DAILY PROGRESS. - TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 14,185a Correspondence of the Daily Progress. Squiggins at his post once more lie discourscth of the Legislature The Coal Fields' bill Tlie Milton and Yauceyrille Junction The contested seat in the Commons Lawyers in a fog Death of Chief Justice Nash Haste tojiU his place Judge Ruf fin Jfill he accept, and if so tchat then ? Tlie Chkf Justiceship Who's entitled Trouble ahead Candidates yet in the field, etc. Raleigh, Dec. 13, 1858. Dear Progress :A lull in Any business permits me to assure you of my " distinguished conside ration." I have not forgotten you, nor will I, perhaps, " while the brain remains the chamber of memory ," as my friend Gen. Edney hath it. Be content, then, my Dear Progress, with this as surance, and I will proceed. "During a temporary absence" the Legislature 1 has been able to get ahead of me. I do not intend to submit to that, and therefore, by your leave, I will devote this letter to catching up. In looking over their proceedings I observe many things to commend and several to condemn. In the first place there appears a great desire to xcork, which is commendable; in the next, while there has been little business requiring it, I observe a great -desire to talk manifested this is almost con temptible. Still, on the whole I think the present, so farf will compare favorably with previous Legislatures. - As a friend of the State, I regret the defeat of the Coal Fields' bill. I regard that measure as most vital to the future of the State. The Senate appears to think differently or if not, and. the op position arises merely from a purpose; of retrench jhicnt, they have acted, in my humble judgment, the part of short-sighted legislators, and their action will tend to keep the State in a crippled condition instead of having the effect of freeing her or strengthening her. The bill has been laid aside for re-consideration, however, and I hope the Senate will not merely re-consider the provisions of the bill, when it is taken up again, but also, pending that time, the policy which led to its 'defeat on the second reading. The Milton and Yancey ville Junction bill shared the fate of the Coal Fields' bill. As no appropria tion, on any indirect State aid, was asked for in this case, it is fair to presume the question was decided on its merits. Now the friends of the bill regard this or a similar connection with Vir ginia, as vital to the existence of the North Caro lina Road, apart from the necessity for the work to the people of North-western Carolina and the question of right involved. On the other hand it is contended that the proposed connection or any other similar one would act as a huge sucker on the trunk of our railroad system, which would so exhaust the extremities as to cause their speedy decay. If the former view be true no one could wish more heartily to see the correction made than I; but if the latter be well founded, the rejection of the bill was eminently proper; and pending the settlement of even a single doubt on the subject, the Senate ought to have rejected the bill. In the House branch of the Assembly the great question has been, is Dr. Ed. G. Haywood, Esq., commoner rom Wake, entitled to his seat, he be ing at the time of his election, and 'now, clerk and master m equity? A simple minded man, who! understands what he reads in a spirit o candor and honesty who never suspects that words are meant to mean other than what they say to nine hundred and ninety-nine out of every thousand would have no difficulty in setting the question. But it has been the misfortune of this question to be thrown into a body, nine-tenths of whom are lawyers (7) a body which ought to be able to clear up the difficulty, if it exist, at once; but who instead of doing so, have made what was clear confused ; and. bfeino- confustwl nwn thni bility to settle it.land therefore propose to push it ou the Supreme Court, the Judiciary Commit tee, or any other body so they get rid of it. So the matter now stands. When the question're