ftY .T. TJ PENftfflGTOX The " IMILY PKOOSKS8 " la served to town and country uUforib at Si Dollars X"" fc.dvauo8.7AA PP discontinued . wlienl Ume paid for expires, unless renewed :.,,, j..,.I,nJ. iourM is Snerfal or Bishop WO- f sices art charred one-half mora than tha naaal ri Ian Unea (leadedl or lea consjtutimr . m. Marriagaaand DeaJiandarri bnaa,intedfit- i " n,t m. ahanre will be made. Advertisements inserted, evary other day wffl hi 37 i eenta for each insertion alter the flrsr. fa" Where tha Bomber of ioeertione ara not ex med when advertisementi are handed in they will WTTZT.a mi forbid, ftf.l and charted SO eenta for :wino and 2S eenta for each ooatinaanoav . ana niv m WILLI A ITI F. ITIOOItK, ATtv'M f.,f j. v COMMISSION MERCHANT, , ( Cnatr Saatfc Fraat mud ffltaala cite. Agent pr VttteU Rnnnngbeten tkit Pert nnd hew York, flMadetpnut. wmn w ponton. Particular attention given to tha aale of Country Produce, and tba purchase of (roods generally. Also, Discharging Veasele and Procuring Freight, and tba Beeeiving and Forwarding BoaineM. , ; . I have oonvenient Wh arret and Wnrehousoe. i ' i . aiMRIHClit "i' tl J r ! D. Coldei Murray, New York i Cochran V Kassell, Philadelphia! Dollner, Potter fc.Cc, New ;Vorki Jamea doner dc Bona, Baltimore; James L, Davie, New York i London. Bryan Boston ; Fred. J Jones, J do. A. Guion, Cashier Bank of Commerce. New DerniW. V viar, ljalll aeivimuii iinut, mow . . .... 1 V. a A iw II ..-1 ben 1 W. W. Clark, uaanier M ere n ants nana, new kern i A. Mitchell & Son, and Dr. Isaac W. Hughes, Nswbarn. " '. - ... j, t -... ; .- March gdly fr AHITCHILIi sV BOW, , .,. ma, w.vi-i ..NEWBERN, M. C m ,. JW-.ewwt .M4UM .1 ss.( ,..::"';;-Trrl Dry Oe4a, Groceries, Hardware, Ummm, PutoU mmi Riflet; Pocket and TMe utli, Steed' $ American and English Iron, C and GtrmtnSUd, Plough Slttl, Sscj , 1 I real Axle, , aTaraBlaiK laavltuaveaila, ,, .i'A rood aaabrtinent of I Carpenter, Blaekmttkt and Brkh Matmu' Tool ; GENTS AND NEGROES? HATS AND CAPS; i. Also a large stock of . . Bed BUailuU, Ncgr Blaaketo, Drwgaiie, Kerseys and Osnabnrgs, Ladies acd Qentlemea'a , Vuu Boota, 8hoes, Gaiters, tut., - n.niMi. (Uddlea Bridles. at..' ' TJii. Crockery and Glass Ware t Blasting and Gnn Powder, Shot, Caps, Balls, &o., ate. ParaviaB akavdl BwMavMai'a Staalpalafd . , .- UUASO, . Lima, Plaster Paris, Cement, Hair, dus.t Jans, Flank and Rnmp Park, Cor Ural, Fleir , (ry KabbeU's" Leather Haobine Uaadingt Agents for tha sale of Oroverat Baker a, Sewing Machines, Also, Agents for Evans k. Watson's Salamander fiafe, which are now considered the best. QT All orders from Cash or good customers will be charged the lowest prices. Feb 16 daw W-f. TIITiL, . , GENERAL AGENT for tkt Collection vf Note, Account and the tttltemaU Claim, : ..-;' WBERX,N. C. !. Kr, Being bow engaged in canvassing Craven and the adjoining counties, I will undertake tha collection of accounts for publishera of newspapers, merubauta, factors ead others for tha usual ooin missions. . All basinese entrusted to me by parties at a dis tance will be faithfully and promptly attended to. I refer those to whom I am not knowa to the edi. tor of tha Daily Progress and tha business men of Kewbern generally. Address - W. I VESTAL. Dee. 8, 1859 j Progress OlBoe, Newbern, N. 0. The Blaster Baiakllaktaaiestt , , OF KEWBEKN, N. C. r J SI. V. HABBIROI. .' WHOLESALE St RETAIL DEALER IN Stam-b, Finer, FoRiias anb Doaasnc Drr fieeli, sVofs, Cant, Boot and Shoe; Carpeting. Matting; Jtug,Jewlrj, Trunk, Ready-Mad Clothing, etc., etc ;';; Niwbibh, N. C. J.Tb!. F. HAisobaa Juat received a complete assortment suitable for the season, and will continue te receive by every arrival all desirable Articles and Novelties of the season. V; ParUcular attrition o to order. . . ... . H1 nept t. Hm. BLACKVIIX, -- - " . r COMMISSION MERCHANT. Dealer 1st Naval Mtarca, CoRfttR or Pollok D EiT Fkoht Stbkits I Also, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Hay, Lime, Shingles, Nails, Crockery. Stone Ware, Wooden Ware, ate etc.. One door North of Merchants' Bank,' ' NEWBERN, N. C. Cash advancea made on Consignments. 3ooda received and forwarded. ' , LoriUard sH. T. Snuff at 15 cenU in large Blad- dHaalaig doaa reaaoaable terms. may jgb-dwn riRE INSURANCE COMPANY. TII8 Company has new been in saocessful opera, tion for , THREE YEARS, v. M1 tinui no sssnsnmnnt has been made to The Company la bow prepared to receive Applioa- INSURANCE, . "Whlak may be made to any of the different Agents throughoaf the SUte, or to the undersigned, at the oflce of tha Company, in this place. nr M .MNGLET0N, Secretary. Newbern. N.C.. Sept 1 d'T M W. H. mVMUKl.1., : COMMISSION MERCHANT, ASD BEAI.BB, 9rw Qood. Orocetit. Prmmmmt, Lienor, J-c. Opposite Bank of North-Catrafaaau Newbern, Cra ven county, N. C. . , - Has on hand a good, assortment ef Staple rry oodi Orqoerias, Stone and Crockery-were, Nails .by tha keg or retail, Wooden-ware. Brooms, Boots and Shoes, Span Cotton, Yankee Notiona of various kinds. Axes, of the best quality constantly on hand, nd all of which will be sold low for cash. March 1-dtf " GBOBOB BISHOP, "; . , ..' ,'.'.;'V;".". NE WBERN, N. ! ! .Manufacturer of Window Saeh, Blinds, PanaelTJoora, Shatters, Wood Mouldings, Brackets, Balusters, -. .. -. Newels, eW, dta. - ALSO, mMulaotures and keeps constantly oa hand, a large stock of CABINET FURNITURMLM. -wholesale and retail. ... . 