I AILY IMUKiKESS. ;. Kit, f .. TCLSDAY MOKXI",OCT,.0; 13f-0. Yancey In New YorkKindy Ap-; I. ?. prove the Fusion. . Hon. W. L. Yancey spoke at the -Cooper In stitute on last Wednesday eve.iin;; to a brg ... ' Jt'wiutctel eiM-aklit C !J Claik. JJin LWt''i .! C' 11 TicJot . !. ( W 'It. rf-lui.n. Efi4-' '' Biers1. hir..i'j Ticki" ;:) 4'V1 i H'P maiies at the &" lli-.'-UI times! and., pla'cst i. . . ,S',.'iJr ilill, 'jUcii. . ' crowd. II was received with, (so t-.ic papurs 'jl Ba'f.Vclici ti4 hisses. '-. iA letter f as read from u. T. Erudy the Brr-cL-bridge c.m.ild.stB for ,.Uov.iior ii New York, apjircvin,; ta-i fViioa In taut Stale to d.-l'ul Lin fd'a. Tiie Lision now ace.ua to be couiplete. tran&- IX ;r3Kce7(&'itiil Dcpiwrjilio ru.dsdat for- Liecxor in this District .will. ad ins his Follow CiUzcw,, Jit ip.Jccacy .til", th rUms of Douglas and Johnson, .the 'follow lag places ana uinee.; T.u-boro Ualdsboro . Kiasto.i, - Snow natV Nowbcru, " Edgecombe, Wayne, Greene, ; Craven; - ' Dctobor 16 th, 11th, . ; .', ;16ih, '' -lfith, ": M .: B2nd, Tb Uaoglus lMillriu. ...... Thi h i in 'aocnfu'.arictf Wittr.fhe -tree InU-. pret'ilioii irftu Cmeiiiuulti ti in ihut duw me iiLUWO of tiro Tsnituffcj UoyvnHuriiH Him CWU inebsui "'l n;ntiiofu. w,.ali;vrt it i.mjr m P'swu by -tne Kcicr u Constitution on mo power i i l,'iiMu.v,t tin. eelViof ine ihsmMbi. rein i.hu. asUe.u..elisoeo..nrshiiH.u can hefiiisl lv delemiticd by Ihe Supreme Own ! ti. XKitml Sintu.. I KKipwtud fjf iJ fMlid(ao"i uufwrwt Wth Tiiiimfiin-i mi tulutiiy bram-b of the Ojiii-H Oi""wiiH",t-' S.-.-r Tim nimvu. Ull tlliUKtll ul I.IV, .VirRimo. i inn , finnii.noun! V irt"l"il ' JUtiiiiovr.it.e CjiiVbi.U- ii t 1 pinU'uriu ii wliin1' Ihu Uij)' Jnhn-uu muih! iu n'Kiird l l"i tlHI Ji.itliMIll The Itapeuding Culumi.y. . The result of the rooenfc olao tiona fn f etlrisyU Ohl j anJ J.jdiana a'U two uonfirtu- ed our ttoople, genorally, ia tho "oonvi'ution thai yin tj,cm thrcugh the land, are cordially im mav vet sava the union r :Kor So. Wo Rte it chared that Mr. Doug las said, while in Pennsylvania, recently, Jhat ratlier tLan the election Of president stlouia go to the House ha would throw bia influenoe for Lincoln; This Is not so,jind those whochargo it and know Mr. Douglas, know it is not aa Leaving principle out of the question Mr. Doug. laa is a wan of too much caution,, policy ana irood sense to hiive said any such thing. And then too his denunciations of the Abolitioniata in every speechbe makes and his vvhole course m a public man go to prove that tho charge is unfounded, Those who repeautaonotoeneve it. " : . Gts. lAE.Gen. L no did not : attend the Mass meeting of bis party at Marietta, a. on Uio th instant as was expected, lie was a- tained in Indiana by severe uincas. 9 protui' tn Im in Canrmi. Itnosiiblo. twt ore trie von- 'vans Closes. . Annilmr Ncsro ' riot l"-Iunnona Excitement 1 1 ' Southo'nv orator and papers'who eatch. up all the chimerical and' magniflcd accounts of negro plots which are brought to light, and ThO Salisbury Mass Meeting Large . i- . ,t ? Crowd. ,,' : 2 ' " ' tfHOK 'pt'B 0W RErORTER.1 . ' SALissiitv, . G, Oct Uth, I860.' , f?tf.Vr rrogf:! unived here l:t night jjT-xprissat Kl Vclock, well wmditim.edand v.-;.ip.iiv,ikund't.wk odii'ing'at the Buy dun :.v. . ' ' . .i .. i -.. j 11 iiip, n Ji'.To many a weary travei.er wumi st h-fore inc. "- "" ' ' -: On amvii. at Salisbury, now, the Crst thing i&ritauls frotir attentioa la taalall ueu ami E'vervtt pola that ric upon the public square to "an enormous bight, completely eclipsing the Brcek. nolebard by its side.. Tho Bell and Everett demonstration nere, tasi ween, acwru- ne to the universal sentiment so far as J have been Uo to learn it, W002 " Whig universally pronounce It a Qhrioyt time. The number present js variously eati- mated at from 8 to 10 thousand. I be proces sion that marched from the 8pca'iers stand to the table was counted by a Breekite who re. norted it 8000 stront and well informed gen tlemen hesitate not w say" it l"very- safe. t as sert that not one half of the "vast crowd- pre- ant were in the procession. I find that the honest yoemenrjM thup Liocolaiuastlioolaol ani tht hU election must be and will bo followed by. a dissolution. Shut our eyes to the focf as mucu as we pUase, .ibess are tha wnaliiiioiii,' nd however much we may doplor these sulta; and however i ted to exiimine the following. All the negro n&niiaiwn papers," North and South, shouldoopy the following from the Oxford (N. C.) leiur Hour, of last weak i - A NEGRO HUNT. we mav oxart ourseivea w uvavu 1 a wui jytara wqnvreu. m urrin.iww noning thoro can b Ao disguising tu uct soaia itng umuuT w j ""' we loojt forward to th&.r alinJ!?t certaiu consume tian, W4 shall resist and oppose tho breaking Aip of the government aj long aj s ich oppost iion is LkctV to acairanyiuius, ""t Nrtl1 .uiin. -follows in the . ?. . : r. .k lAm tlffht or ten vcars old. bad 1 been taken walce a a aon iwu-u.,.., ----- u ' ,, irnnrht hr to iai g-j with her. e a0(.ouat 0f gora startling disclosures be ha( pnrtid to b near KittreU'i Hprtngt-Qreat On Mondav eveninz of last woek the usual quiet of Oxford was somewhat