'BY J. L:' PENNINGTON. The " DAILY PKOG RES8 " is served to town and oountry subscribers at Six Dollars a year payable in advance. Alt papers discontinued wlien the time nald for exnires unless renewed. -' Advertisements inserted a Special Or IJieliop No tices are charged one-halt more tuan tue usual rates, ten lines (leaded! or lees cousicuunK a square. , Marriages and Deaths under six Hues, inserted grat Vitnimlv over that a oharee will be made. - 1 Advertisements inserted every other day Will be charger! 37) cent for eaoh insertion after the first. Id?" Where the number of insertions are not ex pressed when advertisements are handed in they will be inserted till forbid, (tf,) and charged 50 cents for the first insertion and 85 eents for each continuance. EBUSINESS CARDS. WI-LIAItl P. IflOORR, Jr. COMMISSION MEUC'HANT, ' Csrsei lssis Front audi Middle "Is. , , . NEWBERN, N. V. Agenlfor Vessels Running between this Port and Nen York, Philadelphia Baltimorsand Botton. , Particular attention given to the Bale of Country . Produce, and the purchase of goods generally, Alto, Diaoharfrlne; Vessels and Procuring Freight,' and the ; Receiving and ForwardUfr Business. I have eonvauieut Wharves and Wurebouses. REFERENCES I .'. D. Colden Murray, New York j Coeliran & Russell, Fliiladehihia! Dolluer, Potter & Co., New York: 'James (Toner Suns, Baltimore j James Ij. Davie, New York ; London Dryan Boston ; Fred. J Jones, Cashier Branch Uuek'of North Carnliua, Newbern i Jno. A. Oniou, Cashier Bunk of Commerce, New bern W. W. Clark, Cashier Merchants' Bank, New- ' bera ; A, Mitchell Son, and Dr. Isaac W. Hughes, Newborn. MarchiBdly '" ----.- AniITCIIEIiL e BOI", . - A' WBERN, N. C, ',;.' TlFt.SH IK .1. .' Dry ntdi, rcrles, Hardware. (Hun, Pistols and Kiflfs, Poekel and Tulile Cutlery, ' " Swede's American nnd English Iron, Cast and German Steel, Plough Steel, lee.t 'iroa Axles, ffprmgs, Fanning Intplciurnts, 5 . A good assortment of. '' Carpenters, Blacksmiths and Brick Masons' Tools ; ' GENTS AND NEGROES' HA TS AND CAPSt - ' Also a large stock of les1 Blsmkrts, Rear Blankets, Brssu, Kerseys and Osnnburgs, Ladies aod Geutleuiun's . Jflue Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, tea., ' . Harness. Saddles. Bridles, tre., -' Crockery and Glass Ware ( Tllastliig and Gun Powder, Shot, Caps.Balls, fee, fee, Veruvina and Koala' ttlanlpulnl4 ' GUANO, - -' - Lime, Plaster Paris-, Cement, Hair, fco.i 'Mess. Flank ami Rnmp Pork, Corn Meal, Flour ; . y-'KubbeH'a" Leather Machiua Bunding i Agents for the sale of -. . " lOrover & Baker a, Sewing Machines, ' Also, Agents for Kvans Watoou's Salamander Safe, wlrich are' now considered the best. .. t aAll orders from Cash or Kood customers will be chamcd the lowest prices. Feb lt dw 4 XT M. VRRTAL. V, GENERAL AGENT for the Collection cf flutes. Account and the settlement ol vtatms. ... ...I t A'EWiJEttX.i.. c. , ; " 'lining now engaged in canvassing Craven and the "adjoining counties, I will undertake the collection of ' nwounts for publishers of newspapers, merchants, 1 factors and others for the usual commissions.. All business entrusted to me by parties at a dis 'tance will be faithfully and promptly attended to. . 1 refer those to whom I am not known to the edl tor ot the Daily Progress aud the business men of ' Newbern generally. - Address 1 wTTVESTAL, . Doc 8, 18T.y " Progress Offire. Nwwbern, N. 0. IVL. sdasis sVlf smkarMsMsaa OF NKWBERN, N. C. J W1IOLKHALK k RETAIL DEALER IX . Staple, t'ANCf , Kuhciqic akii Domestic r v 4 d a, ' Halt, Cap,Boott and ,'c, Carprlinr. Matting; kg,Jcrelrj, Trunks, Readf Made Clotktng, lie., Slo. Nr.B.H, N. C J. M. T, Hahruoh has Just roeeived a oomjOaio ---rtmt suitable for the season, and will continue ,t receive by every arrival all dosirabw articles und Niveltiesol Mwi season. PaHicntarattitinnwdtardtri. fVptl d'y BI.AIKHKII,, t:t)M MISSION MERCHANT. n.Ml. ia Starnl Nlarti. CoB.IEB or PoLLOK AMI KtST-lfKoKf StKKETS : ' Also, Dealer in 'bry Goods, Qruoerie, Hardware, Binds, Shops, Huy, Lime, Shiliglos, Nails. Crockery, btouo Ware, Wooden Ware, &e. JLc, 'O'ae door Norib of Morchnnts' Bank, . NEWBERN, N. C. Cash advances made on Consignments. ' Goods received and forwarded. LoriUaid's II. X. Snuff at 15 cents in large Blad f dors, ' Hauling done on reasonable terms. ,!!??SLl!im . - , , Te Wewbera lIwul FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. rniU8 Company has now been in successful .ipera kA tion for THREE YEARS, 'purine which time no assessment lias been made to ill (Hit MMttOB The Company Is now prepared to receive Applica tions for . . . , . ." IN VRA NC E, Whinh may lie made to ar.y of the dilThrent Agcnta throughout the State, or to thu undei-sigued, at the Office of the Company, id this plat'. " W. G. 8IXGLET0N, Secretary. 'JfejjftggiiLc-j -ficpt 1 , ' y vf w. ii. stf.tiimi.t.. ' 'ils COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' AND DKALEH I! Dry Gooth, Groen it. Provmmu, I.iqnort, $-e. Opposite Bank of North Carolina iu f'ewbern, Cra 'Sren county, N. C. ' i , Has on hand a good assortment of Jtaple Dry 'floods, Groceries, fc'tone and Crockery-.A , Nails ' by the keg ot retail. Wooden-ware, Hioomis, Jtoots and Shoes, Spun Cotton, Yankee Notions of various 'kinds, Axes, of the hest quality constn..