1 Sash Will onHanoock st Ware Rooms on Middle at. SeytJ ' ; '. ' dly'-.- BB. LANE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, , Scaiai Frasit Mtreet, ' NEWBERN, N. C. Particular attention give to the sale of Cotton, Naval Stares, Flour, Com, Hay, Lima, Dried Fruit, jand country produce generally. .. ." . ,. Alee the Receiving and Forwarding business, die charging vessels and procuring freights for vessels running between this port and thejwrUof -New York, Vhiladelphifc and'Balfimore. .. ., , Cash advances made on Cansignniants. T,- -. March 24-dly. ; JD. MT1TH . " ' e", COMMISSION MEBflHANT AND W HO LIML1 O C K K , (LKjDORS HfCLODXJD; Agent for J.M. Singer Co'a, yWleoa . djibba and Jeesee C. Conner's Sewing Machines ; keeps con atantly on band a supply of Red Ash Coal fonOmtes. Solioits consignments and orders and will prompt ly attend to au business entrusted to him.' Offiaen the Old County Wharf. ; ' .,'. Newborn, decatt '..';. WILLIAM MAW, - W1TBJ i"' . - FENNEB & HAKDENBEBGH, Whaleaale Oswaawa, .- '".lf t-v- 'ARB)- lifr.t d..i.! " ! DEALERS IN TEA8 3(13 an"3l5 Graawwich 8t betwea Read and Du t..i: laneStreeta, : ., ,..,.. .. D K Fennel, i - . vww wASrir John A Haiaetlbergh. , r NEW YWK. Jaa-ttt-dly - Tf , .PAPER HANGER, 1 "" i v ' . f - Ntvbem, N, C. . Will give his entire attention to hanging plain and Ornamental Wall fspor. - Work done in the best manner and at reasonable'prices. - " ' tfniy ij, loon oiv niBBLI eV BROTHEKS, JJ FORWARDING 4" COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , . ,: . . ..." ' : - ; Niw-B, N. c tV Cash Advances made on Consignments to be tfM here otforwardad te ertherg Markets. . .. TUBE'" VOL III. BUSINESS CARDS, a GENEKAL COMMSSIOtf It SHIPPIKO MERCHANT. ''.if.) -A : XV POKK.' . HAY, -r SPIRIT BARRELS 1 ., Jr'LOUR, COAL.' ,.k HOOP IKON,. , SALT, f LLME, ' ' GLCE. etc., &0., A Supply alwAys on hand ana for sale, " " ," Agent for regular Hoes of Vrvsela running between this Port and Hew York,,Boto,- Philadeiphia and uniiiiiiura, , -: " i. icy i 'Convenient Wharves end Warehouses for storing ar shippings ;.' ', ' ''" ' '," '' uasu ndvaneee made on consignments. Marble-Tr4f, ' BEWBEBN. K. C. 'kij nvX? f vfl , The subscriber is .ta -V ; receiving a large stock ot Amerir.an and Fortifrh Marine ana is m an muihs prepared to fill 01 , dersfotJIba Manumentl. titntt ' and ' Tost & - Stone, of every de , aoruitioa. at less tiian ROBTiiiait prices', , delivered in all porta ' 'of North Carolina and Virginia t reeoi Onr wikrkmRimhin h&s lmin crentirsllv lntTOdueen In some thirty counties in North Carolina, and speaks forkself. :,,.r U r.t jx; Orders bv mail will meet with prompt attention and be faithfully exeoute - i.i n.j.it j; Address,: 'j J. C. WIEB. Newbem, H..C, ; Jettt Kemp, Etq., .'Agent at Qpliaboro', pept 11) ; " wly JE. A.HVBTT WOULD RESPECTFULLY eall the attention of the citixent of Newbern, and the public generally, to his large and complete asso'tmnnt of J ..'. DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. ... which he hns now on hand, and will continually re ceive by arrivals of i vessels from New-York-and liaitiiriore tiirougu the season. . lie wuuia respect, fully cnU the attention of , i A . FAMILIES, .. s . a hiii ftttflT'k nf Rntc-riMS such as Pork, Bnronl.ard, Butter, Flour, Meal, Ricetfoapl C andle, starch, C itfce, J ean, uracter ana: j ..Cuke, Molaeiet and Ssraps-,' '' , and in fact everything asually kept at a Grooery. He ajxokeups a good stock of Domestic Dry Goods suoli asMartboiv' Plaids Brown Shirtiogsanu Sheet ings, Ornabuigs. Prints, ilimiery. Ginghams, Hats, Kiioes, Hardware and Cutlury, all of which be wilj sell on the most reasonable terms. Persons wishing to pnrchase will do well to give him a call before purchasing elxcwhere. South Front St., & doors below tha Gaston House. may3Mwly TONATIIAN nillLRV. O . CLOCK, at WATCH MAKER, Keeps constantly on hand an excellent as- ..t uru.,r.A. sr.. ..I-.. ted Ware ic, eco. - Tlione winhiiig suy of the aoove articles will And it to their advantage to call and ex amine his Stock. ' Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired with neat ness and dispatch, on the most rOnsonshle terms. JONATHAN WHALEY, ... . Craves street, Newbern, N. C. ; Ort 5, ISaVwIgm . i - BKI K I.AIIKIO AND ItlASoNBIr JA.MKS N. LKGG, Urick Layer and Plasterer, respectfully offers his services in "the above branch of business. He is prepared to erect buildings by contract, or by the day when desired, pledge himself to give satistavtHHt as to price and character of work. He offers to do as substantial work as can be done in the State. . - For further particulars he refei to W. P. Moore, I Disosway. George Bishop and J. L. Pennington, all ot Newbern. Newbern June I9ddt.wtf. WILI.IA.Tf HAY, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, t, NEWBERN. N.C. . , Contracts taken for work in town or country , which will be promptly executed and satinfactioii. guaran tied. Paints, Oils and Varnish always on bund and- will be sold at reasonaoie prices. Sept. 20 daw I y . ' ' ' GEO BOB ALLEN, DEALER IN rKCT A STAPLE DRY OOOVS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, SfC, POIXOK STREET. NEWBERN N. C. Would resDectfullv