; i.- : .1 DAILY PROGRESS. I0CAI MATTERS. TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 20, 1853. To Correspondents. Will our correspon dents comiplj with' our request and write on but one side of the paper! We shall be compelled to throw out all communications, in future, where this request is not complied with. ' i - . ' ' , " From ibe Edilr. A private letter, received from the editor, in form us that the health of his lady had so far im proved.as to enable her to travel. He probably left Olin yesterday, and may be expected in New bern on Wednesday or Thursday. Will there be AntLerf We see it stated in our New York exchanges that Heenan, the Denicia Boy, and his friends,: not being satisfied with his late defeat, have chal lenged Morrisey to fiht again, according to the rules of the English prize img, for $5,000 a side, or upwards, and the championship of America, in four or six months from the first deposit. Is there no way to prevent this tight ? Is there no way to ar rest the evil 1 We think there is, and we would re joice to see an effectual method adopted. Here , is a plan from the New YorkDay Book, which we think is a good one : j . ; " We would suggf-st tlfat a very appropriate punishment of every person who engages in any way in a prize iigni uo, ntut nn-j mcauv iusc w rights of citizenship, and all political privileges. This is the case now in this State with the duel ist, and there is much greater reason why the "same rule should be applied to the prize fighter. An American who engages in such a brutal en counter degrades himself to the -level of a culprit, and is unworthy to be au American citizen, lie ought to be outlawed and cast out of socie ty as unlit to constitute a part of the sovereignty ot the commonwealth. Such a law as this would go a great ways towards making this relic of baibarism unpopular eyn among " fancy men." Another law should be passed to suppress ail newspapers or publications advocating or devoted to prize lighting. They are more demoralizing and per nicious than the "gift lottery " papers that the Mayor' broke up and are even quite on a par with the obscene literature which every day or two falls under the ban of the police." The same paper adds that it "would require) but little additional legislation to effectually put a stop to such disgraceful affairs as the one be- ' tween -Morrisey and lleeuan. We apprehend that the direct result of this fight will be a whole "crop of murders and affrays this winter. The horrible murder of Bill Poole was the sequel of a prize fight, and some similar occurrence will with out doubt, be the consequence of this before the excitement in delation to it has died away. At all events, it'is high time that something was done to save New York the disgrace of another such affair and society the moral pollution wrhieh inevitably flows from, such unparalleled exhibitions of beast liness and depravity." f : The Richmond Grays. It affords us much pleasure to read of the prosperity of a company of which we were long a member. We clip the fol- lowing extract from the " Richmond" correspon dence of the Petersburg Express. Often have we soldiered side by side with the author, and some of the happiest moments of our life have been spent in his company, when we were both Grays. Long may he be spared: to note the prosperity of i the company to which he is so devotedly attached :. " The Grays, Capt. Elliott in command, paraded in full uniform' on Friday night) -and attracted mucji attention. They numbered sixty-live men. Their .drill and discipline was admirable, and their uniform scrupulously 4 neat. In marching,5 they carried their muskets erect, iu which par ticular many companies fail most wofully and stepped with the precision of regular troops. The Grays are worthy -of complimentary notice. They have struggled through adversity, battled man fully against a tide ot discouragemeut, and now repose on their well-earned laurels, the acknowl eged " A No. J" of Richmond