Iff J. I. l'EXmGIM;. e 1 ) I h Y PliOf ! 1 ESS " . if served to town and T",l,. lnhi-rti-r at Six DoU.aus a year payable fins.if; i; ,;ipers discontinued when the time al') Uv-rH's, unlet renewed. A'iVC' .i.'-ir'-'ed one-half more than the usual rates, , - I ,.,.i,t s for each insertion after the first. W): the number of insertions are liot ex- i ;uH-eitUciiieTils are handed in they will 1 till lOl'I'Hi, 111, J uuii (.unicu JJ ueillS lOJ o-;"t!"!i iiiid 2o cents for each continuance BUSINESS CARDS. " o!, u.T EKI1 1 1' OTI CI!.. The under- vTi ii'Av aiiuouucu to tlie citizcua j -i.li.-U Woil. (-i unties, that they havcthig iTr(i jut1 "j' '' ' I liiu uaux.auu (J 'A IlAKi, 11 '- v. , aiio. iiii; nu ..Ur'i to sao.w .-.itlMCTit "1 i rt iii ;ir Hue, that ever been I'1'"'- . ... '.,,... I:.itiiul.l Urittmiin' iT.1 U',HI'i-U ill! v- v..r w.iiv. l . ol everv uusci lptum, jsuiimi Vl.ii'i i'l K -iii-ii!'' U i, at wholesale and retau, ana -iwif 1 A' I 1 S 1 ( lit Ya. , j iyUir iiu ic-ased ur facilities for manufacturing t;.. S-.T? Im-ii and Copju r Wares, we are now pre v,l ;.. i;ir.:i. i: tiose who want to purchase.anything J. in .!!! 'ill' tit I'M - - J'i I" ' t"Ull .V m :u.ri i l:.c Nii i; cilios. l'lease ive us a call ftli'l 4-;! iiutseives 'i me iruiu oi oui usssei tion. 1 i IT 1 11 .'.... i. . A , .. . ... I. ('on;''!' 1 I'K'.ia H.iu iUiuuw rvneeis, one uooi s'uiu ,.!,. i--On:! H"us..', :Newl)eni. X. C, f V. U ' IJOKACK IlAIiT, Jt l.IfS LkWIS. - ;,: Ail' ii-T.-t'iis jiaviu claims against C. A. vl! I i'K w in pioeiu ineiii, ;iiiu iiios.e mueoi iv:ii i-rr-i'.! .nd rattle !'1, as '! m:i! l'ttIl no. as tho act;ounts ot ii-1 l clo.c"l '.rf C. A. II ART & I1KO. 1 VAUUm AliLKA, J lilt. . I.K il IN FANCY & STAl't.E A'' iiiS, 1j(jTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, A-C, l in.i.oK stki;i:t, . xkwijeux x. c, :i-.ii:y-iu ;ti tiie aitcniKm i .the j)iioiic .rhieli will bo ft'imd wiry in !- axxorted, v larv ; nil seasons of the vear. -, .h Cl ii'i.i .-nfli'"!'!.! ! lniii'ijtij and carefully attended to. Si t I dly Ma " .T !-! rii " -it n Mi lime lit of M:vr.Knx, n. c. j. ?1. F. I! A i: 12 1 so; Wilof.KSAI.l-; A. RETAIL DEALER IN Si r!.K, l' ANOV, r OKKKiS AM) DOMESTIC f i y ii o o 1 s 9 JItif -, ('t'j, fioi'ii and Shoes, (Jartetin'gs, Mailings, A'a'S Jewelry; Trunks, Read y-Made Cljhi)tgr . &C, ' Nkwuktin, N. C. J. M. K. HAHitisos has just received a complete -i.riment uit iib for the seasim, anil will continue tuvreive by erery arrival all desirable Articles and Xovrities 6t tiie season. 'articular al lent ion paid lo enters, Srnt I dly . mm:, ICf-cri vittti, I-'orirartlinsr Coiiunisioii AI E Ji C 11 A X T , ,'nt the store forniei I v oecnpied by Win. P. M"oor"e,) lOUN'EROK SOl' J'H FRONT $c MIDDLE STS., xeivju;r., x. c. l'iivtieular nttetition' tiiyen to tlie Sale of Country l'n. luce, and tlie Purchase of (roods generally. ! Ii.iv.' a convenient Wharf aiid coininodious Wiirei.tui-'e. I have also a linuof fir.-t-elass Yessels, ruiiiiini reuitl nly lietw.'en this port and the ports of X.-w York anil 15.iiti--o-.re. A-'ei.l-- in Nc w .York ; I , A.u'ents in Baltimore : D.w is t IIoi.mks. I James Conner & Sons:'. S. i-t ii dly i y ti . T'TTi" ill vvosiiy, U C.EXEHAI. COMMISSIOX MERCHAXT, Ev r Fkont Sikkkt, Nkwhkkx, X. C, A-.-iit for SMITH'S LINE New Yorkd'aekeU. (Jnodx recce-red and foricarded . . ": dly 2. (JEN-ERA E COJIMISSIOX MEKCHANT, EAST FRONT STREET, IVcwbeni, IV. C. rp j. in ant A. DEALER IX NAVAL STORES and Commission Mkkciiamt, flier Frnii and Smith Frant Sts. nit-. Si . I 1 01 IE IE 1. 1-: ,v " F(UW. is no r sjs; sss. AtrvtSii A- C iAfMISSlOX MERCHANTS, Nkw.Bkknk,-N.C. dvanees made on Consignments to he !! or r warded to Northern JIarke'ts. d I v I AVll.LIAtJN A WIJ1TTV, ' ' '"M M l S , I ) X M II R C H A X T S , . 1m,(J I) STREET, XEWBERX, X. C, ; K i'--,.iisa!!i lv on hand ;dl arti-les usuajly found in .) I . !. I I S TORE, y wi l ell at a fair profit. itteutioii paid to the sale of country produce. div W 'irii Mil I S I .1. AV ,: llVSill So ' , '( )XT STREET, .WW ill I'll, r -': t y e ul t '.o attention of 'families, and his l:o-"- and well selected ' - . 