(c-i 'i.U i-a.. VOLUME 5 N EW BERN. N, C. FRIDAY EVEMNG, JANUARY 2, 18C3. NUMBER 80. J& ftctob eirij'oglress, ' Is published Doily nod Weekly ": frm the Progreu JSuildings, Oaten Street TEK.T19 OF PAPER. Dut.T Prociubs, one year fh I") . " 6 months . 3 Im ' 3 months 1 5n " " 1 month 50 WliKt.T rBor.Btss, one your -. i 2 l ' 8 roautha 1 On All niterip 'lions to lit v-ri i t Js. ADVHB'fliaN BATES. Th fu.ng rntes will be rhnrged for til adver linemen, inserted in the " Daily rrrree'' alter hit d.te i On RsIOabi or Twit.vt Lusts o Lus, U.4ay...... fir dan..... Three days,., Foar days.... Fir day..... t 75 I Two week. '...? SO .J VU I One mouth... IK). ....71 37 Two months 8 M I 75 1 Three months 14 50 ...... 2 0t Six months so o ..;.-st 1 1 Oniraar.v.w30 0 una nu Twelve lines or lent will b In nil cases enanted at t sqaare and additioutl square will be charged tk KATES IS THE WEEKLY. One qntre, one insertion, 11.(10, Snd 25ecnts for every subsequent insertion. Ne attention win b paid to advertisements aent y letter, unless a remittance in money accompany them. JOB PBINTING, Of every description, neatly td promptly exe tad at this onlie. J Drugd and Painla,an'l manufacturers nf Coach Body and Furniture Varnishes, rorest Uiver and Mystic Lend Agency i French and Ai:!Ptic.iui Pure tine, No.. 5 to 8 Coinmrrrial wharf. Boston.'! J. W.Ilunnewell. K Crafts, r r M. Creamer M KKItll.l. HltOTIIKHr, ( successors to Fnlsom (r, Merrill ) importers and dealers in faints, Oiks, Navel Stores, Glue, Drugs, Ac., and manufacturers of Varnishes and Jupuu, 'Jlu State street, Boston. 11. K Merrill. A. L Merrill. EaTABMnilEl IN IMO. J.N. Bkewik, successor to Jaines Weld Co., manufacturers of Pilot, Navy, Medium and Wafer Bread for ves els use and ililp;iiiu, aiid for the Army and Navy. CIKOKMK I.. MrcAltNSI, mniiufncturer of Jl Patent lmpinved Lead Pipe; Lead Pil'e lined with Tin i Pure Block Tin mm Slieet Lead. Pis; arid Bar Lead, Cupper anil Iron Pumps, s-llydfauiic Rams, Mr... IJS Milk street. Huston. !ili 1)ORTABI.K l.sVnOlDK, or 8Kar o( Lhihous, particularly adapted to the sica, and convenient for travellers, wbo unn with this article nave always at hand a rtfrushinir and healthy dnak. Alsa, infallible Yaast Powder for raising bread at short notice. Pmkstok ti Mshhill, . Itoston. Mas TUB DOUGLAS AXE M ANUKACl'l'KlNU CO , Maufaelnra Ilunt'i Sharp' t Am, ami other Edge Tools. D. D. DANA, Treasurer. . 195 130 Federal Kt., Bsalsa "iMIt I! KNtV HOWE A" jf'O., Note, " Stock and Exchange Brokers, itt State Street, Huston. M JHITTUEOIIK sV CO., Importers, Manil- fnctnrers of and dealers in Naval Stores, SplriU Turpentine Tar. Coal Tar Kosin, Pitch and Bright Varnish., Apai, Extra White and Cherry Kosin for Soap Hakersand Bright Vellow and Selected Tar for Rope Makers, H.S Commercial Street Boston. Particular attention paid to article, of export, tad Conaiffnmente rospotl'utly solicira4i II. A. Stevens, 1. A jlie-oiy M. C. Lang. CIlARI.r.M a II IT II, Commission Merchants lor th sale of Naval Stores, Cottou, hpiiiis Turpentine, Unsin of all kinds, Pitch, Tar, Ate-, Ate (i Central Wharf, Boston. Hi t' V, KIXU; ( O., M inutactnrersof Copal. J Varnislics, .lanii. ft;i! , and importers anl dealers in PiUnts, Oil, Window (llas; I'mon White Lead, Artists' T'o!s aud Kroncli Brushes, Tietnaiiu's Colors, Kronrli Zinc Paint, 'Jli India slroet. Boston. Kni.i Kino. J. W. Coi.ia'KS. r-w :rd Kinir 'cay h.- f. -nd as nlnvo. 