iili fl -, YOIUME -" NEW BERN, "N. C, TUUUSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 15, 13G3. NUMBER' 90. i 6 Sf f " ' i i- Itpublisued Daily and Weekly frtm the Progrett JJuiUiagt, Cratcn Street ' 1 TEHIIIt WF PAPER. Dm l.l Frou-uisi, one year ,... 0 " - " S inontha U Ml ' " 3 months.: 1 5" ' " 1 mi.nl h an Wkski.v Pnoon.ir.ss, on ye" !J ."(I ' . 6 months 1 00 AH tuliKriilioiu U lit pvi fc xJeuace. AUTEBTIHINH HATES. The folliwisg rates will be charged for all adver tisement inserted in the " Doily Progress" utter Ollis data t usa, - OFPIOIAIi. ' Hkao Qcakters, OKrARTXtxt ir Nuhtd-Cauiiu New Berne, November iiS, ItSbJ. SPECIAL NOTICE. Special notice dated Nov. lStta. relieving Captain Daniel Measiugur from duty, as Inspector of titles to Tar, Turpentine, Cotton, and oilier Merchandise, having been issued under i misapprehension, is hereby revoked. Captain MiywiingBr will continue to perform the duties connected with thatotneeas Heretofore. By command of Mnj. flcn. J. u. Foster SOUTHARD HOFFMAN, Assistaut Adjutant General. Oat Booaki or Twri.vi Lims or Liii One day. Two days... Three days. Four days... Vive days... , -One week.. .$ 75 ...... I H) ...... 1 37 I 75 ......s oo .t9 SO Two weeks'. One lnontl Two months. ..... Three mouths Six months. One yejr. f I .'ill . 5 IKl : 8 5tf .W sn 20 00 JW SO Twalva Unas nr leas will be in all eases counted as a square and additional squarbs will be charged the Dspaxtmknt of North Carolina, ) Newberne:Nov. 17. I8l. S. PIiIHd l'ii. kin. of this town, is hereby appointed inspector of Tar and Turpentine, and is to be respect ed an such. lie is authorized to cbnrgo ten cents per uarrol for inspection. All persons are loruiditen to sen any 1 ar or i ar pentuie, without having encb hair el inspected by u,:M a. :. ,.'.--lW. TAHT.T,'S,- Military Oovernor of North Carolina. BATES IS THE WEEKLY. One square, one insertion, (1.00, and 25 cents for very subsequent insertion. Jle attention wm be paid to advertisements sent by letter, unless a remittance in money accompany them. . Dips IlKAOyHARTSRS, . 1 PAnTMKKT OF KoRtH CAKOl.tSA, Nitw nr. mm, Sept. 33d. 18M. ) JOB PHINTIKfn, Of evory description, neatly and promptly exe- nted at tins otnee. OFFICIAL. GENER Ala ORDERS; NO. 107. War Depart ii ent, Ailjutaut General's Oflire, I . IPasaine-roa Jnentt 15. IWi. I I. Officers of the regular army will, as a uenenil riM rpeoive leavps of aliaonoe to accent the rauk of Colonel in volunteer jvuinicnts, but not lower " irradeB. Non-commrssioued officers and privates will be discliai'iied , on jeceivirg- coluiuissions iu Volunteer regiments. ' II. The oath of alleijlante will not be administered to any person against his own will; it munt iu nil cases be a voluntary aefoa his part. Nor will any compnlnory parole of honor be received. Hut oaths taken, and paroles given, to avoid arrest, detention, imprisonment, or expulsion, aio volun tary or free ai ts, and cannot be regarded as com- iiulsorv. All persons tfuiitv of violating such onths or oaroles will be punished according to the laws Autd usages oi war. Ill The laws of .lb United States and the gen orel laws of war, authorize, in certain canon, the eolinre and conversion Aif.private property fur the subsistence transportation, 'and otlier uses of the army; nutiinsmusi oe tiimmguiiieu moo mmKc SPECIAL ORDERS, NO 53. Cant. Dnniel Messinirer. A. O. M.. is hereby ap pointed to inv.tigjitatUtes of property to he shipped frum thiv-port, and will be obeyed and ra- speutei accorotngly. liy ooiiiinana ol Sliy. ven. rosTiH, Bout hard -Hoffman Asgt, Adj. Uen. il K A OOI'A RT F. R9, llilitnry (iovernor of N. Carol New lterna. Jiine 'Jo. ltW. Dn. J. O.Tui.l will from the date of this order as- suitiu charge of all vacant and abandoned build ing in Ncwbcrn, with power to assign, to lease, and reut the suuie. ' ,Dy command of , GOV. STABLY, J. LvnAK Van IIuiiek, Military Seeretary. olina, IlFAI)UL'VRTJ''R9 Ilpniirtinont North C - KW8flll'ri,e l'rt- ' S !aroHna,'' . lnfi'J. I and the taking ot property for pnbHo- purposes is at this pott by means of boats Tlie Provost Marshal '.. ill see, that this order is iics the punnlty of death forf illage or plun- go on board under any pg-etwt-whiitever. nml other articles nut lioriao severe iiunish- . Itv couiuiaud of MiT lrn Fo thr. lor any officer or Hohlier who shall sell., em-1 ' BOITIIAUIMIOFFMAS, , Assintant Adjutant Uuuurul. t'irrwlnr Ordrr. IIKAIIOUAIITFRS," 1 pi.t Ninth Carolina, , N. C. Sept. -'", IHifJ.) very