' , ' . ' . ' ' .... ; . ; .-..; -;-;; ;-..;.. . - . . . ; - - ;:. - ; . '-..'';;;; ... . . - - 1 .;;'--,.'-.-. ;.- ., .. ..; - . . ..... . . . f ' ..' ' . V : . .- . ' ' , ..-"v-v-.. '- , " .. . ,. -, .' . ? ; i I - . " ' ! - :- .;. ' " . ; : v 4 f 2 BY J. L PEXXIXGTON. . The DAILY PKOOKESS" i wrvel to town and nntrr ubncrihera at Six Dollars a year payable avarice. All papers discontinued when the time YEAIiLY ADVERTISING. HATES. ONE QV .......$50 ....... 75 .......1 00 25 .:.4..i 5i 175 .......2 75 3TiTvo lvi..... M 1 Tiirf unleii renewed. . rtinient8 inserted as Special or Bishop No- Four days.. 6 Four days.. ... Five days. ... 75 Five day . One wt-k .......... 87 i One wek . Two week?..... 1 27 j TVo weekV.i One month ... ff n,,. ,..,...'. are charged one-half more than the usual rates, XSW (leaded; or le eonnituting a square Marriage notice inserted for x'5 cents Funeral tit-es 35cenU; Obituaries at advertising rates. Advertisements inserted every other day will be (j 37$ cents for eadh insertion after the firt. c"ryjierp the Tiimiber of inKetlionn are not ex ed when advertisement are handed in they will rr,erted till frbid, tf,) and chained 5() cents for 1) 0 fiM insertion and 25 cent for each continuance - UlUUlll..... ivro months.. ......3 50 .Two rnontlw.jf. ......4 14) ....... 7 (0 ia f 16 P0 .......25 00 hnlf:.qiiar. advertisers. i nree mntne.......5 (X Thre m.thi. Six months.. 8 00 Six nntW I. One year ..15 00 One vear .... VOL I. NEWBERN, N. A, SATIHiDAY MORXIXG, NOVEMBER S, 1858. ' NO. 61. Twelve line nake a square, ix liref a Iil-nral arrann ent lr fde wit h vtflr!v . I , . t TiUSINKSS CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS. HOTELS. I A I 1 I I; V 1 4 x ; r i XI FT SI XI- t, 1 , .1 I -3 XI - ' 'Viakk. ? 1 lOPAUT.'VKfin I XOTiCE The under- j ( i'-'ited would rep'M'tuuiy announce ionic cuizeii f ewhrn and :uljiniij counties.timt tney I a vein if. 0 . ,,H"V1 ij.t Cup.-irtiiiM-ship. under tlie name ;ui fip-.of C. A. HAUT, HliO. & CO., and Hr.-ciw.w pre f.i !i.w too'ur nuincron cntomer the laryjl nirf ,,.!linrnt of good.- in .our hm-, t!mt tins ever ren ou.'i't to this niaikfi, consi-ring f, Stoves, (irate?, iKxleii i,nl II.!low Ware, Planished Iiritlunia and br mi'v.!r ware. Lnn ps f every. .dcscnption, Unnung t-..-.A ,.. K..nsine lil. at wiiolesale and retail, and rvry other art iele nuaMy kept m a- HOl.sL r lie yisflINC S'lOiiK. . e , v j II ivin increased our faciiities for tnaiiutuctuiing ! Tin. iieet Iron anil popper wares, we aie now pre- t-ii w h' jilevti"; call and setiie p,. u tiie .accounts of. tbe late tirai inu-t lie !.sed. Xi.ven.he.r I, 1K dtf C. A. HART & HKO.- ; 2.'' r;uDS, ',!( T;i. SIKtES. HATS, : M'S. .V '.. l'Ol.LOK STREET. NEWHERN'.X. (,' Would ie,cf.!!l-y invde ti e ait.Mi-fott 'of t'-e obre tn S .oet , w'-; ie.ii w il! be Onmd ;". u-vll as"iffi, Mid riufiieiiiitiv f.irge at h'. -seasons of t lie. year.' t! 01 1 1 t 1 and cnivltiHv atLi'i:,de( to. Srj.t I dlv The Modrr i Jnblixlii.iCilI )F NEW HERN. N. ('. I.. I WHOLES A EE RET. ML DEALER, IX Si u,i.k..Fn,o . F.our.M.v ,ksu Domkstic 1 If r )' 'l o oil k, - - . Ju'Z-1, J'tcrlry, ' ''.-., Kcrt,! yim'ti ( ' lth n . . . & e . A.-C.-" . ' , ' ; N'rv, liEKV, N. (r. J. M. F. Hm(KI"iiv I as ju; ree -'ued a eo-uplete ity ortiuenS suitable for-ti e sea -.on. mi1 uiil continue t H'ecive bv every aiiival all (hirable Art'u ics and Nu i ll iVs ot the season. I'lirtirula r ntlfiit ioii paid t,i orJrr.1. e( t l '!' I") ' uririi-:."" '. ). Bin ri vini;, l'imvjir(!iii.; A CoiiimiNHioii M K R (' II A X T, ;nt tiie sfore toru.j-:v 'oruji'.-d b W:n.' I'. Moore,) COUNE U OF SOCHI I-'KuXT MIDDLE STS., .v-;n ;;.. vv. .v. c. I'.irtieular attention trivn to t he Sale of Country I'oif'tn-e, and t'ie Piirehn.-:- o (Jimih gein.'ral'y. . I iiave a convenient AYinnf and commodious i r-'imee. I iiuV.' alt u line of first -clus: Vessels. running regularly between t'liis j'ort and the poifs of N'-w Yi'ak and B.ih iniore A merits ii! X w York : I V I - kV Hol.MKS. S"Ii ti I Agents in IJaltimore: I 'Jaiki CilNNKR &, Sons. dlv W.TI. W!BlTa OICB, M (i EXE ll A AL COMMfSSjnX MEL'EUAXT, EaT'Fkot S-niKKr.