Iff J. I, PENNINGTON I SO 1: H ,i.r . , One day. .... ''"J"'-' Two duvs diiye.j.i.i - v.' 1 lire.- .i - ol ji nree days.i.....I I-our day's.. " fc'J Four days.. J . Fivedays 75 'FivO dnya... -I oo'w. Chweek..i..... K! On we-jk..y ...e.t..i 7 Two weeks ....1 Jj Twa weeks.. .3 ' The " DAILY PKOUltESS" i served to town and ' iountry subscribers at Six DoM-aks a year payable advance. All paper uisctmuuuea wain ui iuw ' paid for expires, unless renewed. '..',? Advertisements inserted as Special or Bishop Ho fticcs arecliH! i one-half more than the usual rates, ten hues (leodeal or lens eornntiitinir a soaare. i MarriaKeeendOenHiaunderstx hue, inserted graA uitously over tliat a charge will be wade. - . - . Advertisements inserted every other day will be .'iro Dli'illlt. a a mi IIVJ Hlinil . w - Twommitlis.. j...,. 50 (Two months.. ......? nJ Three months.. ....5 HO Tlrree month...-. I" ' fil. nnO.. 0 AO M..l . .. IRl;f . 'pharfred 37 1 cents fr each insertion after the first. : l Where the number of Insertion are notei- 'pressed wlien advertisement are banded in they will be inserted till furbid, (tf,) and charged 60 cent for One year.. ;u.tw."tS 0 tOn year.. ,..2i Twelve lines make a q Bare, six fine a balf-sqnarav ' Iiberalarrangement made with yearly advert iserr. . the first inserltun and '2o eents tor each continuance. BUSINESS ARDS; "triMIA!?f P. MOO It H, Jr. s? COMMISSION MKBC1IANT, ! ' Cerner Poulh From and Middle Ufa.' " iJ ' '. NE WBERN. N. V. ': ' Agent for- IVsiw's Itnnning betreeh tht Port and Nete Yi k, i'liilailityhia, Baltimore and Boiton. Purtioulnr attention Riven to tire 8ale of Country ' 'Produce, and the purchase of jroods eanerally. Also 'Discharging Vessels and Procuring Freight, and tba 'Receiving and Forward! jb; Business. - , ; j I have convenient Wharves And Warehouses; '"L . i-v.'-' ; '. niTtieciii LL, , ' "D, CoWen Murray , "New York j Cochran k Russell, 'Philadelphia i Doluier .Potter fc Co., Sew YOrkt 'James Coner & Mens, Baltimore; James L. Davit, "New York t Lonuumk lirvan Boston; Fred. J Jones, 'Cashier JSratieh lluttk of North Carolina, Newborn ; ' Jno. A. Onion, Cashier Bank of Commerce. Kew 'bern ; W. W. Clark, Cashier Merchants Bank, New 'barn A. Mitchell fc Bos. and Dr. Iauue W. Uugbee. Newbern. . MarehMdly " " ' ' ' ' ,J, NEWBERN, iV.C, , ' tlSSlKKS IK ' ' ' ' . 3ry da, C racer tea, Ilafrmurt CMaM, ristolt and ?, Pocket and Titbit Cntlirf, " : Swede' America and English Irmi Cast ; -'''' : Mnd German Steel, Plough 8ttel, 'flre.j f , . Ima Ail, Spring, Farming Implemrau, . ' " -. ' A pood assortment of ' VarpentersP,!acksm:lhs amtiiBrtch Masons Tools 'toENTS AND NEGROES HATS UND CAPSi Also large stuck of ., - J Bed Blanki-is,Nejr Blaaikatar BroanB, Kursy and Onnnbiirgs, fH(lln acd Gentleiuea'a i FuiB limits, Bhoea, Gaiters. ate., t , v ." , - IlaniHss. Saddles liriilles. Aec, -. ., . ' (Jrwkerr andOlas Warei ' rDll ine end ( ; it it Powder, Shot, Caps, Bulls, tie.. A.0. I'aravinn nnd RbiiMta Manipitlal4 ,.4 ' . . tWAMO, - f ; Ijlme, riinterPari,Ce!nenf, Hnif, ftc.j tlett. Flank and Rump l"trkt Corn Mali Flour t I I3r,"KubbBU'" latlier Wauhtoe Bundinji ",'v !j Agents for tba ale of ' ' r drover & Baker a. Sewing llnhmes, . ' Also, Agent for Evans 'A. "Wats!' tSalaaiandar fafej which are naw cotwldercd tha best- IfdAll tirders from Cash r good cnstomert will Hjb charged tbe lowest priees. Feb 16 ilW" IT . a Jim HAL AOEKTM the Collection 'if Jfotet, Account and tkr swacf of Claim t, $ w 4 j-JNKWUKUN,N. U. - , i , r J i. . , ," ' Being new enjraged In caarasaing Craven and the adjohiing counties, 1 Wilt undertake tba culloclio of C(ant for uabliahera ef aewspapani, merubanta, factors and tilers for the usual commission. ' . ' ;A1I bamnoaa entrusted to ins by parliea at i dis Unnes will be faitlilalljr Bd pronipliy attended tu.- ' ' l reftw thoae to whom I ui unt know tn tlie wll-' tor of too Daily Progree and the business taea or Newborn generally. , V M .-. ' ' . rAiMraaf..,. ,1 -HVt-YEStAtaXL :4" tS-'W " PrngreO Ofllee. Wewbern W. j. ' I .'. JtM u fodfra Kstablisameal ' ' . 'Va 0jr MEWBEiat, N, q. : . 7 ' Jjn,' p. itARniftOK, ' VVHOLESALK fc RETAIL PEALEH IX ft ' TArH, FCf,FoKlUKSO JloMliSTIO "Hat. Cap,BoeU and cikoet. Cnrjiijf, Matting; " ; Kufti Jametri 2'rac, ltralj Alade CMung, , ; 4t.a ibtt! . 7-''r'.-r ts - ' . .Newatali, M. C. 3. U. Fi IIRKl!OHB Just received a oin!iU. 'ts-oriir.ent suitable for tbe season, and will sonliiiue .In reeeivB by every arrival all desirable Arttulaaand tNovelliea ot tbeeanii ' v t. V'" C' '. Fariientar mUionai.iurdcri, r :.' -3 41. ' Cobweb or i'oiMni Esf fc iKiM SratisTs t . " Also, Ult;rln v..". ' :' ; .; tiry fjoodii, Ororerica, Hardware, Bea,fihoes,Ha ' .Lime, Bliinplo Nails, 4Crery,'Htoae Ware, - Wimdeu Ware&ti.'Si.c!,,"t. ' " , ' On dour North of "Mercliants' nnnky " ' . ' . - - i NEW11EUN. K. C. t ' Cash advances roads on Cionsignuieata. ' ;' . ' Goods received and forwarded. - ' ; " 1 ' LoriUaid' lI.TTSaaff nt IS ent In large Blad- 'dors.' -': V'.1. i Hanting done Mi reasonalde terma.". 1v,r'-'- Sio,l''m ' '-' Tan rfavrawra raartfail ;". i' i IFIRE INSUKAXCE CO HPAHY.- rpiUS Company has bow been in successful opera. J. Uon fur- v : - ' THREE YEARS, ' thiring wblob time no aeaassuieiit baa been made to "meat losses. 