n f'i i .i or .vi. - rTTFTW .TZ XEYBERN N. d WEDXESDA .EVENING. DECEMBER 17; 13G2. R OHM HHMMH f - 4 - , , , (('-: ' r f' n ,! TllH"Uill.n . litMnUa'on I PHIBIPS V TViiW-Jl r' I mm mm w -'. . 7l . p :i! IC V II VWUWI II I.IVUI bOlJ. I - - I IX , -. w -i , I I A 1 aa 'v I publish.! Daily aud Weekly I v Vm (A Progreee Building,. Crate Sfrefc m ," - Tmnfl op papbb. f DliLT Fkookem. one year tb 11 ." " Smooth ...... i W '.' 3 month t S 1 . lmonth..; 5" : Wmtl Pmwuuj, one ;r -.' S W " Sm.nthn 1 Oil . V Alt mulmeriptioiu U 6m fri i.l aueaiav. ABTHMTIMlNO BATS". Ji Till fenv .ear rate wHI be cJiarged fof all adrer ' Heem- inaorta in lb " Luly IruKrrw" altar ki detai -, ... . ' 'e..,- . :. ..... ... m ','0.iay.. .. 78- Two weeks $1 SO rwadave. ....... , I tni . I 37 Oh month... J W Twaiaathe.e.....8 511 Thra monha......lit SO Mix iwui l........ 'JO (XI On iww 30 08 ' Three d.ra...... ;Fndaye.. ........ I 75 rive any... im Oh 50 . -TwJ r tilMt or tilW f altsn eotntad u iqawa awl additional iquro arill kkatged tin MOM. . " '! , -u;, KATES S TJUt WEEKLT... 7 Om aqaan. on iarcrtloa, UM, aad iUecnta for rer aubaMfuent. iuaertion. ' Ma attaatlua ui 'm ptid to advartlMinaiitt netir fcj lattai, talaaa a raoiittaaca ia moaay aeooinpauy .Uaaa. ; jb pmnTiRe, -'- Of avary deacriptlua, aratly aad promptly xe atad at tliiauflr. .1 y HUNKM Ul.li : CO. dtrnltN in mr iru;, Drat aid Paint, utH HiauufaoturtirHuf (Jon1i ' "liody and Furuilure Turiiiahea ( Koruat Bivor and Myatle Lead Afvncy; French and AmerutitD Fure Kino, Noa. & to tf Comint-rcial wharf, Hoaton. J. W, Hannawall. K. Cralta, r. . M. C'reamar MMKKII.I, RKOTIIKH9I, ( auorauora to Volaom da HrrriLI ) importtsni aud deaiora in rJPaiuta, Oila, Naval btoraa, Glue, DruK, dtn., and uauufaHnrera of Varuiaboa and Jitpna, UldNtate treat, Bunion. .1 a K Marrill. s ' A. L. Merrill. ISTABMMIIUB IIV I8IO. J.H. Bniwra, U auccaaaar to JuineA Weld At Co., nianufHVturera af Pilot, Mavy, Medium aad Wafer lirund for ve aia aaa aad aiiippiDx, and for the Artny and Nary. . 8TKAKfa)v manufucturitr of 'KM Patent ItnproTvd Iiad Piuet Lead Pije lllld with Tin; Pare Block Tin ana Slieet Lead, Fia and Bar Lead, Capper and lroa l'unia, 'Hydraonk. Kaaaa, fco.. 1 Milk arret. Bulo. til l 1)a)MTALK I.1.IIMIBI, r 8nar oi Lfinoae, pHrticularly aauptod to tha aic, and oavenienl for travetlor, wbo cna with thla artii-le kava alway a4 linnd a rtfreahin and healthy dnak. Alaa, teiallible Yeaat Powder for. raining bread at abort aotiva. "Paanox Si. Uaaaiu., Beiiin. Ma THK DOUGLAS AXE MANUk'ACl UiilSG CO i Uauraotara . Hunft at &'horp'$ Aju$, and other EJgi Toolt. ' D. D. DANA, Treaaurer. ' 195 ; 130 Fe.leral Hi., Reia I AUK RIIIKKAf HOWtt V VO., Note, , giuvk aata ICaebauKa llrokura, W Male Street, ale o 2tt Boatea. JKITTHIDflt ak COn Iuiportera, Manu- fa-tarara W and dealer ia Naval Hlorea, Hpinta Tarneatiaa Tar, Coal Tar K.nln, Hili h and llrllil Varalah. A(ao, Kxtra Whita'aud Cherry Koaiu for Soau Makara, and Briitbt Yellow aad 8eloied Tar for Hope Makera, tk Commercial Hiraet Boatoa Particular allaaiioa paid to artiulea of export, aad Coneignraenla reapntfully aolioited. II. A. Stevoaa, l. A Oratory, M. C. Lana;. CUARLEat a If IT II, Coinmii-al Merchitintr far tha aala of Mavl Htoraa, Cnttoa, hplik, Taraeatina, Koain nf all kiads, Pitch, Tar, An ,Ao Central Wttarf, Buetoa. Uli Er. Kl.tO, ak CO., Minutnrtarerxnf fiipnl a Varaiahea, JaHtn. Ao., aiif ttrportara and deaiania Pa'nta, Oil, Window OlaM, I ni.m While Iaad, Artiata' Tola and rntnch Bruahea.Tieinaua'a Colore, Preach Zino Puiut,2ti India ntrm:t. Bwtoa. r'KAXKI.IX Kixo. i. W CoLIV.lX. Edwtrd Kins fray1 b'o fonnd a ahava. UKKU, CUT I. KB aV VO., dealera la Medi oinea. Pamta ami l)y- hiuff, and iinpo tera ol 4 KaxlUb, PreBiHi aad Uedilerraueaa 1iuk, lll'J Draad Ureal, UoaioB. ATlIEIfTO, STETSON A CO CoatiiiUwloa Merchant for tha aula of Oak and IeitUack ,U Le.rtUr, Calf Skint, '"' Oruin, Ennamtttd' and Cpjer Leather. Impertera tit Oalloona, Laoca, Wrl, Thread, Ao. 195 31 Pratl ejarawa, Bawlaai, Maaa. T. '4k E. B VTCMEI.LEB A. CCk, hoots, shoes i& b noa AN 8, ' 195 a I la ar Paarl at., Raetaa. CUAl'lN A Pllll'1'8, . . FoieiKn aad Itomai'llo HARD WAliE hJ CUTLER V, 195 M aad it Prarl at., Baaraa, .Maea. 1 T B. IIA tlBI.EX, ak t'O. dealer, ia Pie ft a klea, P evervea, and lleriuelically 8aind Maata, Oyator. Clama, Lobffteia and r'lab ol vari. aua aiade. 