TnV' DAILY PROGRESS' is served to town snd country-subscriber st Six DoLLAni s ye psysbls in sdvaoo. All papers discontinued wbss tbs tun aid for expires, mnless renewed. ; t . . ,, . Advsrtisamnta inserted as Spsclsl f Bishop No- ttoe srsohsrged one-salt more man uw rata, tea nnet Beaded) or wi;v -.--.. - MarriegeeBdDeeaauuderiillDjs,inertsdgrst. aitoual v over that a charge will be made. . H i Advertisement inserted every other day will b oh-"d S7 "' fo1' Boh in'ertio ftor the first. - L if Where me nufnmi vi luoniuuui mrm ausex . traed when advertisements are handed in they will - ia inserted till forbid, (tf,) and charged SO cents for the first taneruea ana aero iw coon osnunaance. BUSINESS CARDS.' '1' 'St. il). "I 11 .... ii ffi i uiaaiiltf ui?unm i " Criier Seat Prealasiel middle) U. f ... , . K'KWRKHN. V J. '-!.-, r Agent for Vfelt Running between thiiPert and New r ' York, Philadelphia. Baltimore and Botlon. -L Particular attention Riven to the sale of Country - Produo, audth purohaseof goods generally. Also, Discharging Vessels and Procuring Freight, and the , Jisoeiviii' ana orwaraug Business. , I bars convenient Wharves and .Warehouses. ! , . ' -" - uniiHu)' v K ' t. Colden Murray, New York j Cochran St Bussell, rbiladelphiai Dollner, Potter At Co., New York t , Same Cuner At Huns, Baltimore i Jams L. Davis, 3Jw Vnrk . Tvwiilnn Ar Ilrvar. Rrtevsin. T I. .no. Cashier Brsnoh Bank of North Carolina, Nesrbern, Juo. A. Ouioo, Cashier Bank of Commerce, New born t W W. Clark. Cashier Merchant' Bank, New kern ; A. Mitchell At Sob, and Dr. Iaaaa W. Hughes, Newbern. - ; f- ' -, . - March 89 dly -: ' - '-v- x s That - Moora Ksalthasat ' ..-, OJ? KEWBEKN, N. Q. . . ... .. . , f "w. p.nABiOrT, ; ' '-";f;' J. WHOLES Altai At RETAIL DEALER IN , ' t " 6iri.s, Fsicr, FoniroN and Domestic -.., . ;BrF Heeds, HaU, Capt,Boot d Skoe$, Carpeting!, Matting, , kugt, Jewelry, Trunk, ReaiyMade Clothing, -. , AtO., AtO. ;-.r. "' V-. i.-.j Kiwsr.RR, N. 0. . J. M. T. Hitaison bas just reoeived a oomnUte iaeortmeut suitable for the season, and will aontinue . le reoeiv bv erf ry arrival all desirable Articles and Koveltie of the season. .. t-; v emrtittUar mtUntton tend i wriert. , , ' p 1 1 .' -.; , , , ; , COMMISSION MERCHANT. . ; 4 Dealer la NsjvbI r., . . CoHNia 01 POLLOK AXO EAIT I llohT Stkiiti I '..,.:;. ,.':.4Also, Denier In " Dry Qoods, Oroceries, Hardware, Boots,- Shoes, Hay, ' Lime, Shingles, Nails, Crockery. Stone Ware, , . v. ,. , Wondest Ware, die. ite., I ",! 1 One door North of Merchants' Bank," -..; NEWBEBN, W. C. ' .Cash advances made o Cunsigumenti. Ofiods received and forwarded. liorlUard's U. T. Snuff at 15 cenU in large Blad- eVrs. Hauling done o reasonable terms. - ' may 5id6m fiil'lss) Neerberai mutual , riRt. INSURANCE COMPANY. I THIS Company ha new been in successful opera, tioa. for .... ' .... . , - - . t - r t , TnRtt ykArs, Dartng w jloh time no assess meat ban been mad to ' meet imaee. - ' . The Company t now prepared to receive Applloa- " insurance; 1 mioh ntty be made to any or to diffsrent AgenU . IhmmrhiiBl to tha ttndarsined. at the .. Uioe of the Company, n this place. v , . W.O. 8IA0LBTON, Secretary. Newfcem, N.C.Beptl .. dly 1 - iUe 1 COMMISSION MERCHANT, trp Oooh, Qtocei tel. Prdvirione, Liqnort, f-t. , Opposite Bank of North Carolina la Newborn, Cra ven eounty, N. C. ' ' ' .. - . . lias on hand a good assortment :of Staple Dry , floods, Qroceries; KtonS and Crockery-ware, Nails by ilia kec r tall,. Wooden-ware. Hroome, Boot kinds, Atei, of the best quality constantly on hand, and all of which will be sold tow fur cash. ' : .: Mrch H' . .t "vJ'"'" "'". '" GBOHHB BIMHUP, .. , . : . : v . , j ,ttWBERX, y. ?.', ' Manafncinrornf Window Snsli, llliriils,rnnn! Doors, Sr alters, Wovd Moulding, BruksU, Balusters, .'M'-jv, Newels, die,, 4tc, , t : tgnnfartani and keens ronnnntlr n unnd. a Inrge i aiawk of CABINET. H'liNJ'i'UJtS.H wholesale . and r-tfliL - ,.; , Sash Willou Ilancock sU.Waie R.Miuison Middle st. Heitll - dly lie GfcNUHAl. fOMMtSMOi? MERCHANT, i '' "-': .v, ,v.f e " Tarticalar'art entto givta to the' wile itf Ctlon, Naval Store, Klonr, Corn, May, Lime, Dried Fruit, nd oountry produce generally. . - Also the Beoeivins; and Forwarding business, dia JMirginr vesar! and proourinff freight for vessels reniSiiig between tins porf and the ports of New York, Philade)-hi and Baltimore. " ' . Cash advance mad On Consignment, i - Mareh.i-dly, e- COMMISSION MERnniNT AND 'trnf o tv i i X e n r o li E B. v- , . (r.TQOOU INCtVOID; . V : atr-ni Can Jl U. Kinff Mr 6l Ccin. Wilcox it. Gibbs and Juesee C Connor's Sewing Macliinsa; keeps con etantly on hand a supply of Red Ash-Coal for Orates. Solicit eotiKignmnnt and eroer and will prompt ly attend to all biuines entrusted to bim. Office vn the Old County Wharf. " ' . Newborn, doo 30 w t ; '.if, :. rivviAn muAW, iM T.Ji:' - .-. "'WITH . '" . ' i . FENNEU dc HARDKNBERGU. , , . , Whelrsale Urate re, swIJw ih inn ' ' i ' -!ikk 1 ".vf'H'ni-.DliALERS IN TEAS, - . Zli and 315 Ortenwuili St., betwen Read and Du- ' ' : ' : ' aue Streets, , , ".'