t 'VOLUME 5 NEW BERN, N.C, SATURDAY' EVENING, JANUARY 10, 18C3. NUMBER 8T.' . - - i Jfy ftctobcft) Jlroglress, ' Is published Daily and Weekly Frn the rrogreu Iiuildingt, Craven, Street Tsana or paper. Dsilt Pnoonaas, om year.. ..y no .. 3 Wl .. 1 5 ... 50 .. S SM .. W , " ; ft mootns. 3 months.........' ... ... ' M 1 month. Wiislt Pkoorim, one year , 6 months All tubfcriptioiu to it p-wi it tieam. '- jDYBITIKI KATKS. ' The fottaWiag ratea will be churned for all adver ttseraen'e inserted in the " Daily Progress" after his tat i 0t 84VARC or Twttt.va Liitas u Less, On. day...... f we days Three days... .1 75 Two weeks.. .! 50 ,. I 00 .. I S7 One month. .... Two months.. i Three months.. Six months..... .... i ....8 50 ,...12 50 ...20 no ,...30 00 Four days. . I 75 Five days..,.......wil)0 One wpek .....W 50 One year. Twelre lines or less will be In all eases counted as square and additional squares will be charged the same. ' v bates in.thk weekly. One square, one insertion, fl.OO, and 25 Gents for very subsequent insertion. - . . Ne atteutiou wui be paid to advertisements sent by tetter, unless a remittance in money accompany ..Ikera. . JOS PHIKTINQ, Of every description, neatly aad promptly exe sted at this office. OFFICIAL. 1 OENKWAL ORDEKS. NO. 107. V.)r Departs etit, Adjutant. General's Offi, ) ' Washington AiffUMt 15, 180. J I. Qfficflm of tlie regular ormy will, as a" Keuerttl rultr, rtHteive leaves uf absence to sx-cupt tlie rank of Colonel in volunteer reifimrnts. but out low-,- grndes, Non-coiaim.6t4.ot.ed nflwers and prlvnti's will be discharged on receiving conimiasions in ' volunteer legi-new.. II. I'heoat.. of allegiance will not be administered to any person (.gainst Iiis own will; it inut iu all unmet be a voluntary art H lits part. Nor wilt any comnulnorv Dsruie of honor be recivtd. But mil 1 1 t ulum, and paroles given, to avoid arrest. Attention, tinprifoninern, or expuimim, qie vaiun tarv or free acta, and ttannot b ruitaidnd aa com- pulmny. All persons guilty of violaling such oaths ir paroles will be puuisbed according to Llie laws 1 nn usaga oi war. - III. The laws of tlie United States and the em err. ) laws of war, authorise, in certain cases, the eiiure and conversion of private property for the subsist un ce transportation, and otiier uses of the army ; but this must be distinguished from pillage ; and the taking of prttyerty for puMie purposes is very difforent from its oi version to private uses. All pr perty lawfully taken from the enemy, or trum tue innaDitau.s oi an enemy s country, instant ly bHiutiTira tt'tblir nronertv. and innst be used aud aocwuDted for as .net.. The fcd Article of'.War authorixea the penalty of death for pillage or plun dering, awd other arttoles authorize severe punish ments tor anv officer or soldier who shall sell, em bezzle, misapply, or wasteSnilitary utorea, or who " shaJi Derm it toe waste or misapplication of any such puelirpropertyv Tire penalty is the same whether me onsnofl oe"comuiiwt iu our own or in an enemy's territory -IV. All property, public or private, taken from alleged enemies, must be inventoried arid duty ac counted for. If the property taken be claimed as privitae. reoeiptf intuit be glveo to such claimant nr tlisair awntn. Officers will beheld strict 1 countable for all property taken by th m or by their authority, and it must be returned for, the same as anv ottter puo.ic propony. V Wbera foralnr nartiea are sert ont for pro vii-ioas ur other stores, the commanding offrer of sutih party will be held arcouMabie lor me C(.nuuct vt his command, ana wui muu uuo re pun ui an property taken. VI; N officer or soldier will, without authority leave bis cokirs or ranks, to take private property, nr tit Mitt mp & urivate honse for that Purpose. Al autih acts are uunishable with doath, and an officer who permits them is equally as guilty as the actual pillager. I VII. Commanding officers of armiol nd corps will be held responsible for the execution of taeae orders in their respective command. By command of Mejor Oeivral Ualleck, (ieiurtU x Ckuf of tke Armwr , . . K. 1. TOWN8END, A'lisfarU Adjutant General, " " Head Qnarters ) Depart m nt of North Carolina, V " ifewberne, Nov.. i, IDGeJ. 