BY J. I, VKXNlXGTON. "1 " DAILX PROGRESS" is served tolown and aoun'ry subscribers at Six Dollars a year payable in advance. AH papers "discontinued when the time paid for expires, unless renewed. t Advertisements inserted as Special or Bishop .No tices are charged one,half more than the ostial rates, ten lines (leadedi or lees coftsituting & euare. Marriages and Death under six lines ,'inserted grat uitouslyover that a charge will be made. Advertisement inserted every othea- day will be charged 37J cent3 for each insertion after the first. Where the number of insertiojns are not ex pressed when advertisements are handed in they will be inserted till forbid, (tf,) and charged 50 cents for the first insertion and 25 cents for each continuance. BUSINESS CARDS. WIL,I,IAT1 P. fflOOBE, Jr. : COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner South Front and Illiddlc Sts. . newbern; N. c. Acntfor Vessels Running between this Port andeto a York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston. TartiulRr attention civen to the sale of Country Produce! and the purchase of goods generally. Also, iWrthAnrinir Vessels and Procuring Freight, and the Receiving and Forwarding Business. t .have convenient Wharves and Wnrehouse3 i KEFEREKCES : D. Colden Murray, New York ; Cochran & Russell, Philadelphia ;Dollner, Potter &, Co., New York : James Coner & Sons, Baltimore ; James L. Davis, New York : London Ac Brvan Boston ; i red. J Jones, fTaahier Branch Bank of North Carolina, Newbern .tnn. AJ Guioiu Cashier Bank of Commerce. New bern ; W.AV: Clark, Cashier Merchants' Bank, New bern; A. Mitchell fit 2on, ana JJr Isaac W. Hughes Newbern March 22 dly . WI. VESTAL, - GENERAL AGENT for the Collection of Notes, Accounts and the settlement of Claims, NEWBERN, N. C. Beinc? now emraered in canvassing Craven and the adjoining counties, I wilt undertake the collection of accounts for publishers of newspapers, merchants, factors and others for the usual commissions. AH business entrusted to me by parties at a dis tance will be 'faithfully and promptly attended to. I refer those to whom I am not known to the edi tor of the Daily Progress and the business men Of Newbern generally. Address W. I VESTAL, Dec 8, 18.VJ Progress Office. Newbern, N. C. The "Modern" Establishment OF NEWBERN, N. C. JM. F. IIAItRISOIV, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN Staple. Fanc-. Foreign and Domestic -Dry ( o o 1 s , - Hats, Caps, Boots and Slute, Carpeting,. Mattings, Rugs, Jewelry, Trunks, Ready-Made Clothing, - . &c, Slc. : Newber.v, N. C. J. M. F. Harrison has just received a complete assortment suitable for the season, and will continue t receive by every arrival all desirable Articles and Novelties ofthe season! , Particular attention paid to orders Septl dly The Newbern TIntnal FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. TTlrllS Company has now been in successful opera-i JL tiou for ' ; ; THREE YEARS, During which time no assessment has been made to meet losses. - ' . i The Company is now prepared to receive Applica tions for .' INS UR A NC E, Which 'may be made to any of the different Agents ' throughout the State, or to the undersigned, at the office of the Comoanv. m this place. . W. G. SINGLETON, Secretary. Newbern, N. Q., Sept 1 dly TV J. HUGHES. ' GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, DEALER IN NAVAL STORES, CORNER EAST FRONT AND SOUTH FRONT STREETS, NEWBERN, N. C. PORK, BACON, LARD, . CORN, FLOUR, WHISKY, GUANO, COAL, HAY, LIME, &c, &c, &c, for sale on consignment. Has vessels running regularly to New York, Phila- delphia and Baltimore. r r Goods received and forwarded. March lfi V. II. .MUJIBBLL,'- - y . COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN Dry Goods , G rocei ies , Provisions, Liquors, Jfcc' Opposite Bank of North Carolina in Newbern, Cra ven county, N. C. v V f Has on hand a good assortment of Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, iS'tone and Crockery-ware, Nails by the keg or reta-il,Wooden-ware, Brooms, Boots and Shoes, Spun Cotton, Yankee Notions of various kinds, Axes, of the best quality constantly on hand, and all or. -wnicu will De sola low lor casn. March 1-dtf G' EOKGE BISHOP, NE WBERN, N. C, Manufacturer of Window Sash, Blinds, PannelDoors, Shutters, Wood Mouldings, Brackets, Balusters, Newels, fcc, &c. " '-'' ALSO, . ' " manufactures and keeps constantly on hand, a large stock of CABINET JfURNlTtfRE, at wholesale and retail. - Sash Mill on Hancock st, Ware Rooms on Middle st. Septl ; -, - '. . , . - ; dly ' B. b. iAive, . . ' GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, South front Street, NE WBERN. N. C. Particular attention given to the sale of Cotton, Naval Stores, Flour, Com, Hay, Liine, Dried Fruit, and country produce generally, j , Also the Receivinir and Forwarding business, dis- . charging vessels and procuring freiglits for vessels running oetween this port and theports of New York. 1 X'niiaaeipuia ana uammore. ; , Cash-advances made on Consignments. March 24-aiy. 1717'IIVE'IAIVI II. OLIVER & CO., TT GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - JNEiYVtfJSKN. JN. U. Will give special attention to the sale of COTTON, FLOUR, GRAIN and other Produce, and will make 1 liberal cash advances on Consignments when desir ed. Goods received and forwarded. - jane 12 - . . , " ; WILLI All HAY.j.. r HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL NEWBERN, N. C. Contracts taken for work in town or country, which will be promptly executed and satisfaction guaran tied. Paints, Ojils and rarnish always on hand and j wm De soia ac reasonaoio prices. ; Sept. 20-d aw ly DIBBLE & BROTHERS, FORWARDING & COMMISSTON MERCHANTS, Nkw Birxi, N, C. ' CP Cash Advances made on Consignments to be told here or forwarded to Northern Markets. Septl dly W 1LLIA.TI W. COOK, PAPER HANGER, : . Newbern, N. C. Will give his entire attention to hanging; plain and Ornamental Wallj Paper. Work done in the best ip auner and at reasonable prices. July .13. I860 dly V GEORGE ALLEN, , DEALIK IN FAffCT & STAPLJ ' DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HA TS1 CAPS, SrC, w POLLOK STREET, NEWBERN N. C . Would respectfully invite the attention of the public to his Stock, which will ba found nete, well at sorted, and sufficiently large at all seasons of the year. Orders promptly and carefully attended to. Sept I . . . dly VOL. II. NEWBERN, BUSINESS CARDS. MITCHELL & SOW, NEWBERN, N- C, I DEALS RS IN ! Dry Cioods, 3roceries,r Hardware. ,Onni, Pistols and Rifles, Pocket and Table Cutlery, ' Sweile's American and English Iron, Cast and German Steel, Plough Steel, 8fC.f Iron Axles, Springs, Farming Implements, . A good assortment of . ! Carpenters, Blacksmiths and Brick Masons' j Tools ; GENTS AND NEGROES1 HA TS AND CAPS; Also a large stock of ' j Bed Blankets, IVegro- Blankets,'' Brogant, Kerseys and Osnaburgs, Ladies acd Gentlemen's Flue Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &.C., Harness, Saddles Bridles, &.C., , Crockery and Glass Ware ; I Blasting and Gun Powder, Shot, Caps, Balls, &c.f&C Peruvian and Robinson's Manipulated GUANO, Lime, Plaster Paris, Cement, Hair, &c.; Mess, Flank and Rump Pork, Corn Meal, Flour ; KubbelPs" Leather Machine Banding : i Agents for the sale of ( . Grover & Baker s. Sewing Machines, Also. Aerents for Evans & Watson's Salamander Safe, which are now considered the best. I5PA11 orders from Cash or good customers will be charged the lowest prices. . teD lb d&w H. S. BLACKWELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Dealer iu IVaval Stores, Corner of Pollok and East-Front Streets : Also. Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Boots, Shoes, Hay, i : cm i,. xt.,:i.. m. c.nn T Woodeii Ware, &,c. &c, One door North of Merchants' Bank, NEWBERN, N. C. Cash advances made on Consignments. Gmk1s received and forwarded. Lorillard's II. T. Snuff at 15 .cents in large Blad ders. Hauling done on reasonable tenns. ; may b-dGm J. I). LITERS, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND H II O L E S A L E G R O C E It, '' (MQPORS INCLUDED; Agent for J. M. Singer & Co's, Wilcox & Gibbs and Jessee C. Conner's Sewing Machines ; keeps oon stantly on hand a supply of Red Ash Coal for Grates. Solicits Consignments and orders and will prompt ly attend to a 11 business entrusted to him. Office on the Old County Wharf. Newbern, dec 20 4JQCr KE WARD. Ranaway from the Sub tjp4t) scriber at Raleigh on Wednesday, Aug. rlst, 1860, his negro man JOE MILLER. Said negro , has been working for several months in the vicinity of NEWBERN has worked for Dr. Hines, Cot. Clark and others' in the capacity of ditcher, and hence the subscriber has cause to be believe that the said boy is loitering in or about Newbern. $25 REWARD will be given for his confinement in jail or delivery to the subscriber in RALEIGH. He is about 5:10 in hight, weighs about " 160 lbs.; is black and rather near sighted, and about 4b years of age. The,-e are a number of persons about New bern who know and who can describe him with minute ness. Any information concerning him may be left with the Editor of the Progress, Newbern, or ad dressed to the subscriber at Raleigh. aug 9 dtf A. SORRELL. TKICI FOB SAKE. a OO.OOO HARD l- Brick ready for delivery, at the Brick-Yard of I U. IS. wuuu. Send in 3'our orders. july'23d&wlm iO:TIIlAZIIVE4 ALPACAS, Ac. Bomba zines, Black DeLaines, Black Alpacas, Black Bareges and Chains, Grenadines and Muslins a va ried vssortment. For sale by June 12 JMF HARRISON. T nee !ootls. Just received a supply of Lace XJ Mantillas and Points. Also Lace Mitts, by J M F HARRISON Juno 12 13AI1TY DRESSES, &c. A FEW VERY handsome Party Dresses and Berthas, just re- eejved and for sale at juh6 20 J M F HARRISON'S. Tolin Foly's Celebrated GOLD IENS,tor sale by J M F IIARRISON,agent for manufac- rer, Newbern, N C. Each pen has the manufacturer's name on it. Old Gold Pens taken in exchange. may 1 Tcnzine, and Spalding's Prepared Glue ; J3 for sale by april 27 J GOODING, Jr. gEND IN Vonr GUNS to be april 27 Repaired by E WANT, Pollok street. B utter by the Firkin and Tub, for Sale at wholesale and retail, at SUMRELLS'. April 7 . , HEGEJIAN & Calisaya Bark janlO CO'S Cordial : for sale by Elixir of JAS. W. CARMER. Ucwine UlachineH. lnose in want ot sewme O machines ought to call at MYERS' and supply tnemselves. :t CZ. Rbl. mason's fresh Crackers and Cakes ; A J juft received and for sale by June27, J E AMYETT. 10 Rbls LARILARD'S ceived and for sale at snuirir just re- JE AMYETT S. June 1 T3otter' Tonic, for restoration of the Ilnir. A Jut received and for sale by July 18 F S DUFFY. nVRNING FLOD.-NEW YORK BURN- U ING FLUID jut received by Feb 12 JAS. W. CARMER. Pishing Tackle.- ceived and for sale by j may 2 -A large assortment just re: EDWIN WANT. A Fine r.t of Aniorted CROCKEUV Just received and for sale at may 23 J E AMYETT'S rtDEKOKEE RE3IEIY.-JUSTRECEIV V ed and for sale by JAS W CARMER, jnne 25, 1850 - Druggist. 1VTEVI7I. A supply of FITCHE S NERVIM il just received. at , June 2d, 1860 CARMER'S. CAT BAGS ASSORTED COFFEE Just received and for sale at may 28 J E AMYETT S F ahafttfck'a Termifuge. Also Joyner s, M Train's. Perry s. DeaL Miot. Wayne's and Wriglit's do For sale by F S DUFFY. 