different froin il conversion to private uses. All prpurty lawfully taken from the enemy, or from the inhabitants of an flieiny 's country, instant ly becomes vnUit propeitv, and must ho used and luicnunted for as tucli. f lie S'Jd Artiile of W , nuthori derinir. inenlsltor any officer or wil. beszle. inisaiiDlv. or waste military stiires, or who ahlt nortnit t.he wnta or misaitulicalion of ai'vsuch poolio property. The pcuulty is the same whetlicr the offence be committed in our own or iu an enemy's territory. IV. AH property, public or private, taken from alleged enemies, must be inventoried and duly uc-f-icinterl for. If tho oroDerty taken be claimed as private, receipts mint be given to such claimants .ir tl,ir'-f.nntM. Otlicera will beheld stlictlv ac- siouatahle for all property taken by thrinor by their authority, and it must bo returned fur, the suuioas any other public property. V Wl,.-.,.f,.r iiiL- uartlcs are sent out for pro visions nr either stores, the commanding officer of such nsrtv wilibc hold accoili.tahle for the nduct of his command, and will inuko a true report of all nroiiertv taken VI. No orlicoror soldier will, without authority, leave his colors or ranks, to Uko piivHte property, or to outer a private houc for tht pui pose. All audi acta are nuuishnblo with death, and an ifhVcr who penults them is equally as guilty at the actual tillni'er. VII. Ctimmanding officers of arnrh'i' and corps will lie held responsible for the execution uf these orders irt their respective coiiimimiis. liy command ol Major (leneral H Ul' i k, (Vcro(-i-'o nf ikr Armv, K. 1. TOWNSKNI), ' XtitttfiTU Aitj'danL (leiural, All pr-pinfiV prinnefcft.p.f Kiir tnthe United States, now on liiu-olo in this deiiartmeiit. desirous of leav; iug the lines of the U. S. torces will roport their names'iit theKe lieiiit.imirters umn'uliate.y. liy coiniiuiud of M111 (h-n.JIO Fostkr, bOl'THAHP HOFFMAN, . Assistaut Adjutuut General, lli'Angi'ARTi-'ns. Dcnart'celit Noth , Newbern, Oct. 1 GENEIJAL ORDERS ,V,W. All officers, men and cil'm ns are'stj ictly forbid. den to go on board of any of the-sfemners arriving leans ot boats ob ollierwise. U1UH the vessel is iiroperlv securi'd to tile wtiarl lis. i Carolina, lii.'lb jS..- ) oli.'itlv olie ed and that no one exceot conr.tct,'d with these Ilemlqiiarters and Willi the office of Capt Klaght, A. O. M .will be allowed to Depiirtmwn New tierne. The grent and unnecessnry waste of gai in the quarters occupied by the othcers ami men of this 'omiuaua,'alts lor iminclliaie aiieuiiou anu corieu- tlon. The expense of making gss, is, of course, largo, ami paid, mainly, by ttie (iovernmei.t. KoldiiTs in iiiiarters, are. snl-hot to ttie same rules ss to lights, as if in cninp, and Compnny ('urn timuilers will see that tlu-y nreptrictly carried out. Ollh'eis are oi'ioineil to see tliat as little wu!o us possible takes pUce,,iii their respective rniarters. IIV HOUT 01 ami, ,,n.,, t. rosu-l ' &0CT1IAKD lltiFFMAWHiF; d.tfm.-.. HkAnul'AUTFRS . lcnartici'ut of No'rth Carolina, New Heine, Sept. Si, lltA r.EXERAI. ORDERS, NO. 41. No vehii'les whatever, will he allowed to pass overtlieK K iiihtire. without a pass from these Headquarters, or tin- rrovn.-t Mitrtial. Uy couiinaiia ot suq. u.-ii. 4 u r'Sicr, JOHN F. ANDIillsOX, Acting Asilslnnt A'ljiilant Oeuoral, llofni Oiliirtcrs. Deparlni lit of North Carolina Nowlterne, Noy. '.l, lfJ RPKCIAIOHDEK NO, Rev. James Means, is hereby us.oinled Super i.. i.,n, ..rnll ilw ItUeka ill this ileo irtment. Ttie ehiefs of thu diirorcnt Ki parniu uts l aving blocks uuder their charge, will report to him; nml ho will I be obeyed and respected ir. (ill matters connected with the negroes iu this command. liy command of Mai. "en. . O. F''Jti:u, .. rjOrniAUD HOFFMAN. ' Assistant Adjutant tlouoral who employ Hlacka in the public service in this Department will report tome, monthly, their namea, employment, number of days work, with dates, and rate of pay, beginning with December. Oflleo M deaif street, oorner of Now street. JAMES MEANS, Kuierinteudti t ot blacks. DxriRTKinT or Nohtii urn Caroliha, , Dee. HI, ISIiJ. S . flfS uerno. Iiee. in. "QJ. nw'"",'" ... .j.. .v .., nortdurrofnvepcrconl.iwalleoiton and order from these ll.iiilqiuirti is. lu'des, and on all naval stores, aiul on all wood anil ' 'y com'" , " ".! .'7' An exp lumber, shipped from any pertain this Department will be charged from this date. Masters of vessels carrying any of the articles above named, must ulntiit their tn igiit