A. 1 . 3s BY J. L. PENNINGTON. I The " DAILY -PROGRESS" is served to town and country subscribers at Six Dollars a year iu advanced All papers discontinued when the time paid for expireLunless renewed.. -RwhoD No- Advertisement inserted as Special or J'jJfPf J tice are charged one-half more than the usua. rates, ten lined (leaded), or less confuting a d Marriages and DeaHis under sil lines inserted gratuitously-over that a charge will be made' be Advertisements inserted every other day il be charged 37$ cents for each insertion after the first. - t3T Where the number of unions are not ex- nrSsed when advertisements are handed in they will Eenserted till forbid, (tf,) and charged 50 cent for the first insertion and 25 cents for each continuance. BUSINESS CARDS. YV GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - NEWBERN, N. C. Will give special-attention to the sale ofTCOTTON, FLOUR, GRAIN and other Produce, and will make liberal casn aavances on cousin uumuia wwu uttii cd. Goods received and forwarded. ." june 12 ,.,.'- , W -. XTKW FIRM. - V i Tbe Firm ot FIIISER; FOARD Se HOOKER, J. Imvint? been legally dissolved, we the undersignei li'ave associated ourselves together under the Firm of i FOARD & HOOKER, , fur the purpose of continuing, the former business at the same, place. .We are thanktitl to onr mends ana customer for past fayors and by a CORRECT. EN' F.RGETIO and PRO MIT system oi doing business i tend to merit and hope to receive an increased pat ronage. STAl'LIv'DHV GOODS, . iiroevvtvM. Iroyiiina, Ship Chandlery, IVegro Clothing, Farming Tools, GUANO, PLASTER, LIME, V KO liTII CAROLINA FLOUR. CORN. HAY FISH, CYPRESS SHINGLES, Sec, Sec., at as low prices as 'any other house" in Eastern North Carolina. ' .. . : : , Having our own Vessels, Wharf, Drays, etc., we will pay particular? attention to the Forwarding and CoiuniieiMiou Business. We will also make liberal cash advances on Con signments. 7 , JNO. F, lOARD, b 1 ( O. HOOKER. Newbern, X. C. May 31 , 1800. , dtf irIAiTI P. MOORE, Jr. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner South Fro tit and Middle st. : NEWBERN. N. C. Aqehtfor Vessels Running between this Port and ork. Philadelphia, Baltimore dud Boston. and Neic Particular attention given to the sale of Country - Troiiuftn.aiid tlie nurclinse of iroods ceuerally. Also,; Discharging Vessels and Procuring Freight, arid thei Keceiving and Forwarding l?usinss. . I have con venient Wharves and Wnrehouses, ' REFERENCES : D. Col den Murray, New York; Cochran & Russell, Philadelphia ; Lolmer, potter & uo., fiew ioik : James Coner & Sons, Baltimore V iJames Lv Davis, New York : Ijondon & Bryan Boston ; Fred- J Jones, (jashier JirancTi Batik.-of North Caroling, Newbern; .Inn A fiiiion. (;ashier Bank ot Commerce. iNew- bern : W. WClark. Cashier Merchants' Bank, New hern ; A. Mitchell '& Son, and Dr. Isaac W. Hughes, Newbern. . ' - y March 22 dly , TIT I. VESTA I j, J-. yY . GENERAL AGENT fofi lie J Collection of Notes'. Accounts and the ' settlement oj Claims, V NEWBERN, N. C. Beinsr now ensasred in canvassing Craven and the atlioioing counties, I will undertake the collection of ! accounts for publish'eYs of newspapers, merchants, tactors and others tor the usual commissions. I All business entrusted to me by parties at a dis tance will! be faithfully -and promptly attended to. 1 refer those to whom I am not known to the edi tor of the Dally Progress and the business men of Newbern generally. 7 . Address W.' I VESTAL, j lec. 8, 1S59 . Progress Office, Newbern, N. C. The " Modern " Establishiucut OF NEWBERN, N. C. J. ITf . F. f IARRISOIV, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN Staple, Fancit, Foreiojv and Domestic! r y G o o s , Hats, Caps.Boots aiul-Shoes, Carru'tings , Mattings, ' Kugs, Jewelry, l runfcs, licady-luaae aucung, ; , &.C., &C. - ' .