.fJi:' f : ' KEwtdiirt. UUMU A II WUBU UviaUt , , Jsn dl-mir riLLun v, cook:, iJ - , PAPER HANGER, '., "-V .r s. , towbern, N. C. Vf gfve h!s entire .attentiprT to hanging plain and Ornamental Wall Papen. Work; don in the best July 13, I860 dly i i w ; DIBBLE St B BOTIIKBs, . FORWARDING 6 COMMISSION. 'i. Ntw-BtmiE, N. Cv- Ca1i JMranee made on Consignntente to be ' told here or forwarded to Northern Market. : -' , "-! Soptt-i' .. -yinf -n t v i"r.-- v' : i dly:-' MERCHANT TA I LO HI NO. The subscriber t his old stand on Pollock Street, opposite George Allen';, Euq-i would respect fully eaU the attention of his numerous customers oti public gene ally to the fact that he has just retnred from the North-with a choioe selection of CLOTJlIES, CA8S1MERK8 and VES'EINGS, which, Us is prepared, to tnah up in th latest and most appropriate sty lea and t small figures, fiirjsasli. t, 5 ' - D. W. HUKTT, Ag't. ; Spt. 18 dfcw3m. i; : . . - ' aJ BIlTEHia.' ' US t II u (. i OLD COUNTY WHARF. MIO Hhl WhUb m D.llln,.r t,rtn -itll ! 'i.'''"'"'Jpenes added; ; -i Lathe i,v vii -.-,. it i I0 Bill. Mullet, Blue Fish, Spots, Drum i c Sides, Maokerel. Herring andTnut4 :' : i S Hhd. Cuba Molases . T r tut 1M Keg Railroad Spikes , , :V 0 Bwkets Champagne; A splendid assortmont of Brandts, Wines, ete, of the finest grades, - . , ; sept 18 daw X :" Besil' ! Brwira, MrJIelsiee n ;M - J H EMI0AL8. ' . - White Leads,: Zine, Paints, Color. Vanrishes, u 'SrachtWi Window Glass, Putty ,du. Linseed, Lamp and Machine Oils, l'erfumery and Toilet Articles. fur, Wine mi liquor for medioinal pnrpeee. NewbemyBept 1U t v -i . r van ii rote, j. - :i i ; -r . .; i UAjvar j7- rv. .... octo,dtf . ... J i NEWBERN, N. Cv Lillt AVAIMTKD. A sroatl lot of SLATE L to rppair a root waatad. for which rh will h , i to aay one baving It-! Ay.Jco fc' ; f'" to ll will please make it known at thuuJES3 OFilCE. . t JJ: m YOL. IIL BUSINESS CARDS. TJ. HITGHBia, ' GENERAL COMMISSION ft SHIPPING ' . MERCHANT. - PORK. V HAY. SPIRIT BARRELS. i'LOCR. COAL: IRON. ' SALT. . LIME,' -GLUE, ate, W., A inppiy always on nana ana tor sate. -i. i- A sent for reoular lines of Vessels runnlnr between ).hl Port and New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore. ' - , - - '- Convenient Wharv and Warehouses for storing or ahlpping. - t. fi C. VriEB'l IHsirbla Tarsi, , KtrVBCRK, X. C. Marble Monmnenle Th subscribar is receiving a larg stock of American and Foreign Marbit ana i at all nines prepared to fill ot tiers for Monument, Biab$ and Tomb' Slonee, of every de scription, at less thin Koa.tHis.ft price. . Our work will be delivered in all parts of North Carolina and Virginia Free of Our workmanship has been generally introduced In somethlity counties in North Carolina, and apak for itself. Orders bv mail will meet with Dromrjt attention and oe taituiuiiy exeouie' Addres. J. 0. WIEIt. Newborn. N. C. er Kemp, ,7., Agent at Qoldsboro'. oepiio , , ... : - wiy JB. AMVBTT WOULD RESPECTFULLY call th attention of the citiiens of Newborn, and the public generally, to bi larg and complete amorttnent of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. which he ha now on hand, and will continuity re ceive by arrival of vessel from New York and Baltimore through the season. He would respect fully call th attention of .- FAMILIES. ... - o hi stock of Oroccrie. such as Pork, Baton, Lard. Butter, Flour, Meal, Rice, Soap, uanaiei, siaren, Lojte, l ea; vracneri ana Cak't. Molattet and Svrw . . and In fact everything usually kept at a Grocery. He also keeps a good stock of Domestic Dry Goods such as Marlboro' Plaids, Brown Shirtings and Sheet ing, Osnabuigs, Print. Hosiery, Ginghams, Hats, Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, all of which he wilj ell on the most reasonable term. JPersons wishing to purchase will do well to give him a call before purchasing elMewhere. , -, . " . ooutn t root Bt., a ooors neiow lue uasion nouse. may iWwly ' ' -j. . ' " BHICK I.AVIWO AHD. MASOIMHVv JAMES N. LEOG. Brick Layer and Plasterer. respectfully offer hi services iu the above branch of business. He is Dreoared to erct buildines bv eontrnct, or by the any when desired, and pledges himself to give sstinlncttoi! as to price snd olmracter of work.' . lie offer to do n substantial work a can be dons jn the State. For further particulars lie refeis to W. P. Moore. I Disnsway. George Bishop and 3. L. Pennington, all ot .Mewoern. : - Newbern June 19 d&wtf. WIM.IAn II AV, H&CSE, 6IGN AND ORNAMENTAL . ' ' PAINTER.., - KRWURRN. -V. C Contracts taken for work in town or country, which. will be promptly executed, and sntiatsctioii guaran tied.' Paints, Oils anit Varnish always on hand and will be sold at reasonable price. . j , , Sopt.i! dw!y . , ..- rpoTIIK FRIR1VDS OF IIOTIK MANV 1 FATTI KKH. THE K1NSTON SnOE FACTORY ' IS XOW INHUCCF.SSFUL OPKR4 TION. Oder for negro BKOG NS and BOOTS are so Uvitcd. J. C. CARPENTER, Agent,' , V" : .. . K1NST0N. N. C, Julv 2fdwtf GEOBOE ALLEIT, niiLin in vakct m STxrit DRY -GOODS, ROOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, POLLCK STREET, NEWBERN N. C, Would respectfully invite the attention of the publio to hi Stock, whioh will bs found new, well attorted, and sufficiently large at all seasons of the year. 1: - Orders promptly and carefully attended to. - Septl - dly HOUN AGAIN R. T. BEltUY having com pleted repairing and enlarging his Store would respectfully inform his friends and the public gener ally tli at he his return i-d to his old stand, diiectly opposite tl Washingt'tn Hotel, where he will con tinue to sell on th mi it reasonable term, . Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Crockery, ' Glassware, Carriftga Trhnings, and all hind of Provirowy i ; "' ,,T I 1 I i ACBEs OB AiAND ler dale. ; L XUU . Tne subscriber utlors lur sale u valuable Tract of Land, lying on Adam' Creeks, containing about six hundred acres, and raid by judge to be equal to any land in tire Statsvir - ' Also, anot her tract lying on Hancock creek, about twenty miles below Newborn and three miles from Havelock Depot, A Ac. N C Railroad, containing 400 Acre, and is well timbered with long straw pine, hi(-.kornd oak. . . ' . For further particular address tli undersigned at Newbern, N. C. dec 8 dawtf J0nN N. nYMAN. NOTICBPHILLP TH0MA8 having pnr chased the store n the New County Wharf, recently occupied by Geo: W. Miller and John D. May, would most respectfully announce to th cit isens of Newbern and surrounding vicinity that saidistore is now open, where he will be pleased to furnUh everybody with DRY GOODS. BOOTS SHOES, GROCERIES and WOOD, cheap. Call and examine the stock for yourselves before purohaaing elsewhere. . , " ' sept li-d&w3m - " .f rilAKKN tUl AKD COMHIITTED.-A ne J. gre boy, claiming te be the property of MRS. PARNAHAM, of Jones county, was taken np a a runway on Moedny lost and cimfined Said boy is black, about 5 feet lugh, rather slim about 14 years old, ha a fin eetof teeth, a small scar abov the right eve, (mart, (peak quick and says lie waa forced to leave bia home by JOHN, the pro perty of a Mr. ftaskins, who he say earn with him to Newborn. The owner is reqaeeted to come for ward and redeem the property. . , . ' A. C. LATHAM, Sheriff. -July 1. dftwtf RAttAWAV JPKWini IHKDliln on the l-tof A'lgirst, my Negro man JOS. MILLFR. The aid Negro is forty-elx or (even years of ge, dark complexion, five feet nine or ten inohes high, weighs about one hundred and sixty or seventy pound. The (utd Negro is near sighted, aad very quick spoken. He is a ditcher bv trade, and may be passing by the name of John or William Dunson. I III give the reward of Fift-a-DoUars for the apprehension and delivery of said Negro or con fined in any jail In the 8tllt's.Mn,A180"ftL5),n Raleigh, X C Sept 1. 1860 ' ept8dtf A tH ATS! -4 j nst received'. BeW Fall Style and Black and coCassimerei Ei. ,T ADItEM' CIiOAKrr-A lsjr aad ! JU rabl assortment just received by xpres from 4ebratblhnf.B . oct2l .- .9 M e nrtniv Sewiaa saUta-.Thoe ra. want of sewing Ksohin ought to call U MYERS' api npply tbintelve.: ' 10 ' ''"-. Vfca-A. U...M . NEWBERN, N. C, TOESDAY MEDICIN KS. ' 1)t71iIlTV TUB H I.OOO. - .'i ij It OI'k'A T S . - : -Tegetakl Life Pills aaa KheatM Bluer. " Tli high and envied celebrity which these pre eminent Medicines bave acquired fur their Inverts bl efficacy in all th diseases wliich.Uiey profess to care", ha rendered the usual practice of puffing not only unnecessary, but unworthy of them. They are known by their fiuilsi their goo'd works Ustify for them, and they tbriv not by tM fajth of tne credulous, -u- In all tote " ---. vi Of Asthma, Aoute and Chrunio Rhasmatiani, Affo tion of th Bladder and Kidneys. ... . ; i. . ' Billioui Fever $ and Liter Complaint. In th South and Woat, where these diseases prevail, they will be found invaluable. Planter, larmeraand others, who once use these medicines, will vr af terwards be without them Billious Chclio and Serous Looseness, Biles, Cot tlveness, Colds and Coughs, Cholic Contnmption-Vwi with great In this diiaaa. .- s - Cetrnp Huihor), DroptUk. . - ; Dytpetmia No pereon with thisdistresiing disease thould delay using these medicine Immediately. "-raDliini(p(A Sim. F.ryiiptUe and Flatulent. ' Fever and ArneVw (ins scours of the Western Country these medicines will be found safe, speedy and eertain remedy. Other medicine leave the sys tem subject to a return of the disease a cure tiy thes medicines I permanent. .Try iiiem, o tail aa, ana 0 tmrea. . " - : - FoulnuM of Complexion. , . . . t- " ' General Dcbilitv. Gout. Giddiness.'Gravel. Headaolies of every kind Inward Fever, Influmatory Rheumatism, Impure jiiooa, aunaice, ioss 01 Appouie. Liter Complaint $, Lepro$y, Loot en tee, Mercuria ! Never fails to eradicate eutirely all th effects ot Mercury infinitely sooner than the most powerful prnpaiation 01 aarsapaitua. Night Sweats. Nervous Debility. Nervous Com plaint of all kinds, Organic Affeotions, Palpitation 01 me Heart, jrmnier unouo. ' ' PUe$. The, original proprietor of these medicine 1 cured of Piles ot 3d yean standing by th use ol these Life Medicines alone. Pln ia th head, aid, back, limbs, joints, and organ. ". c. ' iJAeamaism. , Those afflicted with this terrible disease will be sure of Relief by the Lite Medicine. . Hmh of Blood to th Head, Scarry, Sdt Rhmm, Swelhngt. Scrofula, or Ring' iu worst form, TJloers, 01 very aesenpuon. Worm of all kinds ar eflectually expelled bv these