BYJ. L PENNINGTON. DAILY PEOGRLSS is served to town and 1 IK' ' " 'ivance. A papers discontinued when the time f.,r expires, unless renewed. P. ,vf.rtiseinents inserted as Special or Bishop No fire charged one-half more than the usual rates, t:( 'ew (leaded or less coftsituting a square, '"t arriaeH and Deaths under six line?, inserted grat- u-lyIovr that a charge will be made. i,lv'i"tise"inents inserted every other day will be i l,t,u :i7i cents for each insertion after tin first. rr Where the number of .insertions are notes Z.M when advertisements are landed in they will .'inserted till-forbid, (tf,) and charged 50 cents for i )i tlft lilei uuu auu cuio oj cni:u i uui uiunuce BUSINESS CARDS. The " llotlrn" i:tnlliliitie nt OF NKWIJEKN, N. C. J, VMOLKSALK & KKTAIL DEALITH IN jrAFLK, Fnci , FoKKUiN and Domestic l r y J o o ! m , ). C'l Boot ami Shoes, (Jarjirtinsrs, Mufti ng, Jim!, Jitctfty, Trunks, Rt ixi 'y-Made Clufiunp,- &.C., .V,c. Nkwreks, N. C. J f. F. TtRKlsov has just received a eoinjilete s..,ri.ieiit suitable for the season, and will continue .-. :ive by every arrival all desirable Articles and ',vltis ot tlie season. Particular attention paid, to orders.. The Newborn .Mulunl j fill EI NS U R A A" CE CO MP A X Y. VpIIIS Company lias now been iu successful opera I tiou for, THREE YEATiS, Durinyr which time no assessment has been made to in-'-t T'-ses. . ; . , - Xhe ('oinpany is now prepared to receive Applica- t;'.-.;is for INS U II AN C E , W'nicli may he made to any of the different Agents thrniihout th's State, or to the undersigned, at the olVn'-c of the Company, m this place. V.(1. SI.GLET0N, Secretary. NVwh.-rn, N. C., Septl h- i:. A.HVKTT, J . SOUTH FKONT ST., NEWBERN, N. C.. Having just returned from tho Ni'i thern cities would re-pectfully call the attention of the citizens of New hi'ni and the public generally to his large and well Selected stock of i DRY GOOlS AND GKOCERIES, which he has selected with care to suit his custom ers. He would especially call the attention of Farm ers and those shoeinir aud clothing their servants to call and examine his tock of Kerseys and Blankets, Shoes, Hats. SfC, before pureliasing elsewhere, at. he lias bought the above Goods low, and will sell them at small advance for cash or country produce. He also returns thanks tor past patronage,: and hopes by strict attention to bits;m;.s to merit a continuance of the same for the future. Don't forget to call as he is determined to sell. J, E. AMYETT. Nov 11. '"!) d&w rp j. iiitsiihs, 1 . GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, , DEALER IN NAVAL STORES, ColtVF.R EAST FRONT ANT) SO-UTH FRONT STREETS, NEWBERN, N. C PORK. BACON, LARD. CORN, FLOUR. WHISKY, GUANO, COAL, HAY, LIME, &c, &c, &c, for sale on consignment. Has vest-els-running regularly to New York, Phila delphia and Baltimore. . Goods received and forwarded. March 1G A. ! N E W B E R N, ! DE.M.FIIS IN DRYJ GOODS. GROCERIES. GUNS, N . C. RIFLES AND PISTOLS, HARDWARE, ' Q C K E T A N JJ T A B L E C U TL E R Y, 1 IlalM mid Caps, llootn and Nhoe, Saddhlry, Crockery, Iron, Blasting and G an Powder, Iron Axles, flows, l'eruvian tjuano, unne, Piaster Paris, Hydraulic Cement, Hair and Laths, Hay, Corn, Flour, Pork, Arc, Ae., Ac, Ac, AI.FX. MITCHELL.1 THoS. .P. MITCH KF.T.. Jan 20 ' i dly aioimjj; IIIHSIOC, J NEWBERN, N. C, Manufacturer of Window Sasli. Blinds, Pannel Doors, Shutters, Wood Mouldings, Brackets, Balusters, Newels, fcc, Scc. also, ', manufactures and keeps constantly on hand, a large stock of CABINE T FURNITURE, at wholes.