mm Volume 1. It "'" OA I lift Xi O C? -A. X-i - 1 V - -We notice that Messrs. Gates? &, Foy Lave jest received a splendid lot of ug; . cured hams. The County Commissioners ' err :n session yesterday, but transacted no business of impor tance. -We shall report proceedings in our next. Oar fish dealers do not seem to be very well stocked with shad and herring. The for mer were selling on yesterday at CO cents per pair, while the latter were in good demand at 10 cents per bunch. . "" Akrived. -The steamer Ellen S. Terry, Capt. Salyer, arrived at this port from New York, on yesterday at 4 o'clock P. M. '" ' " , . ' . Cantata1' at the Theatee. -Ye are' pleased to know that our citizens wil1 again have an opportunity of enjoying some fine music at the Theatre on Wednesday evening next, the 27th inst- The beoMfai operetta, "Laila," will be presented'. Tor .tl":-" .st time, in this city, and some of our finest musical talent will render the different parts. The entertainment is to be for j the benefit of Christ . Church, to aid, we pre sume, in . the completion of that ornament to our city ; the low price at" which the tickets have been placed will enable- all to attend arid . TO ALL WHOM IT MAY" COXdlSRN .; We "de$ire;io.sttefor btmcefrned, iuatwe? hrid oiir.r5;6??Ie'.for' any. arnl .J1 ticles ftiwt h . ppjr jnay,: ap-'ar in .Li.'V paper. Pi BY LAST NKSUT'S 3IAII -jTXiJSJlioK, May IS. 34h Housed luiwl pas iHtJie b,ill for a Constitutional iCoiiyentiHii, 1 TA tte men of 'North - Carol. ' , Ji, rif . !ke : lladUX iriy of Craven imty;Juive. XtW P -ustees over the Asculemy of iVj, jOe-a n-'it'e or adopted citizens, rich or poor, learn or u 'earned, christ ian or infidel, th I ak of this tch $a yJf'go to the baUot-boxagain dhrt :.let the': (thunder of your indignant protest blast thv jnsurjm'S, a; sist in this wrthy object. BE3foc3ATic-CoxsiyATryE " Cpxrsrx ; Cofven-ttox.- There w;V be a Cohvei t ipn of the Peroc-cratic-Conservative party of CnJven eountriieid at the Court House in XewTterne on Saturday, June 13th, at 10 o' !ock A. M. Th respective toWnsh;s iire r-u-t.d to appdmt delegates to atk.nd the same, as a full ivprcsentation is dojsived. - By order of the Hiecraive Committee. ; V !! V ' '.. Jami:s E. Mokkis. Chay-ncau. Ni:w Ei;i;yr., Miy 10, 1S71. " , : . :- Oi.x'of Kepaik. We would call the attention of oui' city authorities to the condition of, the I pump near the comer of Pollock and Metcalf, Streets, and would advise the filling up of the Pttelio Lat'ndhv. - A Public .Laundry is an insmuaon uinvn uii xu- us uu, n service to those who iv.siilt enertic per&on siiouhl sta-rt . it, it would not c-ny prove a source of profit to. the proprietor, but would also be . of ; great '. advantage to our -itizons by : reducing- the price now paid fov having their washing done. There are at leakt 250 farriiiies who put out their washing, and pay from one to two dollars : per week for it. A low. estimate would be $125 per week say for 250 families, which would amount to $312.50 per .veok. This entire amount of ' work could be easily done in tlie'Laundry by 10 persojis, say at a cost of $4 each per week,; and if the juice now paid was reduced one half, it would fet ill pay a very large vrvrnfit to the pro- . prietor.- Let some.. one. start the busmos--, and success will crown the etibi t. ' well, or putting it in such condition us to be.of- in that immediate vicinity. Public Meeting.. -A public meeting i-i our Irish and' German citizens, 'was held at. the Court House last night, denunciatory of 'Judge. Clarke's recent communication to the New IJerue Times. John Patterson, LV., was called to the Chair, and Mr. F. J. Blank appointed Secretarj. Certain resolutions were adopted with the re qticst that the Neweeknian and other New Berne papers publish. The resolutions.. will appear in oar next issue. ; L. Books ferct-s have. ..r ' be f t hum1.. '' .. '. ". If xr'c, "May 1 1-S. I ; aipatch)r hat buu I ill; ' wlt i- -- v.''1 1 i swept away; $1 J-aJ,0uO in property '.and'-? treasure $Ml accounts tttribate : the disaster J to the w .kness and insecurity of the : reserydirvw-orks.f r. walls were" not thick enough r to :'..; resist, the! pressure of 125 acres f wateri averaging 30 feet a depth. : 1 ; . ;- -'SI,-'; '.