military. To First Lieut. Louis J. Bossieux belongs a large share of the credit of this happy result. For years, he has . lavished time and money upon his favorite object, and the regard which the (W'ays cherish for him as an officer and a man, is well deserved. "v The Richmond correspondent of the Peters burg Express, speaking of the 'United States Ag ricultural exhibition to come1 off in that eitv, savs : "lam enabled to state,, by authority direct . from headquarters, that Lord 'Napier, the British Minister, will be here during the Fair, unless de tained by some unforest'.cn occurrence, lion Ca leb dishing, it id stated, will deliver the'. annual address. '1 he prospects are that we shall have a good many lions, as well as a iine show of domes ticated animals. Strangers are daily arriving, arid business appears quite active." . lvELUaors. The protracted meeting at the , Methodist church, in this place, says the Danviile Transcript, closed several days ago. We under stand that the result was about twenty-five con- versions. Twenty-one persons united with the , church last Sunday. Rev. J. L. Fisher, well known here, is t ister in charge of the Danville church. pondents of the Richmond and Petersburg pa pers speak highly of Mr. F., and of his manner of conducting revival meetings.. ; '.. Cheap PrintiMg. :-.-::,'".v'i --s The low prices and the superior manner in which we have been doing Job Printing ha3 pro duced quite a rush to the ' Progress " office. This is as it should be, and proves conclusively that promptness and a liberal policy, in the man agement of any business is the best. We now keep two first class hands in the job Department, and though we have been doing, and continue to do, a large' amount of work, not a single job has been delayed beyond the time at which it was promised, and as onr business men are begining to find out that we are prompt and reasonable in prices, no wonder that we should have a heavy run of work. Recolleet the place. u Daily Progress " office, Pollok street, near the Post Office, where all kinds of'Job Printing is promptly, neatly and accurately executed, and no "one disappointed. Town Subscribers, Who do not receive their papers regularly from the Carrier, will please give notice at our count ing room, that thVneglect may be remedied. Of course we shall have some vexation's and annoy ances to contend with at first, but, we trust, in a few days to have every thing, working to the. satisfaction of our friends and the public. Superior Court. The Craven Superior Court is in session this week, his Honor K. 11: Heath, presiding. J The bar is fully and ably represented by the following gentlemen : Solicitor Geo. S. Steven son, Hon. Wm. H. Washington, Duncan K. Mc Rae, Geo. Green, H. G. Hubbard, S. Atmore, C. C. Clark, H. C. Jones, G. W. P. Custis, J, W. Bryan, J. : N. Washington, J, II. Ilaughton, and Alex. Justice, Esqs. - " , We understand there is about ninety-five cases on1 the State Docket, and about seventy-five on the Civil locket. " ' -: ' I The charge of his Honor to the Grand Jury was very pointed and positive, and from the man A Witca and A WrZARD. lr of SRtocUs not Orer. It is not rare that we read of miracles in the columns of the Catholic journals of . France, but they are generally too weak an invention to merit attention. The one which follows, however, mounts beyond 1 a doubt, to the dignity of an event '. somewhat-exfraordinary, A vision, it is said, has recently occured at Lourdes, to a girl of 13 years named Beraadette Seubirans, at a grotto from which gushes a-spring. At this place Bemad ette asserts she saw fhe, Virgin Mary, who commanded that a church should be built on the place where she appeared, and in order, that no doubt should be left in the minds of the incredulous a3 to her ac tual appearance at the place, the spring was made to appear to mark the spot. It is further asserted that the waters of this spring possess the power of curing all diseases and all pains, pnd in this quality an immense trade has grown up in the sale and transportation of the .water, while the i!grimage of the faithful to the spot rivals that to Mecca. So much for the witch ; now for the wizard. -.