. r.Y J. L PENNINGTOILi The 1 ULY VKOURESS" laserved to town and xatry. .,Joribersat Six Dollars o Te"JC"' in advauoe. All paper discontinued when the time Mid for expire, nolens renewed., ' . - ' Advemaementa inserted Special (Or Bhp No tion. , , charged one-half more thai the usual rates, SShneS (leadedl or less eohsitutin a square . Mangos and Deal...ndr..j "t grat- .hi 'e r" ? h inr,rti0" aftar ?" " r-Where the number of Insertions are aot ex- 'luul whee advertisement are handed in they will P , .:iit..l.;j lit .J iliam.l fiU f... ' the firs insertion and25eenta for each continuance, f BUSINESS CARDS. WIL.LIAN p. neoRK, Jr. " '. , COMMISSION MEUC1IANT, , Cornel Soatlt Frnl sismI middle MaV Vr',- ,' V. N. C. ' AzetU for Vi'ult RMuruair uctween Mm Port and New York. Pkiladrlohxa. bnltimort and Bottom. Partioular attentuin given tu the sale of t!oamry Prod noe, and the purohase of good renerdlljr. Also, DisoharKing Vessels and Procuring Freight, and the Jteuoiviug ana rorwnraiJK Business, I hare convenient Wharves and Wntohousea. U. Celden Bfnrray, New York i Cochran fc Bnasell, PhlladelDhiat Dollner. Potter It Co.. New York. James Cooer fc Hons, liiiltiinore i Janiee L, Davis, New York i London fc Uryan lhwton ; Fred . J Junes Cashier Hi such Dank of North Carolina. Newborn Juo. A. Ouiou, Cashier Bank of Commerce. New born 1 V W. Clark. Cashier Morohants' Dank, New. barn i A. Mitchell fc Son, and Dr. Isaaa W. Hughaa, Aewbern. - ' March ggdly - "A - i': (Thw "Modern Relnblishnsenl ' 's fcOK NUWliEKSi N. C. 4. f ff.f.lMABRIMlf, -li t WHOLESALE fc KKTAIL DEALER IN 6T4rLi,Vai)cr, Hjkkios and Dombstic Rati, Cap; BooUmud ikoe$, Cirpelnrt, Matting: : Kurt, Jtwttrg, 1 rases, Keaay-Maat tsiouuag, ,1 fce., aVo. , ' . Niwiikv. N. C. J. K. T. HAmo has just reoeivsd a oom!au tsortment suitable tor tue season, ana wiu oouunue receive by every arrival all desirable Aitioles and Novelties of tne season ov'Kaitoisa,;a!rsVr.. ftVipt 1 - - ; iy ., .; tTfce Ifewfcern IBalasI bio m. IKRIIItASCE COUP AffY fflUIB CoBpaay baa sow boon in successful opera. B tlOa HT ' m .1 THEEE YEARS. timing waleh time ne assessment has bean t Me to aeel loeeeav ... - , . " The Company is now prepared to receive Apuliqa uonsior 7 - , r . INSURANCE. . . tlrvuih msv be made to anv of the different Aceab tbrougheut the State, or to the undersigned, at the Wo 01 in tiompany, a mis pisne. 4 ' W.O. 81 GLETON, Secretary. Newbarn", N. C, 8ept I dly , COMMISSION MEKCHAJIT, r , . SSO DISI.SH II Are GoaAt. Orocnie: Pi-oturioHe. Liamort' 3rt. Opposite Uenk of North Carolina in Newborn, Cra enwHinij.N.C.,. - Has on hand a good assortment of Staple Drv CloodsvOfooerio, 6tone and Ci'o-iV'Wiiro, Nsilv bv the k or mtnil, Wiuideo-ware. ItriHims, Root and 6hea. Spun Cotton, Ynukae rintuuis of vsiiou kinde. Asae, of the but quality oiiiwtantly Hit band, and allot winea wiu pe soiu low u uesn. -Maroh I dtf ' " :' " f BOB MHOi, - 7" II 4 NEWBERN. S. C." etaaafaotarerof Window Sash, IlUnds, Pannel Dmim, 8r utters, Wood Moaiiiinirs, uraoaeu, uaiusters, , , ,j ,, Newels, fcc, to. v 4 ALSO. aaaftntaninres and .keeps itun(.antly on hand, a laree Block nf CABINET FURNITlfRE.eX wholesale " and retail. v., -: , ' ". v.-t- ' . Sash N ill oa Hancock aL, Ware Kixnmon Kiddle t BeutI - , ' , y 1 n. I-AWB, AJe GKNI GKNI'KAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, rrssi nirres.. - NEWBZHN.N. c. Fartioatar attention given the snln of CothM, Naval Stores, Ploar, Corr., rfay, Lima, Dried lrait, ad country prodneo -enerally. Also thaBecei-'Jif and rNwadln bastaess, db jharging vesrr'.j and procurlnit fraiglits fur vesselr running between this portsod the ports oi New York. Philadal' hia and Baltimore. Cash advances made on Cetwignmeot. starch '' ! ry - n. mvkrpV I. COMMISSION MERCHANT AND WRviill'tliR O O O K B , (l.lqUOHS INCLVUIO; Agent far J. M. singer fc CVs, WIloos fc Oibbs ad Jeesee C Conner's 8ewm( Maohines 1 keeuntHai stantly on hand a supply of Kd Ah Coal fur Oi to. Solinita oonniKninents and order and will prompt ly attend to aU busiuess entrusted to nun. Office on the Old County Wharf. ' ', Newborn, dec 9V 1. MERCHANT TAILOaslNO. The subeenber at his old stand on Pouoc'k ' Street, opposite Geiirge Allen's, E?q., would roupw t fully call the attentive of hi. numerous vustouiers and tho Mblio gne ally to the foot that he has jwt returod from the North with a choice rejection ot CL01'1IE8, CA8SIMEUK8 aud VES'lTNOS, which ha is prupared to make up in the latest and most appropriate styles and atsninll flguras, tor cash. , : D. W I1DKTT, Ag't Sept. 18 dfcw3m. - J . A. n ITERS. t, , , OLD COUNTT WUAKF, Offers for sals t lOOe) Ubls. Whisky at Baltimore price with ex- ' (..v-.penHlsaddedi , nur.-i ,, ,mmM;j . MM Snwed Lathes; " 199 Bills. Mullets, Bloe Pish, Spots, Drum , RiUss, Mackerel, Herring end Trout 1 Cigars nil rrades, from ito 6U per. M.J . Ss I'hds.CubaMoliwesi ' ' IN Kegs Ssilroad Spikes 1 ' . " - - ' B wket Cliainpagneg . .' ; A splendid assortment of Brandies, Wines, fcc., of the flpst grades. M sept ldaw rn j. HiieHBD, X e GENEUAL COMMISSION fc SUIPPIXO , . MEIiCUANT. PORK. BAY. , SPIRIT BAKREL8,. VLOUR, i COAL'. ' HOOP IRON, SALT, t - LIME. GLUE, fcu.. &C, A supply alWays ofl hand and fur sale.' Ageut for regular tioes of VhksoIs runiflrtft between this Port-and NsntYoJk, Bostont,(Pliiladelphm and (Baltimore. . Convenient Wharves and Warehouses for storing or shipping. - - ' Cash advances made on Consignments. s'i)tg ' , " '. - ' ' W1I!,KA9I UAW, '--ir''- : - - ! WITH . FENNER fc HARDENBEEGH. , . , WhelrealeUroeere. . , ir .