-XjfwijRUN. N". C, . Agent for SMlTB S LINE New York Packet. : (mii.c 11 c tce! i nl fa? trii rtlt'tl . Sm I dlv A. T. .1 It Si I S,"" """ - J EN E R Ah t'O M M I SSK N M EI it' 1 1 A NT. EAST FRONT STREET. IMnvtii'iii, .. C. S.q.t -'S dlv I. DE SEER IX XAVAL STORMS EORIY !,' y; ,v cu.iissro M E R C H A N T S . ! r , ' - NKU -lkUNK. X. C. i?" t'udi Advances made on Con '-liniments to he 'i!.l :n-e or t'.var.h'il to N-oitl-ern Markets s"l'l 1 ' ; dly .rJ.i, a ui a wisa rxv, . " ' r M M I X S I () .Y A : Ii C II A X T S , BROAD STREET, XEWi'.ERN, X.r C, 1 KpHeonstantlvon hand ai tides usuallv found in A YAUir.TV HTiU'V. -.1,:.! uiry win sell at a fair profit. '! t attention paid to the ale of d .1 . . ' mntry produce, j li v iitlVKTT, SOFT If ElfOXT STREET. XfHbrni, ."V. '., Ynat respect full v call . tiie attention of families, and H" puhhe -en..--t,!!v. to Id l ove a- 1 well selected M)Ck OF GROCERIES, - IIS Silirurd 1 ! -t . such T. II T . . 1 ,1 unci .11,0 1II1V : .HDIIISM'S. 1 s. Cnit,..,.. vi. .... t- .. . .... ' . .. ., y jai K..t v .... 1. 1 . .. i- 1 . 1 , i ; ' .-ii iio 1 uioumi ami wesiern: Alert i.- arut. .very article. kept tor- f imilv us,. A Itvsh Also 1 1 . i ini Kcrs 01 nit Km "'.'" I assortment of Boot's s ptM reeeiv and . Shoes. Jiats ami; 1 " i ii,nieties. Aiiv one. wishing to furnish u'r'' U",Iy U'iU t,; ive him a call before nig elsewhere, as lie is detennitied that u.Uie 11 go awa dissuti fled. IL is selling bv wholsale " oi,, , iK.aj, ,,ir c.ilsh ur ( uuntrv p,v.due vpt -j, - - dly j . ""Is. Are. -Ki oi o'...l"X .... 'r... . & 1. '!1. and w, IU and Fresh Fidi. &c. :,, t 'ir n.,Uv,,ti,, i-'iven to the Mileot' Produce in tr-ri'ivilli' Jiii.i tru.ii. it...- fVK . 1, , ' He terms. 1.1.. WV!!"-VvK'n & t o., ' .'i .BB B B 1 1 X tl I." BJ i II K V T' " v W i 1 IV V II . I f 11 '- s Tir ' ""P.-'tsier, Rn ets and Burrs Pan; . " Ur nmi other S w. fcc.. &c. TIBl.r I -. ----- I ..... b-.t.i It tWl"? ffIveU t,, ti e Sde of. Prodme, living ami Forwarding GtKids. i't 1 3m hVu.k rR )F 'NAVAL I XTOUES. s , .ui puunptly to all buiesS entrasfed to him. T r f dlv JXxi'Ecrnr: np v STORES, Wiu -M-W HERN. N I'""'- entnist, .''IT l"''' l,mn,lll.v nttend to ah, &h""t Wm C v ue l.v be found generailv - I'-rtl...-1 oitfoni store. I -tion given to the sale of Nava' f 1 .-x. jb xtbc k; 1 (V,? tU con of Craven, Jon., rartret Tiiil ' ' - , r ' -mr mmr ' I tl I.1 I I OllOll IIOWJIO, Oil VXOCil I'll L. A. T nil JWf-l I , . . . 1 . .,,., line at lower pi.iees thai. i V:iti h.- j.iu.M.HM i in : I ' . C ' i uvT Ul TF It TR TV ' o?-d, TIMH DAY, tbwr Fill! and Winter Style of 1V UOTE.Br HlriefcnT, lV.,t i e Noi.tt.vn. i'--" l- -1 :,!5! ';m wVdic Inrm " tVimirLV , U .S UJSBrRY X. C-T..U popular Jletel, by ftIi:ii-y ) u.ve1ve..:;f,1e t;ut:, oi our a,i il n.,,. ; lrl cl , h, l, m I ai,t, iMI, -0t ,3-.- I, dtf: . .be indetatigable RoBAnnS still cvl,tinuca to Mi,ti.i . (oriie.-ot fJroad j.n.d .did.l!c:re..t s one do.r south ;. 0.., i V 1 J , .UAAi, w .. : ! its tonoer repnr.ition for neatne quiet end "end (lf,!,,(:im,t House. .Neben,. N. C.. ; j l'fl(iXAU"S ' vATK?mVt'S,8' :-1 C ' F' nAKDKV' WATCHMAKER 'J AD fare and nt houW in North Cnri.liu? ejovs a l'wr : JlMii. Mo.oc !!,k. .. jMir.-EKWis. t PLKE INK AND BRANDY, JKWELKIi, I'.diock street, next ioor to the pvopoition of the patronage of tie tiMVir-Mv V. U. i- r.-oi! -..!;iig ,t m. t ( A., jen r-'t.. : .:v:: ; i-a , t t A-r., y.c. j new Store ot Lnmet Cuthbert. Esq., having procur- .'If is lo'eated 111 t !;- business iiortb.n of Sm!";,,,.-,- ,i ! I? A,- UiO.. wi! iiie.ini. li.e:i ;u;i 1I!om !!,. fiu : . o I'UiiiAHV Miil'.i-i, .r.nni'au,u. v. ert one ol ISottoois jnir.roven 1'atent 1 am ersaj r 001 remote trom tie Mist e and fiini'iNi.m ..f.,.r . . L 1 am. Commission Mmu ium. j mWW-M lVrk.