-! - Nkwber'x; N. C." J. M. F. IIarriso.n has just received a complete -as.sortment suitable for the season, and will continue to receive by every arrivtil all desirable Articles and Novelties ot tlie.aeaon. I Particular attention paid to orders. ' Sept 1 i ' ;,v . -. dly v The Newbern MntnnI f FIRE INSURANCE CO MP AN Xr riMIIS Company has now been in successful opera- JL tion lor . .. " THREE YEARS, During which time no assessment has been made to meet losses. '. ... " The Company is now prepared to receive Applica tions for - i." 1 ! INSURANCE, ; Whicli may be made to any of the different Agents "throughout the State, ot to the undersigned, at. the " office of the Company, m this place. i W. G. SINGLETON, Secretary. Newbern,- N. CM Sept 1 dly T. J. HUGHES, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, DEALER IN NAtAL STORES, CORNER EAST FRONT AND SlU'TH fRO.NT STKEElS; NEWBERN, N. C. PORK, BACON, LARD, CORN, FLOUR, WHISKY, GUANO, COAL, HAY, LIME, &c, &c, Sic, for sale on consignment. j - Has vessels ruiniingiregulam' to New York, Phila delphia and Baltimore ,-', f Goods received and forwarded. March lfi - M. W. II. SUiTIREIil,, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IS - Dry Goods, i rocci ics, Provisions, Liquors; $-c. Opposite Bank of North Carolina in Newbern, Cra ven county, N. C. . Has on hand a good assortment 'nf Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, (Stone and Crockery-ware, Nails by the keg or retail, Wooden-ware. Brooms,- Boots aud Shoe's, Spun Cotton', Yankee Notions of various kinds. Axes, of the best quality constantly on hand, and all of which will be sold low for cash. . March l-dtf S - , GEORGE III Mil OP, i - " ' ' . NEWBERN, N. C, Manufacturer of Window Sash , Blinds, Pannel Doors. Shutters, Wood Mouldings, Brackets, Balusters, . Newels, &c., &c. ' - ' . ALSO, ro anufacturesnd keeps constantly on hand, a large etock of CABINE T' FURNITURE, at wholesale and retail. - Sash Mill on Hancock st.; Ware Rooms on Mid'dle st . Septl - ;; ' ;- ; ; -: : 4ly ' - B- B. LAKE, . GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT - South Front Street, ' .NEWBERN, N: c 'Particular attention given to the sale of C tton Naval Stores Flour, Coin, Hay, Lime, Dried i'luit' and country proauce generally Phdadelphia and Baltimore. Cah advanffs made on Ccr.fpnrr!ecfr. Uaich 24-dly. . Also tDe Kfceivins and orwarding buEinete dis charging: yesels and pi oaring "freights for vessels runnmcrbetween thi? porta'ndtheDortsof New Yn!t ' NEWBERN, VOL. II. BUSINESS CARDS. GEORGE AIjIiEIV, ,-. DEALER IS FA.VCT St. STAPLE , DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS i CAPS, 4-C, POLLOK STREET-, NEWBERN N C Would respectfully invite the attention of the public to bis Stock, which .will be found new , well assorted, and sufficiently large at all seasons of the year. . a.;' Orders promptly and carefully attendedto. Sept 1 1 : ;: . ; dly 1). 3IYEKS, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND XV H O I E S A L E G R O C E 7 (LIQUORS INCLUDED; An-ent for J.. M .Sinirer & Co'. Wilcox & Gibbs Rnd .lessee C Conners. Sewing Macbines ; keeps con etantlv on liand a Supidv of Red Ash Coal for Grates.. Solicits coniL'iinKn'ts and orders ' and will prompt lv attend to all bus-iness entrusted to him. Office on the Old County Wharf. ! Newbern, dec 1!0 ".v- , " ' D' IBltl E & BROTHERS, FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nf.w-Berne. N. C. Cash Advances made on Consignments to sold here or forwarded to Northern Markets. Sept 1 ; ; ' . . . ' tAly H. S. Rr.AJItVF,iL., "- COMMISSION MERCHANT. Denier in lTanI Stores, Corner of Pollok and East -Jj Roxt bTREETSj: Also. Dealer is - - Dry Goods, Oroceries, Ilardware, Boots, Shoos, Hay, Lime, Shingles, Nails, Crockery, Stone' Ware, oodeu are, &i ccc, , 'v Otie door North of 'Merchants' Bank, NEWBERN, N. C. Cash advances made(on Consignments, floods