invite the attention of the public te his Stock, which wiU hi found aer, melt auorttd, and sufficiently large at all seasons ot (lie year. Orders promptly und carefully attended to. Septl dly AmBROTVPKM! AIIBROTVPE! .1. L. COWLING is in Town. Ga lerv on Pol Ink Street, two doors above Mr; Cuthbert'S New Store, where he is prepared to put up pictures in a style that cannot be surpassed fin beauty of finish, correctness and durability. Examine specimens if they don t compare favorably with any you ever saw I have nothing more to say, as I always leave my work to stand on its own merit. If I put up a picture for a gentleman or a lady and they say it docs not suit I don't expect them to take it Arril 17, 18lri R ANA WAY FROM THE 81'BsCBIBEB on the 1-t of A'ignst, my Negro man JOS. MILLKft. The said Negro is forty-six or seven years of age, dark complexion, five ieet nine or ten inches high, weighs about one hundred and sixty or seventy pounds. The said Negro is near-sighted, and very quick spoken. He is a ditcher by trade, and may be passing by the name of John or William Dunson. I a ill give the reward of Fifty Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of said Negro or con fined in any jail in the iState, so that I can get him again: ' . : A SOltKELL Raleigh, N C Sept , HBM -i , " . sept 8 dtf 11 lt CB OF LAND far Sole. I J t The subscriber offers for sale a valuable Tract of Land, lying on Adams' if-'reeks, containing about six handled acres, and said by judges to be equal to any land in the State. Also, another tract lying on Hancock oreek, about twenty miles below Newbern and three miles from Havelock Depot, A at N C Railroad, containing 00 Acres, and is well timbered with long straw pine, hickory and oak. . , - For further particulars address the undersigned at Newbern, N. C. ' ..- - deo8dawtf JOHN N. MYMAN. TAKEN CP AND COMMITTED. A ne gio boy, claiming to be the property of MRS. PARNAHAM.of Jones county, was taken up as a rumway on Monday last and confined in jail. Said boy is black, about feet high, rather slim about 14 years old, has a fine set of teeth, a small scar above the right eye, smart, speaks quick and says he'was forced to leave bis home by JOHN, the pro party of a Mr. Haskins, wbo he says came with him to Newbern. tt'be owner as requested 'to ome lor ward and redeem the property. r ;1A. C. LATHAM, Sheriff. July 19, dfowtf , rpO TUB FBIENOS OF HOME MANt 1 JP As' TUB El. ' THE KJN8TON SHOE FACTORY " IS NOW IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. Orders hit negro BROGANS and BOOTS are so licited. ' u. C. CARPENTER, Agent, ' . . K1NST0N. N. C, July2fi-dwtf ' ' ' ' NOTICE PntLLP' THOMAS having pur chased the store on the New iCounty Wharf, recently occupied by Geo. W. Miller and John D. May, would most respectfully anuuuaoe to ?the cit izens of Newbetn and surrounding vicinity that said store is nnw-anen, where he wile be pleased to furnish everybody with DRY GOOfctS, BOOTS, 8UOE8, GROCERIES and WOOD, cheap .Call and examine the stock for youraetvee before -purchssiag elsewhere, , ' "" ' i sept l-dfcw3m - ' 1 ' FOR "ALB. A1 tract of land,' situate on the Aorth-westeni border of the town of Newbern, and near the Railroad, eeotaining about forty acres', known as " Farm ville Place." A pply to SITGREAVEa ATI HOKE. ! IV a - J J Willi II I i llmVi, July 21, I860 dMrtf. iiaiupjaf nr a 'j'T HHihil i"-TijrinsHii Tti tjm a.i'aaii) t in mm'f9 mm pa i . mat apJ nt . r'ZS.i..- ' . .,,1 K..i ' T - f . NEWBERN, N. C., WEDNESDAY MEDlCINhS. PCRIFT TUB BLOan, . VMOF.FAl'. WK'iUf.i Vea-etabla Lift) rilla.ausd JPlMBstljf BUtara, Tba high and envied aatebrity which these prf . eminent Medicines have acquired for their invariable efficacy in all the diseases which they profess to cure, has rendered the usual practice of puffing not only unnecessary, but snworthy of there. They ara knowa by their fruits i their coed works Ustify for Uiem, and they thrive aot by the faith of the credulous, ,. a all tattt ' y ' : Of Asthma, Acnte and Chronic Rheumatism, Affec tiourof the Bladder and Kidneys. ' i. ' t-s . Billion Fwr und lintr CompUinti. .:-; In thaSoutk and West, where these diseases pre vail, they will be found invaluable. - Planters, I aimers and others, who once use these medicines, will never kf Billions Chclic and Boreas Looaeaess, BHeaV CW tlveoess, Colds and Coughs, Choliev .'. ,- viivJ C aiaatjrtwsvJJsed with great uooes in this disease. , , Corrupt Humor, Droptie. . & - Dyspepsta'So parson with thlsdisussslng disease should delay using these medicines immediately. l ErntfijMUtg th$kind ."jtU. jy-' ... r.M.j, MffuftU ami :R4mm.i , Frmr and Ague4?r V" soourge of the Western country these medicines will eefouud a safe, speedy and certain remedy.' Other hiedicluus leave tha sys tem subject to a return of the disease a-euro -by these meaieinea it psrmaaeai. xry tuea ue aana. fled, and be cured.: -, in ', 3 t 't.u Fmdntnof Complexion. - Aj, -. (, f0ntral DtMitu. , . Oout, 'Giddiness, Gravel, iTeadaobes of eVerV kind, Inward Fever, Infkmatory Rheumatism, Impute Blood, Jeundi, Lees of Appetite.' i "J Ltasr Complaint, Jeprotu, Leoitnut, . Mtrcmria Diseases. - - - ' Never fail (oeradiuata entirely all tha effects ot Mercury infinitely soouer than tbo most powerful prepaiatiou of SarsapaiillH. ' . " ' '- '- tgnt awenis,' ncrwiu wwiny, wiw plaints of all kinds, Organic Affections, ( Palpitation of the Heart, Psiutar's Cholip. . , . .. . Piles. . . . ".' : The" original proprietor of these medicines wks cured of Piles of So year standing -by the use ol these Life Medicines alone, i ' '-. " - i Pains ill tile head, side, back, limbs, Joints, and .us: i'-ntfiitY -v. iUt -ti- .