f -1 A t Published Dally, -,m1 Weekly on Craven Street. rtoJi vi I--"p- sUj tr. at-rteru. "-forth Carolina, by III RATES OF ADVERTISiliG III DAILY. " :-! - - A- ! ...jiA IBTiariela-rtloa....... , . TRRAIK OP SUBSCRIPTION. rry succeeui-i ui" r 18.00 ,.6.aiQ.. jlyrtR $ 45.00 1 SQUAJrJS . 2 SQTJAJlXa 3 SQOAaXa 4 SQPAKXS tCOLPlfpT i OOLU-tJl coi0-ur 6.00 8JOO r 11.00 14.00 20X0 ? 30.00 60.00 $ 13.50 f 210 S0.0O ... 87.60 , - 60.00 v 75.00 .145.00 $ 24.00 S3.60 ,s 63.00 63.00 , .90.00 185.00 .2G5.00 4.00 To clubs of ten one yeart, ............70.0v .......... J. 33.00 .'.V.....;r. ' a.so ........... 1.50 100.00 : i 130.00 ! :i80.00 250.00 , 450.00 To ehjbs of ten aft months..;.. IN THE BRICKT.BLOCK, J EAST SIDE iOF CRA.VEH STREET. f 'M - ""ektr or year. . ...... j. aix montht.... lnb Of ti:weekly.;ona year ao.oo 'in Aclatjof ten, weekly, six inonths 1 : C;LTUESDAY;r MCEMER ;25:m ' ; ;TPiicE Fite Cents UsiciAtOoirriucTS for advertiahir' to Weekly wiU be j ii '-; ' ..'"-' . f 4"" f ' " ' ' . ' '; made upon equitaMe terns. ... ,4 ... ;;j r.; -? .. 10.00 A J ...v 'J ' jbJ ' ' , .... inn,! ;i; 1 " i . - .. 4 .. . .. .5 . .. . ..... ;,.., .im.'.i ."f i i.rii i r: "orLtKiii .. t civ'i.,'4 r. ;.' a f'.-J'---' ..':?? I ("i I-' ' ' ' "' . 1 M LQQAL DEPARTMENT77" it. taw DKT AIX THIMOB rrr Wtiaaro AniKT.NTIONAI.1WBOMa. BuVVE j , V ,fXB AH ACCIDSKrAX OHK. MtJBDEB AT CbOATav. TTi-k..-u Vn . , - . . . . -u.,allus or 1 -rr-VV pecm Magistrate's Courtvas 1 HoldTeaterday.by JQalioe Osgood, agisted W neiAllentT'ioha Ives? W. T, Bright rJ TOlB0f WWe witnesses in. SaTlSSU Me1 of Lbanon. f1 discharged soldier from the 2d ffe? -ow charged, with ---.v u mnmer oi Gabriel Hudta. &a'M''rathe' . TB extmination elicited a rVi , uoent to warrant commitment, but developed - oino Jextoordinarw , X WenaF(k to PTe m brief - I i ; , , uJoyes,Wfirst Witness, Wa, Cn the room! hS" he had . r-.i---ir L .r" w u Aiier some conversa tion, p left the room but immediately returned folTowedty three others, who wijhlhe moTthor SnSilvTT8emande,d e rrenSf Se a22JvV1n'r?Pliedftat he was un i??6 nTthing they wished; but snare Vpon this a low thick setegro rffi hi. gun, and shot Hardison through fhTiSSl WaUing lntp: the fire. The murderer noweT "oto 2k J1 t? get. A pocket book. ' J - . Yffitarted lor a 8maU store-hoa.e kent by JvesMere they found a quantity of xfqno? ?ter80eJ fapposing, he would not at! SPifWl di8tace was short. Iv" teat T,pOQwluch murderers made a hasty 1e wSt. tTder N0De f --ld LTm,SS?- 8tory ith murder: 'In it we hear 5 Wthe man IfcCrellis. ' . .! i Miss mmeline Kobertsou, was next introduced and deposed follows; She was on a visit to an,' C bT rektive. residing near Cmatah. prisoner came, and gave the following ac count of himself. : , i He had" been a TJnion soldier, had left a wife anddaqghter m Massachusetts. Upon his re tOra hOmelijs found his, wife in the arms of a ho tel keeper, "n Lo well, and killed her at once. She had spent the $3,001 he left with her. n 6w took , a steamer , and came back ' to riewbern,; went to farming upon a plantation , belongipgioj, L. Bhem, was robbed of hia cot ton, 2 mules. A horses, fca He concluded tq lejive Newbern, " It was an awful place. . Thle negroes were getting ready to rise; they had nothing to eat; ho rights no equality; no nothing, Ac. Was on his wy to Beaufort W. T. Bright had seen -him pn Friday evening going down the road, and again on Saturday coming tip. . iVLoo Lllen and Thomas Tolson live at Croatan Station.. McCrellis came tn their bona a allin t ?PPr time on Friday evening, and in oonversa tipn stated i substantiallv as above. He asserted thjat'he was on his way to Beaufort to take steara r; Iorlh.t,' Remained at the house uatil the train came, and was seen to get on it- . 1 . ; Just before the train came. Mortimer Mitche!L a colored) man, saw three negroes and a white man tring jn a ditch, near Tolson 's house. They saw Mitchell, and cocked their guns, upon which ne ran,, on, and reported to, Vine Alien Tolson, wno tnereupon left Mcvrelhs and ran home. The - men then got up from the ditch and dmmeared. jAU these statements went to clear McCrellis; although his actions j and language - were most extraordinary.' ' '-.- "., i . . . . i .-."..'- : lUcCrelHs was next put upon the stand and stated as follows- :-r ..- -mj- . ..' aa cwn m J. u. aoout nve weess : was a native lot Lawrence Massacuselts ; had been in service three years; discharged last September at fomitnvHie ;, nact left awife at home ; she left - him V .was with the proprietor of the Montezuma Mouse"; all the tales about killing her were, lies ; ail the story about hia farming wax a lie ; he had ! bed god deal; had boarded with Smiths J. ; r Vi X Tult.' .l ' ww:" uoMthegviofits4eTrovdEC . Mrs. JucCreIli8; had talked with a great many . , , ,.',..'1,1,,, nekrreea: thev anoke of a determination to rise: Tictory." frrasdnahed noU the negroes didn't get their rights; they wanted if the 'noTl'hamar didii't heln fhem tViev wonlld I heln thm aeeah if mr hod v didn't heir thein they would help themselves;-vblood and thun- a Ik JU v i a U n T u X a " 1 The cotuVt, after having all the evidence,, con- eluded these was not enough evidence to convict the tnlsoner: but still enoucrh to make it certain L-i 1 ivJii j 1 '.l. ..itu.: v 1 a a -l a j j v. , I hood cenred. He deBired to go orth and the I court agreed ta let him jjo, but remanded Mm to 1. .'L f . . . . I jau .until snob, time as he or some one else should raise the necessiry funds to pay expenses. Thswaa; to say the leaeV a very singular le- n s 1 1 ft 11 ri at ir-w inTi ia ia 1 u it r- a iicuaca. . 1 i aLdeoiMftn. Waa h oniltv ? TTa should have 0 i & -y I been sent forward to court If he was not he should now be somewhere else than in the coun ty goL 1 That's all we know about it ', W HOI.KHA T.K ABEBiTS IMTOSTANT ACTIOK Of TJ. S. AuxHoariTES at Eoanoke Islaitd. -It will be remembered that not loni? nce ' the steamer Stirbtonibouad for New Orleans, went, ashore and was wrecked on Body Island. She was immediately boarded by th natives of the vicinity, and passengers and vessel plundered to thd extent of over a hundred thousand dollars. These facts being . represented - to Insurance Companiee .interested in the Sheridan, a ressel va HinAvhi - . .k.-iihr n 5nA I 1 igate tbe matter. The. result of bis labors led to the arrest of some 20 or more wreckers, who are . now confined at Roanoke Inland.- Commissioner Lehman will go on tbe Brooks to that place,' this morning, for tbe: purpose of ex aininh)!? and eominittincr ' tha nnrt-r. It ia SUP- . ; Pbked thafi Akfeir trial will ha ..d to this dis- - .Jlct. .- ..: -X ' : . ... , ' .: y 1 -:. Tf Thioxe sAkeme-otheb EepttbiiIcak CHi, StrBW-fehasnot heard of Schamyi? . a - ... " vvoy.tne lamous Circassian cmex-u. . " f I - fortti nun aca 11 :.ki. -rnw v TfndBia f - xuiKufcy , a b moMUi Ih. 'roftl,.. ri, . . .