-i s : 1W J. L. PENNINGTON. Tne DAILY PROGRESS " i? served to town and I trv subscribers at Six Dor. la its a year payable dvaiu-e AH papers discontinued when the time Ifafd fur expires, unless renewed. x P Advertisements, inserted as Special or Bishop No- are charged one-half more than the usual rates, !' 'n linei (leaded) or less eorisituting a square. Marriage notices inserted for 25 cents ; Funeral Hoes Si-cents; Obituaries at advertising rates. Advertisement inserted every other day will be 1 arfed 37 I cents for each insertion after the first.: Where the number of insertions are not ex--ed when Advertisement are handed in they will TeVi-erted till forbid, (tf) and charged 50 cents for t!ip firwt insertion and 25 cents for each continuance BUSINESS CARDS. G1EOIK-' AMiKV, r l DKAI.KK IV FANCY & STAPLE n1y GOODS, BOOTS', SHOES, HATS,' Ul CAPS, ArC, pOLLOK STREET, NEWBERN X. C, Would repectt'ully invite the'uttention of the public to la Stock, which will be. found 7ieir, well assorted, .ml anflicientlv large at all seasons of the vear. I i- i. 1 . .1 L Orders promptly nnu uuivxuiiy aueuueu 10, dly " Modern " KMtnbliHhuieut OF. NEYYBERN, N. C. J II. F. If ABKISOW, , WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IX StAPi.t:, Fancy, Kokkic.v and Domestic I r y f o o 1 m , IJats, Caps, Boot and Shots. CnrjM'tiiiem. Mattings, Rug., Jewelry, Trunk, Heady-Made Clothing, &.C., . Nkwbf.ks, X. C. . J. M. F. -Hakkison has just received a complete fts.-ortmeiit suitable for the season, and will continue tn receive bv everv arrival all desirable Articles and Xoveltics ot the season. .-. - 'articular attention paid to orders. i '. ' s,,ljt 1 dly The OldrM Dr, CJoU IIoumc in Newborn. . EHTAf.lNHK1 IX 1S45. E M M K T C i; T II Ii E R T , would resivectfnllv inform his numerous customers, ami tli public generally throughout the State, that j '.lie has' in store, and is constantly receiving by tresh nrrival. .itid ly Express, a complete assortment of Foreign and HomcKlic, .Staple and Fancy lry CooIn, P A KT f. A It ATTENTION PA II) TO LADIES , DRESS FABRICS AND WRAPPINGS. , ': ; A I. SO . ICcmly II side Clothing, Carpet V R"trs, . .-ittings, Trunks Jewelrv, Boots ami Slioes, Hiits and Cajs, Uinnrellas., Parasols, Window Shades, Drapery, (ients' Funnshing Goods, Ac, itc, all of which will be sold low for cash, or to prompt paying customers. Orders solicited and punc tually attended to. NOUGHT CHEAP. AMD FDR SALE LOW. X. 15. Tlie Subscriber will remove-to his NEW! STOKE, corner of Pollock' nnd Middle. - streets, in October next, with an entire new stock." . EMMET CUTIIRERT. " Newborn, N. C, (opposite, the Episcopal Church.) Sept 1 ' ' - ..''"".. dly Bll7liA.K, Itrtei vins, Forwarding A: ConiiuiMMion M E R 0 II A X T, - . (nt the store formerly occupied lv Win. P, Moore,) CORNER OF SOFTH FRONT & MIDDLE STS., NE WBERN, N. C. Particular attention -given to the Sale of Country Produce, and the Purchase -of Goods generally. I have a convenient Wharf and commodious Warehouse. I have also a line of rirst-chiss Vessels, running regularly between this port and the ports of ? New York and .Baltimore. ! - Agents in Xw York : Agents in Baltimore : Dave's IIol'mks. James Conner & Sons. S.-M f ' dly W.ti.1 vniFrFTt, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Eat Fuont Stkekt. Xe'wii-kkx, X. C., -'Agent tor SMITH S LINE New York Packets. (roods received and fnncarded. Srpt 1 - 'dly X. .1 Hit Id '!, iiENElv AL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1 IVrwbrrn, 7i. V. S.'t t8 dly rp j. iii'C2bii-:m, - I . DEALElt IX X'AVAL STOlJES . and Commission Mkhciiaxt,- ' ' Cvrner East Front and South Front Sfs. Pork, ll.-ieon, Enid, Corn, Whisky, Fl-ur, Coal, liny, Aic. A supply always on hand, and for sale on commission. Consignments will Itave every atten tion. Will keen vvsscls running for Baltimore, by sf,i and through the canal. Freight taken at market rates. 