DAILY PROGRESS. NEWBERN, IT. C, THURSDAY MORNING, DEC. ; 2, 1858. A Little Plain Talk. . Yesterday morning the Daily Progress entered upon the fourth' month of its existnce, nA w' are e-lad to be We to eay to our friends that, - since the issue of the first number, its cir culation has been gradually but steadily increasing Its permanency is no longer problematical its ex istence and continuance is a fixed fact. To that large number of our citizens who have ubscribed and ; paid in their subscription,! we return our profound thanks, and to those citizens who have subscribed, and who have not paid, for fear as some allege that the paper would die and that they would be loser, we would say that their bills will be made out and presented immediately, and that we shall expect them to pay six or twelve months' subscription, and that if they do not pay it before the close of the fourth month (December) their names will be stricken off. This is no ap peal we urge no great necessity, but we are only stating the manner in which we mean to conduct our business, and if there be some who do not approve it we can't help it thats all. Our current expenses are heavy, but thus far we have managed to meet them, and we expect to continue to do it, and we do not intend that our profits at the end of the year, if any, shall consist in a ponderous bundle of accounts, many of which we should be compelled to let run for an indefinite period. j Subscribers can pay for six or twelve months, as they prefer, but this is due whenever we choose to call for it, after the commencement of the sub? scription, ard those who do not pay it will have their papers'discontinued. If they cando better without the paper than the paper can without them, we have only to say, go ahead. Certainly we would rather not have their names than to have their names unaccompanied by the money. Lip patronage we despise. ' . All subscription accounts, in Newbern, that commenced 1st of September, will be presented immediately, and prompt payment in every in stance will be expected We are not asking fa vors, but only demanding what we are entitled to. To Milliliters and Members of the Press. Our friends of the Tress, and Ministers who may be in attendance at the Methodist -Episcopal r t ' ;' "vt "i n' i vouiereuce, commencing in xevuerii on vveu nesdav. the 8th of December, are cordially invi ted to call at the office of the Daily Progress. laDies ana aesKs, amply supplied wun paper, pens, ink and envelopes, will be in readiness for their special accommodation. Our exchanges too, will be at the disposal of such as may desire to use them. The Progress building is centrally located, on Pollok Street, and is within two doors of the Post Office,' thus enabling all who may ntrnll tbomaplvoa rvf rmr lnvJtntlrm fr writo tm t the very latest moment, previous to the closing of the mails. A Request. Our correspondents and all others : writing tar the Progress, will conter a lavor by avoiding, whenever it is possible, the use of Latin. Man v nersons vv lift dn nnr. rpnllv rpolio wliat J l . ' V . Wl... V...CW 1 1 1 Itl. snouia oe me oDjeei in writing tor tne press, lug in a latin phrase, word, or quotation, every few lines. Such writers should know that. thp. massp's are, generally, nearly as ignorant of latin as they ' (the writers) are, and that good taste and good sense forbid its use. We prefer the mother tongue, decidedly. ! ".. Carter v. Deems. The following card appeared in the "N. C. C. Advocate " of the 25th ultimo : , LSI. Vyniurift AllJ UIX. SJCrjISlO. Bro. Heflin : You will please allow me snace in the Advocate to correct an error which prevails relative to the above named case. The impression has been created, by various . means, that I, with others, who voted in the mi-; nority of pur Conference in Dr. Deems case two years ago, am concerned in the proceedings of I Carter agaiust Deems. An extract from a Fetter ( received from Dr. Carter, in relation to this very Point, will correct this lininst imnutjitinn , .