(:,,'. : -1 . i W.ll. Schars WiV kneeled and - Wed th.handVof the Czar of . aU the Bosaias-, . Kuodged that hia life ha. been an er- : ;Mn4.regretted4hath had not time to undo r.Vortvvf.r-t.on'Maha has riven the. Em- tin;' " vrr " , , i0warhi.i ,1 i . t, 'wivw yiiMJIy Maif - - - ti.st'B. n .i.. ull .'!;'' I . 1 MMli v, : . . . ; .. ll i slcBDri Nkar Ktnstow. We learn that a ne- PO wis -shftf f;w;nn Thomas Hill, about nine T" I : fiWfrom Kinston oh finnday last. h TV w. r - I Hill killed I t r 1 Cr.m a R wa rvt fiio c m and is said to Dm fiart . ... . . . i:iiArt 1 infrane.-' it ecems ineru w-. , pr0TxatoD m either'ihstac'e: Hill was staying 1 h tbe hegro'an Vecoming somewhat intoxt- .7i?f wbbed him, then .shot him and area up another negro shortly aitenrards.- . r ' - - Tor the Journal Theeifted penof Irvine haa' iMi' fc the dea4 to the W; .VV 'aronnd-n. Z mementoes of the departed, and r. reminded of vBe ociationahich bound - them to Bs Jn affectionate regard until the' scenes of life doked upon them foreTetJtheir Tirtoes surviTe Vr en, let tneir jmpfection be buried deep forgetfoJneaaj, Yesterday they er witi - ...... "1 .. , ,. HUUI VJ mingle th their kindred element.: If ig"aad to COnlAtnnlafa 'i.i.'"' , " ' L , , i , uu mh. 'wiin loyav no& 4ark Wiethe shadow, that eather arori-' th. grare, the last restin; place ciiij&w'&uZ - " -T me.-V, flp letellar. th Knraiiuow-fraii the human form 1 Hov erea tn empire of death f tsml-M .St. . - 6vo : v, oaaaj ana ruans waving tops, stands the ' Ann Street Methodist Episcopal ?h$rc1ir- Around it arise in calm and mournful simplicity, a eity of.tombs; Generation alter generation, for- acentnry, ix habit its Jsilent mansions.' 'These are' Beaufort'a honored dead, from whom the present Veneration e descended. Many a stricl?wf w2 grief oTe loved ones. who. sleep within it credprecncta Theagedtod the young have found rest from worldly cares," under the Hhade of those beautiful eVergreeM tbitab apriaii ly symbojize immortality itself, -e It is a placa of rest for the "weary and heavy laden," npoiv whom the frotUj of years have Men WfceaTilf Ji ii i place of est for; the young, , for ere trouble'e cloudy day had adTanced into the noon of sin, the hoped of a better world sprang upward from the. tomb. , Affection has paid its tribute to those no more. The, -monumental, marble telli the simple story f many, wha reposo 'beneath ? its shadow, while the f'nnletkr'd muser designateaf many a lijtle mound, wh.erajhe poor have ren dered their homage,to tho?e dear to them in life. The light tof the gospel shines upon ihe living over the silent homes of the dead, to' guide man from eartlj to, the happlerealinslSbove; In the miastoi tnese memorials of mortality, , is seen the grave of the stranger, separated from'' kin dred and friends by the wide sea, over whose 'bo som be had spread the flag "of his country, and beneath whose blue waves repose a sister's form, wbo perished while on W pngrimage to this mecca of affectiori and love.1 But with 'the sainted dead all is well. t The inclement clime of human life" has bien exchanged for that beautiful land beyond the dark stream of time.': -1 They dread, no sorm that lpwer, No perish;il joys bewail; 'U They plack no thorn.-cJad flowers, - , . . . . i . i 1 or drink the streams that fail,- . I There jis no tear-drop in their. eye, No chAnge uDon their brow. 'I Their placid bosom heaves no sigh, t . In dwelling uptra fa itubjerctof such melancholy interest, a name occurs to the maid, endeared to the hearts of the liyiiig, by .tender and grateful association. Jielerenc.is..made tothe Eer. John Rum ey, a local minister fef ! the' Methodist Episcopal Ohorch. ' His usefulness cannot be es timated. iVhether administering the sacraments of religion to the dying, or uniting witting hearts in the bone ;s of wed led love;1 oir performing the last iad, rites 6 ver t h e J depn'rted, - he ; has " al ways exhibited in bejiutifut relief, 'ipharjicter of, ex alted piety! and , a .heart; overflowing: with -.ho-- man kindness. ' In all our families: his -name jis as familiar as a ;'.hous4h61cl.word.'l7 In3eed hia services ha re "been so general,' that' theoss Jpf such ajnaEwoul4 leave a blajkJ&.theiCOiamn nity, which can only be contemplated JWith aor rowing efflfotions.,f "Wbetf I sehiiy"iiiariIf(f God who'has daneW much for the cause ' of "siereif truth; who bpiinglediniOujojSQandAniwn aerrbwi. X think. ofOsathanisl of ol6wI ed over our fan Israelite indeedfu'whom W6igdc'il-'A It is the j3, the. iilgTlgHmm Wofill ?Dpft of earthhepomrahre "' i ' i " The breezy call of incense breathing morn, Tbe swallow twitteringtroTheswbnflt shed, The eock shrilFclarion. "h h9 eolibini horn. 3 No moreShklluse tfiemiheif IdSdy-bOd. , " nf,;fAf- yMinhw Tr irrtJi el.rdw A , W6caWorescapuiaIirei aesjrojeriftiori nia empire ia WHnaiTthithhjimAttJfcei rise iting alike tibe'Crowded -Vaoiits:tfteCh,3and: the far off wilderness wherCthe Oregon hears ho - .- 7 -f ? it. ; .-!Jr iS 80uadsavb mown.hfAhean;. loot: hnnr is Uia. hnchtast that caA dawn irnon. an- last hour is the brightest that can dawn upon, an- undying soul: while the tinbeliever 'views1 In ter- ' - . . t 1 . '1 Shorn- TJeCWian uu"u ."?',RH"4W w.ft.r .WLff . 4: J.l.ii.. i. v. .v - .vjum -f-t-M" . w-7r forget the noble and consoling xoras-ox tnepoe, whose chaste muse sings bf'tke glories of the j .; ut 5'i.l.'j heavenly home. " Yet bear no awhile.. And what your bounded view,' which only saw 1, '. A Itttle part, aeem a eviw no oow, ,. ,. . . ( v The storms of. Wiptey Time, wul quickiypaM And one unbounded spring encircle alt' 4 i i BlAtJTOBT N. CDeo; n, .' CoMsaairuBia to thb Colob. Arrest , of sur- posed murderer by negro men. ffuLar spectacle of an1 U. 8.. sold The rather Bin soldier, guarded by colored men in civUlian s garD, was pre.emcu L D.-Jf wABtardar. The ClTCUmSUnceS were as follows : Since the Hardison murder, .u J.AicrKnphood has been in a state of alarm and arnted observation. Some time on LUfl ' ' - AVA. w wa."" Tuesday a suspicious looking individual was seen prowling in the vicinity, and was 1 fo! lowed op and arrested by two negro oeni . Ihe prisoner, was brought to town - and ap; peered belore ; tne iuayu , y -TJ The case wapostponed until TW h frrilowind facU.were elicited: , The, man. a Iniawaa Shaw,'! (alias Charles DaviX a mettber: nameJWaonaw,. - ,. ov tt Trifentrv recently sentenced, to J&f2it. found liwllMBawWW r!"V3,T?:.. - rji'.f- but hadb shot J u - bou liklit!& said, Pl'i'ui say they have tUfjr P? make u. hmi.w"B"k 9 appiar'thtiiu Tt Won. .7 .T1 -rin. A-i. bntwua Was he calltfhimsen ; Pymmv r -7 .-;- v , rUUimM for this evil genu. UBUU. .. - i ' .A tAa JIamAY rlAI SI UiO uwMwy , ; ;,J.j J."ifU. colored friends pizAinoriromxnepiaw" - ' - - - - '"r' . . . .. . atFortMaoou, be fell into the hands of the parties aforesaio. 