i " Thp DAILY PROGRESS" is served to town and confry Stamper. aS DW?i5me in advance. All papers discontinued when tne time paid for expires, unless renewed. Bbhop Xo V Advertisements inserted as Special o Uisnop o .0 tlces are charged one-half more . than tLe iuudl rates, on ln Hadedi or less consitutmg a. square. tCMa?ria9 and Dei'h, under si HneB, iyerted grut nitouslv over that a charge will be made. mAdveyrtirnieI,t3 Sorted every other day wj chareed 371 certs tor eacn msc iuu.,. -cn"?5.. ' ,i,mWof insertions are not ex- TJ& w nere - - , . - ... . , .j.rtuomcnls nre handed in thev will Tor BUSINESS CARDS. tt i. VKSTAL. VV - -GENERAL AGENT for the , Collection of Notes, Account and the settlement of Claims; ' 1 VI.Mirill.MJV NT r Being now engaged in canvassing Craven and the adjoining counties, I will undertake the collection -of accounts for publishers -of newspapers, merchants, factors and others for the usual commissions. Ail business entrusted to me by parties at a dis tance will bo faithfully and promptly attended to. I refer those to whom I am not known to the edi tor of the Daily Progress and the business men ol Newbern geueraHy. W. I VESTAL,' Address Dee 8, 1B.VJ Progrca Office Newbern, N.j C. The iTIodei-Ji " BiMlablishmeut OF NEWBERN, N. C. J. ITI. F. HARRISON, . , WHOLESALE & RETAIL KAlAAl IX RTAPI.K. VASCi. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC I r y C o 1 , Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Carpeting, Matting Rugs, Jewelry, Trunks, Ready-Made Clothing, &.C., &.C. Newbers, X. C. J M. F. IIarkisos .litis just received a complete assortment suitable for the season, and will continue ronlvft bv every arrival all ddbirablo Articles and Novelties ot the season. I llarlicular attention paid to orders. sept i dly The Xewbern ITIatnal FIRE INSUR ANCE C O M P AN Y. THIS Company has now been in successful opera tion for THREE YEARS, . . rnrinrr which time no assessine'iit has boon made to meet losses. I .. ! The Company is now prepared to receive Applica tious for ' INS U R A N C ;, ! Which may bo mada to any of the different Agents throughout the State,' or to the undersigned, at the office of the Company, m mis piat-e. W. G. SLnGLETON, Secretary. Newbern, N. C, Sept 1 dly rn j. iiucuies, 1 GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, DEALER IN NAVAL STORES, CORNER EAST FRONT AND SOUTH F HOST STREETS NEWBEliN, N. C. PORK, BACON, LARD, ! CORN, FLOUR, WHISKY, OUANO, r COAL, HAY, LIME, djc.&fi.i &c. for sala on consisnmeut. Has vessels running regularly to New York, Phila delplua and Baltimore. Goods received and forwarded.! March 16 GEOICCjE UI.SIIOl, NE WBERN, N. C, Manufacturer of Window Sash, Blinds, Pannel Doors Shutters, ood MuuldingSj Brackets, Balusters, . Newels, &c, &,c. also, ; manufactures and keeps constantly on hand, a large etockof CABINET FURNITURE, at wholesale and retail. Sash Mill on Hancock st.. Ware Rooms on Middle st Sept 1 ' . " ' dly . " SOUTH FRONT ST., NEWBERN' N. C Havintr iust returned from tlie Northern cities would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of New bern and the public generally to his large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, j which he has selected with care to. suit his custom ers. He would especially call the attention of Farm ers and those shoeing and clothing their servants to call and examine his stock of Kerseys and Blankets, Shoes, Hats, S'C, before purchasing eewhere, as he has bought the above Goods low, and will sell them at small advances for cash or country produce, lie also returns thanks lor past patronage, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a coutiuuance of the same for the future. Don't forget to call as he is determined