(,; . . AND - . J . '. f .. DEALERS IN TEAS, 313 aad 315 Greenwich St., bet wen Read and Da - . . : ane St roots, v , . IK Fennel..' . I John A Hardenbergh. ,. NEW YORK. jan Jt-ai . .. . ,- WILLUllI W. COK, PAPER HANGEBr ..... . - 1 . -NtwUrn, N. C. ... "MI!ev his entire atientinn t hanging plain and Ornamental Wall Paper. Work done in the best manner and at reaxonsbla prices. fJly 13. 18rt dly ' : ' ' ' IVlbl i.ti hilOTUBBH, H t roRWARuim Sf coimissioy Jw , , , MERCHANTS, . -. , Nxw-Bln'M, N.C. tr Cash Advances made on ConBipiments to be bid here or forwarded to Northern Markets. GMMW Al-IiBW, 4. o ."t .. t.n ; . ' RIALIH 111 fAttCTT. ' It lIU e DRY GOOVSf BOOTH, SHOHS, HATS, - - CAPS, SrC, . ', 22" POLbOK STREET, NEWBERN . C, Would respectfully invite the attention ol the publia t his Stwtk, which will b found at, well aeeorled, and sufliciently large at all seasons of the year, Erders promptly and oarefully attended to. -' 'Pt I . ' " "", dly 11 . A),raTV,.. t a ' Pealrr in rnS. Wedlclnee and CHEMICALS,. ,. White Lefide,'! inc, Pairttat Cnlor Varnishes, niahea, Window Glass, Putty, fc;; Linseed. Camp f iid Kuihine Oils, Perfumery and Toilet Articles. '. ALSO,' ' - ' ti-i- Tin? b'1 liquors for medtolnal 'pu'rpbsee.' . -l.ri. S o. .. , ' dALkNBY AT T.AW. EWi.xiN,K.C. fcul6,eUf f' ..'... ' ' e ' ' ,iUtw. J t .'.4 -V ''. ' . , " J s " . "a, ' ;....... ? IMlEaMBHI E0GffiKS3. -. . i i ,,.. i, i 7 - in r ; 'i i ii i - : i i ; , i i , ,iT,. , . , n . . . ;. .;,, ;,. i n. i - rr voltii. BUSINESS CARDS. : pnOTOOBAPBV. j X CCOWUNG, V rOtIOK HTBBBT, NRWBBBrr, CH Rrtlieotfully Invites "the attention of the inhabitants of Newborn and Its vicinity to Ins Gallery, wbsre they can see a variety of Picture both in Oil and Water Colours. J. L. C having purchased mam moth C mera, he is now able to take pictures from the smallest sine miniature t life siae, and have them colored bv a competent Enntpeau Artist whose Piotares in the North and South have jives the greatest satisfaction. , Photographs from one dollar Upwards. ' ; AmbrotvDes 511 eentsnnd upwards. - ''- - Portrait painted life site from the smallest siae AmDrntype. - --; , - oct 2r dtf ' , : BBICK IAYI AND ITIASJO.'YRY JAMES N. LEGO, UrickLsyer and Plasterer, ...... 11.. 1 1 . 1.. ...... .1. . 1 . 1. rapeuuuojr onnie luMsi virM 111 me aoove oisncn ofbuaiiHM. He is prepared to erect buildings by contract, or by the day when desired, and pledges himself to give sntistaolum as to pnee and character of work. He offers to does substantial workas can be done in the State. ' . , For further particulars he refei s to W. P.Moore, I uisoHway ueorge uisliop and J. u. rennmgton, an 01 newoei-Q. " , Newborn June 19 dfcwtf. " WlS,I.IAn II A V. HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. NEWBERN. N. C. Contracts taken for work in town or country ,wh loh will be promptly executed and eatisfactiou guaran. tied. Paints, Oils aad Varnish always ou. baud and will Da sota at reasonable prtoaa. , - , . ,, Sept. 911 dawly ' ' -' 1 Db. s. . covvtrt, ' -n.,,,, , nrgeoa Deatlel, Permanentlv located In the loa n of NewUoi a. Of. floe on tfoutu Front Street, opposite tliet Gastot House. - . . i i, , I)ei9wtf rtvous ifssM tvv.s i t J M F MARK1SON - - - la uow prepared lor toe Full and Winter trade 1 bar a large aad commote ol't n. lr uin;us, ' ' rhich lienffrs lot fnle nhesp. Ttiose who have pur hnaesio make will look tu their interest by examin ng hia atock tiet'ore purchasing elsewhere. HOK AGAIn-S T. BEHKY bavins; com. ijlntad tvimiiiuic and eul iruing Ins Store would inspect fully inform IiIk friend' and the politic gener ally that he una retuiiiea to ins om atanu. oiieotiy ooosite ttie Waaliitgba ll'itei. where he wHl eoa- tinau ft sell on the most reasonable terms . . Drv Goodsv Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Crockery, UIa88ware,' t!arrine iniains, and all kind of Proviaiuna, ' , " sept Jt7 dtf VAi.I7ABlK TOWN LOT FOB KAIjE In the m ilter of . '1 ',it'' , Thomas P Devereux, ( ZtuVrinnlM ' and John Devereux, ) '""" 186A Bv virtue of a decree of n.e Court of Equity, for Craven County ,M the lt Teriii, ia tlie above cae, 14 ('lurk and Mavtor will expfiab to putilio aale at the Com! House, in th towi. ot Newborn, olrTIiara. day, the l"th nay ot DeoeniDer nest, tue following valuttb.e Heal Btt,to-wii; r - lynndawelUng-noureon miaaieatrnet, now no unied bv William G. lirvan. Erj Lot number ii on Pullok street, now occupied by J K Bailey, Erq. Lot nuo.bee on Eat k'ront street, between- Cmon and King -treet. Water part of Lot number , In cluding wharf, now oocupieo t nr. vv. w. uruis bee. One half of Lot nnmber S'H ou .New etreet, between Cra ran and Middle atreeis, , ' Witness, frederick C B"bta, Clrk and Master n Eauitv fotsaid County. atofHua. in Newbern.thia 7th day of November, 