1 , dly DIH It I i: tv KKTlliTh4, EORWARDIMi COMMISSION M E li CHANTS. t .Xkw Bkunk, X. C. t'Cash Advances made, on Consignments to be V1.1 here or fvi warded to Xorthern .Markets. s,l't 1 dlv .Vllil.lAiTIN WHITTY, ' T -C.OM M l S S I (J N M A' 7? C U A V T S 15UM ) A I ) HTll EETJrN EWHEKN, X. C. eps constantly onlianil all articles usuallv found in . ,'. ' A VARIETY STORE, ' wliieh they Wjill sell at a fair profit: . St rift, attention paid to the sale of country produce. ' 1 dly J. 1:. ativi:tt, - ; south fro xt stukkt. ,. cwberii, .X. '.. ouM respect fully rail the 'attention of families",, arid ie I'uhhc geiiernllv, to his large and well sefevted STOCK OF GROCERIES", JJJU'h as Su-,irs, both refined and raw; Molasses, ''as, Coffee, Pork, Flour, 6'herse, Soaps, Candles, both Xalh Carolina and Western; Meal, and, nne, eyery article kept for family use. A--fresh Milply t Craekers of all, kinds jnst received. Also airood assortment of Boots and Shoes, Hats and yViuul Domestics. Anyone wishing to furnish t.n7 i ai-" wiU tl w'eJl to 5-'ive I,im n cal1 before il 1;r H-ewhere, as he is determined that none mi 1 C" -VV,l' dissatisfied. He is selliiur by wholsale ' retail cheap for Cash or Country Produce. !' dlv i 1 Ml - .. .. -. - . : 'LKR "' ROC ERIE S.Jcxccpt Hn U'.K.ood. vi.h Seines and Nets, Twine P....- S;llt a,1(1 VkAi Fish. &c . &c, uors) ines and 'a, """luar-ftttention given to the sale of Produce nio,l...-1!V7'lvlUi: H,al forwarding Ootids on the most erate term? Sept 1-dly DeL! -1 M JIISSI0 X M E R C II A NTS. Casting !.wull'l J'1 Agricultural implements, m-.,t i V nU. ZlMs' lMn I 'denied Plaster, Ce Sm'L ii rl,1i' I)ust- I,on' stl'"1' Axles and Imii, p ",.u,lwil' e, Nails; Cisterns and Force Pumps, I'.i.ki. f 1 r "J1,"1 '"ther Bandings, Rubber and He r; 'Vv; HV,Mlb Leather, Rivets and Burrs, p "' 'dar and other Saws, Jte., to p .: '!" -""on srlv,,n to.tlie sh- of Produce, , ' ' 1 '"s- r orwaraing Uoods. J mV" KI 0, g'MTOR OF NA VAL STORES, illiitT., 1 plrr-' "Vmbfrn. C .4 Sen, .:-'1 "n'Ptly to all business entrusted to liim - . dly J r Tnvn, " "t - u i,v Al. S7 ORES, W ll tl, ' 1 r , KWRKRX, X. C, ,n ' thankfii v r.w...:.... . .. ,'. "u 11..V. "iiu prompt iv ntteno: to 1 DlOltllltK- nttoiiil . nil Umt u- . ,",,:T.,:,I.t, Mav be found eenerauv ...... . . .. i c . NtlU'ular attention given to the . title ' of' Naval l .. .r Sepfl,.3m Law, 0ft n.i tlieonrts of Craven, Jones, Carteret Bt Tirt reunti. 4Xr Scptl- The A IDLY VOL. I. NEWBERN, BUSINESS CARDS. The rVewbfrn .Tlutunl FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY flllUS Company has now been in succ -, JL tiori for " r essful -opera- THREE YEARS, During which time no assessment has been made to meet losses, ' The Company is. now prepared to receive Applica tions ior INS U R A NrC E , Inch mav be made to an v of it he diffi -rent Agents throughout tlie Stateor to the- undersigned, at the ofhee ot tlie Company, in tins place. MOSES Y. JARYIS, .. Newborn, X. C, Sept 1 . ! : Secretary. div WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN DrugM, .VIeriit iiicn, C'lirmicalM, I'niutM, Oili OLA SS, I) YE S. TUFFS, PEIttiUME-li 3 SCROICAI.- INSTUMKNTS, - 1'ATKNT M KjDI C-l S KS, 1 L.KE IXE' AND BRANDY Garden Seed '., Bnrninir Fluid, .A-e. 1 j 26 I'OLLOK STREET, XEYVHEIij N,N, C. dlv Sept 1 T V. JORDAN, J Whole:! le siiitl IScfnil Driiggi!, Keeps" constantly on baud a Y-ir-e nVkwell selected .J-.VKK1!N, X. C. STOCK OF FRESH DRUGS AND MI CDICINES. Also, an extensive 'assort PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS. TOIL ET SOAPS, r Ell EL MERY, CIGARS, and ! 11 mdlrMM variety of 1'asicV Articles. Orders from the country re.si)ectf'ullv stilicited. and promptly attended to. Sept 7-dlv 1 V AXK ' t'A A' I V Iff A ."V riM C TORY A.i JL B A K E li Y . POLLOK STREET, NEWBERN, N.