3 - - j - . - . t JcfiArJ. Xi 'o'-. N L'l Volume 1. NEW BEENE, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 28, 1874; DEH00SA5IC'; NOMINATIONS : - City 1st Waiid. . 2nd. k 3rd ithT -5th f - , Cth " 7th Conncilinen : J. J. WOLFENDEN. W. G. BRYAN. JK. BAILEY, i HENRY L. HALL. JOHN F. HANFF, Sr. WM. WOOLAED. J. L- WXTKINS. Trustees of Hew Berne Academy : Hon. M. E. MANLY. D. T. CAKRAWAY, Esq. Hon. C. C. CLARK. J. S. LONG, Esq. We notice among the arrivals at the Ga3ton House last evening that of onr friend " Mike ' Woods, IT. S. Deputy Marshal. Fish, Mabkbt. Herring were the principal :Sah brought to market yesterday, and sold at $6.50 per thousand. "Albany beef" sold at 5 cents per lb, and a jplentiful . supply ...was noticeable.. v . .-..; Cooking Stoves. We notice at Messrs. Cutler 6 Gates, on Middle Street, several' now and beautiful pRttriis'ia4he-waj4s6oklDg-Te which were received last week by the steamer Terry from New York. l'y V,.'5"' I. O. G. T. A regular communication! of Athens Lodge, IO. G. T., will De held this Tuesday evening April 28th, at Lowthxop Hall Election of officers. ' : B. Gates, Secfy. r : " ' I Chanced. The meeting of the Chamber ? of Commerce called for this evening has been postponed to Tuesday night next, that being the day for the annual meeting, at which the election of officers? for the ensuing, year takes Pebsonal. Hon. Geo. W.. Brooks, Judge of the U. S4 District? Court, arrived in the city last evening, and is stopping at the Gaston House. Also, U. S. District Attorney, li. C. Badger. ; , V: '-: v- v r . ' - '" - V- . .";-':;.;. ; CoMMSKDABiLE. The following appeal to the generosity of the citizens of New Berne amd vicinity was being circulated yesterday by Mr., Juliu3 Ash for aid to suffering humanity, to which our people are liberally responding: "Another terrible calamity has befallen two of our sister, States : Louisiana and Mississippi cry for help in their distress. After struggling for years to rise from poverty, caused by a dis astrous war, they are now in a starving condi tion, having been visited by a flood which spared neither man nor beast in its course of destruction; thus the accumulation of years of, toil have been swept away, and. those who had plenty are now crying for . bread. v . y : ; Contribute your mite: toward their relief, and the Giver of all blessings will reward you for so doing.' Cannzj Gpoiw of all kinds, and Crosse Blackwell's Pickles, at C. E. Slotkb's. & - place. . Tempebancb. The Stte Temperance Conven tion (colored) convenes at Raleigh to-day, Dele y gates from "Star of the South," and t'Star of V Bethlehem Lodges, L O; G. T. left this city yes , terday morning to' represent their respective or ganizations in the good cause. i rtijaiMixiia;'--T& 'Aihii ' Dramatic Club, will give another entertainment at the Theatre to ' morrow evening. , A very interesting and enter. 1 taining programme has been carefully arranged ; to the end that all may enjoy a rich treaL We hope the Club will be greeted by a full house. Chambxb' or. Commeiice. A meeting., of tha New Berne Chamber of Commerce takes place Tuesday next at Patterson's HalL We. think it would bewell for that influential body to take" some action in their corporate capacity towards encouraging our. cotton factory enterprise. " ; i Base BaLi As per notice the match game between the two Base, Ball Clubs of this city takes place tdayv and as there ia considerable interest manifested by the friends of, the cluba, a large attendance i expected. ; We learn that seats will be " provided for; the ladies.-who are - esoeciallv invited, to witness the came,' which comes off at 2 o'clock P. M.. near the railroad depot. . 