turnsto.the House, if it ever should, another tjffht will follow, and the question probably will be discovered to contain another quirk, and will le again submitted to some other learned body. In the mean time it may not be amiss to remind the members, of the House tht the eves of their ' constituents, may be upon thdm; thaUt must be jmimn mat some three or four days have already been sneiit m th?a min.;nn . , l- ,.,. , .?,W0 to the public purse: Whilst you seem dis- u to retrench, gentlemen, put that in your Iip and smoke it. . j J The announcement of the fleath of Chief Jus tice Aash was made in both Houses on Wednes day last, and all due honors llaid to the j v me iiece This was ihijrhlv nronr and richly deserved But how did it look in the eves y. lt a uisiance to see a scramble for that -otwmsuea dead man's seat within less than uy nours alter the announcement of his deatli ! iiaiulet cnfevpil if ti;D naiuiet gneved at his mother's marriage with his "iK-ie, " ere those shoes were bid with which she olio wed my poor father's body, like Niobe, all iears: and yet there was nothing thought of -act, amounting almost to indecency. Of his others conduct, Hamlet said, "It is not, nor - ,c iu jrOOU ana ot tus act, 1 sav it tJS miS. unfortunate and of exceedingly "bad alttv ?Xt?A def1 Avith thins as theY ef.. not they .should ho. rrvQ V! n,i i. ' .. pj , . U.UVU uiuie prep ay speaking, forced upon a man who. scvernl years ago confessed liis inability longer to til) Under fc l.,UJ i I -r.c. bear '.istP.l i " v. .r"' T0S eq. it is now in int. i i- T 55 "ail at years ot age, again enter vuc uiscnarge tot duties he V hy is this ? Ju'dsre Ruffin. I am inform- eb never hOlljrnt this election, dirpcllv nr inAi. , r i thp J,.,. .r.v." " "lc Jreporcea now ever great flT 10n' thft the dominant p-rty were r T. this coude because they had not anoth- i T " , e rank?Wr office, and that they position ? Wheth means of determin- taeiroroi;;i;rr;.i :"a,1," worv lmve .been to of th v7' jcyicouiu uo no otner, to phtse one TH) itt I11SUshe? Ia"ycrs or! judges of the oi- of for2U1;;m Xupreme Cotlrtbench, instead tlonn ""wof thatsta'tiiipon a gen. Lis V- -? does not desire i4 confesses uiabuity to discharge them ' cont ! 1 v Vi tl (i,l0stion is' ill Jiulge Ruffin ac- thcre i, tr i iy IU'M 8 here as H- If he shouU "Vie ic r,.(,,,i i i - f. j to all , . - nlu ' Ior '"iccording to usage and i I i.vn iil .111.1 fT ti -no ... III I'l l'l t - J I . -i-i"cine Justice. Ywuft. Judge is now de facto Chief Milt it is rumored that i'f .Tii-ln. l?,ifT, JlistC.?-18 inten!?edto devote him to the Chief Whl7 wft-Tr lenrfn' b act of the ttiuk of th,SriU i-son and Battle w ill he t! ,fVconIy aiswcr lean imagine dictate ? - rIinary self-respect would Shan't nrf at ls:that they ; Avill -enter an in nied bV ? i St -aff!U)st the Proceeding adcompa evsL n rtTf Stion of their offices. And so then wrrrTnv ?Ut S U? J "Ruffin not accept, adTfr for the office. laUiii.Serf1.t:,l4mUlo?a eln the field mar. rhft0;.r..u""inS lueir forces the results of use CXnlnit, iil be "1 fill V I J i tt ' ' f 1 f I I Tl T ChAVllif N -. x Nu an engagement; should nntp o.l Ji S o --;--: vuc, uuiy cnronicied by r . SQUIGGINS. uui eievate one of the ot K)0.fave no K JllIF .1 Cll tn. 4.1. A MISCELLANEOUS; IMPORTANT-8Ar,I2. Will be aold at the Court House in Newbern on the 15th inst., the' following property, to wit: A LOT of Ground on the West fide of George street, in Newbern, known in the plan of paid town as No. 603. Two Dwelling Houses and the out Houses in an unexpired term years of the lease of said lots. Also a wooden Store House, in Newbern, near the new county wharf, near the foot of Middle street and on the West side thereof. Also, 300 shares of Carolina City Stock. 