j----"-1- VoW 1. : ; NEW BERNE, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 9, 1874. ' Number 44. IV,- O Hi ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. desire to state for the information of all corerned, that "we hold ourself responsible for uny and all articles that have appeared or may appear in this paper. Seth M. Caepenteb. BEAD AND PONDER, White men of North Carolina, the Badica Party of Craven County have appointed Jegro Academy of New Berne, a Irustees over the school of White Children. Whether you be native or adopted citizens, rich or poof, learned or unlearned, christian or infidel, think of this ichen you go to the ballot-box again; and lei the thunder oj your inaignani prozesi ouisi ine usurpers. Democratic Executive Committee tor Town- . ship No. 8. S. M. Carpenter, T. A. Green, E. H. Meadows, B. B. Lane, H. C. Russell, J. R. Bailey, Rufas Smith, John Lane, G. W. Claypoole, Chas. Lovinier, Wm. S. Phillips, James H. Pool, Jacob B. Taylor, A. L. Bynum. Democratic Executive Committee for Craven County. j J. E. Morris, Wm. G. Brinson, Thos. Stanly, C. H. Latham, H. C. Whitehurst, M. E.-Manly, S. Radcliff, T. S. Howard, W. H. Jones, Alex. Justice, D. T. Carraway, H. B. Lane, Jas. A.' Bryan, J. J. Wolfenden, H. T. Guion, Jno. H. Nelson, Brice Ipock, T. H. Mallison, Cicero Green,- G. W. Charlton, R. A. Rnssell, S. W. Latham, John Ritch, Jas. Hunter, W. B. Lane, Wm. Cleve, Jj A. Ernul. Misb?besentaton. Dick King, under the nom de plume of "Citizen," desires it to be in- 'ferred thai Carpenter is "the nominal editor of the Newbebnian." We call the attention of "Citizen" to the brief, but earnest notice that, when not crowded out, daily appears upon the local page of this paper, the caption of which reads thusly: "7b all whom it may concern." We plainly say that "Citizen," in these prem ises makes another willful misrepresentation." Mb." Editob: Our community know that the finances of the A. rejoice & N. C. to R. Road are in such flourishing condition that the ex-President, E R. Stanly, 1 feels justified in drawing his pay to July 1st. We trust that the road now will prorate satisfactorily! with other roads, both for passengers and freight, and also for excursion trips to the mountains, and notify the public that they have done so. We think now that the up country "fellers" will quit calling it tne Mullet itoaa, as its nnances are in such good condition that it can afford to pay two Presidents each such a salary. Stockholdeb How the Thing Works. In Frank Leslie for June 13th, we find the following apt illustration of the workings of the Civil Rights BilL A U. S. Senator having taken a room with a double bed, at a certain hotel, he is aroused during the night by the landlord, accompanied by a man and brother anxious to rest his Upon being advised by said man weary limbs. and brother's desire, the following conversation ensues: U. S. Senator "But I dont want to with a negro." J sleep Landlord "Well, its the only double bed in the house, and if I don't give him half of it, I shall have to pay him $500 damages. You must either sleep with him or go into the street" - Mb. Editob. Will XXX please jgive the pub lid the statistics, as to the number of ' 'the poor innocent girls'' who "committed suicide?" If he cannot furnish the information a billet doux, upon so interesting a subject, to Miss Stowe, will no doubt put him in possession of the facts. - 1 . r i P. WrjLrui.NEsaL Under the norri de plume of "Citizen," Dick King says that the Editor of vtsebhian.V is governed by -jlittle feelings jrKp-3iig the name of a public ie of a publ IpJ King." In answer to proclaim tihat "Citizen" misstatement. xethren, you are hereby notified v-wVilar meeting of your Lodge, at bwthrop --fi, this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. A. W. Edwards, Sect'y. How to Make a Cooling DsmK. Go to C. E.; SLOYER'S and, get a can of Sxjgab op Lemons and prepare according to directions. Oat of the ninety-seven candidates for admis sion to West Point, thirr-two could, not pass. None of the colored candidates were successful. LP I . . ... ...... I i "j