I - i' " V 3 i. ' ' ' 7 BY X W VKKNTXGTOy..- Tba " DAILY FllOGttliSS" is served to towa ud wntrr tubacribers at Six Doixaut a yearneyebla in advance. AU paper discontinued when thatimn naid for pur, unless renewed. ' Advertisement inserted M Special pr Bubn Ma. tices are charged one-Halt more man in usual rate a, ten line (lwadedl or less ootisituting a square. , . Marriages and Dea.ha undue six li net, inserted grat uitoutly over that a charge will be made. - Advertisement inserted every other day will M charged 37 J cent for each insertion after the firit. Where the number f insertions are not ex5 treated when advertisement are handed ia they wiB inaerted till forbid, ftf,) and charged 50 cents for the first insertion and 25 cents for each continuance. BUSINESS CARDS. WILLIAM I. JIR, lft y COMMISSION MKKCHANT, - ? awair gtk Pmi aast nistelle Ml. 1 :i ,t'r NEWBEUN, N. V. y . $ : Agent for Veteelt Running blmnttti Port and New York, Philadelphia Bnltiuior and Botton.1 :. FartiouW attention given to the sale of Country , Prodaee,aiid the purchase of (roods generally, Also, Discharging Vessels and l'nicurlng freight, aad the Keceiving and Forwardijg Business. . I haveaoavsaiunt JkVhanr aad Worohouses. i, v ttBraitiBca t . -v bi.'". '' 1 I. CcHrten Muiray, New York j. Cochran It Bussell, Philadelphia! Dolfner, Potter A. Co., New Yorkt James Conor Jc done, Baltimore i James L. Davie, New York i London Jr. Bryaa Boston; Fred. J Jonea, Cashier Branch Book of North Caroline:, Newbera i Jno. A. Onion, Cashier Dank of Commerce, New bera iW.W. Clark, Cashier hterohauts' Bank, New hern ; A. Mitchell 4 Sou, and Of, Isaac W. Uagbes, Newbera. ; . , -, .:" March 25 dlv ' ., . AailTCIIKt.1. aV !, ' ' i .-;r .T.uewjiWJstiWi M 3i;w t, DEll.KUt I t, : j i. t Dry Mi, rcvrtee, liars) ware. Oaas, sistofr and Rtfln, ftdut mnd TabU CiUkrf, Swede' $ America mud Englitk Iron, Cast and Getmn Sttel, Plough Sted, ire, Irea Azlea, tjlpraasja, Yaraalaa; laapleaaoaU, A good assortment of Carpemton, BtackmUkM mud Brink fifatmu' Tooli t CENT8 ASD NEGROES' HA TS AND CAPS; Also a large stock of. Bed Blaakvts, Nesjrw Blaaawaa, Brsissa, Kerseva and OanabnrgsvLadies aod aeotUnueo' . t'ue ltoots,6besuOaitera,eM u i i ? Harness. Saddles Bridles. &e.rMv'" - Crockery and Glees Ware ; Blasting and Gob Powder, 6bot,Cap,BaUs, eVe., fee. Ferariaa aasl R)iasaaa naaiaalaleal r . WANO, Lime, Planter Paris, Cement , Hair, feci ilett. Flank and aut Pork, Corn lhal, Fhur ; QT" Kabbell's" Leather Machine Banding i '' Agents for the sale of t :. Oroversk Baker a, Sewing Machine, Alto, Ageate for Evana Watson's Hsiamander Snfe. whiob are now considered the best. . 7 AU orders from Cash or good customers will Le charged tbe lowest prioea, , . Feb 16 daw . GENERAL AGENT ' for the Collection 9f Note. AccouiUi and the Ktllemeitt of Claim. . NKWBEKN.N.C. , ; Being now engaged in canvassing Craven and the adjoiuiug counties, I will undertake the collection of Accounts for publishers of newspapers, merchants, factors and others for the usual commission. All buaiiMa eatruxted to me by parties at a dis ' tance will be taithtully and promptly attended to. I refer those to whom am not knowa to the edi : tor of the Doily Progress aud the busiuesa men of Newborn generally. , Address? - W. I VESTA V Dec. 8, IK& ., Progress Office, Newborn, N. C. Tka Mamrm BatakllakaMBI Of NEWBEKN, N. C. T 1H.F.IURRIKOV, ' WHOLESALE V RETAIL DEALER IN ., 8TrLa, FAirer, Kohkiu iKi) UoMsaric , ' V Dry Aasai, Matt, Cap, Bool a uf .Vor, C'trtflitrt, Matting, Mux, Jewelry, J'rnnk; Keaitg-Mad Clothing, etc, 4m. .' ' Niwnaic, . C; J. M. T. IIabrhos ha just received a complete aesortinuut auitaUe for the seaium, and will continue t receive by every arrival all desirable Articles aud Novulties of the season ' Partieniar attention paid to order. septi v , - . : iy HaX vr.AVKfTBI.L, ' . COMMITS JOS MERCHANT. Dealer ia Naval Mtarra, ' CoHKIH or PoLLoK AND EaST-t'ttoNT Stbukti i Also, Dealer in Dry Onod, Groceries, Hardware, Boots, Hhoes, Hay, imernv(?lwrNiiift, rtkeiyrSloUe-WsroT , Wooden Ware, stc. sVc, One dour North of Merchant' Hnnk, 1 NEWBEUN, N. C. Cash advances made on Consignments. Goods received and furwanl.-ol. ' Lorillurd's U. T. enuff at 15 cents in largo Blud dor.; . . - -- .' .:': '"' Hnuling done on reaeenable terms. t . v mnyMfrdtim -, . ; ' -' ' Tkt Nswksrs Nalasl ' FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, t piIIS Company has bow Been in successful opera , X tioa for THREE YEARS, During which time no aesessmeut has been made to meet losses. The Company is now prepared to wceive Applica tions for -i w. . INSURANCE, ' Which may bo made to any of Urn different Agents thmaghout the State, or to the nndersigned, at the dice of the Company, in this place. , . . W.G. 8LNGLETON, Secrtlarw. , Newborn, N. C, 8cpt I dly rp s. HiilJHfta, . 1 GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, " DEALER IN NAVAL 8 TORES,' ' i CoairiB cast raosT aki sovth ruusr STRUTS, 1 NKWBERN.N. C PORK, BACON, LARD, CORN, fLOUR. WHISKY, GUANO, . COAL, HAY, LIME, te., sVc, &.C., for sale oa consignment. .