list to rue several Chief Quartor-Masteis, at those ports, bo tors tliav can obtain a clearance. ' The amounts due for the dill y , will be paid to said Ouuier Maslera, or in nieir absence to the Provost I Marshal, until farther rrders. AU orders heretofore issued in relation to export duties, are annulled, hy order of Mnj. Hen. Foster. liy order ol Uovemor nienty. DANIEL MKSSINOER, Provost Marshal. Pnrllmlsir rvatirr. ' fin and aftertlna dale ull tiersims are forbid lirinir lug to this city for sale, any Tar, Pitch. Ho in, '1 nr. lUAOOrA1 TFWl, Det.nrtin. nt ol North droll . New Heme, Kept. 2-1. lew. SI'ECIAl.OUDERS, NO 51. L'nplain Daniel M"ssinger, A. I). M., is hereby irderi'd to investigate nicl examine into the sliq. incuts treto this point nt coltoli, tVc., since thu oc cupattoni.f New Heine hy our forces. He will endeavor to discover who have shipped, and how, cotton seixed by the U. H. liovullimcnt, and sent away without pmper authority. Alinrheotsot tto: amiy win nn .nt t;.t"T. messin ger any facility in the discharge of this duty. liy command ol sin licit, j ii. poster, A John f. andkuson, . Lieut, BBC Acting Ass t Ailj t Uencrul. HSAP OlIAnTCRS, Department of North Carol . Newborn, Sept 111, ISO! SPECIAL ORDKUS-No. :W The firing of cannon or musketry at this port for iractlce, is ticreliy illsrolit lined exccjtl liy special J OFFMAN Ass't A0J t (Jen, olina, , btlL lHAhl) i llKAhOrsnTKIis. Dcpnitinciit of North f'nroliim Jicw Hern, Aug. 3d, leHki, OF.NEI1AL ORDERS No. S All Vessela are iorbiddeli to leavo IMijl poll iu 111 Deuartineat and take any Person of colorht did not arrive nn the vessel, or who has not a pass frunJ the (leneral or other utile cr coiiimaniiing, or Irmii the Military Oovernor. . ' Ail vessels ot every description violating una nr. iler will tie liable to connscatiouand bermastur will he aeverelv liuninlled. A'., yess.il sliuli pave nny port in mis iicparimeeL until the master shntl take an oath that he lias not any such. 'person on hoard and will not allow iffiy OFFICIAL. " jMiwHttatt Order. " HKAItUAhTKM. . DciturHiicut of NurUi Cttrolina, -New Iterae, April a,lii. . 4 GENERAL OKUEUS.KO'aa- " Whoever. ifttTtlie insueof thin oidr sliall. with in the tin i it to'wIiM-b the L'uiud Anna may extend in this lepHr(infiit. ultonitie wurd ngaiont the Gov eminent of thene ITnittl yate. ill be at unvear rutted aud itlimuly confined. 1t mupt be dintitiotl' uituerKtooii mat tin urmrtutt:ut w unuer aianwi Iw. aud -trvaou eiureiMd vr iuiuhed. will meet with aif.Medy liuuiidimeirt'.;""- The Mitttitry Uovuntnr ttf New Itarno i charjred with th Htrk't eiecutii'B of this ordert witliin the Uuuuao oi ntH control. By command of M tjor General Buronide i LfcWLs KICHVIONO. A-'t Adj't General. Tkovoit Maraha!.'! Office,) Newbern. Jao. l li3 The dntlea of the Beutiaela, in addition to the duties laid dftwu in the Army KeKnlattone, will be H iweeipyeder a-iUun the UmiL td tUtwr -hem, to we that u property ie iiiiared, do housea entered without proper authority, uo citiien abuaed er in ultedj that no loldiur paaiiea hit poet without a pane from the Colonel of hie regiments that no tai lor Daman hi poet without a ptum from the captain Fof hie wl.it, and tliat, alter dark, neither loldier nor Hftilor oe Allowed to iihhh. Evtiry Roldier or DHilor found in the itreete aft or datk.will bearrfsted. the Herjfi-nnt of the guard called, and the often it or banded over to mm, to be conducted to the Guard Uouev All ditiorderly per son at any time, will be it n en ted and hauded over to me perjrenoi oi ine uuhiu. In cane ot any disorderly or riotous pemon ro fuxinif ti obey tlie orders of the eeutiuel, the eenti- nel Bhall uae iiih anus, if lite uffuhder' cannot be se cured in any other wny. lo refint or aiowiuit a sen- tinol, U one of the Kravent of military orTnoes, aud will dut.wM't the offender to severe pumnluiieut. Coininicttdoiied Otlicers do not require a pans, but no one will bo recunised as nn ollicor. without his uniform, and theahouMir klraps, which mdicHttd his nink. Hold luce on the leuve of a naval vtticer is an evidence of rank a an officer. Nh b Hirer of the Guard or (Sentinel has authority J Ito reloape from arrest any lriMonr of the Provost fOuard. Tiie noa-couimiitsioned Officer or iSentiuel: in charge of rruoners wilt be held responsible tor nnv encancB. ' -LxKo pnHM fur a soldier or sailor is good, except it be TcWintcrKigned by tho coiumandintc odicer of hii Lrt:(;iiiifUt or veHKel. Any stildibr or sailor witliout a pHin roptiiy counteincd, will be arrested and confuted in the Guard Houpe.