1 The Conipatiy is now prepared td raeeiv Applica "ttoas for " 1 '" .'i - ' , - - r , i,. fif8URANCE,: 3.. - . "Which may bo made to aay of the different Agent 'thronghouf the State, ot to the undersigned, at the ollice ol tua voinnany, ui mis oiukb. - W. W. SI.xGLETOX, Hterttar tTewbem, V. C., Sept 1 , JM. COMMISSION MERCA5fTr ,: f j . D DCAI.sK l-t . ' ' ' Itf Oroi ir. Pnmimni J.iqnon, trt. , OuDosite Bank of NarthOaroHna ia Mewbern, Cra. Ven-county, N. C. . ' ;: " " .'.-"". ' . i Has on baud afetod Mortmfit of Staple Pry tlaodc, GrtWerie, Stone and Croekery-wara, Nuil "by the keg or retail. Wooden-ware. Brooms, Boots and Shoes, Spnfl Cotton Yaiikea Notion of Vftlious ''kinds, As.es, ef the best-qualify constantly en band, iuid all of winch will be sold Jow for cash. .:. . , . . March i dtf 1 . . : . tAioiios bishop, . -., 'J! Manufacturer of Windww Sash, Blinds, Pannel Doors, &r utters, Wood Mouldings, Braoketa, Boluatera, ' i . llnwuU At. Atn ' ' '. . - US. ! ..'': S .i: V, AtSo .. Kt'-W .ittw.ii; 4 " y. r mannfactireild keep mmsUhtly 6n band, a large took of CABINET FUKXITURE, A wholesale "'and retail.- ' - :.'-:.- V :' " " '8ssh M i 11 on Hancock at. , Ware Rooms on Kiddle st. Sept U. I.AIVK, ounebal eoMMtsMrm merc RfjllANTi ' Haatk Fran ajtreat. W. ' Particular attention given W thw toie of Cotton, 5Naval Store. Flour, Corn, Hay, Lime, Dried Fruit, and country produce generally. . . ' '., t Also the Beueivintf and Forwarding business, dis ''charging vessels and' procuring freights for vessels running Tiet weea tin' port and thnports of Msw'York, "i'liiladolpbia and;Ualtimor. , r'-''i Cash advances mud ob CenslgnmentSi . --' ;f Maroh m-dry.- . J. ;..'., ' V COMMiHblMN MKK;ilAB I Anu WUOIiE S A H O BOOl B ' " (M(itroKiaci.BD; " ,"' & Agent for J. M. Singer',' Co's, Wilooi'fc' Oibbs and Jessce 0. Coaner'a Sewing Machines i keeps (Son ' slantly on linnd u supply of Red Ash Coal fof Orates. '" Solicits consignments and orders .and will prompt' ' ' ly attend to all Witiess entrusted to him. Ot&ca on " -"the Old County Wharf, ''. Kuwbrn,deo3U ' ' , ITIIiLIAW RHAW, WITH FEKNER & IIARDENBBRGH, - , : WholraataCiracera, '. -'?;'' ";"' "'"'A!CD ' -v -. '''-'i,'I- Jl ' DEALERS m TEAS, -:i "lJt'fi43l5 Orcenwioh St., betweu lteade and Du- - " ano Street, - i. . DKFcntiei, -'l'.-. virWTnRlt pohu Alliiuloiiborgb.'i -. . WIUltR. 1 Jan rfl-nlly ,- -, r , . riLMAtl Wi COOK, PAri.aiiA(jEii, Kr 1. .. Kt r ' - "Will give Ms entire attention to banging plain and ' Ornamental Wall Paper. Work tlouo la tba best r' ftiiminur nnri at rMSBouable nricea. 1 ' 1 V .Jlliy I O, lin UIJ -IIM , , ,,. ... iqi , .. .... DI1IBI.K tt IIROTI1ERM, - FOJUVAIlPJMt Jr COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . ... ...... , (. Nrw.lllBIII. K. C. .Cnsli Advance made oa Consignmenta to ba ixili nere ortorwarded to Jionnern ataiaew. BUSINESS 'GlEDSnV Tli firoiiB, - '-;v i GENEltAL COMItflSSIOK fc SHIPPIJfert ' MKHCHANT. -: 1 PORK . ,HAY, ,.v 8PIRIT BARRELS, V FLOUtt., . COAL, ,.i HOOP 1UON, . SALT, -'it : LIME. , . OLUE. fca.. fce.. A supply alwats on band and for sale:' - ' Ageiit for regular lines of Vessel running between this Port and jew York, Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore. .,...:.:.-i-,-.y'd Convenient Wharves aud Warehouses lor atorinff or snipping.' Cash advanoek imHe on Conslrttricnls. aept 2T .. lyi . ,.-., J. t. WIBB'I "Iarala Vard, '- SEWBERr, if. Ci Marble Monument! -The subscriber la receiving a large stock ot American 'and Foreign Marin ana at an timet Drenared to fill ders for Monnmentt, Blab: and Tomb. atoiiet. of everv de. scnption, at less than ROJttMkaji price. Onr-orkmll! be delivered in all parts of 'North Carolina and-Virg&ia'Freeof Our workmansliiu lias beeii renern introduced h some thirty counties in Korth Carolina, and speaks lor ilsbii; . ' Orders bv mitilwill mstet with nromnt attention and be faithfully uxecuter1 r,'. f - ' Address, , J. 0. W1ER. Kewbei Jette Kemp. Etq., Agent at Ooldsboio'. a.... ik 1 1 . ,h J.V. W1EH, ewoern,. v.. wly- JJB. AMIfBTX WOULD RESPECTFULLY call the attention of the citiiefisof Newbern. and the1 publio generally, to his large and complete assortment of . , . - DRY GOOm AND GROCERIES. ' which be baa now on hand, and wil) continually re ceive by arrivals of vessela from New York and Baltimore through the season. Ho woald, respeot lully rail tiio uttention of ,,.;.-.'. FAMUtS, , - ' ' . o his stork of (Jrocenes. sncb as. Perk, Raeonil.ard, Butter, Flour, Meal, Kid, Soap, Caudle, litarck. Coffer, Teat, (Jrackeri and 1 . - " Cakn, Moliutt and Sr, and in act everything asually kept at a Oroeeryi i He also keup a giHid stock of Dumestk) Dry Goods soelLasUartboio' PlaidsJirowaShlrtUigaaud Slieot- lngi OHiialiqi gs. Prints, llwiery, OinglianiSj !!,(,' nimos, tinnrware jiki pnuety, nil ot which ne wii. sell on the most rensuiinhle rehns.- Pers6nwisHiiig so purchase will do well tu give him, a coll .before urcjiajnge1sewiitim...' .y. a "."'. - if SouflfFront St.; ft doors "beli'if flie'fjrastoii House.' tnyjr yiwly ) i 5oitATiir iiAi.ev, ' CLOCK & W ATCIf JtAllER, Keepactmstantly on liabd an excellent bh u.r. .,.. nr vv..tr.u r'i, 1......1, m. r ted Waree., fce. Those wishing any of the above articles will And it to their advantage to call and ex amine his Slock. 1 ' ' .'