186". , I. v. nusuia, V, JU. Hi. Nov8dfcwtT .. , REMOVAL. THE SUBSCRIBER. Would rt apvotfully announce to hUcustmuera and the puhliu generally, that he has removed to the large and commudioaa Brink Store, recently occupied by Alexander Miller, Exj, nearly opposite the Wash, ington Hotel, where he will keep constantly on band a large stock of heavy . DRY fOOI)8,ORfCERIES. BOOTS SHOES. HATS fc CAPS. CHOCK Kit Y GLASvWAUK, COTTON HAGUINH. ROPE. fcC, fcC, fcC, hich he will sell at the loweat cash price. Prompt attention given toordera and selling country produce A call respectfully solicited. AAV. UUUIVH. sept -A-aim-witin. rpOTHiC. rRIEWDS Os BOHR MANV 1 tfAciXBnt. .THE KIXSTON RHOE FACTORY IS NOW IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION. Orders tor negro UKOUAN3 and BOOTS are so. licitod. , " J. C. CARPENTER, Agent, . ' . . IC1NST0N, N. C, Julygrv-Hawif r . TOTICK.TUE SUHSC'RIBkR WH.L SELL Ll by order of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Suaaions. at the Court House in Nowhere., on the aeooud Monday in Deoember next, (It being Court week J a valuable t . s. 1. , . - . Tract of Lnnd "d lasproveasrnte. containing 1SS Aeteamore or less,- lying on the Nurtli sine ot; A ease uiver, ana wine siae . Bird's Creek, odjidniiis: Edward Bowen's, Bennett, and others. The same land ia now' occupied by 0 P. Banks.; yn - - & ; . . . Terms of taw made known on the nay of aal. : J. M CUrHRELlf. Adm'r., oct IS-dawtd of Ao CdTH'agL, Deo'd. y ,-OB lAM. . 1 1 1 Mules, Carriage Hornet, Corn, Fod der, WAGGONS. CARTS, and , , , Farnting Utenslli, ' " at the Clormont Plautalion. No f8ol.dfcwif. -j - ' 1 VITAlvTE. The underaisrned wit, pay the T T b cheat cash prices for Dry- Hides, 1. Washed Wiail, clean Rags, old Rope, old SuU, Corn Meul a(.n,l.nra, c4 ap s , fjL. Ang. 4 aw - . ruAin'nwmr.n M IBB rjJSAH'O ULBl MY w aw am mwm mi ea v ww - J DERS, prepared by P. F. PEOWD, Raloigh', N. C., and sold, by F. 8."Dr FT NhwbHrrr. snd Sept. 17 d&w.tm. wins; IHacfclnCs." 'l'he lit nntit ot sewing 1 machines ought tu tiaS. at MYERS' aud supply tliamaelves, rj HeiunAH at co Cordial Elixir of AA Causaya liark 1 for sale by III J S. jan W. CARViER. ,iood few iBValide nnd Infnnb.VDu Barry's ? delicious Revoleuta Arabiua Food. To be had ',, 1 , GOODING'8. JulySI . I ace soods. Just Teceived. snpply ot Lace j Muntilias aud Points.- Also Lace Mitts, by June Vi ' J M F HARRISON ' E IHRBOIOKRIKoW A very large assortment Just opetiild at - H aw lTARRl?ONS TOiIBASIlRH AI.PA.'AfS,' AY. Botuba lina. HI auk DeLiiinea. Black Alpacas. Black unRi;w auu uaiua, uiennuiuca uhwmiip ried vaaortment. For sale by . . , Juno li . J M F HARimON. o J .l.-of' n... ....A W....ll . nOOP.HRIBTH. The rnoft fcPPved styles IJ at nil price and alaes For aale at fj June 19 ' ' ' HAWKISOTS.! Hraaraser and ilrteweal Urandic-, - j, - For sale by --J. D. MYES. nov 10 TTNROI,TFI riiOI H! " ... KJ For Halo by FOARD fc. HOOKER. autf 15 Browna UronoaasI Trocfces. Jut received IMicembtrM " ' by J. G00D1N0 3 -'Jl tSliiSj;".::i i J-', "T MEDIClKhS. TVH1VV. THR Rl.0t. d , t -rJ 1 a - m t ia v a t a . ' . Tfjfetaoisj Life Fills and JPhesnix Bitter. Tiie hfafb and envied eelabritv wUmb these pre' eminent Medicines have acquired for their inviirinble efficacy In all the diseases which tney proleae tonere. has rendered theusnul practice of uuflioK mA only unneeeaaarv.butunworthvofthera. They are known by their fruitsi their good works Utily lor them. ana uisy tiinve not by tne mini 01 tne oreatuous. , Jm mil liamUM Of Asthma, Arnte and Chronic Rheumatism, Affei- tlous ot the Bladder snu Hinoeys. , 1 BUliaus feten mud Liver Comvteints. In the South and Wort, where these dinenMwt prevail thoy will bo found invaluable.. P!nuters,larmirsaui others, who once use these medicines, will asver -terwards bo withont theio , " " j Hillioua Chijie and Serous Looseness, Ciles Cos. tivciieas, Liolda aim Coughs, Uliolio. CeasKMtoa-Used witli gi eat anoeeasln this disease Comvt Uumort. DropiieM. Dftptptin Noueraon with this ilistreaaing disease aiiouio nemy aainir Mioao tnemviuee luiweuiaieiy, , mtios (As fiAm. . Lrtitipclai nH Flatultnry. Fever and AgeeYuf tiua acoui'ire ul the Western country t fioeo iiieuicwae win ne iunv a saie, apeea and certain remedy, tftner-inodii'iueaiuavu the aya- tern subject to a return of the iliaeaae a cure by these medicine is permaseuu iiy tuam, ne saus nea, ana pa tiuraa, FeulHesi of Ctmflnwn. ' r - - Central DdUilt. fkiiil nfiiffiiieaa HravMl. Headauhea of avurv kind Inward Fever. Influuatory KiieumuUaua, Impure lflood,Jaundiae. Liasa or Appetite. 