BY X I. PENNINGTON. rt ATTiY PROGRESS" la served to town and country subscribers at Six Dollars a year payable in advance All papers discontinued when the time paid for expires imless renewed. . AvortiaPTnents mserted as Special or Bishop No tices are charged one-half more than the usual rates, ten Jmes (leaded or less consituting a square. Marriages and Deaths under six lines, inserted grat-,; that a charge will be made. Ad vertisements inserted every other day will be Pureed 37 i cents for each insertion after the first. fjjjr' where the number of insertions are not ex Tfneued when advertisements are handed in they will be inserted till forbid, (tf,) and charged 50 cents for the first insertion and Mb cents lor each continuance BUSINESS CARDS. D. IT. FIMIIKIC, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Middlp. Street, near the Court House, New hern. N. C. Tirwifsi and Shoes of the best quality, warranted nVafnntift1 nd useful, made to order. Mending and repairing of every kind done on short notice and moderate terms. apr. 13-d ly. T ' j, iilsiii:m, v.!M -. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, . AND .. ' DEALER IN NAVAL STORES, CORNEtt EAST FRONT AND SOUTH FROST STREETS, NEWBERN, N. C. tat v t rr"v t Aim CORN, FLOUR, WHISKY. GUANO, COAL, HAY, LIME, &c, &c, &c. for sala on consignment. ' Has vessels running regularly to New York, Phila delphia and Ualtimore. Goods received'and forwarded. March 16 AMITCIIElTlj & sox. j . V NE WB ERN, N.' C. . DEALERS IN AND PISTOLS. HARDWARE, POCKE T AND, TABLE C UTLER Y, . Halt and Caps, Hoofs and Shoes, Saddldry, Crockery, Iron, Blasting and Gun Powder, iron Axies, riows, x'eruvian jruano, jjmie, Planter Paris," Hydraulic Cement, Hair and LathsHay, Corn, Flour, Pork, &T, A.C., Arc, v&c., A TEX. MITCHELL. THOS. J. 3IITCHELL. Jan 20 dly DEALER IS FAXCT & STAPLE ZA'F GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES. HATS, CAPS, SrC, 1 POLLOK STREET. NEWBERN N. C, Would respectfully invite the attention of the public to his Stock, which will be found new, well assorted, and sufficiently large at all seasons 01 the year, i Orders promptly and carefully attended to. Sept 1 dly The Modem" Kstablishutent OF NEWBERN, N. C. J. TO. F. HARRISON,. ..WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN Staple, Fanc, Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats, Cap, Roots and Shoes, Carpeting s Mattings, Rugs, Jewelry, Trunks; Heady-Made Clothing, .. ' - &c, &c. Newbern, N. C. J. M. F. Harrison has just received a complete assortment suitable for the season, and will continue t reeeive by every arrival all desirable Articles "and Novelties of the season. ; Particular attention paid to orders. Sept 1 :- '- - " - dly B - : : tr . m. n : ,, : MERCHANT, fat, the store formerly occupied by Wm. P. Moore,) CORNER OF SOUTH FRONT & MIDDLE STS., NEWBERN, N. C. Particular attention given to the Sale of Country Produce, and the Purchase oi Goods generally. ; I have a convenient -Wharf and commodious Warehouse. I have also a line of first-class Vessels, running regularly oetween tins port ana tne ports New York and Baltimore Agent in New York : Agents in Baltimore : James L. Davis.' Sept 6 v ? -; : James Corner & Sons. dly lirM. C. WH1TFOBD, 1 1 GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. East Front Street, Newbern, N. C., Agent for SM 111 IS LINE New York Packets. Goods received and forwarded. Septl : i dly A T. JEKIII,S, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, EAST FRONT STREET, IVewbern, 1V.C Sept 28 dly DIBRfiF: &: BROTflBBS, FORWARDING $ COMMISSION M.E R C H A N T S , New-Berne, N. C. tW Cash Advances made on Consignments to be sold here or forwarded to Northern Markets. Ot"pt l uiy . , F.. AT1YETT, : : ' SOUTH FRONT STREET, IVewbern, N. C, Would respectfully call the attention of families, and the public generally, to his large and well selected STOCK OF GROCERIES, such as Sugars, both refined and raw; Molasses, Teas, Coffee, Pork, Flour, Cheese, Soaps, Candles, Hams, both North Carolina and Western; Meal, and, in fine, rvery article kept for family use. A fresh supply of Crackers of all kinds just received Also a good assortment of. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and Domestics. Any one wishing to furnish their family will do well to give him a call. before purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined that none shall go-away dissatisfied. He is selling by wholsale and retail cheap for Cash or Country Produce. Sept 27 : dly CIRCULAR Mr. JOHN D. ABRAITIS has tliis day withdrawn from the firm of R. M. BLACKWELL & CO. The NAVAL STORE and general MERCHANDISE COMMISSION BUSI NESS will be continued by R. M. BLACKWELL & ZQPHAR MILLS; at the same place, under the firm of R. M. BLACWELL &. CO. R. M. BLACKWELL, ZOPHAR MILLS, New York, 31st Dec, 1S58. JOHN D. ABRAMS. New York, 1st. January, 1859. By the above announcement, it will be seen that a change has taken place in our firm. The business will be continued by the original partners, at No. 144 Front Street, where we have been located for more than twenty years. We shall continue to make lib eral cash advances on Naval Stores, and other Mer chandise, consigned to us for sale on Commission; all of which shall receive our personal attention; R. M. BLACKWELL &, CO. New York, Feb. 2-d6m ; PATENT WINDOW RIINRS. A GREAT IMPROVEMENT. This Blind when closed shuts perfectly tiht, and keeps out all wet , dust, insects, j.cM and entirely ex cludes the light, and makes a beautiful appearance on the outside. It has every advantage over the other kind and costs but a trifle more. " - . luiainiuunm leeonimend itself. Any one can Judge of its superiority over the old style at first ' eight ' , J No person that has seen this Blind will ever order any oiner Kina. .- . All " - - m a ne suoscnoer wiu De nappy to 8tuw a model to any person wishing to obtain Blinds, and receivetheir viucis, nuicu wm do promptly filled. I . ' N. B. County Rights for this BUnd forTaYe1.' Newbern, X C, May 25 dtf J. D.tBURDICK. TRICJE REDUCED. I HAVE REDUCED v me price oi kerosene uu to $1.50 per gallon. , . ap!29-tf. J W. CARMER. 1JKK.T1IFUGE. Fahnestoek's MrTn'a oT 1Jyne'BiSwayne'e,.VrightB and Peery'sDead v'i, iui Mile uy June 27 F. S. DUFFY. ID ALLY VOL I. NEWBERN, N. BUSINESS CARDS. SPRHVO MILLINERY. MRS. I VET & 3IRS. MISSELLEIR Would invite the attention of their Lady Customers and the. public generally to their new and beautiful selection of SPRING and SUMMER Styles of MILLINERY GOODS, which they are now opening at their store on Craven street. Among their styles are Crape and Silk Bonnets, Hair and Straw Bonnets, Ladies Riding Hata, Children & Misses Hats, ; Infant's Hats, French - . Flowers, in great variety. A lare lot of elegant RIBBONS, &c, &c. They would invite the attention of the Ladies to their ' DRESS MAKING DEPARTMENT. apr 12-dtf HEIVKV 8. BLACKWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, One Door North of the Merchants' Bank, DEALER IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, NAILS, BOOTS, SHOES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, &C. &C. April 7-d6m ' ' - ' ' F. S. DUFFY, DEALER IN ' DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, Paints, Colors, V armsnes, lirusnes, W inaow Glass, Putty, Dye Stuffs, &c. I LINSEED, LAMP AND MACHINERY OILS, Camphme and 'Burning Fluid, Perlumery, Fancy and Totlet Articles, GARDEN SEEDS, Pure "Wines and Liquors, for Medicinal Purposes. Cigars, Tobacco, &c, &c. -' I BROAD STREET, NEWBERN; N. C. Dac 1 , dly J. Wi CAB3IEB, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Drags, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, GLASS, DYE S l ull S, JFKKr UMKK Y , SURGICAL INSTUMENTS, PATENT MEDICINES, PURE WINE AND BRANDY, Garden Seeds, Burning