medicines. Parents will do well to administer them whenever their existence is suspected. Relief wiu oe certain. - Tie Lift Pill and Pkttnit Bitter ; i v. t Purify th Blood, And thus remov all dlseaae from the system, ... Prepared by DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, - No. 385 Broadway, For sale by all Druggists. (Moffat Building), N Y, mayitf-oawly --- " - - . . DR J. BOTEE DODD ' fMPERfAL WINE BitTERSI Arc asade Fran a pare aad aaadallera ted Wine, which is about double th usual trxngtb of other Winee, audi imported by only one house in tne united states. Also,, worn tne ioiiow inir valuable Roots. Herbs. &C vix 1 Solomon's Seal. Spikenard, Uumtrey, camomile f lowers, Usnllan, WUdUherry Tree uaix. ana uayoerry. -' WE CHALLENGE ' , -p : i., tnn wh(jd t o - PRODUCE - T II 1 I R 1 ( D A M ' W do not profess to hav discovered som Roots "known only to (lie Indians of South America." and a cure for "all disease which the flash is heir to,'1- but we claim to present to the puplio a truly valua ble preparation, which every intelligent Physician in the country will approve of and recommend. As a remedy tor , ,1, INClPiEl?T CONSUMPTION, Weak Lungs, ludigestion, Dyspepsia, Disease Of to Females, Duuiiuy.auu ou canes requiring a lonio, they ar imriinPAUKDiii - ' For Sore Throat, so common among the Clergy, they are truly vsiuauie. For the aeed and infirm, or for person of a week conbtitution for Ministers of the Gospel, Lawyers, and all public speakers for Bouk-Keupers, Tailors, 1 ousts, Students, Arriats, and all persons lead ing a sedentary lite, they will prove truly oeoonciai. : As a Beverage, they are wholesome, innocent, and delicious to the taete. i hey produce au the ex hlliaratine- effects of Brandv or Wine, without tutor icating ; and are a valuable remedy for prisons ad dicted to exewive oe of strong drink, and wish to rvfiainfrom it They are pure and entirely fre from the poisons contained iu.tlie adulterated Wine and Liquors with which the rrtnntry Is flooded, i'hese Bitters not only CURB but PREVENT IJiseaae, tna sheuld Da usea oy au wno live in a couutry where the wuter is bad, or where Chills ard Fevers are prevalent. Being eutirely innocent and harmless, they may be given frealy to Children and Infants-with iinponit.y. ,., - - -. " -. Physicians,, Clergymen, and" temperance ndro cates, a an act of humanity. should aseist in spread ing these truly valuable UlTTKRS over tin land, nnd thereoy essentially aid in banishing Drunken ness and Disease. (-HAULER WIDDIFIBI.D&CO., . . Proprietor, . : t9 W,iian, Hlreel. Now Tark. And (old by DruggiHts geuein ly. J. W. CARMER, DrnggUt, . " Ageutat'NKwnKKN, N. 0. ang 17-dly ... - arneli'Ircnnraiiae. KALUhTON L Coeoaine; Oriuntal Tooth Wash t Florinel, Whitcomb'st Asthma Remedy, and Flavoring Ex tracts of Lemon, Orange. Nutmeg, Vanilla, Peach, Rose, Almond, Cinnamon, Clover, Celery and Neota rine. Just received and for sale, by April 21 ' ' .IAS W CARMER. Drnggist. lryaa Tasteless Vcrsuirage XJ Sold by J. GOODING, Ja. July 3! umip HEE1. Crap I860. From D. Landreth At Son. ' ; J. GOODING, Jr. Just received, by July IS sQ Bag Coffr May 1 ' ., r main at M. W. H. SUM R ELL'S r( BBlif, WMISJKV, Hi 11 aad Ui- : Just receieved and for sale by I aug!6 . M. W. H. SCMRELL,tA Patent OH. vae FOR LUBRICA11NG Axles, Mill Gearing and hav bearings of all description also itagee, waggons, carta dec. For -the above purposes it is better and cheaper thaMny other article used. Sixe of package trom 3 lbs to 3511 Its. Just received by -Feb 16 -3. GOO DING.. Tr. lIHKfll.KS. id 40,000 Cypres Shingle, for sale low hy I T Oct lo-QIW-. - U. H. lACTC North tarolina Cissimeres. Just received at ,hu well-known eatablisluiient of J. M. K HARRISON, a very desirable lot of CAS SfMERES from the YADKIN MAN t'FACTOUY, which are for sols on vy moderate, terms. spt 38 ' y- . . - ' IVOOl, EI.AXTIO HIMTa A nsw artl f T cle. Fef sal f 1 oct30 . J M F HARRISON'S. . . . 1 -. Li ' ..... HIDES. Cash and the highest market price alway paid for any quantity of gto or dry Hide, by V 4 WWT P. MOoJtB. Jr, Corner of South Front and Middle streets, New bern, N.C. April IIM&wtf. SILKS I SILKS t Call at HAkKISON'S and examine hi Silk.' They ar said to b excel lent stylos. '-r'; ;' octan ' ; : lrirai''Bat , :, Four do. , Boy - do; -Twenty Com Lad and MisseV SHOES of vry ascription, with a n ' of GnU' Fine French sept IS .. Pollok treet, hewbern. MORNING, NOYEMBER 13, 18G0. MEDICINES. MB", WINS-LOW, '! . An, axperieiiced Nurse andFemsle Physician, pressnt to the attention of mother, liar SOOTHING BYF.UP, - - For Children 2'eethinp -L.