- Has vessel running regularly to New York, Phila delphia and Baltimore. .. i- - l f Goods received and forwarded. ' March Ifi MV. II. saritIRKI.1., . ...COMMIHSION MERCHANT, . ARD pCAUCsT Ifl .' - , Dry Gooi, Oroenie. Provinon, I.iqnor, See. Opposite Bnnk of Nviii Caroliuain Newbera, Cra ven COUIlty, N. C if v i; ,. y,. ' ,,-- (! Has oa band a good assortment of Staple Dry Good, Groceries," Stone and Crockery-ware, Nails liy the keg or retail, Woodes-ware. Brooms, Boots andfihaes, Spun Cotton, Yankee Notions of various kinds. Axes, of the best quality constantly on hand, and ail of which will be sold low fureaau.. ,-J - March l-dt s' r.-: .1 -- ' ' OEORGB BISHOP, NKWBERN.N. C Manufacturer of Window Sash , Blinds, Pannel Doors, Shutters, Wood Mouldings, Brackets, Balusters, Newels, ate, 4.0. . , 7 e manufacture and keeps constantly on hand a targe too of CABINET FURNITURE,, wholesale and retail.. - ..;, .,-4 --'-' .". t. Sash M ill oa Hancock st., Ware Booms on Middle st Sept 1 -; - . - - dly r BB. IiAff E, - . GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, - (toalk Breat asveet, - ! ,;r.iNEWBERNrN. Particular attenlioa given i too sale of Cotton, Naval Stores, Flour, Corn, Hay, Lime, Pried Eruit, nd country. produce generally.. t . . , .. . , ,.,; ' Abie the Iteceiving and Forwarding 'nasiae, dis charging vessels and procuring freights for vessels running between this port and the ports of New York, Philadelphia aad Baltimore. . " ' . Cash advances made oa Consignments, j ., -. March 24-dly. , U:,Uh.-: . t ,-? JB. mVKB ' - ".'- COMMISSION MERCHANT AND ' .TfI i.JL.JS M ,3k, X B B O C Bi f.-isi Wboiw ucLvata,.vt.. J',l ni .it . Agent for J. M. Singer at Co's, WBeea at Gibbs aad Jesse C Conner's Sewing Machines ; keep con t antly oa hand a supply of Bed Ash Coal for Grates.. Solicits ceiuaganients and crsWrs and will prompt iy attend (o at business eatrsiatedta lam. Office on theOld County Wharf. , , . r Newberir, deC30 , ' GBBa.AVIj'BFVA .OiWri-J lti-.3 DEALER 111 rAMW A aTAPl .ff.V'r-'- DRY GOODS, BOOTSr SHOES, HATS . . i - cMr-, ... ,.a P0LL0K STREET, NEVVBEEN IT. CV Would respectfully invite the attention of the public to his Stock, which will bs found skip, well ottorttd, avid sufficiently large at all seasons of the year. Orders promptly and carefully attended to. Sept I dly ' ' r , " ' 1' I. .'t r n-M 'i n u ' z t: jJ'-l.H .7 ' ' t 4 VOL. III. BUSINESS CARDS; . NKW FIRM. -'" '' The Firm ot FIHSER, FOARD & HOOKER, havinir been leuallv dissolved, we the oatlersiKned have associated ourselves together-tinder th Piriuof . rOARD & HOOKER, forth purpose of continuing the former business at the same place. We are thankful to our friends and customer for past favors and by a CORRECT, EN ERGETIC and PROMPT system of doing basiuess, intend to merit and bops to receive an increased pat ronage, .'.( v ..-,. . t,. : STAPLE " DRY GOODS, ' Oracerlea, Pravlsioa. Shi Chaaalery, ... Nef ra Clerking, Paraslag T !, - j " GUANO. PLASTER. LIME. NORTH . CAROLINA FLOUR CORN,' HAY, " , FISH, CYPRESS SHINGLES, fee., io., ' at as low prices a any other house in Eastern North Carolina. - Having onr own Vessel, Wharf, Pray, eta, we will pay particular attention to the '" T . " " ' Parwaralia; aasl sjasnatlaalaa Baelaess. We will also make liberal cash advances oa Con signments, i"..-' We are alto prepaired to furnish our friends and customers with the best flour, tobacco, hay, cotton, yarn, shirting, osnaburgs, Kraiu-bavs,' negim hats, shoes, leather, keraies, caaameres for gentlemen, and wraping paper, all of North CuroUua productioa. Also Turk's Island and Liverpool salt, molasses, sa . gar,oBTee, rice,- sogers, iron, nails. Guano, lime, plaster cotton, bagiag, ropes, ship chandlery, fisb, seins, nets, twine and mauy other articles too tedious to mention, all on the must accommodating terms. Call and examine our stock. , ; , , t. , v, FOARD & BOOKER. Aug. i dfew. . , . ' --.t -- r w ILLIA.1t W. COOK, -' , PAPER HANGER, 117:11 k.'. a!.....!!..- . .. I. .m-lnn ,,luin mnA Ornamental Wall Paper, Work done in the best mauner and at reasonable prices. uuiy ij. tewi oiy - - W1I.I.IAX HAf, ' -,. HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL , . PAINTER. .,,, n'i'.-.'h ' ' XElVBERNjV. C. ' Contract taken for work in town or country, which will be promptly executed ana saliBtactiou guaran tied. Paints, Oils and Varnish always on baud and will be sold at reasonable price. . , Sept.80 dawly - ,;() ) DIBBE.B sV BROTHBUs, FORWARDING d- COMMISSION j MEK CHANTS, Nw Birne, N. C. tsT" Cash Advance made on Consignment to be sold here or forwarded to Northern Murkets. Kept 1 . f - u.n . .- dly Db. x, s. copfihi, ;'. Jargeaa 'Deatiat, Permanently located in the town of Newborn. Of fice on South' Front 6'treot, opposite the Gastop House. ' ' -I ' - - ' DecSO-Wtf... .... hi i'.t..-.. WII.MA.H II. OI IVKK A CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEWBEUN, N. O. Will give special at teat Inn to tbe sale of COTTON, FLOCK, GRAIN aod other Prodaoe, and will make liberal cash advances on Consignments when desir; ed. floods reeeived and forwarded; June ia ..... .