I I - V I . j ' i . Volume 1. NEW BERNE, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 3, 11874. Number 39. y 1 L O O -A TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. We desire to state for the information of all concerned, that we hold ourself responsible for any arid all articles that have appeared or may appear m this paper. Seth M. Carpenter. Democratic Executive Committee for.wn- " . j .ship TmO. S. . j , t S. M. Carpenter. T. A. Green. G. W. Claypoole, E. H." Meadows, B. B. Lane, Chf,s. Lovinier,! H. C. Russell, J. R. Bailey, Wm1. S. Phillips, Rnfus Smith, John Lane, y James ; H. Pool, Jacob B. Tavlor. .k. L. Bynum 1; ', . X. Y. Z.'s communication on coys running at large through- the Streets will appear in our nest. I. O. G. .T. A regular communication of Pritehard Temple will be held Wednesday even ing at eight o'clock. Business o In Session. The Board of Commissioners for this county has been in session since Monday After its adjournment, we will giv a fulbaceount of the proceedings Base Ball. We learn from a private source that the Elm City.Clubj of this importance e oar readers city, beat the Fearless Club,, of Morehead, in the match game at the latter place on yesterday by a score of 28 to 10. Suicide. We learned at a late hour last night, that a youth named Newsorn, an apprentice ;of Sheriff Becton, of Lenoir, committed, or at tempted, suicide yesterday. Further particulars will be given in our next issue. Sudden Change. The thermometer on Tues day indicated 94 degrees in. ' the shade at 2 o'clock P. M., and ice was in great demand. Yesterday at the same hour it had fallen to 73 degrees and fell steadily till night, and light overcoats were eagerly sought for. . , 1 i Buck ; Beer. Chas. Zinkand, Proprietor of thft-Ziff feand Hotel, oh3fiddle Skeet, desires tp inform the lovers of "Buck " beer that he has just received several kegs of that desirable bev erage from the well-known Brewery of Jacob Seeger, at Baltimore. I. O. O. F. The signers to the application to re-open Eureka Lodge, No. 7, I. 0. O. F., are notified to meet the Grand Master of the State this (Wednesday) , evening at l o'clock, at " Berae " Lodge Rooms, corner ojf Pollock and Middle Streets, for organization. Ordered. Capt. Joseph Irish, lately in com mand of the U. S. Revenue Steamer Moccasin. at Newport R. L, has been ordered to this place to take command of the steamer Stevens, vice Capt. Dean relieved and ordered to the steamer Samuel Dexter, at Boston. HjUREKA JjODGE, jno. Y, 1. U. U. J?., A num ber of the old members of Eureka! Lodge, No. 7, L O. O. F., of this city, together! with other citizens desirous of resuscitating: this old or ganization,! will meet to-night at the Hall of Berne Lodge, No. 71, I. O. O, T.i corner of Pollock and Middle Streets. The Grand Master of the State, S. W. will be present. Most Worthy Chamberlain, Off fob 'Atlanta. Messrs. Geo. W. Nason, Jr., of the Republic Courier, and J. E. Nash, Esq., left the city yesterday morning for the purpose of attending the Agricultural Congress, which convenes at Atlanta to-day. Mr. Nason's appointment as delegate was frornj Col. Holt, President of the State Agricultural Society, and Mr. Nash's from Dr. Columbus Mills, Master of the State Grange. a the pleasures and the other TfJExcubsion Yesterday. A 'goodly num- "r citizens availed themselves nf tbp. offered yesterday 1 of spending f -sea shore and enjoying ang, boating, fishing Jcted with a visit to Beaufort Har--rrtC pleasures terminated with . a ball at ' life Atlantic House, after which the jexcursion ists returned to the city somewhat tired, but much pleased. ! Buy New Butter at C. E. Slover's. Ice Cream. Sarah Oxley desires to inform the readers of the Newbernian thlat she is now prepared to furnish, in . quantities to suit 1 her customers, the best Ice Cream manufactured in this, the old North State, and that jail orders will be promptly and satisfactorily filled. Resi dence, next door to Mr. F. Boesser"s Furniture establishment, cor. Broad and Middle Sts. State Property. At the Police Station r in this city, we notice 11 cases, supposed to con tain 20 each, of rifle muskets, besides a large case of accoutrements which have been lying there, tmcared for, since the Holden war of 1SG9; We 'do not knov in whose charge these weapons are, nor who is responsible for them, but we do know that the Radical Adjutant General of North Carolina ought to take better care of, and know more about the condition of the military property of our State. These arms and accou trements are apparently in a bad condition, and they should be properly cared for. Let Adju tant General Gorman take action in the ' prem ises at once. . I City Council. At a regular meeting of the '.'S ol tne wftite cm and rigaits, if 'we havejjgot ives to office- mean soutueru " the Kepublican we had JJew Berne City Council Board, held on Monday night last, His Honor Mayor Campbell, Coun cilmen Wolfenden, Bryan, McGee, York and Crawford being present, the following routine of business was transacted : ; On motion, it was ordered, that the sum of $30 be appropriated for the purpose of defray ing the expenses of certain witnesses to attend Carteret County Superior Court in the case of Amos Wade, Esq., vs. the city of New Berne, which cause ik set down for Thursday, (to-mor row,) June 4th. ' ', 4 . On motion of Councilman Crawford, it was decided that a certain piece or parcel of ground, of the Greenwood Cemetery, to the extent of, 15 by 30 feet in the rear and adjacent to the colored Baptist Church edifice, be sold to the church aforesaid; and that the matter as to price and terms of said sale be referred to the Committee on Cemeteries. On motion the salaries of the various city officials were fixed