to sell. J, E. AMYETT. Nov I I. '')0 dtw M. xv. sii. sL'Jiscr.i.r., COMMISSION MERCHANT. : AND DEALER IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, I.iuuors-S'C Opposite Bank of North Carolina in Newbern, Cra ven county, N. C. j Has on hand a good assortment of Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, iStone and Crockery-ware, Nails by the keg Or retail, Wooden-ware, llrooms jBoots and Shoes, Spun Cotton, Yankee Notions of various kinds, Axes, of the best quality constantly on hand, and all of which will be sold low for cash. March 1-dtf ' GEOUGE ALLEN, DEALER IS FANCY &. STAPLE DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, (JAPS i-C POLLOK STREET,' NEWBERN N. C, Would respectfully invite the attention of the public to his Stock, which will be found new, well assarted, and sufficiently large at all seasons of t he year. Orders promptly and carefully attended to. Sept 1 - - dly DV. FIMIIEK, T BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Middle Street, near the Coikt. House. j Newbern, N. C. Boots and Shoes of the best quality, warranted substantial and useful, made to order. Mending and repairing of every kind done on short notice and moderate terms. apr. 13 dly I MY KIIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND H IIJB L E S A L E fJ K () C I II , (LIQUORS INCLUDED:) Agent for J. M. Singer &. Co's, Wilcox & Gibbs and Jessee C. Couner's Sewing Machines ; keeps con' Ptantly on hand a supply of Red Ash Coal for Grates. Solicits consignments and orders and will prompt IT , r,to a11 business entrusted to him. Office on the Old County Wharf. Newbern, dec 20 FORWARDING COMMTSSTOM M E R C II A NTS, ET Cash Advances made oSSgSSnUto "be Bold here or forwarded to Northern Market SePtl 'dly JOS .WHITTV, " BROAD STREET, Dealer in Groceries, Staple Dry GooSBoc Shoes Hardware, Guano, supeihosphate of lime' ric-'c- nov 16,1859-dlY ' J. ARTHUR, INSPECTOR OF NAVAL STORES TV A W 1. A mm m.m. V mT ' BSCRIBER continues to receive and sell of Naval Stores on accommodatme terms alliii 1 sen 23 dbmos J. G. ARTHITR AT. ji:hkls QENKRAT. r-n GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT PAST I'DAVT crTi-T"n FRONT STREET. Jept S8 JYe-wbern, IV. C. dli YOL. II. .NEWBERN, N. BUSINESS CARDS. W 71 L.L.IAITI I. ?IOORE, Jr. COMMISSION MERCHANT,, Corner South Front and Jliddlc wis. i NEWBERN, N C. Asent. for vessels Running between tins I'ort ana iew York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston. Particular attention given to the pale of Country Produce, .and the purchase of goods generally. Also, Discharging Vessels and Procuring iieigHt, ana tne Receiving and Forwarding Business. I have convenient Wharves' ana. VYnreuouses. REFERENCES : D. Colden Murray, New York; Cochran & Russell, Philadelphia -; Doilner, .Potter & Co., .New ork: James Coner-& Sons, Baltimore; James L. Davis. New York; Loudon 6c Bryan Boston.; i? red. JxJones Cashier Branch Bank of North Carolina, Newbern ; Jno. A. Onion, Cashier Bank of Commerce, New bern ; W. W. Clark, Cashier Merchants' Bank, New bern ; A. Mitchell Sc Son, and Dr. Isaac W. Ilughes, Newbern. March '22 dly B. II. LANK, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1 South Front Hit ret, 1 i NE WBERN, N. C. Particular attention given to the ssle of Cotton, Naval Stores Flour, Com, Hay, Lime, Dried Fruit, and country produce generally. Also the lieceving and h oi waraing Dullness, ais charging vessels and procuring ireiguts tor vessels running betwec en this port and tae ports oi is ew lone. Philadelphia -and Baltimore. Casli advances made on Consignments.