- ' - ; .""' Mr. K- , of the city New York, a year since had a dream w hich left the impression upon his mind of reality, that there was a mineral spring near Alton, or Altona, in Illinois, that would cure him of his disease, with which, he had been most painfully afflicted for a period of over five years, and whieh the best medical aid he could procure had failed to afford relief. His despondency was such that he had, at this period, given up all hope of recovery and thought' only that he must die. In his dream there appeared to him the figure of a man who "told him of the spring above mentioned, and that it would cure him, and remarked that he had told his wife the same thing. In the morning after, Mr. K says that he found his wife much troubled at not recollecting something that she dreamed that would cure him, and all that she could remember was that it was-something in -which the name of Alton was connected. M r. K says that pre vious to this he' knew nothing of Alton, and had not in his mind that such a place was in existence. Under these circumstances such a spring was ac tual ty, found, Mr. K. .went' to' it, and became a w ell man.1 " ! ' ' I ;'. '- ' "Value of old Newspapers. How few per sons realize the value of files of old newspapers. They' are often worth three or four times the .ori ginal price of subscription, and sometimes even a hundred dollars would be gladly paid for a certain volume if it could be obtained. Jsaiah Thomas, in collecting the materials for his History of Print ing in Amelia paid upwards of a thousand - dol lars for volumes , of old newspapers. So says ' The Printer." Why is a muff like a fool ' Because it holds a lady's haud without squeezing it. - NEWBEM PRICES CUKllENT. GPIt should be understood that our quotations generally represent the wholesale price. Iu filling up small orders, higher rates have to be paid " . MxVlUXE XEWS. : PORT OF NEERN. NORTH CAROLINA arrived. "' Oct. 23 Schrl Catharine, Wallace, to B. B. Lane. Schr. B. Maitland, Hill, to B: B. Une. Schr. E. Pigott, Curtis, to T. J. Hughe. CLEARED FROM NEW YORK TO NEWBERN. Oct. W. Schr. S. A. "Falconer, Terrell, to Dibble & Brotbers. ' r ' " ' COMMERCIAL. Schools receive a large share of public attention, and are most) v placed oii a secure foundation. He then 'proceeds to give a more "minute, de scription of Eugene City, hich, though only three or four years old, is a flourishing, town, witir a population of ;00 to GOO. Prices are as follows : Land claims, including improvements, sell from $.1 to $J0 jer acre American hes from $100 to $350. Indian horses from 40 to 5100. Wheat from 75'cent.4 to 2 50 per, bushel. Potatoes about 1 per bushel. Bacon from 42 to' 50 cents per pound. Sugar and coffee about 20 cents Laborers $2 LO to $i per day. Clerks and teachers $75 to $100 per month. This town is also centrally located, and some look upon it as the future capital of. Oregon. , . Okegox TEKiu iiORY. A correspondent of the Eugene City Pacific 'Journal, thus describes Ore gon Territory : ! ' ' The great bulk of the settlement in Oregon is in what is known as the .WilHamette Valley, which is about 150 miles in eugth, and 30 to 50 miles broad; and i'the ..WilHamette river, ' a-r-navi-gable stream most! of the distance, runs throusrh 1 v a i t t ' i r i -1 1 its -entire length. ' The principal town 'in the Ter ner m which they seemed to receive it, we should ritorV is PoAand, about fifteen nules' above the think they would be likely to be governed by it; mouth of the Wiiliabiette, easily reached by consequently evil doers may expect to meet the j ocean ster.mers. from San ; Francisco and other fate thev just v demerit. jxtrts. Jt is a cit' of about 3,(00 inhabitants, and rru t 1- e n 1 : i r i i is rapidly gnwing. Th other - principal ..towns xue alc very iuu, out nu. ine ay ; ()iv vlt Corvallis, Eugene City, nis iionor took noia oi mem, on xvionaay mom., lioseburg and Jacksonville, ranging, from SOU to ing, we are persuaded that they will be. much BOO, inhabitants each. There are eleven newspa smaller before he is done with them. The State ' pcrs in the Territory, five at Portland, and one at t. , , . . " i. -t r, : each of tite other towns I have mimed. Salem lias Docket is to occupy- the attention of the Court . au extensive woolen vnianufactory, while most first. , ; ; . j other kinds of maqhincry are in operation tlirough- t. SI n f . Oil! tilt; lUUUItl, UU ,t H. Ul li 11 ICSUUltW Judge Biggs presiding, met in the Court House in Newbern, on Alenday morning at 9 o'clock. Hon. Wm. H. Washington, represented the District Attorney, and Wesley Jones, Marshal, was present. John L. Gardner Esq., of this place, was ap pointed Clerk, vice Benjamin Brown, deceased. Mr. Gardner gave the required bond, $2,000, which ; was approved, was duly qualified, and forthwith entered upon the duties of his office. The Court ordered that W. C. White, Esq., be annointed Crier, and that James E. Morris. Esni. i be appointed Bailiff. The Court then adjourned, to meet at the same NEWBERN MARKET, October 'J6, 1558. ' TUBPENTIXE. 3i bbls. sold yesterday at." $3 35 for Dip and ?;05 tor Hard. BOHIN. 1W bhU. Bosin brought $125 i bbl. SI'IRITS TUKPEXTINE 50 casks changed hands nt 45e, gallon. . v COTTON. 9 bnles soldatllic 'iB. ; WIOlfNGTiON MAKKKT. October 23. -.TUKPENTIXll SalH ytwtwday of 252 bW.; and to-dav of 4f0 bhls at $ ? fur Virgin "and Yellow Dip, and Z '75 fr Hard P S0 frs. SPIKITS. Sales yesterday of 124 bbls. at 46Je.;' gal. Xo sfiles to-dav. EOSIX. Sales to-day of 600 bbls. Common, at 1 2( for l;.r.;e bbls. Y 1 - ' .FISH. y'e note - the -receipt,- yesterday, ?f 215 bbls. which charged luuids at $" S? for pine bbls. -New YoTiK, Oct. 22. Flour quiet ami unehnns'ed. Wheat has a declining tendency, and is nominally lower. Corn is heavy: Mixed" oGc. C7 c. Stoek's higher and -active. - . , e ' Baltimore: Oct. 22. Flour quiet nnd unchanged. Wheat firm : Ked $1 15$1 .'J . White $1 30 4. Corn quiet: o'ki White 7e.f?S0e.; Yellow 8r. 82c. place, this morning at 9 o'clock. The Canadians gkt Ssuhred for Desiring to ske the Queen. Queen Victoria has refused, for the present says tlie. London" Telegraph,- to 'vis it the '-potash-factories .and, hickory-clearings of (Innndfl - idtlion'rhi an --invitation has come' to Those who take an interest in speculations ; Buckingham Palace from the ' flourishing: and am- The people , who, across For the Naturalists AStrange PlIENOME NON upon the laws that govern the . existence of the 1 bitious city of Toronto. Frog species, which wastaken out Lyttoii. It was not to be expected that the bov- of ice. The Frog, is abouf one ' cfeign s mum mmertaKe to opeir ine annuian , . , . ii Crystal Palace; that the Prince tft V ales should o over wit 1 ins coveinor : or tuat 11. iv. 11. niin- le mm- Corres- Lun oks Can Visit. Id f. C. G. Davenport, editor of the Express, Edenton, called on (he edi tor yesterday. We don't know how Jlr. D. used to look, but we have seen men holding court in Newbern, that :. didn't look any better than the editor of the Edento-n Express, did on yesterday. fcorry .Mr. 1. was not in. " on font which It promi-Bure.n, A Bank of Gold. There is" a pr t et in New York, to establish a bullion' bank otiao use noiiiiug uui com in 11s transactions meets with the cordial approval of many nent men, amorijr whom are Lartin Van Kobert J. Walker John A. Dix, and Johii J. Cis co. 1 he capital is to be 1 ,U J,Oeit, and the rev enues are to be derived from loaning this sum, and charging a very small commission, from the two-hundredth to the One-tenth of one per cent, on the sums deHisited with the bank, which will always be payable in coin. ? i .United States Senator fr6m Texas On the t?th September Governor Runnels fonvarded to Hon. Matt. Ward, of