-de and retail. Sash Mill on Hancock st., Ware Rooms on Middle st. Sept I . dly Gi:oit;i: ai-i,i:, DKAI.F.R IX FANCY & STAPLE DRY (iUODSl BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, I CAPS, A-V POLLOK STREET, NEWliERN N. C, Would respectfully invite the attention id the public to his Stock, which will be found "nctr, rftaxxorted, and sufficiently large at all seasons of the year. Orders promptly and carefully attended to. S-pt 1 I dly D. vl FiMtiia:, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Middle Street, near the Court House, ; Newborn, N. C. Boots and Shoes of the best quality, warranted substantial and useful, made to order. Mending and repairing of every kind done on short notice and moderate terms. apr. 13-d I y. - . 1) ricklity iiiic niifl .Tlmioiiarf. -The subscri y her having in his employ a number of good 'workmen, would announce to the citizens of New- hern and surrounding country that he is prepared t contract for buildings, &e., and promises to use his best exertions on all occasions -to have work executed promptly and in a satisfactory manner. He promises that tlie prices shall be as moderate as can be afford - ed tor faithful work, ian l7-d1m Orders solicited. J. W. HANCOCK. J. i. tiyi:ics, X'OM.MISSION MERCHANT AND W II O Ii Ii A I. K H It O V 15 It , (MvilU)KS IXriUDKn:) Agent for J. M. Singer & Co's, Wilcox vt Gibbs and Jessee C. Conner's Sewing Machines' ; keeps con' stantty on hand a supply of lied" Ash Coal for 'Grates. Solicits consignments and orders and will prompt lv attend to all business entrusted to him. Office on the Old County Wharf. Newbern, dec 20 "' , Wil, 1. 1 ATI "HAY, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, NEWBERN, N. C. Contracts taken for work in town or country, which will be promptly executed and satisfaction guaran tied. Paints, Oils and Varnish always on baud and wnl be sold at reasonable prices. Sept. 20 tUwly . . D' JIUIIjK V ItltOTIlKKtt, ' FORWARDING M COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nkw-Bkkse, N.C T Cash Advances made on Consignments to be Bold here, or forwurded to Northern Markets. Sept I dly - i T . A K Til UK ,'. INSPECTOR OF NAVAL STORES, IVrwbrrii, IV. C 'TllK SUBSCRIBER continues to receive and sell all kinds of Naval Stores on tag term. Sept 2 domo .EG. ARTHUR JOJ4. WIllTTV, v ' lROAD STREET, Nmvbkkv.N. C. Dealer in Groceries, Staple Dry (?ods; Bots, Sliocn. Hardware, Guano, super phosphate of lime, fcc., ie. nov 16, lS;W-dly I VOL. II.- NEW BERN, N. BUSINESS CARDS. 7 I. VKST.ll,, .1 UAL AGENT far Hw .Collection of Notes, Account and ' the nrf'tfcvirut of Claim, NEWBEIiX, N. ('.. ltcing now encaged jn canvassing Craven and the atljoining coUTitics, lwiill undertake the collection of accounts for publishers of newspapers, inerehants, factors niii), others for the usual commissions. Al! business ent rusted to me by parties at a dis tance will be faithfully ami promptly 'attended to. J reter those to wimm 1 am not known (o the eu I lrig : tor of the Dailv J'toress and the business ,,Un ' I Newbern trcueially. ' j . Address W. I VESTA E. Dee A, I S.VJ Progress .Ofliye. Newbeni,, X. C. . .Iso. K London.' J. II. Ukvan, Jk J COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 32 India Street, BOSTON. Consignments of Naval Stores. Cotton, Lumber and other Sout liern Produce solicited jan 12, il'lnw&w'.hn. ; IIS!l!-It. I llAlfl) MOOKI U, 1 I M PC KTEKS AM) V IIOLESA LE G KOCEliS. (K.XCKl'T I.ll OHS) ''' Flour, Produce, and General Commission Merchants, NEW BERN. N C, G. F. FIStlFR. .1. F. FO.Uii). O. HooKKll. dec 1 U-W tf. i . A. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT EAST FRONT STREET,' Kewbrn, IS. C Sept 28 dly ;?Olt NAEiK J.OW Lots ot N. C. . Bacon to W C. Will FFORD. close coLsigmitents feb 7 d 1 w TATIVE ltKAN!) V.-l' mi want to get 1 good article of N. C. Peach Brandy, call at a j n n il ) M VERS'. J AC KNOX'! PI 1,U -A:TIK1!ATJ0.'V. A sure cure for PILES. For sale by by April 13 -! -. ' -- :. : JAS. W. CARMER T AICIiH C'ITT ti E IS V. A few Setts Balanced Handled Knives and Forks for sale cheap at .1. M F. HARRISON'S. Wilbor'M Cod Iivr Oil mid liime ; for vale by . Julyl . J. W. CARMER. iIIA.lISA."VK. DUC DE MONTEBELLO j Brand for sale by July 2 tf J. GOODING, Jr. Di:i i: iti:ii i:i I HAVE REDUCED I. the price of Kerosene Oil to $l..r0 per gallon .r0 per gallon. apl gy tf. J W. CARMER. IT KiIIIAX & CO'S Cordial Elixir ot Calisaya Bark for sale by jan 10 -:..-' i J AS. W. C A KM Ely. O ir Jniiies Clark's Female 1111 For sale by JAMES W. CARMER, nov 1G d&w Druggist. T rxT TO HAND. -By Adams' Express, a sup olv of Wessons & Smith's Pistols, a very neat s Pistols, a very ne; pocket pistol, oy J. M. F, HARRISON. St'lVll . mat irwins ..TIacliinc!. -Thope in want of sewing' lines ought to call at MYERS' and supply themselves A few Bakclw of 4'liaiiip:i" im Wine. Due r sale bv I A ill; Moutebello brand, (very tine) for sale bv June 21 J W. CARMER Drug'ist. Boorln-a ve'Kt ISillcrx; IIoo:iiiI'n ISiIIcim ; Jacob's Bitters; Langley's Bitters"; for sale by .rulyjl J. W. ('ARM ER. -lI E IS OMFIVIil OI Ii. A genuine article at 1 50 1 IV per gallon July Hi For sale by T GOO)ING, r. Wiimlow'ti Noolliiu Svrnp ; for sale bv J. GOODING, Jr. duly 3 , . . I I.EVS A."VO H.UUiltOKO !TI6IIES. J A large assortment just received and for sale low at HARRISON'S. ' 1 loosl food ))r. RrunxoiiN ICIood Food, y No's. 1,, 3. 4 and j; just received ami for sale by j.-ut 10 . i JAS W. CARMER. I Utl lT TIftf5KS ,1. D. MYERS has on hand J0DO Choice Peach Trees from Peikin's Nursery. For sale low. lee 4- C d loalt and Shawls. A for sale at J. M comdeie assortmen F. HARRISON'S. dcceiiiln r 1G FOR SALE CARMER S. JV at .tune G 1 i ic.M.x; F Ij ( I !. N EV YORK BURN- ING FLUID just received by Feb 12 JAS. W. CARMER. 1 15 1 Mil POTATOES Just received oO bar rels of several cho-ice varieties, for sale bv, Dec 8,18.7.1 DII5BLE & BRO S. Charles l.oiition ( onlial (Sin ; for. sale at CARMER S. July 21 c lire your ConiN. Houehin's Corn Sal vent will remove them effectually. To be had at December 1. ' J: GOODING; .Ik. LIVE It 0 1 Ij IEI.LV.' diist received CA EM EE'S. at April 13 A rillard'w 4'i-ciiiu 1'oiiie. An excellent Prep t ? aratioii for the. Hair. ' For sale by December lb. J. GOODING, .In. lAUPIlO II 1 4 is' with j for sore hps, t hapi ed hanls,&c For sale by Feb 12 JAS W. CAPMKU. C ongve Water ; just received by J. W. CARMER. Julvl BOYH CI.OTIII.MS. Just opened lbiy's an Youth's Fall aud Wintei Clothing. Nov 5 EMMET CCTHBERT. BOO AIVO SHOE.. A large stock, supe rior quality,. for sale low, at ? Deci) J. M. F. HARRISON S. Ifcbel IiidiBti Specific For Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, -Jtu. Price, 2ik, sold, by J. GOODI XG , .I K. M r. Wiiulow !ol h i ii g ?jrnp, for children teething, lor sale ty July 21 J. W. CARMER. Ealon, I nlautiie Cordial. .lust received and fort-ale by ; J. GOODING, Jk. . December l(x ' '-':-, "j fajenius I.nciua lotdinl ,Tut received and 1VL for sale by JAS. W. CARMER. nor 16 di w Drugtrist ArbilciubM Awlhiua I5euedy. hor sate by T V Decern ler Iti. J. GOODING. Jr wn' ICrenrbial Tmbm,-Jnt received December Ifi. by J. ilOODING. Jr: Sbcrtnau' Cough Iien