f - DAILY. PROG I? TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1 To 3Iiiilrr and .tlixubcis of the Ircs. ,Our friends of the Pross, ami Ministers who may be in! attendance at the Methodist Episcopal . Conference, commencing- in Newborn on Wed nesday, the 8th of December, are cord klly invi ted to call at the office of the Daily Progress.; Tables and desks, amply supplied with paper, pens, ink and envelopes, will be in readiness for their" fpecial accommodation. Our exchanges tO'v-will be at the disposal of such as may desire to the them. The Progress building is centrally located, onP6llok Street, and is within two" doors of the Post Office, thus enabling all who may avail themselves of onr invitation, to write up to the very latest moment, previous to the closing of the mails. - Xjcok at Thi ! It was stated in public in the Conference room on yesterday, during the discussion on the Book Depository question, that the surest and most ex peditious route for the transportation of goods from -New York to Raleigh and other points in that section of tho State, is by Newbern. Now this is precisely the thing we have been trying to impress upon the minds of onr friends in tlie.in- tori or and western pai't of .the St-"-te all the time. Indeed, inariy have seen and acted on this fact to their advanta ge, ana many oiiiurs win, no uouut , - .x ., . rn, ,, (i net mi it likewise. Lite f cutis- soon see it and man who made the assertion did it incidentally iu debate, and we chronicle it for the benefit of whom it may concern. Educational Journal. The December num 'berof the North Carolina Educational Journal has come to hand, and is, as usual, filled with use ful and interesting matter. Ihc committee ap - pointed to superintend the interests of the Jour nal have determined to l educe the price of sub scription one half where clubs of fee awl upwards are made up. As the only publication in the State devoted exclusively to the cause of Educa tion, it should receive a liberal support throughout our borders. Lkgislative Documents. We are indebted to II. C. Jones, Esq., Commoner from this county, for a number of Legislative documents. If we ever read them, which is not at all probable, we doubt not but wo shall do much more than ever some of the members of that august body have done. The fact is, Legislative and Congressional documents and debates are next to the New York Ledger, the worst literature afloat. -v Handsome- Litjiogiiapii. We; are .indebted to the kindness of Kev. W. M. Walsh for a harid eome'lithograph likeness of the Rev. C. F. Deems. These lithographs may be had at the book store of Mr. Walsh, on Pollock street, Newbern Price $1. Foreign. We have advices from Europe to the 27th ult. Cotton has declined a sixteenth to a quarter for Middling and lower grades. Written for tli e Daily Progress. Returning Good For Evil. 15 V EVA MAY. "I will not forgive you " exclaimed Helen, her : dark eyes' flashing with anger, and her lip curling , with scorn; "'twas; a base, mean act Bella, and I shall not, cannot forgive it." Bella's eye fell be neath tho w ithering glance of Helen, and she burst into tears of shame as Helen moved pioudly away. Day after day passed and Bella tried in vain to gain from Helen one word or look of for giveness. Helen seemed totally unconscious of the presence, or very existence of poor Bella, and' . this silent contempt of her former friend, was even more galling and humiliating to the poor girl than 'violent anger would. have been. .But tho time fiaiwo. at last, when Bella could, as it were, "heap coals of fire " on Helen's herd. Twas a cold De cember night as -black as Erebus,, the rain was falling in torrents, a!:J the wind blowing a perfect huricane -Drenched with" ram, and. shivering with cold, exposed to nil tho iary of the s.torni, Helen was driven from her ho no by an inebriate father. Alone in the storm, friendless and heart sick, the' poor girl fell on her knees and wept in tho bitterness of her -grief. . No home ! no friend ; the earth all dark, and Heaven seeming pitiless, no wonder that her. 