-- Uua hand, 'and all of which will be sold low for own. March l-dtf rT1 BOBGR BIslllOP, AA' uMh v v rv I : tlanurantarer of Window SashBlinds, PnnnelPoors, Srutters, Wood Mouldings, Brackets, Balusters, i . , N6wels, Ac, afce. . 'also, , . stock of CABINET i'URNlTlRE, at whoiesalo "and r-jtail. ; , "Bash WillonHanooek st.,WaroRoomsonMiHrTl3 st. Sept I ty 15. GENERAL COMMlSlTr)N MERCHANT,? sjaalb. Fraat Html, NEWBERN, N. C. Particular attention gtven to tho salo of Cotton, 'TIaval Stores, Flour, Corn, Hay, Lime, Dried Fruit, "and country produce generally. Also the Receiving nnd Forwarding business, die 'charging vessels and procuring freights for vessels 'illnuing between this port and the ports of New York, Philadelphia and Bahimore. ' ' . ' Cash advances made bu Ceukignmctita. I March 24-dly. , . .. . .. ' J- . MVFH" -' 1 ' ..' COMMISSION MERCHANT AND " HOIiKAI. K OR UK, (LIQUOKS INCLUDKDi Agent for J. M. Singer. Cos, Witoox & Gibbs 'nd Jessee C. Connor's Sewing Machines ; keeps con stoutly on hand a supply of Red Ash Coal for Grates. 'Solicits consignments aud orders and will prompt - ly attend to all business entrusted to him. OQice on " the Old County Wharfs, Newbern, dee HO . 'V"'AM "" T T WITH FENNER & HARDENBERGII, Wholesale Orocors, ,, , , ' ' 1 and '. . " DEALERS IN TEAS," 31 and 315 Greenwich St., betweu Reade and Du . a ne Streets, " "T 5!,KSenb.rgK-i' : : KEWYORK. Jan Jl -dly ' -. WILMA3I tV. OOK, PAPER HANGER, Newbern, N. C. Wtlfirive his entire attention to hniiirimr plain nnd drnamental Wall 'Paper. Work done iu the best manner and at reasonable prices. Jly 13. 18U0 dly DIBBI.B A B BOTH B KM, FORWAUIUNd COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . Nkw-Bkrk. N. C rPT!asU Advances niado on Consignments to be nhi hers or lurwarded to .YJrUiem Muikets. TWE VOL. III. NEWBERN, N. C., THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 1SG0. NO. 35. BUSINESS CARDS. T.'g III'UIIK), , GENERAL COMMISSION & SHIPPING , MERCHANT. PORK. HAY, SPIRIT BARRELS, -FLOCR, COAL. HOOP IRON, SALT. LIME, GLUE, &C, &o A supply always on baud and for ealei Agent for repularllnesof Vessels.rnnniiic between this Port and New York, Boston, Philadelphia aud Baltimore. . . . , ; j Convenient Wharves and Warehouses for storing Or shipping. , ' .. . Uasli navunoes maae on consignments. . sept -it ' J. C. WIEK'4 Marble Vard, KEWUEHN, S, C. Marble Monnmenfe The subscriber t receiving a large stock of American anil Foreign Marble and is at all times prepared to 1111 oi tiers tor Monument), Sio&$ and Tomb Stone, of every de scription, at less than KORTHIKN prices. ; .. Our work will be delivered in all parts of North Carolina and Virginia Free of charge. Our workmanshio has been generally introduced in some thirty counties iu North Caioliim, nnd speuks for itself. - Orders by mail will meet wKli prompt attention and be faithfully executer1 Address. . : J. C. WIER. Newbern. N. C. fess Kemp, Eiq., Agent at Uolusboro' ,. aept iu . .-. ... ' w'y JE. AMVETT WOULD RESPECTFULLY call the attention of the citizens of Newbern. and the public generally, to his large and complete assortment of ' , ; j . : DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. which he has now on band, aud will continually re ceive by arrivals of vessels from New York and Baltimore through the season. He would respect- tully call the uttentinn of , FAMILIES, o his stock of Groceries, such as . -Pork, Bacon, IjirA, Butter, Flour, Meal, Rice, Soap, Caudle. Starch. Cojfee, Tent, Crocket t and Cukrg, Molannen and Strvptt,, and in fnct everything usunlly kept at a Grocery. " He also keeps a good slock of Domestic Dry floods such s Marlboro' l'luiils, Hmwn Shirtings and fiheut ings, Osiiubuigs, Prints, 'Hosiery. Ginghams, lints, Shoes, Hardware And Cutlery, all of which lie wilj sell on the most reasonable terms. Persons wishing to purchase wilL-do well to-givo hlm-a-ull-befomJ purcliasing elsewiiMre. South Front St., 5 doors below the Gastou House. Way SJilwly JONATHAIY (VIIAIKY, CLOCK ot WATCH MAKER, Keeps constantly on liand nil exodlciit as sortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Pla ted Ware, AVo., Ace. Thosu wishing any of tlieaouve articles will bml it to tuuir advuiitnge to call and ex amine his Stock. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry rcpnired with neat ness and dispatch, on the most reasonable terms. JONATHAN WHALKY, Cruveu street, Newbel u, N. C. Oct 5, 185il-wP;m , - - - . B"K'l-K"l.Avi' AIVW ITaiiSOKV. JAMES N.'LEGU, Brick Layer and Plnsternr, respsctfully otlurs Ida seryices iu the above brunch of busiuess. He is prepared to erect' buildings by contract, or by the day when desired, and pledges liiinsclf to irivesatislaotion as to price and character of work, lie ofl'ors to do as tubstnutiul work as cuu be done iu the State. ': For further particulnra he rofeis to W. P. Misire, I Disoswny. George Bishop and J. L. Pennington, nil of Newbern. Newhern June I'Jdi&wtf. 1 llflLMAM II AV. HOLSE, SKIN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, NEWBERN, N. C Conlrhcts taken for work in t.ownor country, whicli will be innniptlv executed and sntisl'uctiou guaran tied.' Paints, 1 1 ils mid Varnish always ou luuid and will be sold at reasonable prices. Sept. SU dwly . GICUBOB AI.I.CN, 11KA1.KH I fANCV k STAPLE DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, .VC, POLLCK