V r.Y J. L. PENMNuTOiN., . f . D4ILY PROGRESS" is served to town and Ther Subscribers at Six Dollars a year payable etifliitry - papers discontinued when the time, i5fV.-xi)ii-es,unlefi8 renewed. r , . , V P8 i rtt'inenta- inserted as Special or Bishop No- C charged one-half more than the usual rates, t; "I (leaded) or less coftsituting a square. . r ife .notices inserted for iJ5 cents ; Funeral V) cents; Obituaries at advertising rates, "'jnents inserted every other day will be a irl cents for each insertion after the first. tinX,y,ere the numoer oi insertion are not ex li w-en advertisements are handed in they will FVrted till forbid, (tf,) and . charged 50 cents for k'm- insertion and 25 cents for each continuance BUSINESS CARDS. It nKAI.KK IN FANCY Si STAPLE yriVY avoirs, hoots; shoes, hats, caps, c, , POIXOK STREET, NEWBERN N. C, . r,.snrctt'ully invite the attention of the public pi StncK, which will be found new, ir eli lasso rted, V A "s.ufficie.ii'tlv large at nil seasons of "the year. nn ,l.-r promptly and carefully attended to. ' 1 . ' dly The rioiorsi " r.MiRuiiMuiurui , OF NEWBERN, N. C: """'. , . . n . . - n. r. ii vimisoN, WHOLESALE fc RETAIL DEALER IN staclk Fascv, Fohkion and Domestic , 1 r y C o o d m , - J. J. tr u (;,ip,Ii'f and Shoes, Carpeting. Matting, ri''.J-.trclry, lniitk, Ready-Made Llotlung, ' Nkwukux, N. C I'M r , M AH Riso.i mm hm i ui ei v en a luuiuii-ie .. ,r . l. . . :.. .i .: i .v.-i- 4 t mt!i1ili for the. seitsoii' and will continue . .......i vi-!hv every 'arrival nil desirable Articles and I1! I" , " y,velth'S l tUe season. J. I'ii rf tail a r atrennon pani to oraerg. ...t l ; dlv Dry 4ooU IBonse in JYcwbern. V EMMET CPTHBERT, ,,,,1,1 n-occttuUv liiiorni lus nunierous customer,s n,l tin- Mihlie L't'nerallv -'throughout the State, that jut in store, -and is constantly receiving oy -iresii ,1 I J.. RvtLrub! 11 j M 1 , 1 l-t . u im fl Vil 1 1 lfi Forrin uitd Itoniritic, Hlnpleaiui I'uncy ttry oidt. a PAitTirrr.AR attention paid to LADIKS DUESS FAIiUJt:!S A.M.) WKArmiis. - . ALSO Ilenily lIadc C'lolhiiis, rni'i-ts, Rhl's, M-ittings, Trunks, Jt-welrv, Boots i .'I II..'.. ...i.l- r'.n.o T Th1m-11 si ti l'lirnvoln Hill flin .", lliil" imr v"(', ii'ivii. , f. , Vi;i'lw.S:iades, Drapery, (rents' t unusiiing irooos, &'.. vt-., all f which will be. sold low fur eash, or to mint paving customers. Orders solicited ana punc- fii.iliv MUi'iiueu 10. i : - , I'.orc.HT CHEAP, AND FOR SALE LOW. N.-15. Tin Stihsr-rioer will remove to his LV STOKE, comer of Bollock and Muldle streets, in (Moher next, with au entire new sto-k." EMM El (JLllItiEKl. X.-wlu'in, N. C, (opposite Uie Episcopal Church.) 1) II. f.AIVK, I 1). lCtfi viiis, I'onvnrilinc A' C'omiiiifioii M E R C II A X T, t t i it t ir .t the store tonne! iv iccuj!t'U ny win. i. iuooit-,; ( OlfNER OF SOrTB FRONT & MIDDLE STS., yKivnuRX, x. c. V uticuhir nttention given to the Sale, of Country 'niiliice, and ttie Piirchase of G(ds generally. 1 have a convenient Wharf ' and commodious Wiiii-luiiise. I have also a hue of hrst-class vessels, niDiiing reirulnrlv between this port and the ports, of Yrk and Baltimore. A.'eiits in Xevy.York : I Agents in Baltimore : IVwis &, Holmes. J James Connek & Sons. Sept " ' I . . dly . 1 Ai EXE UAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. Y.kx Fuont Stiikkt, Nkwbekx, N.C, A.'. iit for .SMITH'S LINE New, York Backets. (J boil H received anil J'orirn rdeil. S',t 1 dly 4 T. .I F 15 K ., A. .-(5 E-EB A L ; COMMISSION MERCHANT, EAST FRONT STREET, IVcwbcrii, IV. C. ' Sept -' . ' i - dlv rp j. ure si ks, . i. DEALER IN NAVAL STORES . j A-xn Commission Mkrchaxt, (Corner. Eh it Front and Smith Front Sfss. Pork , b.icnii, Lard. Corn, Wuiskv, Flour, Coal, ll.iy,&i-.' A supiily always on hand, and tor sale on i niiiiiii -in!i. Ciisirn:tients will h jiy .every, atten-r t;.n. Will keep- vessels running 0 r Baltimore, by v i Mul iluiiiigii thb'caiial. Freight taken at market i.'i:.