- Bacon, Lurd. Corn, W,.i-Icy. Fl;.ur. Coal, 1tMi Hay, A:c. A supply -alw . s on. hand. a;Al for sale on t 'HiU0,ip ir i-iivirnission. .CoiHtgimieiits. will have everv atreu-- K $ iiLliitii ' ben. Will keep vessel nun, in; for. Baltimore, bv " -ft ' l TO:' v' t ind through tii ciinal. Fn-i','lit tttken at nwirket u W' JCL" u rule. . " ' :.gr. jbW. IV . ' si" ' div Sk M t;t l)Pfl . v . "I I - IV V I 1 , 1 . 1 - "rtdizers. Lime, Calcim-d Pl-ter, Ce' - -1 Oc-t lji-dtf Nti," 11 I)ust- ln,n' Steel. Iron Axl-s and rP 'iIlrr, ISiiildertt mid Lumber Beal- h' l "i; 'n,ware' Nails, Cisterns and Force Pump f id. The subscriber is prepared to furriish at i :"r aml lj:iler Bandings, Rubber and lwT nvtWef LUAIHER, either Rough on PlanUd, bv . - The Xrwbern Intnnl i ' Ii E I N S V IVA X C E C O M P A X Y. riHIS Company hAs now leen in 8uc esibful opera. K. tioii f.jr ' -j-- I TIIKKlv.VEAKS, I)uring which time no assessment has beep made to meet losses. ' . ' Tiie Company is now prepared to receive Applica tions for . . . i xs i: n a x c e , Whi! mnv be nutdt? to iiiiv of the different Agents tjiroughont the State, or t the undersig otiice of the Comit-tnv, in tliis iace. nL-d, at the imj'-tny, in this j MOSES AWJAliVIS, Secretary. Xewheru, N. ('., Sept 1 f V , dly r v,. -.iotsdat, I wi liolintr and Hrfail IriisiMt NJAVREKN. N. C.. K '1)': eontantlv o!i hand a 'larire and well selected STOCK OF FRESH I Mil US AND MEDICINES. A !.".'; ii.li exiei'ivr a.sMi1:eiit of PAINTS, OILS DYE STI FFS, TOILEt SOAPS ' .'7 j. .' , (','( u:.. nl juii rij.ll-.! vaifcf) of FaiifT Arliclfn. O 'iers . .ft'oiii Ti;v eouiitry 1 speet fiiiiy -oi red. and dlv pi o Pt.v Liter. 1 A ."V iiS' C A -'! V 1? A K E K Y . 1 POLLOb: STREE T. XE YBE RXfX. C. 1 We are now. tn u it Jhrf rtusr a large and Varied as soitioei.t oi" plain and faiicy Candies, suitable for the Fail and Winter trade. is zujrrinr to ann irer im- p 'ii '1, and i- sold at a lt;ss price than a go.d artu k can be i.ton;iit in the .o,rt0ern l.ities. e have re- duced thepriee in order to see if you will fatt era Manutuerories in prei'er! i;ee to those srt 11 Xorth- IOHIC. , Yr xcif in htx i'f '' ins. 'a nit itiicarti Stiek ( amtves at. Suuar and Burnt Ahnonds Lozenges , all kinds ...... B5c. .... 20c;. Sugar Plun.s and other Pan Work;. . .'...-.IBc. fi iOe. MiittiwK nb.in and aii oilier kinds at equally Iom- ralj e are piepared to '-manuta.eture 2,b(H; week. Will 4.u buv ;i ? ids', per OtirCundies are fre ? from fto-Hori, (coloring ) Chalk, .Starch,- Hour; and a41 otlier impurities. We use .nothing but the best doiible 'refined 'crushed su;.'ar a nl inirrniit it Id krrp at nit rl m.i'c. it return it and th iiionev shall be refuiidcd; w'it ii cost of transport at ioii. We are also oer lK)t. rogcther lire-pared Vitn our "Bake; , 10 loaiiiiiaeluit.' Sugar and Butter Crackers in any quantity E,icrs t Vo'bu the HI. '.Sujiar ' Crackers He." . .-. 7e. Butter Crne'kers,. . . N small cakes of aii kinds -securely packi d in bar-. rels at ll'c. (i "Ji'e. per 1. Also large cakes. or Wed- dfiurs and Parties, ornamented as well as tlx v can be ! anvwhere in tin- wbiid, at $ I a "j in fact we make ! everything that is. made in similar concerns ithrouirli out the country. : ' . r We have, in order, to jret the latest isoorove incuts, sent one ot our workmen orth. turii unibt,Ki tl:fe...-wv.ek.-,.: and if out nuMness iias.coii:e nut .ruts season, ve'w! duee it' here -soon aftr-his return.. - Y iiui obedient sei ,:nt ,' Oct 22 dtf ' J. S: BANKS. AI arblr NI'.U iiCiEN Murf.fr MnA The snb- re eiving a stock of .J riber 1 a rge 'urrirti ti. (i iw rtn-i imh Marble and is i Ii times- prepareo To fill or ders for Mowimpnt. Sicfm nnd Tomb- '& fours, of every de H'iTiiS 1 !.!:l I it wi nitioii, ait les s thai! N o K t H K K N juices. Oiir work delivered in ili'l parts OI .NOITi! avoim.i Free of and Virginia charge.. Our workinanship has been generally introduced in some tiurtv counties in Noith Carolina, and for itself. " speaks I, Orders. by. mail