1 , Liter , Complainte, i.earesy, Leoienett, Utrctnia " Never fails toeradioate wiriraly-all the effoctsot Mercurr inttnitelv sooner than the moat uuwsrful urnuaistion of Saraapaiilla 1 , ..... . rt 1 Til. wr n A igns swshhj nervoue ucuniiy, -xvw viiuea voiii plaints of S.U kinds. Orirnnic Affuutiona. Puluitatiuii ..e .1.. rr... b..;.... ol.,.i;. : ' VI HI, UVWII,, t WNM .vliouu. , flit. " " The original nronrietor of thesa medicines wo cured of Piles ot 'ii years standing by the nse 01 these itlte Meaictnes atone, j Pain in the head, aide, back, luuba, joints, and organs. ' , ttneumnnsM. Those afflirted Willi this teriibla disease will b sore of Relief hv the Life Medicines. Htuk ef Bloud le ts Head, Scurvy, SJt Rheum, . , BtoXMgt. Scrofula, ar King't Evil, in its wornf forms, Ulcers, Ul inrj wjBt'rijmoii. . mj . rVorsis of all kiinls aiti efiuctuallv expelled bv t hese medicine. Purents will do wall to adiniiiiater theio whenever their existence is suspected. Raliel will be certain. -r " . , TAs Lift Pill and I'hami RMtrt - - . Purify lit' Bloof, And thus remove nil riiaauae (mm toe ytem. Prepared by . UK. WILLIAM li. MOr AT, .. .. . No. .185 Knindwav. Fur sale hv nil Druggists. (Moffat Building!, N Y msyiuuawiy nu jr. bovkr uoi IMPERIAL WINE BITTER8I-. AST asaoV frees a pare aad naadallrra. ted V lue. which l about double the uauul tr ngth of other Wines, and is imported' by only one hoaie m the Unitea States. Alao, troin the tollow iiiir valuable Riaita, Herba, fcc, vis t Solomon's Sent. spikenard, Oumfrey, Camomile k'.owsrs, Gnuliau, vv ttd uuarry tree uarK ana uayueny. . "WE CHALLENGE T H K VOKLU TO PRODWB T H B I K . B Q 7 A f, t We do not prufeaa to have discovered aome Root "ktiown onlv to the Indiana of South America f" and a cure for "nil diaeaaea which the fleaii is heir to," but weolaTm di present to the puhlia a truly Valua ble preparation, which every intelligent fliyaician in the couutry will approve of and recommend. A a remedy for " I N C I P I E NT CONSUMPTION, Weak Ijuuga, Indigeatioo, Dyapepia, Diaeaaos of the Nervouasyatain, pmolyaia, ISI&,diaesaos peculiar to Kemales, IXeblhty.aod all coses requiring a To wo, they are .t i . . .. UNBDHtAllKDin For Sore Throat, ao common among the Clergy, (hey are truly valuable. - ... For the ugud ami infirm, or for persona of a Week Constitution for Miuiaters of the Gocpel, Lawyers, aud all publ'.o speakers for IWk-K,eeprs, Tuitora, Sean stieaau, Studenta, Arriats, and all persona lend ing a sedentary lite, they will prove truly beneficial. as a ne delicious As a Beverage, they ore wholesome, innocent, aud to the taste. They produce all the ex hilinrntiug effects of Brandy or Wine, without Intux. ioating: aud ore a valuable remedy for p-iaons ad. die'ed to oxceaiveuae of strong drink, and wish to r fiainfrom it' They are pure and entirely fee from the poisons continued In the adulterated Wiues and Liquors with which the country is flooded, these Bittern not only CORK bat PREVENT Disease, wd should be uaed by all who live in a country where the water ia bad, or, where Chills ai d Fevers are prevalent, . Being entirely iiinoceut and harmless, they may be given freely to Children and Infants with linpunity. Physicians, Clergyman, and temperance advo cates, as an oot of humanity, should assist in spread ing these truly rnluabte HITTERS over the Innd, and there'-y essentially aid in banishing Drunken, ness and Disease. CUABLES WIDDIFlEliDACO., Proprietors, 79 William street, New York. And Sold by Diuggista genera Iv. ' ' ... :( ,u J..VV.CARMER, Druggit, v' Agent at Nkwukhn, N. C. aug 17-dly 4 Itaraeli'e rswparaiioas." KALLLVf OS mJ Coooaine ; Oriental 'f out lr Wasli r Florinel, Wliitooinb S ( Asthma Remedy, aud Flevuring Ex tries of Lamon, Orange. Nutmeg, Vatiillaj Peach, Huae, Almond, Cinnamon. Clover, Celery ana Neeta rule. Just received and for aale, hy ; u a f- April 81 JAS W CARMER, Dmtrgiat. Bryan's Taeleteea Verntifnzn. ---Sold by -.....-. J. OODINO,Jilr JulySI fVKKIP UBBB. Jnst received, by J.. July 18 ;.i ' Jros I860. From D. Landreth St Sob. J.GOODING, Jit. GlrSUUAni, X'ALKJOKSi, Vo.'-Giughsma, Calicoes, Urilliaots, Chambiey's 'Percals, Eng lish lohK Cloths. For sale at HARRISON S. -Juneltr ' ""! -t :: P BIH T A very large lot received this day f;,.V- HARRISON'S. LVOOti BliAsiTIC KITs-A new artl- If els. For sale at oct sltt --i J MF HABKISON-S. SlI.KS r SII.KS! Call ntHAl BISON'S and examliie hie Silks. ' They are said to he excel. lout styles'. JVHT ABRITKO - - - - - tJ . .: bix Coses of Mob's. Bealsi. . .v .'"is ;.,: . L. .Four do. Ifciva - do. Twenty Coses Lids and Misses' 8HOES ol every description, with a fine lot of Gout' Pine French HATS and Children end Jtiiys' Caps, for ante low by eept 15 ; Pollok street, Newhern, ?iriHHOIIliHV. eVe. Embroidered Bleeves JLt -aaA Collors, Loco dollars and Uuderatevyoa, Worked Skirts, Jiuouet and Swiss Bands, Jiiconel und Swias Edging large supply Kept constantly on hand; by ? " r J M F HARRISON, Gloihs, Caealmasre, aVc-A LARGE ASSORT . nieut of Clotiis, , Casaiinerea, Vestmns, Linen, Drills, Dnck a, Cottoiiudes, Drnp DEie, Queen Cloths, &o. fcC." For sale by" June 12 ' ' i 'J M F lIARRISON T. IKBIV OOD. Linen Sheeting-, Pillti Case A-J Lined. Napkins, Doyles. Holland's Irish Linen, wr, bird Kye Diaper SciiQih Diaper. Linon Ci uuib Clot hs, utr rgestix k of Uoiisekeol ing Goods. 1 r or aale by fc it, a IIAttitlbUjii, June I'i Siiuacrs stowing llAacsiiare, in i' t percent. " " J 1 MYE1 e 1 vuui'vii &il RS, Agent. (,'ASKS PORT AMD SHERRY my jo, T j.p.rvrr.3.- 4)i - v j ' TlfBa. WINMLOW. .! XiA An axperieuoed Bursa anl; Female Physicisn, preseuw to me attention 01 motn rs, nor ; t SOOTHING 8YKUP,- ' ' 'Per CMdrea Teething' ' which greatly facilitates the oruoeaa.of teutlilntr.'b soAeuing the gums, reducing all inflammatioa will suay all rsiK and spasmodic acts ay and b) . i sum to m.ouLATt thk bowci.s. t- Depend upou it, mothers, it will give rest to your, sei vee, auu .n - , t . "i i Relief and' llenlll la roar Infante'. 