. , ' ,S : ' - v t ..... u. s , t , H c ' . . . BY J. L IM'NNINfrimw .a,.. . Mill M V W lIW1l.VWWU uMrVf4l lf tOVD ADfl ooantry uWri.ni at 8ix .Uha a yjur i-HyahiQ HlLI I.II4LC AA IV"k;. Onritntf I'S min .4kt..11.. ...... i Tiro d'jva.. 3; ij Pw in Mvmi.it. All paper minniLiuj. .- 7.- paid for CiuiluB, imleaw renews - rt i,iV ' i 4 Advertisements inneiVd as Specie! or IStsnnp No. . .1 ... 1 - i.ilf tliAfll f.ha nnl rata imwiwfs.,.,..,,, 11 ji irnv unvii.. -i Koiu-Uuj .. . ft'Jir'niirdayii.. ....... -.-I Kiiednya , 7i ir1reita)ii,.; ;t Oluvit..,.,.... K7(Khw Wfni. ..1 i Two wnoka.., ,,,,. aJTwliii "'t One month..... .,..2 W Ona t.,iMii.,.....,..-J ir Two month........ 3 SO IVwoiiii.ntlii... .......? ' 0 Tlireo inontlj. S 00 ll'biM im.ntlia. io I u Ala luiiiitlw. A 60 Ua nuli......'....IC tO (Jim yw. ........ li 0i) I Ona yar. 95.1 H TwJvi' luHinuki) nur, tn line a hnll-aqann . LihttralarrauiKfntK made with yearly auvej icrs iicos arocnsrgeu t. . 11 .iiriuittitiniv ninAr ten line ueaaeai or - - -n ., . . Marriage ud iatttbsundarsixhue,iuaoitedrrat Advertisements inserted avery other (Jay will be : VOL TIT. trsd when BvortuwunU are handed in they will inserted till torbid, ftf.) And charged 50 CenU ftr c:' wi. rA ntimlior Af .inurtiiMM bm Mat ai NEWBERN. K. C-TUESDAY MOUXIXG, OCTOBER 16, 5 l . T , I860. " NO. 30. BUSINESS CAHDS,- WILLUtHi P. nORK, Jr. t . ,;, COMMISSION JtEKCHANTY. Came Sai sash Fi-eat mmi Kiddie i Ml. Agent for Vessels RunningbeJirecnlKis TSrt aniNtw York, Philadelphia Baltisnone and JBaston. - Particular attest given to-th sale .ol' Country Produce, aad tho parebaeeof goods generally. Alio, Ilisoharging Vessel ana FroeaWng Freight, and the Uooeiviug and Forwarding Business, v .j ( I bare convenient Wharves and Warehouses.. ,'j .. Waa.,.ilkJ: D. Colden M array, Now 'tik Cooliran Sc Russell, Philadelphia) BoRner, Potter, ic Co., New Yorki James Coner & Soua, Baltimore ; James L. . Dsvis, New York; London A Bryan Bcton;Frod. J Jones, Caahier Branch, Bank of North Carolina, Newbern i Jno. A. Ouiou, Cashier Bank of Commeroe. New ibern i W V. Clark.Caahier Merchant' Hank, New 1ern i A. SliloueU Son, and 0c. IsaJsoWiIuifhea, Jiewbern. " . . ' Maroh Willy -a. JDry GmIi, 4Brcc4a. Urdwr, " PiHolt dud ttyUt, Fdut and Tail Cutlery;. Stctde't A mtriemm tmi EMgiith km, QaHi (. and Penw Steaf, Hough Stul, fra .,, rata Aslet dpnas. Farntiaf laapleurau, f. A good aasortoidnt of ' ;'...."" T CarpctUr$, 'Blacktmttk$ and Brick ifaunu' Ttolt i GENTS AS 6 NEGROES' HATS AND CAJS j ... f 'iHt-u' Alao k large ttoek f . v.,.. t.j XI e4 OlaaVeta! IVar. BUmkela, Btwgaaa, Kemeya and Oanabarga, I adio aod Oeutlemen'a ruBoota,8hoM,GaKera, to.. i Barneea, Saddle- Hridl. fcr, j . Crockery and Glaea Waraj Jlaatior and Gun l'owder, Shot, Capa, Balle, eVe., ice. rr)vlaB ItoaiiaiwaHi MaaiiyUl.4 , ." , ... UUA.SO, . - . Lime, Planter I'ana, Cement, Hair, Ae.i1 f ' Mett Flank and Rnmp Pork, Corn Meal,- Flout Lf"Kobbll'." LeRtlier Haohiae Banding t . f Amenta for the aale of , , , - Ororer tc Baker a, Sewing Machine, - ' ' ' Aleo, Agent for Kvana ea Wataoa'a Salamander afe, which are now eonntdofed the beat. r 13" AU order from Cash or good towtre will ibo ohured tbe loweet priiya. r . Kjhlfidtw 11T I. TKHTAI.. tt . GENERAL AGENT for ih CoUntio f Notes, Account ttiui the uttUment of GUtim; ., . KEWBKKK, N. U. Being nowenaped in oanraaaing Craven and the .adjoining oountiua, I will undertake the collection of juieonnta for publiahera of aewapapera, merobaata, actor, and otnora for the naual eeuiuiuiona. AU baainaa entrtratedto me by partiee at a dia itaajoe will be faithfully and promptly attended to. t -. I refer thiwe to who I iia aot knows to. the edi tor ot tne uaiiy tfogiaa ,aoa iue uusmuf a men gi Addre. j v f Wit TESTAt, Iee 8, I Kit : ProgreaaOflloe.MBwbnrn; K. C Tfce "loderej" KatablUhaneait ' . , ., Of KCWBERN, N. C. , J it, v'. niBKisorr, J :;; " ' WHOLESALE t KtTf AIL JEAZJ5B IN Btapli, Kaiew Keaaien ano borc . ) . --r-trr e)eale, r. H J, Capt,Boot$ and Shot; Carpeting. Matting; RK; Jewelry, 7'runkt, Jtoady-iladt Clothing, . i 'j ,.- ;-i fce., &c, r, ' ' , , .., . : KewDKRH, Jf. C. ' i J. M. V. rfARaisoK kae iuat reoeired a oon"'!ate 4.tortment suitable fur the eeaauUi and will continue t reoeire by every arrival all deeirablo Article and MiveltwOttheeMBj -- "'.,', f ! Partumlarmtt"tianmardiyrder. . . jvpt i - . djy HBt BI.ACKWEIX, VJiI.JlHS10N MERCHANT. Dealer la Naval Ml ire. Corker or Pou.uk an Kst VKuht Stumts i ' Alao, Dealer in Dry Oooda.Oroeeriea, Hardware, Soota, Shooa.Hey, JLiuia, Shinfrloa, flail, KJroc.Uer.y. htone Ware, . WixKleu Were, fcn 4.0., , One door North of Merchnnta' Bank, , . : KfcWBKKN N. C. Caab advance made oa Comiguineute. (iiuda received and forwarded. LoriUard'a H. T.teuaft at 15 eenU in large Blad. era, ' - ilaoling done on reaeoaaUletterma. mav SiO dtim . - i ' -' : ; . . ,. Tke Newkera Ulalaal FIRE INSURANCE CO if T A N Y, THIS Company baa now boon in auoceaaful opera tion for . 