- . NBWBBKK A.RHHi,TI)BAL WAKE. ' T IIVtlHRt ' WILLIAM It. OLIVER & CO. llav always on hand a large and varied assortment of Plows, Cultivators, Corn Stiellurs from $7 to - . Straw Cutter, among them Sinclnir's - iitidteatr, an' implement of decided merit to which we would cslttiurlic i -.. ular attention. Groin Kaus.lioua " , i r v I6 to tH, Gmin Cradlua, . . lowers and Rnapeoa, -. HuvIUkcs,..,' y,t -' r 1 ' Horse . Power and Thresherst Ox Shovels, m ivoad bcraers, of great . i advantKO in removing Ditch Hunk or other dirt. SPADES anil SUOYEI8 HAY mid MANI'ltE FORKS. Cost Steel Weeding, Hilliug, Cotton and Grubbing HOES. We are now selling a new article of Cast Stkkl Grnb Hoe of excellent qnulity at a reduced price. PLOW GEAR, such as Collars, Humes, Trace Chains and Plow Lino. We would invite the st tent ion of purchasers to the CHOPPING AXES sold by us, they are gotten up expressly for our trade, and are of excellent quality. i . All new articles in the Agrtcult Ural Implement line of deserving merit will be added to our stock as they appear. I iTustrnted Catalogues of all will be furnish ed on application.' Rubber and Leather Banding. Cotton Bagging and Rope, Cotton Plough, Cotton Hoes, Cotton sweeps Cotton Planters. Plow Castings and Boltt always on hand. ' Double aud Single Cylinder COTTON GINS. Planters who intend using the above Gilts wil please give as their order as soon as possible. This will prevent any disappointment- Payment will not be required lor the Gius until 1st of January next We have wild a large number of these Gins, not one of which has failed to Civs entire satisfaction. CAST I RON SEGMENTS ; For Gin Wheehv Also Boxes, G udgeons and Bolts ; ANTI-FRICTION ROLLERS For Cottos Schews. This is a most valuable article;. by uxing it an Ira mense amount ol time and tabor will lie saveo. s Utiritvnrr in all Its branches, such as Carpenters. Coopers. Black Smiths, Brick Layers and Turpen pentine Makers' Tool.. . we wouia parucuiariy- mviw ane niieimuii iu thinglt getter toourjitock of Drawing Knives, which will lis found of snperior quality aud at reduced prices. '" " ' . . f j T Circular 9",Tffm.'8 to 34 inches. '., M-i - Milt, Cm Cut and Hand Saw. . i English, Swede and American : - Cast, German;- BlisW and Plow STEEL, Boiler lion and Rivet.' Iron Anlet-and Springs. ladia Rubber and lleinp Parking. Rubbef and Leather Banding. Copper Rivets and Burr Laos Leather snd Machinery Oil. 1 , ' - : Building Material and Hardware ,t ,,j constantly on hand. A large supply ot ' , ' :. Cdot Lump Lmty -which a the best in use a it vields more when slack ed than any other and being burnt in the Patent Ger man Kims is very wniie ana iree iroin uin. Calcined Platter. Marble Dual, Plaitenng Hair, ; Cement, Pressed Brick, Nails, Hinges Screws, . . Locks for Dwellings, Stores, Barns, "' ) . . and Smoke Houses, j ' . Pad I-ock in great variety '; alto thingk , ' " : . of superior quality. y-VTbeelor and Wilson's justly celebrated ,,i sfwTvn m arm 'SB's As agents of the manufacturer we have sold a targe number of these Machine and beg to refer any per son wishing a Machine to either' of the purchasers, a list of whom we will furnish on application. - Prices $51), $75, $85, $100. Hemnws 5. A supply oi ail sites oi ncmp ana piantua jivpe, . Cotton Sail and Ravens Deck; Patikt. Friction, and Gommok Blocks; Oakum, Oil, Paints, Verdigris, j; .. Brushes, Spikes, fee, fee. ' "" Jane 9 LITTLE (JUILDREIf8 CLOTHINQt A good assortment kept constantly on hand from Glasgow, Scotland, i .' . July 20 ' EMMET COTHBERT. Patter's Taale, far wesMraUaa af a Blair. Just received aud for sale by -Julvl8 --oi. V 8 DUFFY. UUBKINC) PLUJB-NEW YORK BUUN- 1 ING FLUID last received by d by JAS. W. CARMEB. ' Feb 13 ' ... u -V...V Save Vear Vraia.-uBy asiug Mason's Screw Top Glass Preserve Jar. Just received and for salob July 18 , r ., FS DUFFY. ITATICE.- Wil be sold atthe Court House door Jt in the town of Newborn, on Monday tbe 8th day of October next, an undivided half of the Lot and Improvements, comuiooty Known as vne . Dercreax BulldiBftv and at present occupied by William P. Moore as a Hotel. Term ot sale six ana iwoive mourns wim interest from the date. E- B. DUDLY, Admfr. Sept 4dwtd ttitk the tcill anncjecd. .'jA".if:':,.i', .11 . Ml. "Kewbem;.n. c; satuKsOai - . , i -ri.,.. . .-. i - -t y- . rr. ,: :medicinks. 4 ISUtllVV TBB Bl JL " MOFFAT'S - Vegetable Life Pills a a Phaalx B I Iter. Tbe high And envied celebrity which than pre eminent Medicines aav acquired for their invariable efficacy in all the disease which they profess to cure, has rendered the usual practice of puffing not only unnecessary, but suwortfiyot' them. They are known by their fruits r their good works testify for them, aad they thrive not by the faith of th erodulous. -.,. ,v4 .4 Js ast SMM ..w.-'.l Of Asthma, Acute and Chronic Rheumatism, Affec. tiuns of the Bladder and Kidneys. , , - '. , , Billion t evert and Lmr Complaint. In the- South and Wast, where these disease prevail, they will be found invaluable. . Planters, ir mors aad others, who once use these medicines v will never of forwards be-without them - "-, ' " " ' ' . Billions Cliolio aod Ser6u Looseness, Biles, Cos tiveness, Cuids and Coughs, Cholio. ;: - ; v " CsMarfi0a-Ued with great anoeess in this disease. .' Corrupt Humor, Dropnet.' , : i ' Dgipeptia No person with this distressing diMaso should delay swing these nsediuin immediately, j EruptiomitfM 8hint .r ... . r .., .4. r ; - . . Eruipdand FlahUenry. Fever and AgueYor this ecoufgu of the Western coantry these Uiedioine will hefonnd a safe, spaedy and certain remedy. Other medwlues leave the sys tem subject to a return of the disease a euro by these medicines is permanent. Try them,, be satis fled, and be cured. , . Foulnet of Complexion. - ' '' 