'i Wehuve put up aud sold tins article tor over ten yearn. una unnay,'iu oonnauliuu sun truui o it. "' neve imver . 1 oeen anio tc say of snyotli. MK. ' . WINKI.OIV'S OOTIilINO . -ll'Rl'P. m or medeim- -N EVER HAS IT A SINALh FAILED. IM 1N8TANCE. FECI , A I' O U F CURE, whei tiinely used. Never did we knnwau Instance of die. siitutactioti hy any one who used it. Ou tl. contra. ry, all are dehglitud with its operations, anil apeak tu terms 01 nivtieat cmninniinution ot its mneicul el facta and meuica) viitaes. We speak 111 tins mattm what we do know." after ten veara' exooilence aad pludi'eour reputation for the fultilmeiit of wlutl Swawa d)uie la elmis every Inatonoe wliers 10 infant ia suffiiring from paiit sud exhauatioli, rl list will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes alter the syrup is administered. - This valuable preparation is the prescription of one 01 tne meat expei leuoeajtna skiiiiu Auraes in Mew Eniclnnd, aud has beau used with uever-lalliui sue ueat in , - THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only relieves Hie child from paiu, hut lnvif orates the stomacii ami oowo la. corrects ecioitv, and gives tone and nervy to the whole system. It will almost Instantly relieve Griping in the Bowels, nnd wind ChulM-, 1 ' ' '" ' " Mind overcome conviilsiuni, pseiiUy rem death. - We . . for CUM.UIICiV TKIillll.VU. n-hli h, if not edied. end in bullets it the best and smruslremisity in the world, in all cases of l)y:entciy and Uiarrhat a in Children, whuthur it arit.ee fruui luttthuu,or from any utuer cause. We wpuld say to every umiiiui who has a cliltl saffuring from any ol the foreiruiity coiiiulainf-4iioiiot lot your uicjudicoa; nor tlwe pre judicea of others, stand between your auflering clulo itiiu the reliet that win do sure- yes. niisniuteiy stirp to ftiliowtlie nae of this tnedieii , if timely used. Fuil diret tioui fur using -will accunipany each bottle. None iwnumc iiuies tne 111c aiituie 01 vuittin PEI(KIN6,Nw York, is ou the' outside writpper. Sold by Ui ucifiata throughout the world. ; Piiuulpal ofHce, No. :i Cedar Street, N. Y. ' ' . - .fMcetnly a VeWi fn Onus, .. due i: l&"i-dfcwlv jllOCLAJlA 1 ion. TO ' - TUE Cil. ZENS OF NEWnCRNAND : ft - VICINITY. V ( 1 as, At the pi'Msmit Seasun . " " DlAKltJill A, CIIOLEKA .MORBCS, 0 SENTARY, : : dynI'Epsia . . , DEHILllV, CHOL1C. fcc. fce. Prevail la an alarm tnr ntrml. aud Whereat, it be of tint Jiret caaeequenrr to ail Citizen to know of, a at once SPEEDY, SAKE and EFFICACIOUS. - UK. MONTAKDE . ' or rati is offers his MIRACULOUS PAIN KILLER As the most Cr.KTAIN, SAFE and INSTANTA NEOUS REMEDY in the Wotld.for any of the above Cuuiplauils. , Uut as ao many worthless paeirums are oerogenn innallv imooaed upon the Public to their iireat loss anaiijury DR. MONTARDE Hereby offers to REFUND the MONET mall cases where tne meaicinu may mil to nnora entire satisi'io. boa Ask then at any DRUG STORE in NEW BERN, for DR. MONTARDE S MIRACULOUS PAIN KILLER, Take a dose of from 30 to C'.l drops, according to age nnd strength ot piitlent, ana 11 not perfectly satisfied, return the Medirini and get your money rulumled. which Uie DUUGGISTS ore autliorixed to do. But the " " ' , MIUACULOUS PAIN KILLER -NEVER FAILS I NEVER FAILS 1 1 ' NEVER ft For snle In Newbern N. C, byj W CAI1MER, GOODING,'Jr..J V JORDAN and F S DUFFY. J AS. McDQXXELL. 1 Mercer street. IJaitiuiore. General Agent for the United States. , . , , , .lime 1, lw 11 'n North Carolina Cassimeres. Just received at the well-known eatahiishoient of J. M. V HABuISON. a very desirable lot of CAS MMEBES fnoin the YADKIN MANUFACTORY, wuitto are lor sole uu vey uiuuerate ,tei uis. ;., ., 4 pt . T lie I.KADRRS OP SJTVI.ES. . JUST RECEIVED Our Full and Winter styles ot Gentlemen's Siik Hats, manufactured on the Very latest adopted blocks Call und examine ne we sre selling from $1 to i, and guarantee to keep your Beavers shining. Opposite Episcopal Church, Pollok St., Newborn. sept 11 Paleat dll- fSrease-FOR LUBRICATING Axlea. Mill Guariug and heavy bsurinurs of all description also atoges, watrgona, carts fcc For the above purposes it Is better and cheaper than any .1 ' -. f. .. 1 o: - ..e n fe . ouier aruuie uaeu. dig, vi ju&gea 111111 urn 2.Vt IBs. Just received by 1 Fab 16 J.C-OODlNG.Jr. 9e) Tons best Peruvian Gu.tno, t''. ti ' . Aioencan Uuano. ept 8, io" DIBBLE fc PROS , : LAUUE LOT OF , . ' ' ' ' II A T 8 ! j ' ust received. Bebee's Fall Style and B'.ack and colored Cuseiinera) Also a fine stm'k of C A P 8 . O.-tll EMMET CUTHBERT. t LAUIKa' CI.OAK". A I.nrsja aad Oesl rable assortment j ist received by expreas Iroui I lie celebrated establinhment ot 0rO. Hi' oie. oct 8(1 .1 M F HARBISON. " 50 KEGS Of POWOKK-.lust received and tisr saie ai New York prices by apt l-Uiw ' E WANT Hosteller's Bl.lers-JLST AT HAND AAD For sale by 1. nov 6 - JAS W CARMER, Piugglst. Also; a large lot of SUPEB PHOSPHATE OF LIME, for sale by EOED fc IloOKEB, sept 13 '-' . - '' 1 ' " -- - 15 Sw! reoeived and lor sale by June 27, JE AMYETT. 