1 THREE YEARS, - , During whioh time no aaaeaament haa been made to meet toeee. . , ' : ' The Company i now prepared to receive Applica tion for - i : '- - , n INSURANCE, Whinh may be tnade to any of the different Agent tthroaghout the State, or to the uuiernigaed, ai the office of the Company, id thia place. - -i , W. O. SI,' OLEXOir, Sterttat:. Kewbeni, K.C.. 8ept - dly . H. HJItlKKI.iL,, COMMISSION MERCHAICT, MT'-'t AKD DKAI.KR IN Dry Good, Grocri in. Premnrmt, Liquor; tft Opposite Bank of North Carolina in Newborn, t'ra Tren county, N. C. 1 ' . Haa on hand a good assortment of Staple Dry tOooda, Groceriea, Stone and Crookery-waro, Naile .by the keg or retail, Wooden-ware. Brooma, Boots .and Shoes, 8pun Cotton, Yankee tfotiana-ef aratiou Ikmds.'Axes, of the beat quality eonatantly on hand, and all of whioh will be sold leer for cash. -March I dtf , ' ' GEOBOI BISHOP, . HE WBKRN, N. C, Jklanufaoturer of Window Sash, Blinds, PannelDoora, J$r utters, Wood Mouldinea, Brackets, Baluatera, r ,::(,,... ..t- NeweU, aoe., Ato. . . .!-.. -amo, -t " I ' amannfactnrea and keeps constantly on band, a large stacker CABINET FURNITURE, at wholesale and retail. -f Sash HillonHanoook t, Ware Rooms on Middle at, fleptl - ' . dly BB. liAFIB, . GENWiAL COMMISSION MERCIIANT, Hoalb Iraal SMreet, - v -.,-- NEWBERN, N. C. - Particular attention given to the sale of Cotton, JJaval Store. Flour, Corn, Hay, Lime, Dried Fruit, nd Jjountry produoe generally. Also the Receiving and Forwarding busineaa, die charging vessel and procuring freights for vessel intoning between thia pert and the porta of New York,' fhilndelphia and Baltimore. Cash advance oiade on Ceusignments. - marcu 4-qy. V J: DIIVERH COMMISSION MERCHANT AND V WnObEMAIEOBOCBB, C . . . (l-'0OBa IKCLVDXDi Agent for J. M. Singer & Cci'a, Wilcox eVGibba and Jessee 0. Conner's Sewing Machines t keepa con tantly on band a anpply of Ked Ash Coal for Grates. Solicits oonHignmnnta and orders and will prompt ;ly attend to all business entrusted to him. Office on .the Old County Wharf, - . Newborn, dec 30 ' .- . W" lLLIAin 811 A W, ' ' -WITH ' TENNER & HARDENBERGII. y ' ' Whaleaale Orewera, . ixo n. : . ,'' DEALERS IN TEAS, dUandil5 Greenwich St., betwen Keade andDu ;v - j. aneStreeta, . DK Fennet.. , John A Haroenhorgli. J NEW YORK. Jan Jl-Uly . : WlK,I,IA!rI W. OK, , i''Lii HANGER, , ..... . ... Xswbtrm, N. C. ' " . Wll gtvs liis rntire altentlnn to hangpc plaia and Ornamental Wail Paper. Work doue in the 4ost July 13, I8H.I dly , ' ' ; ' DlatUM! a; KMII IIIKII, ' FORWARDING COMMISSION' i -MEKCHANTS, - "' . i yew.BrnN-s, N. C. - O.Caah Advance marts ri ConaiRnmenta to bo e )il hre or furwaricd to Xwthera UaiiioU. ' ' 'BUSINESS OlHDS. PORK.' IUY, j4 BPIR1T BAREELK H J'locr, ,coaT, hoop iron, v SALT. -UME?"- 'OLCB.'ke.!.. A aupply alwaye r hand and fa aala, ; . T AKnt for regular H oea of Vunaola runniojr between thii fort and New York, Buetua, Pailadelphiaaad Uonyenieut Warye and Yrcuouef for atoila or aiiippiiig.,., . . ' ' r. Vasu aarances aaauQ ou-vousigunomat z aept 27 c HarkltVarl, recei4njr a large Mock: oi i Amttinn '.and Foreign MarMt. and is at all time ; prepared to fill ot tlera for Mummtutt - fHaii- and Tb Stonet, oCevow Ue. . sciiptJun, at. less than'MoRf RIAM ' 'prices: - " . '-Onr work will be ''delivered in all parts ..of North Carolina and Virginia Free of phatvn. ' i Our workinanstuo ha been irenerallr Introduced m some thirty bounties hi North Carolina, and apeaka for Itxelf. - - ii ni ;,.. K.,i.t-i . i - Orders by mall will meet with prompt attention and' be faithfully execute Address,. ' JlC: WIEK. Newbera, N. C; ' Mae Kemp, Eif .2 Agent, at Goldahoro'. J ( ;.w4 , Sept 10 w iWly-;r J I. AMTlITT-WOULD RESPECTFULLY . call the attentir of the citiceoa of Newhera. and the publle geaerally, to his large and complete assortment of - . .' - DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, ' '' which be has now on hand, and will continually re ceive by arrivals of vessels from New York and Baltimore through the season. ' lie -Would respect fully cail tk attention of ...... ...... , . ,. , . ' FAMILIES, ' ' ' o Ills Stook of Groceries, snnh es Pork, Baton, lrd, Bvtttr, Flour, Meal, Mice, Soap, Candltt. March. Cojee, Tea; Crackert and Cakei.M'lanei and Syrvpi, and in fact everything usually kept at a Grocery. He nhmkeepsa good stock of bomwtio Dry Goods aaeh RsMarlboio' Plaids, Brown Shining sua Sheet ings, Ornabu:gs. Print, H.wiery, Omgham, Hats, Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, all of which he wil sell on The m'ol reasotialil terms; Persons wishing to purchase will do well to give him a call before furchaiiiiigeloewhero. ,i Smith Front St., 3 doors below the Caston House, ijmayjsMwIy ,-: : " 1 U.-VATIIA.w W1IAI.KV. J i CIJ3CK tt WATCH MAKER, Keepa constantly on hand an excellent as. sort mm t uf Watches. Clocks. Jewelry. Pla ted Ware &C, dto. Thosewiahinganyof theaOuve articles win una it to tneir aa vantage to oau ana ex amine hie Stock, r - t,,.