--which greatly facilitates th process of teething, bv sotreuing the. gum, reducing all inflammation wiJJ allay atb-rstH and spasmodic actl n, and i t?Kt TO RLOVLAT THI lOWIU. f '. Depend npon it, mothers, it will give rest to your Mlv, and Relief and Health te Your Infant. ehavVpuru; and dthuj article' faTivW 1.4 ara BT.A u .. .1 ,..,,!. f i. j V ,, III WVIIHUSIIb MHWI Ik. Tl we nave never . . been a Die to ssv of anvoth- mm. trfNHi-oiV" OOTIIINO ' .. avuup. er medicine HAS IT A SINGLE TO El'- N EVER FAILED. IN INSTANCE. V E C T v A CURE, when timely used. Never did w kaaw an instance of dis- satistactinu hy any on who used it. . On the contra ry, an ar aeiigntea with It, operation, ana spssx in terms of Inchest commendation of its masicul ef fects and meuical virtues. We speak in this matter --wnaiwe no anow, auorion years' expenenoe, and pledge our reputation for the fulfilment of what ws here declare. In almost every instance where the infant ia suffering from pain nnd exhaustion, re lief will be. found In fifteen or twenty minute after tne syrup is aamimsterea. - - , This valuable preparation ia the prescription o'fm of th most experienced snd skilful Nurses in New England, and Las been used with Hovr-fuiliu sue oes m j , - THOUSANDS OF CASES, It not only relieve the child from nsiu. hut Invlg oral s the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and '. nergy to the whole system. It will slmnst instantly relieve Griping in the Bowels, and wind iiKiiw, 1 -. and overooino Convulsions, speedily rem denth. We best and roil Ciiii.okiciw tebtiiikci. which, if not sdied, cui in beliuve it the surest remedy In the world, in all cases of Dvaontorv dhit Dinrrhum in Children, whether it arises from teething, or frnin any other cause, we would say to every niothei who has a child (uffuririg'from any of the foregoing complaints do not lot your prejudices, nor th pre Indices of others, stand between your suflerinu- child and the relief that will be sure yea. absolutely sure . . 1. f .1.2 . i' ? it ... 1 . j 10 inflow uie uae vi mis uiuii.-iiie, 11 unteiy useu. Full directions for usinir will aoooinDanveaoh bottle Nona ganuin nnless tna fao simile of CURTIS & PKUK.1NH, iiow York, is on the outsid wrapper, 001a py xsrugisw mrvuirnoui wonu. PriiKipal office, No. 13 Codar Street, N. Y Prite only 86 Ctnli pet Bottle. dee 13, 1859-ddt.wlr rjlaaaaaad arc Daily Speaking la A praise ot DR. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL, and why f because it never fnilt to afford tnttanta neon relief when given in time. It act a if by magic, and one rruii alone will convince yon that what we say 1 true. 11 contain : Na Paregoric er Opiate of any kind; sod therefore relieve hy removing the nfferingt of your child, instead of by deadening itt senstbiMiri f or tins reason, 11 commenu itseit as and Group y also, for toftening tin Gtrni, reducing InAamatmri. remttnttHir tht Rmi'elg. and renerirtir pain, it has no equal Being an onti tpatmodic it is uaea witn unrautn euecent in an cases or (.ont-irf. ion or other i'iti, . At you value the Ixfe.and health of your enuaren, ana wxin to lace litem Jromino&e tad ana oiigming conteavenctt win. nore certain 10 reivu from the r of nareotict of ichich all other remerliei jor injawue vomjuinnin air comparca, lane none tM UT. tAiUA a infantile toraiaisiuis youcan rely up on. Il is perfctlyhHruileHS,andcaunot injure the moat delicate in I nut. Price, '!.' cents. Full tlirsction ao- compuuy each bottle. Prepared-only by CHUHCII Ac DCPONT, No. 4'ta Kroadway, New York. Healthy human Blood upon being ABMlrst-d always presents ns witli the same essential elements, and gives of course the Tmt Standard. Aniilytt) the blood of a person suffering from Consumption, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, 4cc, nnd w find tn errry maanre certain aejicienac tn tne rea globules of blmid. Supply these deficiencies, and vou are made wi-11. The Blond Food is founded up- on tins jueory ueuce its astouisniiig success. There are . . Five Preparations adnptod to the deficiencies of the blood m difTornut diseases. For Cough; Cnlm. Bronchilit, or any af fectum whatever ot the Throat or l.nne$ imluoing Voiuv-rption, use No I, which is nlsotlie No for .. r j . ... - . .... 1 .... ,i 1 jmreityton or. nmriiM. utxi 01 jittBcr.iic. aim iui no Chronic Complaint arising from Oier.tie, Oeneral Debilitf. and Nervemi Protl ration No. 2, for Liver tlnmnlinnlt. Ho. -I. tor Uvnveona. Jieinr alrcaav prepared for abtorption it is im liy Dropt and car rind Immediately into the oireulation, bo that what you ram you retain. The No. 4,1. for Frmale Ir-reo-utantm. Hvtteria. Weaknemre . Sre. ' See special directiona for tins. For Suit Rheum, Eruption', Scrofuloii, Kidney nnd Bladder Complnintt,nit No. S. In oil casos tlie (tirectmns -must ue strictly followed, rrico of the uiooa tooa f 1 per nnttie. Sold by CHURCH cc DIJPONT, No. 409. Broadway. New York. And for sale by F. S. DUFFY, Njewbern, and by all respeclnblfl Iiruitgiats tnrouguout tue country. March 2G-d&.wtnovI PIIOCI.A9IATIOIV. TO TJE CITIZENS OF NEWBERN AND VICINITY. WjJxbjc as. At the present Ruuson 1 DlAKRiEHA, CI10LKKA MORBUS, fSENTAR7, DYnI'KFSIA - DEBILITY. CHOLIC. Sip., dec. Prevail to an alarming extent, and Vkerta,'it mutt be of the lint contequenre to all Vitixent te knom of a . REMEDY ' ' -. at once SPEEDY, SAFE and EFFICACIOUS. DR. MONTARDE : . or rxkii offers bis ' .. - MIRACULOITS. PATW KILLER As tha most CKRTAIN. 