. .. ' Watches, Clocks and 5Terelfy repaired with neat ness and die parch, oat li" mot rentonable reraa. ;.,;h;' 'JOTTATHAN WHALEY, 'Graveu atrect, Kewbern. If . C. . Oct 5, lfWt-wUin i " - BHIC'K l.AYInto - ANO BtAttONRVr JA!HSN.'t.EOO, Brick Imyer and PlastereTj rniectfrty lifters 1 lis services iu the above branch of bosiuess.' lie is prepared to erect building by (unit roc t, or by the day when desired, and pledges himself to (,'ive satisfaction aa to price and cmu-acter of work. lie offers to do a subatunlial work as eaa be done in the State. -'" ' " ' : " -' For further particulars he refeisto W.' P; Moore, I DiKiinway'. George Bishop and J. L. Penningtuo, uli of NewLera. . , a , t Newborn June IB dfcwtf. ' ' " " WlLl.IAtl HAY. t - HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL ' PAINTER. - J -?. NEH'BEJtN, N. C ' Contracts taken for work in town or country, which will be promptly executed and satisfaetiou guaran tied. Paints, Oils and Varnish always On baud and will be sold at reasonable price. ' . - Sept. l dawly- , - ' ""''.' J"'" ' GKUBtiR AliLEN, ,-... . ,H .... , DKAI.KK ja rA.ICT STAri.I '."". URY GUOJJ&t BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, , , CAPS, C... -,.'....,. POLLOli! STREET, SEWBERN N. VVould respectfully invite the attention of the public to hi Stock," which will ba found arte, well Dttorted, and sufficiently large at all seasons of the Jrear, - Orders prompt ly and carefully atteuded to. " " ' 4 Sept I . . , : - -- . v' :.- . dly ' AinnHOTVPKM! AnBHOTVPHMt J. 1.. COWLING is in Town.. Galery on Pol lok Street, two door above Mr. Cuthbert'a New Store, where he-is prepared to put np . pictures in a sty le that eadnot be surpassed for beauty, of finish, correctness snd durability. Examine specimens ii they doa t compare favorably with any yoO ever saw I have nothing more to taf, as I alway . leave my work to stand on itsown nerit. If I putvp a pietare for a gentleman or a lady And they-gay U. doe, sot toit I don't expect them to take it. ,; ..; Arril IT, 191) . ' t .-. - " .. . ' R Ana wav fhoiU'tiik sunscjHitiifii on th l-t of A'tgnat, my Negro man JOS. M1LLKR. The aid Negro is forty-six or seven yams of ag, dark eomplexion, Ave feet nine or ten inobes high, weighs about one hundred and sixty or seventy pound., The said Negro is near-sighted, and very muick spoken. He is- a ditcher bv trade, aud may be passing by the name of John or William Dunson. J'l Kill give (lie reward of Fifty Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of said Negrar or con fined in enjail to the dkaie, so that I ean get him agnia. - , - i A 80RRELL - ' Raleigh, N C Bert ,tH60 sept 8dtf t 1 f( ACRES OF I.A!VI far Sale. I lU ThenbseriberofferforsaIa valuable Tract of Land, lying on Adums' Creeks, oontaming about six hundred acres, and said, by judges to ba canal tb any land In thd State. " . Also, anotlier tract WingowHatfow ereek, about twenty mile below Newbern and three miles from HaVofoek PepotM N Ckailroad, containing Sa Acres, ami-is yreh timbered with long straw pine, hickory and oak. ' " ' " ' . - For further particulars address the undersigned at Newbern, N. C. ' ' "LI i deoldawtf - -""'' : JOfnf T?. nYMAt. ; TAKEN Vm AM. COiTIMiTTK. A ne . cro boy, olaiming to be the property of MRS. PARNAHAM, of-Janea oounty, was taken up as a runaway on Monday last and confined m jail. Said boy is black, about feet high, rather slim about 14 years old, haa a fine set of .teeth, a small scar above the right eye, eina'rt.-apeaka qnick: and ssys be was forced to leave bis home by JOHN, the pro pcrty of a Mr. Haskins, who be says 'came with him ttf'Nawbern. The owner Is requested to coma for ward aud redeem tne property. - - : July 19, dwtf . riW THE. FBIEWIrS OF HOME BIAWU 1 FACTVKE, . . THE KIN8TON SHOE FAC TOUI . IS NOW IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. Orders for negro uuoOAinsnnq iiuvvo are u UciUd' : i J J. Cr CARPENTER, Agent, - ) ! ; AiAatUI. a. V, July Vftaawxi ij' "llii'laii i jl.ft A) IIS NOTICE .-PHI LLP THOMAS having pur chased the store on tbe New Count v VIisrf, recently occupied by o. W. Miller and John D. May, would most respectfully announce to the cit ixen of Newbern and surrounding vicinity that said store is bow open, where be 1 willfe pl furnish everybody with DRY" GOODS. BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES and WpOD, cheap. Cail and examine the tock for yenrselvea before purchasing elsewhere. . r ' ( . . sept l-J- dfcw3m - . IOB HAI.K. A tract of Und, sltnata on tea i JVorth western border of tba town of Newbern, and near the Railroad, aentaining about forty acres, July81,1860 dawtf MEDICINES. PUBlFaT THE BI,OOI. Cf'-i-v- i'A Veajetailtf I.U Pllla and JPhetaix Bittevai ' : Th high and envied celebrity which these pro" eminent Medicine hate acquired for their in variable efficacy luall the disease which they profess tenure, ba rendered the usual practice of puffing not only unnecessary ,'but Uuwortby of them. They are known by their fruits 1 their good works ttify for theaf, and they thrive not by th e faith of the eredulou. . ';" ?" V'VfA all tatt v--,. ?;.'.' ;":- Of Asthma, Acute and Chronic Rheuiiattim, Afloo tions of the Bladder and Kidney. ,.:v .. .x .'' Billion Fever aud Liter Comptami' V. - In the Sonth and West, where these diseases preVnlf, they will be found invaluable. Planter, tarmeraand other, who once them medicine, will sever af terwards be without them - 1 -" -' Billious Clitlic hd Serotis -Looseness, 'Biles, Coa ttveness, Colds and Conghs, Cholio. : ' . ' 3 CeatuffirftcM-Used with great saccass'W this disease. - M t- Corrupt Ham, Ittfltesi ?. r ' Dypeptia Ne person with thisdistrossing disease shoulil delay using these medicines' immediately, . , . , :", jErfsipel ind FU'hJtncg, , ! . Fever and i4g--ror this scourge ot tne w estern bouatry thse medicines will be found a safe, speedy and oertaltt'rBm-edy. Other medirines leave the sys tem subject to a return of the disease a euro by those medioine is permanent: fry them, be satis Aedf and.bo cured, - ., - ;: tt ' .?