1- .. . i.U.ofA1 in the Wa have no Idea that ne ww v-- decent murder at Croata ; To the negroes now aver, .we say,"WeU done, good, and faithful er- Tants." j The infamous action of Wm. Holden Lis. designg colleagues in endea yoring to overthrow civil goveniment, in; North. Carolina that they may foist a pet ty dynasty on their- fellow, citizens, so far from meeting with tha rebuke a republi can' Ieslativ assembly -should cast J utj-, ed andis now held tip. as 1 an exaifiple for Sister "Statfcai J a?ewj'.-i ; iim 1,1 tgJ'.VJ Jtolwinsr' ies&lutlbn offered in' the" .Tit; ;S1terbj oteMolton; noi-ramtt TJfr styled an invitationijtb. and establish'dictktorships in theif sever-1 i!:! Mr Moulton Rad. IU. ) offered rthe following resolutiqn. jand deniaBdedjthe previous question nponiUTiessaere: i ..,..,,. T .fe.i iu,-: . - ;-, 1 ifefobed, -That the Committee on ; Territories: m ana, Tya hereby instructed to inquire into the expediency of inviting and, aathorizing sihes vjiu wuicusui me uniieaotates, residing in the: district of country recently in -rebellion against the United States, and known, and deiornflAH as the States ,pf Alabama,1 Arkansas, fjlorida, Geor- 4 Texas and Virginia; kf form constitutional State governments,, and to provide" for the: '.restoration.! ,v ouvu vjvoics ait m rignis, uignmes ana prn vileges of Statesin the, American Union,'and that the comijiittee Lave leave fp report by bill or oth' erwise. ' . ' ' ''" M l'':'- - ",' ''" Bef erred ti the Committee on Reconstruction ..-'t.il i y.iir 'J:' ! !'..... - ... i 1.,.,. . Mi The "Defiant South.'. While TbacL. Stevens and. his, accomplices at Washington men for the most part made' weal thy by the war are daily coming out of ."prayer meetings" to propose new measures for tramplmg stil! more , completeiyirt-er foot f the "defiant South," here is the picture which is drawn of that section by one of the journals most helplessly attached to their political car' : T" " ;, , 1 "i ' DrJ (Jrawfbrd, of Kentucky, who has recent ly yisited the Sfates further South makes some very painful statements abbot thair condition j&f destitution and prostration. He be?s tfie'chiirfih- es of the N6rfh to inquire inta'the; facts and come !5outh:' In Alabama alone there are twenty thou sand widows and sixty thousand 'orphans, most of whom' are dependent ' Iu Georgia, itiseaicL4 ceive aid, iXUr; ''Cr.iwford. says' thftt jbromipent peopie inline j&oacn nave oeen , withheld from proclaimrng the hiisery." around the m, "because bad men, J jBven sonie calling themselves' Chris tians,' have' ' already : gloried in the hope of see ing the i Sduaheru fch5Valry begging for bread." Have iv6j agy sub;Qrutan:aa)d'ng4us Vn ao, how ttst their noble; hearts rejoice in.the thought that an odd million or so of their fellow- creatures rwfli keep- this holy season of Christ mas, now at hand iuragsi aud famine, in order that,, a party of "great moral ideas" may secure itself another four yearHUlease of 1 power ia- he ederal capital S H rldJr - ''V ) :: The Southern Igl9lature.: ' Excepting the unahjmons- refusal of the South ern I Legislatures ; to ratify the - Cb&stitutiohai Amendment, it must be confessed' that the gen eral legislation Of these bodies of late has been such as1 to fconitnahd the approval of the freedom loving people of the North." With regard es pecially to' the question of tbe blacks, which', "in terest, very;, deeply a great number of people in this' section, the action of the Southern Legisla tures has beenV in! almost every instance, humane and liberal; to a very high degree. Not only have thed laws affecting them adversely, one way or another, been repealed, but the guaranties of their personal, civil,, social and, property rights in the new; legislation have been stringent and unexceptionable.- We think it must astonish every man to see hpw old prejudices have gone down with old institutions, and how the innume rable restrictions connected with Slavery have given place to the large liberties of the new ordir of (things, t Independently of such matters as affect the lately enslaved race, we think that everyone who has taken the trouble to look over" the-proceedings of the Southern Legisla tures, must have been struck with the extent; to which a liberalizing spirit pervades their action.; If appears in a thousand minor things, - which, to be appreciated, must be compared with things as they existed in the past . Such progres . ot ideas, suchv ready recognition of changed cir cumfctanceay Ought at least to modify the fexo-' cious language which violent extremists . use in speaking of the action bf the Southern . Legisla tures. iv Y.-Ttmes. 1 1 .'..'.). t " ' . l! UnZ h .ii-'"" ' '': m'.'m W."---- -'Hi h I-. r 6ks of the most' agreeable and TechtrcJie1 little reunions enjoyed for a long - time by Anrtrican society in Farisr took! plac'n Thankigiving Uay.f'i-The patfifes- mbst directly interestett were Mr Charles G, Way, only son of Mr Sajiuel AJ Way , the- Boston banker, and Miss Lituei;. rrdbefiVa beaiitiful youtig brunette, daughters; of Edwin Fobes; Esq.Jof Itoxbary.'; The carriage ceremony was performed by Rev.fDr.:Xldridgei pastor of the' .'American cbapet in Pans. cThe bride.; who was dressed in a rieh white silk and long lace veil, -with a wreath of orange WoasDhia, contrasting finely with her luxuriant hair, was supported by Mrs. Samuel Way and Miss Abbie H. I Beal.1 The" bride" ' was given awiy by the United States Minister Mr. Btgtlow. After the ceremony, the witnesses, .Mrand MrBigelow,. and a considerable party of the elite cf American society in Paris; with representation from the principal banking firms; assembled ! in tb eleA, gant rooms of "Mr. Way, at tbe : Gand ; Hotel; where a season was spent in drinking the health of the bride andbridegroom. : The young efious pie are spending their honeymoon at Versaillear HoREoits Of a WsStK AsHoae. A: Shfp wreek of i cargo of wln'e won thd'English coast , in he last'eehtuty caused the whole district of wreckers to get drunk, und'had the same etfect on two bo dies of 1 troops' sent td1 'restore 'order and protect thpfopertyThewreck oi a cargo-of rum near the ; mouth of I'ey ''few days -ago has led to more hideous "consequence- ' The cargo 'was washed ashoreat New1 Brighton,' a well known bathing place. ! As the barrels were washed ashore thev were broached on the "beach, and the by standers drank 1 till, they dropped r Qne . young man died on.tba spot;; Nearly a hundred; other are auffetingl -desperately from ; ; the e&acts ; of their debaueh-s.' iwa was notaii.or.ine.wuxo. local paper says : '!: '"r1 :zk.i :'.i-- ' 1 l A number oi servanip giris uu uira men who went -down to the beach to see the wreck,' Which had beeu and was washed ashore; were prevailed upon to'taste;the rum.f'.Th con-- sequences canfe conjectured.-' , The effects of the fnm soorf tola oh' them, ttnd fn'a state of insensi- bifity inany.'if not allmaid and matron-f-were ruthlessly -violated. 