ZL, O O - Gbeen Peas. Green peas are freely offered on the streets at 75 cts. per peck. ; . " " Bishop Atkinson, -t Tile Eight Reverend Bishop Atkinson will officiate at Christ Church in this city to-morrow. ' j u- The New-Berne Times was started again lust Wednesday as a campaign paper under the ed itorial management of Mr. John S. Manix, Threats. The Congressman with the great intellect threatens to bolt from his party if they don't return him to Congress. Dont do it! We don't want you. " ' j - ... - ; - .- That House. Hepublican3 you had better payv for that house in "Washington, or you will be compelled" to keep hitu in' Congress the balance of his natural life., HAiiiKOAD meeting. mere win oe, a meet ing of the stockholders! of the Atlantic and . North Carolina' Railroad?" one -week from next Tuesday. See advertisement. Fire. A serious conflagration occurred at 'Company Shops, N. C. R. It., yesterday, the ex tent of which we have only partially gathered. A Little Giant " agent has gone there. Vexatious. Passengers yesterday by the A & N., C. R. R. train had a delightful (?) time waiting at Goldsboro one hour beyond the usual time, for the President and suite, who. after all, finally concluded to abide awhile in that place RnruitP.aTTYW uTmlr! cnornrAcf tn tl-iA rl ia ----- ' oo' . tinguished (?) Member of Congress from this District, with the collegiate education, that he "wash his dirty linen at home in the future, instead of before a public audience. . Post Office. Geo; W. Nason, Jr., postmas ter in this city daring the past nine years, will 'turn over the office and its effects to Mr. Ethel bert Hubbs,; the newly appointed postmaster, this Saturday evening. April 18th, '18X4. at the , close ot business-for the week. Notice. There will be a public meeting of the citizens of New Berne at the Court "House on "Wednesday next, 22nd inst., at 8 P. M., to take I active steps towards the furtherance of a plart already begun for the establishment of a cotton factory in this city. ! Appeeciatei). To the many, many kind friends in this city who have taken so much interest in oar ' newspaper : embarkation, we simply proclaim the facf that your kindness is appreciated. For -further particulars "see small bills." ' -v tit " r : rm. i JJEMOCBATIC WA.BD .UXEETINti. 1UB leuiO- crats of the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and , Seventh Wards of the city of New Berne, are requested to jneet at Patterson's Hall, Craven St., on Tuesday night at 7 o'clock, to nominate candidates for Aldermen; iilso can didates as Trustees of the New Berne Academy. For Stings 'OF" Insects. A good, convenient, and -effectual remedv for '-stings of wasps, bees. etc.; is simply to hold,tany hollow, key over the place stung, press it hard, into the flesh for a " - - t Aft. minute or ; so, ana-wnen tatcen on, fin poison will be on the surface of the. flesh and dp no harm A thirnble with a tight top wil) do, but .not quite as welT. - . Fkom Etjbope. -We notice in the list of arri f vals at New York, by the steamship Baltic, from Eni-ope OA-Taesdayrlast, the names of Mr. and Mrs. - Chas. T. ' Westcott; of Chestertown, Md. tiv friends in this citv. of Mrs. Westcott. nee Guion,wili be' happy , to learn of the safe return of herself and husband. hKain Stobm. It U very , probable that the majority .of pur citizens were aware, of the fact that New Berne was visited on yesterday by a ' right smart " rain-storm, and4hatthe visitor spent the whole day and night wit&us, but for the benefit bit outsiders we feel constrained to announce the presence of his Stofmshm r"ough the columns of the Newxjernjax, v.- " . "-V " On Hand. --We are .infornied "that- with the advent of our little Newbebnian, Mr. James Manwell, the machinist, has taken upon him self the laborious task of reproducing those 'noisy steam whistles which were wont to remind us . in days of yore !' that we were not the only mortal who desired to make things lively f ii arouuu. :.--. I Shai Bow." If you can find a better man for my place than I am, then send him. How ever mortifying it- may be to my pride, I shall bow to the will of my party.J' The abovejg an extract from the speech made by .Congressman Thomas ? &t the Theatre, on Friday night April 10th,' ' 1874. What an ex cellent opinion some men have of themselves -but how unfortunate" that they cannot see them selves as others see them. , : Consoijdation Accepted. -UThe Stockholders of the North Carolina Kaiiroad, met at Salis bury on Thursday last. Seven thousand two hundred ' and forty'-five shares of stock, were represented?