received and forwarde'd. r Lorillard's II. T. Snuff at J5 cents in large Blad ders. -. " '. - - ' - " T; ' Hauling done on reasonable terms. J . may 2b d(jm . .' ' " i - " - Wifj.FAiri .'ifAV, - -: ; HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTE1J; i-v ' NEWBERN. N. C. ' ' Contracts taken for work in town or country , which will be promptly executed and satisfaction guaran tied. Paints. Oils and Varnish always on hand and will be sold at reasonubl prices. , Sept. 20 d&wly ; r : K: A 3IITCIIELL '& SO IV, S , . : NEWBERN, N. C, DEALERS IN ; ' ' ' Iry Goods,' Groceries, ilnrdn-are Guns, .Pistols and Rifles, Pocket and 1 able Cutlery, Swede's American and English Iron', Cast and German Steel, Plough Steel Sfc; .Iron Axles, Springs, Farming Iiuplemeuts, A good, assortment ot ; .; Carpenters, Blacksmiths and B nek Masons loots G E NTS AND NEGROES' HA TS AND CAPS ; ' Also, ai large stock of w. Red Rlankets, Negro Rlankcts, . Rrogmis, Kerseys and Osnaburgs, Lad;es acd Gentlemen a Fine Boots, Shoes, Gaiters. &,c, ' I Harness, Saddles Bridles, &c.; (!rockerv and Glass Ware: Blast ihg and Gun Powder, Shot, Caps, Balls, Sec, &c. Peruvian and Robinson's iUamptilatcu : . ; . : guano, ' . ; ; . " Lime, Plaster Paris, Cement, Hair, &c.;. Mess, Flank and Rump Pork, Com ,Meal, Flour ; ,Zr Jvubbell s Leather Macliine lianamg : . . Agents for the sale of ' . i G rover fc Baker s, Sewing Machines, . ' Also, Agentsfor Evans Sc Watson's Salamander Safe, which are how considered the best. . SA-1I orders tryi i i Cash or'good customers will irged' the lowest prices. ' Feb 16 d&.w be charj JE, AM VE T T WOULD RESPECTFULLY " call the attention of the citizens of Newbern. and the public generally, to bislarge and complete assortment" of , ' . DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, which he has now on hand, and will continually receive- by! arrivals of vessels from New York and Baltimore through the season. He would respect fully call the attention of! j i families; , o h-is stock of Groceries, such as Pork, Bacon, Lard, Buffer, Flour, Mml, Rice, Soapy Candles, Starch, Coffee, Teas, Crackxrs and p . Cakes, Molasses- and Symps, and in fact everything usually kept at a Grocery. ; lie also keeps a good stock of Domestic Dry Goods siicli as Marlboro Plaids, Brown Shirtings and Sheet ings, Osnaburgs, Prints, Hosiery, Ginghams, Hats, Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, all of whicli he will sell on the most reasonable terms. Persons wishing tOjjpnrchase will do well to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. South Front St., 5, doors below the Gaston House, may 29wly WOOD & PEROT, T T ORNAMENTAL TRON WORKS, Philadelphia. Manufacturers of Iron Railing for Cemeteries and Public or Private Buildings, Verandas, Balconies, Fountains and otherwOrnatnental Hon Work of a decorative character. ' " . A'. MITCHELL & SON, Agents. ' - : - , ' Newbern. N. C. Would be-pleased to show designs and prices to an wno wisu to;purcnase. March XiU d&wqm 300 Rnshelxt Salt ; 50 Sackts Iir- erpool bait ; tO Sacks Ashtou Salt : 20 boxes Sperm, Fruch AVax, Adamantine and Tallow UandleS); 30OO (IBs. NC Bacon; 20 kegs Na'il :$O bbls. Herrings; SO bbls. Mullets, Bliie Fish and irout; a Dots. Uiue. J? or sale by may 28 H S BLACKWELL Golj an DSRORO' TRIBUNE . J-The friends and patrons Of the Goldboro' Tribuue are in formed tnat'Man .1. EMALhas been anoointet ageuf lor Newbern and vicinity, and that he will re ceive subscriptions and receipt for the same. Those indebted for the current year are reuqested to make payment to nun. T. LORING, ..Juue 1. dtt - - . , Editor BE I It IT, and Uat Just received by - apri!27 v ) ' : Exlerminator ! J GOODING, Jr, - Druggist Benzine, i and Spalding'fi Prepared Glue for sale by . J GOODING Jr GLTrS to be Repaired by E WANT, . Pollok street-. pORILLARUV m. x. UH--For sale U by A. MUCHELL & SON to dealers at 15 eta for large and 17 cts.lor smalj, hladders. aprillld3m Butter by the Firkin and at wholesale and retail, April 7 . - 1 -, Tub, for Sale SUMRELLS' TTEGEJUN & CO S Cordial Elixir of !Calieaj-Baik ; for eale by janlO , j; .