1 V. til STOCK OF GHOCEiHES, Sr -.:--. hot!,, refined and raw - Molasses, il-'. I'ork. Klmir, C'.iiN-s',' Soaps. Candle-, N ;! I a C.U oliiia and Western'; Aleal. and, v;y article 'kept" for family use. A fresh 'r.iekeis of all kinds just "received. Also "rhoent of .Boots and Shoes', Hits and Mnie--ties.-. Any one .wishing- to furnish y will d- well to -'ive IdiH a' call before '''iltvl!;.- .r .' " .-. ' isj-wiiere as he is rle.tevinineil that none iv ni-c-ativfu-d. He is sell in' by wholsale HI. . TV , l iuetp tor Cash or Country Produce dly v. i is tit: i;. VI . i 7,' in (iKOCERJES. except liquors) -V.c., Kidl Seines and Xel Tvir..-.v :ni,l . '-hies, S-dt and Fresh Fish. ,Vc '. &c. u. ,r ntt.Mi:ion givC'ii to the sale of Produce " ' '.-i vmg and forwarding 'Goods oh the most ; ,t" b""". Sept 1-dly l,',V!.A?I ' vi:i iv t'o., O M .M I s S I O X M E R C II A X T S . - ill Very vjiriui v ..f A .r.-;,f, T,.,,J..,,w..',4 . V..! ft'. ... 1 1 . t H , Cllv: Pcni.izers, Lnne, Calcined Plaster, Ce !iie l)ii.-t I ron .Si-..1 ... A ,.'.! XI l Hid ware, Xnib.. Cisterns and Force Bumps, ... 1 . ... 1 . till. I il - li-lCi. 1 ,'li:il I.,..-.t i.ir ..,..1 liar ,M;;1 other S:iw .1-e .,. , Ii ....v.ivi. iirio Clitvi Burrs . 1 'm-ii. attention iriven to the Sale of Piodui e, Forwarding Goods. s l, i',-h;g uiid F V: I , ,m Jj:i.i, vi:i ' rlLn'rSTr)n'()F STORES, . ---- K in it iit rx.ikAK it: promptly to-all businei entrusted to biui. dly Naval SeptJ-3in irTic:i -.-tend U,e courtof clayJo, Curtdet arid PiU Couutie,. ' iiW . "" . il,.;tik'l) or less consilium"- n square. t'-ne- Notices inserted for 25 cents ; Funeral 'iT 'orr-nts: 'Obituaries at advertising rates. mi!!'''" "'. '.j. . T,.ti..i4.1 nvurv oilier nav 1ij V - It t s m iant .Hk. lbu.0,,, Lard, Corn, Whisky, Flour, Coal,!. I'.v,. AM.plv always, o,, hand, and tor sale on f ''' na--. ..u. - oii.-iyim.elits will i'iivi: cverv attcli- W K'EfifK-fW ill ti'-n. Vm. k,..p .vessels running for Ualti.nore, by tM l'pf f "'''' ad tiiroul. the. eaiuii. Freight taken at market I W ' ' '' t ' . -- : -. ' ,) ,VvA,5.r"t-?K. r UJ'ECTjn OF XArAL STORES, ::it',..WMNLW-1IERN' x- c- " '"i- iu T , 'V'Y? am1 Wtnptlv attend to nil a'-.., Av.c'!V;u:t.V,,.,a 1,l,a- May be found L'euerallv i V. W mtiord's Store. , " U1.,-ii'. . S;,,;,.. ;.'-"". ""enuoh given to the of "K"r , , VOL' I. KEWBEM, K. BUSINESS CARDS. T IVcTrbrrn ITIntnal F IRP INSU R A X CE CO MP A NY. rilHIS Company has now been in successful opera JL tion for f TIIIJKE YEATiS, j During which time no assessment has been made to meet losses. Tlie Company Is now prepared "to receTve'Xpplica" tions for 1 I X S U R A X C E , Which may e made to any of the different Ajrents thnm-jhout the State, or to tlie undersigned, at the office of the Comp mv, in this place. MOSES W. JAKYIS, Secretary.. Newborn, N. C, Sept 1 dly f Ln w. i;abs.tik, WHOLESALE- AND RETAIL DEALER' IX Drii!, Tlcdit iiiCH, C'hi-niicaU, E-:iiiil-i, Oils. GLA .S'N, 1) YE S TOFFS, . PERFUMER Y, SUUCWCAI. 1NSTUMENTS, PATKXT MKDIC1.SES. " PUKE WINE AND BRAND Y, Garden Seeds; n ruing Fix id, A'"., fye.. SrC. 2G POLLOK STKEET, NEWUERN, N. C. Sept 1 dly c T V. .IOUDAN, W h holcalr; and ISctnil Irui;isl, XEWBERX, X. C, Keeps constantlv on hand a-larsre and well selected STOCK OF FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Also, an extensive assortment of PAINTS, OILS. DYE STUFFS, TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, CIGARS. nil hii t-inllci! variety of F'ancy Articles. Orders from tlie country respectfully 'solicited, and promptly attended to. Sept 7-dlv BA.VSv.S' CAI VTJ 'A IV VT XCTOIIyT aIVD BAKE R Y . VOLLOK STREE T, XE WBERX, X. C. We are now manufacturing a larire and varied as sortment of lain and fancy Candies, suitable for the 1 all and inter trade. It. is superior to any ever im ported, and is sold at a less price than a rood article can be bought in the Northern Cities. We have re duce'! the prince in order to see if you will fatten North ern Manuf actories in preference to those at home. We sell in lots of 50 lbs. a reel iipicard. Stick Candies at... .1 10c. Su-ar aiid Burnt Almonds,... -. 