BY J. L. PENNINGTON. The DAILY PROGRESS" is served to town aDd country subscribers at Six Doljlars a year payable in advance. All papers discontinued when thetime paid for expires, unless renewed. ' . f Advertisements inserted aa Special or. Bishop No tice? are charged one-half more than the usual rates, ten line (leaded) or leas cohsituting a square. Marriages and Deat hs under six lines, inserted grat uitously over that a charge will be made. advertisements inserted every other day will be 'charged 37$ cents for each insertion after the first. j-Jf" Where the number of insertions are njot ex nrsed when advertisements are handed in th4y will be inserted till forbid, (tf,) and charged 50 cents for first insertion and zb cents tor each continuance. BUSINESS CARDS. Itr I. VF.STAI., . GENERAL AGENT for the Collection of Soles. Account and the settlement of Claims, NfiWUEKX, S. C. ; ; llein? now engaged in canvassing Craven and the adjoiniiig counties, I will undertake the collection of accounts for publishers of newspapers, merchants, factors and thei s for the usual commissions. All business 'entrusted to ine by parties at la dis tancn will be faithtully and promptly attended to. I refer those to whom I am not known to Uie edi tor of the Daily Progress and the business men of ,Vwbirn generally. Address W. I VESTAL, p.jc 8, 18.'.'. Proirress Office, Newbern, N. C The 44 tlodci" Kiinbli!hieiil OF NEWBERN, N. C. J.1I. V. IIARIUMOX, j .WHOLESALE & ET AIL DEALER X Staple, Fanc, Fokkiov and DomjkstiIc r y ti o o ! , 1 Hat, Caps, Boots ami Shoes, Carpeting. Mattings, lings, Jewelry, rrunk,Ktady-Maae L,iJirangt Ace, &.C. Nevvberx, N. C. J. l. F. Harrison has just received a complete assortment suitable for the' season, and will continue to receive by every arrival all desirable - Articles and Noveltioa ot the season. 'articular attention paid to order. Sept. i . aiy The Xcwbi-rn itlutual FUiE I N $ U li A N C K U (J M r A ri i. r1!IIS Cojiipany has now been in successful opera- X tiun for THREE YEARS, During which time no assessment has been made to rti'-ct losses. Ti,.-. Company is now prepared to receive Applica tions for 'INS U R A NCR, WUich may be made to any of the different Agents throughout the State, or to the undersigned, at the office of the Companv, in this place. - W. G Sl GLETON, Secretary. Newborn.. X. C. Sept 1 dly rp j. aiiroriE, I . GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, DEALER IN NAVAL ST)REs - CORNER EAST FRONT AM) SOl'TH FRONT STREETS, NEWBERN, N. C. i' I PORK, BACON, LARD, CORN, FLOUR, WHISKY, GUANO, COAL, HAY, LIME, &c, &c, &c, for sal; on consignment. - Has vessels running regularly to New York, Phila delphia aud Halfimore. Goods received and forwarded. i March 16 Gi:oKii: iiisiioi, 1 NEWBERN, N. C, Manufacturer of Window Sash, Blinds, Pannel Doors, Shutters, Wood Mouldings, Brackets, Balusters, Newels, &c, Al.o. ; : " ALSO, j manufactures and keeps constantly on hand, a large stock of CABINE T FURNITURE, at wholesale and retail. I Sash Mill on Hancock st., Ware Rooms on Middle st. Sept 1 dly Tli. A.TIYKTT, SOUTH FKONT ST., NEWBERN, N. C. Having just returned from the Northern -cities would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of New born and the public generally to hia large and well selected stock of - ! DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, whili he has selected with care to suit his custom ers, lie would especially call the attention of Farm ers and t hose shoeing and clothing their servants to call anil examine liis stock of Kerseys and