DAI LY PROGRESS. SATURDAY. MORNING,' SEPT. 8, 'lSGO, i . -i . Electoral DiMmiMt. s ;. r ' : W are requested 'to tata that Mr:- Clark-'the .' bunst'utioniti Union Elector fr thi District, ill In at Washington oA til 13th, and. will meet ,V Mr. Rodman at all of his iStheY appointments K 11a will alaa-if aal$lhi tWtorim-.twtMi these appointmr?nrji.iendeftvor W address the t pie In other parts it he district, ofwhioh due do- tie will b glwt., '--.''' .; .' ' ': . - :- ,, V..i.4 - .'; ., , -ftaa. Hawataw'e I,eter. " 4 i ,;. 11; JVlwi.lW. JcLntfl.Viilt3r,i- fug his name from tha lUt of candidates for the trwrtjjcti jnii.y loitijund bntjeoiuino -Th oM here like nearly everybody else eeeros to tli ink that til) thd conservative elements bf tb ( fcoantry ooplit o consolidate, ot , fllslj id flefeat ; eecuopaiism;uatthe pout lean are so atinnte, 'or atubborn, that they refuse todo It,- though tliey aH afcree tbat'by- such unfoU -clone can the country be saved from Black Republican rale. " tyVneWdesireirto Jobs; ripon thuf contest as .a political one, believing' that the only poaaible ; j means by which sectionalism eonld, be debated was a tfmonof all the conservative elements of ' the country of all parties, and those who read the " ' tregrtu previous to "the assembling of the Na tional Conrentlon' will recollect that such was '"our position."' And we honestly .believe lHal, had ' the democracy nominated DorlgtaJ it Charleston 4Hy should -have Wne, norMination-would have been made at Baltimore by the '' Unien" plrty. .Hut no, there was a rule ar ruin spirit at Charleston and all tha troable which now e lists nnd the dangers which threaten the cdbntry may be attributed to that influence.'' 7 ,r it is now fdlly belivt d thttt the Isniatio aewi paper paragraph, which HaVe been lately going the rounds about hegrb iusnrrectien in Georgia khd Alabama are political tricks, gotten np to itrehgtfien the atxtttlon movements in the Sonth '.efn Sulci. , Ijne thing is certairj, in ttodr(fia and Alabama there hat been a great deal of smoke and no nro, tor wDiie roucn tu dm been kicked np there jias been, no trouble among the alares tbey have remained obedieat an J tratiable. This we learn from southern papers. If Tancey and his sympathisers want tc-dsole tha tJnion, and can do it, let them do the work themselves, and Hot make the slaves, who are generally satisfied Vlth thtlr edtidilloiT, responsible for such a great " Letter fraa Ham !! Wsshslrawlsis " . fressi tli I'aravsa. ')'' AustIx, Saturday; Aug. 10, i860.' I yi mf Fritnl$ in the United Slttti : I- . . 1 withdraw my nam from the list of candi date for the Presidency. I consented to its nse be cause the call came from, the spontaneous voices of respectable numbers of the people themselves not because I desired the -office. But the time har Bow arrived when it behooves every patriot is act fur himself, and to do all in his power to aVe his contry frotn a dangerous war of section alism and a reckless spirit of disunion North And South.- The responsibility now devolve anon the candidate themselves, whether called into the field by the untrammelled will of the people, or by the several Conventions, which have un fortuuately destroyed all harmony and threatened the stability of the Union itself.. I cannot beai. tate hi my belief that it is the duty of their com mon country. It may be said that 1 yield least ; as my chances of success ire not go irhparent ltut with four opponents of the nominee of the liepibllcan Convention la the field, the defeat of nil is equally certain. In such. scramble the 'pleasure or mortification of getting more popular tor fewer electorial vote would only be compar ative, and neither enndidnle would stand reluived before the country from the charge of having recklessly tampered , with the liberties of the best governmeut in the World. Let not these who rely npon eiirryinff the elec tion into the House of, Representatives deceive themselves. The peop'la aye been Wht to iira4snch steonstimation. Neither fouf, three or two opponents to the Cepublican. candidate can carrj it there; and if they Could, the strifo Which is being engendered among the different factions would render the result very uncertain. , There rnust be an abandonment of specious dogmas, ftlap-trap platforms and electioneering cant ; and it concentration upon a common principle for a common purpose, or else the factions which uni ted, would constitute a majority, must make np their minds to the elevation of a sectional Presi dent whose claim to success is based upon oppo sition to the institution whose exislenceshoulU nover bave been brought into national politics. A timely union of all