2(e. Lozenjres, all kinds, -.. Xlc. 7i 'Joc. Sufrar Plums and other Pan Work,. 18c.ft 2(;e. Mottoes, dain, -22c and all other kinds at equally low rate. We are prepared to "manufacture 2,000 lbs. per week. Will you buy it ? , r Our Candies are free from poison, (coloring) Chalk, Starcli, Flour, and all other impurities. We use nothing but the best double refined crushed "sugar, and warrant it to keep 7i any climate, if it does not, return it and tHe 'money shall be refunded,, together with cost of transportation. We are also prepared with our Bakery, to manufacture Sugar ana Butter Crackers in any quantity. Prices tj lb by the Ihl. Sugar Crackers, .... 8c. Butter Crackers,..,... 7c. Also small cakes of ulL kinds securely packed in bar rels at 10c. 20c. per lb. Also large cakes, for Wed dings and Parties, ornamented as well as they can be anywhere in the world,. 'it ,$2 .$25 in fact, we make everything that is made in similar concerns through out the country. We have, in order to get the latest improve ments, sent one ol our workmen .North, lie will re X - ..1 .-J. .1 .. -1 . 1 . luin in aooui inree weeivs, uiih n anytnin-jr new m our business has come out this season, we will intro duce it hero soon. after his return. Your obedient servant, Oct 22 dtf J. S. BANKS, Agent. J. V. ViKU'!i JJI arblc V a il , XEWBERX, X. C. Marble . Mon u meUs. The subscriber is receiving a large stock of America n and Foreign Marble and is at all times prepared to fill or ders for Mounments, S In ha and Torn h- S to ties, of every de- 1 scription, at less than No K T n k UN prices. Our work-will be deli'ered in all parts of -North Carolina" and Yirgiuia Free of charge, j - Our Avovkmanship lias been g.-iiernlly introduced in some tii.ii ty counties in North Carolina, and seaks for itself. " :"" " Orders by mail will meet Avitb prompt attention and be fait! I full - executed. V Address," J. C. WIElt, NeAvbern, N. C. Mr. James Robertson , TraA'eling Agent. Sept l(i - - , dly TpAI,l4 A.M VlxTFU IlTIl'OIlTATIO.J. ly 1S5S. LEWIS PHELPS, AIEKCITANT TAILOR. Pullok street, IVi'wberii, IV.C, Has ju.-t returned from the North, having purchase a larire nnd superior 'stock of , CLOTHS, CASSIMEPES, TESTINGS, &C. All oi Avhn h, havi'mr in his employ first 1 class work men, he is prepared to bave made up in a superior manner. Cut and style Avarrauted to give satisfac tion. HEADY AIADE CLOTHING, GENTLEMENS" lT KXISHIXti (JOODS, lVC, XC. A varied and well selected stock of Peady Made clothing o".ts, pants, vests, shirts, era vats, -cloves, flannels and in fact a general assortment of every thing which is necessary to complete the Wardrobe of a "gentleman of taste, all of which may bo had at a very small advance on Xcav Yolk cost. Gentlemen are invited to calhand examine the ex tensiye stock of plain and fancy cloths, cassiir.ers and vestings on hand. He feels at-sured that, among t he many different stA les and patterns, it will be easy for all to nit themselves. i v" Store on Pollok street, next door to the Post Oltice. . Oct 12-dtf Tlo liiiper-, ISuildei-! anil I,uiiibfrl)rn(. L ei'. Tiie subscriber is prepared to furnish at short notice, LUMBER,: either Rough or Planed, by the cargo or in smaller quantities. ISou-u Liiiubrr, any wize auil length under 50 leet. Planed Tongue and Grooved Flooring, and Babbit ted Weatherboardiiig ; DiKir Facings aud Yiudow (at-ings. SaAved Laths in any quantiti. Tenns stiictlv cash. II. X. TAAXOR, A'scnt. Newbem Sept 1 -.-'; . dom 17 K. AYood, Ili. s. SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, East side f Middle Street, four floors south of lite (jiljji i ! Conrt House XEWBERX, Xo. Co., ; Is constantly inanufactiiring eA'ery thing in his line of busines... All orders promptly attended to. . , ; 1"t ' .""'