1 ' ; .,-,. w.Vv. Gtnrrnl Dcnldg. Gout, GiddmeesIGravel; Headaches of evenr kind, Inward Fever, iiiftainotory Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jaundice, Lou of Appetite. '.. ' Liter Comptaiutt, Leprotg, Lootcneu, Mcrcuria Ditettet. .".j.""' : Never fails to eradioute entirely all the effects of EScrcury ioiinitely sooner than the most powerlul prepaiatioB of BuUnMl---' 1 ' - Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com plaints of all kinds. Organic AflVcUous, PalpUatioB of tbe Heart, Paiutet s Cholio, , . Piles. ?' ' The oriirinal m-nmietor of these medicines was cured of Pile of 85 year standing by the Bsc of inese Lfiie nouiumes mono. Jt. i , . Pains ia the head, side, back, limbs, Joint t, and organs. " ' . . Rheumatum. x " 'l Thom Hlicted with this terrible disease will be sure of Relief by the Life Medicines. Ruth of Blood at the Head, Scurry, 8xU Rheum, . vettti.. , ( Scrofula, or King'i Evil, in iU worst forms, Ulcers, of every description. ' Worm ot all kind are' effectually' expelled by these medicine. Parents' will da well to administer t hem whenever their existence is suspected. Relief will be eertain. - The Lift PiU$ and Phtcutz Bitter ..-'- Purtfu the Blood, And thai remove all disease from the Nyrftein, Prepared by JJR, WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, N 384 Bnadway, For sale by all "Druggists. (Moffat Building), N Y. may li) dawly . ' ' R J, BOrRR DODHI IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS! Arc aaade trans st aart aa4 aaadaltcra ted Wine, which U about double the usual strength of other Wines, and is imported by only one house in the United States. Also, from the follow ini valuable Roots, Herbs, fee., vix : Solomon'aSeal, Spikenard, Comfrey, Camomile Flowers, Gentian, Wild Cherry Tree Bark, and Bayberry. . WE CHALLENGE T II K W O K I. D T ! ' 'PRODUCE u IT B I R B V A I. ! We do not profess to have discovered some Root "kbown only to the Indians of South America," and a euro for "all diseases which the Aesh is heir to," but we claim to prcseut to the publia a truly valua ble prcparstiou, which every intelligent Physician in tho cuiiiitry will approvu of and reueiuniend. As a remedy ft- - ' r ' 4 N I P I E N T - COS8U MP 1 I O Week Lungs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Disease nf Uie Ner'voussystem, paralysis, Piie,diseases peculiar- tor emales, Debility, aud aU cases requiring a lonio, they are lllf HIIRFAKSK Pit! - - For Sore TliriNit, so eoniuion among the Clergy, they are truly valuable. . , For the aged and intirin, or for persons of a week constitution for Ministers of the (lospid, Lnwyers, and all public speakers for Book Keepers, Tanors, Seaanstieesfcs, St udents, Arrixts, and all person load ing a nedentary life, tliey will prove truly bencncial. A a Beverage, they are wholesome, innocent, and dulicioiis to the tnste. They produce all the ex hilinrating elfect of Brandy or Wine, without intox icating; and are a valuable remedy for peisons ad dicted to exessive use of strong drink, and wish to ivfrnin from it' They are pure and entirely fre from the poison contained iu tbe adulterated Wines and Liquors with which the. country is flooded. These Bitter not only CURE but PREVENT Disease, and should be used by all Vho live in a country where the water is bad, or where Chills and Fevers are prevalent. Being entirely innocent and harmless, I hey may be given freely to Children and Infant with impunity. ' Physicians, Clergymen, and tempers. nee advo cates, a an act of humanity, should assist in spread ing these truly valuable BITTERS over tha land, and thereby esseptiully aid iu banishing Drunken aess and Disease, t !:-- t'UABLEt WIDDIPIELD at CO., Praarietara, -r , . , ,s rS William ajtreet. New Vark. And sold by Druggists generally. . . . ; "... v. v r J. W. CARMER, Druggist, . " xMlK. 1 Agent at Nkwbxrii, N. C. amr 17-dly. f ' ' . . " ' IRJPBCTIKIE.t THE PERSUN FEVER CHARM. For the prevention and sure of Fever and Ague and Billion Fever. , This wonderful remedy was brought to the knowledge of the present proprietors by a friend who has been a great traveler in Persia and the Holy Land,, ...... -a .," While going down the river Euphrates, he expe rienced a tvkfe attack jof Fever aad Ague. On discovering hit oondithis, one of tbe Boatmen took from bis person an Amulet, saying, " Wear Mis and no Fever vill touch you.'' Although incredulous as to it virtues; he complied, and experienced imme diate relief, aud nassinoe always foand it an effec tual protection from aU malarious complaints. On further investigation lia found that the boat man attributed to it miraculout powers, and said that it could uly be obtained rroni the Priests of tbe Sun. Sometime afterwards, the gentleman in con versing with a Priest obtained from him the secret of its jireparaUoa, and ascertained where the medi cinal neros were found, of which it was compound ed. The wonderful virtue of tbi article have in duced a full belief in. the miudsof tbe native in the miraculout healing power of their Priests. Since hi return to America, ii bat beea tried with the hsvppieat effect by several Ladies and Gentle men of high character, who have given H the most unqualified praise. This remody baring been a spe cific in Persia for hundreds of yean, for the preven tion and cure of Fever and