STREET, NEWBERN N. C. Would respectfully invito the intention of the public to his Stock, which will bs found nc, veil amorled, and suflicionfly hirge at all seasons of the year. Orders promptly and eurefully attended to. Sept 1 ii lly AJTIBBIT1'IRM! ANBHOTYPUN! J. L. COWLING is in Town. Gallery on Pol Ink Street, two doors above Mr. Cutlibart's New Store, where he is prepared to put up pictures iu a style that cannot be surpassed for beauty of finish, correctness and durability. Evunino specimens it they don t eoinimro favorably w ith any you oversaw 1 have nothing more to say, as I always leave my work to stand on its own merit. If 1 put Up a picture for a gentleman or a lady and they say it does not suit I don't expect them to take it. Arril , loll 2 RAN A WAY fltOU TUB 81 I1SCKIBKK ou the 1-t of August, my Negro nmn JOS. MILLKR. The said Negro is forty-six or seven years of age, dark complexion, five feet nine or ten inches high, weighs about one hundred nnd sixty or seventy pounds. The said Negro is near-sighted, and very quick spoken. He is a ditcher by trade, nnd niny be passing bv the name of John or William Iiniwon. 1 will irive tlie reward of Fifty Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of said Negro or con J'fli)ed in any jail in the Stute, so that 1 cim get him BL'itin. A 80URKLL Jtaeigli, N CSoptitlfWi 1 sept iltt I I fill ACBHSJ OF I.A1VI far Mnle. J.Ull The subscriber offers for sale a valuable Tract of Land, lying on Adams' Creeks, containing about six hundred acres, and said by judges to bo equal to any land in the State. Also, nnothertract lying en Hancock creek, nhout twenty miles bekiw Newbern aud tlireo miles from II live hick Depot, A & N C Railroad, containing SOO Acres, and is well timbered With long straw pine, hickory and oak. .. For further particulars add icbs the undersigned at Newborn, N C. dec 8 dtwtf JOHN NJIYMAN rilA If E IJF A I COMMITTKU-A tie A gro boy, ehiiming to be the property of MRS. PARNAHAM, of Jones county, was taken lip as a runaway on Monday last and confined in jail. Said boy is black) about A feet high, rather slim about I t years old, has a Hue set of teeth, a small sear above tho right eye, smart, apenks quick and says he was forced to leave his home by JOHN, the pro perty of a Mr. Haskins, who he says came with him to Newbern. -The Owner fc requested to coma lor. ward aud redeem the1 property .., v . , ' A. C. LATHAM, Sheriff. July 19, d&wti . , T AO THE FBIKNUI9 OF HOME MA!U- FAt'Tl'BKS. Tin.' KIXSTIW miOR FACTORY IS NOW IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. Orders lor negro BROGANS and BOOTS are so- lHltl;d' J. C. CARPENTER, Agent, KINSTON. N. C,, July26-dwtf N til C K-PHILLP THOMAS Having pur the stwre on the New County Yi hurt, recently occupied by G'0. W. Miller and John- IK Mny, would most respectfully unnounce to the cit ixens of Newbern and surrounding vicinity that said store-is now open, where he will be 1"?" furnish Jverybody with DRY GOODS, BOOrS, SHOES, GROCERIES and WOOD, cheap. Call and examine the stock for. yourselves before purchasing elsewhere, sept l'i- dtVw3rn ; ITolTSSlB-A tract of land, sitnnte on the 1 Aorth-western border of the town of Newbern, and near the Rallrnnd, esntaining about forty Bores, known ."rmvilleOrMoiiE July 5f, 1600 Jiwtf B.MJLY MEDICINKS. 1 )l'KIFV IIIK BI.OOD, i :, 'V- MOFFAT 8 ; Vegrlable Mfe Pill a ad Fhssalx HI Iters. : The high and envied celebrity which these pre eminent Medicines have acquired for their invariable efflouoy iu nil the djseasee which they profess to cure, bus rendered the usual practice of puffing not only unnecessary, but Hiiworthy of them. Xhey are known by their fruits i their good works Ustify for.them, aud they thrive not by the faith of the oredulpuft In all tnsea Of Asthma, Acute and Chronio Rheumatism, Affec tions of the Bladder and Kidneys, r " - Billiou$ Feven and Liver Complaintt. In the South and West, where these diseases prevail, they will be found invaluable. Planters, tanners and others, who once use these medicines, will never af terwards be without them Billions Clii.lio and Serous Ijooseness, Biles, Cos tWene&s, Colds and Coughs, Chollc. j -Conumuuju-Used with meat sucuess in this disease. . Corrupt llumort, Dropsici. . w Vynprpna No person with this uistresstnff flisoAse should delay Using these medicines immediately. 1 Eruptions vf the Skin.. ; ' Erytipela and Flatuhnry. . . ' Fever and Ague Vat ibis scourge of the V ostein country these medicines will be found a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the sys tem subject to a return of the disease a cure liy these medicines is permanent. Try tliein, be satis fled, and be cured. . Foulness of Complexion. - General' DchUitn. Gont, Giddiness, Gravel, Headaches of every kind, Inward Ferer, Inflainatory Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jaumliee, Loss of Appetite. Liner Complaints, Leproeg, Loosenist, Mercuria Diseases, Never fulls to eradicate entirely all t he t fleets ol Mercury infinitely sooner than the most powerful prepaintion of Sarsaparilla. ' Night SwcaU, Nervons Debility, Nervous Com plaints of nil kmdsrOrgitiie Affectluiig,J,alpitutlon of the Heart, Puiutei's Cholic. j . . PHes. ' ' The original proprietor of these medicines was cured of Piles of 3j years etuudiug by