- No person in allowed to sell piritunus liquors to poldiers, sailors or n-4rrr., upon any prett xt what ever An attifinjit to evade this order will be treat rd with tlio same seveiityas nn open violaiinnof it. Any person rcllinir to a Coin missioned Officer, upon an order inuportinjr to come from him, will bo held retoiiiihle lor the K'tiiinunessof the order All Sutlers are prohibited from selling Liquors by the laflctfuiy CoininittHinned, non-i-otnin sgioned olhfr, or prlvKte soldier, t-ailor or citizen. Any violation of thin order will uljoet the party offend iiij; to a heavy fine ns well sh forfeiture ol bis privi lee to keep a iStvre in (he cit v of Newbern. No parcel can bo nent by Kxprens except by a special pcrinil from the l'rovoit Marshal. No person is tin I water a horse or mule within lifty tet ol a pump. N person shall wash at a pump, or clean fih, or deposit ti.th of any kind, at or u-ar a pump Citizen will be ullitwed to pntts aud repass urthn city during p-nil behavior uirttl nine oiUnk P.M. Alter lime o'clock no pnw isiM)d except a upecial one from the I'rovost Muishal.ur from llead Quar Tim I'nivtwt Marshal, ii instructed to allow nn one from withuut our lines tolnnd in thin'citv. unless tney come lie-re to traue; ami hu sucij pecMuns must oe mane 10 innu ni pi mi a ive-n poim, una no wnere etse. A Kuard t ncveral men munt be placed thore, and those people be alluwed no com m tunc nt ion with the nraensof Newbern except in the , resem-e of one of the eiiiird; and they must not be allowed to o about toe city, if ftiey want to trade at the .tores, a party ol them can go at i wf under luire of a yusid. lliese orders must be strictly carried oiu. All perfoimarnvincrn this city tot mile will lmme dintclv reluct themselves at the olfiee o". the Pro vost Marshal ; and uo tumts are allowed to land at any whan oi d(K-k, except those at the foot of lol lor K slieei. AU sirsiiyers lounu in ine city, whu have not reported as strove ordered will be attested tind dealt with summarily. AH porcon ate toi hid hit liint( Horses to any of toe lines miue Viiy, nnu nn 111e0e1.11r.eis are in sUuctetl to cei.f all annuals that are found in violation of tn:s order. All person Hto loibid firing cutis, pistoln.or ran mm, in any 01 the hti.-,-tn, limes, iilleys, or lot within thu city. No tircwoik will be liumt or lirud uiilcM by a special permit of the Pruvost Mar rhall W herea.4 ma,ty non commmioned affirers and privates who are upon detached sei vice, clerks, teiuiift. rs, and ordeiiit'S, are , in Hie ImlM ol U.tviiitf olf their proper uiiilVirW and appeiuin in ollierr undress, nicitiacii' nppwel, very mut li l Ihe (.iN-judice tl ' jjisul order aud discipline oi the service, it is hereby ohhuk1), That all sueu porsniiH at once appear in their propur uniform, ur they will beat rcaked and nuu- ihed. All nepnu-sare forlndden to wear tno button of the A 1 my end ull oiheers are bereoy ciijo.ncd U see thntiheir servants comply with tliis rKulatiiiii ()rdetfdt That liereatter no fetires, or pUrts ot tences, in this town, shall be removed without the written older of Capt. Daniel Messenger, Div. it. Master. Fast drtvimr (by olliecrs or men strictly pro hibited witl.p, the limits of the city. Hentriei will arret all violatiiK this order. Ileiciillcr deail horsr-s tnut be tnken by the Reir iiueut, liattety, (Vc. to which they luloiitf, at least mi) mile irom town and at onco butd tho gtave to t)o not tens than mi tiecp. Key imeiits, llntlenes, iVo, will at,oncotakn the 1 LMeceMHiiry steps to bury such uenu horses- as he- floned lo their resjievtive commands, ami at. pri-sent ) lyintc untiurieii. DiiiiiitiandtiiK I'fllcers will see to tho full and rompt carrying out of tins order. liy order ol maj. u.i. J. u. rust r.u, Cmr. tttth Aimy Corps. DAKlkl MKSSlXGEtt. 