-, JAS. W. CARMER. LwlnB tachiue. Thcfce in want of eewire machines ought to call t. MYERS' ard turP1 april Mt gEKII IW I'onr :, april 27 " j i N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 3, I860, NEW YORK. Cleveland siWYtR. . samuel vvhedbee. IAWYER & WHEDREE, GENERAL COMJIISSIOIV MEKCHANTS, SO. 100 WALL STREET, '"" . NEW YORK. REFER TO J Messrs. Wbedbee Se Dickinson, Baltimore. Mr. Jas. C. Johnson,' Edenton, N. C. , dec 20 d6m ' - PETER UULLETT. WITH ' D. COLDE1V 3IIJRRAY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT "O South Street, New York. Sepi. 1. ' . : ' - - dly W 1LLL1MSHAW, ' . " ' WITH FENNER & IIAEDENBERGH, , Wholesale Grocers, t DEALERS IN TEAS, 313 and 315 Greenwich St., betwen Reade and Du ane Streets, NEW YORK. - John A Hardenbergh. Jan 31-tdly S; BROWIV TURIVAGEjOf IV. C, ,- " WITH - .! CIPPERLY, HOOVER & CO., Importers, Manufacturerers and Jobbers of Straw Goods, Jtlillinery and Ribbons, HA TS, CAPS, FURS, UMBRELLAS, Parasols,, &c, ' ' No. 2 Courtlandt street, Henry 'J. Clipperly.") . Harmon Hoover, V , NEW YORK. Frank McNulty. ( ' Fe.b 7,. lSG()-(UwGm NORFOLK. B. ODOM. P. P. CLEMENTS o OJI & CLE JIEIVTS, .. .C O TT O N F A'CTO R S AND i ' GENERAL COMMISSION. MERCHANTS No lO and 11, Jlclntosh's Wharf, NORFOLK,. VA. " N. C: References. lion T Braerff. K Ravner ' Ral eigh; JT Morehead, Greensboro'; E Wilkins, Esq, Gaston ; II K Burgwyn, Esq, Halifax; W K A Wil liahis, Hamilton; D WBagley, Williamston'. Virginia Ja'jeiences. Cashiers of the Exchange, Farmers' and Virginia Banks, Norfolk. Particular attention given to the sale of Cotton, Grain and Naval Stores; Liberal cash' advances made on consignments.. april 13, dly ' j Norfolk Steam, Ornamental, Wrought AND CAST IRON RAIL WORKS. For Burial Lots, Public - Squares, ' Balconies, Gar- No. 19j Wide Water St. ' We would call the attention of the public to our establishment for the manufacture of the above des cription of work. We ha'ke such an one, we think that would do credit to tm South, if properly patro nized. We have introduced at great expense ma chinery of the latest improvements and in connection an Iron Foundry for Rail Castings, &c. We have newand elegant patterns, bot h plain and ornamental, many of our own designs, which are entirely new and beautiful. We now appeal to our Southern friends for their patronage and influence to this establishment, we pledge ourselves to give entire satisfaction. We will sell as low and give as good work as can be done in the country, and it every oruer does not come up to our representation, turn it back, upon us atour ex pense, timers punc ually tilled. f SAM L. HODGES & CO march 3 d(m. 6 lkurntl'M Pi'Minrniioiis.J'lCATJ.ISTOM XJ Cocoaine; Oriental Tooth Wash : Florinel Whitcomb's ; Asthma Remedy, and Fla'vorinlr Ex tracts ot Lemon, Orange, .Nutmeg, Vanilla, Peach, cose, Aimona, umnamoB, uipyer Celery ana iS ecta ... I . . J. - . . . 1 i. 1 1 . : 1 nue. u ul iecei veu. anu lor saie,: nv April 21 JAS W CARMER, Druggist. N: jO".'It!E There will be a meeting of the. stock iioldersof ihc Carolina City Co. at Carolina City 7 Friu ; ' th" - "! day of June. Stockholders ire j rti i. ..r- r -isi ed to attend, the same. By ordei )ft frcMic j,. . JNO. r.OSE, Secy Car. City Co. June, JUSl . 4 5IV'EI On C'oMsiiiiiiciit 's prime l-ttailing "Molasses; 'eruvian Guano : .1 d Robinson's Manipulated Guano, for A, MITCHELL & SON. 8 sale low, i y April yi. tit Fulton . Itet and Vessel Reef; Superior article Kero -;iie Oil: Paints. Oils. SniHts Tur pentine ; 15 bbls. Lungs for Spirit Bbls. ; l OO empty. Spirit Bbls. ;aoOO yards Domestics; Tar, Shingles, Wooden Ware. For sale by ' ' may2S II S BLACKWELL? 