-March2i-dly. ffSSSKRi FOAR1) Ac HOOKER, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, ! (txCKrt liquors) Flon.r, Produce, and General Commission Merchants, ; NEWBERN, N C. G. F. FISHER J..F, FOARD. O.. HOOKER, dec 1 di-.w tf. A.; MITCHEJLI. & WOIY, NEWBERN, N..C, DEALERS IN Dry fioods, Groceries, Harilwarc, Guns, Pistols ank Rifles, Pocket and Tulle Cutlery, Swede's American and English Iron, Cast and German Steel, Plough Steel? SfC.; Iron Axles, Spring, Farming Impleineuti, j A good assortment of CarjTcntcrs, blacksmiths and Brick Masons' Tools ; GENTS AtiD NEGROES' II A TS AND CAPS; ! Also a large stock of 15cl Riankctx, IVegro ESIaultcta, f3rogmig, Kerseys and Osnaburgs, Ladies acd Gentlemen's Fine Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Sec, . Ha'rness. Saddles Bridles-, &.C.; j Crockery and Glass Ware;' Blasting and Gun Powder, Shot, Caps, Balls, Sec, Sec. Peruvian and Robiutou'n Jiaiiijmlatt'd j GUANO, Lime, Plaster Paris, Cement, .Hair, &e.; Mess, Flank and Rump Pork, Corn Meal, Flour ; ''Tvubbeirs" Leatlier Machine Banding: Agents for the ale of Grovcr;&. Bakers, Sewing Machines, Also, Agents for Evans &z, Watson's Salamander Safe, which are now considered the best.-, I3PA1L orders from Cash or good customers will be charged tile lowest prices. eb 1G d&w WILLIAM HAY, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, NEWBERN, N. C. Contracts taken for work in town or country, which will be promptly executed and satisfaction guaran tied. Paints, Oils and 'Varnish always on hand and will be sold at reasonable prices. Sept. 20 d&wly Bool and Shoes, for Male by M W II SUMRELL. April 7 EUR ITS AN & OO'S Cordial Klixir of Calisaya Bark : for sale by - jan 10 i JAS. W. CARMER. Qewing iflnchiiics. Those in want of sewing IO mach.ines ouglit to call at MYERS' and supply themselves. It SAliE. Two horses and a waaon Apply FISHER. FOARD &l HOOKER Feb 29 I TTaton's Infantile Cordial. Tust received and Jlk fflrsale by J, GOODING, Jr. December 10. r. M iusIow'k Soothing Syrup ; lor sale by J. GOODING. Jr.- .iuiy :j FLUID NEW ID just received by YORK BURN- IN G FLU Feb 12 i 4 JAS. W CARMER. Char lea London Cordial Gin ; for sale at ' CARMER" S. July 21 .j . -- , ; . ; ". Cure your Corns. Houchins Corn Salvent will remove them effectual! v. To be had at December 15. ' J. GOO DING, Jr. "VVTillard's-C'ream Tonic. An excellent Prep- i f am aration for the Hair. For sale bv December lbV J. .GOODING, Jr. C ou; ress Water; just received by J. W. CARMER. July 21 Iabel'a Indian Specific For Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, &:e. Price, 2.3c, sold bv Deeembei 1,6. J. GOODING, Jk. V ii in ine. 500 ounces Powers & Weightman's Omn,ne, just to hand and for sale by- March 26 J. W. CARMKR, Druggist. Mrs. Wiuilow't Soothing Syrup, for children teething, for sale by ; Julv21 J. W. CARMER. m pnmain s i'rcpareu uioe. Anotiier supply kj nistreceivea Dy. J. W CARMER, March 26 Druggist. DUG DE MONTEBELLO Iirand for sale by, july 2 tf j J. GOODING, Jr. W rilbor's Cod L.iver Oil and Lime for sale vaY Jul J. W. CARMER. 1 EAZIiXIi Another Supply just received at 13 janlO - ,. CARMER'S. O" re on ot very supeno: quality can be had a CARMER'S June 21 ; Whiteotnb'i Aathina Remedy.-For sale by December 16. J. GOODING. Jr. Manian Lnciua Cordial Justr received and for sale by JAS. W. CARMER, 'novlSdtw Druggist Essence ef Coffee. Hundrel's Essence of Coffee for sale at - - CARMERS. A Fine Iot of Crockery and Gtlass Ware, for sale bv e M W H SUMRELL. April 7 A Fine Lot -of ( at Olass, by M W H SUMRELL. April? C, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 12, 1860. NEW. YORK. MANHOOD, HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just published, in a Sealed Envelope, on the nature, treatment and radical cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and Involuntary Emissions, inducing