N EWBE M. A N , Volume 1. NEW BEENE, N. 0., TTJESDArMORNINa, MAY 19, 1874, Number 26. O CJJ LA. Ii - Corn by the cargo 90 cents per bushel. Clams were selling yesterday at 40 cents per . bushel. j . A jail-bird chain gac lhight bo' made useful upon our streets. M Young Mocking-birdsWe now being ofiered for sale upon our streetej ' Genuine Vienna Beer in bottles can be xro cured at Zihkand's Hotei, on Middle Street. Echo has come to the sensible conclusion that all unnecessary street obstructions in this city should be immediately dispensed with. James W. Hamilton, Esq., has purchased the poultry and produce establishment formerly owned bythe Manley Brothers at the People's Market, 'and has a full stock in his line. An ex-depositor in the Freedmen's Savings Bank of this city desires to know why it is that interest upon deposits is not nowT allowed by that institution. "We call; upon the officer in ' charge for the information desired. ' Lost A gold stud, set with pearl. The finder will be rewarded by leaving;it at this office. A reived. The steamer James A. Gary, Capt, Hall, arrived at. tliis ixut last evening at 7 o'clock. - .' , Queky. To what party will a certain Con gressman, who. was recently unloaded, now at tach himself to ? We pause for a reply. Sailed. The schooner McMaghan, Capt. Call, sailed yesterday from Hatteras with a cargo Of shingles from this port for Philadelphia. Postponed. Owing to the inclemency of the weather, the cotton factory meeting was post poned until Monday next, the 25th inst., at the! Court House, when our citizens generally arej expected- ia attend ia foxaeJ f ' j v -s Suktet We learn that the schooner Bow ditch, of the U. S. Coast Survey, has been ordered to the East channel of the Cape Fear river, to re-survey that point m accordance with . instructions from headquarters. Wake Foeest College. Gen. A. M. Scales f i was invited to deliver the annual address a Wake Forest College at the commencement in June next, but being compelled to decline from private reasons, C. C. Clark, Esq., of this city I has been invited in his stead. Me. Editob: I write to inform you that Eggfe are worth at this present time in the New Berne market, 12 J cents per dozen. Now, sir, as one good turn deserves another, will you please inf form me which was first introduced to mortal man, the hen or the egg ? Dikes. ' At this present time, " we cave. Ed. Mayqk's Cottbt. Henry Smith and Walter Whitfield,: (colored,) were arrai ghed before his Honor Mayor Campbell, yesterday, for disturb ing the peace fined $2 each. . j , . Enoch Sheppard, a colored tonsorial artiste,; was brought up for violating the city ordinance in relation to Bather Shops being opened on the Sabbath day ; judgment suspended. ' Complimentary. The honor of bearing the . flag at the recent memorial celebration at Neiw Berne, North Carolina, was awarded Mr. J. . Nash, formerly of this city, and brother of otir friend, ' Capt. J. V. H. Nash. Mr. Nash wasj a gallant Confederate soldier, and most amiable gentleman; and no man was worthier of a fore most place in the lines of the memorial ojb- . servers. Petersburg Index tnd Appeal. - - - .' -' - . ' ' ' ' ' ' : S - : - : S County Commissioners. The Board of Com missioners for Craven County convened yester day pursuant to adjournment, for the purpctee of revising the tax. list and valuation of property reported, &c. '. On motion, the Clerk of the Board was au thorized, on the prescribed oath, to take the list or lists of any person applying to list bis or her taxabies at any meeting of the Board held on !or be'fore the first Monday in July, 1874, upon the payment of the fee prescribed by law. ,r No business of importance was transacted. The Board will meet again to-day at 10 o'clock. TO ALE WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. j We desire to state for the information of all concerned, that we hold ourself responsible for any and all articles that have appeared or 'may appear in this paper. " i . j Skth M. Cabpextee. I. O. M.A regular communication of Gaston Lodge, No. 4, will be held this (Tuesday) even ing, in their Lodge j Room, at 8 o'clock. Work in the 1st and 2nd Degrees. ' , :', .v . - A A. W. Edwards, R. See. - ,,,., iii m, ... i Hi. - ; DEMc:iTic3o3rsEBVATrvE County Conven tion. mere will be a Convention of the Democratic-Conservative party of Craven county held jit the Court House in New Berne on Saturday, June 13th, at 10 o'clock A. M. The respective townships are requested to appoint delegates to attend the same, as a full representation is desired. ' By order of the Executive Committee. James E. Morris," Chairman. , New Berne, May 16, 1874. . - President Krso. The following article ap pears in several State papers, which may convey the idea, that free passes were not granted by the President of the Atlantic fc North Carolina Railroad. This is a mistake, as many passes are in the hands of persons who in no way render service to this corporation, while nearly every newspaper editor in our State ren ders it valuable aid. We presume the subject will be properly treated if brought to the notice of President King: 1 i "Bailroad Passes. All the railroads in North Carolina, except the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad, furnishes annual passes to the news paper men in the State. And all the railroads in North Carolina except the Atlantic fc North Carolina Railroad are doing a paying business. It will thus be seen that the liberally managed roads are prospering." ' " The Situation. f Mb. Editor : The Radical Nomina ting. Con tention has been held, and the result has . justi fied the predictions which from time to time I have given to your readers. ; Thomas