- His letter bears date, " Olin, N. C, Nov. 9, 1858." He sava. "This I have done." namelv " cri rtr Deems notice," &c, 41 on my own responsibility. I have not consulted. with the minority on the subject, " neither did they know I intended ' any such thins. They are free in this-matter. I am alone responsi ble ; and if 'any one is to be blamed, I am the one." By inserting this note you will perform an act Of Simple iustir.fi. and nhlirr. -nnrH M-n r ' r " J " " .. ., THOS. S. CAMPBELL. LEGISLATURE OF N. CAIOI.I.'VA. FROM OCR OWN REPORTERS. : SENATE. - ; t ' . Tuesday, Nov. 30th. Mr. Steele offered a resolution instructing the committee on internal t improvements to consider the expediency ;of offering amended charters to the railroad companies m which the State is interest ed, with a view to giving individual stockholders a controlling influence. '.-"'" The following bills', &c, were introduced and referred." : 1 ;v t ' -: Mr. Thomas, a bill to provide for the system of free banking. ' ' Mr. GilmoreJ a bill assenting to the purchase of a site on Deep River for a national foundry, by the U. S. if needed. - , , Mr. Waikup, a bill to pay, with fees, justices of the peace, and to compel them .to keep a record of their acts as such. . , Mr. Steele, a bill to amend the Charter of the Wilmington and Rutherford Railroad Company. Mr. Ramsay, concerning the elections of Sheriffs . Mr. Leach, a bill to permit inspectors of elee tions to receive money from privileged voters. Mr. M.cKay, a resolution to furnish arms to Military Schools on same terms as Slilitary Com panies. ," " : ' i j - .; ' The committees on Railroads provided for yes terday were increased to five. The bill to elect Clerks and Masters by the people was rejected. : : The bill to abolish or establish Jury trials in county courts,! was laid on the table for the present. The bill to pay justices for taking tax lists passed its third reading. : Also the bill respecting witnesses in probate of wills. ' U f The bill to encourage the planting of Oysters and Clams also passed its third reading. The Senate vote on Superintendent of Common Schools was : C. IL Wiley li. P. Waring 4. Adjourned. I i - HOUSE OF COMMONS. A large number of reports from the several com mittees were handed in. 1 Mr. Badnamloffered a resolution relative to sus pending standing rules ; laid over one day. 3ir. fejmpson a respmtion reiauye xo repealing the tax on Marriage Licences. Mr. Hill, of Halifax, a series of resolutions rela tive to Banks and Currency. The following new bills were, introduced. Mr. Jones, or. Craven, concerning the duties and powers of Registers. Mr. Kerr, for Eighth the establishment of the Judicial District. Mr. Benbury, to create, a Military and Scien tihc Academy, j - Mr. Dortch, to increase the fees of Constables. Mr. Hutchins- to grant the consent of the State to the purchase of a lot in Raleigh for U. S. Post Office. The rules iw ere suspended and the :bill finally passed, j The resolution allowing the Clerk of the House to distribute Printed Documents to newspapers, ' was rejected. : ' ' Bills on their second reading : the bill to pro tect the helpless against money shavers wast re ferred to the judiciary! committee. The bill altering the mode of compensating the members of the General Assembly was rejected ; yeas d, nays 103. ' The bill prohibiting betting on elections pass ed its second reading.! (Persons convicted can be fined or imprisoned at the discretion of the Court.) '' ; . The Senate bill to provide evidence against theowners of Faro Banks and others concerned, passed finally, the rules being suspended. It takes effect immediately after its ratification. The Mechanic's Lien bill was, after an animated de bate, indefinitely postponed. A message was re- ceived from the Superintendent H. Wiley and Influence of thk Mind Over the Body. We vycre speaking of handsome men the other evening, and I was wandering why K. had