.vv-y BY JLPRNXIXWTOX; YEARLY ADVKRTISlSli RATES. n,." liAiLYrwwn!:"".1-;;;" cumry ,ub, riWr, t N , m i'.1 uu pwd for vxpht:-u7..V rrnw, I.. .,,.'. 1 Advcrti, .-'-,.,s d it, ii f ticc nrechaitM on !.ft!!;ni!:i. tl t.UM r.tet ten lin-a (leade 1. -r le.-.-. co'r.lu'' ''ir- , ; '. ' Marriage, and D.;tfh ui..ler:x ,v.i.crtc J t,rk uitoiMlV over t hat a char.-- wU. b iti,- . Advertising i..-rU'i .erjr . hjr dav will be charged :J7J cert, each in;.- t on, tfie ftrtt . pressed when advertisement are nana m tliey wu ate.serte.d til! f-fb.d. MfJ and ehanrwi ' rent for ' the first insertion and 'Jo. cent fur each or t:r.uar:c.. BUSINESS CAKDS.- w 'ff.I.lATI II, OLIVER ,VCO., , J GENE UAL COMMISSION-MERCHANTS, -NLWBEl'N, N, i;. Willgive special attention to the sale of COTTON, FLOUR, GRAIN and other Produce, and Witt: nialc liberal cash advances; on Consignments when des-: ed. Goods. received and forwarded. - ::yy : jane 12 ; - " ; h TKW I'lUM. . : v . r i Tbe Firm ot FIHSER, FOARD Ac HOOKER, havinsr been lecrallv dissolvedwe the undersigned liave associated ourselves together under the Finn of ;. FOARD & HOOKER, f C.r fhn niirn.jsfi of eontinuinsr the former business at 'i to sump nliifjK- We are thankful to our friends and customers for oast favors and by a CORRECT, EN ERGETIC and PROMPT system of doing busiuess, intend to merit, and hope to recdiye an increased pat ronage. .' - -' . . - ;: . STAl'LE DRY GOODS, Groceries, Frovision, Ship Chandlery, Scgio Clothing, Farming Tools, ; GUANO, PLASTER, LIME, NORTH CAROLINA FLOUR, . CORN, HAY, 'FISH, CYPRESS SHINGLES, &c., -e:, iit as low prices as any other houoe in Lantern North "Carolina. .;- - J' : ! '' ': ., . Having our own essels. Wharf. Diavs. tic, wc will pay particular attention to tire . Forwarding and ComiuiMiou Business. We will also make liberal: cash advances on Con .-.igninents. - . ' JNO.,F. -FOARD, -; o. hooker. - NewborivX. C, May 31, 1SC0. ' dtf ytiriEEIAItl 1. 7IOORE, Jr T COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner Mouth Front and iTIid'llc Stn. -- : 'NewberX. n. a. At'ent for Vessels 'Kuuttinir between this Port and New, York, Philadclfjkin, . Baltimore ciul JiuUnn. . ' 1 Particular; attention i ven to the sale, of : Country Produce, and the purchase of'irood generally. Also I )isehal-jiiir Vessels and Prcurinr Freis;lit,:and the Receivhig and Forwarding Business. 1 ' : . ,1 have convenient Wharves and Wnfehouses. : ; , KKKERKNCES : ' " ; ' I). Golden Murray, New York Cochran-&" I? ussel Philadelphia; Dolluer, Potter 4fc ,Co ; Nt ;w . York James Couer & Sons, BaltimoreV Ja Ties -Ilavi New York ; London & Bryan Boston ; i -i: J aoiies , Cashier Branch Banlc of North Carolina, J", cwbe.ru ; J no. 'A. Guiou, Cashier Bank of Commerce. 'INew I)m it,;AV.-W. Clark, Cashier Merchants' Bank; New !;r'n ; A. Mitchell &. Son, aud'Dr. Isaac Ar, Hughes, : N.-wbern'. " S- . !'-V:::-' . ' March 22 ;dly : ' . . -' ; v :: ; W I. VE.STAL, GENERAL AGENT for -M.I Collection 'the s, Accounts- and the settlement of Claims, NEWBERN, X. C. ileing now engaged in canvassing Craven and the adjoining counties, I will undertake the collection of accounts for p-ublishers of newspapers-, merchants, factoi-s and otliers for the usual' commissions.: f ' All business entrusted to me by parties at5 a dis tance will be faith tally and promptly attended to. I refer those to whom I am not known to the edi tor of the Daily Progress and the business men Newberu generally. ' ' ' .;' i; I Address . W. I VESTAL, Dec. B, I85'J Progress Office, 'Newberu; X. C The Modern'?' l?sliiblishiueut ,f t ' ' OF NEWBERN, N. C. of J 'l.-F. IIAK1MSOIV, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IX : f -Staple, Fascy, Foreign and Domestic i ... ; Dry'tioo d s, ;;; -' - .-.:. llats Caps, Boots and' Shoes,, Carjjctings Matting , pRugs, Jewelry, - Trunks, Rextdy-Made Clothing, . ,. &c, 6z.c. : ; - -:. - -S ; .' ' ' Xe wn ehn, X. C. J. M. F, Harri'Son has just" received a complete assortment suitable for, th.e season, and will continue t receive by every "arrival all desira-ble Article's Und Novelties ot the season,. 