Cass county, a comnn sion as United State? Senator from the State of Texas to till the vacancy occasioned by the death of Gen, Henderson, various species of animate being, can find suitable I lre Atlantic, represent the second youth of our , ..,. , t ) ; nation, wiil no doubt be disappointed ; but tliere occasion by calling at the Bar room of the Gaston : is UQ reason thtir 'Velf,lovJ should be House, wher may be seen j a small living . ehibittered by the hland: apologies of Sir Bulwer creature ot the of a large lump ineh in lentrthf o-"' -".7 c " c icy pavillion, some time during last Winter, in j self, husbnnd in t hie one case, and, father in the the neighborhood of Baltimore, and some time other, should avail jhhnself of so excellent an op during last Spring or Summer was shipped to this ' portunity. tu find hh sea legs and become a saiior. , ' ! 7 . ;. v , , , I W liat wc fear m this part of the world is t.ie es- place and put into the ice house, where he re- tablihment of a dangerous ! precedent. Not but mained until three weeks ago, when he was taken ! that, a royal steamer, with a squadron in atten- out - and placed in a glass tumbler. Bein- thus dance, yould be pertectly sate, even amid the vi cissitudes ot the ocean. navigation, or mat it wouju not have been delightful to see American Repub licanism pouring over the St. Lawrence to ascer tain what manner of thing Monarchy may b ; but that if the prayer of Canada were gratified, other dependencies would put forward similar claims, which, if 8't aside, would provoke invidi ous comparison, and, if conceded, would keep our court perpetually on,the move. Public opinion in Toronto is aware, we presume, that the Queen cannot be absent while the Legislature is in ses sion ; less than half the year, ' consequently, is at her disposal ; but wnat if Australia were to imitate Canada, and suggest that her gold-mines and kan- aroo-pastures were at last equal in importance j the lead mines and aquatic rice-fields of North liberated from that cold region of death and for getfulness, and coming in contact with the warm life giving atmosphere of the sunny South, his, torpor passed away, his Jegs became nimble, and he commenced living, breathing and jumping as a frog. The strangest tiling, however, 'in con nection with the matter, is his refusing to take any kind of nourishment. m He has ben living upon air alone fur three weeks, and rigidly re fuses to partake of either meat or drink. The schooner Napoleon, of this port, bound for New York, and not for Newbern, as we stated in Saturday's issue, from Trinidad, put into Beau fort Harbor on Sunday morning. The captain, who is an old sea-goer, says he encountered heavier seas and rougher ; weather on Friday night last, than he had ever before experienced. We learn that the Napoleon has been doing a good business since she sailed from this port, and had a heavy cargo on board for Gotham, which she will soon discharge if no ill winds be tide her. , .' j - " . 1 Don't be Bashful. If any of our country friends, attending court this week, wish to sub scribe to either .the Daily or Weekly Progress, they need not hesitate, -we're not done taking in. - Oh, no! Not yet. We'll send you the Daily for $6, or the Weekly for $1 50. Tlie price of the Weekly used to be one dollar and a half, but we have now reduced , it to one dollar and fifty cents. ; . ' See advertisement of Dr. Sanford's Liter IntU gorator in another column fse 1 dl y iO SUA I4 13 On consignment, 300 Bugs North Caroliiia Kan. ilv Flour. Oct iib dlrw ' W. C. WIHTFOBD. tpt WAIiI3 On coiiripumer.t. lth bbR Ce o:c!;t wiil be sold low to ( lose- out. W. C. WIHTFORLV. The Composition of Milk at Various Twies of the Day. Professor Bodeker has an alyzed the milk of t health v cow at various times of the day, with the view of determining the changes in the relative amount of its constituents. He tound the selids of evening milk (IS per cent ) exceeding those of the morning's milk (10 per cent.) while