1EKU, I TI.KIt V CO, dealers in Medi i rinea, Paints and ly Stuffs, Bnd impoiter. ol of Knu'li-h, Kr.mnh and' M diterranean Drugs, lolt llroad street. Besjon. ATUEUT0N, .STETSON A CO,, Commission Merchant far the sale of ( Oat and Hemlock Su& Lentlur, Culf Skins, drain, Enmtnulcd and l')i)er Leather. Importers of (Jal.oon; Lnoes, W eb, Thread, Ate. 1 34 Pearl Hlrrrl, llaataa. Ilia, TSi E. BATCIIELI.KK A CO., BOOTS, SHOES tl- BHOGAA'S, I'M l la ST Prarl Hi., Ila.laa. CH U'1N A PIIJJT8, Koteign nud Domestic. HARD W AUK AND CUTLERY, 195 .3 aaa iH Pearl Ht Baataa, Mi" H. I1A1BI.KN. sV 0., dealers In Pin kles. P eserves. and llorinetically Healed .Meats, Oysters. Clams, Lobstera and Kieh nf vari- i Klta, .n t'uriiliase streei,, uosion. urnersior pnanntiy tttenua to. Butlers tun Mer eliufs supplied. KIV nABJIN BROa.dk '0. W iml Commi. slonVlercliauta, t7 Federal Street. Boston. Wu. C. HaKliuK, Uo. W.ilardiiiK, Jan. M. Black. f b. n nntn '0., Importers nf J Earille, street, lliatoa. and Ulast Ware, Kroad Air.tl. INDBHVK V I'O., Original , Preserves. Mustard. If Wurehous for lkl nrtaaiieally Bald MoaUia. mt, axa , 67 Broad street, 1)' kANIKIa HAH WOO U St O., maaufartu rr and dealwm in HimiU, Htiuea, nd iieatb- Uauiol llurw.rtid, Jotm Albrn, Jr. J A I, HA HAVIH. CoininiMi.m Mondiaiit. and dwaluna Lu "tt(, UmdintCN, White and Colored fThire'.('ilorrd Koaa. Anvtp Hkin ia ltoutli,Mo. tt7 Pa ttaj aud Miri 'vdhtm UmU , IkmUHi. GSANT, WA&HN & Co., Paper Warehouse, 9cV93 .'nilk.cVDI long real Si., BOSTON. - -Maaafkvlrr a4 llrBla variety yf ' Printing,' Writing and Colored PAFSns. . 1 m ..rt.r. n Ueal.r. IB Pairl(aasH) lar.ilrlla, Wlm, Pelts. I'ltraiaarlae, Alaas, Mleaehlatt Paw. 4era, aosla Ak, Alaailaaa t'akr, Snl Soda, Korelge and DomrsMe Siaing, Rosin, Oil Vitiol, sir., ato. I'luf II.U'CIITOV. SAWYER A CO., Dry (looil. Woolen tC CarjHtiys, 10 'J'l aaJ Ki I'rarl ML, Haalaa. WILLIAM L'LAl'I.IN A CO, ' t'onin.."!. li M .rclK.nl.. aud Wholesale Dealers in yours; siioi:s iinEs ,i leather, J Pearl a, II. I a, Msii. Th lisva lh elHu-ivo al af ','vlburn aud if'i Uwulautw vl Umob) i'A J. Bf nSM Har -X TUI CHARLES V. POOR Jc CO., . Wlioleaale Dealers in Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Qtasnrares, Set. M aaa SO India Street, Baatoa, Tie. May 15 l'lltf w illiamkTcoffin ico IRON. PACTPRS, And Makers wf Oun Barrel Iron for the United States Pembroke Bar Iron, Horse Shue Staple, and Nail Rods, Ao. IO:l TATK STREET, BOSTON, IN AM). May 15 " . lilltf . J&A.'? 3c CO., Hardware, Tools and Metals, NO. t BROAD STREET. Ml BOSTON, MASS JOnN B. ALLET CO.. JAPANNED t CURRIED LEATHER, ' Oak and Hemlock Hole Lea' her. . Na" 1N (laaajras Mlreel, BsilH, Ma. May 20 , 1(15 CHASE, MuKlNNEY A OO, r Manufacturers aud dealers iu boots, shoes it nnoGANs, Also, Proprietore of Mitchell's Patent Metalio Tip. 1'.'5 HO and 'ii Pearl Hi, ROl.a. - AARON CLAFLIN A CO.. conn is. o ?ii:itjnAvrs, "l Manufactu ers and dealers in BOOTH, ftllOE AND LEATHER. 35 4- 37 VESEY STREET, AT W YORK. VXt m Sr 70 rEKUl. STREET, WOSTOS. TilOM AS SI MMONS, ' co.TimKKiu, mi:kc iiaxt, And Dealer in all kinds iff I JTaval Stores, Burning Fluid, and COAL OILS. NO. T INDIA MTUKKT, Bo.lon, Itln.s. May 15 , r 1!MU .11. HAIIKIS & 10., AUCTIONEERS, C03I MISSION MERCHANTS, IS INDIA MTUKET, IIOHTON, .tIAMM, May 16 , lJlli ellis; NEbulTco , Importers and dealeis in Bar, Boiler, Railroad, Tank & Hoop inoNi Ship and Railroad Spikes; Also, Angle and T Iron. NO. 33 INDIA NTREKT, 191tf BOSTON, MASS. CRAG IN, l'.WiE Jt CO., Successors to John Tm.i.sii it .Co ,1 Importers atd dealers iq SHOE MANVFACTUUKRS'' GOODS, And all kinds of SHOE TOOLS. Also, Sole Leather '& French Calf S kite Itlills Hirect, (Car. Kilbr ) Unl.s, Masa. May ... ,,Jut HENRY L. .DAtiUETT A CoT . Dt alcis in Hoots, Shoes, Leather and , SJwe Stoel. Sole Agents for Congress Webbing lor Shoe (lores. 1'.I5 It I aaa 10:1 Pearl K. , Baslaa. . DANIEL LELAND, JR.:.' COM M1SS10 N M EltCII A Kl, And mauufac'urer of ftintjM, Elixirs, Colorings, Cordials, Essences, Bitters, Extiacts, Etc. NO. 51 BROAD NTUEET, RONTON : w- J t"r leais ( .iiengiti. with acfvice on . malten ol 'pltlE.lna, I.INEN, COTTON 4k II.K,''.tli. Tins article wiis printed iu ti e J inuary !;serii 8 E H I N G M A V II I At S, Also, Shoe, SinMlurs', (iilmis.', "Mnrsliall's au'i (,'isilej 's Threads. Sea Inlaud, Eniiau s Diamond, I'hllip's Olued Cntt.ni FLAX AND WTTON TWINE, ttf Everv DescnptM.n lla Mrlae Twlae, 4 la III Thread.. KlilX Sail Tine, Haling. Hum, Vool, Hrme, Mr. win, Brush, Honing, (lillnet aud Druggists Twine. Ia Bands, Venetian Filling. Loom C rd. turtsin Cord.Hijiutirirg llauds, Marline, Bid Rope, Cot ton Skin Cord .seaming Cord. ALSO, LTHOLSTKIH ASK CMiRIAOEMAK KUS' WKIIH ANDTWINK. ROHM P E A H J E , No. 7 LiatKti Suusat Bosroa T. U A W LI f VCO. No. 12 Elm Street, Boston. 