25 BBI.8. NEW CITV MESS PORK. Just received and for sale low by may 28 . ' J E AMYETT. BY EXPRESS! Another supply of those cheap. Silk Lace jjjuuiss ana i lain quk. uasiexs. July 20 E CUTHBERT. TT ence of Codec, Hundrel s Essence of Coffee XJ lor sale at UAKMERS. N. C, MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20, 1860. NEW YORE. PETER aiAX-JLETT. . WITH . . . . I. COLDER Nl'RRAT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT 63 South Street, IVew Vork. Sept. 1. I : ! " dly WILiIilA?I sklAW, '" I with . -; ;.T, .. FENNER & HARDENBERGH, - Wholesale Grocers, bEALERS IN TEAS. 313 and 315 Greenwich St., betwen Reade and Du ane Streets. - i D K Fennel , John A Hardenbergh. : NEW YORK. Jan 31 -dly NORFOLK. J. B. ODOM, P. P. CLEMENTS o DOiTI &c (LE1II5MS, OTTON FACTORS AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS rYo lO and 11, Mcintosh' Wharf, NORFOLK, VA. N. C: References. Jlon T Bragg, KRayner. Ral- eigh; JT Morehead, Greensboro'; E Wilkins, Esq, liaston; a tt. uurgwyn, ii,sq, iiaiuax; w IV A .W il liams, Hamilton ; 1) W Bagley, Williamston. Virginia , Refei ences Cashiers of the Exchange. f armers ana Virginia ruuKs, ixorioiK Pailicular attention given to the sale, of Cotton, Grain and Naval Stores. Liberal casli advances made on consignments, april 13, d&wly XT rorfolk Steam, Ornamental, Wronsht 1A AND CAS For Burial Lots, r 1KOJS KAIL. YVOKKS. Public Squares, Balconies, Gar dens, Sfc. . No. 19, Wide Water Sr We would call establishment for ne attention ot tne public to our the manufacture of the above des We have such an one. we think cription of work. that would do credit to the South, if properly patro uized. We have introduced at great expense ma chinery of the latest improvements and iu connection an Iron Foundry for Rail Castings, &c. We have new and elegant patterns, both plain and ornamental many oi our own designs, wnicu are entirely new and beautiful. We now appea to our Southern friends for their patronage and influence to this establishment, we pledge ourselves to give entire satisfaction. We will sell as low and gite as good work as can be done in the country, ana f every order does not come up to our representation, turn it oacK upon us at our ex panse. Orders punctually tilled". SAM L. HODGES 5c CO march 3 d6m. Burnett's Preparations." K A LLISTON Cocoaine;! Oriental Tooth Wash: Florinel. LWhitcomb"; Asthma Remedy, and Flavoring Ex tracts oi Xieraonj urange, jn utmeg, vanilla, feach, Rose, Almond, Cinnamon, Clover, Celery and Necta rine. Just received and tor sale, bv April 21 JAS W CARMER, Druggist, N1 EW STVI.1E TRUNKS; Those wa intinsr Travelline Trunks or Baers should call at CLTTH BERT'S Dry Goods Emporium corner ot foiioK ana Miaale sts July 20 PEBOT, T T ORNA MENTAL IRON WORKS, I'hiladelphia. of Iron Railing for Cemeteries and Manufacturers Public or Private ruiiainc.-i, veranaas. uaiconies. Fountains and other Ornamental Iron Work of a decorative character. A MITCHELL & SON, Agents, Newbern. N. C. Would be pleased to shw desierns and. prices to all who wish to piurchase. March d&wUra FLOUNCED BERAGE ROBES AT $5! A few still left on haniftotrether with a - heau- tifulJot of betteij grades at very low prices. dulyiiU E CUTHBERT. 40 BBLS PORK s SO BAGS COFFEE Mocha, Java. Laeuavra. Rio and Cape. Hish- ly flavored Green and Black Teas from the Tekin Tea Co: SO bbls. Stuart's Sugars. A B C-IA) Crushed; 20 bbls. Cuba and Porto Rico Sugars. may 28 For; sale, by II S BLACKWELL - j . .. ' , , , . - , F. S. BAlVCiERT having engaged in the Butchering business, will pay the hijrhest cash prices for lieei, ijamb and Mutton, accordiug to quality Particular attention Riven to orders April 2 dGm TTtalton Market and Veiel Reef; Superior JL article Kerosene Oil; Paints. Oils. Spirits Tur pentine ; 1 5 bbls. Bungs for Spirit Bbls. ; I