-v ". .' ' S-j.t 1 ' dly. IV 1 1 it i: iv it ?:o r u e km, FORWARD I XG A COMMISSION M E R C II A NTS, . - N.kv-Bkkx'k, X. C. fJ C.isli Ailvanees made .on Consignments to be 11 iieio oi- forwarded to Northern Markets. ,'!'t 1 dly v V 11,1.1 Tl.S & WH lT r V, CO M Ml S S 1 () V M E R C IT. A X T S . IJhOAl) STREET, NEW BERN, N. C, lv -i'iis ciiiiNtantly on hand all articles usually found in .11 AR1ETY STORK, v 'oh tliey will sell at a fair .profit. -; i t uteiuion paid to the, sale of country produce ; sin 1 - .' : dlv 1 ,: An vsrrT, J SOU- I II FRONT S TREE T, XcwImtii, IV. '., mid rciirct fullv tlie ntti'iit '.. n of families, and 'lit' Jiulilic ireiie-allv. to' Ins lai-je and well selected STOCK OF GROCERIES, i a Sugars, both refined and raw ; Molasses, ('.!!, l'.ivl.- VI. .in- ';, too :iii f'sinill "' ii.lH.ih North Carolina and Western ; Meal, and', ii .ii i vcrv aitiele ki'i)t for family use. A. fresh ""I'l"' of .Crackers of all kinds iust received'. Also I! ""1 nsxi'.vtment of Roots 'and Shors, Hats and t.nim iioinestios. Anv oiu wis uiiir to turiu.su t1 'W lilllillV will Tm-.ll f itii'A' liim A rn11 Vk.fori I'1' niHinir rlsewliere, as lie is determined that none ' im!, j;,, Xvav dissatisfied. He is sellintr by wholsale' 11,1 1 '' tail cheap for Cash or Country Produce. Mt di dly 1 I'.O. I.V .'kiiwa.V.. V I' LA EE R i n GROC ( 1 RO C E RIE Si (except liq uo rs) v'M.ou.is, ,vc, Fish" Seines and Nets, Twines and bines, Salt and Fresh Fish. &e . &c. i - -"irtirular ttentiou iriv'en to the sale of Produce en ing and forwarding Goods on the most ,:,"''i.-r;i!. terms. Sept 1-div M.I. i vi ii. oi.ivi'ie &. C O M M I S S I O N M E R C II A N T S . 'I"s in everv vni'iHtvnf A ii-i'i'iiltiii'nl TmoU-nwiit t;i,ur, Ferti'!iz,-rs, Lime Calcined Blaster, Ce- in entile Dust, Iron. Steel. Inm Axles and ' I' Ulu's . ilai dwHie, Nails, Cisterns and Force Pumps, nd..n..r and Leather Bundiusrs, Rubber and - 1jU'i lltMllli .Li'ilt IPIV KlVets ;md I. nils V ircnlar and other Saws. &c. &c. . 1 lvti-u!ar attention "given t the Sah; of Produce, "v;"'Ki'eiving and Forwarding Goods 3m I v ii r. lxo, 'J S ' '1- CTOR .OF XA YAL STORES, "" I rout Ntrrol. rnlirrn. TV. r c !lUeL,i.Pr,,.n,RtIv to all business entrusted to him. -?,1' . .n,. - i AISTiiii. JXSPE T( ) n v iYAE STORES. M BERN, N. C, , ak.. f. , ,it!'-t.-d to him. "Mav be found geuerallv ,iv. . ,. . UIKI i l'U tllH-THVi M till C Unit fords Store. uar attention given to the sale of N.ivnl 4 . - Sey.t l-3n, " X. .1 v K i T Atlornev and C'ouneIIor nt Law, Will,,;. , , KHBERX, X. C 1,1 l'HTirtw of Graven, Jones, parteret dn DA NEWBERN, N. C, YOL. I. BUSINESS CARDS. The Mcwbern ITIntnal FIR E I N SURA N CE CO M P A XY . riMHS Company has now been in successful opera X tion for - 1 ; THREE YEARS, ' During which time no assessment has been made to meet losses. '. The Company is now prepared to receive Applica tions for " I N SURA N C E, ' Which may be made to any of the different Agents throughout the State, or to the undersigned, at the office of the Company, in this place. MOSES W. JAR VIS, Secretory. A Xewlicrn, X. C, Sept 1 dly V. ( ARUKR, V WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IX J)ru$?, JScdiciiicw, ClicmicnlM, fniutM, OiN, GLA S'S, I) YE S TUFFS, PERFUMER Yr SUKC.1C.VI. ' 1NSTCMKNTS, PATENT MEDIC1NKS, ' PURE I WIXE AND BRANDY, ' Garden ' Srril, Jiurnivsr Phi hi, iV'-v S''-., $-c. 26 POLLOK STREET, XEWBERX, X. C. Scot 1 dly V. JORDAN, ' . Wliolcisalc ii ml Retail TOruggial, NEWBERN, N. C, Keeps constantly on hand a large and well selected STOCK OF FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Also, an extensive nssoilnient of PAINTS, OILS; DYE STUFFS, TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, CIGARS: ami nil end variety of Fancy Article. Orders from tlie country respectfully solicited, und promptly atteiided to. i - .Sept 7-illy BAlV'CTAri V ?IA I FACTOUV AD B A K E R Y . POLLOK STREET, XEWBERX, X. C. We are now ina'mifacfni'iiisr a large and varietl as sortment of plain and fancy Candies, suitable for the Fall and Winter trade. It i.t superior to any ever im Dorled . ad is sold at a less price than a irood article can be bought in the Northern Cities. We have re- I duceti t tie price in oruer to see ii you win latxen A omi ern Manufactories in preference to those at home; Wesellintotsof&Oifcs.ahditpnarilii. Stick Candies at. - - -..,......'