Blankets,' Shoes, Hats, Sfc , before purcliiuing elsewhere, as he has bought the above Goods low, and will sell them ntxmall advances for cash or country produce. H also returns thanks lor past patronage, and hopes by stnet attention to business to merit a continuance of the same for the future. Don't forget to call aa he is determined to sell. J. E. AMYETT. Nov 11. '5'.) d&w DEALER IN FANCY & STAPLK DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, ftC, POLLOK STREET, NEWBERN N. C, Would respectfully invite the attention of the public to his Stock, which will be found new, well-assorted, nod sufficiently lare at all seasons of the year. Orders promptly and carelully attended to Sept J dly D. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Middle Street, near the Court House, - Newbern, N. C. Boots and Shoes of the best quality, warranted substantial and usetul, made to order. Mending and repairing of every kind done on short notice and moderate terms. 1 apr. 13-dly ! 1 J. O. COMMISSION MERCHANT AND O JL H ! A L. K 11 O C E K V II (l.IQUOKS INCLUDED;) Agent for J. 1. Singer & Co's, Wilcox & Gibbs and ilessee C Conuer's Sewing Machines ; keeps con' stantly on hand a supply of Red Ash Coal for Grates. Solicits consignments nnd orders and will prompt lv attend to all business entrusted to him. I Office on the Old County Wharf. ;. " Newbern, dec 20 Dl It It l.i: V IIKOTIIKICH, FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nkvv-Berne, N. C. t"iP Cash' Advances made on Consignments to be sold here or forwarded to Northern Markets. , Sept 1 dly JJno. R London J. JI. Bryan, Jk LO.MOrV & BRYAN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 3 Indi.i Street, BOSTON. Consignments of Naval Stores, Cottonj Lumber and other Southern Produce solicited jan IMPOR1LRS AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, M , (IlXCKPT liquors) lour, Produce, and General Commission Merchants, NEWBERN, N C. c. r. risHKR.- j. r. foakd. ! 0!. hooker. dec 1 d&w tf. OS . WIHTTV, BROAD STREET, , . n . . Nkwbkrn, N. C. Dealer in Groceries, Staple Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes Hardware, Guano, superphosphate of lime &c. nov 16, 1853-dlT ' JG. ART II UK, j . INSPECTOR OF NAVAL STORES, IVrwbcrn, IV. C. THE BSCRIBER continues to receive and sell alien 1 of Naval Stores on accommodating terma. sep 23 d6moa J. G. ARTHUR. A. T. JERKI!V8, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, K1CT TT?rTS7T CTOFPT 1 r : ' - ... . '. .. .'. - : :: .-: f ' . Y0L.IL NEWBEBN, N. BUSINESS CABDS. ? COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner South Frtnl and Middle Nil. J NE WBERN, N. C. Agent jor Vessels Running between thin Port and New lark, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston.. Particular attention given to the sale of Country Produce, and the purchase of goods generally. Also, Discharging Vessels and Procuring Freight, and the Receiving and Forwarding Business. I have convenient Wharves and Wnrehouses. j -REFERENCES : D. Golden Murray, New York j Cochran &l Rns-ell, Philadelphia: Dollner, Potter, t Co., New York: .lame-Coner &. Sons. Baltimore; James L. Davis, New York ; London & Brvan Boston : Fred. J Jones, Cashier Branch Hank, of 'North Carolina, Newtx-rn ; Jno A. Guion. Cashier Batik of Commerce, New bern ; W W, Clark, Cashier Merchants' Bank New born ; A. Mitchell &l Son, and Dr. Isaac W. Hag! es, Newbern. i March 22 dtf . B. IS. I,A!VK, GEN Eli AL- COMMISSION MERCHANT, i Soutlt Front Nlreet, NEWBERN, N. C. Particular attention given to' the sale . of Cotton, Naval