- -i - t '.' j ' -V' - - ' j J" - i k- " -.- :. A 1 v .M A 1 AN . 5 H NEW BERNE, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING-, JUNE 11, 1874 Number 46. Volume 1. t - i - - T-j O .O A XJi - TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. We desire to state for the information of all concerned, that we hold ourself responsible for ' any and all articles that have appeared or may; appear in this paper. Seth M. Cabpenteb. I Democratic Executive Committee for Town x ' ship No. 8. ; ' j - .' j S. M. Carpenter, T. A. Green, G. W. Claypoole,1 E. H. Meadows, 15. &. ljane, nas-i ajuvxuici, ! H. C. Russell, J. R. Bailey, Wm. S. Phillips,1 Rufus Smith, John Lane, James H. ; Pool, Jacob B. Taylor, A. L. Bynum. Chambeb op Commebce. A meeting of the iiaw Homo PViamlipr of Commerce, was held .A. W TV - , last night, for the purpose of taking action con cerning the cotton factory project. A full re port of the meeting will appear in to-morrow's issue. - t ' i " : T H - '-I " 1 Abetted. The steamer L. Q; Cannon, Capt. A. C. Minter, arrived at this port on yesterday from Norfolk, with a full cargo to S. H. Gray, Agent for the Pioneer Transportation "Company. Schooner Jenny Iind,: Calhoon master, with potatoes, from Bay River.' New Stobe. Our worthy "friend .'and fellow townsman Mr. James Redmond has opened a grocery and provision store . opposite the Peo ples Market, on Middle Street, where we notice a fine and general assortment of family supplies which are not only warrented a Ho. ljin quality, but are offered at the very lowest market rates. Cxpbess Shingxes. We noticed on yesterday the arrival of a large flat laden with cypress shingles,, from Swift Creek, for Mr. Wm. Cleve. These shingles, as we learn, were gotten out ex pressly for the Northern ' market and are the finest lot received at this pert for many a day. Mocking Bibds. We noticed several very fine vouner Mockiner birds for sale at the car- ' r -- .... penter and joiner shop of Benjamin McFrater, on South Front Street, near Cheap John's auc-j , tion store. iMcFrater isdoing a, gomJ)y&m&58. irrthe Jard linaaftnd tsosma to faiominst -fcow-tW ! - a "4 . 1 raise tbenv successfully. Ibish Potatoes. We noticed on yesterday our enterprising townsman, Mr. C. j T. TTatson and his assistants, were busily engaged in bar. Tllinr a fmlendid lot of new potatoes, the Noxious Weeds. For the information of our citizens we publish the city "Ordinance in re lation to the removal of weeds " : It is ordained, That the owners or occupants of all lots within the city limits be required to all t.hfi Jamestown and other noxious weeds from said lots before the 20th day of July of each year, and if they fail so to do," the City l a'hprp'hv authorized to have all such weeds removed at the expense of the owners or occupants of the lots aforesaid. . PuBNELii and the Ku-Kxux. The Winston Sentinel has the following to say in regard to Mr. Purnell's denying that he was a Ku-Klux: When Mr. Pool charged T. R. Purnell, the Radical candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction, with being a Ku-Klux ; when they j met at this place,: Mr. Purnell did not deny it, but we see now from the New Berne Times that down in the Eastern part of the State he doee den v it. We think proofs can be laid before the editor of the Hmw, and the public in a short I time that will show conclusively that Mr. Pur ! nell was a member of the 'White Brotherhood." Baixou's Monthly Magazine for July. The July number of this popular illustrated maga 1 zine Is'reallv superb. It contains some ihirfr ! nice stories, and poetry which the higher price wonld be clad to print The illus trations are timely, and those of the Fourth of July are amusing, and will be particularly rel ished by the younger portion of the community, while the sedate will be reminded of their youth, and love of fun and gunpowder. " Ballon's Mag azine is the best cheap serial in the country, ind this the people have discovered a long tin a ftffo. It is onlv $1.50 per year, and to each subscriber Is given a nice cromo. The Priest of Radic&lism. hiding j placej t BY LAST NIGHT'S MAIL. S. ,15 I