1'rovo.t Mtfrshal. FREEMEN 0 F North Carolina, Gaston Guards, Bally to the Support - -OFTHE Stars & Stripes ! s few more ablo bodied men wanted to fill up the M. I now being enlisted in this count, and whose llead Quarter, am to ba at Newborn. This company it fastkUuiH np. Good pay, nood rations, phin.ty of the, and nxcellent clothing win" fa furnished to eaTtyoluuUef. ' Thus eompaoy win HtUehed to th First Bag. H, C, Voluotee's, ud their Said of operation will be In this and adjoining counties, among their own friends and rierghbort. Now it your time to enlist in a crack oompauy for the protect ion of your own homes Enlistments may be made at the Head Quarters of the company, oyer the Progress Office n Craven Street. V .. GEO. MILLS JOY, Lieutenant commaudiug Cu. O Newborn, Oct. 23, la. TO TUB IllOIl 3Ien OF EAHTEHP4 N0BTH CAROLINA. It it prop-wed to raise in baven county and vh ( inity, one or more companies of volunteers, to be attaihedto the let Ksg. N. C. Union Volunteers un dor my command. The men who are enlisted under this call are In tended to act as a Home Guard. Their Head Qirarten will be at Newborn, where they will be equipped and drilled. They will not be moved from th oounty, except at iutervals tr Battalion drill i nor will they be called upon to march to any other part of the 8tate, unless upon an .occasion of emergency. Their pay, clothing, rations, eqhip. WM. C. HAMILTON ' sfe CO.. Saocastors U ' jIALE8i IUM1LTON &, CO., DIVISION SUTLERS, Cwracr enf Besilh Frwat aaal Sllalallc TUB ONLY. EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE HOUSE IN KKWUCRN. NO UVOOM AT BE T A I L. . w K DEIIKI to call the attention of the The HeffulaUona concerning Internal mni noaaf wise tnteroourae. established by tha 8aeretarv of the Treasury, requires that a oertificat, and request from the Department of War, or the Department of the-Navy, must he obtained before any shipment of goeds can be made to any port, place or sectioa Iaueuieq oy me exisuug uiocxaae All applicants for permits to trade under such regulations, shall state the character and value of the merchandiie. I marks, number and description of each package. I., out laiBn ptnicuieob ue niaue or oecepiiosi practiced iu obt''tiiiff a Dennit. such narthit aiul I all others connet toil therewith, or affected thereby, will be absolutely Void, and ail merchandise sMp- u-u uiercuouer, logemer wun me vessel navtfg the same on board, shall be forfeited to the United States'. All Army applies transported nader military orders, are excepted from tlie above regwlatioas. uui mis exception aoea not extend to Butlers goods, or others designed for sale at military posla or camps. -The above Is an abstract of n art of tha rernla. lions made by the Secretary of the Trees ary aa . v...v.iwu vj OV.-tll Ui lulU, IOUI. ' j c.nuiiuiuji vu reguiauuee reierrea lo aoovo. it will be seen that the Department will not grant permits tc ship intoxicating drinks Into, territorial occupied by the military forces of the Uuited HUtes. only oa the wnttea request of the Commandant af the Dtjmrtment in which such territory is embraced. The Commandant bavins authority alone tomeka I requisition for permits fer Intoxicating drinks to ba shipped for ana Admitted into bis Department, it it understood to be tho int-Mionof the Government that all intoxicating drutt so admitted shall ba under his eontroL Therefore any intoxicating drinks that may be brought to porta or places with in such military dtjmrtment without having been previously permitted as is rcqaired by the Depart mental regulations, will be seixed together with tha .vessel bringing the same DOUGLAS OTTINGER, Capt. U. 8. Itevenue Cutter Sorvice, commanding Cutters in tha walftra of hfn f 'arnlinB. Newborn, January 14, 18o3. NOTICE. IriniE Pl'BLIC are hereby cantioned against ; 1 A trading for any Tickets in circulation purport ing to be the issue of Patterson tc McKeivey, as alt Tickets Issued by them have been redeemed some time since, and all now in circulation are spurious. jau 14 f A 1TERSON It MCKELVEY. REUIMENTAI. . HL'TLEBS, Aud Herohanta generally, to Our LAltOB' AND EXTENSIVE STOCK OF QUODS .1 Dow on hand. (r facftitlea for lupplying thU market With Cioods, far surpasses that of an; other establish- nient in thisaiection. Our vorsels come, direct from New .York, to tbia menu and allowances, will be in all respects similar Tort, thcrebv Jeuieiii.g Goods resh from market to Uiose of other United State, volunteers. I " The term of enlistment will be lor tha war. . We ara constantly receiving Urge and well so Those able to bear arms, who oan stand aloof I looted Cargoes of Merchandise, comprising every noin this movement, oaonot expect that tlie Gov- eminent will nroWet those who make no effort to """K lt"Ll "X"1"1 ae,lr"1- aid themkvlvee. EDWARD K. POTTEB, Col. Cum dj. 1st N. C. U. Vol. Come One I. Coma AU 1 1 Goods. and examine ear We can and wa will offer Inducements to the I In accordance with the above call, a recruiting Merchants of Newborn" and vicinity. office has boon opened, directly over the office of the DaiLT Pkouuss ou Craven Street, Newborn, where the loyal citiiens of North Carolina will be afforded every facil'.ty for enlistment in th, above regiment. GEO. MILLS JOY. Liiutcnaut command iug Co. 6. Newborn, Oct. 17, 1 Wit 17, Army Express, Will convey package to and from Newborn, within all points of the United State, at REASONABLE RATES. AU Ordert will he Promptly and ARTICLES OF VALUE.