13 Parobaae street. B t a. Ordur- f,a- ahlpalnj pnnnptly atuadad to. (jaUera awl Mr akaaca eupplied. Vl'd 1 lAttlairiU HBO. a Ca, W..l Commia- A A elon Mercbauta. b7 Pederal Street. Biloa. Wia. C. UMdiu, Oaa. W. Uwdiag, dan. M. Black. . rv H. aTRD.IIA"! aV :.. tinportara nf m- auiaaa, vama aaa win rrare, vi uriMd laael ,oatia a I i Y rlBvyaT A CO., Oiiflaal w waranoaw iar r-ii aia'. rraMrvaa, Maatard Hermetically aWakd artii la-, Aa , a7 Broad airaav, awewa. WW UANrtjr, UMWaa aV CO maaufarta rare aad dealera aa lloota, Hlioaa, aad Leala e He 17 Pearl alreet, Uaatua. Daniel llarwood, Join Albraa, Jr. f AX.BA laAaia, 0Hntula.bHI Merchant, and 1 r a 1oaier ia Ui.uiga, IMndiuxa, Wniu aad Colored hUe-a, Colored Itoaaa. 1 .p rikliu in Itouub, No. f. Pa ahaoa aad vi Cuua-rae atraeta Boaua. GRANT, WARREN & Co., ' Pap er Warehouse, S V 93 .tlilk, aV 1 Lougieas SI., BOSTON. - - IfttefllWtWVM Wa4 INsvUM I BWtfir f . Printing, Writing and Colored P APDIT. o7 l-aaeeten aaa) aaelere la Pairlaa aad UaaaralU Maaja, tVlrtrt Parlaax . llrraaaarlar, Alaaa. Mlearala Paw. dr.a,ada Aak, Alaaalaaaat'aaa, tal Soda, Forelga ad Itomraihr Siting, Koala, Oil Vilrol, Ac.. Ac. mf lUroitTO:. HAWTFK A CO:, Dry Goods, JUm it CarjMtie,g, IM ' aad Prarl Maalaa; WILLI A JI CLAFLIN A CO., CaaamiaaUa Merrhanta, aad WloHaaale Dealer, In U0013, StIOE. HIDES LEA tiieh, 3 Ptarl at., Bea.tea, MaaaA har Vera the aifiaalra ta!t af '.-aiharn and ta.11 Mreafwrttet ju CHARI.ES V. roDK 6 CO., Wnoluala Uaaleri ia Paints, Oila, Varniahes, Drugs, " JVcaWim, Cktmicalm, . rrr, t, M a4 a laulia Mama, !, Ufaaa. May la , j9i, . ' WILLIAM E. COFFIN k C0.7" ' IRON FACTORS, And M,ikr f dun Bitrrel Iroa f. tha United 81 't? .Pnbriike Bur lroa, Uona SKva Mil aad Nail Kudu, fco. IM HTATB STREET, BONTO.Y, 11 An. Hyis isitf MAY & CO.,' Hardware, Tools and Metals, Nil. I BUOAD MTMItaiT. . mi to s toh, mas JOHN B. ALLEY St CO . JAPANNED k GURRIED LEATHER, Oak and Hemjui'k Sola Laa' her. Caaarcaa. atract. Baaua, SI Miiy SW CHASE, McKHSEY A CO, Mannfacturera and dealarVl BOOTS, SHOES k BS0OANS, .Alao, Proprietor, of Mitohell'e Pa'ent Metalio Tip. 195 .. ! aa4 ! Paarl at , Raetaa. AARON CLAFLIN A CO. ' COMJUSVIo.r "ICRCIIAXTS, Manufactii era and d alera ia BOOTS,: 1I0K JtMfD I.KATIIEB. 35 A 37 VE8F.Y STREET, SEW YOtiK. 1S (8 A 71) PEAJfi STREET. BOsaToAT. THOMAS SIMMONS, COliniJiSIO.'Y MEKCIIA1T, And Denier in all kinda of Naval Stoics, Burning; Fluid, and COAL OIJ-.S. , - NO. T INDIA HT11EKT, Uaelaa, Ufaaa. May 15 I91tf U. HARRIS k CO., AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSI OS MERCHANTS, ! IWWI.t BTBKKT, BOatTOft, .ttAM. May li - ltfltf ELLIS, NEWELL k CO., linpoitera and dealer, in Bar, BoQer,Bailroad,Tank & Hoop Ship and Railroad Npikeei Alan, Angle and T Iroa. NO. 3S IHDIA wTBKICT, 191tf BO H TUN, MASS. CRAG IN, PAGE k CO., 8ucceaeora to Joax TiLLanx A Co , ' Importnra a. d dealera ia SHOE MAN UFA CTCBEIiS' GOODS, And all kunla of 8IIOE TOOLS. Alao, Sole Leather & French CalfS tire 9111a aireet, (Car. Klrar ) Ba.laa, Klaaa. May lit PJltl 11ENBY L, HAGUE IT A CO., Dealeia la B00U, Shoet, Leather and Shot Steel. Sola Agent, for Conitraae Webbln( for Shoe Oorea 95 ICI aad 1 0:1 Prarl rat., Baelaa. DANIEL" LKLAND, JR, COMMISSION MEItCUANT, And niaDufacurer of Syrupa, 'Elisirs, Colorings, Cordials, Eatenrea, Bittera, Extracu, Elr. NO. SI BUOAD nCUKBT. t-bohto. rtBEADn, l,Hx, COTTO It Mtt.U, A lor Every Deacriptlon of 8 E W I S O ,lt A C.H I N E 8 , At ao. Shoe. Saddler'. Oillitur Cimley'a I hreaila. nea I -land, Ennan'a Diauioud, I'klllu Dialed C 'tloa FLAS AM COTTON TWINE, Of Everr Heacnption. 