0EXTLEMEN 8 ELRN1SIIING GOODS, Military Gauntlets, Oloves, and Millers, Woolen Shirts, Socks, Sifpemlers, Collars. Ties. Hearts, u it i. it. t . i, Money ifffiis, nnu Ullioieiias. All ilesrriptions of nice Hoods for Omceni. Civil iana, and men, either at wliulesale or by. single ar tiules. UNDER OAHMENTS, In a large variety, all wool, colored and white. He tl'lv mouth Buck UuautleU and Olovw, silli er lined or untitled. Orders promptly attended to. Terms cash. HAM W T ; C0MMIB810 M ERC HANTS, Manufacturers and Importers, 105 Deronaliirc St., and 311 Morton rises. Boston. Agents forth sale nf Pins. Hooks and Fve. omsiienuers, nnins aim i;rawers, tiermanUiwn r no py Wijen lloaiory. Buck Mittens and flloves, Cm uieos sun rarasoia, iiuuon, lireasls, Combs era. jlALMEBa as BA IIKI.DKHX, Jihpor'rrs and Dealers In WATCHES, JEWELRY ko MILITARY (lOODd, Ite. Agents for Pond's Piitols. 8 m Washington S'rnl, Iloslrra. NDKUNON, MAHOHN T t'O., Importers am! Dealers la DRY fKjpIWJ, Naa. 3 aad Wialaraa Maaar, .f"hn And rsn, BOSTON, ji Win S Aadarstn tt . I'. Harir. at. W lalli,. Sidney Sargent. nNUkll, PHATT tIAt tilMTIHB, riie,rters of lltlSIEUV ti (IIIVES, Trlmmiiigs. Keiihvr W-ds and Small Wares. I! 4 I Slid II. Kniiiklui Mruet M.toi CTONK, WIPOD A lO.. linf,.,Ur. .. I DUV fiiMUIS. ' ' k 19 Ko. 40 Krai.klin Street. B silon. I A'it ii It m T vvT s7iri it "i"7 L coiiMissniv MEiifiiAxr, 17 f ..i Wis' In Spar Bvsfn). N "D . N A V EQUIPMENTS. iomprising Swords, Belts.Ti.tols, Sashta, Epaulets Laces, Bntrrm7Ci:p, Shoulder Straps, CAMP CHESTS, Ac., UICH PRESENTATION SWORDS, of aU Pricot. SHREVK, STAXWOOD A CO., 527 Washington Street, Corner of Summer Street, 9 BOSTON. BNT aV Bl'HH, IMPORTERS, Manufacturers and Dealers in HATS, CAPS, ADD FOBS, Kilitarj Cap..8ortfA.JJpuUilt,t EsVm4 CORNER OF COURT A WASHINGTON 8Tg. 9 BOSTON. A. F 4 I. I, A K U , Importer, MHtiiTacturer and Dealer in MILITARY, UEGALIA, And Thrnlricn! Ciaod, ICO.' fi C0UKT STREET, BOSTON, MASS. Mkrchakhik Lit Navy and Army Clia pcaux ; ,l)reK amt Kaliue Cup ; SwordH, Bel' I, KpHulettf-a nn WuHh Military Diitums and LiK-et ; Kt"l. Wliilo. Wim. 0 )-( it, and other fancy cotori r! Hniad. '.itli.H, nut nndily found elsewhere ; Banner Hi kc, 4t, HO mid W iiuht-n w tie; Vol, orirn mt-nln i hd' Tritt mi inirii ; AUi, Bri nnprn made to or der ; Silk and Hui.linff Am.Miunu Kin J?, in g.ni vnrii'ty; Utintiu Onudx, Ji-weU, Uwette ai.d 8tnr; Kfjucftiiiui (iiMida, Siii' tn and Tir!"tn ; Km l ing- KitiU, ('niiihtit Swdi'di. Mu ks, and (J loved ; timuli Jy-dr", in (iold and Silver; Cfiidn. BraitU, TiuciijN, Lnccn. Sjiantilt-". (.!inM. Bullion Ktiinjuii! Tifijlr., Sim, UrnciidHx, Kamu Clotlm, and I-nc. Alo," lnljliilitr if ' Wflib's MiiHfiniu Monitnf' jMK-ktit edith-nt; and Sole Atftoit in Now Enu land lur tli " Militiaiuiin'M Mnnutd and diruid flny with out n Wntur,' hlntiHted. WliultKak nii-l retaildiy ' 9 A. W. 1'tH.LAKI), No f Court Street' A. 4 n A a V K K - t! O . COMMISSION MERCHANTS and dealers in (11 kinds of . K A V A LSTORE8, Mabufui.turcr. of BCUXIXG KLL'ID AXD-C6AL OIL, m India Hlrrrl', Re.loa. or'.tf - - The Atlantic Monthly, for isea. rplIE attrsrtiens of this standard and popular X uerhelieal forth year lry are greater than year 1 ma are greater than ever uetore Professor Aoassii heu-an in the Jamiarv number a series of articles on Natural Histnry, and other ki. rired topics.' to he cut i nued Ironi mouth In month throughout I he y..nr. 'J h nniue of soiliiingaislied a mail of science in ci nuerlion with this announce mem, i a suilii lent guaranty ol the gre bunuKt to be derived Ihhii hi. monthly contributious. n.uiuie i'Y ivitituiH er fJUV 'SffrTU", WIJ Ttstioenr in I lir. na.wu I K.. All.. ... .....I.. .1... A New S!iry hy the late '',,i,, , Winlkmp, au thor of "l ei'il Dreouia " was comuieueed iu the Jnliutry iinmlifr. Dr. innvr li. W'imhip. well knnwn for hi. re iniirkfilth' .