4," 1 ' I V JEDAI N lililfttl Volume I.1 NEW BEENE, N. 0., TUESDAY MORNING, TO1IE 16, 1874. Number 50 3L, O O .A. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. We desire to state for the information of all concerned, that we hold ourself responsible for any and all articles that have appeared or may appear in this paper. Seth M. Cabpenteb. j Democratic Executive Committee for Craven Edward Whitfield. Wm. Cleve, J, A. Erntd, S. W. Latham, J. L. Rich, A J. Chesnnt, T. H. Mallison, J. E. Morris, Wm. G. Brinson, J. H. Hunter, Ql C. Clark, S. Radcliff, Jas. A. Bryan, Thos. Stanly, Jas. Osgood; John Hughes, H. R. Bryan, W. P. Stanton, H. B. Lane, D. E. Christie, W. B. Lane, S. B. Evans, Pitt Barrows, R. A. Russell, V. T. Carraway, Jbl. . union. The Executive Committee is requestedto meet on Saturday next, June 20th, at the office of Major John Hughes, at 11 o'clock, A. M. " Steameb Teeet. The steamer Ellen S. Terry, Salyer master, arrived,at this port yesterday morning. ' The Terry will sail for New York on Friday next, at 5 o'clock P. M. Coen. A goodly quantity of corn, arrived at this port on yesterday from the counties of Beau fort and Hyde, which sold at $1 per bushel. The City Granary, through Thomas Stanly, Esq., manager, purchased some 3000 bushels at the price above quoted. Atxaktic Council, P. of H. The Atlantic 9 : . i Council, Patrons of Husbandry, convenes at Goldsboro on Thursday next, the 18th inst. Our talented and highly esteemed citizen, James A Bryan Esq. , will deliver an address on the occasion; I- Pubnixl. Purnell must have been m town on Sunday last, though we did not see him. We make this statement upon the authority of the Times, which published a communication on that day signed JIuJUux," and as, Purnell is (Ee only known member of that- organization who has been in the city recently, we have rea sonably concluded that he was the author. j Shipping Accident. The Schooner Industry, Chester master, laden with corn from Hyde County, arrived at this port on Sunday last in a sinking condition, caused : from running upon one of the large stakes set in ' the channel of the Neuse river for fishing purposes, i Upon application by Capt. Chester to Mr. Thomas Stanly, of the City Granary, Steve dores were immediately engaged and the cargo removed to " the granary bins. Only a small portion of the corn was damaged. Arrived. Schooner Water Lily, j Peel master, with corn to J. j Havens, from Hyde county. Schr. Sadie, Burnett master, with cotton and poultry from Jones' Bay. Schr. Janette Ann, Rose master, with corn from Hyde county. ' j Schr. L. Thomas, Mason mastery with cured drum-fish. j Schr. Lady Gray, Flowers master, with corn and poultry. ' . Schr. lively, Willis master, with potatoes, clams, eggs and hides from Beaufort. bchr. ki.k rancis, Jrayne master, with corn from Hyde county. I Schr. Diamond, Robinson master, with pota toes, poultry and eggs from Beauiort. cenr. inaustry, unester master, witn corn Hyde county. 1 ; . " 1 : A Fatal Blow. We are informed by Mr. H. , H. G. Broome,1 who arrived in the city yester day from Beaufort County, that Mr. Reuben Wilkerson and Council Mr Scott, of that county, met at the store of J. B. Bryan, Esq., of Au rora, on Saturday last, when, as it appears. feud which had previously existed between I them was renewed. Very little was 6aid by either of the parties before Mr, Wilkerson, seizing a piece of oak plank that stood near, struck Mr. Scott, who was sitting on the conn ter, a blow on the right side of the head caus ing him to pitch forward to the floor, falling upon his head witb such force as to break his neck. Mr. Scott was a very quiet and inoffen sive young man, greatly liked by all who knew him, and lacked only a few days of attaining his majority. He only lived about thirty-five min utes after the fatal blow was struck. Wilker son was arrested and lodged in jail. SUGAE-CUBEp Shoulders, best Butter and Dried Fruit, a C. E. Slover's. Commentary on Cito Rights --We invite the attention of the Radical whites of the country,' to he disgraceful exhibition of colored rodyism unfolded at the Police Court yesterday morning. The congregations of . two colored Baptist churches engaged in a row on the holy Sab bath, breaking