Ague and Billions Fevers is now oflered to the American people. It will be sent by mail, prepaid, with full directions for ase, on receipt of one dollar. - Principal Depot and Manufactory, 188 Main St., Sichmond, Va. Blanch Office, Bauk of Commerce uilding, New York. Address July Itt-wly JOHN WILCOX, fe CO. MANIIOOO, i i r HOW XOST, HOW RESTORED; Just published, in a Sealed Envelope, a Lecture on the nature, treatment and radical care of Spermator rhu3,r Semiaai Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nerv ousness and Involuntary Emissions, inducing I ni po tency and Mental aud Physical Incapacity,. ... Br ROB. J. CULVERWELL, M. D.,i The important fact that the awful coo sequences of self atmse may be effectually removed without inter nal modicines or the dangerous applications of caus tics, instrument, medicated bougies, and other em pirical devises, it here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the celebrated author fully explained, by means of whieh every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding, alt to advertised nostrum of the day. This Lector will prove a boon to thousand! and thou Sent under teal to any address, aasc paid, on ths receipt of two postage stamps, by addressing Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE, M. D., 480 First Avenue, New York, Post Box 4586. April 4 -dawly horniko, September 8, "i860, "1 MEDICINES, Mum. wilLvV4 " . Aa experienced Mara and Female physician, present to the attention oi' mothers, her J SOOTHING SYRVP. . " ' . For Children Teething wliich greatly facilitates th process of teething, by softening thegums.toduoing all imiannnatuiti will allay all rim and spasmodic action, and it y SORB TO KMUVLATE TNI SOWKts. ' Depend upon it, uiuUieri.it, will give rest to your selves, sou , i . - ? Relief d Health to Tour Infant. j We have nut ud aud sold this article for aver tea years, and cub soy, iu confidence Aad truth of. it, what w nave never- Ien able lo say of any oth MR". '-triMLOWI ItHITIIINw . tVBlP, . er medicine HAS I T N E V E K FA11JSIX IN A SINGLE INSTANCE. I' tlBlP. TO EF T O F E C T A - CURE, when timely used. Never did we know an instance of dm satisfaction by any one lio used it. On the contra ry, all are delighted with it operations, and speak in terms of higkest oonimendntion of its magical ef fects aud meuical virtues. We tpeak in this matter '-what we do know," after ten years' 'experience, aad pledge our reputation for the fulfilment of what w here declare. . Iu almost every instance where the infant is suflerine from pain ud exhaustion, re Uuf will bei found in fifteen or twenty utiaute after th syrup is administered. , i ; This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the most exiierienced and skilful Nurses in New England, oud has been used with uuver fttilinj sue cess in " ' - -4 : i j- . ,, THOUSANDS OFCASES.. 1. . It not only relieves the ohild fruin pain, but invig orates the stomach aud bowels, corrects acidity, aod gives ton and energy to the whole system. It WiH almost instantly relieve Griping in the Bowel, aud Wind Cholic, ' t iind overcome convulsions, speedily rem deaLh. W tt 'and FOB which, if not rnn.DRRN - TKETIIINO. euieu , end ro believe it the ourest remedy in the world, in aU cases of Dysentery and Diarrhuw in Children, whother it arises from toethiiur. or from any other cause. We would say to every mother who has a ohild suffering from any of the foregoing complaints Uu not let your prejudices, nor the pre judices of others, stand between your suffering child andjhe relief tbat will be-sure yes. absolutely sure to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. Nona genuine nuleet the fan simile of CUKTltt & PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout! the world. Priucipal office, No. 13 Cedar Street, N. Y. , Pi-tee only 25 Cent pm bottle. , ' . dee IS, 18.i-dfewlv T Tkeasaasls ara Daily Bprabiag ia lb praiseof 1 ' PK. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL, and why 1 boeause it never fait to atfbrd tnnlnnla. neou reluf when given iu time. It acts as if by magio, aud oar trtal ohne will convince, you thai whst we say is true. It contains Na Parcgarie ar Opiate of amy kind, and therefore relieves by removing the tnjiring of your child, instead of by deaiiming it tenrilnlitic. For this reason, it commends itself as the only reliable preparation now known for Ckiliiren Teething, Viarrheea, DytenJery, Griping in the fiotr ele. Anility of the Sumach, MV On i the Head, and Cronp, also, for aliening the iinme, rt'lncing luflumattuH, regulating the HoreU, anil reiieejng pain, it has ho royal being nu anti-pnmodie it is used with unfailing tnceet in all vases of Couvul- wmw other Fitt. At you value the hfr and health of your chilnrcn, and man lo tavetlum Jrotn mote tail and bliirkiine ctmteuHetice wku h are eertain to retvft from the unepf narcotici of trkieh-all other nmedic for InfiiiiHIe OotnplaitUt are computed, take none Out in. K&iu.i o imamite uoraiat. vms you nau rein up on. It is perfectly harmless, sndouuniii injure the most a. .i;. ...... i..i S ii.u o..u. vn .TiM..ii.H. Q.. company each botlTuT J'mparcilTiirty-by J CHURCH fe DCP0NT,. , ' No. 409 Broadway, Now York. . Healthy human Bhmd npen being AaalyaM.! - always presents us with the gumeesHontinl elements, and gives of course