. V, not-,--- ..Wv-. , . It .yi'a j..'- ' 1.' If NKviii:nxt x. cr Yi:i)Ni;siUY'i-VKNiK(it janiauy ii.'.hg:;.1 : VOLUME 5 i R '. t i . Jc ctobchi -Egress, s published Daily and W&kly ' From the rrograa UuiLliiigt, Vraten Street. T1K1IH OF PIPliB. Daily FroRII8S, one yenr... " " ( frniontha.. . 3 inrintlis " 1 Uliilitll... Wsfklt- Pboorkss, oii year ; " ? . 6 immlhtl...... ..... All tubtcriplion to be piii i.l SitxiaiV.- fi i 3 (XI 1 5" .'ill ..... 'J 'V 1 fill ADVEIt fl.HIK R4TKMt . The fiiltaiftks rates will be churned for nil adver- tiaeinnn's Inserted in tho ' sS'v Progress" tetter obit, data i Dsn S'iUARl or Twki.tis Linb or Less, Otiodrv.. 75 Two weeks-.. ' SI Two dnys.. w. I Wl Three days........ I -X! One month. ......... 5 Wi Two mouths 8 3 Three month!.... ..12 Ml roaraaya i . T)ua week... .,....2 50 , One yunr... ...... .30 00 Twelve linea or leas will be In all eases counted as square ua additional squares will be charged the 41110. T-, , . . . HATES IS TIIE WEEKLY.. One s'nnare, one iaaertiou, il.tHl' aud!j cents for very subsequent insertion. -"Ne attention Win be priid to advertiaement sent y letter, uulesa remittance is money aioinpuny mem. - . Of every doscriputm, neatly and promptly eie- otea Rt tine-otnee. OFFICIAL. 0KNKHAL ORUEKS; NO. W7. War Department, Ailjutant GeneinVa Office, Wathinntim Atmt lr. I8o'. . I. Officers of thareuuiar nniiy will, as a eeneral . mlrt ree.oivtf leaVrs lif abneneo to aecent the rank of Colonel in volunteer reKiments, but not lower grades. Non-uoiiiiniavtbried oflieera anil privates will be disohtirced on receiving comuiiasiona in volunteer leiruneiita. II. The oath of allegiance will not be administered to an v npraon nirainvt hia own will: it UU-st in all ouaea be a Voluntary act on his part, llor will auy coinpnlvory parole of honor he received. Hut oalha taken, and paroles iriveu, to avoid arnst. detention, imprinoninent, or expulrinn, aie volun tary or free acta, aud cannot be reca'idid a coin nulnorv All neraona eniitv of Violatinir sucli oath! or paroles will bo punished nccoidinjto the laws . and usages ot war. ' . ' III. The lawa of the' United Stntea and the con era! lawa of war, authorize, in certain cas.is,. the seizure aud conversion of private properly for' tlie aubsistonce trnnapoitation, and otner iwea of the army ; but thjs mint be distinguished from piliufre i nnd the tukinj; ot property for jmtlie purposes is ' verv dilforent from iw conversion, to ptivate uses. "All. pr-'perty laWIUljy laaen lioill l.mi'eiieiuj , oi from the iuliabiinuia of an enemy '(.country, instant ly becomes pnllic pronertv. ami must be nned and ROConrited tor aa lucli. The Sid Article of War - itirtliorixes the penally of death for pillage or plun- doriutf.nud other attiules aul'noii.o seveto punish uieuta lor any ufflu.tt or soldier who shall aril, cm. be'A.lo, inisiipp'ly, or wa.-to mili; ai y r-it.r?, or who ' shall permit tlie wate or misnppiieation of anyaucli -pnoliojiroiei1y. Tlie penalty is tlie same whether the offence be. committed inaiur owu ur iu an . eueuiy a territory. . . IV. All property, public or prlvWn, taken' from "alleijed euuuiiei', must be it.ventoiied and duly ac countod for. If the property tnKeu be idainuL n.r. I " private, fuceipu mist be iveir'bt cm;!) etannaiita. ; or tHir heiu umwrn win u muu h.iu or. cjoiuAtibhi for nil proMrty tiiUen by tliiimr by their Authority , ami it must, be ivturiifd I'm;, tho atiino up unv other publie property. V. VVheto fora.iiiK paiHes are wid out for pro vision a or otlo-r nture, Lho eumninmlii oilier f.f mi. ill i ik it v will hii hultl iict'oui t;tbl; for tlie v tuHict of his ceinimutul, and will ina-lio a true report of till ' property taken. A'l. N otlher or Knldi'T will, witlimit nttUutiitv leavH Ii'ih eitlois or rank!, to Une pnvfite propert , or to enter. a private! hoiw tor that purpnao. in ueh a t. ttre pnuiwjibh' " UU dytith, auA an fliecr who poiiutU fcliein iiKii'.ally a!;11'11) a tlie uetual lfillauer. - .VII. tJoniinamlini; "fiicorrt of arniM and nrpi. will bo beid reanoiiHihle fir the exeeution of tiiece oi Hern in tlieii renpei live iM.iiimHiifl. Uy comiiiati't oi . HJr Oen-i ai Ibilleck, (HMial'in f f uf the Aw? t K.i.. T(lWNSKM), At.--('tiif' Ai'jutanl (It naul. Head Osiarters, Denartm id ol Xoith Cft" Newbi'inc, Nov. law,; JSTKCIAI, OK PICK NO ld. UuV. J mm?