'arTtea Hrlaa Talaa, 4 la at Threoda. Flax r nil Tine, Htijinp. Hum. Wiml, Seine, llrmim, Bruah, Herriur;, Oilluet and- DrogaMU Twine, Lea Band. Venerian PiMtH(t. Lonm Cord, Curtain Cord, Squarrir-K lliuida, .Marline, Bale Uope, Cot ton Hkir, (ird .mining Cord. AL0, UPIIiLTKMS AND 0 tTKIA0K MAK KUS' WhBU AXDTW1NK. . HO aV riAHCI, No. 7 LiaaatT bwlaKa, . . . BoaToa T. U A W 1. B V DC, Ko. 11 Kl 8treat, B. iUia. OEXTLEMEN S Ft KMSHINQ 000D3, Military Oaanlleta. fUorra, and Mittara, Wmdn Hhirta, R.K-ka, Hn-Kudera, Collar,, Tiea, Scaifa, aonrv ulta, aua umurellaa All deacTiptiiin of nice O mdi for Offlcera. Civil rmia, and niea, eilVrat wholeaala or by amcl. ar aolaa. UNDER 0AUMENT8, ' In a 1are rarlety, m) wm1, a,da-ed and while. II t PI montii Hui a UuaatlcU aad Okirea, allh er lined or aabaed. Ordeia promptly atleaded ta. Turtna eaah. )"" o)T-r, COUUIISIOX UEBCHAMTI, Manufaelarar and lw port era, 105 DavoiuLiit St, aad 3 Mortoa Place. Botua Agent, for the aala of Pina, Ifnnk, and Evea, nueorftder. ilrt ai d llraw.-ra Herman),, . j Woolen ll.'-iuiy. Buck Mirleca and (Morea. tiin biellaaaiid Paraaola. llullon,,Tnraada, CouiLr we :el pALMEUa At BA4 IIBI.DKKa, Impor'era aad Dealera In WAKIIE9; JEWSRItr Ab., MILITARY GOODS, Ao. Areata fur Pond a Tiatolt. 8 Itl) WaJ.legtoa Streel. IWim. NUEKao-rAatt7tr-t r A .., . Iiptere aad Dealera la '' - 'dry uoodh, m raa. $ aad a) iviaihrea aaaarr, John And raaa !W,a 8 Andeeaaa. Ilea W HcaNi, W P. S,rl, 1 BOSTON. ftidney Itaigent, tAMD-tKM, PRATT a t At MI.ITInr, liOfHirti ra of IIONILUV ttLoVK. Tilmmiaga, Z-pi,), ,... and Morall Wareaa 44 aad .li r rai.kha MreM, ll'lon. CTO-tK, WOOU Ar I t. Imorier Kf dobbera el UK If GOODS, 19 Ko. M Franklin tra-, tWoa, IAMStKN. W I. n K H St 1 COMHISslilN MKKCIIANT. IS t. I Wittir-p n-tt Utafea at AN D . n EQUIPMENTS. - Comprising Sworda, Bolta. Pi.tnia, ftaahea, Epaaletl I taacaa, Battooa, Cape, SWMar Strapa, CAMP CHES1'8, Ao., KICIJ PRESENTATION RWORDS.of all PrlcaaU SHE EVE , ST AN WOO D A CO.,' " ' 227 Waab vutou Street, Comer, af Summer Street, ''',.: J- '' . . BOSTON. JJEN aV BII.II, , :,V .kVl-.;';. IMPORTERS, , ( :',:',,' Maaalarturera and Dealer, la . a HATS, CAPS, ASD FUH8, "u3a, ti'aaiaiiae,. tun jf . CORNER Or COURT A WASHINGTON 8TS.. "' . , .'-. i BOST0X. ; A. W . P O I, A, A B D . luiporter, Macafacturtr and J)aaler ia ' MILITARY, REGALIA, i Aad Taeatriaal Gaaa, 8. COURT STREET, BOSTON, MAS8. NO. Miacaaamzi LiT: Navy and Army Cha: leaon DrtKa.and r'atiiiue Cnp-; Sworda, Bel a. Cpanlettea aad Hn''e: Military Hulioa and Lacea; Ued. White, Blue, Oievn, and utlir fancy ctdorcd llmailclotha, nut n ailily found i-l.iiwliere ; BnnnerSi k, 4, r1and92ti.chi-a wide; Polua, onia menia and Triuniiini;, Alao, Hnn -r made to or der 1 Silk and lluntinir Americnn Klaua. in .u varl.ryi Kevalia (iim.U. JweU. Knictrea aarf Stnras K.qunaiiiiin Kooda, SUi t and Tight'i Fen (ilia; Vuila, f 'nin bat Sarprda. M k, and Gliivc; r-1 1 00b ()ml, in Oold and Silver: Coida, llrauls! Tnrea ta, Lacaa. Kpanifloa, Gimp Bnllioti Frincea! Ta.ula. alur. Bna-adea, Lama ClolUa,aud Lacea. Military aad Mrwonie Buoka. Aian, l-uoilauer in nebb'a Maaonio Monitor " pocket eiliilnn; and 8-ilo Airent in New Ei-glnnd tor llin " Militiaman'a jtanneLand dword I'Uv win,. out a Matcr." iilaxtrated. Wbolanla and retail by 9 A. W. PKLLAKD, Xo 6 Court Wreet . A. V i MAOVKV eh V O C0M3I1SSI0N MERCHANTS aad dealera in til kiada of xaval'sYoTesT Manufacturer, of BURNING FLUID AND CAL OIL, w t S laidla airrrl. Baalaa. The Atlantic IVIonthly, THE altracliona af tJ.i, atnndard and popular periodiaat t,r the year lHttl are irr.ai-.Vi... ever before1. Profeaaor Ana berraa in tha Jnnaar aeriea of article, on Natural lliet. ry, and other kia dred topic, to be continued (rom month to month throughout I ha year. 1 he name of eodntlnguialied a man of acienee ia ornneotida with Una announce- mv..,, 1. euuicieiii guaranty 01 the grea'. beaetil to ba derived ftoiu bia itiouthly coutributi.na. , A New Itoinauca bv .Vn,i ml Hamthmrm ill appenrinthepageaof The Allumtie earli in t lie rear A New Hlory by tha late, y'eorf,-e H',.