3Iabsied, At tho New Street Methodist Epis copal Church, by the Rev. W. C Gannon, this Tuesday morning, April 28th, 874, . at ik o'clocki Mr. Jakes Manweix, of this city, and , Miss Geosoiak R. Hanks, daughter of the late Edward Hanks, of Plymouth, N. C j The haoDV couDlCas we learn, departs oa this morning's train for New York. i - - v - -- - . . . Mixixa Soap. Blany. of our . readers in the - country may prefer making their, own, soap However, many tare , trouble in getting :godc nnfln. Hickorv ashes are th best, but those from sound beech, maple, or almost any kind of hard wood, save oak, will answer. Make, a leach by setting boards in a trough in V slixe. In this way the strength of the ashes is better obtained, and it may be taken, to pieces when of in use. and laid ud. Put in the bottom of the leach a few sticks: over these spread a piece of carpet or woolen cloth, which is better than ' ktraw; put W a tew Jnesyp(jfyom four to eight quarts . of lime ; fill witJi; ashes, v moistened, and damp down tamp, the firmest in the centre. , Take about four gallons of lye, and boil up thoroughly with this twelve pounds " of clear grease, then add the lye as it is obtained, keeping a slow fire and stirring often, until you have a barrel of soap. Waseebd Ashobs. Our readers will remember reading in last ! Friday's issue of the Newbbb nian, an account of the heroio fight of Duncan's cat with a large rat on the market wharf ; that pussy and his ratship fell into the basin and both were drowned. We learned at a late hour last night that the. dead combatants were, found on the beach at Hog Island, , where . they had been washed, ashore during the recent wind storm, and that they "were still interlocked as when they fell into the market basin, i We did not learn whether tha coroner had been , notified of tho fact that the bodies had been recovered! Obstbuctions. For the v information 6f all concerned, we publish the, following Ordinance in relation to obstructing Sidewalks or Streets in the city of New. Berne ; . ; - -v;,f ? . It is ordained that , no boxes, barrels, pack ages or other species of obstruction shall be allowed to remain upon any of the sidewalks or streets of the city" for a longer time than six, hours. Provided, z -That : this Ordinance , shall not apply to any boxes, barrels, packages or other ' obstructions , that does, not extend more than three feet from any building. ' t ' ' Any person violating this Ordinance shall be subject to a penalty of not less ' than two nor mora than five, dollars, for each and every offence. ' ; And in default of payment, shall be impris oned or put to work on the streets of tho city at the discretion of the .Mayor. ' - . - Homs-Madk Mats. --Take.the smallest bits of cloth, left after cutting clothes, or preparing the materials for any carpets. Pieces over an inch square are too large, so it can : easily be seen that this' way of making rugs will use up the pieces, otherwise of no account except for the rag-bag. These little bits must be strung on a cord, the.edge being ; raveled, out so as to pre sent a soft, fuzzy appearance, and wound and sewed like the; braids in a braided matj it will be difficult to distinguish it from chenille, work. In regard to colors, you must consult your own taste. The style called hit-or-miss, in which you use all colors indiscriminately, as they are most convenient, has often a very good, effect, if plenty of bright colors are used ; in any other case it is apt to have a dingy look. Decided con-, trasts, or shades of the same color are better in mats of this kind. S Reoistbabs and Inspectobs. 1st Ward Wm. L. Palmer, registrar; Thos. Powers and Jona than Whaley inspectors. . 2nd Ward Geo. W. Nasou. .Jr.. registrar; E. W. Carpenter and Thomas Stanly, inspectors. . 3rd Ward Richard Tucker, registrar: Wm. W. Lawrence and Wm. Hollister, insiieotbrs. 4th Ward Robert C Kehoe, registrar E. A. Richardson and Alley Baker inspectors. 5th Ward H. P. Hickman, registrar; Robert G. Mosley and J. A. Simpson, inspectors. 