-'-" " ,.""" ' ' " dly. J rf s7"i! o F f I N, - ' , tr7 JU 'SURGEOX DEXTISTy : peTmamently .L'H'ated in the Town of Newbern.ten- ' ders bis professional servu-es to the citizens of Newbem and surrounding country, . - , OlTiccoii Siuulu FrHtt si-joppuaitM tucGastou JJousy Sept 1 ' I d-AATy 1. .3 I- Til TTf- C., TIIIIItSDAY MORNLXG, DECEMBER !), 1858. i. 1M SI X ESS -CARDS. .; yjUy Taclioii & Tlioma, a H7,V'.-Yfcf Rnfa,l and C;n-mhion Merclanls, Corner ot '13 road and Hancock burets, Ii . KElVJfERX, X. C, Have iust receivJ and keei constantly on band, a rood assortment oi the-- best qnsluy ot. fAJULl i -JROCERIES, such as El., ur. Meal, lV-ik', IJac.-n, . jnrd, Ci.eee-e. Butter. Si'srar, Cofftie. JIobuses. -Al ! so, Krs.-ys, 13b;nkets, Cotton 'Bnpztiru, and Kope, UootsSiiocs; Hats, Lrockery. ccc, fee. - li Oct M , . ' dtf 4 '.!! ; , J NEW AXD SPLFXVlP MILI,lFRY. Ml-iS. IVEY tt MiS. 31ISS1LLEIU w nl be plea-ed to see their friends and ,if moons cH-t mers, at their SHOW -ROOMS, on Craven street. They havo just opened, .THIS DAY. their F;;U and Winter Styles ot Millinery, which, us usual, are very beautiful, ji Ot 13 dtf I D I 1 F. TAI2!i:iV, ! W.VTCHMAIvEli A? T. JEWELiai.' PoTloek sffvet, next door to th new Stop of Emu et Cuibbert. 'Esq.. havmr iro-ur- i ed one o f Bottoms' Improved Patent Universal -Foot j It is located in the business portion of Salisbury arid js now-' tYdlv pv..nVrcd "to execute any; and j remote from the bustle and confusion necessary at of WATCH-WORK, in tiie best and neat- tendant on railroad hotels; Here the-wearv traveler Lathes. ail kind est possible manlier, at y shortest notice, and on reasonable terii's. - V ' 4 !!! All Avork entrusted to niy enre wid be warranted toirive nei feiit satislaction. or no -ciare will be wade j (Jive me n trial once, aitd vour conli Jence lor the future shall be mine. ; 1 . ' A irood assortment ofAYatehes aud Jewelry of the best quality, constantly -'oik liand. Oct 19 -;-. : -: ' dr,m mpi:t lis s s i sf V' dwrsigne'd, liave' this nership nuder tiie firm oi for the purpose of carryim in adl its brandies, and w .i'v entered inio a ("opart-. MERRILL & MILLEli, on the (Ja's llttinu- business II keep constantly on hand a large and isple.nud assortment of Gas fixtures and everything appertaining to that' line of business. A lso,: Steam and ater piping ot ail sizes. : x: Placciof business opposite. th.e.Wasbitrt on llotel,'- in the rear of Mr. John F. IIaufl"s Music Store, a Or ders from the country promptly attended to. ii ' SAMUEL .M El. R ILL. Oct 11 -3m ALEX. MILLER, Jit. f i F. OIsliK 15 S 1 1 0 tM , ' . ili VX ; XEWBERX, X.C, Manufacturer of W.indow Sash. Blinds, Pannel Doors, Shutters, W7ood Mouldings, Brackets, Balusters, Newels, &c, tfce. : - v also,. ' : i i manufacturer and 'keeps constantly on" baud, a larre stock of CABIXET FUEXITURE, at wholesale and retail. . . . i Sash Mill on I3road st., Ware lb oms on Middle street. Sent I dly MAVl'iKilN HOTELS. literv "li;j,;i,.yi:ii:;..i.,.!;.;.;:i i.,;,m,!H,; Fijffi M I'sMS' Mfi ! i i i ii ii i l i ji I ; W AI the P. AI O O U i: , PROP R I li T O R. subscriber luiA-ing taken eharsxe of the- aboye establishment, respectful! v announces that it Ak Uoav oen for the -accommodation of the TRAYEL1XG PUBLIC f.nd BOA DEBS GENER ALLY. Tiie Gaston Housed ile;isan.tly-located, frotii the south windows Of: wldch there is a fire yie-Av of ; both tho-Ne.use and Trent, liivor-i, AA'bile. during the;Sin--iK-r t!-e. south mid west Avinds 'render the entire build ing del'.e'iit iu.lly .coe.t. . ;. Tiie liooins art; birge' and Avell furnished. Tlie T-ible is well --upiplied, liom the Nortbern and Hoiiie Mai kets. . -: - r Having also large, and commodious Stahvles aiid excellent Oth-is, he will board Ibuses by th'q;d;iy, week or mV.btls. ' He f as abo convenient hrriinge-lm-nts 1 or t h ' a ccon i i i -d at i on of Horse Drovers.-. - rI he Projii ietor.will exvit every eil'ort to give en tire satisf-u-t ion to those avI.o liia v favor him Avitli their patronage! Sept i -WM. P. MOORE. dly AV 7AflIF:i(;TOA ISOTKI-. ( ' 1 1 A X G I : ( ) F BR ( )PR I ETOR S. BROAD STRllFT. XF WBF.RX. XV. dOilX F. JONES, 1'ROI'lvIETOR. The uiutei'.