Fluid, $c., fyc., $c. 26 POLLOK STREET, NEWBERN, N. C. Septl ... dly J. V. JORDAN, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, NEWBERN, N. C, Keeps constantly on hand a large and well selected STOCK OF FKESH J1KUUS A A I) MJSJJICliNiSiS. Also, an extensive assortment of PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, TOILET SOAPS, I'KKI UMKKI, UIItAKS. and an endless variety of Fancy Articles. Orders from the country respectfully solicited, and prom ptly attended to. ' oept 7-dly J. C. WIER'S Marble Yard NEWBERN, N. C. Marble Monuments. lne subscriber is receiving a large stock of American and Foreign Marble and is at all times prepared to fill or ders for Monuments oiaos ana j. qmu- : Stones, of every de scription, at less than northern : prices. Our work will be h delivered in-all pails of North Carolina .and Virginia Free of charge. CI 7 7 7 m 7 Our workmanship has been generally introduced in some thirty counties in North Carolina, and speaks for itself. Orders by mail will meet with prompt attention and be faithfully execute' Address, J. C. WIER, Newbern, N. C. Jesse Kemp, Esq., Traveling Agent. Sept 16 dly FALIi AND WINTER IMPORTATIONS. 1S58. LEWIS PHELPS, MERCHANT TAILOR, Pollok Street, Newbern, N. C, Has just returned from the North, having purchase a large and superior stock of CLOTHS, UASS1MEKES, VEST1JNGS, &U. All of which, liaving in his employ first cjass work men, he is prepared to have made up in a superior manner. Cut and style warranted to give satisfac tion. READY MADE CLOTHING, GENTLEMENS' FURNISHING GOODS, &C, &C. A varied and well selected stock of Ready Made clothing coats, pants, vests, shirts, cravats, gloves, flannels and in fact a general assortment of every thing which is necessary to complete the Wardrobe of a gentleman of taste, all of which may be had at a very small advance on New York cost. Gentlemen are invited to call and examine tne ex tensive stock of plain an4 fancy cloths, cassimers and vestings on hand- He leels assured that, among the many different styles and patterns, it will be easy for all to suit themselves. - tW Store on Pollok street; next .door to the Post Office. Oct 12-dtf A LL WOBIi Warranted to give Satis -TV fi faction. The subscriber is constantly engaged in manufacturing, out of the very best material, CARRIAGE, BUGGY, SULKY, WAGON AND CART HARNESS. All work done in the most im proved and fashionable style. . Repairing atttended to on short notice. January 14 E. B. VfQOT), Ag't. & FOARD, WHOLESALE . RETAIL GROCERS, (except liquors,) FLOUR, PRODUCE AND GENERAL forwarding & Commission ITIerehants, NEWBERN, N. C. Geo.F. Fisher. .. Jxo. F. Foard. March 18-d&wly - . Z. 8. COFFIN, SURGEON DENTIST. Permamently Located in the Town of Newbern, ten: ders his professional services to the citizens of Newbern and surrounding country. Office on South Front at... opposite the Gaston House , Sept 1 ' dwly QKOKGE BISHOP, . NEWBERN, N. C, Manufacturer of Window Sash, Blinds, Pannel Doors, Shutters, Wood Mouldings, Brackets, Balusters, Newels, &c, &c. , ' ALSO, : I".?;-'-- manufactures and keeps constantly on hand, a large stock of CABINET FURNITURE, at wholesale and retail. ? i Sash Mill on Broad st., "Ware Rooms on Middle street. Sept 1 dly , PETER HALLETT. WITH '-'-"- D. COLDE!V 9IURRAT, , GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT' 63 Sooth Street, New Ifork. Sept. 1. - " dly MEDICATED PAPER Cure for Piles ; by junt 20 J. GOODING, Jr. TED C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, BUSINESS CARDS. J GOODING.jr., . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Pure Drues and iTiedicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dyestujfs, Window Gtass, ferlnmery, Cigars, ururuen vecas, PURE WINE'S AND LIQUORS for Medicinal uses. PATENT MEDICINES &-C , ifcO., Corner of Pollok and Uliddle Streets.1 Jan 10 NEWBERN, N. C. QEORGE F. DARDEN, WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER, Takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of New bern and surrounding country, that he has located in Newbern, next door to Cuthbert's new building, on Pollok street, for the purpose of establishing himself in the WATCH AND JEWELRY BUSINESS, With all the late improvements, I am prepared to re pair W atches, Clocks, Music lioxes, Jewelry, etc; on reasonable terms. . All those who may tavor me with a. call, 1 assure them that I will give satisfaction. ' Respectfully yours, Jan 28-ly ; GEORGE F. DARDEN. TTALUABLE BEAL ESTATE FOR T . KALE. 300 acres lying on Swift Creek, improved, a por tion piney. lOOO acres of excellent Swamp Land, heavy tim bered, lying on Swift Creek, easily to be reclaimed. 357 acres excellent Swamp Lfmd,. improved, enough cleared for about 500 bbls Corn, known as the Benjamin Wise plantation. 3'-i5 acres of excellent Swamp Land lieavy tim bered, known as the Squire's Tract. lOO acres of excellent Swamp Land,, improved, known as the Miller-Cohn Tract. .169 1-3 acres of excellent Swamp Land, improv ed, on Trent Creek, Bay River, known as the Cary plantation. 500 acres of Swamp Land, unimproved, on Lake Ellis. ' - " 500 acres of excellent Upland, heavily timbered On t- 'PatvIqi IVolnnf l.rll'k'rrr TTir rvir At n enough cleared for about 400 Bbls. Corn, known as the Israel Howard plantation, in Jones county, on the Koad to 1 rent on and Island Creek. . Also several Town Lots in the town of Jackson, Bay ltiver, on some ot which are valuable improve ments. , . Also one Lot and improvements on Broad and Han cock Streets, in the town of Newbern, known as the Slade comer. On it is a Dwelling1. Store. Cellar and other necessary buildings, with gass fixtures consist ing of nine lights passing through the dwelling and store, situated immediately on the Rail Road. Also one lot on Jt'ollok btreet in said town, upon which is an excellent dwelling and other necessary buildings. Will be sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars see the subscriber or J. B. G. Barrow, residing in Newbern. June U, 1859 d3m w3m. NORMAN JAQKSON. APRTIi 1ST, 1S59. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! ! First Importations ! Now open and ready for sale at the well known Establishment of J. M. F. HARRISON, on Pollok street : Fancy Prints, Plaid Ginghams, Fancy Lawns, White Marseilles, . ' ' ';. Lavella Cloth, a new and desirable article, for Liadies dresses. Byadere Lavella, - " ancy Chilli, Ducal Plaid3, ' Byadere Satin de Chine, Brown Linen and Irish Linen, ALSO Hoop Skirts, (a great variety,) from $1 25 to $4. White Fringe, Ball White Fringe, A beautiful style of Trimming for dusters. ru:i . -m T :j c:ii v jute xjiiioioiueruig oiut. i Children's Metallic Tip Shoes, J ; laaies waiters, Men s onoes, Cocoa Matting, Stair Carpetting, &c. . All of which will be sold upon exceedingly low - A enns. April WARRANTED GENUINE RAISED BY For Sale by July 23 JAS. W. CARMER. Druggist" T l n - . . ww l . . . n:.... MJ Jacob's Bitters ; Lane-lev's Bitters'; for sale bv- July 21 J, W. CAEMEB.1 WATCDj Jmr Wind me with care, IW And let ine have fair play, ($1 And I to you will try to tell . rk 2j The precise time of day; Jral If from some cause I stop, Wsff : fl Or fail to give the hour, M' Take me to Darden's shop j ft JULY 27, 1859. NO. 259. MISCELLANEOUS CARDS. gAL.TIJIORE LOCIt HOSPITAL, DR. JOllXSiTOV The founder of this celebrated Tn iiie most certain, speed v and onlv pflTpptnni m the world for Gleets, Strictures, Seminal Weak ness, Pains in the Loins, Constitutional Debility Im potency, Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Affec tions of the Kidneys, Palpitation of-the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Diseases of the Head, Ihroat. Nose or Skin-, and nil th ancnolv nisornor nnomr fr-.rv, i. ir-i of youth , winch destroy both body and mind. Those ocuiet au i Koiuarv Draenees m-fl mnr ftni tn victims than the sonar of theSvrens tn tY. mm-ir. of Ulyses, blighting their most "brilliant hopes or an- iiipLiuii, i enuei ing marriage, tec., impossible, ?tarriagc. Married personsor Young Men contemplatinff mdr- riage, being aware of physical weakness onranic de bility, deformities, &c., should apply immediatelv lie who places himself under the care of Dr J may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman and confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. Ir. ..Toluistnit. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London giaauatc irom occ ot the most eminent Colleges of tne vmiqa Mates, and the greater part of whose life" has been spent m the hospitals of T iftidrm Pm-io TViIl adelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most a-stonis lung cures that were ever known ; many nouuiea with nnrin? in t hfi hrnd nnH onrc asleep; great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashlulness. with frennpnt llnl-ilnn duaa fuiiicLinies mi uerangement ot mind, were cured immeuiateiy. A'oil ii " 'Itrn Wlio have injured themselves by a certain -practice nmuiuuu ui ffiien aione a liaDit Ireonent v enrnf. r . l j ii om evil companions, or at school, the effects of wmen are nightly telt, even when asleep, and, if not v n.v.., luiucis luuniage impossible, ana aestroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth. -'viz : Weakness ot the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head. Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia. Nervous Irritability, Derange iyi . . i' , 1 , . . t : . . . : . i .i . , . . . n i i -1 - unu ui ure ii;i;mivb j; iiiiciiuusi, veueiai i?euiiiiy, symptoms oi consumption, &c. . MENTALITY. The fenrfnl efforts fin tliA mind ro much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of iueas, repression or pints, Kxil tore bod nigs, Aver, sion to Society, Self-Distrust', Love of Solitude,Tim idity, &c, are some of the evils produced. 4, lhousands ot -"persons, of all sexes, can now uiutre what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, liaving a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. OFFICE NO. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET. Baltimore, Md.1 i Left hand side going fromi . Baltimore street., a'.' few doors from the corner. Fail not to Observe the name and number, for ignorant, trifling irtiposters, attract ed by the reputation of Dr. Johnston, lurk near. AT T au i. oj. u. leiteis must uuiuaui a oiaiup. ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The Many Thousands cured at this Institution with in the last seventeen years, and the numerous impor tant Surgical operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters ot . the papers and many Other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again pel ore the public, besides" his standing as ci gentleman ot character and responsibility, is a sut- ficient guarantee to the afflicted. DR. JOHNSTON'S REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS AND IMPOTENCY. ' By this great and important remedy weakness of the organs are speedily cured and lull vigor restored. Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated, who had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. All impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualifications, Loss of Procreative Power, Ner vous Irritability, trembling and eakness or JLx haustion of the-most fearful kind speedily cured. AFFECTIONS OF THE BLADDER, - Pain, Uneasiness in Urinary Organs, Weakness of the System, Barrenness, Derangement of the Diges tive Organs, Dvspepsia, Nervousness, Peculiar Af fections of the Mind, Fits of Melancholy and Skin Diseases speedily, cured. Jan,2i2-dly THE ECONOMIST COOKING STOVE, FOB WOOD 0E COAL, WITH A SAND OVEN. This Is the most valuable implement that has . been made in