V - OA 1W1 ..it. H Volume 1. NEW BERNE, N. 0., SUNDAY MOKPSTG, MAY 31, j 1874. Number 37 Is . i ' . I i --. - .v., : : 7 : , i . . , .... i . -. i . L O O .A. TO ALL. VHOM IT MAY CONCERN. We desire to state for the information of all concerned, that we hold ourself responsible for any and all articles that have appeared or may appear m uus paper. djitu m. jaiu-ijiix-&. -Democratic Executive Committee for Town- V sliip No. 8. & M- Carpenter,' T. AL Green, G. WV "E. IT. Meadows. B. B. Lane. Chas.I H. C. Russell, J. R. Bailey, Rufus Smith, John Lane, ; Jacob B. Taylor, A Wm. a James L. Byn Claypoole, Lioyinier, f. Phillips, H. Pool, urn. i Democratic Executive Committee for Craven .. Count v. ! I J. fI Morris,; Wm. G. Brinson, Thos. Stanly, C. H. Latham, II. C, Whitehurst, JV1. S. Radcliff, T, S. Howard, W. Alex. Justice. D. T. Carrawav, H. Jas. A. Bryan, J. J. Wolferiden, H. T. Guion, Jno, H. Nelson, Brice Ipock, T. H. Mallison, Cicero Green, G. W. Charlton, R. A. Russell, S. W. Latham, E. Manly, H. Jones, B. Lane, John Ritch. Jas. Hunter, W.I B. Lane, Wm. Cleye, J.' I A. Enrol; Rctail Price List of Ceuntry Prodnce, ftorTeeted bv J. W. HAMILTON.' . ' ; . - Produce Dealer, Peopl3's Market. Asparagusj per bunch. ... . . ...... . Beans (snap shorts) jper peck.,.!.. Beets, per bunch . . . f. . . . r.- Collards, per head. . . "... . . . J. i Kale, per peck . . .. . . . yS. , 1 . . . . ' -! . . Lettuce, per .head. ..... . .,-'.. . . . . . . . . Mustard, per peck . j . . Onions, per bunch a . . L. . . . ... : . J . . Peas, per peck. . Radish, per bunch. : . ......... s . Potatoes, (Early Rose,) per peck.' . . Turnips, per bunch. . . . .. . . . i . .; . Black Berries,- per quarts Spring Chickens, per pair. Grown " , " 4S ..... J. . Eggs, per dozen .............. i Spring Lamb, per .lb ...... v .... . . Beef, choice cute . , .-vi ........ Pork, fresh '.;..'. ... J: : . .. 25 cts. 60 5 - 5 10 5 10 5 20 5 40 5 10 85 75 15 121 lOT 12 J Divine Services To-Day. TMethodist Church, New St. , Rev. W. C- Gan non. . ; Services at 1 1 A. M.J and 7$ P. M. Christ Church, (Episcopal, ) Pollock St. , Rev. E. M. Forbes,7 Rector. . Services ;atsJJl A. M and 11 P. M : - : ; ;. " Presbyterian i Church, New St., Rev. L. C. . Vass, -Pastor. Services at 11 A. rMJ, and 3 P. M., except the first Sunday in each month. Baptist Church, Middle St, Rev. S. W. Wes cott. Services at 11 A. M., and 1 Pj M. :' ' St. Patd's (Catholic) Church,! Middle St., Bene kic- Hancock 11 Amos Father Townsend. Mass at 11 A. M tion at 5 P. M. A. M. E. Zion Church, (colored,) St., Rev Thomas Henderson. Services at A. M., and 7i P. M. : - - 1 Clinton ChapeL . Crooked : St., Elder York. Services at 11 A. M. and 7a Pi M. African Methodist Episcopal Church, (col ored,) Cypress St. Rev. Scipio Sauls Pastor. Services at 11 A. M, and 7$ P. M. unrisan unurcn, (coiorea,) corner Jonnston and Metcalf Streets, Rev. Samuel Foy, Pastor, Services at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M. ; Sailed. The steamer James A. Gary, Hall master, sailed from Baltimore for this port ves terday afternoon, and will be due here to-mor row evening. - Aeetved. Schr! Dolphin, Bell master, with cotton, corn and cattle from Hyde County. Schr. Winnie, Howard master, with from Hyde County. I jorn Mtllineet. Miss Harriet Lane was engaged yesterday in fixing up and removing her stock of Millinery from her old place of business to tho new establishment, next door to jC. E. Sil ver's grocery store, on Craven Street, which has recently been fitted up, in fine stylet for her occupancy., , . .,. . : Notice,. Athens Lodge, I. O. G. T. Mem bers who intend going on the excursion, are requested to assemble at the Lodge Room at 7:45 o'clock, A..M., Tuesday, June 2nd, 11874. By order W. C. T. '.. . - J F. M. Agosttne Auction. Vendue-master Ash is, through Contractor John Lane, fitting up the cozy little ibuilding adjoining the Gaston House, on South Front Street, for his future Jieadquartors, where he will soon be prepared to sell at public sale any and everything that may be presented him auj: uusposai ai auction. Bect'y. 