the True Slamlard. Analyse the blood of a person sufferiug from Cousuinption, Liver Compluiut, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, aV.c.; and we find in every intlancv certain difiekneie in the red globules of blood. Supply these defhiieuciss, and you are mado well. The Blond Food hi founded up on this Theory hence its astonishing success. There ore Plvo Prepaurntiaaa adapted to the denVfoncies of tho Blood In different diseases. For Cough; CV.n, Bronehilit, or any af fectiou whatever of the Throat or Lunge inducing Vowmmjttox, uso-No. 1, whii'h is also the No-for Depreuion of Spirit t, hit of Appetite, nnd for all Chrome Complaint arising from tjrer nte. General Debility", aud Nervou Protlration. No, 2, for Liver Compiaintt, No. 3, for lypcpia. Being already prepared for abtorption it is taken btf Drop and car ried immediately into the circulation, so that what you gain yon retain. The No. 4, is fur Female Ir regiuaritiet, Hyetcrta, Weaknettee, 4-c See )( inj directions tor this. For Salt Rheum, Eruptions, Scrofutoni, Kidney and Bladder Vomplainlt, take No. 5. Iu all cases the directions must be strictly followed. Prioeof the Blood'Food l per bottle. ' Sold by CHURCH U DUPONT, No. 409, Broadway, New York. And for sale by F. S. DUFFY, Newbera, and by aB respectable Druggists throughout th country. March 26-dfewtuwvl , . PBOCLAMATION. TO ' ; ' THE CITIZENS OF NEWBERN AND VICINITY. Wuxueas, At the present Season , . i.tintt x.Hi a - - ' CHOLERA MORBUS, - DYSENTARY. -DYSPEPSIA - "": DEBILITY, CHOLIC. fee. b. Prevail to an alarming extent, and Whereat, it mntt J 0c of the hru eoatcauenee to nil uuixen io Know oj a ., REMEDY At once SPEEDY, SAKE and EFFICACIOUS. , DK. MONTAKDE ;, " or raHis offers his , M MIRACULOUS PAIS KIIXER As ths most CERTAIN, SAFE INSTANTA NEOUS REMEDY in the Woild, for, any of the above Complaints. ' Bat as so many worthless Nottrama Bra being con tinually imposed upon ths Publio to their great loss and injury DR. MONTAUDE ' Hereby offer to REFUND the MONEY In all case where the medicine may fall to afford entire satisfac tion. Ask then at any DRUG STORE ia NEW BERN, for DR. MONTABDE'8 MIRACULOUS PAIN KILLER, Take a dose of from BO to 60 drops, according to age and strength of patient, aad if not perfectly satisfied, return the Medicine and get your money refunded, which the DRUGGISTS ar authorised to do. But the MIRACULOUS PAIN KILLER NE VER FAILS I NE VER FAILS ! I NEVER! 11 For tale in Newborn N. C, byJW CARMER, J GOODING, Jr., JV JORDAN aud FS DUFFY. JAS. MnDONNEI.L, 17 Mercer street, Baltimore, General Agent for the United States. ' June I. ISt0dl2ia . . . NOTB LOST. WE LOST OUR POCKET Hook a day er two since, containing among oth er paptrt a nuts aiada payalil to ear order and giv en ty Alex Justice for twenty dollar and odd cents. This is to forewarn all persona from receiving or tra ding for said note as payment of the tame, to any other than ourselves, ha been forbidden. Sept 4-dl w W1LKINS fe FLANNAOAN. B rawato Braaeaial Trachea. Ju received December 16 by J. GOODING Jn, KO. 7. RAILROADS. ISWVH.wi auqaiior tins uaie aw fswuwiaap bU.MHtL'itd Mill htt l..liurul ! S.H.S until i' win oa uuuyerea io mmj uiiuikss oiu paid un sainesl niyOKFICE. , .,,.',0.11. PRIMROSE, Agent. . ... i Aa?WCtaco. aug 18, Itf . - .,-:-,t. ' OBc sflkcA.A N. V. Biraaa :- , - .. Newbera, Aug loth, INtsl, uuainiua i The Accommodation Train fiu. a will tW run a, follows, for the Sum iner buanou, once a- week , until further notice Leave Newborn Saturday I , ' . Lkavb - Apbitb Newbera, 8 2 a. m. Kinstoo, ' .- 55 p. iu. Kinston, HI "5 " Mosley Hal), , -li5 " Moslcy Hall, lt 42 " GoldsboroV 111?, " Leaves Uoldsboro' Saturdays; . I.vt Anmvr ' " Goldsdshoro' 3 li p. m. Mosely Hall 4 111 p in MoselylloU 4 OA " Kinstoa ; 4 35 ." Kinston , ' 4 45 Newberu 6 2l " 1 Newaera 5& L Carolina City ' 8 35 " Candida City' 8 45 Morehead City S55 " Ruturuilig, leave Morebead City Mondays. Lkavb j Aaaivr .- v Morehead City A 0 a. m, Carolina City i '. a. m. Carolina City 6 3tl ' Newborn 8H " Newborn 8 45 " Kinslou 1"' " Kinston 1U3U " Falling Creek W 46 . . Vailing OMk 10 55 " Mmley iall It IU i' M.sely Hall II 15 " Goldshoro U 5U " Returns to Newborn Mondays. LlAVB ' . AKRlVK -."1 " ' Gohlsboro . ,3 50 p. mTMosely Ifall. " .25prm, Mosely Utll 4 3(1 Kinston" r 5o " Kinstun . 5 " Newbem ti 45 ." Only on fare will be charged for tho round trip to any 81 alien o th Road, . . WM. P: MKTTS, aug 17 - ;. 8upt of Trains. ' II A WOW OF NCIIRUI'LR 1 OBcc AHaailc As ft. V, Mailraad Cm., ; . - ... jNrwttRN, . 1;., May ve, lKtjo. f. a 1 twiwiwi 1 Onaiiii after Monday the a 88th pt3A.jwMrt Instant the passvngHr .trains will ruu the lollowiug schedule until further uoticei LtAVB AmHIVK AT Ooldslxiro' at ' W,00a,m. Moily Jlnll In.35a.m. Moeelyllall ,: BI.40 Kinston : . 11.111 M Kinston 11.20 " Newbem -M.Mp.oi. Newhern 1.:) 11.111. Carolina City U.H5 " Carolina City 8.15 " M01 ehead City U.25 ftilVHHiau, Lcavr Ahkive at Morehead City at 4.35 p. m., Carolina City at 4.35 p. in. CarolmaCity -4.45 " Newborn 6.0 Newborn 6.5i " ' Kinston 8.35 Kinston 8.45 " Mosely Itoll 9.17 H Mosely H ill 9.SM " Goldshoro' in.