national Union men to de feat this sectonalism would put an end to diseord And a clamorous tendency toward disunion. I tall rfpon my countrymen to forget me and to forget tne claims and- indorsements of all mere men, as well as the hopes of the mere office seek- 1 crs who expect to profit by the elevation of oue nrian er another. , They shuuld remember the fare well audreas of the father of his Country, and the hnrriortar sentiment of the hero of New Orleans and sage of the Hermitage, " the federal Uuion, it must be preserved. Could the spirit of Jackson,. Clay and Webster be recalled t tnke pilrtin the active transactions of the political arena, the Union would be preserved. Laboring ' throuch life to perp-rtrrate its glory, thejr knew" The ralue and ipf preciniea lis oieesingf.v sr j I am aware that it ould be nleasing to fny ft-iciids of different refereb'ees as to"tlve remain 1 ing candidates, to have me cypress a choice' for one or the otoer ot them. - iiut 1-trust tuU it wrrt be seen from this and my previous letters that my sentitneuta arise above- mere personal perfer -1 desire M see a union of all nndofisf miftded men, to defeat dangerous section fttsnti and 1 leave mv friends free to Dursns whatever course lhay appear to them best at such a crisis. ' " . -I cannot conelnde without returning my sincere ' thanks to those wbohavein various ways express 1 ed a desire to see me occupy the distinguished posi tion of President. But to remain longer in the field could be, productive ot no good, and it might be a slumbling block in the way of those who desire harmony. ' ' - - -- 1 Very respectfully, 8AM. nOtSTON- Two papers were returned to this office yester dav from two nosfoffices in North Carolina. One was addressed " Cur&f and the other,, Carrisr Charleston Cduritr. ' - Those two post offices- in North Carolina must 1 6 located near the South Carolina line. Economical. A writer in the Savannah Rrpuhli ram aava North Carolina is 0 economical that there is not a dog in the State with a long tail They are all cut off to keep tbem from tnrasning down tno uucKieoerry crop. -runrww ywmjm-. - Thore are a good many dogi In Geergia with no Uiiis and but two lega. ' . Ba8VrtA'tiniioo"D.Tne Republicans are cir culating the statement that Mr. Douglas, in 1844, u"d .the following language fn a speech at Car- rollton. Illinois ! ' . .. y '-, ' ' Henry Clay is a bhek' hearted traitor, nnd tnvrti.V American statesmtt who rer'sold, ni- s.'f'Sr-rfi'i'ftirrtM:- ; .' " " , i-I ji .iv.tcVU 'gister'! pronouneea the 4 " ;'. va- ' tattU JuJumL ,. It ia forgery in !. he rhey were te have a grand de mon -aration In Kenratky lit honor ef the passage of the orflpromlse iheaires, Mr. Clsy mad i;8rnnal retriesl Of Mr. Harrison, chairman of the committee of arrangements, that Mr. Douglas ah oiild be invited. Mr. ITarrison stated this fact a "few" Jays sinc is a speech to the DemoeracyofKeutticky. ' NEWBERNFAIR. THE UNION,' ACUICIJLTITIIAL, MECHANICAL, 'AXD. COMSIEK-. cut society; .at; xi; wr r.jt$. : Th&eoiisAnn, FaiK of hi 'Society vill be Held at JTeuUrn W Wedneeday'f Octo ber bUt, and Thursday and Friday, Woeem- 1 bet liJwa. 24i lflOOv . ..-WjH-!- rlfflxon nrthii fiitrietr. WILLFAM B. WADSWdHTIt; freiidenk Nathaniei- H. Stekkt, Craven, Johs , WAsjiiiipTpsi-cooir, WiLLum For, Jonafi " , "' David 8. GniB$4Ujrde, . David W. Sauxdebs, Onslow, flRKRV Best, Greene, B.' f: Statoh, Carteret, Geo. W.'Colheb, Wayne, Jacob McCorntB. Pitt . . Vice Prttid'it. t VVILWAM ... blKOLBTON, lrfOMirw.. i ' Williah H. Olitib, Recording SevreHiry. ; J. M, F. JiARBtsoK, Corretpopding Secretary. Jom Vf. IiANOOO4 General Superintendent ef Fair Grevndei ', v ( ' i- .i f. Col. H. J. &.CtkitfoiefMar7ian, i y Wu W VinnnMii 71' 1 ' ' ', Fbederick P. Lathah, -Joseph H. Rhkm, ' AlEXASDER' MH'ER, f v' , Council B.;Wood, f ,? ; Johs D. WmtroBD, - ; Executive Committee-. PREMIUM LIST. -: -,' BRANCH I. nonsES.' V v . ' TIIOEOUGHBBED CLASS 1. ; JOMEPII V, RirBTf. SaperialradoitlJ Fbr the best .thoroughbred Stallion, 4 years ' old and over,. . , ? --, ' ' Silver COp Sedond beat, -: ' - ' -f . ' 'Cup For the best Stallion, between 9 and 4 " . yearn, . ' i'.';"7-- v .. . . Cup For the seednd best,- . . Diplorna For the best Howe Colt between 1 and 2 ' ; years old,' .jJL Cup Fof the best Horse Colt under 1 year, Diplorna For the best Brood Mare with colt hy her ..aide,.; Cup For thd secflnd"best JIare with colt by her BjdoV"," '2 v' Cup For the best Filly .between 9 -and 4 years old, . .. ; -" , i .. : Cup Fof the best Filly between 1 and 2 year's v - old, ' t ' , ' ' , , Cup For the best Filly under 1 year old, " Dip In this class purity of blood being the high est point of distinction, a well authenticated pedigree must in, every case accompany every animal put oh exhibition to compete for any of the above nrixea. . .. luljcpaBS.Mftjireori;e W. CollieT. ifoh. t K. Manly, Richard Oldheld, Col. E. W. Jlontiort, Aathaniel iJeckwith, J. 11. 