20 shares of the Capital Stock of ,the North Caro lina Railroad Company. Also, lO shares of Capital Stock of the Neuse Riv er Navigation Company. Also, a wooden House, in Newbern, onEa?t fide of Craven street, between South Front street and the old county wharf, and nearly opposite the residence of Mrs. Elizabeth Yipon., Also, a Dwelling House and out houses, and the un expired lease of the lot of ground on South-East cor ner of George and Queen streets, in the town of New born. Also, a Jot of Laud in Drvboroujrii, near the Froi: Pond. v Also, a House and Lot in Drvbnroutrh, near the Griffin School Also, a part of lot of Ground on Queen street, known as the Bacon lot. Aho, a Tract of Land in Craven county, on Bache lor's Creek, adjoining the lands of John D. Flanner and others, known as the James Stewart place. lOO ucres of Land in Craven county, on Spring Creek, formerly the property of Benjamin M.Wise. Also, 300 acres ot'L.uid'on Bay "l.iver, in Craven county, adjoining thelunds of Samuel Jones and others. Al.-o, at the same time and place a number of slaves. ' ' Also, norse,Carriacre,Bnf!?y,Tt-iinie?. Saddle.. &u. Two. shores of the Capital Stock of the Merchants' Bank of Newborn'. All the above property, except f-iilVCS, Win oc soiu on H-creUic,oi.six morbus, bonds .with approve security. :e parclui-' ' 'tvmg The slaves will be sold, one-quarter cash and t residue on six months credit, tl bond with approved security.4 VvrM. IT. WASHINGTON, Dee 3-dtd COUNCIL VOOTKX,Tn,tw. H"lES! "lY-fhe subscriber will pay the highest cash prices for Drv. and Green Hide,. fOctO-dtf B. 15. LANE. 1 Tf CASES BOOTS and SHOES, aborted, jat JLtJJLr received and for sale by Nov. 6 J. SI. P. HARIMSON. A CHOICE A SSOkTjI ENT of BEADY MADE T3L CLOTHING, for sale by Nov 6 J. i,r. F. IIARTilSON: I7IUrAB5I It. WTAHri,Y, ll NOTE, BILL AND EXCHANGE Bi.OKEi2, Corner of Pol 1 ok avd Hancock Streets, NEWBEA'N, N. C, Also, General Collecting Agent in North Carolina. Bills of Exchange on all the Northern Cities. Notes current and uncurrent, and Gold and Silver coin bought and sold. All collections or other business entrusted to his care will receive prompt and faithful attention. Exchange on hand at all times. Nov 3-d6m Carpctiiij;! Carpeting .'Tapestry, Brussels Three-Ply . . ' Drugget, all widths, 1 Oil cloth, all widths, just received, per Schr. L. E.Johnson, and for sale lQW at J. M. F. HARRISON'S. TrST RECKITED from the celebrated estab hshment of G.BRODIE, Velvet and Cloth Cloaks Call and examine the stock. Qct19 J. M. F. HARRISON. ON CO!VSENlEIN'T. 100 tons Coal, 25 hbls hbls. Cliirified Cider Vinegar, a nice lot bbls. .White Wine Vineffar. ' 5 50 bbls. 95 cent. Alcohol, 4o uuis. luuuets. 50 bbls. Whisky, 5 half bbls. Whisky, a choice lot, I 100,000 Buildina-Shingles, ' ! 2,000 bushels Salt, 25 sacks N. C. Flour, for sale low for cash. Nov 22-dtf B. B. LANE. Aill Invites the attntwni k'f ! t"I,t; his Larjre StoCk of FALL AXI) WTXTPT? tit- GOODS, Silk, Merino, Poplin. Alnacca. Ib'-T. nin'm,H cu, ami win oe soKt at moderate prices. Paj.-ticular attention pi ven to orders. Brick Store. Poiiok St. .Newbern, N. C. Oct 19 tf ' .1 1 Ml 1 " . ' IiES.J. M. F. HARRISON is now opeiiirv a IS 111 i VV i il iMln n tr n no -..--.11 known establishment, a verv Iar-e !,HrM,a. soitmenr oi l.auies uress Goods anion"- th among the many umereur stv!?Moav he iomid Silk "Robes, a Les. Sillc Rolif's. P'louncedj Fancy pi aid S.i!--. I Byao.-re 'f - Also, D.eLain Robes, a LeS. and. all wool fW.n? a variety oi styles. A"1: VA!VT XI-'GKO BLANKETS, KER bE S AND BROOAX8 --Give HARRISON'S Mock an examimmon. lie has a great variety, and is selling them at reasonable prices. T EECilE r. c , SWEEDISH LEECHES, of superior quality for sale by - ; ,IAS. W. CABMER 3 COLLARS J Call at J. 31. P. HARRISON'S and he will show the latest styles. - Oct 19 M" ES. ALLENrS . WORLDS HAIR RESTORER w ( " and ZYLOBALSAllUM Warranted to cure Gray Hairs.