(H " Mny SG dlf W. P. MKTTS, Superintendaut of Traint. . Euqnirer, Tribune, Am Advocate anil Jieaufort Journal ropy. , , ; B AI.TI.nOHK L0CK Ililin ti DR! JOHNSTON Hat discovered the most certain, speedy and only ef fectual remedy iu the world for nil Diseases af laapraaeaee. Weakness of the Rack or Limbs, Strictures, Affec tions of the Kidneys and lilnddur, I voluntary Dis charges, lmnoteiicy, General Debility. Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Laui;odr, Low Spirits, Confusion nf Ideas, Palpitation nf the tleiut, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Diseaseof the llaad. Throat, Nosu or Skin, Atfectiiins of the Liin(s, Sttnu nchor liowels those Terrible Disorders ariidng from Solitary Habits of Youththose secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of the Sy reus to the mariners of Clyses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or unUcipuon,reuuerui; uiar riajjc,4.o., impossible, . Vaaua; Idea Especlnlly, who have kecoine the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which an nually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Vonnt; Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who niirht otherwise have entranced Us touinK Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or wnfceii tu uostucy tlieliviUK lyre, may call with full CtMUlduuou. Marriage, Married persons, or Young Mencaitemplatinfi mar ringe; being aware of physical wbs uess.orgaulc de bility, deformities , die, speedily cured. Ho who place himself under the euro of Dr. J. may religiously confide iu his honor a a gentleman, aud Couiidciilly rely upon his skill ss a Physiclau. ; ORGANIC WKAKNKSS Immediately imrcd and full vigor restored. A Care arrantcd, or no Charge, in from one to tiro Day. Dr. Jeaaelea, . Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Indon, graduate front one of tiw moot eliiineia Colleges uf the I'niled States, aud the grunlur part of whose life lias been spent ill the hospitals of Lrndon, Paris, I'hil adelphia and elsewhere, has etTected some of the most aatuniahiiig euros that were ever known 1 many troubled with ringing iu the head and ours when asleep; crest nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bushfiilness, with frequeutaltishitig, attended sometimes with derangement of luuul, wore cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICK. 1 Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured them selves by improper iudulgencies aad soWary habits which ruin both body and mind, nlitiliing thorn i'or either liusincss, Sfuny, Society or Mnrringe. These arc some of the sad and inelanciioly pfTuctt produced by early habits of youth, vin Weakness ot the back aud Limbs, Pains in the Head. Dimness of Sight, Ijoss of -Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Ilenrt.Dyspcpsia, Nervous Initubility.Dcrnnge 111 cut of the Digestive functions, (Jctouiul Debility, Symptoms of Consuinpl ion, ijs. ilnsTALiTr. The fearful effects en the wind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Contusion ot Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Kvil forebodings. Aver sion tu Sisaiety, Helf-DlstKist, Iove of Solitude, Tim idity, 4.O. , are some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons, of all ages, can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, haling their vigor, becoming weak, pule, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. DR. JOHNSTON'S UKMKDY FOR ORGANIC WKAKNKSS AND IMPOTENCY. By tins great ami iiuun1ant remedy weakness of the organs are speedily cured and full vigor restored. Thousands oft he most nervous and delnlilatod, who had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. All impediment to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualifications, Ixws of Procreative lNiwer, Ner vous Irritability, Trembling and WeHkncss or El haustion of the most fearful kind speedily cured. YOUNG MEN Who have injurod thcnselves by a certain practice indulged in when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, 1 he effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and, it licit cured, renders marriage iinMwsibl, and destroys both miud and body, should apply immediately. Such persons uiust.hctore touUiuipluting MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind and body aretbemoet nec essary requisite to prouiiajo ronuubial bappinsss. Indeed without those, the Journey through Ills Be comes a weary pilgrimmuge; ths prospect hourly darkens to the vie w 1 ths mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with thai melancholy reHeo tioa that the happiness f ua other become blighted with our .ova. EttlMiRftKMF.KT IP TUB l'RKHH. The Many Thousands cared at this tnslitution with in the last fifteen years, and the numerous impor tant Surgical operatunis performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of the bun and many other papers, uolkes of which have appeared again and again before tbe puisuo, besides his standing at a gentleman of chnractsr and responsibility , is a suf Acieat guarantee to tbe afliotaMl. OFFICE NO. . SOUTH FREDEItlCK STREET, DAiTiaoajt Mb., Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from' the corner. Fail not to observe name. No letter received anless post paid, aad containing a Stamp to be used oa the reply. Persona writing should stats age, and send put tioa of advertisement stating symptoms. rVSKlN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. Feb 1, I860 dly. ' - . ' Whins Lena, I. lasts lalal la Oil aaa Varnish, Linseed Oil Raw and Doiled, Paris Chrome, 8axun and Imperial Greea, Verdigris, l?m ber, Terra de Sirnnaand Vandyke Urowaia Oil, Dis temper and Dry, French Liquid Dryer, Coach, Copal, Japan and Damask Varnish, Artists' Colors io Colop sible Tube, Brushes in great variety, Mineral Paint; Ac, eVc., for tal by nov 22 w . . JAS. W CARMER. YV. A KVt ADVERTISING KATES. 