'h'e!. young fwomani rerf. female, wa prevaile! ioon Id.' take seme of the spirits,' and. shej hk '.ma pmers, wb. with the. great violence, hav ing been attacked by three -ruffiahsF SheJwas -discoved at a late hour last night in the sand hills quite unconscious, and taken to ier home by thepoliceVa tii;- f- '" ' utiTti.lSiiiiC'! x'-'. T'f. ,19tJ0 OS -.'"!:,u( 91 5 An enraged parent had jerked his provo k ing sdnacrosa his knee, .and : was operating on the, vwftBpd 'nnrtiori of the urchin's person iWith grearvahemenice when the youngone dug into, the parental legs with his venomous little teeth. li lazes 1 wnat are you uinu mo v " Why, ciaa, you Degineii iuio uo " - An Irfshnvan. w'hS found on the street a bill of fare of a recent dinner at the Kirkweod House vaMms-k-k f(overed therein the information of oyster cooked in champagne, as one of the disbes serted.Y'': '"t'iZl2;' Bedad - says Fftt. arawmg ai wesves acrwoa Us thirsty .mouthy r l.Fiah I wa an oyster.' w THE CHESS BOARp: 1 utiy i.-' .' BT OWEX MXHEDITH. , f My little lovedo vou emember.i;;'. aphJ w. I lEra we-were orown so aadlVwite.':' 1 Jr. Those evenings in the bleak December) - t i l-: ' ca Pnrtain'd warm from the showy weather fiir When vou. and 1 tlay ed hesi together. ? ; Chedkmsted bv each other' evea? t ! .ii-! it zxrr,-i7:iUi&viii? v t:t w.a-tw i. Ah still I see your soft white hand Iisft's Hovering warm o'erueenand knieht T L 1 71 .t . 1 w j The double castie,uarq.sthe wings, ' s The bishop, bent on distant things, 7 t i 'Hfnft n,Jl,V Vw.1.-tU. JS.I.l' - LiJ jivim uuiuji! uuuuui uui MXUU d j. : A bur clanfees meat f And falter ffallsyouf golde'a hair,,f:':;r.' Against my cheek t your bosom sweet; T . . ' 131 VI heaving.' 'Down th field your queeii . , Bides irfowlnrfstaery-betweenV.i h? Andecks me unaware, - -l !PaJ?? Ah me !"the little baiUe's' doney ,dij'iL tii utspersfed xa all its chiva W ii..:i itlfi;" QJiJa i i That never, ilever,' never moeV 3;',1i: f ! As in those btd stfflidghto'of votST1, 9 S .iiEre' we wefe'CTown so sadrf wiae6 ' ! " van you ana 1 snut out the skies, 5 ! I Shut out the world. And .wintery weatherj x iujr cutss, as vueu w uutv u, K)geui i 1 ; i j -! ' ,er. 9n A Tcmiava Prl44ev pats to Wilt oy- av Brltikh KTatalW.ri VTi.'iii , , a. juysi graw axtui vuiujaa repoCT -nraaiTia Wiae currency heref to-night, ,., A Fenian prvated s stated to havi successfiilly eluded ) Federal", yigi: lance and to have sailed trbraewbuporaiye ral days' ago. the last of last" week,! en .route' .for the Irish coast. ; The vessel m "question is aeged. to be.the schooner, EstelleK of 'some'yOO.tb.hsrbur-: den, ! fnd ir said to be arjni.eqL with '.the . inbst imc proved and destructive Of chiahce:'"uited in cali- bre to that of .the Yessel,' wifh a rifled Cpviunder' pivot gun aft1 and to contain a 'picked1 cfeVT'of uviy.buo, mvi uicu, vvxivi jjcivD rraoxi Dvi two uu.UT' ; Her oncers are as follow : c Iiieut3hnV"JcoM-, tUftntngi'JohrTRButke ,' firs'; lieutenahtj 'Frank Jevereuxr; ' second, Uentehani . SamUet 3 owed Bailing toaster, Peter Carey7-! 1 Burgpon;,; lr.,s;Ef- ' ward Ht Perkins assistant surgeon'; Dr..fe!H: Scovelt aailingi mf,, JanSes Miles J'boafswairi,1 CaldwAl Taylor JlqaartermastetJ'Haigh taylott chief gunner, Martin Kerwih ; gurmer' rriateV5 Andrew O'Neill and Patrick rLvnchu-- 1 eao ' Lteatenant4urke'was ifuster" mate 'in!! navy during the war. ohd distihguishedi himself 'at Koknoke -end-off: Mobiles Of- hi4; aSBUtantsp Lieuienant Devereax served On the" rani- Tennet-' sen,: thile Lieutenant Samuel Jones was at' one tia9 gunner's mate on the fiuncrut "labatkaX Tha other. .Offioeia Juna all;Aeerj?T KBFVk" : in - bo t lb? Federal and CSoniedente Davi6$X --while i MatiaKerwih, chief t gunner: served fbr jme f tinje, jn that - capacity-, on .her ; Majesty a ; frigate Tetrma, and is said to bei an . -rmusuir.Uyi accoio ! piiBneq-Oincer in his peculiar lmei 1 - srr r ,u.d ; thei Fenian j officials (hire .atatft thati beforao M-nng for Ireland, C. O. Ifit Stephens iaBaed) i letters) of marque and reprisal to, th JE8tell,s lo. 1 cdpturje, burn, sink, or destroy any JgliBhrjveat ; sls out of neutral water; th she may encounter;' I and Captain Burke : announced his intention: of I waking the AtlAntio 4001 hot ior a British! ship. I It is declared that the incoming Cunard steamer m to be captured at all hazardsand to that, end the Edtelle has sailed directly jn the track of the expected vessel. Others wiQ; ioJUow , as chance offers Udd it is the purpose to,, detachr a portion of the arms and men on the Estelle to the 'first '. most available English craft $aptareot aud thus improvise another privateerl ; ; y , ' uateu yesieraay evening, says: tae suaae,ajae- parture, yesterday,", Df the WOpVerihe: j5atof war, under sealed orders; 'hia eise t6'a ViU. riely pi. surmises and strange rumors, the onea, DroachMsr nearest to thsf' trnf,h- -hiTi-'"'f.rtat; 'alnii sailed m search of 'a iFehfstoTateer.Trepbtted in the'British Consul rn; Newjyork as h'ivrhge-: centlyjeft a" United Slates Port ' for4 Aarts un-: nownJ J-.of r Philadelphia, ', . Dec. ..'iGP.Tl M-f, About 1 1 o'clock this morning, the Iron-plated .frig'atft. We w .. to be xk flames, Owipg to s' the distance fro ijithe city, considerable, time ( elapsed before ini fire engines reached "the spot, and they were able, to. do but little towards eving the j poble :essel She cor tiuvied to' burn until this afternoon, and, is jnow a total loss.. No othep .vessel of the fleet' . - i'.f .-5 t - tr- ucuu ef ier wpje njnreu.,-, 4-ae naviui" cers, are Utt. reticent about the affair but the fire is' belieted Jo have been the work of desfgnt: 1 iruusiucs Tff irmiaipui i,?ip anl , was 'chHstenM?byhe; veteran, vug cuubueru coast, one received aasy iaxa knecksjf rom the re.bej batten?!,, , bpt never injured". Dy.them, ,hOx was she 'much dacei1 by) aeaf 'FortTSinptef - The ey 6t 'can ws jpn'elte-. eret hei"e,where every citizen felt Vprido in'fter waiahout 3,600 '.tons,', ini cost .over.i mil-,I lion dollars as she weht toeea. i j ' ' " ; ."'! il O ' ' ' ' ' ' f The Epuity Judge, in WfitRjf , before whom was brought the fiispdte between" rival Inagaztfie publisher. -as to the 5 copt-wright ' ln the title1 VUelgravia, has fotlowed the ixample 'of the' Irish mayor, who said. The way 1 shalP decide .11 f onIJ ;Trri-irr ii'-!4 ;-;tj '"Mid life's perptfxtaimeckew i&itde, .bl iV" f 'And many aganiMth fortune piavlJ-"0' -Whafia' ItwehaWwon' hlf f ;ii 4"lli ;., U.S. I this qUesUon is I shill not - decide it at an.n1A;--A.Hns;at?snow'wish ia brihorabout. torovid- The learned Judge declined interfearihg, ; thought tbe qua r. el a very small one, and1 dismfssed the null MlfknI l inrtnllhili case; each party to 'psy' his owri cost3.; i Meau time, the ''Belgravia" edited by Miss Braddon is said to be'a great success.' It open 'with a new seuaation novel of hers called a birds of prey' : George P. Putman is about to rasume, in part ship wii.h his son, his pld avocation of publisher inhisiiity. , ... :i.;.f;---;.'V...: i. 