the water contained in the fluid was diminished from 81 to, 39 per cent. The fatty matters gradually increase as the day progress. In the morning thev amount to IS wnt at - - 1 7 - jn-i veui,., anu in ine evening o;4 per cent. This fact is important in a practical point of view; for while 16 ounces of momincr'a milk to America? These inspections, for some years to come, must be done by proxy. ' Eighteen years ago St. Louis contained, we be lieve; but w,0U0 inhabitants. It now claims a population of 1 Gil ,0X an evidence of what en terprise and industry can accomplish. i Half Dollars. During September $255,000 in silver half dollars were coined at the New Or leaj'S mint. AUlilVALS AT THE HOTELS. will yield nearly half an ounce of butter, about double this quantity can be obtained from the , evemng's milk. GASTON HOUSE. WILLIAM 1 MOOIiE. Proprietor. Oct. 25. II. II. Brinsou, Newbern; M, G. Cherry,' Greenville; Joseph JIarkfull, Duplin; Thos. H. Harvey, Geo. C. Lewis; J. S- Ives, Hardy Lane, Newbern ; Thos. Kespcss, Beaufort ; B. F. Morton II. H Morton, and servant, Jacob Morton, Alamance; Henry J. Loviek, Craven; Levi Bell, Beaufort ; W. 31. Munday, I. S.Whis nant, Newbern; CoL S. Hill, Craven; W. H. Harvey, Newbern ; Jacob F. Scott Trenton ; John N. Hynian, Trenton ; S. E. Davis, Carteret ; Sam'l W-" Cuthell, Craven ; Edward Nelson, Greenville; Alex. KoberLs. Joseph Roberts, Ports mouth, N. C; Daniel McKeinue, Dudley; A. H. McDaoiel, Geo. Washington, Lenoir; C. E. Bal lard, Georgia ; F. G. Grinin, Kinston ; L. Cowper, North Carolina ; E. B. Cox, Kinston ; M.'..L. Black, North Carolina Railroad Shop; Thos. G. Wilson, Craven ; AJ. Biggs, Goldsboro'. WASHINGTON HOTEL . WILLIAM J. SMITH, Proprietor. Oct.25. M. C Iiic'j ai d.-on, Craven : J. A. Stanley , Wasir gton ; A?a Biggs, Wi!iiTnton : T. H. Gaj kiu,, G. Dixon, Craven; V, W. Bell, Carolina City. X. Porter had .Lnd vt J. Perry . and Lady, MLss A. BeiL J; R Jones; J,T. Daw, Carteret ; A4 C. Latham, Xewberii; M. C. Bosjey, G. W. Andrews, Craven; Mr. J. C. Bi yau, Mrs. SHiidenoii. J.'A; McDauiell, D. Perrr; Jones ; J. Cleuiona, Craven. Oct 2o dvw Mrs. rsrTisiss:, M1LLIXEB AND DBESSMAKER, l'ollok Street, i tJcorx nlmrc Cnf'he-'l' new bn tiding AX IVBJ.liy, x. c., Hasjnst received a new and splendid astiortii'ient of BvHihets,- Kibbojis, Trini.miius, &e., to 'which she would 'respectfully. 'invite tite Kttentiou of the Ladies. IreMm;ikmg pi-o!jiptiy attended to. Oct-5 - . VJt :' ,yLJTl ' For Xfw Vork. T!ie fast sailing sdir. L. E. JOHNSON, will i:vc t-uiek. dispatch as above. ' For -ti eight oi pa iie, upply to ' B. B. LAXE. Oct 23. 7 .. ; . ; d3t. 111 imiktaStt T Bii:AT.r.I5 iN.LUM BET? , LATHES, MEAL AND FLOl'll. The under signed", proprietor ot TiuTs Steuin Mill's,- neiir Kin hto'ti, N. C., begs leave to inform deah rs iu the above article-, and all others who may-want tl.etnj, that he is p; ji;reI to till or-ders ami to deliver, fit any neee. ibie po-nt'-trti t! e AH iutie & North Caiolinn R.xii Koad, MEAL, FLOUR, LATHES, und ail descrip tions of -LUMBER-, at as Sow pi iees as they, can be tifniihed ei-ewtiere. He re peetfi:lly solicits orders, and iimrHnt.'eriutisfctiou as to qiui'.ityand proin'pt nesK of diwputch. Address JOIINTULL, Oct 7 dtf Kinston, X. C. TRIUMPHANT!!! Swan & Co. C'oiitiinif to Drnw 11 it Usual WitJiotit liitcri'iiptioii. ; S W AN & C0.rS LOTTERIES AliK LEO-AL.-AXl') ALIIORIZED , BY THE STATE OF GEORGIA ! ThclaU' afkuipt to injv ri oitr jnn' ha shutrn that our Lollei iesi ore ntcii-J'ni 1 1 y ; that our Prizes are Paul Punctually ; and that our Sri,evi' are vwrelihe'ral tha H-a a if other Lottery in the ' Woihl! ! . ; Tiie following Seheiite will.be drawn, by S. Swnn & Co., jM uiauert; ot tne iSjart:i Ac:metj-y Lotteiy, 111 eac-i of tlieir Single Xu:hbenLottei ie- for November, 1858, at Auu-it.t, G i.,-in public, under the Vuperiu tendence of CoonaiionerM : , j Otas 40 J) rates tot unlay , Norrrrtjter 6, 18TS. Clan 41 Draies Saturday, Sore in let Vi, 'Class 42 D rates Sat u nlay, Xorrnil-er -5j0, 1S;S. . Cf fits '43 I), ana Sar vril'i tf, Xrt in! 