i ' . - Ice Ceeait. The . ladies connected with the M. E. Sewing Society, wilLJroldan ice cream sociable at the American House on Wednesday evening. (N)ice cream, lemonade and cake, to gether with the presence of the fair ladies, will present such an attraction as no young man should resist. The object in view in raising money by this means is a worthy one, aiid money invested now for cooling purposes will, most probably, next winter, be the means of vbarming some of the destitute poor of the city. Pebvebsion. Under the nom' de plume of 'Citizen," Dick King represents that, because he "did not grant the Editor of the Newbebnian a free pass over his road, the Editor aforesaid asserted he would 'go for him.' " We.- never asked Dick King for a pass, especially for our self ; but wished to know if he would give the members of the Press the same privilege as did the other railroads of, the State ? Dick King an swered the, query in the following words: "These newspapers are all nuisances. we proclaim the above-mentioned representation by the aforesaid Dick King, under the nom de plume Citizen," a willful perversion. Sanitary. Since the recent rains the fetmos- phere has become sultry and oppressive, and it behooves our citizens to use every precaution to cleanse their premises. JThe heat of the sun causes rapid evaporation from decaying vegeta tion and other matter, and if not attended to by the use of disinfectants will cause sickness, and in its train follows suffering and frequently death. We must not put this off, as it is a sub ject fraught with too serious consequences, and must be dealt with at once. We hope our Com mon Council will take immediate steps to have an examination of all places that are likely to breed infection and disease. It is better to in vest a few dollars in the purchase of disinfec tants than to lose long sleepless nights in anxiety and suspense, in watching by the sick ; bed of some relative' or friend. This city is naturally one of the healthiest in the State, and if the citizens will do their duty those who are not able to spend their Summers at the sea side or mountain resorts will be as healthy as they who do. Give lis strict sanitary laws, and all will be well, and when "Jack Frost" visits : us again, we will have cause to congratulate the efforts of our citizens and the city authorities. We do not wish to become tiresome by recur ring so frequently to the sanitary condition of our city," but we think it a matter of such vital importance that we, as public journalists, can not but give the wjaxning note before it be too late and the enemy be npon us. Now is the time to act, and if possible place our city in such condition as will insure us from all diseases of an epidemic character. : j i. i Don't Cake. Dick King, under the psetidony mous title of "Citizen" says: "We care nothing about who is President of the railroad, so that he be a good man." We ask "Uncle Dick" how would you like it, if your friend (?) E. R. Stanly should be called upon to resume the Presidency 'of your little pet thoroughfare ? We would also ask, if you could hope thereafter to be conveyed to and fro between this city and your Kinston home at any hour of the day or night without compensation ? Or perhaps you would prefer your beloved (?) friend C. R. Thomas to take the thing off your hands. We would like much (if we are to have a Radical President,) to see Thomas take your place, though in a political point of view, we have no admiration for him; yet we give him the credit of being the most satisfactory Radical President i that has as yet managed this poverty -stricken concern. We know you like (?) Thomas, for yon spoke of him very affectionately (?) upon a certain occasion when we called upon yon to know whether you really meant what yon said; when you told us that "all the newspapers were nuisances, " you took occasion to remark that yottiiad no refer ence to the Newbebnian, for yoi thought that there were J'some very good triu H' I Please give us your candid opi-r"l? fe or u you cannot spare we i tool "Citizen" to speak for yotLr ; - 2 lis. - ' 'ri r ? : a I'ipua girl wno naa a quarrel mux remarked to a friend that 11 sh srUv squeezing terms with that fraud any more. Ice Cr.EAir.ine . ladies connectea wilq me b. ditob: lAi does not appear to lie 151 LAST MliHT'S MAIL. , Lditob: XXX does not appear to content with the assertion that the Colored pep pie are all bastardly wretches, but now in his communication as published in the New Berne Times on Sunday last, XXXinot only calls mesa "nondescript" and a "disgruntled negro," l&t says that the negro is not capable of writinija grammatical communication. XXX pretends ;to know me, and yet he makes the proposition that if I will publish my name, he will publiph his. Now Mr. Editor, we all know who is, and it would be simply ridiculous ! to giye him an opportunity to gratify his vanity and thereby disgust the people of this community with seeing his name in print j XXX thinks f?) I have picked up the wrong man, and that I am not to be let off so easily, &c. Now Mr. XX, if you want to see your name in prini, I wantyBu to write in substance ae follows, and when ybu comply, I. will let you and the whole public know who I am: I I I .'U . ' A Card.1 j. . f This is to certify that the undersigned is not only a genuine carpet bagger and office holder, but that he is prepared to truthfully substah- tiate every assertion uttered ; over the letters of XXX. . .4A . uome out Mr. aaa ana give usj an illustra- ion of your sincerity and then you and yours Ml shall know , ; A Colored Voter THE PRIEST OP RADICALISM. No. 1. "The path that led to hell with tempting floweis, And in the ear of sinners as they took j H The way of death, he whispered peace; he swore Away all love of lucre, all desire j j Of earthly pomp; and yet a princely seat j j He hiked, and to the clink of mammon's box Gave most rapacious ear. His propecies, J He swore, were from the Lord; and yet taught Has . h. i - ji R . For gain: with quackish ointment, healed the wounds ,J ;4 : - ' l Ancf bruises of the soul, outside, but'left, Within, the pestilent matter unobserved, To sap the moral constitution quite, And soon to burst again incurable. He with untempered mortar daubed the walls Of Zion, saying, Peace, when there was non& j j The man who came with thirsty soul to hearj; Of Jesus, went away unsatisfied; J For he another gospel preached than Paul, And one that had no Savior in it; and yet, : His life was worse. Faith, charity Humility, forgiveness, holiness, and love,! Were words well lettered in his Sabbath creed; But with his life he wrote as plain, Revenge Pride, tyranny and lust of wealth and powef; Inordinate, and lewdness unashamed. He was a wolf in clothing of the lamb, That stole into tne fold of God, and on The blood of souls, which he did sell to death Grew fat; and yet when any would have turned TTii-n out, he cried, "Touch not the priest of God." And that he was anointed, fools believed; j But knew, that day, hie was the devils priest,; Anointed by the hands of sin and death, j i And set peculiarly apart to ill, J ; While on him smoked the vials of j perdition; Pomed measureless. M i i Hotel Arrivals. Gaston House, S. R. Street, Proprietor. June 8. A. Thompson, Jennings Pigott, Beaufort, N. C ; Lewis Latham, W. Chauncy, Washington, N. C. ; J. E. Pouge, HillsboroAN. C.; A. M. Kirklaud, L Disosway, W. Dunn, city; F. G. Simmons, Jones county, r mw m ' " . " nt I N. O. ; J. ll Yvmie, Jtunsioxt, n. v i si Bateman House, J. B. Bateman, Proprietor. June 8. Jack Smallwood, J. R.J Jones, D. S. Willis, Samuel Radcliff, A. G. Hubbard, City; Appleton Oaksmith, Carteret Co. Geo. W. DilL Morehead City, N. J. Heynes, Kinston; T. M. Edwards. S. C.;I J. Moore, Raleigh; Geo. W. Nason, Jr. , Atlanta, Ga. Not Dead. Mr. John Prime, of this cityp de sires to inform "all the world and the rest of mankind "that he is not dead, but still ixil the land of the living, and is now able to repair and stock guns ; in .the best manner? pomble, wid that he is also prepared to ftttend with prompt ness to the ztM-ty b'raictc3 cf th2 nun trade. Mr. Prim; - r -Ijitsts anil - ' -tsi'Fair- :ry tf banks' Sc street, i -stablisT BY LAST WIGHT'S MAIL. Little Rock, June G. The affairs here are quiet. The State prisoners have been released on a small bail. Brooks himself goes on the street daily without .. bein'" - molested. 