S1d by December 16. v J. GOODING, Jit. ' ' t " .. C, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 18G0 MISCELLANEOUS. i:wi:MiV! ji:wEiiisv! Ttte Largest and Rest Stock of Gold and Sil ver Watches, Clocks, Silver Ware, Guns, Pistols, Ve., 5: e , ever brought to Newbenu . J. S. IVES Would announce to Ids friends and the public that he has now in Store, recently purchased iu .Yew York, .me of the largest, most sujhm b and most com plete Storks of goods in liis line ever bioiiglit (otitis market. Among his stock may be found the follow- 1 iU II W ATfll P to -M0 . . SO A V l V Vri ll KS lV.n"i .!' to U: ICCH.D CHAINS I p'i j.enu weight !;OLD SETS OF . JEWELRY, Diamond. Lava. Coi ai, t':iHH i. ami Flort-nthic Mosaic, at all prn-cs -. .Magic BREAST P1XS. Ear K'mg. Finger Ring.-, A c-- A large lot of yolid Sd v'er -oi!sist ing of Table Spoons, Tea Spoons, Folks. Knives, Clips an 1 (Joblets.; ALSO, Plated Ware o' eveiyi deenjdion ; .Gold Pens aiwl Pencils, a large assortment: ALSO. Table and I'ocket Cutlery iu cases to suit piii chasers ; GENS and Pistols in great variety ; Clocks from 5ff up to SlfHI.IH); And many other things 'too numerous to nientiou allot which will be sold on the most aecommodaling terms, at small profits to punctual purchasers. 'REPAIRING- All work )u the Watch line don.' in the best possible manner and satisfaction guaranteed. A'ov !." dtf " ' rjTiiu otii no icT ii state roiicvi:i. Look here. Friends and Fellow Citizens, will you buy the noble State of North Cf'irouna I if so, send to the subscriber, oi subscribe to the County Agent. tor tins -: JScw Larr and H a n ilic'iit tlnp. And you will get the whole Stutir, witli lor Rivers. K tilnads, (Sold, Copper. Lead.1 Iron and Coal Mines, and all the Cities, Towns and Vallages, her noble Mountains and Springs, and her Fields and Flowers 'If you want this Golden 'Prize, now is the time. Map seven feet by five. Border views of the State House, Insane Asyium, Chapel Hill. Male ami Fe male Colleges, fcc , &.., one of the cheapest and best . Msips ever published. PEARCE BEST, Hillsboro , N. C. IS.!. Agents wanted for every .County in the State. Terms liberal. Apply as above. Aug 31-dom , ' ?AI I, AM WliVTIJR tlll.r.lAEItV Jl AIRS. IVEY St. MRS. M1SSILLIER, Have just received and opened at their Store, on Craven street, u beautiful Stock ot, M I L L I X E R V a O O D S, for the FALL and WINTER, consisting of Silk and Straw Bonnets; .' Velvet." Hats of great Variety ; Feathers and French Flowers; Ruches of every. style and price : A large and beautiful stock ot Ribbons, . Ladies' Dress Caps of every Style ;'.' Head-Dresses of various.' Styles; Blond Laces, Black ami Wliite, Shaker Hoods ami Milliner's Needk 3Iisses' iind Children's II. its; Together with othergoods usually found in a FIRST CLASS MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. DRESSMAKING in all its brunches collect fits guarantied. I Oe"tM8itf ' ' IJATENT Wl.l)OW lU.IKDN.''. A GREAT IMPROVEMENT. This Blind wheu closed shuts perfectly tight, and keeps out all wet, dust, insects, &c, and entirely ex cludes the light, and makes a beautiful appearance on the outside. It has every advantage over the other kind and Costs but a trifle more. This Blind will recommend itself. Any one t-an judge of its superiority over the old style at "first sight. I . 