so lost the beauty for which five years ago he was so fa mous 4 Ah ! it's because he never did any thing.' said B ; he never worked, thought, or suffered.' You must have the mind chiseling away at the features, if you want handsome middle aged men.' Since hearing that remark, I have been on the watch to see whether it is generally true and . it is. i A handsome man, who does nothing but eat and drink, grows flabby, and the fine lines of his features are lost ; but the hard thinker has an ad mirable sculptor at work, keeping his fine lines in repair, and constantly going over his face to im prove the original design. Home Journal. Coxferksck Must be Fei.- Iteally it would seem that our country friends count on -a large harvest from the approaching. Conference. We saw a few chickens and turkeys in market ye&terday morning, for which the .owner modestly . asked, for turkeys $2 a pair; for chickens, 5) cents a pair. Eggs were held at 25-ctnts a dozen. We are glad to ay that everybody had the good sense to refuse to give these prices up to our leaving. Not more than f I 50 a pair uas oeen aemuuueu iot iuru.eys, we peneve, until within a day or two past.. Our country friends should recollect that we can fall; back upon fish and oysters, and that, rather than pay $2 a pair for tur keys, we all will do it. j j What We Xked. One thing is wanting in New bern badly needed, and that is a public HalL We have no place "for;. balls,"' fairs, public meetings or anything of the kind unless we convert the Theatre or a dining hall into a ue for; which it was never in tended. The .-fact is. the importance of the phce demands it and we must have a hall.. ! Strangers coiue here expecting to find accommodations of that kind ind go. away disappointed, and, as a matter of course, make a showing in other communities in couequence of such disappointment, not at all favorable to our town. Citizens, capitalists, lovers iof popular and re fined amusements, think of it Wei must have a; hall. IXTEMPEREXCE. X Philadelphia paper of Sat urday, says: The Coroner's records tell a sad tale of the do ings of rum. Three more victims in one short day ! Two of them verging on old age, and the third in the prime of manhood ! The first was Thomas Leopold, aged 62 years, i He called to see his son on Thursday afternoon. He was intoxica ted in the evening, and the next morning he was found lying on tha sofa dead. The second was William Quinn, aged 53 years. . He was at a house on Second street, and fell down stairs while drunk. He lingered during Thursday night, and died early yesterday morning The third case is that of an unknown man, aged about forty years . He was found dead yesterday morning on the York pike. He had been seen in the neighborhood the evening nrevioiw, in a stateof beastly intoxication. When his body was found there was an empty whiskey Dottle lying Aear it . ... j Senate proposing the election of ot the Public Schools. Calvin Kobt. P. Waring, put in nomina tion. The. House 'voted as follows: for Mr. Wiley 10,' for Mr. Warmer y. Mr. Wiley was elected by a large majority in both Houses 12i to 14. The bill authorizing Solicitors to administer oaths in certain! cases was rejected, after which a motion ot Mr. k erebee the House adjourned. The Cablk. Mr. Whiteho'use, the electrician, again writes to the Atlantic Telegraph Company, on the subject of 'his conviction that the cable may yet be rendered available. He asserts that recent experiments have clearly demonstrated to him that the system! of testing heretofore resorted to, is to the last degree fallacious and inconclusive, and that with such a. source of error underlying all the electrical opinions' hieh have been relied upon, -the unequivocal demonstrations which he has obtained induce him, in justice to the enter prise, at once to impeach the validity ot the ac cepted decision! upon the state of the cable. He reiterates his benet that the , taint in the cable is at no great distance from