-ir.ed . respectnilly announces to the traveling public that lie It as taken charge of this old and popular "establishment, and is now prepared to neVomniodate . travelers and private famiUejsj. with, board by tlie day or month on the nic-t accomitaoda iillg fe?-iilS. ' : ; ' Jljs TABLE .will r.lways be furnished with tine best provisions that home and. foreign markets can afford. The Washington H ifel has iarge rooms, is nearer t he 'Depot, the Court House aud the business streets than miy other in 'tlie city. ... . - ; - ' i I j ' An OMNIBUS will always be at tlie Depot and Landing oh tlie 'arrival of -the: cars and steamboat to convey passencrers to ti e Hotel fre-v of all charge. Bv stoprnncr at this Hotel pa sseugers wiil have fvnipleii i;.e ti ibfain ivieals. Jinvihg also a-'larsre and commodiou Slid) and an excellent Ostler, he is fudv prepareil.to; irel.tl board horses by tae day, week or sonalile rates. Nov 22 dlv ' n.onth. at the most rea JOIIX F. JONES. . VW)liI TO THE rIIl-:S. Tnei under signed respect I ullv informs the - Ladies of JNeAv bern iind f he siviTouutling country that be is prepared to mannf-:cture to order ids improved combination. WINDOW CUirFAIX ADJUSTERS.: This is an ornamental as well as practical article for parlor use, aud c- n be furnished at any price from S5 to it "to, Itt Ci-nsists in haviag a shade, -eurtain to revolved behind a stationary lace curtain in a hanb some case whicli can Iu fakertdowii orDtit utt m a few -SeColldi witomif tlri jikiifarr f . uvfiiul iMr soul; Tf T li2-ht Anri-fd""riii' mJ enrt brt Kiimifuiiit-d i fk. Ssl - . : ii. ii'l!fl?llfc"i;";: lfcliilil!lli' ;MmK:SRI a-; sept passim' i am iiiti fecr ... ri -. i&mii 1 it . m i u nun suit the. tastes of 0, wb-dire t pnrobase. Cn and see a specimen . Ik-r a few, day at the Gazette OtHee.orr.ttlnirdobHou. fc - - - ' , Oct 2-dir... ,IIENC-T.'CI.AAV.SON. i S -:!L " J : - ' TO TO id cn 1 XO. 82. HOTELS. MA.XSIOX HOTEL, ali,bry, X. C .-The i suhsciiber takes nleasnre in iim,.,,.:.. ... i : . inends, and , the yublic pnendly; that he has taken tins long estabhshe.l and well known Hotel ar,l ha irul every possible preratbm f aceomodate the biiiiiii in tension is ua-.-riin-.iinu (viMiar portions of the nub- ie. most ' -satisfactory- iiam;.-r I'ln-tr.-ni is paid to his table "r-m .i-,.--v v...-.4V... ;' s rooms. His .stables ara'abundantlv sun attended bv ft careful ikiU.ItiL ..n 1 i'lopneroi jiyes ins neivonarutten t'"1' - A comtortable O nimbus runs reCuWHy to the le5 ot on the arrival of tire c?rs.- With the4 etbirts to please, a liberal sbare of the' pill!ie patronage is corfidcntly solicited. WM IIOW7EF Sept 1 ; . a'lv DOHAX IIOI.Bt H. I, ICobardw, i l SALISBURY. N. C This ,,! u.i i. ' t ne mdefatigalde Robauds; still continues to fusttiui its iormer reimtation for nrainp .,io..f ,..! i tale, and no 'house in North Carolina enioys a better v:loition of tlie i)atron:'i"-e of the iv.m-i'..i3i.o- ,,kiL. iv sure ot, a ouiet ni'"iit's vst An O-n-mhiw ;i,n, by lour sph-ndid bays,, always at tiie depot on the inival ot the ears, for the use of the gue.;ts of the Bowan House, free of extra, cl-arge. Stage passeiiuers. remember, there is Tmt Stage. Oftie-- in Salisbury, and that is kept .at the BoAvan House. When you arrive i.n tio. cmvs ,ln-vi ue misieu uy false out cries ot " Iiirelincrs and ser vants. II. L POBAliD.S. dl v Ser.f 1 , . X Formerly Proprietor of the f?-ist.m TT..iiue XeAvbenu X. (.'