6th Ward John .11. Good, registrar; Quash Slade and William H. Warland, inspectors, v 7th Ward Joseph Mumf rci, registrar; Closes T. Uryan and Jacob Taylor, inspectors. The city election is to be held on Monday the 4th day of May, 1874, that the polls to be opened at six o'clock, A. M., and closed at seven o'clock, P. M; Sicxxt. A prominent white Republican and gentleman' of culture, in"' answer to our query on yesterday as to the state of his health, r; marked thivt he was quite unwell; that he had been sick ever since the recent City Convention when .Trustees ' for the New Berne Academy were nominated; that he was a candidate for the position, but that he stood no sight what ever with the colored aspirants. Who wouldn't be sick under the circumstances ? , . - Attention Pabents. 4-Yesterday in passing up Craven' Street, 'we saw two children, one white and. the other colored not more than ten, years of age, who seemed to, ba engaged, in a quarrel, , judging from their belligerent4 posi tion, one having a large knife open in his hand, ' and the colored boy a large brick or stone in his. A gentleman across the way called to the white boy ta put np his knife, and while his, head, was turned, the other struck him upon the head with the missile he held and ran. No serious damage was done, we suppose, but parents cannot be too careful about cau tioning their children in reference to such matters. . - . j - :--.. ' . ,.- - ' ' J- P-d'"' ' For tae. Nevberaiaa. " WKBSES." . - , I i 3 ' Gaston House, April, 27. S. Oettenger; J. Nunn an4 : a Wj Noble, Kinston, N. ;C., C. A. W. Barham, M. Wood. A. Day, and D Jones, Goldsboro, N. C. ; W. T. Perry, Browns ville, Tcnii. ; Judge Brooks, Elizabeth City, N. C.;IL C. Badger and J. B. Hill, Raleigh, Nl C; W. j. jTaylorJ Snow Hill, N. C; M. Woods, Swansboro,: N "C," - :: - ' Bateman HociE, Apjil . 27. Geo. W. Dill, IMorehead City, N. C ; Edwin O. " Betts, Jones County, N. CL; John S. Palmer, Onandaga, N. Y. ; A. N. Merrill, Boston) ilass. ; Arthur Emory, . Baltimore, Md. A. McCabe, and E. Zebeller, Tarboro, N. C. J. EL Payne, HitlsboroJ. N C. : l01d King Cole was a merry old soul, A merry, old soul was he ! x He called for pipe, and he called for wine, And he called for his fiddlers three." Much to delight of the nursery !" So Richard King is a ' President King, And President King is he ! ' And now he'll cease from his toil, And take "salad" on his oil, For that's what he's worked for. ' ' V And President King is Jupiter-sent, Oh ! Jupiter-sent is he ! And W11 fitATltM oi-nVirvrr wtliit anvinL-Inn Of those with whom he don't agree. ' So bevrare, when you go to part your hair J C:- !.'.-i;:; - '-' V; ' ' We've beat them at last," is hia bugle blast, And a powerful blast blows he ! Then ceases from toil and takes "salad" on oil And laffs" with a wondrous glee. Mine Got ! Mynheer! Pass lager beer ! I'm ' shaky. . DeCoveelt. Geo. H.! Brown', . Merchant, W. U. Newi York. . r., Washington, N. C; J. E. Tel. Co.; Oscar W. Fowler, Craven Superior Court. The Railboad Mattes Definitely Settled. In- our Sunday's issue, in alluding to the Railroad question which has been disturbing the community for so. long a time, we stated that the " muddle was ended " by. the appoint ment of Hon. George Green as Receiver, and it was supposed that there the matter Would rest for, some time. Such, however, was not the case, as we understood yesterday that " Mr. Stanly said he was no longer President. The following report made, to the" Coarthy Judge Green will show how the matter ended this time : " The people of North Carolina! on the relation of R. W. King, M. E. Manly, L. W. Humphrey, Jno. C Rhodes, L. J. . Moore, Cnas. 11. Harper, Anthony Da vis, R. F. Lehman arid W. T. Faircloth, plaintiffs, 4 vs. E. R. Stanly, a R. Thomas, W. B. Duncan, Isaac Ramsey, M. F. Arendell, B. L. Perry and J. L. Morehead, defendants. To lion. TF. J. Clarke, Judge of said Court ; Having been heretofore appointed by your Honor, Receiver in this casm of the Atlantic & N. C. Railroad Company, and of all the rolling stock,' the road, money, effects, corporate seal, and ' all other property of said company, I beg leave to report, that the said roadrolling stock, corporate , seal, money and all other prop erty of said Company has been delivered by the defendant, E. R. Stanly, as late President and C R. Thomas, W. B. Duncan and Isaac Ramsey, to R. W. King, President of .said Company, which surrender is and has been assented to by me. I respectfully ask" to be discharged from the said office of Receiver and from all the re sponsibility attached thereto. Ceo. Geeen. 