- Menu, in inretiy u-poilited Super 'Intioidant ot all the Ithu k itt lh lepn latent. I'tie rhi fr of tho ilitleient Ifeparum nt i!aintr blck tindor their eloinje, will r-poit to biro; and be will Im orA'yerl and rehpeetetl ii: all matter ouuucotvu With tlie tn'croa in tht" (-uitnoaiid. By eomiiutmd ot Mi.i C ik J. fi KotTFit, ' SiV !HAl!l il' iVb'M XS, Ataiit Adjutant Oner d tu crnrdfnro with the above Order, all thfe who employ Black in th- pntdip nervico in !hb 1n-pai1u.rnt illi'p-it I.." no.nth'.y.tiieiriianu'H .oinpb'Vmeiit. iiuaiier v d iyf work, wdh djilos, aiel iait-of pav , brirmiiintf whb lleei inber. Otfieti M tea i nrini, nir of New ftreet. JAMLS SlIUNh, liiipmnti iido t id IMaeki, I)nAKTMT Op Ntl'ITH CfcROLIKA, Nif benw, live l. ' 1 An nxport duty f live per twitt. n all cotton and bide, nod on alt nuval Moio, me I oi. nil wood and juiiirfrtn'd from any port iu thU H-'pariuient . .. w.lloe idmru'd Irom thi date. MaHcrs of vt-HB. rarryin any of the artt't bImit named, must f&hihtt their lteij;ht Ut to ne wvoial i:biof tianitr-.Matt;in; nt theao port, be forvi they can obtain a i-Uaranoti. ! Tli ftinoanU due for the duty, will 1n paid tofoihl Otmrter Matm, or in llirlr abjuce t tlio Provwt Mambal, until further rdor. AU orderi h"rtofoff iii-tn-d in relation to export dutir. nr unnnlkd. by urdr of tion. Foir. By order ut Ooveinor htantv. 'DAMLI, MKSSINHEK, I'tovout Mreliitl. Pnrllmlnr (llr. On d nfterthi date n.l t-tn are f.Tbid bnnif Ini: t-ithit ityh r-ide. ai y Tar. I'Meh. U in, 'I ur i...ntino Cotton. shii.iiV or Wood, with. ,vt a writ ,ii tr.iiii tl,H ..wiient tl i'tei.f. wlii. h i.trii.:1 hiiihI beeounlep-iv'ned by I'm I'lovt lrnbal who .Il Mpertaill In Iff rOiimT-iinonir wueiuer ii tiwm-ni td mid ititicle nr.- Inyal. And nil timlt-tft ttlR hiTi'by ei',V"' 't ' ' pitirnr,r.r tl. illa.iVi. HtlLisr I'' Vl'tJi.t 1H "1 tilt nr Hell any uf I'l.r. 11 iiiiintad 1 tinv Komitu Mhi.Jv : 1AM1.L Ml.SSlNfil U. I'luV.lel M tr.dlill. IU-l'iftiTraa, llfliirliin-til i l .N'.'rth t'arulina , w Hi rn.-. S-nt I Aft... 11. n I'JIi ilnv lii'K.-lilellllii-r '!IV $ rlnrka ill rai b nf l'i l. inrt.iii'ut (i.ll-i'i mil b alloweU lo riiinnitile lli-ir nil!""" "I ''' ceiil per il"V. ' . All iillienlelail'idlll'-ti Jil.al!Mtlil i1iit, ant !iT 'draw then iiiiHue ur ci.iiiiiiulu tlieui at tliemiat "I th rnti..ti t t'.'i V'-l .-'.', , ' Ivieli llie-a "1 H il' lull "I I!" W.I! li alb'Wl'il i ri.nl ilinintiis.i'i'k1!i""' ay will In tiijlit dnl lura tiernMinili v . Iiy luiiu .ami "f M' l lii-u .1 (1 f liTi ' 1 IIAIili IHirKM , ,.f.iiilil A-'j'tlum ! lti"lfll.t llm Ji li. l.nrt'ii" til "I mili K Una .. II N" w,'-r"r I ill.-V l! A I. IHIIH-Ii N' JI.H ,., ..jjim-a Will I"' '! Pit I" W'ihhI !,nitiil I'el-m , ail'mill a X.l'leiri'eril'i"!"" f"'" r'"' ' I'"'" k. ...i tiiluaiv il.iv.-tiiurr ir I" ';"' Kilviml ft 111 l ! tin- liind mi nb" '"'h ' I.., . .1 l.i'l I.;- u cnl, i'iei'1 1 lllrl 'I l"l'Ta I'' (, I cut HlNl.l tr (Ul! UI'' it IU" I ""'I'l l.i . I 'inn imli'l. ' ".'.,,. ,, -I. A'ljt Uc umd OFFICIAIj. '... Hkau i AiiTKns.. AIITfcns.. ITH t'AIIOl.IKA, " in -zi, 1 SoJ. ) - '. lISPARTUKar r Nou rH ' New He.rne, fciiveiube SPKCIAl, NliTHIK. Special notice ilnL-tt .Nov. IHUi. relieving Captain Daniel Mcaaiuifer Irom duty.ua Impei-tur of titlea to Tar, Turpriit iwt, Cotton, and ether MerchantHm.', liavinjr been lafueil unner nu-iiipn-iii-natiin, m hereby revoked. I'npjniii MeaHini:er will continue) to p-Vl'tirm the dlttiea connuited ilh th.t oflice al lien totort. iiy cumirinnd OTM. Oeu. .1, (. Filler kuCi'iiauu hoff'man. Aiftimt Ailjutuut (Jetiurul. ' 1ipAKt mrnt of North CuroHna, " NTTnfiMjrnw, Nov. 17, IMiHin Pinhin. of Una town, Urrvtity Hi!oiniiMl iin.i)fctrr uf 'i'nr and Turpenlinc; mid ia to be lonot'ct- etl an ftuch. 1 U in (authorized to c liar ire ten ceutd per burrel fur inspection. All persnnn aru forbiddon to ell any Tar or Tnr pt'ntiuH, witiiout Laving tt&vh biuret jn.-pcctel by . EDW. STANI.Y, MiliUryCsorftinor of KertU CuioHna. HKAIHfl'ARI iVRS. DKPATITM KXT or Kf'HTH ('Altnt.lNA A'. SPE('IAL)KIKKS, NO M. Cant. DacicI MeiftntrtT. A. i). M., iw borehy np iioirrtvd to .invoftiiriitH titU ot nroperty to be Mirpeu iron. tni piit, ami will tu uoeyuu aua j spected- ueronlinly. Ity coiitmnii'. of MnJ. Ocn.FoTrn, . JSoCTH Aiti) llorriAN,-AHt. Adjmt-. Jl.AIi;AHTr,RR. , Militnry (i'lveruov of N Cro'ina, . New II.-iin.. Juno i, !Hij.. Dr. J. (l.TrfL will Innn the flute uf tlim onh-r a sumo rliatjfe nil vicitnt and nb'ttidnuod build intf in New burn, with power to a.si?in; to lease, and re ill the auuio. Iiy commnml of .