.. . 16c. Smrar and Burnt Almonds ........... 20e. Lozenges, all kinds,. . ... . ,1 .... Si2c.i5cf. Sugar Plums and other Pan Work,!! i 18CS20C., Mottoes, plain,. - r 22c. and all other kinds at equally low rate. We are prepared to niauufucture 2,000 lbs. per week. Will vou buy it ? . Our Candies are' free from poison, (coloring) Chalk, Starch, Flour, and all other impurities. We use nothing but the best double refined crushed sugar, and warrant it to keep in any. climate, if it does not, return it and the:money shall be refunded, together with cost of transportation. , .We are also .prepared with our Bakery, to manufacture Sugar and Butter Crackers in any quantity. - "Prices V lb bythe Ul. ; Sugar Crackers,. - - - - - - - - - 8c. Butter Crackers............... 7c. Also small cakes of all kinds securely packed in bar rels at li'c.20c. per lb. Also large cakes, lor W ed dings and Parties, ornamented as well-as they can be anywhere in the worlds at $2'?-,5 in fact, we make everything that is made in sijmilar concenis through out tlie countrv. We have, in order to get the latest improve ments, sent one of our workmen North. lie will re turn in about three weeks, and if anything 'new in our business has come out this season, we .will intro duce it here .soon after his return. A'our obedient servant, Oct 22 dtf J. S. BANKS, Agent. .1. C.AVIKR'J M a r b I e Y" a rl , 'NEW BERN, X. C. Marlle Morinnteids The subscriber is receiving a large stock of American and Foreign Marble and is at all times prepared to fill or 'ders for Man " ments-. Slabs 'and Tom b- S tones, of every de scriptitai, at less than NOKTHKRN prices. 1 Our work will be delivered in all parts of North Carolina and Virginia Free of charge. Our workmanship has been generally introduced in some thirty counties in North Carolina, and speaks tor itself. 5 , Orders bv mail will meet with prompt attention and be faithfully executed. Address J. C. WIER, Newbem, N. C. Mr. James Robert sim. Traveling Agent. Sept lfi dly IT'AIil A U VI T K K I l l O K T AT I O ."V S . 1 . IS5S. LEWIS PHELPS, MERCHANT TAILOR, I'oilok Ntrrrt, JVfwbrru, 3T. C, Has iust returned from the'; North, having purchase a large anil superior stock ot .; CLOTHS, CASSIMEJiES, VESTINGS, &C. All of which, having in his employ finst class work men, he is -prepared to have made up in a superior manner. , tut ana style warranted, to give satisiac tion. ; . . READY MADE CLOTHING, GENTLEMEXS' FURNISHING GOODS, &C, &C. A varied and well selected stock of Ready Made clothing Coats; pants, ves-i., sliirts, cravats, gloves, flannels and in fact a general assortment of every, thing which is necessary to complete the Wardrobe ot a gentleman ot taste, all of which may be had at a verv small advance on "New Vork cost. : Gentlemen are invited to call and exainine the ex tensive stock ot plain and tancv.cloths.-cas.simers and vestinrs on hand. He feels assured that, among the many different stvles. ami patternsit will be easy for all to suit themselv .Store on Poilok street, next door to the Post Office. Oct 12-dtf TIlo shipperw, Ituilderi and Lumber Deal L er. The subs'riber is prepared to. furnish at short notice, LUMBER, either Rough or Planed, by the cargo or m smaller quantities. Hough Lumber, any Mie and length under 50 feet. . l'laned Tontrue and Grooved Fhxiring, and Rabbit- ted Weatherboardiug : Poor Facings and ' Window Oasimrs. Sawed Laths in any quantities. Terms strictly cash. , K. A. TAlLOK, 4wt. Newbern Sept 1 . m 1 11. Wood, Idm- SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, East