(. i-, Rheumatism, - j . ,7 Tlioiie afflicted with -this terrible disease wiil he sure of Relief by the Life Medicines. " ' Ruth of Blood to the Head, Scnrtu, Sxti ' Rheum i "("' -; -' Swelling. a Scrofular, or Kinf Eaiijin ms worst forms, Ulcers, ' ot every description. . t Worm of all kinds ara effectually expelled by these medicines." Parents will do wen to adniinisfcr them whenever their existence is suspected. Belief will be certain.' i.uu s. t i u4.jj5( The Life Pill and Phanix Bitters , . ..' r A ' ' '; i ... i-irn t Purifu the Blood, , ,-. . Arlft thus remove all disease from the system. Prepared by ". DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, , ' s . No. 385 Broadway, For wHe by all Druggists. 1 (Moffat Building, N Y. may 19 dawly . Dl J. BOY EE DODsV i- IMPERIAL' WINE BITTERS? - Ar nadc'fnsi s par aa4 aaadsilfcra " ted Wine,-whleh i about double- the usnal strength of other White, and is imported by only one house in the United States. . Also, from the follow ing valuable Roots, Herbs, dec, viz : Solomon's Seal, Spikenard, Conifrey, Camomile Flowers, Gentian, Wild Cherry Tree Bark. anHayberry., - WE CHALLENGE - .'...' TIIB''WOBLD-T O '-'5 ;'i'..'l-. t.picODUCE ;. T II B I U a B Q C A. L t 1 We do not profess t have discovered soma Roots "knowa only to the Indiana of South America," and n for '-all diseases which the flesh is heir to," but we claim to present to the public a truly valua ble preparation, which every intelligent Physician in the country will approve of and recouiineud. At a remedy for . ' ; t . ... ; . I NClPIENT CO SSUMPTION, Weak Lungs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, 'Diseases nf the Nervous system, paralysis, Piles.diseasespeeuliar to Females, Debility, aud aU oases requiring a Tonic, they are i - .DN(IBPAIIEDt!t;''' '. For Sore Throat, so common among the' Clergy, they are truly valuable;- - ; - ' . For the aged and infirm; or for persons of a week constitution for Ministers of the Gospel, Lawyers, and all public speakers for Book Keepers, Tailors, Seamstresses, Students, Artists, and all persons lend ing a sedentary life, they will prove truly beneficial. As a Beverage, they are wholesome, innocent, and delicious to the taste. They produce ail the ex hiliarating effects of Brandy or Wine, without intox icating ; and are a valuable remedy for poisons ad die'ea to exessive use of strong drink, and wish to refrain from it' They are pure and entirely fa-a from the poisons rontained in tha adulterated Wises and Liquors with which the country is flooded. These Bitters not only CURE but PREVENT Disease, ind should be used by all who live in a country where the water is bad, or where Chills and Fevers are prevalent, Being entirely innocent and harmless, they may be giveu freely to Children and Infants with impunity. Physicians, Clergymen,' and temperance advo cates, as an act of humanity, should assisttn spread-1 ing these truly valuable BITTERS over tha land, and thereby essentially aid la banishing Drunken ness and Disease. ,' CHARLES WIDDIFIBLD aV CO., " Frawrlrlora, tS William turret. New YarU. And sold by Druggists generally. j ; J. VV. CARilER, Druggist, . . Agent at Nkwbirn, N. C. ang17-dly "'' ' - ' " DOCTOR MAMTINl'H' CATAMEMAL CORRECTOR ! I ' ' HAS HAD ' A TEN YEARS TRIAL, which should be sufficient to convince every ' .'' Suffering Woman ' " of the great value of the Calasncaial Carrectarl! ' ' And that it is without exception . L7THK BEST MMDICINE Before the public for all diseases arising from Irreg ularities. Chronic or Nervous Debility. Palpitation of the Heart, Vertigo or Disiiness, Pains in the Kid neys, Pains ui the small of the Deck, I'au.s under Shoulders. Lowness of Soirits. Lnmruor and Nervous ness generally. Difficult Menstruation. Suspended menstruation, or uesaution ot tue aienses, ana au al most endless variety of other dkenses attendant on irregularities superinduced by eolds, by over exer tion, by a weak constitution, severe mental or physi cal labor. The simple remedy for all is to get at the primary cause of the disease i remove it, and you as sist Nature to regulate.. This can be done by the great t;Al AMCIWALi WIIUrXlVK, which has uever failed to effect a cure when proper ly used, aocording to the directions aud a fair tiiul given it. - It Isvrcparea irom tne recipe, ana unaer tne per sonal aupeavision of a meet Skillful Physician, who lor auiiiinuer qi years connuea us use to nis privare nractiee. sVor.the few vears that it has been before the publio it has gained for itself a position that will soon by its rapid increase of popularity, place it at the head of all remedies heretofore offered for Wo men's diseases. The more especially those above enumerated which too often end in CONSUM PTION. For snlc by most respectable Druggists through out the Union and Canndas. ' PRICE, $1.00 J'EB HOTTLK. . LARGE 8IZE9LS0 PER-BOTTLE. N. I!. When it happens that your Druggist has not the article, the money . nan he remitted direct to us, and if two or more bottles are ordered ut one time, the medicine will be sent free of charge for transpor tation. Particular directions aa to use, c., accompany each buttle. - Druggists can bo supplied direct front out Labora tory, or by sending their orders to ........ - . . . . . . . I f. -.-. C I. HAltNCA A'Altri, new mix, r . v. r-i.t-n ot (K.. New York, 8. B. HANCBVBaltimore Mil,, D OTT'S, Philadelphia, Pa., J. WTtNuirr at Co., New Orleans, l., JU1LH U f Attn., wincinaaii, unjo, a. H. HAYS, Portland, Me. Or to any respeotable Wholesale Druggist in New York or Philadelphia. Ciroumrs, with Trade Prices, for the Corrector, and our other medicines, sent free to Wholesale Buy ers, No medicine placed on commission: ' - J.D. I.DENYME, General Agent for tha United States and Canada. .. .. - , ; 40 Aha St, New York. . ; JufylOwly; ;'"' -'V ' . MORNING, OCTOBER 10. 1860. MEDICINES. ME". WINHLOWV ' Au experienced Nurse and Fern ale Physician, resents to the attention of mothers, her Mfl SoothiSo jyrvp: : -LUfc Jii. r 1m . .? T,J!AtuZ "i..ltkiM of tha Kldueye and Bladder. IvolunUry fa t reM1yf'"P"," f''bTil'rgea, Impotency, General Debifity. Nervous softening tha gums, reducing ail iimainoiation-wsll I n,w.t.ai H.'J r..f.,.i.,n..ri, allay ail rsis and spasmodic action, and is , ( , ,. - ' - ID HE TO UI.OVLATi THE SOVVE1.S. , . '!. Depend upon it, motlieri, it will give rest to your aslvea,and J ( t-i -', - . , f Relief and Health f Yinr lnfajU,- ?v tO , Wa have put up and sold this article for over ten. years, and can sav. in ooufidence and truth of it. what we have never. -been able to jay of any nth MM iW , n'lJWtOW'K BOOTIIINO - iV-,YMl'lV. sS MedUdi) HAH.- IT A 81N0LE t. O K V- -N EVER FAILED. IN INSTANCE. raw A A CURE, when timely used. Never did we know ad Instance of dis satisfaction by any one who ued it On tha contra. ry, all are delighted with its opera tic us, and apeak in terms of highest commendation of Ha magical ef fecbi Aiul Be2eal virtues. : .W apeak in this matter '' what we do know,") after ten, years' experience, and pledge our reputation for the fulfilment of what wa hers dulare. In almost every instance where the infant is. suffering fromjiain and exhaustion, re lief will be found In fifteen or twenty minute after the syrup is administered. - ; : This valuable preparation Is the prescription of one of the most experienced and skilful Nurses in New England, and has been used with uevui-i'uiliu; sur cesa uj . - . - V THOUSANDS OP CASES. It not only relieves the child from pain, but Invig orates the stomach and bowels, corrects aciditv, and gives' tone and energy to the whole system. It will Hltrntst inarandv reliuve Arininff hi the Rnwola. and t Wind Cholic, ' i and overcome convulsions, speedily rem death. We , FOB ciiildbkn; teething. which, if net edied, end iu believe it the surest remedy best and in the world, In all cases of Dysentery and Diarrhoea in Children, whether it arises from toothing, or from any other cause. We would any to every mothoi who has a child suffering from suy of the foregoing comoloinU do not let your prejudices, nor the pre judices of others, stand between your suffering child nnu me nsuei toot win ue sure ves. ausoiuieiy sure to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. NonJgenaine unlets the fae simile nf CURTIS eV PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. .' - Prinuipal office, No. 1 j Cedar Street, N. Y. ki; ' rneeomy w v&u pet iwutt. dee 13, jss-dfltwiy rilhaMaaads are Dally Speaking la Ibe X praise ot Dl. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL, and why T because it neeerfaiU to nff'ord tmtantit neout relief when given in' limei It acts as if by magic, audoae trial alone will convince you that what we say ts true. Itcontnins . v i .i Na Parcgarle ar Opiate of ony kind, and tlieret'ore relieves by remoeiug tlit tuffeiiugt of your ohild, instead of by deaileniug it temikilUie. , For this reason, it commends itself as the only reliable preparation now known lor Children Teething, Diarrktea, Vytentrrt, Griping in the Hov el. Acidity nfthe Stomach, Wind, Cold in the Head, and Croup, atoo, foro'teetng the Gum, reducing JiiftamatwH, reglalina the Ouueln, and reHeviK pain, it has no ou being an .anZ.-npunmoiJic it is used with unfailing success in all cases of Convul tion or other Pitt. At von vaiw th life and health of your children, and -ia to tattthem from thote ma and blirkline conteauencet tekuk are Certain to mult from the r of narcotic i of which all other remediet for Infantile Complaint are eompoted, lake none but r,- to.rivixpd r-.....