- - ".GOV. STANLY. -J. Lthax Van Buke, WiiiUiry iie'gt(Uy. lt' 1HJI' A HTK ItS, ' ' .. P('pnrtiin-iit Norili ('nroliim, New U.Tiif.'OctlR. Wri. ) AH pernono, priix.i.err of wnr tth United State, now ou parolu in ttiii ilopattineut, l.'nirtiU8 of lenv infc tlic'luir-n uf -the U. S. lun-ea will report their uHiiiefi at thexe lli-ndiHiileii' itnint-ilintfiy. Iiy cumin and of M"l fhn. J. O- Kostkk, bOLTllAlil) IIOFKMAN, ArJist;.ut Adjutant (jleiieral. Ill Ahql'ARTFHU. Dnr.rtH ent North Carolina, V Newbein, Oct. Uj, J GKNERAI, OliOKKS NO. 10. All ofRncrH men and eitir.i'iiH "die utrietlv forM dn to iroo'i board of any f the tumerH arr.viinr at thicpoit by meaim of boain -ir othorwife, until. the ve.-.el it jin'itfriv in't tl to the n hart. Tii'e VcovohI Maitd.Hl will M-e that tliih order if iiyplieitly obe ed and that no oiia exi-fpt pr-ous inn-rteil with lliece lleHdoioirtt'lrt ana witn the oitict'ot' Capt S!aj'ht, A. M., ill be aihrwed to jjo on biturd under anv pretest whatevor. uy coniiuuiiu oi iio-.' 'i r" ti r, hOlvrilAHn- HOFFMAN; AiiMi-itiut A'tljutaul (jenural. Clrrutiir Or tier. ' Hr A I'Ql' A HTKIl. - Depart mi-lit Noi tli Carolina, I. bJ. ) Newbellie, N. C.,Sept. Mi, IS,' , The (jrent and unn-eei!toiiy wattle of po in the t; .,,.,.. ,.,1 (,v t ,,fl'u iH and nu n of thU iimimnd, oall ftJiJiimediate'atb'Ptiou and corree- tion. TUe.xpffuTff'Trf liiaUiti;; Tjri course, larj;e, ami paiil, uiamly, hy'thi) iiwci-titi-nt, Sniiliel! in qiiarlejv, ; i I j ft to tlio name rulesi n.s'to liL'hts.nw iLiit cm mid ('oiiipany Com ui'imleic w ill- nee t ha I In y m i t ti" t y iartiid on:. (Hiieeift are orjoiiieo o nee iliat n little wnto ti ti hie taken plaii, in iln-ir respeehvo unailj'is. ' - Itv order ot' AJrij. fire, .1. (1. K.-t-r. , llfAt'i' AHrr.n, l'M.inttii tu el North Carolina, New Ih'lIie.Sept. IM1J. CnXKUALOUDKUS, NO. -II. No vehicles whatever will.be allowed to pa- over (lie H U i.;iit;; wilhiuit a pm'ri" fioni them' Heailioirterf . or th" Wovo-t Mfiixhal. Uy coinioaiid of M ni. ti'-n. J . U K-'nter, . .IiiilN F. aNDKIfi-tON, Aetit Ai.-i.-tant A "jiluitt Utueial. . II KAttorA rr. Dttl'll,!)!! Ol I North C ndina, J-.N.-l.i.iM. leu-,!. ). .-W lierii . M'KciAMmm.us, no :.i. Ciiptain Daniel M"ie.tiLor. A. if. IU., I berda onlered to itivHliati' dt.d eaii liit) into the rliip ineniri irom thi pai.t ol eoitun, Ar., nituo the oe Cllti itioli of Now Ih-llie by lOil toreest. II wid endeavor to d:eover w ho liavo nhipp"d and how.ioitot tvt by tlie V S. iovermoelit iiitil m-iiI awny without pit per aothoritv. - At; t Hi .Ms oi tl.ehimy wilt ilb-id C iot. Me.-in jur finj Inciity in th ili-ciimce of tin iluty. U,' loilimail"! ol M -t Iteti.j u Hler, .UlHS V AM'KKSOS. Ideut, and AetutK Ar'l Aitj I tien-ial.. IlKVLi (Jl'Alli I ua. Xi fiMiiH-ni id" N-rtl. Cnr-tVim, Newh. in, Sept lh, IN SPECIAL (llihKS-N. :ts Jhe firtiisr of cjittnai or muhketiy at this port for pine I lee, in lierenv tlinfMit mien eiecpl iy Hpeeiai order from the-e (len'iiHiirterit. Uy ttanmatiO l Jb.j. (.en, r-Hter: M)i;ill VUI IIOKKMAN, Ai'l A.ij t Oen. lltiAiiO'iARrrim. l)cp;ulon-i.t ! Niirth CnriiUiiH NYw Hem, Auk. d, ISdJ. oEVi'ifAi. oium-:i:h s, n All Venncl i t ih hi.litfii t li'iivo tiny piirt in tli in DcjiAihjietit ami ti ke nuy .i-rtit uf riiur wiio did i it it (injrve nit the venf1!. ur who him ie' a pruM frmn tlie tarVitfittl nr I'th'-r i.llit er i-t'Uiiomidiii, or truin tlnNliiiirtiy tlovi iii-r. AH v. ot' 'Vt ry 1"i i iit .n vinlfitiiiif till- r- der will ic tiiilih Im cirt,li( 'iti'linn 1 her n, lifter will hf ii.'V,ri,'y inmulied Jo vcm I pdmll hiive nny mrt in llii I . nrt meut ui.ii) th' iiiii-l., i ''!,, I t'lki- no uith lliat he linn mil isny piii-ii jti-t miii nil it.-iii.l nii'l will tint ullnw nuy ullrh ir"Ii tn ft hum iii'ilii nil tmiird I It nt (Mm duly nt t!- Mnihi-i iuiiri-r ur nllo-r er oi.fi Iht'letility 'il l" il l - 'I I'.1. 1 i'l U c- py ..f I lit t.(.l-r u . very hin--rii n . -1 uiIi'm alui hnll t-my ; tn paitil uiuj in n ti.iit t';,M. tn.iii uhuve iiwitliuit d Up hi-i-ii t'tkt'M. It fIihiI ) tho ttufy f tlt iiifl-ti ry Vf - M ti iiink n Hiittt'ii ii 'tt iluiii. cwry vi ftt'M cl tlio lil.ti'Ci nt vv t i 1" :"'M tt Imiiii.) h;ii "Vi'n-.. till III itl I V-'Viii-, i t ..! li'-l i -i- Uf, tin. In iitifa-IV" fft"! H'j. i Li c:l)i'. hy f 1 - - I'ri'Vi'fl Slnr-hnl nr i-IImT tlie- i nulhirri"l tu recet, . it, Ul ci.iionitliil nl M'd ti'-l.'l.d .1. U Kofi.-! f M)i'iaakiiion-.MAN, A"n't A' j t lien. . llrAlwi'nr'i a'. Pi iarlinenl i.l N 1'. Near II' rue, ,luh- I ;. IU',' ( t)r. .1. fl.-Tu'.l, lV".'liy' li'.i".miiil fiiy lu-i.. e ti.ri'f New He . A' .ill 'i-l 1" H..- lll.'l I i, II. el relit.' Illl'l can I'll'-a i,l.it M ill lie nle-veil Mill riVpeet eil in l il.illl u'v Hy e HI. Mill lei ol ti'iV. Si il III V I J.I.l.MAN VAN lil'JtLN, M'htai) S.ere'ny 1 1 r M' I Ml M ill" Nill TII I ' rill I" V, Ijl . AI.TI l:IH'll II 1 1 .' i I. T 1 1 NT. v,'.7 r ke.