25 RFI . 10 . ' ! I SO SAC KS IV. C. FTOt R - uble . Extra ; 2 bbl-4 Pilot o at Manufacturers prices; SO Bread and t bushels Meal budicls Corn; IOO bushels Oats: SO bushels Cow Pas. For sale bv may 28 j II S. BLACK WELL BOOTS AND Gaiters'- and SHOES. Gent, and Ladies Slippers, Ladies Buskins. Mo. Boots, Gents Fine Stitched Boots, Childrens. Boys and Misses' Gaiter Slippers, &.c.','.&.c. A large arid complete assortment.- For sale by June 12 .1 M F HARRISON. , T INEN CJOOUS.- Linen Sheeting, Pillow Ca'se JLJ Linen, NapkinsDoyles Holland's Irish T.inpn 11 uck Diaper, Bird Eye Diaper. Scotch Diaher. Linen Crumb Cloths, a larg stoek of Housekeeping Goods. For sale by - J M F II ARK I SON. " June 2 . trady Made Clothing. A;. LAKGE STOCK of Suhlmer ('lothing, consisting of the latest styles audof superior workmanship, and at very low. prices. JalI at o M .x II AKlilSON. . June 12 ' -' " tlothf , Cassimeren, Ar. LARGE ASSORT- ment of Cloths,. Cf ssiu.eres, Vetings. Linen. Drills, Ducks, Cottonade Drap D'Ete,! Queen Cloths. Sec, &c For sale by , June 12 JMF HARRISON. Dre Goods. Silk Robes, Plain and Fancy Silks, Barege -nd Muslin Robes, English Ba reges. French Greys Jfonet and Orsanbv, Muslins! A complete assortment, b . HARRISON'S. .June VI T7I5IBROID1RV. Are. Embroiderpl t SI.-pvps JfjlJ and Collar.' Lace Collars and Undersleeves, Worked Skirts, Jaconet and Swiss- Bands, .Jaconet and Swiss Edging large supply kept constantly on hand, by JMF HARRISON. BOMBAZINE A I. PICAS, &c Bomt a zinee, Black DLainef-, Black Alpacas, Black Bareges and Chailif, Grenadines and MuIiep a va rfA vortmcnt.For tale hy June 12 i,'- "JMF HARRISON. NO. 277. MISCELLANEOUS. gALTDIORE LOCK HOSPITAL, DR. JOHNSTON Has discovered the most Certain, spee dy and only fectual remedy iu the world for al? ; . c-4 p -.! ' j Weakness of the Back or Limbs. S'ti. uf-' tions of the Kidneys and Bladder, ivoIi t; ? . charges'jlmpotency, General DefbiKty. Nerv-: ' , I - ', uyspepsia, langour, lkjw spirits, I rntiv lid ' ! Palpitation of the Heart,' Timiditv. " .4bhi Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Dir -is i'he H Id: I Throat, Nose or Skin. Affections oi . ' o T ins Stom ach or Bowels those Terrible Disoi Us. .risins from Solitary Habits of Youth those-set and eolitarv practices more fatal to their victims S ji the soncr . the Syrens to the mariners of Ulyses, oiighting their uiooL uuiuaui uopes or unucipaiious, renaerin" mar riage, &z.c, impossible. ;; 1 ? ; lonns ITIen Espocially , who have become the victims of Solitary ,Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which an nually. sweeps rpr an untimely grave tho.usands of loung xAien o,t the most exalted talents i.nu brilliant intellect, who mtght. otherwise have er : d lis- terwng 'Senates with the thunders of .. waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may i t confidence. j ' -:: : Marriage. J'.'' Married persons, or YOuug Men cont en ; riage. being aware of physical weaknet bihty, defoniiities, &c.j, speedily cured. He who places himself under the ca may relisriouslv confide in his honor as in. . ; . nee, or With full ng mar 'micde T)r. J atleman. and confidently rely upon his ikill as a 1 .iVfcivian I UKGAMC WEAKNESS immediately cured and full vigor restored. yi cure n an anted, or, no Charge, in from one to two Days.' ; 1 -Or. JohuKton. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. graduate trom one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States,- and the greater part of , whose life has been spent in tbe hospitals of lif ndon, Paris, Phil adelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep; gre at nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness. with freouentblushir?. attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. ' Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured them selves by improper indigencies and solitary habits which' ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for eitiier liusmess, btudy, .society or Marriage. Ihese are some ot the sad and melancholy effects produced by Nearly, habits of youth, viz i Veakness ot the Back and Limbs, Pain's in the Head. Dimness ot; Sight, Loss ot Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia,-iNervous Irritability, Derange Symptoms of Consumption, &c. ; Mentality. JL lie teaiiul effects on the mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, . Confusion ol deas,, Depression ot Spirits, Lvu torebodines. Aver sion to Society, SelfDistKist, Love of ,Solitude,Tim ldity. efce. are some ot tne evils produced. Thousands oT. persons', of all ages. K w 1UC what is the cause of their declining he.- ' ? vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervou.' having. a singular appearance about r K ' lheir .h!l lcJ i. An-1 and symptoms ot consumption. t- - Die. JOHN S 1 ON S REMEDY FOR ( . WEAKNESS AND IMPOTENCY. By this gi-eat and important remedy weakness of Uhe orgisre speedily c jfed and full vigor restored. Thousands ot the most ' H'vous and debilitated, who had lost all-hope, have ' j n immediately relieved. All impediments to J age, Ph'sical or Mental Disqualifications, Loss j rocreative Power, Ner vous Irritability, Tremblh and Weakness or Ex haustion of the most feartul kind speedily cured. YOUNG " V Who have Injured themselves by 0 ce. . v'ailce indulged in when alone a habit ti vntly . . Ted from evil companions j or at scLc. . effects which are nightly felt, even whf ! . 1 if not cured, genders marriage impos " n -oyg both mind and body, should apr iiniiiedif'4 iy. Such persons must, beiore coiibemplating - ' ? ... MARRIAGE, : reflect thr a sound mind and body are the most nec essary requisites to; promote connubial ' happiness; Indeedvithout those, the journey thrd"'' life be comes a weary piigrimmage; the. prospect holv f darkens to the view; the niind become jd with despair and filled with the, melant v ac tion that the happiness of another becoi? . . ..ted with our own. '. . -' ENDORSEMENT OF THE TRES The Many Thousands curediit this Inst itut : " wit'., in the last fifteen .years, and the numerous L. A oi -tant Surgical operations, performeu uy Dr. Johnston,; witnessed by thpreporters of the sun and many other papers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing, as a gentleman of ohai-aeter and responsibility, is a suf ficient guarantee to the afflicted, . : . OFFICE NO. 7, SOUTH FREI R STilEET, Baltimore, Md Left hand side going from Baltim doors from the corner. Fail not to ; . .i street, a few .serve name. No letter received unless post-pair, .'ind containing a Stamp to be used on the reiily rsons - writing Ivertisement CURED. should state age, and send portioi stating symptoms. SKIN DISEASES SPELD Feb 1, 18C0 dly. '; T' HE I.AOIES SHOE SAI.OO. . LM received a lot of Vgentlemen- and youths line calf and kid shoes. - April 17 WILK1NS FLANAGAN. eimsptf r4'l Hair Coloi-iusr. Warranted to rrstoi e Grey Hair to its original co! . r 1 no;-. 50c. Sold by . J. GOODING. v ; December 10. . DO M E S TI C in O O O . . Wrsn a b u . , ;t ri pes . Tickings, Plaids. Deimns. Brown and Biv-achcd Drills, Brown and Bleached Slihting, Brown aha Bleached Sheeting, with a complete a.-sportment'of every articles in this line ; for sale yt HARRISON'S. ' June P2 f -JIv Sil. nil. tan!), imbih, :i-. f .Hats, ge and '!al' an 1 Flats and Children's Facy Hats, .i.mr.l.