n,e PAHA' PROGRESS ' is nerved to town and ntry subscribers at Six Dollars a year payable f advance. All paper discontiuued when the time Dftij f,,r expires, unltja renewed. .. ..... j.-, Advertisements inserted a Special or Bishop No t'ce are charged one-half more than thenaual rates, ten IlneH (leaded) or less confuting a square. Manias notices inserted for 23, cents ; Funeral tires 25 cents; Obituaries at advertising rates. I Advertisements, inwerted every other-day will be rliareed 37 J cents for each insertion after the first. ae Where the number of insertionH are not ex- rped when advertisements are handed in they will l inserted till forbid, (tf,) and charged 50 cents for the BUSINESS 'CARDS. CO PAUTNEIWH 1 1 NOTICE. The under-(ii"-ned would rerpe:tl'uily announce tothe citizens of Ne vvbtrn and adjoin in jr counties, t h at they ha ve th i s A iv entered into copartnership undtir tJje name and firm of C. A.-HAKT, UliO. & CO., and are now pre pared to iliow to our nuinerou.-j customers the largest ll.rf ment of goods in our line, that has ever been hroHnt to tins uiaihi-i, Miijir-Liji ui on'rop, uunc x-Nil IXO STOKE. Jlaving nicre;is,ea our iacinnes ior munuiaciunng In Sheet Iron and Copjer Wares, we are now pre- T'ui . .. 1 11 ...1 11 1 . iiT; l1 iared tMurrnsii inose who wauuo puicnase anyimng 111 our line at lower prices tnan can be pure tmseu in nuv of Hie Northern cities. Please give . us. a call satisfy yourselves of the truth of our assertion. Corner of'Broad and Middle Streets, one door south of tlio Court Housj, Newborn. C, C. A. Hakt, IIouack Haut, Jklius -Lewi?. X. 15. All persons having claims, against C A. JIAliT & 1 liQ., will present them, and those indebt ed will please call' and settle up, as the accounts of the lute firm mu.-t be closed. . - Xovember I, 1V dtf ' C. A. IIAliT & BKO. 1 i:oim;i: ajl.k.', DKALKlt IN FANCY & STAPLE (J (J J1) &, B O (t TS, , SHOES, HA TS, ihiy I0LL0K STliEKT, NEWBEIi-X- X. C, ,ViiuIl ie.-iif i tiuiiy liivne the aiieniion oi tne puoue V I - 1 'II If t l M 1 ti las NoeK, w.iumi will tie iounu une, ireii asorieay and siilliciently large at all seasons of the year. Orders promptly and carefully attended to. S.-pt I lly The OF NEWBEllX, N. C. J1I. F. IIAKRIKOIV, . WHOLESALE &. 1E TAIL DEALER IX Staplk, Fancy, FoitKiGN and Domestic 1 r y fi o o d h , Ilaf, Cnpx, Bouts and Shoes, Carftefinfr, Motthgx, - Rug, Jewelry , 'Frnnkx, Rcady-Made Clothing, , ? SCC., &LC. - 1 , - -Xkwbern, X. C. J. M. F. irAiiuisos lias just received a eovoidete ns.ortment suitable for, the season, ami will continue t receive by erery arrival all desirable Articles and Novelties ot the reason. Particular attention paid to orders. Sept 1 dly 15. fiAlJ, -l) ICecri viiitf. Forwarding & Commission MEKC1I A XT, (lit the store formerly occupied by Win. P. Moore,) COUNER OF SOUTH FliONT L MIDDLE STS., NEW-BERN, N. C. I'articular attention given tothe Sale of Country lYinhu-e, and the Purcliasw of Goods generally. I liav a convenient Wharf and commodious Warehouse. I have also a line of first-class Vessels, running regularly between this port and the ports of New York and Baltimore. . Agents in NVv York : Agents in Baltimore : Davis &. Holmks. James Conner &. Sons. Sept ) , dly Ar.TI. V. AVIIITFOICD, ? T HEN ERA AL COMMISSION MERCHANT. East Front Street, Xewbkrn, X.. CM' Agent for SMITH S LIXE Xew York Packets. ! (jnods received emd forwarded. S-rt l dly '4 T. j i.mti s. iV. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHAXT, EAST FlfOXT STREET, Ncwbern, IV. V. . SVj.t dly ; j. nrc;iiFM, 1. DEALER-IN XAVAL STORES and Commission Merchaxt, East Front nnd South Front St.s, (T rue r 11 ... 