-X..t,!ni nls in () v Inl rtl u-, huh writlco tor 't'lir Atlantic " The Antnlilograpliy of n .Sln ugth rt.'ekcr," giving an roc.iiut of his mctliod of trainius- Jiimn Kmtril tjirrll rsniributes every mo.ith a n-'W '.' IllglnW IW-r lull of In., kuel.i-.t lilllio.r His." Mason end S.idcll. a Vunkcn lilvii.'' end '"Message ol'J-ll'. H ivis in S-cr.-t S.-ssion" bsvs beeirrect'ivcd with r Ik- l-.:i-i,,..t i.;, Tim Ktntr nf Wiilers in l'i,.i,i,' Pn.-tr cm tributin. legnlaily lo t'-e 4t'i,tt.r y .nOvy, i-om-1 piises the best uuiiies in Anieiicau l.ikiiiluio Aiuory them ere ,i nines iiusieN i,ow-!i, ! OJivor Wendell Holmes lleery W Umgiellow; Nnr1iani.. Hawthorne, IyOUls Aglissis, .l.i'.n (I. Wh'tllel, Uilll Waldo Kmers.Mi Kilwaid Kv.rt-tt, end iniiiiy others. This Mnesziue Is einineu: Iv suited to the vsnt of intelligent soldiers of the Union Army.lrom whom subscriptiooaroltritd. x Teras. 7rer Pulltrt nrr Annum, or Trim F,r r,.l. a SumWr. Upon the receipt of the subscription price, the Pulili.hers will mail the work to any part of the I'nilcd States. Hostage nrenaid. Kill,.. Tin. Hons may hegin with either the first, or any subs quent nuiiiucr. Address Til KNOII FIEI.Da, X Waikihglo SI., Bmlom. Mitts. Ilunncwell's Great Remedies, ' IIUXNKWKLL S t'NI VKHSAL COCOII kK.MKDY. WW eerrs fimil) i.W hurt in Ikt nsrfVsyf t? Ther should ham llnnuewills I'.lvs.l Cough Remedy, because It eirectnslly ours. Colds, WluHiping and Cojimoa Cough., Kor Throat, lloarseiess, and is the most siinpls and perfect Seotlriag Syrup in ll.e world. Kor old or young by day or aiglu, it may lie nsed wild Hie greatest fr. doin.and three.louiths of lh deaths by Consump tion slopped, and infanta relieved ut their auuariug, oy what leaves no stain hehiiid. IIl'NNKWtl.L 8 TILU ANODYNE. 17 They shonld have Ilurntewell .Tulu Anodrn becaaiie It Is a perfect re ly for Neuralgia, Ner vous or Sick Headache Tooth and Karache, St. Vitus Dunce, Pain In Stomach, Distress after Kat ing, Nrvounr.s, llvsteria and III. chief of all disease and iiiainity, 1jms of Sleep, lis chlrarter, liiongn acuve, is simple ; it action in perlect cob fortuity to nature; its end cure or relief. " . IIIW'NKWKl.LS I't'I.KCTK! Pll.t.a 1 r inej i nn. ii uniii-wi-ii s r.ciei-iic i-nis because with aeldmn but a single ill fig.a do, all derangements of tlieMooinrh and ltowelsarart.red They cm liolvcstloii, tysMpsia, lleadach, when enMscit lie lout stomach, ltss ol app-jtne, Uiltoua ness, so ofti n and so erroiienudy tranteil with Mer- cnrtiiia ana jaainiit-e. tor worirr. a sure cirre. They act simple, assist nalare, do bot mak a pill ihii oi me sioinnco, iis is ine mosi tatai error i litkn g so msay pills nt a iti.e; and, then, what ii HiroiHsnt to every r.iiri'j si il every Purse, on notue gees as lar as two or to;e ol what is ordin etilv sold. II tne annr reasons arejini giern. anl results do nnteonftfHi tndeelaiatii-ns;l will reiie.t my agent to reiunu me niooey. i ins m the nam. ol my out Adence, and thai nf tli public is asked to lest tlHSSBlvr.l.l. I I'MVSHS.I. t.Ol'OH ICHSIir. Ilrssswil.t. I'm v Asolitst. lh s i. 1 1. Kci rcrir I'm i s. KaesiHiile of J. L. Iluiinewell'i slgnalur over eorss ol genuine on. v. JIIHX L. UU.NSKWi:LL. Pmprtetar, tlili' Bostiui, Mesa. NOTICE, ffHovt 'i iit-t iati. n i; vv n,is UK i-i i,iviirn I ft' rttlV Oiit.l tlid ,y ),y ((lf tnUm, littaaf. ur .rnli )m J t a thi troiaiti-t atlli lM)te on Hjci-tln itf ft j,itt-ar tlri.iwl, I'tii 1 1 rm.tr pr inmt d. CH-ti tn ali , Ktmj.iirii- tu.) In furMi)(. d tl tu 'f lliu"ii aL I I'uut H i oiiud, Tim hp i k fiir m.iir.i fun, A (lA'lK. -N1hih.'iv-1 ! I. J Wtf K M Express, Will convey packages to and from Newborn. within til points of tlie United State nt REASONABLE RATES. : AU Orders will be Promptly and OF VALUE. i Will be transported ctrofully and promptly. ,Th ability aud standing of this