27th April, 1874. : , After hearing the report of the Receiver, Judge Clarke ordered that he and his bond be. relieved from all further responsibility in the matter. '' ; About 11 o'clock A. M., Mr. Stanly turned over the ''books, papers, corporate seal, money and other property! to Mr. King, who at once took possession. ' I . :i t 4' jOIemoriam Whebeas, It has pleased the Supreme Archi-: tect of the Universe to summon from his labors upon earth our ; beloved brother Wm. A. Cox, calling him by His Omnipotent will to that judgment which awaits all who are toiling in cms eartniy tempie, ana, -, Whebeas, The ties by which we have so lonir been j bound in mutual friendship and love to our. respected Mother, have for a time been severed, to be reunited no more,, till the voice of God shall arouse (mr slumbering bodies, from the grave; therefore, , s , , , Jttsolvedy That ! while we sincerely mourn the, departure of i our . esteemed and beloved brother, we wilt ever fondly cherish a. remem brance of his love1 for the brethren, and hia devotion! and fidelity) to the principles of the Uraternity. , Resolved, Thai we truly sympatize with the relations and friends of our deceased brother, and tender them that consolation given, only by Him,, ( who has said, " Come unto me, all ' ye that labor and are-heavy laden and I will give you rest;" and! that we will wear the usual badge 6f mourning for thirty days. ' Resolved, That ! a copy of this Preamble, and Resolutions be fuinished the family of our de ceased brother; to the Kihston Gazette for pub lication, and the Nw Berne papers be requested copy. . t I -" 1 J. M. F. Rhopxs, :-, . t Bkxj. Brock, Jb,, - Cob. ' t Tros.'J. Whitakeb, ; AlriLrNEBr. -Th4 Cheapest Millinery ever brought to this city, we have just purchased for Cash at panic prieejs. and will sell accordingly. Come all i who want Cheap Hats, - etc, etc, and See - ..; -, h j S: U Mbs. M. D. Dewet. " Opening, Thursday, April 23d. 21 Sale of Valuable City, Property, BY VIRTUE OP A 1EED OF TRUST EXECUTED th 27th day f May, 3 A. D. 1859. by T. T. Goodixur to A. T. Jerkins and Samvel E. Chapman, I will sell at pub lic auction at the Court-house door in the city of New Berne, N. C, on the 4th day of May, A. D. 187, the fol lowing valuable property : 1 The House and Lot situate at the northeast corner of Queen and Griffeth streets. , . Also House and Lot, 13 feet front, situate on the West side of Griffeth Street, just north of the lot occupied by Moses T.. Bryan. ' Also House and Lot,' about 133 feet front, situate on Griffeth Street, just north of above mentioned lot. i Also, northern half of Lot No. IIS," situate on the Western side of ast Front Street. I Also, part of Lot No. p8, situate at the northeast cor ner of Pollock and M ei calf Streets.' : - Terms of 6ale cash. : i i - ; r A . T. JSZtKINS, Trustee, li By Geo. Geekx, Atfy- a28td I I 4- 1 1 I MERCHANT'S CLUB HOITSS, 3 ' a . ; ' I i.. S I 8 - : - ' ' Craven St.. a f few doors below the i POsW OFFICE, HLs. Breakfast, .7i o'clock; Dinner, 1 o'clock; Supper, 7 i'clock. 1 V ' ft "'i:":- :' . ' --;' A few; Boarders by the week, day or meaL' al ways accommodated; at reasonable price. " I THE BAR, for there is one attached to this House, is always furnished with the best of Liquors and Cigars, Ale, and non-intoxicatinc iciuw viusi; ur no said I.. IIASSKLL, WMUi. PALMER, Manager. ' Proprietor. drinksi a26 ( JOHN HUTCHINSON, Gen'l Life and.Flrc Insnranre: Aar't. . -i w. c - ,i J i A Xv X 'Xr 13 1 ii 1 CI. TT" F A. 1 ow Berne, IV.' C KSTABiaSHED 1833. X : 6 XT T I CE Attorxxpy at Ia w, N E W B E R N E N . C . Practices in the Courts of the Third Judicial Distric Supreme Court of the State, and Federal Courts. 1 m f - i