1 oik, nac.on Lard, Com. Wlliub-xr Vlniir-' f..Dl I'ny, &,c. A COMUllisMol). ' supply always on hand, and for sale 011 Consignment will have every atten tion. Will keep vessels running for Baltimore, by e Mini through the canal. Freight taken at market THU:, Spt 1 dly Dm. km? cV it j:o 3 iai:n FORWARD I AY C( r COMMISSION , M ERC1I ANTS, 4 Xew-Bkrne, X. C. Advances made on Consignments to be W Cash Sojil licre or f. rwjiriK.d if.. T..illion. M.,.l-.t.. s-l'' 1 dly AVH.MAJIS & W II ITT V, CO M M I S S I O N M E R C II A N T S itKOAD STREET. XEWBERX. X. C. constantly on- hand all articles usually found in .. , , -1 VARIETY STORE, wliieli tliey will sell ati fair ir.fit. Mnet atteiiti S"l't 1 J 1 dlv J. K. A TI VSiTT, SOUTH FRONT STREET. Xv , , Krwbrru, IV. CT., "oul.l respectfully call the attention of families, and m puhlu- generally, to his lanre nnd well selected STOCK OF GROCERIES, n'li as Sugars, both refined- and raw; Molasses, '-''is, ( nffee, Po.k, Flour, Clieesc, Soaps, Can'dles, Jlii'.ns. bth V,,l tli A,,.i;., .,.) . ir ...1 1 ni tin,' .k. v... .-nut. 11 uvi fi 11 , J.fXU-tLl. aUUj very artieh' tcot. for I'mniK- nut. A f-.ili f'UMl'v .if ' 1. e if 1 1 . J . . - - f - - ......., 1. i-v.-. jdr .1 V 1 . . ., '-Mi.MTs 01 nil Kinus just received. ALso " '-'-'o.l .isortinenf of Boots mid Shoes, Hats and -ins,-,-.-! Domestics.' Anyone wishing to furnish ; ,:nil-v d" well to give him a' call before ill (111 " K nway dissatisfied. He is selling by wholsale 1 iet;ul cliMjii, f.'.i- rnU .... i.. '- dly (J1;"- fiiii:is7 iVv iV L j r-1:jl ' GROCERIES, (except Honors) "'.VUmkL, &c, Fish Seine aud Nets, Twines and r . es, oait and lresh Fish. &c . &c. ' I" rt'i'tovirift ninl r 1, it. . x """ICliitr. t.vi 1 1 r ww ' Sept I dly 1 '' x 11 OI.1VKR & CO. C f -W -r x -. , v V 11 i 1 I o S 1 U .1 MERCHANTS riven to the Sale of Prod and Forwarding Goods. In i" M1H A,T.M, " ltu TOR "I NAVAL STORES, ilim" , rn,t Newborn, IV. V. s un mi promptly to all business entrusted to him. .1; IT..... - ' - dly 7 a ut iiifn; -o4 r.i; j uk OF NA VAL .STORES, Will iv w NEWBERX, X. C, . ''usin , ,u X rV:eiy? ani1 promptly attend to all hurTjVnhir ..aention given to the -sale of Naval A, , V- JTIC E, " Will nt..i '-- Ph 0 tend t'AC courf. of Craven, .Jone, Carteret Vo'ieii and Hollow are; i-miusueu jrniama aua S;lvrware, Lumps of every description Burning Fluid and Kerosinu Oil, at wholesale and retail, and -vm-v oilier article usually 'kept in a HOUSli FUK- Cn-stii, i. - aiitMui agricultural implements, fertilizers,. Lime, Calcined Plaster, Ce-S-i ,,rh1? 1)ust- lro"' Steel, Iron Axles and iVi'i. , ,r,lwaro' yai1' Cin and Fom- Pumps, K t: t er an(l Eeather Bandings, Rubber and 11 I":,.c? Hemp, Leather, Rivets aud Bun's, v treulur and iith.r !.. .' 'f u. ui.ir atte ntion u,nt t., 11 i" Iwccoviii L l-rvo.j-.s-':; ! vi.-,..:,,, YEARLY-ABVEUTISINfi RATES. VOL. I. NEWBERN, N. BUSINESS CARDS. . ! The Ncnbrrn 3Xataal : v FIRE 1XS URA XCE C O MP AN Y. rt iniS Company has now been in successful opera X tion for ; r ' . THREE TEAKS, ; ? i During which time no assessment has been made to meet looses. ". . ' , : ! The Company is now prepared to receive Applica-' tions for ; ' ; v Y-..-:- INS U R A N C E, ' Wliich may be . made to any, of the different Agents throughout the State, or to the undersigned, at the office of the Company, in this place. ' -; ' I MOSES; JAliVIS, Secretary. Xewbem, X. C, Sept 1 ' . , dly J. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN DrujSj MedicincH, Chemical, Paints. Oils. GLA S S, I YE S TUFFS; PERFUMER F, - SL'IWilCAL ISST'JMESTS PATENT MEDICINES. I PURE WINE AND BRANDY, Garden sVr7, Buriiing Fluid, iV-., $('-, $C 26 POLLOK STREET,. NEWBERN, N. C. Sept 1 y .-. : dly J. v. j!oui.rs , ! NEWBERX, ' X. C, r Ki'eps constantlv on hand a large and well selected STOCK OF FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES. 