side of Middle Street, four rfwr sauth of the XE WBERX, Xo. Co., I constantly manufacturing every thing in bis line of business. All order promptlv attended to. Oct -3 dly. Z S. COFFIN, SURGEOX DFXTIST. IVrmamently Ixnuited iuthe Town of Newbern. ten- ' : i i c .1 : . Uers nis proiessioiuu ivw umu viiizeu of Ne.wheni and surroruidhur country. . Office on South Front et., rppi.sUe the Gaston House Sejt 1 , (Uwly . I W . J$( h 1,111 "WEDNESDAY MORNIXG, XOPMBER 3, i858, BUSINESS GARBS. Jackson & Tfaoiuas, Wholesale; Ratail and Commission Merchants, Corner ots Broad nd Hancock Streets, , XL IVBFRX, X. C.t Have just received and ktep constantly on hand, a good assortment of the best quality of FAMILY" GROCERIES, such as Flour, Meal, Pork, Bacfm, Lard,. Cheese. Butter, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses. Al so,'Kerseys, Blankets, Cotton Bagging and Rope, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Crockery, &c, &c. Oct 23 dtf CARD. . A:ir axd Splendid millinery. MRS. TVEY & MRS. MISSILLEIR will be pleased to see their friends and nvmermix cv stnmerx, at their SHOW ROOMS, on Craven street. They have jut opened, THIS DAY", their Fall and Winter Styles of Millinery, which, as usual, are .very oeauuiui. Ot 13 dtf GF. TA111FIV, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Pollock street, next door to the new Store of Emmet Cuthbert. Esq., having procur ed one of Bottoms' Improved Patent Universal Foot Lathes" is now fullv nrepared to execute any and all kinds of WATCH-WORK, in the best and ; neat cut possible manner, at the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms. - All work entrusted to rny care will be warranted to give jK-rfect srttisfactionorno ch'arcre willbe made. Give me a trial once, and your confidence for the future shall be mine. , " I A good assortment of Watches and Jewelry of the best qualdv, constantlt on hand. Oct 19 " : ' dfim ACAUTR TO THE LADIES Mrs. J. H CUTHBERT has just returned from tlie North, with the latest and most fashionable stvles of LADIES and CHILDREN'S BONNETS. CAPS. HE A D VDR ESSES. CAPES, COLLARS, RUCHES, FEATH ERS, FLOWERS. &c, which she is opening At ber Store, on Craven St., one door below the residence of Mr. Elijah Clark. Oct I tt CtOPAItTIVFR.SII IF NOTICE. We tneun dei-simied. have' this d?iv entered into n Copart nership under the firm of MERRTLL & MILLER, for the purpose of carrying on'the Gas-fitting business in all its branches, and will keep constantly onmano a large and splendid assortment of Gas fixtures and evervininii apperiMiuin lo iimiuirc im iuuiucdo. a mi. Menm ana vv aier pwunsr oi an sizes. Place of business, opposite the Washington Hotel, in the rear ot Mr. jonn a . nnim s iuupie rore.i kji ders from the country prqnlptlv attended to. .; AMUEL MERRILL. Oct 11 3m : ALEX. MILLER, -hi. I HT1!S. C. IVEY & MRS. MISSILLIER, 1V1 CRAY EX STREET, XEWBERX, X- C. Have opened a new and fashionable assortment. of Millinery 3ool, of all kinds. Dresses. Talmas and Cloaks made to order. Cut ting and Fitting done by-measurement. Sept 8-2m G EORGE BISHOP, S T XE WBERX, X.C, 1 Manufacturer 'of Window Sash, Blinds, Pannel Doors Shutters, Wood Mouldings, Brackets, Balusters, ;: Newels, &C, &C. ':; '" ' ALSO, manufactures and keeps const antl'v on band, a large stock of CABIXET FURXITURE, at wholesale and retail. . Sash Mill on Broad st., WareRqomson Middle street " Sept 1 - - . " ') ' .; ; Oly ' 1 YY M. P. MOO R E, P R O P R I E T O R. The subscriber bavin? taken charge of the above establisbment, respectfully announces that it is now open for the accommodation of the TRAVELING PUBLIC and BO ADERS GENERALLY. The Gaston House is pleasantly located, from the south windows .of which there is a fine view of both the Neuse and Trent Rivers, while during the Sum iuierthe south and west winds fender the entire build ing'delightfully'cool. The Rooms "are large and well furnished. The Table is well supplied, from the Northern and