disturbed by tho announcement toaia iw mcrim, jiimujr taxen be justifiable or .not, we ahull, i devoutly hope, however, ttut she may deem no such step n-JOMwy to ber honor or raioty. Itis Vvidant'it i9 now tnoUu lo disousa the causes which brougHt all tlwse troublea pon lid rml w'fl "flh threaten In a fuwr shorl week or months at most, to acquaint us with all the hor , rors of "civil war and Insurrection. Wo aro eatisiid that a Iwg'j nnjonty of the oople ol' this country. Nrtu and Sjuth, ara disposed to -observe the Constitution and preaexvo tho Union, but tholf refusal to vror toj-jtUer as ono mo in the I'reseat contest a jiiust a com.moa sec tional enomV will ciujd tiiuir dofet. Thd causj Of tbs waolu trouble that baa destroyed that groat SatiiTporiy wiiicli 'had tl)J power to crmh oat wclioa-illsaa a;id presoj va tho coun try is a ruis'irablo abstraotioa about slavery in - n ... 1 U.UH ilrt .ibu: : the l(rritoi:jfi!. is lu'iiwm wSiv. iniy do or fail to do,::or what the- Supreme Court may decide, aTpeopw woo .wans mv-jr will nuva it, and those who don't want it wiU n t navs it fowei upxj tiia:u. a jppse tae ou- mir:.i.irt hajli diidj t.ut suvjry was uncinstitutional in Nsvr Muxlco.-rtlut the Tor TMnM tiolne Home "til A ; . ....... ' Brick in iiau : - . Tlie following spicy item is from the. .local' column, of the Norfolk Day Booh : J ' . nm Viotiiuu One-nf the stq. T A. ... .i... n.,ivriiv irf Viririitia' lias nimla a t: '.. ; - i..t . .hIiiu lor iter urcwur.MMijr Vii'toria I. 'AinuiiK the collee nm I BmOK. Iiul" tl, tup f mat i..ii.o1 ot mitiqiuty. Iho rum. o I lieold I liiHU luwcf.nu ioiil.leniif wJ wHlw ; ., ......1 i....t l liia ideuliual Hock wan iiiaiie HH11UWCU - . - i EuaUud. ami M l)l.."Ktit 10 tin eountrj ooii tier rlie rttwmeut of Jmvtan, ud , about "0 wutur e ago a jU.-d iu ihe Jilentica ui, hiuia . ibe.ouiig,emdnt wwuelieJ u - History iiifurma v thai tho biitk ot' ivhich tin tower wa enipued ro nmdo " . tht betor iMMi been H n a cmv yrif bul the MjimI iuereai of popul ii,m had'cHOned th vloin( no of the buni pla-. and in the lapse vf M yery .pot that ha'l k-.. ihu rtwtiiiit ulaeeof tlia donJ.wn e.n- verted into "Wiick Jfard " . Who know, tneo bui tin. Briek u. b. the wr riiun.i..uw u 0 uiueut Muuuber. ofwiUer the Hause of Yurk lx of Lniicaster 4 -i ueh a tstiattr " piibl, -nd iu visa of it possibility" "Uid dvi il Piliiee of Wale to take HU iied lump vt r ..i.W h-Mc t,. hi. Msternal relHMVBfiu UlsbHi t Only think of it, the f iie Watoe )Cuig hem wiih a Bntk bi hi ht Bunltis U not mi bad nfter all) the repreelitatlve o diatatlt relsllve ol hi wiu et horn from y.kwu, juv 10 miles off. fwilh a Flea iu bi ear " . - - i.l thu -bilra ' IU ollBllun, iiw dm mo LATEST NEWS.- LOCAL MATTKUS. 4 R -j ' OUW ELECTION. ; ; r G.1VELAXD, Oct 12. Further returns of the election confirm- the.losa of Republican Con. grcShmen in the 9th, 15th and 17th districts. The Republicans cain a Congressman in the 1 1th aistrlct. rTho remaiuing districts are pro-. liublv unclmneed. In the ltith district Carter (Rep.) is elected over 3ewett by 83 mujprity. . , ; MR, yanckTinstqs' ' ! - Boston. Ocj- ll'Fanueil Hall was throng ed to-night, and hundreds W unable to ote tain entrance, to heanMr. Yancey.: .He was cordially received hnd listened to with attention, and frequontly applauded. His address was subsUntially the same as tho one delivered in Blew XorK. .... ....... j ..." i prontleo on Disunion. The Doujgvuie Journal thus discourses on the Drobabaitv of S dissolution of the U nwn . ' 'TK nnxnnt nmdition of thines is not to be sneered it It is too 6erious. 'ibe tact that w hv nften beard threats of a dissolution ot thi Union, mav lull some into a false security, w Ka'toTil thm-a u no dancer : but we oan't shut our eyes to the condition of things ..Mn ..a Thno s-lia do not think it serious tn iT bo startled by evenU if Lincoln is elected PresidehfeIt would be no cause at all for a dinsoliition of the Union i but revolutions come a li. uwt uua iwH uwpviuhwi , - country are getting exceedingly alarmed, for ,Mmju , .jrtmi are.- thai (J witbutjify i" w f . . . ... . : vif.' cj. I -i'. .i.i-..n vi,u.ri4ijiii towr. Wh8ibr Kffi!nrinir (rfnreiudice and passiotH the wiall-lwii .XI -or Korwo.. "T I "wn. latent ger-ef he red or aMch produce causes' that did not ex lieving firmly that it Witbe purpose ot the loao bitarrMrM juat spriwg into new nfo i more than fa taj tas original motive is lost sight 4&-- m:id.! to Ktverul nei'SQliS at the Springs. H represented himself aa having been .bora In the woods, and stated that ho had passed bis life in a cave, bjeh was inhabited by throo tun. aways. tie said ma motucr ueiougeu to ooui Ward of t'ranklio county 5 that ahe also for mprltf lira! in tB?cave. but had been cautrht and taken to her master, .fte described the cave very minutely, and also; the naUui and mode ofliteot Its inmates. w - Tha announcement that a den., of runaway existed in Crranville, created some exestemeni nmnrnr our citizens, and on lueacuiy morntnir, e . "... ... ' . o r tt ..