4)ibble, THORbUGflBRED IMPORTED WORSES. . .;. CLASS 2; -'. " , i For.the best Imported Stalliop, - Gold medal do Imported Mare, , 'do. 'do f In-this class the animal mnst have been brought from beyond the limits of the United States: . . , . ' 5 JuDiiES.rr-Cot John Si, Bryan, J)r.. Milton ScIKy, F. G. Simmons, Dr. E. W, Ward, n. F. Bond: . ...m,se,.tvi tri- c3 ' QUICK -DRAFT AND SADDLE HORSES. -U .., . - class a., For Jhb, lost Stdjlion 4 yeais old and ' .; '. over,'- - " 1 -I'-Cup For the best Stallion between 2 and 4 i T ; ; ' years, . ''.;'";'' X Pp For the best Brood mare,, with colt by ,-, '.. her sidev . . -f Cup For the best Filly between 2 Jmd 4 yearis 4 old, - - '. ' ' Cup For the best Colt umler 2 y'rs old. Dip For the best pair of Mutched Carriage. - 1 , Horses; -' - ' f v - ' - Cttp Fof the best single, harness fIorse,lIaf(Jl"l", '"br Gelding, . . . , '...'j": Cup For thbett saddle IlorseJJare br Geld- -s !. ing,..- 1:. ' . Cup For the best Horse, Mare or Gelding, tof V ' j thk ?r4ff "'r-'" '"i all purposes. t. , . .- . .. ... vup in thA farm liu acting ttflfl'ffiffnnfiTtlrnl: JtiDOEs.-Peter -G. EvanS,. Writ: McDaniel, A. 3i Murriy, John Everett, G..' A. litem. " HEAVY DRAFT II0RSES-CLAS3 4, For the best Stallion over 4 years old. cup do , between 2 4 cup Horse Colt ' 14 2, Diploma .hii--fl " Brood Mare" with colt hy ' : v ' V" v'.1. crside,;r;:.. .cup f f . Jfilley .between 24 years, 'P .k .do''- " 1 8 years, cp ' JuJgei.Vftii; K-Lane, Council Wootcn; J. D. Myers, -John' M.( Franks, Thos. S. Gillet i: .', i, . - ;PONIES-CLASS' 5,- ' For the'best Stallion,"' " " " V:A .cub . .Mare,, . --- . cup :,.,v,:.Sa4dle Pony, :vr.f.';. np i Li this class,' superiority muet bo found in the form, actioo and " m'sposition,' without W- eard to jHw. : ' T, ?'."-' 1 ' Jiidge.Y?:Vi Cobb.Vm..P. Ward, Wm. H. Trinn. Dr, William Cramer, James Wood." - . JACKS JIETSrCLASS 6. roruietiestfttargesitjaGHjreajrBoiu and over, - - ' T P"P Fot the best & largest Jask between 2 ' k i ; C 4 tearspld, , , ' : .'fcup For the pest t largest Jack under 3 i - ... years old, -.i. - Dip. Foflho best Hrrgejt 'Jennet 4 years " old and over, . . ' ; r.V , ' , ' cup Fbithe. host If largest Jennet between, , . - - 9 & 4 years old,- ' :-. "Dip. Ft tlie best & largcsi Jenjtet. undet 3 years oH" , ' V ':V((f.-oliri Jacksba'D. B. Everett, Star- key, MoDanieh-Lv W,. Humphrey, Le T. Ogleaby; ' .:. .MuiES-cLAsa t;.;'.; , ' For the Sort pair of Mules; " i , , cup For the beat Single Mule . t ; eup For th best Mule ColV ' ' " p. Jud?e.Jamv McDaniel, Wm P. Moore, John. 'full, flenry H, Best, V. S, Jones.- " " ; DBAIreil II.-TTE!r ' V Bit; p.- LATHAM, perlaleaaeaf'.' ' DEVONS. CLASS 1 . For the best Bull 4 years old and over, , i"; ivdo 3 and under 4 years old, , e'np v cup v dip ' dip -dip ; cup ' dip dip do ?'S . 3- do do 1 do 9 do do Calf under 1 year old, ' Fer the beat Cow 3 years old and over, ' Heifer 1 y'r old and under 3,' Calf nnder 1 year old, ,. Durbams, Ayershires, Ilerefords,' AMefneye, Ilolsterna and Jerseys : premiums are for Devons. Jooets Edwsfd K Sfainly.'David SL jGibbs, Charles Gerock, Dr. Wm. Montfort, Edward Pai- riCk'cfiAE$ AJJD SATIVES:-CLASS 9. . r The sanie premiums as for 'Devon. JitXjks. Amos Wade,' Dr. E F. Small wood, D"r. John, Harvey, Nathan McDaniel, B. M. Berry. I'4" WORKING OXEN.-CLASS 3. . For tne best yoke of Oxen, the working .: qualities to be Dntod on tha g-round, 1 Cap Fwr the best sineM Or, - - dip fitiutiT.- .T TTm.MAW V l?ft1f'. iL W. Dampbrey, A.C Latham, Wm. II. Harrison. , i . i - - FAT CATTLE. CLASS 4, . For the best Lot of Fat Cattle 8 or more, . cap i!..'. i, do Ft8teer, ,.vfit '.; i. dip The owner will be required to state the mode of fattenias; in all eases.' i,J ..-;!'' .Titdces. J, T. Lane, George Ci Moses, Jaoeb M cCottor, Allen W, W ooten, , vy m. oy. '7 MILCH COWS. -CLASS 5. -( Vat the best Milk; Cow. giving not leu ; than 16 quarts per d7i ' " . ' For the best Milk giving ot less "thatf 18 quarts per day, raised is this Jcikjes.-N. It Btfeel-J. ArAverftt, J cap eua Johnson it. Bryan, Isaac Kamsey, itiwy aiurray. BitAcn ui. , ; ' C. B. WOOB, SMsrcrlalWiu;... ,. SHEEP CLASS 1.' v.' For the best pair of Merinos, Buck and Ewe, $3 ; K-j :MermoLnibi: . ; I - pair of Saxons, Buck and Ewe 5 " . Saxon Lamb. 9 J-rtrrTpair South D6vns, Buck T&wt, '5 - tioutlilJoirajjamtV- jairofCatsvrbld's.BuckAEwe, Catewbld'a Lamb;; f ,s- v . air of Grades, Buck 4 Ewe; -;V: I'.'