- - or sale bv. .IAS AV nAT?Ar7T . . vii.ijik. A.SI U"l (SI. REMOVAL TO THE CORNER Ifas removed to bia IVevr nnd - " cident thereto on the Ea.st side of Metealf street, be iween oouin jpront ami roiioK streets, Deing in pi of said town as Nos. 88 and i0. with the t uniea uress (ioods, Mantles, Scarts, Embroideries Vr'Vr- Also' n vorv. superior stock of BOOTS SHOES, and GAITERS, Carpets, Trunks, Hats, Gloves, Jewelry,-Willow Ware, etc. Al o a fane assortment of Cloths. Cassimeres, Vestings Cra vats, &c. Mv Stock is Tiare Yv nn,l llg; Ana is now So'qPt? the latest and most attractive stock of My new stor withctl- Cxb?ited th ma? ' V nnd comfortable, gives me increased facilltl variety and t vie, tnir eeaiwlv be excelled " exm&ition of my stock, which fr novelty , heauty, vhirfir Pfit"fav"ri ' "rrspcct fully invite you to call on me at my new location ': " - -N. BOrdds will receive prompt ana care fuf attention. 7 eSet CUTUBERT. MISCELLANEOUS. DECEMBER 1, 1S5S. AT COST FOR CASH! - I I he subscriber will sell, on and after the above Dry Goods business tan buv the stock, which is well assorted, at a great argai4 and on accommodating terras. These goodifor the most part, are new and desirable, and were laid in very cheap and wilfbe sold at just their cost in New Yori. . N. B. All persons indebted to the subscriber by note or account are respectfully requested to call and settle. (Dec 4 ESfSlET CTJTHBERT. XTJEtV STAND! NEW STOCK!! IS GOLD WATCHES AND GOLD JEWEL RY, SOLID SILVER, SILVER WARE , A C. ' . . j. s. ives r vt;.-: has just removed to the large brick store, on Pollok street, nearlv opposite the E)iscopal Church , which he has remod tiled and refitted, aud where he is now openining one of the largest and best stocks of Jew elry, Silverware, &c., ever brought to this market; conriting in part, of the following : j Magic Case Gold Watches and Watches of every description; Fob, Vest, and Guard Chains; Ladies' Gold Necklace; Keys, Breast Pins ; Ear Rings, Finger Rincrs, Wedding Rings, (a Superior article,) Thimbles, Cuff Buttons, &c. A large, variety of the most fashionable Sets of Jewelry, consisting of Ca ineo, Florentine, Mosaic and Plain Sets. ' !; Also a fine lot of Solid Silver Ware, consisting; of Goblets, Cups, Spoons, Forks, Butter Knives, Fruit Knives, &c. Also the largest and best lot of Gold Pens ever offered in this market, together with a large number of other articles usually kept by Jewellers, too nu merous to ennmerate here. v ' Walr.h Kepairing. Having served a regular apprenticeship to the business the subscriber jBat ters himself that he is able to give thorough gat ifact'ioll to all who' may-favor him with their pa- trounge m repiurhig -.Watches,- Clocks, and.;' Jewelry of every dcoCiijition. - ';i All work warranted to give satisfaction, or the r.ifuey retuir.ed.- . . ' . Dec3-dtf lj .iI.:."V has received, by late arrivals ..A a supply 'ol Kecbr v Fall Style Silk -is. Al.o. letting, 'lrnnks, Skirts, Shoes, Do nieuc.s, uuster Ulotu. i'rmtSi ac tfce. Sept 1 dtf J Arena vi:s. 4 Hilda, prime Western Hams. fi " u ti Sides.' Shouldera. 10 " ' .20 bWs.-3Iess Pork. 1:0 u Tiutt Pork. ..- 25 " Prime Purk. 2X) Casks. Lime. ' 300 Sacks Liverpool Ground Salt. 12 Bales G unny Bagoin. V 30 Coils Bale Rope. Hoop Iron, Glue, Corn, &c. &c. " Put money in thy purse " and you can buv bar- gams. , JJ1151SLj& &, UKOTHliKS. Oct-15 dtf TTJ.OUIt FOB 8ALE.-The subscriber has iust X rei-.eived a quantity of Family and Superfine FLOUR, manufactured at R. L. Patterson's & Co.'s Mucl ovia" Mills, balem, N. C, which can be had on reasonable terms Applv to Sept 23-dtf " A. T. JERKINS. 1 O V WANTED.-! sprightly boy, ten or twelve J years of age, is wanted by the month Persons Having one to lure can apply immediately to ' h . HENRY T. CLAWSON, Opposite the residence of Mr. James C. Stevenson. ' Septal -dtf ' On East Front street I? OR SALE LOW. " T J- 60 hhds. St. Kitts. MOLASSKS. Good article by Sept 7-dtf BENJ. ELLIS. 1 S.DUFFY, - dealer in DRUGS,' MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, jrumis, motors, yarmsnes, liruslies, Window Glass, Putty, Dye Stuffs, frc. LINSEED, LAMF AND MACHINERY OILS, CampiLtne and Burning Fluid, Perfumery , Fancy and Toilet Articles, H GARDEN SEEDS. i Pure Wines and Liquors, for Medicinal Purposes. Citrars, Tobacco. &c., &c. !! BROAD STREET. NE WBEIIN. N. C. Dec 1 dly IH NINE, Morphine, Cinchonine, Bebarire, and Salicine, with a rreneral sunnlv.of Chemicals I; For sale by JAMES W. CARMER. 