could have been nominated had his white friends re mained true to him, but having been advised through the columns of your paper thai they could not be nominated, and that Thomas was the only white man that could, they "determined at once to kill him off, and, if necessary, to use a negro as the instrument. And why, shy pro fessing the creed they do, should they not have done so ? They proclaim to the world that a negro is, in their opinion, the "equal of the white . man, " and therefore as good as Thomas, or :any of them, and looking from their stand point, why is he not? He is a voter, so are they ; he is an office hunter, so are they he is a money-seeker and they are the same; his aims are the same power and place; and his intel lect, the Radicals tell us by their votes,, is suffi cient to fit him for a position in the Legislature of the State and a seat in the Senate Chamber of the United States. Have the white skins who affiliate with him the presumption to claim for themselves greater fitness than they accord to their black equal ? The judgment of an intel ligent public is against them, for in many! in stances they have proved themselves the black man's inferior. The negro has endeavored to elevate his race by bringing it in social' contact with the white man, but the white skin who has acquiesced in the affiliation has degraded! his race in so far as he has been able! to drag it down to the level of the African. . The negro has proved himself the superior of the scallawag, in that his attempts to benefit his people were, until taught the tricks of his white associates, disinterested and praiseworthy, while the scal lawag, in order to clothe his carcass with power, and thereby fill his coffers with money, often times wrung from a necessitous and tax-ridden people, has placed himself upon the level of an ignorant, superstitious and besotted race. He has cut loose from all those, ties to which his ante-bellum education had endeared him, turned his back upon the teachings and principles of his fathers; cast aside the associations of his youth, and raised his hand, against the mother that gave him life all this for power and place; In many instances, before and during the , war, haying forfeited, the esteem and respect of his fellow man, and seeing, through the 'ignorance and easily wrought prejudice of the negro, an opportunity to gratify his mean revenge upon that portion of his people whose indignation and social kicks he had merited and : received,. hands 4 with tlie his rati1. he' has been quick to-' strike DiacKs, and to array nmiseit . ag 1 i ! " and to become the champion of a policy whi(h, if successful, he knew and felt, wotjld not only be destructive of the best interest of! his cotmtrv, but would break down thejbarriers of society, and lay prostrate at the mercy of an j ignorant and unbridled lust, the virtue and innocence-of the entire South. ' And yet, sir, he asks and, re ceives the social recognition of those husbands and fathers, the sanctity of whose homes his teachings, if. carried out, will violate, and is ad mitted to the society of wives and daughters whose virtue his hellish principles, if success ful, will degrade to the level of the bawldy house. . ' . ' ; ' "!! 'Ik These things, the advocates of scaliawagery, Civil Rights Bills and their corollaries, social equality and debased morality, j will deny and hized; by nu-n who have wives growing' up', in the immunity. ca-st; their let with the negn4 lot them with the negro; let them eat with him:' let associate with him, and let them sleen .uid, daughters If. thev have - stav hem I- 'with denounce, and attempt to meet - with their old cries of disinterested philanthrdphy, anxiety for the welfare and improvement j of j the poor unfortunate negro, and such balderdash tluitan intelligent dog would sicken at could he read it. But, Mr. Editor, they are facte stubborn facts which as men, as fathers, a4 husbands! as brothers, the white people of thej entire South are called upon to meet, and meeting to solve at once and forever. i ! With an air of injured innocence worthy of a Judas or Bill Holden, the leaders of the par ty with a -grand flourish, herald to the world that Southern men regard it a "eriniej' to be a Rad ical, i It is a crime, anci their own guilty soil Is, seared as they are, tell them so". Radicalism, as practiced at the South is! a crime j not only against society, but against j law, morality and religion. It is a leprosy upon the, body social as well as the-body politic, and should and will. be expunged. We do not desire, and j it is not our intention to produce strife. Nor do we wish to injure theJMack man. jWo are .willing1, for him to work out bis own destiny, and to reap what benefits he can, but in doing so, we tell him plainly that he must not and shall not retard the prosperity of those whose ancestors laid don their lives to achieve the independence of the nation. The white people of the , South have for eight long years given the. negro a full and. fair trial to fit himself for the duties Of citizen ship, and to participate in the affairs of Govern ment. What has been the result ? jAttachlng themselves to northern adventurers, and those to the manor-born, who have been yer ready to usefthem for their own selfish-ends, they have arraj-ed themselves, duped it is true by the men who have led them, in solid phjilanxj upon' the side of corruption' and ruinJ ijvery interest of the State has been subordinated and power of party. The credit and j honor! of to the interest ruined, and a the commonwealth have Teen large portion of its tangible) property has been gobbled up by sharpers and swindlers. The substance of the people individually 'has been extorted from them by onerous taxation, and then frittered away and stolen by dishonest Offi cials. And not content with plunder, and the control of the white man's property, the fiat has gone forth that he must control and shape Abe white man's morals, and take part in the educa tion of the white man's children: Behold your Academy !