OO empty Spirit Bbls. ; 3000 yards Domestics; Tar, Shingles, Wooden Ware. For sale by may 28 II S BLACKWELL 25 BBLS. and 50 SACKS IV. C. ELOtTR lO bbls.1 Double Extra: SO bbls. Pilot- Bread and Crackers at Manufacturers prices ; 50 bushels Meal; bushels Corn: IOO bushels Oats : 50 bushels Cow Peas. For sale by may 28 II S BLACKWELL NEW HOOP SKIRTS ! Just to hand by Express for Ladies, Mis- ses and children! from 25c to 3 dollars. . , E CUTHBERT. July 28 PARASOLS AND UTIBREJLIAS ! I JUST OPENED. Ladies superior Silk Parasols, from 1 to 10 dollais each : Sun Umbrellas from 1 to 6 dollars : Gents Umbrellas at all prices. My stock of the above wefe bought of the manufacturer, and will be sold at very low prices. April 21. GEO. ALLEN TV 5IESTIC GOODS. Orsriaburghs, Stripes, AS Aicis.ing8, Plaids, Denims, Brown and Bleached Drills, Brown and Bleached Shirtins, Brown and Bleached Sheetine. with a complete assortment of every articles in this line; for sale at HARRISON'S June 12 rlhth, CRMimerei, Sec A LARGE ASSORT i a r ni - : - i . T ' in cut or Vsiuius. vo.f aiuierrs. esuut, ximcu Drills, Ducks,! Cottonades, Drap D'Ete, Queen Cloths, &c, &g. For sale by June 12 . JMFIIAKKlSUiX. Ready Made Clothing. A LARGE STOCK of Summer Clothmz. consisting of the ' latest styles and of superior workmanship, and at very low prices, vauai , J Jl je aAamau. June Vz H at, Caps, Flats. Jcc. -My stock of Hats. tats and Children a Fancy Hat. is large ana complete and will be sold cheap for Cash. Call and get supplied at HARRISON'S. June 12 f R!f A3I E NT Alt HAIR PIN8. An Aseort vfj ment .mstireceived by fun? 20 J.M F HARRISON. . NO- 317. -MISCELLANEOUS. gALTHIOBE LOCK HOSPITAL Dr! JOHNfcTfYNT ! I ! Has dkcoverea tlie most certain, speedy and only ef ; Disfeaie of Imprndcncf . Weakness" of tkeBackoriLimha Strir- uons ot tne Jkidneva and Bladder. Tvnitn,. nto. gorges, impotencyj General Debility. Nervonsnese, """iur ivow opinrsi contusion of Ideas , Palpitation of the f Heartt Timidity, i Trembling Dmines8 of Sight or Giddiness. DkG.Wnf th Throat, Nose or Skin. Affections !of the Lunes. Stomi aciior uewei uiose rerntj)Ie Disorders arising from ooiuary iiabits ot l outli those secret and solitary prucuces more iatai to tneif victjma than the son- of me oyrens to tne mariners 0f Ulyses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering mar- iiogc xuipossioie. . ! - ! ; n - Vonnsr ITIcn ! i- ' Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which nn. nually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of xoung wen oi tne most exalted talents and brilliant micwcci, wuv iuigni otuerwiae nave entranced lis tening Senates wirti the thunders of eloquence, or wuKeu io ecsiacy tne living iyre may call with ful confidence. ITIarriase. Marned persons. ir Young' Men contrtinnlRtintr mr .1:... 1.-:." iLr.v v , t . r o. ueiug aware pi pnypicai weakness. organic de MniLjf , uciuiiumes, etc., apeeuuy curea. : He who places himself i under the care of Tr J may religiously confide inshis honor as a gentleman anu connaently rely upouf his .kill as a Piiysician I ORGANIC WEAKNESS immediately cured ;aud full vigor restored. A Otfre vv arr anted, or Uo Utarcc. iu from one to T ttcv pays. "Or. Johnston Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Loudon graduate trom one of thle niost eminent Colleges of the Cmted States, and the greater part of whose life nas oeen spent in tne hospitals ot Lrndon, Paris, Phi adelpuia and elsewhere!, has effected -some of the most astonishing, cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep; great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bash fulness!, witH frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. ; TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have iniured