will meet with prompt attcntii itm and oe i-uttitultv executed. Address, .). C. AVIER, Newborn, N. C. uo'-. .ifuitrs niwcnsnn, i raveling Agent., j U Sept lb I dlv 171 A I. B AAVISTKR fl 11 i O BIT AT B LEWIS PHELPS, MERCHANT TAt -OR, Bol!ok Mtree't. ,rwbrrn', IV. C, Has just returned from the North, ha vine pur large and superior stock of diase a ( ' Ll 1 H S, C A SSI AI Eli ES, V ESTINGS, Ab-ot'wlach, liSviug in 1:1s e.e.p'ov first' clas wo-rk' men, e i p. ep.ue.r 10 ii.tve inaoe up 111 a sapenor ne is iueoaie'1' 10 nav; manner. Cut and 'stvle warranted to .give satisfae- tioii. READY MADE CLOTHING, GENTLEAjlENS . ; FUKNISHINITGOODS, &C, KC Af varied and well selected stock of Read Made I'liuus ouii!, imiu, esis shuts cravats, gloves naiineU and 111 fact a general assortment -of leverv- t mug which is necessarv ti complete the AVa drobe of a gentleman of taste, all of which ma may be hid 'at a verv-small advance on New A oik cost Gentlemen are invited to call and examine the ex- ten: ive slock of phiin aiid funey l..tl.sVe-isiuit rs awl vestings on hand. He feels assured that, "aim iior the many uinvrent stvles ami patterns, it will be erisy for au to .suit Tiiemseive iStore on Pollok street, next door to tle Post neti tee. cargo dr in smaller quantities. : Hough Lumber, any wize and length under :: SO feet. : -' Planed Tongue and Griwved ; Flooring, and Rabbit ted AVeatherboarding; Dior Facings and 1110 ow 1 usings. Sawed Laths in any quantities. Terms etrieihlcnsh - ; " - :-v .-Ii.- X. - TAYL0K A'kent. Newbern Sept I .- -.: v ('..1m -,Ti -i , E IS. 1Vm1. U. SADILE AND HARNESS MAKER, :!$t side if Middle St: rrt, f nit ihorx touthp if the XK I f :B FRX, Xo. Ca. I eonstantlv mnnufactu: ing' .'verv t of biiivies.. All orders pi t-mptlv att Oct - " r, t. V O F B I ,t';.h.!L' r..-.. . , l rders pit-mptlv attended to.; f - - ..1, tinirj iiiiiiziiiiif. aw PEXTTST. Permnmeiitly IH-ated in the Town tf Newlerp,ten. tiers ins protessionai services' to the cmzeHs - of Newbern nnd anmumding etmntry.v 1 ! Office on South Front st., opposite theGanton Iloasc Sept 1 1 o'V i' jilSfoiiiii'ifcr -'':' , i l 11 K:ra I v.: I m Jackson .& Thomas, : Yh4ln.ale Uatail and Commission Merchants, Corner of IVroad and Ilaneock Strtets, SF.YBEJS, X. C, Have jut received and kexp constantly on band, a L'ood asfost inent of the : bet qnalitv of FAMILY (fJKOCEUIES. sueh as Flour, Meal', Pork, Bacon, Lard, Cheese. Butter, Suear, Coffee. Molasses. Al w. Kerseys, Blankets. Cotton .Bagging ;and Rope, Boots, Slfoes. Hats, Crockery, fcc.. Sc. L Oet 23 . dtf . 4 CAR!). E- rV jvn XPrrxnm rn.T.lF.T?Y. XEW AXP S FLEX DID MILLIXERY, AIRS. IVEY & MRS. AHSSILLEIK will! te pleased I s, at their I to see. their friend and njnnerow putvmkc L ,athes, is now fuHv. piv.ared to e.xecirte any and i. 11 kinds of WATCH-WORK, in the U-tfnnd neat- i ?t ossi1de manner,. at tire suorteet notice, pud on a Ct HO'-iMini.f; I' -: All work entrusted to my care will be warranted to sfive perfect satisfaction;- .r no charge will be made. Give me a trial once, and your confidence for the fat lire shall be mine. " i A good, assortment of Watches and Jewlry fpf the : best quahtv, constantlv on band. Oct E) " ".y Coi'ABrrS'KaSWlilP. iOT!f,E..-We toe un x de; signed, have this day entered into a Copart nership tinder the firm of MERRILL & MI LEER, for the purpose of carrying ou t he Ous-fit ting business in all irs branches, and will keep constantly on;hanT a large and splendid assortment 'of (as fixtures and everyt'dng appertaining to that line of business. Also, Steam and Water piping of all sizes. Place of business-, opposite the Wash'ington IoteL; in the rear of. Mr. .lohn F. Hauff's Music Store! 01' ders from the country proiiiptlv attended to. SAMUEL MERRTLL. Oct 1 1 3in ALEX. AIILLER, Jr. Vi:oRiu: biniiop. V XEIYIERX, X. C, ; Manufacturer of Window Sash, Blft'idif, Pannel Dolors, Shutters, Wrod Mouldings, Brackes, Balusters, '.'"'-.'