'AW, an extensive assortment of i PAIXTS, OfLS, DYE STUFFS, TOILET SOAPS, j PERFUMERY, Clt! ARS. and mi endlenn yarielj' of Fancy Articles. Orders from the country respectfully solicited, and promptly attended to. . Sept 7-dly : 1AiJv.S'CAIVIV JIAIM FACTORl' ) ! ..." BAKER Y . . POLL OK S TREE T, NE WBERN, N. C. We are now manufacturing a large "aid varied ap portrnent of plain and fancy Caudies, suitable for the b ail and Y inter trade. It js .superior to any erer im ported,1 and is sold at a less price than a good article can be bought in the Northern Cities. We have re duced the price in order to see if you will fatten North ern Manufactories in preference to those at home. 1 -He sell in lots of oi) IBs. and vpicards. Stick Candies at 16c. Sugar and Burnt Almonds,..-...... 2',c. Lozenges, all kinds, C 22c.25e. Sugar plums and other Pan A York,.. . .. . r18c 20c. Mottoes, jdain,. .'. 22c. and all other kinds at equally low rate. We are prepared to manufacture 2,000 lbs. per week. ! Will you buy it ? Our Candies i are free from poison, (coloring) Chalk, Starch,! Flour, and all other impurities. We use nothing but the best double refined crushed sugar, and warrant it to keep in an y climate, if it does not, return it and the money shall be refunded, together with cost of transportation. We are also prepared with our Bakery, to manufacture Sugar and Butter Crackers in any quantity. ! t Prices V 16 by the III. Sugar Crackers,. ..... ......... ........ ..... . . . 8c. Butter j Crackers, 7c. Also small cakes of all kinds securely -packed in bar rels at 10c. 20c. per lb. Also large cakes, for Wed dings and Parties, ornamented as well as they can be anywhere in the world, at $2 "a $25 in fact, we make everything that is made in similar concerns through out the country. " We have, iu order to get the latest improve ments, sent one of our workmen Xorth. He will re turn in about three weeksand if anything new in our business has come out this season, we will intro duce it here soon after his return. n ! ! .Your obedient 'servant, t Oct 22 dtf J- S. BAXKS, Agent. J. C. WIEK'S Marble Ya rti KEW15E11X, N. G. 4 Marlle Monuments. The subscriber Ls receiving a large stock of American and Foreign Marble and is at all times' prepared to fill or ders for Monuments, Slabs aud - Tom b S tones, of every de scription, at les than northern prices. ' Our work will be delivered in all parts of North' Carolina and. Virginia Free of charge. Our workmanship has been generally introduced in some thirty counties in .North Carolina, and speaks for itself. Orders by mail will meet with prompt attention and bo faithfully executed. Address, J. C. WIER, Newbern, N. C. Mr. Ja mes Robertson, Traveling Agent. Sept 16 - dly F AliL AND AVI.VTKIl OIlORTATIO.S. LEWIS PHELPS, MERCHANT TAILOR, PoIIok .Sfrrcf, Newbern, IV. C, A Has just returned from the Xorth, having purchase a large and superior stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, TESTINGS, &C. All of which, having in his employ -first class work men, he is prepared to, have made up in a superior manner, cut ana style warranted to give satistiic fion. READY MADE CLOTHING, GENTLEMENS' FURNISHING GOODS, &C, &C. A varied and well selected stock of Ready Made clothing coats, pants, vests shirts, cravats, gloves, flannels and iu fact a general assortment of every thing which is necessary to complete the Wardrobe of a gentleman of taste, all of which may be had at a very small advance on New York cost. . Gentlemen are invited to call and examine the ex tensive stock of plain and fancy cloths, cassimers and vestings on hand. He feels assured that, among the many different styles and patterns, it will be easy for all to suit themselves. II?" Store on Pollok street, next door to the Post Office. Octl2-dtf TIlo shipper, ISuilders and Lumber Seal. JL crs. The subscriber is prepared to furnish at short notice, LUMBER, either Rough or Planed, bv me car go or 111 sumuer quantities. Hough I,uiubcr, our size and length under 50 feet. Planed Tongue and Grooved Flooring, and Rabbit ted Wcathei boarding ; Door Facings and : Window Casings. Sawed Laths in any quantities. Terms ptrictly cash. R. N. TAYLOR, Agent. Newbern Sept 1 :: : - d3m J