the peace of the community, and exciting violence, savage recklessness of tem per, ana a most inexcusable violation of Jaw. Read the account of our Reporter, which speaks or itself. This isthe people, whom irrespon sible Radicals wish to put into the schools, hotels and venerated cemeteries with the whites. There are a few colored persons in the city nowise identified with such a degraded state of things. Go to the Episcopal Church on Com munion Sunday, and after the whites have par taken f the sacrament, you will see a small number of colored men and women, moving with a slow and solemn step up the aisles of the sacred edifice, to participate in the Lord's Sup per. They : are the little remnant' of the pious; but aristocratic blacks, who before the war; held themselves above demagbgueism and meanness, and still cherish the memory of purer and better days. Besides these there are some, who in their heart of hearts despise the vulgar artifice of un scrupulous politicians, who are" seeking to use them for their own advantage. But they are bound hand and foot and can do nothing. Take this race as a body, and they are about as fit for self-government, as they are to control the Parliament of England. The negro needs to be governed, treated firmly but kindly, or he is a nuisance to himself. These very Radicals will presently 'set tired ol him, and will be ready to load him with any sunenng or disgrace, to appease tneir own conscience. In the meantime, : let our intelli gent white readers ponder the lesson contained in this most disgraceful Sunday riot. j f , : ; r : . Mayor's Court Yesterday. The first case for the consideration of His Honor Mayor Camp bell, was that of a colored woman, Creesy Blount, charged with assaulting Margaret West, thereby disturbing the1 peace and quietude, of the neighborhood. Fined $5.00. f Shade Gates, Hardy Gates, Solomon Hand, James Lucas and Jos. Kelly were arraigned, charged with committing an assault upon the person of Rev. A. D. Baines, (coL ). Hon. iM. E. Manly, appeared for the plaintiff. -It seems that the origination oi this slight unpleasant ness was occasioned Dy some petty jealously between the two rival colored Baptist churches of this city. A party representing the respec tive factions, gathered in their usual devout and earnest manner, in a favorite place, and deter mined to divert their attention somewhat from their usual devotions, and engage in a friendly game of fisticuff. The feature of this case, which renders it most intolerable to every right minded person, is that professed christians, j on the holy Sabbath, should be setting such an ex ample of disorder and disobedience to law. This difficulty, under the circumstances, is a terrible reflection upon the respectability and law abid ing character of the colored people. And com ing at this particular time, it is calculated, to damage their interests more than anything else that could happen. His Honor decided Shade Gates, Hardy Gates and Solomon Hand guilty, fining Shade $1Q and costs, and the other two $5.00 and cost,; each. Kelley and Lucas were ordered to be discharged. Since the adjournment of the court, the Mayor upon the petition of .the adverse faction, issued a warrant against Baines and four of ! his confreres, who come upor a hearing this morn ing, upon a similar charge as the one tried yesterday. .- I Important Tax Notice. Delinquent city real estate tax payers are hereby notified to come forward and pay their city taxes that are how due, on or before the 20th instant, or I will pro ceed against them according ta law. My duties and instructions render this action imperative, and in the event of a non-compliance with this notice, I shall be obliged to proceed to extreme measures. Benj. Jacobs, j ! June 13-td. City Tax Collector, j. . ';--:.! -j I City License Tax Payers are hereby notified that their City License tax is due up to the 1st day of July, and unless the same be paid on or before the 20th inst , parties failing to come forward will be proceeded against according to law. The taxes must be paid, and unless done so voluntarily, they must be collected forcibly. jel3-td Benj. Jacobs, City Tax Collector. What White Men Thtnk. We clip the fol- lowing from the