1 ) BPFCIAL ORDER. NO. 1M. Rev. James Means, is hereby appointed Super fotendant of all the Blacks in this Department. The chiefs of the different Departments having blacks under their charge, will "report to him; and he will be keyed and respected it: all matters connected Wltn IU e roe U hup riiinmiim, ily coiutuaud of Mai. Qen. J. O. Fomctt, soi:thahi hokkma.v. . Assistant Adjutant Qeneril. In accordance with the above Order, all those who employ Hlark in the "public service in thb Department win repon ui mo, uiuiiiiiiy, ineirunmei employ ment, numoer ays vurs, wun uuies, ana rate of pay, beginning with December, Offlca, n 'U'h't street, corner of New street. JAMES MEANS, Superintend tot Btacka. DxrARTMBNT or North Carolika, ) Newbenie, Deo. 10, Iriui. An export duty of five per cant, on all oUo aod hides, end on all naval stores, aud ot. all wood aud lumber, shipped froma'ny port ie this Department will becherged from thts date. Maulers of vessels carrying Mttj of the articles above named, must exhibit their freight list to the aevaral Division Qnarter-Maeia.et these poru, be fore they can obtain e clearance. The amoanta due for the duty . will be paid to said Pivteioe Quarter Masters, or in their absence to tae rrovoai marsnai, unin luriner era era, Ak ersWss heretoforw teseed is rata tine to export duties, ere annulled, by order of Mnj. Gee. Foster. ; q ily order of Governor Htanlv, DANIEL MERSINOKR, ' Provost Marshal 1 Fartlcwlar Neltce. On and after this date alt persons are foTbid bring Ing to tlii city for unle, any Tar, Pitch. Ho in, Tur pentine, Cotton. Shingles or WiKid, ullhout a writ tee permit In mi the owners thmeitf, whk-h permit mut be coumrigned hy the Provost Marshal, who wll ascertain before coimtersigtilng whether the owners nf said articles are lva. And all traders are hereby ei joined not V pnrchnRe or sell any of lue above aAixnea in vioinuuu oi tmn mui-r. - liy commaud ol Gov. Edward Htnnly : DANIEL MKHMNUKR, Provost Marlil II r AIMJtlAltTt KS, Department uf Nirtii Carolina, December Ud, IM, OFNKRAL OttDKR. No. lli. irpTeafter dead horses nrht he tntien by the Reg- liuent. Hatlerv. etc.. lo which !htv belong, at least one mile tbun town aad at imee baried the grave to he a it lesslhaesix f-t deep. ' Ruuni)iitskll'itlriHs,' eV'.. will at once take the neeeiotary steps t nuty mi b uentt tii'ris as he Jwiiged tothcir renperlive commands, and at present Iviitet unhiitit d. Coinmninliiig fficers wilt e to the full an J pron'it carrying out of thin order, ily coinmnnd of Col. T J C. AMOttY. Cornd g. BOl'TllARD HOFFMAN. A. A. O. . lltAnqi Airriis, i Department t Nutlh Carolina Newllerne Nov itt, KPK(iL OItlir.ll', N'. W' (T1. .Iidie Kiins. 2 hi Nt-wiiMent Mats. 'tU . hav , lnx lieesi relies 4l lunii htnilnhe as Piovorl Msrhal' . athitHWnreiieit. M'j -r Jno Fraiiklc, I7lh Rcgi m til M't. oU., U hereby appointwl Pn-viMt Mar- hal, and wilt s-nne thedulusof He fllce forth Wil'i. My Conmiat d nf Mn 0u K.-Bi.r, SUITUAKD ilOitieUAN, Ai t A.ij iitti. OFPIOIAIis llKApQrJAKritJii, j)iMRrniitT or Nuvi (UaotisA New Berne, November 8, ittoi. ) . SPECIAL NOTICE " -Rpecia'l notioe dated Not. ISth. relieving Captain Daniel Messinger from duty, as Inspector of Tar and Turpentine, having been tasned under misap prehension, is hereby revoked. Captain Measintfer will continue tcpei form tho duties connected with that nrtioe as heretofore. By command, uf Mnj. Oen. J.O. Fmter SOUTHARD HOFFMAN, Assistant Adjutant Oeueral. DifAiTHiKT of North Caroline, Nnwhemn Nov 17 lH(i' C It Philip Piphin, of this town, is hereby appointed inspecieroi rar ana jt urpentine, ana utooe respect ed an such. He is authorised Jo charge tea cents per barrel for inspection. All person i are forbidden to sell any Tar or Tar pentiu, withont having each ba.rel. inspected by him. EDW. STANI.Y, Uilitary Governor of Nerth Caroline. ' I!lAT)OlTAHTIB8 Depahtjimt or North (Uromra. Nkw Bkkki. Supt.ii3d. I8ti2. IK A, 2. SPECIAL ORDERS, NO S3, Copt. Daniel Mesinger, A. O M., is hereby en- pointed to inveHtiirate titles oif property to be shipped fron. this port, aud will be obeyed and re spected accordingly. iiy otimmana 01 nnj. uen. rosTKR, -m ' fcJouTHAAO HorrMAN, Aeut. Adj. God. HuADQlf AftTKBS. Military Governor of N. CAroHna, New Heme. June '2f, IfW'J. Dr. J. G. Tvhh will from the date of this order as sume charge of all vacant and abandoned build ing in Newborn, with power to assign, to lease, end rent the sauie. Ily cominanu of . . GOV. 8TANLX. J. Ltmax Van IIdhxx, Military 8eretary. HrADgL' Penrtrni-ut it North Caroline, V e. Oct. 1 8, iHtVi. ) New Heme, persons, prisoner of war tothe United States, now on parofu.iu thin department, desirous of lonv ing t he linos of I lie U. K. forces will report their uames at thexe Ileiidouarters immediately. ily command of Me) Gen. J. O Fostfk. SOUTHARD HltFMAN, Assistant Ailutuut General. HfADQrABTrBS. Depart" ent ft Ninth Carolina, Oct. 15, 19 If.