.j pair of Natures, Back 4 Ewe, ' x. :'? Ppn,of. Pheep, 8 or more, . '0'-.;. Slaughtered Mutton, a- JtmiES.Cdl: Samuel Hill, Dr. Jonh Shack leford, R. F. Green, t J:Kenpeday, Wn B. EdraUndson. . " .-. -jjr ! GOATS.-CLASS 2. . . r. t For the best Buckjb Ewe, of GfchtoeFe thor- ' 'tough bred' ; V.''.V. "i j - X.f For the best Bck Ewxi, of Ualtesa. thort ' oughbred, !.-'.'. 1 - , A:-(.Vi.i & For the best Buck & Ewe,'f Common Goats. 8 J - JrtKins. 0. S. Dewf , VTm. H, Cunninggtrn, Stephen G. Barringten, Samuel Chadwick, Koe- J coe Barrus: r ,T i.vW- ( ,?;;. .-;:. tv.:;r.i-vft DEER.-CLASS 3.' -, For the beat Buck, ? . ,fvV' $3 . . ,t. '..-Doe,.. ... :--.- '' n S -w'cvFawn,- r. :." "9 ' JcDdES.--E. Mallett, Bertf. erknig, S 9 Bid die, Isaac Brock, N. Himter., .. .. ,' .,.' . SWINE, LARGE BREED. CLASS 4fi For the best Bore, either of the Ches-.y " ter, Berkshire, Irish Graziersl Bed-; ' ; ford or Woburn Breed, f ,., - $8 For the best Sow of the same breed, ' For the best breeding Sow of -the same ' : breeds, with not less than 8 pigs, -'- 8 For the best pen of pigs of the same breed, -.1 not less than six, and under- ten:, -yi ' I - monthaoldi" - v ; s 3 Best pair of pigs of the samo breed, under , 10 months old, v ? . 0 2 Judgt. Bi- Kennediy Cfoncil Best, R, W. Best, Calvin Kodnce, Jese iasiter: - j :;. SWINE-MALl BREErt: , X ; For the best Boar, either of the Guinea, - ' Essex, Snap-Dragon or Chinese " , . breed, - ..:;;$5 For th6 best Sow pf the same preeds, 8 For the best breeding Sow bf the santei ' ' , breeds,' with not less thari 8 pigffc " ; .1 : 8 Tor theJieslenjfijLof ihe-jameLi, bseeds, under 1U montns old, - , , o For the best' pair of PieS of the same breeds, and under Iff. months. old, ,: 2 Swine, Native and tirades the same premi um as for larf-6 brebds. -5i,vi : rfe.W,' Carmon,jStephon Mill1 W, Thompson, 0;. Biiggitls, Cyr" us Foscue. vi v vDAXCll IV-PlILTlit;! vs " CHICKENS CLASS 1.'. ''" ,f - I. n BO Vr, aapripleadeai , - lor the best pair of Shanghais, ;rT $I . ... 'v.",-""--.-t m btHrifc-.tv- l . , -. . 'ItedChittagrmgs, ' ' "W Chittagbngs" ;j Polands, - . - j . .v ; r, Cochin,- i ' ' Bramah,' ' .V 'Bcjt Spanisrl;'", '5 T . r, . i , W'ild Indian Game,, - . -... . V -"i Sumatra Game, r' . '" 'V.'" Sea bright Bantams ' ', ,'V,"" '. Java Bantams,. ' , Dominica, . Judge. Anthony Davis, Sam'l Whitehnrst, E: B: Cox," WntrPtmcar PV. Jnoi X. Ouidri.; : I ; ... X .;l'UBEY!i-I;ASS. 8W . For the best pair of crmimon TurkeysiJ " f " Hest pair Wild ; . aa "''' iBestCrte-ted-A' dtf. " " " ' -, i OBESE.- ) For the rtest n'fiir of Commc ., Best pair of China Geese, ; ' Beat pair of Bremen Geese, A 7 v U ' Best yaif' of Afrieari Qeese ? i Forhb hejjt gair bf Poland Ducks, W Beat pair of Muscovy Ducks, . Best pair of Alesbury? do 5 r Best pair of Common do - -Best pair1 of Wild, ' do" 5j Vl:,:';:. pea fowls. . ; Fer the bast pair of Pea FowR - -fl - JraxiES. W. W. Clark, dV,!", CafraWSy, J. D. Horniblow, J. p.Myers, Samuel IIUl .--." :' - 'J' i v" ' BRANCH V. t , , JOH!l.'rHItlTBs! Naps, PORK, BACON, BEEF AND FISH CLASS 1 Foi1 the best barrel of Mess Pork, do, . ' 'Mess Beef, j V 8 ,-. , i do Roe Herrings, J ? - 8 '-. do "Cut Herrings, ' ' 8 t'r do ": "Oi Shad.- - 3 vTr, do Mullets, .;; :'.,'.....:' , 3 -. t V do -; , ;-Blue or any other flsh, - 8 For the best dOVBfi Harn regard; ' v ' 'Iws of atre. one ta be cookodaa a sample, . 8 For the best half dpa. Beef Tontrnest - 8 The exhibitor must give It written statement of the jnOdc, of packing the pork, beef and nsn, and strong tne bacon and tongues.: , : -' -. JuDOB8-r-Charle Slover, F. L Harper Wal ter Dunn, J. IL IIanghton,Iameg M. Parrott DAIRY. CLASS &r r For the best fresh butter, 5 lbs. or more, 3 1 bestflrken of salted butter 8 mos. Old 8 best Cheese'.," ,8 The method of making an4 preserving the "but ter and cheese to ba stated by tne exnibitor. JcDOBS. A. Mitchell,; W. Hollister, E. A, ThompsoT. J. M. demons, 11. W. Jarvis. TURTLE. OYSTERS. AC CLASS 3. For the beat Sea or other Turtle, , . ; $2 .. bests bushels of oysters, 8 " v best pickled oysters, clams or scollaps, 2 " J best one do'zed stone crabs, 2 best and largest assortment of fresh Fish, - . 8 JrDr.BS.--J. H. Nelson; B. A. Enflley, D. T. Carraway, Geo. W. Venters, Df. M. F; Aren dclL' - ."l"J - -." ' ;,'."; WriXlAM H. JONES, Superintendent; . . GRAW; COTTON, AC-r-CLASS. 1 1 For the best Wheat, 1 bushel or more, . $2 ',. Rye, 1 bushel or more, 3 ,' Corn, ' '' ' 8 . Oats.- ; i-'A S Y . . . , Field Peas, i bushel or more; 2 , . . Greatest variety of Field Peas, , 1 3 , .' best Ground Peas, 1 bushel or more, 3 Rice t trdshel or more, ' - 8 :::'".' ' Barley";';; ' ' ;t; ,', . ;i s Beans,,. t ,s . , - , 2 v h 1 Grass soed, adapted to Southern Cultivation, . 