1 Xo person that has seen this Blind will ever order any other, kind. j , . The subscriber will be happy to show a mode! to any person wishing toobf ,iin Blinds, and receive I heir orders, which will be promptly fiiled. ! ! J. D. BIJRDK'K. - N. B. Count v Rights for this Blind for sale. Newbern, N C., May dtfN J. D. BCRDICK. f I Ihc follow in;; iIiiiaii'es p;i the f!lh JL autl 'iOlh ol DrmiilH-r, lS.)lh On and after this date anyMave or free negro who shall resist or attempt to escaye from the -watch, shall, in addition to the usual tine, be subject, to be 'whipped not exceeding thirty nine lashes. , That on and after the first j-day of January, all laborers who hire their I in nj -shall procuie baige which shall be worn in some conspicuous place, and shall becompelled fo work when not engaged, or ffr feit his balge, and be whipped mt exceeding twenty I as ics. I'y order of tlie Boaiid. dee :0dtf S. B. FORBES, Clerk. I Mill NIltSdiliilvK IIAV1.MS IS -: E - apjiointed bv I.-aae Jacob sole agent for the sale of L. LYON S PURE OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY in Newbern, would call t he attention of all persons iu. want of a pure and superior article of Brandy to give it a trial. Pamphlets containing certificates, by Drs. Hays, Chilton and others, to be had of JAS. W. CARMER, Jan 28 .Druggist. 0 r o.V!m(; Ill Bbls. gMd Vinegar; 50 Second Hand Spirits Tii' penfii.e Casks ; 10 (Juaiter IJbls. (irease, for -machinery, Cart wheels, &C, IDKitts do do do. Just received per schr. G. P. Tavlor. and for sale cheap. DIHULE .A. BROS, noyeiiiber :0. S..' OI,ISISOICO' TRIBVKK The frieed.s M ami natrons of the. Gol'dsboro" Tritiune ttre in formed tnat Maj. W. I. VESTAL has been appointed agent for Newbern and v,u inity , and that he will re ceive subscriptions and leceipt for the same. -Those, indebted for the current year are reiiqested to make payment. to him. ' T. EOKING, June 17 dtf . , Kditor 4 Oi R K XVA lt - Will be gi veil to an'v per W m who will return t the PROGRESS OFFICE a Chinese Fitn, made of Ivory, and a Gold Button, which were on exhibition at ..the recent Fair, and stolen therefrom.' No questions will be asked, nov l.' dtf ' ''-.. ' - rpiIE NIJRNCItl ICEIt IIa jnt K-c-t ivrd, X for Fall and Win'er wear, . a large ttcn-k of CLOTHS-and CASSIM7!RES which he now .offers for exhibition at the Dry Ootids 'Emporium at prices that cannot tail to suit those who desire to purchase. Oct 1-3 EMMET CUTHBERT. "I t wrlri. Thow in Want of Jtrwelry can get " supplied forthe holidays bv calling at Harrison's where they will fiud some handsome sets of Jewelry Breast Pins. Ear Rings, Gold and silver Watches, Gold Pins, Bracelets, Chatelaine, 3ce. &c, for sale cheap by J. M F. HARRISON. rytO FAIt.flEIt.H. The subscriber will keep as A usiial alaige afo.rtuient of Urogans, Kerseyt. and Blankets, which will be sold this M-ason at a very moderate profit. J. M. F. HARRISON. wt 15 1 K( BHLS. Whisky, L5 bbls Rum, 25 bbls. Gin, AOvf 15t bale Hay, hh Flour. 50 sacks Fhmr, Ktbb's Apple Brandy, 5 bbls N. S. Herrings; UK) Tons Red Ash Coal. Jut received and for ale by J.D.MYERS, dec 20 , , . ' NO. U!8. MISCELLANEOIS. A I.T Jl O It K I. O c; k 1 1 UV ITAL, . ; ,- DR. JOHNSTON ..: "V - .;,'..;' Has discovered the most ceri tin, -speed viand oulv ef fectual remedc in the world for all ' I)iMnfM ol" ImitriidciK-f. - ; Weakness of the or Limbs, St i njin es, Afiec tious of the Kid.ii.'ys ami Bladder. Ivo'iiiHrv Dis chtiiges, Imp-'teticy, Gener.ii De'ulit v. X,Mvou-iH-ss I yspepia, l.tngour, I.w Spirits, Wil asi..'ii of Ideas' Palpitation f the" Heart, Tin.idily. Trembiiiigs' Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, D:serseoff tie Head. Throat. .Nose or Skin. Atb-et ions ot the lnigs. Stom ach or 15 .wels those Terrible Disorders' arising from Solitary Habits of Youth those secret and solttarv practices nn.n- fatal lothe'n victims than the. son got" tiieSvreiH to tlie iiiariners of 'C'lvse bli' litiic il..