them selves by improper indulgeneies and solitary habits which ruin both body arid mind, unfitting them for either Business, Study, Society or Marriage. These aresome of. the sad and melanchoW effects produced bv earlv habits of vouth. viz : Weakness ot the Back and Limbs j Pains in the Head. Dimness ot bignt, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart,Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derange ment of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, &c. Mentality. The fejarful effects on the mind arie much to be dreaded !ss of Memorv Conf nston nt (Ideas, Depression iof Spirits, Evil forebodings, Aver sion to &ocieTy, be-iistpuet, L.ove ot soiuuae,i.iin idity, &c., ara ebme ofthe evils produced. Thousands of persons, of all atres. can now iude-e ! what is the cause of their declining liealth, losing their vigor, becoming weak, Ipale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearacce about the eyes, cough ana symptoms ot consumption. DR. JOHNSTON'S REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS AND IMPOTENCY. By this great and important remedy weakness of ine organs are speeuiiV curea ana iuu vigor resiorea. Thousands oPthe most! nervous and debilitated, who had lost ail hope, have been immediately relieved All impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualifications, Loss! of Procreative Power, Ner. voua Irritability, Trembling and Weakness or Ex haustion of the most fearful kind speedily cured. . VOUNG MEN Who have injured themselves by a .certain practice indulged in when ! alone a habit lrequently learned from evil companions.! or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt,!even when asleep, and, if not cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. Such persdns must, before contemplating MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind and body are the most nee essarv reauisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without those! the journey through life be comes a weary pilfrrimmaffe ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; jthe mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflec tion that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. j ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The Many Thousands cured at this Institution with in the. last fifteen vears, and the numerous impor tant Surgical operations performed by Dr. Johnston witnessed by the reporters of the &un and many other papers, noticeslof which have appeared again and again before the! public, besides his standing as a c-ftiitleman of character and reeponsiDility. is a sui ficicnt guarantee to he afflicted. OFFICE NO. T, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, Baltimore. Md.. Tf. hnnd sid iroint from Baltimore street, a tew dnnr from t he corner. 1 ail Cot to observe name No letter received unless post-paid, and containing a Stamp to be used! on the reply. Persons writing should state age, and send portion of advertisement stating symptoms. ' rSKiiN si-Jiir.i-iJL.x ukiuu. Feb 1, 1800 dly. WT llkor' Cod Liver Oil-and Liuie i for sale 1 1 b by July 21 J. W. CARMER. , O Just received (his day per Schr. Sabine and for sale at Wholesale and Ketail Dy J. Mitu. July 14 - - ., vinuiwal f!afarii Jflar Ilnttcr, O just received by Schr. I W Hnghes andlfor sale nt. - ! ... - - June 1 J- TAREN UI AND l OJUII linwA bnv claiminer to be the property of Ml. PARNAHAM, of Jones eounty, was tasen np tw o runaway on Monday last and confined in jail. Said hnviahlack. about S feet hieh, rather sum about ? j c - - - a M ia Y.aa infitiA aft. of teeth, a small scar above the right eye, smart, speaks qujekand says he was forced to leave bis home, by JOHN, the pro perty of a Mr. Haekins, who he says came with him lO i en uci u. x ---i l A rQ,lum h nroTertv. ttU" j . a. C. LATHAM, Sheriff. July 19, d;&wtf will rAv thri highest cash prices for Dry and "'ntT.p-a ill B B LANE. may 21. I860 dl T ITTIK ciiicimEPPs cioTniNG: A eood assortment kept constanUy on hand ci.Twi from Glasgow, Scj HOt 1 July 20 EMMET CUTHBERT.