Home Markets. Havinsr also larsre and commodious Stables and j excel!' nt O-tlers, he will board Horses by the day, week, or month, lie lias also Convenient arrange ments for the accommodation of Horse Droversj The Proprietor will exert every effort to give en tire satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage. . WM. P. MOORE. Sept (J dly W rASIIINfiTON IIOTFJ WM. J: SMITH. PROPRIETOR. ; BROAD STREET, NEWBERN, N. C. j '"The undersigned respectfully nnuounces to the j traveliug public that he has taken charge of this old und popular establishment, and is now prepared to accommodate travelers and private families with board by the day or month on the most accommoda ting tonus.. - " : His TABLE will always be furnished with the best provisions that home anil foreign, markets can afford. The Washington Hotel has large rooms, Ls nearer the Depot, the Court House and the business streets than anv other in the citv." - ' 1 An OMNIBUS will ahvays be at the Depot nwf Landing ou the arriyalbf the cars and steanuxKart to convey, passengers to the Hotel free of all charge. By stopping at this Hotel passengers will have ampletimeto obtain meals.; . . Having also a large and commodious Stable and an excellent Ostler, he is fully prepared to board horses by the day, week or month at, the most rea sonable rates. , , . r Srpt ! dlr - WM. J. SMITn. XEWBBRN llOTKLS. - ' . - :. . ; J. :' imJ& - . .mii!!iMllTh 1 . . jnirii inn a k fifefsal sp- fm " XO. 52. HOTELS. MAIVSIOIV HOTEL, SalibarT, N. tThe subscriber take pleasure in announcing to his , . , ' , ,. Y" poeraiiT, nt ne Has taken this long established and well knovn Hotel, and has made every possible preparation to accomodate the business, traveling and visiting portions of the pub. lie, in the most satisfactory manner. Particular at tention Ls paid to his table, and every comfort is pro vided in his rooms. His stables are'abundantlv sup plied, and attended by a careful .ostler? and io all departments th proprietor gives his personal attention.- A comfortable Qmnibus runs regularly to the depot oto the arrival of the cars. With these efforts to please, a liberal share of the public patronage is confidently solicited. j WJI. ROWZEE Sept 1 ; I '. ' - dly ROWAN IIOl Si;.-. Ity ff. 1.. RebaTd, SALISBURY, N. C. This popular Hotel, by the indefatigable (Rouaivos, still continues to sustain its fornier reputation for- neatness- auiet. and irood fare, and no house in North Carolina enjoys a better proportion of the j patrouage of the travelnig public. ii is iocaieu in me ousiness portitn ot ftalisOury, and remote from the bustle and confusion neeessarv at tendant on railroad hotels. Here the weary traveler is sureof a quiet Iniirht's rest. An Omnibus drawn by tour splendid bavs, always at the depot on the nn ival of the cars, for the use of fhe irnests Of the Jowan House, free of extra charge. ' . .', Stage passengers, remember, there is 'but one Stage Office in Salisbury, and that' is kept at the owan House. When vou' arrive on the ears don't be misled by false out cries of ' hirelinsrs and ser- vant?." II. L. ROBARDS. dlv Sejd 1 T. I. IIAI.fi, Formerly Proprietor oi the Gaston House, Newbem, N. C, now at the WESTERN HOTEL, NEW YORK. Having recently identified himself with' the interests of this establishment, would respecifyllv solicit vour ' 'i-.. 1 C II " - -.- .i jjttiroiifie ium oouuiei iiers generally, visiting t-nis city.) As the design is to make this House in a great degree the Home of the Southerner, all who come to it are, assured tnat ,they will find a genuine Soutnerner to attena to ttieir wants and comforts. The house is admirably located, esoeciallv for business men, being on" CoWtland Street, only a few doors from Broadwav, in the immediate vicinity o the Southern Railroad and Steamboat Stations." I. has ample accommodations, havinjr some 250 wel1 furnished rofms,! also suits of rooms for families. The table will compare well with anv other