--i J most 11 illi.iilt hopes o; allt iciimt ion.-. 1 elidel lie' mar. r.iatfe; :c., impossible. Voihi tl'n Especially, w ho have hei otue the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which aiW t'l it ally sweeps to an uiitinieiv iriave tboiisiiiuf s J,f Voting Men of the most exalted talents t.iiin.i. tnt fis- intellect, who might otherwise have entranced telling Senates wrh the thunders . ol elomiciicejror waked io ecstaey the living Ivre, may call with full confidence. tlariia"e. Married iersons, or Young Men coiitempiathcr mar iflage, leing aware of pliV' lcal Weakness wrgaiiiefe. bilit y. deiormities, c, spceiiily cured. j r He who places himself under the crc of Dr. J. ay religiotistv confide in his honor as a Veiitleman. m and confidently, rely upon his skill as a Physician. I ()RG A N 1 C AY EAKNESS ; ji iinmeiliately cured and lull vigor restored.. i I A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in from one tb (tro I hiis. '. H. Mr. .loliiiNion, . . , Member ot the Iyal (.'olleg; of Surgeohs, London, ' gradnale from one of the most eminent Colleges of ! the United States? and t he greater part .of whose life hits been spent inthe hospitals of j ndoii, Paiis Phil adelphia and elsewhere, has effect ed some of the most astonish ing -cures that were ever known ; many froubled with ringing in t he head anttears Avhen asleep-: great nervousness, being' alarmed at sudden sounds, hash fulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes' ..with derangement of mind, were cured iiniiiedi-itelv. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured them selves by improper indulgi ncies and solitary habits which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either Busines-Sf tidy, 'Society or Maniage. These aresme of the sad and melancholy 'effects produced by early habits of youth, viz : Weakness ot the Back and Limbs, Pains inthe Head. Dimness of Sight, Loss of, Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia. Nervous 'Irritability, Derange-" ment of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, & e. Mknta i.n v. The b-ai ful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded .Loss of Memory Contusion t Ideas, l )epryssion of Spirits, E il forebodings, hA ver sion fo Society, Self Distrust, .Love of Solitude, Tim i'lity, &e., are some of the) evils produced. ' Thousands of persons, oi all tiges, cuti now judge wh at is the cause of their dei-lining health, losing tlieir vigor, becoming: weak-, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearai ce about the eyes, cough and symptoms' of Consumption.. : . ' DR. JOHNSTON'S REMEDY" FOR ORGANIC W EAKNESS AN IMPOTENCY. By this great and important remedy weakness of the organs are siieedilv cured and full vigor restored. Thousands of the most nervous -and. debilitated. -who had lost all hope, have bethi immediately relieved. All impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualifications, Loss of Procreafive Power, Ner vous Ii t it:.' bility , Tieinblitig and Weakness or Ex. haustiou of the most fearful kind speedily cured. YOUN( HEN Who have injured themselves by a certain practicr indulged in when , aloue a habit frequently learne ; from evil comjianions, or at schotd, the effects o which are nightly felt, even w heuleep and, if no' cared, renders marriaee impossible, and destruy? both mind and body, slum id apply immediately. Such per&ons unist, before contemplating MAR L'l AGE, reflect