'I riMiY ME AND I'LL DO YOU GOOD. i -tL Dr. J. O. lAXGT.RV'S: 7?ni nd TT Bittern. cures Liver Complaint. Dvsnensia. Had- ache, &.e., Sc, for sale at Twenty-five cents per bot- tie, l.y JAS. W. CARMER- ONLY 25 CENTS using tne box of fort lo Gallons of Soap, bv concentrated Lye, fo be had at CARMER S. GEORGE ALLEN, Has just received, r -r lexpress, a fresh supply of Blac k aial Colored Beaver Raglan's, j Black Doe Shin Caslsimere, Black Superfine Cloth, . lan'ey Ribhons, Mavcellin, Furs, Brown'De Bre. iJ.itfut. 1 burner Oleia Hoods. t. i o ' r - " iVC. tC, OiLV. , Nov 20 O VU WANT IJEW-JIADE CLOTH 1N(J ? Cciil atIIARlUS(X'S,hha ovv'.ps lie has pi.t pfpen ed a very large. ass4 '-tinent - wiiicn ne is scinnjr upon very r';a.-:onable-' -telms Oct. 19 mo T.ct.:-The HOUSE kmEd en "Street, recently A. occupied bv Josenh 1. Hackburn. deceased For particulars apply to JAS. W. CARMER, Oct 30-dtf PoUok Street PII" LAI) KfiPIIIA NltOKS. . Ladies' Morocco and Kid Buskins and Boots, Misses' Morocco and Kid Boots. .Children' " Kid and Goat Cacks and BuskinsJ tit: 1 rrir n -a '! Gents' Calf Stitched Boots and Gaiters, oeweu anu reggea water lToot .Boots, A full assortment of fresh goods, received bv late arrivals, will be found at GEO. ALLEN'S TS.T KECEIVIl per Schr. France Burrett, Ladies and Gent's Kid Gloves the best quality date, the Goods remaining in bis former store, No234, Pollok street, at cost for cash only . Anyone wishing to embark in the nnVl0 VNI MIDD1E STREETS. OCIOBER, 18o8. fX. Rsraj fj- .1-I!-J -4ev.-S5 J , 1 . ' r, wrucr ox ji'ollok and Jiiddle Streets J , ' -- ..' .J; : . i - - . ., - v ,.'-"' : -'.: , - V1'-.' --'-t- -;-'-,:-.t vK..w----''W"i-.-f-nt-t..t. ' ' - -- 1-1 -" .-."....!!' . ' I i . . " ' J ... - . -.. ' " ,.; . ,,"- - MISCELLANEOUS S i UAH'H ANT ! ! ! 1Jt L . FS ONL Y Tf v r n r V m . The followino- RchM ".nt , V " ' Cot, Manager Tof St?7r5WM- Class 44 Draws Saturday! December A irls C?-A7 Oram Saturday. Derrn.I o-' 1Q-0 ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE XnxtnvBc 5000 Ticket ! K. K a n. Xf mtri-cTnT-k n . ..... . EACH Prizes of. TO BE DRAWN SATURDAY IN DECElfTfRT? I - 1 1 ,:... $70,000 10 Prizes' of.-... 1ft tt .$900 ... 80C ... 700 600 500 .... 300 175 100 ..... iJ0,000 ...... 10,000 5,000 . 4,000 3,000 1,500 10 10 50 " 50 ' 100 " 4t 10 1,000, APPROXIMATION PRIZES 4 Prizes of $400 Aprxg. to $50,K0 Prize are '$1,0 4 " " 300 " 20,000 Yx 600 4 200 250 10,000 tt 4 4 4 4 5,000 1,000 &5 200 150 100 M t( ti tt 5.000 4,000 3,000 1,500- tt tt t tt a" tt 900 800 600 400 .20 are........ .100,000 5,510 Prizes amounting to.... $30 000 Whole Tickets $10; Halves $5; QirtcVs J$2 50 PLAN-OP THE LOTTERY. The lumbers from 1 to 5(),tJUt), conespondin"- with those lumbers on the Tickets .m-int , . blips of paper, are encircled with email tin tubes and placed in orfe Wheel. v The hrst 4i, Pnzes, similarly printed and encircled are placed in another Wheel. . Tne Wheels are then revolved, and a Number is uLuwn non. tne Heel ot .Numbers, and at the same' time a Prize is drawa from the other Wheel. The Number and Prize drawn out are opened and exhib ited to the audience, and reirh-tered bv the f!om5. siouers ; the Prize, being placed against the Number u. n il. x in!i opcrauon is repeatea untu ail the Prizes ! ! dvlnn 4- Approximation Prizes. The. two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to those drawing the tirjst 7 Prizes will be. entitled to the 28 Approximation illz For example if Ticket No. 11-250 draws the ;jju,uuu x-rize, those Tickets numbered 11248, 11249 it V-k , ' wiu each be entitled to $400. If Ticket f j " aJiXyf tlie ."w Prize, those Tickets num bered 543, 549, 551, 552, will each be entitled to $200 and so on according to the ahove rcWttia The 5.000 Prizes of $20 will he. riptormi'noii !. ti, last figure of the .Number that draws the $50,000 Prize. For example if the Number drawing the $50 -000 Prize ends with No. 1, then all the Tickets, where vuv ah umuer enas m l, win Oe entitled to $20. If the Number ends with No. 2, then all the Tickits where the Number ends in 2 will be entitled to $20, and so on to 0. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the fol lowing rates, which is the risk : ertmcates ot Pakasre of 10 Wlinfe TSr-.lcpfa : 4y it iu Halt v " ...... 40 10 Quarter " .. 20 10 Eighth " 10 4 4 tt in urdermg tickets or Certificates, enclose the money to our address for the Tickets ordered, on re ceipt of which they will be forwarded by the first mau. x-urcnasers can nave ticets endmff in anv The List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Purchasers, will please write their signatures plain, and give their Post Office, County and State. C3P Remember that every Prize is drawn, and payable in full without deduction. , . All Prizes of $1,000 and under, naid immediatelv. ii,er nie uiuwiug ouier jrrizes at tne usual time oi xi.- .1 : . .ii. . -, ... thirty days. . . 1 All communications strictly confidential. Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates to : S. SWAN & CO., Augusta, Georgia. Ga., can have their orders filled, and save time, bv addressing S. Swan &v Co., at either of those cities. ISP A list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled tO? will be published after every drawing, in the following, papers : Augusta (Ga.) Constitution alist, New Orleans Delta, Mobile Register Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer,. New York Weekly Sept 24 dly O ALE OF LAND IN -EQUITY. k In the matter of Charity Dans and others. COUKT OF EQUITY, OCTOBER TERM 1858. liy virtue ot a decree ot the Court of Eauitv for the County of Craven, at the October Term, 1853, the Clerk and Master will expose to public sale at the Court House, in the town of Newbern, on the 13th day of December, being the Monday oi" Craven Coun ty Court, the flowing tracts of land, to wit : j One tract containing one-fifth of an acre, with the buildings thereon, lving near the town of Newbern. between Nt use and Trent roads, owned ' by. Charity Davis and others. " M Also a tract of land on Orchard Creek, in Craven County, containing about 440 acres, owned by James ll.. ct, iticnaru Ji. liennury. , lerms mane known on the nay ot sale. FREDERICK C. ROBERTS, C. M. E. Newbeni, October 0, 1858. Noa' 1 -.. , . ' ' . dfiw Flour!! 140 Bags and lO Barrels North Carolina Famii- y and Superfine Flour, just received and for sale On consignment. DIBBLE & BROS. JSov ao-tf Tust Keccived. fJ " 250 Barrels Hoffman's Rosendale Cement, ankl will sell low to close consignment Dec 1-dlm W C WIIITFORD. O ful styles have just been received, per Schr. Fran ees Burrett, and are now open and for sale low at i J. M. F. HARRISON'S. mMILY GROCEK1E8, &C. 1 'The Subscriber has just returned from New York and Baltimore with a good supply of Family urocenes, staple ury uooas, iioots and Slioes, liats and Uaps, fcems, jiets, lwines, Lines, Leads, Corks, Wooden and Willow ? Ware, &c, &c. all of which he will sell at low prices for cash or country produce. OilLce Atlantic 6c N. C. Railroad Co., Newberit, N. C., Novembar 8. 1858. -,-!... 1-..J..1J i luimsierw, ueiegates. ana otnr ers attenomsr me JNorth uar una ME 1 ilODlsf CONFERENCE, which is to as semble in Newbern. on WEDNESDAY, December 8th, will be entitled to FREE RETURN TICKETS over this road. J. D. WHITFORD, Nov 8-dtd President. Office Atlantic &r IV. C. Railroad Co Newbf.kn, N. C, Nov. 5, 1S.S. j On and after M OXDA1 4 the 8th ins.t.. the following schedule will be run with the Passenger Train overj this road : ? j Leave Morehead Citt at 7 o'clock A. 31., and arrive at Carolina City at 7:9 o'clock A. M. i Leave Carolina City at 7:14 o'clock A. M., and ar rive at Newbers at 8 o'ckck A. M. ; Leave .Newbern at vo clock A. Jil.. arrive at Jiins- ton at 10:40 o'clock A. M. ! Leave Kinston at 10:55 o'clock A. M., arrive at Mogely Hall at 11 J o'clock A. M. r Leave Jloselv Hall at lb o elocic A. M., ana ar rive at Gold9boro' at 12:10 o'clock P. M. RETURNING Leave GorpsBORo' at 30 o'clock P. M., and arrive at Mosely Hall at 4:25 o'clockP. M. Leave Mosely Hall at 4 o clock P. il.. arnve at Kinston at 5-.5 o'clock P. M. Leave Kinrton at 5r2 o'clock