'r;;A wrjter for the Prairie .Farmer, who has been in Illinois fifteen years, protests, against break ing upland .intended for pasture. He would have tight flours and mangers 'for saving hay seed, which should be showed "apon the land, or hay may be fed upon the unploughed pasture. Judiciously managed in this way,, the pastures will soon ba found to be , mostly in tame grass. Wi see it' 6tated in a Western paper that in one bf 'the Eartern States - the fund fiom license or tax on' dogs, was; appropriated tor a fund for. the remhneration of. farmer who suffer from the loss of steep bytthe ravage of dog,fj - H .f . M'.-i ': , I ' . , . ...... i, . . ; Ten or twelve year., ago two ' poor men com menced -stock raising in Nueces . Texas. ' ' Recentf ly one of them sold part of his stock to the other for $47,500 in gold. ' Se Say the .Galveston Jfeu$. - One hnndered and fifty tons -tof hay, pressed and ready for shipment were' ' latteiy- sold at L anetion at Middle bury, v u,r for fit ou per .on. UU ( HCIV U. A 1 Hit j BklVUlg, OpiOll VI in the air V asked -Smith of Jones . .Tea,?, plied Jones, .' that's because .the .wlndl ,jf ' Isn't there an awfully strong, sraellof pigs irom sowiwest. f ,f,.;i :-: jr.;- ; '. ??.. -VU sto'iti irx. sow-west Jl Laiy.who painted 'her ; face; asked Parsons how: he l thought she - lookei. 'V. 1 Msdam," he replied, except yon fir 'cant 'tea first' uncover your face.'" ': : '..."rv:'!' A writer, dellingupon the importance of small things, says ' that he always takes notes even if a straw, especially if there happens to! be a sherry cobbler at one end of lit -i f . . : .'- i . -. -Artistlr have adopted o ty i Wejwoader nons of them ever thbugh. of a piece pf India rubbery which gives more than any other -substance. yail- .-. 'r A westers farmer, being obliged to sell a yoke ef oxen, to pay, his hired : man,, told him he 'eoald ootkeephiui any longer. '-! r'M3qqo'1f 'V WhyL'1!: saidthe.msji-IiiBt-y ianditake tome of your cow, ia placer kof moaeyvi ss - : ',Bu jwhat ;shall ;sl do,'i said vthe farmer 'when my, cow. and oxen.aro all gone.'f 'i ?a J '.! Why you can then work for me andgetthem h-wTr 0 it fir s i;r I I Fpm the Cincinnati Enquirer. '-'. XTnlf ersal Amnesty and iefreron, Uavla, 1 cA .ff if-- ' - -. -" - F G jj&drev) t Johnson, President of . Vi : UnUed 'lnlhe nafiie of more than two-tMrdsof the peo- pie of tEe North, and the whoe population of the feonth. we entreat Vbu to issne a general and uui J'ersal amnesty.to au classes wno. were engagea n the late lamentable and disastrous'- civil war. The time has arrived for your fame and credit to sifsga .supplementary proclamatiolijo your fori mer one," that shall' incruda all those who were especially exciuaea, irom iu proyisions.- iuu have already won the gratitude of thoseln whose hame W Speak; by jour noble "efforts' ; to restore teacea aid' concord to the StateV ; J I jBOt one thing 1 needed tb'csuniate all that yon have previously "done, and ihat is ;to at 6nej issue' the proclamation to which" we alltjided.1 Why shoald it Jongerrbe delayed t What public interest can be subserved 'in withholding it Why shall you longefr conthroe to be the jailer of Jeffersoh Davis, which .he world rightly consid ers you X', Why-shall hej be deprived of. his liber ty.'wfiile others equalry-prdmnent have received your pardon ?.' Honor and "justice demand that the doors 6t his ' prison. -should at once btfuh-' I loCkeiTahd the prosecution'' which was made up' of peri tiry'and forgery, be abandoned ' j ' 1 -We invoke you tejheibittftnpOTiger to act ti ve" Sense of j us tice and yo, or convictians of what the exigencies of the"country require.4'- Many pro'mmentfmeri of tbJe;xtadieal party likQ Horace Gteele'v ahd lieriit' 'Smith.5 have, with wise mag- k nanimrty repeatedly asked what we now desire. fllll JVU UV AV, VI ,IU1 JWU UVV1.UV W w aaoEhertoweathe1 hiurelS that fortune lias gen erously? -tendered" TbbTfttl-lsaeldoiii in the Jafjae of, centuries that so'' creat an opportunity f is presented by Providence to mortal man to trans mit his name and 'tame- witrf distinguiAhea honor to posterity. -Yotf carl "pow, -Mr"; President by this act, break down' theiast barrier' which ex ists between the lately disebrdant section,, and uauoo iaav iicaiM vi immvAAo y wwv r wmv mmw been 'alieiiKiied froiii"" tW eOTernment to swell Vith jbj and fgratimd crowning act in uuiiBit;uiUK aii libou umusuco w a cwvu . o .lT Jldj.Llll.-Jl 1.1 . ;.JJ ouiivion. from uie cpwaruiy auu -nouujf-iiim.iiea Radicals Vbu have nothing to expect ' but mis representation and persetjutien;1 violence and in sult They hate you this day far worse than they oredfor his blood, they 'infinitely prefer yours upon the scaffold. They give ,yoa no credit for hoi peTforhirngrthis great act Of justice on the "'cohtrry',, they attributef.it tOth'e least creditable ofaotrve,'-'-v!'Ar' ;j,1iMI:u"'f'f ':;;,v : ' .'-. J ; By longer delay ybti alienate 'our friends and eorupromise your: dignity; without in the least gaining the gOdd-wUf and esteem of your ene tuiy&, ",We invite you to act fcpoit the wise coun sel "which 'you have' lately given, through Mr. Seward.-to a foreign government in relation to men who 'weTe convicted of a -political offense in Can ada. The power you possess to grant this boon tuay not long abide' with ou; so : act ; at once ih such a manner as to meet-the approbation of the civilized world.' --;, ? ; i-v' a If you neglect to do! jso,' and allow this1 great opobrtttiutv to Pass, v d itr conscience will ever re-: proachy'ou for corn uritting set glarlhgmdC unlbr- Aunaie an error," rr, inaeeo, oan oe spoxen oi by "so fiaild a designation. 'We are on the eve of a Thanksgiving which has been m&de ' general throughout the country. Nothing- can.be more 1 appropriate than for you to- - signalize it by an event that wouia, maeea, mase.it, tne xnanjts giving bf' the country: and,' connect your came forever with art incident that, will be remembered and honored through all Coming time. - ' ' , - . iht War Againit the Praidcmt. ; a Tile mhciunati Comme.ciul (Republican) has the following from Washington: '"TV Ordinary capacity 1 to judge of men and meas-d ures, and to reason from what ; appears on the suiface ' what there is underneath' is quite enogh to lead to the, conclusion that.the pro ceedings .of the caucus on Wednesday .night, are intended as the initial steps in. the impeach ment of the President. ..They are so understood sub fosj by. a few who ini dated them, if not by thevast majority who ratified them. A. Com mitiee to investigate the New Orloans.riot seems lika very eimpie. matter jok its face, .but ta ken in connection with the assertions of those ho moved it, it means jomethingjnQre than an effort to give official publicity to .the facts ol j-hafc disgraceful bullit.on of bouthern chivelry o, too, of .other lnTestigating coramittets ap pbinted. and jLo"b appointed. . They all point in .directiona determination to' get hold of some thing thi:.wlll , ju8tjLty the . arraignment of the .President foVsome crime or misdemeanoo, The fiaj part o e-ltadical , progra'nime to- which exceptions ,caa be taken or(.the right to iavev jugate theconduot of ilr., Johnson. oan certainly nocbe called in question, even, if all things con eidered,.its propriety 'be doubted), ;is the , pror position which it ia , cpdanon ly : understood : will le offered beforftlongi to enact a law making the the ajrxaigament.of . the President the signal for jf rtfs-eval ftota oSlea;na jt&ui. i d ..