- ? . !. t i Watches, Cloeka and Jewelry repaired with neat ness aul dio patch, on the most reasonable terms, '"' -S: i,t.i JONATHAN WIIALEY, -. ' Craven street, Newbero, N. C. ', Oct S, 18K-wl2in ' ' " BKUK I.A1IKU ANU MAMOrvKK-. JAMKS N.LLUO, Bricksyayer and Plasterer, respectfully uftnrs his services iu the above branch of business. He is prepared to -erect bnildinga by ftonrraet, or by the day when desired, and pledges himself to gtvesatistaetion a tu'Vrine and diameter of work. HoofTurs4o do as substantial workaacan be done in the Stato. For further partieu4arn he refeis to W. P. Moore, I Dixoawav. George Bishop and J. L. Fouiiiiijjtuii, all of Newoern; . . . Nwshem June 19 detwtf. WILLIAtl If AY, : . HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL i PAINTER. NEWBERN, N. C. ' ' -Contract tnkrn for work in town or country, which will be promptly executed and latiafaotion guaran tied. Faints, Oils and Varnish always on hand and will be sold at reasouabU prices. ' ' Sept. l dwl.y ' . ' - GKOBSSB AE.IiKN . - - -. ' . . OKA1.XK IN rNCT 4 STiri.1 . . DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, 6C, ' POLLOK STREET. NEWBERN N. C. Would resoectfullv invite the attention of the nublio to his Stock, which will bs found netr. tcell atwrtid. and sufficiently large at all seasons ot tne year. Orders promptly and carefully attended to. - Sept I - - ' dly 1100 AVBKH OP LAND for Male. Tue snbsoriberutfeni for sale a valuable Traut of Land, lying on Adams' Creeks, containing about six hundred- acres, and said by judges to be equal to any lana in tne Mate. ) Also, anot her tract lying on Hancock creek, about twentv miles be low Newborn aad three miles from Havelock Depot, AJtNC H-ailroad, containing 500 Acres, and is well timbered with long atraw pine, hickory aod oak.; . For further particulars address the undersigned at Newborn, N. C. . , , . ; dec 8 dawlf JOHN N. HYMAN. TAKEN VP AND COMMITTK . A ne gro boy, claiming to be the property of MRS. PARNAHAM. of Jones county, was taken op aa a ruuiway on Monday last and -Confined lajull. Said buy is black, about 3 feet high, rather alim about 14 years old, las a fine set of teeth, arainsll scar above the right eve, smart, speaks Quick and says ha was forced to leave his home by JOHN, the pro perty of a Mr. Haakins, who he saysjcaine with him toNewbern. Tiio owner is requested to com lor ward and redeemibe property. i A C, LATHAM, Sheriff. July 19, a&wtf J. L : . : ' 1 lO TUB FRlKIHOt OF MO.TIE ntANV- FAtTI'HIis. THK KINNTON 8HOK FACTORT ' IS NOW IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION: Orders for negro JBROGANS and BOOTS are so licited, t . i ' , J. C. CARPENTER, Agent, - ' 'KINsrON. N. C, July 2e dwtfH : - VOTI C K. PHI LLP THOMAS having pur . chased the store on the New County Wharf, recently occupied by Geo. W. Miller and John D. May, would most respectfully announce to the cit iaena of Newborn and surrounding vicinity that said store is now open, where he will he .pleased to . . . . -v nrm r, n f A"rirl furnish everybody witn jjki uuuua, nuuior SHOES, GROCERIES and WOOD, cheap. - Call and examine the etook for yourselves before purchasing eisewhere. , J. i . - !, -.. ; sept net. worn , : . RAKA WAV FBOn THE sMTBstCBIBEB on the 1H of August, my Negro man JOS. MILLrR. Th M'' Negro is forty-six or seven years of ifge, dark complexion, five feet nine or ten inches high, weighs about one hundred and sixty or seventy pound. The said Negro is near-sighted, and very quick spoken. He is a diter by trade, and may be passing by the name of John or William Dunson. J will give tbe reward of Fifty Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of said Negro or con fined ia any jail in tbe State, ao that I mn W him guain A SOKliKLl. - Raleigh, NC8ert., I860 ' " "Ptaatf FOB ALK.-'A. tract of land, situate on tbe A'ortb-western border of tbe town of Newborn, and near the Railroad, remaining about lai ty acres, known as " Famiville Place.'" Apply .. - S1TGBEAVE8 ATTMORE. (ra'vSl.lW -tawtf ' - ' ' ' WANTED TO II J It BU A liootl nurse ana House Servant, for -tha balance of the year. WUI pay a libaraljnice. JOHN L. GARDNER. v ' Oct 11 dtf. : , . . -i , ' : . LABUS J.OX OP , A H A T 84 ... . nst receive Beb-e s Fall Style and B. scfe ,i.Wdeaimoie; Also atine stwk of CAPS. Oct 11 fcJUIET CUXHBEiir. , -a;i,,, M 1 hn 'MEDIClK'hS.';' IiVUIVV TUB Lorj, i. , . - MOFFAT 9 - - Vegetable Lift fill mm ahal Bitter. Tira hwb and envied eelebiitr whir.U these pro eminent Msdii-iues have acquired for their invariable efllcacy luali the disease whioh tiiey profes toourev haa rendered the usual practice of puffing not only I' ttoaoceasary .bul unworthy of them. They are known uys-Reu: iruust ineir genu woras mswiy wr wnn, and they thrive not by the faith of 1 ' 4. " a til tttcv - tne oroauiouski - Of Allim; Aonteand Ciironie KIunmtism,Affee tlous of the Bladder and Kidneys, h ; 5k ;r, " -. BUUmu fanrt and Lietr. Complaints. '' n the booth and West, where these diseases prevail they will baftmnd invaluable.. Planters, larmers and others, who ones me these niodioiues, will never af, tor wards be without tlicm , " ' xjiilliou ChUio and Serhuii'Koosenesa, Bile, Cos tlswnnm. fVilda and CDnsrhai Clsolie.'" ' CoAsvmptton-Vaed wit h groat anxsoees In this ditoaao. ku.u i ' Corrupt ysaver, rspne, ' ' w i c igpepnu-si operson wiin iiiseistrwmiDK vwnasv aisonta aeiay nawg (ilea nieuwuie taoiuvwHui,. j.i , . ' f - ..e .i. al l ... Fair and Ague Vc tin scourge of the W est-rrn country these mediciiies wiil lni found a safe, speedy and curtain remedy. Other uieduiocs (ear the sya ten subject to a return of the disease a cure by thaacineaiclnu Is permanent. Trf thctrf, be satis fled, and be cured. -,t. .,-. Foulnttt oj ' Catnpfacion. -- :;; ;.;" "" aw. m. "fa f i: Gtntml DttUity." ' s Gout, Olddinoss, Gravel, neadaoliesxrf every kind, Inwanl Faver, Inflnroalory ithcuioaUtui, Impure Blood, Jaundiia, Loss of Appetite. i .;. , Lirtri Ctmplaintt, Ltfrosg, Lnvstnen, Mcrcurui ; 7 ; Dutas. t ' .. '.."i .. ' ' Kever fciils to eradicate ntir!y. all the effects oi Mercery infinitely sooner titan the Bluet powerful prepaiatloa of Sarsspaiilla. ' ', ' ' Night Sweats, Nervdua Deiiilily, Hervoua Com. plaint of all kinds, Orgahio AffiAlions,' Palpitation of th Heart, Puittter's Cholio. ; ifs.