- ) New tern, Oc GENERAL ORDERS NO. . All offlcors. men and cttixens are strictly forbid den to go on board of any of th-steiunera arriving atthieporthy means of bnats or otheiwise, until the veKiel is jirojierly secured to the wharf. The Provost Marshal, will see that this oMer ts implicitly obe ed and that no ons except persons connected with these Headquarters and with the omceot uapt. Etlnglit, A. V M .wiu be alloweU to goon board under any pretext whatevor. By command of Met Gt-n Po tra, SOUTHARD HUFFMAN, Assistaut Adjutant Uuaoial. Clrcsitnr O rater. ' 1 1 K A PQU A KT t, RS, Department North Carol1 Urolina, S it. tfrt, I8ti2.) ewberne, N. L.'Nept The great and unnecessary waste of rai in the quarters occupied, by the officers aud men of this command, calls for immediate attention and conec- The expense of making gns, Is, of course, large, and paid, mainly, by the (invert) ment. Soldiers m quarters, are suljeet to the same rules as to lights, as if in camp, aud Company Com manders will see the they are strictly carried out. Ofiicets are ei joinea to see that a little waste as possible takes place, in their respective quarters. Hv order of Mnj. Gen. J. G. lumter, " SOUtUAKD HOFFMAN, Asst. Ad. Gen. HlADOCARTERfl, ) Department of North Carolina, New Berne, Sept. 4, IHtii. ) CENERALORDERS.NO. 44. No vehicles whatever will be allowed to pass over the R. R Dririgr, without a pass from these Headquarters, or tlie Frovoit atamtiai. By command of Mnj. Gen. J. G. Poster, JOHN F. ANDERSON, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Hkadotai tk e, Department of North C mlina, V New Berne, Sept. S4, lHo& ) " ' SPECIAL ORDERS, NO 54. Captain Daniel Messinger, A. Q. M., is hereby ordered to investigate and examine into the ship nients from this point of cotton, dtc, since the oc cunationof New Berne by our force. - lie will endeavor to discover who have sfiipped, and how. cotton seised by the U. S. loyerninunt, ann sent awav without proper am riotitv. All officers of the army will aftrd Capt. Mcssin ger any .facility in the discharge of this duty. By coulUiaudof Mai. Oen. J. G . F ster, - JOHN F. ANDERSON, Lieut, and A ing Ans t Adj t General. IlllV Ot'ARTERS. Depart ment of North Carolina inn, a. J ftewbern, Kept in, lou. SPECIAL ORDERS-No..' The firing of cannon or munketry at thts port for practice, is hereby dincont.nuen except by special oraer irom neee iienuqunnera. By command ot Maj. Gen. F 'sten BOUTUAKlf HOFFMAN, Ais'tAdj'tGun, HkapQihrtkri, Department of North Carolina, New Hern, Aug. 3d, IHtii, GENERAL ORDERS No. 8 All Vessels ere forbidden to leave any port In this Department and take any person ot culor who did not arrive n the vessel, or who has not a pass from the General or other officer commanding, or from Hie military itovermor. All vessels of every description violating this or der will be liable to confiscation and her master will be severely ounished. No vessel shall have any port Inlhla Department until the mauler snail taae an oatn mat lie naa not -any such person on bard and will not allow any sucli person to come or remain on ooaru it is tne flutv oi ine iiaroitr nianier or mner ier piki thereunto appointed to read acipy f this order to every man'nr of a vi sue) after she hull be ready to sail aod see that the oath above mo ut tuned bus been taken. It shall Me the duty of the master of every vessel 10 maae a wnuen ieMn iiuiuik every vityiige m the names of -every pcrxoli nn hoard said vennel du nog said voyage, except soldieri-lu (tor vice, and lc preserve said report till called fr by the I'mvost Marshal tr other i-Hicer autuo(iid to receive it, Bycommabdof Owners! J. tl Foteri hOUTli.tRD rtOs l- MAN, Ass't Adj I Geo ITk Aixjti ahtkr. Department of N. C. New Berne, June 17. !r J. 0. Tull, ts tieretiy appotnted City lnnpec lor of New Be no, with Mwer to asaetis and collect rents and gss rates, and will lie obeyeu ana respec ed accordingly. By command of Gv, Stanly i J.LY3UAN VAN lll'KKN, Military S;cre.ary Dkpahinintvov Nomvii Casoi ixa, II CaSOI IXA, ) PAllTMtST. V pt. tMi'ii. I AHTAKHAT MX J'rPAII wieni, finrtat fiptieeta Vumpnwa qui$iL-r in loir. I, Thegasmuot betuined off fnun nil but (ttiipany quarters, a the pmier hour for the rnifuiftliioeitt t lifc'lit, and but oue li, a-d iu the hall during the uig! t. and low. 