7 u&li iuiiiai. aj Mat AVasUAViaJL. iiaeaay. .... . T' yt. Two daya, 37JTwudy.....' J Thrta diya.. ....... Threjdays..........-J aa( day. ...W..f Fiaur daya.. ...,.-'LFnr days....- Mv frnoi Oaei taw m. aL.. Ikl - - Msna.ha; V Six months.. M 8U njeetha-.w-" On year- i W lOea year...... S u Tweive Uuawniakaa qaasa,sixliaaa kalfnMjuart. -IiberalarrangHinentji mad with yearly advertisers DAILY'-PROGRESS. SATPRU VT MOKMNQ, SEPT, 8, isa THE TRESIDOTIAL CONTEST! ' tTh Three Tickets. .. . Disclaiming the (,tganhip of miy party, but claiming the right of aq InJejicodcnt Jounialist to publibU, vUt we leuke,'wo placa uncr our head tho Dailies wbkh coniK the tlifec Eleo tor) Tickets in North Carolina tu bo voted for in November for Prosklciit i4 Vio Presuieiit. "Orgiuui" only jfiru-.onu Uckut,. we tho throe; .w-.. ....,..: -., ,,.:.. -i, ,fr-U. THE DOUGLAS fXECTOKAL TICKET . . !. ion wi nan at icl;:' 4 ' ,i h It. P. IICK, rr tifcrftRD, - f i ,4 ' p. K. McHAE, or Ck - - ' "lMTHICT8 : 1st DixtiU-t C0I. HAM'L WATTS, "f Martin, 2nd , ; - . i. KOIXN'CE, of Onslow aid -1 1. MoDOUUAUi, at Bladeit v 4th " H. W. MILLER, of Wake. -:: Oth " ." , VOL.' 3. MOKHISOal-. Moore. Oth T. W. KEF.NK, of Rockhighain. 7Ut 44 ' W. R. MtTRRS, of Mecklenburg. Uth'w-JD. rMA,f Bifhcomte-.' T Tl IE BELL ELECTOBAL. TICKET. f j- FOB. THB 8TAT AT LAttMa! f ' ' ' ; ' IIONrCEO. K. BADGER, or HTut, JJR, U, K. SPEED, or Pasquotask,' ,,' Dl.HTKICTSt . i' v.-.fiW"t 1st District J. W.-HINTON, of Pasquotank, 2nd ' CHAS. C.CLARK, of Craven,.. ard-i!lLJLJX)CKERyrofBichBtoniL 4th 44 L. C. EDWARDS, nf Grajwiilo, fith 44 ' A. Q: FOSTER, of Randolph. Oth 4 HENRY WALSER, of Davidson, 7th 44 WM. P. BYXCM, of Lincoln. 8th 44 - TOD R, CALDWELL, of Burke, Tub BRECKIXRIDUE ELECTRAL TICKET, fOH TDK OTATB AT LAHtil : ' : ALFRED M. SCALES, or RocitiXGHAjf, EDTCrU AY WOODror- Wa ttr- IIISTKR'TH ! 1 ( 1st District JOHN W. MOORE, of Hertford. 2nd 44 . Wf. B, RODMAN, of Buaufort, 2rd . 44 : WM. A. ALLEN, of Duplin. 4th 44 A. W. VEXAELK, of Granville, Oth 44 i.- JR. McLELVN, of Guilford. th 44 , rth 44 - J. A. FOX, of Mocklcnburfp. 8th 44 JOHN A. DICKSON, of Burke,; CAMPAIGN PROORCI llfjnT FOR ALL PAUTIKSI Believing tlmt the people should have liht at a time like this, when the political world U In commotion, and being determined io'gTvcT' fair and truthful account of the movement and auburn of all parties from now untill after tho WetkmioOYmli! for the campaign, say till the middle of Novcm. ber, at the following LOW RATES:, . . DAILY PR0URESS, for the Campaign, (sirttrle oftny,) $1.00 44 Clubs of five, 4. 01) ", 44 7 ". Clubs often, 7.00 ' Clubs of twenty, 12.00 WEEKLY PROGRESSvfortlte cauipaign, . '. ' : " . (single copy,) $0.80 ' 44 Clubs of Ave, 2.00 y . Clubs of ten, 4.00 Clubs of twenty, 7.00 ff Send In your clubs, accompanied by tho nuincy and got a paper that has the independ ence to entertain sentiments and tho boldness to express them. The Progress being emphat ically a newspaper everything itt the political world shall be carefully noted. . H O.tlfc J A I' V A I 'II' HE ! GUNS, RIFLES AND PISTOLS! NOTICE I NOTICE ! military Casa panic & Mperia( flratleosra. I hav opened one ot the largest and bent assort ed stocks ol ; an. Pislala, Kia.-s, aud silk ies pertuining to that line of buiiie, and would most respectfully invite all tlmt mny wiji anything in that line to give we a call uml eiumine my stock. The following IM coinpiuica a jioitiuU of the artt cles now ou exhibition: Gnnt, Itouhlt and Single ;. Rijttt, utudt touriler ; " Rrrnh I. oadiug ; " f '. Pali -it i . " i th-n ill " V. ' Cur t . " . (is la Is. .. 1'nM's Poti tt ; Smith iVmtou't Patent i Adamtf . eVa, heall' - - 1 do t ' m.rliiel't do Smith IK. Cartridge j Pittid llolttei ; Shut Pvncke ; . Powder Flntkn ; Foil and Mnkt ; Fencing nnd Boxing Ulotet f Finking Turkic i Gnu II adding ; .. a l.apt t a. it. t; Vox Copt , '. Colt ' l Co lit 1 Dog fVera ; PvrderaHd Shot. . ' Rcpairiaaj I'raaawtly ailradca la. Merchant tupplied at Xne York price. Manufacturer of Cox' KiUa. KDWIN WANT, aprilJJ dswtf i'ollok st., Newbera, HARTMriRI.'M NKW PATENTBH -t OTTOJI tl lttrttt A0 11IUP. I' KB. Thltitone of the greatest invent inns to Cotton , , grower that has been discovered. It will plow bot b sides of a' row of Cottou and chop it out at the same time, and will ttva T lauou or nuur uasoa. This Plow is to arraugrd that it can be adjusted so as to plow at any depth that may ba desired, and to obop out th Cotton so as to leave it slauuinK any distance that may be required. The inventor is iter irons uf engaging one or two active and responsible Agouti lo cauvasa th Stat for the sale of this flow. Peraons desinug to set as Agent, or wishing to ob tain any further information nt regard to this impor tant invention, will please ddie the undersigned at Kinston. N. C. J. A. IIAHTSFItLD. July IS, U3iu "" . 1 ; reek.......... 91 Ona rek..y :" W ra work. . W 87J nra-watw... noath.,,... On .1 -a sn T..MAhfha.. v..