Prf( ver Jno&eal depot in the country. Thomes ion. enrlj p,1 forshipmentto-wItirfloran tishr mlrTnaarkBtst Mr.'; WatiJr! I dauliaTr- piiB large quantities gf this, and other vege tables. ItfBEBAiifY We are informed that Dick King says he will leave the sum of $25,000 in his will to any one who will whirj Carpenter. A friend at our elbow suggests that perhaps it might be better for the person making the attempt, to set then cash in 'hand, I praise !he would in all probability lose it, as j King Dick sometimes forgets to fulfil his promises; as, for instance, he stated beforehe got possession of the A. &N. -C. TKai&oidT. jQx&e: .would "tnni . out every. in the employ of that corporation who was born on Northern soil; Imt it seems he has forgotten w tbEo- ity-orthoughV better -of it EiaHxaZEowKSHiB JIxextsq. The Conserva tives of the Eighth Township are hereby notified to meet at the Court House orl Thursday even ing ilth instrfor "the purpose of appointing delegate tplhCJpnnty Amyention, and rinB; acting such" -other business iis-niay properly come before them: Every Conservative in the" Township is expected to be present By order of the Committee. . SethTM. Cabpenteb, Chairman. T. X Gbxen, Secretary, j Candidate Poor, Ratd. Colonel Pool said at Morehead City the pther dain Tren' piy mj a quetiuyu, us vu wjucwu ua nwiuu uui Cniluren except Hit? eiuiurea ui wao njfpou-uag- gers and. Yankees.' How do yon like the North- eeopy the above from' the 'Times of yester- day, in order to brand it, upon the authority of two gentleman who weTe present anq. neara What CoL: Pool did say, as a base and malicious fabricatipn,; manufactured in New Berne. The Radicals put a fellow named Smith, that most detestable of all beings, a buffalo during the War, to question Col. P. , who dip! ask "him the question as . reported, to which Col. P. replied that he knew no low whites m Jsorth Uarolina, except thosei who favored the infamous Civil' Rights Bill, ,ana memoers oi tne jtaaicai party, and not all of the latter. Will the editor of the Tiroes ' have the manliness to require the person who laipjrjngly told the falsehood in his paper boama3sP the proper correction ; or does he" prefer to permit others place him before the commu nity in the light of a libeler ? We suggest this to him because we know 'he .was not present when the" speech alluded to was made. , ' ko n. ' 'Among the accused,- who seek a In vain, from fierceness of Jehovah's rage, And from the hot displeasure of the Lamb, ! 1 i -j v Most wretched, most contemptible, most vile,-f- Stands the priest of Radicalism, and in his cori science feels j The fellest grave of the undying porm. And so he may for he has on his hands The blood of souls, that will not "wipe away. Hear what he is. He swears in sight of God And niant to preach his master, yet preaches himself: He swears that love of souls, .-, Alone, has drawn him to the church ; ; But envy has enough, as heretofore, . j To fill his heart with gall and bitterness. ' What makes the man of envy whit he is, y Is worth in others, vileness in himself, A lust of praise, with Undeserving deeds, And conscious poverty of soul - i and still It is his earnest work and daily toil, f With lying tongue, to make the noble seem Mean as himself. On fame's bigti hill he sees The laurel spread its everlasting green, And wishes to climb ; but feels his knees too weak. - .'-A ; And stands, below unhappy, laying hands TJpon the strong, ascending gloriously , The steps., of honor, bent to draw j them back, Involving oft the brightness of their path, In mists his breath hath raised, whene'er he hears, .. j - : As oft he does, of joy and happiness, j And great prosperity, and rising worth, j Tis like a wave of wormwood o er his soul ', Rolling in bitterness. 