that a sound mind and .body are -'the most nee irv ro'qui-ites' to prorniote .' couMiltiul' h'appiues Indeed wil hout -t hose the j earney fhitregh lite be comes a Weary in gi immjige ; ine prospect tiounv darkens fo the view : the niiud 'becomes shad wed wit h despnir aud. tilled witil tile inch; ncholv lettec t ion that the iiapfiiiiess ol w it li our own. another beeoities 'blighted KMMiRSr.MEXT OF THE rni:ss. The TlHiu-auds cui'eiI at this Inst itution with tn'fhe t(C fii'icen years, and t in-numerous impor tant Surgical'ojM-ration performed by Ir. Johnston, witnesscil by the nioi u rs of the Sun and many other paiers, notices of which have appeared again and again' before the public, besides bis standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a suf ficient guarantee to the afflicted. ";'", OFFICE NO. ?, Si UTH FREDERICK STREET. : 15 I.TlMoHK, Mil., ' Left hand side going from Baltimore, street, a few dtM u s from the corner. Fail not to observe name : No letter received unless post paid, and containing a Stamp to be used on the reply. Persons writing should state age, and send ppitioii of ud vertiseipent stating symptoms. t: lT SK IN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. Feb 1,1;:) dly. Houe JFuriiiliiiiy; ood. Table Damask, Napkins, Table Covers, Red Tick, Linen and Cotton Sheetings--:- for n supply call at J. M. Ef H ARRISON S. decemher l' ;-'. . - :",'"-. Half'and Caps. . c Silk Hat.Cassiu'iere Hats. Ledger Hats. Zouave Hats, Felt Hats. French and Domestic boy's and men's Caps : a complete assortin-iil- for sale by tleclfi J. M. F. HARRISON. SoiiM-lbins Nf w-MAIZENA, prepared from Indian Corn, tor eiil'maty purposes, m ith receipts for Blanc Mange. Mineieie, and baking Puddings and Pies. &c. For sale by JAS. W. CARMER, nov ld w Druggist. NE W S'T V I. KS O h' II AT?. FALL STYLES of Silk Hats; New Oilcans Moleskin Bats, the Ledger Hals'., "'a variety of Cashmere Hats, al.-o one ease.f Siiaker 'Hoods, "just r.i -ivol by f .". A,,-. 2 EMMET CI.'TII HEKT. OA AVE VOl' It E!", and umf HpnldiosV O. Prepared GLUE, for mending furniture picture frame, ermkery. Act: Every tau.ily f mi iue bottle, whit-ii can be procured at LahJIhu s. riee 2Ti veuU ler lK.ftle. ! hilt ,u t rice only 21 cenUs per lK.ftle. Itngx, Ac. I , . --v-u-Jt ltrn.U Three Ply nd Ingram Carpeting; Rugs', Mats, Stair Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Md'l6 & r J M. F. HARRISON. rilO ALL H'HO.H IT .MAV COjVCEI.- I t i. ift ..n hud a few pair R d Blankets : also Ne"r Blankets and Brians, which I 'Will all cheap ) . . . i . i ,.i i for cah (Jau auu gei uuinru. . - Feb 3.. J- M. F. HARRISON. CHitmiM-JlatrnuU. f Cotton and worsted Curtain Damask, Lace Window Curtains. Oil Cuilaius, Curtain L.p and Cord and Tael ; for sale at II A K R I 0TS. lcC 16 1 iicwbein, N. C. TKA1H.Y ADVKirriSIXG HATES. Aht. ' f O.Xfc. On- day. . AKK. . . . 37.Tw day..... .. 5' .Three days.... - tSj Four days.. ... I Threv d'av f. i 1 10 ; i "ui uavs. ....... ...1 5 Five days.. i ... . On w k . ... . . . Two Mtx-ki....... On, nmiith..... Two uumiU...... Three iiu.nths.... .. ii r jveday.... One week.... . . .1 37Twt wveks.... u One itu i,tli.... ..3 5 Two iitouths.. . -.5 iK Tlnt-e liioutlu". S itf! .i . 4-- 1 ....:.. 50 75 i: 75 .4 .7 fO . .10T0 MX,s... - . . One year. ........ (hi One year...... 2: hllnjuare Ht elli.r4 I welve line.- iiinkf a squaw, Pl.x lim-n h I.iU r.tlarraiii.'u.i.ts iii.d- ith v ailv DAILY I'KOGUESS. F 111 A Y I OllN I NG 1 F4 il iQXiit Y 1 U, I -stW . Tut: IIu;i'ki!Ti:ukv iNVKTtii tios The United State Seii.