8 1 ? ' Sample Cottonin'sfeed; pot less' ; 7 thanlOttis: t.-.';1V.i:1-; . "2 ' Cotton on stalks, . . , , . .. 8 bale of Cotton weighing not less 'it" -.:V- - .than 400 lbs. v ..'"..- : J I keg or box of manufactured To-r t baceo,i - Smoking Tobacco, 8 - ' 4 T t i ' ' box of Cigars, .., For the besf specimen of Hemp,.. For the best specimen bf Flax, " t Foe the beat barrel of flour .made from Wheat, 8 For the best barrel of flour made from Rye, 8 For the best bushel of Corn Meal, - 8 For the hep t bushel of Great Hominy,, S For the best bushel Small Hominy, . 8 Fothe best Starch from Wheat,, if 8 ! -if An .-TrinK Pnlul t 9. 4 (J. . iio A Indian Com, wr- 2 do 8 lbs. or more of Hops. ' 8 do Specimen of Cider Vinegar, v. .:, , 1 gallon or mora, - -t JuAoml. John 0. Washintrton. CoL S. S. BidUs, John, A. P'arrdti; Jylt Kinoey,,Alonio TURPENTINE. TAR ROSIN CLASS 2. . ,Fihab.brreloCVuwnI)ip Turpt. VlT. ntn Turn- -'.t'j-pcrip'w Turpentine;' W it. "?..'. Spunta SurpenituWf i Rosin Oil, Fltiid. ry. 2 ; ' ,,-,.2 : 2 Varnish; tillage. j. u. Aruour, . ju, uuvei Goo.l Street, Benj. EUis, B. JB. Lanei' ? i - , LUMBER, SHJXGJJCS, c--CIiASS 3; ,S For the best one thousand cypress shingles, . $3 w do . '.) dos - Judipwi Fd the best onb hundred pieces' of ash " or oak barrel heidine:" " - - 8 For the beBt one hundred wbite'oak bar, - -.1 : rel staves, '.' ' . . iia 3 For the best one htindfed red oak hhd. sta e't 2 For the best one hupdred Wlilte Nk fif : . Jcdoss. Fred. Lane, J. A. Simpibn, J, L. Gardner, W. C. Whitford, F.'Foy. LIME, MARL, ft CLASS 4. , , For.the best barrel North Carolina Lime, $2 ; Specimen of Mark .' - 2 Fof the best barrel North Carolina 'green '; " sand: ' ' " -l, ;,.,;'. ; 2 For the best cbTietjtloB of minerals,.' ; 5 For the best collection of Fossils, 8 Judobs. Prof E. Emrrfons, J. H. Hsngh ton, E. R, Hubbard, B. H. Greer R;. Rus- '.-J -ac A , , VEGETABLES CLASS 5.. 4 .' Fbr the best bush." of Sweet Potatoes (yams), 1 For the best buushel of Sweet Potatoes, - fSiajiisM.--j-- -- ' i For the best bushel of Sweet Potatoes, Any other kind, . - h For the best bushel White Turnips,' ' ( do.' . : M do - - Ruta Baga Turnips, For the best doz. head of cabbages; Fo the best and largest Pumpkin, Best t doz. . Beets,1 ' ; r .Best i dbz Cauli Flower, ., . 1 : Best 4 dos. Egg Plants,? p- ; f 1 1 1 1 1 1 Best doa, Carrotsj-s do .-parsnips, For the best peck of Onions, v For the best Celery,' . ., . . For the best doz. head of Collards, For the best and largest assortment of Ta- - Ble Vegetables. . V K . ! 'l 4 Jt'Doajj. Wi W; Clark, J. S; Ivea, L. J Mewburn, Cicero; Green, J. W. Felletier. , 5 . ; BlUKCH VII. .';. -. - ALEXANDER MILLER, Supermtendcnt. . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT&-CLASS hr FOr tha beSt 8 horse plow; -;.. . r . 8 4 K- intV - 50 $2 , etkiaao mviisv pivnj .( . I v- double mould board plow 2.50 .-n new grounupiow, ; subsoil-plow. ' , , ICO 2. B0 ; 8.o 2.80 2.50' 'vtt Cotton Scraper; ,'XVv Cultivator t , , Cptton.l'U-w'i :' 2:50 For the best plow, to make the centre fur' row for putting cotton and corn stains and to list or," . '-.',;, , , ., J.80 For the best Cotton Planter, aj K.60 '-Ti ...C-rnPlirnretv. V.- ' 2-50 " -Jrrmns, B." Weathet-sbefe, J. L," Murphy W: K. Latw-, 3.' W. Simmons," Arthur Speight FANS, THRASHING A REA PING MA-, ....!. CHIN EH, AC-CLASS 2. '! For the best Fan, - $5 Threshing Machine; : : 1" r fnovable horse power; S : : ijleaping Machine,,1 " t 10 .. ' Mowing Machine,- - ' ' 10 (train Cradle, -: -.2 "' 'T ttom RakeV .-. -.. . 2 rJvooKS.DT. S. A. Long, Norman Jackson, PuladkCowperl T. H. Atkinson, J. N. Saun ders. ,' ' COTTON GIN, AND FRESS.--CLASS 3: For the best Cotton; Gin, ' , , . $10 , - r Model of Gearing for gin, ...... 6 v . Cotton Press, . " 6 ' " :, Cotton Gin Feedrr, "" 5 ; i "Hay Press,. portable, . , 6 " 4'otton Basket, N 1 .:.r Plantation Basket . 1 For the best and most complete a"na use ful bpwators basket, bag, Ac, for pick- . t . ing out cotton, .j . - -, ;!.; 2 - Judoks. JiMties ' Miller, R, F. Bright, Jesse Noble; R. J. R, Hatch, C. Stephens. ; ;.; DRILLS, BROAD CASTERS. sVc,, .h- iujui 3LAS8 4' '".'' For the best broad-casting or drillng disk chine for sowing grain or grass seed: $5 For the best Wheat drill. , , " ' ; ' ' 5 Judges. J. II. Richardson, E. B. Borden, Wiii. 8fttoo, R. W. Kin(f, John Wright OR18T MILLS, WASHING MACHINES, , AW-CLASS 5. . -;.,' : ' . J For the! best Grist Mill, worked by horse , ,. power.' j " u : ,,f .- . 4 $10 For tha best Waahing machine,. . .. t ; 6 .