Company for jtkra put, are t sufficient guarantee for their ' FA1THFUL7 PERFORMANCE IIARRISOXS' BRICK BLOCK, Pallark at. 3daarsMala af Bask mt Caasasarcr. Kctrhern, March 2!, )Mi 1011G3 1862. The Wide World An entertaining, iastructive, spirited and spin FAMILY !U:WsPAPER, Suck as will be welcomed at horn and abroad. It is Hie design nf the Publishers to give their pipers niiKi.ii wuiK I Hi K ACTRH. Independent el sect or party, on all the important questions and re forms of the age, It i pledged to a high moral tone While utility ahull be uppermost in the minds of its Editors, still they will i-ndenvortn ssit'sit as well ss isrtai'ci believing that Cheerfulness is essential U liappine.s. lis columns will contain ORIGINAL TALES' from the. pons nf some of the Most Famous Writers ol Stunt and Sketches in America! Also, amcsino and DANUEU0US- ADVENTURES! Trnaalnliaaa Kiaiirnphlrnl (rir,ej laleresiilasi Rkrlrar af Travel lll.larical Rrmlaiacrare) Partrr, n il, Hauler, Vr.,Ac. Combining a vast amount of Information on thou sands of suhjecfj that are of interest, profit aud amnsenvnt to the general reader. In point of- Beauty of Appesranr they purpose that Uiit ptililicntinu shall he 'i7's(d by None I -Its Eirti I'afc Storiet will be COMPLETE IN ONE NUMBER. There will also bariven, occasinna'ly, Moral and Religiou KamyaTpMH hingsertariarf.) Extract Irian' New Pihlicntions: with iii-cssiotial Notices and Re views of the same. Ni.-rs,toilcitiBg iUI the leading and important occurrences of ti e dny, will be found in Its columns. The Wid Would will ba designed for all classes. ot reaners, giving alw ays the 'Trash aad Oiigina Kmaaationr of U b'aaxy of Talent in iu various departments ol TAI ES AND 8KETCTIES, Romantic and Domestic, Grave and llumorons. The Choicest Pooiim; Editorials upon the most import ant torrent topics of tne day; with an attjihary amount of1 Genetal lutorniatton. prepared by vigor uus pens: all of which will render TUB WIDE WOKI.D Reasonably corfldt-nt in challenging competition in the List of Wn'klf falrrat'irr, and inviting the critl. enun aud suppuit of Tile Great Public. 'Terms af Palslirnlioa, la Atlvaace CIisCMiCtuttl One copy, one yesr .....f'-JOA Two copies, iue yoar. '1 (HI . Six Copies, one yar 0 lal Twelve copies, "one year 15 110 Twenty copies, one year . ti IK) When a cUb of sis or upwards is on ercd. we will nil a copy free tn nlie putty getting up the Huh I Post Musters whowill ae ns agelils will be furnished I with tlie paper at f)e Dollar a year. I Y All coilimuiucatiotls iutemled lor th roluu ns of th lVllia Woal li, or continuing bubrcriLtioi.i', i uyuiu o a.i'iri-.--eu ,j JAMI S II. IlltKlIIAM & fit , Publishers of the VViiie World, go hi ate ss., liiaton. Mass. 1802. . " -- THE TRUE FLAG : A Journal for Every Home. Tin Tat'l Klao commences the new v.ar ua der the must lavorabl auspices. AckuuWleoged tone . TUB I'U'eir.r.u eir.vroi APKK f Its class, having originated the system af SO CONTINUED STOUIE8 AD AO AIVLHTIcir.li:TS. t haasuutllved a host of Imitators, and nt ill ' DISTANCES ALL. COMPETITION. Its circulation exceeds hy ,evcinl thousnad that ol any weekly paier In New England, ltts-not limit sdto tuy class or district,. but ciine' the hoeses and GLADDENS THE FIRESIDES of every loyal Stale In the Cuius, It It aot distia guished merely for ItB UNEQUALLED TALK AND SKETCHES, but every number cost am. tn entertaining tad aseful vailetv of ANECDOTES, BIOGKAPIIY, EDITORIALS, ADVENiUIIES. lllsTORt, POETKY. And SCRAPS flf WIT. WISE SAlflMOS aan cuhiocs isroKMaiioa of avrry desciiption. I 1 '..miIII.hI.... enmi.pt.na It.. LIVELIEST STORY -TKI.LEIIS, snd number, mauy of the lle Author of the day IU EVERY DEPARTMENT OK MTKKATI'KK In rs.iiect lo the future w can only say that w shall faiihtully ailhei to rmr Oi.n, Wii.i.