E. It. Wood, SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER. East sitlc of Middle St rati four doors south of the Court House, . .J NEWBERN, No. CV?,, - - - ' Is constantly manufacturing every thing in his line of bnsinesa. All orders prompt Tv attended to.' Oct25 . ; dlv. - Z. SURGEON DENTIST. ft wSf Will r III i Pennamently Located in the Town of Newbern, ten- tier his professional services to the citizens r" ' of Newbern and surrounding country. Office on S.uth Front St., opposite the Gaston House Sept 1 i d&wly C, WEDNESDAY-MORNIKG,; DECEMBER 8, 1858. '..AN0;.81. BUSINESS CARDS. TacHHon & Thomas, 'hbhmale, Ratail ond Com mixtion Merchants, Corner ot Broad Rnd HancoCK btreets, NE IVBE RN. N. G., , v i r Have just received and keep .constantly, on hand, a goofi asMortment or tiie best quaaiy 01 t-AJiiix GROCERIES, such as, Flour, Meal, Pork, Bacon, Lard, Cheese, Butter,-Sugar, Coffee Molasse. hAl so, Kerseys, Blankets; Cotton Bagging and Rope, Boots, Shoes, Hats' Crockery, &e., &lc. , ,. . I ,; , oet-j: . ' - :: r - dtf ' A: NEW. AND SPLENDID MILLINERY. MRS. I VEY &.MRS. MISSILLE1R will be pleased to see their friends and numerous customer, at their, SHOW ROOMS, on Craven htreet. They have just opened, THIS DAY, their. J?uU and Winter Styles Millinery, wlncu, ua usual, are very. Dea-utuui.- ! Otl3 : " - : - ' ' - ' , dtf G. F. 1A KIFT, WATCHMAKER AXD JEWELER, Pollnck street, next door totlie new St ore. of Eminet Cuthbart, Esq.,' having procur ed one 'of Botfoms'. I ui proved l'.vteut Universal Foot Liithes, is now fullv -'prepared, to execute any, and all kinds- of WATCH WORK, in the best -.and neat est possible manner, at the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms. , ; ' . - s-- All work entrusted to my care will he warranted to give perfect satisfaction, or no charge will be made. Give me a trial once, and your confidence for the tut ure shall be mine. ' A good assortment of Watches and Jewelry of th best quality, constantly on' hand. . Oct 19 ; dGm , GFAKXrS-:S5SIIia NOTICE. We tne.un derMtrned. have this dav entered into a C opart nership under the firm of MERRILL & MILLER, for the purpose of carrying on tlie Gas7fiiting business m all its branches, and will keep constantly on hand a large and splendid assortment of Gas fixtures and everything appertaining, to that hue ot business.: Also, Steam and Water piping of all sizes. ' Place of busiuess, opposite the Washington' Hofe in the rear of Mc. John F. Hanff's Music Store.- ' Or ders from the country promptly attended to. ' i I . . SAMUEL MERRILL. Oct ll-3m ., ALEX. MILLER, Jr. GEORGE BISHOP, NE WBERN, N. C, ',.- 'i-J Manufacturer of Window Sash, Blinds, Pannel Doors, Sautters, Wood Mouldings, Brackets, Balusters, ' ; ' . Newels, &c, &.c. . . ). . . - 1 T Sfl - -" ' ' manufactures and keeps constantly on hand, a large stock of CABINET FURNITURE, at wbolesale and retail. , " ; -- : Sash Mill on Broad st., Ware Rooms on Middle street Sept 1 dly NEWBERN HOTELS. ASTON HOUStf, Hi WM.'Pi MOORE: P.KOPEIETOE The subscriber having taken charge of the abov establishment, respectfully announces that it is. now men for the accommodation of the TRAVELING G PUBLIC and BOADERS GENERALLY. The Gaston House is pleasantly located, from the south windows of which there is a fine; view of both the Neiise.and Trent Rivers, while during the Sum mer the south and west winds render the entire build-r ing delightfully cool. ' j Tiie Rooms are large and well furnished, j The Table is well supplied, from the North era and Home Markets. Having also large and commodious Stables and excellent Ostlers, he will board Horses by the drtyj week or month', lie has also convenient-'arrangements for the 'accommodation of Horse Drovers. The Proprietor will exert every effort to give en tire satisfaction to those who m.av fa vor him with their patronage. WM. P. MOORE.; 1 Sept ti : ' - - - ; ; " ' - - dly ' WASHIWTOA" HOTEL. . j H