'Matexoweb" Tobacco, Fine! Plugs arid Twists, and Cigars at C. E. SI over's. I Removaij. Postmaster Hubbs and his i assist- . k - . - . ants were busily engaged on yesterday 'remov ing the mail matter, lock-boxes, &c.r from the old quarters, corner of Pollock and Craven Streets, to the Stanly building, on Pollock Street opposite which has been nea tly fitted up. Whether the new location will be .as con- venient for , our citizens as the old, remains to be seen. " . ' : yC t ! - V, TiLii Thief. A colored sneak-thief ; youth, aged about 16 years, and named John j Davis, was arrested on yesterday for stealing the conr tents of the money-drawer at the confectionery establishment of Mr. John .Hussey, on Middle Street. John is is now rusticating (?); at the Station House, where he will remain until Mon day morning, when His Honor, Mayor Camp bell j will investigate the charge and jict ac cordingly. ; 1 . Dangerous. We call the attention jof our city authorities to the numerous stovepipes projecting through the roof of the' People's Market building. Several of these innocent cremating nuisances are not Only noticeable up on the roof of the building, but some Of them are so imperfect in their construction tnat- we fear they will do more harm than good i. e. they may, while cremating the Market premises, cause the cremation of one or more innocent structures adjacent thereto. Our City Council will probably take some action in the matter on Monday night next. , ' j ; ' Fedeeal Decoration. Quite a large number of citizens gathered on yesterday at the j graves of the Federal dead, to pay the tribute of re spect to those who fell fighting under the flag of the Federal Union, or perishedby disease far from their kindred and friends, with none but i " - - ! a soldier's hand to smooth their dying pillow. The ; Silver Cornet Band discoursed solemn music, and the offerings of flowers were 'strewn upon their tombs. In the presence of the Fed erai as well as tne tJomeaerate dead, we say cease then fanatical encroachments upon the rights of a gallant people, and . let us have brotherhood and peace. " Shtp Models. The lovers of Naval Arbhitec ture can have their eyes gladdened by (jailing on Mr. J. Havens, corner Craven and South Front streets, and examining one of the most beautiful models of a proposed ship that jit has ever been our happy lot to look upon. This handsome and trim model was forwarded to our worthy townsman by those energetic builders and architects,; Messrs. Rouse & Co., whose rep utation is world-wide, and whose handiwork now floats on every sea. V Mr. H. . being a pas sionate lover of the beautiful in Naval Architec ture, this may be considered a handsome tribute to his genius. . M . . A Change Needed. The time is approach ing tor Urovernor uaiaweii to maice nis new appointments of Directors on our railroads, a matter in which all the people are interested, but especially interested are we in this section in the appointments on the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad. We would suggest to the Governor to look around in his party in this community, if we must have a Republican ofii cial and see if he cannot find a man for the Presidency of this line, of more enlarged and lib eral views than the present incumbent, or 'his predecessor have shown. The road since 1868 has been managed in the most - picayune manner,' and the tariffs of passenger fares and freight rates have been so exorbitant as to drive the Eroduce, that would naturally seek a market ere, to other points, and to compel citizens along the line to remain at home "unless busi ness of the most urgent nature compelled them to travel. Cannot this thing be remedied, Gov ernor ? We think it can by giving us a man agement which would rather take one hundred passengers on its trains at 2 cents a mile, than eight or ten, which is about the present average of travel, at over 4 cents a mile, and a freight tariff which will take the produce Ion the upper part of the line i over its whole length to one of our own ports, rather than take it but a few miles to the Wilmington and Weldon line, and thence to the Northern markets via Norfolk and Portsmouth. Think over this matter, Gov ernor, if you have the welfare of your State at heart, and if you cannot find such a man as we have suggested in your own party, let us know, and we will suggest a dozen or more gentlemen for the position who will run the' road with some degree of liberality, and to the advantage of the State and private stockholders. Tli Operetta "Lalla, Mb. Fttoe; Permit one, who was a delighted