Volume 1. HEW BERNE, N. 0., WEDN ESDA Y- MOBNING, MAT 6, 1874. Number 15. O L O O L . i . ; i ' -I 4 I J rro. TJiomns or n Wioiinuton, May o. f-.nTTr; : 1 rfn mx arrival last e this the Queen city of the State. your esteemed favor of Mi:. - I'ef.son-al We were pleased to meet last fveu iug,' our friend (V C. Whifehar-t, who represent s the Boot and, .Shoe house of Melius, Trafck, & Ripley,' of New York. . His many friends 'will be glad to learn "that5 he is enjoying his Usual robust health. I Hats, Straw Goods, Ac; By visiting the store of J. Havens,, comer of South Front and Craven Streets, dealers in this line can see sam ples of every variety of goods, from the house of Watrous, Boydeu, & Co., which establish ment is represented by our fellow citizen, Chas. H. Latham, Esq. f 1E 1MOCRATIC ICTORY IN ItOLUSBOKO. T K learn from nrivate sources that the Democrats in Goldsboro, elected on Monday, their Mayor, and three of the six Couneilmen Last year the Republicans! elected a Major and all of the Couneilmen. j Iettek Yet. The Raleigh Neie.9 informs lis that the 'Democracy of that city elected four of the nine City Commissioners at the election on Monday. This is the first time the Democrats have had any voice in city affairs there since 1868 The Xews further says that a majority would have been elected, had certain Democrats, as many as fifty-six, in one "Ward, done their duty. - ' i : ' I Radical, Convention. The Rada will meet in solemn conclave at the Theatre this morning at 10 o'clock, for the purpose of nominating' can didates for county officers, members of the Leg islature and delegates to the Congressional and Judicial Conventions. As there are a large number of candidates in the field for the differ ent offices, and the Congressional aspirants will be on hand to secure such delegates as will favor their nomination, a lively time may be expected. The Newbeknian will be represented, and' our readers may expect a faithful record of ,;: V . : '-- '.' Attention Housekeepers. Yesterday morn ing a lady in the city sent a colored servant boy to market to purchase meats for dinner, giving him a dollar for that purpose,. Having waited a much longer time than was necessary for boy to make the purchase, she concluded investigate the cause of his tardiness, and learn ing that he had been seen to enter , a bar-room in the vicinity of the market, sent in for him, and recovered a small portion only of the money with which he had been entrusted. Upon .being questioned he admitted ' that "4ie had gambled awav the balance with companions of his color. communication handed von just.. before White Berne. I a'm much obliged for th kind fcenmg. found the 1st : We are pleased to receive brief communicaSoiis j which are of general interest to the public, which j in must he accompanied by the real name of tne auJiovs ,v;tn "mine host f -I f'Ml 1 . - ?IT J J. as a guarantee ojgooa Taun, suca names .wuipw i ,,so ft of the XewsesnIax of the 28tih April Personal Or abusive communications will not be ! containing the printed, upon any ' consideration. j ast h 11, - I 187 1L Blk-k' ! or ft New luaianer; m which yon are pleased to speak of my views and suggestions, made public through the medium of your really valuable little paper, and ; trust tlie opinion you have expressed is shared by the entire Democratic portion of your readers, for I assure you, my dear sir, that jriy efforts, humble as they are, are directed to what I conceive to be the best interest of our misused and much abused people. Encouraged, therefore, by. what you are pleased to term "the opinions of many of our mutual friends, I and leading men of the party," I will give you as briefly as I can a synopsis of what you call my "gatherings," since my journeyings began. - j ! My business engagements have carried: me during the last few days to several of t lie prin cipal towns in this section of the Stale, both within and without the boundaries of i:he 2nd Congressional District, viz : Tarboro, whereby the way. I saw but baa not tne. pleasure pi a chat with him, our ' townsman, J. P. Dil ham, Esq., who, I was informed, is riot only doing well for himself, but occupies an enviable nbsition in the confidence and esteem of gentlemen with whom he is engaged. to