as follows: Mayor, $300 per year; Treasurer, $200; City Clerk, $100; Mar shal, $300; Policeman, each $30 per month; Sextons of the Cedar Grove 'and Greenwood Cemeteries, $20 per month. . The respective bonds of the Treasurer and Tax-collector were presented by those officials, and in consequence of certain informalities, ac tion upon the same was deferred until next meeting of the Board. On motion, A. S. Seymour, Esq., was appoin ted Attorney for the city. XXX. - Mr. Editor, As the half insect and half snake signing himself 'XXX' in the Times, or rather the Ku-Klux organ, of last Saturday, has crawl ed out of his way to 'handle me without gloves, " I hope you will let me have the use of your pa- : per to say a few words in reply. Until-1 read the .answer of 4 Democrat to him in ypur paper this morning, in which he gives him a good drubbing, and shows up the mean fling he has made in his articles, about miscegenation, at the colored race, calling our men bastards and our women prostitutes, I did not intend to take any notice of him, but when the right time came, to show him and some others up in their real colors. But as he says we are all bastards and prostitutes, some of us want to know what he is, and how much better he is than we are. Wheth er I am a disappointed office-seeker of not, l am much more fit to hold an office, that a colored majority gives away, than a fellow who after getting it, turns round and tells the colored peo ple who voted for him that they are all bastards, and their wives and sisters are prostitutes. He wants "Republicans to mark well " what I am at, and charges " openly " that I am "a topi in the hands of the Democracy;" that I have part ed with my " boasted freedom and rights and gone over to the enemy in the moment of danger." He must think I am as big a fool as he is, and that the colored people have none of them got any sense at all. We may not know who our friends are, and we don't, but we know some oi our enemies, and XXX is one of them. And we have got sense enough to know also, that when a rascal fools us into putting our pocket-books into his hands, and then makes off with it, that all our money is gone. I Colored Republicans will marky '" am at, and they will mark well wV and some others who are their friendMju they can get an office and make money rawo , uieui, are ai, ioo. no you minx a nave parted with my " boasted freedom and rights M do you? and that I am a " deserter " from my friends ? If cutting loose from such fellows as you are, who came down South to get office and make money out of the ignorance of the colored peo ple; and to live on the misfortu people, is parting with my freei I am willing for them to go; am to be slaves for the rest of our hunting carpet-baggers ; ami Ayhite men, who have joined party just to get office out of us we had better fgo back to our old masters at oncjp, for while fliey looked on us as slaves, I will say this for thWi, they were gentlemen, they had some respect! Tor oar feelings and for the feelings of our women, and didn't tell, or publish in the papers eitjieiy we were all bastards and prostitutes, and if you and such as you are had gone tc them and fold anyone of them that all his " ne prostitutes made tnem cowhide you off the plantation,- I was a slave, and it is my ; misfortune to heistifjrtek' by the "rough shot" .which' yon. were so to fire at the correspondent of the Newbeen jan, o women were -1 he would have called his hands land i and you knew when you shot it;! and those who go with you knew it, that it wot Id not hur the white man, but strike the colored man only. The colored people' are not responsible forjthe mixture in their blood. You know as well as I do, that in the days of slavery jvre were looked upon, as the writer in the Newbernian tells ou, as a degraded race, and had to bear those things; and right here I will tell you what you don't seem to know, that ' those northern men ivho i- people of this town, white or co good as yours, and better too, iff moved to the South before the war 1 were jithe worst miseegenationists that wp bad, and made the meanest masters. You wrote your article against Democrat-for my bene:it, because you knew that niy blood was mixed. Yon did finot think that you were going to be shown up so that the colored voters could see what you vrre driving at. You may think you have made! hie feel bad, and made the colored people bliish, but you are mistaken, we all know how the thing stands on that question, and we accept the situation. We think we are jUst as good as 'yon are, and our standing among the" respectable olored, is just as we are all pas- ; jr.; . tards. As to deserting my friends, they are-isat-isfied about that. You and ring to which you belong have been deceiving and deserting them for the last eight years ; but they are going to "mark well" what you are j"at" from f this day forth, and see that you don't desert tjtiein any more. You and the rest of the office-hunting carpet-baggers camedownj Soutn and got in with all the sore-headed secegssionists and jpre- tended union men, who made a big fuss while the war was going on, and wanted every man to go into the army, but kept out themselves, and who, when the war was over, people wouldn't recognize, and ring with them, pretending tp man's friend, but for the purpose of putting yourselves into office and puiting money ' into your pockets. And a nice time j you had of it, didn't you ? You had it all ypur own way ;you got everything that was going,! and we didn't (IT ( But as soon as our eyes are open and we tell you that we want some of the offices, you italk about '"repudiating the party." I would like to ask the members of the ring where they are go ing when they " repudiate the party." Sonde