-M f t..rao..j.jfc. ' "Tha original preprletor of thtse medicines was cured of Files of 35 year standing: by the uo ol tbeso. Life Medicine ulon. ...$;, i .,. .J.. ; Pain in the bead, side,, back, Wbs, joints, and OTgau. .... . 'i ,,, !,.. ' ' -i'. i i ,, . ; . ... i ... ..' Bhtumntism, . . . . '' .' Those afllicted with thia terrible. disease will he sure of lielief by the Lifo Medicines. ( , Hush of Blood.4 tit Uead, SatTtjZ&dt Jlhcum, . i- GtttUiufi. : , Serofula,or King's Evil, in its worst fttrths, Ulcers; i" .,';' ot every deoription.4 ' . i :'i ' H'ormi of all kinds ara eflectuallv. expelled by those medicine. Parents will'do weii'to udministor them whenever theirexisteaceis susptiuted,. Roliet will be certain. ' n , i . TktLifs PUftimi HdmixBltttt;- " '. Purif the' SW, : i And thus remove all disease from the svstetn. P7ipareJby DR. WILLIAM B-MOFFATr" : . . , No. 385 Broadway, -For sale by all Druggist. " (Moffut Building), N Y. may IU dawly 1 -: ,:, . - ,, - DB J. BOTEK DOBS' ' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS! , Arr aaadc aas a a re aad iiaaatallrra . ted Wine, which about double the usual strength of other Wines, and is imported byonly one lmue in the United States.- Also, from the follow inn valuable Roots, Herbs; &.C., fit i Solomon's Seal, Spikeuard, Comfroy, Camomile - Flowers, Ueutisn, Wild Cherry Tree Bark, and Bsyberryr , . WE CHALLENGE ' i. " ' - III WOKhD TO I'UODCOE "' ' . TIIKIK K Q D A 1. ! Wo do not profess to have discovered some Roots "known only to the Indians of South America," and a nure for "all diseases which the flajlt is heir to," but we claim to present to the puhlio a truly valua ble preparation, which every intelligent-I'hysieien in the conntry will approve of aud recommend. As n remedy for INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, Weak Luugs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Nervoussystem.pnrulyHis, Files .diseases peculiar to Females, Debility, ami uu Ott--.es requiring a tubio, tliey are II N 8 V B P A USED!!! For Sore Throat, so common nmoug the Clergy, t he v are truly vaiusoi. t'or the atred and mfirm, or for persons of a week constitution for Minister of the Gospel, Lswyeru, ana all puono speaxers lor uooK-tweepers, tailor, Sean sti easts, Muiienu, Arrists.anu ail poisons loan inir a sedentary life, the v will prove truly beneficial, As a Beverage, they are wholesome, Innocotit, uud i . .r ft.. i m ..... aeucioua 10 lue lasie. xuey pruuuuu' ou ine ex hilinrating effects of Brand vorWine, without iutox- looting: aud are a valnablo romtdy for prisons ad diced to exessive use ofetrong drink, and wish to r frain tioni it- They are pure and entirely fre from t he poisons contained in tbe adulterated vViues and Liquors with which tbe country is flooded. These Bitters not Only CURE but PREVENT Disease, ind should be ntted by all who live in a cuuntry where tbe water is Bad, or where uniii arn Fevers are prevalent, Being entirely innocent and harmless, they may be given freely to Children and Infants with iinpuinty. Physicians, Clergymen,' and temperance advo cates, as sn act of humanitv, should assist i spread inir these, trulv valuablo BlTThliS over ths land. l-and thereby essentially aid in banishing Drunken uess ana ifwsnw. 1 ,J- - ClIAHLEs WIODIFIELD&CO,, Proprietars, TS William turret. New Tork. And aold by Diuggists generally. J. W. CAUMER, Druggist, " Agentat Nkwbihn, N. C. ang 17-dly ' ' - . DOCTOB MABTINI'S " CATAMENIAL CORRECTOR!! . - -. . . ... Hls hA0 A TEN YEARS TRIAL, which should be sufficient to eonvinoe every : ; : Svfftring Woman , - . s . of the great value of tha : .' Catataealal Corrector!! i ' ' ' and that it is Without exception ' : OT" TUB BEST MMDICINEgJ ' Before the public for all diseases arising from Irreg ularities. Chronic or Nervous Debility. Palpitation of the Heart, Vertigo or Dizsinem, Pnins in the Kid neys, fains in the small ot tne iiaca, rains under Shoulders, Lowness of Spirits, LasgHor and Nervous ness generally. Difficult Menstruation, Suspended Menstruation, or Cessation of the Menses, ajid ftp al most endless variety of other diseases attendant cm irregularities superinduced by colds, by overexer tion, by a weak constitution, severe mental or physi cal labor. The simple. remedy for all is to get at the primary cause of the disease i remove it , and you as sist Nature to regulate. This can he dons by the great CATAMENIAL CORRECTOR, which has never failed to effect a cure when proper ly used, according to tha directions aud a fair tlia! given it. .. . - It ia nrenared from tlia recine. and under tha rjer- eoual supervision of a most SkifUul Physician, who or a nuinoer oi yean connneu us use io nis private Draotice. For tbe few years that it has been before the publie it baa gained for itself a position that will soon by its rapid increase nf popularity, place it at tha bead of all remedies heretofore offered for Wo men's diseases. The mora espeoinlly