(r..n, aa llior of " Cecil Dreema " waa commenced in tha January number. er i.e re . Ilii,n, well known fin? VI. re markable eiperimenla is Oyuinaetlra, haa wrilien for the 4rrWie-The Autiibn.arap!! of a arreactk Keeker, ginng an nr.aount of linrmethcxl of traiuuar for feat of atienyth Willi advice on niartere ol rieartn. una anicie waa printed iu tha Jiauary aamber. ' Jumt. RnMirl lr,ll ceiribute every mnMk a aew " Bialow Paper ' fall of the keene.t homer ma "Moron and n.ulell, a Yiinken Idyll," aad " Mei-aage of JetT. Oavia in Secret BeeaioU" have ueev received with the higlie.-t praiaa. Tlin atiilT of Writera, ia Prone aad Poetry, one iril.ulin legulaily to the Atlamlie tlomltuf, com piiae, the beat name, la American Literature Amony them are Jamea tina.ell Iwell, : Oliver Wendell Holme, Henry W Longtellow, NnthiiM.nl lUwtlinr-iB. K Ipb Waldo k ifimn t. w nun!. K(lwrd Kvvrett. and ITIftliV Uthatra. This Miirtllnf u i-iiiitiunllv suiuJ In tUm on..tl..irM.t iKflflierniif tin L'uiuu AfUiy.lrwo wli'Hn auwaw 1 ijniuai aIW i-ii.-f VU. Terate. l h.ee Ihilnrg are A.,m, mr Tremm. Fin C'mll m t.mmlr. I noa .the receipt of tlw aubacrivti, u.im.c win men me wora to any nan ,..m .....i. mnin, ,m,nKe prepem. putiaertp. ilona may begin with either the nr.t, or aay aubaa quent number Addre-a Tit MNOR riRLDa, 135 Waihimglem HI., fi.Hto An.a. nunncwcHs Great RcsKdies. IIUXNEWELLS ItMlVERSAL COCOH . ktXKuy, IHI eri'jf.milf uk.mldl.art in Ike kem tmuinkyt IT They himld have H.inoewrU', Ualvaraal Cough Remedy, becaaea It effectually earea Colda, Whia.pn.g an.1 Coiiinua Cuulir. Mara Throat, lloaraeae. and ia the mot aimple and perfect Muotblng byrap in the world. For old ia yoaag by day or ait hi. it aiay ba a-ed wiik the a-reateet free. .loin, ana tliree.luarth of the deatbe bj lioa atappea, aad infanta relieved of thai by t.onaainp latr aufle lug. oy wiiat leave re atata halitnd. IIUNNEWELL'8 Tl'LU ANODYNE. trf Tbay ahnalil barn If anaewell'aTula Anodyne becaeae it ia a tierler't remedy fur Neuralgia, Mar- VOBBOr Hick lled'U.la TimjIu muA t'.raiil,. Ml Vila Dance. Pain le- StoniBol, Uidiaill i .i li.g, NervoiKtieaa, llveterla and the chjal of all dieaa and Inaanlly, leia, of Sl.-eo. It rh,recter. Ihuagk active, taaiinpla 1 ita act Inn In parlevt aun for uiily to aalate , iu end oura or relief. IIUNNEWEU.S ECLECTIC PILLS. rV Tliey abould hare Ifaiineweir EcleailcPllla he. aue anh aehloiM but a .ingle pill f, doaa, all derangemante of the Stomach and B'.weiearr ci red They rare ln llge.tlon, Dy.pep.la, licadarh, when rauemi uy nrui atouieen, leia ol appvtlla. IVlHiet neaa.aa'ottea aad eoarroneodaiy treated wttM Mer renal and Jaauduw. Fib- W.hio a aura rare. Tliey act aunplr, aaaiet nalure. do not make alll box of tha etomarh, aa ia the inoet fatal error t takii g o maav pille at a dueai aad. then, what ia Important l every h airily and eve.y Parae, law txHtle g"-e, aa lar aa lao or tiirea of what ia otdta aril, aold. If li,. .ibnve rraaona are red good; aad realt. do Kdroalorm lo der.iuatten. I w llreaaeel my agenta to refund il.irmm.ey. 'rule ia ike be.t ,,f n.y i-oa Sdenee, and thai ol the public ia aeked to I wet lliB.i 1. 1 t'fivauaat. CotuM Kaaaor. Ili ao wat t, a Tt 1 it Aoivt.' Iluaaawai t, a Kri arttr Ptua. t tf roe.liuiW of J. U llaaaewell't .Igaalare over w rha ol uonalne only, a JOHN L lll'.NM.WKLL. IVopn.iee. HiiiNt B,ioa, Maaa. NOTIOn. pROM Till HATE II I WILL UK hl'l.l VF.RKI) I a'.anv part ol the City, hi the Haherrlliee Or flcr.caa 11.' 1. 