P. M.. and arnve at Newers at 7 o'clock P. M. Leave Newbers at 71 o'clock P. M- and amv at Carolina City at 8:50 o'clock P. M. Leave Carofina City at 8:5 o'clock P. M. and ar rive at Morehead Citt at 9 o'clock P. M. . u&y iook, aavannan uany iNews,, Kichmond JUis patchj New York Dispatch, Paulding (Miss ) Clarion and Little Rock (Ark.) True Democrat. j Nov 6-dtf WiL l 3IETTS, Agmt. I - - ' . . . , i DRUGS AND JIEUMNES. T the Citizen f North Crllna. lite Original and O-nty Lvmh iiwK4 THIS GIN. .ttei-Iea from sound lianev. nder iimvur vl yelience of the Britisl JLxvu law U delicately flnvoitu un Uu tore of the Italiao J tUtljie. ixrry and mmie of the tw. ui4lde re" storatiYes of the tfrcldbi kin. dom, rendering it. it. tu ,.aioD Z( t h e most eminent n. ouu n, the purest and f afest eliiuuut or diu retic drink in use. . , It is a delicious tvii j, of s eoft and delicate flavor, differing; en-r tirely from any other Gin, and de void uf that harsh, acrid taste, which renders the article known aa "Holland Gin" or uSchkaf' 'Oh' TT j; . NlW-YOWf. o objectionable. . Though not ntended as a medicine, it la recom. mended b sia era: narv Organ, the Kidneys, and the Bowels. Nerroua Debi.ity, whilst the weaker ex will find by iU Dllnntin n i:r t 11 . . . ances which frequently attend their delicate oreaui. zatiun. Dr. VALFNTikx Morr.of New York, the highe medical authority, pronounces Charles London Cor dial Gm? " not only superior to any other, but the best article of the kind he has ever seen." Ji IP uharly adapted to residents in the Southern and W estem States, well as for travelers exposed to changes of water and air. . , For sale in quarts and pints by all Drusreista. Grocers, -Fruiterers and Country Merchants: Be ware of imitations. Buy only Charles'. None other is import eu. May 1 Columb ton. Po -T -i - , m. .ouuifj, tUVUIUUIIU H ashington, and all the principal tomns throughout the South, at the importer whokwale prices, or of o r-. - vx4jijr, ureuerai Agent, Sept l-dly 4U Broadway. New York. - SATVFOItl'!! f.IVKlt INVIGORATOIlT The Liter Intigorator, Prevared by Dr Sanford, Compounded entirely from Gvms, IS one of the best Purgative and Liver Medicine now before the public, that acts as a Cathartie, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject ita morbid.-; matter, then on tlie stomach and bowels to strengthens the system at the same time that it purges human bodv: and when it nfirfm-mn it funofinn nrAll the powers of the system are fully, developed. - The stomach is almost entirely dependent on the healthy action of the Liver for the proper performance of its -functions; when the stomach n at fault, tlie bowels are at fault, and the whole system suffers in conse- ' quence of one organ the Liver having ceased to do its duty. For the diseases of that organ, one t the proprietors has made it his study, in a practice of more than twenty years, to find some remedy where with to counteract the many derangements to which ' it is liable. , To prove that this "remedy is at last found, any ferson troubled with" Liver Complaint, in any of its brms, has but to try a bottle, and conviction is cer tain. ... . ; v.-- These Gums remove all morbid or bad matter from the system? supplying in their place a healthy flow of bile, invigorating the stomach, causing food to di gest well, purifying the blood, giving tone and health to the whole machinery, removing the cause of tha disease effecting a radical cure. ' i Bilious attacks are cured, and, what is better, pre- vcutcu, uy me occasional use oi tne aver luyigura- One dose after eating is sufficient to relieve tbs Stomach and prevent the food from rising and sour ing... '-. - . ; Only one dose taken before retiring, prevents Night mare. Only one dose taken at night, loosens the bowels gently, and cures Costiveness. One dose taken after each meal will enre Dyspep-. sia. One do.e of two teaspoonfuts will always relieve Sick Headache! " i One bottle taken for female obstruction removes the cause of the disease, and makes aTierfect cure. Kjniy one uose. immediately