-fr and will be sold chea.p forCas get supplied at. : . HARK IN )N S ' June ' ' . - .'''; .: ;: - ' - Tohii Foly? Celebrated OObD I"ENS cni, Viv J IVf V II A RR1SON .a'gent fo. manit rer, Newbern, N C Each pen has the manufacture. name on iy Old Gold Pens taken in exchange. may I1 LADIES AND mnier Under-Gnrmenti Gents Merino aud Silk VeMs, Merino Drawers, Cotton Drawers, the tupei jgrRf w!, r Linen and-Ojtton Shirt... For sale at June 12 HIDES I IIIHES I I-TIIE SUBSCRIBER will pay the highest cas prices for Dry and green HIDES. , ) ' : B Ji LANE. ! may 21, 1860-dtf t - Crop 1SGO. From D. Lan jrd-rh is iun. J GOODING. Jr. Jtift received, by Julv 1 : c fiRRlXfl Ne- Xih-n Iflfay Rntter, O itiff recii hvScbr. I W Hughe", ard foT r ? 'June 1 ' 1 ' - , YEARLY ADVERTISING RATES. HALF SQUARE. . I . MC jqUAKX. One day... 25 jOue day. ... $0 Two davs.L ; .;37irTwo days.. 75 Three divs"... .. . 5 Three days.. i.. 1 wu i Four days.. .... 62 Four days ..1 25 I Five days 75 Fivodaya 150 ne week.......... '871fOne week.... J 75 wo week9.........I 371 ITwo weeks... Jz 75 Jne monthi.;.. ... 00 One month....... ....4 ) I Fwo months 3 50 Two months ? 00 Three months 10 CO Six months 18 00 One year.... . 5 00 inree montns..-...o4w Six months.....,.". .8 00 One year... .......15 00 Twelve lines make : square, six lines 'a half-square Libera 1 arrangements made with yearly advertiser DAILY PROGRESS. TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 3, I860. Present to TUBTYCOON.-Some New York jew ciws uave prepared, as a present to the Tycoon, a medalion testimonial of pure old, weighing five ounces, and measuring three inches in diameter, The inscription indicates tthe name of the firm and the purpose of the medal, and is enclosed in. 3ix flags of the two nations intertwined. On the reverse is the name of President Buchanan, finely cut in cameo, an oval three-quarter face-a counter- part of the celebrated one worn by Miss Lane. The obverse, besides the inscrirttion. rnntin the entertwined.iusignitof America and Japan; auu accurate arawingsolie Niagara and a Ja panese war vessel. - -. , v: : , . y SUMMER RESORTS' OBTH CAROLINA 5 WHITE WUL.PIICR SPRINGS WILL BE OPENED FOR VISITORS THE FIRST oi june. lliey are near the nreaent tprminna nf lh Western North Carolina Railroad not an hour's ride by superior ommbitses and stages. The proprietor nas pvocurea tne seryicea of THOMPSON TYLER, as manager, whose experience at the most fashion able watering places of Virginia, added to his1 com manding appearance and gentlemanly bearing, Insure good order and good fare. . 4 a lie very Dest, uaii itoom 1aH.aijjsh ana ULAUK. BAND of Musicians the city of Richmond, Va., af fords, have been procured. lading vehicles and horses, billiard saloons and bowling allies are at the command of visitors. . The country is elevated and healthy ; the scenery beauti ful, and roads most excellent, and the pleasure grounds extensive. There is no better water than that afford ed by the North Carolina White Sulphur Springs. The patronage of the Oarolinas is confidently relied on to repay tue .froprietor tor the expensive .outlay ue uas muue lo up u. waieriug piace suiteu w meir wants ; Und he promises that no pains shall be spared by himself or his gentlemanly assistant to render all who may visit him pleasant and comfortable. . v II. L. ROBARDS, Proprietor. May 18, 18G0 d&w2in : FRONT STREET HOUSE, BEAUFOR T, N. C This large and pleasantly located establishment ii now being thoroughly refitted and furnished and will be opened on Monday, 14th day of May, for the re ception and accommodation of visitors. Its location is on the Front Street and but a few -eet from tbk water, where convenient Bathing Houses are erected. The main building is three stories high, having on tne top a aengntiui promenaue, ixu ieet in lengin. The rooms are large and airy, opening on piazas, in full view of the Ocean, so that persons desirous of -spending the Summer from their homes for the enjoy ment oi the Sf a breeze, &c, will find this house both comfo'oie and pleasant. " ' - ' Pleasure boats with experienced persons to man them will always be in readiness for sailing or fishing , excursions&e. A full suppiy of Ice constantly ou