- Ur. 0. lUiatns, A- open, .", m. ...' chall and James M- Wood, Csqa., nutermtnea to go in pursuit df the fugitives. Accordingly, armed with double-banded guns and other necessary weapons, and accompanied Dy tno little negro, wno una jiraujim;! w imu whereabouta of the rendeuou$ the four above named gentlemen started on the hazardous ex pedition. , About dusk they, returned, and a blanker looking set was never soon, vThey had hatn mftut ecreiriousl v told. Tito plausible tile ol tho negro turned out to be sheer fahrteatwn. Tho boy belongs to Cob V. IS. A. Jones, 01 iiimitiiMnn. and some eicrht or ten days pre vious to his capture-ranaway from home and went to Kittrell's Springs. It is pernapa un- ritorial Lcislaturo of that Torrit hadno TUn? pight to pass a sUve code tor lU protection?- wJw j0 gear(jh J vnnavai U is era of the Breckinridge faction in this State ab- solutel v to favor an Immediate dissolution of the Union in case Lincoln is electea ny tne per. nla. I have bad tbe.Ueasure of conversing with some of the most Intelligent eti.t.tUi4 olace. wh& assured mo that no intelligent .man could have listened to the speeches of Messrs. Clineman, Avery and others, at the late Brcck- inridge barbecue at this pUce without eommg to tbife conclusion They also told me that tne probabilities of Lincoln's election, together with the edmcst certainty of dissolution of the Union in that event has e eatly diminished the price of negroes already, not only here "but in the South. A gentleman from this place, now in a Southern market with a drove, recently wrote back to ,a friend "that fellows had depreciated three or four huudred dollars already and that he had declined selling until after tho elec tion. The truth is the people" are satisBed with the protection they now' have, at least they would rather risk it than take their chan ces outof the Union, - -. The Bellitea are very jubilant up in this por- titn of the State and are holding Mass Meetings inevory direction. Jliuoy Jilt seem perfectly confident that Bell will.be tho " next President in case Lincoln is not elected by the people. . This is a cold, rainy day and everybody is in doors and most of them asleep, having been up dissipating for the last three or four nights. Some of the younger and more mdiscrcet frank ly acknowledge that there wasmoredrunknesa exlijbited on the occasion of the late Barbecue, than they ever saw in Salisbury before, and judgirg from the redness of eyes and woe-be-goneness of their general appearance I" was not at all disposed to doubt their word. 4 To-tiinlit t 10 n'cluek 1 p" fcou'h shall en-d.-HViir tu Keep Jt'll itl (t Upi'li the VMll' of ll'J iibprvalioi tniKw the tmiu should a" ,Ik irm-k. ' " chii hv ; but tlier Uo .duuM upon our nnnd I ,..iiiu ....naidifriiiir' for. a Uiiuiite and a hslt thai it i eitiier in.- 0110 or U otiir, aa a - il :.. .. .,f thrt mirt-tul Attollti.'ll of iht Fiiiii-e and tha everlwtuyr preservation of blf j Eoyal Mamma . Cpo" ih bypothwU that 'the doctrine of ;:i(iHiiuii(friti..ii' i Correct, it were af to predi ento the aertioii that thi amo pri(t U,h pie. ! ; prijf of Unyalty" that- the living piitiei ,i,I uiiuiitv ul this name eion from lb Jhii t,.wii ro-tnh. may be tlr uvr dying tenant that once inhabited the inortal leHeiuent a H un of some Briibth Monarch. ;Thee re snb iBits worthy of the attention of Mrs VicntiKiA, and wco.hnied theiu W ber atlenttve WMsW rntiou. . YK-'--s--v:V,-. .Xi Bui . a a matter of news, we win staie tni .iu...' Ktiriwu ISiMuuaiiV' 'forwarded yea'erday. . k... ..n,u hnrJi and a Iwiff ukia front he old biicK t.-wn ai jiurtou by one of bo itu lnt at the U.iivwHity. Said iuticl were neatly done up and beautifully .iirei led t Q -eeii Vii loria and forwarded trae of charge to laj or W.d of New York who will deliver theiu to the Piiucut Wale fur his Royal M'rtimr t ' Wars and liumors of Wars. V As itemB of news we give the following from the Portemouth'(Va.) :w-pt, of Friday, relative to tho trouble supposed to exist among the 6laves in Virginia and North Carolina. Lai-Kitrwm u .dkat The Argus .r .1.:- the negroes misiieclud ul 111- anriecti.nry deij" " 'H ba esamiued on the 5th f NoveilibiT : . .... It is Vaid to have been aeerlined that trie piiiwpiracy ex i 'iroui Curntink. N-', ' tliruiieh Gil)b'WoKl. Bii.i-kat. r, Great Bridge and all tint .district nthet f Norib.Kiver, and the Cheapeake and Aibemailo Canal. 1 Every kind iff iiiHirmtieiit lUxt ronld be pro I'uiid hiuIiiIki IimiI the ociiwiuii, ueli a We have great confidence in tho; wisdom and moderation of the American people ; but not enough to feel confident that they wdl always Wo it iino unit ara nr ktatttKineii under every iiuuv(tvi'u" ; " . ( W aa fiatiuaed that there IS m party in the South ready for revolution; that desire its that wiU wake all the cause for it ' . j.i f al.A HumA. they can. Tne present conumou u cratic party is their work. They aro using an iiunia ni no unnoriauce in liseu Ml ww y. Th .n nuinor tha hostility of the administra tion and jts friends against Pouglas to elect " 'TICKETS t TICKETStt . , TiAeU for Uie Douitlas, Bell, and Breeliin. ridce Electors will be furnished at this oflico,at -; 6nt dollar and a half per thouaM,WW. uui-, cost of the paper, necessary torint'them.