CHANGE OF PROPRIETORS. BROAD STREET, NEWBERN, N. C. -. JOHN F. JONESj PROPltlETOR. " 1 The underpinned respectfully " announces to the traveling public that he has taken charge of this old and popular establishment, and is now prepared to accommodate' travelers and private families with board by the day or month on the most accommoda ting terms. ' "- " v . His TA15LE will always be furnished with the best provisions that home and 'foreign markets can afford. The .Washington Hotel has;large rooms, is nearer the Depot, the Court House and the, business streets than any other in the citv. ; 1 - " 1 ; An OMNIBUS will always he at the Depot aid Landing on the arrival of the cars and steam hoat to convey passengers to the Hotel free" 'of all charge. ; By .stuppiug at this Hotel passengers will have amp!e!.iine to obtain meals. v ' ;v'- Ilaving also a large and commodious Stable and an excellent Ostler, he is, fully prepared to board horses by the day week or niontn at the most rea sonable rates. , . - x - V. ' " -" Nov 22 dly JOHN F. JONES. V VOI TO TI1K IAIIi:-The under--tA- signed respectfully informs the Ladiea of New bern and the surrounding country that he is prepared to manufacture to order his improved combination., . WINDOW CURTAIN, ADJUSTERS.. ? V. Tliis is an ornamental as well as practical article for parlor use, and can be furnished at any price from $5 to 100. It consists in having a shades enrtairi to revolved behind h stationary lace curtain in a Irand ome case which can ?be taken down or put up in a few; seconds without the assistance of a second per son." It is light and elegant, and can be surmounted by n gilt cornice, or it can be ntade in" any style to suit the tastes of those who desire" ti purchaae. Call and e'e a specimen for a few days at the Qazette Office of at the Gaston Honse. Oct 2 dtf HENRY T. CLAWSON. HOTELS. ll subscriber takes Tdean. JTITA1'! friends, and the public generally, that he kaS taken this long-established and well known Hotel and W mad ad- every possible preparation to accomodate the isiness, traveling and visiting, portions of the Tub- m the mo-stf satisfactory maimer. I Particular at- onsines. ic tention is paid to his table, and every comfort ia Dro- lueu m his rooms. His stables ar liiilr1iKt,t,! ' " c-ttreiui osueri ami to all departments the proprietor gives hV personal atten- lepot on tne timval of the oars.- With tl.ir..U- 1 to;iease a liberal share of the r.ubhc pafron-age' is -dly J DOWJf HOUSE. 1ST H. I,. Bobardii. XV SALISBURY, N. the indefatigable Ron. l, :.. ...i . t. . 'f ."'i "J 1,. I Ill-J li.iTiiilriT- Unlol 1... . ., . - uipiiiueumgaoie itonARDs, still continues to sustain its former, reputation for neatness, quiet, and good fare, and no house in --North Carolina enjoys a better 5 enj, proponion.ot tlie patronage of th It is located in the business portio ie tnivelinsf mibhc. )W nf vi1islmnr mid- remote from the bustle and confusion "necessary at tendant on railroad hotels. Herv the weary traveler ! by four splendid bays, always at the dep(iton "the arrival of the cars, for the use of the guests of the ikowun i louse, tree of extra char"! - , l.ic ua.en'-t;i s, lentemoer. tnere i tint awe Oir. . 1 ' a i' .- . . Mage tJtlica m -Salisbury, and that is kept at the Rowan House; When you arrive on the cars don't oe misic.n hv tiikp .nt .i-i. ..fi. hirelings and ser vants." - - " 1 . ---- VMV V 1 J i - if. L.-ROBARDS. dlv Sept 1 T. Is. lIAIi 1j, Jjonnerlv Promietor of the finstim Hrmw -.