-f-an institution for white j children, presided over by negro Trustees. It is useless to say. that the negro does not participate in the examination of the ; pupils, for if he. does riot; then is the reason stronger why he should not be a Trustee. But there stands the principle; white children are under his supervision, and must submit to such rules and regulations as he and his white confreres may see fit to. enact. It is but the entering wedge to his taking a tutor ship. , Let Radicals deny it as,: they will, it is; the first step, and that gained, .the others lire easily taken. . ;:::.r -.'.J-; This, Mr. Editor, is Radicalism as the unfor tunate people of the South are accustomed ; to see it; and we are indebted for it, in its hideous deformity, to a set of white men, who, in order to grow rich and fat themselves, are willing to see us, their own race, - and ini many instances their own kith and kin, not only .shorn of pur prosperity ; and estates,- but placed under . ithe galling and degrading rule of a semiibarbarus people. And these same ; white men, with i - I f g i shame be it said, are countenanced and recog- if P1 him. Thev have used him. thev hnve ::lmv.l him, and how let them be com; celled to recog nize him as their social - equal. They have re- I pudiated the while men of the country ahdj ,it s j time that the white men should repudiate them: If they,-with the aid of four million 'negroes, can Cj continue to hold 4 millions of white people in y subjection, let them do it, and let them stripe with scorpion's tails the backs of the j uryy curs who are willing to submit to them. The time has come when the great principle for which they have labored so long and so pa tiently, is to be tested. The great issue of cofcv lias come at Last, and the negro and their white skinned allies, thank God ! have brought j jit about. The great question now' is, shall this be a white man's government, or shall it be a black man's government? At the next general 'elec tion the issue will be finally made, and tlie white. -men of North Carolina will be jcalled upon by leaders in wlgmi they have confidence, to take their stand on the one side or the qtner. If their sympathies are with the negro; if, they lirefer the society of Cuffoe; if they still wish to see the offices of the State and counties .filled' with unnaturalized foreigners,-" negroes and scalla wags, then let them take their stand with the nepro party ; let them go to the negro and scalla wag gatherings, and invite them to' their homes and their tables; the morality and man ners learned from such associations 'may be ! - i i good for them and theirs, but for us and ours we are qiiite willing to dispense with j it.. On the other hand, if they wish the country pros perous, if they wish it ruled by the intelligence of the land, by men of ability and integrjtyi thev desire the inower iilacel iii th han1i the white men of the Stajte, let them plafit them selves rirmlyuTwm thegwat principle, that this is and shall be a white man's government ! ! The Radical press need no longer give! ve .U to the snivelling cant, that ice wish to j deceive the negro That will avail no longer j: Cuffeo has opened his eyes, and at Goldsbord, on tlie 14th inst. , declared in (thunder tones, j that the rogue who had deceived j him so long was caught at last, and the name of scallawag and carpet bagger was telegraphed, throughout the length and breadth of his dominions. The scalla wag's I race is well nigh run, and -the 'carpet-bagger's end j approaches, for Cnffee has so decreed, and Cuffeo now is master. We tell the negroes plainly, that social equalityj even as contemplated I in j the Civil Rights Bill now pending in Congress, we cannot and will not give them. We have. wratched their course for eight long years, and believe them less fitted jto-day, as a race to con- trol the affairs of State, jthan they were upon the day of their emancipation, and we tell them fur ther, what .their white-fskinned deceivers may say to the contrai-y notwithstanding, that this ! opinion is becoming universal, at the North, as well as at the South. We say to them, more over, that we are determined to stand or fall by ourselves, and that they and their white-skinned equals and -associates must and shall do the same. We give them and their leaders fair no tice, that wherever and whenever we have the power, we shall use it, and we bid them do the same. If they can elect negroes in this District, let them do it we will elect white-men in the others, and if the Conservatives are true to the teachings of their ancestors, true to the genius of their time-honored institutions, and true to i themselves arid their children, we shall sweep the State at the next Gubernatorial election. Demociiat. Hotel LtrrivmW. Gaston House, May 18th. Aug. C. jThomp son Beaufort; Dr. (.John McDonald, C M. Brown, Wm. Chancy, .Wasliington, N. C; Fred. J. Blank,1 D. S. Willis, II. J. Lovick, Ed. Harvey, cityjChas. Hibbard, Hibbard House; B. T. Webb, Wilmington, N. C. ; J. B, Nelson, New York. -j i ' ' " '-""j " P Batemax House, Iay 18. C. S.j Beatty,!, Richmond, Va.; Wm. Ellis, G. Bryan, City; II O. Betts, N. C; M. A. Carroll," Danville J Va. ; M. V. B. Brownj Amherst, Mass. Geo. H. Colton, New York. ; L. W. Washburn, ! Blount's Creek. 11 !! - - r - :' -. j- . . V,"