-C. : e are now mannjactnnng a large ami vnrieil as sortment of plain .and fancy Candies, suitable for the Fall and Winter trade. is suierior to any erer im- qhntea, ami is roltl at a less price tl-,an a can be bought in the Xort4icru Cities. gooa anient We have-re- duced the price in order to, see if you will t' eru-.Manutuctories in preference to those itten Xort li lt home. We Kelt in lots of 50 lbs, a ml ', ?; intra rds. Stick Candies at- - - , , - '- . . . Sugar and Burnt Almonds, ,". Lozenges, all kinds, 22c, '.Sugar-Plums and other .Pan Work,. . . 18, . lfie. . t-'Oc. 'a iiac, Oc. Mottoes, plain,. 1 ........ . - and all other kinds at equally lowrfe.' We are prepared to manutactuie y,0(H) lbs week. Will youbiiv.it? ! 00- c. per Our Candies are free i'vom poison, fcohn ing) Chalk, .March, r lour, and all other 'impurities e use nothing but the best, double refined cr.u and warrant it to keen in ant rliniafe. if l.'ed sugar. docs' not. return it and the moii-y shall be refunde witli cost of transportation. We are ah with our Bakery, to manufacture Sugar Cyickers in auv cpiantitv. 'Prices ' "lb by the bid. Sugar Crackers,.. ........ .'.'. . . ........ Butter . Crackers,. .' . .- Also .small cKes ot all kinds securely pa rels at H-'e.-w'e. per lb. Also large cak dings and Parties, mnamented lis well as anywhere m the world, at $-7r Si-ni tact evervthing that is made in similar concerns out tlie country. ! ue liave, 111 order to get: the latest meuts, sent one of our workmen Xorth. turn' In about three weeks, and if anyih our nusmess lias come out this season duce it here soon after his return. Your obedient servant. we Oct 22 dtf :-' ' J. S. BANKS J. V. iVI n r b I XEWjlF Ma rile The snsbsc receiyiii stock off Ainerieo 11 and Foreign Morhh aul is at all thm inviiareu ro nil 01 der-s'fi ir Monn-meni ' Slabs akd Tomb- Stone, oit ever serij)tion than N i KT H K K prices. ' Our w l'k will be deli veiet in all pruts d Xirtii t .aroiin and Yirginia Free of hnrge Our workmans a.- oeen irenerauv iiiTrouic d in some thirty counties in Xorth Carolina, and peak s J ior itself. Orders by mail will nveet with prompt at be faithfully executed'. Address, J. C. WIER, Xewbi Mr. James Robertson, Traveling: Airent. Sept 1G . ' i ention and J rn. A. C. dlv vi-lani) vinti:i: lhpoiit ' 1S5S. LEWIS PHELPS, M ER CHANT' TAILOR, Pollok !lrc l, brrn, ". C, Has just returned from the 'Xort h, having purch.ase a large and superior stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERE.S, YESTIXCiS, All ot 'which, havniL' in his1 employ first lass work men, he manner, tion. is prepared to have m;id e up 111 a superior Cut anu st vie . warn mted to giyejjutisfae- READY MADE CLOTHIXO, CxEXT: .EMEXS' FlTRXISIIIX(J (iOODS, A:C, SiC. A varied and well selected stock of Ready Made clothing coats, pants, vests, shirts, cravats, gloves, flannels and in fact a gi-iieial assortment )of everv thing which, is necessary to complete the Wardrobe of a gentleman of taste, all of which may be had at a very small advance on X,e-w York cost Oentlemen are invited to call and examine the ex - Tensive siock 01 plain ana lanev ciotns. eas imers and vestings on hand. Be reels assured that; unong the man- different styles and patterns, it will be easy. for ail to suit tnemselves. .Store on Pollok Office. street, next door to the Post ! Oct 10-dtf To shipprrM, ISuildorM nnd liinuber Deal- L vrtii The subscriber is prepared to Jfurnish at short notice, LUMBER, either Kough-or' Planed, by the cargo or in smaller quantities. ' I Rough IiiiiiibT, nnv ftzr nml lrnstli under . .10 fret. Planed Tonsrue and 'Grooved Flooring, and Rabbit ted eatber imardiiiir : loor Faeinrrs and Window Casings. Sawed Laths 111 nnv quantities. Terms strictly cash. R. N. TAYLOR Agent. Newborn Sept 1 I d3m 1 71 15. AVood, JLJ, SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER. East side of Middle Street, four doors soluth of the l,ourt House, v XE WBERN, No. Co., Is constantly manufacturing everv thinsr . . In "IS line of