the use ot these Life Medicines alone. : .., - . Pains in the head, side, back, limbs, joints, and organs. Rheumatism: Those afflicted with this terrible disense will be stire of Relief by the Life Bledicines. VsA Blood (it the Hrsid, Scurcy, S-.lt Rheum, Swellings. Scrofula, or King's Eril, iu Us worst forms, Ulcers, of every description. Worm of nil kinds are effectually expelled by these medicines. Parents will do well to administer them wheuever their exkteuce is surpectod. Relief will be certain. : . (1 The Life Pills and Pheenix, Billets Furifti the Blood', And thus remove nil disease from the Hystem. ..11... IIO UMIT.IAM la XIkUVA-l' Prepared by roKrBrnudwnvT- ' For sale by all Druggists. (MolTut Diiildiug), N Y. mnyli)dtwly DIU. BUVEIi OODI IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS! A rr made fram a pare ana nnndnllrrn- J. ted Wine,' which is about double the usual strength of other Wines, and is imported by only one house in the United States. Also, from file 'follow ing valuable Roots, Herbs, &.O., vin : okinion'sSonl, Spikenard, Comfrey, Cuntoiuilo FUtworri, Goiitiuu, Wild Cherry Tree Bark, and Buy berry. WE CUALLENOfc tub trtiiti.u ; o PRODUCE TIIKIR EQIIAI,! AVre do not profess to have discovered some Roots "known only to the Indians of South Aiiiericu," and a ctiie for "all diseases whicli the flesh is heir to," liut we claim to present to the piihlio a truly valua ble preparation, w hich every intelligent 1'liysicinn in the country w ill approve of and recommend. As a remedy for INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, Weak Lungs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Nervous system, paralysis, Piles, diseases peeuliar to Females, Debility, aud all cases requiring a Tonic, they aro " VNflllRFA 8.S li I) ! ! t For Sore Throat, so coinmou among the Clergy, they are truly valuable. For the aged and infirm, or for persons ol a Week constitution for Ministers of the Gospel. Lnwvcra, and ull public speakers lor Book Keepers. Tailors.' Seamstresses, Students, Arrists, and all porsons lead ing a sedentary llfo, they will prove truly beneficial. As a Beverago. they aro wholesome, innocent, and delicious to the tasle. They produce all tho ex hiliuratiug effects of Brandy or Wine, withoutiutox iealinsr; and nre a valuable remedy for persons ad dicted to exessivo use of strong" drink, and wish to rvfrniu from it' They aro pure and tHttirely free froin-tho poisons contained in the adulterated Wines and Liquors with which tho country is flooded. These Bitters, not only CU-RE but PREVENT Disease, and should bo used by all who live in a couutrywhere the water is bad, or where Chills nnd Fevers are prevalent, Being entirely innocent nnd harmless, they mny be given froely to Children and Infants with impunity. Physicians, Clergymen, aud temperance advo cates, as an act of humanity, should assist in spread ing those truly ulua-ble 1UTTKUS over th-j land, and thereby essentially aid in bnnishiug Drunken ness and Disease. ciiAiti.E winmrirci.o o., Proprietors, 7S William Mtrt-A-t, New Yolk. And sold by Druggists generally. - . .. J. W. CAUMER, Druggist, Agent at Nkwbern, N. C. aug 17-dly DOVTOB ItlAKTIIMI'si CATAMENIAL CORRECTOR!! HAS HAD A TEN YEARS TRIAL, whicli should he sufficient to convince every Suffering Womnik of the great value of tho C'atanieniul Cerrsclar! I and that it is Without exception ( 7TUB BEST ITI TIDI 'INK J Before the public for all diseases arising from Irreg ularities. Chronic or Nervous Debility, Palpitation of the Heart, Vertigo or Dizziness, Pains in the Kid neys, Pains in the small of the Back, Pnir.s uuder 8houldcrs. Lowness of Spirits, Languor and Nervous ness generally. Difficult Menstruation. Suspended Menstruation, or Cessation of the Menses, ami an al most endless variety of other diseases nttcmlaut on irregularities supcnmuiceu ujr corns, oy over exer- j tion, oy a weak constitution, severe mental or pn ysi . cal lubor. The simple remedy for all is to get at the primary cause of the disease : remove it, and yon as sist Nature to regulate. Xlaa can be done by tho great 'CATAMENIAL CORRECTOR, which has nover failed to effect a cum when proper ly used, ucoording to the directions and a fair tiiul given it. . It is prepared from tho recipe, and under the per sonal supervision of a most Skillful Physician, w ho tor a number of yenrs confined its use to his private practice. For the few years that it has been before tho public it has gainoitfor itself a position that will soon by ils rapid increase of popularity, place it at the head of all remedies heretofore ollored for Wo men's diseases. The more especially those above enumerated which too often end in (,'ONSUM ITION. For sale by most respectable Drughits through out the Union and Cimadas. PRICE, $UK PER BOTTLE. LARGE SIZE $I.5ti PER BOTTLE. , N. B. When it happens that your Druggist bos not the article, the money can be remitted direct to us, and if two or more buttles are ordered atone tiino, the medicine will be seutfreo of charge for transpor tation. ' - Particular directions as to use, &.O., accompany each bottle'. Druggists can be Supplied direct from oni Labora tory, or by sending their orders to , BARNES PARK, New York, F. CrWELLS fc CO.. New York, 8..B. HANCE, Baltimore Md , DY OTT'S, Philadelphia, Pa., J. WRIGHT & Co., New Orleans, La., JOHN D PARK, Cincinnati, Ohio, II. H. HAYS, Portland, Me. Or to any rciecUible Wholesale Druggist In New York or Philadelphia. Circulars, with Trade Prices, c, for the Corrector, and onr other medicines, sent free toWbolesale Buy ers. No medicine placed m commission. . J. D 1. DE NYSE, General Agent for tho United States nnd Coundas. e 40AuuSt.;Now Yoik. July 10 wiy v PilOGRI V I . . I .1 M' list. WIKBLOW An experienced Nurse and Female Physician, presents to the nttentiotaof mothers, her SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teething. which greatly facilitates the-process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all iullammntion will allay all tain aud spasmodic uction, and is ... SUUE TO ULOULATE THE 1IOWELS. 