'' ' ' . " ; ' I.' I, . j '- ' ' . I ; . - : : !!'.:';." i I i - , '; .V;-. ' : ' ; - .' .. ; - : " . Volmne L I W BERNE, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 30, 1874. dumber !62 -i-j QJ JHj . I TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCEBN We desire to state for the information of all concerned,, that we hold onrself rRnnnRihlp. fnr any and all articles that have appeared or may appear in tms paper. JSeth M. Cabpenteb. i i Democratic Executive Committee for Craven County. I . - J. E. Morris, Thos. Stanly, D. E. Christie, S. W. Latham, J. F. Rich, A! J. Chesnut, T. H. Mallison, J. H. Hunter, C. O. Clark, Edward Whitford, S. Radcliff, Jas. A.-Bryan, ktxu. vr. xnnson,! wm. uieve, Jas. Osgood. S. B. Evans. Pitt Barrows. R. A. Russell, John Hughes, H. B. Bryan, W. P. Stanton, H. B. Lane, J. A. Ernul. W. R ! Lan: D. T. Carraway, -fH. T. Guion. ; ; L : I j DISTRICT CONVENTION, : . It is recommended that a convention of the Democratic-Conservative party, of- the Second Congressional District, .meet at Goldsboro on Wednesday, July 8th, for nomination and fur ther organization. Immediate action by town shipsgand counties, for securing a full "represen tation is earnestly requested.' v - By order of the District Executive Committee. H. E. T. Manning, Chairman - Aretved. Schooner Industry, Bell master, with corn, from Hyde County. j J Schr. A. Winey, Spencer master, ! . with corn, from Hyde County. I ) 1 K I. O. O. F. A Tegular communication of Eu Reka Lodge, No. 7, will beTield this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock, in Berne Lodge.HalL I v visiting brethren are invited. , By order of the N. G. i S. B. Steeet, .Jr. , Secretary. Valentine's Meat Juice at Meadows & Co. .; , ' , Mad Dog. We learn that a dog frothing at tne moutnwas seen on our streets vesttrnW and oeoWicr.dwjA small col-? vvu.wv; iiiiwxiucu us iiiui ne snapped at him as he passed him at a rapid pace. jWe have not heard that anybody was bitten, or that the rabid animal was killed. - 4 Large assortment of Toilet Soaps just received oy Jueaaows & xjo: - Cube foe Deunkenness. The following is a care cure ior drunkenness and the love for strong drink : ' : Sulphate of iron, five" "grains; peppermint , . uxuv.uiuo, ojjixiuj vi nutmeg, one drachm. Twic a day. This preparation acts ub wmc ana stimulant, and so partially sup plies ine piace of tne accustomed liquor, and prevents that absolute physical and moral pros tration that follows a sudden breaking off from tne use oi stimulating drinks. It is to be taken in quantities equal. to an ordinary, dram and as oiten as the desire for a dram returns. ; .-, For the best Ext. Vanilla and Lemon use Meadows and Co. 's. I Examination, Etc. The examination of pu pils who have attended the New Berne Academy for the past scholastic year has been going on for the last few days, and the exercise will con clude this evening at the Theatre by a public exhibition of the acquirements of those! who have been instructed there. We suggest j that inasmuch as the Democracy forced the retire ment on Saturday evening of the three colored Trustees of the Academy, : that the latter ,p appointed to conduct the examination, since if tney were thought fitted by the S Badimi in jndge of the qualifications of teachejrs they must ue competent to pass upon the proficiency of the scholars. Excuesion. We are informed that th sion under the auspices of the Elm City B. B. C., to take place on Thursday next, will be at tended by some of our most prominent ritw both ladies and gentlemen. The committee of arrangements are using every effort to make it pleasant for all, regardless, of cost or trnnM and temperance will be strictly enforced except in feasting and dancing. Music will be fur nished by the New Berne : Silver!! CnrW o-i string bands. Befreshments will nria -r Soda Water, Lemonade, Ice Cream, fi Sandwifihe etc. Transportation will be furnished for the baskets of those who prefer carrying their din ner. Remember, this is the first, and tmrtwAW the last excursion below the Light House this season. The New Peesident. We learn from ih Goldsboro Messenger that Col. HumnhTftv -1 .1 . . " . x- aireauy maKing eiiorts to raise the monev rp 1 I A ' ... . . ' i : " quirea to meet tne interest due on the ; 1st of July by the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad on its mortgaged debt. This shows the right spirit and pluck in the new President If all the Goldsboro Messenqer savs be true. nrxA we shall not for a moment call it in question, we have entered upon a most honeful and enl ?OTIW?e fain his election. The" J&sng says truly that the position is not a partisan one. But if the editor had seen the 'partisan demonstrations of Stanly: its former President. how i bwnWed,excilsivelyin'e''in., terests of Radicalism, being made a most 'noteV,. tial agency to" cripple Democracy ' and build up the negro party, it would not wonder t language. All hail to .the' commendabie ieal and, energy of Col. Humphrey ! ProVider,ne