business. All orders proinptly 'attended lo dlv - - i let -'. H O F V I !Y , rJ, SURGEON DENTIST. Permamently iAK'ated in the Town of Xevj-bern, ten- aers nis proiessionni services to tne. eitizena of Xewbern and surrounding contrtv. ID X. C., TUESDAY MQRXIXG. NOVEMBER 9, 1858. BUSINESS pAD$. Tachion Vr Thomas, J ! hfdeale, Rat ail and Commission Merchants, Corner of Broad smd Hancock Streets, NEWBERN, N. C, , ; Have jnst received and keep constantly on hnnd, a good' assortment '.of -the best! quality of. FAMILY GROCERIES, such us Flour, Me;ii; Po,k Bacon, Lard, Ciieese, Butter, '' Sugar, j CoftVe, Molasses. Al so. Kerseys, IJlimket., Cotton Bagging arid Rope, B.-ts, Sloes, : Hats, Crockervi &c;, &e. ! ! : Oct ; ".'. -, - ' " ) , ' - Jr . dtf NEUIAND SPLENDID MILLINERY. MRS. I'VE'Y &.MRSI MISSlLLEIR willbe p-leased to see their friends anA inimetos 'cttxroincrit, 'at their SHOW ROOMS, on Craven street. Thev-have-just pened. THIS-DAY, their Fall and Winter Styles of Millinerv, which, as usual, are verv beautiful. Ot 13. i - '' dtf G F. OAK !!:', WATCHMAKER AXD JEWELER, Pi.lioek street, next 'IdtMH. to the new fctbre'of. Eim.et C'nthbert, Esq., haying 'procured-, one of Iiottosns' Improved Patent Universal Fit Latlies. is now fuliv prepared to execute anv and nil kinds jOi WATCII-WORK, in the best and neat est possible manner, -tit the shortest notice, and on reasi.nable terms. . All work entrusted to my care will be warranted to gi ve,perfe-f satisfaction, or.no charge will be made. Give !f a trial once, and your confidence for the I'ut-ure shall be mine. I . 1 A good assort meiit of Wntches and Jewelry of the 3est (Mialitv, constantly on iiand '' );:t i: . dfm 91 1 X T 5 'K, We biemi dersigii'-d, have this 'day entered into a Copnrt- nersliipinider the 'firm of. 'MERRILL & MILLER, for the purpose of carrying oritlje Gas fitting business in all its brandies, and will keep constantly on hand a large and splendid assortment of Gas fixtures and everything appertaining to that line of business. Also, Steam and. "Water piping of all sizes. ' Place ofjiusinlt-'ss, op)osite the Washington Hotel, in the rear of Mr. John F. Ilauff's Music Store. , Or ders from the country ..promptly, attended to. i' SAMUEL MERRILL. Oct II 3m ALEX. MILLER, Ju. ( J NEWBERN. N. C, Manufacturer of Wflpdow Sash, Blinds, Pannel Doors, Shutters, Wood Mrrnldings, Brackets, Balusters, XAvels, &c, ice. : : also, ; . manufactures and keeps constantly on hand, a large stock of CABINET FURNITURE, at wholesale and retail. i ; Sash Mill on Broad st.. Ware Rooms on Middle street. l'i . i it.. 'Hi WM. F. MOORE, PKOPKI E TO R ine suosenuer navmcr taKen . cnaree ot tne aoove estaldishmeiit. resoectfully announces that it is now oiten for the accommodation of the TRAYELlXO PCBLIC and BOADEUS OEXERALLY. i . The (Jaston Ilou-e is pleasantly locnt'edj'frorn.tlie south windows of which there isa fine view of jboth the Xeuse and Trent Rivers, while during the Sum mer tiie. soutn and west winds render tlie entire uuild ing delightfully .cool. . The Booms are large and well urnisnet d. The Table -is well supplied, lroin the Northern and Home Market: Hirving. also" large-and commodious Stablesj and excellent Ostlers, he will board. llorses by tlie day, week or month. He has also f mvenieut ;arrcinge lnents for tlie . aceoihniodatio'n of Horse I ):'overs. Tlie Proprietor will exert "every effort to give en tire satisfaction to'those who mia v favor hira -'iwitb their patronage. WM. P. MOORE. , Sept (.'. . ' . -' '. -; dly - YY AKIH.TO. IIOTRIi. WM , J . SMITH, PIkOPRI ETOR . ! BROAD STREET, NEWBERN, N. C, The -undersigned respectfully anuounees to: the - j traveling public that he has taken charge of; this old and popular establishment, and is now prejiared to acct'miiiodate travelers and private families with board by the day or -month on thej most accommoda tinir terms. ' .-'',. . ' ' , : .' '.;; . ' . 