'f -i Particular attention paid to orders. -feept 1 . dly -r -" t"-"T'i J' . - The. IVcwberii .Tlutual I INSUR ANCE COMP A N Y. ri in: "'I "til IS Company ha now been in. successful opera ' A lion for . -, "j - !--, - THREE YEARS, . -: IVufing which time no assessment has be pa made to meet losses. : ' , '- ' ' ' .; . .-- . The Company is now prepared to receive Applica- : Hons tor . - , '- ;- ; . INS U R A NCR, Which may be made to any of the differotit ! throughout' the Slate, or to" the undersigned, Agents at the otace oi tne compauv, m tnis place. . .' . W. G. SINGLETON, Secretary. . Newbern, N. C, Sept 1 :'; dly ; . ; . M . . ; - . - , : ; . X. J. llCiIII2S, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, I DEALER IN NAVAL STORES, C0KNERi EAST FRtNT ANTi SOUTH i FRONT STREETS, - NEWBERN, X. C. , " PORK, BACON, LAUD, . CORN, FLOUR, WHISKY-, GUANO, COAL, HAY, LIME, &c.;&c., &c, for sale qn consignment. . . -. ' - Has vessels running regularly to New York, Phila delphia and Baltimore. ' -Goods received and forwarded. March 16 w. ii. surnitELL, COMMISSIOX MERCHANT, '. AND DEALER IN Drv Goods. Groceiics. Provisions. Lienors. A-r. Opposite Bank of Xorth Carolina in Xewbern, Cra- en couniy, jN . KJ. -. - . . .. - : Has on hand a good assortment -of ' Staple "Dry GoodsGroceries,; Stone and. Crockery-ware, Nails' by the ketf or retail, Woiiden ware, .Brooms, Uoots luu "oesfbpun Cotton, Yankee Notions tof various kinds. Axes, of the best cruality constantly on hand, and allot which will be s.?rt in f.- - Jiaieii i -un NEWBRRV v n Mu ,f tuof SashjBlindVannei Doors, shutters Wood Mnnl.lih ro i .' . -'r,.ii aca.et8, -Jiaiusters, . Newels, c., Jcc. . y. ; ' ALSO, uianuiaciures ana Keeps constant y on hand a Ur Sash Mill on Hancock st. , Ware Rooms on Middle st 7 Sept L ..... :-y y. , i . ' . .; iiy '' - B- u. i,a:yu, : - - .. .. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT . i South Front Street, i '! - . , NEWBERN, N. C. Particular attention given to the sale of. Gntnn , Naval'Stores, Flour, Corn, Hay Lime, Dried Fruit' ami country prtMluce generally , U j Also the lieceivirig and ForwarditSg busiheps. dis- "using vessels. ana procuring ireightat tor vessel? ' Vi "V,sr between this $xrt and the ports of New York ''''iiftdelphia and 'Baltimore. -;. y . y ;-h adVancos made vn Cn;!niucn(s. 1 Ma;:,h 21-dlv. " . ; 7T t I JLM.. VOL. II. .n-i:wiu:rx, BUSINESS CARDS, DKALKR I N FANCY 4t STAPLE . DRY GOODS, BOOTS. SJlOJ:St UATS :' CAPS, A C, POLLOK. STREET, NEWBERN X. C. Would-respect fully invittrthe attention of th; pulihc tx his$tock; which will be foiuld.'wfir, t a$sorteJ-f and sufficiently Jarge at all seasons of the year. ' Orders proiapt 1 v aud tart'luliy aiteuaca to. spt r ' v' :. . :' Hy , -, ' J. - y Ji' J i ' " COMMISSION MERCHANT AND WHO Ii 12 ft A Ji. Ji . (r.'lQUOKS IXCLUDKP";.'."- it I A"Cnt for JVM:. Sinsrer' Co's. Wilcox A: Gibbs and Jessee C. Conner's ,Sewin? Machines ; keeps con stantly on hand a supply of lied Ash Co.alt.or Grates. Solicits couMjruments ana orders ..ana "wiu irompi fy attend to all business entrusted to him. Ofiice on the Old County Wharf. . v Newbern, dec 20 ;. 1T IB I.E. & 'BBOTrtlEK'S, i r r FORWAHVING $ COMMISSION MERC II ANTS . ; . ' . Nkw-Behne, X. C. . Cash Advances made on Consignments to be sold here of forwarded to Northern Markets. f Sept 1 . dty H. KTiACICVTKI.I, COMMISSION MERCHANT. '"Denier in NriYal .Stores, Corner of Poi.t.ok and East-Front Streets ' 'Also, Dealer in ' Drv ry Goods, G rocei ie?, JlarJ ware. Boots, Shoes, Hay, Liiu.e,; SiuiigleSj XaiisV Crockery, Stone Ware, ' , A ooden aro,..ccc.;&.e., 1 Que door North of Merchants' Bank,, ,EWBLKN,-r;. V Cash advances made on Consignments. Goods reeeivea and hnwnrud. Loriliard'a II. T.. Snufi" at loVcent? ders. ;. , Hauling done on reailoiiable terms, uiay 2h dGin in large Blad- ILTilAIvIIA-, : 110 CSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL - - I'Al.N'llJlf,. NEWBERN, N. C . :; " Contracts taken for work in town or country, -which will be promptly executed and satisfaction