'heart was crushed, and she ready to-welcome death to releave her from her woe. She raised her eyes, and shining like a star through the gloom, w as the light iu Bella's win dow. -.Should she go ? should she seek shelter from her w hom she had vowed never to for,vivo ? ' were the thoughts that flitted through her brain. But this was no time for -reasoning or pride; and . ;w.eejingly she knocked faintly at Bella's door. A lniiiuro passed, and! Bella opened the door and started -as s,he saw the pale wet face; of Helen. Quickly she' drew the poor girl into the .comforta ble' little pari or ; where, on the hearth a bright tire blazed,. and .tenderly wiped the wet lioui hcr face, and kissed her damp cold cheek. . Poor; Helen', her proud heart melted, and deep humility .sup plied the place ofangec and scorn; she could not speak, but hurried her face in her hands, and gave vent to her feelings in tears, while Bella added in -every way .to her comfort and addressed her in kind soothing words. " Dear good Bella, sobbed Helen, I dp not deserve this, God bless you !" "Do not (pall me good," said Bella, pressing her friend's hand, and mingling her tears with hers ; " was very,rcry wrong, and deserved your anger, but only toil me you forgive 'me, and I am con ; tent." " I have nothing to forgive dear friend, you have returned- " good for evil,-' and " heaped coals of. lire on m head," and never again will I refuse to forgive any who have wronged me ;" this was a le.ssuii that'-she could never forrret. ' And from that hour she and Bella were firm friends; and never again did the slightest word of auger pass between them. Such is the power1 of kind ness and forgiveness. i Dee. -1th, Itof'. The " Divorce State." The Mississippi Leg islature has passed a law granting divorce to all parties w ho have lived separate' three years. A " tide' of emigration" may be expected to set to wards Mississippi. Indiana is about going out of , toe business. Iiie Iredell Express hd been considerably enlarged and improved, and we hope will be abiv sustained. Tortus in advanced. Address E 1 Drake, States ville, North Carolina. JVIrs L H Sigotirney, the authoress, furnished hity poor fanuSes with turkeys or fowls, and pumpkin pies, of the best -quality, too, for a thanks giving dinner. " I0GAL -MATTERS. rtr" .Single Copies of the "Uailf JProgress" mar !e Iial nt the OCiec. Price ThreeCcafs geud Your X'rieuds the Iroceeeding8. Ministers, Visiters and ethers can have the Daily Progress, containing- full proceedings of the Confer ence, mailed to their-friends by leaving an order to that effect at the office. Only THIRTY CENTS will secure the paper for the Session of Conference by mail, to any address. Back numbers on hand Send the Progress and save the trouble of writing. Proceeding of the ZYorth Carolina Annual ITSflhodist Ipiseopal Conference, for 185S FIFTH DAY. ' j Monday, Dec. 13. Conference convened Bishops Kauanaugh in the Chair. Religions exercises conducted by Rev Joseph II Wheeler. f Minutes of Saturday's proceeding's were read and approved. r ; , Rev J W Lewis asked and obtained leave of absence during the remainder of the session. The special order of the day, the' consideration of the report of the committee on the Book De pository, was postponed; for the present, and The questions presented by Dr Carter to the Bishop for legal decision and withdrawn for re vision, on Saturday, were read. - Df Deems objected jto the questions in their present form going before the Bishop, as they were changed in form from those originally pre- . . . ' " . , i ated th declaration thai we was not tried by the i J com-tntttee, at l lttsuoro in ioo-l, out by the Con- fertnec. lie declared his readiness to be tried on the charges now or at any time. AtPittsboro' he was not so -fully prepared, having received no notice of the charges fully , prepared to meet legal to try them, as wel beforehand i but is now the old charges, if it be as the new. Dr D. ob- jected to a decision on the second question, as such decision would b prejudging a 'fact. em bodied in the 5th speciSeation of the new charge of Dr Carter. Thought that Dr C. in withdraw ing his questions and pxitting them in a different form to that in which they were at first presented and argued, did him (Dr D.) wrong, but he was willing to. forgive him, this time. At this point, Bishop K. explained that it was at his suggestion the questions were withdrawn, in order that they might be put. in such shape as to cover the laic in the case irstead of the facts. -Dr.' Carter wished to explain. He took the position that the articles of settlement at Pitts boro' had been violated, disturbance to the Church had resulted; he wished the matter settled ; he does not wish to disturb the harmony of the church nor traverse her laws, and is willing to submit to her decisions. Thought Dr. Deems provoked the investigation or trial at Pittsboro', when Dr. Stuart promised to have Smith there, which he did. Don't know whether Dr. Deems had been notified or-not. ( Dr. Deems replied by stating emphatically that he had not been notified of the charges that were preferred at rittsboro'. This war was opened upon him about the time that Dr. Early was made Bishop thinks this at least a remarkable coinci dence. Dr. Smith had j been speaking of him (Dr. D.) behind his back and was expected, of course,; to intend to bring; charges 'before the Con ference of 1854. When he found that Dr. Smith was not there, he desired the action on the passage of his character should be postponed until Dr Smith could arrive. Dr Carter thought the difficulty originated earlier than the election of Bishop Early ; that it originated on the way to the General Conference in ISo i, about a certain letter, and called on Rev Wm.Closs to corroborate him. Mr Closs rose upon this call and stated that he thought the oc currence alluded to was a mere part of election eering, tietics before the General Conference. Dr Carter resumed. He thought the fact un deniable' that the terms of settlement had been violated ; said he did not allege that Dr Smith had violated them or that Dr Deems had; ho' merely stated a fact. The reporter does not pretend to give explanation he gives only declarations and facts. i The discussion was rather desultory The Bishop called Kev P Doub!, D. D., to the Chair and retired to write out his decision upon the ques tions referred to him, after an additional amend ment suggested by himself. Reports from Warrenton Female College, from Wayne Female. College arid from Glen Anna Fe male Seminary,' ,wcrc read and referred to the Committee on Education. !r Special order of the day was then resumed and the report of the Cimmitteo on Book' Depository' was adopted, -with the following amendments, viz: in article 1st, strike o'ut "publication," insert " and Tract." Article 4tbJ amended so as in inafcfi the surplus over 8 per cent, profits payable to the Publishing House at Nashville, Tenn. For the 5th article the following substitute was adopted. "The business shall be conducted by a Book Agent and a Book Committee of five, who shall be annually nominated by the Conference and elected by tlic Stockholders." For article Cth the following substitute: The election of the Book Agent and Book Committee shall be at the. annual meeting of the North' Caro lina Conference. ; . " : Article Uth, " Book Committee " substituted for "Directors." Article ltith, add "provided, that each altera tion shall be sanctioned by the Conference," and in same article, strike out '? North Carolina Chris tian Advocate " and " three months," and insert " Organ of the Conference " and " twomonths." Pending the discussion of the report, it was moved that when the Conference