--r , j r. . Cider Mill, t V ir 6" Bee Hive, r " ": ". ' " 3 Marl Elevator; 5 . ' 5 ' ,--'tl Corn Sbeller, t ; 5 """ 1 Corn and CoV Crusher, ' . ' 6 , ... Clod Crusher:, ,y, ., ... , , 3 For the best Farm Gate including tinges' and fastenings to be exhibited byinodelr 5 For the beet Hay and Straw Cotter for horse power, '": . '". 1 5 ; Hani Power, ' ' . - 3 For the best Saw Mttt for Farm nie, . '. 6 Root Cutter, . For the best Pair of Mili Stones' made - . North Carolina, , ". 2 - Judges. John Dibble, M. C. BogV,- Stopben White, Dr. Samuel Masters, John S: Roonco. DITCHING; MACHINES, ie,-CLASS 6, For tha beat Smut Machine, $5 -ont.ir-' 8tnnp ::" ' s .,--6 .:-', Ditching ." '"'''. 7 ". '5 ' Rotary Digger, 3 :, g " , Steel spade, 'IV,V: " .''7r2'9 " :" '"' Steel Manure forks, 2 ;.,'TO.cr :. Ditching forks, . , , 1 '. . . it 7.i'i...) Briar; hook, .i- ,--.'. t Weeding Hoes for corn, -' . : 1 . ' ' do- do Cotton',-' I For the most extensive and valuable col- ,- i $ lection of useful Maehines and Implements i . , exhibited by one person or factory, -...,. 10 JuDtiEa.F. P. Latham Josiah Snggs. Wil liam Waters, Ashly Saunders, Willonghby Fer ribee. ;" - - MISCELLANEOUSiCXASSiV,' Far tha beet Pump, . $5 . Water Ram hi operation, 5 . ; Scrape or Scraper, . 3 ' ' ; Leveling instrument suitable, for' ' draining operation, ; , , ; 4 , : ,i !, 5 ... Churn, .. t . , ...3 '""i: Sausaee cutter. A S" . ., Sewing Machine,' in , -w:- 6 ' Tide Rate or model of same, - 8 '. . ... Apple peeler, : ...!' 1 Apple Corer and Cutter, , ' J . ( t. , . , Apaiafus for drying fruit, ' ' ' '.',' 3 Judoes. Dr. R. 8. Primrose, Dr. & Singleton, S. vN Tsylor, M. Harvey John Joy ner . v. STEAM ENGINES, CLAS8 8, r For the best Btoam I'npine, ; . ' . 1 $20 . JvpQEs r. J. Hudnon, R. L. Meyers, E, Want. Dr. J, F. I ,urd. V.. Hanks. t' ' PLEASU1 35 CA "RIA JES, WAGONS, &c- t ' i , CLA S. .. . For the best Weeo for farm use, . Dumping wagon, . Horse cart, ..... - t ,Dray, Ox cart with Iron axle, Pair of cart wheels, v Roekaway, f ' V Sulkey, . . , , . PIkiianrA frrfnir : JCDOKS Z. Slade, J. A. Washintrton. J! Whlt- ty. Dr. Charles Duffy, F. Merritt. f MANUFACTURES OF LEATHER-CLASS. 10 Tor the best set of Carriage Harness, x $5 i ; " w r H'ngte Carriage Harueas, rA - 4 . ' i , Waggon Harness, - " v r i S . 's. Cart 1; .- do ' -v.-U 8 -; fl v - Bridle, Saddle and Martingale, ' 6 . ; ' Lady's Saddle, Bridle and de.i.'5 For the bfest ind cheapest negro Urogans , i ' j ir, ' V'.i't half dozen pair or more, " .. 1 S Fair or mora of gentlemen s Boots, 3 .a'".wv..i.V.I: iO'ti 4 ShOM, 3 . v ; Palrof litdiea' Shoes, -tr" 8 Pi 1 1 if Ttavellihjr Trunk,.. i. ' 3 " 1 y :rasa Buck bf other Bkins. ,- "Tanned Leather, , . . ' 3 . V : pressed Bear Skin, with Lair on, 3 Avery" Chairs, 0 , 8 J JtJDOKS.i-W. W. rife! W 0: 8. Andrews; Dr HASH. BLIND: v aiK a dVHssr s V"iUOI i- . i J . .i AND CABINET WORK. . ;. -CLASS )l For the best Sluebbardf .. . ,.. . .1 ,$5 6 n 5 -' 4 8 5 f i 3 v 3 '. 3 '." 3 ' 3 .... '. t pOla, fi . -I V Waahstand; "" Bedstead, 1 " '' ' ' Wardrobe' ' ' ',' ; ? ' Extension or Centre Ta"bl3. ; Writing Desk, , ' , i:i?$ Child's Cradle or.Crih. . , '..,,,,,..' Book Cale and Writing Desk, -5fw(- Rocking Chair, v- : . -. -Half doitener more Office, Patbf v' 4 - ' or Dining Room Chairs'; 1 ' : . - Spring Bp'ttorb for Bedstead,' : For the test and greatest variety of furniture exhibited by any one person, . 10 Fof tba best Window Bash, . Windoik, Blinds; . .' Pannel Door, -wv ..Half Mattreal, r- -- ! Shuek Mattress; 8 2 i 8 . - Mosr Mattress; . 8 Jl'DOES. J. N. Washington, Dr. J. P. Bryan, R. J. Gregory. A. M Noble, Dr. O. Hooker. ' MISCELLANEOUS, CLASS 13. ' For the best and largest collection of tin ware, $3 - i North Carolina prepared Brick n 3 m I. -I- do do Common Brick,, t; ,-. 2 s i', ,- DrainingTile,.,-. .1 . , '-.3 ' Specimen of castiof of brasr -.- -j ; 7' or iron, . ..-..-.-.; --s 3 vl Axes, mannfactured in the State,, 8 . Set of horse shoes, . 8 Wooden buckets, , 1 ; . v Wooden tubs. - j. :... ; ',',. . Spirit casks, - a Turpentine barrel . :.. - '' - -u- Piano forte, made in the State, Pianoforte. ... c , , . ? , Collctinnof mnaieal Tnaframnntc: & if ' Jtv S Lot of gnns and pistols, -:....,. 4 ... Stone ware, made in t be tate, . x 4 Collectioa of Jewelry, Soecimen of dental work. ' 8 ' ."And greatest variety of edged &u . -.i ; toohV, :: :-. it 4 JLDES, W. T, Dortch, J. L Pennington, J. Wt Carsner, Quo. C. JH'Bodly. W. W. Dona i , . P i CLOI'HfNO AND- HAT8: , , ':' Vvt the beat eoat made in tha 8iate, ' - ' ' 3 Overai j-""--' is,. ' '-; ,- 3 Pair of pantaloons, do. , jj ...... .-'" - m v eat, mui fipecirtienof sesmloss elothmir, ' 4 And cheapest Wool liaU; ' 2 ' . Sim liawj, ''-'". " i;3 JlDr.ES, John 11. Peebles. J..BL, Sta'aly, L Disosway.F. B. Harrison. 