- ;rj r.-";: r..tts i nines of Complexion. r ...j ,i . --.; ',-,.-. . ,.v. General- Debuity.j - Goat, Giddiness, Gravel, Headache 'of avery kind, Inward Fever, Itiftamntory Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jaundice, Loss of. Appetite. . ', , .-; .' Lvett Complaint, leprosy, Lootenest, Mereuria ''- . '..-;"' Dieaei., :;e-' -v "'i''.y-'' ' Never falls to eradicate entirely all the effects ot Mercury infinitely sooner than' the most powerful prepaiatlon of SarSAparilla. ' " ' - Night Sweats, Nervoua Debility, Nervous- Com plaints of all kinds, Organie Affections, v Palpitation of the Heart, Paiutor's (Jholiw., .4 .. , , , PUt. " Tha original proprustor of these medicines was om-ed of Piles of 34 years, standing by the use ot these Life Medicines alone. . , -, Pains in the head,, side,, back, limbs, joints r and organs. ' " ' - PhrmnH.ni 'J " ) - ,t ,..-) .-? : (-v , . - . v - Those afflicted with tin terrible disease ,will be sure of Kvhef by the Life Medicines. -, Hush of Blood tt the Head, Senna, Suit Rheum, ' ' ' &teellings. Bdrofiila, or Kingt EvU.ln V. Worst forms, Uloers, of 'WVry desOrlntKm.' -" " ' ' Worms of all kinds are fttuctoallv expelled liy tlieae leedietaes. . Parents will do well to administer thni whenever thejr exititence i suspected. ; Relief ill be certain. , ,4,-1:; J IWifi M,aniiPknii Bitter,4, -.?tt bus femove all disease trpm the systen by .' DR. WILLIAM . MOFFATv '.'-"'..-'- Mo. 885 Broadway. - Ffepared For sale by all Druggists (Moffat Buildingj, H Y. iJtiiayi9d.wiyf. ;;.,;,.:,w.'.;. f,-.r.: .. . . - .'01, sn JJ IIOVEK DBs' -. . ' ;' IMPERIAL"' WIN El 'BITTERS! 1 rr mail( frsm n Jtnre ajild -Nnodnltcra- iV ted Wine- which is about: double the nsunl strength of other Wine, and is Imported by only one house in tho United Htntes." Also, from the follow lug valuable Roots, Herbs, fcc, via 1 Solomon's Seal. Spikenard, l;oiutrey, Uauinnnle riowers, ueutian, Wild Cherry Tree Bark, and Bayberry. . ,t, r WE CHALLENGE , TUB WO HtP T O, . 1 PRODUCE , , 1. ' THBIB.BQIIA li! W do not profes to have discovered some Roots "known only to the Indians of South America," and a cure for "all diseases which the flesh is heir to," but we claim ta present to the pnblre t'trnly valua ble preparation, whtoh every intelligent Phyeician ia the country witl njlprdVa of and reeemmeud. As a remedy f . .'!'. '.'"- . , . ." I N C I P IE K'Tvt'O ONSU ilPTlOSf, Weak Lungs, Indigestion,- Dyspepsia, Disease of. theNervoBS system, paralysis, l'ile,diiieases peculiar to Females, Debility, and all cases requiring aToniO, they are . , , - . . . .- ... .. ,. . ,; , .. . fV I B V B P Afl 8 I? D 1 1 f ' f; For Sore Throntr e common among tha Clergy, they are truly valuable. : For the aged and infirm, of for persons of a Week oohstitutlon--for Ministers of the Oosjiel, Lawyers, and alrptrblie speakers for Book Keepers, Tailor, Seamstresses, Stndents, Arrists, and all persons lead ing a sedentary life, they will prove truly benefieini. ' As a Beverage, they are wholesome, Innocent and delicious to the taste. They prod ace all tha ex iilliaratiug effects of Brandy or Wine, without intox icating; aud are a yatuable remedy for peisons ad. dicfedto exessive nse of strong drink, and rish to rrfiaiafrom if Thev are Dure and entirety fr from tha poisons contained in the adulterated wine and Lianors with which the rifhntrv i flooded. These Bitter Bot only CURE but PHEVENT lhseasenna shonM ber ased by all who- live in a country where the water hi bad, or where Chill and Fevers are prevalent, . Being entirely innocent and harmless, they may be given freely to Children aud Infuuts with, limmnity. , ' 1 'Physteia4is,'fJJorgyinn, ad femperance advo-1 eafes, as an art-of humanity, should assist in spread ing these truly rnluable BITTERS over tha land, and thereby essontiully aid in banishing Drunken. aeaeaad'Draaaee. ' -' ' ' '.-. . . CIUBLE8 WIDDIFIEI.D & CO., ,,. ; ". " Proprietar, ."-. TS trilllaas tMrcet. Wow Vork.- ; - , And .sold by Drnggists generally. v-' .. (. v. UAKnr.it, inuggisi, - ' Agetat Newman, N. 0. . aug 17-dly i : ' ' - DOCTOR nABTMI) ' . - v UATAMENIAL- CORRECTOR ! I . I ; - . - - ha has . j.-'- . . , A TEN YEARS TRIAL, - .. t which should be - y ; ., sufficient to convince every , Jt . , . n , Suffering Woman : . ' of the groat value of the ; ' ,,' y . .. Catameaial Carrrctar!! "'"" '. .,..- . and that it is without exception , C7" THE BEST MfflDICINE JO Before th public for all diseases arising from Irreg ularities. . Chronic or Nervous Debility, Palpitutiua of the Heart, Vertigo or Dissiness, Pains in the Kid- nevs. faius in tbe small ot the JSaok. fnir.s muter Shoulders. Lowness of Spirits, Languor and Nervous ness generally. Difficult Menstruation, enspendea Meastraatioa, or Cessation of the -Menses, and an al most endless- variety of other diseases attendant 00 Irregularities superinduced by eolds, by over exer tion, hy a wen const .lotion, severe sneatalor pnysi- cai labor; The simple refflairy r alt latwaet at the primary cause of the duwasei remove it, and you as sist Nature to regulate.