-l aiso Srstsa of avoiding tedious aovelultes, asd tiring EACH WEEK TIIUOl'GIIOUT THE YEAR a eimden'i l aud .p:, y conip liJIauj of rdadiag fui th pnpl. Trrma of I'lilillmtlon In Adiiu'C. CHEAT INDI'CEVKNT TO tl.I'M I One copy, on vear, y.visi ; two copies one year, or one ropy, two vi ais, 1.1 on ; .ts cojoes, one rear, and on. copy to ihs getter np of the Club, 'S l , 1 we vr ropii a, one your and tu th teller up oi Ike Cliin. Il.itai. Ir Port masters rsa reeelr lb paper for Ikeiii. own as. ei f 1 ou t yiar. rney ar teqin-steu lo sir as Agenisnnii get up 1 illlM. ri Smgle Copi.. Poor cent.. Sold by all Ikr Bowmen and peimeical denlers. UT Addre.s ' I'nMUIicn True llatr, RIIMTnN, Was. fPIIK A tlKICM AN llttl SK, H iliovcr St ' I lloaiia, is the laiie-t and best arranged Hotel ie New Ki .-lied. J.4 UW14 Ull'lb, Pi op. u lor. Army ARTICLES -. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in tbs Pott Office at Newborn, N. C, Dec. 10, JSCi. , Adams, Simon B - Hood . A J Allen, Capt V.'m Irwin' John II Aapdcn.Jamea ' Joseph Wm Armstrong, Lyman W Jones Saml T 3 Alden, Sam'l E Jones Jaa B Ainsworth, Dr F S Jones mrs Ellen Adams, Kcleucos Jonea Alfred Adams, Henry Jonea Ed I llartlett. Isnso Jones mist Elin Brooks, N Walter Johnson Daliel B Barllett, E li Jsrvis capt Saml Bussey, Mrs Benj F "Jarman VVm Brenner George 6 Juwell John H Bass Chat E Knowlet John A -i niy.Chaa F ' Kittenger lieut S Bryan mrs Charlotte Keyet E'F Barlow J Kennedy Thru Bryant Asa Kellogfr Geo W Urnstor.E Kimball Chat 0 Burgess Joha 3 ... Knapp Dan I D Brow ley 8 L Kurtl Anion , Barfcow Wai R'';,;Iasaa Lsiat tsrrl - Dlacke miss Hattia Locke A G ' Bradley Michael Sarg' Larey Walter 8 "' Blackman Loren Lyoo John - Bodine Geo I Barker mita Joanna Bennett Lemuel Bowes John Barclay AL Barnes Martin W Bowers Capt E C Baker 8 F Barrow CP Butler t' Brenson rnin Mary J Bean Wm 8 Barrows Dr A W 2 Booth Jat C Barnard John W Ha. let J v Hanson Joseph Brown Chas H Bailey Flnllia Baker M W Bates Ira I. Coleman Elbert J Conk W li i Cursou Johns 2 Culoman Allico Coriiwill Menry H Cavanagh Patrick 2 Lemen Fred N Li oman Chat Lamb Wm J Lane Benj B Lyon Chas K Lelarul Knyal A Morenn 11 b McElwell eapt Jai Undilox mrs C B Marshall Wm H Micriiiii Dr Miller Ah ram Me, 'en Joel B Morton Orren .McNollv ilichol Murcii Lhas W Miiintn Alfred Maxwell Pat .orthorp Moset B h'icholt Cliaa Norton qr Newmnn S J ' Noblet Cba Oliver llcnj II Oren Geo E Oliver enpt li 8 Pervel Henry traHuau Capt Nat Perkint Albert H Cbampnojr Corp Jaraei rickeos Iiobt 2 " Carrcll EG PetiBeld Wm B Canovcr Capt A Paltrell Chas A Cnlesunthy ChatT Purvero W C 2 Duff Robert II Pherson M M Deakyne Capt J V Parmer Josiah Doane Lieut Chat R Peters Chat ' Dead Edward Palmer Wm II Doyle '1 hot Predrhore Frank 3 Dunnmist Margaret ' Phillips Frtnk Dance John E Peddle Joseph Downing Cull Perry . David . Dereudoff Albert . Plot Chat Darlin g.las K ' "Kigby Wm i -Dudley Lient H.T . Rub ie John H Davidson Thot W Rigga capt - ... ... Drew Wm King Asa T DsnnonDrT ; Uobbim Haviiah 2 Dunlly George' . Kusco And J V Destcr A M ,,, ' Kichardsod Eil Ldwards Capt Kebett Cathrine J Elles Chester A " Roberts Isacc S Evans Wru ' Root R Fife W W Kissine Tlorace Filrernld PctcT . Ross William Fysic George Rico Hiclinrd Fish Obed M Reynolds William - Karrell Win Wckola Jas. 8 Foster Win N Stiles mrs Una Fixtoo Chat Sexton Wm Feiincr Edw C 2 Btauloy S F Fischer Wm Stowcil Ed U Fisher I 'aniel V Kpicer Tlieo Fiuldt C'.ipt Chas . Sawyer Geo E Firicld Waisou II Pklcclm.T lient ChaB Fisher M N jr Sheldon 0cr 2 (sidney John M riilllivuu Daniel J Gibbon John Stetson c' pt Ed Grcigs.miss Mary Sugor Win 'iooding J jr riiaufiold Henry E Giakam rev G W Smith I A (irover corp Ed It Stone Benj F Green t v FnuM susnn llutohins Geo 3 rampson Sidnry llunl Koht urott ineoaore I Harrison Hervey Sharrren David 1 i.lloughUn S Taylor Wm, D li uncoil mrs J M F Turner Lieut J II I lluilcy I'atiick ' Teneyck M I Howell 1 ho A - Tillou I'hos. Ilubbi id lr E it ' Taylor Dr N W ll .ugcs Kd Vandcwater George llanit mist Lucy Willis Chas 'J Hurd corp Ed L Welch J A . llaxeltoa mrs E Wapset John ' Howell capt Darid Wilbert A J HsiwellE Whittle CM lfardeaty Jar