8 Attmore, ItHACll VIII. EMMET CUTHBEKT. Knrwintendvnt HOUSEHOLD DEPARTMENT-CLASS 1: For ttis beit leaf lard; ; - -, . $ 1 w. '; Spebiineb of hard aoap with pro cess of making, 1 ; x8peciea of solt eoawithjrOr eess ttt-eifffcins:. I iffiert of toilet soap with pfo- ; eess of makrnri'' .." ' ' " 1 Judoiw. Dr. John Toll, Mrs. Wm. H. Pearce, M 3 D F'anner, Bf rs. Johiiaon H. Bryan. Mrs, A. C Latham, Mrs, F. G. 8immoils, Mrs. P. (i. Evana, Mrs; J. L. libem. ... .... .. LIGHT BREAD, CAKES. &. CLASS 3 Fer the beat Loaf of Light-Bread, $1 Sponge case, . . ", n , Fruit cte, Pound chho, . . .. - Corn bread. Specimen of dried Peaches, .-. !. .......'- ..,. . -' do Apples, J . - -' rr . 1 00 1 Plumbs; Firs. do do Whortleberries! TtlnrlnArrifui . 1 Judge- WilHani Hay. Mrs; W. H. Oliver, Mrs. Dr. E. R; Hubbard, Mfi. . J. a. Stevenson, Mrs. W, B. Wadsworth, Mrs. J. C. Bryan, Mrs. J. D. Whitfora, Mrs. A; T. Jerkins, Mrs. E. K. Stanly.'Mrs. E. Mallei. ' '-..... . t WckLES, FRUIT IN CANS, &c,-rCtASS' X For the beet specimen of pickle, $1 t CaUup,. . - ,.-4.-.;a.-v ' ' Brandy peaohei, .. w -.-. , - 1 X .T, Peaebea io eana or bottles; - 1 ' ' ' Grapes , f ., 1 - StrawbetrlesY'"' doi - ..; . '' "' ltpt'etriee; "do -n . ;' 1 For the besi specimen of any oilier ItltiS of . Frnit io eans, . '. t . v v J For the best Tomatoes In eans or bottles,, ; 1 . Green corn f. , do'..' 1 For the best specimen, any other kind of , r.t r,;t egetobla in eans or bottle " s 1 Judges. Dr 8. E. Chapman, Mrs, M. E. Man. ly, Mr. Patridge, Miss Sal Re Mitchell," .Mrs. Brown, Mr.ll. L. Pennington JMiss Martha A. Harvey; Mrs. William Hollister, Miss Carrie Rich ardson. " . . - if -j-., ' PRESERVES,-CLASS4. - t Fot the best kpecInVen of preserved' peacfie $1 i i , , Plumbi, ) . ; 4 i . .. i Quiaeee, 1 - ?earj, 1 U Apricots, 1 , . - 'A v4 Cherries, 1 Grape, 1 For the best specimen pf any other kind of ' frnit preserved, ' . '"'.',.,,.,'.'.. .', . .. ; . X ,' . , Fruit jelliei,', ...,,:,: A Judges. Dr.. John A.Guion. Mrs. Alexander Taylor, Miss Annie Slover, Mrs. Wiley Nelson, Airs. JliiniDOk iumn, (uih t-iai j ,uiim, w'. S. Primrose, Mis Lavenia Masters, Mrs. H. G. Cutler. .'"" ' 1 ' ., ,:' FRUIT. CLASS 5. ! , 1 For tha best and greatest variety of Apples, - 4 .". ' , ' Pears, , .: ji.2 Peaches, 2 r.,.t .-t ;-is'.. is :'- n.n t For the bast half neck of Filberts' erown in ' ' i ' theStote, , . , 2 . English Walnuts, ,i do s .-sm 8 Shellbarka, i do . -u n.J. 8 Chestnuts, ' do i ; - 2 For the best and largest; Water MeloB. f r JorxjES. Df. jTB. Hughes, J O. Colo, R, 8. urbank. DV David Tayloe. D W. Hurt. JUDOES.-Dr Peter E Hines, Misa A 8 Ellis, Mis . iditit ipDt-ca t.n ni laa t - .-. . For the best variety of Apple Trees, Peach, , . . i ? Pear. ' Giape Vine, a Raspberry ;? 7, (Strawberry, , , JtJDflES. E. E. Graham, V. A. Tolon, 8hado Wooton, 8. W.-Latham, J. F Wooieav -ai . NATIVE Wm:8-CLAS8 7. - ; For the best Dry Catawba, .,, " 8 .. Fparkling do, '..'7..''v". S t.-i r-parkling Wine frbni cnp. grape, 8 6ull Wine, from sedppernong do., 8 Sp'kling Win from any other do., 3 r ' - ftill Wine froth anV other grspe. 8 ' Blaclberfy Wihe, , P 1 8 Whortleberry So " 11 2 - " ', . Raspberry. , do " ., 2 SlMwberry t do .,.,$. , Tomato , do , N . i, 2- ' - ' Cider 11 . ' - a : Sparkling Cider, t-' - t i " Jt'DdEs I. Diaosway, J. D. FlannerI,, o. K. McRae, W. G. Singleton, George Green, Geo. 8. Stevenson: Col. J. V.Jordan ' - - - Vt BRANDY, JbC.oCLASS 8. Fer tho best Apple Brandy, ' w 2 Whinky,.. ,. c8 tr t , si 3 . -Peach Brandy, ,e r 8 Fw.th largest and greatest variety of liquors, 6 Judges. James W Carmer. J W Brvan. Hen- r it Bryan, max. justice, ut a w Hurtles, rvnu olliatar, B A Eoeley, DrJt O Cobb, v URAJVCII .tqDOMtmc'MAJ!lii FACTL'KES, ir ,.:..riJt. M. .HARBIMOKr, pVrtatea4at. BLANKETS. CARPETiSfG, &C CLASS 1. j For the best pair home made Blankets, i . $3 "l ' t'F'va yard of home mad negro b j . , a i woolen Cloth, vtv r.rf 2 - i f Home made Hearth Rng, i a 4 8peeitneh rag Carpeting, s S do. home made woolen Carpeting, 3 -. ' ' ' Woolen Coverlet, , 2 .... Cotton Comfort, ii"e,. 2 Woven Counterpane,' . ".. 3 Knit Counterpan,) r.j yl -W I $ Marr Haryy, Mrs J C Justice. Mr R N Taylor; Mr F C K.brta, - .,. .- HOMESPUN, VO.--CLA88 8; 1'4 For the best 6 yard Hnen Shirting,- v-.?v . 5 yards linen Diaper. n v,vt;A d . jottett Diaper; r ' t 'v flrf- Flannel,'"! -Home made Fobt Mat. ' . 7 Bonth fie fbwl Feather; - ' For ta oest a y as or weoiea Hwmespan for , - f u antleme'a wear,,, , 2 , . : s .Sotof Hoinwuade Qttriafas, t. i 2 jboons. Rv: Mf, Bafoea, liflss Phoebe Taylor Mm. I DuMwway, Mis Elisa Allen, Miss Kate Chap man, Mrs. Benj. Kllie. A-' ; ' HOSE, AC CLASS 3; For the best pair Tarn Uosef ;:.;:p-,ht j -w.m.