- Will be transported carefully and promptly. The ability and standing of this Company for years past, are a sufficient guarantee) for their FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE r of all business entrusted to thair charge. , j umca m HARRISONS' BRICK BLOCK, Pellaxk mu, dslMra Saatla f Bank sf Cvaasaetvr. Serbern. March 39, I8G3. " ' 101165 W UOOD!l NEW GOOD) t I I OUR MOTTO IS " A Nimble l'enoy'is better than a slow shilling. dec 3 55 ' V. M. inil.lTABV BAILB0AD. G. Is. JVDD, s. e. MAMUBV Jb t: I A, COMMISSION WLBCHANTS and dealer, in til kinds of NAVAL STOKES, 'Manufacturer! of , BUUN1NO FLUID AND COAL OH,, 27(.tf. JM lattia Hirrei, Ilealea. V' Wsisild IhUk f baviwsj Wei Feel, i mere aieluts oi watnr riool ismxa, at - Dl HULK'S OrviCEBias ROUTS, lleat ia Ihe market, at the N trees. aanS bd IllIlltLE'6 rtiiDTHi V .UIIIHLK ti AND II Mt rt e v , D1BIILK8 raii.i.iti an nnv 17 On and aXW Dec. 1st trains wltTfeave as follows : JTIME TABLE. ' aoixo SOUTH. Leave NewbaVn .....9 A. M. " Jroatan " Havohxk 10 " Newport 10.25 ' NuwiMirt Hans ks......... It1 11 Carolina City 11 Arrive Morehetd 11.15 1 oomo iio'kth. Leave Morehead " i'arohoa City " Newport Barracks. rrewwin. .... ' llavolock.... . Croatau " Newbern " HtoD on siirnah AH Irne'wasse, oa this Boad will be void after September 1st. " ADAMS EXrBESd CO. BUILDING," I Lnte store of i. W. V. Harrison, baa fust received I and now offers for sale, at tha lowest possible pri ons, a Large Sieck of New Goods, suitable for the I wants of the OFFICES AND SOLDIEBs) of this rcpartwent. Among. the articles now oa hand may ba found the following t - 1 00 P. M. 1.15 Mil l.M) .9 15 S.:t5 , 3.15 Swords and Belts, Sashes, Bnglee, Letters and Kigses, Shoulder Straps, -Capt,' Negligie Shirts Woolen ' White " Under Shirts and Neek Tics, Suspenders, Carpet Bags, Hoots aud Shoes, Irnvcrsackt, ' Canteens, Blank Books, Note Paper and Envelope "laying Cards, Diaries, Drawere,wbite a mixed, Porte Moniee, Hosiery, Pouket, Books, Wool Gloves, Chevron Binding, White Berlin Gloves, Gold Laos, White Cotton " Spm's, ..'lion. I'ollun. h uliir es or n noil, at rout a writ 1 aut-li oeraou to oolite or remain on ooarii fMniMrniiL troin the owners Iheieof. wliicll tiornilt II la the duty ot the' lliuhor master or other V anuat lie countersigned hy the Provost Marshal, who I ami thereunto appointed to rend a copy of litis order w.ll aai ertnin before counteraiirulnir whether the to sverv master ol a vi ssel aftel she shall hn ready owners of said articlna are loyal. And aU traders to sail and si s that the oath above mentioned has are hereby enjoined not tn purchase or sell aay the elxtvn ariiioes in vioiniion oi mis oraer. By couiuiaud of y Kilwara Manly i DAN1LL MI..SSIMIKU, 1 ' . 1'iuvoat Mureli al. Hfh)I AHTI'SS, 1 Department ot Norlh t'ainlinn. New llernw, H . lit I J. IHW) After the l.itll ilsyol Mepleuiher only V llelKs 'each of the l 'partuiout tltlises a'ilt bo allowud to eomiuute their rations at i-i cents per day. All other ih'tttilvd ine.n will, aflel tliut ilnle. cither draw their r,nlions or commute thsili at tlie coat of the ration al this iet. Kaeh moss ot hil'tlnihol men will be allowed one rout ralmnil as cook, whoso .pa will bo eight dot lurs perini'ltUi. . Hy couiuiaud of MaJ flen .! fl Ko-ler i mil I I1AUK HOKKMAN,. Assistant Aiutaut (ieiiuial. IIsam Iannis", ) Drpaitieeot ol tSintli t'tir-'lina, N. lli ll.e, November HI IWiJ. ) (iKNKUAL IliiUKUS. So. ,'i7. ' Ifere.illel no ueeloes w ill he allorretl Uteut Wood wvrrTtrs lanils ol tliis li-'pnrliie'ii', ail''i.ut a' W lilt'll lellms-iell fiooi ll,s 1. xeell.