- - The consolidation amendment to the charter was adopted! amidst considerable excitem&at by a majority of nine . hundred and ninetyeigh , ' fr Speeches were made by i Wm. A. Smith, N, H. D. Wilson, of Greensboro, and others in favor of consolidation, and by D. A. Caldwell and others against it. : 4 The LrrTiJ2 Giant " j Chemical Fmz En gine. -Another and very favorable test of this engine was made at Wilmington, Thursdiiy, by Mr. J. E. Nash, Gen'l. Agt.,i in the presence of committees from the Board of Aldermen and prominent citizens. A pile consisting of twenty-five (25) barrels of rosin,1 with ten (10) gal lons of petroleum poured over it after burning ten (10) minutes was extinguished in, two (2) minutes by the watch. The success was greeted with cheers by the large concourse assembled, i See the Wilmington papers. Memoeial. Anniversary. -The memorial ser vices for the year 1874 will take ; place on Sat urday, the 9th of May, as the 10th falls on Sunday, in order that the floral decorations may keep fresh on the latter day. We are t in formed by the ladies of the Association, that the programme of 'proceedings has not yetl been arranged, though it ! will differ be t Jittief from the one usually employed., Rev. -'Mr. dan as Chief Marshal. The orator has not vet been heard from. The ladies expect to have the base of the' Memorial Monument in posi tion, and Dedicatory excercises will be had in connection 'with it. Our fellow citizens of the country and the city are cordially invited to be present on the occasion. Other details will be published in due season, j - j May-day Pic-Nlc. Thej children of Christ Church Sunda; School are making arrange ments for the festivities of Mayrday, and a pleasant time is anticipated. (There will be quite a large attendance, of young folks and we doubt not but it willjepne of the merriest -days ever experienced by the children of our city. A meeting of the members of the Sunday School was held at Memorial Chapel last Tuesday even ing, for the purpose of selecting a May Queen to be crowned on the occasion of the Pic-nic, and . after ballotting, the choice feiL on Miss Mamie D. Ellis, who was elected by a large ma- j . esoiution of Thanks. At a meeting of the : Vestry of Christ Church, New Berne, lield April H3th, 1S74, the following rasolution M-as offered and unanimously adopted :' ; J-aoZr?, That the thanks of the Vestrv are duer and are hereby tendered to Mr. 'Geo. W. Nason, Jr., of the Bepublic-tKurier, for the zeal and interest manifested by him in obtaining subscriptions to build the fence around thei- church; lot; for the successful completion of which we are "mainly indebted to him. f lit solved, That the Secretary; of' the Vestry furnish $he above named gentleman with a copy of the resolution. Wm. H. Oltvek, ' ' Secretarv. nro tern. . . James F. Long's Lectttee. The Memorial Association tender to Dr. Long their thanks? for his most entertaining effort m their behalf. .The lecture, ! though ; consuming lully an Lour and a halt in its de livery, was listened to with unflagging interest to the last. The Beautiful, the Ideal t in His tory,was painted with a master's hand, and delighted the audience composed of our most intelligent cultivated citizens. The vivid fancy, from.literary taste and graceful delivery of the! speaker astonished while it captivated all who heard him. It speaks volumes ot praise for a practicing physician, that he can pause- long enough from e dry, rugged duties of his rirofessioiT. . to lav such a beautiful wreath as A - V this lecture upon the altars! of literature' and upon the tombs of the Confederate dead. We hope the ladies of the Association will soon favor us with another treat of the same kind. Meeting of the State Consekvative-Demo-I ceatic Executive Committee. On Thursday! last the State Conservative-Democratic Execu-j tive Committee held a meeting at their Rooms; in;3$aleigh. . Col. Stephen DJ Pool, of Craven, xeceiyed the nomination as I the Conservative! candidate for the office of Superintendent of Public Instruction in the election occurring onj the fif -it Thursday in August, General D. II.) HiU witbclrew his name in connection with the; ing to him. , i ! The following resolution