-,,j.i'. 0itoB HosS.'''i i . Bilk Hose. ' . . I krv ; ,, ;'. "'" ; ...I Jurjom. rVfa!fleii Slover, Mrs. Tin Smallwood; Mrs C. C, Clark, Mrs. Dr. C'bapuian,Hlrs. Fred, 3: Jones; M Jan. B. Eionrv. , i. J i pAtCH vVORft CLASS. . For the best Patch Work Quilt mnd of silk, ' 3 -""-- ' made of velvet,. 'J .,. ,,.J..r-,:,,v .,. 1 :-.niaaeofcotton,4,,V. i 3 For tne Dent ratea work uuilt, i.-. : l. r..i . 7 i Joriors. Miss Francis Taylor, Mis Harriet D. Lane, Mrs. Geo, S. KluvAuaiin, r. AtiMilliMr, Mra: C. 8. Priinmw. . CROCHET WORK.-CLAS8 i . ... Fur the bl Tidy, ' ",i - . . net ot Table Hats! '!' ' "- -8liawl, . , k ' . '' i- f.-llsr. .. " -2 - ' Worked Chemisette, , . It ' " "' " pair of Henil llraieU-t" itiCrochet, , il ' ' specimen of Crix het Wik, . .4 All-n, Mr. C. U. Wood. Hi-. floury Bryan,, Mrs. II. J, If. "Clark, Miu Ahui "'"VilSED Iv-dBsi ED WbRK-CLASS VTT For toe opi taWn cover,- 5 ... ... j: .' .. t " Piano Ciwrw.; ,J s' a ;! . -' ' VMt. . ' ' ' i Ottomsn Cover,, iV5? j i a ......... . jCaadlt.Mat.'. v f '(..,w W Frthe best riieciuifii nl Kaiaed V noted, 4 .IWPfiKa W. C. Wlkl..nl, Ml". Win. V. Mettf; Mrv. Jolm F. Ifiililf, Mrn.'JinepU r'tilfurd, 11 u Aumu Duffy, Mi H. a tW j '. y . ' . . . OKNAMKNTAL WOKlC -CLASS r. For the txwt iLtcuiiiuu of Whx ra , 2 ''..' ' . ,..:8liell W-rk, ' , jM ,:. ' : ;' f -; 1 FmIrht W uik. 'IT -v"', ' H4irW.irk,- a s( l',iwr i,mra, y ., 'J Arlitiiinl Homers. U JvMT.n.Hat. Kir. Vi.i.. T. . Wall.3l.H Nnimit-Ui. Kirnli PrmiruM), Sir. J, 11. i '. llunauu, Miita AiiiiJI Loiuu .1 . v , MILLINERS CLASS S. For the best Velvet Bonnet, 7 f,.- Silk HonsKtt - - ' tl V IStmw lt,.iiiiet, ' ' ; V Child's Hat. 1 . " '"- Uady's Cap; - - ' 1 i ' '.'' ' Head Dress,, , , I ' Riding Cap, , . 1 Jl lKJES Rev. Mr Cohen, Mrs. A. A Watson, Mrs. T J Hughes, Mrs. Oeorge Green, MrsJa. Miller. Mrs. Frederick Larte. i - ; EMBROIDERY IN 8ILK. CLASS 9. For the Best Cloak," .3 ... . . .Mantilln. . . , .. 3 Child- Dress. ' Gentleman's Vest Lady's Shawl. 'J . ( Infant's Cloak or Blanket, , ,. 1. , ' Lady's Apron, t JuiKfES- Rev. Mr. Wall. Mrs. Cohen, Mrs: William W. Roberta, Mrs. Jnb N. Washington,' Mrs. William Foy, Miss Kate Taylor. FRENCH EMBROIDERY. For the best specimen ef Lady's Dress, 3 Child's Dress, 3 ' ' Oh Handkerchief, 2 Collar, . ft Skirt,' i . -t ' i' " ' ' Ji " "i fileevej. - J 'if Judges. Rev, Mr. Crogan, Mrs. Barnes, Mrs.' James Hughes, Mrs. Eli Small wood, Mrs. J..G. Tull. -- '., --.- - . FINE ARTS-CLASS! I. .-. For the best specimen of Daguereotype. t i .'4 "-it.;', f Amhrotype, Pbttojfraphy ! .--. ..;'' Oil Painting,'' For the best specimen of painting in water Color, ' ' " " t l veewn raimma;, i ,o ' . , FeBcUDriwidg, ,hZ For the boat Portraii, , . . " ...i, Miniature, --kr-' '' . 3 Jcdoes. Hon. John R. Donnell, Mrs. James W. Bryan, Mr. Sasan Hines Mr. Susan M. Olf ter, Mrs. James W. Carmer, Misa Julia McLin. -, PRINTING. . ... ... . , For the beat specimen of Printing, . - Juuups. Wm. G. Hll, Ciiro 8. Primroae; rfosepn Fulfbrd, F. C. Roberts', C. C. Clark. n ......... . , . IdQ 1 . i For the largest eollectton of PJants, For the best Floral Omateent, ,i Hand Bouquet, . Fof tAe t'est and largest collection of Ever- ; - greens, .... f ' -. ' For the best and largest collection of Flow- ering Shrub,-. -'' ."'-;" '." ' " ..: JuiMiss Dr. J. O. Tulf, lfr..Seo. Allen, Mi1 Ann Donnell, Mis Sarah Pearce; Mis Hannah Manley. ' ll--- " -;' ; ". : v '" x .' . DRAJKC1I10. "tilENRY T.,GV?QN,.. Superintendent ,t , "V : AfUATICv-CLASS 1. t"A th fasteat sailing Yacht cup ,. , , , Rowing Boat,' ' ! eop' For the' best made Boat, '' ' ; ' ; 5 ' cur The yachts and boats to be classed as to also and by the Judges, The race will take place or the Neus in front of the Fair Ground. -( ? . Judges. Capt Joseph Baxter, Capt D. Ui Surmonds, Caps. The. C Wallae. Capt Thoa. Thomas, Cant Samuel Salyer, Capt John Car row, Capt J. U. My ersT " . v rr ;-" ;;.'.: -i--. . riroHrA'totf.SomTiody, at a politt'caVtaeet Ing in Delewaire, -very amproperly said nn civil thing of Gap. Winfield Soott, whereupon Mr. Briggs arose in hi defen, " The followintr is hi eloquent speech i -- '"1'fe'. ' ' " , , " Mr. President, whoever say Gen; Scott Is not a patriot. sTrould br llcked.out of the back, door of public cOMtempt: rolled down the gat-, ter of degradation t picked np with the tonga, of general execration, and buried is) Xht, water, of bblivibn:.. " ' ' ' f"',":L.;, ,,v7. SauwosMatebiaLs -TheN.y. ve,mtPet, Informs us that th nun)ber of dog "poundeor in that city for the season is 5S5Q, ..,..-.,'. ; ' '.I- , I,, tv.i-wi- 3 :t t. -m i. ;i .;i I.. ' ft fit I