-t I. Iiii'i; .-I I ui-eiii. Si (,. -.it, r',:. e, li t ' fit f'ltr. I.I I." .'. i IV I r "Ml n!l Inn li. r .per li,,ui l"r I li. I l.iil .unii t ' t',,llipiu,v i ' ill' eN, il I' linaii: iii I "'I I'.'1'!-, u iu Hie lilill illll '1'K I I In r.iii'. t, un I Hull nun, , i Imt lliin nt I. r i , 'i. CiHiirnnv i-ili.-ei w, uUi - , , an leu 1,111 , :il-illl ill in e IP i.m il ill iiinii idfllllL' If l. .' ' ' . III MHMii 'iilifilered m town wilt- iml n-e unv lli'-ra blliliera una l nl.l n.ll-i .ilila llil.'l III, ill i.i iilni, Mite iiim i .nr v. tn III, It n hii M II ul I, r i. 1'.)' BomiM iii.l i, Mi i ll-ii .1 II. K'ler, d.VM C ()l.UIIT, t'''l't. iiii'i A I M OFFICIAL. liuoriflMl Order. JIlCAllvjL AliTKtlt, lt''llim.Ht Mt'XoFrll iNew lWirmr, April Whoever, at'tert4i innue of tldifrder ahall.ilh; iu tho limiiH to whurh the I iiioit Arnft iay extend in tide lenar'hnei't, utter one wordtttfiiuit th tlor- erument of thee riiited'Mutw. w ill be at once ar retted and elofely eoiitired. It inut be di.Mwtl ' imditood that thisjpartmetit U under Mnrt'iAl Lawv and trau.-vn evpre .ed or imh -d iftdl urvol with a -peeitv" punidbment. Tlift Mihtafy (Jtivei'nor of- Now Heme iaeliarpd with the ntiut tiecuhonof thiu older, witliifl Uit bound ot hi control. Iiy comuouidof M tjor Otner a) ltuniride( LliVVl UlCIIWOM, - - AsB't Atlj't Gocoral. . Provost MAKfrtoAis Orric,) Kewlw-ru.. Jaiu l', I ThedutU'i of tlie eti iels, in addiiiuu Ui Um li,, dutiw lidd -down tu-the Army R'ptfuln turns, will b th to prenerve order within the limit a of their beut, I to nee lliat no property i injured, no hooei entered ! without proper authoiity, iiu citizen uhuMid or in sulted ; that no rtoldte. paKPes tli pnt without a 1 nass from tho Colo mil of bis n-yiment ; that no mni tor panne hi poet, with jut a pat from tho captain of his tdtip, and that, alter dark, Uetthor loldicr nor aaitor lie allowed to par.. Every Soulier or sailor found in tho street aftor daik. will beurre-tted, tlie Serjeant ot the -jinard ailed. ai:d tli-on';nUer liiiihleil ovi r to turn, to im ouiiduct4-d to tho (iuanl II once. All dixotderly per rtoiirt ut any time, will bu anusted aud banded over to the Sereaut of the (iuaid. ; - Iu case uf any disorderly or riofoua persons ro fiodiij: to obey theonl'rs of th m-nltuel, the Meuti-nel-bhall Uf liii arms, it tlio t'tFunder cuuuot bo caired iu any other way. To rc-itd. or ntrault a seu-tiin-1. ix one of the rarest of iiiUtary olVeiies, and wiil eut jiect the slV mler to H rvere paiiishilient. ComniiiKioiied-(rrli-ers do not requiri) a paas, but mi one will bo recomnred as an otlieer. without bin uniform, and thehoiil.ler trap, which imiieati s bis rank. C-old lat e on tho t-lcfyve ul a navul ollicer is un evidence of rank a an i flicer. No otlieer of the Guard or S-nt:nel hat authority to teh-ufe fioin airest any Prisoner of the Provost (luard. Tin not eoiinhisidoruil Oriicer or Seiitiual in eliare of l'riio.ier will bo held retpoutible lor ahv em apei:. 5io pa b.r a soldier or iai'or if iood,exeept it bo roumertMrn'M iy me (.uiniuniitiiiiK uineor oi inn rt'Liiiiien't or vessel. Any Ki.hlier or auilor without a pas properjy counR-i pinned, w ill bo ai rested aud confined iu the (iuaid lbue. No person i." allowed tt aell npirituouft Ihjunra to soiiiiuii4,iaiioiM or uetcriHts, upon any pretext wliat over An atti in, t to evade this otder will tie tieaii ed with the same neve lity a un open violation uf it.' Any perm n rolling to a Commissioned Oliieor, upon an order purporting to fomo from liim, will bo li,ld reriptuinihte for the enuinenejo" of the order. All SutVrs are prohihited irom selling LiiUors by the el:irif tu liny Comiiiiri.-ioiied, uou-couuii ssioned .ollicer, or piivnte soldier. tiii.,r or (ilizeu,- Ajiv ! violation of this onler will fubjeet tho pnrty offend j in-iM a heavy tine as well to torteiture of Ins ptivi leet'i keep a Sure, in tho oily of Newbern. No part-lean bo sent by (Cxpies except by a pec tat permit from the Provt Marshal. No peivnn shnli water a liotbo or.biule within fifty. fe,it ot a pamV. fc No pei'oi shall wrt;di "at a pump,-or cliihn fib, or deptwii. liitli of any kind, at or near a pump CitU'Mi will be allowed to pum and repans in thr oily during i'l"'d hehavior until nine o'dock P, M. Alter hine trWdoik' to- p.ms ii? ood except, a stunuul one from tho Provost Marshal, or from llettd Quar ters - Tins ProvtuJ, Jliiislwil, is iiiHtructed to