., now at tlie -WESTERN HOTEL. NEW TOPE Having recently mentitied iuinselt with the interests IT- ' ; i i .... . ot this estatmshme-nt. would resieeH'nik- s,:Vieit t-on. patronage (and Southerners irenerall v. visitiiur't'bis iiiv.i j-i me uesmn is ro mane tins House in n t- i. .i : i - i . . great degree tlie Ho.mk of the South kkxer. all who come to it are assured tliat they will find a genuine Mmtiierner to, attend to their wants and comforts. ,lhe house, is adunrably located, esoeciallv for business men,' being on Courtland Street, oniv a few doors from Broadway, in the immediate vicinity o the Southern Bailroad and Steamboat Stations." It has ample acccmimotions, havings some 250 Aveli rurmsneu rooms, also suits ot rooms tor familie 1 he table will compare well with anv other in the city, besides it has all tlie other requisites of a first ciasss hotel 1'arlors, Beading Rooms, Baths, &c, &('. To suit the times, board has been reduced to SI 50 per day. D. D WLNCHESTER, Xcav York, Sept 1-dly 1 l'roprietor. WA Sj T K K S IV A T 1 O N A L IIOTE1L,, Corner of Main and Churcb Streets, IVorfolU. Va.. WM. L. WALTEliS, Proprietor. dlv MISCELLANEOUS CARDS.- f Will ill prom ptl y attend to the collection of monev. or any general business entrusted to him. Address, Salem, -Forsyth county, N. C." Oct 1-dly PETKIt lAIJLETT, " ' AVITH ' D. CObBKX JiniR lY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 62 .South Street, Xcw York. 1. dlv ! J A'JL MANl'FACTURERS OF SASHES, FR AMES, - Blinds, Doors an;l Spoke-, of a superior ipiality. 9! SALISBURY. X. C. " All kinds of Ornamental Wood Work, Pilings, Brackets. &c.,d.ne at short notice. Contracts taken : I, tor fitting up anu for erection ot JJuiliiings of all j--kinds, . ., ' - Sept G-dOm T IIAEl8-:!5, ARCHITECT SALlsBUb'Y X C ' ' Disiins',-uid' Specifications for, and su - Will furnish Sp VM-rinteiiu. i- avii nouses, t ni t r Cott'njres, i ilas, Stores, i C:urcnes, lnibli-. baiidnurs; also h x c-i.nstriictioiis K-iongiug to -uaiironis, as unuges oi ,roiie. n oou .it -i i ii i ..... -i-.. i .or. Iron, 'and all buildings reciiiiivd at Stations. Blahs anu iv-T.imare-s- driven. lor rue IT'. .1 t i i ;'ii). oveioeni of atei Power and Alechtmical C'mistruct ions iu eenvr;d Rkkeiikxck.. Hon. Joiui W. Ivliis :' Charles F. Fisher, Pi es.-X. R. R. ; 0. P. Men.ienhall. Treas. ; J. C. Turner, Chief Eng. W. X. (;. R. R. ; R. F. Si- ir. oi it oir. Treasurer. Sej't tT-dfim lie, SI I.T.M C T IHIK WM. uerciYal. Office, Smithy B.ick Ibiilding, Favettevilie Street, R Ai viirtf T c ' ' Will furnish designs tor 'Churches, Public Buildings,'! SI ores, 1 oAvn and Country residences, Alterations ot ; cards at all, and we assert, upon authority, that he Old Buildings, Specifications and 'Superintendence."; never plaved at any game in any gambling house' He will also attend to the "Laying ofl Grounds for j in il5s lit- " either: at Washington or elsewhere. Orrmiimntation, and supply Maps of same I Tb t i(j jiabitsof the .Senator arc too Well known A it h an educational training tor his profession and -. ' . t. .. w.. . .. e -a practical experiem e of more than sixteen years,.,,, to tliC people oi this Mate to require for them any ., public and private works in Europe. Canada and the explanation ot such an absurd slander, and we United States, he. hopes to give satisfaction, lie re- sptiCt-fnlly refers tVtbose.by whom be is professionally eiigojred n ths Stale. The Building Committee on tlie Chape! Hill Univer sity Improveinenfs. -The Building Committee of the Kale-rgh new Baptist . Church, ;. -R. S. Tucker, Esq., Raleigh. , . William M. Iioyl tu, E.-q., lialeigb. Win. S. Battle," Esq., Rocky M'nt. -.Edgecombe Co. N. B. A large number of Original Designs for Churches, ATilas, Sec. can 'be seen at his oCice. Sept 1 : . d4m I n iMntTAiVT r okai-ers in lumber, LATHES, MEAL AXD FLOUR. The under signed, proprietor of Tu'l's Steam Mills, near Kin stoii, N. C, begs lea ve to inform dealers in the alt-oye articles, and all others Avho nmv want them, that he is prepared to fill oi-ders and to deliver, at any aece.' -. sible poim on the Atlanth- A: North Carolina Kail.j Koud, MEAL. FLOtJR, 'LATHES, and all descrip tions of LUMBER, at. a low- piices as they can be furnished elscnvhere. He respectfully slic'its (irder, and guarantees satisfaction as to quality and prompt- nes of dispatch. Address juii it hi', ' '. Oct 7 dt4 A HO. til d'tluis IIOtlEKTFAD FAR JO ! I-4-A -few more e Uesirntne oineiinz im :iu numsin Gold-Regiou and othenportious of trgtma be divided amongst subscribers, immediately for the benefit of the pcav Ioavu of Rappahan -tack w-.ich is .ituAted in Cul-vepper county, and is now being raj- idly settled. , a Subscription only ?Keacb, one half down ar.d .... ' .l..t:.