- This ean be dona by-the great CATAMENIAL.CORRECTOR, t winch has never isneo 10 euecr a cure wuen proper ly used, according to the oireotionr aud a fair trial given It , ' It Is prepared from the1 recipe, a4 tider-th per- onal supervision of a most Skillful Physician, who for a number ot years oouaneo its use 10 nis pnvara nrMticn. y For the few vears that it haa been betore tha publio it ha gained for itself a position that will soon by its rapid increase of popularity,, place it at the bend ef all remedies heretofore ofiered for Wo men's diseases. The more especially those above enumerated which toooften end m CONSUM PTION. For sale bv most rtfeoectob e Dragnet throueh- ontthe Union and Canada. - PRICE, $1.00- PER BOTTLE. ; LARGE SIZE $1,511 PER BOTTLE. N. B. When it happens that your Druggist ha net th article, the money can be remitted direct to ua. and if two or more but tie are ordered at one time. th inediciu will be sent fre of eharg for transpor tation. . - , .., Particular direction as to use, ate., accompany each bottle. ' Druircists ean be snpnTied direct from our Labora tory , or by sending their order to MAKEo et fAKiv, mew iotk, w. ;. rr r.uun CO.. New York, 8. B. HANCE, Baltimore Md.( DY OTT' S, PbUaddphia, Pa., J. WRIGHT fc Co., New Orleans, La., JOBS D PARK, Cincinnati, Ohio, H. H. HAYS, Portland, Me. or to any respectDie Wholesale Drnirgist in New York or Philadelphia, rin-nlsrs with Trade Prices, fcc. for the Corrector, and our other medieina,tortfreo to Wholesale Bny-J ere. ad iwuwmo ' J. U-1. UK NYSE, General Ageat for th United Mate and Canada. g Am Bt. Now York. July lttwly . MEDICINES. Mil. riNai.oT. '.,,-. . An experienced Nurse and Female physician, presents to too BttentHm.tvf4rtotbeni, her - - ' ;"-? soortfntfr sriivp, '' i --."' FaSCkil&rti TeetkivK . ' y Which greatly farilHatea the prores of teething, b softeuiug tba gumn, redneing all mtlammatioo will allay all paik and spaauiodic ti u;aud ia 1 . . . . -.- 'dKB TO JtLOBI.Af TMK BOWItr.a. "'s Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to tour iolvs,and .v . "' !: tf ; '.' .i..- Relief and Health to 'fowr! Infant., We have put Bp and sold tin articla for over tea year, and can say, in uoofideuce. and trut u of it, what we nave never- . -Deen auie to aoy of any nth- er medicine W E V K R HAS- IT A SINGLE FAILED. IN INSTANCE. V E C T A. ' OOTIIINU 5,;. IfBEP. . TO !' CUKE, when timely used. Never did W know on instnnoe of dis- ntisfaction by any one who need U. On tbe contra ry, all are delighted witb it operations, and speak In terms of highest commendation of Ha magical ef fects and meuieiii virtues. We speak; in this matter what we do know," after ten years' experience, and pledge onY reputation for the fulfilment of what we here declare. In almost every Instance where the infant hi suffering from pain and exhaust ion, re lief will be found in fifteen or twenty miuutvs after the syrup is administered; ' -' This valuable preparation is the prescription of on of the most experienced and skilful Nurses in Now England, and fias been used with never-failing uo cos in ., i." - , ; - , j1 THOUSANDS VF CASES. ii not only relieves tbe child from pnln, 'but Invig orates the stomach and bowels, corrects aciditv, and givs tone and-energy to the whole system, it will almost instantly relievo Griping in the Bowel, and Wind Cholicy 1 " i and overcome Convulsions, spe4ily retn-denlh.- We best an d FOR rmi.niti? TEETHIa. which, if not edied, end in believe it th eurcrt remedy in the world, in aH eases of Dysentery and DiaiThoea in Wiildrenj'tKlietlier it arises from teething, or from nny otheTTJftOffe. we Would say to every mnthet wltoihas a child suffering from any of the foregoing eoniplaint do not let your prejudices, nor the pre jndiites of others, stand between your suffering oiiild and the relief that will be sure yes, absolutely aura to follow tbe us oTthia medicine, If timely used. Fnll directions for using will aceompany each bottl. Nona genuine nulms tha facsimile of CURTIS fc PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Bold by DfuggistatliHiu'rhont the world. Pilucipal office, No. 13 Cedar Street, M. f. A Price aid p 9Centi pn Boltlt. ' ' dec IS. 1859-dfcwlT , . v ' 5 - njlbaaaasida krei Daily SpenUirtg ia A. , praiso of t ' . DR.. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL, and thy 1 because R he-eef fail to uti'ord ttufanta nrnui reUrft when riven in time.' It act as if by magiO;. tuA one trial alone will convince you that wnut we pay is true, it contains Va Parrgoric onOpiatO of njt kind, and tiierefore relieves by rtm&ei nfe the nfferinfiifif your child, instead of by deadrninf it scHtibitiiie. For this reason, it commends itself a the only reliable preparation now known for Children Teething, Oiarrhaa, Dysentery, Griping in the Bote els. Acidity of the Stonuickj Wind, Cold in the Head, and Cronp, also, for softening Ike Gnmt, reducing In&amation regulating the Bowels, and relieving pain, it haa no eanal being an antispasmodic it is usea--wirn unimtina succex in an tmses mi uvuphi- sibn Of othrr Fits. A yon talue the life and health ef your etittftrcn, ana tetn to saee mem J rem most aa and blighting conseqHeitccs vhuh are certain to resnlt from the use of narcotic of which all other remedies for Infant tie Complaint art composed, take none but -v.