adjournd, it ad journ to meet at M P. M. The report being adopte4 as a whole, as amend ed; on motion Conference adjourned to meet at 3 o'clock. - '! AFTERNOON SESSION. j Conference : opened ; religious exercises con ducted by Rev J Tiilctt. ; . ; . ; Minutes of morning session read and adopted. On "motion it was resolved to fill the blank in i report of the committee on the Book Directory as to , the location of the agency. Baleigh, Wil mington, Newbern, Goldsboro', and Greensboro "were put in nomination. J A discussion ensued, confined principally, as to the relative ad vantages of Raleigh and Wilmington. The nominations ji xy ewoern ana uoiasDoro' were ATithdrawn and the vote; being taken, Raleigh was selected, on the first ballot, as the locality for the agency. A report from Olin High School was received and referred to the committee on Education. Rev. ,S. M. Frost asked leave of absence during the remainder of the session, whieh was granted. On motion Conference adjourned. Couiit. The December term of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County of Craven commenced on yesterday. We have not been in the court house, but suppose that everything goes on very much like county courts in other counties. Things outside looked very much like scenes whicli we have witnessed before, for instance ' as we nas-fd down from Conference, late in the afternoon a Simon Suggs looking gentleman, from down the river some where, we suppose, was making a Fourth of '-July Speech on the side walk. He seemed to be ruunine over with patriotism for his country and love for his species. :j- Fainted. MrsJ. Dr. Taylor, a very estimable ladv of our City, whose health is rather delicate, fainted in the gallery of the M. E. Church, during the ses- lon ot Conference, yesterday afternoon. Consider able, -confusion ensued for a moment,"' the-people starting to do what people usually do on such occa sions, that is, to rushtothe pot toee wiiut the matter is, the very thing they ought not to do. The commotion was soon stilled, however, and we are happy to st.te that the lady fully recovered and left the Church. ; t See the advertisement of Dr. Sanftrd's Lirci mtor in another column. Sept 1-dlv la vtgora LEGISLATURE OF N. CAUOLIM. from our own correspondents! ; SENATE. ' ; -; v Saturday, Dec. 11. , The report of the joint select committee on the election of Supreme Court Judge reported as fol lows : Whole number of votes casf j 1 59, neces sary to a choice 80. Judge Puffin received 145, Hon. Geo. E. Badger 7. scatterino- 7.1 n i o - J A joint select committee was appointed to cor respond with Judge Puffin to ascertain whether or not he will accept. V Mr. Dobson introduced a bill to amend the 20th sec 51st chap. Revised Code. Proposes to pro hibit the Judges of the Superior Court" from ex changing circuits. Referred to the judiciary com mittee. - - . - ' I' I; Mr Basnight, a bill to allow the pilots of Okra- joke and Ilatteras inlets to pilot vessels at those places indiscriminately. Referred. I The following, bills, amongst others !of a private character, were read the second and ihird times ; to incorporate the Newbern Gas Light Company; o retund to David Pigott, of Wilmington certain moneys paid as anchor tax On the sale of wrecked goods ; to authorize W. R. Abbott to cut a canal and construct a road thereon; to incorporate the Pamlico Guards and the Elm City; Cadets ; also to incorporate the Arendell Hotel Company. The vote by which the bill relative to the Cher okee Indians passed, which consumed - so much time yesterday was re-considered, and re-commit ted to the judiciary committee. Adjourned. I omitted to state yesterday that Mr. Planner introduced a bill to incorporate the Bank of Com merce, Newbern. Referred to committee On banks and currency. HOUSE OF COMMONS At ten o'clock the Speaker called the House to order. - . ' A number of reports were received from 'the committees of Claims and