- SjJnd m your orders and let' tha Sovereign ', - have such tickets as they want, uur jod tress , is capable of printing 10,000 per hour-. '; ' ' Always on Hand J' riwrk m aU tb Banks. Railroad Receipt. Bill ; ..1 nr.i... Hill. Lsdlns- and area! awnrtaimt .'i f VI K,...."W"l 7T " . " .. .ill of other Blanks may be bao at any tune Ft'- . v ..AAh fV.i tit Trier 12WlM'' ' 'i .100,000 CARDS I : " ' All- SWBtl AMD eHJAMTIBwl Jurf teeeiwd at lU PROGRES8 omCE.wl.Mi S . . . . . i...i..r... ao ui.eio on nor 1 ' ara orintaa ana iuiuiiieoiv. - t-- -.:.f .i Ho. Gnu. E. .BaOukh came down bthe '' " 1 "I- , ku' till. " car last lilgnr, ana w o ., ,: morninir we believe, to atiwiu in u.u , rett meeting , at Washington to-aiorrow. Mr. K.4.r a native of New burn ut bsarn that .,. . hi. it tha firat tioie be ha been here for Ueiity odd years ' - M - ''-', Tiotrr ! " We'll." om old foy will eaelaim - 00 seeing tbiat heading. " who HgbtT Wecan ". - tell you goodvuerble, rwpee.ie'd irf yeu't!1 ;!J tight, Kx'r tight and all -of w tight, sad ff ', -v you dou t belive it Junt tahe1 a small bundle ef small accounts and start out to a few una- dred. Money'i tight not a a brick but a tight a tho bowel of aooipawion of a mis. t Oe to the h, . fi .t man you meet, or the first lea .men, for ,h5,', , loan of fifty or a huudred and a if everything , i . '.'"4 . fe .'.IS' L'.-a. J.;.kX.u....hiirl' isn't tight. The Bank nave an mm "'""' - ; exchapge, no money to 'loan,' and but 1 li'tle, en- ; -l courHgemeut for poor davil who wanu are not . ...v.... . .....-" ttht uaa wiu ...v..-- -o --. ---o-- . . i erv i,reiug. We ay overyoouj mu.. . Tk.. ,m firndihla in numbers and ai.... mb Mai.iit iTtawi-tw Mend win taleni and expect confidently, that thoir occa-l ,";iy u,vav .iM pmdae or ve-el to report will I do un a favor and tlmuwelvo paihap a bemfli by V" We hope tbey ' will be disappointed but banding theuk in at ourConuth.g Room ft a Uy or their, power for mischief is not small. llief liave play811 tne game weu 80 r nd w don 1 know at what point they will step,",. COMMERCLiL two niitil we fill the place of oar Rjpmt. who left u tu Saturday. ,j '' z. TT. .....lull it n a . Doo any ons suppoao tint tn pwle of taut Territory who hava decided that ttioy will havo, huld aud protact sUvei, wo aid give lUdji up on ' ac.2-matbf sucLide3isio.il! N iiiieoi And'so of Ivan ais. Il'tho people of Kusas Territory arc opposed to slavery all the Supreme Courts and CangvBwe of tha world cannot force it v upon them; and even if the Court does docido 1 th "t it U tlis duty of tha Govern iwjiit to protect the owners of slavM ta their prouiirty in that -or ctoV fjrritory wiiilg in a TorriUirial candi' tisd, Arnoi decision doubt not but it will . milve wh.'aover a cam arises,) wo ask. how do Slave owners expect to buablo to protect slavery thoro, even with tha assistance of suatl decision. when the voice of the peoplo is against it? It .. iicvcr can and never will be done. But who wants to go to Kansas, or any other cold climate . ' -where slave property would, ot" necjssity be " worthless and where tho people arv) opposed to Its existence, with their , sU vs.i ? iVJiy thon will soma of our paoplo insist 03 agitating this abs'.j-action when there is not, one single pracli al or co.uawn-sensa feature in it? . Hut away -with it. ' I Vf.Tbis great calamity is Impending over us, ! x and now we ask what are wo here m iwtu Carolina, in Craven county, in the town of Jfcwbt rn, to do in the ivant of a' dissolution ol the Union f There i something"ucarcr home juid more to be dreaded in tho event of such a calamity than the abolitionists, though they may bo" bad enmigU. IIj shall we best pro tect our own flrosides from t .ie horrors of a sjr- -viJo revolt whicli mwy think iaivitable in the event of tho tloclion of Lincoln and a dis solu tion of the UHiionr If every man should have to kesp guard over his own hcrthstonq aud live in hourly dreau of ills own mouials the "ir repressible contiict" will inijd have com iiicnced, aiul ti.o war will of necessity be one of cstenainaliun ,' for, wiiatever the people of tho North think, we of the South know that the - twj raoe3 cm never live together in any degree of equtlity we must eitiier bold them as slaves or ril ourselves of tauir presence, even should it bi njcj-isiry to blot out the race to do it At present wo can only admo each citizen to cuk3 his own preparations for dj foncsj -wa Ijavo heard enough to warrant u in Kivir3 tuwi such adica. Ljt us VI 09 Pr' pared for any ini"geacy. . 7c thinU thr-t theur.?tactofo-.ir'Legwlature, f. ito orjsniation, should be to give all free peroris cfcjlor his'.y days to laave the Sute ur to chd-fso their masters and become slavus. t;SOn-, We learn from s gentleman who M iu'd Lerei.'f 1 1 'gltt dueel i-cm August Ca., that snow fill on t! o S. C. P- li. tLiity inihs tWi sidi ol' A 1 1 u-t on Sui.d.iy moralcg. generally agreed that they taxed. Bets OJ'erod. We don't approve of betting oa elections as a general thing, especially whon tho cUanoos are against a follow, and hanoe only give tbo following from a Oeorgia paper as an item oi news. Wo havo no funds to luvest just now i JainisA Nasbit. Eq , of Maooii, 0 ...offoisti. bt. . . .