8AFE and INSTANTA NEOUS REMEDY in the Woild, for any of the above Complaints. But as so many worthless Nostrums are being con tinually Imposed upon the Public to their great loss and injury JUK. OTU.H 1 AtlME) Hereby offers to REFUND th MONEY in all case where the mediclnii inayfail'to afford entire satisfac tion Ask then at any DRUG SIORE to NEW- BERN, for - - , - - ' - DR. MONTARDE 8. MIRACULOUS PAIN KILLER, Tsk a doe of from CO to 60 drops, acoording to age and strength of patient, and if not pertoctly satisfied,, return th Medicine arid get your money refunded, whioh th DRUGGISTS ar autboriced to do. , But the MIRACULOUS TAIN KILL.EK NEVER FAILS t NE VER FAILS t A NEVERIII For sale In Newborn N. C, bvJW CARMER, GOODING. Jr., J V JORDAN and F S DUFFY. J AS. McDONNELL, IT Meraer street. Baltimore. General Agent for the United Suta. Jan 1. 1M60 (tlXim VfTwIia Xoa1 Il Palal la Oil aad f 1 Varnish. Linseed Oil Haw and Boiled, Psria-J unrom, baxnn ana impsnai uiam, veraigne, u iu-1 ber. Terra de Sienna and Vandyk Brown in Oil, Die- temper and Dry, Franch Liquid I)ryer,Cooh, Copal, Japan and Dsuiask Vanrieu, Artist Colors tnColop sibl Tube, Brush in grot variety, MinsraJ faiut fco.,., for sale by ... BOV illff' - it. vs- 'ir.n. he N0ewG3. JALTIMOBB LOCK IIoaPITAI., -. f ' ' - DR. JOUNSTON Has discovered th most certain, speedy aad only ef fectual remedy in the world for all Xsisease af laaprasleao. . . Wsaksess of th Back or Limbs, Stricture, Affte tUJiis of th Kidney and Bladder, I voluntary Dis harges, Impotency, Oeneral Debility. Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Langonr, 1 iwSpirit. Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation' of the Heart, Timidity, Tr mSlings, Dimness ef Sight or Giddiness, Disease of tha Head. Tliront, Nose or Skin. Afi'ectiun of th Lunua.Stoin- T. I . .1. 1. ,., ... J T r avi'uor uoweis iiiose luri'iuis Liisoraors ansiug irom SlSls'r'rr." r' -"11'",7r th Syren to the mariners of Ulyses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipatiuusondeiilig luar riage,4i0., ioi possible. I'sssg Maa Especially, who have become the vlctlml of Solhury Vice, that dreadful and dsatruative habit whioh an nually sweeps to an, untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted taleuts and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise) hv entranced lis tening 8enates with the thunders of eloquence, or wsKita to ecaiscy luaiivmg iyr, may oau wita fall eoufidenc. ... Marrlagw framed persona, cr Young Men contemplating mar riage, being awaie of physical weakuesa.organicd- bility, defoiinitie. dec, speedily cured. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a- gentleman. .1 . 1 . . . I .. ... 1 a .. . I , , , and conltdently rely upon his skill a Physician. UUUAMU WKA&NKSS Immediately cured and full vigor restored. A Curt Warranted, or no Charge, in from on to . two ). , i .. :. Br. JehBston, . Momharof the RoyalCollege of Surgeons, LooJon, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of 1 mlnn, Paris, Phil adelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing oures that were ever known,; many troubled with ringing iu the head and eais whan asleepi great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfuluess, with frequent blushing, attended sometime with derangement of mind, were erred immediately. . TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have inluied them selves by improper indigencies and solitary habits which ruin both body and nund, unfitting them for either Business, Study, Society or Marriage. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, vin Weakness ot the Back and Limbs. Paiiu in the Head. Dimnsss hf Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of tne ueart. uyspepsia, nervous imtauiniy , Derange ment of tn Digestive Function, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, dee. Mb nt a lit v. The fearful effect on the mind are much to b dreaded Loss of Memory, Coutuaion ol Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil forebodings, Aver sion to Society, 8sli,Iistrust, Love of Solitude, Tim idity, dec, are some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons, of oil ages, can now Judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a siugular about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption, DR. JOHNSTON S REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS AND IMPOTENCY. By tlits greet and important remedy weakness of the organs are speedily cured and full vigor restored. Thousands of the must nervous and debilitated, who had Inst all hope, have been immediately relieved. AU impediments to Murriuge, Physical or Mental Disqualifications, Loss of Procrentive rower, Her, vous Imtubiliiy, Trembling and Weakness er Ex haustion of the most farftirirhtd Speedily cured, YOUNG MEN j. Who bave Injured themselves by a certain practice Indulged in when alone a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effect of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and. If not cures), renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. Suob persons must, before contemplating MARRIAGE. reflect that a sound mind and Ixidy arvthnmost nec essary requisites to promote couuiibial hnpiilusss. Indeed without those, the journoy through life be corneal! weary pi griminagei the prospert hourly darkens to the viuW; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy rf (lec tion that the happiness of another beoouws "blfghted with our own. ENDORSEMENT OP THE PRF.8S. The Many Thousands cured at this Institution with in the last fifteen years, and the numerous iinpor-. tarn Snrgical operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of the Sun and many other papers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the publio, besides hit standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a suf ficient guarantee to the afflicted. 