'Kincr White has disbanded his forces Washington, June 6. Gen. Sherman goes to St. Louis for a few days.- The Committee of Conference, disagreeing on the votes of the -two houses, in relation to the Freednjen's Bank, met this afternoon at 2 o'clock, and was in session at 3 P. M. I J fThe Senate insists. on its bill which provides for a complete winding up of the affairs of the bank in this city and all its branches. The ; House bill allows the bank and its branches to continue to do business, but J sets ' forth explicitly upon what class of securities loans shall be made. ' The amendment to the Postoffice Appropria- tion bill, that agricultural mails free, was stricken out. reports pass the The Law of Fatigue. Dr. Haughton, in his "Animal Mechanics,' states the law of fatigue as follows: " When the same muscle (or group of muscles) is kept in constant action until fatigue sets in, the total work done, multiplied by the rate of work, is constant Suppose a man, walking at his ordi nary pace, does not become tired until he J has gone thirty miles. If he walks three times as fast, he will be tired at the end of ten miles, having done one-third of the work in one-ninth of the time ; and so on, the total work done va rying as the square root of the time necessary to produce fatigue, i I j - " Where the rate of work is very rapid, as in a boat race, it is of course impossible to keep it up for any great length of time. The actual amount of work done in such a case ; is thus il lustrated by Dr. Haughton: A good idea may be formed of the rate in which the muscles1 give out work in a boat-race, from comparing this work with the average daily work of a laborer. At many kinds of i labor there are 400 foot-tons Of work accomplished in ten hours. The oars man performs (this is arrived at by calculation) in one minute the 100th part of his day's labor, and if he could continue to work at the same rate he would finish his day's task in one hour and forty minutes, instead of the customary ten I hours. : The work done, therefore, in rowing one knot in the seven minutes, is, while it lasts, performed at a rate equal to six times that of a hard-worked laborer." A Magnetic Cave. A wonderful cave has been discovered near E Pine Grove. California. Three men named Stokes, Jamison and Mason explored it for about a mile and a quarter. They found cham bers beautifully decorated with stalactites and stalagmites, and a stream of water leaping from the roof into an apparently bottomless pit, also a hot spring emitting sulphurous puffs of steam. In another chamber the walls and rocks were ; highly magnetic One of the party who carried a hatchet had it suddenly wrested from him by a magnetic rock near which he passed, and the combined strength of the party was unable to detach it. Another who had on miners' boots, the soles of which were filled with nails, could OI1iy vaik trith difficulty, and happening to step upon a portion of the floor unusually magnetic, found himself suddenly affixed thereto and unable to move, j He was compelled to leave bis boots there. I ! DMCK1CSC0W3EBVATVE COUNTY CONVEN TION. There will-be a Convention of the Demo ! cratic-Conservative party of Craven county held at the Court House in New Berne on Saturday, June 13th, at 10 o'clock A. M. The respective towxships are requested to appoint delegates to attend the same, as a full representation is desired. !.-' By order of the Executive Committee. James E. Mobbis, Chairman. New Bzbne, May 16, 1874. Ice Cbeaic. Sarah; Oxley desires to inform the readers of the Newbebnian that she i is now prepared to furnish, in quantities to suit her North gtate and aU ordere . be promptly and satisfactorily filled. Resi dence, next door to Mr. F. Boesser's Furniture establishment, cor. Broad and Middle Sts. Subscribe for the Newbernian, $5.00 per year. - - '1 ' i V A .-- -r-rtr . :'J . .

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