guaran tied. Paints, Oils and Varnish always on hand and will be told at reasonable prices. : '' y Sept. 2D d.twly , ' : , A. . NEWBERN, N.C., PEAl.KRS IN ' Drv Ooodi, Groceries, Hardware, CfllHN, Pistols and Rifles, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Swede's American and English Iron; Cast and German Steel, Plough Steel, 2-c.; Iiion Axles, .SrM, Farming Implemeiits, . '' A good jissortment of. ; : Cjtrpcntersi Blacksmiths and Briek Masons'' Toi.ds ; tfENTS AND NEGROES HATS AXD CABS,.; ' ' Also a large stock -of lied JtlaiiketH, IVegro ISIanketM, ISioniix, Kerspys and Osimbufgs, Ladies acd Gentleineu's ' . Fine BootS',,Shoes,jG'iitJi"'s,&c., : .: ' Harness, Saddles ytiricl!esv.Ac.v'-:.'.:y-;.- . Crockery and Glass Ware- Blasting and Gun Powtler. Shot, Caps.'Balls, Ace.; Ier avian and BJobiiiwoii'.- .fSanipitlated , . ; . .'::-a , , g uano, . ' r. . : .:' Lime, Phister Paris, Cement, Hair, Ate.;' -Mess, Flank anil) Rii wj J'ork; Corn' M-al, Flour ; l: "'''Kubfterrs'1'. Leather AlachineiBauding : : Agents f'r the sale ot . : . - '.. -'.'-' ' , Grover As Baker s, Se wing y3J;achines, . ., Also, Agentfor Kvan.s , & Waticm;s Salamander Safe, 'which' are now considered the best. w. : '- ISF5" All orders- from-Ca5h or '"good oust pin ers will be charged the lowest prices.. Feb IGd.tw JE, ;.:A-M VET T WOULD RERPFCTFULLY call the attention of , the citizens of Xewbem. and the juiblie generally' to his layje aiidycomplete assovtment ot v . . . - . DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, - wl'-ich he has now on luind and will coiitiuualy ;re ceive by arrivals of vessels from 'New- York' and Baltimore'throuh the season: lie . would respect fully call the attention of '' t '' ' . .y:-:. ; ;' . - families; " . -..y;f; . ' . . 0 his stock of Groceries such as ' , -.'.';. pork. Bacon, La -fdB ulle.fi, Flour-, Meal, Rice, Sap, ' Candles, S'ldrek, Cojfce, Teas, Crachxgs and . CakesMolasseii and ' Syrups, 1 y and in fact everything usually kept at a Grocery, He alsokeeps a good stock of .Domestic Dry Goods such as Marlboro' Plaids, Brown .Slnrt:ings and Sheets ings', Osnabut'gs,'- Prints, Hosiery , Ginghams, Hats, Shoes, Hardware and. Cutlery, all of which he Avif sell o'u the most.reas'onable tcirnsj -Persons Wishing to purchase will do well to give "him a call, before purchasing eLewheie. : V , boutn f ront bt., o doors below the Gaston Ilouae may 2Uwly , iltON WORNS. I. UKXAMLW tal Philadelphia;. Manufacturers of Iron Railing for Cemeteries and T'nh!ir nv PiivntA TiiiiMinhr-i Verandas, Balconies, Fountains and other Ornamental Iron ork or a decorative character. : r y y A.- MITCHELL & SON, Agents, . , ,' - .Xewbern, X. C Would be pleased to fchow designs and "prices all who wish to purcha.-e. ' ' ""''. Marc h 20 dA:wGm . ' ' . " ' . tb OAA Bushels Alum Walt ; 30 Safks riv- WUU ' erp'obl Salt ; IO, Sacks Ashtou Salt ; HO boxes Sperm, French Wax, Adamantine and Tallow Candles ; :J0OO . lbs. N C Bacon ; 20 kegs NaiU ; ,50 bbls. Herrings ; SO'bblsMuIlet?, Blue Fish and TroUt'; 5 bbls.:GlueJ For sale by - may'2S y yv II S BLACKWELL GOLDSBOUO' TUIIsriVE, The end patrons of the Goldsboro' Tribtfne frierds are in formed, that Maj. W. I. VESTAL has been appointed agent lor Xewbern and vicinity , and that he will re ceive subscriptions and receipt for the same. Those indebted for the current year are reuqested to make payment to him. ' y T. LORING, ; jlunel? dtf - i ' ' "Editor B' I lit: Hi and Hat Just received by . . xtcriuinator ! - J GOODING, Jr, : :' ; " ' Druggist. apri!27 ; - - 1 . Benzine, and Spalding's Prepared Glue $ " for sale by ; y J GOODING, Jr. jml27 y . ; :yy:y,yy; ;;: ,y. y.. SE.I jIN Your GCXS to be Repaired by y::-' I-.-:-.' -;:-- ' "':-' e want, . april 27i I - ' Pollok street. LORILLARD'M II. T. S.DFF For sale by A. MITCHELL & SOX to dealers at 15 cts for large and 17 cts. tor pmall bladders, april 1 1 d3m B utter by the Firkin and Tub, for ' Sale SUAtRELLS'. at wholesale-a&d retail. 'at. April 7 j.;..- ,.' '-. HEOE jlAX & CO'S Cordial Elixir of i Calisaya Bark ; for sale oy ' janlO JAS. W. C ARM EE. S ,n,? 