Impotency and Menta; and Physical incapacity. By ROB. J- CULVER WELL, M. D . Author of " The Green Book;1 Sec. The world renowned author, in this admirable Lec ture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of self-abuse may be effectually removed without Medicine and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings or cordials -, pointing out a moae oi cui e at- once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure tamseu cheap ly , privately and radically. -This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal to any address, post paid, on the receipt of two postage stamps, by addressing Dr. CII. J. C. KLINE, M. D., 43U jj'irst Avenue, JMew York, Post Box 4586. April l-d&w v '-" . : ' " CJ BROWS TCJRrVAGK.oriY. V WITH - CIPPEBLY, HOOVER & CO., Importers, Manufacturerera and Jobbers of Straw OooiU, ITI il liner y mid ISibhons, HATS, CAPS, FURS, UMBRELLAS, lParasols, &c, No. 22 Courtlacdt street, Henry J. Clipperly, ") Harmon Hoover, NEW YORK. Frank McNuitv- J Feb 7, I860 -d&w6m ' CLEVELAND SAWYER. SAMUEL WHEDBEF gAlWJCU & VVIIK3BEE, GENERAL C030ISSSIOIV MERCIL1NT9, NO. 100 IV'LZ, ST REE T, NEW YORK. REFER TO Messrs. Whedbee &, Dfclrinpon, Baltimore. Mr. Ja s. C. Johnson, Edenton, N. C. dec 20 dOm ' WITH D. COLOE1V1TIURP. IY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT 62 South Street, IVew York. Sept. 1. j ; dly YyiL.LlAlEI SHAW,; .: FENNER & HARDENBERGII, WJiolfgale Grocers, No. 124 Warren Street, NEW YORK. Jan 31-dly LIQUORS 200 bbls Double Rectified Whisky 10 do Old Bume-uardrer do 10 do 10 do TO do 10 do 10 do 5 do 5 do 10 do J Martin's Old Rye do Biownell's do do do V O. Brown's do do Gin Rum Old Apple Brandy Peach do Oid Virginia for Medicinal use MERS' ' Just received at march 9 1 1 ( ACKES OF I.A.M for Sale. A. JLJJ Tlie subscriber offers for sale a valuable Tract of Land, lying on Adams' Creeks, containing about six hundred acres, and said by judges to be equal to any land in the State.. Also, anot her tract lying on Hancock creek, about twenty miles below Newbern and three miles from Hawloek Depot, A & N C Railroad, containing 500 Acres, and is well timbered with long straw pine, hickory and oak. For further particulars address the undersigned at Newbern, N. C. dec 8 dtwtf JOHN N. HYMAN. WOOD & lEISOT, ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS, Philadelphia. Manufacturers of Iron Railing for Cemeteries and Public or Private Buildings, Verandas, Balconies, Fountains and other Ornamental Iron Work of a decorative character. A. MITCHELL & SON, Agents, Newbern, N. C. Would be pleased to show degigns and prices to all who wish to purchase. March 20 d&w6m liADIES' SIIOE SALOOIV.- Ilaving .3. fitted up the store formerly occupied by4Mr. Isl ington, (opposite the Episcopal Church,) for thepur- 1 ose of couductinff an exclusive Shoe business, we eg leave to inform our customers that we have oDen- d an entire stock of new goods, unsurpassed by any hat have ever been introduced in this market. Call and examine our Stock as we are prepared to sell goods to suit the purchaser. WILK INS & FLANAGAN, Opposite the Episcopal Church, Newbern, N. C. March 24-dtf ' ; -NOTICE. ON lAND AFTER TUESDAY, NO 1 vember 1, 1859, the Subscriber will deliver ICE at the Store of Major PHILLIPS, corner of Middle and Broad Streets, every day, (Sundays excepted,) from 7 A. M., to 6 P. M., which, until further notice, will be the onlv place at which he will have Ice de livered, i A. T. JERKINS. Nov 1, '59-dtf TUST ARRIVED A fine lot of LADIES and MISSES; GAITERS. Mo. BOOTEES and SLIP PEKS, which we are offering at prices to suit the purchaser. Call and examine-our -Stock. Pollok St.. Opposite the Post Office. March 13-dtf W1LKINS & FLANAGAN. PORK. A TV