- ir'ATnva r.,.i.i.in.j;..l l,(u ..An on. It is perfectly harmless, anilaannotinjurwtlie most delicate infant. Price, '25 cviits. Full directions ao- eompaiiy eacu botoe. freparen only oy r CHURCH fc DfJPOXT, . " No. J9 Broadway, New York. .. icai human Blood upon heing . . Aa'Tncd always preaonts ns with the smne essential elements, and gives of course the True Standard. Analyse the blood of a person suffering from Consumption, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Scrofula,, '&., and wo find in errry inslimro certain deficiencies in the red globules of blood. Supply these, defioietocies, nnd you are made well. The Blood Food i founded up on thia Theory hetee its astonishing success. There are -i ...:,., . - .. , r.- Fira-Propareitlana r adapted to tho deficiencies of tho Blood in different diseases. For Coughs, Colas, Bronchitis, or any af fliction whatever of the Throat or Lungs inducing Consumption, use No I, which is also the No. fur Depression of Smrits, Jsss of Appetite, and for all Chronic Complaints arising troio Orer-nst, General Debility, nnd Nervous Prostration. No. 8, for Lirer Complaints, No. .1, for Dyspepsia. Bung already prepared for absorption it is taken hy" Drops and car ried iiinwtftJiately mto the Circulation, so that what you gain yon retain. - The No. 4, is for Female1 Ir regularities, Hysteria, Weaknesses if c. See specinl 'directions for this. For Salt Rheum, Eruptions, Serttfulous, Kidney and Bladder Complaints, take No. i. In all eases the directions most be strictly followed, f Price of tho Blood Food $ f.rr bottle, . , . , . Sekf by CHURCH & DUPONT, No. 4H9, Broadway, New York. And for sale by T. S. DUFFY, Newbern, ami by all respsotablo Drujzgists throughout the country. ' March 26-dfcwtnovl , . - . PROCLAMATION. . . T7 CITIZENS OF NEW KERN AND . VICINITY. - . Whirxas, At the present Season . -. -,. - . .DIARRyEHA, '.. i , . ; CHOLERA MOItlitS, . - .- dvsextary, . ; ' k . ' DYSPEPSIA . DEBILITY. - ,.t cuoue,.o.,&o. Prevail to wu alarming extent; and Whereas, ttnutt beoftht first conscqneure to aH Citizen to iwi tf a ' ' REMEDY at once SPEEDY, SAFE and EFFICACIOUS. DK. MONTABDB 1 er rAKi- offiir his ' MIRACULOIT8' PAW KILLER As the nM.st CERTAIN, SAKE and INSTANTA NEOUS REMEDY in the Woild, ft any of the above" tjoin plaints. ' -' - . Bat as so many worthless Nostrums are being eon tinually impoted-upon the Publio to their great luaa and injury i. ' 'v DR. MONTArWH Hereby offer to REFUND the-MONEY in all esses where tha medioine may fail to afford entire satisfac tion Ask then at aay DUUO STORE in NEW BERN, for . ' DR. MONTI RDE'8 -MIRACULOUS TAIN KILLER. Take a dose of from SO to 60 drops, according to age and atrength of patient, and if not perfectly satisfied, return tha Medicine and get your money refunded, which tbe DRUGGISTS are authorized to do. But the MIRACULOUS PAW KILLER . NEVER FAILS NEVER FAILS 1 1 NEVER 1 1 1 For .ale in Newborn, N. C, byJW CARMER, J OOODINf. Jr.. J V JORDAN and t S DUFFY. JAS. McDONNELL. II Mercer street, Baltimore, General As-ent for tba United SUtea, ' Jane 1. infill dUm - ' W1 hira Lead, Lime, Valnt lw Oit awsd .VarnUh. Linseed Oil Raw and Boiled. Pari Chroma, Saxon and Imperial Green, Verdigria, Um ber, Terra de Sienna and Vandyke Brown iu Oil, Dis temper anil Dry.French Liquid Dryer Coach, Copal, Japan and Dimask Varnish.Artiitu' Colors int'oWp ibl Tube, Brushes in great vaiiety, Mineral Paint fco., fcc. for sal by ' tirSiX ' ' AS. W. CAKMER. , TJAt.TinORB LOCK HOSP1TAI, i . - Ttt. ioSkmott i nas dweovered the movt Certain, speedy and only ef fectual remedy in th World for ail . f ..,K, . Dlseaae af Taspraideace. " Wcaknes of the Back or Limb, Strictures, Affec tions of the Kidneys and Bladder,-Ivnrantary Die charges, Impoteacy, General Debility. Nenroasaeas, Dyspepsia, Langour, Ixiw Spirits, ConfusinB of Ideas, Palpitation of th Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Diseastof tha Head. Throat, Nosa or Skin, Affections of th Lunga, Stom ach or Bowels thoe Terrible Disorders arising from Solitary Habit of Youth those secret and) solitary practice more fatal Uttheir victim than the song of tbeSyreni to tha mariners of Ulyse., blighting; their most "brilliant hopes or anticipation, rendering mar riage.fce., imposailHe. . -. r. --t i . , - .... Uleai , ,. Especlafiy, who have become the' vk-tims ot Solitary Tire, thnt dreadful and destructive habit which an nually sweeps to an 'untimely gravo thoasnnd of Yonng Men of the moot exalted talents and brilliant intellect. Who might otherwise have entranced lis tening Senate With tho thunder of eloqnem-, at waked so ecatacy tho living lyre, may sail with full confideuco. , . .... ' . .. ... r.'y ". : r. Mnvrla( ' Married persons, tr Young Men oonfemplaring mar rings, being aware of physical weaknes organic de bility, deformities, fco., speedily cured. Hu who place himself under the care of Dr 3 rney rsligiously confide in bis honor as gentleman, ana Confidently rely upon his skill ns a Physician. . ORGANIC WEAKNESS ' Immediately cured and fall vigor restorsd. A Cur Warranted, or no Charge, snfranx one to itco Don. 