Greeneville, Washington, Wilson, boro, Kinston nd "Wihnington, ' where the Thence Golds I shall remain to-morrow and next day, and then "start for the West." , In every place but this I have, made it my business to discuss the status of our party in the 2nd District, and the merits of our proposition to cast a solid Democratic vote for the Hon. C R. Thomas as our Congressional Representative, and I amhappy to say, sir, that with but few exceptions, our friends hot only think It the bestbut - xegard it as ur only chance of keeping the white man in the ascen-' dant. Those who object to I Judge jj Thomas, do so, not because they fear his devotion to the much as you are but if we vote he goes back to "Washington with the undef- it, the : negroes standstanding that he is to start 1 one, Von imeiiiing oest to make it ready, and wheri may look oiit, for if voif don't projihet. It will be negroes ion" S. soldiers backed by the . white other. I am in favor of the white mail's rule as! it is ( set , then; Fm no side and XJ. people on the for Thomas and : are going to give us trouble, will kick, kick hard, too. Thomas himself used to preach trine to them ; thfct if the white ed to take the vote away from and now for him to be the first won't do," and mark what I tell have all made up your minds ready to wade in and fight out, let Thomas alone, and let the1 him overboard, for at this time for; first along thev against it. Why, that very doc people! .attempi- bt,t iM you, unless you t hem J to man to try llf?t o to it, and are negroes throw i I think him a dangerous man for either side, and you will find him ,so if 3-011 get him elected." j But, my dear sir, I answered, yon were never more mistaken in vour life. True, . as .yon have strongl-i-, ai.d. with ui influential nxau and ia goixl speaker like Jjidge Thomas is. to advocate if and to puh at it until he gets it piisse'l. wo sluill be rd.l-right. All tlies negro eonncilmeii, negro members of the legislature, negro magis trates, negro policemen aud negro trustees of schools for white children will le turned out, and we shall have a white, man's government m reality, as well as in name. Therefore, e sk let us elect Thomas, if possible, and if we will uuiy wois logexaer, witn wnat negro votes lie is sure to carry, even if he fails to get the nomi nation, we can certainly do it. The " ccnversli tioii did not end here, Mr. Editor, but this is sufficient to give you an idea of the sentiment prevailing for and against Thonias'. being, sup ported by the democrats. I would finish- it, but have not the time now and must therefore close.; Before doing so however, let me say to! the Democrats of the Second Congressional District, to look well to their interests, and lei the name of Hon. C. R. Thonias be the watch word. Democrat. said, we cannot say with I certainty, what the Republican party are going to do with the ne gro,' but Judge Thomas will not attempt to act in the matter, unless he is I assured of a strong support from his party friends', and as to a fight with the negroes, it is absurd there will be they time thousands of soldiers sent know what is coins on, land! when comes you will find .everything as busr in a rutr." Y'ou will admit that here before 1 - the snug as a every re- the conclusion are growing very They see as' well South is disgust- cent act of the party tends td that the Radicals of the nor tired of their black cohorts. as we do that negro rule in the ihg men in the country, and sapping the foun dation of their power. They recognize the fact that a change of some sort ia imperatively nec essary that the policy of legislating jthe unlet tered African to the equal of the intelligent white man, is" driving them to the wall, and that it is only a question of time, and sx Very Rhorf time at that, when the white people of the i Mil rule the South. ! VvTieh SJilth the i tlajl comes, . as returns, duly and" come it will, they. know thait as a national party their power is gone, forever.! They understand great principles ;w..vcKsrr5-l''-Mj4io 4itl taU tlxings in tlxis country ns; -well fmcl better than we who live here seeing tnat, whenever and wherever or negro supremacy but because tney tiunk he will advance in that direction too rapidly. j In answer to the question, "Why are you