Private Bills. On mo tion of Mr. Kerr, a message was sent to the Sen ate proposing to raise a joint select colnmittee to inform Judge Rufiin of his election. The 'rules were suspended to allow the bill granting aid to the Western Railroad from Fay- etteville to the Coal Fields, to" be taker 1 up Mr. Williams moved to amend the bill by striking but $6 and inserting $ 100 00. , - ; Mr. McKay drew a comparison between the amounts granted to other railroads and jUiat asked for by the present bill. He accepted tlie amend ment and the bill was re-committed to the com- mittee on Internal Improvements. j A report of the State Treasurer with particulars of the bonded indebtedness of State, after some discussion was sent to the Senate with a proposi tion to print ' - . j The following new bills were read ancll referred. Mr. Thompson, to. charter the Goldsboro' Mutual Insurance Company. j! Mr. Fleming, to amend the, charter of the town of Salisbury. - Mr. Reeves, concerning free persons of color. Mr. Leffers, concerning Jurors in Carterett County Court.' ,j The bill tq charter, the Cowie Mining and Man ufacturing Company. After a sharp discussion against corporations composed of persons out of the State, the bill was amended making the pri vate property of the Corporators liable for the debts of the. Company, it then passed its second readying. ; -. ,' . Some other charters for similar companies were read, and after discussion and amendments,' mak ing the private property of Stockholders' liable to double the amount of their stock, passed their se cond reading, ij At a quarter before 1 o'clock, the House ad journed to Monday morning. J The " aristocracy" of the California mines is de-: veloped in the subjoined paragraph frorr the So riora Herald : " Sis," says a young lady who had just donned the long dress, addressing a more ju venile miss, still confined to pantalets, " why do you run with that' common miner T He is no.ac- count, is only a mudsill, and will never! be any thing else. 7 You can do better. Why don't you do like nie get a quartz miner F . Lecturing. George D Prentice, Esq.," the l - editor of the Louisville Journal, intends to de liver two Lectures in Savannah, on the 21st and iSd inst The "isubjects will be, "American StatesanshJp, anJ the Tendency of Parties." ARRIVALfl AT THE HOTELS. , . G A S TO N HOUSE. " WILLIAM P. JMOOllE. Proprietor. -. Dee. 12. j; TJ Smith, Jfewbern ; W 11 Griet, Le noir: S J HaugiitoU Iidy 3childen&i servant 11(1 Green, Jones r W II P Jenkins, Granville ; P T Fos ter & Lady, Wilhamstou: J 11 Wh'it4, Xewberu - O H Savage,: J K Parrott, A & X C 11 1$ John P BaUy, Wake;;D W Sanders Lady & 2 servants, Onslow : S it t-ope, uooKerton -r Josiab buzsa, Snow Hill; Q II Allbntton. Hookerton: J T Ilolt. Davi.l IVarw-fc. Wayne; T II Selbyjiaieiffh; Ed LlllackweU. Ilvde-. eon; W F II ujrgins, Trenton; R Murray & Lady, Hyde; Edward Patrick Lndv& servant. 'J It Mnr- py 4 Sister, DrThof A Woollv, Greene; T R Har Haywotd Walters, Lenior; J-C li llaleher, Piiaa ant Grove, Ala. Dec. 13. H D Parker, Birtori viuV T A Ellison, D A Carter, 'Washington , W B Siunsvll, Wm Pu-h David Lowin-bnrir,J Ii Powell, Gidsboro'; J G Par ker, A & JS : C li li: J B Oris wold. X C, 11 11 .T II uionus, Jones; EJ II inetf, F O Wilson. Duplin; Wm A Pugh, Pitt; Benj Styron, Washington; J F Wood ard, Goldsboro ; Jhs Edwards, Wifcoti; Geo W Hall, J G Long, Baltimore: R Barrus, Mr Haskett, Pol loksville; WA Walker Beaufort; Ed Harvey, New bern; Col T JliU, Danl Andrew, Cruveu; A(imiau Jaekaon, Newbem ; Mr Gray, W Bubbett, Jo'ues. W A SUING TON HOTEL. JOHN F. JONES, Propkietor, Dee. II.---J0! n Sl:Ht kelford, Trenton ; D W 5Ior?e, Benu!brt;-1 C StVri.-ri, Lenoir Institute ; C C Cole, (Jre:iii;t.io-:;j.seiir S dones. E D -D:iik Jai-ub I'M .'ahiser. Warren? J V Clerg, Hay wood ; PeV T G -Hwe, Halifax; CW Wooien . Ladv, Baudolph ; 'oh F Speight,-TaiUiro; Edward Curiuan, fi-.oker- L J ton; Y li ilarmon, THouuit; Cravft..rd, iiea.