- Cpanldi-'s rep-red OlneAnother supply W. CAR3EER, O juat received py March 26 - Druggist rt ir Jamee Clark's Female PiUForaale by ?S i! JAMES W. CARMEK, hot16 4w Druggist. YEARLY ADVERTISING RATES. HALF sucake One dayj .... ...... T J 25 (One day.., inu uajg , Three day:......'. ... 371Tw days............ 75 ... 50 Three days...........l ... G2JfFourday.-........l ... 75 jFive days.......... 1 Sri'Onen-eek.... 1 ...1 37jjTwt werk....."....:.St . .2 00 Kne month 4 00 25 50 7S 75 oo 1 vat day.. ....... vedays.. ....... On week. . . . . . Two week...... One month. . . . . . Two months.. . . . Three months... ...3 50 iTwo months..........? 00 ...5 00 TliTeoinonU....;..10 Ci ix monUis..,., ...8 00 Six months.. ...... ..J 0 One year.. ... .....15 00 iOne year..... .......25 0Q Twelvo lines make a square, six Ene a half-square Libera Urrangements made with yearly advert iwra DAILY PROGRESS. MONDAY MORNING, AUG. 20, I860. SU31Mt-.R RESORTS-' FIlO.T STREET HOUSE, M BEAUFORT ' V h This large and nleajantlv located etablihmnt having ben thoroughly refitted and furnished, U now open for the reception and accommodation ot visitors. " Its location is on the Front Street and bnt a few feet from the water, where convenient BATHING HOUSES - are erected. The mam buildin-r is three rtorien Lhrli having on the top u delightful promenade 120 feci IU HiUglU. , . - l he rooms arc large and airy, opening on piatzas in full view ot the ocean, so that persons desiroo of spendifig the summer from their homes forth enjoy ment of the sea breeze will fiad this house bth coia- tort able and pleasant. Having purchased the Steamer Wilson in every particular a first class Ferry-Boat, which will ply regularly between Moieheud Citv and the Front Street House, connecting with theTrain fM the ac commodation of the U-avelling public, and going on excui-sions to the Fort and other points ol interest aboutthe harbor; andltavingin connection with thi populai-estabhshment a Billiard Table, Ball Room and first rate BAND OF MUSIC, the Proprietors flatter themselves that they can give entire satisfaction to all who may favor them with" their patronage. Pleasure boats with experienced persous to man thein will always be in readiness fot sailing or fishing excursions. A full supply of lee con stantly on hand. No effort will be spared to give en tire satisfaction. . ' B. A. ENSLEY & CO. August 1; lBGfl d&wlf " - ATLANTIC HOI SK, BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA. PENDER AND PAGE, Proprteton. T. A. Granger, Superiatendent. Located immediately in front of the inlet with net an obstacle to obstruct the view either of the town of Beaut ort, Bogue Sound, Core'Sound, or the ocean, the waters of which laves its base, waftine on it bosom the delightful sea breeze and invitintr one to that most sanitary, luxurious and invigorating indul gence, the sea batn. - In addition to the main building we have construct ed a number ot pleasantly located rooms on the shore ornamented with a green plateau and groTo trees in tront. AMUSEMENTS. Fine fishing as the harbor affords may be indulged in trom the coiionades tuat entirety surrouna tuia establishment without the least exposure to the sun or weather. . . Laree and commodious bathitotr houses are beinir constructed capable of accommodating our gneU. ast sail boats with experienced hands to navi gate them always in readiness. An excellent band ot mu ic in attendance on pleasure excursions and at night in out airy