'f '? D. Jabnslan, : t, Memberof tha Royal College of BflYgcons, London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges ul the United States, audi tire greater part of whose life bas baen spent in the hospitals of I ndnn, Paris. Plnl- uueipuin iuu einowueie, ntis eiiov-ieu soma 01 me most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head endears when aaleepi great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, srith frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, wer oured "immediately. ". - - A ,:- TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured ttinin selves by improper Indigencies and solitary hahlt which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either Business, Study, Society or Marriage. . These are some of t he sod and melancholy effects prodnoed by early habits of youth, vist Weakness ot the Back und Limbs, Pains in t he-llend. Dimness of Sight, Lose of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derange mant of tha'Digostlve Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, fco. ; MrNTAi.iTt. Tho re arfol effect on tho mind are much to be dreaded Los of Memory, Contusion at Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil forebodings, Aver sion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Tim idity, fco,, nie some of tha ovibl produoed.j-; it , TliousBuduof persons, of all ages, ean now judge whatistheennse ofthiii'deeliuing health, losing their igoTj becoming aronk, pale, Bervwuaaad emaciated, having A singular appeantr.ee about tile eyas, cough and symptows Of1 consumption, DR". JOHNSTON S REMEDY FOR ORGANIC J WEAKNESS AND IMPOTKNOY. ' f' By this great and important remedy weakness of the orpans arespeedily cured and full vigor restored. Thousands of the nrostBorvous and debilitated, who had hist all hope, hnrve bean Immediately relieved, 1 All impediments to JIarriage,(Pbytienl or Mental Disqunlificotieus,'Loss of Proereative Power, Ner vous Irritability, Trembling and Weakness or E hauation of the most fearful kind speedily oured. YOUStl MEN Who hove ittjurtrt themselves by a certain practice Indulged in'wheo ft loo a a habit frequently learned from evil compflniohs, Or nt school, the effects of which are nightly fait, even when asleep, and, if not cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroys '.bth mind nnd body, should apply immediately. Sach persons must, before contemplating MARRIAGE. reflect that a sound mind and body aretliemost nec essary requisite to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without those, the journey through lite be comes a weary pi'grimmagei tho prospect hourly darkens to the view : the mind becomes shadowed with despnir and filled with the meluneholv reflec tion that tho happiness of acotbor. beewaea-'bl'jlued witb our own. .... , ENiWmSEMBNT OP THE TRESS. .T TiieMaiiyThoiisandaourcd at this Institntfonrwlth in the Inst fifteen vears( and the nnmei-ens Impor tant Surgical operations performed by Dr. Johnstnn, witnessed by the reporters of the Sun and mnny other papers, notices of which have appeared aunin and airaiu before tbe nubhe. besides his standiiu; as n- gentleman of character and responsibility, is a suf- ' hcient guarantee to tlie amirtcfl. OFFICE NO. r, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, Baltimore, Mo., Left hnnd side Ifoins from Bajf imora street, a few doors from the corner. Fail net 1;j observe' name. No letter received w6HpoBt-pMJ, nnd coutm'ning 's'Stamp to beasad on the reply, 'Person writing ahmild state ngu, and send poition of advortUcuieut stating aymntoms. ' --. I-r-8kIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. Febl, lS60 dly. HEAD t HEAD ! f KKAD ! I ! J? v 1, ' - Caiko, III., JulyXI9th, IiO, i- . Mussrs. Jow Wii-ciix & Co. t ' " ' Your " Inpectine," or " Persian Fever Charm," has done wonders. I was wholly despondent and wretched when I applied it, and in live hours the chills were removed und no fever has ensued. It is the simplest care imnt,-inahle, and a woadornf not in or art. I would not ba witliout this "Inpectine" a single hour. Hy cmMtaully wearing it I sue 111 to be "ague proof." Yours very truly, - ; .- -' ' . E. M. STOUT. - ' ' MoBits, Ati., July S3,' IW).: V GitK-rirMixt-. '- - - 1 have been snatehed front lao.grave by tli ap plication of your wonderful "InueotJw.".r VPursiiin Fever Charm." For several years'I have s-.iU'sred every season with fever and sgiie,- Lost Spring my lite wn threatened, hut your remedy lias destroyed the disease, and I am rajiiilly gaining an appetite and strength. ,. Respectfully, yours, . . D.N. BARRON. Thia truly woniTcrful.prccpafirr and cere for Fever and Ague and Billious Fevers will be sent by mail post paid, nn receipt of mieHNdlar. AIfo for BW'at all respectable Irnggists avid Country Store. Prmcipnl fpot and Miinnfaotory, 188 Mmn street. Riohniond. Vu. Branch Office, Biuikof Comuitvica Building, NewiYork. . Addre, . . -Jons Wilcox & co. , COTTOi'V MIMWiWa invite tha attention of I PlaBters'to our Airenev for fjeo.'rTidd'a colehm tod Cotton (iins. Thtise in want of llrst Class Gin i wiH do well tive ns sn ordnr early that w may furnish thorn in timeforthepresciitcrop. Wewimld refer those Hnocnuainted With this make of ()i to B. Wethersby, fsq.,of t'ravenand KdwardPatrick( Esq. of Greene eouuty, who hs-e them ia use. A. MITCHELL & SO.V". Juno 13 wtf ' I have recently added to my Cotton Clina C, Mo Linden' Improvement on Cotton bin Boxes, hy which a Oin will pick about one-third snore cotton iu a day, and improves the quality of the Cotton from la. Ut.0. per pound over any gin not usina; this im provement. It pick th seed cleaner and prevents any cotton from clog-King on tbe awa. This improve meat consists in plunuing tlie heads uf the Cotton Box six iuclie. from wiiere the saw pass through the ribs, in a direct line outward, doftoitinu from this line in an aojle of about ntteen deuress, cnusine the Cotton -as It passes upward to contract and expand (rows; oownwara, tuns sniitinir tne rottansossto present a different surface to tha saw each time, Messrs. A Mitchell St 8ou, Newbera, ara my agents for the sal of (.'ott.m Gins, who will fill anv order promptly. ,iuly34wtf OtOliUK Kll)l DK VOBEHT, ARSTRlfl Ac CO., DKY GOODS MECHANTS, 80 89 CbauniaT Btrl, New Tark, Would sot fy th trade that they are opening weekly, a hv sou wsuuiiu pamrua, ins ' p . . W.A M 9 U T TA R I X T 8 , lo the AMOSKEAO, A BOW Print: which excels everv Print in the ennnlrv for perfection of eaecnlion and dwign in full madder eali -s.