and the sympathy of all cood cltizenfi" him in his noble work. ' " t' weed whose name Testimonial and Liberality. We see bv the new xoric vvorui tnat, at the closing, exercises ior tne academic year at the New York Institnl tion for Deaf Mutes, the Carey testimonial was awarded to Alexander J. Andrews,1 of Ralaigh a granoson oi Air. Albert Johnson, former Su penntenaenc oi tne JM. C. Railroad. Thi. fi monial is given not for .scholarship alone, but fojr good behavior as well. On handing it to him, Mr, Peet, the Principal of the Institution said that, owing to the reduced circumstances ot nis lamily, Andrews would be compelled to leave without completing his course, when Tr George A. Bobbins, a member of the Board of education, immediately assumed the responsi- Diiity oi Keeping the boy at school. Pajcuoo County News. A corespondent at Stonewall informs us that a girl about 18 years oi age, a aaugnter of a colored man named Robert cher, was killed by lightning: on JVi day evening last during a thunder storm. She, with her brother, had taken "shelter under a tree which was - struci and the girl instantly fcflfefr The boy was stunned, but ? otherwise sustained no injury. ; From the csm5 ccurce ire lsara tat iiotith ing the dryness cf the weather, , theicrcps tre looJong very well, and that the hfisltliof the people m that section w razsxttij (;ccd. A Cube for Corns. -A French medial inr. al reports, the cure of the most refractory corns by the morning and eveniiig annlication rit a brush,' of, a drop of the solution of the ner- uxuoxiue oi iron, it states that after a fort night s continued application, without rmin ii a patient who had suffered martyrdom .. for nearly iyikjf jcarfl, Homa most painful. -corn on the inner side of each little? toe was entirely relieved; pxcBBuxe was no longer painful and the cure seemed to be radical. Other and similar caRe are reported as equally successful under the treatment. ----- Annoying. On Sunday night, shortlv nftr ii ... - i congregations ci , tne diffcent chnmhe the city had assembled for public worship Rights in all of them were suddenly extinguished uie woxsnippers enveloped in darkness. There being no means at hand for ! lighting the edifices, all the congregations were dismissed, except the Methodist, they usinc lani r,rol cured in the neighborhood of the church. We learn that new retorts had been nlaced in tne gas works on the day before, and that they were xii oi sumcient capacity to supply the demand made upon them. : - TO THE SUBVIVOBS OF THE WAR WITH Mextoo- Comrades. I am requested to inform von that there will be a meeting of your fellow-soldiers at Raleigh on the 4th day of July next, and to invite you to attend I am informed tha.t ar rangements have been made to nass the veter. anson the railroads for a sinele fare, an A r earnestly hope that every one will be present at rou-cau. ,WiLJ:ft.iw late Brevet Major, 12th RerL n. R. New Bxbne, June 20th, 1874. Canada j Thistle. The heads this article is considered by cultivators oi the soil as one of the greatest pests.they hav to contend with. When once it gets a footholji it is almost impossible to eradicate it by any pro cess known to the farmer. . It is deemed such a nuisance in Canada and the northern part? of the United States that most: stringent laws have been passed to prohibit or prevent is growth. Farmers and others subject themselves to suits at law, with heavy damages, for allowing this tles to grow in their fields or vacant iots. The seed are as light as air; in the afternoon of a summer day they can be seen winging their flight in every direction. Wherever these seed fall, thistles will show themselves the following beacon.. , jxow is tne time to eradicate themWbv cutting them down. ' Their seed have not yet matured, but are on the eve of doing so. If you .can prevent tne casting of the seed, the rordba- bility is you will clean the land of this pest; to wait ten days more will erive the seed time to be matured and difitrirmtert l j '"'5"wm) uio conntry. In 1865 there were very few thistles in our city. They were brought here in hay. etc., durinc the war. Th f w 1CC. VJ out soil, but of foreign growth! They have1 in creased rapidly every year, and at this timerthe lots in ( the city are full of tiiem. There tare other reasons ' why they should be removed They are among the noxious Weeds. We nave an ordinance in relation to the'removal of weeds, &C. but does not C-O into efferi. 