Stores, Flour, Corn, Hay, Litne, Dried Fruit, and countiy produce generally. Also the Receiving and Forwarding, business, dis charirinsr vessels and procuring '.freights for vessels running between this port and the porta of New York Philadelphia and Baltimore. Cash advances made ion Consignments. March illy. A. NEWBERN, N. DELRS IS , Dry CiooilM, OroCerics, IInrl wnre, (un, Pistols and Rifles, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Swedes AiwrricatFftrnd English Iron, Cast and German Stetl, Plough Sled,' "S?c; Irou Axles Springs, Farming Implement, A goodlaosortment of Carpenters, Blacksmiths end Brick Masons' Tools; GENTS AND NEGROES' HATS AND CAPS; ; Also a large stock of Brd Blankets Negro Blankets, ISrogans, Kerseys and Osnaburgs, Ladies acd Gentlemen's Fine Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &c, Harness. Saddles. Bridles, &c.; Crockery and Glass Ware; Blasting and Guu Powder, Shot , Ca ps, Balls , &c, &c. Peruvian and Robinson's Jlanipulatcd r- GUANO, Lime, Plaster Paris, Cement, Hair, &c; Mess, Flank and Rump Pork, Corn Meal, Flour ; 1 ""Kubbell's" Leather Machine Banding: f i Agents for the sale of I j" Grover & Baker s, Sewing Machines, J,lso, Agents for Evans & Watson's Salamander Sffe, which are now considered the best. iLriPAll orders from Cash or good customers will be charged the lowest prices. Feb 16 d&w M. W. II. HOIRELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, ! AND DEAI.KR IN Dry Goods, Groceries. Provisions, Liquors, SfC Opp site Bank of North Carolina in Newbern, Cra ven county, N. C. Has on hand a good assortment of Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, intone and Crockery-ware, Nails by the keg or retail, Wooden-ware. Brooms, Boots and Shoes, Spun Cotton, Yankee Notions of various kinds. Axes, of the bet quality constantly on hand, and all of which will be sold low for cash. March I 'dtf 117lljfilA7I If AY HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL I PAINTER, ! NEWBERN, N. C. Contracts taken for work in town or country, which will be promptly executed and satisfaction guaran tied. Paints, Oils and Varnish always on hand and will be sold at reasonable prices. Sept. 20 d&wly - C10ll soir KK TOKO IIOES.-1 CASE AS- UTED, Just received. Feb 17 E CUTHBERT. MAf & CO'S Cordial Elixir of Call isaya liarK ; tor sale by jan 10 JAS. W. CARMER. S ewing' Bncliincs. Those in want. of sewing machines ought to call at MILKS and supply themselves. 4 few RnwkrtM of fhampasne Wine. Due tV de Montebeilo brand, (very tine) for sale by June 24 J W. CARMER Drugist 1 i- oorheHrr'i Bittern; Iloofland'ii RittorH : X-9 Jacob s iiitiers July 21 Laugley's Bitters ; for sale by J.-W. CARMER. KEKOSKXE OI li. A genuine article at $1-50 per gallon. For sale by July lb I J . UUUULNtr, ,lr. M rs. AViuilow'n Soothing Syrp ; for sale by J..'GOOLlNG, Jr. July Q Cloak ami Shawls. A complete assortment for sale at J. M. P. HARRISON'S. december 16 FLUID NEW YORK B URIC ID just received by JAS. V. CARMER. ING FLU Feb V2 ! 1harle July '21 London Cordial Gin ; for sale at CARMER'S. C are your Corns. Honehin's Corn Salvent will remove them effectually. To be had at December 15. J. GOODING, Jr. filln rds ('ream Tonic. An excellent Prep- T T aration ftr the Hair, December In. For sale bv J. GOODING, Jr. C onsmi Water ; just received by J. W. CARMER. Julv 01 B OVS CIOTIIIffS. Just opened Boy's and Youth's Fall and Winter Clothine. Nov 5 i EMMET CUTHBERT. BOOTS AND SHOES.