-Uo committee 4tre sedulously rosectiting . their inquiries Into the matter of tlie Ilai-r"s I'erry raid, ami on I'ridy hnd before them Messrs Giddiugs, Plumb and Ir. Howe. Hon. lr. (JidUiugs gave at Mme length his tes ctuiceiniiig slavery, but touching flu John P.iowji . raid noihiiig new was elicited Dr. Howe, when j eal'ed before the. Committee, declined taking the j "oath lo testify unless he was peinutted to enter his protest against the whoje proceeding. Tlie1" permission was granted; He then testified that he had knovMi .l.dni Brown during the troubles in Kansas, and had sent him )uoney- and arms. They were raised by coot rihu tions made fof the aid of flic inhabitant of Kansas'; that he expect ed Brown would eH-l armed invasion by armed resistance: that Brow u had gained his entire con fidence ; that he was a man of tried honesty as w ell as courage. That after the troubles had ceased in Kansas. Brow n eon tin ued to devote hiai self to ad v.-uice the cause of practical anti-slavery. Pr Howe knew nothing of the convention ift Canada He w as not privy to the plan of attack on Harper's Feny, 'but thought the arms used were the .same as iii Brown's hands in Kansas. Witness gave much other evidence, but none in volving any hauling republicans. lillY (JOODS. - . .J-J' ALLKN il U! Mil. G E 0 I! GE ALLEN lakes Pleasure in announcing to his friends and ciistomcis, that he has completed the improve ment on his Store,, and that he now has one of the lightest and nun-t convenient Stores in the place. I have two spacious Sales Rooms, each aenty five feet deep, which rfi well tilled with a fine stock of RICH AND HANDSOME FA IL AND UtNTER DRY GOODS Rich Silk Robe. . ..Plain Striped and Plaid Silks-, DeLaihes, Valem-ias; i Meriuoes, Prints ; j, . .' Ginghams, Domestics; Hosiery, Gloves, Skirts Furs, Embroideries Ribbons, Trimmings, ."''! AT SO ...' A Large Lot of Cloths. Casst meres. Hats, Sioes, Carpets, Trunks Sfc Sec. r . -'' - . - My Hlock has been selected with great care bought '.mi the best terms, and will be sold at very1 I moderate prices. Oct IJ, lo-'J. I) KV GOUUM E.IIOItIIJI : ESTABLISHED iV1845. K.TIJIKT fl'THKKBT Is riowri-ceivirigand opening at his new and spacioug Store, corner of pollok and Middle streets, Newbern, N C, a large and most attractive stock of FALL WINTEI! DRY GOODS, CA UTETS, HA TS, SHOES, ScC. Mv new Store, conveniently located, and frailt with special reference to my business, being large, light and com fort able, gives ine increased facilities for the exhibition of m v STOCK which for NOVELTY, UFA ( TV, VARIETY X STYLE, can scarcely be excelled. Thank ful fo. past favors, I res jectfully invite yen t call on me at my new location. ' X, P.. Orders will .receive, prompt and carefttl attention. Ott 12 EMMET CUTHBERT. N i:W ;ooi!i nkw' cooun;: RECEIVED THIS DAY, BY EXPIIESS, AT J. il. K. IIAHIIISON'S: SUPER BLACK BROCADE SILK; I'.uv ttdere, do. V,V ide. ' do. Coloretl Marceline ; FreiHih Wl DeLaineit j Bvadfre Mohnirs ; Moha'r CM, k ; Plaid; Union 'Check ; trench Vah-n-irt); Poll de Che vre ;" Ducal Plaids; G-4 Bia-k Wtol DeLames ; Raw Silk VlnlU. die.. Oce &e., IcC., all of .which will be edd on very m iOdei&l term. .Oct 12 -' r . - : o rn.rp.fc- t 5! li, wHlit of Cd -Id Ov ej : Whisk fhiMkr-. A vearold ArP Peach Brnndy r.f.:i tl. n.. ..tiifLt Im iret tb-ir iui- 31YEUS'. pbes at Kelt S. ' ' COA 1 ! ttiO Tons of that Mine kind of Cuul,' fbnst Rd Ah) now afloat aud tor v Fetad6t. . J.U MYERS. ,1 Mil - - H.i mw- M m M 'N wW v ."'""yjyn- , , iir- "u.3t 1,11 . ETFRS?': 1 . fo. mm I- lip litis . 1 , r i t . t ; I li r i f 1 r i;