hand. No effort will be spared to give entire satis faction. ' Terms of Board: $25 per month ; $10 per week; 51.75 per day. B. A. ENSLEY & CO. April 17, 1860 dtwtf J A TLANTIC IIOlSEl A. BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA. PENDER AND PAGE, Proprietors. ! T. A. tS ran per. Superintendent. Located immedi .ely in front of the inlet with not a:n. obstacle to obstruct the view either of the town of Beaufort, Bogue Soundj Cor Sound, or the ocean, the waters of which laves its base, waftinf on its bosom the delightful sea breeze and invitinff ne to that niost sanitary, luxurious and inTigoraUnj, indul gence, the sea bath, s In addition to the main building we hav nstruct ed a number ot pleasantly located -too -s on the shore omamented with t gileen; plaic-u. md grovo rees iu' froiit. ' AMUSEMENTS. v . .- ine ing as the harbor affords may b . indulged l "ollonades that entirely sun o md thi ie.1 ithout the least exposure to. the nun La ' ommodious bathing houses are being constr i i apableof accommodating -our guest. Fast sail iboats with experienced hands to navi-' gate them always in readiness. ,. An excellent band on-jnu-ic in attendance on pleasure excursions tin d at nigit in our airy dancing saloon. . An excellent bar with choice liquors and winea, bowling saloon, Ph elan's best marble top billiard table, .chess, backgammon, drafts, domiuoes, Sec, convenient to the hotel. - .' We have also purchased a STEAMER for pleasuro excursions in and about the harbor and to the sea shore ; also to make reg.ular connection with the Railroad Cars at Moreheadj-City landing passengers at our house without the least exposure to the weather. - - ' - EDIBLES. Our market abounds in the product iotis of ibolh tea and land fish and vegetables. In endle. 'variety, fowlsj sta game, Sec ; oystersyclains, ioft, hard and stone crabs, scollops, turtles; terrapins, etc., with good and experienced cooks to serve them. V , . Having built a hew and large ice house our guests will always tind an ample eui'ply of this luxury on hand.- ' ' '. The object of the proprietors has been to i r this the most attractive resort North or .South, Hat ui r and eliniate having been exceedingly hountilul to this most favored spot. , . Our terms, according tu the accommodations re-nuirc-d, but in every instance governed bv model a ti,,,, ' i PENDER &z PAGE, .' MayJldtf !. Proprietors. Carolina citV hotel, j NOW OPEN! The Proprietor of this, commodious -sea sid rerort would respectfully aiinoum e that, having completed all hi arrangements, the House is now npu for th reception of -.visitors, and( he promi s1hat no pain shall spared to render-all who visit the establish ment, in qucot of, health oi pleafeure,conifprtable and harpy. , PLEASURE BOATS, ! Fishing'Tackle. Bathing Houses, and nil other , im provements and convenience; required torenderthft establishment complete in--every particular have been .vtTanged ar.d put in thorough order. 0 . 'Being well supplied withgpf cooks and itervsatF, presided over and directed by Mr. L. J. Ilawley, a gentleman rf experience, the proprietor fel ur that the patrons of the Ilouse will haye no wan' uu gratified. . ' . ' . '. ' "; ' The Bari'well stocked with choice Wines and Liquorf, and Tor the amusf ment aud recreation of guests a Billiard Room and (Bowling Alley ore at tached: .. ' '.'; . i'- ').'- ... ::';'.' ' 4 - A good Band of Music has been employed for tha , season, and tlie Ball Room is one-of the largest and betin thJ State. ; - All who visit Carolina City may be assured of"fipd ing all the comforts and appointment of a first tints Hotel. W. PpIOOUE, Proprietor. L. J. HAWLI.T. Silp't. Raleigh Standard and Wafcrticgton.'Diiipatch in sert oce month atd send bill to Pr ogres Office. jute !?.rftf : ' i ' ' S ir JamoClark't Frmale Pill For r by I JAMES W. CARMER. covlbdAw . Druggiot. K I I: m 1 c t