-A large stock, supe rior quality, for sale low, at Dec 9 J. M. F. HARRISON'S. Isbel's Indian S pec iflc-For Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, &.c. Price, 25c., sold by Decembei 16. J.GOODING, Jr. Mr. Winslow Soothing Syrup, for children teething, for sale by' July 21 J. W. CARMER. W hitrouib's Asthma Remedy For sale by December 16. J. GOODING. JR 0") CONSIGNMENT. 10 Bbls. good A inegar; 50 Second Hand Spirits Tutpentite Casks ; 10 Quaiter Bbls. Grease, for machinery, Cart wheels, &c, lOKitts . do do do, Just recened per schr. G. P. Taylor, and for sale cheap.. . DIBBLE &. BROS, november 30, - " . . C, FBI DAY MORNING, MABCH 30. 1860. NEW YORK. LjTilIj AIIBAD ! O DOUGLAS At SHERWOOD'S NEW SKIRT, The " BELLE of the SOUTH," The most perfect, and beautiful fkirt ever produced ? made without clasps, and warranted not to get out of order. II, IS, 30. 30, 35, 40&50 IIOOPS. Every lady is requested to examine them before purchasing-other makes. Wholesale dealers sup- plied by duuhlas nt,K uuu, 51.- 53 Si. 55 White tit.. NE W YORK. Feb 18 dim Herring's Patent Chntupion Fife and Burglar Proof Safes, With Hall s Patent Powder-Proof Loek9, the same that were awarded seperate medals at the World's Fair. London, 1851 . and the World's Fair, New York, 1853, and ARE THE ONLY 'American Safes that were awarded medals at the London World's Fair. These Safes form the most perfect security against Fire and Burglars of any Safes ever offered to the public. SI.OOO REWABI). Will be paid to any person that can show that a Her ring's Patent Champion Safe ever failed to preserve it's contents in an accidental tire. S C. HERRING & CO. ,Manufactu-erf. 251 .Broad way, cor. Murray st., New York, and 52 & 54 Gra vierst.,N. 0 Agents. B W Knowlea, Richmond Va.- R F Les ter, Petersburg, Va.; Rowland Brothers, Nortoik, Va.; J II Thompson & Co., Lvuchburg, Va.; J R Blossom, Wilmington. N C; Wllerrinj 4: Son, At lanta. Ga.: La Roche & Bell, Savandali. Ga.;-J M & B F Reed, West Point Ga.; Holmes & Co., Charles ton, SC. J Jan ll-d3m 7 ESTAISS3f: 1760. j: PETER LORILLARD, ' Snuff and Tobacco 1?I a iu frontier, ItJ 3f 18 Chambers Street, (Formerly 42 Chatham street. New York,) WjuIu cull the especial aitenr-ion of GroCeis and Druggists to his removal, and alo the arLicies of his manufacture, viz : BROWN SNUFF. . Macuboy, - Demigros, Fine Rappee, , Pure Virginia, Coarse Rappee, Naehitoches, -.American Gentleman. Copenhagen. YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch, Fresh Scotch, " High Toast Scotch, Irish High Toast, Fresh Honev Dew Scotch, or Lundy foot. TOBACCO. SMOKING. FINE CUT "CHEWING SMOKING. No. 1, P. A. L., or plain, St. Jago, No. 2, Cavendish or sweet, Spanish, Nos. I 6c 2 mix'd, Sw't Scented Oronoco. Canister, Kitefoot, Tin Foil Cavendish, Pure Turkish. A Circular of Prices will be sent on application. N. B. Note the. new article of Fresh Scotch Snuff, which will be found a superior article for dipping purposes. dec 28 d3in s. BROWN TUBIVAGE, of N. C. WITH CIPPEKLY, HOOVER & CO., Importers, Manufacturerers and Jobbers of Straw OSooflii, Jlillinery and Kibbons, HATS, CAPS, FURS, UMBRELLAS, . Parasols, &c, No. 22 Courtlandt street, Henry J. Clipperly. ") Harmon Hoover,'. NEW YORK. Frank McNulty. ) Feb 7. I860 -d&wbm CLEVELAND SAWYER. SAMUEL AVJHEDBEE. SAWYER & WIIGDBEE, GENERAL COIVIITIISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 100 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. REFER TO Messrs. Whedbee & Dickinson, Baltimore., Mr. Jas. C. JolfnsoD, Edentou, N. C. dec 20 d6m . - PETER MALLETT. WITH - . COI.lEHr ITIITRKAV, GENERAL COMMISSION MEIJCIIAN1 62 South Street, IVew York. Sept. 1. dly W" 1L.IAIU NIIAW, WITH FENNER & HARDEKBERGH, v - . 