those above enumerated which too often end in CONSUMPTION. For sale by most respectable Druggist through out tbe Union and Canada. PRICE, 11.00 PER IIOTTI.E. ' LARUE SIZE 11.5ft PER BOTTLE. - N. B. When It happen that your Druggist haa not the article, the money can be remitted direct to us, and if two or more bottles are ordered at one time, the medicine will b sent free of charge for transpor ts ion. Particular directions as to use, ate., accompany each bottle. Druggist can be sapplied direct frcm our lianoro tot v, or by sendin their orders to BARNES A. PARK, Nw rk, F. C. WELLS Ar. CO.. New York, 8. B. HANCE, Baltimore Md.. DY OTT'8,PhiladJphia, Pa., J. WRIGHT it Co., New Oik'Hus, oa , ji.u-i V rauiv, Jiucinuo.ii,,jnio, ii. H. HAVS. Portland. Me. jOr to any respctbl Wholesale pruggirt in New York or Philadelphia. Pirrulara. with 1 rails Prioes. Ac. for the Corrector. and onr other medicines, sent free to Wholesale Buy ers. Jio medwin plaoed oo coram issioe. .- V,'-. 7 J. D.LDENYS1I,' :.-",. GeoeraUrartt for the United state and Canada. , - ..,." i tWAwiSt:, New York. . ., Jul 10 wl -- - : ; ; -f 31KDICINE& MB". VI.MI OtV. ,;'.! - An etperient d Xursa aiidFemala l'liysiclin, pruaonts tothe-attentinnof Jioti i, her? , .vr, ? - i XOLf flim . S YRUP:, . which greatly facllUate the process of teethlnp, by onening thegums rcdueing all iidlaminutiott will allay Ait. i aih uud spasmodic auth ti, and is i , f tL4 . ji v.o HtauiATK r) sawti.s, , ; Depend upoii it, muUisie.it will ijlva rest layout? etvee,aud ., ui. ; lRdi(f and Heattk to Tou? Infants, :t MJf ti ave put lip aud sold this Rrtichv iW-over tea years, ai can say, in con(iduii-BijdtiuUi -of it, what we uve never . 1 ooon scir ro sav nf envnth - - I HI MB, o ,WISI.O''H " HWOTIIINO ' ai'Ki.p. K or iintdicino HAS IT j-r K VJi K vailed: in A SINOLE INSTANCE. F EC T -A. T O-'f 13 CCltE.wliaii jtimcly used,'- Never did we know an instance ofdux faction bv any on who used it. On tlia uoutra. rv. ali are deliglilod with Us operutions, ami siieiik In terms of hiiistoiiimondaUott'of its -magical of. Tocts and meuical virtues. Wu (peak in this mutter '-what wo do know," after ten ycars'spxperience, and pledge oar rcpmatlon for trho foiulautw otovbat we here ilvrlere: ,,ln nluioit every Instance whero the infant is luffermg froio pain ud cxliAnstlun, re lief will'be found in fifteen or -twenty ailnuua.'iftur the ay'rop ia administered. ..... t , : f .. , This taluahle preparation isttprvrtprtonbfon of the HKiat experienced and sUiliu..I' arson la New Kigland,aiid haa been used with sver-iaiUu. sue cessit).-' '"" ' ' ""." ' '.i. v . THOUSANDS f)F CASES, ., i - It nr.t Only relieve ihiliuL (ruin poiu, lvt Invig orates tlm stomach and bowels, aoinrts aclditv, and gives lufe anfl -tiergy to tlus whulo syati-m. It will almost instantly relieve Griping ifi the Bowels, and W md fciiojic, . i . . . anq overonme oonvulsjeas, speedily rem. death..? We vou . CHIMSUKN TKKrill.W, wlileU, if not euieu, ena in believe it the surest remedy best . a ad in the world, in a'.-l oases of Dyaentrry and Uianhu'.a in Children, whether it arisen from teething, or from any other. cause..: Wu would say to eveiy mother who hat a child suffering from sny cf the foregoing complaints do not let your picjudleos, nor the pre judices of others, stand hetwocn your sulfuring child and I he l olief that wili be sure vos. absolutoly sure to follow the use of this medicin, if timely used. Full directions fur using will accompany each buttle, Non genuine ruilm-s the iuo simile of CURTIS PEKIiJNS, Now. York, is on the outside winppor. Sold by. Druggiata throughout tha -world. , PriuHpnl office, No. 1 JCedar Struet, N. .' i--"'-v '. Piioaonly 25 Cents pit Bottle. ,.. deslH. I8i.-.ltwlv ' ' .aiyvi 0 rihonsanil are Baity flpcaklair' In tUc A prlseot ' ': ,'" . ' ... . DR. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL, and why 1 because it ncetr fails to a ford mttanttt. aeons rWn wheu given in tune. It act us if by inagio, audenr truilatoiw will con.iuta you tuut what we sav is true". It contains - ' - - ,.:u Km Hnnegorle ar Opialo . ofciy kind, and tbervJore relieves by irmoxtng the svffetinft lit your child, instead of by deadening its semilfiUtus, -For this ruaaeu, it commend itself as the rtlialiU preparation now knowu fur Children Teething, Diarrkaa, DyiemVTy; Urivint in tin Bote eli. Acitktfcfthe Stomach, H-id, tW in the Head, uni CroKO, also, for softening tU Uvms, ttinc.ng lnfiamutiM, regulating the Bowl; and nritving pain, it has no eoual being an anti'Spusmodu it is used with unfailing sunteti iuell case of Cunvul sum or other Fits: ' At wv value the hfeand health v) your children, and Kith to savtthem from thost sad and lihglilvtf tOHftjHixcfi tduJiurc ca t'im to result from the ute if narcotics of tvhieh all other remedies for Infur.hle Complaint' are eomvoseJ, takr. nvne but Dr. F.AT0N"S Inftintik Cordial, i you can rtlj U oii. It is perfectly liurmlusi, and oannot injure the most dolicnto iniiiiit. price, as cents. .Full ttirootlotw ae uomi'iiuy ouch bottle. Pu-unied only bv ' 3 CHURCH & DCrOXT, No. 4U'J Broadway, 1Scy Voik. ' ca'tiy humnn Blood upon being . Analysiest alwnr prent n with the tamo essential element, and gives of course the True Standard. Aiialyme the blood of a persou suffuriiig