un- j s been made upon color, the white willing to support Judge Thomas put leading Democrat of -, he rejilied, do, and therefore;, to MEMoaiAii Seevices. The 10th of May occur- to a " Be cause I think he would bring trouble upon us, which, just now, we are not prepared to meet. I know Thomas well; he is terribly vindictive and his prejudices fully aroused, turn at once to a sort of vicious hate, and he will I sacrifice heaven and earth to glut his revenge. I am satisfied, therefore, after the manner in which Dudley and others of the negroes have spoken j of andtreated him, that if he- is j returned to : Congress by the aid of Democratic votes, he j will attempt in some way to' change the law in the issue men have swept everything before- them, the indications are that they are preparing to take care of thenj- selves, and to let Cuffee take care of himself. They find that he is beginning to clamor for office; to call for a division of spoils,' and is not satisfied with voting, but 'demands a part of tlie Now'this was not apart of the iug this" year on Sunday," the " 3Iemorial Ser- regard to negro suffrage, that not. more than vices" will take place on Saturday afternoon, one negro in fifty will.be allowed to vote, ow AT Qftt All nPTsnns intprested are reonested as to the question in the abstract, 1 whether the to( assemble on the Academy Green at 4 P. when they will be formed in procession by M., the Chief Marshal and his assistants, and proceed negro snail. oe aiiowjed to vote or not, 1 care no more than you do, but to have , the right taken away from him suddenly, -and he knowing that emoluments also, contract when they gave vote, thev did so in order . L : . . - them to the exclusion of j him the right to that he might vote for the Southern whites, never dreaming that they: would be called upon t vote for him. . But things have undergone a wonderful change since then! to the Confederate Mausoleum ; in Cedar Grove I Thomas had brought Cemetery, where the ceremonies will take p The order of exercises will be as follows : 1st. Prayer, by Rev. W. C. Gannon - . 'i 2d. Music, by the Choir. 3d. Poem, by Rev. L: C. Vav. 4th-rMusic, by .the Choir. ; ; '.' 5th. Address, by Maj. Tho4. Sparro w. 6thl Music, by the Choir. . . ; ''' 7th. Benediction.i - : 8th. Strewing flowers. it about through) spite, ace. because a portion of the negroes j abused him j and tried to prevent his re-electi6n, would, I j think, makes tunes in this part of j thej country j right smart liyely, for a sh6rt while any how." i Why, said I, you surprise me. Do you really j mean what you say ? ' Yea," he replied, . I do; j for I tell you Thomas is just the man jto doit." j Butr sujely, I asked him, you" do hot thin"k he j would attempt to take away the negrs vote, l unless he was satisfied the Radical ' rltxrtT was ' Saparior molasses, breakfast bacon, all kinds -of sugar, fresh parched coffee, fine teas, all kinds otyeast powder3,yeast cakes, codfish, Irish pota toes, and fine pigars at.low prices at . ICE. Slovbb's Readiso Circle: The regular meeting! of the 1 v-i 1 P3ycneanReding Circle will be neld at the re sidence of the President, F. C. Roberts, Thursday evening, the 7th inst. Esq. H. C. Stevenson, Secretary, ; Among the early Puritan settlers of Charles- town, Mas., was Mr. Waita while Makepeace prepared to sustain him ? ! He certainly would not get up by himself and j introduce a resolu tion to that effect, Would he ? "jYes; he has such an infernal temper, that wlien once en- j raged he becomes perfectly reckless as j to what he says and does. He keeps mad sometimes lor weexs, ana during tnese spells lie would face the devil himself. He never forgets an in jury, and be will make these negroes kee sights before he is done with them. As to the Radical party sustaining him, or that it is! ready right now to throw the negro) overboard j of course I can't say, but I can tell you one thing if Thom- as gets back to Congress, he will do his level undergo: Thei negro not Only claims the right to vote and to hold the highest offices in the land,) but boasts- himself their social as well as political equal. The re suit of all which, my dear sirisjustjthis: The Yankees are a shrewd peopleT" They see from the way things are going that they have1 got io