1 1 Vi j Wholesale CSroceri, No. 124 Warren Street, NEW YORK. Jan 31-dl v 1100 ACRHM OF liANU for Sale. The subscriber offers for tale a valuable Tract of Land, lying on Adams' Creeks, containing, about six. Jiundred acres, and said by judges to be equal to any land in the State. " ' Also, another tract lying on llancock creek, about twenty miles below Newbem and three. miles from Havelock Depot, A& N C Railroad, containing 500 Acres, and is well timbered with long straw pine, hickory and oak. 1 : For further particulars address the undersigned at Newbern, N. C. dec Sd&wtf JOHN N. HYMAN. LIQUORS td bhls Double Rectified Whisky". 10 do Old Bumguardrer do lf co J. Martin's Old Rye do -10 do Brownell's do do do 10 do V O. Brown's do do Hi do Gin 10 do Rum , 5 do Old Apple Brandy 5 do Peach do 10 do Old Virginia for Medicinal-use Just received at MYERS' march 9 VEWBQOK8." 1 Leisure Moments, by Miss Martha Haines Butt. Henry St. John Gentleman. A Tale of 1774 75c. The Professor at the Table Sword and Gown, by the Authot of Guy Living stone. Life For A Life, by Miss Mulocb, Author of John Halifax. ' ' Just received and for sale at MRS. STANLY'S Book Store. Also on hand a few dozen more Alma nacs, for I860, at 5c. a piece. Feb 22 TOTICE ON AND AFTER TUESDAY, NO 1 vember 1, 185'J, the Subscriber will deliver ICE at the Store of Major PHILLIPS, corner of Middle and Broad Streets, every day, (Sundays excepted,) from 7 A. M., to 6 P. M., which, until further notice, will be the only place at which he will have Ice de livered. A. T. JERKINS. Nov.l, '59-dlf 1ST ARRIVEDA fine lot of LADIES' and MISSES' GAITERS, Mo. BOOTEES and SLIP PEKS, which we are offering at prices to suit the purchaser. Call and examine our Stock. Pollok St., Opposite the Post Office. March 13-dtf WrILKINS &. FLANAGAN. OBK AND. BUTTER . 50 bbls City Mess Pork - 125 do Prime do 20 do Porks Heads : . kege Bntt - ;s carch 9 At .MYERS. " NO. 180. MISCELliANEOli. TlJlOttlS LOt K HOSPITAL, DR. JOHNSTON ! if Has discovered the most certain, speedv and only ef fectual remedy in the woild for air I i" Diweasca of Impmdence. Weakness of the Jiack in- Limbs, Strictures, Affec tions of the Kidneys and Bladder,-liV)luntary Dis ciiarges, Impotency, General Debility i Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Langour, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas Palpitation of the Heart. TiudditVi: .Trembiiiio-H' Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Dise&sb'of the Head' l nrouT. iose or Man. Afiections of thti Lungs Stom- ach or Bwels thoseTer ible Disorders arising from Solitary Habits of Youth pru;tices more fatal to tli those secret ard folitaiv jtir vn tiir.s than the 8onsr of the Syrens to the mariner UiyseV, Ibligliting tiieir most brilliant hone or anticipations-.. enderin mar- nnge,ocC, lmpossioie 1 roiins .Tien l.)peciaiy, who nave bedome th victi ms of Solitary Vice, tha.t dreadful and (Jestructive hSbit which an nually sweeps to an untimely craven Young Man of tiie most rixulted taleiii! intellect, who might otherwise- haveii thousands of . and brilliant entranced lis eloquence, or call with fail teiiing oenares wirn ti.e tnuncera 01 waked to ecsitacy the living lyre, uiuj coiifideiice. I ! SInrriajre. Married persons, or Yo riage, being aware of uL ng Men contemplating mar- !viea. we a k'nlesa orKflfiirdo. bihiy, deformities, &c, Speedily cuffed. lie who places himself under thf jeare of Dr. J. raav religiously confide ih his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upott - his skill as.'ia Physician. ORG ANIcj WEAKNESS immediately cured ftnd full vigor restored. A Cure Warranted, or 710 Charge, two I 'a is. r. Johnston, pi from one to Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, graduate, from one of -'the most ' eioinent Col'.eces ot ; lie I'v-itec states, and tfie greater has been spent mtlie liosbitals of L i i t Oi whose life ifiOl .Paris, Phil:: adeipnia ud ;.sewhere as efi- of ed i-eine of the loost astonis!. h:g cures that weie ever knwn rnanv troubled witii rhi'trim m the r;eud and ears when as-ieep; great nei vouM;e8, being uiarmed at sudden sounda, ba&iifulnesrt, witiL frequent biu?liing,uttfciuled .sometimes with derangement of mihd. were cure! immediritelv. il : TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured them selves by improper indu gencie? nn,d solitary habits which" ruin. both body ai d mnid,1 unfitting them for either Business, Study Society or Mjirriage. These are some of the sad and 'melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth viz: Weakness ot the Buck and Limbs,! Pains in thjejllead. Dimness of Siarht, Loss of Muscular Power!, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, NervousT;nf4hility, Derange ment of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, &c. f i 'Mentality.--The tefjirful effect3 on the mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Contusion ot Ideas, Depression; of Spijrita, Evil forebodings, Aver sion to Society, SelDistrust, L)ve;.qif. Solitude, Tim idity, &c, are some of the evils produced. Thousands of personsL of all agen can now judge what is the cause of theiij declining health , losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having asingular about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. : DR. JOHNSTON S REMEDY "FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS AND IMPOTENCY. By this great and important remedy weakness of the organs are speeauv cured and lull vigor restored. Thousands of the most nervous andi debilitated, who had lost all hope, have (been lmmeuiatelv relieved. All impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disquahhcations, Ioss lot I'rocreative Power, Ner vous Irritability, Trembling and fVeakness or Ex haustion of the most fearful kind speedily cured. YOUNG MEN 1 Who have injured themselves by a certain practice indulged in when alone a habit frequently learned lrom evil companions, jor at scuooi, toe ellects ot which are nightly felt, even when asleep and, if not cured, renders nuariage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply. immediately. Such persons must, before contemplating MARRIAGE, ,j reflect that a sound mind and body arethemosf nec essary .requisites to pi'omote connubial happiness. t- - j r ndeed without those, pte journey itiiraugn lite oe- comes a weary pi grimmage ttie prospect - hourly darkens to the view r I with despair and filled he mind, irecomes snaaoweu with the. melancholy reriec- tion that the happiness of another; becomes blighted with our own ENDORSEMEXT OF. THE iPRESS. The Man'y Thousands cured at tl4 Institution with in the lastf fifteen years, and thfe-jhumerou.s impor tant .Surgical operations performed by Dr. Johnston-, witnessed bv the reporters of th Sun and many other papers, notices of which havii appeared av'iin ntid again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleinan'of cliaractjer and respoiisibility, is a suf- ficient guarantee to the afflicted, j j' ; OFFICE NO 7, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, Bam Left hand side going doors from the corner. No letter received ui imokk, Mn.: from Baitiii Fail not to ore street, a tew ;bser e naiiie- Ies post-piid. and containing j a stami) to !e used on the reply Persons wriling -f advertisement should state age, and statin? svmptom?. end pot tion SKIX DISEASES SPEEDILY CUKED Feb 1, i860 dly :-!"