was ladopted : ' Resolved, That the Committee adjourn to meet again in Baleigh on the 10th day iof June; next, all members are requested to be present. In pursuance of the above the Committee adjourned after a very pleasant and harrrfoniousi session. ' : - ? tax. Licensedretailers of Malt liquors only,. $15; being same as State tax. Sec.;12. Purchases of Merchants, Jewelers,, Grocers, Druggists and every other trader, one- eighth of one per centum being the same as the I State tax.' -rJ:'-. : ; " . .: : ; ,- :-,.' ' :f". ' .Sec.43. Gross receipts of Hotels, Boarding houses, etc. one-fourth of one per centum. ' Sec. 14. Ferries, toll bridges and gates across highways, one-fourth of one per-centum. Sec. 15 Gross Amount of sale of Auctioneers one per centum. . . Sec. 16. On amount of sales of Commission Merchants, one per centum; on the amount of " i ftftlps rnl1 linnni cnlf"'' Itr l7trifnicci- Uimli. ladies of the n.- 4 T . ' aula, u.c veuiuiu. : y - : Sec, 18. Keepers. of horses or vehicles for; hire or to let $2. per each horse. ". . Sec. 19. On every itinerant xlentist, medical practitioner portrait or mineature painter etc. $5. On every itinerant dealer in prize photo graphs Ac, $100. f I v . Sec. 20. On each peddler $10; - Sec. 21 Every itinerant who deals in or, put up lightning rods $10. I Sec. 22. Every Company of Gypsies $50 Sec. 25. On gross receipts of premiums of Insurance Companies ode per centum Schedule companies... " i Schedule C, Sec. 3. On each Notary Seal or cool nf nfl-i OT nnKKn I n . 5 - w... uuuu twcuiv live CCUlB.. Sec. 4. Oa each piarrkjfe license, fifty cents; ' on each marriage contract, mortgage, deed and deed in trust to secure creditors, one dollar. The following dealers; having applied for the. priyeiege io sen spiritous . liquoxs, it wa3 or dered that the Sheriff, upon the payment of the State and county taxes grant them license for bne year : j . J. T. Dawson, Gates & Foy, T. A, Green, Wm. Colligan, E. "W. Oterbey, Chas. Zinkand, Edward Whitman, J. j H. Stedman, B. F. Stilley,. R. W. Phyne, Barnes Kellam, Frank lin Cn-Y XXTm T. Tklmnw r 1 TT C. Russell, A. H. Holton, : Leopold Gusterelli; Mames uampoeii, J. s. .Long & Co. Ji B. Bate County Commissionees. At a special meet ing of the Board of Commissioners fori Craven! County, held Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day, April 6th, 7th and 8th, (a part of the pro-? ceedings of which weife published in the Re- puBMC-CodciER on the 11th inst. ,) the follow-j ing further business was transacted : Ordered, That the amounts hereinafter speci-j fled are; hereby imposed as County taxes, for: County purposes for the year 1874-75, upon the; Trades, Professions and Franchises taxed byj the State in Schedule "B." and "C." ofthe.'ct to Raise Revenue," ratified Feb. 19th, 1874; and; jority over all the other ! competitors. Mr. ithe are hereby authorized to be collected ; Geo, A. Oliver was choseni Crowner, Mr. John Dunn Sceptre-Bearer, aridf Miss Eleanor M. Jones.? Garland-bearer. The Queen appointed six Maids of Honor besides quite a number of Flower-girls The selections were all very ap propriate and we doubt not but the Coronation ceremonies will be most impressive and beau- tiful, The hat a hundred Carpen- (Siafe delegation would Diffebexce. We ! understand that Thomas, in his great speech at the Theatre, when he 'spoke out in meeting' an 1 exposed the secrets of the office-holder's ring, went so' far out of his way as to assert; that a Mr. Carpenter had Written a letter to Senator Carpenter about this 'Post Office Business," which seemed to nettle IhS. 'great Statesman (?) very mu6h. He madejlfetstr however .o j impress his colored brethren With; the sway of his towering intellect in Washington, by asserting t ter's in hddition to a tc7to7e havejij? effect as against his influence in Washing ton. i v (Tremendous applause by the . colored brethren.) - Astonishing ! i That such great men should have been so long in obscurity. But these Carpenters seem ' to 'trouble the, "great Statesmin" (?) He - has igot things a i " little mixedj probably owing to the fact of his having employed so many carpenters la tely in putting up new buildings with .bis j .