'Jlac hiuea Thae in want of sewing mat hmeS ou-ht to call at MYERS and supply x; c, .moxday morxixg, ji;ly NEW YORK. CI.EVEl.Airt.R. iAMtJti. WHtlJiitk.. S4 lU'VCU A; ivii-nniiKi:, ' ;eneral - " ' NO. m -VAt:f2 STPIET. v . -7 .. ; " :- NEW YORK. KIU'EIt TO . . Meers. WlriK-e JU. I)H kit,son, lla'ttiuioru. . f Mr. Ja. C. Johnson, EdeUou, N. C. ,-. dec 2'idC.n ! .-. PETI2U JJAliMiTT. L "; . WITH ' I . C O It I K .' .H L It I A V, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT e-JJ South Istrttt, Aor Voiki Snt 1 .-,.' . A i t dlv '17Pll4llA?I HA T T WiTU FENNEK & .HAKDENBEEG1I. WlioIranletJroccrs, DEALERS IN TEAS. 31 J and 315 Greeiiw ich St., betweu lleade and Dii- ane Stree D K Fennei NEW YORK. ,1ohn A Hai denbergh. Jan 31--di ' S. c ' -. : ; with :.-;. c i ppe ii l-,y V ii o 6 y e n & c6.; Impot trs, -M ami fact nrerers uikI Jobbei s of Straw (ooN, Jlilliue'ry utid Kihbonwi JL i 1 'S, CA PS, F I US, UMBRELL A ' ' Para-uis, Arc, . - ': - ' No. 2-J.Coaitia'r;dt street, Henrv J. Clipper! v. ") Harmon Hoover, V ' NEW YORK. Fi-nnk MeNultv.-, ) . .Feb 7, I8GU -uAiwri ." . N0RF0J.K. v-. . ori'oM. J. ii , i r. If. ClXMtXTS. COTTOX FACTORS 0 GENERAL C OMM1 SSION MERCHANTS. !Yo l(k and 1 1 ; ITicIiilosJi's. AVhai fV ' ' '. XOIJF.OLK. VA.. N. Itrfrreiicet.-rrllo-iiT llracrcr, KUav'uer. Ral- efgh; JT-M ,-ehea'd, Greenboro': E Wilh'ins, Eq, Gastoli; II liavns, Han Yii it'ini'i uiirwyn., Ivsq, iinhtfixT iv A YiY- D AV BagleVj Wiiiiamstoii. r 't(.t -.r -vu.i.i tut a oi Farmers'iui':., irgiuia-'Bac'kl, Norl'o l'articular attention'-mvcn to liiajn ana. "A aval stores., lbau cdvances made on citv:--nments. - y : : ; - .a.ril v' ' ' y ' N' orf-r.j Otnamrii tal,' Wro'ii '.' V- A'H II. 'WOPK S. For Burial Lois, i'Z&..?:juq'rc$, Balconies, Gar- di;is. &-c.- ;;'. - ';. No: P, Will E.W.VT Kit Sl .- We would fall the' tiltentmu of the public to our establishmeiit for the manufacture of the above des cription of Work. We lin;e such im on,. v.-o think that would do credit .. fife Suth, ifprophrly pairo nied. ' We have inti uJucd i-t" great expe use" nia ehineiy o the Intent iui:Ve-ii!t:i'.t.s and i':i .oiiuectioii airlroii Foundry for Ka;F Casting's A:c. W haye iiew Uhd elegant patteriis, both plain and oriiamental ' huwiv vi our .own uex; us, Wtfica . tira ciiUrclv lew aiid beautiful. . AVe now appeal t our Southern ft ien.h; for thejr patrciiage and intiucnoV to 1 1 i is e si a bli s"h i n e n t , . we pi'edge ourselves to j-lve ntire,fttislucti6n." AYe will sell as low and-irive as good.wij!k is can be done in ti e couhtry, e'il'if evcy' order dous not conic up to oiH:repreeiitation,turu lt back upon us . aC. our. .exy p-Mise.. Orders punctually liHed.A ; '- . ' " SAM'L. HODGES Ai! CO, Uinrch 3 don i 6 1 n melt I r e i a r a t i oil K A LLI STUN yM Cocoaine; Oriental Tooth. Wash ; Florinel, Whitcomb' 4 Aiura Remedy, and Flavorinir Ex tracts of Lemon. Oraa5e. Nulmer. Aranil!ii. Pheh Kicts of ,Lc!mon, Oraa5'e. Xu"imeL':rVanil!ii. Piac Rose, Alfnoiu', Jin nainorr, Cloyer f Celery audXeet line. Just received an'd forfale. bV . - j - -. . ' April 21 ' ' JAS AVCAIiERv T)ru"ggiVr. N JOTtCll-There M iil be-a meotlh of the ilo'cV- holders of-.the Carolina City Co at Carolimt' Lity .on Friday the 2iUh day oi J line.:- Stockhold'H are particularly lvqiHtcd to atte .'na- ti.e same order of the'Presidt'nt. . ; . .INO. M.-KOSl:. See v Car. CifV Co June 13 dfd. , ' - ' - . ' r - JLST ICLCKIVED-Pii Consignnu ui 40 Hdd-i pnmeretailiug Molasses; V f1. S Tons Peruvian Guano- . : . r ' . ; lO Tons Robinson's -Manipulated Guano for Ua!elowsby A, MITCHELL A". SON. - ApjUJruti, . -'., -;- y ; I pulton ITIarliet and Vessel Keef; -Superior . -article Kerosene Oil; Paints, Oils, Spirits Tur pentine ; 1 5 bbls. Bungs for Spirit Bbl.,- 100 einpty Spirit Bbls. ; 3000 yards Domestics ; Tar, ShiiIes, Wooden Ware.- For sale by . . Tllllv0 - tl'C t f I'llTI T irS BLACKWELL. lO .bbls. '.Double Extra; io bbls.,-Pilot--:rT" f: xflM,. MME. Vs0?