- . . -.. .', One hnndred dollar tnat "iirecttiaringe ooi not g.'l tho electoiai vote or .On hundred dollars tht bo doe nut get elmlural vole of Maryland. Ona hundred do la.- that ne aoe nut gat vlevlnral vote of Vnt;iuia. 0.. liundritd doMai that bo does not get elertoial vote id N.-U. i- 0m humlied d.illnr that he will not got uleetoral vole f Kent ui-ky One hundred dollar in.il U aon not get the thti the the the 4r3 Pitr.-I't:"'. 'lie , P,-r f."r'l J -P t' ' "0J-" tp tlis Trinco wriirft electoral vote tif Teuiiesee, ..ibsouri er of Ijoih Bimia. -!,"' " ' " ' " ' I , Onehniidrod dollar that tho uiiiIbu vote i.t Doiiffla aud Bull in Georgia, ee U Rreekiti .i.i..'. " i (Jim humlrad dollar that BreckiurUge w ills.S b eleeted President One hundred dollar that Bell get mura olecto ml vole than Hreekiniidgn, and - ' Oil hundred .dollar that Dnnglaa get more ni....i..tl v.iie. tliMii llrun ktnri. ire. urn wuoieoi the bets to be iwkou logethur. THE WRECK OV A DESPOl'ISVf In the following eatraets f'oiii the correspon .iciico of the London .Times, w have a pietiire. of the wreuk of the failsu a)olilau Uesp.i' Almost any o.sn wo met or'ny f the hosts &uo"bMiow o nim ll HltelHiou upti u. baatle ..r..mn deed ,.f .i.lmaif.n i.f which Wmself ur ma of hi friend, bnvu been the vieii.u l lie . .... Au, I. ,.o time Kiudi a nower suuuiu orims like a frail reed, but but lhacuunliy in wbii-h almoat every rnan was a uflenfrLHor voue nhunld b raised for revenge -From Keggio to Naples, we never ctime U a' lonely spot Ihe road where we had not the company ut iin of Hi pour dinbaudd Kojnl sottliei. - Itis the first instance, I believe, in lusiory, in oliich a c.n-, qiieiing and a vanquished aiiny wereaeeii inarell ing side by ii. and -almost pieniiscuotisly, wiihuut nny inwiiie feeling. : The sufferings of the dispersed Nespolitana are. dreadful. We must have' passed no lea I bau ' sia.tiOn of. them. ,A they laid down their inu kets they every tnao begsu trampling. Potttaior and (nan) of tin ui shoeless, almost naked aoine of lliem for i they aell all available uarmeuts ll.ey creep along, parched, burnt tarved Pew ever pass u without 'begging lamentation, or without that peculiar gesture of the thumb ami for. linger b. tore the mouth, indieatle of banger lit l he dumb Lazxniotii languugo. 0n liaiui jut bi owu army fo teed! and tin very dispersion of Ihea miseriiblo fupUve over so long a line wf march wimiIiI render the disirl billion of relicf.au Idipesaibllity.', The amible. Ing otfeilng feaiure of their Iisliau nature loin tmih iu all agony s fi.r the th uht thai, violence mijjlit Wrest from, ihair fellow beings li, at charity lih b their s.ilii itatiou csnnot elicl never seem lo strike any of thi long tn.in of desolate, vagabond, - Thus tar 1 have heard of ne xre, or even minor ollVnte, laid to ibe ebaige Ot these poor luffvrurs, tior of any inslame of imrli tiefivUuced towards iluin by the Inhabitant of Hie cnuui ry they go through W .. ,' ' i ii ii i i -an- -n i Ponest has received b offer t gu'lo England from fliu'kstmie, of III Haymaikei ThvMtie, for one l.uuied night. Porresl to dictul ti eau term . ' " " l'llE EMPIRE STATE-PENNSYLVANIA, &c. " The Pennsylvania politicians toll us ' we have "elect d Cnrtm, and therefore Linwli. t elected President of the l ll.it. d Stales." W do. nut exactly se into nil that, mites Penusj Ivav i.ia is .he United Slat. While the tact i-, Pnns Iviinia is not even New York I he Em. iiir 1fe i here; not there Empire is in our Imiids. n..t Iheir 4Ti e policy of thi- tiovcrii.uei.t Su i.w Nr York, not bv Peimsy Ivama: ... j.C..... i ..1.. iMuaff.im Petin- svlvai'ia.. ' .. . .. , ... . When the Ciwtuntiun of tho uunei ? " wa eiilmi'uied lo lbs Btnte. the buttle ns nere. not iu Penney I vitnia. When ur stale ton v't ii..n assmhled in Poiighkeepsie and adopted t ic Federal UompHCt, w turneu mo j , , Cuuatltiftiiin whs estatillsneu. t o H'-u' eriiii.eut is here, and nioie iiero m twT" City of the Empire 8lnte, than even iu Vabiug- ion I'selt. .: . , , v- V...1. n t. rnneU.-f. will cower, and knue- kl-. and yield bufor the siorm resulting fioiu die organised Pemociacy iu Pennsylvania and In diHiia, as it we we were some puny rsiaio. wmi out th power w rescue the eonutry from the en i impending, if a mere N'lrtheru Oovei-ninent I aiibstilutod for the F. deral . Government w hich we have I en living Milder duriug aevenly .-...-(! t . '-,-,;...'