resolutions adopted at the Con servative Convention ' in the 7th Congressional District. The white men of the West are i-at last aroused: y - ? U - f I Inasmuch as the Republican party have by tiie passage of CiyilRightsj bill through the Senate of the. United-States by a strict party vote, drawn the line of color, I p Besolved. That the Democratic-Conservative party of the Seventh Congressional .District ac- cepne issue, ana wnue we woma noi aeprpe the colored race of any right or privilege guar- anteed by the ConstitutioS of the United States, - . . - 71 r we are of opinion that the good of both races and the prosperity of the State jdemand that her uesumeB suaii. ue conixpAieu vj uio wiiive xuc. TfeorJ-naH Thot o a it in oorQ i T fhot. tho.fltvil Rights bill now pending before Congress will pass the House and become a law at the next J" AA? A X i - 1 AT- session 01 uongress, 11 noi as mis,, unless mere is a decided uprising of the white people of the State in opposition to it in the ensuing elec tion, and as one of the most prominent features of the bill is the one relating to Public Schools, it is of great importance to the people of our State that the Superintendent of Public Instruc tion fihonld be a man of that nartv orrosed to the Civil Rights bill and mixed schools, and not of that nartv which is attempting to force this odious measure upon the country. .f . Hotel Arrivals. U Gaston House, S. R. Street, Proprietor.- June 15 A. M. Kirkland, C. H. Blank, Asa Jones, city; E. R. Page, A. &N. C. R. R.; Neal McKay, Harnett County; F. M. Simmons, Jones County; Mrs. E. R. Page, Kinston, N. C. ;jH. W. Goodwin, Fremont, N. C; A. Thompson, Beaufort, N. C. ; R. F. Webb, Wilmington,! N. C. ; R. J. Cherry, Swift Creek, N. C. ; J. V. Sherard, Goldsboro, N. C. Bateman House, Jerome Bateman, proprietor, June 15 J. . McCullum; Raleigh, N. C. ; Capt J. Irish, U. S. R. M. Newport R. I. ; S. Smith, ta- dr t: i, t vveu v.uuuv, x,x. uW. xu,Cx, a dones,, JJ., fc., vvmis, H.-.M. Agosune, -xu4. Lovick, John S. Manix, city; Geo. W. Dill, Morehead City, N. C; A: B. Swindell, N. EC.; Geo. R. Beldon, Oxford, N. C. Hailstones measuring eight inches in circtilm- ference fell in Morris county, N. J., on Tues day, June 9. i -y: . 1 If M I; A chief engineer in the American navy receives $2,800 per anum, while the pay in the British navy for similar services is $1,100. - : " - A Mississippi man having recovered $15,000 for the loss of his wife by a railroad accident thinks of marrying again and taking his ' bride a long journey. fcay, .Fomp, you nigger, wnar you git dat hat?" " Why, at de shop, of course." 4 4 What is de price of such an article as dat ?? 4 4 1 don't know, .nigger, de shopkeeper wasn't dar." i King fiaJakana of the band wich islands is of opinion mat a father and mother raising a large family of children are benefactors o the State and should be exempt from taxation. ;His subjects are anxiously waiting to learn the num ber necessary for exemption. ! j - State Senator Powell of Newport, R. I., I re- turned $50, sent him in payment ol services as member of a special committee with the state ment that he never allowed himself to take pay for extra services as a member of the Legislature. Mr. Powell is States Senate. not a candidate for the United w 8.: Unless the Reno Crescent exaggerates, Senators Jones and Stewart may be left some day without a constituency. The amount of water accu mulated in Lake Tahoe is more than a thousand times that which devastated the Massachusetts valley, and this inland sea is held back by an arti ficial dam. The Orescent thinks that it is only a question of time when the dam will give !Way and the valley be overwhelmed by a I. roaring Niagara. - & . I A Chinese wedding m Denver, CoL swas interrupted by the . arrest of the bride. Gem Vow on a charge of lareeny preferred by AhFee Ah Fee is the sub-agent of a company that pirn- ports women from China, and $400 was claimed from Gem Vow before being entitled to I her freedom. This money Ah Feej from her husband by a charge: sought to force of larceny. The Woman was promptly released on the facts becoming known. M. " j An Inexhaustible Salt Mine. Louisiana is mining salt, savs the. Savan&h Xeits. The work being on Avery's Island since the war, where 99 72-100 per cent of chloride of sodium is proved by repeated analyses. The quantity is illimitable. The first attempt failed. The second sank a shaft 50 f eet through solid . n . ,in . t., ,m Mn -.6uw aj uuu iuu anoiner, inrougn pure crystal tne wnole distance. Machinery for crushing and grinding to three I j grades Turk's Island. Liverpool coarse and , iV t j , , . . table-was introduced, and 35,000 sacks were J sola in 1070- 71.