-f., r i:..t ...... u in, tu.i o J nitiuuc vvr u(u, 1.1. lo jr uiii. an , tiy up on. It is perfectly harmless, end cannot injure the most delicate infant. Price, E5 osnts. Full directions ac oauiuany each bottle. Prepared only by , CHUKCII St DL'POXT, No. 4t'H Broadway, New York. Healthy human Blood opon lielng ' v . Aaalyard always presents us with the same essential elements, and gives of course the True Standard. Analyze the blood of a person suffering from Consumption, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, &c., and we and in every imame certain ttcpcieneiet in me reu globules of blood. .S'uppy thci) deficiencies, and you are made well. The mood. Food is founded up on this Theory -honce Its astonishing success. There are - - "" " u , Five Preparatiaaa - . adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood in difforeut diseases. For Cough; CoUlt, Bronchitis, or any af fection whatever of the Throat or Lungt inducing Contnihption, use No I, which is also the No for Ikprctnon of Spirilt, Lot of Appetite, and for nil Chronic Complaint arising Irom Orr-iie, General Debility, and Nervovt Prott ration. No. 9, for Liver Comntamtn. No. 3. for Dvitma. ' Hems already prepared for almorption it is taken by Drop aud car ried immediately into tne circulation, so inai wnoi you gain you retain. The No. 4, Is for Female lr- rrgtilantiet, Ilytteria, Weaknane, irc. See special directions for this. For Salt Rheum, Eruption, eiernfuloiu, Aiaey and madder Vomptaml, take No. a. In all cshcs the directions must be strictly followed, i'lice oi mo tsiooa tooa ji por notnn. Sold by CHURCH at DUPONT, No. 40J. Broadway. New York. And for sale by F. B. DUFFY, Newbern, and by all respectable Uruggiats tiirungnoul tne country. March &-d&.wtnovl . pBOCLAMATION. THE CITIZENS OF NF.IVBERN AND VICINITY. Whkbkas, At the present Season . . . DIAURHA. CHOLERA MORBUS, DV8KNTAKY, M DYSPKPSIA DEBILITY, "'" CHOLIC, lie., ta-. 1 : " Preeail to an alarnung extent, and Whereat, it mutt be of the Jirtt eonteqtrure to all Citizen to know of a ur.ME.ui at Once SPEEDY, SAFE end EFFICACIOUS. DR. MONTAUDE , ' ' .' OK FAK1S nffei s his MIRACULOUS TAIN KILL EH As the most CERTAIN, SAFE and INSTANTA NEOUS REMEDY in the Woi Id, for any of the above Complaints, But as so many worthless Nostrums are boinc eon- piuuallv imposed upon the Publio to their great loss .tDSI MONTABDE - .s - noreby offers to REFUND the MONEYin all cases where the medicine may fail to afford entire sat isfac tion Ask then at any DRUG STORE in NHW BERN, for - DRi MONTARDE'8" ""' MIRACULOUS PAIN KILLER', Take a dose of from 30 to 00 drops, according to age and strength of patient, and if not perfectly satisfied, return the Medicine and get yonr money refunded, which the DRUGGISTS are authorised to do. But I lie .. MIRACULOUS PAIN KILLER NE VER FAILS A NE VER FAILS f - NEVER I II , For sale In Newbera, N. C, by W CARMKIt, J GOODlNO.Jr .J'VJORDANandFS DirKFY. .IAS. Mi DONNKLk. 17 Mercer street, Baltimore, General Agent for trre United States. June 1. Fidl2m - ' IXrklie Vnmdi titan. Palal ia Oil' mm Haw and Dolled. Paris -I T Varnish, Linseed Oil- Chrome, Saxon and Imperial Green, Verdigris, Urn- si ble Tubes, Ihnshes in great variety, Minsral Paint -J , mrvas'w' " AS. WlCARMBB. ' J . V at v ft - t rW NO. 34. BALVIMOMB LOCK BOBPITAL. - ,. . i DB. JOHNSTON ... .-f ... Has discovered the most certain, speedy and only ef fectual remedy in the world for all '. , ; DUeaaea as lasaraaeaea. ,' Weakaeat of tha Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affee- ilis- sness. Dyspepsia, Langnur,Iyw Spirit, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of tlie Head. Throat. Nose or Skin. Affection of the Luns. Stonv uch or Bowuls-tliose Terrible Disorders aritimg trass Solitary Uabita of Yout h those secret and solitary practice more fatal to their vh-tima than the anag of the Syren to the mariners of Ulvsos, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering mar riage, dtc, Impossible. - - ' i a ...i.jj'ir.lSBBI Ma -.4 v; .. , . Esperinlly, who have become the victims of Solitary Yicettiut dreadful and destructive habit which an nually sweeps to aa untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the moat exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have rntinnetd H tening SeaaVee wuh the thnndera of eloeice, or waked toecstacy tha living lyre, may mill with full eouflilence. ' '' v f . !; r-Marriage. ';.'.'.;-; J-..'- ' f; MaiTiad psrsons.r.r Yoi.ng Jlencotilomplntlng mar riage, being awure of uhysicnl weakness. organic dc bilityj deroimitisai dio speedily cured.', r . He who pieces himself under the care -of Dr. J. mav reliirioiiHlv ennfido In his honor as a Prilittfinnii Laud confidently rely upon his skill aa a Physician. Immeiliutnlv cured and full vlt'or restoiid. A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in, from one to Dr. Jehustan, ' -n- "- irnmhnsnf th Tffiutil lnllMfrA i,f MnnrAnn Tj,nil.tt,' .' ' " - - - ' , " M, graduato Irani one of tlio most eniiuont Colleges ul the United States, aud the greater part of whose life hnsi been spei.t in tin liospitals of Lr ndnn.Puriii, l'hil ailelpbiA ami elsewhere, lies effected some of the most astonishing cures that wnro ever known-, many troubled with ringing, ui the head, and cars, whan asleep; great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bnslifiilness, with frequent blushlng.nttenderi sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured tmmeuiateiy. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have iiilured them selvos by improper indulguncios nud solitary habits whiefcr-ruin bot h body and mind, unfitting them for either Business, Study, Society or Mniriuge. . These ara some of tha sad und melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, vl i WVnkiicsB ot the Hack and Limbs, Pains la the Head. Dimness, of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Pulpitulion of the Heart. Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derange ment of the Digestive FunetiouB, General Debility, synipioms oi vonsuuipuon, ate, M k!tai.ity.-TIi frful effocts on the mind are much to he dreaded -Ljms of Memory, Contusion ot Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil forvhodiugs, Aver sion to noctety, Betr IHsmist, love ot MolHude,Tiin. iditv. Alc.. ate soma of the evils nrodnood. . TTluiusnuds Af persons, of all ages, can now Judge wliutikthecauseof Ihelr declining liealtb, losing their vigor, becoming weuk, pale, nervous and emaciated, h iving a singular uppeurui.ee about the eyes, cough und symptoms of consumption. DRw JOHNSTON'S REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS AND 1MPOTENCY. BJ this great and important remedy weakness nf the organs are speedily cured ana lull vigor restored. Thousands oftlio most nftvous and debilitated,' who hud lost all hope, linve been immediately relieved. All impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualifications, Loss of Vrocreative Power, Ner vous Irritability, Trembling and Weakness or Ex huustiou of the most fuarfnlkind speedily cured. . YOUNG MEN Who have Injured themselves by a f eitnln practice indulged in when alone a. habit fiuqucntly lunrned from evil coiupiinions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleem and. if not cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroys potn iiuna aim uouy, suouia ajipiy immcniiuely. . Such persons must, before contemplating ; J '. MARRIAGE, reflect Hint a sound mind and body nretliouiost nec essary rerjuisjjes to promote eonniihinl linppines. Indeed witiiout those, the jouiuey through lile he comes a weary pi'gi'lmmiigtt; the p,rosiect hourly darkens to Hie view; the mind becomes shadowed with (lesimir and filled with the melancholy rendi tion that the happiness of another becomes blighted whu our own. -JSHUORSEMEXT OP TUB PIIKSS. The Many Thousands cured at this Institution wtlli in the last fifteen years, and the numerous Impor tant Surgical operation performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of the Sun und many other papers, notices of which have appeared again aud again before the public, besides his standing hi a geutleinan nf dim actor nnd responsibility, is a stif flcient guarantee to the afflicted. OFFICE NO. T, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, ItAI TlMIIUK. Mn., Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few door from the coniur. Fail not to vbscrt a nnuie. No lottor received unless post-paid, hud Containing a Stamp to be used on the reply. Person writiug should state age, and seuti poilioa of udvcrtisouicnt staling symptoms. reSklN DISEASES SPEEDILY CUHED. Feb 1,1860 dly. READ ! - READ ! ! ' KEA1 ) ! ! ! tao, HI,, JulySUth, IfeVW. . Messrs. John Warox dc Co. : Vour " Inpectiue," or " Pursinn Vevwr Charm," has done wonders. L was wholly despondent and wretched when Jb applied its awl iu five hours the chills were removed and nu fewr litis ensueil. It is the aiinplest cure imaginable, n:ai a woifder of nut lire or art. k' would not bo without this- " hipectiiiu'' n single hour, lly constnutly wearing it I suem to bv " aguu proof." Toms very truly, E. it. STOUT Moiwlb, Al., July 23, 1SC1. UlKTI.IIllB.-:f 1 lisvo been snatohcdirroiT) thegrhve by the np- idicntion of your wonderful "Uipoctine," or "I'ersian 'ever Chaini." Vor several year I nave sull'i-rert every seasou with fever and s'gue. Lost Spring my lite wns threatened, hut your remedy hns ikxl roved the disease, aud I am rapidly gniri'.ag an npH'tite aud strength. Hcspectfully, yourS., It. it. HAIiHON. This truly won il erf ul prevctirehnl cure for Fever and Ague and Killinus Fevers will be sent by until poet paid, on receipt of one dollar. Also for sale at all respectable Druggists and Country Htnre. Principal llepot and Manufactory. IHH Mmn street. Riuhmond, Va. "Brnnob OIHce, Hank of Commerce building, New York., Addrnss, JOHN WILCOX & CO. CtOTTOW We invite the alteiilion ol I Planters to our Agency for Ueo, Knld's colchru ted Cotton Oius. Those in want of a lirsaCluBS liin will do well 'ii;i us an oriler einly that we limy furnisli thorn is time fVirl lie present cri. Wewould refer those irsaeiiiiiited w'rth this make of tiin to ; B. Wuthersbyq., of Craven and Ed ward Pull ilk, i Ksq. ol ureeiie eouiuy, who nave mom in use. A. MlTCHKIJft AV KOX. June 15 wtf . I have recently added to aiy Cotton Gins C. Me. Linden s Improvement oa Cotton (Jin Boxes, by which a din will pick about one-third more cot loll in a day, and improves the Quality of tbo cotton from Jo. to a, per pound over any gin not using this im nriiveuient. It uicks the seed cleaner and iiKuviMits any cotton from clogging oathe saa'S. This iniprovv ment consists u' plunging the head of the Cotton Box six inches bom where the saws pass through the ribs, in a direct-llae outward, di rle1mr from this line in an angle of' about tillocu degree, causini; the 1 notion a It passe apwara to contra Jt nun eipanu going downwuidi tlsus shifting the corton so us to present a diflfernnt'sarl'iice to the saws each time. Messrs. A Mitchell A! Nin, Mewnem, are my ngenl for the sale of t'ollou tlins, who will All any order piomplly. (iulyj-'l wf . OEOUtiE Klll IK VOIIKHT, AHnlTRON 4k CO.. L - .H)D MKKCHANTS, AV a CHaasaVer MrrAt, ew Varb, Would not ify the trade that they a reopening wet kly , in new ana" beautiful patterns, the iiA M SU T T A PRINTS, also tha ' AUOKHaO, A new Print, which exeehtevery I'rintln tha eonntry for perfectioB of exaeatioa and design ia full madder colors. Our Prints ara cheaper tua any ia market, and meeting with extensive sale. Orders promptly attaaded to. -f Jaa 13 wly. , ,:. ',,. ' ,.