-ufort ; J ii.iiryan, aNewbeni; L. i baudeisuij, Junes"; I) W Simmons, Jr, Para di.-e Point; Geo Simmons & ?er VH'nt, Joiie.-5; Win J' Young, Miss S E C.k,:Ilei-'h, II M .Patrick, Durhani'a Creek; II O Woods. Cra ven ; Jos D Simmons, Hyde; Jan-is Fulton!, Wash ington; M M Gray, C W II ill, B Arendell, TIos Ar rcndeli, Morehead City ; C C Tolson. B'&UL'e Sound; 1) W JNiorion, Luck now ; Mrs E F DiiiJV & -3 elnl dren, Beaufoit; P; Pullutsek, Baliin ore : J li Pow- Newbern; A J Barrus . &. Ladv, Poflocksvillo ; J M Unison, Duplin; Boii Allen, Newborn ; 31 F Arren deli, Beaufort; R B Blackledge, Newborn; A J Pol lock, Kinston; FO.Wilsou, Dnplin ; H L Lergctt. Cruveu; J T Matthews, N C ; Edwin Day1,. Steamer North Slate-; William Campbell, Wavne; F D v-n, uuiuMjoiu; j r oones, i iv jiiyan ,1 jiarvev jvoonce, unsiow; Kiciiurd iavk-r, Craven; D-x Redded, 'J 'Randolph, 'Washington;' M Midgett, Hyde; Thos Tuoin, Beaufort ; O Haiiks, Ilau.ihon; wick'.& Son, Bedford Brown Chadwick, Beaufort; Richard Steward, F F Chadwick. Carteret; J H Richardson, E II Rhem, Beaufort; - Edward Wheat, Baltimore, A J Pollock, Kinston; John. Randolph, Jackson; EH Rhodes, Onslow. .COMMERCIAL NEWBERN MARKET, December 14, 1858. TURPEXTINE---oo4 bbls. changed hands yester day at 3 05 for Dip and $2 05 for Scrape. - SPIRITS TURPENTINE 44 bbls. were sold on private terms. ROSIN fe TAR Small sales. No change in pi ices. COTTON Small sales at 102c. SHINGLES 300,000 good article Fold at $2 25, Nothing done in other articles. WILMINGTON MARKET, December H. ' TURPENTINE-Further sales yesterday of 500 bbls, "at $-2 85 for Virgin and Yellow Dip, and $1 80 for Hard. This morning the price has declined 5e., and -250 bbls. sold at $2 '80 for the former, and SI 75 for thelatter-a!H2S0 Ihs. ' SPIRITS TURPENTINE-Sales yesterday of 350 bbls. at 44c. gallon. No sales this morning;- 44c. offered, and 45c. asked. ROSIN-Soles yesterday of 400 bbls. Common at $1 10 for large bbls., and 350 bbls. No. 1 at 2 $3 P bbl., as in quality. FLOUR In State brands we note sales yesterday of 151) bags at $ 50 each, and 86 bbls. at 5for Cross, and $5 50 per bbl. for Superfine. NEW YORK, Dec. ll.-Flour is firm .- State $4 25 $4 50; Ohio $5 25 a o 5); Southern 5 a 5 40. Wheat is dull; lied 1 12J; White $1 25. Com is dull; Ci;l Unite K2c: Lard is heavy at 113c. lllc. Whiskey is dull t :Xie. ;V . 2 BALTIMORE, Deft 11. Flour is firm at $5, bat holders are firm in demanding 5 12. Wheat" is un changed; white $ I 35 SI 5; n-d $1 21 25. Com is ac tive ; Vhito-GC-c.; yellow 7Sc. Whiskey is linn : Ohio 2Gc MW ADVERTISEMETS. WANTEBAt the Progress Office, an intelli gent BOY 14 to 1G years of .age. to distribute the paper in a portion of the town every morning and to learn the Printing business. To a boy who "can come well recommended hberal inducements will be offered. Dec 14 tf AUCTION.--Will be. sold at public auction this day at 10 o'clock at the Court House. Ten Bar. re lis North Oarolina Whisky: Received per Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad; Dec 14-It. A. G. EUBANK. Anct. A UCJT.E OI. 10 bbls. Irish potatoes, in good or der, will be suld at auction at the Court House dour this day, atlO o'clock. Dec ll-dlt A. J. EUBANK, Auctioneer. LOST. On yesterday, somewhere between mv residence and the Market House-, an old -fashiou-ed gold Vv'ATCH KEY ' with the initials A. B. C. in scribed thereon. The key is prized by its owner far beyond its real value, aud the finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at the Progress Ofiiee. Deell-dtf A B CONWAY. LOST. A BAND BON trom the Depot, in New , bera, on Thursday night last. The box contains pome articles of dress -and has on it tle name S. J. Nelson. Any information relative to the same may be left at Mrs. Stanly's Book Store, nd wi be thankfully received. J. H. NELSON. Dec 14-ltf KEM'ARO.Rar.nwav from the subscri ber, Negro boy ED WARD , there are strong reasons for believing he is lurking, in 'and around Newbem, he is light colored, soniewiuit knock- kneed, abiwit lb years old, and alxfut a hesght rang ing be twt;n five feet six or tight inches, he has rather an aquiiine nose, and generallv smiles when spoken to, with rather a -confidential air, not very strongly. budt,I v.