'J, Company ofltcers will see t cNrrufd out, and that all diligence i. nniinr fas. . ;l, Olliceis quartered in toWtlwill imt en any more uuniPia nor runiinue iguta. lajer iiiait is abso iute if!rfsary,'in their own uuaitc By Romomtid of U,.i (i n .1. (J.I,V. , JA5. 6. SLACi Cavt- A. (J M. nersjsT iimx- tie '"'Sturued Catthis order Is kel in econo OFFICIAL. Inpsrlsst Orier. IIlADOUARTBBS Department of North Carol! Carolina, 1862. ) . . Aew Usros, April a?, GENERAL ORDERS, NO. S& Whoeverafterthe issee of this order ahafl, with in the limits to which the Union Arms may extend in this Department, utter one word ngaiant the Gov ernment of these United States, will be at once ar retted ana closely contined. It must bedistinctl understood that this Department is under Martial Law, and treason exprecsed or Implied, will meet with a speedy punishment. The Military Governor of New Berne is charged with the strict execution of this .order, within the bounds of his control. By command of Major General Itumside i 4-KVV1S RICHMOND, Asa't Adj't General. llKACQDARTIRS, " Department of North Carolina, New Berne, Sept. U. imi) After the 15th dayof September only clerks in eaeh of the Department Offiues will be allowed to commute their rations at 75 cents per day, . All other detailed men will, after that date, either draw their rations or commute them at the cost of the ration at this pout. Each mess of 6 detailed men will be allowed one cont rabaiid ae cook, whose pay-will bo eight dol lars per month." By command of Mnj. Gen. J. O. Foster i SOUTHARD HOFFMAN, Assistant Adjutant General. Head Quarters. Department of North Carolina, fcewBcrne, November 21 ISG'i..), GENERAL ORDERS, No. S7. Ilereafter no negroes will be allowed to cut Wood within the limiisuf this Department, without a written periliisxion from' His Excellency, Edward Stauly, Military Governor, or from the owners of the land on which such wood is cut, except such negroes are employed by'the Quarter Musters De partment to cut wood lor the ue of the Troops iu this Command. By command of Mnj Gen. J. O Foster, r. SOUTHARD HOFFMAN, Asst. Adjt. General. . rnovosTOrricf. Nov. 27th . Wffi! Whereas many unn coniinissisitted :fii(!ers und privates who are upon detached set vice, clerks, teamsters and orderlies, art? in the habit of living off their proper uniforms and aoDearuiir in flicera tiudresst or citixen's anparel. verv much to the prejudice of good order, und discipline of the service, it is hereby okiiarad, itiatau such person at occe -appear in their proper uniforms, or they will be arretted and pan- Lieu. All negrora are forbidden to wear the button of the Army snd alt ojlicers are hereby enjoined to see that their servants comply with this regulation. It.. I ..f U. I . .s l ww.. uiiou ui iiij. uen. U l. r nsTf. it, JONES FRANKLE, Major. I'rovoet ilarahat. OrFici Provost Mahshai,. The duties of the sentijcl. in addition to the uties laid down in the Army Regulations, will be piCTrriB tinier wiuiir ine nmiis oi ineir oeiis, see that no property Is inlured.ho houses entered without proper authoiity. no citiaen abused or in sulted; that bo soldier pannes his post without a pa(s from the Colonel of his regiment t that no sai lor passes Ms .poet with juta pass from the captain of Jus ship, and that, a(t-r duik, neither soldier nor sailor he allowed to pnis. Every soldier or sailor found in the street after dntk, will be arretted, the Serpen nt of the guard sons at any time, will be arrested and banded over to the Sergeant of the Guard. In case of any disorderly or riotous persons re fuxing to obey the ordern of the sentinel, the routi ne! shall