1 : .' -His TABLE will always be furnished with the best provisions that 1 dine and foreign markets can afford. The .Washington Hotel has large rooms, is nearer the. Depot, the Court House and the business streets ; titan anv other in the citv. j U ! j An OMNIBUS -will always be at the Depot and I Landing on the arrival of tlie carsj and steumnoart to j convey passi-ners to 'the Hotel free of all charge, j . Pv sfoppingit this Hotel passengers will have j ample time to obtain meals. j Haying also si large and commodious Stable and ! n excellent- Ostler, he is fullv breoared to board horses by the day, week or month at the most rea sonable rates. j Septl-dly , WM. .L SMITH. TBAJiS I E.T ROAR DI JVO II OlSK, Near the Railroad Deitot, j NEWBERN. N.C. The subscriber having taken anil refitted a House 1 1111 1 1 a nrl f. .r-t s!t.- r t . r- T:i I n icn Mejja nooi 111c. ivnii- j roau rTiinon, is now prepared to aeeommdate tne 1 trvfHivg publie with Board and Lodging, and hopes j to be able to give satisfaction to all who Call on him. j A boy will be in attendance regularly at the Depot 1 charo-e. f ro convey paggage to and from the house without j TrRMSirnn nnipn. 1 I Per Dav mjtl $7100 d, together 1" - : " -. .' ' i - - .y ' I '4:::::;. qasto nous:, , lll'llM I ii-V tlHL-. I'll '.M l 1 WW thromrh .. liBIHISSUSraH I I I I H H iriw' . ff ' improve- M&Km HbMiiilMil TlwiilVe IWra! ; -win mtro- , i arsrtf-ML i . Agent. . ! lirfewRw-i J K ll .rr, T n . . 'KST- H III . nber is- immmmmmwzrrmti ulh a lanrei mM SSOtBhW ! l-li anseiSU&JB PiM : nKm wf .... .. WimsSUt UUUHU iyuA ItuJii t3flll s i iisffiaii m m m , Mfefri)l)Ullllillllli!lllillt,.l.lh 1 1 i f f' n m m i i t' . - Y. C: LOITIN. 57. : I . i HOTELS. 11 subscriber takes i'l.,r.. i . 'T , '' i lenas, ana t ne puhlic generally, that he has taken i . I iiifMIU'lJilf IllS 1 ... umhim w a,,,, weil known Hotel, and has ma.de evety, possible preparation to accomodate the business, traveling and visiting portions ,.f tbe imb- ...... n,,,ai uinnner. 1 articuiar at- 1 tention is pa.d'to his table, and every comfort is nrb- I vidcM iu his rooms. His stables areabundantlv 'no- l fi;i iMfirinrv t ti -i i v 1 v . ... RO M A X IIO L J4 K . - 15v SAT.TSnUI.'V f'i-r;. u T. AT.TSMUI.'Y V r' Ti.;- ,"1.. h "T , , .t the indeniti-able Kohakos. still ,.u u - us xoniiei lepmnrioii for neatness, quiet, and good tare, and no house in Xorth Carolina eini.v t...ttr 1 . . T ---.. i,x - . . .-Jl.-lUlII ' pi oiMiiuon ot the patronaire of the tin vi-lii...- 1,1,1.1:.. It is located in the business portion of Salisbury, and remote from the bustle and confusion necessary at tendant on railroad hotels. Here the weary traveler is sure of a quiet nighty rest..- An Omnibus, drawn by four hplendid bays, .always at the dej.ot on the arrival of the cars, foi the use 'of the guests of the Rowan House, free of extra charge. . Stage passengers remember, there , is but one Stage Office in Salisbury, and that is 'kept at the Rowan House. When you arrive on the cars don't be misled by false, out cries of ' inrelin"-s ami ser yntits." , H. L. ROBARDS. .-Sept 1 ' ' dlv: formerly Proprietor, of the Gaston House. Xewbern,, X. 0., now at the ! WESTERN HOTEL, XEW YORK. ' Having recently idenfifiOl himself with the interests of this establishment, -would respectfully. solieit vonr patronage (and Southerners generally, viitiiir "this city.) As the design is to 'make this House in a great degree the Home of the Sotth f.kner. all who come to it are assured that thev will find a genuine 1 Southerner to attend to their wants and comforts. The house is adnjirably located, especially . for business men, being on Courtland Street, onlv a few doors from Broadway, in the immediate vicinity o the Southern Railroa'd anil Steamboat Stations. It has ample accommodations, having1 some 2.30 well furnished rooms, also suits of rooms for families. The table will compare well with any other