-ill.giv-e5;.50. reward to any person who will deliver to tne; or so, safely coiiiine him in I jil or otherwise that I can get him, "his father, Dick Tucker, , belonging to Mr. r. John Ffftimer, lives in Newbern, and raised him, l.U former-owner is Mr. Raymond Castix, all of Newborn. Dec lldtf CHARLES DUFFY. W .PJ?Tf Z W W t. J The Exercises of next Session will openv.cn the 12th January, 18.311. It present to parent the fol lowing advantages: heaUhfuhie$ and convenience nf location, industry and ability in the Faculty, the kindest attention in the Boarding- Department, and refinement and intelligence in the community. . For particular information apply to v tW 14 E- E. 1 A K JXAM , A. M.t i'reMdcnt, ' v . di'w&wlt T A DIES' CLOAKS. -Li Reeeived this day by Adams ;Exprew. a large assortment of Ladies' Cloak, and for nale W Dec 10 J. HI. F. IIARRlSON. iuo onerwiHXl, UreetisUro '; U A Uavis, Jrtoiy HsUl; I S Kossn, Onslow; Ren F Corbin, Thts Hail, Duplin; J C Bordan. Goldsboro': J Beamone. AVil- per, Alien unnsby, Hookerton; Henry T Gibb?, Miss Sanders.n, Hyde ; J F Woodard, Goldslwro'; 1) i IJaitanee. Hyde: J M liruwn. Kin r. V. Ueo C ooilley, J B Gates, Kington ; John Gardner, (i E Vosrler, Newborn; J W Hinson, Dnplin; Chaa liiniejN Y; WP DeiiiiH. WahiuLton F Si-.n- .1 ft render, Meauiort; U B StanBell, Wm Snoett, U S A ; C li Timmas, Belcher Fuller, N F Leecruit, GA Hatch el!, Beaufort; A W Nels(n, T Bovd, Swift Creek; F A Brothers, Lenoir: M C Bogev, Craven: B Aivndell. Morehend Citv: Oliver Chad- SPECIAL; NOTICES. jV To Printers. Wanted at thaOffi ' the Daily Iro??ref!8 immediate!? Qe " I'resnman, to work Hand Presses and also nt P"1 Also, a good - Compositor to. -work on dailv C? Gomi wages will be given to good men. j' Deed ai'piy- - - - . l)"c f ftSS?- F""cr.al MOlir.IUED,lntbi8 fJCi?' on Sunday, morning last, an infant rh'u F. S. Banjrert aged five months. The funer i diseased will t ake plaee at the residence of tho n thi afteriKK)a at 3 o'clock. The community ted to attend. i . ; , y u ""i- Valnablc Xtooka.K. ALISISTnv V for the following works, is now PtoppiDff. Ilif'1, Morse's nearly opposite the Gaston .House- and take eubscribers names for the following ( eunplythemiu the month of January v?z- The EASTERN WOULD, .An A aid LA The - . "-, w um rations I' ie INDIAN R ACES OF NORTH AXD SO pr? IRICA, 700 pages accompanied with a CL AMI 21 by finches. known Jv the Ancients. rid &.C. Dec 14-dlu ITI. K. Conferrnce.-Ministeri and stran. ers attending the Conference will h.T: excellent opportunity - of obtairung LikeneiWt thein?el es, families or frieiMls, taken in either PU tograph, Nei!ograph, Ambrotype, Malainotyi d ineotvpe, &c, in the latest and most nnproveditvU of the.rt. Call early in the day, at the dar a light giilry of WATSON, on Craven street J" The .MviK'riority of Watson's Pictures is '. known, and no stranger should allow the present on portumty to pass. unimproved. . D 'c7 LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST! 44 DALLY PROGRESS" 23 o aft nn?r gloti " jjrjwMng. NE W PRESSES ! !XEIV TYPE!!! A I.AKGK LOT OF Colored BhUn, llaiu & Fancy Cnrda, Paprr COSSTASTtY OX HASD.' ' PLAIN AND COLORED JOB FRIRTING, of every description, can be executed tit the office o The jDaily Progress as well and as chenp as it can be done in North Caro. Una, and in a style th.at cannot be surpassed. Our people need no longer send their orders for to New York, for we can do it as well as it can be . aoue at the North, and on terms which should KEEP IT AT HOME. c lYeatneas, Accuracy aud IMgpatch," shall be bur motto. The services of nn