O BUTTER 5h bbls City Mess Pork 23 do Prime do 20 do Porks Heads 20 keS Butter march 9 At MYERS". G AR1)E SEEDS FOR I860. WAEEENTED. ALSO A LOT OF ASPARAGUS ROOTS Just received by J. GOODING Jr. janl9 . C1ARPEIVTERS WANTED. The Subscri J ber wishes to hire two No. 1. colored Carpen ters by the month. None but good workmen need aPPb'. Apply to P.G.EVANS, or at the PROGRESS OFFICE, jan 19,-dtf F. 8. BAGEKT harinj engaged in the Bntcheripc business, will nav the highest cash pnees for beef, from 7 to 8 cents per IS., according to quality. Particular attention given to orders. April 2 d6m TOBACCO AND CIGARS 30 boxes Tobacco ' 20,000 Cigars. , inarch 9 For sale at - MYERS'." SAVE YOUR DRIES, and use p9dinS' Prepared GLUE, for mending furniture, picture frames, crockery, &zc. Every familv should have a ; IxMtle, which can be procured at CARMER'S. I rice only 25 cents pr bottle. ian 10 NO. 191. MISCELLANEOUS. gALTIMOKE LOCK HOSPITAL, DR. JOHNSTON Has discovered the most certainpeedy and only ef fectual remedy in the world for all Discac of Imprudence. Weakness of the Back or Limbs. Strictures AfTcr. tions of the Kidneys and Bladder, Ivoluntary . Dis ciiarge3, Impotency, General Debility. Nervousness" lyapepsio, xuugour, imw spirits, contusion ot ideas. Palpitation of the Heart. .Timidity. fTremblin Dimness of Sight or Giddines?,"D.is.easeof the Head'. inroat, oso or biiin. AUections of the Lucs. Stom ach or bowels those Terrible Disorder nripo- fr,vn Ol". i r 1 . . ! ?5 " ooiuary jiaDHs oi loutu those Secret and solitarv practices more fatal to their victims than the sore of 1 C J II. . -rwt ; , , . . . - iuo oyieiia w ine mariners oi uiy$es, otigliting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, lendering mar riagej &c, impossible. j lonng I?Ien: Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which an nually sweep to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted tfilents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced lis tening Senates vi:h the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with full commence. Marriage. Married persons, or Young Men contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness. organic de bility, deformities, &c., speedily cured. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a eer.tleman. and confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS immediately cured and full vi.cjcr1 restored. A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in from one to lico Days.' j "Br. Johnston, Member of the Royal College of. Surgeons, London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges ol the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent rathe hospitals of Lr ndon, P?ms, Phil adelphia and elsewhere, has effected .seme of the most astonishing cure st hat were ever known ; many, troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep; great nervousness, being jalanned at sudden sounds, Daslilulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes wiWi derangement of inind, were cured immediately, . ! : , 1 TAKE PARTICULAR jNOTlCE. Dr. J. addresses all those who' have injured them selves by improper iridulgencies '.and '.solitary habits wMen ruin both body and mind, 'Unfitting them for either Business, Study, Society or Marriage. These are some of "fjfie sad 'and! melaccholy effects produced by early harbits of youth, viz : Weakness ot the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head. Dimness of Sight, Loss .of Muscular . TVjjrer, Palpitation of the Heart, -Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derange ment of the Digestive Functions! General Debilitv, Symptoms of Consunlpticn, Sec. f Mentality. The fearful eiTects on the mind ore