- Ihe capacity of the present works is 100 tons daily, or 300,000 sacks per an- num while 1.000.000 rslcV were imported at I ' Orleans, Galveston, and smaller ports. The cost of mining and crushing is $1 75 ton ; transportation from New Iberia to, j per New Orleans, $2 per ton; and incidential costs 1 are for 50 cents more $4 in all against $4 25 lurk s island. With these- general facts,! a company has been formed to buy and work the mines extensivly, build a railaoad from the mines to New Iberia, and so bring the trade direct to New Orleans. G. W. Graham, the ex-army Cap tain J con- victed of having attempted to- rob a paymaster on the highway in Colorado, recently escaped from the prison at Canon City, and has not been recaptured. He belongs to a respectable family in this city, and has caused much grief to his friends by his guilty career. In his cell was found a touching letter from his sister. Mere is a squib, first published some dozen years ago, that illustrates the frankness of expression which then characterized political discussion . aisconieniea epuoiican says me appomt- ing power at wasnmgton seems to be divided between Lincoln. Seward, and Chase. TJinfoln appoints damned .traitors, with occasionally a fanatic;' Seward appoints damned loafers' with occasionally a man of ability; Chase appoints damned tools, with occasionally a great scoun drel. : . . .- ...... . - j ...... Frederick the Great, who was opposed to the classics, entered a room one morning where his son Frederick William was reading with a pre ceptor, ' Rascal, what are you at there ?" broke out the rough old fellow, in his usual kingly style. " Please, your Majesty." said the pre ceptor meekly, 44 1 was explaining the 44 Golden Bull' to his Royal Highness. "X44 I'll Golden Bull you, you rascal," roared his Majesty of Prussia, Up went the King's cane, away ran the terrified instructor, and the Prince's class ical studies ended forever. 1 Tax Notice. The citizens of New Berne are hereby notified to List the Real Estate Property and Polls for City Taxation, on or before the 4th day of July next j I will be in attendance to receive said Tax- ables at my place of business on South Front Street until the date mentioned. June l3-tf. Wm. G. Beyan, Councilman, The rose of Florida, the most beautiful of flowers, emits no fragrance; the bird of Para dise, the most beautiful of birds, gives no song; the - cypress of Greec, the finest of trees, i yields no iruit; aanaies, tne snimest oimen, nave no sense; and ball room belles, the loveliest crea tures in the world, are very often ditto, Perfec tion exists not under the sun. I Go to the New Store next door to Meadows & Co's drug store to buy clothing at panic prices. ' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. SUPEEIOE COUET, Carteret County. June Term A. D. 1874, Susan A. Peaece, ) vs. V Petition for Divorce. Jc seph Peabce. ) ; In this action, it appearing to the Court from the affidavit of the plaintiff, that a cause; of ac tion exists against the defendant, and that the said defendant is not a resident of this State, it is ordered that publication be made once a week, for six weeks successively, in the New bebnian, a newspaper published in the jcity of New Berne, notifying the said defendant that he is summoned to appear before the Judge of the Superior Court of Carteret County, ;at the Court to be held for said county, at the Court House in Beaufort on the second Monday of August next, and answer the complaint in this action : and that if he fail to answer said com plaint within the time prescribed by law, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint i ' Witness, James Kumley, Clerk ox said court. at Beaufort, the sixth day of June, 1874. i9 Gwl Jas. Rcmlet, C. S. C.