of the decent white ' s. . , you formed ;a be the colored repudiate,''! de- iri the beginning, them that are so anxious to serted from the secessionists and I don't reckon the Democrats care much about tbem anyway. When jyou "repudiate," I reckon you will find yourselves where you have tried, but failed, to keep the 'colored man, out in the wet." You are a nicej man to talk about my being "a tool in the hands of the Democ racy." Because I, have been a tool in iyour it in your teeth longer, I have "deserted"! my hands for eight years, and fling that I am not going to be any gone to the Democrats and friends. If you and the ring are the friends. I have deserted, may the Lord! never let me see you again. I was poor when I first saw you; have been looking at you for eight years, and I am worse off now than I wa$ then, and you are H and rich. I have worked, hard for my living t you have done nothing. How do yo4 &c- t for the diffn-trce in put condition t If miscegenation I prill " we intend to at- ve got the proof i: and better to be i cbrry a sleep's wi.some mJ tellou. As t tend to him her,r from enemies believed than frt skiii with a wolfs body under it. Yon say you are for '" Civil Right's for all- men," and that your " Civil Rights, thank God, are not depend ent on any bill that Congress may pass, now or hereafter," and you speak the truth' when you say it. The bills that -Congress'iiiay, pass h;ve nothing to-d6 vdth your Civil Rights; you are in favor of them for the "colored man, jiist '-so long as he will let you keep your hands in the public crib, for when he makes von take them out, as he will do at the proper time. Congress might pass a. thousand bills and you would do all that y-ou could against thciji. I reckon vou will be about ready then, to "repudiate the party too. Who told you that . I ever carried an article to the editor of the Ku7Klux organ, to be re-written and to have language put into iiiy niouth, and that he refused -to. do it? Whether I did or not it is none of your business, and if he refused to do itr it was only because he didn't have sense enough to write what I wanted him to write, and for tliat same reason, I suppose, want of sense, he got you to write the article for him that I am now answering. If one of 3Tour stripe should happen to meet you two to gether,, he might well ask the question that I have often seen under a certain picture with two ads and long, ears, "When shall we three meet again ? " j You suppose because the Ku- Klux organ gets you to- "sling mud" for it, that I get a friend (?) to put "language into my mouth." 'It's none of your business whether I do or not, and if you want to handle me with "gloves off," just do so as often as you please. You can't fool anybody with what you say. We have been studjTing your character for eight years, and we know you all like a book, and when the right time comes we are going to show you that we know you. We have got enough of carpet-baggers. You think you are going to make us vote for a carpet-bag Judge for this district, but go on with your rat-killing. We will show you when the time comes to vote, whether we belong to carpet-baggers or not. You know that the choice of the colored people of this district, is the Hon. Wm. J. Clarke, but because he told you what Sherman's bummers did, some of you got mad and swore you jwould turn him out and make the colored people vote for a carpet-bagger. You may man age the caucuses and the conventions, but we votenow'a days for the men who we know are going to do us justice, and that man. for Judge is Wm. J. Clarke, who is already His Honor, and we intend to keep him His Honor just as long as he does us justice. How you came to get mad about his speech, I never could see, un less you belonged to the bummers and you thought somebody might indict you for some thing, and the Judge inight put it to you. But he is our man and you will see it. Now, Mr; Editor, I am done with this half snake and half insect, until he attacks me again. A man who says the colored people are bas tards and prostitutes is beneath my notice and the notice of the colored people. Many of us have read his articles about miscegenation , and ; what your Democratic correspondent has said to him in reply, t We are not such fools as not to see the light in which he, and others like him, look on us, and when the day of election comes around, or the time for Congressmen to make their appointments in this district comes, we will see that men who regard us as infamous, and our women without virtue, and publish what they consider our infamy, to the world, do not take what it is in our power to give. A Colored Voter. .. P. S. The "Bed Bug," in the Ku-Klux or fjan of last Saturday, who wishes to know what color I am, blue, black, white or grey, and ' fan cies I am green, is not worth my notice. If I could just get my thumb nail on his back he yrould never suck blood again. That part of "Bed Bug's " article, " Civil Rights a Certainty, " was written by a white man. I am sorry his back was so cut up by the lash, but suppose he got it at the whipping post, as all that about his having a master is all bosh. I suspect he was a carpet-bagger caught miscegenating, and as the white people didn't want his breed they gave him thirty-nine lashes and told him to travel. We'have no doubt your back has been pretty well lashed, old " Bed Bug," but it was done at the public whipping post, by the sheriff of the county, and not by any master. I maybe "blue, black, white or gray," but I'm not "green." after a . . DIED, In Beaufort, N. C, on the 30th ult, protracted and painful illness Mrs. Theresa Asm. wife of Wiley F. Hiceins, Esn., aged 30 years. .'. 4 - V x

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