from ConTumption, Uver Coaiplaiut. Dyspepsia, Serofula, Jcc, mid we find in err.ry instance eortain dtficiewic in the red globules of blood. Svpph these deficiencies, and you are made well. The Blood Food is founded up on ' this Theory hence Its astonishing success-. There arn Five Prcparulloaa adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood In different diseasm. For Coughs, Colas, Bronchitis, or any af fection whatever of the Throat or J.vvgi inducing Consumption, use .No I, whioh is ulso the No for Deprenwn of Spirits, Loss.of Appelitt, aud for all CArantc Complaints arising from Jctr-vtt,incral Debility, and Nervous Prosration No.S!, for ittw Compliunts, No. -i, for DyKpepnia. Bang already prepared far absorption it is fors by Drops and car ried -immediately into the circulation, so that wlmt you rain you re'tain. The No. 4, is for Female Ir. regiuanhts, Hysteria, Weaknesses, tfc. See special directions fir this. For Salt Rheum, Eruptions, Scrofulous, Kidney and Bladder Complaints, take No. 3. in all cases tne oireciions iiium oe smciiy followed, trice ot tne nma i-noa ri per nottie. Sold by CHURCH St DOPO.T. No. 4ni), Broadway, New York. And for sale by P. S. DUFFY, Newborn, und by all respectable Druggists tiirougnoui me counuy. March 26-difcwtnovl P JBOCLAMATION. , TIIE CITIZENS OF NEW HERN AND VICINITY. WuxRKAt, At the present Soason DUKIUitlA, CHOLERA MORBUS, -: D.SENTAUY, DYhFEPSIA , DKHI1.1 I Y, CHOLIO, otc.&o. Prevail to an alarming extent, and Wlieren', it mvst be of the Hrst consequence, to all Citiias to know of a REMEDY at once SPEEDY, SAFE and EFFICACIOUS.' . DR. MONTARDE or rsitis offers lu '. ' MIRACULOUS PAIN KILLER A tha most CERTAIN, SAFE and INSTANTA NEOUS REMEDY in the Woild, for any of tho above Complaint". , .,;. But a ao many wortlilesa Nostrama ara being con tinually imposed open the Public to thuir great loss and injury - ; DR. MONTARDE Hereby offers to REFUND the MONET in all cases where the medicine may fail to afford entire sstistee tion Ask then at any DRUO STORE in NEW. BERN, for I-llt. HW1AKWD MIRACULOUS PAIN KILIJZR. Take a dose of from 20 to GU drops, according to age and strength of patient, and if not perfectly eat isfiod, return the Medicine and get your money refunded, which the DRUGGISTS are authorised to do. But tha MIRACULOUS PAIN KILLE.K NEVER FAILS I NE VER FAILS 1 1 NEVER 1 14 Fovsaleln Newbern N. C. by 1 W FARMER, J GOODING, Jr.. J V JORDANand F 8 DUFFY. J AS. McDONNELL, U Mcn-w street, BulUiuure, General Aeut for the United States. ' lune I. mw itl-.'m ' ' - . . - , Wblia I.earf, llme, Palat la Oil aad Varnish. Linseed Oil Raw and Boiled. Puri Chroma, Stxon and Imperial Green, Verdigris, 11m. hur. Tun-a iln SiHioiAand VrMndvke ltrowa inOil. li. temper and Dry .French Liquid Dryer, Coach, Copal, Japan and Damask Vornu-fi, ArUats' Colors in Cuiop- sible 1 uoes, UnuiRse in greet yuriety, .Uiuerr.l i'arot Ac, &o., fw sale by. nov v. w , - . . i- - , -i . v AUJti.it .1IOBB I.OrK II08PITAI., DR. JOHNSTON Has dlscovnrsd tiie most certain, sieely and only ef fectual remedy in tho world for aj. ' ' - Biaeaaea af laspradeare. Woakn6s of Ilia Back or Limb, Strilnre,Xff.'0. tlous of the Kidney and Bladder, voluntary Dis nhaiges, Iiepotunoy, Uouernl lehiuty.NvrvuU4ioss, Dyspepsia, Langnur, Low Spirits', Con fusion (if Ideas, Palpitation of tit Jlcait, Timidity,. TremMinga, Dimues of 8ight or Giddiness, Disease nf the lived. TIUMHt. Nose or Skin. Affections of the Lund. Stom ach or Bowels those Terrible Disorders urisiug from j Solitnry Habits of Youth those secivt and solitary practices uioro fatal to their victims thnn the song o't ' tbe Syi eoa to the manner of Llysca, blighting, tuetr most briiiiaiit hopua or anticipuiioiaindurui; umr osga,o;c., impuseilile. -,-; - i -., - -V -Ifatnag Moat; ii ?-l,: Especially, who haye become the victim of Solitary Vine, that dreadful and destrtictiv habit which an nually sweeps to an uutimely grave thousand of Young Men of tlie-WTOat-oaBiterl taieBts-aoU-Aiittliaiit intellect, who might otherwise- have rnuanced Us. rteiiiii Senates wi'h the thunders of 1iuinico, or wskcd toecstKcy thchriti lj-r, may onll with full eoufiJeiH;, ,L-L ;v v- ..if MarrlagO' , . Mameil pmonf.rr'YonMcrrtirmromplitirp maT-riik-e. boiog aware tit uhysienl wnnknesu.niiisiiiude. I bility,' detiMmitles, Ate., speedily cured." f He who places litmseif under the 'r of Dr. J i may rsuigioiisiy crmnue in tru- Honor as a gentlemfta ana Coutidontiy mly upon his skill as a Physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately cured and full vim restored. A Cuie l rrantvd, or ao Charge in from on t" t.o Pays. . .i.:. - Dr. Jaltaataa, Member of the Ryal Collage tsf Surtrecns.Iondun, graduate ticn ono of the moat emiucnt t'ollogcs ot tlie United States, nod the greater part of whose life ho litteuspeiitiulhehospiUilsof Ixiidoh,Paiui,P)iil adelphia aud clsowhere, baa effected some nf the moat astonishing euros that were ever known i many troubled with ringing in tha head and cms when asleep; great nervousness, being alarmed otsuildon sounds, baslifulnesa, 'ithfrvqiH'ntblushing,nttcaded sometimes with doiangetucbt of uilnj, were cured' Immediitoly. - . - - - TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. . . 1, Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured them. selves by impuiperiiiiulgeuclo and olituiy 'mints watch ruin botu nody anu nunil, untiltlng them lor either Business, Study, Society or Msirmge. Those Ries.nno of 'tha sad and melancholy effects produced by earlv liolUs of yuuth, vlt i Wesknesa ot the Bock aud Limbs. Pains in thellnsd. Dimiicss of Sk-lit, lf.s of Muscular Power, 'PulpitMtoa ul tue uoart, Dyspepsia, avervons iiTUuimity,iMiiitiga. ment of tlifl"I)!gestiv Fuuutiotis, Geneiul Debility, Svinptum of Consumption, &c. , , ;'MtNTALtir. The tearful eflvrti on the inlml sic: much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Contusion ut Ideas, Depression uf Spirits, Evil ibre'bvdings. Aver sion to ficiety, Sclf-Diatiust, Love of Solitude, Tim lditv, Ac, me souio of the- evil pivduoed,. - TiiousaudsHif poisons, of -aU-jgescaiiiioir judga whfltis tliocuuue of their declining health, losing their vigor, bocouiin( weak, pale, nervous atut emaouitcd, haviug a singular oppotiAi.ro o-boot tlio eyes, cough uud symptoms of coiiautnptroii. . ,- . , DR. JOHNSTON'S REMEDY FOR OndANIC WEAKNESS AND LMI'OTENCY. By this great and "Importiuit itmdy wonknee of tlio organs ore ipoedily cured end full vigor reetnrod. 1 Thousands otitic most nervous and debilitated, who had h.t all hope, have been iuiiuediately relieved. All mipediinoul to Marriage, physical or Manful Disqualification, IOss of piucieative Power, Ner.' volts Irritability, Trembling and .Weakness or Ex haustiun of the mi'Ht fearful kind spteiUly cured. . . . YOUNG MEN.-, - , ; Wlio have injured. theuiaelycs by a certain practice ludulged in when alone a liab'it frequently loui nod from evil oompnniou, or al echooi, the effects of which aro nightly felt, even when noleep, and. If not cured, lenders marriage impossible, and destroy both mind and body, should apply immeiliatuly. Such paisoci inuet, before contemplating (AllRIAGE. "' mind aii'l bouy rethetret nee ossury requf.fto to piumote conunbial hniipiuesa. Indeed without those, the journey through lite be comes a wiHiy pi'iiriiniiiiigf, the prospect hourly darkens to tLe vltjr'i th ini4 ln'toinos abadowed with despair and lUicd with tlio niplnncholy terlco tion tiiut the happbieu of another boxjinos blighu-d ith uur own. ' , .' tuifonsr.MENT op the prtr.HS. Tlie Many Thousands cured at t hla I nst it ution with in the lat fifteeu veers, and the uuincrrms iuiujr tain Surgrcal oparatfons performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by tlio reporters of the Sun nnd many other papers, .not ta of which hnvo appeared nuom and acniu heforo the public, besides hie sttmlitig as a gentleman of ctini actor nd iwpouaihility,s u iiul flciciit guarantee to tlio afflicted. , OFI ICE NO. T, SOUTH KRKDCRICK STKCCX, . ItAI.lIMOKX, MP , Loft hand side noiug from Baltimore street, a fuv -, dnois fioin tlie Qorucr. Fail not to obaci c name- i No Utter received unless pust-pnid,aud coiituu.ii g J a Stamp to be used on the reply. Person wiiliug should slule age, and send portion of advuitiscmci.t stating svmptom. prSR-IN DISEASES SPEEDILY CUISED, Feb 1, 1SW) dly. . KEAD! HEAD!! HEAD!!. .Cah-o, III., July CJth, lbCll. Jfeiers. Joiim Wiirnx & Co. i Your " lupct'tiue," or " Porslan Fever Charm," has done wundars. I was wholly despondent and wretched when I -Applied it,-nd -ia-five-houra the uliills wore removed and no t'over has ensued. It is the simplest cure imaginable, and a wonder of nature or art, : I would cot ho without this ' lupoctiue" a single hour. By constantly wearing it X scoiu to be " ayiiu proof." Youu very truly, E. JI. STOUT. Moiat, AlA., July S3, 166" CrKTLMttttT 1 have been snatched from the grae by the ap plication olyour woudeiful "Tiipeciiue," or "l'eithin Fever Chu'in." For several yema I have utilcied every souson with fovorand sgue. Lust Spring m lite wns threatened, but your icincdy has demlioytd the disease, aud I am rapidly gititiiug uii appetite and htreutflli. lvospect cttuiiy, yours. . This truly wonderful preventive nnd euro for Fovr and Agnii and Billious Fevers will bu sent by mail post paid, on receipt of one dollar. AIo for sulo nt all respertnhle Diuggistsand Country Stores. Priiioipul Depot mid llanuf.ictory. (SE M nu street. Richmond, Vs. Branob U(lnv, Bsuk of Commerce Building, New Yoik. Adlrw.s, - JOHN WILCOX &. CO. flOT'J'ON ilNl. We invito the altenlnoi ofj V Planters to our Agency lor Geo. Kidd celebra ted Cotton Gins. Those in want of a first Class Oin will do well in give us an order early that wo may furnish them in lime foil he present crop. We would rufer those uiiacnuuinted with thia make uf Giu to B. Wethersby, L.,uf Craven and EdwardFntrick, Esq. if Uiotuo county, who hnve them in use. , - .A. MITCHELL 4V 60S. Jane 15wtf ' " I have recently added to my Cotton Gin C. Me Linden's Improvement on Cotton Gin Boxes, by which a Gin will nick about one-third more cotton io a day, nnd improves the quality of the c.Mtun from Jo. to Jo. per wound over any gin nut using this im provement. It nick the seed oloauer and nieviut any cotton from clogging on the ssws. This improve- MU.. ... T(H..K..1 ...V I.WUI V, bi.U ..'ll.'ll Box six luchou fioin where the saws pass thi niurh the ribs, io a direct line outward, deflecting from this line In an auglaof abo.ut fifteen deyreos, causiug the cotton as it paasca upward to contrast and expand going downward, thns shifting the cotton ro us to present a dilfoont surface to the sawa ench time. . Messrs. A Milnbrll oV Kou, Newbern, are my e'cnls for the aaie of Cotton Gins, who will fill any older wompily. 