.,. Newels, &,c, i5cc. ' : -; ' ? ; '-:" - a 1. so, . ' manufactures and keeps constantlv on hand, a targe stock of CABINET FURXITURE, at wholesale and retail. ' . . ' Sash Mill on Broad st., Ware Kwuns on Middle street. Sept 1 ; v - ; dly NEWBERN HOTELS. V Al. I. MOORE,, PEOPR I E TO R The subscriber having taken charge of the abovt et.ablishment, respectfully announces that it i open for the accommodation of the TRAVEJ ELIXG r 1 w I -: j8!l S II I Ml - will rc MI:;iWHIB' '12Sj: win be n jrnBsa rsssra iTrt&mww PUBLIC and BOADERS GENERALLY, t i Id. t . lurner,. tluet Eng. u..C. Jv. ' The Gaston House is oleasniiitv located, from the? vi.onton, 'I reasurer. - Sept v.t.ni le iiasion 110 smith windows of wiiieh there is a fine view of both the Xeuse and. Trent Ti i vcr.sv while during the Sum mer the south and west" winds render. tiie entire build ing delightfully .-cool. ; ' T The Roonis'are large and well furnished. . The Table is well supplied, from. the Northern and Home. Markets. i- Having also large -t'ud cbniintidtous' Stubfcsi -;ad j excellent Ostlers, he will board II wives- bv tlie'tbiv ; week or looutii. lie lots also convenient arraiv i ments tor the nccoiiunod.itioh of Horsie Drovers ! j ; The Proprietor will exert every effort t give en ' tire satisfaction to those who ina v favor 'hirn'.twitli1 their patronage. , AVAI. P. AIOORE. - Septfi-i "r ' ;;; - dlv . A AY Mi J. SAITT1I, PROPRIETOR.- ; BROAD STREET, XEWBERX, X. C. Tiie undersigned respectfully announces to! the ' traveling public that he has taken charge of thi old ami popular establishment, and' is now preiiarea to 1 ! accommodate travelers and pnvate families with tioard by tue day or month on the most accommoda ting terms. . : IIis TABLE will always he furnished with the best provisions that home' anil foreign markets can affind. The Washington Heiel has large rooms, is nearer Hnvinsr also a J:u-"-e i:d commodious Stable and .nn excellent Ostler, he is fully pivpured to board ! ,,nf oy tne day, wetfc-or month at the most tea- sonable rates. Sept 9-dly AVAL J. SMITH. TKAASBEfT BOARDING Hi:, - Xcr thr Railroad Depot, ' -XEAYBERX. X. C. ; The subscriber having taken and refitted a lion Be ion IIandciK?k Street, onlv a few stei.s from the Rail I roa wtion,'w now pivparel to accommodate tiie . r. .. .. . -T- ,. . travelme public with Board and Lodriiag, enliojK-s to be able to give witisf action to all who call on bun. 1 . l 1 1 ue iepot. tue v ouit House and the business streets j rates for cash. -lI'.tWH) sheets ot Card isoam, com-isi jia'.,,;n.4 wije-n the wor :iv, r.neliassiencti nwi 1 than nnv other in the city. '."'i-- ';! ing of China, Sfltii. Porcelain, Sarm -Enanieljf ' (.r Oon-e'v- .1 TJe bii' ht fresh Honcr with I Ati OAINIBUS will always be at the Depot ,and j Uaihoad, Railroad Ticket, Printers- and Colored j j - ' it.c,T,dej hr -riM.m, the apart i Iane.inr on the anival of the esirs nd stefjtil,onrt to n;..,, ,Iu U t-ind- J fJifl doyen tf tne ab v.- . " i"1'1 -'- J" . .. . , ....,. i convey passengers to the Hotel free of all charge. kT, df "all -rf Gold Emb,ssed Show mt i.t w her, ier T nh ZuZ I By stopping at this Hotel-passengers will have Cards ; 20.000 Chromotvpe do.: dozen Fanev ? far brlter hff-; ra.w irawning '"Ij ! mni.-t ..t.f n;n 1 ; . 1 .-. - 1 - t.u w ,1'.. :i;. ;i fs'i-o- it-.u th'mks ot the t'i'.rv and beano ot me ew I'lV. .tl mv IV 'IILIIlli llirn.1. ' II Hlllri .I'll 11117 P II rIIIfll N JI 1111(11 I !l "- 7 . . . f A boy -will be in attendance regularly at the Depot to convey baggage to and from the house witlwnt charge. " . - -., -: : : .TERMS FOR .BOARD: Ter Day,....................'. $1 00to$! C5 Per Week,... 7 CO XTl-dlw- W. C. LOFTIK. subscriber takes pleasure in. unmmv.eir.g to triendf, and t!;e public generally , tliat he has taken this lung .established and well known IJorel. and has inudH-evrj- possible prennnitin fo accomodate the t)us!i!-ss. travehnir and visiting portions .of the oub hc, m the mot snrisfactorv manner.- P.