11 a the lea H'Ue,ur al the Office Mi'l He .troad. near llr. ei. I tin l( retu p iMiaad r.h lnllcaea llopiiala will I.e farai.hedat the lie II. wm at I rent p,T ponad. Tha poor an k (ar nl.hed tree. . A ifxaK. Kvnkr-a,4el ht, IS ) MA iraiy Express, Will eonrey paciajfea to and from New barn. "Uhin " poinU ol U" VaUti 8,,e UF.4SOXACLE RATES. All Orders will le Promptly and R J Faithfully ExeevUd. ' ARTICLES OF VALUE. Will trantported earefully and promptly. The ability ml etandimr of tbra Central r far yeira paat, are anfficieot (uarantea for their FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE iff all bueiaeaa antrnaled ta thair oharra. ; j. ". OtHea la' " HARRISONS; 'BRICK BL OCK, " 1 Pallaxk at. 3 daara aeark mt ' Beak af Caaaaaarcr, ' Sttiern. Merck 2D. IWIi 10tlG5 1- I'- : ' 1862. Ai entertaining; lairtrnctive, apirited and pir r 8 FAItllLF AEWsPAPER, Suck aa will be welcomed at home and abroad. It la tliedealpnof the Publnher. to give tlioir pager a woHLD-wtax tmnacTaR. Independent ol. jcel or party.aiu all the important queationa and re fortia of the age. it i- pledged t - a high moral tone WKIe utility ahall be uppermost in the minda of it Erikoia.rttll they will endeavortn AUf.t aa well ia liHTKi cr believing that Clienrfulueea ia eaaenlial to Aappineae. Ita ooluuioa will euutaia 5 ORIGINAL TAI.E8 from the pene of aome of the Mo-t Famona Writer or sionea aua sxetuhet in America. Alao. aa est so aad . DANGEROUS ADVENTfJlESi Traaalatleaa, - -I Utoarrerejhiral aketraee, lacrrrerrtia mketebra at Travel) llialarical Mraalaiacrarrai '' a"arlrr, Wll.llaatar, Ae.,Ac. Corabintng a raat amount of Information on thoa aaad of eubjecta that are of iatereat, profit aud araaaemcat to the general reader. la point of Beauty of Arpetrnare tliey parpoae that thl publiratioa ahall be Etltftti y Aomt I Ita Pint Page Mark, will be f COMPLETE IN ONEjlCMDER. There arill alao be given, ocraainoally. Moral and ReligiiHia Keaava,(aotingBectaiian. Extract from New Publinattuue. wMh orraeh nal Nntieea nnd He view of thaaama. Nea-a.Uinchiag all the leading and important occurrence of ti e day, will be found in Ha column. jTbo Witm WoM.a wHl be de-jrued for all claaaea of readere. giviag alwava the Freeh aad Orliai Einaaaloa.f tutiaarye Talml im lie veriou, departuieur, ol TAIES jNO SKETCHES, Romantic aud Doineelio. Grave and Ilumornaa Tb. Chou-eet Poetiui Edituriali upon the uio.l import ant -rurrent tmilra of In dnyi with an auiilmry amount of Gi'itVial lntorniatton, p.euared by vigor oui peaai all of which will tender . TIT It ".TIDE WONXB- Beaeonably eorldent in challenging competition in the Liet of VI eerr i.itrmt"re, and Inviting tile criti- etaia aud auppvit of The Great Public. , Teraaa af PaHlcatlea, la Adraaca. Ci Pe -CMi-dlumi I One copy, one year fi 00 Two drptca. one yenr...... 'ItiO Six eoprea.oae yt ar...'. 9 lal Twelve enpiee, one year 15 'Ml Twenty oopiee. one year. nil When a alikul aix rr apwarda iatrri ereil, we wiP ad a copy free to Hie party getting up the club Poet Mrtatere who will act a agenta willbefurni.bed with the paper at Oue lMlar a year. 17 All commuuication intrn.led for Ilia eulamna ef the 'Viu: Wmi , or coutt-ioiug Subactiptioac dioulrr be ad reierr-d JAMKS H BRIOIIAM A Co , PublUhera of the Wide World, Kit Mate aa., Iloatoa. Ma,. The Methodist: The Largeet and Beet Payer in the Denomi nafhit. U: Third VolBinc. " Kubacrlptlona are fraj ONE YEAR.trvmlm, data of tt-eir receipt at our OrTica. Tha Maiaodlai haa I eea before the people two yeare It. oouree ha been ach aatowintheeeirv mtmratmtfm of Iba Church, and itf bival eoaaerva. live. Cbrietiaa men every where. It atui will be to apply a ft triplet Faintly , Rcligioa, .Navanauer.nl a high literary toae. It a ill be edited aa heretofore by fr. GEO. R CROOKS, D O., aaaievin ar Kn.JOHS tin LI.S TUCK. D.D.. at pre.cnt reii.lmgln Paria.aaCorreeuonttiagEdUor. Amonat ft. Edit.l Coma are