ue his arms, it the offuuder cannot be so ured in any other way No person shall water a hone or ro4e within tlfty feet ot a pump. No person shall wash at a pump, or clean fish-, or deposit filth of any kind, at pr aar a pump Whilst every facility wih be afforded to ergons engMged in legitimnte business iu this city, and nt tempts at ex ori ion in prices, or monopoly of such HW"le as may be necessary to the coiuiort oi ine trol'ps, will deprive the offender of his license, to ne 11. Any trailer refusing to -accept in payment United States Treasury Notes will be reported to the Priivjet Marshal. All persons having filth or rubbih of any kind In their yards or lots, will at once deposit the same in a oarrel or box in the streel.so thai it amy bo re moved - . ' Hereafter, no citlten will be allowed to purchase ipiritumis.liqiois, without a permit Irom the Pro- si narsnai. Nn pemon is allowed to sell spirituous liquors to soldiers, sailors or negroes, upon auf pretext what ever An attempt to evsde tit is order will be trail ed with the same severity as an open violation of it. ' , Any person., selling to a Commissioned Officer, upon an order purporting tocum Irom him, will be ntia responsible tor tne genuineness ot tne order Nothing can he shipped horn this Port except by order of Cant, Biggs' Urn-inn Quartermaider. no parcel can be sent oy jApres esoept by a Special pursuit troui the rruvosl Alarslial. Citizens will be allowed to pass and repass hi the, city during Rood behavior uutil nine o'clock P. M . without pannes. After nine o'clock no pass in good except a special one from tlie rrovoat Marshal Commissioned Officers do mrt require a pass. No paes for a siddier or sal tr is goud exwpt it be countersigned by the commanding ollicer of his regiment or vessel. Any soldier or sailor without a pass properly couiilcrfigued will, be arrested and conhiiedJu the Onnrd Iloitre. Ity order uf Daio. fUs. JOHN O. FOSTER. niiitarv (tfnernorot Aewhern. JONES FRANKLE, Major, Provost Marshal, Neiice I Vs. rear re, Beatasca 4 Iftarkct- MfB. A UAliKET Has been established at the foot of Pollock street for the- landing of all kinds ol produce that U brought into thts City fur sale ; aud in order to pre vent monopoly, no person will be allowed to tore stall anv ot such nrodnce or provisions. Ksrv one will be allowed to charge a fair end reaaonabte price, under the supervision of the Council of Ad iiiiuiMtration ot this Corps d Artnee, No boats will be allow d to land at any other place In this City .for the sale nf pn wince or nnivimuns. Any viol si ion of inw order win stinted the boat and contents to con- fi-calum for the bem ht of the Hosptial Thi outer will go into cflect on Monday uext, tho thirlieth day uf Juue. . , JONES FRANKLE, Mjor. Provost Murshal. Nov ',7th, m. Provost Marshal's Orrirg,) Newliern.Junel. IH.J t On and after this date all Sutlers arc prohibited from selling Liquors by the gluts to any Commissioned, nie-coiiiniUpioiied cftit er, or peivnte soldier, snihe or citiaea. Anyviolntiim of this order will subject the party iiiioiMlinu to a heavy tine us well as tor feitureof his privilege o keep a Stvre in the lily oi Atfwnern! - uy order or Krtg tien.j. O Kostkr, Military Goveuor of Newbnitl. Jonvs Fiarki.i, 1'iuvost Marotml. Pauvoar IIimiiii'i Orrirt, I Kciv. A ihiU. 1 GKNKKaL (IUI)KU Fast driving iby nilirur. or iitrui i. slrii-tly pro hil.nml will ti the limils nf the city, (jinlut. will arrust all violating tin. ori't-r. ' JO8 KHANKI.K, MnJir;. 1'ruvo.t Mui.hal. Ni'wlinrn. Dt S lili Itrilrrril, Thai h.rveftT no OnrtM.or pnrts of leeres. in mis itiwn, siimii ne r.nnivtiil WllliHal tin writtrrfwider ( Cap'. Iauil M ewnni-r. iir. (jr, uuui. iiv riiir n iiiv nmniy. JO.Vfcb HIANKI.K, M ij .r. I'iiivimI M.iiitiat WDttH Home IVmm who unriir.tands tlx MHi'hiniy and running of !.add, Web' star anil t'o sMveinK Machine. , Api el llrs'lii.ili, Urpaitmrnl if North Caiwiba, luiuiisii.ti I), Head Quart? a ' V Department of North Caroiiua, July lalth.lHt ) SPECIAL ORDERS No . Col. John Kurti, Provuit Marshal, wlllinstnit! Hs gnaxds to allow no one from without our lin. a land in this city, unless tney come here to trade; md all such persons must be made to hind at sums ,gWes point, and no where else. A guard of aeve ril