-o-tien'A- temn.n is pnid to his table, ami everv .comfort is pro- yid.?o in his n.oTiis. Hi stable rnbundnmK' failed. iUMt rtttended by t earef'ni o.tir: an.l to ail j.dcjfHrtii:eias the:pr...rir-tor uWhk his persona? at ten- i M,1,oli;;. A Vmif M'tuWt- On.:iburun:;.regnhtrlv to the ! Mtpm.on ii,e:arrtvni .,t. the car. With to P'saV liberal kare of the public ifronaL'e is '"jooer.tly solicited. VM. ROWZtE. tedant '011 raihoud lM.tcl He'v the w-'-ij-v traveVr ,rrc nf a i.nl-t m-ht rost. An Omnibus drawn uv oi- si.leudid buvs, r1v ;vs at the .'cpV.t i tl e arrival oi tiiv nns, tor l.he u-u of the guests of the R. wan House, free of extra 'charge.'..-'. Stage passenrers, r remei-nber. there is but one Stage Office in Salisl.nrv, iind that' is kci.t rt the T. ...... rr. in: ' - , 1 !..e Voi--d bv fake "out cries oi i'!ii Mouse. ll n von jimve on t he eriiv ,'i.ir, t sei'- Vf-tI!,-N Sei- II. L. ROBARDS. - :!v I rii 4. Hal 1j, X ; Foriiu-ily Proprietor of ti e 'Gnston II oil . Newr.em. X. C., -now at the AVESTERN HOTEL, 'NE W YORK. Having recent IV identified himself with the interests of this establishment, would respectfully solicifvorir pat rout; ge. land Sautlienier general! v. 'visit in"- this e.ry,.) - .is t lie. design is to make tins H, nse in a great degree; the Ho.mk of the Soi thkrn'er, nil who come to it are assured .that they will find a genuine Southenier to attend to their wants and comforts. : Tiie housV is admirably located, eseciallv for business men, being on ' Court land Ptieol, onlv a few doors from Broadway, in the immediate vicinity o. th.e Southern Railroad and Steamboat Stations." I, has ample accommodations, having some 250 wel furnished rooms, also suits of rooms for fainilie--. The table will comjjare well vith 'any other in the city, besides it ha all' the other requisites of a first ctasss note!; Parlors, Keucung Jiuoms, Baths-, &c; &c. To suit the times, board has been ledm-ed to $ I 5t per day. D. D WINCHESTER, New York. Sept'1-.dty Proprietor. TARKATf'N BB TK'l..-Tids couveDient and well arranged establisinnenf has just undergone, a tborough renovation, from cellar to garret, and hav ing been furnished with new furniture throughout, is now openLjor the reception ot travelers, under the direct supervision and management of Messfs. JOHN JARRATT -&. BRO., who will use everv exertion to keep a first class Hotel. JOHN .JARRATT, Petersburg, A'irginia, T. J. JARRATT. ..Si-Pi 1 iKJin TV T AbTK R M A T 1 O NAIi 18 O T EJU n Corner of Alain and Church Streets, , Norfolk, Tr., AY7Al. L. WALTERS, Proprietor. Sept 1 dlv M ISC E LL A N EO US-CABDS. Will pioiniitlyuitenU to the collection of monev.. or iinv general business entrusted to him. Address, " Salem, Forsyth county, X. C." Oct 1 -'dly. 1 b: t 11 .Via 1 . b i-: 'vrr , JL V. ITH I. '!J!' .BII5BIAY,' GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, - Mo 11 tli Sirccl, New Vork., Sept. L dly II ItixYllI. ?AB5B6V A CO.. Ill M A XI 'FA CTURERS OF SA SUES,' FI? AM ES. Jilinds, Doors and Spokes, of a superior qua-lit v. SALISBURY. X. C. , All kinds of Ornamental Wood Work. Palings, 'Brackets, &e...done at short notice. -Contra cf, taken for fitting up and for erection of 'Building-' o'f all kinds. Sept ti-di'u? r llAf.nr.H. ' Tf' ARC HI TEC J ,V ' I . .Ai nrtLiioni nij w,-. Y ft firnish Designs and Siiecificatioiis tor, and su- Churches. Public Buildings r also 'for -con'striu-fioiU' a quiring: and to fell him to look into his own belonging to Railroads-, as Bridges of Stone, Wood soul? to stop him when he is enjoying;, and to or Iron, and all buildings required at Stations. Plan warn him of his salvation ; to suspend his eoti and Estimates given for the Improvement of AV titer ; tracts, to arrest his schemes, to calm his emotions, i Power and Mechanical Constructions in-general. Rk.fj.kkncks. Hon. John W. Ellis ; 'Chi'ih-s F i Fisher; Pre-. N. C. R. R. ; C. P.MeiMieniiall. I reas. V I1C BB B T i; (' T IT WAl. PERCIYAL, Architect and Civil Engineer, : Oilice, Smith's B ick Building, Fa vettevitle Street. J RALEIGH. X. C ." ! "Will furnish designs for Churches, Public Buildings, Stores, Towu and (ountry re.