--Jj?T- Bread and Crackers at Manufacturers prices; 50 J-r lot of geutleniens; : and;youlhs line bushels Meal ; 750 bushels Corn; IOO bushek ca.f.and kid shoc. f. Oats': .50 busheWCow Peas. For sale b- April L AN ILLIN F LAN AGAN. -?? " IJ fr: KL'A .CKVVELL . ' ; jjrsiivJllai r Caloi ing.-WauNantedlo BOOTS .'a!V1' SIIOES.-r-Gent'. an,d -Lad'ie U- res.re Grey -Hair to. its original c-olorr price? Gaiters and" Slippers, 4 Ladies Buskins: Mo. --'c; Sol I by , J. GOODING. Jn. j Boots, Gents Fine Stitched Bwots. ChildrensBoys Decvmbeu, 1G. . ; .. . ..; -y-. ' ; ' - -; -;. . ; . and Misses' Gaiter Siippera,-ALC , &,c. A Jartre'and " : ' - : r . ' -. complete assortment, 'tor kle-bv. , g '. " H1 ?-0burghs,npe ' - Tutu 19 '- "- i T m'-ttt t TrTvYsr ' U Tickings, Plaids, Denims. Brown and BleacLed JuneU . j J M t llALLISOX. - DdlI;)i; Bro -&td .ileached- Shifting, Brown and LI.EN COO OS. Liner Sheeting, Pillow Case Bleached Sheeting with a complete assortment of Liuep, Napkins, Doyles Holland's Irish "Linen, e-Cry articles ia this line; for sale at HARRISON'S. Hiick Diaper, Bird Eye Diaper, Scotch- Diaper, June 12 '" . - - V ' -. :. ' - ' - ' -" ' Linen Crumb Cloths, a large. etoek of Housekeeping ' : ' : - '7T .' : -' Vf i i-To - Goods. For sale by ' J M F HARRISON. XJ a 8 Ca PS,U,I.,S; &c.-.Jy etoeL. o Hate,, June l' . ' ' ' ilL Flats, and Children's Fancy Ilats, 13. large .and f rr-, l y jbjm-pleto Bndiwillbe sold cheap lor Cash. Call and peady Made Clothin.-A LARGE STOCK feet supplied at HARRISON'S. ' It of Summer Clothing, consisting of the -latest June 12 ; :' '- '-'-- - ' :" : styles, and of superior workmanship, and it very low f .' ' . , , T L i ttx v for nncpn Till at T AT V TI A Tv'l?Iinv Tb Foly' Celebrated C-OIiT 1 E. tor P W1-V ' HARRISON. J .aiebv JMFHARlHSON.agentfoi ijianufae- . 1 : ' '- i ' ."' i rer, Xewbern, N C. Each 'pen has the manufactui er's Cloths, Cafcsiincres, At. A LARGE ASSORT- name on. it ' . ''' ment of "Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Linen, Old Gold Pens iaken, in exebapge..-' - '8-y Drills, Ducks, Cottonades,- Drap D'Ete, Qaeen : ':'' ' '" . ' '"";. 1 : r -;'--r- .-- Cloths, Ax., A:e. For sale by! . - . ' Qunamer Undf r:Carninti.-L V ', , , -- Junel2 , JMFilAERISbX .O Gents. Merino -and Silk Vests, Aie yw-er ' - . Linen and Cotton Drawers, the suncru e---? 1-- Dremu Goods. bilk Robes-, Plain . and. -Fancy Shirt For sale at ' ' IIAR.il r!Ic". Silks, Barege .and Slushn Robes, English Ba- June 1 ! ' ' ' ' ". ' ' '' reges, French Greys, Jaconet andOrginby, Muslins i . ''"... . snRfTlRFIt A complete assortment, at HARRISON'S. FTIIES I. - HIDES .'IVTHE SUBbCLIBLK June 12 - . . JlL willpay the highest cash pncea for Dry and ; : : - HTTiKS ' a IS LA-NL. EmBROiPERV, Ave. Embroidered Sleeves maV 21 lS6tVdtf ' - and Collars, Lace Collars and Undersleeves,- . r "m- : . Worked Skirts, Jaconet and Swiss Bands; Jaconet mUBNIP SEED. C ; j 660.. and Swiss Edging large supply kept conerantlv on- X i , Fro.- Jdretifc boa. ? . hand, by 1 . '. - ; : J M F HARRISON! ' Just "received, by r" J. UOODIXG-, Jp. Ty OM BAZINE S P AC AS, Ac. Bombs- C JuIy 18 ' " '. "" ' ' -i."'''" zrnes, Black DeLaines-, Black Alpacas. Black j Bareges acd Challis. Grenadines and Muslins a va; I hd. v?ortment. For tale bv X a l0, Tid. . ....ELmEoys. ',':.- rn. juiN.srbN v':.r: lift dVcoVei-eU the. moit eertai - ad1 uu'.v et- fectuai reaudy tx ihk; vori.l fur'.ui .', , -,.... . IMeam or Imprutlrnw WeakncM of the Dack r Liir.bs, .tr'eture, fee tions of the Kidneys and B'.addfr. Ivtlmtarv D4---harge, I rapv-tey f.G?tcral' Debility. . :s .r -"?.ie6s,r Dyspepsia, Lj-Kpiur, Lw S'j'ii its. ( of.iLi..H.i of Id Palpitation of th. Hcnit, Tin-Mil v; ;TremVit j;fc' D!inne. .f Sight ,t Giddiness, Disease of the Hehd'. 'iUmmt.- Xos or Skin. Aft'eetions i,( t he 'I.ur's, Stoitt--' ach or Bowels the Terrible Disorders trisin'ff from Solitary llabitKof Youth those secret and sclitan practices mom fital to their victims, thdh the $on of the Syrens to"the mariners of Ulvses, blightiEg their .most brilliant ;ho'pe,s or i-naeipations, rendering niar riage,A:c., impossible.. ; . ' '.') i'omi; ?Tf n Especially; -who have become the. vu-tims of Scditarv Vice, that dreadful and dV-truetive liabit vhich an naally sweeps to an .ux.tiin.ejy gra-, . ; -ands of l oung iien of the riiost ei.Iie.1 taier.ts at intellect, whoTniuht otherwise hi s ' teuinir Senates with the th undcrr- t , waked to ecfctajcv the living -Ivrc tmi v IViilrant ? -ed lis UMice, or .ithfuil i oiiuuejice. .