- ; jewnern, rs. u., now at the WESTERN HOTEL. NEW YORR Having recently identified himself with the interests ot this establishment." would respectfully solicit vnnr patronage (and Southerners- generally, visiting this city.) As the design is to make this H nse. in h great degree the Home ok thfSoutherner. all who come to it are assured that they will find a genuine oouiiierner to attenu to tneir wants and conltorts. , m.' i ? i . . . Aiie nouse business men. uoors irom liroadway. in the immediate vicinity the Southern Railroad and Steamboat Stations Tt has ample accommodations, having-gome 250 well furnished rooms, also 'suits of rooms for families. The table -will compare well with an v other in the city, oesiues it nas an tne otlier requisites of a first clas8s hotel Parlors. Readme Rooms. Baths. &.C a i - i - ?i i i, . i - . y .. . . &c. To suit the times, board has been reduced to $i per aay. , D. D WINCHESTER, New York, Sept 1-dly .., Proprietor. WALTER'S IV A T 1 O IV A Tj HOTEL, vomer ot Main and Church Streets. Norfolk, Va., WM. L. WALTERS. Proprietor. Sept 1 i ' . . , i .. dly MISCELLANEOUS CARDS. T W. CLKI.lIOIVN, . t?.-si-i.-.; Will promptlyittend to the collection of monevi or any general business entrusted to him. Address, " saiem, Jorsytu county, in. u." Uct 1 dly PETER MALLETT :' ;. '';' WITH - . V' D. COLDER JIFRRAV, ; GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT,' 62 South Street, IVew Vork. . , Sept. 1.. :j , ,. ... r - . dly TV ,T IRBOf II, D1KBT'& ?0- . , i.TJL MANUFACTURERS OF SASHES, FRAMES, liimds, uoors and spokes, ot a euiienor quality. - r-r FJUSBURY.'N. C. f V . All kinds of Ornamenfal Wood Work, Palings, Brackets, &e., done at short notice. Contracts taker, for fitting upland for erection, of Buildings' of all" kinds. Sept 6-d6m W. BAEDEK ARCHITECT Sr CIVIL ENGINEER, ; v v SALISIiURY.-N. C, . Will furnish . Designs and. Specifications for-, nnd su perintend town ilonses, Cottages,, Villas, Stpres,; .Churches,- Phbhe .Buddings ; also tor constructions belonging to' Railroads, as Bridges of Stone, Wood or Iron, and ah buildings required at Stations. Plans ,and E-tiuiatis given for the Pnproveinent of Water Power and Mechanical Constructions in general, Referescks. Hon. John W. Ellis Charles F. Fisher, li es. N. C. R. R. ; C. P. Mendenhalh'Treas. : J. G. Turner, Chief Eng. W. N. a II. R. ; R. P. Si m on ton'. Treasurer.. Sept f-dGm - A R II I T E C! T V R E WM; PER CI VAL, JTjl , Architect mid Civil Enaii "', ; Office, Smith's Brick Building, Fayetteville Street, V RALEIGH, N. C, Will furnish designs'for Churches, Public Buildings, Stores, Town and, Couutryresideuees, AlterathiUH of Old Buildings, Specifications and Superintendence. He will also attend to the Laying oft Grounds for Uraamentation,. and supply .Maps of same. r With an educational training for his profession and a practipal experience of more than sixteen years, m Bubhc and prrvate works-m Europe, Canada and tne nifed States, he hopes to give satisfaction. He re spectfully refers to those by whom he is professionally engaged in this State . - . . TliV Building Committee on the Chapel Hill Univer sity Improvements. , The Building Committee of the Raleigh new Baptist Church, R. S. Tucker, Esq., Raleigh. . William M. Boylan, Esq., Raleigh. Win; S. Battle, Esq., Rocky Mount, Edgecombe Co. N. li. A large number of Original Designs for Churches, Yillas, &c. can be seen at his office. 4,,-.,; Sept 1- - ' ' ' ' dim I7IPOBTAIVT TO DEALERS IN LUMBER, LATHES,1' MEAL AND FLOUR. The under signed, proprietor of Tull's Steam Mills, near Kin gton, N, C, begs leave to inform dealers in the above articles, and all others who may want them, that he is prepared to fill orders and to deliver, at any acces sible point on the Atlantic fc North Carolina Rail Road, MEAL, FLOUR, LATHES, and aU descrip tions of LUMBER, at as low prices as they can be furnished elsewhere. He respectfully solicits. orders, and guarantees satisfaction as to quality and prompt ness of dispatch.' " Address JOHNTULL, : .' Oct 7- - tdti- ' ' ' "- Kinston, N. C. 4T n03IESTEAD FOR 10 I ! A lew more rX of those desirable building lots and farm in tne Gold Region and other portions of Virginia, are to be divided amongst subscribers, immediately for the benefit of the new town of Rappahanwch. -wuien.is situated in Culpepper Vounty, and