admit the negro into full jind complete social fellowship, or repudiate them entirely to elect them President and Vice Psesident, or exclude them from office altogether. do this, or the negroes . One thing or the other; w comes I !: They have got o 1 1 repudiate them. there - is- -hoj middle the'"rub." The ground. . j But here' power in the South is fast passing ,rpm'the ixei gro to the 1 white man, and. knowing this, thejf. acts, notwithstanding theiik Words tp the con trary, give unmistakable signs that the day fdk not far distant, when Cuffee will ha5re ! to seek other fields for the employment of his talents; than those of politics. j - Now von r-Jin ra. sir. wbv va sir. - ' . ' , !f , I for Judge Thomas to be returned- tq so anxious Congress. If a negro goes there from this district; "arid the question in relation to the status of his race arises, or an amendment to the constitution ex eluding him from office, jjs introduced, he Sof course, will vote and do all iu his power against it; but if we have a whitej man there, who lis opposed to negro supremacy, and in favor, of the white man's rule, which means that men only shall hold office, white we are just one .vote CiTr Councii.. The old Board of Cifv Coun nil met persuant to adjournment, at 9 o'clock yesterday morning, all the members being present exce.pt Councilman Gihrie, ; of the Second Ward. ' The minutes of last meeting were read by City Clerk Burton and approved. On motion, the Board proceeded t0 canvass the several wards, and upon count, of the following gentlemen were declared elected as . , First Ward. J. J. Wolfenden: Second Ward. Win. G. Bryan; Third : Ward, -James Campbell; Fourth Ward, Joseph Nelson; Fifth Ward, Benj. McGee ; Sixth Ward, Amos York; Seventh Ward, Virgil A. Crawford. ; TKUSTEES NEW BEKNE ACADEMY: Georso B. WiUis. David X. Kilburn Joseph Nelson were declared elected for the Tegular term, " three year3, and Amos York de clared elected to fill vacancy. i ...j On motion, the City Clerk was requested; to read ;the minutes of the proceedings of the Board in session, which,after being approved, Councilman Crawford moved to adjourn sine die. The new members being present, upon the adjournment of the ' old lioard, . were ! about to I convene,-when a stampede wag made by the re elected members for a private place outside the Council room, in order that they might caucus upon the Mayoralty question, there being two candidates in the field for that high and; honor able position. After an iibsenee of forty min utes more or less, thecaucusers returned, when all were sworn in by His Honor Mayor Palmer, and the new Board proceeded to business by first voting the temporary chairmanship to Gonncijman Nelson, who announced that ! the election of a Mayor was -first in order.! v j Councilman Crawford proposed Mr. Nelson, and Councilman McGee nominated Mr. Camp bell, when by consent, an informal ballot was taken . which resulted as follows: Campbell 3, Nelson 3, Bryan 1. A formal ballot was then had when Mr. Campbell received 4 votes and Mr. Nelson 3. ; ' ' '.' !. 3Ir. Campbell having 'received the majority vote, it wfct on motion, declared that his elec tion - j 1 be made unanimous; whereupon "1 His' Honor after being duly qualified, took his seat ( as presiding officer of the new Board.! - . : Next in OTder was the election of a Treasurer, . . . . .. . 1 . which position, after the ninth ballot, was awarded to 'Cdunciman Amos York. ; Several ballots .were had for City Clerk, which resulted in the election of Emanuel Merrit- 35 f "Benjarum Jacobs re-election to the. office of CitvTax Collector was made unanimous. 1 W. G - Turner wds. upon motion, unani mously re-elected City Marshal. - ; I I On motion of Councilman Nelson, 1 the elec tion of Policemen was postponed until the next session of the Board which adjourned subject io call of the Mayor. j Ex-Mayor Palmer upon delivering the City Seal into the custody of the new Mayor, made a few appropriate and well-timed remarks' which were listened to by the many auditors present with great interest and attention. Hotel Arrival. Gaston HorsE, May 5. Jno. W. I Bryan. Stonewall, N. C. ; Mrs. Tilling and daughter, M. White, Kinston; C. C. Whitehursti New York; F. Mowbray, Baltimore; E. Harvey, city. i I i. j- -