men must be placed there, and those people be aUowee no communication with the eitiiens of New born except in the resence of one of the guard ; and they ment not be allowed to go about the city, if they want to trade at the stores, a party of them can 0o at a time, uoder charge of a guard. These ordea. most be strictly carried out. Byootnmand of Gen. J. G. Foster, Com'g Dep't, P. W. HUDSON, .Capt. and A. A. A. O. Provost Orrtci, Nov. 27th, 163 In pursuance of the above Special Order, No, 9, ell persons arriving in this city to trade will imme diately report themselves at the office of the Pro vost Marshal; and no boata are allowed to land at any arewf or dvck,kcept those at the foot of Pol lock street. All strangers found In the city, who have wn reported ok above ordered, will be arrested aud dealt with summarily. JUNES FRANKLE, Maj. Provuat Marshal. Netire. Provost Marshal' Office, ) N'ov.tf7. 18ti2. X All persons are forbid hitching Horses to any of trie Trees in tne my, ana ait the &enur.ets are ln stiucted to seize all animals that are found in violation uf thin order. J0NE3 FRANKLE, Major. Provost Marshal Provost Marshal's Omfre' Dec. iPth. 1802. Owners and occupants of Houses aod Stores, Will be held strictly responsible for the rendition of the sidewalks. in front of their buildings, and must also taae care timt no dirt or rubbish is deposited in the Gutters, which must be kftpt free, to prevent the accumulation m writer in me irets. JON&J FRANKLE, Major, Provost Mais'.al. Netlce. All persons are forbid firing guns, pistols, or can non, in any nf the treets, lanes, alleys, or lots within this city, No fireworks will bo burnt or tire J unlets by a special permituf the Provost Mar JONES FRANKLE, Major.- Provost HarshaL FUEEMEK O P North Carolina, Bally to the Support OFTHE- Stars & Stripes A few more able bodicil men wanted to flfl np tlie Gaston Guards, now being ealisted in tbis county, and whose ITead rtn . U.1. U V i .. t Ttii. MsmsBf i. fast lillnK np. Goou pnjf, good rations, pleat; ef tlieroand excellent clulhing wilH)efiimuiked to eacb TOlhnteer. Thts ooinpatj will be attaohed to tbe first R;g. N. C. Vouetee's, and their flak ol operation will be in this and ailjuining counties among their own frieuda and neighbors. Now is jour lime to eeliat in a crack company for the protectiun of your own homes. Ealiataienta may be made at the Head Q.iarter of the company, orer the Progress Office on Craven Street. r GEO. MILLS JOT, Lieutenant commanding Co. G. Jfcwbea. Oct. J3, lHfia. , A. Ci ntiiiBV t to COMMISSION MEUCUANTS and dealirs in ill kinds of NAVAL STORKS, Manufacturers of DUi.NLNG FLUID AND COAL OIL, 9N lejellei Sirret, Meeiaa. - 2TUf. ' WW( WmnH ihlak ef bnrln( i Prrt, the are lots ot Water fmol Uti.. t : i Ut Hlif.R'N Ibr FJIerat nnd Ml lilHllf.K's VSkV.ti. the nmik. t. at II O N K V , ; iinnLE CI.O'lll!4 liJUILK s roit Tim .HI1.I.ION i.1 noy 17 SI'Ari,KIl, Diinlerin. .' ! KA VAL STOIttU, COTTON, ETC. Iriasoat old WartkuUH1, oh the lock tear the Oat Ion tlitnar, 1 Kuwbern.N.C. Newern.'N.ir. 1, lM'i. 3m Atlcntrun I'llols. lyATKD.-Good Pilots for the Sounds and f T livers of North Candma. .ftuaABfct tiMM.A. tJ I.. Kit. Ill k.fl pn I 'l found. Apply oa lii.nrif ths U. S. Hleawiev iiurai. ativ'u f ilf I.R BOOTHof prune quality at DID Bk'K WIIIAT FI.Ol'H tro.li uvi nice at WlllLKH m.vW IV tnf WANT whntnovne else has ant ra IIIIHLKM. nov 17 fVHrU .Vl.eeee .wpell.d al v ill IHIILKS. nor 17 41. 1. KINO jA Uiiiills On Odd wad Ka.Uwc anv It I Oft NAI.--.1NI hbhi. Chnlri- Kloir mi serks Hall fl IHI. . Hi bttls. I'.He t!.!A). Hot " Umiuia l.iKI. r ' H..rk f IS.IW. . If. D. IIAWLK.Y, HiitTir l"th f'oen, lvinBt.,5dinir Nouth ol Uauk ol North t'.ro Iu. tin J. -J, IKik). J. W. IIAHrlllTIII, Aiy;SEYASniU)VHSEII.tRAT LAW, . soa-fN CASOLIK4. iilloilnrof llouiittoe. I'emtions, and other claims an.l (lie (luvurmn, nt will make iwllMiliuas aad and le aH iMtu. ul a .g. clierat'l.r.. tiler oo Hioad street, neai th. 1'uhlic S4-alea. ' wnili . UI rt ra or MOOD TUIIMUaj aowoiwniig at UltlUI.Ka. . . nor ; IIOI.