spectator of the Operetta at the Theatre on Fri day evening, to express his profound enjoyment! of that most, elegant entertainment. After the; Mistletoe Pantomime exhibited at the saml place some time Ago, which stands unrivalled in the writer's memory for its beauty jand imprest siveness, it would be difficult, to giv us complete; satisfaction with any similar performance. Ana yet we came away, from the scene of this girlish grace and . Bjenor, .feeling lost, in the woods, recognized ished by fairies, or. anything! only be young again, and tread the with the bright damsels, of the elder time. It would -. be impossible to sav too much for the that me could, be ty. "beggars, cher else, if we couldE green sward promising young filled the foremost ladies, who places in this captivating entertainment. Withl- out artificialism, without any dramatic tricks oif the saudv opera, but solelv bv the iorce of their the loveliness , and by the easy own talents ' arid training, by simplicity of their manner, and grace and dignity of their expression, -as well a? by the intrinsic, beauty of the poetr and music, they l .ivon ; all hearts : beyond all doubt. We thought, if. mere girls, with however much sweetness and winsomeness, jean be brought to do this, what 'can they not be trr.ined to da, when they stand "in maiden meditation fancy free" with a world of conquered hearts lying at gentleman of intelligence ex- was thor- was the odor ring lestoons that he would not attend, or have, anything to do with a convention, until June 10th. Plenty of time was given, and more delegates attended the convention than was ever before known to attend. Mr. Perry's 'call for a convention on the 10th of June is not recognized by the party of the county, and I don't believe by but one friend, and they are both two well known to try and demoralize our party at present. He says: "To settle conflicting claims, "&c. Jones Coun ty did not claim the honor she conceded that to Carteret, and a motion passed in the County Convention recommending Col. J. N. Whitford for the position, arid delegates were instructed to vote for him on the first and second ballots Only complimentary, so we understood it, and so the gentleman who made the motion intend ed it. Mr. E. H. E. F. Perry may have aspi rations for the position, I know his friend spoke of him to me in connection with the nominalioni- or he may not, but I hope my head may never ache until he receives the nomination from the Democratic-Conservative party for that orjany other position, and I know I will be clear of that dreadful pain for many years to come, and I again assert that when Mr. Perrv calls a conven tion he only represents Perry and friend, not the -party vtho nominated Capt. Bell..-. Jones County is satisfied with the nomination ana ieeis nonoreci in nonormg sucn a man W. T. R. Bell, and in August and ird- their feet. . As a - - i t. pressed, it,1 'te "whole performance oughly and exquisitely artistic. It of roses hanging around the glitte: and interlacing fendrels of amos ; adroit caretul cultivation. It would be highly proper to discriminate between suph charming young ladies, or to designate any particular portions of the Operetta as superior to the rest! But there was one fact, which must every accomplished mind present, 1 cution of the piece was absolutely : we had been asked to select the sma! group have struck hat the exe aultless. If lest child in. who had not have the tinselled and glittering made a mistake in her part, we could found her either among mountain girls or fairiesl Of course this speaks the highest pjraise for the earnest lady, who loves her. church so truly, and dedicates her energies so faithfully! to the Now encourage let us these the future. pro- throw in aii young motion of its interests, old man's advice, to girls for the great work of will have an important part to play in the stir ring events which are yet to come. Gifted, graceful andinning they unquestionably are. But let them get their intellects well furnished, that above everything else, arid five years from to-day we will put New Berne against the world in ribbons and laces., for brilliant, acconi-1 plished and useful women. We pay nothing; about the other highly successful actors in trite , I i. . i recriercne entertainment, as pur city journaisi have already paid them just ! tributes. We are speaking only for the mountain gjrl$ and fairies.' t .i. j.1 i- i.