is now being rap idly settled. , . ' ' , . . Subscriptions only f 10 each, one half down and balance on delivery of Deed. Every subscriber wiU get a building lot "or a ;farm, ranging in value from $10 up to $30,000: The object is to build up the town, manufactures and trade, by giving k way part of the property so as-to enhance the value r the rest, and to encourage men of limited means to tome in and grow with the place. : -.There is a flemand for alLc kinds f bnsiness. LnmlK-rmen, Mechanics Manufacturers, Tradesmen and Farmers cannot tail 't rirt" troll .." . '-.,.':. ';;h'i 'It. ...: ; "3 'h . ' ? 70,000 acre of landjin large and small tracts, can. also be had at privaf talf, ana on reasonauie wium Some of it is htgUf improred. s-: - ' k Agent am vantett ereryickere to fell these lanos. Salary $1,000 a year, or an interest in the t)osuewv is aaimrauiy located, especially for , being on Courtland Street, onlv a few . . . ' ml : O HALF SQUARE .. L . . - nvo t.. - --s- One dar.-..-. :'.''.: Tin iw Two days.......... 37ITwo d.nvV." Tliru Affirm: 50 Thre days .....1 00 ronr davs.. five davs. . .-.'. 'rive.dayfc.....4.'..JLl 50 ..." JClOnewec-k 1,75 37 Two week.,.'........2 75 to..2.U ,Oue lnonth.....',...4 W ...tl 50 STwomontha.. 7 00 U.5 00 fThree moftths. 10 OCT .:,8 00 ix. month.. ......16 00 ..IS 00 iOni war i - K Of One week .. . '. . Two week.;.".. One mi kiit h Two month.. Three inont ha.. Six months:...; Une year, y , . . . . j " - 7- . . . , v vw T t!!V 1 r,ue-,inake square, 'six line a half-square . ... 1 aU;t;uieiix8 niue wan yearly ad vertieera : DAILY PROGRESS; 1 WEDNESDAY MORNING, DEC. 1858. Written for the Daily Progress. , : ' E iocs to n Erieud BT BKATUICE. " ? I " When first we met, 'twaa bright Spring hour; ; , All nature smiling eerned, , ' . The gardens blushed in blooming flowers," ' I: t The trees were dressed in green 1 Y ; When next we met, 'twas a summer night, ; ' The wind went softly by ; " The stars came out like diamonds bright "v"" ; Set in the azure sky. - v- . ' ' ' How sweetly then the moments passed ; When thou weit by my side ; I thought the chann would ever last, I wished for nought beside. Twas sweet to live beneath the gaze Of thy pure truthful eyes, That seemed to catch their sparkling ray - From diamonds in the uky 1 But now, alas ! thou ait far away ; Tlie days will come and go, And I may in the dark! tomb lay 'Ere I shall see thee more? ( Yet while to me my life is given I'll ever think of thee ? ' And will thou too, till life is riven, 4 My friend, remember me? Newbern, Dec. -. v . ITIiMrelnneouM. : It Collapsed. The Baltimore Dispatch re counts a scene which occurred at the Holiday street Theatre, a few evenings since,; which was not in the bills, and which, however mortifyin it may have been to the young lady concerneof, provoked the risibles of those w hp witnessed it , to an irrepressible degree: A hne lookinp: younjr woman, in more than the usual amplitude of crinoline, entered with her beau, and was making her way through the al ready well-filled seats to the front row of the first circle, where places had been reserved for them. To do so with all the bold freedom of feminine young America she stepped npon the seals, when untortunately ner hoop, or rather the lower hoop of her skeleton skirt, caught upon the back of the seats as she . swept by, and tne fastening about the waist parting, the whole concern came down" by the run," and as she stepped forward and out of it, was left. hanging in full view npon the seat. The change was astonishincr ; the full-blown belle at one moment, the next looked like a lamp post wun a siik aress ilea arouna it.; 'fx or a mo ment also the young lady was quite unconscious of the accident. In another she saw the full ex- 1 tent of it, and for , the next half hoar had, un doubtedly, the most brilliant completion in the audience. ' .' ; , s , ;. ' .-.