-.liii m This: mnstandi wilWrbe! looked upon as a rev- iataonary proceeding,-! and cannot meet the in- dprsexnent. of j any i man. not prevented, by party passion aad prejudiees firom ..' seeing - taat it ia possible to carry the- persedo tion : even' Of each a Toaa as Johnson; too, far; q It is unjust in what m proposes,: aad dangerous in tae example it avts for future imitation by political majorities. contemplate paaiBkment before trial or oon victioaj and eetahlishes to precedent under which th President of the ; United States may at any time" be removed when a "mere majority in the House of Representative's shall be dissatisfied with his conduct; eqire only a majority bf the House td pas' article's of impeachment but tbe farmers ef Hhe kGoeTnmeht,,Mhtieipating 1 iiiif-ttnUAf thin. a - Stevens afadKellv and f th.t it Bh0nld reauire two-thirds of the Senate L .. . ! . '1 .. sitting as a high court of impeachment te con- I A1 Washington correspondent writes as follow t to the Cmdnnatt:0i1 "P : r r:'1 ' ' !1 l i. im VaDKreB8ronai .ruupc riujs uicai, mcr AS Uw misuiainic l ls uuicb. iucj vtn w a uuumi; which will be made final; to a victory which will cause tne loyai to rejoice., Anere Beeu w uv general disposition" to 'pay- iittlof attention to Andrewf ohnsori p'ersohnally to wMte ho words upon him, but to proceed" Quietly te a thorough investigation ef hii a'etaC Beyond question : he will he stripped of al! power to. ibjure his country and left as helpless, toiarm 'a serpent without fangs. .While it seems ".almost certain that the ihves tigatiohs already" ordered will bring to light acts 'which will , demand impeachment, at the same tima legislation is already planned to set him iside' almost as, ' effectually as if placed oa 'trial'and cpnvicted: The change , in the tineof the meeting of Congress,., the revision of the modes of appointment, and the proposal to limit the duration of Presidential terms to four years, all look m ttoat direction; OXI f v '-'- 1 ' '' t -vH lit 90:'-. . rl' ! TT -:l . J -J '- :- ' -1 , vi After irtdirdtting. the. .the coarse, wooled sheep for mutton .generally, . and- espee. ially for r-earjng early , lambs for which butchers py; Ijalgpiices, a corresnondeni of - the Prairie Farmer claims that v . one . hundred bushels .of eorn ed'togoyi2Z5rreip produce as-ueh"talueT .in.'meat' as 'any' Mother breed.1' " tl cfilVi-i'..'! , ...ii.v v. :.;t . . England aqlicits.a supply , of, jstimps, from this country, i enable itt "stamp out rebellion.'--Ehgland icnfidentia Ahif rica has the stamp.' Cablegpecil".t4 Cpm4 Bulletin. ,r u i Niws lJt BnixrThe Postniaster- General ha decided 'to diecontmue all ! post offices - in ' the' South, -where postmaster fail to make return - of the money and-stamps ia--their hands at the be-' jeinnintr of the wari Dnrihf the: tn-esent week 139 offices in North Carolina were offieially des a 31 a?. a pv . . . .lgnaiea as ojjwonuimea.- uniy- tnree mousand, of the eight: thousand post offices in that -State, have been -reropened3cvj iier.-iii .-.j . jfaooi here? SlSsi there is a whole knocked out, of this bottle voil crave me.' ! Whv.' hern'ii t hole in It how.' .If it was knocked outhow could a'uvVt-tfi ol,noti, -it ;, i''H,idcsf:r.-r -W iDzjiTi Philuf' says thafc he is efwedded xv piuiiiivie. us must -wo uiuca -luca bri band as Brigham Young, who,;it Is said dosen't -"iiLf-Aii-?:- a-.. ' . . to principle.'' ; He must i be much such a horf- see syuie vi am wives vuce a year. - . :,..- ;.U Capital Ghoatteirjr'-s - ,,-H We do. tsotj geherally give much' CTedencf, to ghost stories, but the following; which we find in the Lynchburg Jeuts appears so intrinsically i-eay sonable in view of the awful idoom which doubt less awaits the wretch that would swindle' an ed itor, that we cannotfeu j momebt: Its truth-; The story.aayB- the Vno; is aediceted in an especial manner to all hewapape readers,"1 That apparitions do ncrt always, wander -.without aufacient cause is proved by the well Attested fact Which we give-below t u,l- t't tc'. Last Tuesday fortnighV f lady - of rather literarv taste andtndioua habits. I aat.' reading in her drawing room, the cleckvoaithe mantle piece struck twelveJr a the last stroke re verberated, through the apartment tha door Iwa flung wide open If in the c of "raising her head to repel the intrusion (unrunal0r) a her eervaat t ner eye rested on ,thflttJnnt pf,-jhr later hus bandXahe screamed an4 folli enaelo on the carpet , This brought up jrach. membera of. the family as had not retired to rest; restorative were, administered, ,aod., when ; M Jbiad regained her suspended .iaculties. and.beiac-a woman of .strong nrdnd and, highly -rcuitivated. intellect, she felt ,clispoed,tA."deMhe whole distress she had urergone.-afj th result of cer tain assQciatioas bet-ween the melancholy tale she had jeen perusing . and; hr late. loss, operating op a partially deranged, nervous j system-! She hower, eohajdered; it advjsablejthat bet maid ser vant sbohld repose in her.ch niber, lest any re turn' of what she considered t nervous affection should - distress herself and; alar nr. .the- family,. Ljast Tuesday, nght feeling stronger, and in bet ter spirits than she had been; fore several month pa stMjs dispense,4 with the presence ofher attendant, "retiring alone-, to her chamber, and went.Jo.bed a little before, i0a o'clock,; Jixactly as the clock struck 12. she waa. .awakened '.from sleep, and distinctly beheld the' appartition she had before seen, advancing from the table (on which stood her night lamp till it btood oppo site and drew aside the curtains of her bedJ ' She describes her very blood '; retreating -with icy dullness to her heart from- every t vein. "J The countenance of her beloved ; ih life wore not its benevolent aspect; the1' eyes' ehoe beaming' with affection were now fixed with Stern regard oh tbe trembling, half dissolved being;;' who with1 the courage of desperation.' thus ' Objured r him, "Charles, dear UharleS 1 1 why have you! dome again?":. .) . r I ; ..t-.T r-.u, -i ;.