dancing saloon.: - An excellent bar with choice liquors and' wine?. bowling -saloon, Phelan'g best marble top billiard table, chess, bacKgarnmon, oralis, dominoes, otc, convenient to the hotel We have also purchased a STEAMER for pleasnr excursions in and aboutthe harbor and to the sea shore : also to make recrular connection with the Railroad Cars at Morehead City, landing passengers at our house without the least exposure to the weather. , EDIBLES. Our market abounds in the traductions of both sea and land fish and vegetables in endless variety, fowls, sta game, &c ; oysters,- clams, soft, hard and stone crabs, scollops, turtles, terrapins, etc., With, good and ex perienced cooks to serve them. IlaAng ouiit a new ana large icenonse our kupsis will always find an ample supply of th luxury oa hand 1 - . 1 The obiet t of the proprietors has been to render this the most attractive resort North of South, nature and climate having been exceedingly bohntlful to this most favored spot. " -' Our terms, accordmff to the accommodations re quired, but in every instance governed by modera tion. PENDER & PAGE, May 12 dtf Proprietors. CAROLINA CIT HOTKL, NOW OPEN! The Proprietor of this cofnmodious sea-hide resort .... t . ' 1 A 1 tfould respectiuily announce mat, navmg compieieu all his arrangements, the House is now open for the reception of visitors, and he promises that no pains shall be spared to render all who visit the establibb ment, in quest of health or plea's ure, comfortable ard Fishing Tackle; Bathing Houses, and all other im provement8 and conveniences required to render the establishment complete in every particular nave been arranged and put in thorough order. . ' -vtintT wpII tinnnlrd with crood cooks and servants. presided over and directed by Mr. L. J. Hawley, a gentleman f experif iice, the proprietor feels sure that the patrons of the House will have no Want nn gratified. . The liar is well siocKea wun cuinco iuco m Liquors, and for the amusement' and recreation of guests a Billiard Koom and Bowling Aney are si tached. .. 1 . . . , , .. A eood Band of Music has been empioyea ior tne season, nnd the Ball Room is one of the largest ana best m the State. , , . ' ah who viait f?amlina Citv mav be assured of find- in" all the comforts and appointments of a first class Hotel. W. P. MOORE, Proprietor. 1.! J. luwur, Snp t. . Ralei'h Standard and Wasnrngton Dispatcn in- sert one month and send bill to rrogress voice. Julie 18 dtt - 1860. : I860. DBVOOODM. FALL TKAllIi. LANIER, BROS., & CO., Importers and Jobbers ol Dry deeds, Nos. 251 and 256 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. . Are now receiving their supply of Dry Goods for the FALL T KADIS, ISOO which embraces a very large and varied assortment of DOMESTIC &t STAPLE GOODS of the best brands made in the country. , In -FOREIGN GOODS we will De prepared to oi fer an unrivalled st-ock of both BRITISH & CONTINENTAL FABRIC8, bought in person, by our Mr. L. L. LANIER, y the different markets of Europe. . . . To close and responsible buyer? we are aewnmow to meet anv market. ... N. B. Orders have prompt attention, ana tne same care as though the buyer were present in person. July 30 dim BOOTS AND IIOIU-.-eni. ana uaateo Gaiters and Shppera, Ladies Buskms, Mo. Boots. Gents Fine Stitched Boots, ChUdrens, uoye and Misses' Gaiter suppers, etc., ofce. a iwgc and complete assortment. or sale by J MF HARRISON. jnne vt ' a u Class-The Ne Plu Ultra Fruit Jar, with 1 A n siriEbt clas Kd. 25 cents each. For sale by J-GUUULU,Ur. IO IlIUJE- A negro boy about is years i ii e n I, - r i ij 11 1 7X1 for the balance of the year. Apply to July 11-dtf 50SWJLT- Painu. Oils, sale by : July 18 . . F S DUFFT, DrnsiIt.

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