5Pirkiae Sioeaea Bauer, il Boxes CieeeelUet received pet. Sclir. Bur r-tt. andfiirmle by s 3. E. AMYETT., : l SBiiiiiBB srssnrstsBi kl Manufactured by Burbunk, Gallagher fc Co., wasiiingion, u. rwiaiBDy - . . tovlf J. D MYERS.. . -, j.,,, :it Agent Jor Craven iauaty.. 1 P Bble. Nortbera Irish Palaiaee aad X F Ouious, Just reoeived aud for sale by v 13 J. E AMTBTT 25 75 r Bble. CilT Mree PorU-o.r snh) br " net ill dtf . i A. MI1 HMX fc SON. . ; Baskets and 89 Cstoeo V hasnpaunis Jf'or sale by J. D. MYERS. 11.. v I I ipnaldiu'e Prrnarod Uino Another nipply w just received by . ,W-CvMER. Wsroli UK; . Diuggist rpw- AR.llKB-.xii,ial,snrihorwill hove this J. season very large and dewirahln assortment of KEKSEYS, SHOES and BLANKETS, which he is iteurutiaed to sell k)W out'U 3 u i aABRisoy. aM' Ora'sfee, , .., J. u. NYERS. " lliV ' - fT - V Ibor' i A,lvr Oil aad Unto 1 for sate 1 1 b i.. 4 s 4 J-Jj-W..... DALTI.UOBR LOCK UOUtTAl.. DR. JOHNSTON Hu dkcoverad the most certain, spefdy old onlj sf . fectusl Remedy w the world for all , " I 1. Jlseaeeo of Impradeace. ' ' '' Weakness of the Back ir Limbs, Strictures, Affeo tlons of the Kidnoya and Bladder, Ivoluntary Dis cuaiges, impoiency, uenerui iiuoiuty. rierrousiieas DyMpopain.Lsnicour, LtiWSpiitt's,Ouhfusioof Ideas! mipuatlon ot tilt Ileurt, lihiiiluy, 'irewbliugs Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the HenJ Throat. Nose or Skin. Affections of the Lurifs.Stoin ech or Bowels thnaa Terrible Disorders ariwinir frori Solitary Habits of Youth those eacrvt and solitary practice more fatal to their victim than tlie song ot tlie Srrens to the mariners of Clvses. blitrhtimr tlieii moat brilliant hopea or auucipuUons.ranueiing mar risga, fce.4 impuNtilile. .. t 4 - P . isss nea . . . Especially, wlio have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that draiidtul ami destructive habit which an nunlly sweeps to an untimely Krave thousands ol Young Men of the most exalted talents and bratllant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced Hs. teniiig Senates with the thunders of elitfiuenoe.' ot wake.i to eontacy the liviug lyre, may call with full oonnueuce. - , , j . ' "..! Marrlago. 1, ,,, Married persons, or Voung Mentmatomnlatinr mar risge. being aware of physical weakness .orgunicd uuity, oeiorminee, atu.t speenuy cureo. -He wlio places Linwoll under the care of Dr. J limy religiously coo 11 do In Mb honor as s irentleman ana oouuueuuy rely upon nu muii as a riiysiciuli, ORGANIC WEAKNESS linmedtatftlv cured and full viiror restored. A Car Warranted, ar no Ckarga, in f ram am ia .'"-;' Br. Johnston, Member of the Royal Colleee ot Sura-eons. London graduate fromoueof theuinst eminent Colleges ol the United States, and the greater part of whose life has beeu suektinth hoeiiituia of Lr ndon. Paris. Phil sdelphla and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astomahiug cures that were ever known t many troubled with ringing in the head and eare whet. aahieD. a-reut iiarvousnees. beine alarmed at suddei souuds. bsshfulaesa. with frequent blushiug.attendeti sgmotimes with derangainsut of aiind) rero oared imnieuiKteiy. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. ! , t Dr. J. addresses all tluiee who ha ve injured them. selves by iinproperindulgencies and soitUiy habits which ruin both body and mind, untiltii g them for either Business, Study. Society or Marriage. These are some of the aad nnd melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, viz 1 Weakness ot the Rack and Limbo, Pains .in tlie Head. Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation ot the lieart. Dyspepsia, Nervuus Irritability, Derange, me Mt of the Digestive Fuuctious, General Debility, oyinptoiiiB 01 vousumpiion, ikc. Mkntai.it v. Tlie fearful effects on the mind are much to be dVuadod Loss of Memory, Contusion ot ideas, 1 louresamn ot quints, evil loreoodinirs. Aver ion to society, Hei'Uitust,tiove 01 Solitude, Tim idirv. fce.. are some of the evils produced., ; . . Thousands of parsons, of all ages, can Bow judge what is the cause oft hair declining health, hieing their incur, baaouiir.' weak. Dele, nervous and emaciated. aaving a singular appearai.ee snout uie eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. DB. JOHNSTON'S REMEDY FOR ORGANIC 1 WEAKNESS AND IMPOTENCY. , Bv this irreat and imoottnnt remedy waaknaaa nf tne oreans are sDeennv cureaana run vuror raernred. Thousands oftlie moat nervous and debilitated, who nao hisi an pops, nave oeen immeuiately relieved. AU impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualifications, Lou of Procreativo Power, Ner. vous Irntsbilitv. Ti emblins and Weakness or Ex liaustion of the most fearful kind speedily cured. ' M WA.f Mao Who have Inlurad themselves bv a certain nrnftth indulged In when alone a habit frequently learned rrom evil companions, or at sonooi. tne oneete ol which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and, if not Cured, renders marriago impoeiible, and destroys aoto mina ana oouy, suoaio apply immeaiateiy. Suob peimons must, before contemplating MARRIAGE. reflect that a sound mind