reneves Unolic, while One dose often repeated is a sure cure for Cholera Morbus, and a preventive of CholerfiT - Only one bottle is needed to throw out of the sys tem the effects of medicine after a long sickness, One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sallow- ness or unnatural color from the skin. . One dose taken a short time before eatincr crives vi gor to the appetite, and makes food-digest well. One dose often repeated cures Chronic Diarhoea in its wort.t forms, while summer and -Bowel complaints yield almost to the first dose. " One or, two doses cures attacks caused bv worms in Children : there is no surer, safer, or speedier reme dy in tlie world, as it never fails. A few bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting the ab sorbents. - . . . We take pleasure in recommendmsr this medicine as a preventitive for Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, -and an Fevers of a bilious Type. It operates with certainty, and thousands are willing to testify to Us wonaenui vnxues. All who use it are giving their unanimous testimony in its favor. ; . ; Mix Water in the mouth with the Invicrorater. and swallow both together. THE LIVER IN VIG OR A TOR - Is a Scientific Medical Discovery, and is daily work ing cures, almost too great to believe. It cures as if by magic, even the first dose eivine benefit, and sel- ' dom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind oi liver uompjamt, trout tne worst Jaundice or Dys pepsia to'a common Headache, all of which are tho result of a Diseased Liver. ' . - Price One Dollar per Bottle. ' Dr. SixDronp Propriiior, 345 Broadway, New York. --f ' .-.. j ? ------- - -. I jfniled b v ail Druggists; sold also by JAS. W. R3IER and J. V. JORDAN, Newbern. ... V CAI Sept 1 dly PROSPECTUS, . - -i.,., -: N; C JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONS - . FOR 1859. ' ; VThe second Volume of the Journal will commence with the next year, and the first nnmber wi bo Issued about the middle of January: It will be pub lished monthly, and each number will contain not less than thirty-two page of reading matter. The Journal vill he. neatly yrinled on fine whits paper, and in a style equal to the present Volume. The aim of those who have charge of it, will be to make it a valuable auxiliary in the cause of. educa tion. Hie Journal i tine Proper t y and Organ f tit State. Educational Aaciaitjn, and is under its con trol. Through its pages the General Snperintendent of Common. Schools will communicate with the Sebool Officers and Teacher of the State. -Articles are solicited from '.Teachers and other friends of Education. k TERMS: Invariably in Advance. v v - Five Copies, or more, ordered at one time, to one addrei, one daUar each, per annum. Additional copies at the same rate. Sinsrle copy, 00. , A5I Teachers and sciiooi umcers re requestea la act as agent. ; i,' -. --';'-- The Teacher who sends us the Iarfrert nnmberor Subscribers (not less than thirty, before the I ft of January, will be entitled to half a page of adver tising: for the yearr i ne one senaing me next largest number will be cntitledwo tue onrth of pg - And each one sending 25 or more wiU be eiititled to a card not exceeding' eight lincf. J. I- ("A.MI'IJKLL, C. II. WILEY, G. W. BROOKS. e. w. c? Ait urn ers, A.H. MERR11T. CcwtmUtec Journal. ' 13?" AH communications, relating to the JortbiI hould be addiv.M;d to J .1. Cxnrtzvt, Re. El. Cc If V nhvsieiiiiis EerTiil'iii Tt.TT , Gout, liheumatism. Dn.iw.nraveL nolii rhnl.i iever and Ague. Stricturp; l)isn f f. rtri ae had m New Orleans, Mobile, Montgomery us, Augusta, Savannah, Wilmington, Charlea rtsmonth. Xorf.ilfc lUurtli carry on tnat matter, thus accomplishing two pur poses effectually, without any of tlie painful feehngi experienced in the operations of most Cathartic . Ti il; anu wueu lanen aauy in moderate doses, will strengthen and build it up with unusual rapidity. " The Liver is one of the nriiinal rpmilHtm- f Greensboro", X. C. " t t Not C) 1 S i - . ; i

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