-ddenees, Alterations .of ! Old Buihlings, Specifications, and Superintendence. I He will also attend to. the Laying off Grounds for f Ornamentation; and supply Aiaj's of same. ; " With aired neat lonnl training tor nis protessnn ann a practical experience 'of more than sixteen years, on public and private works. in Europe, Canada 'ami the United States, lie 'hopes to give safistiiction. He ve specttullv refcis td thos.e by whom he is professionally eifcgageu iu 7t omic- The Building Committee on the Chapel Hill Univer - sitv Improvements. - " The Building Committee of the Raleigh new Baptist ('hurch, R. S. Tucker. Esq., Tialeigh. r William M. Boylan, Esq., Tialeigh W ilham M. Boybm, lusq., iiaie,gn , Win. S. Battle, Esq., Rocky Mount, Edgecombe Co. N IL-A large number of Original Design for ChuroheL Villas, &c. can be seen ut his office: . . u.nt 1 dim 1 lBCB.Vi'KIS.V and KAKAVKK!i' B'AStUrt 1 J. nnd Card Bo'ard, at ALLEN'S Card Deot. No. 30 Beekman Street, New York, at very jow ! Cant -'. rjrt 1ot rirdr'a nf "Tnchier. all sizes, plain jfand fancy; Glazed. ' Papers j all colors SUP- fplied ,1 Bronzes 'all qualities. $ JOHN ALLEN. Atrent; No. 3i-Berk man Street. New A'ork, Refers to Editor " Daily ITogres," Newbem,N. C. Sept. 1. r , d3rn ier! iin- L 1THPS WAT AT) FLOl R. the un - siirncd. nronietm-of Talis Steam AI ills, near Kin & M m ab. A -t .-m -wr 7 . if ton, N i ti.inform dealers in the above nrtieW and 11 othei who mav want them, that he is prep.- re t to fill order and to tieiiver.jai any siblew n tn the Atlantic North Carolina Rail jJoadAiE L FLOUR; LATIlks, and uU deerip- IMe Srate Census it appear that out of a popn tions i f LUMBER, at ns low piieea as they can be 5aton cf three and a half million?, there are fbonB furnir hed el ewiiere. He ref pecnmiy souch i rut,, nnetv seen thousand m the State wno can ncuu and i narant aatifaction at ?d.P,1c,nPt" ; er read nor write one thirty-sixth part of tho ne it ef dispitch. Addrw. J9;' L v V- whole ' i SATURDAY iumlSoWlS.: Sunday i:i:ading. THE tWO AMSEI 8. IiV I. I.ONUf i.l.LOW. " Two angels, 01 e of Life and one of Death, Pulsed (''or our village as t iie. morning broke; Ti'e d iwn wasjon their I'm e, -jitd beneath, ; Tiie .M.nnbre houses hearsed with plumes of smoke. Ti.eir attitude and aspect v.vre the same, Alike t heir feat ur. and their robes of white; But one w'as'erowned with ai.ndrHnt.il, a wit.h'-fl.Ame And one v itii ;i.-p'.,edel, like tian.es of lighL 1 saw t;-em pane on tr T -- - -. . - - eiT Ce;est!:H WiVV : 1 .iCli rUiU I , Wit ; tl t- tear.ailU itoubf niinrtatrnt LcfU her Pi h'tu'i v ' . , m 1 let liitm !u.t.., - . - J -i.-t.'VU. 1 he place wu re thy beloved me at rc.ftl " . A lid he who wore the crown of asphodels, " ; - v I)esren.!g U y dour, began to knock, And .my soul -,;:k within me, as' in wells .'. ' - - The aters sink bet. -re an earthqutike's hock. I reeogidzed the uainele.ss agony T..e terfor'HTid the tfe.imr and the pain, Tuat oil l-fore I.ud iiileil or h.aunted ii-e," And now returned with three-Red strength again. The flooi I -i. pel red tu my heavenly guest, . ' ' And listr-ned I tirouj.-.ht I heard God's voice . . And. kiH.wii! E.,t eeVi lie. sent wa bet, D ired neither to iaei-rtif nor to rejoice. Then with a' si- he that idled the houe with light, ' My en r nd is 'not Deatl;., but Life," he said ; "' Bnd eie I answeicd. i:a-sing cut ot feigiit: On bis celestial embassv he sl' d. 