in the city, besides it has all the other requisites of a first classs hotel Parlors, Reading -Room, Baths, Arc., &c. To suit the times, board has been reduced to $1 50 per day. D. D WlXCIIESTEB, Xew York. Sept 1-dly Proprietor. ARK ATT' HOTKIi .Tit is convenient gnd well uiTanged establishment has iust undertrone a thorough renovation, from cellar to'garret, and hav ing been furnished with new furniture throughout, is now open for the reception ot travelers, under the direct supervision and management of Messrs. .JOHN JARRATT fc BRO., who will use everv exertion to keep a first class II, ;tel. JOHN JARRATT, Petersburg, Yirginia, T. J. JARRA1T. Sept 1- f d:hu A I. T K K S NATIONAL II OT 15 I. Corner of Main and Church Streets, ' Norfolk, Vn., . WM. L. AVALTMKS, Proprietor. Sept 1 dlv MISCELLA1K0US CARDS. iv. 'iii:i:Tio."VN, Will promptly attend -to the collection of monev, pr anv general business entrusted to him. Address, V Salem, Forsyth county, X.C" V Oct 1-dly . 1) 15 T K IS l ASilil- T T , " "r" WITH " D. ( OliDKN JU RUAV, GKXERAL COMMISSION' MERCHANT, iVi South Strt'et, New Vork. Sept. 1. ;,'- - dly , ('KOril .DARBV Ar CO., M AX IF A CTTRERS OF SA Si I KS; FR A M KS. Blinds, Doors and Spokes, of a superior tpialitv. SALISBURY, n: c: ' All kinds of Ornamental W,Hd A York, Palings, Bracket, &e., done at short notice. - Contracts trken for fitting up and for erection of 'Buildings'; of all 7 SMt H-doiii Wk.u:di:k, . ARCHITECT S- CIVIL ENGINEER, ' S A LI SI 5 UK Y, X. C, ! Will furnish Designs. -.and Specification for, and su- j perintend Town Houses, Cottages, Yillas; Stores, j (Mmrebes Tublie Huiidiiirs : alo for constructions I 11 hi Jiriii 1 ttmii on t t- , -..... jr.. t. .11 , . 1 . ; :i wo i.iOftt t. . -k . itv i n. ...... . departinej,ts the propru-tor uives -his personal atten- " A oon.pany of young men, h!ve in number, in tion A vomfoiiable Omnibus riins ivcruh.rly t.. the i a drunken sjuee on last Tuesday ni.rt.t wentto tho l-o.!fl,l,.iv ' t nUi' p " I :nd "'V' l'V"-mI-i f,i,Jiv, A, one of Sent! V, i uu,' inrey a pan ot waieront ieieiiod iit 1 belonging, to Railroads, as Bridges of Stone, Wood j you may become respected and great, be an orna or Iron, and all buildings required at Stations. Plans I ment to your country, and a blessing to your 1 . 1 and Estimates' given for the Improvement of Water Power and Merbanrenl Constructions in general. - Rf.feuf.scks. lion. John W. Ellis; Charles F. Fisher, Pres. X. C R. R. ; C. P. Mendeiihall. Treas. ; J. C. Turner, Chief Eng. W. X. C. R. R. ; R. F. Si monton, Trensurer. - . Set H-dan : .4 It V II I T K CTFR K.-WM. PEIUTYAL, XV Architect and C ivil I. njjincer, Office, Smith's Brick Building, Favetteville Street. , RALEIOII. X. ('.; Will furnish designs for Churches, Public. Buildings, Stores; Town and -Country residences, Alterations'ot Old Buildings, Specifications and Superintendence. He will also attend to the Laving oft Grounds tor j Ornamentation, and supply Maps of same. With an educational training for his profession and a practical experience of more jthan sixteen years, on j public and private works in Europe, Canada and the j United States, -be .hopes to give satisfaction. He re-: anAftfnllv i-ffi-vsto tbone bvwbom his nrofossionnllv j -y . - -" ' - j - 1 . 1 engaged in this, State : tu t..:i.i: r., .. r-1!. . ..1 ti;u iti,;-o.- 1 lie JIHMUII V"1I1"UUCU vjll l,IICVl'". in-'i-. sitv Imiirovements. The liuilding Cdmlnittee of the Raleigh new Baptist Church, R. S. Tucker, Esq., Raleigh. William M. Boylan, Esq., Baleigh.- Win. S. Battle," Esq., Rocky Mount, Edgecombe" Co. X. B.1 A large number ot Original Designs Churches, Villas, &c. can be seen at his office. Sept 1 dim for and Card Board, at ALLEN'S Card Depot, No. 30 Beekman Street, New York, at verv low rates for cash. 10.000 sheets of Card Board, consist- ing of China, Satin, Porcelain, Satin Enameled, Railroad, Railroad Ticket. Printers and Colored Boards of all kinds. 