1 OFFICE NO. 7, SOCTn FREDERICK 6TREET, Baltihokx, Md., Loft hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name No. letter received unless post-paid, and containing a Stamp to be Used on the reply. Persons writing should stars nge, and send poition of advertisement stating symptoms. tySKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. Feb 1, 1800 dly. KEAD I READ!!. KliAD!!! . Cmo,.Iil.,. July 89th,-1S8U. Messrs, Joiik Wilcox Ai. Co. : Your " inpnetiuc " or " Persian Fever Chnrm," hns done woudcrs. I was wholly despondent and wretched whon I applied it, nnd in five hours the chills were removed arid fin fever lias ensusd. It is the simplest curis imaginable, and a wonder of natur or art. I would uot be. without this ''Inpectine" a single hour. By constantly wearing it I suaiu to bj "ague proof." Your Tury truly. E. M. STOUT. MoBin.Ata,, July 23, I860, OrieTtxMKKi 1 hare been snatched from the grave by tlis ap plication of your wonderful "Inpcclins," or "PerBisn Fever Chami." For several years 1 have suffered every season with fever and' gno. Lat Spring niv life was throatenrd, but incdy has destroyed the disease, and I am , rupiilly gaining an appetite iint klmnvth If 0 jnAef fullv voilr ' D. N. BARRON. Th' truly wonderful preventive and cure for Fever ana Ague ana liiiii"U,rovers win oo sent uy man post paid, on receipt of one dollar. Also for sale st all respectable Drfcggists and Country Store. Principal Depot nnd Manufactory, 18-i Main street. Riuhmond. Vn. Uranon OAiec. Hmkof CooiiueiCe Building, New York. Address, jun?t vvjLiUUA, ec t,a DK FOKGIT, AIITIMTICOin A CO., DRY (K)flUS MERCHANTS. -NO Me R? ( baaibrn Mirrt-t, New ITork, Would notify thetmdathst they are opening weekly, in new and beautiful pntterua, th , , .. ' , . . . W A M S U T T A P It I N T S , .. also th ' -, AMOSKEAO, A nw Print, which excelaevory Print in the country for perfection of execution and design in full madder Colors. ' Our Prints are ehetpnr than (uy in luerkut, and meeting with extensive sals. Orders promptly atieuuea to. Jan 13 w-ly '. - 1KKMIAr MMVr POtVlsfCK. For De stroying Roaches, Ants, Moths, .Musquitocs See,, u.t refiveil aud for aula by JAS. W. CAKMLH. June85. IHtin . .Druggist JobS Polr'a Crlebrairal GOLD PK.,for aula by J il f HARMSON.ugent fur mannfuo Msr, Newbern, N C. Each pen bos the manufacturer's nam on it. . . Old Gold Pen taken In eiejiance. may I Cpaatalla Preaared Olac Another supply kJ just raceived uy J. W. CARMER. March i Diuggiet TJ BUKitlAN Se lO'R Corals! KILstr of JU. Causays Bark t fur sal b Jan 111 W. CARMER Foal far lavallas aad lafaars-Da Barry delicious Rsvalents Arabics Food. Ta be bad at . v-.. ,.; GOODING'S. T'aea fJooals-JBtt roeiv4 a (nnnlv of Lacs j taatiitssssaroiBtf. Alas Lso Mats, by JM 9 HARRISOS Jan 10 HOC tilt T ."The racst tpprovsd slyH' St J1 price sod tt. ' Far sal it H . Juoeli " .' , HAimseN i !''' Vl'-MlTiY AD' ' "TISINH " ht.r s Onsd " v. .... . i,e dsy -. - I 1 wn 1. a Si j!l v auya.. eu.iys Ml (Three days.1 -lurdeys KJIFonr day- an Two duv... - 1 IV 1 Fivedavs tf. iPiva dsvs...... 1 M Oneweek 7ilOna week. ......... .-I 79 Two weeks. 1 37 J Two week... 7 w On month 00 k)n month..... Two months, ....... 8 SO Swo month.. ........7 oav hree month. ...... 1 0 ' Tlirce months.. ..,.8 00 Six mouths ..8 00 six months... One veer.... ..2b DO One year,. ......... 13 00 . iwsivcuuss max a square, six lines a hall-square. Liberararrangements mad with yearly edvainser "DAILY PROGRESS. TUESDAY MORNING, NOV. 18, 1800. - FozTitxiiai A Number of good TCTRPSlvTlftR HANs . for the year 1861. Person wishing fo btrawtlido wtll to call upon the Subscrihr vry soon. . Psase lon riven the 1st January, Ififit. ' oct In wtlstj .a r EVAN W1XLIAMS CltOOl VAN BrKRHOOI I . J J M F HARRISON . f Is now prepared for th Fall and Wlntar Ira da ; has Urge and compter ., STOCK OF QOODS, which heofiHrs Tor sal flhsap. Those who Lars) pur chases to make will look to their interest by exawsu lug his stock Wore purvbaaiuc else wb era. Oct 2a - STOIiUNI Twenty Dollars Eewiid ! : ' $20 REWARD FOR THE APPREHENSION of th thiuf, or delivery to in of GOLD WATCH - AND. CHAIN ' which was stolen from my resMenc. ia Newborn. N. Con the night of th16th inst. The number T (aid Watch is IM3S9, of aightoen carrot flue, gcll hunting magic cua, skeleton levr. , . s. The rhajn attuohod to said Watch was along en, weih!ng between 30 and 35 pcnnv-weluht. with au scorn slid. 1 ADOLPH C0UN. Nswbcrn, oct 18, lRGO-dlm ;, tt,')" B K W A It D. Ran aw ay Irwi th aun fj, -ssJ-rciibiir at OreanviUe, I'iti county, about -tue laat of August last. A NEGRO HOT. about 17 years ( age. Said buy is named JOHN, isr . about S teel 5 inches In height, weigh nbiut ls lbs , veiy black skin, and is a" well grown likely Imy. Said boy was purchased by ine of F. OdeinliDiniM" and was raised at Oohlsboro'. I am of th Impres sion that said boy is lurking about Pairott Hardy's in Icnoir county where his father' llfcs. I will gfva the above reward fur hi delivery to uie st Green ville, or coiifined in Jail so that I can get Mm oct 94 dim T. It. CUEItRV. 