Rem Ihr. All t(irra. tha Hl.lorleu of Metbo eiem, ana tret nr. hmtal. " l um MtTaoniar baa each week eaaamary of al the aewa lo Ilia HornaeM ol going la areee. Tlit aii.mary la erraal Id that of any nnekly publUhed anl.tUa at.... i 11 i at nil hie hed wbether Secular or Rclllou, and la prepared by It ha alw a thnroarh ranort af ihaRlnrk aad Pva. w Miirketa, prepared aipreaaly f. it by Orat.fr JS4 K..lil..ri.l ll. Ainiuicm Agilculturi.t. It ba the mnH comprehen.fva Fiaanca Article wroiew m inaromwrw, try ll.'M'Vn. PettfU, . rieietmM,4 Mm. wife f.ie SkeUket. omrm.ni m aur,aai,e Mimimirre. iataiff iVaaWiaf , Afaaic. (., at, , at. atrarlail Trrina y niBlalcrn. Wa offer to all Minlatera a large dad union on theli on pntre,and rail aub.crtheiatliay aiay auad a t-ar Mpeciinea topic, aer.t FREE. Trraaa a per year, payable la advance. Addrae. Tal'aakiMa or Tata Mkthoih.t. II I Naa.nn t , Arrr lort. f. 8. DANGKUT, Middle Hiret I, Two Doors from Broiii (atore ttfenily occupied by A. Oaga) la now praparrd a farnlali all ki'ad of . Dread, , t ultra, lla, Ar., at ahort notion. Order, .jlii lted and proti.ptty at tailed lo. keabem. July ffl. INil. ItaHrll KNOWI.at , We.l India Oo BVA'I,. wholeeale dealera In Hie mA ai.iu- Miairee I I 'hhI r.l Wm rT, lloebw Kef. r to More. II. Hinge., t, Kainael Knownt. Ilerrj F ll. al. rV" AVIRNir ta- lint nr. Hanover 81, 8 Boatoa, la the laraeat aad beet arranied ll.et.l ia Haw F.rglatrd, LEWIS HICK, Propriety, Ct tlAH liora aVMlT. in K.ga, gul. O tarn, aaeh, !,,.',, . . isti, , 4 a now atari. trtS-UVleAOLAHON.' ir Vbereas. die State of North Claroli lna is without any representative in the 37th rongrese ol tho United Stfttes ot America, And whereas, a very large number of citizens, in the geeond Con rrestsionar District in this State, have assured me of thoir loyalty and of their vrtsu to be represented, - Now, therefore, 1, (Edward Stanly, Mil, itary Governor of the- State of North Carolina, for the paipose of securing to the people of anid District their , lawful representation iu tlin House of Representatives, and to en--i.. .. k , 1 ' . . auto iirom ia npnoia "tne greatest In terest of. every trae American. tlm eonsolidatioo of our TJuion,in .which i mvoivea om pronperity, relict. safe-' ty and bar. Jfational existenee. and tliereby to re-establish justice, insure aotnestie ' tranottiliiy,1 nwl secure to themselves- ana their : DosteritV; the blessiu-'s of liberty," have seen tit trt issue litis, my proclamation, appointi.ng an election to be held on Tlnireday. tlie ii-st uay. of Jannary jiext, to til said vacanoy, in the Tliirty-Sventh ingress ot the United States of America, 111 tho said District. The Second District is composed of uiu toii'jvnng conniicRj namely ; llyde. Beaufort, Pitt, Ci aven, Jones, Lenoir, Wayne, Groene, Edgecombe, Onslow, and Carteret. .i; ,!:r. '.';' , Tho proceedings will be conducted and tho returns thereof made in ac cordance with law. . i The elec-tvo;! will bo held at the places prescribed by law. None but loyal citizens, possessing uic ijiimiut-uiiuiis required uy uie won stitution.of North Carolina, aro con sidcred as qualitiod to vote. Given nudor my band and seal of office, at NewberBe, this 10th day of iJecember, A. L., lboJ, and of tire Independence of tho United States of (Ymenca the eighty-seventh. EDWARD STANLT, . Military Gov. of North Carolina. As a prodamtiotr has been isswed by his Excellency the Military Gov. crnorof North Carolina, for the pur pose of attordmg the loyal people of fins District an opportunity of being represented iiT the present Congress, it is advisable to call attention- to some of the provisions of law regulating elections in this State. . The elections are to 60 held at the samo places as are prescribed for hold ing elections for member? of the Gen eral Assembly tliey rtro to be con ducted by the Sheriff; ot by other per sons appointed therefor, in