..,;'.:". Hut New. York know ber strength, and her patriotic mail will arouse and develops it now. New Ymk h the power to turn the tide, and Now York wiU iry, aud enwessful y try, if every ..ni.avrvsiiva man now iroe to work. New Yoik is well iiiuel the 1 mpire 6tale, not only bwr.use of the magnitude of her jmpiilHtioMbiit because .. h n.ioriiUiiiiH or her resource, auu i r..i ...Iih .he has In the welfare if the Union New Ymk cannot aff.ird t be Sectional, or lo -inets lieeiioiial Pioaident :l New York cannot. will nut, cut herself loose from the Southern Slates of tbo Union. New York will not peril her trade. li r commerce, her position, by any ucn raise step. Th commercial meiropolis must continue to .ethe metropolis of the Carolina, aa well aa V..u. Hjtfi.rmhire and Mnflie. - . The Peuiiaylvania and Indiana resul's re not iublie opinion," but the results of a .disorgnu. ;.l ....iiflu-tniir Ui'iiiorracv in those States. The, li-.n.HMKtir mm v in Pennsylvania and Indiana l.. IHiicntiiii in tho intestine fight between Douglnisud Breckinridge The-Democracy there have become men's nieirrand ceased to be Doino rt;. or l). n. . M inis. nd hence the defeltt. It the Ddinueraey in PonntylvHiiiH Had Oeen nn.iivioeu, 'Fi'wier niiij.inty wmna nav?oeeiiov,uu ii.B, txit whetl parties ate split as ihey ure there, I n.ili,r foie iiatinsil tel) in. and seems In I, n i Kuitnnalelv for US. the Bell Everett otirty snd the Demociatie party of the Empire State are in m discord, but aro marching togetn er. stenbv tep. and slioiilder to ahoulder, to viekry,-.we ! ute. , It the city arouses, as it U doing, and invnke the Slate, onr insjorities herw iu the city, and all along the llud-wn, will b finilinie. ; Latil i-ptead these mnjorilios, as u . liv an effort woribv of our uower It wa New Yuik Cny that in 1767- 6 ived the Feder al Ooiistiiiiiion. enacted it. and carried it IhrougTi Mm diMihllul. he.italiiur State ew Kork tiiy can now savu the Union of the State, and v llio Union wa must. N. Y Liprts. pick as-s. pitch loiks, c. . . . One of lbs Princess Anne inngislra'e issued a n.rrnnl yesterday tors wuihi iimu iiwi. -. Carroll, suspected of iiicitmg the uogroa to iu surrectioii. ' .,.,',. - Tin re ate about 5fl negroe in j -il, itheir age ranaing fiom to 70 Tbo siirroiin.ling country t nnder p.trol day nnd iiighf. and a great strict guard ia k. pt ou Hie jail. ' ' ' .The free negroes, il U thought, will be requir ed to leave the country ata sliorl notice. In inldilim. to the shove, the ? A gu" has aji erracl trotn n U'tti-r fio.n Uurritilek t!. H , N. C. to a gentleman iu Norfdk, .Wteiioel- am. wi.ico wvst , . 1 . ''I hcrc is a tieniei'deom eXellemeiit out here ill cnlist qnei.ee of all intended iiismrecliuu of the negroes The jail here is lull and they lire con taully bringing them iu. -VJl ia a good thing that the schema tms oeen iii-peu n. ... -., .-. t might have proved tatal lo a goou many uiw H"'l'!" , . .:.tK:...,i .! A gono oeai oi inioiii.a.iuo from the prisomrs concerning tneir ii..oiu,.o. atioii." . - ' These devt lepmetlt are douotte greai y ca Binited, thoiigli it is well to be vigilant and watchful. Our opinion that the puniic aiariu is . . ... ... Wu ......Si ni.tit smneM nat exiiavagsin, rio- hv the iminessioii of Mayor J,an.D ot our sis.er Fob Douglas. Much has been said about the position of QoV. Juckson of Missouri, in the Presidential contest,-but the following from that gentleman in reply to a Douglas commit, tee puts the matter at rest: l "f iinw sav that lam for Mr. Douglasi that it is my duty to support him as the nominee of Ui party. I formed my opinion that Douglas waa the regular nominee from the reports of the BAltimoro fixcliaoge, a lirccsinnUoe paper, nd if I live until November I will vote for him, itnd 1 have never said thnt I concluded to do anything else. ' ; . j i.miaka nxcrio: U!. li, Oct. 12. Keturns f. : ..i i i -o I - ' 14,Z mrjori.y, ii .. is;j ofi7,:i. KEVlKW OV IUHD'HCBV JIABKET rim TIIK.WkK KNDIKU OCT. 111. TUltl'EMINt l'c.:ipts tor the week only about iii bbls. 81os were effected yesterday ai J !) :, at w b-li HhU.o Uio msrket seem very firm. el'lKHS TUlil'KS.TINtNoti'dei'iepiMtcd. Iu aliKliee 17' sales We quote u ainuinai, oo nws. ,v. Y pikt;e-. ' ... .'i - TAK-L i-t siie ut $1 8 '. H n.ut u cr.quir,. ' ROSIN Upland no eiiai-yn t" oi ui prioe. , r.iHTO-.Sevrrul hundred bale rueeiv.l dB. .ing toe we'ok aid (old at li L l"38 i"j els. ft. WILMINGTON MAIiKKT. Ot-tol.rl3. TIMiFKX.f INK None arrived and no ale Mi Un bhl tor a lot la ariive has been offered Sl'Hil s .Jtirilier le yesieruay ui iu oo.st siiaigbt at Si cts gal. No sale tlus-inoriiing. - COITOX.-Funlier sales yesterday of lUOlwiies liiiddiing ai d striot iniddltug ai-iltf eta. ft This moiiitug 40 d sohl at eame prue. l.'OliN tine orTw.. canroes have arrived since yete.day , but have nut been sold... .There. i a Heller feeling in iw ii.a.se- it v.w ... m... report thi inruiug ' . The last sale wero made at oil SO'bJM ct'iils 'iuhel, a in quslhy, cash and time, . ' , NEW YOKK, Oct' Vi Cotioii fi.m; V: id fV.IJlHl bah a Flour-lt l6 Cents highess sale ol 1(5.0110 bbls ; .State & 405 5ti UltW. Sl.i H64u. rtoiillien. J." Hid 10. Wheat .l'i cents high i r; .ilc ul a4,IHa lmhehi; Western While, gi ai'al ftd Corn qniei i sale of 71.000 husliem Pork ri.iiii mesH. in 7iiJH BI. Whisky fii.u at -Ai ,i -'a le. but eliiellv the lallvr. Kuijar ateadv Spirits of Tnriiciiliiie Him at 4124 1 Je. Rosin dull at $ I iy'a$ 4ti PH LADKLPHIA. Oct. li.-FLmr I quiet. the receipts aie d cri-Hsing " Wheat iealy Corn il tea.ly ut 7374e. for Yellow. Provwluis Aitiut AlPfttt Put k l'ijU Bicon Shoulders I m,it Sides ! IOC Coffej is nrn at U4lo cts. for Kin Whisky is steady M'&iSlcnis. McBKVDE, UoiitpeUor, N. t ., treau, af er th aeweet aud uhwI' scientific met hod, all Chronio and 8 rwt Uiseaww. Pslieew, rhose disorder hnv been proliSJiiid bjft B.nt und anoduoated pliysioiuns eulled,;) oald eoa-1' suit him at ouoo. All lettw wmsiaereo wiiniy n. nlial , . , . , .