much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Eviltforebodings, Aver sion to Society, Self-Distrust, Loye of Solitude, Tim idity, &c, are some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons, of all ages, enn now judge what is the cause of their declining "health, .losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale,. nervous and emaciuted, having a singular appsarar.ee about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. DR. JOHNSTON'S REMED1? FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS AND IMPOTENCY. By this great and important remedy weakne&s of the organs are speedily cured and full vigor restored. Thousands of the most nervous -and debilitated, who had lost all hope, have been imnJediately relieved. All impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualifications, Loss of Procrbative Power, Ner vous .Irritability-, Trembling and Weakness or Ex haustion of the most fearful kind speedily cured. , YOUNG MEN Who have injured themselves by; a certain practice indulged in when alone a, habit frequently leoraed from evil companions, or at school, the teffects of which are nightly felt, even whein asleep, iind, if not cured, renders, marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. Such persons must, before contemplating MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind and body are the most nec essary requisites to promote cojnnubial happiness. Indeed without those, the journey' through life be comes a weary pi'grimmage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair end filled with the (melancholy reflec tion that the happiness of another becomes blighted witn our own. - ENDORSEMENT OF THE TRESS. The Many Thousands cured at tliis Institution with in the last fifteen years, and the numerous'impor tant Surgical operations performed -by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of . flie cun and mrny other papers, notices of which have .appeared ngain and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a suf ficient guarantee to the afflicted.! - OFFICE NO. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, Baltimore, Mo., Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name No letter received unless post-paid, and containing a Stamp to be used on the reply. Persons writing should state age, and send portion of advertisement stating symptoms. I C SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. - Feb 1, 1S60 dly. f rpABAC EN POIDRE DENTRIFICE OCO OR DENTAL ; SSLTF, is now introduced to the Ameri can public I composed of the purest Snuff: divested of its ot jectionable qualities, and retain ing its powr as a disinfectant and detergent. It has the en dorsement of the Parisian world as the most juseful and elegant f toilet article in tlie world. Elegantly mounted. Superbly flavored. As an Ornament, And as a Toilette pleasure, It has no equal. NOTICE!!!; Encased in two forms. -GOLDEN BANDED OCO No. 1- JVC :tains all its natural strength and pungency, Its ported, a most superior article for those who Jee're an agree able stimulant. It iF arts to the teeth that poCLuar brilliancy for which the ladies of Southern Europe are so iustly celebrated. L. -SILVEB BASDED OCg- for the Northern market retain? P6 f8 8 dtifriSJugb greatly reduced in tU simulating properties . - - . j ; ' ' - 4 n nm ' " L , - - ' - . On your ToUet SUsa . , . ; . . .: - i !-"': .Keased wiiliit and forita exoeHeccr on will recommend it. f For sale by BARNES t PARK, 13.Park Row and COSRAD FOX. 81 Barclay Si., New York.. and all Druggists.; , - ; Depot for the StAtes and Canadas. , ' ; . i march 28 dlv -,338 Brn3iwjy, N. I. ' YEARLY ADVERTISING RATES. ' HALF SOKAIIV t . . TWO dsvii ny 5 One dav.... 5 SO 75 1 IKI ' 1 25 I 5U 1 75 o7j Two days... .efl iTln-ee 1Vivf , . Three days r our days. , Five davs ' Oneweeh- . tcj Four days :.. --. 