1 . Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to your selves, and 5 ' Relief and Health to Yonr Infants. We have put up and sold this article for over ten years, ami can say, iu confidence and truth of it, what we bare never . . been able to soy of any otli in list. U'lKstl.OW'M sjotrruisfu H VII If, cr medicine II A R IT A SINGLE T d E F- N F. V E R FAILED. IN INSTANCE. F E C T A CURE, when tioiely used. Never did we know an instance of dis satisfaction by Auy one who usetl it. On the contra ry, all are delighted with its operations, and speak in terms of highest comineiifblnim of Its magical ef fects and meuicnl virtnes.- We speak In this matter ' what We do know,", hfter ten years' experience,, and pledge our reputation for the fulfilment of what wb here declare. Iu almost every instance whpre the infant is suffering fmm pnlu aud exhaustion, re lief will bo found in fill ecu or twenty uiiuules after the syrup iadminitered. Tins valuable preparation Is the prescription of one of the most experienced and skilful Nurses in New England, and has been uji'd with never failing sue cess in 1 ' . ' ' ". THOUSANDS OF CASES. U not only relisives the rthild from pain, lint invig orate the stomaub and bi)ek. oorrects acidify, and gives tone und energy tollic whole system: it will almost instantly relieve Griping in the Bowels, nnd Wind Cholic, and overcome convulsions, spowlily rein deutll. ; We best a 11 d - FOII , f'HIl, OHttM Ti!i;rfiio, which, if not edled, end in believe it the surest remedy iu the world, in uU cases of Dysentery aud Diarrlnen in Children, whether It. arises from teet hing, or from any other cntiso. We Would say to every niolhui who has a child suffering limn nnr of the foregoing complaints do not let your prejudices, nor the pre judices of others', stnnd between your suffering cnihl and the relief that will bo sure yes. absolutely sure to tiilloW the Use W'thls inedieine, if timely used. Full direction rir using vill aeeoirlpnirveaeh bottle. None genuine unlei-s the fan simile ot' CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. Principal office, No. I J Cedar SVcet, N. Y. Price on if &i Cents pei Bottle. dec 13, 18.-.y-dJ( wCy rplionsnnd nre Briilf Mpcnklag I si1 !! L prai-e of Dlt. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL, and why ? because it nerer fails to afford tittliitita iironi relief when given iu time. It, nets us if by magic, nnd one trial alone will convince you flint whut we sav is true. It contains v ft a Paregoric or Opinio of an) kind, ami tlii:reltce lolieves by rimoring the sufferings of your child, instead of by deadening it sensibilities. For this reason, it. oimiinouds itself as tho only xVmWe preparation now known Uet Children Teething, Uimrlur", Dysrnlerv, (I Hiring in Ikt Hov els. Aeidilg if the Stomach., HW, Cold in the Head, and Croup, ills, for softening the Gutiis, reducing InflunnUivH, regulating the fiothils, nnd nlicpiug mill, it has no rnniithehig an linti-sfuismndic it is used with nnfailiiu sttctrss in nil coses of Coh-vm'.- sion or otliee Fits. As you valtc the Itjeiiiul health vf your children, a ml visit, to stive them J rum tluw.snd mid blighlinu coitsi yiicncc it hi. ll arc ei i lain to result from the. netf narenlies of teltirh all other remedies for Info ill He Comtditints tire commsed, take none hut 'Dr. EATl N S Inhmtilc Cordial. I Ms you can nig up on. It is perfectly 'Imrmless, nnd cannot injure the most delicate infant. Price, '.a ecu Is. Full directions lie eomMny cn-h bottle. Pn-pured only by ' J in i ii x- ni'i'nvT No. -Iilj Broadway, Nov ioik. Hralllii hamnn Blood irpon being Aniilyxcl always presents us with the painoepsoiitiulvl;'mciits, and gives of course the True Stanthtrd. Analv.o the blood of a person suffering from Consumption, 1 .1 ve! I I .1 . I II S I II' II. I a . w find in erei is'H s ccilnin dejieieveies in the nut globules of'hlood. fr'a.tfy th se deficiencies, and yon are made well. The jllovd Food is founded up on this Theory huuee' its astonishing success. There are . Five Preparations adapted to the deficiencies of tho Blood in different diseases. For (!oitgh;tidit, Bronchitis, or any af fection whatever of the Throat or Lung Inducing Vousttmilion. vm No I, vhicli Is also the No. for hrtrrssioit nj Spirits, Loss of Appetite, and for nil Chronic Ci'mlniti arising from Orer ttse, General lhiiitil-ifr4u Xiuwus Prostration. No. 