-." Thr Telegraph to Cuba. The long talked- . of project of establishing telegraphic comniunica tion between the United States and Cuba is, ac cording to the Washington Star, about to be carried into effect. C. C. Walden. Esq., late Deputy Collector at New York, Superintend ant in this country of the Cuban Telegraph Company, has received instructions from Havana to com mence the construction of the route between Sa vannah and Fernandia; and Messrs. Mora Brothers and Eavaro have placed the necessary funds at his disposal. '' ' f" " ' The Key West Key of the Gulf learns from Havana that the application to the Spanish Court for permission to run the sub-marine cable from that city to Key West, has been granted by her -, Catholic Majesty, solely upon the condition that both ends of the cable are to be under Spanish control ; ,and, if otherwise, the application is to be considered rejected. V : ! f.. If this be true, it will not be a source of regret if it proves as unsuccessful as its Atlantic cousin has done. Aug. Georgia Dispatch The Devil to be Driven out of New York. This morning, the Mayor received a communica tion, from a man giving his name, as Jesse B. . Booth, of South Providence, Rhode Island, who , claims to be " a well developed inspirential natural brain medium of communication direct from the high source in Heaven," invested ' with power to drive the Devil from the face of the earth, and wishes to enter into a contract with the Mayor to ' trv-Divine power in this city. He says he can effectually wipe out all vagabonds, rascals and thieves from existence. - .Gotham would be a grand place for him to make his debut, as there is plenty "of materials to work upon. It is advisable that the major part of the inhabitants of this city look out, or they may be "wined" out berore they know it. New York Day Book, 25th. The " FifniER Girl H axd tiie Fat Woman: The "Herald" says, that "Duringthe fair week some one was expatiating, in a crowd, on the huge dimensions of the fat woman, stating that she weighed COO pounds. " Why' said a wag who was standing by "that is nothing, Dr. Bar bee (a ,. brother of the sculptor) has a woman up stairs , here; that weighs pounds !" Immediately the report spread that the fat woman was to be seen at Dr. Ba-bee's exhibition, and crowds came in quiringly for a sight of her, sorely perplexing our equanimous fries d. At length tne secret leaked out, but the wagjmaintained that he had spoken the literal truth 4s the Fisher Girt (made of mar-,. Lie) weighed full 7U0 pounds'. : (" ' Frcdricksburgilfcw$. . Walker's Dcparture for Nicaragua. It is f rettv generally believed at .Washington that Walter has really left the United States with fire hundred men for Nicaragua. It is supposed the party pnt to sea within the lost day or two, and as the point of intended departure was not sua- pected, it is thougnt naraiy rxssioie inas mey can be intercepted except it be when tbe approacb . r 1.- T-l. ..I .win a the coast of Nicaraerua. The excitement growing out of the interference of the Mobile, party, was designed to be availed of to coyer the more im portant movement elsewhere." " .;:"' .. , AKgusfa.(Ga.) Diffatck. ' Prlnter Arrested for Bigamy, A printer has been arrested a Woodbury, Tennessee, for bigamy. He is no true professional, or be would not have a second " take ' Jkfurp he had com possed?' the first. -Prentice, 1 V f - The matter can be easily explained. The poor fellow had a - foul case," and the first take bein" "solid," he was not permitted to use 44 lead; and Las ' space-box ' being nearly empty, he was excusable for taking another, for we - bare nevef known a printer who was true to his profeaaion, that would not jump at a fat take ay $10,-UU0. Is ... f ' " . i t - i x 5 I 5 i i i II i " i M ' ' ? -i 1 ( ' i 'Tt i ' 1 ' 1 . 'I ''- i - t t f ' I ,- ; s . ': J il 1 -" 1 r - : " - 3 ' .- . ? I . M -. t w Sept i 3m

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