75 Five days.. ... 8?i Ore week......... ...1 37 Two weeks........ ...2 00 One rnotthw...... ....'3 50 Two months.. ..... 5 00 Three months..... Two weeks One month Two months.. . Three months. Six months ,..4 C0 ...7 tO ..1Q CO ..16 CO ..25 CO square Or.e year ; .8 00 Six months.. ...... 1 no i. IC9nicke a 'iuare, six Vi'neVa'haif ...KC:.,iCi:a maue with yearly adv eiluer AILY PROGRESS: THURSDAY MORNING, ArroiTvvriGo' .DECLINED. Paul C. Cameron, Eqs.. of Orange, has written a letter to the chairman of the Demo cratic State Executive Committee, declining tho position of Ejectorfor tho Wake District. Busi ness of an imperativa character demands his whole time and attention in the South. " No More Hanging. The Legislature of tho State of Wisconsin has refused, by a very decided vote, to repeal the law abolishing capital punish ment in that State.' -I-'- ' r . - Killed in a Duel. Gen Jose de la Concjm, tho late Captain, General of Cuba, has been killed in Spain in a duel with the Marquis Pezueta. DRY GOODS. INTEK12STIATO THE LADIES X'alUt the " Dry Goods Emporium" and look at the great variety of Dress Goods j aet-opened, em bracing in part A great variety of SiHv Robes, - do do do do do do Grenadine do. do do Berege do, do do Organdie do, do do Lawn do, do do Jaconet do, . her styles . ' Black Silks, Beragea, Fancy Silks, Tissues, Foulard Silks, Berate Angiais, . dp do do do do do And many Also trrenadines, . Juawis, UiKoiiint.: Brilliants:- PRINTS : Silk MiijitiHas, Lace Mantillas Lace and Silk Mantillas, Lace Points. Summer Shawls, " EMMET- CUTnBERT. Dusteis April 11 REAV and rer .TtADE CIjOTIIIXCS. Now open adv for inspection at -the well known ej- tablishment of J. 21. F- IIAUUISOJi : COATS. Cassiihere OfTiee Conts, " Sacir Tweed Bro' Dinl " it StrawiLinen Sack Striped " i " " j " Office " ... Strew Linen Drfsters, Blackf Cloth Coats, Alpac'caa ,l PANTS. Black Doe SlunlPanta, Whit Duck l Brown Duck " Brown Drill Striped Linen " Fancy Tweed " Cassitnere 4t Office VESTS. Striped Linen Vests, Fancy Marseilles " White 44 ,. " Black Cloth : . Funcv Cassimere 44 FANCY TWEED VESTS, From one of the best manufacturing establishments in'the Country. All of which are offered upon very liberal terms. April 6 I (I RING, S ieo. iij.ii.iii. 'Ml 6 II G J3 ilt . .i'f, i-nr. i GEORGE ALLEN Is now receiving his SPRING STOCK of DRY GOODS, and would call the attention of Ids Customers to lua assortment of MARLBORO' md otlier YLAIDS y Eimeres, jiaN sei'des Vestincr. Bh-achcd and Brown Domi-siics, Gents' Casfeimere Hats. aw. ,,r SHOES. SLIPPERS and GAITERS, from the weil known Manufactory of D. R KING & CO , in Philadelphia, all of which are now ready for inflection. march 30, ISGO-dii FRESH IMPORTATIONS MOKE NEW GOODS BY EXPRESS. Dir ect from the celebrated cstablifebment of A. T. Stewart Co., acd others: , More Silk, Barege and Orgarcic Robes excei- Uent ty!e. Bonnet Ribbons, a great variety, Dress Cord, Fancy Dres TrioiiCk. White Marcelline, r Worsted Braid - ;;." French Poplin, eocr.cthir g ce-. Fonland Silk?, -s " !- n - Silk Fringe, '. "'. r. - : Jush Trimminjr, - " : ; V Rosette Buttont new tt?t.; 1 . . - Check Dcsters, Lace PrintF. - "MaTti;ii34 Borage &(r Trimming Velvet, Bcngbt lw cr.ifor tzls icrrlirzly April 6 . J M F lUHKISOJ Hiilif r 1 lil'TTTFTrTTTTTTl If, Ml? t iiii.! i :mm- ! i ; Si 0!. ' ! i! : l ..lilB,!Brw5CJ.3 :' :i nt.'..: ik i3 mar i l'HllH!!il;i!;! i Kmm i fed . wsmm TP" alo DOMESTIC GING BAM for Servants. Merinoe, Calico and Enpli. Frint. m great .van ty Fancy Plain and Black Guiff hanw A ft!en cia. Silk Plaid, Fancy Dress Sdka Black Grenadines, .Fancy ard Black Cas- s' -. i