'J, for Liver Com pin i nls, No. :t, for Dyspepsia.. Betttg already prepared fir aisor)rlioii it is token hi) Drops nnd car ried immediately into tho circulation, so that what yoU"'(you retain. The No.' 4, is for Female Ir regularities, Hysteria. Weaknesses e. See special directions for this. For Salt. Rhejnn," F.niilions, Scri'fitloier Kidney ami Bladder Comjihtinls, take No. fi. In all cus"S tlio-directions must be strictly followed. Trice of the hlood Foodt per hot lie. Sold by CHURCH & DUPONT, No. KM, Broadway, New York. And for sale by F. S. DUFFY, Newbern, anil by all respectable Druggists throughout the country. M aj'i ; ll .i.'uV W&. wt-mi vl j " . ' I) UOt I. A. II AT ION. . TO THE CITIZENS-OF NF. IV HE UN AND riCJNFl'Y. Whkkeas, At the present Season DIAUR.F.II A, CHOLERA 1IOUUUS, HVSENTARY, DYM'EI'SIA DEI1ILITY, CHOLIC, &(, Ac. Prevail lo an alarming extent, and H 'hereas, it must be oftlui first conseijirner to tilt Citizens to knotr of a nr. ii-.ii at once SPEEDY, SAFE and EFFICACIOUS. DM. MONTARDE ' ok rA kis offers bis ' MIRAClfLOliri T'AIN KILLER As the most CERTAIN. iiAFE and INSTANTA NEOUS REMEDY iu the Woild, for any of tho above Complaints. But as so many worthless Nostrums are being con tiuunllv imposed upon the Public to their great loss and injury .. DR. MONTARDE Hereby offers to HEFUND the MONEY in all cases where the medicine may failto ajTVird entire satisfac tion Ask then at any DRUU STORE iu NEW BERN, for PH. BIONTARDE'8 MIRACULOUS PAIN KILLER, Takes dose of from i!U to drops, according to age and strsngtli of patient, awl IT not. perfectly satisfied, return tho Medicine and gef your money mt'iindeif, whiebrthe DIfL'OGISTS are nuthorixed ." Hut the"-- " - MIRACULOUS PAIN KILLER iKXJHt FAILS I NE VER FAILS I! - NEVER! II -For sale in Newborn N. C, bvJW CAIfMER, J GOODING, Jr . J V JORDAN and F S DUFFY. JAS. MoDONNKLL, 17 Mercer street, Bultmiore, General Agent for the Uuited States. June 1. IHQOdl-'in ' While l.rad, I. late. Fatal ia Oil ssa Varnish, Linseed Gil Raw and Boiled, Paris Chrome, Saxon ami Imperial Green, Verdigris, Um ber, 'Tens de Sienna and Vandyke Bnmu in Oil. Dis temper and Dry, French Liquid Dryer, Coach, Copal, Japan and Damnsk Varnish, Artists' Colors in Colop sible'Tubes, Brushes in great variety, Mineral Paiut Ao Ao., forsaio by - hur Wi ,-' AS.W.CARMER. JAI.TI.TIOME LOCK IIOMP1TAI., DR. JOHNSTON Has discovered the most certain, siedy and billy ef fectual mmedy in tho world for all .. nioeaaoe af Impradeace. ' Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affec tions of the Kidneys and Bladder, Ivoluntnry Dis charges, Inipoteiiey, General Debility. Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Lnngour, l,ow Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the If earl, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Iloud. Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Lungs, Plain aclior Bowels those Terrible Disorders arising from Solitary Habits of Youth rthose secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of the Syrens to the mariners of Ulysea, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, i enduring uinr riagj,c., impossible. . t'sssi Itlea r '...; Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, thai dreadful aud destructive habit wuQ an nually sweeps to nu untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exulted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced lis tening Senates wirh the til millers of eloquence, or waked to ecatuey the living lyre, may cull with full confidence. . ... Blnrrlngc, ... Married persona, r,r Young Meneontoirtplnlinp mnr riage, being aware of physicnl weakness. orguulcdO' bility, deformities, c, speedily cured. Ho who places himself under tho cme of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor a:i a gentleman, and confident ly rely upon his sk ill as Physician. -ORGANIC WEAKNESS immediately cured and full vigor restored. A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in'frotn one lo ; Days. lr. Jehusloa, Meuilii'f pf the Roy nl College of Surgeons, London, gindiiHte from one of the most eminent t.'olleges ol thu United Siu'es, and the greater part ol whose life has been spelii in the hospitals of Is iidon, Paris, I'bil adolphiii and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonish tug cures that, were ever known i many troubled Willi ringiiigin the head and ems -when nsleepi groat nervousness, beint nlormeit at sudden sounds, bnshfiilness, with frequent blushing, utleudcd sometimes with .derangement of uiind, weru cured iiiimcdutely. . . TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those w ho have injured them selves by improper indulgciicies mid solitary habits which mill both lioilviiiiu uiind, unfitting them for cither Business, Study, Society or Mnrringe. These aresoino of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habilsof youth, vi, : Weakness ol the Hack nod Limbs, 1'iiius inthelfenil. Dimness of High!, Loss of Muscular Power, palpitation of the llcnit, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Di nimje inent of the Digestive Functions, Gelierul Debility, Symptoms ol Coiisiimptiow, Sue. " - " "Mkntai.ity. The fearful affects on the mind arc much to bo drertiled Loss of Memory, CoiiIiihIoii ol Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil forebodings, Aver sion to Sen iely, S--11' Distrust, Love of Solilui!c,Tmi iditv, Ac., me some of the evils produced. Thousands