-1N WOOO M llHP I I I upp.pitii the 1'ui Mnl nt. Il.itliry, Nnl .IriN't, where r.atu.ra itf V imhI, will HhiI . al siifply c tnntly on haad, at escheat, raiee lin MkiK.iI l..n.. f. M. Please uallbefitr. pnrcliaini; rl..wh.re. . TllwMA. t. Ul l'I.KY. (ewbeta, (las. A, UoJ, . Ju'si Wit. C. IIA-I!LTO. it CO., Buocoesors te ' BALES. HAMILTOS i CO.," i." DIVISION IVTLEBS, . . . -t Caraer ef Besiih Frsal aad middle Kle. TriE ONLY EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE HOUSE IN NEWBEEN. NO GOOD AT BITin, WTK DEBIKB to call the attention of the BfEal.flErTTAI. HCTLERS, And Merchants generally, to our LARGE AND EXTENSIVE STOCK OF GOODS now onhand. t Our facilities for supplying this market with Goods, far aurpassee that of any other establish ment in. this section. Our Teste's come direct from New York, to this Port, tberoby delivering Goodsfreth from market We are constantly receiving large and well s lected Cargoes of ilorcliaodiie, comprising every thing that oould be desired. L'ome Owl Come AUII and examine ea Goods. We can end we will offer inducement to tb' Merchauts of Kewbern and vioinity. - 0 VR M OTTO IS " A Nimble Fepny is better than a slow shillirg, dee 3 4 ' V. S. HILIT1KV BtlLROAD. - Onand aftir Dec. l.t trains will lens as follows: TIME TABLE. eoiKO soi ik. Leave Newbern t A. H. ' Croatan'..... 9 0 " lluveloi'k 10 " Newport 10 '.'5 " NewiMin Barracks 7.. .111.35 " Carolina City II Akrive Uorehead ('. 11.15 antAo NORTH. I.teveMorliil...... mi p. j. CsrollnaCity 1.15 i 11 Newport llarraeks 1.40 ' " " Newport i.; " llavel-k a. 5 " ('rn:.iau' 5 :15 " . Ni-Kli rn 3.15 Hlmt on i!p::ai. A'i tri. ti.es on this Koad will be Told after 0 iiimitTiti limtMiy !'" will ! iasnnl on and af er that jniij if.i.iti,H entitled to nennanent transonrta. ii , Ut bp uU'.u.urd only .1 this Utile, end of the .Vnsi.lanl QuKrtur.mn.ter al Mtrehad- No Paasos will he allowitd to trav.l on tlie Koad e llhoul a pu or ticket. This rule will be si ru tly ailhered t. , JAME.1 C. M.AUIIT, Capt, At A. U.M, Newbern, Dee. I, IMS.- UiXI FA It lit A. CO., Middle 8lreol, between Pollock' and, Ilrnad It reets have just received from New Yoik and lloetnu a large assortment of T)RT 00OD8, MOOT. AND BIIOK8, P1NB OUOt:fKIKH, CROCK KkY, flAKUWAUE, WINKS. UATS. BTATIONKH Y.TIM AND WIL LOW WAKE, SEOAUll AN!) TOBACCO Among wliloh are Mohairs, Calico., I). Lalre., Alpacas, Shawls, KnitimiileriHs, Kress Triinmini;., Art Flowers, table ehHlis. handkerehiefs. nuhina, hiMids, hosiery, rlores. ruehes. cottons, sheetinio! hoine.piin shirts, caiinere., leans, satinets, and fancy dry goods, rail, kip and hregan boola fad shoes, army and iadiea' gaiters, bunk ins, sutiooary, it( every kind, woolen fell hats, kniv.a and forks, eutlrrv, bru.hr., comb., blacking, baskets, crock ery, glass and stone wnro, lanterns, tobacco and se gars of every grade. Jiites( perfuuiery, bed cords, twin.", paper, teas. rttni..e.sngar., butter, lard, fluarj menl, eraekrrs.cherne, soap, pails, tnlis, shoe irons! cork soles, belts, rubber shoes, bensine, meas' furn. iahing goo s, tin dippers. tea puts, plates, stonejuga, hams, siiHtkntl bttef. cattaed saattage nteat, turkey, iniillon, chicken, atriug brans, green peas; peaches liinintofs gre-n rorn,whortlehrrnes,cranbemrs and every kind nf frrsh fi ait , Jellies, firnndy prneh si rupa, pieklre, sardines, rhocoi.te. lobster, pnklrd oviirfs, almonds and mils, rnlains, Inrlna and fine irror.riraof every bind1, Kye snd titmrbou whiskey. Ht. V.ttHt aad Jamaica rum, Holland nnd old torn-' gia.otard brandy, sherry. Madeira and claret wiuee, arrae snd wine punch, snd cliainpB,gure ol toe eele. binted lirnaiUtif Hrfdsi4'luiiiipriittli'nbinet, grrra seal snd eagle brands. We have a large auort meat oi all tlie above named anlelr. which wa will sell at low pi lees. Wholesale and retail, pigs of ' 1. Pao. ' iKivgn DAVID u aniTarr, C'OMMIMNION MKKCIIANT, iH Coartlanill Hlmet, New Vofk fir the sale nf Cotton, Naval Htoree, and all southern prttdlleU. Hrleratn II. It. Mama, Prrwlt al Ocean Hank, N. V. Muse. Tayh.r. Prt.ol. nt City Hat k, N. I, H. C. Nt'Uttu. Newhrtli. Hale. Iloiniilon ei i'o., Newbern. 3nt'.7 UestTa) lor every llo.lv at D1UUL . ite17 Rhode Islaad Items. Business is lirely at IIo'po Valler. The ma chine shop of Mussrt. Mioioln. -and Ltngwor- ' thy is lully occupied in bailuing the printing; presses of Geo. P. (jortlon, of New York.1 Tho AUrich Mill, at Hope Valley, is running cm blankets for soldiers, and turns out about on thousand per week. , We understand tliat Uessrs. 