-.ba6k pay." We will, before the 6th of August next, endeavor to assist his muddled brin" to discovet 4he differ ence between Senator Carpenter; Seth Carpenter or Houie Carpenter. j by the Sheriff, or such other officers of Craven County as are designated by law for -the cqllec-) tion of the State taxes, and also in the manner, and at the time designated by the Statefor the; collection of the State taxes on the same sub; jects, and to account for the same to the proper i authorities according to law, to-wit: Schedule B., Section 1 : Traveling Theatrical; Companies shall pay $5, for each exhibition;! when said exhibitions are by the season of notl less than one month, the taxi shall be $50 pers quartern ' ? I . " l Sec. 2. On each concert, etc., $5. j On each lecture for reward, $5 j r '- j Sec. 3. On museums, wax-works, Jtc, $5. : Sec. 4. On each exhibition of Circus or Me-I nagelie for each day, or part; of day, $10. On; each side-show or concert accompanying a cir cus or menagerie for which extra! -Charge is! made, $25, for each day or part of day ; . r "t 3 Sec 5. On all itinerant companies not men tioned in the lour preceding j Sections, $5; - for each exhibition,, fly ing trapez; $10 annually. ' Sec. 6. Gift enterprises &c., $10, and one per ceiltum upon gross receipts. Lotteries &c, $500i and five per centum on gross receipts, be ing the same as State tax. i Sec. 8. Billiard Saloons $5 on each table. Sea9. Bqwhng Saloons, bowling alleys, bag atelle tables, $5, on' each. ' ., , ' Sec. 10. Purchases of spiritous oe vinous liquors, porter, lager beer or tther malt liquors, Ifive per centum on amount of purchase, being the same as the State tax. j. Sec. 11. Licensed retailers! bt spirituous and! other liquors, $25, being the same as the State present year, was and kids, , $1. each. j Ordered: That the clerk in the name of the Commissioners of Craven County report to the State Treasurer on or before the first Monday in May next, the result of his investigation'in relation to the-mount of fines forfeitures and -penalties paid; Ho thej Clerk of the Superior Court oftlfaye . County; .1 ) The reportjc! . ? Grand J ury at Spring Trm 1874 upon 'Itt J!ition,pf the -County Jai building and ii ...2jates therein was consider- . ipd and ordjrecl to' be" filed. ! I Ordered. .That the County Treasurer pay to James DBone Deputy Sheriff of Northamp- ion jouuiy w.ou ior me arrest ana convey ance of Sandy Brown j from said county to Craven County in March j 174. - It was ordered that certain warrants in favor . of jurymen and others be" allowed and paid. . The following scale of valuation of real and personal property for the adopted : :t " Sheep and lambs; Goats Hogs $2. Sows & pigs $L Horses & mules ; each, 1st class $100; 2nd I class $75 j 3d class ! $50. r Stalliohs, 1st class $150;-2nd class $100; 3d class $50. Oxen per pair, 1st class $75; 2d ' class $50; 3d class $25. 1 Jacks, 1st class $150: 2d class $100; 3d class $50: Milch cows. 1st class $25; 2nd class, $15; 3d class $7.50: Dry cattle $5. each. : J . It was further ordered that the Trustees should -list the real property at the valuation of 4873, and that the several Township Trustees hall meet the Board of County" Commissioners on the 3rd Monday in May;next for the purpose of assisting in the revision of the tax lists. ' - Ordered. ; That tfca Sheriff be allowed until the firiit Monday in Ilay next to settle with the County' Treasurer for the county taxes of 1873. ? The Board adjourned toy meet on Saturday -April 11th." and then transacted the follow- mg ; ;t'-'i : : - -.? ; ". r - . A repun was eiiuereu. uy me oapenafea dent of Public Roads relating to certain nec essary repairs required to certain bridges. &c.t' . which was receivd ani ordered by the Board, that'said repairs be made at once. .. The Committee appointed to investigate the a flairs of the County Poor-houses made a Teport upon the condition of the inmates therein and after consideration of the same it was, on motion, ' f . v Ordered. That Israer P.'i Nelson ' be, and is hereby . removed - from the oflice of over seer of the poor, toke effect immediately. I 'Ordered, further, That Mr. John L. Herri t age be and is appointed Overseer of the Coun ty Poor of Craven county,'! at a salary of $50. per month and with the I agreement that no extra charge shall be allowed forhelp "ins on at the Poor-houses. ; ; ' ' , l On motion; Julius Asii was appointed Auc tioneer for Craven county, and the bond given by him be accepted. j j i i Adjourned to meet on the 1st Monlav in May, 1874. " V"

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