-'!.'-. . ITInrriase. - !'. . Married persons, or Young Men contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness.organicde biiitydeibrniities. A:c, speedily cured. r He who places himself'-under the cere of Dr. J; inav reliirioitsly:)nfid'e in his honor as a uentleman! and confident rely upon liis skill as a Phician . I ORGANIC WEAKNESS! . ' immediatt A Cure arrauit'4, or, ri'o Charge, in from oi.e two Da 2, s. .'..-'..';'' y -Tr. Johnston. Member of the Royal College of Sa-g. graduate from, one of the most 'emie .'-, London. Colleges. of tne Lmteu fctate?, :n?ctthe greater v r of whose li has been spent in the hospitals of Lr ui "ari? , Phiy adeljdiia and elsewhere, lias effected some of the most astonisiiing cures that were ever kn.iwii ; mnr.y tvoubled -with ringing ia the head and ears whr" asleep; freat nervousness, being alarii.e-.t at sud en sounds, bash fulness, :,yith freq'uenj blushing, attended sometimes with derangement cii wind r '.vcre erred imniedir-tely. . y ' . , , TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. aildrcsses all those who have injured them selves by improper indulgeiicies and solitary habits which ruin both body and mind, minno them i'oc either Business, Study, Society or Mr. ;age. These are some."" of the sad and lr-oij-iv effects' produced b.v early habits of -youth, iz- Weakness oi t!ie B.aek aij'd Limbs, Pains in the Head Dimness of, Sighl Loss of Muscular Power. -Palnitatioh of s f t he- Esckaiige, j the Heart ,Pysf)epsia, Nervous Irritability Derange-ji-lbl-Ji". - , ;v, "'.'- j ment of the Digestive ..Functions, Gen;; ' Debility, .tlie''"a!'iof;CofUu.i;..Sy3npo!iK''otyGx ; JitNTALiTTi-rftAne ieanui eriects - .i'- , I rre m'uch to be dfeaded Loss of Meinr '-. C'oiitUiiO c; J deas;-Depression c Spirits,-Evil fci r.ugz, -A Vr sion to Societ y, Self Distiiast, Love y 'S'uitudeitiii: i 'lii v, A-.e.j ui;e some of the evils proriuc t ; ' tr'r .... S i e . n '. . : ' .... -v - - . - - ftl . .. ' a - 4 iii'ij.-auus ci ..prsouSj vi an aes,'.- , ju? . ,::iuge,j what is!t!ic cause of! heir declining hValLi h eir vigor,;beeonung;weak , pale, per vous'aud e'iuac:uted- ha ving singular appearai.ee abojit the eyes, cough and sym)iohis (ff consumption. ' : '' '.'' ' D R . J O'UX STO N 'S R E-ME D Y "FO R O R G AX I C WBAKXESS AND IMPQTENCY y .. By tins great an'd important. remedy weakness of the orgiU3. are. speedily enredaud full vigor restored. T.houaand "of. the ivio.st!'iier.vojis a'noSdebiUtatedl, who had lot nil h'o:e, have been immediately relieved. .-All luijdiaieplSvtovMaitiagcyPhysicaJ vr Mental Diequa litiiC-at j ins,. Is s ot I(jcrciat iye Power, N er vous .irnttblityy Trembliiig -rt;!-. Weakness' or jx haugtion of the"iiust feftrfui kind spt jdilV lured- ' ? '-;;; ''.'.: ih. tOUNf MEN "' '-! ' Who ha ye ihjurpd themselves' by certain practice indulged- in when a kin er-a habit a-caneijt'.ie-uvu-sd from evil, companions,- or at schc-i-L the cftU-.-ii of which are nightly felt, even wheu asleep, ;;d ifjot oared, renders ;marriage impossi Lde,. ';- . '. .'. . -,-: both iliuid n;iu bo,dy, snou.d, apply -riv -.-y. ; Such pcisolis :iki.-t, befor; conlc-ipi.... g ; MARRIAGE, , "- y' ; '" reflect that a sound, mind and bod v .are i ae most nec essary requisites- to promote "conual-rul happiness. Indeedvithout.'thcse, the jouiney. : rh:;.Ug!i- life be corneS a SveafV ypi1 grimniage ; the? p.ijspect hourly darken? to the.vitw ; the-mi'nd becomeis .shadowed With despair afui filled', with the melanaholy retlec- f tioii that theybappmess of aiKither becumes blighted S with our own. ' x ' V '. ' ; y ' esdorscmext ot' Tin: I'kess 'The Many Thousands cured at this Institution wit! -in thetast fifteen yea r, and the numerous impor tant Surgical operations performed .by' Tr. i - ilstony witnessed by the r,ep"orters of -f he ,Si '- '.all.