of pei-sons, of all ages, can now judge what is t hecanae of I heir declining health , losiiigj heir, vigor, becoming wenk, pale, nervous and cinueinli ii, liiiving a singular nppeiiriu ce about the eyes, eonjh and symptoms of consumption. DR. JOHNSTON'S REMEDY FOR ORGANIC W E A K N ESS AND I M I "OTENCY. By this great und Important remedy weakness of the organs are Sieedily cured and full vigor rest on -d. Thoiisaiiils ol'the most nervous and debilitated, vt ho hud lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. All impedimenta to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualifications, Loss of Procrealive- Power, N'-r. vjhis Irril'Tbility, Trembling nnd Weakness or Ex liuuslion ol tlio most fearful kind speedily cured. YOUNG MEN Who have injured themselves by a certain practice, indulged in when nlonn o habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which inn (lightly fell, even w!i ludeop, nnd, ifimt cured,, nunlc's marriiigo iiiipossible, and destroys both mind and body, should npply immediately . Such peiKona iiuisl,bel'oie contemplating MARRIAGE. reflect Hull a sound mind niel body nref lieniosl nec essary requisites to promote conutihjnt happiness. Indeed nilhoiit those, the jooincy through lilo be comes a wmy pi'grimmiigii; the prospect hcurly daskens to the''vlew; Hie uiind becomes shadowed with ilespHir and tilled wit ll tho melancholy reflec tion that tlio happiness of another bo'(Viies hi bt.-d with our own. KNIMIHSKMKNT OK THK frtF.SS, ' 'I he M any Tlioiii-andri cured at this Inslilulion with m Hie hint, fil'lfcn -years, nnd Iho tiiuiieniiis impor lam Surgical iqicrnli'oiis perl'ornicd by Dr. Johnston, witnessed liy tlio repiotors of the kiln and ninny other papers, notices of which linvo 'appeared nniii and iiL'ain before the public, boshlcs bis slundiui; lis a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a suf ticiotil giiafnntee to the iillicted. OFFICE AO. 7, KOUTU FREDERICK. STREET, B M.TiMoiiE, Mil, lieft hnti'l side going from llnltiiooro street, a fi-w Uimpis Iioiii tl.e corin-r. fail not lo noser v nniio i',.. I. H. i i. i i i n il mil II'-'I MIHI. I.IMl I 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' n Stamp to lie used on the reply. Persons wrilinu' should state nifc, and send rioitlou of udvciliseiio iit slntini; symiitoins. lr'SklN DISKASES SPEEDILY (T'UKD. Kcb I, IXoll dly. iliiAlTT7 KHAD!! RKAD !! ! .Caiiio, lit., duly i'.'th, IKtiO. Messrs. John VVii.cik St. Co. : Yonr " liiieotiiie,'' or " 1'eisinn I-'cver Cliarin." has done wonders. I was w holly despondent am! wretched when I' applied il, and in live hours the chills were removed and no lever 1ms ensued. It is the simplest cure iiiuiinalite,aiid a woielerof naliiu or ait. I would not bo without, this " Inpci line" n single hour. Ity coiistuiitly wearing it 1 suoui lo be " iitfuo priHif." Yours very truly, b K. .V. STOL'T. Sionii.r., Ala., July i!J, ISt.l. (UstikmkI: I have boon snatched from the .;r.ivo by the up plicntiim of your wonderful -'inpcetiuo,'' or "I'ei'.-iaii rover Clnuiii,-' For sovei id yciirs 1 have hiiliVred every season with lever and stiuo. I.nr-t Suin-; my lilo was threatened, but your tonicity lias d'-siroyml the disease, and I am rapidly Kaiuintf uu appetite and glrt-nulli. . ItesV'tl'tUly, y'ours. , Ji. N. TtAtfl'tlN'. This truly wonderful irecettfiec. and euro for Fever and Atril'i and liiilions Kevers will li sent by mail post paid, on receipt of one dollar. A1,--o for sale at all respectable Di nririK.lii"l Country Stores. Principal lnjiot and aluiiiifiictory. iS M ini street. I'ichniouil, Va. Itraiioh Ofce, finiik of C-niiiiieiee liuililniL', New York.' Address, . joiix u'ilco."; xvo. (lOTTOJI 4J1.X We invite tlio nlteulion of J I'lantem'io our Aenev for (ieo. Ki'ld's celcliin ted Cotton (iios. Tlioie In want of u lirst Class (i n will ilo well lo (iive us no o-d.-r early that we mny furnish them in time fortlie presi nl i ron. Ve would refer those i-uacr aiuted with this tnnkl- of Oin iti It. Welliersby, Ksip, of Craven aud lidwaidl'iitrick, Ksq of (iieciie t-.ouuiy, who ha-o them in use. A. MITCHELL J SOX. June 1 j wtf " I have recently added to my Cotton Ohm P. Mc Lindou's Improvement oq Cotton (iin lioxes, l-y which a Gin will pick about one-third more cotton in a day, and improves the quality of the cotton .from c. to 'v. per pound over any gin not usiiithis im provuiiicnl. It picks the seed cleaner nnd prev-nts any eoitoii froio i-loi;iiiif on the saws. This improve ment Consists in ptunirrsK the lieads of lliu Coltoii ltoxsili im-loia (roiu where the saws pass throuKli the ribs, ilia diicci hue outward, detlectlnvfioin this line in an nnjrle of nhout liftoeu dc;re4s, cnasiiij; the cotton asjt passes upward to routine! and e.-ipand (roiiijr downward, thus shiftiti tiie coltou so us to present a different surface to the saws each time. Messrs. A Mitchell A Son, N'os bcrn, are my agents for the sale of Cotton (lins, who will fill nnv orders pioinptly. liuly a I wtf OKOUflK h'IDD I) K rtiltKMT, AKKNTKONI) A 0.. IHii UlKJIMt MKISl'llAN IS, SO & N9 ( bwbrra Mtl-Ml, KfewVerk, Would notify thetrnde that they areopenin;; weekly, in new aud beautiful pattenu, ilia WAMSUT T A P R I N T, also I lie AMOSKEAO. A new Print, which excels every Print in the fonntMfl for perfection of execution and design in full nindu-r J colors, our I'riuts are rtiMper than any iu market, and meeting with extensive sale. tHders promptly altvuded lo. Jau Yi wiy : y Mi. r . JiS. 1 . M AI.r Hyl A h f One d-v- TWO it V'-f. ..,,m4V ' Hires days. ........ V1K HUAlm.. . ..clay.. ....-I SO Two days... .,....., 50 jThree days. I r our uuys.. , ; r,.,.. ........ Fivedays. 75 Fivedaya..........! 0" f our days.. One week... ....... WJTMie -eek.......!1 Two weekt 37i Two wwks........... ' One month,.... ....'2 00 Ono moiith.......i ..I W Two months.. ......3 5B ITwo months.. ..... .7 VV Three months.... ..5 M0 I'l'lrree months. J Six montlis 8 00 Sii months fj? One year 15 00 One year ...;i..94 t' Tw elve lines make a square, si lines a half square. Liberalarraligemeids made with yearly ad verliser,-! , DAILY PROGKESS,: THURSDAY MORXINO, OCT. 11. IS'-". f He riiESi mYii contest. Tho Three Tickets. ' Discl.iiiiiing tlio orattiithip of any party, but claiming tlif i-i-flit of art itidonAideiit journalist to piililisli wlmt we ilt-aso, vre placo tinder our howl the ri:imoj tvliich coinfiise tlic tlirct; Elec- -toral Tii kct.t in Not til Carolliin to be voted f(5r in Novein'ior for Prcsiilcnt and Vice rresidenf. "Orgatm" only jiive ono ticket, w give tlio tlireo: TIIK DOl'tifAS IU UTOK L TICKET. lull T1IH ST ati: at i.ahiik: , IJ. P. I'lt'K, or (ifii.roHo. 1. K. M K.VE, or Chavev. iustuk-ts : 1st Dintiicl-rtUS.Wri. WATJ'S, of Marliu. 2ml ili-,1 til. 5th I. KOOXC'E. of Onslow, f). Mi Iioro.ALD, ol'liliidi-n. . -K. W. llf.r.Ei:. of Wake. 5 COL. J. M'OHJMSOX, of Alixirt5. TV V. KKEXK, of lioiKiii-rlmtii. W. II. MY KKS", of Mickliiilimr J. 1). 1IYMAN; bf litmcomln.. ' nih 7th Htli THE UK.r.r, ELECTOR A f. TK'lvKT. IOH. TIIK STATE AT LABHK : HON. tJKO. K. RAfMiKl's Of V A K C Dlt. It. K. yl'KI-'.D, ok lW-irMKK. tllSTHKTs: -.1. W. IHX I'OX, of PiisriiotHiik ('HAS. C. CLARK, of Craven. O. II. DOCK Kit Y, of Richmond. EDWARDS, of firnnvillo. A 11. FOSTER, of Randolph. HENRY WA1.SEI!. ofJavidson". AVM. 1'. 1!YN!;M, of I.incoliL TOD It. t'AI.DV. KLL, of Uurko. 1st Distiict- 2nd " ;lid " 4th " 5th ; " lilh " 7lli " sth ". The I!i;tt('KINTlDIK EI.ECT'KAf. TICKET. FOIt THE STATiLsiTrlUj AI.KIIED Af.'' Si 'ALES,, or Itm-KixniiAJt. ED. 0. IIAYH'OOD, ok Waki;. ' 'lISTI!l T" : ' 1st Difrii.-l-JoJJN W. MOORE,' of Hertford. 1'nil WVl. 1!. KOHMAN, nf Eeniiforf td ith 5th titii 7tti nth AVAL A. ALLEN, of Duplin. A. V. VENA I'.LE, of (ininvillo. .1. I!. Mi LEAX, of (iuiUord. .1.. M. CLEMKN'T, of Dnvio. J. A. FOX, of Mi'ckli-nhiirjr.' J(HX A. DK'KSON, of I'.ihku. vmimhja ritoaciS! I.IIJirr I'OK ' AM. IMHI II-t! Eclicviii lliat Iho people sluilliil liaru lie;lit uHi time liko (hiiJ, wln-n (In; political world i.4 in i-iiii-iiioli. n, mid Iieinj; detcrniiiii -d to give ft fuii- mni triilhl'iil ncomiit of the iinieiiicnU and at lions of till parties from now until nfler the election iiBNovt-iiihi-i-, we oiler the I'IKKillESS for the cninpiiin, sy till the iniiMk- of XoVt-rn--lit'i-, fit tin- liillowine-' LOW HATES: DAILY-PKOtlliESS, r..i- the Cnuipaii. - ' (Vim-It- copy, ft, in") " Clulis of five, 4.n ' " CliiliM of Ion, 7. ft'. " " Chili I of rWrrrtTT li.lttV- WEEKLV l'!:Mil:i:SS,foilhui-nmpiiii;ti, (hin-rle iopy, it.50 " -l Clulis of th e. 2 no ' Clulis ol" leu. -I.IMl Clulis' of I Went y. 7.tt 2 u .'" Scnil in your clulis, noi'oiiipiitiied lv lb" money tiiul p-t n paper thtil hn;j .lliu nidi-pcnil cm o to ctilci tiiin Bt-iitinn-tilpi nnd ll-u buMm st lo cxpivsrt till-in. Till' Pro;;n-sji lu inp; C'.iipli.-',t icnlly a iicwsp!iicr everything in the pdi(ita'l world shall ho i:iivful!y noted. IL (IIIK Jl A , IT A I T I It I : ! j o i. jit', HTlil..) .1.11 I l.l l iri.n : .''.t nli-i rt .. -, t)lt-.r o i riOIIOI-. ' , , iNUt iCr. ' itlilitiirt I'ompnnics A; sjpivrtins tentlrmru. I have opened one of trt- Ui 'est. anil best tt.--tirt-ed stoi kn e.l Ijiii., I'inlols, lilili n, and mli' l'-s ! pertili'iisii t'l.Uiut. liuo oC Insi'ici-s, sinl would mo.1 reniie, lii.l y ; ivite nil that nut wish a'lvthinz'iu I'm - Inn- to iivi- m a call und ex iinino inv sli-k. The followiiur list, compiinos a poiiioS of th'o'nrt -ch s now on e.CTiibitiou : Guns, Ituude tiiul Single ; liijks, mads In order ; t' Jll feek Loud n) ; " Cult's Potent , " . S'W.' " Merrill s " . " C.us FUlels.. . Coil's Patent i 1 Smt.'k Wesson's Patent ; 'Adams' do. ' tieilll'S ; till -W. Allen 'Whet lock's do Smith ,V JK Cartridges ; . Pistol fhlxtert'i - ' Stud Pouches ; s. Pou-ttcr Fltks f '. Fails and Mask i Fencing and Hosing Gloect Fsshiut! Taekjei Gnm WaJxtTuZ; . ". F.lelfS Caps ; " G. D. Cups ; . CoV Cups , " Colt s Copt - lng Collars ; Chains ; . Voteder and Skid, ICrpairiuii Promptly wtlrudl 11 Merchants .supjdki at Nem Ynek prices. Mauufaettirer of Cox's Rifle. ... EDWIN WANT, aprirj7d.twtf .Pid'ok it., Newbern VK BO KW W MTK D .-B. ArSHIi'r is still X tiuyinK yoe.nx and likely negroes, and paying the inchest cash iince. NewlH.ra.N C-, KebSS, ISnO-d-wly jfllW H . JI K. C A I.IC'O K st7e.-Oin(iliJUr, Cuhcoes, lliilliaiits, Chaiubiey's ferrets. Ktj. hah loOi-Clolhs. lf'ot nl at UAKKISO)i SV Jhis ll! Yf fr lavallsli famts. Du tWryV M. UA-licwus lievaleuta Arakira Food. To K- i Vil at tiOODi.SU S. July 81 I UbUNarlh'H lrih Patittare JU OstiAMal A litut reeetvsd l-er Sikr Subinean l for sale h,- sept ii j e ami Erf; Ai.Li