the shore, ahd concludes his letter as follows: " I turn newj with pleasure, to recount to the directors an incident which I have gleaned since my arrival at Valentia, and which, I doubt not, they will learn with equal gratification. Shortly after the repairs had been effected, to which allu sion has already been made, and when the cable was in its most; perfect working order, the" Super intendent at Jsewtoundland, when all the messages of the day had been worked off, gave permission, in order to.keep the clerks employed, for the ex changes of conversational intercourse between Newfoundland and Valentia for a time. Freed thus from the tear of any responsibility attachin to errors from carelessness or haste, the clerks on duty manipulated at a higher speed than had ever before been attained ; Newfoundland using my instrument and induction coils for transmission, while Valentia j received the signals on Thomp son's galvanometer, and recorded by finger-key upon paper; the station clock marked the time upon paper in hours, half-hours, as well as minutes, so that there can be no error in the computation or speed. , ) ; " I have carefully examined the record then made; the signals are perfect, and the rate at which, lor a length of jtime, that conversation-, was kept up in words at full length, was such (if diat speed alone could be maintained, and I am confident it can even be increased,) as would enable the di rectors, after th payment of all working expenses, to declare a dividend at the rate of ten per cent, per annum upon thepresent capital ; while laying aside, within twelve months, a reserve of 50,000. This computation is made for the six working days only, allowing a margin of four hours per diem for unavoidable delays and interruptions. ; ."These facts 'land these figures, together .with the calculations1 upon Which they are founded, I am prepared at any time to submit and to sub stantiate before j the directors and shareholders ; and this is the condition to which I still believe the cable admits of being again safely and easily restored at an early day." r , JlililKE NEWS. LOCAL MATTERS. t N et Receipts. The net receipts realised from . Mr. Lveretts Mount Vernon Matinee, at Niblo's, It, i. on tha lJth inst, wr about $J,050. Markets and Ship News. Our Commission and Shipping Merchants, and the dealers in Naval Stores, will conter a favor by furnishing us with Markets and Ship News, when they can do so Iwithout too much inconvenience, until our Keporter, who is ' iio'w unable -tajy,: jjAGj jt'rom indisposition to attend to any business, guts up so he can attend to these matters as hereto fore. Our own duties hi the ofiice prevent the pos sibility of our attending to any outrdoor Vusiuegpjust now. . ; ' -' I j" " " ; : 'HSr See the advertisement of JJr. Sanford's Liver Inrigofatnr in (another column, j ! "f Sept 1-dly Ai:ii AIS AT THK IIOT.LLH. . 11U JL1 ! I , j I GASTON HOUSE, , WILLIAM P. MOORE. pROPKiEtoR. Dec. 1st. W (t Lanriev, Beaufort: W L Iudlev J J Hardy, O reeuville iA ' C Smith, rhiladeluhia: F Meritt; G Simmonds, Jones ;! T'.ios N.Patterson II M Giles, Baltimore: G T liaker & Ladt N. Y ; Asa J Smith, Hyde; Iienj MG uuott, B diimore ; E Stan ton, N. Y. ; W .T. B'tnid. C Clark, iThwl Hartsfield, Kinston ; C Nelson, G'ldsboro' : E G Hill, N Y ; F F Peck, WiliTtiufrtou; C M Mallorv, Elizabeth City; Abner Kuiise, Linoir; Dr.Tohn 11 RuffinJ Alamance: Jolai G'Long & Family Guhlsboro' ; J I) Harget, Poilocksville ; Co .per Htijrpins; OnHow ; Di Lnroke, & Lady, Bath; Geo Vogler, 'Newbern ; J B Gates, Kington; W W Gest, - Orange;" John "Iloake, Kins ton ; W McFnrland, Newbern ; W F Hnggiris, Tren ton ; LH Yeargnn, Kaleisrlt; E S Franks, Trenton ; E -Cieeve, Swilt Creek : . j W Danner. Tiickv Hoe ; NEWBERN PRICES CURRENT; lr It should be understood that our quotations generally represent the wholesale price. In filling up smaU orderv, higher rates' have to be paid. , . ,-r Beeswax, - , x fe 30 9 3Q Beef Cattle, ? ID!) Ks. 4 00 Bricks. tM.7 00 88 00 Barrels. Sp. Turp., es., i'd band,..l 75 al 80 New,. ,...1 90 2 00 Gasdles, i" id. Tallow,. ....16 Adamantine Sperm, . 