-Onr Print are cheaper than any in market. nut, HmniiuK wiiii vxiennive earn.- j Orders promptly attended to. . . ' Jan I'd wly - DAILY PROGRESS. FRIDAY MORXIXO OCT. 12, 180. . THE PKKSMNTIAL CONTEST. - ' ' i r, - '- -yt .' The Three Ticket.' . IXRIDGE. n J ' Dicliming tho ordantnlp Any partyy but claiming tlia right of an independent joursaiist . to' pulliah w!iBt we plca.so, w pjice Under our heno tho names winch compose the Uir Pc r fomll Tickets In North Cwoltos to be otil t in November for President and Vice Presidents VOrgana" only giro ono ticket; we gie uw three: . ' , . .-- , ' . . ... mHH! DOTTfiT.AS FT.F.CTOS Al. TTrKTP; i FOB flit STATE AT m ".' " P P PICK; W 0AraB,rTV...-v4 .. v v' D. K. McIUE; oir Catirv.Ni. , ,v . ' . J ." ' districts:" ' ' ' " 1st District-ML'Ot. SAM L WATTS, of Martirt ' 5n " F. D. KOONCE, ot'Onalow. i 8rd P. MoDOrOALI). of Illadrt. i.s -.j 4tli ' ... ' If U' MILLER of Wukr. 6th " t:uf.. J. WORfclSO.V, of .Mooni fith " - 'T.-W; KFEXEof KockuiRlir-tw': rttt " W; R. WYtGS, of Meckknburif. 8th - ". J. D.JIYMA, er Htineombc. tJ tlir PFI-T. Tt.F.fTtlll T, TirPT v FOR TlRS WATB.AT ah' !.f "',"'. , ' t '"" :1I()V MRU. E TlADflFR ns Wskb : 1)R. R. K, SPFJ?D,'o PAsqcoTAi'kc-" tat l)itrict-J. W. HINTOV. of Pasnimtante 2nd . " CHASv 0. CLARK, of Craven. ,f it. 8rd " j; 0. H. DOCK ER Vf of Rkhmon '$ th I C. EDWARDS, of OranyiHot. inn " v v t. r i ivrv, i xvanugipii.- : Cth " . HRNRY WAITER, of Iayidson. 7th . ; t TO p. R'VNCM, of Lteeohw 8th " TQlrTJavLDWELL, of Burke. TtiK BRECKiRnKJEElECTR At TICKET. - for isn if .its' at Ltttfirs i v vttnrtn n r firs i J tin ' . , ALtfitJ JI. at.tlr.H, Qg JttQCKJNCHAAt. i r. . jtji wc.n .... ii. ., .IaU, Jh tsu.,rjjij, vr lA(UtV ; i ' , , -; '., ... pWTniCTSI ; . .... t lt Distrkt-TOIIN W. JirOORE, of HortM.' 2nd , " "WAf.-P. ItoUMAX, of Beaufort. ' ara n il. A, AhLty, ot Duplin. ri 4th " . A. W. VEN'AELE. of Ortinvilk.' (JUl " J. It, AltlJ'.AiN, 01 uuiliorj.-.-., j Cth " J. M. CLEMENT, of Davie. . . 7ti ., . . J, A. FOX, of Metklenburg, " 8th ' JOJIS A. DICKSjON, of Burke. . .j-,. i'AMtnitt.v inonEss I.IOIIT FOR A 1. 1. PARTIS9I - BchoviTij; tf.at the people should have light at 4 titno like this, when tho political World id in commotion, and buirig determined to give a fair and trtifhfiil account of the movements ani actions of all parties from now uhtill after the eloction in November, we offer the PROGRESi! -forthe campaign, say till tho nihldle of Novem ber, at the following .. . ; ,.' LOW RATES: n: D.VILY PROGRESS, for the Campaign, " (single copr, $1.W) ' v-. ." :, : - Clubs of live,. 4M " ' " ' . Club often,, r.tJfi .-. v'v'-; - Clubs of twonty," M,t WEEKLY" PROeKESS.lortho eampaiKn, " (single copy,)1 0.50 ' ; 'u ;'"' Clubs of five, '.'.txi - '"'."''' Hub of ten, -f.fV) v;. Clubs of twenty; Y.(fo Z-ST SeniTin your clubs, accompanied by ffio motley and get a paper tliat has the inctepenil erR-i to entertain scntinu tits and Uk LoiUness to express them. The Irogrcss being cmphut jcnljy at newspaper eA'ctiything in the political World xhnll'be carefully noted, ' OHE .ia.ilFa(TlHK! CUXS, RIFLES AND PISTOLS KOTICE! NOTICE : : irtllitary (.'ampnnl tc Buarlinii callvnwn. I linvs opened one nf the laiveKt and best assort ed slocks of Jn, I'taiola, Itlfli a, and article pertniiiini; to tnnt line of business, and would most respectfully invite all that may wixh nnythint in th. line to i;ivo me acnll sad examine my Vtis-k. The I'nlliiwiuir list couipiiacs a poiiiou of the ait' Ok'S now on eahibithW: , . ' . , j Guiit, Double and Single i . Rijtus, mint Ui order ; , T 4)s ":, " Jiircrk .milling ; . ' Colt's Patent ; " Sharps " , " Merrill s " - ' " . ' " - 'Cox's " , final. 'Votfs-Palrnt ; r Smith UVftSP''l Potent; . Ad'tnist do. thrill's till Allen ,V Whertork's lr . ' fimith .V IK Cartridge ; Pisti l ll.iUt. rs ; tisot Fount-; ' Powder Flocks ; - Foil and Mtii.k ; Fi i'ig and Hojring Glutei ' ' Fishier Tnklci ., , , Gun iYoddtHg , Kiev's "dju ; " ;. t. Cop i v ,. " C' t'uos , "- Colt s Clip ; Dg Collar r - , ' Chums Pou-der and iihot. Repairing- Proinpily atlt-aiied Merchant mjijilicd at Nem York price. , . Manufacturer f Cos's tiine'. HOW IN WAST, prir37dwtf l'oll.ik st.. New hern NRUUoVs)' TV iVVk.-B. A. S1IIPP is stili hnyinff ynninr and likely ncjrroe, and payiua; the highest rash pruuM, NowUwnjN. 0., Kebia, l&iU-d'.VwIy (iVmiistlia, v.A I.(rRA,c.-Gin3hala A (.'allocs, Itrilliants, Chambiev's Pereal. Kag lish lonv Cloth. Vt sale at 'IIAKKISON S. .ThbhI'J Ij4 fa Invalids aa lafnal's. Da Harry JL delicious lievslt-nta Aiubica iisnl T he had . V G00D1XUS. Jnlv 9 " .i stale Nan aM lna latalaaiaiaaMi . M Just received p b hf Sauine nl !r sale by septH Jt AMVtTT.

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