5 His joy is wo, The wo of ofchers when from wealth to want, I'tom praises to reprcach; from peace to strife: From mirth to tears, ,he sees a brother toll,- f vijrtue make a slip, his dreams are sweet BuVciief with slander, o!aughter 'of his bwn, j He takes Tmhallowed pleasure. When she talk? , AttJtrith herfilthv lips defile ihobe6t, 'J His mouth ; his , eje, well pleased, as eager gazes. As glutton, wHen the oisn ne most, aesxres . Is placed before him ; anda hbrr mirth, At intervals, with laughter shakes his slaes. The critic," too, who, for a bit of bread, In book that feel aside before the ink Was dry, sows forth excessive nonsense, ' gives Him much delight 'Ah critics, some, . uw few, - - Are worthy men, and learn renown which has Immortal roots ; bnt most are weak and vile. And as a cloudy swarm bf summer flies With angry hto and 6lender lance, beset" The sides of jsoine huge animal ; so do j They buzz about the illustrious priest, and rfain,tJ - - i j . With his immortal honorfdown Of fame would descend. - he stxeam kww . tjt 'I'no lorn ot? m t iiu niRLiuuiiKLnHW. uSSd lfinri 'n-i tf r r- ... - inc Society of thifiTcityr gavea most pleasant and.enjoyab entertainment -last evehing at the American Hcrase. c Oiuiiea" number of the young ladies and gentlemen attended and participated in tWri fMstixritEfta of the eveninfir. Refreshments in the way of ice-creamj cake, etcJ, were pro vided, and the cooling effects after the .heated temperature bf "yesterday, was very refreshing indeed. The ientire party seemed to .enjoy them selves very much, and we doubt not, but that . the ladies realized quite a handsome sum for their noble object 1 . j Dbtep Fruit; Fine Teas, all grades of Sugar, Sugar Cured Jlams and Shoulders; and New Butter at C. -E Si-oveb's Hotel Arrivl. ;i ';i vi Bateman House, Jerome Bateman, proprietor. June 10. E. R. Page, A. &. N. C. R ; William Cleve, Swift Creek, N. C; J. McCol- lum. Raleich, K. C. : C. F. Fulcher, Portsmouth, . , , w ' -- ' Va.; Edgar -S. Dudley, U. S. A. ; B. Kahn, New York; John Biddle, Craven county; Samuel Rad- cliff, A. G. Hubbard; city. ! i ' . , " " il l How Strange. If a tallow candle be placed in a gun, and shot at a door, it will go through without sus taining any injury, and if a musket ball be fir ed into water, it will not only rebound, but be flattened as if fired against a substance. A piusket ball may be fired through a pane of glass making a hole the size of the ball, without cracking the glass ; if the glass be suspended by a thread, it will make no difference and the thread will not even vibrate. In the Arctic re gions, when the thermometer is below zero, people can converse more than a mile distant. Dr. Jamieson asserts that he heard every word of a sermon at the distance of two miles. A mother has been distinctly heard talking to her child, on a still day, across a water a mile wide. i , . - - - A School-boy's Aspiration. "I wish I were a fountain, that I might always be playing. Tms C,nv'k-i Rarab Oxlev desires to inform the readers of the:NEWBEBNtAN that she is nqw preparedto furnish, in quantities to - suit her customers; the best Ice Cream manufactured in this, ie "old North State, and that all orders will be pfomptly and satisfactorily j niiea ; . Jiesi- denceviiext aoor to jot. x xKMsessei: . jc lu.uxi.uac establishment, cor. Broad and Middle Sts. - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, j; SUPEBIOaXJoUBT, ) ta Tpttti A. T). 18741 CartelL County, J r , SPSAK A. PpABCE, ) ," ... , - I " Josspb Peabce. j ! ; Tn fTiia antion. it ar)tearinff to the Court from the affidavit of the plaintiff, that a cause; of ac tion exists against the defendant, and that the saiu aeienaanii us uut Aeaivit.ui w wvv',. ia Atotaj that -nnblication be! made once a week, for six weeks successively, in the New- bebnian, a newspaper puoiisnea in tne city jvi New Berne, notifying the said defendant that he is summonea to appear oeiore me ugo the Superior Court of Carteret County, at the uourv m7 ne neia iox saiu cuuxnj, v ,-,vvti 1T.r.M i, T5aoT.fr.