-";' 'JessiCv slowly and ' solemnly ' aspired - the shadowy form, waiving in his hand a small roll of writing paper,' "Jessie, pay my newspaper ac eouhts and let me rest in peace! ' Ietter froi tha Kaapevor Alexander to Pra- J,t r Ident --aJNthnaOB. ' ' 1 , Washington, Dec. 17. The President sent to the two Houses to-day a. - message containing the translation of a letters-dated Aug. 17 ; last, ad dressed to him by his; Majesty Alexander,1 ' Em peror of Russia, in. reply to a joint resolution of Congress, approved on the 16th of March, 1866, relativ e to the attempted assassination of the Emperor; a certified cbpy Of which a'ni com pliance with, the request of Congress f orwarded by the hands of Gustalrus V. Fox; late 'Assistant Secretary of -the Navy) i The"4fbnbwmg-'is the letter: ... i . i- ..-.,. 'I'S Jlis Majestthe Emperor RussUt ' mm ftelM , dent of the United Btttoty-Axkenetety j 'J ' ' I"have received from the hands of Mr Fox the Resolution of the Congress, of tte United States of America, on the occasion ?f the, Proyidential grace of which I have been,, ; the objec t-' That mark of sympathy has moved me sensibly. It is not alone personal. AIt attests once more the sentiment that bind the American nation to that of Russia. " The, two peoples have no .injuries to. remember, but only good relations under, all cir cumstances. Proofs of mutual heoe rolence are added.' These cordial retatipna; arejas conduc tive to their interests." as to' the ; good of , ciyiliza tion and humanity, and'anwer. the Resigns,'; of Divine Providence, .whosejW'is peacei; and con cord among all nations. ',';. It I'givea me a , lively pleasure to See these ties constantly strengthen: ed more and more. : I have imparted, my senti noiehts to Mr. Fox. I pray, you, , to he my inter preter to Congress and the American) .people whom it represents. J, Tell tbenr how much I apy preciate, and the whole 'pf Russiathe testimo nies of friendship they have given me, j and how happy will be to see the American nation grow in strength and pybeperif-fV ,by,': iec Union, and constant practice 'of "the 'civil virtues that 1 distin guish It',"" Accept11 at the same, time. the" assur Al t. : C -Ji - - J a - Is . '-.1. ' V -l - your good friend.' ' T " - 4(1'tl j . ; . ;.i ' Emigraatt. ';.;-t. i On Friday evening last, we sirf pel&tng thxoug).' our" streets about 400 heerrces.' men 'and womenl' on their. way to the cotton fields'. of Mississippi. 3 .They were very cheerful, '' atd TJrom' , the . merry' uugs auu utuutcr wo uwuiu Juuge ni; v went J I 1 .1 , n J ' . . .'.J Willi .uuojaui, Aiopes oi weivering uieir conouon. Some may regard thi "as a'Jiappy riddance but we take a very'differeht view 6i the matter. Some weeks since we took occasion to urge upon our planters and others to makean effort to contract with these peopled" -The hegt6 has beeri discuss ed,: wrangled about , and fought for, until the iiuut mpiuv uu cu ui 1109 pecu pitaaen. 10 its foundations, arfd sSmo of its brightei4 pillars prostrated ttt the dust" And still the mist seems to gather around him, and his nature and -ultiinate destiny is less understood than before the "Con vulsion. 11 While .emancrpat?ph .wiwiotit ooropeh sati6n was at Wrong and art' bufVage-aT; 'fnere trir' umph'of brute' force' over right" justice and law btillitmaynotin the end retard; the material progress of the Stated that v once' depended 'upon slaveiy for their labor. 1 ' - 1 f 7 .;. The negro is now afreedmau, and because he is is a freedman it is no reasoii.why he should be worthless as a'laborerl'-' Hence we regrefe . td ' see a disposition ih this C' mmOnity ' to ignore 'his good qualities and only remember' his indolence' a ai - mi- a. ' 1 a. ' . ' 1 ana oaa iattn. - xne experience 01 all the most practical farmers is, that the negro j the 1 most useful laborer in this section, and though 'every inducement; should be held out tor foreign, ".im migration, how thbse" people ' are here, all fait means should be taken to keep them: We have every interest to be. developed, not, only the ag ricultural but the mechanic and manufacturing, that require labor. " Let the whiles , bo haed in the manufactories and ' the"' negro 4 In the , field. The prices of all kinds of productions' are such as to justify liberal prices. -v' ; ; We are mistaken in regard to the negro being a nuisance. It is true, many of them are idle vagabonds, but that is not the class, that emv grate. It is the thrifty, intelligent and' indus trious that seek a field for their labor; while' the thievish and idle remain. , ; j v ;- Governor Worth's idea of sending . the negro .North was a capital piece of political satire,' but with all due defference to the' tastes of 5 others, we thought it oatiof place, if not undignified. We want the negro right -here,- and if properly used 'his service cannot be supplied by any other class or "neips - tnat -cau bo imported. lQhari' ; . ti -14. Lav'-- j-r ... 1 1 .a'-i The American i Thanksgiving7 Tay,v appointed by pre-ridenf Johnson to be observed throdghout the umtea otaies, was ceieDratea on 'Thursday evening in London by a dinner, at the Langham Hotel,' Portland place. Botweeit forty andTfif ty American .ladies and gentlemen, at present resid ing in London, sat down to the dinner. Several appropriate, toastes. were'; proposed,'; among which- ---''-J -"::: -f L ''The Americari NatiorialTlianksgi"riniDay." -"'Atnericai our own dear country. M President Johnson. '- '---f. T- The Queen of England." V '' 1 ' -' -The cordial amity betweeri America aoi 'fihfl'- a a, - - . m a ' 1 1 aa .". i. rf 1 w land, may tt never oe oe aisturDea. r And '' ';:--' !f--- -' hrf"? 1 "The (Congress of the United States. 'BiitiY ''11 . ' " " ' t aijp'p " ' ' ' ' ' 1 j': 'X "' -' -J A Wzstebk paper sas they have preacher, but there of the stern-wheel species, who are "exceedingly light in tne aeM,tut keep ap a proutgious racket jn-ine rear,:; ..rjr.ci ; j fA 0 ncinnati papsr says : Rogue! hdnd qwj.i.ers iere." To . whicu. i i . . , . . -i " . J L i Very likely j they might search half t Jjsockta the rift and find nortA.''' a , , . Prentice repne-, : i -s rnSpacial notices- n t n -?yt -,THF RREAT'IIEED- SUPPLIED 1 1 !i pUhjliayevbeen ewallowed in millioria. . Salve-, it haveWrnbbkiaJ by the ;pound,, jPn lLv om'. two d specifics are putting an end to I this whoiesale system of medication. . One of his; fanicr-i" pills" i adosel :'Aloxiof hi' tealirig ; , salve ia of more valne, as a Jemedy for nlcerona j and eruptive diaease,, than a ships cajrg( pf the ; Ointments adrertised to cure everything, butare all in fact, either nseless or deleteriu. J , ? "r)r "klomV motto is concentralidn., ' He' "has placed in the smallest compass uio aciivo pfuici- f tA orthe tnoet potent" vegetable pecificaiTherej is no mineral in hi Pillr-they do pbt gnpe-rthe-fi do, not enfeeble- They create' a rigorous . appe- !; jtite,- and correspondingly strengthen, tbe diges-. tion. They tune tne liver; clear the' head and .feadnervei' truei 1 I VKo-tTornt'Of scroftilon' dlseaaecan resist, iho;! diae-ofecteat ope-ration, of the Salvp TuMoMi f sceflS-Salteuin, Boils, i.iPmplea,;tustule3, -; Ac., are thourpughly eradicated by this unrivaled ; medicine f In fact," Miaoaa. 