'e.-'27 , 1 J OX THE PLAX OF SINGLE XUilRERS. Tickels ! 5,4S. Prizes ! . Acarl) One Iriiee to Kverv Xiiie Ticket!. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME ! i , " TO Hi; DRAWN i EACH SAT I'R DAY IN NOV EM BER ! . . . . .$1)00 ....... 8U0 ...... 7U0 ....... 500 ....... :m ....... 1 ....... iuu Beeswax, .t V ib ..'.' 30 30 Beef Catti e, JH !bs. 4 S 00 Bricks. VU. 7 00 8 00 B.iUKELs, Turp., ea., i-M hund.l 7." rl 81) - New,. S2 00 Candles, lb. T.-.lkw,.-....l6 18 Adanantine,2 a 28 Sperm, -. . - - 35 tb 50 Coffee, 15. J Javr IS a 20 Lagujjyra, ..13 . 14 Bio, .... ....11 3 13 , St'. Imino,Il H 12 (NitTckv " P IB; :J .;::' i v New. s ll a 11 Cotton Baggisu, P yard,. ...00 19 Hope, V ft. 8 a 00 Co us Meal, t bushel, ..65 70 Domestics, ' Sheeftr.P yd 8 12J Yam, P ft. ,00 20 Eggs, doz v.00 " 15 ; Feathers, ' : V ft:.... ...50- 50 Fish, bbl, Mullet. -.0 00 7 00 Mackerel, ..10 (M ' Herrings, . X. Cur., ..5 00 5 50 FlouH.N.C, V bbbt 1 ......... G 7a 7 00 Gi.ce, ft. ..15 , 20 Gl'NNT U AGS, .15 20 , Gi'avo, Peruvian, V l&...:.....:i' 00 Land Plastkk, . Vhbl 1 50 00 Grain, V bushel, Corn, ......55 60 Oats,. ......35 4t) Pean, Cow,. 50 00 J)o,l$!k lv,l 00 - 00 Wr.eat.K, 1 00 00 Bice, clean, 4J 4 Hides, $ ft., (ireen,. - - - -. 5 6 Drv, . .....:10 12 Hay," P iWt fts, t 'KarfArn. . . . .80 1 00 Iron, P ft, . Ei!rdh,;;ss'd4 00 S weed "ri ref'd 5 . - i Lime, v bbl 1 00 . 00 F'mstore, 110 1 25. Lumrer, P M, (Mill) " (STeUiii Miwed) Floor Board;-, rough.: 8 0010 00 planed, ..18 0020 0 e lea r, . . . .25 00 & 30' 00 widebd, i i Wu lo 00 scantliiijr 12 00 15 00 Ship JSttitf, rouii tdire 8 00 10 00 Molasses, P Gallon, Cuba, l.hds-3;2 Iv 35 Do bUs,.00 35 N Orleans;., -00 ; 00 Liocohs, P Gall, dom'c) Widskv, 30 00 N E Bum,.. 50 55 Gin, ..40 45 Brand v, 45 50 Apple "do,. .'.65 80 l'each do, ..85 1 25 Navai Stores, ..(Turpentine V "280 fts) Virgin,. ..11 00 3 75 tK) 00 u 11 10 tH) 00 m 13 27 .B'i Yellowdip3 35 6 3 40 Hard... ..2 00 ot) Tar fbbll GO 1 60 Iiv order,.T 75 00 Pitch do. .1-25 1 50 Bosin. P .3 00 4 00 Do No 2.1 25 1 50 Do No 3.1 10 SI 50 Spirits Tuqentine, I gall. ...45 00 - Vnruib,eal,30 00 Naii b, ft ' Ctit,. 4 V Wrousht,. ..10 TU Oils, P" Gallon, Linseed, rawyO ' 00 Boiled do, 1 00 , 00 1 Train, ... ...80 a 00 Befd whale 1 00 00 Lard; ....1 10 a 30 Pea Nlts, bu (H) . 00 Potatoes, P bushel .Sweet,.. .. 30 ' .V) Instt, 1 00 do P bbU 50 s Pkovisioss, V ft, , (X C Bacon,) Hams....... 13 Middlin-jrs, .".10' Siioulders,.. 9 Hoir Bound, 12 Si (Wet-teni 11 aeon.) - Middhng-, ..11 a, Shouldei-, ..9 N C Lard; .. 13 a West" ndo,. .12 But ter,.... 23 & Cheese . .. ..11' ' Poke, (Northern,) P bbl, City Mebs, -19 50-5.20 (K) Butt,h. 17 iWa 00 Prime 00 M a()0lK) Beef, Mej-s 16 00 w 18 00 Do Fulton ' , Market,. 00 00 2 00 00 Poultry, , J Chiekens, live ...30 a 35 dead,. ....00 00 Turkey-, li,.75 1 25 Do dead, ft 00.' 00 -Sh;eep, P head, : Lambs,. ,.1 50 g 2 00 Mutton, ..1 75 a 00 Fresh Beef, on foot P ft,-.......04 00 Salt, Alum, bu.25 3D Liverpool, P -sack, ground,, 1 00 1 10 do fine,... 1 50 M Sugar, P ft, -Porto Iiieo,.10 11 N Orleans,. .10 11 Loaf ttud eruslied,..13 13 C yellow, - .'.11 l-.'i Granulated,. 13 Ot) Soap, P ft..-.. 6 8 Shisgi.es, P M, . Contract,: 3 00 5 00 ' Common, il 75 2 00 Staves - P M, ' WO bbl. 18 00 20 00 li O hbd. 15 OOalO (K) Ash head, 8 50 12 00 P M,!. ..20 00 50 00 TaiXow, Pft 10 12 Tobacco, P'tt, Common, ... 12 15 MtHlium. ...25 30 Fine,... 45 9 50- Wool, Pft ..15 20 1 Prizes of. i 0,000 1 " 10,fHi0' " - 5,0i'0 " - 4,KHI O -1 . 'Oil 1,500 1J-00 o 4 4 50 5!) 100 230 4 Prizes of. 4 " ' a if i 14 41 ii 4 4 4 4 4 4 5,00; APPIJOXIMAUON PBIZES. 4 Prizes of$ iUO Aprxj. to $70MiO Prize are $1,600 i. 300 l2u0 125 100 ii 4 4 44 '50 " 2t) are. . 30.000 10,f00 5,0(K) 4,(00 3,0( 1,500 ti ti ti 1,200 800 ' 5"o 400 4 3(HJ I 2f0' .100,000 o t tt it tt t 5,485 Pri7.es amounting tol. ...... .. ........ $320,000 11 hole 1 icktts $10; llalcts 0 ; Quurttrs 52 50. 