and body are the most nec essary .requisites (9 promote connubial happiness, Indeed without those, the journey through lite be comes a weary pt griinmagei the prospect hourly darkens to the view j the mind becomes shadowed with despair And filled with the melancholy reflec tion thnt the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. ENDORSEMENT Of THE PRESS. The Many Thousands cured at tins Inattt ulion with in the last fifteen years, and the numerous impor tant Surgical operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of the Sun and many other papers, notices of which have appeared 11 gain and again before the public, besides liia standing as a gentleman ofciinrooter and responsibility, is suf ficient guarantee to the afflicted. OFFICE NO. t, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, Baltimohi, Md., Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name- No letter received unloas pimt-paidnnd containing a Stamp to he used on the reply. Persons writing should state age, and send poitiun of advertisement stating symptom. ty-SKIN DISEASES SrEEDILT CURED, " Fib 1. IH60 dly. - - ' - I BBjBjse-see-waasa HEAD I READ 1 1 s HEAD ! 1 1 Caiho, 111., July 119th, 1860. Messrs. JnHii Wilcox fc Co. 1,. Your M Inpoctine," or " Persian Fever Charm," has done wonrleis. I was wholly despondent and wretched when I applied it, nnd in five hours the chills were removed and no fever has ensued. It is the simplest cure imaginable, and a wonder of nature or art. I would not be without this " Inpectine" a Ingle hour. By constantly wearing it I seem to be "ague proof." Tours very truly, E. M. STOUT. Mosili, Ala., July S3, 1860. GrvTLiMtm . ....... 1 have been snatched from the grave by the ap. plication of your wonderful "Inpectine," or JPenilaD Fever Charm." For several years I nave suffered every season with fever and ague. Last Spring my lite was threatened, but your lemedy lias destroyed the disease, and I am rupidly (raining an appetite and strength, Respectfully, yours. D.N. BARRON. Th's truly wonderful prrveetir nnd cure for Fever and Ague and Bllllous Fevers will be sent by mail post paid, on receipt of one dollar. Also for sale at ell respectable Druggists and Country' Storey . Principal Depot and Mnnufaotoiy, 133 Mum street. Khthmond, Va. Branch Ofll . B ulk of Couimoic Building, New York. Audmss. JOHN WILCOX & CO. Negroes For Sale. WILL BE SOLD ON 8ATURDAY THE lith day ot December uext, si the Court House in Newbern, at 1 1 o'clock, 7 Ten Young and Likely Negroei, viiS Boys and Olrls, the property of HdUtyOrCrut-j ler ueceasen, iernis o iiionjns uivuii. Also, at the same time and place, will be hired out for the ensuing year t the bxlhhe of the N'egioi a, belonging to siiiu estain. aiming tnein pre several giaid Tui peutiue bauds. Cooks and House servant'. " W. II. PEARCE ' novlS.'&Udtd AdmjniMt.ater: Valuable Real Estate For Sale. iY VIRTUE OF A DEI D OF TUUST MADE II and esecuted to me, I wili expose to public sale at the Court H ue In the town of Newbern, on Friday, the 4ib day of Uocvaakor next, at II o clock, -TIIC WASIIICTt)N MOTEL, and all the at puitcnsaces thereunto belol giug. TEKM8-S.J mouhi. oiedit, note wall approTM security nquired;. i , . ; , W. H. PEARCE, ' Newbern, nov 18. IVO-rlM Trailer. . i FOB ftA LE. . ( NEW rWRIT CASK. , ' , tOU lade ol beavy Wnite Oak Stave, well seasoned, with li in'-hen Hoop Iron on Head and bilge, equal to Nw Yoi made barrels, at ti each. ISO SEW" SPIRIT CASKS, usual nupe, twice glued. St ' -' - Country DistiUsrt would do wvll to rxandn my .Urk. R.STAVLOR. nov 9 d3ia . , : Jitett- tlaTMMIIAWI.S lu can auuoeHAakl- a "w r,a ii . . , a i SWo aa sjsoelhiat Msvruueui HAt.r shusi-s One day..... ..,...$ 26 Two davs... ...... 37 Three diij a......,,, SO roiirdavft ar Itie Ji ... Ml Two duva.... Pliree davs... - I 10 I ! ........1 to .1 74 71 yrardava..'.. Kivedays......,.. 7S &' V dnvs.... lue week..t. 1 mi wee,...,.,..j -jji One month-. .M,...J on Two month ,.,3 V) Three months...... 5 m Six months.. Oft Two weeks..., I me mourn...,. P. tk. . 1 M Ixhrse mMbe...4..lo Iftt nnnshau. . . . . 1 6 Id Oi yoar.;.....l5 rOat jesr.... ,.2i 10 'TMlyalinMintkli ,mh... 1 K.i, - - vmmh.v,j.a turns a .1 1 1 1 . . " . , jiborajamgmrit bxiLY progress: SATUBDAYilOENINa, DEC . 1," 1860. J SLKr PINO ON A VOLCANO. , , j ; W have high ut Imriiy for slating thai befor 'he flood there was timrry up and givin In mar- " ' iago, np to the dny whrNiali rr.terrr) the Irk p." ,'t e know that h a said, mt old t "The Son of - Man cornel li liken llnef in the night, , and "in he l inklliip of art rye -we shall be caught op." We know thai human affair aftrn preed calr ly and in their uiaal rtioilne when the most tre. oienclom crisis arc at hand i the people of rom neil wer ill the amphitheatre when the wp.' 'ion of Vesuvius nverwhelrned fhrai, and Rol -; ) -hasssr was feasting bis lord while l)si enemy . 