4,500 dozen of the above L!onHr"r Gold KmbossI Sn.tw Sr::;0 .;.i . rrWy a.. r,.A r Ti ur n P uWm and fancy ; Glazed Papers, all colors (trade up plied : Bronzes, all qnantres. JOHN ALLEN; Agent. No. 30 Beekman Street, New Yoik. Refers to Editor Daily Progress," Newtx-rn. X. C. Sept. 1. dm 1311'ORT.WTTO DEALERS IX LUMBER, LATHES, MEAL AX1 FLOUR The under signed, proprietor of Tull s Steam Mills, near Km pton, N. C, besrs leave toinform dealers in the above articles, and all others who may want them, that he is prepared to fin orders and to deliver, at any acces sible point on the Atlantic &' North Carolina Rail Road, MEAL, FLOCR, LATHES, and ; all desenn, tions of LUMBER, at as low prices as they can be furnished elsewhere. He respectfully solicits orders, and guarantee satisfaction as to qnahtvand ; prompt ness -of dispatch: Addre JOHN ILLU Oct 7 t ktnMou, N. YEAlJLYApVERflilNGnAHiC MAT.F sqcake. One dav Two days. 4. . Three days... Four day".. .. Five days , One week Two weeks.. ? -o wnednv..;.... ....., w .-.- Fwo dav 75 S'jbiy--1 1 WJ - -. . . l .mr days,. r : 05 ..... 75 Fivf ilavs. ....... ....1 50 iC"-. -75 A J Iwo w" - - -i 75- J no Oii month..... 4 eo .....3 ;10 Two months.. ...... ..7 (-0 .....5 ) .Three months. . . ... .10 ft) .....K (H) Six months.. ........16 fK) ...15 On One venr ' ..-....'. s nil One month.... Two months.. Three months Six months... One vear.. .. . Twelve linesmake square, six lines a half square, Liberal annngements m.ule with yenrlv nd vcrtiscr DAILY PROGRESS, TUESDAY MORNING Vnvi: f iivii tV rJo , - v,f I-'IUI.U J, IC'7. ortlt C'aroliiin. Ol'Tn a;e IX BlAhkx Cnrxiv. A correspon dent of the Fayettevi'He-Observer o-Ive thf..r. 1 v nn- iw tl1cuiiU;t vi ,,1,st outiao eu,i5. affair t-onnnittf about n,l5Vs below Elizabethtown. The fac d tacts it Ollt. lenvniT them 11 !i. t.i'nl i , -- " m'uii ui: Mir; '"em ii:en litre w linker's s wile .on ,the floor with .Sr viotence The poor fell OW Seized Olie of bis two ebitlron bis wife spniicinr1 r.o toh tlm irtb.r .t i ran towarus the house ot his old father, a distance j of three or four hundred yards; but they Were j overtaken, and Baker was" most cruelly whipped, atter throwing him upon the ground ami choking j him until he could not all for help. They then j left him, and he went on to ' h$ fathers. On ar ! riving there, las mother told him his bouse was ( on fire, and on looking back he f'aw it was in a j light blaze, and every tiling the poor fellow had in the world was destroyed. The same lawless j crowdjhen went to the house of his brother, an other Laker, and broke' open h'rs 1 -or,U knocked' down" his wife,:tore orl' his shirt, and ran the whole fainily'otf the place, llis house and Everything in it was also burnt. The Bakers were remarkably harmless and in offensive men. There is greatsy nipat by for them in their neighborhood.' ; An old free negro by the name of " Young, and. his wife, r-who live close by rite' Bakers, were also most cruelly beaten, and nearly all their household furniture destroyed. It is generally believed this too was the work of the same law less rioters. , Three of the rascals h'tve. been arrested, and two-have made their escape. Captured A negro, boy named Wiley, be longing to Miss Cyntha A. Ellis, says the Vilson Ledger, who had been runaway for nearly four years was captured on Tuesday -morning last in the upper part of this county, and lodged in jail at this place for safe keeping. One hundred dol lars was ottered for his arrest, v ITIiKt-rllaueoiiti. Mr. Clay to the Bivs. The Western Farm ers Almanac for 1851), contains a letter from Ash land to one of his 'namesakes, winch has never before been publislted, and is so characteristic ot-. that great man that ye talc ...pleasure in transfer- -ing it to our columns : ; M Ashland, 7th July. 1845. Mr Dear Little Namesake : Your parents have done me the honor to give my nante to you. On that account, and at the request of your good mother, I address this note; which she wishes to preserve for your perusal when, by the lapse of time, you shall have attained an age that will en able you to comprehend and appreciate its frehd ly purport.. . Your parents entertain fond hopes of 3011, and you 'ought to strive not' to disappoint them. They j wish you to be good,-res pec ted, eminent. 