allow no one from wit limit our linen to jaiid ifi this city, tmleM tney come here to trado ( ai d nil Mich petrsunsrhuet ho iiiadt1! to land ut ruiiMiven point, and no whore else A uatd of ri'Veval ineti uuut be placed there, "und thou people lur allowed iiui iiimiiunieatiou witfi thi: cii:uiis t Newlu'tu except In tho reduce ot one of the j,'tiard; and they munt not Jj tiUawed to nboiU the city, if they want tu tritto atlhti stoies, a party ol tntoo can nt a time, under liaise of a tuard. I huise orders uiul bestih;tly eiu i out. ' - AH peitMins arriving in this city to trade will inin.e- liatelv roport thonkselvua at the idth e o tho pro vot Marshal; and tio hoats iiiu allowed tu land at aity.whaif-ol dock, except tliuse u the fuot oi Pol lot-It htioet. All ctriitiiiers touiid in the city, ho have not reported a- above oidered, will bo anuUd nnd dealt witti Miioutaiiiy. All peioons aie torhid nit bin Uursen tu any of the l i.t'r iu (tic City, and all the aSentii.el aie in. sluielcd to r-eino nil uiiiuiula that mu found iu violatioiiol this order." All pcratiui an- luihid Griii; nun, ph-tol.-. or can. uon, in any of the hlreeia, hine.!, aliens, or lots wiiliiu tldi city. No tir.jwoiUs will bo burnt or tired unit,- by a cpeviul.pei iititut tho Provost Mar ,!uill ' liercft-i innny non commissioned rttTifcri and pnviitcH whu are upon detached ei vice, cierks, tea m.-1 rs nnd urdet lies, ait in lho habit oi lea nit oil' tliotr pivp.ii unii liuis and appenims; in ul!ieet li lldl 'B ' , ot I itiiti n iippaii;!, very muoii tu the pu jmlice uf tfood older and diiU-ipIino ul the reuice, it is hereby ontiMim, " That ail ciieli p. iotis at onra appear in (heir proper uniforms, ui they p ill bo ariuttud aud puu islu-d. . ' Ad iicjriufsare forboblcii to wear tho butUm of the Auoy fml ad win e is hid Jieieiy emtued to wee t out tin it el villiti eoinpiy It ttt this eulatioil. M.iftr-t, I lott hereail. r Lh 1 u us, ur piiilst ut SeiiCt-n, ill t ho- town, "OilH lie removed Without tho ............ .1 i l-.i.l lltit.u.i XI. M. .,,,.,, ii. )i.M.-tci. ' L' . . , l I ill. I....... nw,n -i,:..t.. i "viiu' tlii 'i ur men, U i J hih.ii-.d w it 1'P 1'ie Inn lie 't I lie city. 1 (iir.'nt nil vu'iittinjr Hii fnler. lM,,7 1""- hclillles will II- M-uH. i l. ud li.-rNfK.murt he tuken hy the lt a ul. U.itlerv. ,Vi; tu wliii ii tin y tielmitr, at luai tdte iiiile turn Inifi and uUnmo hinted Hie grave tu im :mt it- iu mi tix i" i titt-p. r Kt-itiieiiti, It.ittt'ric, Ace , will at one take, the ueei-emiry tfp t tiuiy cu It" Uettd linrftta iu be liiot-tl in t hen iej uelivu euiiiuiiUiUa), aud at piutetil lyilikf lllihUllcil. I CnuiiiiutKliu I'lV.cet will ea to tlio full and onu:pt citriy Luvut nl iliin nrd r, l(y uidur ul Maj. (iitj.. J. (i. KOSTKU, Cunt. tUtli Army Corin. P.WIKL MKSMXflfcU, l'lovo t Miiilinl. rRnvour aVliH'Hii.'fl Om'cc, ,N win Tti, Juii. Ii, lBoJ. !Ierinftfr, no citit n will he Allowed o purehnse fir it noiii- lui'om, without a m raid Iruin turn lro vnfii ,M.irihot. ' , N'ntliinu i mi he fhippt d fmui thi 1'ott except Iiy ontt-r nl toi'X'iiK-i Un iitertitHiUir. W h'lt cci l.o-iuiy wih he iilforded to jerinHn i'ii,'iti: d in !'. iHhtif liinri'-t" iu llti city, nnd nt iinilt nt il 40ilnn lo priced, ur ioiimiH'iut ?uch i.iii. h-f nr nii.y In- l.ci -r;ny ttlie I'luntort nf the trnnliM, Vlliiti'ti,-i' Hie ull.'li'ltT ul Ml I Of II Art tu 11. Aovlrmhr iciutitf tn Hirt-pt in payment - 1 i I'tiit.-il Mile 'liea-ury Nntua will bu ri'tiortctl to the I'mv ii-l Miii.linl. All jier.nii I.HiNir lillli or luliliii-li of any kind in i h.-ii mi!- ur lnu, Mil al nin e ilepiwii ihii nire in i h in.-l or Imi in I In- flteel.Mi imu it may In. re iniiii-'l. . In eer neil iieeupanla of ll'iliaea ami Shirea, will lie In III rlttrliy r.- i Hi i Ij I tir llleii.lnlilli.il i tiia milellillka in llnlil nl lli'ir'litlt''.lilua, lll,il nilMl lilau liike i lll'l Hilt) mi 'Illl "!' llllililf ll la ili'luirlli'4 111 tile (iliileM. wl.iell lllti-l I"' Vi-J'l iri'ii.lii iluve-l,t tile ai I'Uilllll.lileli "1 .lt.-rili 111- -lleeta. IIAMI.L MI;KMN(ir.lt, I'liiVUKt.alulnlial, A MA1.KKT llo.l,-, li e!ul,!; ..In ,1 ill III-' fun! nf Min k alrer-t I- r the I. lining' i I Illl alhili lit I'li'llnee llml if. I, inn; ill ii.l' lei. ( iiy l, I pnl; fin, I iii hi, l'-r In iri M nl imiii' i' ,ly. I. H ,.i.i'li 4iili Im ftlluweil to liirn Ih il naiy i,i Mien itiiliit e nr pn.vi.niiia. I.very m e will In allimeil tu ciiiii.H'i- n tun niitl re'luiiliiiliii- l-lli e. Illel, I Hie ie,l"-m'U"lt ill t till t 'iMtl'l il nf Ad f ii. i In -t I nt ,ill nt tl'i-l't,t i il Ai il'ee. Nil liiiiila Wi,l ! it II, ,iv , 1 1,1 In ii I nt "iiy iiiliei t'lneein tj,i fit y. Im ! 