-rt nn tiA KfiCOnd MondflV sbf August next, and answer the complaint in this action; and that if he fail to answer said com niatvt orihin tiift tmt TireRcribed bv law, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in tne compiainu ; - wifSfl TumeR llnmlev. Clerk of 6aid Court, at Beaufort, the sixth day of June, 1874. j j9 6wj - j as. iiuaujix, . o. - , - ' . There ia. only one way to do a thing, and that is to do it , Washington, June, 9. HOUSE. The votes on the Loiiisiana elec tion cae were a.s follow s : First. That Pinch- back is entitled to the seat prima facie. Lost" without division. Second. That Sheridan was elected. Lost by 71 to 175. Third. That Pichback was not elected. Lost by 94 to 121. Fourth that the testimony does not show that etther was elected and that they may take furth er testimony. Carried'without division. Welkebsbabbe, June, 9. Last night an explosion occurred in the shaft at Nanticoke, burning three miners and setting fire to the breaker, which6 was soon destroyed. While fighting the flames some burning timbers fell upon WTilliam Vivian, killing him , instantly. Alexander Ale, Charles Keller, Hawley, Walsh, Tom Lowell, Tom McMare, Henry Reimes, Snyder and Lorenzo Krebs, of the gang who were engaged in fighting the fire, werb over- come by the gas and had to be carried from the mine. The first two were insensible when brought to fresh air and have since died, but the others are doing well. . BoBTSMOUTH, June, 9, The cable steamer Farraday is in portsShe is 4,600 tons burden, ' the largest ever in" these waters. Festivities rule the day aboard and ashore. The cable is buoyed within ten miles, of the shore. The deep sea cable is very strong but light, three ons to the mile. The 6hore endings are two an d ahalf inches in diameter, and weighing 18 tons to the mile. c T ; ' I Archbishop Handroit, of Rheims, France, is dead. ' , A dispatch from Havana says the small-pox is raging at Jamaica, and the vessels there are detained. M ' : r ! , The spire of the Belfast (Mich.) Presbyte rian church was demolished and the Congress ional church, badly shattered and other build- Chabueston, June 9. Jdge Graham has filed his decision upon the question whether Governor Moses is subject to indictment and trial by oiUnaryjicninal process. Previous to tne impeacnm, v jg0"""" i - holds that tfie ekofees, as charged in i!:4ndictnient.-wam-tath official action, 11 w was mlstsbtiaui or;-a cTime committed by him as uovenioi; iu anuefciuio wuciw vuv dictment for larceny as to Franklin J. Moses, Jr., be quashed and the case as to him be stricken from the docket ! j j London, June, 9. A correspondent of the Times, in a letter to that journal from Vitoria, Spain; says Marshal Concha is moving against the Carlists in Navarre, with every available means. Gen. DOrregay, commander of the Car lists, is already in a good position, and an im portant action is expected to take place soon. The Times correspondent at Paris telegraphs that it is expected that Dufanre, in a few days, will ask the Committee on Constitutional JLawa to come to a Tote on the first article of the bill introduced in May, 1873, providing that the Government shall consist of a Senate and Chamber of JRepresentatives and a President of the Republic. ;. If the committee rejects the ar ftlft. thft !Left Centre will move in the Assem bly to refer a similar proposition to the new commission. Should this fail, the Left Centre, as a last resort, will move a dissolution of the itnMv Tr ia flvMit of &hv adverse votes,1 Deputies belonging to all sections of the Left vjencre may poBsiuxjr ivsiu Subscribe for the Newbernian, $5.00 per year. DEMOCaATIO-CoNSEBVATTTE COTTNTT CONVEX- Tiosr. There will be a Convention of the Democratic-Conservative party of Craven county held at the Court House in New Berne on Saturday, June 13th, at 10 o'clock A M. The respective townships are requested to appoint aeiegaua iu attend the same, as a full representation is desired. ... , 4 By order of the Executive Committee. j James E. Mobbis, Chairman, s. NewBebne, May 16, 1874. Not Dead. Mr. John Prime, of this city, de sixes to inform "all the world and the rest of mankind " that he is not dead, but still in the land of the living, and is now able to repair and stock guns in the best manner possible, and that he is also prepared to attend with prompt ness to the auxiliary branches of the gun trade. Mr. Prime repairs, adjusts and warrantsFair banks' Scales. His shop is located on Craven Street in the rear of Mrs., Prime's Millinery , Establishment ; I " i ;0- ( 9 r If . . 1 1.9 "