Cooking Stores daring the past twenty years. THE SAND OVEN Equalizes the heat on the same principle as the Brick Otis of ancient renown. THE SAND OVEN , Eetains the heat long after the fire has gone oat THE ECONOMIST Without the Sand Orea, is ahead of all competftor. THE ECONOMIST "With tha Sand Oven, is out of reach of them. THE ECONOMIST V Is the most economical and darahle Store in tie - world. - - '-'. ' THE ECONOMIST Has a most perfect arrangement for Broiling. THE ECONOMIST Heats water for the Bathoomc - is . qaiekly any Eacge, and at half the cost for faeU . . THE ECONOMIST Will do more Baking, Boiling and Broiling witl i a given quantity of fuel, than any ther Stove or Eange. THE ECONOMIST IS XHB B'jTOTX.' ' , . ; FOB SALE OXLT BY A. HART, BBUl'UKK c XEWBEHN, X. C. March 29-dly.. A NO. 1 AKTICLE JUST TTERnSEXE OIL. ; i ta fr.r at. SI fiO ner gallon a M-.r tit- apl 27. ' C- A. HAKT, BliO. CO. YEARLY. ADYERTISDuj RATES. HALT SQUARE. - f J - - a ri I osr sqvAnx. Three days.-. 50 jThxee days.. " 1 09 I our days.. ........ G2J Four days t 05 Five days..... 75 jFivo dv- - - One week.... 87 Ono week. . .....Ill' 1 7i Two weeks. ..1 37J,Two weeks....... a One month...-. 2 00 On month - a Two months.. ...... 3 50 jTwo months.. '.7 Three months...... 5 00 iThree month. -in Six months 8 00 Six One year.... i....: 15 00 One ven. 25 09 Twelve lines make a square, six lines' a half-square libera Jarrangements made with yearly advertisers DAILY PROGRESS. WEDNESDAY MORNING JULY 27. 1859. President Buchaxa and ras habits op Life. One of the Washington O wwMWNk of the New York Tribune gives the fbUowing & to President Buchanan's routine nf lift tcei, ington i :V4.; ;:- ; - - - - .... . . .u. ?m is Sff in the department of decfpUne and like. Nelson, expected every matobis duty. He works systemaUcally after his fashion ten or twelve hours a day, and is by no means S leased when members of the cabinet are absent o former Presideut ever explored details inth$ same manner, and this may be one of the reasons why ho is subjeted to so many small annoyances, and hears so much personally that had better come through a preparatory channel. , v - v "The door of his reception room is thrown open regularly at one o'clock, except on cabinet days, then a promiscuous crowd by a sort of convention al courtesy of precedence, tell their griefs, expand Upon their services, and submit their applications. The scene is generally amusing, but some sad epi sodes of privation and distress often tinge these unceremonious receptions, at which everybody walks in unannounced, and waits for his turn as in the line at a postffieo. No introductions are required, and no formality is observed, except when the gentler sex appears, when Mr. Buchan an rises to offer civility. Otherwise he is seated with a sort of Dionysius ear to receive every thing that may be thrown in. Tie is a man of metho dical habits, of Conestoga constitution, and robust health He rises early, breakfasts early, reads the papers, and then sits down to work more methodically; and laboriously than any one thou sand dollar clerk in the departments. It is to be said that he reads every paper connected with the public business which may be submitted to his inspection, and very often dissents from, the reports made by his secretaries, and even the legal opinions of the Attorney General. His ex ercise is taken in the eveniner. after whirh h rou turns to his office or the drawing-room, and either fulfills private appointments or receives company until ten o'clock. General Jail Delivery Yesterday after noon, says the Charlotte Bulletin of Friday, four prisoners, one convicted at the last Court (Floyd,) and under sentence of death, broke jail through the aid of "Wall, awaiting trial for Larceny and escaped beyond limits of the city before it was known that they had broke jail. Pursuit was im mediately made by the Sheriff