! H oue Fnrnictliina (nooIwi Table DamUtk. Nai.ksns. Table Covers, Bed Tick, Linen and Cotton Sheet ngs : tor a .supply call at HARRISON'S. . december 1 6 Ml H tM and Cxtuet Silk Hats. Cassimere H ats. Ledger Hats. Zouave Hats, Felt Hats, French Ai id Domestic bovV and men's Cans: a complete ss tment hir sale bv I II ARK 1 SON. dec Ifi : . A .1 m:f TEWSTVliJBS OF II ATS. iVALL STYLES .jerkin Hats, the of Silk Hats : Ne4 Orleans M Ledger Hats, a- variety of Onshore Hats ; alo one .nwif Siiaker IIodsJ iust received bv Aug. 29 EMMET CUTHBERT. O AVE VOIR DIMEH, nnd if Spaldinv' O Prepared GLUE, lor inenoir.a j. l c 1 '. i'.. . fnri!itire. tncture Everv famiiv should have a trame3, crocnery. occ. r.veiv 1.1 bottle, which, can be procured at rice only 25 cents per battle. CAKMEK'S. jin 10 Y1rpetinffS, Rncs, Ace. Thre Ply snd Ingrain lJ Velvet. iJnuse i itk Stair Carf-etinirs, Oil Clotlis, rriO ALL WIIOJI ITMAi;0;CEB3fr-j A I have left on hand a few pan ii '"V , Netrro Blankets and Bfogans, wiuqh I wul sell cheap forA. CaU and ge -PPjfdh F. IIAREIS0N. C attain Material. j ! j Cotton and worsted Curtain Damafk, Lace Window Curtains, Oil jCurtaius, Curtain Loons and Cord and Tassel; for sale at HARRISON'S. dec 16 IV E W GOO PJS. Just xeceiyed !Pei! itl'Schr.4 L! E. ,3&&si.Q.':4.- ea aas rleoTTViy Goods?3 plce Fkof m 01ot,"4 4. fine Kid CU1HBEKT- YEARLY ADVERTISING BATES. ----- , UALf Mie dav. . 25 iOnedHv..... $ 0 3?i.Two lTvj. 75 50 (Three day ,..1 00 Two days........ Three ifiivs - j Four day ....... Fivdflvs.- ti.Kour dova.. ....... .i rivcucu ...i ou 'JIW etK. ....... Two week....... One month..... .'. Two months...... Three months.... Six months....... .-. 871 One week.... .J 7S ..1 37 j Two" weeks..... ..2 0u One moath..... .."3 50 IT wo months.. .. .5 t!0 ITbrets Enrmtha. . ..!e 75 .".4 M ..7 0 .10 to 8 GO iSix montlia. .....16 00 One year.. 15 Of) One year..... 2l 0 T ?w1li,,esmake a square, sixlineVa haff. L,i.eralarrar.gemteiits made with vearlr ad vf square . vertiwr'; ' ' ' ' DAILY PRQRes FRIDAY MORXDfQ. MARCH 30. 1S0O. Horrible Affray. We published a short dU patch on Monday last respecting tho excitement in Jefferson City, Missouri, which grew outof th quarrel and death of two parties to an affray ari. ing fioiri a politic. 1 qnarrel. The parties, named Dozier nnd Hughes, had several times threatened each other, but nothing of an unusual character occurred until the above meeting, which took place in a lager-betr saloon. The St. Loua Democrat says: Iwo or three shots were exchanged here, when Hughes w ho had walked backwards through the saloon, reached the rear window and drew his bowie knife and inflicted a stab in the right breast of Dozier, plunging the instrument several inch 4 into the unfortunate man. . llttghes dropped ia th saloon, from the-effects of a bullet, which en tened the vicinity of his heart. Dozier then fired another shot, which took effect a little below th other.. Hughes expiied in a tew moments. Aa hejjtell he uttered the words, 4 Tell my wife and children I nm killed I am killed -I Dozier waiked into the street, and was asked by a friend if he was hurt. He said Not much.' and pro ceeded toward the Virginia Hotel, walkiug arm and arm with a friend. He soon