experienced Book and Job Printer nave been secured, whose whole time will be derwted .1. to the Job Department. ' Onrla W Labels, v Pngrammes, Large Pofiterg Catalogues, ' Pamphlets, Show Bilk, of every description, done promptly and satiefacdon guaranteed. No work suffered to Lie in the. Office ! Jolt Delitmi when Promised ! As Cheap as the Cheapest ! As Good as the Best!! G Orders respectfully solicited. - Address J. L PENNINGTON, Proprietor, Septl 3, Pollok Street, Xetcbern, N. C. RAIMINN in Whole, Halve and Quarter Boxes, Prunes in Jars, Boxes or by the Pound for Cook ing, Almonds, Paradise Nuts, Filberts, Walnut, Pe cim and Brazil Nuts, Sardines, Pickles, Preservec, Cocoa Nuts, See. Sec, the other goods we sell we manufacture. Will you go elsewhere , and pay more for inferior articles ? J. S. BANKS; Dec 9-dlw 1 - " Agent, " 0ice Atlantic IV. C. Kailrond C o., ) Newkxrx, N. C., Decern nber7th,185. J Is o article wiil be tonvarded, after tlitf date, by the Passenger trains, unless re ceived ut toe 'transportation office 50 minutes before their departure. By order, Dec. 7-dtf - WM. P. METTS, Agcnt. "7'AATI-:i.--The advertiser wants "to hire T.T gov,d COOK, WASHER and 1RONER for the ensuing year. Anyone having such a -Woman to hire will confer a lavor by recking it known to the Editor of tii e " Daily IVogi-ess." I)ecG tf FA3III,Y Just rece t1 liOUIl. ived from O. G. Foard, of Rowan Mill, tiO Sacks of his Very Superior Family and Eitr ir, and for sale by . GEO. F; FIS1IEU. Flour Dec 6-dlOt McrcliauJn' ICank of IVewbcrn, ) December 3rd, 1858.- ) A Dividend of THREE AND A HALF FEB CENT, on the Cnpital Stock of this Bank, for the last six months, has been declared this day, payable on demand. W. W. CLARK, Dec G-dlw Cashier. "VToticc. Wanted, for the ensning year, 8 or 19 NEGRO BOYS aud WOMEN, to work on mj 'Plantation on Dawson's Creek. B. GARDNER. Dec 3 dim "Tolice. Wanted to buy or hire, a good HOtSE r SERVANT, for which a liberal price will be paid by B. GARDNER. Dec3 dlm - ;- 'Toj-ou vrnitHliaiirr Mhirtandlrawrrf-' U liARWISON can supply you. - Oct 19 XToiicc. Wanted for the ensuing year, about '20 1Y NEGRO MEN to work at the Turpentine hurt-ness,- in Georgia, for trhieh a liberal price ' will paid by GARDNER Sc BBAKCH. Dec3-dlm v - . VAI,t7AIir.E PUOPKBTY FOB 8AI.B OR ItEiVT. IN THE s. TO 1 1 W OF NEWBERN . -. The premises situated on the South-East corner of Ea.-t Front uud Union Streets, (lately occupid b Moses AJarvis, Eq.) . The LOT -.ha a front of 1C7 feet 3 inches onEart. Front street, and runs on and parallel with Lawn Urett 214. feet inches. Tue 'Iihprovementi. are a Janre and commouion BRICK DWELLING, well finished fnnu the. Jor to the Garret, with a: Kitchen and Store Room ft.r fiii.1 vtc. in the bx;e;iient, also a large, two oir Wwdeii Building, ud for the accounnodation of Sdxantt &c, with a Wharf attached on which there is a large two ftory Wootlen Warehouse stauuuJo wit iiin t-B feet of the Wharf front. "uw Tiie Wharf Attached U about 170 feet in length DT 107 feet 3 inches in breath, having a water front 107 feet 3 inche parallel with East Front tre nls. a watr front about 1U0 feet in length, parali with Union t-trctt. . .. 'Fiii.- property, which is all in good repair,) i enffj bly located and well adapted for the transaction of CouuiiW4mi and Shipping business and the accommo dation Of a family, and will be dfcpoeed of, enure w divided, to fcuit the want of applicants. .ve Yih- 2 If A. T. JEBKIS D VOIT WAST A TRAVELING BLANKET OR SHAWL f You can get a rice jutide HARRISON S. - . Octif-. xrATEl'-We want two Boys as PP.reDW f T to learn the Baking And Candy makmjr doj net. Dec KWtfJ J. S. BANKS, Ag1 3T OSES AND THE PROPHETS, CHRIST 1Vn THE APOSTLES, FATHERS AND M RTYb? IS Steel Plate Engravings, -1 Man of the .,i ' VI 111 tkM DOMESTIC. BIBLE, mprirf 700 Engravb l,5ul) Pages Coiumentry throughout; Question V

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