like .man ner, as elections for members of the Genera! Assembly. The Sheriff, of the several counties, when not prevented by armed men in hostility to the Government, will give notice ot tho time appoint od fc hold ing he election. ; , The Sheriffri,with the advice of three j net ices of the peace, or, if none be present, of three respectable froa hold era, may . apjwint inspectors to hold iuj ereetioir. Inline Jiately after the close of the polls, a correct statement of the num ber of votes given for each candidate, and also of the names of the persons voting, shall be made out aua signed by the inspectors, and then sent to iho Governor, by some safe conveyance. - All loyal free white men of the age of twenty-one years, who have been inhabitants of any county, in tho Dis trict, twelve iiiont'.is immediately pre ceding the day of election, are quali fied to vote. '" ' 1 ' ' ' The travelling expenses of the offi cers who bring the retuma of the elections, will be paid, on their coming here. , ' ' ' ' ' The Sheriffs of the several conntlcs, will be required to take notice of this proclamation and to perforin their duty. ' '. ' Elections will bo hold in . oilier Dis tricts, whenlnyal people residing thore ii petition for them,, nnd when the condition of tho country will permit. BAUA.ll J, JUYEk. Polloolt Stxreot Houm nett la thu roroar of MudJy.) aolielU SEWING From I In offlrfra aaj aoMlrra. tua : 'l-MIPR AIO 11 ma, Caeka le.ua S 1 gar l ured llama, VA) S -g. It.en.n 1 roe. I.e1 .ale try aDcl Ir. A A HON OAOK, Middle Mra I Krittata, BA-itiaa, bitter AFtO Id I H Kkaa Uamvaea In Ireta Ueatnn, For ante by Aaa; II, INN. St. A. UAUK, a WHT TO BE WM'K ('..!. III. Hnlla. Hnlnliar, Cretan 'I'uiar. tie.lla. r-..wneta, Vl'iinma. v, iim. Dillera t.'-.n...! J.n ol', (linger,. UaaHa IJmaw); laf Maar, tut Tllle aavaga la a. axe every aua in avn aoh.al pii.B-i.rs Caniurcii't Practice mif. YUST PUBLISHED, a Uaatiaa npaa Ik. Prarfiea . J""11' Carolina, fcy Edward CatntwalL LL B., author oftha N. C. Julian. ,lt".i Of Lerialative Pn... t. n . v lji.. Pnwere in North Carolina; Legklatlra , I'ewara af Juatnea ol lhe Peaces Connty rJtiiindaea-Ilaeda. etc , County Revenue aad ri,B. u.. Priaona, Ac; Countv TrnalM. Anr nr.uu. a.i and I 1'ublioSalee, Oeneral AwJemSly, jnapeetioaa , . ..... UW,K. !T mor nouaea aaa Uoapitalal Kegiater. and Clarka, Hivera aaa CraakaTuataa, Fcrrica and Hndgea ; Weight, aud Meneurtef j Idiot andLanaUoa ( Rctailere: 'Nature Kirr Panlit Ronda and Cartwava- Pr,l.s t j. i i tioaa 1 Milla and MUlerai Ordrnarrn nad raeta uie., ! 1 vtaiaenani the Poor. PiVoa Banad. Road, rarri. ud Bridaee; Poll fax Exempt terra, Executive Power to General ; Eaaont ire power in) JJ.t y"0"" i' Executive Power of tha Ceartei Chief JualicaandClerk; Attarw.. t Yi-Z.! aey Oeneral Kepo tar nn. Solicitor 1 Caunael ran Pa at ir nnd Mamhal ; Clarke and Panpera, Oaaediaaa; Ooaae ty Attorney : Aociinn. r., ity . uererartl IMinnuarv ... . t , ,4 of Finance, County Trnator ajowoBg TrcaaaanaT epeeuti ara t voanmraaiotiara 01 halte; Rauxctorae Snperintenduut of Scbaola Cemmbeatwaa ef Nav igation t Wardena of the Poor 1 Regi.ter. , Corn miaatonara of Rivera and Crank ,-, ttkcnUfrt Con-a-kblee ; Ranger ; Standard Keef err: Hetail.re, Adnuniatratora; Chairman of Special Court t Cam. mianionera of Deed and Conveyaacaa t Coaiau,. aionere of Low Laada, Entry Taken and Sarreyera i Superntendute of Eleetione; Onardiaa. mmJ ceivera, Inapertora; Comrriiaalonera of Internal lav pruvemenia; rarittionj i-atrtl Cewunittaeai Pra oeaawnere ; Tax Liatera and Boarda of ValuaHo Oraraeera of Roade and Rivera : ComorJaeioaRnj of .w..; muntxii ricaera ana t;oiiera. - Tha Appendix root nine forma of Dcedand CeB. vevanoea, aa followa: . , , Agreomenfa, Auignmeat., Awradt, Bilteof 8al. Billaof Excuange aad Landinr. Ilobd. n:.u.'