in the city, beb-ides it has' all the other requisites "of a first classs ht)tel Parlors. Reading Rooms. Baths. &c. &c. To suit the times, board has been reduced to U 50 per day. D. D WINCHESTER, New York. Sept 1 -dly - Proprietor. J ABKATT'S IIOTEI-This convenient and well arranged establishment has iust undergone a thorough renovation, from cellar ti garret and hav ing been furnished with new furniture throughout, h now open for the reception ot travelers, under the direct supervisiorJ and management of Messrs. JOHN JARRATT & BRO., who will use everv exertion to keep a first class Hotel. JOHN JARRATT, Petersburg, Virginia, " T. J. JARRATT. Sept 1- , '. ' d3m ALTER'8 NATIONAL HOTEL Corner of Main and Church Streets, Norfolk, Tn., - WM. L. WALTERS, Proprietor. Sept 1 dly MISCELLANEOUS CAHDS, AV. CFEITOIONS, " Will promptly attend to the collection of money, or any general business entrusted to him. Address, " Salem, Forsyth county, N. C." j Oct 1-dly JKTISR ITIAr.LIiTT, ..;). . WITH 1. COLTE3f :i rrav, GENERAL 0O3IMISS1ON MERCHANT, 62 South Street, New Vork. Sept. 1. - :.:, ';.''. : '. -;;'' . dly '. ; VRHOCII, IHHB1 & CO., M A N I T FA CT CRE Iv S O F S A Si 1 ES , FR A M ES, Blinds, 'Door and Spokes, of a .-iiK'iior quality. SALISBURY, X. C. : AIT kinds of Ornamental Wood Work, Palings, Brackets, &e.,-d1me at short notice. Contracts taken for fitting up and .'for -.erection of Buildnigs of all kinds. Sept (i-dtim J Ii AI EM IC, ' ARCHITECT CIVIL ENGINEER, , , . . SALISBURY, -XC,, 1 WJ11 furnish Designs and Specifications, for, and su perintend Towiij Houses, Cottages, Villas, Stores, Cliurch'es.T'ublle Buildings ; also for constructions belonging to 'Railroads, as Bridges of Stone, W oou or Iron, and all buildings required at Stations. Plans and Estimates given for the Improvement of Water Bower and Mechanical Construction in general. Refekkncks. Hon. John W. Ellis; Charles F. Fisher Bres. N. C. R. R. ; 0. I Mendenhall, Treas.'; J. C. Turner, Chief Eng. W. N. C. R. R. ; R. F. Si monton. Treasurer. ' . Sopt fi-dfim R 111 XK CJ..T IT ISKWM. PERCTVAL, 1 . Architect and Civil KngiueerV Office, Smith's Brick Building, Fayettevillc Street, RALEIGH, N. C, Will fumisb desicrns for Churches, Public Buildings, Stores, Town and Country residences. Alterations ot Old Buildings; Specifications and Superintendence, He will also attend to the Laying oft Grounds for Ornamentation, a,nd supplv Maps of same. ' With an educational training for his profession and a practical experience of mure than sixteen years, on public and private works in Europe, Canada and the United States, lie hopes to srive satisfaction. He re- A.e.. n. '.f.., 1...ofV. nrl.oni lio w i.rrff.siniodlv - J. . r- - eitoraorfd in this State : '.i. :ui.. . 5 ' Tlie Building Committee on the Chapel Hill Univer- .sitv Imprvements. , . The Buihling Committee of the Raleigh new Baptist Church, I ' R. S. Tucker, Esq., Raleigh. William M. Bovlan, Esq., Raleigh. Wnt. S; Battle," Esq., Rocky Mount, Edgecombe Co X. B. A lartre number" of Original Designsior Churchef, 'Villa's, &c. cau be seen at his office. Sqt 1 : -; -"'", dim'. 1"3ufNTER!' anil EGRAVEKS' f ARRS nud t'nrd Board, at ALLEN'S Card Depot. No Beekman Street. -New -York, at very low Cards; 20,000 (ihromotVpe do. : X) dozen FancV Cards: 500 doz. FirineV.' Military and Civic Ball f n ;oa KifHXi f'oi.i Kmiiosseu , miow I Cards ; 500 doz. Orders of Dancing, all sizes, plain and fanev i: niw Fmvi all colon uaue ui nlied - Hronzes. all oualities. vsuaao a r ' . i V 1 L JOHN ALLEN, Agent, ' No. 30 Beekuian Street, Xew York. Refers toEdit or " Daily logress," Newbeni,N,C. Sept. 1. rnpnRT at TO llKAIil-lR. IN LUMBER, I LATHES. MEAL AND PLpl7R.-The under- a .t tu'- SfMin Mills, near Km .t,m N C hea. leave t inform dealers in the atwive article. and all others who may want them, that I is preparcl to fill orders,and to deliver nf. any acces sible iHint on the Atlantic & North Carohna R.ul Road 31EAU FLOUR, LATHI A .d all des-r.p-I...... t TTfiim t low Tineet'a thev can ue rates for cash. 4U.ouu siieets oi vari jfmru, oumw- j , ,. ing of- China, satin, l'orceiam, .