1 1.,' .nit-1, 1 pu, .Im ,- ,-i ri'V,-i,'i,a. Any Vji'lolnai nf I 1 ill- tl lei w i.l M.I, I , I 1 l-i' l,al met i-nl ti'li'a In c,ii. I li (-.11 l.t'i I. r I lie li, !i, tit i'l llle l,",ll ll I III! ifl'i. I' ! ,11 '.-ii milt i-lli ei un .l,,ii.i,iy nul, Hid tliini' tu i.iy I JlllM'. HA.Mi;i. Ml'-HSIXCIKU, . l',nvit'i Mntf hal. ' r titM iii:iit U I.I.I, t). ,r.(i, atfoiluiviit ut I MM, 61 North Carolina; Bally to the Support -OFTUE Stars Stripes ! ; A few inoro able UbdWd men wanted to fill np the . Gaston Guards, Dow being enltatod in tliia county, and whose Head buartura are tu be at Nuwkern., "Tliia roinpany ia Ijaat tlliax Jt! Oouu Jiay, gooiVaalioiu, plenty of and excellent clothing will.be fumiahsd to eaoh volanteer. Thia company will be attached to the Find Heir. N. C. Vo'uuteura, and tlielr Bcld of operation will be in this and a.ljniuing countiaa, among their own frienda and neighbors. ' Now -ia yuur time U enlfat in a craik company for tlie protection of your own liunloa. Enliatmenta.may be made at tlio Head Quarter of tle comuany, over the riuresa OiTice on Craven Street, OK0. MILLS JOY, Lientenant coiiiniaudiug Cu. O. Newbern, Oct. 2:1, I KITS. ' . TO THE Union 3Icn OF KAHTEK.-O NORTH CAROLINA. It in proposed to raise in Craven rnucty and vi i iutty, one or more companies of volunteers, to be at tat hod to the 1st Keg. N. 0. Union Voluuteont un der my oommaiid. The men who are enlisted under thii cull are in tendedta--aet an a Homo Guard. Their Head Quarters will bo at Newbern,. wheru they will be ocuipped Aud drilled. They will not be moved from tht county, except at iutervaU fot Hillahon drill; nor will ther be cdllud upon bw iimrcli to uny other part of ttiuState, uulosi upon an ocoamon tf eineigeupy. Their pay, eluthintf, Fation, equip menta and allowance, will be in ell respects similar tothosn of other I'nitud Status volunteers. 'Tlle term of enlistment will bo lor the war. Those able to bear1 arms, Who can Bland aloof ft cm (hia nvureinwnt, cannot expect that the Gov ertttneiit will protect thoso who make uo effort lo aid tlmselvoa. EDWARD K. POTTEU. Col. Comie;. Ut C. U. Vol. In accordance with tlio aliovooAll, a rfrrmtirtg oflico linn been opened, directly over tlie oilU-f of the Dailt Pitoo iubs oti Craven Street, ISVhIm'Mj, where the loyaW'itisoim of North Carolina w.'.l bv ftfT.irdtd overy facility for unlutint)Ut iu tliv hoVe regiment. ' GEO. MILLS JOY. f ' - . Littiitornuit oouunnudii)); Co. G. Wn.Oi t. 17, IWVJ. 17. A. v . n A M II It' V afc : COMMISSION MEIlfUAXTS and.tlcaleTa in. a 11 kimla of NAVAL STOKES, lrauufaeturvra uf J nt U.NlXU FLUID. AND COAL OIL, lailla Hlrrrl IBatBi. Witf,. WW O Waxld IhiHk aif halnB Wrl feet, there are luta ot Water 1'roiif lttn, ar D1HIILE-8 nrFK'KKH BOOTH, lhf t8 ' Uett tti the miuket. at i'lUHLfcab , K at AND IIONKV, .'H 1)1 Hill, KR (ll.OTIIIMa lOII ' J I)llllll.t-S . ftC Itlll.l.ion mi 4lOV 17 NKI.HON, UenUrin NAVAL STORKS, t'OTTON. ETC. Brinton't old H a:rii'ur, ih Ac Duck ttur tht Gat torn 'r, Newbern, N. C. Xewbern.'Nor. 1, 1H(W. 3m Allrnlloii Pilot. IXANTl! D.-U, kmI lMiil.fi.r the Bouliila ami 1 f mvera of ftnrlli ('arntiiiii. Culnnilcnt peranna, nf aleaily lialiila, will bsva pain ami fuiuil. Apply on board the U. H. Hleanie llnlsel." . utivll nUU.IIV lIUOTHnl linine quality at Hill V III.K H. auv-Jn . I'K Wilt AT l-I.OI It Ireali and nice a! 1 I'llllll.K S miY'JH WAmT wliat no one else has ant e I tu IMliill.r.H. nuv OFFirKHM nrw. aarpplUal HI nimiLKs. nnv 17 A I.I. KirailH Oalds siad Kiada all lllHHLbia. nnv 17 1;Oll MAI.K-i.'1'll 1,1,1. Clii.lic Klinr ...'al " V'maarksHalt 1 Illll bbla i'ola oua .'..'(). Illll " Oniiilia 'Lull. 'J'i " I'utk a !." mi. II. 1. HAW'I.KY. hiiiler l"tli Cnnn. Craven St., 5 iIihik Huutli nl Hank nf Nnrtli Cnrn liua, . II Hi Jim -i, IHiil. li. W, I i II l K T K II A TTURSE Y A Sit CUl SSKt.t.tfU A T IA MCWURhN, MlHTII fAUltLIK. Hnlicitnr nf llitiuit ii'M. lVttmii!t. and otlmr rlninin flttmiipt too llnvt'Diuii-iit. will inittii- mllet'tiniui and alii-iid in nil hu-iMf i nl a li it vliHrtn'tr. . (illiee itii llroad lieid, ucur the I'ublir Mcalen. oet Via It I I OT or lillOII 'Ull.XJUiiuwa.