- it, . lj Tri-t 1 i ilf vere. cut. perse-. Senex. HI r : .11 paper dated (PoixpKsvrLLE, Jones Co., May 27th, 1874. Editor Neio JBernidn '. Deab Sib. In looking oyer your H. E. F. Perry, of our county: in relation to the Senatorial Convention which ya s hed at Swans boro on Wednesday, May 20th. He says that June the 10th was the time fixed by the proper' Constitutional authority, and that by some mis-; take the 20th of May 'was partially understood- and an informal gathering took place, without full representation, resulting in the nomination of Capt. W, T. R. Bell, of Carteret, &c, T Now, Mr. Editor, for the benefit of all con cerned, I will show you by what authority the convention assembled on the 20th of May. In our County Convention we adopted the time and place as suggested by the Executive Committee:' of Onslow County, but our Coinmittee, or Sec retary, never; notified the Onslow Executive Committee of the ' fact, and without knowing that Jones County had adopted the time and place as suggested by her, the Executive Com-' mittees of Carteret and Onslow1 met and' selected May the 20th, at Swansboro, and notified our citizens of the fact, and but for the death of one of the Committee, who was Secxetarjy, our Exec utive Committee would have been duly notified.' Nearly every delegate in our cbunty knew of it, and I am sure Mr. Perry knew it, for he asserted as ! we assure our i r Carteret friends, and especially the Capt , that j we will cast our 600 votes solidly for him. Yours, for our nominee, Jones.' i Judge Thomas and the Civil Rights Bill. Me.- Editor. In the list of Republican mem bers who voted against the Civil Rights Bill appears the name of 'Thomas, of Virginia." I am not familiar with the names of the Vir ginia delegation, and it may be correct; but I think it is a mistake, and that the reporter in tended to say, Thomas, of North Carolina. As it is rumored that there will be an attempt made when the Judicial; Convention meets again to nominate Judge Thomas for Judge of this Dis trict, we want to know where he, as wefl as Mr. Purnell, stands on the question of Civil Rights, and we will be obliged if you will publish in your paper how he voted; for if after all that he has had and it has been eyerythirig to him, and nothing to us out of the colored people, he has now turned his back on us by voting ! against the Civil Rights Bill, we want Jo know it, that's all. Please answer the question asked above, and oblige ; A Colored Voter; Hotel Arrivals. ' Bateman House, J. B. Bateman, Proprietor. May 30. G. W. Dill, Morehead; W. Lee, Fort Maeon ; Harvey E. Jones, Baltimore ; , J ohh H. Gifford, U. S. A. ; W. L." Ferrell, South Carolina Gaston House, S. R. Street, Proprietor. May 30 J. H. Gifford, IT. S. aI; A. Gordon, F. M Simmons, Jones County; L. S. Dunn, Bay River; Gen. J. G. Martin, Asheville; J. H. ' Bryan, Forist ; John - Steward, Craven ; F. Lu Perry, D. Lambert, Beaufort; W. C. Coughonour, ; Baltimore; A. M. Kirkland, Great Atlantic Coast Line. - .' . t NORTH 0AE0LINA. . j The Raleigh News says: A friend just arrived i in the city from the volcanic region reports all quiet at Bald and Stone mountains; no serious rumblings have occurred in the past ten days. He furthermore reports that the prayer meetings ; have been suspended and ' the mountaineers Have .returned to their corn fields and. pea patches. It is to be hoped that " Old Baldy " will keep quiet long enough at least to allow j the people to "lay by" their crop. The Charlotte Observer says : Ve learn from a gentleman who is just from Morganton, that, at the Convention of the Conservative party of I the 8th Congressional District, held in Ashe ville on. Saturday last, j to nominate a candidate for Congress, Hon. Robert B. Vance, of Bun- ; combe, was unanimously re-nominated on first ballot. .jEvery county was represented Pave Cleaveland. The meeting was presided over ' by Col. John D. Hyman, and the greatest una- -nimity prevailed. Mr. Patton, of Asheville, put Gen. Vance in nomination, and he was at once re-nominated by acclamation amid great applause. Cheering news concerning the pros pects of the party come to us from the West V s 4 t 1 : ' 1'' c ' t hi i:

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