35 Coffee, ft. ' Java, 18 Laguayra, ..13 liio 00 St. Domintro.ll . Cottox, V Mi. New, 10 I0 Cotto.v Bagging, yard,. ...18 a Eope, V ft. 7 Corn Meal, V bushel, ..65 Domestics, Sheet'g,v vd 8 Yarn, t Eggs, doz ..00 Feathers, ' lb.... 50 Fish, bbl., , Mullets. ..6 50 '07 Mackerel, . .10 ; Herrings, , N- Car.-, ..5 00 5 FLolr,N.C, t bbl., 6 00 6 50 Gr.t-K, t ft. ..15 -a 20 s-. 15 a 20 18 28 50 00 00 m 12 19 8 70 m 20 15 50 00 00 50 J A Uarrus;' Pollock ville ton ; Henry R. ven. Buell, N Y ; John II Ne.il, Washii.g W B Wordsworth Cra- W A K HINGTO N II O T E L . JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor. V Dec. 1st. E. J. Clayton, A. & N. C, R. E. ; R. A. Russell, J. A. Gantley, S. A. Rus-sell, M. C. liagey, Craven;'. John A. Richardson, Tuscarora ; H. M. Roundtree, Pitt; F. Fov,, J-iTnes; McDaniel, Jones; W. M. D. Moore. Hyde R. W. Moore. 'Mosely Hall ; Josiah F. Bell, Beaufort ; Geo. Swain, Wm. Judkins, Washington.' ' COMMERCIAL. Gi'A.xu, Peruvian, V 15 ..'6W 00 Laxd Plaster, , V bUL 1 50 00 Grais, V bushel, v Corn" , ..55 - 00 Octts,. .35 40 Peas, Cow,. 50 00 Do,Blk E,l 00 00 Wheat, R,l 00 79 00 Rice, clean, T4 4J 1Iiies, tv lb., 1 Green,.. .... 5 6 Drv, ...i.,.10 12 Hay t 100 IBs, ; 'Eastern,. -...80 1 00 Irox, lb, English, ass'd 4 fv 00" Swecd'hrefd5 6 Li me;' bbl 1 00 00 F'm store, 1 10 Tv 25 Lumber, 31, (5Iill) (Steam, sawed) Floor Boards, rough,. .. 8 00 10 00 planed, ..18 00920 00 . clear,.... 25 00 30 00 widebds,14 00 15 00 scantling 12 00 15 00' Ship Stntr, rough edge 8 00 10 00 Molasses, Gallon, Cuba, hhds.32 35 Do bbis,.00 35 N Orleans,.. 00 00 Liquors, Gall, (doni'c) Wi.isky,....30 00 N'E Ruin,. .50 ' 55 Gin,---- 40 45 Brandy, ., ..45 50 Apple do,-"..G5 80 : Peach do, -.8." 1 25 Naval Stores, (Turpentine 280 lbs) Virgin, . - .0 00 0 00 iYeikwdip3 00 S Hard... -.2 00 3 00 Tar V bbl 1 80' 91 -80 In order,. 1 75 00 Pitch do..l 25 1 50 Rosin, P, .30 4 00 Do No 2.1.25 1 50 Do No 3.1 10 1 50 J Spirits Turpentine, V pall....45J& 00 Varnish, gal, 30 00 Nails, IS. Cut,....-... 4 Wrought,. .-10 On, Gallon, : Linseed, raw 90 Boiieddo, 1 00 Train, ......80 3 Refd whale 1 00 Lnrd 1 10 1 Pea Nuts, bn 80 Potatoes, bushel, Sweet, 30 Irish,. ....1 00 do bbl,2 50 Provisioxs, lb, 1NC Bacon,) Hams,. 13 Middlings, ..10J. Shoulders.. 9 d Hog Rouud, 12 (Westera Bacon, Middlings, ..11 Shoulders, -. 9 N C Iard,..13 Westndo,..12i Butter, ..... 23 27 Cheese ..... 11 11 J Pork, (Northern,) bbl, Citv Mess, 19 50 20 00 Butt, .. ....17 00 00 Prime... -.00 00(H) 00 Beef, Mess 1 6 00 W 18 00 Do Fulton Market,-00 00 00 00 Poultry, Cliickens, live,- 30 35 dead, OA- 00 i Turkeys, li,-75 1 25 Do dead, lb 00 00 Sheep, head, Lambs..'.. 1 50 7 4 12i 00 00 00 00 90 50 00 00 14 11 10 00 00 f0 13i 13 Mutton, ..! 75 2 Fresh Beef, on foot lt,: 04 Salt, Alum, P"bu.25 Liverpool, sack gniund,. 1 00 50 do fine "... 1 Sugar, lb, Porto Rico,. 10 -.'"N Orleans,. .10 Loaf and crushed,- -13 00 00 00 30 10 00 II 11 13 00 8 C yellow, . - .11 Granulated,. 13 Soap, lb..-- 6 Shixgles, M, Contract,-3 00 4 50 Common, .1 75 2 00 Staves, M, W O bbl. 18 00 20 00 R O hhd.15 00 16 00 Ash head, 8 00 11 50 Timber, M, -20 0050 00 Tallow, lb 10 12 Tobacco, lb, Common, ...12j "TMedium . Fine, Wool, .16 .. 45 15 a 15 30 50 20 WILMINGTON MARKET, j November 30. TURPENTINE Further sales yesterday ?of 763 bbls. at $2 90 for Virgin and .Yellow Dip, and $1 75 for .Hard, 4j 280 lbs. ! One small loW sum lino iihui uiu rvt oiinvv ii -uivo. . ( . No transactions reported in Spirits Turpentine. " ROSIN Sales yesterday of 700 bbls. No. 2 at prices' ranging from, $1 15$2 bbl.", as in quality. '-'-' : r TxVR 50 bbls. sold yesterday at 2 25 bbl. COTTON Sales yesterday of '25' bales good ordinary ot 10c. 11c; low Middling at 11c ; 20 Middling at Hie, and 5 strict Middling at life, lb. i M s TIMBER Two rafts sold