0. M. Still A Co.. have hired a mil) in North Kincstown, which will enable them to turn out a much larger quantity than heretofbie. Tbe wool it to be colored at their Slillmainille mill, then .. sent away to be spun and wove, and returned lor rintsning. . .. , The mill of Messrs. 0. M. SlAuton. at Woot- ' tille, is now running on wbite "flannels, of which it turns out "a heap" each week. The greatest difficulty appears to be to find much in demand. The new mill at Woodrille, built " by Mr. Harris, is now being fitted up by Messrs. 11. JN. UauipbeU and baunders bisson, who are to run it as soon as the necessary ma chinery can be arranged. . : The Bcthol mill, near Ashaway, has been doing a brink business in the way of wearing army flannels. It has 36 loons and 17 weav ers on tlmt kind of goods. IJuring the ttirta weeks ending Dec. 19th, they produced tho following riuuibcr of yards, 40 picks to tho inch : . , , First week- . . , . 13.105 yds. , Second wotk . . . . 12,200 " . Third week . 16,Cia " Mr. Adams, our Minister to Great Britain, las negi tiated a commercial treaty between the . United States and Liberia, with the Minister of the latter country at London. ADAMS' Army Express, Will convey packRges to aod from Newbern, within all points of the United States at 1 Itr.ASOXABLE RATES. ?All Ordert will be Promptly and Faithfully Executed. ARTICLES OF VALUE. Will be transported carefully and promptly. The ability audetanding of this Company for years past, are a snfficietit guarantee for their FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE of all business entrusted to their chsrgo. Office In - HARRISONS'. BRICK BLOCK, PellackMI. 3 dwere ajesilh sir Bsieili etf C'eiMsaercr. 7ereni, JrfarcA 20, 1BC2 1 lOtlfS jttVT' OOOOS II NIW OOODS tll G. L. JIDD, U THI "ADAMS EXPRESS CO. BDILDI.VO," Lite store of J. W. F. Harrison, has just received and now offers for sale, at the lowest possible pri ces, a Large Sieck of Niw Goods, suitable for the wauta of the FriCEM AND MOI.DIRslO : of this Pepartment. Among the articles now oa hand may be found ' the following : " Swords and Bts, Sonhes; Bugles, Letters and Plgaes, Shoulder Straps, Caps, , Negligie Shirta Woiden -White " t'niler Shirts and Orawers.whitiuksalx'd, Hosiury, - Wool tiloves, White liorlin Sieves, White Cotton Keek Ties, Suspenders, Carpet Dogs, Boots and Shoes, llaversacka, Canteeus, . - Blauk Books, Note Paper and Envelopes T!aying Cards, IHarios, Porte Mouies, Pocket Books, Chevron binding, Gold Lace, Sj'UlS, bilk and Linen Handkerchief, And many other articles, which will be sold a cheap as at any store is Towa. A call and inspection will convince bnyera that this is the place to purchase. U. L. Jl'DU. Nowbrrn.Nov.'.'fi, IKU. Ji VOW I snuinoi 11 r rom bCUU. PLATTEN SEE trout B0ST0K. llutler. Lemons. Cheese, Candles, t'raekers, (linger hnaps, Kgg Biscuit, Duiitna, li"' t'hoeiilate, Cocoa, llultled Ale, IMHcd Cider, hsi.ina. Nuts. . 8'irdines, Pickles, Jellies, Preserved Praits, ar'served sluats and Vegetables ia can. Table Stilt, ,. Artuor Oil, Catsup, limes Meat for Pies. C'lH.densnl Milk, r'laimel Shirts, ' Uauatlets, Anny Cape, ' I'm., Dates, ece. ste. ero. T ha ahevs are all nf the beat quality. ritr seie Ity ClIAltLKS C. FULLER At CO,, PolliKk Hlreel, aeil door to Ad.ma' Cipreaa Office Newbern. N. C. Agents for the sale ef I'Uut's Patent PortaV, Sotitiunat Buildings. . HI SODA VOI'NTAIN fOM stAI.K.' I Nichols Patent Soda k'tmnta s in romplrl order, with the .toi k at Soda A. id. Mymps aud inga will be sold at a bargain. Aoplv lo JS A ABUN G AUK, Middle street. WAGON AND DOCHI.r: ttTTrilXRNEl! rot Stile. Apply tu Aaron Gage, Midiile Si. Jsn. 3, IHt.1. ej IIPPTIAN & KINNTri wmild luform the I eitiieue uf Ibis rili hat Ihry have a large) sloikot CK1AIIH. CLflTIIINQ WATCHKS. CATS. JKWH.kV, BlMiTfi A RnOEil UKKsx tilinivS, T01IACCO. PIMtil h, r , r , ' Whlrh tloy will sell as vheap a. anyeae. Call al the) sign ef the llmtksuirr. ou Pollock slteet. Newbern, Oct. I. IHtM. IIWIITa-Hreexewe ..lis nnd Oil lu.t , i received at III Jill. t S. f ' rillOVKI.il ... TONCiaj ids tarsetejesv"' O l irt.l ..4 t ewresile.l llavr,i,1' iitrnnig al III lull. K n. ,'w " ..... IMS!) HtcKV. . h..k .Vnl at l mis. V LLa. , r -t -'