and several offi cers with a number of citizens. About a mile from town; Floyd was overtaken by Mr. S. A Harris and Gen. Young, and brought back to the jail, where he has been safely impris oned. "Wall, Stockton and a free negro man, (the two former confined to await their trial jonder the eharge of larceny, and the latter for a misdemean or,) are yet at large. It appears that Wall, succeeded in picking the lock of his cell, and then liberated his fellow pris oners, who congregated, in the Debtors room on the 2d floor, and when the servants had passed the room to ascend to the 3d story to supply the prisoners with water, they quietly made their ei- cape, ; - As soon as tne alarm was given every ettort was made to recapture the party, but, as we have already stated, only Floyd has been re taken. - Kossuth on Sympathy. In the speech of Kos suth, delivered in Glasgow, there occurs the follow ing: - - ''.'' " I have lived too long and too practical a life," said he, " to do vain things. Sympathy what is that? A sigh that flutters from the lips of a ten der girl, and dies in the whispers of the breeze. People in their individual capacity may know of sympathy, but when a people's aggregate senti ments become collected in the crucible of policy, sympathy vanishes in the air. like the diamond when burnt, and .nothing there remains but an empty crucible, surroundel with the ashes of gross egotism. The time has not yet come when na tions will act from sympathy; That may be done when the world shall know of one Christian na tfon on earth. Until now,, I know of Christian men and women, but I know of no Christian na tion, because I know of none which, ".in its na- tional policy, ever has acted uponr the unnstian command, 4 Do unto others; as thou woildst hare others do unto thee.' " '-'' .--.V '-- A-Delicate KEBUKE.-Mr.Webster wrote after continued provocation, to the editor ofa newspa per, which referred to his private affairs, and especially on his not paying his debts. He said substantially: "It is true that I have not always paid my debts punctually, and that I owe money. One cause of this is, that I eave not pressed those who owe me for payment. As an instance of this, I .enclose your father's note, made to me- thirty years ago, for money lent him o educate his boys.'' - - d CT A REWARD. Kanaway irom tne hd OU scribor, Negro boy EDWARD. There are strong reasons for believing he is lurking in and around Newbern. " - lie is light colored, somewhat knock-kneed, about 18 years old, and about a height ranging between five feet sixor eight inches; hehaa rather an aquiline nose, and generally smiles when spoken to, with rather a confidential air, not very strongly built. I wilfgive $50 reward to airy pereon who will deliver t to nie, or so safely confine hiur in jail or otherwise that I can get him. His father; Dick Tucker, belong ing to Mr. John Flatmer, lives in Newbern, and raert him. His former owner is Mr. Iiaymond Castix, all of Newbern. , , , ' , v The above negro has been regularly outlawed by . a regular process, and consequently no harm will at tach to any one who will take him i, dead or aW June 6-dtf CIIAKLES DLI-X. - . - ' . . . -w-Aw rt KiiT. The ' desirable DWEL.LINO X4 HOUSE formerly occupied by Capt. L. K. Clark, next door to Mr. Emmet Cuthbert's residence, o Johnson street. , It haa four good rooms down stairs, good ut-lrouses, Yard, Garden, i.e.r-all io good con dition. The House can be rented with the privilege of two vears. For further particulars apply to , June w dtf . a. uuauxviy iutA. : ' Y:,19IARIIEA MEDICINE-The ? best remedy in use for diseases of the bowels, and all that is required to be convinced of the fact is togive it a ami thUVincrth(.BfiafHi of the year when uch' medicines are required, I would advise all per- i si J sons in need of such an article to send ana get uvu- !T.i. rtirffLe iy vms. i Juue6 . . Druggifit.-