goods. " ' Sept 1 i , 3m T d ARTHUR, . ; O-m INSPECTOR OF NAVAL STORES, I NEWBERN, N. C, f Will thankfully receive and promptly attend to all business entrusted to him. May be found generally about Wm. C Whitford's Store. . ' - , I Particular attention given to the sale of Naval Stores. . Sept l-3m UAUDLL " '. ' '. O AND HARNESS MANUFACTORY. . r E. B. WOOD, , Takes this method of informing the citizens of the town of Newbern, Craven, and adjoining counties, that he has established a Saddle and Harness Manu factory, in the town of Newbern, on Craven street, two doors South of the Bank of the State, and imme diately opposite the Drug Store of J. V. Jordan j at which place he is constantly manufacturing every article in his line of business: Rueh as Carriage, Buggy, Sulky, Wagon 'and Cart Harness Bridles, and OTartingales, &c. j. Having served a regular apprentice ship of 6 years, under as good workmen as any in the State, and also having been engaged in the business for the past 12 years, he flatters himself that all work executed by him will bfe made of the best materials and finished in a workmanlike manner, and warrented to give satisfaction. As it is his desire to become permanent ly located in Newbern, he earnestly solicits a liberal patronage from the public, and to secure this end he will sell his work upon as reasonable terms as he possibly can afford. ' 1 Call and give him a trial to be assured of the fort goine' facts. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch and neat- I nees, and at low prices. E. B. WOOD. Sept 1 i ly B ANKS CANBY L MANUFACTORY AND BAKERY, 1 Poll ok Street, beicbern, N.. C. Having at conoiderable expense enlarged and .im proved our, Candy Manufactory and Bakery", and having secured a full complement of as good,work men as are to be found in the United Stateswe are now prepared to manufacture to order, all kinds of Plain and Fancy Candy; Butter 'Sugar and Fancy Crackers, Cakes, plain or Ornamental, and all other articles made, by other establishments of the kind, and at prices as low as the same can be furnished in any other town or city in the country. Dealers in the Western eouMies and in fact through out the whole State, will fiiyft it to their advantage to order from me instead of Banding their money North for inferior articles. Orders solicited ; Goods securely, packed and no charge made for boxing, ot carting to the Railroad, or any of the Wharves. Give. me one trial.. - I J. S. BANKS, Agent. Sept 1 I . v dly CONTBACTOB AND BUII.BEIt.-The undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens' of Newbern, that he is prepared to take CONTRACTS FOR BUILDINGS, . OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, and execute the same in the beet style, and by atten. tion to business hopes to merit a share of patronage. Septl-dlm P- S.VHISNANT. i To the Debtors and Creditor of Henry Cf. C utter, deceased, late of the Ctmnty of Craven t At the Septen berTenn A D 158 of the Court of Pleat and Quarter Sessions of the County of Craven let ters of Administration upon the Estate of Henry Q. Cutler deceased, late of aaid County," were duly granted by said Court to the Subscriber, who at the same time was qualified as Administrator of tbe said dfeftjsed. in due form of law. All persons indebted to the Estate of the said deceased, are hereby notified to make immediate payment; and fkoseJhBTmg claims, account and demands against tbe Estate or the said deceased, are requested topres nt,f j" pavment to the SubTiW, mthm theUmro scfibed by law, or they will be barred ofrJ." virtue of the Act of the General Assembly of th State, in such cases made and provided. September 13th A. D. . . WILLIAM H. PEABCE, Administrator. Sept 15 - - dlm FEMAI' IsTLMAYHEW Will resume the duties of her Sehoolon MONDAY the 4th day of October next w . TEBjSS FEB issiiw Spelling, Reading,-Writing, and Tables,...;,. Geography, Grammar, and Arithmetic,....., History, Natural Philosophy, AaUwuomy, Ciemiatry, Algebra, and Geometry,. -.. For French, an extra -charge of.-.-...... ...i NT 10 no 12 00 8 00 i One bait payaDie in aavance. . ' No deduction made, except in Ce of protcaetts ilfcess. i . filMlJa