. netna Bonde, Contract,, Deeda. Mairiav. Retn menu, Mortgage. Copartnerabip Arliclea- Nutaa. Releaaea.Ao. Thia Book containa 55 pagaa, la gotten an In aa penor atyle, and bound in Law CaifT Prioeringlw oopy, fo,00. , ' EDWARD CANTWELE, t - . vomer ui iravr aaa VVilmington St.,., 'Raleigh, N. C. Jan. S3..l8rL r-' .1862. . id ; r. J .1 . 1. THE TRUE FLAG : A Journal for Every Home. ., . -.j. 1 i-.;a i Tnx Tafi Fte cummeaoea tha Bar year aat. dertiiamoat laeerabla aaapieea: Aekaowleogad) ' "! THB PIONEER NEWSPAPER ' f ila claaa, hiring orlghntad the ayataof ' of ' KO CONTINUED STOUiES ,.,.,f9 AXD XO AUVERTISEnESTS it haa oatHred boat it tmitatora, and atlU " DISTANCES ALL COaf PBTITTOll. i!t3'' Ita circulation axceeda by aaveral lltouaaad that Of any weekly paper in New Eaglaad. It ia not limit" ed to any claaa or dutrict, but nhaera Ik kemea' aud ' ,' 1. ',. , t GLADDENe) TUB FIRESIDE! i:nt at everr loyal State ia tha Union. It ia not dittlae guiahea merely for Ha UNEQUALLED TALI AN SKETCHES, but every namber onniaiaa aa ealertaiiia'r aadl rueful variety of , ., ANECDOTES, r, .. ifcjm,;.! Iu BIOGRAPHY, EDITORIALS, ' - .-, Jff.ii ADVENTURRS; 111STOR. . . POETS, And SCRAPS OF WIT. WISH HAVlNUl! - o coaioca laruaaaTiox of every deaoription. . , . . V Our i'orpe of Coatribatora compriaea tha LrVELrEST' 8TOHT TBI.LHBS; '"' and aumbera many vf tha Ue.t AutburaoT tha dky IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF UtL'eLttTfttfi. In re.nect to the future we can only aay that War hall faitlifally adbar ta oar Old, WxtfTaiane 8rTta of avoiding Ucieaa aoreletla, and a airing EACH WEEK THROUGHOUT1 til YtAatf. a eondened and tpiry oompendiua at readiag for tha people. ; . t ,1. y ?r. Terms of PiibltattlloB IB Attvanean, GREAT INDrJcEMENT TO CLUBS ' One aopy, one rear, fi.im ; two A.pVe vaa yaarV or one copy, two yeare. 3 0 ; aix rvpiea. aaa yaaf,. and una cony to the getter p1 of tha Clah, 9 OS (. cTu"t.Vl 5!iir' ""r u 1B "P to" Poatma.tolfenn raewira Ilea paper for tkrli own dar nl $1 00 a year. They ar rtdneeted la tct aa Ageauand get up Club. tV Single Cdbiee Fuarcaaita. Cold be at) Ihar aew.niea and eikidical daalera. ,, 1 LaT Addrnaa i-obllabers True Ttng,' 4 tltt " BOSTON. Bt.a. B l.HIAEB At CABPENTBB.-. : 1 II'-. .i Praprietora of th " ' VASSASOIT VJRXIS-It l0St3, 1 Aad Mannfacturera ot Paala and Palalrra Calara. Dealer la aS kind, of flnmfaff O,,, Ad., A. '''I 81 era I0T ttatk rttkat fjeUwy 79 C.lato rtrrrl1.. US TON., ill tl . v a v 1 wAnaTta, J , , COaMlSHlOM Mk-WCHAirr . 18 Ceertleadl Street, Maw F. r tka aak) nf eouthera prodnria mmww aauaee, eea aeiar to l. M. Mania. PreeMleat fleaa Hank If ' M ..ea Taylor, jPrr,,d. at CM UaaA, N. . B. C, Nelea.Newberd Hale-. yaiaiUod A C,, tfwra..f t oattf tyAHlFI 8. HaastatS,. ,.e It Waehlagaea, (aaa Praak'tla Sirret.f vkamts arose, uoaron. j 'j Haa na bead a full eemily of en, Poek-t, and l abia t allery, S.i.era HBTa ete. Alao Fane- llatd Ware, hkaiaa ai d SHng Taehle. 1 -, , A rarlety of Soldtera Ailirdea aad Camn C.dli nrte. R cVna lleiuiark e and' Well A Sevaun Tailor'a Bhaara aad Sriaaiw. M. !,. II. A Co., are maaafar-tarara nf Flahlnw H"de, Proprletura of Waieotl Patent Jwaiag Ma rhin.HcU.ora. A a oh aeki ieai of pet:. in. aad up. Hot qaahly af P.a ket A a. vaa aad tea., rx marki d RrmJJurS, Bumtmm. , . aev St. PMII.BHIC8I, 13 INDIA ST8EKT,' BOSTON MASS. Maaararla-vr t Bedard Patraana ll.-' aor l Cll, BtOIJI-BaA r, Swreaeeer a tl M.a rcmrna A Co. Hardware aad Cnea. eoMj Meridaeata. Kit 71 A "3. Federal at., Keete Mana(a.-tare a nt Manila Cordage of tve.r e arlptMaeAat. f. II aal a Aim, Phllllpa' (latch eta. latrbaaka'lh'aiea-A full aaeertnivut ol far. ton e aad UahaM'e Pt'ei, kreehaa ki f arL). dl lore ga BMl Aieeriee lUldwnra. . . tnartea VV kVadd. r. Jblla t. Ungtr. . 1 IZ yi CTOVraj AID PPB fvf aal and Wa4 tl 5 KiiiHI.Kic, ..-(." 7, i kdhantit ioaVfcTaHo,iB7 ariy.nitvr.rv ...5 ,, . ar IP l.t. Mttua ) aad Stadeai r 4 i 4 - - . ; i imil.n, . ir.