-nity nt Isf IUJ1U,K. . tinv If I i i. r m wo o ii w ii ii im : 1 ' n.i.iF.ilM tli lio M'titilM Utoti'.h't y, ' Knihl Urn I, here nimuiiicrti ut Wwn. w.l find Tmi sniiiitH' euTiHniiily mi linnd, at a ehnHj t id- aoltn M-iikt-l htlnrd.. I'. H. I'ltjue ctll h- f.r tmn'hnidiK elucwlifri', NluMAi L. Dl'Kf.KY I Niwbcru, Jud IM lu'tii WM. C. II1MILT A TO., .?,." , , " Bttccesiioi BALKS. HAMILTON &, CO., . - . ; " " ' & Ul V I MOM SUTI. K US, I'.rarr at M.arih fraal amal Middle THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE HOUSE. IN NEWBEHN. NO UOObl AT RET A 14. w E DEMUR to call tho attAtioa of the Hb' ft I. Hi; KIT. II. Ma.TI.EBM, And Merchants Ka'ftHyi to our LAU0E ASO EXTENSIVE STOCK OK GOODS now on hand. , . Our .facilities for supplying this market with (Juoua, far surpaaaes that of any oilier eatabuali- kuiunt in tliia s'jction. Our vessels come iiirrei from New York, to this Port, thereby delivoiiug Gooila freali from market We are oouatantly receiving large1 and woll se lected Cargoes of Morcliandiie, comprising every Hung Hi cat could be desired. Come One! Come All ! I and examine out G'Ki'Ja. We can and we ""ill oner inducements to tli Merclianta of Newbern and vicinity. () UK MOT TO I 8 A Nmibl.i 1'euuj' is butter than a alow shilling. 1. M. HIIMTARV BAILBOAD. Ouand aliir Dec, Iat trains will luave as follows TIME T A I)L E. i. SUISO SUl'TH. ' Leavu Ne.wbprn.i 9 A. M. ' CruaUti'.....' !) 10 ' " llavcloi k Ill " NiWirt : 11195 ' Kewnorl Itarracka 111.35 " t'aroliNa City .............. 1 1 Arrive Murelietd 11.15 omao susth. Liave Murelieail '. 1.00 p. M. (rnlinat,it ...1.15 ' Ne.nrt Uarrarks I " Newnort I .SO llavelmk I. ..'i 15 " Cniatan' "J.:i5 " Newbern IMS Slop on aiunal. All tree imaaea on-this itoad will bs void after sentelntiar lal. uutblv 1'aaaea will ba laauad na and ater that nam, in mi irintiiiiiriiiiiii-ii u iui umiiriii trniilipui 1 a- tlun, to no iniia'iieu (iniymi una i;mi'e,-ana ft tlie Aaaiaiani yuaner-maaiar ai 3inren.na. no fKKSna will b alluwril to travel on tlie Knad aitbout a paaa ur lieael. 1111a rule win oe airietiy annereil lo. JAMK8 C. hl.A'lllT, Cant, ai A. U. il, Newbern, Dee. 1,18(13. KLLL, I'AItlS & CO., Middle Streol, between Pollock arid Broad it recti liavn junt reoeivjd from Ne.w York aud Ilnntou a large amort merit of 1HY (IOUDS. JtOOTA AND fcllOKS. FIXK OUOCKUILS, i'KOl'KEUT; II.VliUWAUK WINKS. HATS. STAT I0NKUV, TIN AND WIL LOW WAia;, SKU.VI.H ANWTOliAC'lO AnitiiiK which are Mnhairn, Cfthro-IW !Alra AUiacai. ShisftU. hmhnmlonca. Urenn 1 iinnintiki ,Art. Klnwem, table itntlia, haudkendiiela, mihi, IiihmIn, himiery, k I oven, rurhe. cottoiit, ttliusliiiifii, hiiiueiiuu nit li Ik, raoiuterea. In sun, fatittet. atnl fiuicy dry fnudi, rnlf, kit and. hrnan linntn cicl nIhm'h, ainiy nint Inftiei' if'utern, liu-kinii, ttintiary uf every kiml, Wtmh n It-It lint, hiitven and tnrki f-iillerv. hrimhcii. euiiihn. Iiliti'kltiit. Inank!. criM-li ery . and ntnue wiire, laiilmni, tnlweu and e unritoi every icraue. iniHa, iieriuioery. lied riHiin iwiiif.jmj . r, 11-i.p i-niii'e.vuKarN.uuiier, lam, nnur, ineiil. i ''rt.ilieviiu, nimiu, until, tuba, ahna Iruim cm k - Ik Itn.ruhber ulittea, hi'iicme, meu' fot n inliin u'" ' tin d'ppcrn,te,int, Ute, Motif jupn, liiitim iiu' ked hi'i-t . citliued MHUni.e loeul , turkey, mtittnn, rhii ken.Mrlni hnnni, jf recti pen, jienclii tuiuatiH tcretirnrn.whiiiUehfrrieN crntdiertlea nod every kcid l trend fiuit", Jfllien, brandy peach p l II pMi Hi Rim, hbi uiiit-H, rniH iiiim, piifPirr, jih i nn ny-iciM, aliunnU anil uuti, rninlun, let tu t nod dhe 1riH erieMil i very klud. ly ttn. tmuihuti whifkey hi. Crnix and Jtiniiu-a rum, Unlluinl and 34 torn liii,otnril lirnti'ly, ulierry, Miuleira anu cii.m t v. the, ntrncniid urin' punch ntid rhaui; nynei' ot tun t ele hinted hrnudnol' lleiVh k Uny lial eahinet, iihi ieal and enle htniid. We liavn a laipe a-mrt iiii-nt ot all tlie almve named articlen wtio ti we will Bell at low pucea, Vholevalu and retail, hin nl 1, 1'bau. tuiv 2 AVIII WAURTIVIi, It CllMMISMUN MKKCIIANT, H tnurtlanilt Klreet, Nuw York Firths sale nf t'"lt"n. Naval Wines, and all aiiiitl'i-ru pinili'i't. 'Ilefi'lulu l .11 M ..ii . I'rwaileiii iieennllank, V Y H Tavlnr ifr-lili nf City Hank, N. V. K C. N l.iin -wlum H'tle. Ilaimllitn lb !il , Kewheril, rtneiT ItOOIH AD UHliatll (o tvy'ilmly Tt U UlUULH. wl) t'lEioLs l'tTHinciTiiw. Tlio Ptntina Star tells (lie following curious 'elory i it will bu ivclccte(l that abottt four years ago, Mrs. Kearny, wifo ol Hie late Jainct Kearny, died in tliis cily. Ult faushand at that, timu .beiwr a merchant in Aspinwall, 1ia4 a Bine cofliu made, in which (die. wag U(d, and a Us ja qtiantily ol alcohol, the whole wan imoeuuetl ui charcoal in a gtifl laVger coffin, for lh pur pose ot prcsering her, aa iiwas her huwbamlU , intciitioii to. havo lur .sent to England ; but shortly afterward he took sick himself and. died, and also his child. J ho body then re mained in the vemdtcry undisturbed, till a short trmuago, wlicn.instnictioni were received Irom relatives in Lngliind to have the body ei huined and interred in tlio Cathedral. On opening the coH'm the hody was found to' bo petrified' and perfectly marble like, but ktrano to say, as quick as tlie air gat to tlio bouy, t ; changed to a Jight copper color, : .