-- many o! Uei" papersyiiotices of .which haS-e : appeared again ard 'again' before the public, besides hi-- standing a a gentleman of character and ref pousib ly, is a auf ficHTt irujirantee to th-nrtlicted.'. . OFFiCE NO 7, SOUTH FREDEiilCil lEET, Bai.hmV7:e, Mi.4 ' y- , : -Left hind side oih'g froai Baltiiiiore fcU'e'-t, a few !"! from the coriier. , Fail i:ot fo obsei" lia.ue- j No letter received unless post-paid! and cbMauiSng a i amn.to ne used ,ra. tne rei'iv. -l'trsons mtuiu; should ifitaite'ag.e;,''-uiid.fehd'-pi'U strdiiitr-svinptoms. '-' 'Xjf .SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. " : ; lYbr'lSoO dly. ; .y; y ' . .:,.:;;; y :: ' ' D iut l pceh-fd bv S--"hr."l W.Hnghe ' rl for " t ... - I o ,1, (,.,.,, .... 1 !.!. lj r 'Ur ft V'. . ... .. rH.-v-,k.. ........... n - p-.-t!. .... S;...'J ::r; tu d.. ........ . . f 'ITrr iv..........l tttl. t.i Vter!y I ; Kic v.... ......... I On N k.. ..........! 75 i iro wkt.....;.....J: 5 (X .n mor.th... ...... ..4 ' Q .v Tro moKili.. CAT, 11. . Mt, ...'...3 l lift IV,' . i lin e rnocuJ. .' w . . O: y, uX ....15 t" Oi. year... tJ0 1 ;.v ;..... n hke a fqaurc.f.xl.scsa talf-iquar I ''' U?Tni.irtiiM.tf innde with yearly dcrtiet DAILY PROGRESS. MONDAY MOIiNIXG. JULY 2, 1SC0. Cii llesce t a Dill. It i annouueed that a challenge La been it by Mr, A. Smith, of ( aufornsa, to Mr. Slerrick, of illinoii, who vu the Uleffatejhat declaiei in the Convention da--rli ;g Mr. n(iths offeiiite remarks,. that if Mr. -y Cusu'.iic, the President, would not protect4ho ir.embers, they would protect themselves. 2ueeu Victoria Las conferred the or4er of knigt- " hood upon lancu H. Saltus, Esq , of New York(l ' ni coniiacranon ot importatit improvements in aftiUery. Mr. Saltus isfthe first American thus distinguished;..-;. f; SmfaKU UKSORTS- V OKTII CAUOLIXA t ''T. WHITE SULPHI R 8PRINGH IuL BE. OPENED FOR VISITORS THE FIRST of J ine. They Jvrenear the present terminus of the V est em North Carolina Railroad not an hour's rido by superior omnibuses and traces. The ' proprietor has procured the services of "WIOMPSON TYLER, as manager, whose experience at the niost fashion able Watering places of Virginia, added to his com t mauding appyarance and gentlemanly bearlng,insure gooj order aiM good fare. ' The very best Ball Room LEADER and BLACK ' BAND of Musiciansjjie city of Riehmoud, Va., af fords; have been procured. Riding vehicles and -horses, billiard salobnT and bov, ling allies are at the command of visitors. The country U elevated and hosilthy; the pcenerv beauti ful, and road most eicellent.and the pleasure grounds, extensive There Ts.no better water than that afford ed by the North Carolina' White Sulphur Springs. The .-patronage of the Carolina-is conhdently relied on to repay the Proprietor for the expensive outlay he has made to fit up a watering place suited to their vvaiits - and he promises that no pains ehall be spared by himself or his gentlemanly assistant tp render all w'ho may visit him pleasant and comfortable. :. II. L. IiOBARDS, Proprietor, i Mayl8, ISfiO-'dAJwSm ' '.' , . - 17" IC.O A' T ST REE T HOUSE, " '' ..' M- -i V ' .'..', BEAUFORT, N. C. Tliis large and pleasantly located establisli mentis nov.' being thoroughly refitted and furnished and will be opened on Monday, 14thj day of May, for the je i ception and 'accommodation of 'visitors.- 1 . lis location is on the Front Street and bnt. a few eet from the wafer, where convenient Bathing Houses are erected. ' "- The main building is three stories high, having on, the top asdelighri'ul proiiienade, 120 feet in length. " t The rooms are large and airy,, opening ou-mazas,'v in full v;eW of the Ocean, so that.persons desuous of speiilmg the Summer from theirhomes for the enjoy ment Oi the Sea breeze',..