1noTORPIIV, J. L. COWLING, POI.LOK ITIIRET, NKWBIBI, N. CM Respectfully Inrile the ailenlion of the iubabttant of Newberu and its vicinity to hi Uallery; where they can see a variety of Pictures both in Oil aad Wuter Colours. J. L. C having purchased s mam moth Camera, be ia now able to take picture from the smallest sis immature to lit site, and hav them oolored by a competent European Artist wbo Picture in the Not lb and South hav gives the greatest satisfaction. Photograph) from on dollar upward. Ambrotypes 50 centsand upward. Portraits painted life six from th smallest aii Ambrotype, - - ; -.-- Oil Sf .Ilf J-.-, " " ' ' ' '" ""' ., .1111, J4ND POK SJAI.K. NOTICE. J I lia subscriber oilers for aala Tract of Lnd of fOOAerr, lying on Trent River, ulu mile from Newbern. All of this land I wall sdnpted to the culture of cotton. About ISO acres or cleared and ready fur oultivatiou, arid th residue i coveied with growth iudiontive of great fertility. There are on the pieinia in- good repair at wo-tuy dwelling and out-hiMisus, and all other building needad on a farm. Uarlis found in greet abundanc on the land, th water Is good, and th neighborhood industriou, mural and intelligent. ' ' ' -Terms mud easy to purchaser. All application must be afldiesaad to the subsvilber nt Newborn North Carolina. JOHN D. MAY. July tfl wtf . 1'aiboio' ,inthenicr copy os tnoub and tend bill tothe Progrea. WUEELEH V 'II.0.'vs) -. iMKWI.vM MACUISIBII. J. R. KIN'iyjN. f '.. ; Agont for this celebrated Sawing Machine, may be s.-en at th residence ot un JU. r.. Castix, Pullok street, where Hi Mi:hins mny be seen nt work and full directions obtained relative to their ns and management. Mr. Kintou is fully acqnntnltd with these machines, nnd give full' instructions which enable any on to use them aud to do any Mud of work. '. . 1 j 1 . The Ladies of this ploc ar respectfully luTiled to call nd,exjiniine t hern, I'RICES-F'ROM $55 CP TO flOS. ' All orders left with Mr. Castex will be attended to. nov5 dlw" 51)0 KIWAIIU-A REWARD OF Moo will be paid for evidence that will con vict tho villains who have made several sttemuts to fire the Town recently, and nn additional reward of fi!)30will be given for the apprehension and con-' viol ion of the burglar who have infested thTown for sverul month bust. ' sept VI -ilt f FRED. LANE, Mayor. rpiU! I.KAOKR OP aTVI.ES.- 1 JUST Itl CElVED Our Fall and Winter styles ol (ientluinen's hilk Huts, mat ufactured on -the Very lntet adopted blocks Cud and examine as tre nro selling from 11 to 85, and guaiaulu to keep youi aliimne. WU.KINS Sl FLAN AO VN Oppo-ito Eplsoopal Church, Poiluk st., Newbern. sept 1 1 - rilHE SUBSC'RIUER OFFERS FOB SALE A VE- A ty desirable ' '' ' ? ' . HOUSE AND LOT in tli town of Kiniton, N. C. The buildings are new auil, in good repair, with a lurge OAUDEN at tached. Prisons wi"hh:s to purclinso have in the above II, nine and Lot a vory rare nhnnce of a good in rust mcrjf in town being siliialed in a good npiahborhood, Ale. The pnvment will be made easy. '- EV AN WILLIAMS. oct 16 wtlstj.n -; i - . 01 IXJIIAMIi, CAI.Il'OKsl, Ac Oingbaii. X t'ulicoes, llrilllni.U, Clinolblsv s Percals. Lug-' lish long Cloths. For sale at "HARRISON S. Jane 'i . ' II I T a A vary large tut received tlin day at HARRISON'S. Oc t !i0 ' - 1.0HT OB Itllsll.AIO. V NOTE GIVEN BY GEO. AlXEN TO C O. STANLEY, dated September li. Ifetiforf Hi. 'I hacoinmunity are esutiuuud against trading tor il. as it bus been paid. nov3-dlw-w)t - - - - m.mmhm. II, RltlUBOIOEICY, Arc KmbroMcnv: Sleeves , Mn.l f'..ll..r 1 ..t.m ('..Hm... mid I . ndersleves' Worked Skhts. jaconet and Swiss Bunds, Jaconet and Swiss Edin" lar--e auoi'lv kept coiwianny t-a hand.l v J M F HARRISON. (llalbiat'asslnMrre, Ar. A LARGE ASSORT J meiit of Chillis, Csasiilieres, Vestinj-s, Liuej, Dnlls, Ducks, Cttonadee. Drop D'Eta, Quera Cloths, Vc, Ao. For sale by . JuiifrW . J MFIIAKR1SON LIU Bit OOIsl."-Liiie Sbectintr, PHtow Css: Linen, Naykins, Doylas, Holland's Irish Line. Hack Diaper, Bud tiyu Diaper, Scotch DiAper, Linen Ciumb Cloths, a Urge stiM-k of HouMkacpins Uoods. For sale by v J M F HARRISON. June 10 ' ' ' l..flBIIOIOKBIBs) A very large assortment XJ Just opeudd at ' . CKtO HARRI?0T8. BOOTS! BOOTS) I Several caaea wusopsa ed todays! -oct 3u . , HARBISON'S. BOMBASINE ALrAVAS, Ae. Bomb -linos, Black DsLsinos, Black Alparas, Biack Barege and ChaIHa, Qrnauas and Muslin s vs risd vssortuiesL Fur sal by JuneU - J U T HARRISON. j saar Jlaaa C total aj-A L iuaj 11 ol Saaimr Clotluag. soosiatis ( tbs istest style sud-ofaupsriuLr 'orkmsaship, and at very to pncea uauat J un 1 i - - J M F UAsUUONj. nmassaiJiPsUirasIBSr WW, J DERS, prepsrsd by P. F, rKU,UUX), UW-s N. C, od ,M ivy F . R D I'll V, aw bem. a i j - ' J. r.JORDAX, Nsobsrs. J Sept. 17 dAwSta. . . ,