-m y , l.lwnll Manly. SLl'iary tloeinor, or t'oioSne owner ol ttie hind on who li such wiin! is nit, except such net-loos are elliplfyet hy the ll:li!lrl Masters Do. mrtmttit lo cut wood tor Ins u.is i t tiie Troops in this CoiiiiiiiiihI. Hy couiuiaud of M J (ten .1 )l Ko-ter. bUl'llIAKIi Hill' I M Art,. A-.l. Ailj. OeutiaL I linen Ink Its hall be the dnty of the master or evory vessel tn make a written report during evory voynge of the names of 'every person on board said Vessel till I ring sent voyage, exis-pl seniors 1:1 servieo, anu 10 preserve sunt reyoit till eaiien lor uy ine rrovosi Marshal or other otlleer authorised to reeeivs it. . " liv command ol slut ttenernt J. ti restori HOCTiUBD IIOKKMAN, Ass I A'tj't Gen IlrAmji'AiiTrs", Ih-partinent of H.C . hew Heme, .rime Ii, lft,J Dr. J. O. Tull, la liereliy anlioiiileil City Inspee lor of New lie. lie. with newer to assess unci eollee rents ami gsa rates, and Will he obeyed uad respect ed aecoiitiuiily. liv C'-iiiiiisii'I ei u.iv. rsinniyr J.U.MAN VANTUIIr.N, liihiuiy Rcroary lirrainsisT or N tjl Al'lTSI'U ftrrritil S'ftift tti t't wihikm 7'(,,rs 'j loss. 1. 'fliouna lotisl lie 1 in m-it eft' troin all humors i Company iiisltel's. lit tlie pioeer, hour lor the ex IHiiiHisliioi ol ot hlits, end out one lilt will be ti-etl in the lutll dnllli tlie lnl t. uud tliitt turned NT or NollTII ('Alllll INA, I UA.ll.lls l I'.VIiTSI ST. V Ni'Mheiu, Si-pl, x'tl, M.. ) SC. Iim.ao, Dealer in . NAVAL STOKK8. COTTON. ETC. iirisisim'l old Itarsaowsi, ea the lkk rear th Oat ' tvn ilar, Nowbera. N.C. - Newbern. Nov. 3m Monthly Passes will he issued oa and aTev that I Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs. date, to all persinis entitled to purmaneat transport a-1 tion, Ui be obtained only at tbia Office, aud of the And many other articles, which will be told as Aaeistant tyuartor-master at aiorenean. Me maeon I ctteap u at any store in Town. 'i, Ceinpniiy oil'n'era will see that this order isi einrieil out. and that ull illiigeine is used in ccouu iinr.ii'ir"(iis. ' i ,;l (llieirs iUilttereil in town will not use any mors himieia nor c'lniinue liu'hts later than is ahso lute in'cessary. in llteir oan ipi utera. . 11 solllloillnl nt Mnj to 0 .1 (f. Kilter, JA9, t. SLjOmfct-yt. Wid X M 1'anvotT Masshai s Orrici, ) riowbem, Jan. 13, mil. Hereafter, nn citixen will .be allowed to purchase sph ituoas lii ,ors, without a ieraiit troiii the 1'ro- at M'irsiiai. Nothing can lie shipped from tliin Pint except by .inter ol tiiu uniel unarleritinsler. W hilst cveiy fni ihly Wll tie sffi'lded to ersons ngageil in logiumatu iiusrieas in nils city, anil at- toiopts at exioriiou in prices, or monopoly of such artielus as may be necessary to tho coiulort of the triaips, will deprive tlie sirtelnler ef his license to sell. Any trader refusing to accept in payment United States Treasury Motes will he reported to the Provost fAnTSTrat: ' All persons having tilth or lahbtah of any kind in their ynnls or lots, will at ones deposit the saire in a barrel or box in thu street, so thai it may be re- uioveii. Ownerannd ocvupants of Houses and Stores. will be held stlietly resfHinsihle for theeomlilUtn of the ,dew alas iu trout ol tiieir iiiinilinua, snu must also lake care that no ilnl or rilhhisli is denosited in ttie tilltteis, wlih ll must lie kept lice, In prevent the ael'UUIuUtlull Ui Water IU toe streets. DAMLL MhM.MNOI.K, ' Ptuvost Malahal. A MAUKKT lias bii' eslsliUI.nl at the loot of Pulloek jlrue-t Ti r the litliihlig of all kilnts ot proihlee (hut is lil'OUglll illtotllls City lol tolle ; mill III oilier. til JIIO vent loom. pnly, iio pi rsoli Hill be alluwed to hire stall any of such roiuie or piovisiens, tsery onewiU lie alluwed to ehniai: a tair innf reiisonahie elire, umlnr the snie'i M.i.111 ol the Couln il of Ad miuiltiilion of lliiat'oips d'Aitiiee. No hosta will henll.-w d lo Isnil at any iitliernlneein this Clty.lor tint stile of piooiii'rir ptovisioha. Any violation of tuts oiiter w ui sui. left the li.int ana eontenle I llo'ation for he beln I'.t ot the ilnspitnl. 'I bis oiihr willgo iiito t'Uuct ou Mou.lay nel,l;n th'.ith th day Ol tfUIIU. DAN IKL Ml;KSIN(IK.It, Provo.t Maishnl ' Atlciillon lllola. Itf ANTED. -OinhI Pilolafor the Souarls and ? v Uivers of rliwth Carolina. Competent persons, of steady hahMs. will be wall paid and fouu'd. Apply on boaid the U. 8. Steamer iieisoi. Dovo CAVAI.HV HOOTMof prime quality at Mil ttl.K S. . n.v'J )I'4'K WHEAT ri.OI H tresis and nice at IJKIIIIIHLK'H ans If inn WANT what no one else has got go A to UIHIII.KH. noy w OVril'KHS) Meeeea swsiplUA DIHHLbS. ev!7 Al l. KINItit Odes mm E ante si HI HULKS. nnv 17 tOH NAI.E Vim hhla. Choice Kloar t.M U.HI aai ks Salt f '.''. Hat bhls. PotaiiHis (.'