felt the effects of the stab, and remarked ' I have killed him, and I beiieve he has, killed me.' As he said these words he fell, :-and was carried into Matthew's drug store, where he died in less than five min utes " . Both of the men were married, and had large families. DRY GOODS. JPJUV GUOUS EJIiVGUIUrtl ! ESTABLISHED IN 1845. IwlIJIET CUTI11SE IIT Is now receiving and opening at his new and epacioua Store, corner of Pollok and Middle streets, Kewbern, N. C, a large and mofet attractive ftock of FALL & WINTER DRY GOODS, CARPETS, HATS, SHOES, frC. My new Store, conveniently located, and built with special reference to my business, being large", light and comfortable, gives me increased facilities for the exhibition of my STOCK, which for : NOVELTY, BEAUTY, VARIETY 8f STYLE, can scarcely be excelled. Thankful ftn past favors, I respectfully invito you to call on me at my new location. N. B. Orders will receive prompt and careful attention. Oct 12 EMMET CUTHBERT. EW GOODS ! NEW GOODS!! RECEIVED THIS DAY, BY EXPRESS, AT J. M. F. HARRISON'S: SUPER BLACK BROCADE SILK; li Bayadere, do.' - " Brocade, do. Colored Marceline ; French Wool DeLaiiies ; ' Byadere Mohairs j Mohair Ciie(k ; Wool Plaids; : Unioh Check ; French Valencia?; ; Poil de Chevres ; Ducal Plaids ; 6-4 Black Wool DeLames ; Raw Silk Plaids, (kc, &c &c. ico. all of which will be sold on very Oct 12 model ate terras. It H VA Ill. A reward of "200 will ti? be given tor tne appreiiensiou auu ur fineineut of my boy DAMLL, wno is oiaciv, w five feet, eight inehert high uud re supposed to be lurking about Clubfoot Creek, on the South side of Neuse River. THOMAS T. GOODING. ' Newbern March 10, lPGd dtf. -. lA U1LV BAKKKV ANI CANjOV MAN 1 ITACTOKV . . We, the undersigned, being practical Bakem and Candv Makers, poess unusual facilities for render in" satisfaction in our line of business, and keep con stant iv on hand all varieties ot Bread, Cakes, ries &c, tVesh baking every day Cakes for r amilei, Suppers or Parties made at any time on shorteet no tice Ornameiitaiy Cakes aUo attended to Also Candv at all times on hand or manufactured located at the Store fomerly occupied by Capt John Osg(,d. ; , oHARLIvS MILLER. march 26 dtf LOUIS KOriMArv. EWGOOBS!- , . : I t... I. nrss liandome aort- ne nt of Silk. Grenadine lierages, wnni"i lisir.. liriili.-ints ll bes in hU their variety, ivia Glovc- .'. . ... r..tur fl.iriinere". esling. otc. Z' ""'-T ' EMMET CUTHBERT maich 28th, im. Powers 6c. Weigbtmau'a J Ouii.iite ia-t to nd for ?aleby II'STKKCEIVE i .-5) b xf Adamantine Can tl 'dies." For sale low by Mrch 2idiw n. OL1V LR CO. 4 Iw of l tic Wbrelcr &c ViIoo ScwiMf A now ou Uand ard for .i.e . -ft Erch2I -dlw W. H. OL1V ER & CO. NEG KOE8 WANT E I. B..A. SHIPP U still buying.yonng likely negroes, and paying the hiiiicft cafeh pnee. .' Newborn. N. C, Feb fiftlR-d&wlr EnVbrTTdf rit-. A GOOD tSTOt K OF ALL the latest stvles kept constantly on hand, which ; I offer for File at a small advance. march 13 d&w J. M F. HARRISON. itbor'a Cod I,ircr Oil and Lime t for s&la I T by July 1 J. W. CARMER. Cloths, t'aMimcrt, 3tc n.epi couwauuy cn haua a complete tock of Chtha Caisimera and veHuips, of the UteH stales nd bet qulil. marchl3d&w ! J. M. F. HARBISON. - . . I FOR. 8EBTAXTS' WEAR , ; . 5J pieces Choctaw, Marlboro, Mohawk xd oUiCT Rtrines. Just received and for sale by I . iltajrcli 2 1 dlw - WTM- H. OLIVER oi CO. IpatiaInfanlJe ?c?L Inst reeivd acd Deceit 9i 15. 't: ; ft .4 . w t ' " V H f 1 i w I t ll 3 1 t- , i' i t i V

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