II Webatec George 2 Harris WmV Wallace 0 W Havens Samuel Williams David R 3 llaruiltoo Wm Weawtll Howard Howard Wm II Wbilford W 0 Plag af Trace I. alter. Williams Liltese mr Ox ley J B French Stephen L HiaJick Julia Carlhor linger Moore mrs Moringo James 3 Moore Jat W Hews Mary Lewis Amol Simpson Fanny Persona calling for any of (he abote letters will please say "Anvr.RTinrtii JOHN DIBBLE, Postmaster. . KAK.ill J. JO. IDS, Polloolt Stxoet House next to ttu comer of Muddy,) solicits SEWING Kram tb otfioers aud ioljit-ra. fi6 ri'HIPK AND li.ttia, 3 Casks Boston Su 1 s-ar t'ured Uams. at) Ki-gs Boston Trips. Kor sale by Oi l. S, IrX'ri AARON GAOK. Middl Streei. ETIONM, OBANI.EH, Bl'TTEK AND 1 J I llsiEna to arrive on lc Irum Boston. For sale by GAGE. Aug I I, IrUTJ. WHO WANT TO BR aM'K l-Castor Oil, Knits, Sulphur, Cream Tailar, Sledlils Powders, 'loinine, Wine llitlcrs l-seneeof Jamaii' Uinarr. Mustang l.ininisnt. Buy Hum, and Pills vaougli I Hiak viy wan in town sick, at lillllll.l', . F. 8. LANG F.P.T, . !! Iridic lilrrff, Two Uxn from Broad, l.tlor recently oci :'p(ed by A. flags) Is aow prt panu u fu tiish a.l Wo dsof llrt'uil,.' fcs, !, Ac, al slM noliauJ3tdrs . ;. I'ed r.i ,1 proaiyliy at . tided to. Newbeit, July 23, 1''' I n?l I'NOWI.E V RIAL, wholrssrs dealers in l We. I India (linida aisi HI lp Stores. I -Centi Wharf, Ibnlon. Mefei rn Messrs. II. Ilnigiws Sons. Ssuiu.l Kiinwlc. Brid f Ileal. CAll liorast atttlP. PI Kegs, gaV .J Iwiu ' h, lur saM by O. t. S. Ir..' i AA0 GAflE ItONNKTa aaa I l.u.t li, f-r sale nt l lilaUI.Ka. euv i v&mi slaw m&&. Cantwrll'i Hrarlire l Law. JUST PUBLISHED, a treatise vi;, ,, the wt ice at Law in North Carolina, by Ld. urd Cautwell ' LL. B., author of the K.C. Justice, n-. CONTEXTS. ! : ' Of Legislative Power in General ; Lcgisjativ Powers in North Carolina; Legislative I'owers of JustKes ol the Pence; Countv Boundnries Heeds, etc.. County Revenue and Charges; Conrt Ilonse. Irisons j etc.; County Trustee i Jury Trials; run and-trftlicSal,; General Assembly; Inspections, Public Laedmgs. fcc ; Poor Houses and Hospilnla; Keglatera anil Clerks; Rivers and Creeks , Gates, r ernes and'Bndges ; Weiulits nud M easurcs ; Idi t and Lunatics; Ketnilers; Neuse River ; ! Puiilit. Koads andCarlwavs: I'nl.lie t.,l;,, ...s t..,...... Hions ; Milla and Millers; Ordinaries aud Collate, n j I i,r"!:waid. nM.fthePoori Prison Bounds- iioios, eeriies amt Binlgee; Poll Tax ExenifrUns' Executive Power in Geueritl ; Executive power, ii North Carolina ; Executive Power of the CoHrta; Chief Justice and Clerk ; Atlornevs at Law; AttotC ney General ; Reu rr and Marshal ; Clerks and Solicitor Counsellor Fupersi Guardians; Comb. ty Attorney s Auetioneers , County Court Clerks Coroner.; Boandary CoinmiisMrii CmniiUn of Pmauce, County Trastae j Couaity Treasaretf Special Court; Coinroissiohere of Kaiis; InspcCt-irs, Superintendeatsof gchsnhi Commissioners of Nav igation j Wardens of the Poor j Register, Com missioners of Uivers and Crei-kj Sheriffs ; Cou B'ablcs ; Rangers ; Standard Keepers; Retailers Administrators; Chairman of Siwcial Court Com. nusaisners of Deeds and Conveyances ; Coniluir sioners of Ixiw Land. ; Entry Takers and Surveyors Superintendents of Elections; Guardians and Re?" ceivers, Inspectors; Coinmissioiier. of Internal fin provements; Partition, Patrol Commitleis- Pro oessioners ; Tax Listers and Boards of Valuation Overseers of Roads and Rivers; Commissioners of -Wrecks ; Tobacco Pickers and Coopers. The Appendix contains form, of Deeds and Con. veyances, as follows; Agreements, Assignment!, Awrads, Bills of Sa'i, Bills of Eicnange and Landing, Bonds, Misceliu noous Bonds, Cootraofa, Deeds, Marriage Settle, uients, Mortgagea. Copartnership Articles, NouaT Releas5s, ote. . This Hook contains .156 pages, Is gotten np in-sn-penor style, aud bound in Law CallV rlce. tingle ,copv, .J,IKI. , ' EDWARD CANTWELE, Conmr of Davie and Wilmington St. Jan. S3. Itil. aaieign.u . , IANKBR sV CARPENTER, Proprietors of the ...UASSASOJT VARNISH WORK 8, J And Manufacturers of .t Palate aaa Palmer relor. Dealers in all kinds of Burmnr 'Oih, Ut., Ike.'"