-' j The details of the flood are heart-rending. It is feared that many Canadians,' who recently amvea-to wort on the. factories, were lost. . Tho watchman who discovered the danger, rod? upwdof j . . Toe second i "p'f t f"sl f 'Fire Dollars, r Vivi i;ays. A-:ni li"J, w turrd at thi State l'air Grou -ul-3 n 'r,py and Allnmy.- lasft fall. ..'j'1 c' : - .uccd abmt tho gtands to pieveu; pcpli irom scjillng thr ucrs. "there by depriving the agrictilturrJ . i ty of the price of-admission. " 4 L,bt.ili- rested a man in the r ing hdmittanc-e to V : The prisoner vva. who was sitting - in ; man 'entered with th i . . t,r"burIl9nor,f ... Uc. r man Iwhpm I arrested L selling the fence.'' . : . . . " - Stand lip, sir said his honor to the pris oner,; with bis -"usual-nj-Sgisterial dignity. -What wa you trying o stale in for, ye villain 'f a ju.-t..e, i lici;- ve a , .vninds" down the valley, making three miles iii fifteeiii -Prisoner " Please, y-ur honoE ' minutes, shouting the alarm. Herela niilkmad f houses, great iron loiler??, Imge t-efSi.- ' cows); horses, poultry, pianos, u'nd bir! its cret. . J Sp-uyuFiEED, Mass.. May 18. The man wh$i 11 11 ' . ' l S :; IV.-.., tooi-c up the ciy at Haylenville anti e crossing ; with a deet horse dashed ahead o: i some two minutes. He beat it in bridge scarcely twenty seconds, and speeding? on,, screamed " the reservoir is coming !' This heroic milkman saved hundreds of perstais, whq fled their homes and breakfasts for f - - , i i The flood rushed by, carrying huu the! slopos 1 ?l Lt-eds, was'Mvron DaV. A little before Sjtelock ;U : - l' 1 whik- all the people of this place weri jut goin; . ' Hould your u.i-ue !" said Ins honor, bring ing his fist down upoii the table, with a heavv thud. "Mr. Officer, state! to the coovt what diabolical act the villainous rascal was engaged in when you nabbed him.;" i . ' Oflieer May it pleas- th.; ixmrt. 1 was n th north inside iVuc'e of the fair ground, by a tree. ' I observed the prisoner' skulking about i outsnte, ami 1 -t nought . h-ij nu-ant mjscuiet ol 4 P'-i soma! k'iud I stood bohhnl' lie tivo. when tli" i !ii villaiiiy not seeing me, jmuped. th.- lVnce. 1 immetliatel collaiv-d him, and lirought him In-- .! , . ii iii-i vnn vonr iMnuk'- .T!i:;f''-; fli.v in irnsil it to ! - - 7 ' - iil-h :iitt.d ji i)2i..ti : yon ! to be robjfing a. poor agi i- Hr. n' Editor. The Hon. H-man. (colored, ) will represent this Congressional District at.Jtbe .hl'cpes Washington, .--March -1875. To this high posi tion he- is indebted to his numerous friends: a. j enormous moving vvo"ou pne fi'Hv They knew.what it was and rushed! cultui-rfl socio tv, ve villain ? The -ooi t lines inv wildb- ixeyV voiir , soul; Pr ixo n e r But, yo u Uo, or finishing their breakfast, their attention:!, was attracted by the appearance of Jyron Dayl011 or a ve--, lays: ana may. tne Lord have from Haydcnville on horse back shqu The reservoir is broken, Siive yourselves fur all - 'flood is at hand." ; He dashed tiwavd Florepce and looked North, toward the. North dar there what seemed to' tlv-m as llie Justice- T6' Not a 'word !- Ifees pays the. fin j-i i - iW f)V Vces g; to iail. i. i i- - - - . ni. n ft-ld S'l y? x i- -.f i jmi U"jiiri, I lid" ,i I 'Hi l. f nip 5), which my ; poor mother gave lau to pay a f -et- hi 'diO '!iJ'' J i&CtiiyS'.' i-'i wc..v.ij!v';.'-t tiuv'tt litt Irom i, ! ine w3ien, ifhV note is not paid,-' my old'niolher wiluly ui . - - v. i fi - .