-!,.' a -'i Mrs. Mnjor Belle Reynolds, of Illinois, who won her commission In tlie early part of tho war by bravery with her husband in battle, participated in a recent review of our troops at Latiraiige, Tciih. Shq.wore avtcryccoming ' military custume and' rude a spirited charger. A man who owned a farm in Sacramento, California, during the. lalo floods. Went lo see it his fence was, washed away. He found that he had lost his fence, but had caught a lius ' two story house, which mnile liim a goodnUal better olF than he was before, ' ADAMS' . Army Express, Will coiivef packages to and from Newbern, wilhiu all points of the United States at .. KEASOXARLE RATES. All Orders will he Promptly and Faithfully ExccuUd. Will be transported carefullv and promptly The ability aud standing of this Company 'or yean paat, are a sufficient guarantee for their , FAITHFUL TBttFORMANCE - of all business entrusted to tliair charge ttlrice in UARllISOXi? - ii HICK BLOCK, Pollack At. . !t tloora Nawtli II a Mli tf Icmmcrch 10tl(w N MEW tJOODN ! ! ... " i. -, ?, Jtl, .-.. l" Ci. I,. " ADAS18 KXPKES3 CO. IICILDISO,", , , Latealoreof J. W. P. Harrison, lias just received and now ufliirs lor sale, at tlie lowest possible pri es, a Laru-e Sieek uf Kicv Qouds, suitable for tbe wantaoftlio OFl'Ii'EHH A!A HOI.DIERII - of this repartmeat. , Amoiiff the articles now oa liaod may bo found tlie following :i Sworils and Belts, Keek Ties, , Saabea, 'Bufpeadera, iliiilca, Carpet ltars, Letters and Fiiracs, Iluuta and Shoes, Shoulder Straps, Hnveraacks, ('ana Canteens, NeKliKlo SliirU Blank Honks, Woolen 14 . Note Paper and Envelopea Wlitte ' " V ?!yiK Cards, I'nJer SMrta and Diaries, Drawerp.wliite a mixed, l'orle Mnniea, Hoaiery, Poeket Books, Wool (llorra. Chevron binding. White Ilerlin Olevas, Quid Lane, White Cotton " 8pma, bilk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Aud many other articles, which will be sold aa cheap aa at any store in Tuwu. A call aud iuapeotina will eoaviuce buyers that Ui is ia the place to purehaae.- Q. L. JUDD. - Newbern, Nov. '-'0. lHi'ul. Sf V OW I.Aral,J! il Ki rum SC11U. l'LATTEN SKE from I10ST0S. Huttr-r, . Iniiina, .Cheese, rt'irdines. Caudles. ' l'iekles, Craekera, .K-iliea, Hinder Knaps, I'reaerved Fruits, Kk'n Hiaiuit, lV.-e,rvd UeaU and , tininiia, . Vegetables, in cans, .aid. Table Sail. ll'iiiia, AnuiirOil. Cliiieiilale, I'aiaup, ' CiM'iia, - Mines Meat for Piee, Hntnadaie, ( iiitilonae.l Milk, lUill led Cider, Klanoal fcliirla, Knifieii, Oanntleta, uta, Anny Caps, Kit', Hales, 4u. ate. ate. The above are all nf the heat quality. Fur i-al. by CIIAKLK8 0. H I.I.KR It CO., Pollock Sireel, ueil dmir Iii All, una' Express Offle, New hern, N. C. A.'M.li fur the salu ol Hint's Patent PorUhha Si-eKi'ii .1 Hnllillti;a. 81 AwrliaiB Bale f rsi riinK Kale nf COBS aivritl.ed for Thnradar .. itfliiit'iii fin, nun ,,iph n,),i -nneo, wit. OS sum on V. r HM.MIAl , Jnnuaiy I It b at u A. M.,at the ulii Cotton aelory. JA C. fcLAflHT, n-i uapt. aud A. IJ. M. Son roi ntaiiw roR mi.. I Nii-hnla l'ateni Hnila Fnunia ii ia comnMs) uidur, wild the tui k of hnda And, Hyrnpsaiid di- niK" win ue aniu ai a iiarifHin. ill'l'lr lo jinH Mt AAKtiN (lAttt K.Mid liddls street. TAllOX AM) KOl'HLEft'lTor IIAKNKHS V rnrKuli. . . .'-,. ,..',M e., Hmu" Ai, ,iui.. a....... i..... ai..i.nui rfiill. e, im .1. yt I IKI'ltS sV KIKMTKII w.niM inform Ilia aTintuiia ul tliia city , at ark of CHlAim. WATt IIKR, ., JIVVU.KV, IHiKss ItOOpH, hat they have a lain t'LOTHINO CAIH, lldlrfi sV SHOES lOHAllO, I IMIII.K, lie, a I. Whli h (hey will aril aa elieiiissiy rue. Call al Ilia pii;ii in ine ii"imiiire, un I'liiiuea alievl. Nrwuern, Oil. 1, 1 J. J IIIJHTK Kfr l aaapa aa,4 OH lust J imeived nl IH Ulll.k B. i DlieiMJiiall TOM.I siai.l aH.si. alkar T5 I ai-fnl sail I nun aleni laaplrisirau ii,.r i ai lirlilll.K ii KW ' M I II --at. i. I Ihe ,thinhli"i iu lir. ni who siinli raiaii'ls '1 iiiiiiiiiik i'l I.ailil, Web. aln ti'i'i 11'. a Sen 'ti , A.i:y at lleii.i.m al ir li II' lei" lypaitinrnt, yf Jiaitlb iii... Cuinhua, luiiiii'diuii I '

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