-:nu mkhkivi. i - ' Railroad ' Kauroair 4 icKct, rryneis - aim m-"" ? - --r-it-,0vre ,f U kinds 4 :m dozen of the above i to slu i vi. w - . . .... 1 XT. x.a .i,fln.hprp Here?necnuiivsoucusoruei, ; xf wl!9.h to Mm. Aiarv. Lavv. I ... ".. . i ft 11. --- 1 I ami rvt, n tit satisfaction as to qnnlityano prmiipi- j ... si c: five tAt tit IU- 1KK5 UkP A . netB of dinpatcb. Addrew ;J,jjy, Wallachian and Moldarian Inncipljttcjc r YEARLY ADVERTISING RATES. HALF SOL'IHE One dav. .. Two days........ , Three days. . ....... Four days.. Five days. : . . . . . ... . One week ... i ..... . 2 Klneday. ... 37JTwo dav.. ..$ 50 j i lire days. J Four day.i 5 Five davfc.-. .1 GO ...... 1 25 a 50 . 87 .1 37 One week . . .1 75 Two week. . . One muritru. .. Two months..-. Three months Two weeks .2 00 One -month.-, ...A 00 .3 50 ,Two months.. ........7 00 5 00 Three months ... ..;10 00 Six inonthn... One vear.. ... .....8 00 ..,.15 00 Six moot lis.. ....... J 6 .One vear.. .......... 2h ' Twv,binmke a square, eix lines a half-square. Ijibern I arrangement.' made with yearly advertiser DAILY PROGRESS. WEDNESI A Y MOR IXG, NO V. 3, 1 8od. Tennessee Annual Cun r pupa-it. :Of body, now in session at McMinnville. the Xew Lra of the 21st, says: ' i - " .- ' A large number of ministers ure in attendance! to the M. E. Conference for this State, which con- vened in the Court House on yesterday morning. They are a tine, intelligent bdd of men. num bering something over two hundred. It is thought it will require some ten days to1 complete the bu siness for -which they are i assembled' Tex Boeck Winning. On the day previous Hawley's Headsman, which won the great Derby face last year. tSif J. Hawley did . not brinj fir ward hisj i horse, and 'Mr. Ten Broeck pocketed the $I,tRK) without anyrtrouble. On the same day his horse Woodburu beat the Puke of Bedford's ' Harry after" a very fine race, by: a , short head. The mateluwas for $1,RK). The'odds were three to one on Harry. . ' A DrF.LAvrniouT Sr.coxis. Tlie St. "lartinM- ville (La.y Courier of the 2d inst., says: Yester day morning, in consequence of a difficulty be tween Mr. Gabriel- and Mr. Francois Bourctte, of our village, these two persons went, without seconds, but with guns well-loaded with buck shot, to the prairie behiud St. Martinsville. There they fired at each other. Mr. Gabnet was un touched, but Mr. Bourget'te received a tshot in the head. The wound is a frftal one. What it is to " Rux for CXGiiess." Gen. J as. Ashley, Congressman' elect from the Fith Ohio District, made a,speech at Toledo a few nights ago, in which he said : . ' . " I have labored as I never labored before in my life although I am known as a worker. En tering; the contest in a District comprising ten ' counties, the larg(st in the State and with a ma jority of three hundred against us, I have suc cessfully concluded, a canvass which. I believe unequalled in poiut of labor in this or any other State, making, as I have inside of sixty working days, ninety-nine speeches, averaging in length . two and a half hours each, and travelling in bug gies, on horse back, and on toot, over Jourtecn ' hundred miles, to say nothing of trips by railroad. Stealing a Coffin. Two men have been ar rested in Wolverhampton, England, for' stealing - a cotSn. The coffin was of copper, and worth $300. ; The thieves took out the body, and left it in the tomb, and sold the coffin for old copper. A Twenty Years Trial. In Henry ;'tountv, Ga., last week, a jury found Francis J. Gobia guil ty for whipping a negro to death in -Jc44. lie escaped justice by flying from the State at the time of the occurrence, and since the commission of the deed has married and raised a family. The Atlantic Telegraph. The Atlantic Telegraph seems now to be generally given up on both sides the water. ' Down among the dead men " in flie bottom of the sea, it is as dumb as the skeletons that lie around it, with not as much J prospect of resurrection ery few tears, except 'r . ..,.