'Brxioos,f Vxarzp-t j tfd and thiaawnt'i Pnja'Mire where all others fail,' While for Buns,' Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts, and all j abrasions of the skin, MAoaiEXs,. SAXVBia fnfalli- J ble, : ,$old, by J. r Maoojel's 5 43 Fnlton !ftted , j New" York, and all .Druggists, at 25 ' cents " per ; j -box. Sold by . , " 1 . . i ' . Sole Agent for Newbern, N. C. , aplO cLtwly J , ! rnUB RKASOJSS WHY .1r-- TIIi3A3lERICAi WATCH, ItADB AT iWALTHAXII, MASSACHUSETTS: ; " . X THE BEST. . j " : It la made on the best principle. Its Trame is com. . posed of. SOUD PLATE! K0 jar can interfere with the, , harmony of ita working and' no midden shock can dam- . age Ita machinery. " Every 'piece ii mide knd flulalied by machinery (itself famous foit iU novelty, as well as for 1U effocUveneaa) and" ia therefore properly made. "The watch , .j ia what all mechaniam should be ACCURATE SIMPIE,? STRONG AND ECNOipCAX."'Eioept some high gradea, too costly for general uae, itorelga watches .are chiefly ; i made by women and beya. " JSuch watchea are IpOmpoaed of seven hundred pieceil,, sciewed 'and" riveted together, J . and require constant repair to., keep them to any kind of ; order. All peraonaarho have carried "ancrea j"lepinea" and "English Patent Levers! are perfectly well aware' Of. tha troth bf this statement 1 i ' r.i v ij ; v; iX At the beginning of cur enterprise, more Uian ten years ago, it wad onr first bbject ' to ' mali a' tuoroiighl'y good ' ' low-priced Watch for the million, to take , tha place of ; : tbeae foreign imposition tine refuse of foreign facto. ... lies which were entirely unsaleable at home and per fecui worthless ererywhereJ J --, j , j . j How well we have aocompUahed this may Tbe under' atob t font fact, th 'aflter" ao many years f "pabBo-" (jialw noW jtaake- Mori than IlaLf o 1L the vvatcneaaoia ta tne uniiea states, ana mat n f i others have' ever frfveri inch universal satisfaction.- Whilia - this Aepartrnjanf of ovd buaiaeas la oonthroed, wth; to i f creased facilities for perfect work, we are at presant en. gaged in the manofactnre of watchea of the very HiaHi ESI GBADE K3SQWR TO C lBONOtf"CTET, nneoaliad "by anything higherto mad by ouraelvea and tinaur passed by anything made to he world 1 Tor tlua'purpose we have the amplest facilities. We have arebteA an addL tioo to ear mail building .exprasaly for this branch of . , oar basineaS, and have filled it with the beat workman in bar servloe4-l?ew machinesl and appliances' Jbave' jbeeii ' constructed, wnicn penona. tnair wora witn conaammata, (lencacy ana axacmeaa. - -Aneicnoiceai ana moat approve, pnateriala only are j used, and we challenge comparison ' between this grade of onr work and tha finest junported-rj CAronometera. We do not pretend to sell our .watches tot" test money than foreign j watches, but w do aaaert without fear of contradiction that tor tha tme mot$ Onr i product is incomparably anpripr. . All our yitchea,pf .jj whatever gride, are folly warranted and his warrantee Is ' good at all times against as or our agents to pari of io I A,,f. -dACTTIONThe pubBo ai cantiond to Tuy only of , respeotable dealera.' i AUperaons tailing .counitiCfeUa' Kill oe prosecuted. , uunnuiB at Arrwitm,, : ,r v JalLyriJtwbom .;. "us i - isi Broadwayi "51aw V6r lii I ; . 1 . - . , I . i , ... j i' .,,.. 3 1. a.- .! ' r - m '. 1 J L .i-ik o - H. o u, s e I q V -a- ii . it . 1 ' -aT w w 1 JAY I .1 C.fV 1. . . earner wmu ana xvavss isi Streets, New York, In connection with onr mses in Philadelphia in4 -Washington, we hays opened above location, and oner our vioea to Sanaa, Santera, 1 ot their bnsinesa In 'this1 iTnd'Inveifors for the tram cifyAlacladimg- pniyhaaes idj aalea, ot :GoviEcrrc; Ewpuarriaa, Stocks, Bcms, id Gold. We are constantly " rereaented at the 8tock change and Gol4 Board, waera couyrs ae ui are. V.. a P.. 11 .nnf n 9 iptJy fmedijkaet; -: 1 OaVtrnmnt c'nrltleS or all " T.lni! Vfc .?ang ana swung as ounent prices, and ovriag"'flc- (J rAr COOKE CO. rruil. jjiib head ,.01?; 'A iconxTPifa li i'.suVi.. TACCOKDING to Milton, la rendered tenfold more ter- ribiebyite .i'-iit'i 'oi- "HORRID it AIR,' An there are thousands of f.ery human heads whicA migh t. be pandered, aharmng by simprjrchangmrf jbair '"1 uu wo ,nitiwv orowm or a perfectly tural hlktk wi" j Oi'V trm.jns .ihw .... k 1A) ,m.. ,w : Christadoro's'Hair Dyd. t L.m t'.- - t" . . 'il- j riaiQvousjf ewry lato .eoclety a- erev. imiJtP' carrOtty head when fite mlhutea would eadf if 1' attractive as Nature could have made tt in bet i 'Ijf i ' '' -teeedw-uji' paaw .!.. -j ' 'i-';i ' V ManunuJtured byi-V CHTtlSTATXlltd. ft Ator Souse.- - I 2Jew XorkJ 8oia Tby Druggists. AppUed- fcr V Hali lOreaaaa.C'l ''J a'(W-h;-,- I?..-ai . .Jf.t."'"Ti . ' 'a b - n ui irr a o O, TJ 8 lDISBI t . .... WATER ftittst'afaapte4 fo'the natrfr. n'e 'llsn.ior :' hfreVfll be nb : increase ; the soq must V JdapUd to' ' the seed, ortherd win be small returns; fid -toe human body mtisftdntaw lrnpuirttlesbr tnWf111 jbee n j'sick nesa'. The man waos4 boweis'f ii 9d have beea cleansed bj a few of 'V 1'' f:j -J. .,' . - ( 1 v :i BRANDkiLLs' ; wVi nay walk tbrouKt Infectel distn"iWi "out fear. "Th :- j lire of the (lesaj in the blocKl.'.?...ecure health we ! moat USE BltAKDRETU'S PtLyt.ecuae we cannot be ; i sick bntjrom unhealthy axui0B,'totthe bowels or j the bloody which Bmidreth f reaiove ; tis niethod is foUy-ing nature, andia syfcBa hs. stoop-. th TgoTi ; ! o-r'Ha. , See .B. ErndreA' ix white letters : hi r the '. u Government etauap.,; goW Pruggists. : deo t-ltaf 1 ' j SrmELi',''STEArtsuct"B c . itas WllxI r- i -:,5i'v.j. -'--:i . t r.'i Ivsry casa'of K,JaIZ Deavsetlt,heamatlaA. Grvvel. tTrii-f. Disorders, Weakness and a-aaina in tne vfmpnu ana Trpnaica arWaS' troin ICxesea or amy kind.' ' ' TAKE ;no,r qthcr uucuu. ; - , - i'-' -'-i-j.''.' "l- t ;' J:- ' ' "'feld l.c11 Apothecaries. Price I. 1 BARNES A CO., jtr y.rk. and EAJtNE8WAtC(3t,. Mew Orleans Souti'rn .A pent. hV&U'.KiH k HOGEUS ..Wholesale: ! tons KoVa'Tkras aaer Ag-as , fob jS-lyj ,f,a 4 This ael.bra.ted Tailet Bo0. in such uni'varflal la. ' tnand, is made from the choicest materials, Is mf Id T"1 and einoUlent in ita nature, fragrantly ceated" -i and extremely beneflelal to its action upon the skin"."" ' For sale by aU Pruggists and Eancyooda "Dealarsi i i fabi7-iy -g :.rjffrv5 1;. ' - - - -.- 1- ;-!';i ' " r - --'rf .-"syt.il "?"u" . . Jiw Fia;un' ij? lAn 1 . 1 .' 1 i.. .. , I TY U-u-- Biocniou, uctkuf 11114 MLWfiuumLj j oriMM yoU. 'J j want a. GOOD DAILY KE waPAPE, eaU at.theofllca ofsit' th-Vjraio Commence, pa Craven -street NeWbarn. 5. -i .(.aadgetyour wants supp- lied. 11 -:;ii'i -'1 : - 1 rjtl.' i i' . 1 f

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