-'..r W Peerv snhst llber WiU rr.. loof.to.rr 1..tn- n ffiiTO. ranin in V iiclicliii v im iiiHi ri "i i'" ' -.- - ralue from ild up the im is iooon Tt-. ohiect is to build town, manufactures and trade, by giving aAvay part til lilt l II I 1 1 t-I I t ' 1 r . KJ property, so as to ennauce uie . rest, and to encourage nmu of limited means to come m and grow witb the place There is a up,lf,"' Lumbeiiaeji, Mechanics Manufacturers, Tradesmen and Farmers cannot tail flit Kiuus ui uit-iJv;- l. 7o,000 acres of lanI, m large nna stnai 1 irac, w l.n.l ui.nrimtji ie. and on reasonable termsr i alxo be had &t,orira te, and i : Agent rr ranteJ -crcryichere ta ilt thee mr.as. i Salary I.0O0. a year, vr wterjwt . m tle J)ksi, Apply to . ' lllAllER, Port Royal, A a.; TS pt 1 - ' -'rt YEARLY ADVERTISING RATES. HAI.K QFAKK One d.i v. ... (1!IE SUC A RE. r S 20'Onedav.........:...Si M Tvo days. . Tlirt-e davs - - - - - .At -filwu dayu. 75 :5 'Vma day-... I 00 6l?1 Fimr d.iv" : i oi Four davs.. . riveuaj-K r-- " 'ivedava 1 50 One week... ... S7i One week..... ..1 75 Two werk?. ...... ..1 . 37 J Tavu weeks.. 75 One immth.i.:. ii..2 00 One month........... 4 0 lwononths.. .....3 SQ Hv month. ......... 7 00 Iliree nionth-s......," CP Tbree months.... 10 00 i.x month. ....... s 00 Six munth.. 16 00 One yeHr..........lj 0t) One year. 2j 00 Twelve Hues make! a square, wix line? a half-uare. LtlrajaiTangeu;eiits made with yeriy advert i-era. OAILY PROGRESS. T . ' J ------ ' TlH PSDAY MOUXlXt;, DEC. i,18W. . Written lot thtt Duilv Pi-ogress." - ' . . . ' BT A.-AV..B " .. . . Love is a celestiul harmonv - ' ; Of likely henrts, composed of stars' consent," Which join too ther, in swt-H-t syiHpatity r - To work eaidi other's joy land sweet conteuL A Avomaus love, deep in the heart, J Is like the violet flowpr, That lift its modest bead apart . lit some sequestered tniwer. " Unhappy fate of doubtful maid! Her tears may tall, her bosoin swell, ' But even to the desert shade Sae never must her secret tell. Oh. do not talk to me of love, 'Tis deepest cruelty to me ' Way UnoAV a net around thebird, That might be happy, light and free ? 3Ii-Melnii-rouM. Mr. CnrUrK.NDf.s ox.jsl.wekv Aitatio avh Conventions. We give the following extract from the speech of, Mr. Cntteuden delivered iu New York thc-l&t inst : ' I am sick, of this neg'ro question in all tho forms in Avliicfi it can be. presented, and I would to God Aye cduld fret back to those days Avhen our fathers lived in harmony and peace together, and there was not one Avoid ou that subject between them. And Avhy can ;we not Wliat have we gained by this enormous agitation .' Anything but dissension ? What has been the result of it all ? A united .people divided, a sectional line almost established between us, and with that line will folloAv with unerring certainty sectional feel ings, and avc shall be one peoptV only in name. Is not that the condition' to which it has been bringing us ? Ave, av hose fathers Avere united and stood side by side, av hose patriot fathers and whose statesmen fathers fought .side by side, and acted in the Councils of their country side by side T Have we derived from them no other inheritance than that of perpetual sectional division, and per petual controversy over it 1 What a mighty in heritance did we not receive ? What mighty etffts did Ave no receive ! Why, it is enough to make the heart of any human being swell almost to bursting to look at the mighty progress we have made, and that still mightier progress which is in full view before us. We can secure all that. That is all ours if we but sayiso. Nothing can prevent it but we, ourselves. .L think therefore that the people of this country are tending rapidly to a feeling of this sort. I think that but for the dis turbances of parties, the people themselves would do