1( 't the river overflow " his city 4 Lst'T, yel,-lh hall on the eve of Waterloo i" fnmons i lbv " ' Evrrett sal.l wsll. year ago i f Tba onllnary , httsinras operations want on in Fmasa In the rev ' : ilntlon of 1789. till the annihilation nf the circa.'' atlug medium put a elnp to every tltinflbat re- V inlred its use. : The thelre and operas and all u.. h other plaeci of public amuscmnt were erow. "' " V dd to madness dunii(r the relifn of terror" The) ' 1 ' 'vvoltitlon w hich nvertnrm-d the theatre of LmUs. , PI'illlppe occurred twodysafter the IntarroptKia , of a banquet, grid hea no one of tlie onfin-rv v. cations of the husliu ss or social-worlo tf-Paiut had been at all interfered lia- Feopre.peiiJ via.- - -, I' and gave balls, and went to tlie. opera, unit drssmej not how nar was (he future, so big wltK-. ' aveiir. ' So now; those) who fancy thai: because-' he shops ore open and .Ihronzed. brcanee -the , flaneur are seen on Dii a iway, becauao partlea, are civen, occawie lite picture grtiicria am open. - aud the theatres uccasfulnocJ not lay the Ve .f i terlng unction to their souls thai ao rsvolutlna ia, .... ; to be spprended her. "The great ioclal niacblrel " . '' moves ith momentum tbnt cannM be auddca ly stopped And Indeed, when misfortune ar . blackest, ocople somctimfs rush to nlcaauro with . - the madd.-tt test. The cholera season has bcea 4 known to be a fortunnle one for places of amuao. -'-.V mcnt. Threo yenrs afo, durinfr the finapcial paa-.- f Ic, Nw York merchant might be seen every ' nlrrht at the opeia, who had Mile! durlnrr thedav' anxionafor a nlitleta, distract their: minds foot' ..i? the contemplation of what w oltbcr unavoida ble or irremciliable. Let no1, then, those who sre casnsr observers, fancy they see in their ve."' ' 1 ry day life no Indication of storm, that it to - sure not to break upon them, . , We ar in- th midal of rhw most momentous crista that ha se rurred in the history of the nation) we may bo on the bmiK ot revolution! and those who closa - t their eyes to this fact, will be infinitely Iho nioat ' likely to be pmclpltntf.d. York Exprau. j "SsassissesssajssisssssssSBBsss - y- , p : '. . The defDatcbea from Uorgia. "sav. t nuttibec "' . 1 of fre nc gws have been Ibreibjy taken froof" ': fr Northern vessels in souuiern waters, and apiri. - ted off, nobody knows where, in retaliation . t for the apiritin g away ef fugitive elaves, belongs . 4 j ine to Southern master, on the Undeicrouod i Railroad North s allthe difference, however, to ' I that while Republican public sentiment her.' f ncourtgea, if it doe not apphnipT tht practice.- ' i public rienument in uoorgia and t lortda to all -... , against it aa the deepatchea show. aV. K .- iNhW JflJlNITUHK STUKE. ; Manufactuifii-B and Dealers - ALL KINDS b'FFUntflTOKE Nattruei e, LpltoIiteiiotT, Ve ; 'POLLOK ST., NEWBERN, N, C. . , , Having opened a STORE fur the Manufacturlsf' nd soja of ' : ' - i 37ui.3exxl'tvixef V we are prepared to furnish the pnbHo with foods for 111 per cent less thad aver buluta allured ta this market. Our sti k ronr'stsef variety, vimi - "V , Parlor Furniture, Beadsteads, Boreans,' Chairs of every description j Tables," "Vablistand8, Looking' Glasses, Cribs, C adbs Mattraesea , V . of al kinOs,fed. ' J O B ;RK ; Made la Order and Hfc Dlapalra, , ' Picture Framing . Having a fins assortment of MOULDINGS, wa' ' are prepared to frame . FICTUKES and PORTCAITS in a superior style and on s,bort notice. Is; JDJP-A.IXl.I3NrO. , Spi-cial attention given to ropuiiln, and woik dot with ueatness and dispatch. . , Don't forget the piact two doors wjst of the Post Ofil.-e, - rov "3-ilif '"' i Valuable Keal Estate tfor -Sale. . THE SUliSCKIUEli OFFERS FOR SALE Hl OO Acres ot Land situated in the Goun' r ul Cia -eti, on Hancorik Creek 9ti miles below Newbern, and near the A'lantic i. N. C Rtilroad. A part of it is upland, well set Willi Pine limber, a lurje ;or tiun ot it ib excellent ; Creole Bottom, and could with a very little expense be make equal to any farming land in the Stale, ' : t From , its desirable location, it having sush a quantity of ; , . Pino Ttrntoor, . and the.tupeiicr qiTaiity if its Bo now Land, tl , . , la believed IlO be the "moat de-liablij tract ever cff.-ied loi a ia thnt nait i.f the cowfy. ' " This land will be sola oa aocommodatine; terme. W. II. PEARCE. Newbsrn. nov IS. IWO-dfiw For Sale. gSZ FARM WAGON, made by V. B. MORTON, Wur..icti n TuisWutOi took the n niiam J l. MVEHS. - O il r. uiitv W erf. nl the lale ".(ir. nov e Hnvinsj lrocntd Ifcr sMrere af a eu.e rior woikuian, we are prepar. d toll inalocture Gei.fs Calf and Hiilent leather Hoots aodBhaeaof the very latest Styles. Call sod leave your uieao. ure aa we uuorHniisaaliti'aclion or uo B'lie. ' W1LKINS dc i'LANAOAN. , nov 13 r'ollok Street. HIUKN! IIIUKMU TUB SCUV,KH I will pnv the highest cosh pficos fiw lry oi.d green HIDE. B U LANK. njav VI. j"lif.dtf f Plebina Taekle-A larje assortment uat r oeivedaniTforsaieby EDWIN WANT. - ' . qeSu lit Toar Hlfiim sa irsUra by ,f L WANT, . apnl27"'1" - Vciekslroe. - 'BOOTS... . ,.. SEVERAL CACES JUil OPENED ".',. H AUtrtlOHN'S CURE AuLl-ll eVOJt amn i Upoia. rtr sale oy ror sal by .-.. JAaW CARMER, DrBes-t. Nov. .6,'firv J mu air.ti Lt elois lid. Oents j"h. I,orsa A I by . J OOODINO, J'. jiTf - " r-; eadr ffladr .lolfca.-A LA HUE l. ot Buuiiuer Clothing, couaistiug t the. Ja ' uiUi. ,l..riiiiMru(MirkinanaliiP. and al veryVW I uiioes Call at ".7 K ',1 ', t .