yesterday at $7 50 50 V M. ' i i - - ' NEW YORK, Nov. 30. Cotton quiet, with sales of 1 ,060 bales ; easier, but unchanged. Flour un changed,. Wheat very dull : Red 1- J2$1 25; White $1 25$1 45. Corn unchanged. Spirits of Turpentine lower, at 47c. 48e Rosin and Rice unchanged.' j BALTIMORE,; Nov. 30. Flour unchanged. WTheat-steady : Red $1 8$1 23 ; White fi 30 '$1 50. Com dull : Yellow one cent lower. t fEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I1 . . dealer in DRUGS, MEDICINE eii AND CHEMICALS, . Paints, Colors, Varnhlits, Brushes, Window Glass, Putty, Dye Stuffs, Sfc. LINSEED, LAMP AND MACHINERY OILS, Camphine and Burning Fluid, Perfumery, Fancy and T.oUtt Articles, Gordtti Seeds. Pure W'ines and Liquors, for Medicinal Purposes. Cigars, Tobacco. &c. Sin. ' BPOAD STREET, NEWBERN, X. C, ! T D c 1 - ' '. ..... 7W Sale Irom Wharl. ov limning Horn Francis Burrett, 50 Balrs .Ntrtiiera DIBBLE & BROTHERS. bCKKjUel' Hay. Dec 2-d3t. Top Sale. low lice One-quarter of the Schooner S. E. ROWLAND, for easii. Apply to JACOB j W.J OilNbON. iditaAV-tii&m - PORT OF, NEVBERN. NORTH CAROLINA i ARRIVED ! Dec. 1. Schr. Fraucid Burrett, Salyer, from New York, to master, i i ! CLEARED. Dec. 1. Schr. Crisis; Iianier, or Philadelphia, by B. B. Lane, with naval stores. Schr.Pauhne, Bryan; for Portsmouth with naval tora, by BB, L;ui. RKVIEW OF NEWBERN TURRET FOR THE WEEK ENDING DEC. 1. The transactions of the week have been somewhat limited. ! There were sales of about 500 bbls. of Turpentine yesterday at $3 for Dip, and 2 for Scrape, showing a slight decline since our last report. Spirits Turpentine, Rosin and Tar command quota tion. ! Cotton is looking up. There were small lots sold yesterday on private terms. The last sales reported were at K je. Fofc prices in other articles we reefer you to our quotations. " '..', - SPECIAL: NOTICES. ttic IVotire-Thebrethren m's Lodge, No. 3, A. F. A. ' v Iflnneni of St Johi are reauetedtomeet at the Masonic iTnii tend the fntieral of Bwther JOHN J. SPIERjjI residence of Mr. May; about ten miles from NtVbern immediately on Neuse Riyer. "A punctual attend&tir ' is important, a the Steamer Johnston will leave r,' Jerkins' wharf at 9 o'clw k. Deel-dtd JOHN F. JONES, Sec. FREIGHTS: ! TO NEW YORK On deck Under deck Turpentine and Tar, bbl. 30 f 00 'w Rosin . . do ... . 30 30 d Spirits Tuiiientine do...-t 50 00. Flour... ;.....do.... 00 00 Cotton, lb 0 00 i Cotton goods, foot,..- 00 (t Flaxseed, bushel,.. -. 00 0 Ground Peas, bushel,.. ... 00 7 Wheat. bushel... M 8 Lumber, M.-......-4 005 00 TO PJIILADELPIIIA i . Turtientine and Tar, bbl.. 00 Rosin.-.....-..,.----'4- 00 Spirits Turpentine.. .-'- " 50 Ground Peas, Fbuhsel,--. j 0 Cotton, lb,.,.... ......... 0 00 Cotton eroods. cubic foot- ; 0 Lumber, Mas to size, 4 00 4 00 5 00 aO 00 TO BOSTON . ! Turpentine and Tar, . bbl . - 00 Rosui:......... 35 Spirits Turpentine .'.'..'' 00 Cotton, bale,. 0 00 Ground Peas' bnshel,.... 00 RoutrhLRice. bushel...... I 0 5 00 6 00 00 -w 50 00 0 30 30 50 30 i 7 8 8 10 00 30 30 50 8 i - me i Lumber, M- .5 00 6 00 7 00 00 ft (M) 00 -l 00 00 00 a0 45 40 60 12J 8 7 60 TT'lour! flour!! J? 140 Ba lers and lO Barrels North Carolina Fami ly and Superfine Flour, just received and for sale on consignment. DIBBLE & BROS. Nov30-tf . i . TEW JIAIIj ABUVWiiJmi. X On and alter jiuiM'ai tic Steamer POST BO Y, wid ran the following schedule: Leaves Newbern every Monday at 7 o'clock, A. M for Gerinanton, Swab Quarter and Wysockmg, Hyde County. ' ' ,. i ' ,. , , Retuming Leaves Wysockmg every Thursday at 7 o'clock, A. M. ; touching at Swan Quarter and Ger- uianton, and arrive at Newbern same D1eht; M W . JAR IS, Newbern, Pec 2-dlw ' : Agent. Gazette copylm. TfALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE rv VHP. TUWS OF XEWBERX. nted on the Suutii-Eat corner of kiist Front and Uuion Streets, (lately occupid by 1 ........ larvi KsO ) The LOT lias a iront oi in ieei d uu n un .t, Front street, and runs on and parallel with Union s-treet 214 feet 6 inches. The Improvements are a large and commodious BRICK DWELLING, well funibhed from the Par lor to tiie Garret, with a Kitchen and Store Rooms for fuel &c. in the basement, also a large two story Wooden Building, used for thQ accommodation of Servants . &c, with a Wharf attached on whicii there is a large two story Wooden Warehouse standing within tu feet of the Wliarf frout The Wharf attached is about L0 feet in length by 107 feet 3 inches in breath, having a water tront of 107 feet 3 inches parallel with East Front street ; also a water front about l'JO feet m lengtn. parallel with Union street , . - , . , . . Tais proiierty. (which is all m good repair w eligi bly located and "well adapted for the transaction of a Commission and Shipping business and t he accommo dation of a family, and will be disposed of, entire or divided, to suit the want f uI'PlltcaS-tr-Ti.-Tvc - Drc2 tf -A. T. JEKKjAJs.. For 1'ew York. Sehr. C. S. WATSON, Robbins master, will have quick dispatch as above. or rreigrht or pas sage apply to i W. C. WHITFORD. '. NOV 2'j" ' ' '; . ': ' j - dlW Y X ere ha nt Bank of IVrwbern. The Annual iJA Meeting of the Stockholders of tlds Bank, will be held at their Bankmg House, on MOrs DA 1 , the 6th of December next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Nov29-diw W. W. CLARK, Cashier. T evidence Wanted. The advertiser desires to I V rt-nt nr nurchase a snacious and well arranged Dwelling Ilouse in a good location, in the toAvn of Newbern, near the centre ot tne town. Any person havine such a location to dispose of can secure a ten- ant or purchaser ov malting n Known io we l roprie tor of the 44 Daily Progress." j nov27-dlw for cash. TURPENTINE CASItfe 500 INov 22-lmduiwsl B. B. LANE. OPIRIT8 O good second-hand SPIRIT CASKS lor sate low fggjF JVolico Application will be made to the tiPC next General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, for a charter incorporates the Volnnti Cnpany known as the "ELM ttlTY CADETS." ! Newbern, September 30, 1S58. f Legi session, to incorporate a tmnpany to clear out and improve the navigation ot Back fcwamp, m Oiwlow County, and for other purposes. Nov 13-d30t fotic?.--Applic;i!tion will be made to the ;islature ot North Carolina, at it next IVoiiccApplication will be made in ti, Legislature of North Carolina, at it? next ,to incorporate the White Oak River Naviga- I uat Itecrirrd. i 50 Barrels Hoffman's Rosendale Cement, and will sell low to close consignment. Dec 1-dlra W C WHITFORD. Tank' Bakery JL Oi sessum . . -ji a . t . tion company, wuu power mihj privileges to nr prove the navigation of. White Oak River, in Ouslow County. . L Novl3d30t PerMonn vriwhiny a l-"iu likrnra can secure one by calliue at WaTSOV GALLERY, as well of a rainy or cloudy dav ax if clear. The state ot tlie weather makes no difference. gwrTjr" No1i.Applilth'n will be made to the ftr next Legislature of North Carolina to incor porate a company to otablis a line of first-lass pro pellers between Newbern and Baltimore. Nov 9 d30t . .. Not ee. Application will be made to the next Legislature of North Carolina to incor porate a company to establish, a. hue of first-class steamers between Newbern,- Nw York, Boston and Philadelphia, in connection with an already long eg. tablished line of first-clas's sailing vessels. Nov 9 ; d30t JVotice. Applieation will be made to the mvt' General Assemblv of the St;it nf North Carolina to close the street in the rear of Ce dar Grove Cemetery, ju urysooro j ana to re-open one now closed. Nov 6-d30t Noiicr. Applieai ion wll be made to the imvt fionol'lll A OCfVllhl V , i tlf ill A Ktnfa f ' - 1 v. i ... ..... ... v . , . . v " ri .ilk. yn Vnrtli CiiiHim to Ttend the comitate limits if H town of Newbern, so as te include Drvsboro', and other territory adjacent to the town. Nov 6-d30t (Tjis IVoiicf. Application will be made to the tfe next General Assembly of the State of North Carolina to amend the charter of the town of Newbern, for the better regulation of the-saine, and for other purposes. Nov 6-d30t mrTs, Notice. Applicatittn will be made to the next General Assemblv of North Carolina for tne incorporation of a Gas Company in the town of Newbern. Nov 6-d30t I. have just received a large Camera, for making larjre Photographs and Family Pictures, will be executed in the very best Call at my Skylight Gallery in Craven J. W. WATSON. Groups. manner, street. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST) , " DAILY PROGRESS " JTOB OIF.IPECIR. urCake Baker, Mr. WALLACE, has returned from New York and has commenced to make tuos' Cakes for which he waa so justly celebrated. Cal and them. .. We have also commenced to bake RoIl and Bit cnitfor Tea. They can be had every eveuiug at fiv o'clock. Bread can be had as formerly. Lot for Breakfast. Cup, Butter, Sugar and Fancy Crack ers ahvays on haud and tor aie Dy, tne I'ounu or oar rel. We nw emidov five hands in our Baking De partment and can eupply the community with any- ' - Your ob't. servant, Nor30-Dt- - S. BANKS, Agnt. - . - ; s. . - 33 ooft ruty 3ob JJrfutmo NEW PRESSES! I NEW TYPE! A LARGE LOT OF Colored Inks, Plain '& Fancy Cards, Paper, &.C., AC., ; r CONSTANTLT ON HAND. PLAIN AND COLORED JO B PR I n T IKS G . of every description,' can be executed at the office o The Utility Progress, as well and as cheap as it can be done in North Caro- ; lina, and in a style that cannot be surpassed. Oi.r people need no longer send their orders for to New York, for we can do. it as well as it can be one at the North, and on tenns wliicn snouia KEEP IT AT HOME. ' Neatness, Ac curacy and Dispatch," kiijiII ht our motto. The services of an experienced Book and Job Printer have been secured, whose whole time will bedevotea toting Job Department. Cards, Blanks, Circulars, Labels, Programmes, Lnrge 1'oMer Catalogues, Pamphlets; Show Bills, of eveiy description, done promptly and eatisfaclion guaranteeu.. . No work Buffered to Lie in the Office ! Job Delirerti when Promised ! " As Cheap as the Cheapest ! ; As Good as the Best ! ! Orders respectfully solicited. ' Address , J. L. PENNINGTON, Pmprietor, . Sept 1 ; Pollok Street, Newbern, A. C VOTICK. Application will be made to the Ge- Xl era 1 Assembly of this State, now in session, tor the Incorporation of St. Paul's Church Cemetery, ia the town uf Beaufort, in Cateret County. Nov i wjw ON CONSIN3IHNT. 100 tons Coal, v 25 bbls. Clarified Cider Vinejrar, a nice lot, 5 bbls. White Wine Vinegar, 50 bbls, 93 eeut. Alcohol, . 25 bbls. Mullets, v 50 bbls. Widskv, Y 5 lialf bbls. Whisky, a choice lot, 100,000 Building Shingles, 2,000 bushels Salt, , 25 sacks N. C. Flour, for sale low for wn. Nov 22 -dtf r B. B. LAE. DO YOU WANT SAT1NKT, SHEEPSilRjEY AND KENTUCKY JEANS ? 41ARKIS0 haa a larjre Stock and will nell them o. .-. . VEU' GOODH. i GEORGE ALLEN, Wan just received, per exprefs, a frepb in Black and Colored Beaver Raglan's, Black Doe Skin Cassimere, Black Superfine Cloth, Fancy Ribbons, Marcellin, Furs, Brown De Bege, Patent Lining, Opeid Hoods, &.c., kc, &c. pplyof Nov 20 13IIII,AIi:i,PIIIA SHOES. L idieV 3IorwH-o aiid Kid Bubkioi and BooW, Jlisses' -'Morocco and Kid Bjot, A Ciiildren' " Kid and Goat Cacks and BosHM. Misse Half (iaitei's, x GemV Calf Stitched Boots and Gaiters, . Sewed and Pegged Water Proof IkV , A full ansortuieut olliesh goods, received br ?ia arrivals, will be found at GEO. ALLEN For Sale. t V'J4.'" Trfe fine, fast-sailing Schooner, LAUKA .iKjii.S SON, will bewdd at public auction, in bern, N. C; on ilONDAY, tne 20th day of Decem ber next, at 12 o'clock. .' :' ' '--'. , The Iviura E. Johnson is tour years old, one Hun dred and eighty nine tona burthen and came o thousand six hundred barrels. She is built ot u oak and cedar, thoroughly fastened, and weU furrow for ny vovage. ' . TERMS'made known on the day of ale. BENJ. B. IAXE, Nov 12 .12wtli JACOB W. J0US05.

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