..V). lit! " Onioue ll.isi. Tt Pis-k flfilHI. II. T. IIAWLK.Y. Kniier KHh Conn. Craven St., 5 ui.es rhaiih ol Hank of Norlh Caro lina, tt.ni jau. intsi. ' tltoi UKItV-a lush U DLLS. subituuiht at Hill, 01 E It 1,1 W. A" M r E N T I J. A I TUKSK YASl) KOVStiLU.OR A T l.A IP. SkWIIKliN, SIIKTU CAKULINA. S"li-itor of Hounliea, Psiisioiia, ami oiler claims against ihe Government, will make collections and elleiiil to alt husinesaol a h'gal chnraelsr. tuhee oe Hiuad atiest, nuui the Public Scales, uct 'ii Mi I O'l'al Of SIOOU TlllKiSi ueWO). i MHHI.Ks. i -lung at ov 17 luni.kia wood wiitnEt! I ' opposile the Turpentine iHstillery, Krent street, where consumers of Wood, will find. good simply constnuily ou hand, at aa cheap taut aaine Slaiaet sllxril. B. H. Please cull before purchasing elsewhere. IIIOMA3 t. Dlltl.KV Nswbstn, Jau. i, IbW. im'HJ - will he allowed to travel on the. Koad without a pass or ticket, t ins rule wiu oe sinewy anneren to. Capt, at A. y. M, Dewoern, nee i, i UELL, kvAUIS V CO., Middle Street, between Pollock and Broad streets have Just received from New York and Boston a large assisrtment of DRY GOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES. FINE GKOCKUIKS, CBOCKEUY, HARDWARE, WINES. HATS, STATION KB Y. TIN AND WIL LOW WAKK.SKOAttS ANPTOBACCO Among which are Mohairs. Cahses. De IaIrssa. Altiai-as. Shawls. Emitrwidurios, Dress Ttminiinga, Art. Klowere, table cloths, handkerchiefs, eubiasj hwals, hosiery, gloves, ruches, cottons, sheetmgs, homespun shirts, easitneres, leans, satinets, and fanev dry foods, calf.-kin ana breiran boots rnd ahoes, army and iadtee' falters, bnskms, stationary, of every kind, wis den fell bats, knives and Yorks, cutlery, Irrusbee, combe, blacking, baskets, crock ery, gisssann stoneware, lanicrns, muaccn ann so gars ol evury grade, aifans, perfumery, .bed cords, twine, paper,teas. coffee. sugars, batter, lard, floor. meal, cracaers.cnecee, soap, pans, tuns, snoe lions, cork soles, belts.rubher shoes, beusiue, mens furn islling goo s, tin dilipers.tea pots, pistes, stone jugs, hams, smoked beei.canued sausage meat, turkey, mutton, rhiekers, string beans, green peas, peaches tomatoes .green corn, whortlcberrtee.eranherrieo and every kind of 'fresh fl aits, Jellies, brandy peach syrutis, niekles, sardines, ehocointe, lobster, pu-kled oyateis, almonds and nuts, raisins, fsrlntt and fine griH'enesof every Bind. Kye slot liourtnin whiskey. Hi. Croix and Jamaica rum, Holland aud old toin- gin.otnrd brandy, sherry, Madeira and claret wiuos, ansa-and wine niiiH-h. nml cliauipntrnes ot toe cele- bintcil tirnmlsoi itenisica tT.-ipeiiai catiinei, green aenl and eaule brands. We have a iaige aesott inent ol ail tlie above named artiehis whicli we will sell al low uncos. Wholesale asd retail, Sign ol , I'uao. ' ' mu ft u i I n w a s r e f , 1 COMMIMKKIN MKItCIIANT, !H thinrtlanilt Htteet. (lew York Ei r Ihe sale of Cotton, Naval Stores, sad all southern products. Kefereto I). It. Maiiin.il'rcsident Ocean Bank, N. Y. ' Moses Taylor, Pie. l.l, nt City Bank, N. Y. . C. N'-laon. Newbern Bale. Hamilton at '., Newborn, 3in'J7 ila AD mioBal fm svsry Body al JL DIUULkn, imvir A call and inspection will convince buyers that this it the place lo purchase, . 0. L. JUDD. Newbern, Nov. Sfi, infill. 61 ' . . VOW I.ANUIIaSI! i.1 ' reus CHst. PLATTEN SEE front BOSTOS. Hutter, ,.-r lAimiKis, Cheese, , ' Sardines, - t;smlles, i Pickles, Crackers, Jellies, Hinder Knaps, Preserved Frails, K.gg Biscuit, Preserved Meats and Omous, Veg'etnhlee, ta trans, Lard, Table Hell, llauis, " Armor Oil, " Ch.ict.late, Catsup, CiH-oa, , Mivcu Meat for Ptesff llultled Ale,--, Cin.rtensv.il Milk, Mottled Cider. " Elatiiiol Shirts, Itaieiua, . uauatleu, Nuts, Aimy Caps, Figs, Dates, Are. are. ate. 1 he above are all of the nest ijuallty. . For sale by " , , rilARI KS 0. FULLER Ar CO.. Pollock Street, lull w to Adams' Express Office, ,N. hern. N.C. Agenta for tho sale vf Flint's Patens Portable SWiienal Buildings. i St S1 ODA EOl'NTAIN FOR ISAI.E. nler, with Ihe st k of Soda Ai-td. Svrapsaad x- ings will be sold at a bargain. A iipiy to Jans '.It AAItllN (lArUK.MiddwMrtreet. . WAGON' AND HUI'HI.F-sKTTchv IIAKNESfl For Sale. Apply to Aaroa Gage, Middle St. Jan. S, IKi 'I. at IPM-flAN v i ntTtll would Inform II, a li . IIH.- IIS of this t-ity loch ef CUIAHS. WATCIIKH. JrJWU.hV. IHil-HH tiliflllrt, PIM't il.r. A c hut tln-y have a lurga Il.tiTIIING t Al l. HOOTS A Mil IF TOHACt O, Which they will sell as cheap as any eras. Call t the nign of the Ihoik stoic, oui'oihak sttect Newbern, Oct. I.IH. . 7 I 111 II T a-Kere.ewe l.eassisaaal UilTiis't 4 r.ie.ve.1 at DIUM.K1. . SIIOVEI.SI aaelrosiIlK aw 4 terlewaelber t srlHl ami warrtstt-HI luinlrisirale nor vpeinnti ul IUHIILL M.. '.-. a ,