right. Our government is founded upon the supposed intelligence and capacity of the people for self-government. I believe in it fully. But such lias been the operation in the course of party man agement, "that but little of this .liberty is left to the people. This is effected with the aid. of what is called organizations ; that is, they make a mighty machine, by w hich a great multitude of people are to be controlled, and some two or three ajje to manage the machinery. When have the people merely managed their own goA'ernment, and se lected their own President Why, the nomina tion of a convention is just as imperitive on the party whose representatives, it is said, have cho sen it, us the chyiee of the President himself whom .they have made is.eouclusive upon them the day fitter they have chosen him. 1 think there ought to be an end to this thing. A Shameelx Slander. A statement having been made recently, that a distinguished Senator in I ViiHrnicj litl.l lx-iill .-: t Mt I i il lO ) 1 ll-l llfr VI l nrVlf f at a notorious gambling hell in Waslnugton city, ! -some. person stJirted another story that the Sea- tor m question aa as tiie lion. Jas. A. 1 earce ot I Alary land. This ,Avas so inconsistent with the ; generally received character of Mr. Pea rce that 1 the 'public iiiind Avas startled. ) We are glad to see ; the toiiowing authorised contradiction. There-. 1 putation of such a man as Mr. Pearce is a part of tlie national -wealth,: Avinch ;very jiatriot sliouia rejoice to see preserved untarnished. The Uaiiiinore Aincriean says : '" Si leettor Piein e, The story going the rounds that Senator Pearce, of ..Alary land,- bad won a large sum ol money m a gamuiing iouae in imunijj. ; ton . is riuicuiou.sly false. Ail who are intimate with Senator Pearce know that he does not play i maice tins nonce simpiy io euauie buch jouiuais ; as have given circulation to the slander to do i themselves justice by its contrauicwon. ! A letter from Washington says: j "In this community, Avhere .Senator Pearce ia S known- and esteemeil, the newspaper story con- necting his name with -some alleged gambling j transaction here. a ouid be regarded as supremely ridiculous, were it not for the infamous audacity l ot' a rumor, without the least particle of founda i tion. It excites a universal .sentiment of indigi ! nation, as a gross and most unjiardunable out ' rae, since there-is no man fin or out of public life j more wholly. exempt from such an imputation, or ; more valued for moral worth.'' HisTonv of a Newspaper. Mr. Printice, ed ' . -ii r t il 1- ,1 C J jtor it tho loujsvuie jouriiai, aiiiiougu nui'iciiuer of iiboininabie political principles is a very clever - ! onill-driver on other subiects. The foHowincr we ,jUote from his remark upon the 2rth aninversity ; uf- bis iaper: , -pj,,. i,istory of a newpater is much of the : rui, i,;w,.,v Th d.iilv- rmiier i the dav'a wor iu s nisroi a . -i ue history it clasjts the Avorid's daylight. Bound in its daily columns the world, with all its pass les. Iii onr iiiiwlern life the news- - -,..7.,, fs truly paper y t wi,icli with tendtils strong as flej-h and bJood, -'"J llV'il ,!,u- h ippiness may grow I- in it the steamship arrives and unloads her . In tlie t -m P - , ti:-hti ; ireiiTUiaire ; 111 U l S""r - .1 - . . - . ' in it the city booms, the coni-bla-led glitter, tho wheat rustles its golden headi, the. caUle low t (rom & thousand hULs, and thei market han; i in in it the spnng blooms aim uifr auuium uiuwj i . , inirs. and with his Song tlie low Wind ! eonies fresh and swe;t over old nieadowa, lA happy faces gleam from forgotten doors. Yesj the world turns tvery day ia the daily newpa? pers. Its columns are freighted with the world merchandise. Through their avenues ring meri ly the marriage , bells, and through them heanses move f and funeral knells are tolled. Such most every daily paper be; such the Jonnial lua been." - ' 4 f - V k" 1 '-i : . - ' ; - , , - . ! V";",, j .; " ' r 1 . ... .. -, I i ;i : '.! - ; ' i 5 '. ; - 1 - - K .4 , t