1-" A Circular showing the plan of the Lotteries will be ?eiit to auj one desiroun. of reeeiving.it. Certificates of Pack aes will be told at the fol lowiii"r rates, wiiicb is tbe risk': , ; ' Uertiluutes of Pakageof 10 Whole Tickets., 10 Half ." 40 10 Quaiter " . ..... 20 10 Eisuth ' " J..... 10 In Ordering Tickets or Certificated, enclose the money totjur address for tlie Tiekets ordered, on re eeipt of whieh tiiey will be forwarded by the first maiL Purebasers can-have tickets eliding in miy tu: ure they may deiguate. Tite List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. PurcU&sera will please write taeir isrtj:itures piain, and "trive their Pot Office, Gutity and State. jjT Kemember tlsat every Prize is drawn, and payable iu full without dediutioh. !: " All Prizes of ft,BH anl under, pai4 innnediately after the drawing other Prizes nt th usual time ot thirtv days. - ; Alf coiiui nnieations strietly coiifidi-miid. . Address Orders for Tiekets or Certiti-atex to S. SWAN & CO., Agta, Georgia. IVrons residing near Montgomery, Ala., or Atlanta, Ga., can have their orders tilled, and wtve tiroe, by, addres-ing S. Swau & Co., at either of Wio.e Citiei. , C'" A ht of the uumlers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize tiiat each tne is entitled to,'WilI be published after every dra win sr, in the following papers : Angu.ta (Ga.) Conrtitutiu alist,' New Orleans Delta", Mobile Beguter.Nasbv.l'e Gazette,' Atlanta Intelligencer, New York Weekly JDay Book, Sivannah Daily News, Bieinnond DLs pateh. New York Disnteh, Pauldiiifr (Mi ) Clarion antf Little Bock (Ark.) True Democrat. Septal Hx FB EIGHTS: T O -NEW-YORK' On deck . Turpentine and Tar, Pbbl. "..$' 30 Boin. ........... ..do... . 30 Spirits Turpentine . . . .do . .V 50 Flour.. .do 0 Cotton, P ft..... ...... 0 00 Cotton gKdfi. P f(ot,. . ..... . 00 Flaxseed,- P'bilfel,.. . ..... 00 Ground Pens, Pbqsbi;..... 00 Wheat, P bushel,. ......... 00 Lumber, P M..-i 14 00 5 00 TO PlIILADELrlllA, Turpentine and Tar, P bbl.. ROsih......... Spirits Turpentine... ... Ground Pens, P Imbue!,... .. Cotton, P lb,... Cot ton goods, tv cubic foot,: Luinbijr, P Mas to size, 4 004 00 111 IIOSHJ.N Turpentine and Tar, P bbl.. Rosin......... Spkits Tureiiti:e. . Cotton, p bale, .......... Ground Peas' P bushel,.... Rour!t Riee, P bitshel,.. ... Under deck f 00 ' 30 00 fm i 0 1 0 7 8 30 30 50 30 i '7 8 8 10 &00a 6 00 00 00 50 0 0 00 0 00 a5 00 0 00 00 0 00 00 50 Tt 00 . i 0 30 30 50 8- Liintbeiv P M: , . . . . . 5 00 & 00 5 00 0 00 00 45 (!0 . 40 00 fiO 0 00 L 12 00 8 00 7 7 00 &0 00 1 LOOK TO YOUR tNTKKE.ST 1 ' " DA ILY PROG li ESS" UocU anti 3ob 13iintfno. NEW PRESSES ! '. NE W TYPE!!! A I.AKOE EOT OF Colored I nk, Plain & Fancr C nrdo, Papr, &C, . .-. AC, - 1 COSSTASTt.Y OX HAM).' PLAIN AND COLORED J O B PE I N T I N G, of every description, can be executed at the ofiioe vi The IJaity Ifrogres, aa well nd as cheap as it can be done in North Can . Una, und in a fetyle that cannot be url"H; . Our people need no longer send their order f"r to New York, for we can do it a well as it can be done at the 'North, and, on terms which shuuld , KEEP IT AT HOME. ''.XealnrM, Atcnrarr and Dipattb," shall be our motto. ' The services of aii experienced Book and Job Printer have been secured, whose whole time will be devoted tu the Job Department. Cards,! Blanks, Circulars, Labels, Programmes, Large Poster, .Catalogues, Pamphlet, SbowTldl-V of eveiy description, done promptly and tmtiah9 guaranteed.- , Xotcark snjered to i' the Offire ! Jobt'Dellrtrt fehei Promised J ( As Ciienp as the Cheapest ! As Good aa the B1 ; ' Orders respectfully solicited. L Address J. L. PENNINGTON, rropri Sept 1 .- Poilok Street, XerUrtt, .VJ VOTICE. -Will be hold at public wile, at next; a bt of PINE LUMBER, com-L-tintf vj,Q4 ing and Scantling, belontiinir to the Estate of loiitiinir cuiire, aecea.ned. . A credit of six months will be given. .... W. II. PEAUCE, A?" '' Xewbrn, Oct J2,lfV58 , i,n'