1uly24wtf GEORGE KtDD DB KOIUU.BT, AK.?IMTBON V ., DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. SO Ac 83 Chamber Street, Now Yrh, Would notify the trade that they are opening e.kty, in new had' beautiful patterns, tha ' WA MS U T T A PRINTS,' " also the -. .-:' - : AM0SKXAG, , Aihiw Prifit, whioh excels every Print in 4he eountiy for psrftxd lull of exeoutioa and design in full nmdr'er colors. Our Priute are cheaper than any iu Jiiikut, aud meeting with exteiieive sale. Order prnmntly attended to. Janl3wly AL.T.1IVHC iiorn DAILY PROGRESS. TUESDAY MORNING, OCT." II, 1SC0 THE rUESlUKNTiAL l'0.NTE6T. , '.: 4 , .Ylx'e Thrco Tickets, j EOl'LA, . KELL AND BllECS"--"' sWRIDCJC. ... ... Icliiming Ix'erytinihip of wry prtj', tot ' clftlming lUe right of an inJepaitat icrurtaeljil,,. to pullkh Trliat rro plottstj, "wo place cmler our -lead lLo names trhich compose tlie Uirce Tie toral Tickets in Sortlt Carolhia to ta toted for ' .... . . m in Novimitr f President ar.sl Vice President. ' VOrgnnsjajBolr- gkc one tickot, vro cbo tlio thrco: -: - - .- -h... .. " TUF. DOWLAS ELCCIORAL TICXH. -1 .' faB TflrVSTATt AT'CAUet- - ' j R.. P. DICK, or Gvator. ? ' I. K. X'cSAB, OJf Chavez ' i -I j. ... . Jlicw : - 1st Dintrid-COJ SAM'L "VTATT5, of Mai tin. Zllll " 3rd " 4(1, " Clh ". 6th ' " 7th 8th I'. 1). KOO.VCK, o?On-lpt.. D. fcD0UO ALP, cf lillon. ' ' 11. V.MlLLr,R,fWnJto, . . . COL. J. MORRISON, cf iVToow. T. W. KEFNEofRotltinrhnn". VT. R. MYERS, of Mivklenlitrrr. '" J. f). HTM.AN. of Bunconrt. " ' ! THE BELL ELECTORAL TJCnT.T, , . . ; ...roR tj swtb at lAttar t - -; HOX. GSO. E. .BADGER. orYAM.'.' t. . '.' DR. IL K. SPEED, or Taswotam. f ' pIFTRICTS:" '" . Ut Distrkt-J. IllNT0N,f rksnuotwA. 2nd " . CHAS. C CLARK, of Craven. . 3rd !-. " . e. O. H. DOCKERY, of RirhtncnJ. 4th ' . a . L, C. EDWARDS, of Gianvillo. 6tH ." A. O. FOSTER, of Randolph. - tlth " HENRY AYALSER, r.fDa;d;on. ' 7th " AYM. P. BYNUM, "of Linln.- 6th f ' :- GEN. R. M. HENRY, of Mactc. Trn: BRXCKIKRICOE ELECT'RAL TICKET, -', FOB THE STATS AT I ARC I : ALFRED M. SCALE-?, or Rockk.i..v. ED. 0. HAYWOOD, or Wax. ' -. - rtsTntere: -' 1 1st District-.TOIIN W. MOORE, of ircrtibrtL 2nd WM. R RODMAN, of Peaufc-rt. 2rd 4th 6th 6th 7th 8th WM. A. ALLEN, of DupUn. A. XT. VENAF.LE, of Oranvilk. J. R. McLEAN, of Guilford. ' J. M. -CLEMENT, of Davio. - . ,. J. A. FOX, of Mecklmbor. JOHN A. DICItSON, of Buxko. CAMPAIGN I'HOCUJCSST IJCIIT rttlt A 1. 1. pARTiri! . Bulioving that tin. pooplo al.oulJ haw Ihht . at a time like thLi, w-hen th.c political world ia in commotion, and bting datsrmined to fjiro a . fair and truthful-aocount of thr movements had -nctioii3 of all parlies from now untill alter th i clectionin 'November,' we iofllr the PROGRESS f.r the campaign, say till tha nu'ddlr of Novem ber, at thn following LOW RATES: -DAILY PIlOGIlXorthojCaiiipai(p, ; , , ' -' (aineik copr.) 81.00 Cluls of live, W. " " . Club of ten, T.00x. " " Clubs of twenty, 12.00 WEEKLY PE0 ORES?, to the campai-n, " !' ' (single eopy,) " . 41 Clubs of five, i'.OO ' Clu.l3.cf ten, 4.00 " " - ' - Clubs cf twenty, 7.C0 i7 Send in your clubs, acconariicd by the monej' and gut a paper that has th o indepc c d- ence to cntortaixx onliment3 and tho boldncsa to rsprcss thorn. The Prorjress being ctnjthat ically a newspaper nverjtJiiny in tho political world fhall bo carefully nctcd. JiAMi'.ttrfBi: i crxs. mrt.es i.VD IISTOIS NOTICi: ! notice; IHllitntr t'ompOHles A- lrMnn OtMirinin I have cmiied i.n.i of the brvesf nnd t.tit at sort. ed stocks of (.sua, Plalnle, ItiS , and i ll.. I pert.iiiiinK to that line of bnaiuefs, unl wou'd nn.. t respectfully invite sji th-it may hxhIi antll.tng in thi,t line in kivu me a cult an I rx-imiite my Vto. k. TI e .iikming Let toitipii.ic a poiiiiji uf tl o art,. civs now ou exltlbiti.iiii ' ' . . Guns, Dculle and SiwU; Ji'Jie,, wide to nrder i . . " PrrrrK !.ttaJlf , .' ., C!fs Patent . " t tarn's " f. - " ; McmU't " ..- ". O'J". " - l-iiot. , i .Colft Pliant , , Smith Wiisen's I'ti'rn! ; Ad'tnts' i". ...... V' 'fills . i.. ' , litis WherWVs r" timiik Ar IK Cartridges , . Ifoliters ; ' S'lOt I'lcki'i; P ua'.r FUvks : 4 Foil and Maui ; ' 'rul ing and Itming Gtorcs' Firhi-z Tackle ; Gun Wadding ; i J U i s Caps i - " . a. h. Cupt i- " LXj't Cups . " Cult's Cups i . Vrg Collars ; " Chains .- ,1 Prvder and Slot. . " -Krpnlrias Proaiptly evtlrnitcd .. Merchants supplied at jV I'ori pntt t. t .. ..... " Muuuluctn.i.r of Cox's Kifle. " EDWIN WANT. . spril07.Uwtf I-..H..K xv,ri,n r VKUVitCll W.,i fcIH. A. SlIH'Pis.tiU L buvuiif vouiifcf and hkelv lu-r-i.u. n...i ... the aigheet rash iirvs. Kewnern. w.. rents', mw.rlAwJv I N II. vis. fAMi-orarAc-HmgLsms, Vl Calims, lliillianls, ,t:iiHuilm.y's Ibreai. tng lisb long Clothe. For tale ut llAKKlSON S. Juau I'i . loaal for lavalid lal I afunia. 1 .i It.niy tleliciuaa lCu'aljota Aiebica i"l. t.. I... i.Vj l uOODiNu'S. jn'vrr - i 4J Ub7.Vs.rlk'i'.Iri"aalar,. A l - J Jw-l leceived per fVhr Sahme n I f r n I. sejtM , . - JEAUYLTi. " " ; - - ?"' - - " - . t 1 I ! . j I - I

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