-" , 50 fc.iys...... 7& t.-i i urea daynw.! " . , , Four days.. ........ -I . 75 IKivedays..... 50 . 871 !On week 79 ' .1 87IITWO week...... Si 7& .3 00 lOne month.. ....4 00. 2 50 rTwa motha . 7 00 . o a- roe days....... our day.. ...... i ivedaya........ One week........ Two weeks....... On month Two months.. .... Tk mnh . . I si rTbrae months. 10 flQ1 Six month ....8 00 Six month.. ...... ..! J ' One year.. . 15 00 Onayear.... 2 W ' Twelve lines inuke a sqnara, six line bslf-aquar. Libera I arrangements made with yearly ad vertieer T MssaaamaMsMss.aMsaaa-ai , DAILY PROGRESS. WEDNESDAY MORNTNG, OCT. 10, 1800. J . ... ut a a v llirntf I T I AlfrTPPrTl. IliKccjniiuiig'llio drgunnhtg M .&7 P"7s ?' cliiiinffljr'tLe right 4t n indwri Jent ournajist ' to rtubllsh wlmt pb, we place under ant head thfl names whith cpmpose Hie thre Eleo- "1 toral Tickets' iri North Carolina to be voted fbn irrXovfftbcr fir lrt.IUcnt and Vic President "Orgini" uhly giro mn ticket, .we gi tLe throe:' ''..,.. '. ,..".":;:': . T1E DOl.'GI.Aii KLECT0RAL TICKET. j .FOB THK TATS AT tASGS:- j t R. P, DICK, of Gfttroki..' ! 1 h. k. McKArJ, f Cbavsh. ,; - - - BISTKKTS 1st PbM.-tOl'. S,VM'I. WATTS, of Martin- 3iid " ' " V;p. KfK)NCE, of Onslow. 8rtl r ic JXltfulHWfl ALDTof' Wuilcn. " i-v : J H. W. MILLER, of Wake. trj" th MORRISON, of Moore.. , liUi ''f; '.,', ;.. T. W. KKENE, of RiH-kinghum, itu " w. '. 11' MVERiVof Mwklcaburg. IK I1YMAN, of Htmcomlwi 8th ""- ; J f . t.'i ; -v. (;.'. '.. j TliE BELL ELECTORAL TICKET. . IR TIIS STATE AT LAHOK : . HON. (Jjiy. E. BADGEU,Kr '.Vaubj' i.:rJiRt'lC-ll;. JflEKiii.u Bsji'tTASiK. j wsTHti.rs: 1st' iJiitiict- J. W. HINTON. of Pasquotiink. 2nd CHAS C. Cr.AIK, at tVaven. 8rd 4th Gtli fill, Tr th' 0. IL DOCKERV, of Richmond. ,L, C. EDWARDH, of Uranville. A. 0.' FOSTER, of Rurhlolph, HENKY WALSER, of Davidson. ' WM. P. -ltYNITM, of Lincoln. ' TOD K. C.VI.DWKLIi, of Burke, TimBKECKINRIlX.E EI, ECT'RAL TICKET.. FOH Tllti KTATK AT LA III IB il ALFRED M SCALES, of Roikisciiam. El. O. HAYWOOD, or Wawe. ntSTItll'TS : lut DirictU,10H W. MOORE, of Hertford. 2nd 2rd 4th Oth" fith- 7i H Hth WM. It. RODMAN, of Beaufort. WM. A. ALLEN, ofDui.lin. A. AV. V ENABLE, of Granville. .1. R. MoT. KAN, of OuilforiL J. M. CLEMENT, of Davie?" . J.. A. FOX, oLMooklonburir. JOHN A. DICKSON, oi Burke. 'it! 4'AtrPAIOX lHOatlu!St .' I'.ldnT trOtt Al.l. PART1KII ' ,. Hvliuviug that the pcolc should have light at u time like this, whewtho political' world is i coHHiielioii, ntid Lii.'g ilckrmined to give a fuii- and truthful account of the movements and' iuction s of all parties from now until! after the ' tlfcction in November, we offer the PROGRESS fi'i' the chuipuin, suy till tho middle of Novem ber, ut the following ' LOW RATES: DAILY PUOURKSS, for the Campaign, (single fopy,) $1.00 " , ClubAoffiie, 4.CNI . " ,- Club often, 7.00 Clubs of twenty, 12.00 . W'EtiH lit PROGRESS, forthe cnmiiali, : (single copy,). $iSU' " " Clubs of ave, 2.00 ' ' Clubs of ten, 4.00 , ' , Clubs of twenty,- 7.00" vi?" !"d in your cluls, accompanied by the money mils get a paper that has the independ ence to entcytuiti wiitrfrroiitH and tho bi!duess to express tltcm. The Progress being cmphat- ' icallv a iiewsfmper everything in the political world 8hall be' CHrofiillv noted. ' JJOnK "ANl'PAl'Tl'RK ! 1 OVSS, Rll l.LS . ISO PISTOLS!. NOTlCri! NOTICE! .Vlillinrr 'iapnnii A siperilnj Ceatleaaea. I hnvn oirend one of th- Jarirt-.t niifl bi-i-t ssfort ed stiH-ks of Uss, ilio1, Hi a, nnd artii'lr poitninuiK to tlmt lino of luisiness, mnl would most respcrtfiilly in vito nil tlint limy wish iinythinif ie that line to Kivo me aoall nml rxsmine my stork.. The iolloM iiifr list couipiiscs u poiiiia of the art) clos ntiw on rxhihition : . Gum, iMnbe'ituit Single; y I'eV'i, matte to order ; : " lirrcrk I.tttlthng'; ' '' (Jolt's Patent ; " Sharp " " Mt rrill t " " tV. ' Pinlels. Coil't Pittritt ; Smith II etuiu't Pott n! ):' Adam' tit. , Until, tit, Allen 4- Wlierlurk'a tl Smith ,y If. Cartrtilget ; " , l'ittttl loUlrrii Shot J'ourhet ; : J'tnrder Flank' ; . Ftnlt and Mat.it s Fencing and Bu.ziug Gluree' Fihinl't Ttitklt'i , (inn Untitling i " Elry't Ctipt ; " G. l. Ctip,t " ( Vr's Cuut , ' " Calt'n Copt : Ihtg Collar ; -Vhaint . Pomleir and Slot. Rettairiaa;' Praaaally atteaiheT te. Men-hunt tupduti at Nftc York prtret. Alanulni tiirrr of Cox's KiQe. DVIN WANT, april iff dawtf , I'olloK st.. Newtiern 1 N' KCiltOKv W.I.UKD,-b. A. SlllPPi still bnvum ytiniar aud likely atirrov. and uavinir t4e Hirhst rash piuv. NewbrnvN. C , Keb IS. ISHO-iUfewly f 1 1NHiH IH, r Al.lt'OKM, Vc. Ginfiham, VJ C'slii-ot'. lirilliants. Chambiev'a IVitsIk. Kvit reals. Ki Ush ne Cloths. for sale at UAIiklSON S. IBM IV JTWaa faa lavallaeaaa lafaalav Ia Byry'a V delioHiu Jtevaleuta Arabic Vemt. To he had a . . OUODLNUa). July 21 OHklaNaMa'ailraaa PalaaeaOasaaM Atmt- Jrjabreeivedperskhr8abiBandforMlby aeptH , J B ASIYETT. . u -' '(