---11 1. - j. . - quarters. -,The ht'usjes .vver ! left hist as. thev stood, -with the tables spread fov5 1 ! br--nkf:st ajad the children getting ready foj-f. " A ScEs'nt.N. In the smaller towns and vil- fe cf them are men of some ability, though lages, organize a fire protective association. All j thfe skins are black, and are capable of filling the best men, and all the best boys, should be I with credit to themselves, the several offices in members. Such persons are often unwilling to j ths District, now held by white men. i! think ; belong to. a fire company and have not the j oW ; maxim "to the victors belong the strength to work on a large Manual Engine. Uppils,5' U a good one. I cannot see why a black But the service required of such an association, j ml,n; jf he jg capable,and honest, should. not be having 'in charge one or. more of the simple, jaij internal BeVenue officer, a Custom House . handy, yet 'powerful. " Little, Giant" Chemical iCQjector, or it Postmaster. Whv should he be Engines, would not be laborious, as they would j odlv.assistant or deputy, and his-white brothers, chiefly operate on incipient : fires, " nipping; 6r to a more oppr0priato term, his new them in the bud." To do so with almost mastersV be the Bosses over these offices The lute certainty, all that would be required would j IIou . Kyman, (colored.) will have some control. I be ; to have a sufficient number of the engine atjt( x; Have not the '? lightest doubt bui that a - distributed in different localities' in the town,' so j eh&riqe will be mada m them. It is to the that in case cf fire one of them would be close j inrest of the colorea voters of this District, to at hand. . ' haye-some intelligent negro'es of good character, ; CALAiirrors. - It ; is but a short time siiico, j to j fill these x-oitions; and I suggest, through that our worthy townsman, J. T. Duncan, Esq., the) columns cf your paper, that the - negroes beings, from Havdenville. ; vdunge. Valley of Leeds. .- A Savannah dancing master has e ag'ainst the Savannah and j Skiuawn tor S100 damage from the failure oij take him to his dancing class on tim4 M. Goiladon, the German I -will be sited 'to-day.',?' .tlie stoii! Justice-" Volt have lieard the Jitt ijice ol' the XTnles ves pay. yees ges ! jail tv livt! divs."' . . Prisoner r. -'" Listen, your 'hui-sr " -- ' co in m n on ! .1 trie' i rv I l. rs'-;-'V tli j .- n t-:.. I school. ' In loss than three minute? dam had gireli away.,. and the- trreatf v.-:fr Inil.'iTi .itl fviimeil honsrs Tii'isioS ' 11 . ! machines, ooik-rs. iron wheels,' hugs trrist mid:: " 1 - , . ' -. - '' - il, i'i ill hve 'minutes, ncr him,: machinery, cows, sheen. Uouttrv - slnd! huinanl' . I .. ; ". . , A i . o A. Z ,. A , xi -' : ' ,tiie -prisoner, .-seeim; mac me conn as in' x- llltO tilf-5 : - - . j- ; orable, pulled up his right trousers :-leg, divw- - ' if' out a piece of paper from his bbof.-'-whi.h'. aft'-a-" iteful sui nhi-f tiling, Wiis founds to contain u S'i.-i'.. -ti' m-h. "' y Bailroadj e )assi-d it to his honor,. -who.'' returned him tram xo,- $4 j in change..--vi he justice placed the grecii- ihe l; ba,-k in his wallet, and fliej oflici-r and prisoner.- phvsicist, has pubi! umuw t ; .. i . : lished an essay ou the subieet of turning popliriJ . x ne next uay, tne squ-irevwcutp. i into lightning conductors. He iroposds to ini! posit, wnen me casnier poiueiy iniormea mm metalic; sert in -the lower part of the trunk a rod, which he connects with the earth by A 1 " -5 i chain, so that the electric fluid cannot leave th' tree to dart at any object nlaced. withiii a short that the $50 'greenback was a counterfeit. It immediately occurred to his honor that the bogus officer and prisoner were " dirty swin dlers." ' Since that time the bare mention of "five ! .,-i..-a. i '.: i'i ii., ,. th .Since , , -- . , , ,11 i j., i -i i ; , 'Lx .ii. . -i -i ,i . . . . i. tLi.auiJJH.t-, jjjcji cti iJitr-jiii, la t-i y sjiic-li ixju . asei? iosL-a orae una vaiuaoie cat, mrougn lis neroic iua oest men, ami srau im-ir uiim i0u - , j i !-JI ' dollars, or five da vs." in the justices hearing. enuoavors to. conquer ami kill a mammoth wliart- j rion. riyman, (colore.!. ) at uasmngton. tiJ. rat at' the market basin. "VTe are now pained to I March 1875. chronicle the', fact,, that a valuable rat-terrier, also the property of Mr. Duncan, met on Mon day 'last, a similar fate, though under far more distressing circumstances. . It appears that a warm and personal friend of Mr. Duncan's, hap pened to be in Goldsboro during the recent Radical Congressional Convention which, after the 29th ballot, nominated the Honorable "John Hj-man. for. Congress in place of Hon. C. 11. Thomas, tite ' present incumbent. 