..' 8lore 107 State street. Factory 79 Clinton street, BOSTON. dic m ', , DAVID W A f! si T A V V , COMMISSION MEHCHAJiaV ' 1 l'l;rt;iir.'1! N'r.-e r r the sale of (.V'i v vv.-t , i w Vnrk ... ..Ml Sll out'oirti pr. Ju, te. ke erstn " K. Manin,-President Ocean ISsnk, N. Y. Mows Taylor. PresW.-M City Bank, N. Y S. C. Neisoa.Ke-rbeni.'- ' Hate', Hamilton & Co., Ninbcin. 3m57 IAKIIN I, OK.tDt'OItU A fjH 11H Wnshlnglo. (nrnr Fi iliililfn Slreel,) NEW GRANITE STORE. BOSTON, rfs on hand a full snpj.lv of r.-n,'lV, krt. 'and I alllo ( ulh-rv, S. iors. R i.,is. etc. Aim -rll(ry Hard Ware, Sknlos and fisfiiie- Tackle A vnin tynf Soldiers A 1 1 ii h- nnil Cnpip Com. forts. Hia'h u, llciniae.ti's Hint W.ii. A- s! n... TuUnr'H.ish'cai un.d tit-uAi.-- . .' . , M. L, B. A Co., nro iiinnufnetirers of Ki.!.ing Rods, Proprietors e f Wnicot't's Pnt. nt (o wing Ma chine Scissors. A eiioiee aoloi lina of nstterm. snd superior quality of Pocket Knives aud Scissors inaiaeu iiradjurtt, u(u.i. nov 3 V, P4III. II It 14 K, .14 INDIA SfUEEr BOSTON MASS. Haawfaclnrer af nov 18 Itrnaid Pelralriiin Oil. Sri' DDK 11, R o;i.RM A , Surrssnr to Chas Sci nnra 4- Co, Hardware and Com mission Merchants, No. 71 A 73. Ki-lera! st., Bostcn Manufartan-'s of Mmila f'ordega ..f . verv rles rriJ,lionAgent.i for Hunt s Axes, Phirtlps' Ilstrli. 'U, I'airh. inks' Siak-e A lull assortaiei t of Nor. ton's and HuMier Fi'os, Mechiiniei Tools, and Voreign and Anienean Hardware. CUaiie W. Sh adder. Jolin P. Rogers. . .. 4 itinr. row a o V t'tiM MISSION MEHCtlANTS. And do ii. rs in ifirfr ai Lcalktr, u .inn 1 iieii'Kslnne si , cjoston. And i.ew. .i!vn 1. ("err. (.'has'. EKEHENCE : Caleb Sutson, Esq., S R. Spauldirg, 7'.' Boston TlioineJWSlsnn A Co , 'a Gibson & Co., New Y.rk. A I.. WHITE A- CO., dei.lcrs la Snl -, Up. . per lieafher and B nldirgs, and iie porters of French Calf Sklna. ties. ll.llluiidla lllacksteae stre.t, boston. A L. White, 72 Geo Emer,uT CI II B T E II II III.P cV HONS, - TAFNEUSA ( UHUIEUS. No. Ill Blarkstone St., Boston, llavecon.taiitlv fo' sale, cf th, ir own inir.ufae. lure. Chaise and II irncsa t,eli"i. r A'so, Russett Hiiille. V iline and Trunk Leather,' and the variou kinds nf Split Leather. Cah paid fur sluughicr kld.-s. 71 u. n I L I T t II V DEPOT, Boston. tVnanlll On band nn,l tns.ts lo Older .tt d.. eriplio.iof Army or Naty ' WF.riCERI' KgUIPMKNTS. I Svnrd., Rashes. Iwr.u, platoU. Ilav raacks. Came $ Its, C is, Ruhb.-r G.suils Ac Cowl, p ,cktd free of expense, mc.u ling llioie sent iu frouiu' Ucr braiu-lics of liada - U l. W ARD A CO.. No 7 WasliiiigUa Street. 72 I sits O. aaari-olID, dealer ia ' HIDES AN I I.KATHKU. W and IS lllnckslose Street, Ilnslott. Cah advances (larsinsienmetits. 7' .si, MANaON V I'O., Import.rs aad deali VA erstn IK ).N AND STI-.EL. W-rIIeri!r. Andrfi f'.,rn.r mt S-..II... ....I 1'.. Ul ...I. II.Ih v" C. II- flay. N. G. Hanson, 7 J IV K. 11 ighsm, I HA AC I OI.RI UN d. sier in' L HOOT AM MlnK MACHIM.IIY. , LEATHER A.',l V.VC.Vcs', ' No.) Hisekileii.! Street. Uiwlin. Isaac ' nlh'irn. J'J K. FWier lly'. UPTON KlfHOI.a. I'kUMIsMii.V MEIK II MS And des'ers in Hub , 1 eiuiier und till, N7, SV- A !1 Nolt.li street, Huston. . I'rro. J V S rants. Rctriene.s i Me.sr. Fiild. Converse A Co.. aril Jam P. Thorsdik,E.q ,ilntou. i 1 I on eiaisignniunts. '. - ll.UA.it U. BEI.I. V I ., W HOLES LK HK I.hWS IX Chopping und Killing Mm .Lnii'.ih nnd mrrt lean Sia-uge Cniiig. aid kimlii g i f all kind-, aUui, MajiUrtaier. of H Jegna and Pots ..i' .4, s, ll'.sh.sd ltir-u, sVo tj asd 47 ku tun .in el, IS .!... . All it It. S 11.11. HI V. m.k A. M . cbnt t. nltk srilfrT lirtlast, 0a f..r I'uesls at alt hoars, ll'.rn, utl eunls, Refr. kln.i hi 1 Iroai e.A M to I'l P M. i . 1 !( I1 Vi l! r -mtr-o,, C. V. I l.t- Is l M II, .Woi . rrr . ..''....,.-. . . ... : . . . sOlOVIa ANW.PIPtV rT t' J KSrl Wl.ll 1.1 r iiitiHi t. ,u, ir 1 3