-,4,,- i'af's ot 14-d2w w3t ..i f JtBUIIAl.w At TBBllOtkl' CASTOR HOUtE-W M. P Mm.MK PropV ; " Oct. Ifuh BI Weii.siit.e Richland; J M t k. Onslow i J U W llliams. mi.O dnughier. Washli-g-lou I J B StanU . J H lltd-e, J V Uraj , Kuisfmi J A Wcsion. N C i W T Ma.h, Raiun ! E. W, Msttwks.f J lattwl.s. H l atnoiu. heaus-k...-. ft K lta .f r. I) li Fole, RU ih; W A t'nion.ing. Wilmington t H M Fr.t, Goldb..ro' s E W Taylor, Petersburg-. ' " '-. ' "' ' t . i, .... in in 1 'II ' I . ' . v f'U . WASIUNttlOX I'OTIL-J. H-F. J..nP.p'r th 1. I5th - II 0 W..i d. I T Atnnore. 11 C R'wh aidson, Ci en t C I) PJ - J'Uies ; W Kwnec. T 11..... 1- D H...I:... i.,.,w s Hit KuudMeuY II .iu t P ii A Hooker. Coldsboio'i J , WoolM. 4 -Mart, rs, W I'eker, Lenoir. "-, ' ' .n tju"jsiwMtu;ib.t:iiuiii-U TV'ilaooiid ' uhd.-ruo.nl t'.' I "if- !'" i-iHiiiiily n-presei4 H.e wl.ol,jji j .i-e". ' Indlhng a ..triali ordeis, liinlier rule have to ii wtd. . Vimn.. .. ' V V city, who think that ff all the nons in jail here, there are only twoagainsl whoni anything like evidetiee ot Insurrectionary ues.gus van uo had. '- THE TRUE PATH 1 OR. THE YOUNG MAW UNITED TO THE SAVIOUR, in a series of Lecture by the Rev. J. M- Atkinson, of Ral eigb. N C. ' We f nd the following n-uice f this new. inter- esttng and valuable work iu " The LArs. published in Philadelphia, of September Blst t "The True Path " is admirably adapted for its u..-.rk Ii in ilioroiui 1 v evamrelical. and yet tree from those peculiarities which iu many of onr best religion work are matters i onence i. a refined late It is elevated in atyle, without a riacnficeJ'Oimplieity. It ha two qnaltne which are so (litrii-iilt l comnine a ru-nn.ss auu originality of thought which commend It to a cultivated mind. aociateil with that cle-traes ot expression and facility of illustration, which in troduce humbler minds to a sphere of idea which, without the hand tf genuine master, uever .could have been opened lo them ; It show s that it author has beeu formed and traiued by the very noblest influence ot tne bet litialure aud of the purest leligioiis lite. . We lay dowu " The True Path" with s person al drawing to the author, a personal gratitude for a book in which ihe mind of the Spirit is illustra ted "by the Sanctified working f tha human mind regmerate. We place thi book in our choicoat list, with Baxter, Amdl, Doddridge, and Bogaizky. to be circulated by 11 among the class t..r whom it is designed. Though it I issued by the Presbyteaiaw Board, our eye ha not fallen upon a line in it which it Lutheran might not en dorse. The thiiteenih Lecture " Sovereign Grace, the Sinner's Hope," in which it might be inisoitieu' that uuietliiue ui'urht be tumid iu .oi.tliei w ith the view of our chinch, i one of the ui'wt excellent' close aud moving ia Ihe whole li.Mik. and one. it seeiu to us, from which no evangelical C'lnisliitli otany school couid withhold bi approval." '.:-. -. . -i- , IsiTTsaiss is PkhV.-Iii Lima the Lottery draws every Satttrday-tua piisu$l,iMO. Te lioaeis ore iMwkL-d about the rtreet bv old men. A tlie ticket is oauded toyou, tlie vender gravely assa your name, in,, 1 uf the la.iv. (vour iiweet.teait of Course) to r.i.un inireaiuooii willl the Fate YOU eXliei'l Hie- ce. ; and if, unlortuimtely. you art .minks the tender attachment, t wn, thesoia wluise tnvoi yoHiintilore, all of wnieli he re-rUler inAbiH.k, kept lor the purpose. Tiie drawing 1 ui.iHe. with much cere mony upon plattonn ere-teu in tne btuiiu imn. We ttiink tne Lotteries of Messrs. Wood, Eoor & Co., of VVUIiniiigtoii, Uelawnre, ui St. i.oUi, ail-i-iuii. a decided improvement upon this 1 tor by en- 'CllWlSit .1.1 W', Ul M' ' . jvv ' - . 1 hy retain mail, a ehnn.ee "In one of their legalized Lotteries the capital prie, S'I'.ish n it . ' " ' " v MAKiNli iNKWS. '"' I...!' , I". . . W - J p!)RTOF NEWBEKN. NORTH CAR r"-CLEARED. Oct 15. Sctir. Saeo, Taylor, for Pantego. iNliW AlJVEKTISKMKViS. 1NA A rp II fc, bUB-l. hlliKK Or r 1 R bALfc. A VK JL iy uesirahlit !.."..:.,.,"-. , HOUSE AND LOT . in the town i,l .Kn.siuB. N. O. To building are i,..w anil iu eood leuuir. wito a large OAKl'KS ut- taeiu-d -Persiais wUlong to purei.use ti.vo 111 the above Rouse and LsS a very rare ehaiica of g iuTi-ftioo.it in town -property, it being situated in a good neighborhood, fcu. The payment wiH id easy. ' jict 16 wt IslJ m "' ' ' ; ' ' ' IPO IX HI XI. x MuMiber.d nid " TVUPKItrTtNIC nana for the year 1801. Persons winding l hire Will do Wtll to call UD--n the Subscriber very voou. Posses -ion giveuthe 1st January, 1861. ;.... OCt l Wtlstj n I'.V.lH n lUL,llma. GAST1TT m AND PLUMBING. C. A. it ART, BRO., & cO., liAvtn purvlituitMi frwiJKAMiiJwi ffcSwii, tlnirutir iiiivrcsi iu tut ,'' " ..'': , , Gas Fitting Business, are now prepared to do ull kinds of woik in Qus Fit- liiur uiiti j'luiutiiiig, otenm ripmg. e., aui . We shall keep cousini.tly on hand ' r OAS FIXTURES of the lulert and iinwl approved patterns. Globes, SIimUoS, at.-., aie. oer, m-nu 18 t'S an ? 