'This -warm and personal friend, upon his arriyal in our N. Hotel Arrivals. Gaston House, S. TL Street, Proprietor. May 19th. James W.- Piddle, John Piddle, K.i G. Cobb, Craven Co. ; L. II. Cutler, I. DisOsway, cityfF. Bardon -Mace, W. M. Tliompson, Beau fort, N. C. ; Lewis Latham, James C. Morton. Washington, N. C. ; C. F, Perrie, Philadelphia; Frank Young, Baltimore; . Alph Johnson, Wil mington, N. C. ; H. C. Richardson, Beliair. Batesian House, J. B. Bateman, Proprietor. Mav 19.-Geo. W. Dill , T. C. Davis, iMore- J. E. Merchant, Western Union Tel. Co. city on . Monday nighty last, proceeded to the !hea!d; A. K. Tingle, E. D: Scrobill, N. C. ; r office of Mr. Duncan, (who, by the way, is an J j. 1L C. Bryan, Trenton; H. J. Newcomb, J. extensive shipper of produce from this port to i yy jBemscn, New York; R. H. Boykin, Norfolk: him of the choice made by the friends ' (?) of the Honorable Congressman above mentioned. Mr. Duncan was in his office, as was his dog. The tale was told: the dog howled; and, sprang through the office door which fronts the eastern section and in close proximity to the basin, and upon reaching the dock, turned his gaze upon . his master's friend for a moment, and then, with his tail behind him, leaped into the water and was drowned. ' : Capt. Waite, who recently died at Stamford, Conn., was a famous man among mariners in the days of sailing vessels. He was taken to sea (when a babv, and when nineteen had com mahd of a ship. He crossed the Atlantic more thain 160 times, though he was only sixty-nine years old when he - II I) R I in he died. 13 jO- : AXCf. E. if1 m xi SLOVER'S T A Yale student nas written , a twelve vers i n. "- . v,-.i.w". :.;.,' poem, entitled, " We kissed each otheij by ilto a fine for" contempt of court. sea." " Well, what of it? ' asks a Western iourU ';--- !i .. A r. nalist; "the seaside is no better for such pracn! :.uiuuuii uoim-i tntf. tice than any other locality.: ' In fact, we have'! - ..- put in some very sweet work of that kind . oil I Cbrch South General Conference in Louisville, the tow path of a canal in our time, but did not.! 51 resoi,1(I was auopiea repealing, me power oi rt' bishop to organize a church out ol the con- lii lerence. The committee oh boundaries recom- say anything about it in print." Mrs. Lydia Blankinship .of Marionj.. M;iss.j; meudeil the!graiitihg of a memorial requesting was 11KI years oia last Sunday, out went. t;the transfVr of a portion of the Baltimore con- church. Next day she had a party, at which; forcnc-e to West Virginia conference: also. 'that a representatives of five generations weje present i porlioil ot: the Kentucky . conference be trans ahd one of the guests was j her sisterj ninety ; forre1 o the West Virginia': conference. years old, while eleven other persons were seV . ' ; - enty or more. The chair Mrs. Blank inshiif! - .uth Calin:vinust be in a deplorable con . J . . , x, . . L - T 1M dition at the present time, ! judging from the occupied (formerly the property of Gov. Hann f0ii0winr statements culled from ,f ' the cock) is at h:-ast two . generations older than j southern newspapers. The Governor, a fort- herself. I j night ago, pardoned twenty-seven convicts out r 1. 1 , a . i: l . i 1 l1 i . a a 1 . 1 i . - XT 1 1. . . ' , . Ji , t . - - . ja. correspondent, oi ;i aevuurgu paper writes : " We were reminded a few days since v.hile digging about the yard that this is txj be locust year. Immense" numbers of these little! fellows . ' j : nearly, full grown, are now ; making .their wajj upward, and are within eight or ten inches oi the surface of the ground. They will probably put in their appearance some time in Jung.? They come every seventeen years. t poor to keep them. They marched in a body to the State house and asked for relief. Out of thirty-one county treasurers in. the State, twen ty are in default to the sum - of $500,000. Of sixty grand and petit jurors 'drawn for the last county court at Beaufort, only one was white or could read. When is a man thinner than a shingle i When he's a shaving. i - I I : S(A- J 7 i 1 !-

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