'Twas at thy door, O friend ! and not ;:t tnine, - Tise angel with t:' e am u-anthine wreath, ' Pausing, descj-uded, and with a voice divine Wl.lspered 11 wcnl that had a sound like Death. Then fell upon the bouse a sudden gloom, A shadow on those. features fair end thin; And softly from the bird. ed and darkened room, Two angels issued where but one went in. All is of. God ! If He but wsve his hand, - The mists collect, the 1 ainj fa Us thick and loud, Till, with a'smile of light on sea and land, Lo ! He looks back from the departing cloud. Angels of Life and Death alike are hi ; -' Without his leave they pass no thre"Shhold o'er; Who, then, would wish, or dare, disbelieving tlis, " Against I jis messengers to s.hut-the door ? SmxKV Smith rx Si;may Or-krvance. The eccentric ami satyrical" Sydney Smith was never cliarred with beinrr unco-riVhteous. Uut there are voigns nf tl;;ep ftnd noble thought in his papers, which it w ere well if some who are quite ready to 'com ma tul his , wit and- laxity of opinion on a few subjects, would resort to. Take the fol lowing impressive utterance as to the value and . importance of the. Sabbath: "I must suspect the virtut! and suspect the re- -ligion of that man who imagines he can attain .' the quality or tlic excellence, without submitting; to tbo'rules and practices by which the excellence and the onaiifv are fouml' t' be -attained, who.be. ! lieves he can be a good Chris fin 11 without Sab- ! barbs and without prayer,- and reach" the end j without submitting" to the menus: and means, re " ! member, not only sanctioned by the experience i of nieii, l)ut eii."i!.-'.ting from the .will of God, ro f dn.ced to a positive commandment, one of Hie i laws of the piilMr on which all ('lrristian .nations have founded their religions usages; and if we did not understand the reason of the law, what matter, if it is the law ? Put who does not feel the reason of the law Who would hesitate one moment for an answer, if I wore to ask him why the Sabbath was instituted ! To stop that thought less, oblivious cn-riture, man, in his headlong , pursuit of pleasure and of i ealth to tell him that t -, !,! ;t ;,!m,vnl:'tli:it Christ f.nnp down uuon 1 .. ,1. ,-.. T-. ...,.7. 1 fo.,f t. htvnni W-o rt""' ' ' i- 1 1 1 r to ooell his 'hatreds, to burst mfo his soul witu . , 1 . . 1 ...1. . .... -i .. .n tl ,!1 1 Ii:iOr OI '. - ti s 11011 . mho .11 lie m: is lnakitid paltrv ace t'i -i'f ions and panting after fool- ish jih'j slltiW h the ear! sures", ti open to him the heavens and to . . - " 1 m the throne' -of Cod, and to open to mm h and tohow'; hinilthe deptlis of hell, and to breas h to hioi t-eiuperaiicc, and. righteousness, .men to ei.i; e.'' : . - and ju . Tin: chi't is Emjtv ('v.M)LV. The death of a little to its mothers- heart like the dew -on a plant from which a bud has jut perished, o'soit lifts mi its h'-ftd in freshened preen J The enness to the rnoriiing iigl't ; so the motb-r's soul gathers, from the dark sorrow which she lias passed, a brigbteriirog of hAr heavenly hopes. As she bends over the eiorrtv cradle, and fancy brings her sweet infant before her. a fay ot U .; vine light is on the cie nib f-ice. it is tier son 'still. biiY with the seal of immortality on his brow. ju, f,,,. (i.;tt l,..avcii is the only atmosphere ivhr.fo her orceious flower e- tihl unfold without ; ' . u,... -ti. sj,e wouivl m t recall the lost. t,e nnnierrv of his departure seems to . I'.t tiie ,im n .1 ' . , . 1 . ;mlw bring his spiritual presence near. She induces ; in that temh r m-t. wl!. h so. ths, like an opiate jj, nas. ;th .;;vd' pn-" a: d care in life. 1 -rid to her l mi longer nuexi witn-ner huiieio love and .hope m th future, po glorious with lieri'venly' love 'and.jev; she ban treasures of Jerusalem. wh-re the ht tie loot thorn among the flower.-, to r-nuer h h-b v. - c . :o.'..; i ,. .. ni .l. for tto dear head is reposing o.. the brea-t of the Savior, and h knows her infant is there in that wurhl of etenial liss. : . , - .- " st Ioi4 n.nrkcd or page in that book, now : emphatically to t the -Ww d of Life, now lying chtscd on the teUet table, which she dajly reads: Snff- r. little children to come unio me, ii Js the kingdom of heaven. ViU trxTtni in New A'ukk According to the will never una a 1 if . 4 t, ir i; .-( s . e t .1 -

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