&c., will liad this house both comfortable and pleasant. . Pleasure boats with exjierienced persons to niau them will always be in readiness for sailing or fishing ; i excursions, &c. A fall supply of ice. constantly on nana. oNo eiioiL win ue sparea to give enure satis- lac-tipn, ' j. Tkrms of Board : '.Sl'.'j.per day. ; -$J5 per month ; $10 per week; r B. A. ENSLEY & CO. April 17, lSGfl (UiKvtf A1 TLANTIC HOUSE, BE A UFOR T, NORTH CAROLINA. PENDEI. AND RAGE, Proprietors. T. .V Granger, : Supcriutcndcnl - . Located .immediately in front of the inlet with not ".. an .obstacle'to obstruct the view either of tbe town of Beautort, Bogue Sound, Core Sound, or the ocean, -: the waters ot which laves its base, waiting on its ' bosom the delightful sea breeze and inviting one to . that most sanitary, luxurious and invigorating indul gence, the sea bath. . , . In addition to the main building we h a ve construct ed a' number ol pleasantly located rooms on the shore ornamented with a green, plateau apd grove trees in froLt, ' 1 ' : AMUSEMENTS. . . Fine fishing as the harbor affords may be indulged in from the eqllonades that ciiti.rely suiround tliw. r establishment' ithout the least exposure to the sunt or weather: : '. . - - Large and commodious bathing houtes are being constructed capable of 'accommodating our guest. Fast. sail boats With experienced hands to navi-. gate tli em always in readiness. . An cxcellent;-band of uu ic iu' attendance on-J pleasure, excursions and- at flight in our airy dancing' saloon, - - ' An excellent bar with ' choice liquors, and wine.i,- bowling saloon," Phelan's best marble top. billiard table, ches, backgammo'udrafts, dominoes, A;c.-, convenient to the hotel. " ' We h av e also pu r ch ased a STE A MER.forpIeasuro excursions ih and about the harbor and to the sea- i shore ; also to make regular connection with the Railroad Cars at Moreliead City, landing passengers at ouc house without the least exposure, to the "weather. y y;:.' - 'v. , :. EDIBLES. ' Oar mark et abounds in the productions of both sea ; and land fish'a;nd vegetables in endless variety, fowls, st a ganie&e; ; oytters, clams, soft, hard and stone crabs,' scollops, turtles, terrapins, etc with tfod and experienced cooks to eerve theni. Hang built a new and large ice house our guests will always find an ample 'supply of this luxury on hand. ' ' .'-, : , The object of the Jrropriet'ors -ha3 been to render this the most attractive resorti North or South, nature and climate having been exceedingly bouDtifuL,to this most favored spot. Our terms, accorumg toe.the accommodation's re- ouired. but iu every instance, governed by modera fi.n ' FENDER & PAGE, ' tion May 12 dtf Proprietor. ClAlSOJLI.AfA CITV HOTEL, j , ! NOW OPEN ! The Proprietor of thi3 commodious e a aide resoit would respcctfully-announce that, baving completed all his arrangements, the House is now open for. the reception of visitors, and he promisee that no naiua shali be spared to tender all yho visit the establish- -ment, in quest of health or pleasure, comfortable and hapry: PLEASURE BATS, ; ' Fishing Tackle. Bathing Houses, and all other i'm oroveuients and conver.iencefeqair.ed to render the establish meet complete -in every pajticulox' have been aiTanged and put in thorougn order. Being well supplied with good cooks and servants, " presided over and directed by, Mr. L. J. Hawley, arentleman of .experience, the proprietor feela sure that the patrons of the Hou3e will have no want un gratified. - - . , The Bar is well stocked with choice Wines and Liquors, and for the amusement and recreation fof i guests a Billiard Room and Bowling Alley are at: -tr.::hed. . ' '; y , ;;.';"-- ' ..' ;'.'' - .-yyy A god Band of Music has been employed for tb -ason, and the Ball Room is one of the largest and -te?t in the SUte. -- .: y ' ; , All who visit Carolina City may be assured of find--ing all the comforts and appointment of a first Class Hotel. HW. P. MOO KE, Proprietor. L. J. HawliY, Srsp'L ' ' 'Raleigh Standard vod Washington Dispatch in sert one month" and send bill to Prcgresd Office, June 18 dtf ; ; '.: .; - - . ": y;' ir Jamen Clark's Female Fill For ah by .' JAMES V. CARMETi. - nv 16dw 1)rn7-'ittf ) L"",rnce of ilundiel s Y inc; r' V'lfe& X X" J M F flARRISON Juno 1 '.. .' . .