1 oil j can realize their most sangine .hopes", if you firm i ly resoivo to do so, by judicious enijloyrneut of i your time and your faculties. Shun bad company, s and all dissipation its inevitable consequence. Study uiligcntl y and persevenngly 1 ou will be surprised at the ease with which you will master-, branches of knowhalgu which, m. first view, will frighten yoiu Make honor, jrobity, truth and jirineiple your invariable guidesV -Be obedient, and .".'always affectionately resj-iectfull'y to your parents. Assiduously . cultivate virtue and reli gion, the surest .guaranty of happiness both hero and hereafter.' lit "your intercourse' with your fellow beings be firm, but at the same time bland, courteous and obliging. Recognize at all times the paramount right of your country to your most .devoted services, whether she treats you ill or well, and never let selfish views or interests pre dominate over the duties of patriotism. ' : Bv regulating vourse'tf according to these rules pa-rents. I hat sinm may be your destiny is -the sincere wish of their and vour friend. II. CLAY. Master Hknkv Clay. Chess Lettefi erom Mk. Mokphv. Tho 1 London Era, received by the Persia, contains a 'manly and straightforward letter from Paul Mor- ' phy to ll Staunton, wherein it is stated that the msninationsni tlie ctf ss.coiuinn'ot. l be luustraiea London News (edited by II. Staunton)-as to Mr. Morphy being unjiroyi'ded with funds, c, 'are not strictly 'in aecii'rdance with 'the fact." Mr. Morphy says he leaves the matter of appointing seconds and arranging preliminaries with the gentlemen of the St. (ieorge Chess Ciub, and re quests Mr.. S. to fix a day ,for commencing the match. We make the following extract : Permit me to repeat' what I" have invariably i declared in every rfprlnn-H in-pvcrv chess coimiHl'.ltV i liave Iiau : . . .. - -,. . , j tne nonor 01 eiuermg, ihhi 1 -no ''. . !'"--- . player that I never w ihed to make any skill I J possessthe'nieans of pecuniary advancement-rand that my earnest desire is nc-ier to play for any Ltl.- l.nt .. b.ihof. ' Mv friends in New lOrleans. however, 'subscribed a certain sum, without any -countenance troin nu and that sum has been I read v ft rr you to n'iet a 'considerable time past. ; r f fkirt aajit mil XT ' numerous , gentleinen t.lmt the value of those j stakes can lie immediately increased to any j.amount ; but, for myself jM-rsonaUy, reputation m j tjje onv incentive I recognize." f i In the. match with Mr. Harrwjtz. Mr. Morphy ! n ..j t() ruCcive the amount of stakes.' Mr. jj.j , after bei h,.nUn iu fivc straight.. ! uiff -the match for htteen days. wJie1 was longer tuan ir. 3iorjny. ow ing 10 pro nmi.t iiw .., could remain in Paris. . Mr. Harrwitz, however, was not too ill to play with all others' w ho wished to meet him at the Cafe de la Regence. The let ter referred to above is not printed in the late jVu-s,Mr. Staunton excusing it absence on ac count of a want of rocm. It is to b 3 feared that Mr. Staunton will avoid the match. If the so called King of Chess does meet the Ameiican boy, we shall i-ea chess pkyed as well as it ran be" It w ill then be for Mr. Staunton to justify bis contemptuous criticisms of Mr. Morphy'; games, and Mr. Morphr will, for the first time. havQ an Indnceroent to play m well as he know . how. We learn from private letters that Mr.,. Morphj may be expected home before the chvi of the year. -V ; ! . .. 4 is. (n rt - f. s h 1 . i

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