15 .17 9 9.1 121 an IS T. ia, oowiiirio, Will i ' a lew davs be lend to lake'uh knolsul bio lures from th smallest haket size Bp"ti a tissue portrnit en canvas. Pli.rtourapii life siie, colored iu Oil or M'at r Colors, 1 ndia lok 'or Craona. Hnv ing piocnred a fiist eiiuwj'oi trait ,aiuter, X Shall be able to exo. ate all l.rder in tha niort volnplete and perfect uianner. All persons having tnm 1 rise pic lurea mav havs tliam eiilnrved to auv site that tUev inny wish:. Prices rnnnniy from fit' eents np to 75 Uoiiur. uepeuus vu ma visa auu yivui mo uiv tii-e. ' - ' - '" - ,. ":. ' ct'42 dtf - twr Itwwlwa Maelilae, price r . . i ct ' 4 v iiYt:: dnoedSa Agent, ur. to co.vscHPrirEs. Tlie Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered sever 11 1 years with a severe lung affeciion, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. . To all Who desire it, lie will send a copy of tlie prescription used Jl're of charg,) with the diree-' lions for preparing and using the .aiiie,; which they will fl id a suhx Cuas for CssuMrTios, Astnu. Bronchitis, fee. - Tne only oiijcet ef th ad v.-rtiser in sending the Prescripti u is to benefit the affi (led, and spread information which h conceivesto.be in-, valuable, and he hope every suffer will try hi rem edy, as it will coat them nothing, and rtisy prove a blessing. .'. : : - - ', :" . Parties wishing thwpresoription will picas address Rrv EDWAKD A WILSON, ' " Wilhaii.sl.mifh, net 16-wly ' ft King County, New York. . -: Just opexed i t BEAUTIFUL! ' AN ASSORTMi'-NT of DKESSGtiODS, SILKS, r I) Laiuei Mertuos; Ottamnn Cloths, Birnmii and other style: ' . KMMET CUTUBEKT. Oi-ui - ; GI.IA1,, ' , -- 20VAVE OTt AIMB " mantles, and all lh oilier stw. m he worn this see-l ton. - 1 rCUTUBEliT. oan '" tKK-VA. ft .. Ml 31 iil.K Cattls. ' v H . ItllK-KS.rM. ? 0 ' n HsaiucLS, Kps.T.irp.1ea,, -d lisnd... I Sh J Xew IS' 'i ,M1 (,:in.r,i, ft. Tiilh.w,.i...Hi Adamantine.,'-'-' Sperm, ... li Cjrrss, tb. Java IS Laguaytu, ..HI K10, i-' : St. Uomini.'O,' " C0TT0S, V lb. I i Cotvos Haouiso. yard lb Kniui 4 ft. 7 CoRS.ff lb'. .l 0il3 SS Colts Mas 1.,'" : r bushel, a PoMcs-rics, Sheet'g.rydH Yarn, K ft. "" Koos, do ..(XI Pkathkka, V ft..r 50 -,H,fbbl., MullcU. .. e 5 ' Miad 12 llbll Wt Herrings, ...4 4 511 . N. Cur, ..6.0 7 M Kloor Hoards, - i t rough,. - ftll'l 0t ' plane A,.. 18 IHI20 00 " clear 25 0(a 0(1 Klour.N.C, hbl., . i.. ........ 7 5tl8 IKI Ou-K. ft. ..15 18 Ousst BAos,.i2 2tl Gkaso, Peruvian, - tou fia ata Kcse'....tia $nu ' Kobinsou'a Slanii). . tnn........... asa Whltel.K;k'Maiiip$.V2 ; Novassa,.. :i5 9 r Super phos. Lime (19 likXD fl.ASTKK, bhl,.i..i 50 9 Okais, V bushel,.; : - Oats,.. .....(Ml Peas, Ow.. 85 Wheat, K,.l 25 Itice, clean. 5 Minis, ft., . Gvoeu,.. .,. t a Dry,,.-.... II. t ' Krirtbar- Knstern,..l S ' 1 40 luos, 4 ft, - English, as'd3- 8weed'hrefd5 ' ff LiMa.sjfbbll 0 0 Oil - Vw store, 1 24 0 00 Klit.i Stuff. --?, . . 0 nit . ,n nn rougn eage o m..u u . Molasses, V Gallon, ' Cuba hhds.S8 39 Uo ' bbte,.0 33 N Orleans,.. Oft 60 Liquons, 4 Gall, (dom e) Whisky,.... 28 00 N E Buin,..J3 45. Gin......... 37",.. 40 Itrundy, ...,45 9 50 Apple do,.. .65 9 80 . Peach do, ..85 1 25 Navai.. Stokes, , . (Turpentine 4 280 ftsi - im 50 Ml no 1111 - ii .10 Vellowdp S i 2 Hani.. .(.aw 1 Tur 4' l.bi " l 7A In oiiior. . ! uen -.. Wl 51: Koto a, IV 1 15 h. X.. 2.0 M 3(1 . - I... V. 1 b C. I IrO I : Spirit TurpeMiHe,. Vgah 00 Vminsi,ifl,i . UO . Xails. 4 ft Cut,... 4 4 3 Wmiiuht.. ..Id U'i ' Ott, Oallon, Linseed, raw !. ' Oft - . ' lloileu do, 1 SO H - Tram, ,! lief d whole ll Laid..;-! I" l ' Paa Nut, 1 1 il ' PoTatos, bnshel. Sweet,. . .. ' IS 'Irish,....-. l 75 do bbl,2 511 3 00 pHorisiD, lb, (t . , . (N V Bacon,) K ' Ham ll.- 17 Middling. ..t-b 121 ' Shoulderiv''b 8 lii Ih.KKound.il 9 , 12 lWesU.-1'il h.uoll,J UiddlingK,..hi 9 . MI N0Lard,,.l3 - 0(1 Wesfadu.-.tiu LO llutter 22 27 Cheese. ..-.II IU Pontt.iOfia ftS 7 - S.snhern, t hbl, f I'ltvMeSM, -.1 IKI3 o lttitt l Knmp i 15 - Heel, Moes (HI 00 16 0(1 - IKi Vulton PoCl.TKT, Cliukens, Vpair live 41. 50 dead, 30 5(1 Turkeys, li,h IHil 2 " Do dead, ft I2J 9 tHI , . Shkkp, V bead, ' ? , Lambr ..I a Mutton...! 75 00 , Sl-T Alum, t bu. 25 30 J Liverpool, 4 sack, ground,...' tKI 2 25 ..,dSue,:.-0 OOH.ltO. Scoab, V ft. n ' ,. Porto Kico,. 9 9 10 U Orloun,. 10 9 10, Lout ana crushed,. C yellow, flranulute Soap, IB....' 6 10 Shisqlks, fll, -" 1 ' 7, Contract,. l "tl s .: Camuion,.! 60 2 00 Staves, - 1 W0bbl.l6 onais 00 ,,i ';.ROhhd,l(IOW 00 , Ashbead.iaoealS 6i Timber, v a , ' M -....'20 0040 f TAtt.tW, lD 10 9 00 Tobacco, V ft., ' Common,. .. 12 J 13 Medium ,-25 30 Ciue,..-....45 .9 50 :Woob. V ft.il5 20 d , . ed'.lt 121 -r,...10 llll ted,. Hi 9 12 ,iOT ICB-TIIE SUUSOitlBKB, UKSIBIN.G 1 ll to close op the business iu J. M"V Son, utters their entire stock of God. h.r "'.,,". sisting of Dry G'ds, Groceries, Boot d h 'inea, Uat. and Caps, Ha.dwu.e sml Cntlerv "i net 10 dim Surviving Partner. ;nw 11011P sKiitTSt , . .. : . . IX . V Just to hand by ExDros-rur l.aijic. t aes and ohildren.&onj 3Se W dol r. .. July tft ' - . K CU1IIBI-.KI;.. cta;rltf -A' A NEWBEBN-A.C. Ij. .rVxira LEAF LA.BP.1S PJ?1'.?' Av?w K1NSU .'For sale by '"" '' Oct 3, " '' ' - . ' '- .,,' 1 J. II