- , r .. -i , those ot stockholders, are shea over it, ana onims side the water we shall be well content to wait . for another enterprise, in which this country will not be imbecile enough to' manufacture a' light ning conductor which". will enable Great Britain, whenever it suits her purposes to hurl her thun der bolts into the very centre of our, citadel.' -? Richmond Dispatch. ; Important to the Ladies. It is begimiiug to be, says the N. Y. Day Book, .quite the rap among the young ladies to cut', the hair off at the sides and wear it in a profusion of short frizzled curls, which is supposed' to give the wearer a co quetish appearance". . It is true that-the girls look well this Way just as they do every- other way but did they know that the fashion they have adopt-' ed was introduced liqre by a certain class of fe males, and is now .the distinguishing feature of the ;' Lore tte " iu Paris, they might be inclined to hide thwfiMdAMa4it4ioHie-fl were grown again. What do you suppose. French and German 'gentlemen fresh from, the old country think when ther meet you on Broodway Trouble Between France and Brazil. A Paris letter-in the Nord states that a trifling dis turbaucq lias arisen betwe-n France and Brazil. A mercha'ht having died at Pcrnambuco, leaving children under age, the French Consul pu,t seals on his premises, the locabauthorities maintained that h had no right to do so, as, by Brazilian law, the childicn- being bom in Brazil were Brazilians, and subject to the law of th? country. - : On appeal to the jnstic- of the peace, he deci ded that the h eal authorities were in the rights and the seals were rcmo ed. In Consequence the French Minister .struelUiis flag, in order toawait the instructions of hiGu'verianent. . ' Servants andTIelps. One of those ' Eng lish nniffs, ye 1 rid' came. oieiSinto "the Stags'.' thr other dav. from Canada. He' tok lodgings ; nt an inn in ft bordenilCT Vlllaire . w n if a siiau uo I - r. ... ir.i-l.n.l , ii.ticr: iind -anions', those iiftioeienn. t h'x-m. ....... , r " . . who sat at the table with him, was the waiting maid, whom he designated as "s-raui , ". receivel an indignant correction from the land lord ; " We call our servants, Sir, Helps. They air not oppressed ; tliev air not Russmn scurfs." ."All ri'ht," said the ''' bloody Britisher,") " I shall re member! And ha did for -in the morning he awoke the whole housed by calling out, at the top of his Voice, which warlike the teaiingof a strong ra' : " Help J help water ! water .1" In an . iiWant everv pcrsoii equal to the task nishea into his room with a pail of water. "1 am much 'ed to vou, i aril sure, ' he said ; Oi.t 1 iu so much water, ve kno 1 only wanteuougii 1 vi w it Vf -JShfi i f w i th I '. aid tin, laud- lord: "wiiai rau-om i.ie an bv calling- ' lic.p : j w;iter !' we. thought the hoii.wa nfti-e. Jou . toij nie to vn w ervantf :" Ib-ip, Ji 1 uwf -j t . j vou j, I woul 1 'cfyT hen I mcani - t a.. ti. . .it .... it Mim a seem. w- frtl', The explanation . 11 rm r m 1' I .1 llirlllll ti-'lli ---- lsiactorv. , A Man and Woman Bi nxri to Dkatii.-A fire 184 .ix ocnirrr.I iu the rtth-storr n nemem m,ou.; Sixth street, New Y. rk. on rhurhvy night, faiuilics occupied tlie premises and as th 1U r r..ii filled with dense smoke, a ma - - 3 .i.i iir.Ttef. and his daughter Catlia- rwins ...a,n. vroman twenty years old, were uf- e A1. J aniirh,.rut,A to d ath. The cxdl;ir wa- unniiru V' -- T....- iised a-s'a stable, ami twelve bukw mure .uuuv-r ted. V,. .?;.,:..:;''.-- ...'-. -V'-? " Xoticin"' tlie announcement of the. marriage ot llC AjOUiw- nnion'r. iiiv- v-iTrti jivn race mere was no have been a match tor $,:( to, with $l,tHH) forfeit, between Mr. Ten Breck's Prioress and Sir .1 C f- : 1 ii - 4 I 1 Ti - - - i , . ' l'J- r: ,-; -