'nnt.il vh onk July ; before this : time expires, all" the , weeds will have matured their 7 seed and a great many will have died ' and the malaria distributed over the city. The weeds should be cut down bow and removed. ' - . . . ' r ; v . i i ; , if Tile Priest of". Radical Ism. ' : 1 ' no. xi; ! ; ! : ' ' '. ' f! ' ' UA strange belief, that leaned its idiot hanVi On folly's topmost twicr f belief iVat. Aai - - .... . t r . . Most wise, had made - a ; world, had creatures made; reneam nis care to govern! an BY LAST 'IGltT?S MAIL. Washington, June 27. CoL Bristow, of Ken tucky, now Secretary of the Treasury, has re fused to accept a pair of horses and a carriage which a friend wished to present him for the' use of his wife, who is regarded as the' most lauyiiKe ana tne liandsomest woman out of Kentucky. tly re. "XTJ TT T . . .. rw lOBi, oane z. A letter recent ceived from Havana says: It is reported by the UDans tnat a convoy of four hundred men, together with forty cart loads - of provisions! have been captured by the Cubans in the juris diction of Santiago de Cuba. The total number of four hundred Spaniards were shot in retalia tion for the shooting of Cubaps. iDiarios states that the Spanish forces in the field, operating against the Cubans, number sixty thousand men. Of this number, forty, thousand are supposed to be guarding the culti vated districts, ten thousand are on the sick list and elsewhere and fen thousand are en gaged in the active pursuit of the enemy. These ten thousand men are not? sufficient to pursue six or eignt thousand men well acquainted with iue uoumry. - 1 ' . Use Meadows & Co.'s Ess. Ginger. st; if 6j prote ct Devoured its thousands. Reason, not the5 true, Learned, deep, sober, comprehensive: sound V But bigoted, one-eyed, short-sighted Reason, Most zealous, and sometimes sincere. . r ? Devoured its thousands. Vanitv to v I Renowned for creed eccentrical devoured Its thousands; but a lazy corpulent : ' , And fiendish Radicalism, that leaned on all ' It met, nor asked if 'twas a reed or oak: I Stepped on; but never earnestly inquired I Whether to heaven or hell the journey led,! jeyourea its tens oi tnousands, and its hands Made reddest in its country's precious blodd. SrQii-cc2 Sirot7iiD are cmita a orwl Hams, are ouch ccaper.Tiy theso. . C. .32. 3 ovss. f the will I 'M that naught can O desperate frenzy ! madness o And drunkenness of the heart ! quench ' j , - - - But floods of wo, poured from the sea of politi- ,:; cai nate. i , Behind which no mercy sits! To think to turn , I The back on one's race and live ! To deify an ism ! and in the sight of Go be proud ! J j ' j I ; To lift an arm of flesh against the shafts i Of the omnipotent, and contrary to his lawl. To seek for happiness and fraternal joy ! ' Insanity most mad ! gnilt most! complete Hj ! ;i For cool Soda and Mineral Waters co to Mead ows & Co. s. r. tf- 11 (5 : Clerical Dress. At a pastors' meeting, held in New York last week, the question of clerical dress came up. Some advocated the wearing of the black robes, others denounced the garb as unseemly and rit ualistic There is nothing more arbitrary than 'clerical dress." In Encland styles, that of the Establishment that of the Dissent. You can tell a high churchman from a .low churchman, the one wearing a cravat without a collar, and the other a collar without a cravat .The great army of the Establishment wear a .dr,ess.as distinctive as the "Oneen'a Own, The dress of the'Dia-entena nA -hkl'r j i ' -w- w - VUUU J L a servant in a nobleman's house are alike, both wearing white cravats and black coats and pants. Spurgeon wears this dress with this dif ference, instead of a swallow-tailed coat he wears a black frock. In the days of Stillman and Baldwin, ordained clergymen ot all denomina tions wore the bands, and a large portion of them wore the black gown. In their own pul pits, Drs. Baldwin and Stillman preached in full canonicals. Bishop Ashbury, the first American Bishop of the Methodist Church! travelled over the savannahs and waste places of the South, and performed his functions in that wild region in full bishop's dress. -The white cravat , was not a clerical badge. It was worn by all gentlemen, judges, lawyers, merchants, scholars, as well as by clergymen. No one' was dressed without a white cravat When other, classes abandoned the distinction, the clergy refused to follow the fashions one Brooklyn pastor astonishing his audience by coming into the pulpit in a white scarf and red necklace. Examiner. Public Speaking. Cicero Green. S. D. Pool. I Jr. , William Whitford ; and the other Conserva tive candidates will address the people i of Cra- I ven county at the following places on the days named below: t I U Hotel Arrivals. Bateman House, J. B. Bateman, nronrietor. June j, iL Jones, I H. B. Duffy. H. Jarvis Lovick, J. Hughes BelL Asa Jones, J. ij H. MissiUier, A. M. Baker, city; E. R. Page, ins ton, N. C ; A. B. Gadana; I Petersburg V&Ji A. S. Baner, Baltiinore, Md. ; W. Foy, Foylandl N. C. ; Edgar a Dudley, U. & Army: Chas. Roberta. Beaufort .. . ,: U. . j. ,v . m ;, For the best Eau De Cologne go to Meadows & CO. S. ' . . . ; ' Adam's Creek, y Piney Grove, Ijatham's. Littie Swift Creek, Big Swift Creek, Lee's Farm. Core Creek, ! Russell s, Wixrcrins. N.w Berne, Saturday, Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturdav. Wednesday, TO THE VOTEBS OP THE TeXBD JUTJICZAI. DlS- TEicTi The undersigned, at the solicitation of many mends in all parts of the District, hereby announces himself a candidate ' for re-election to the o2ce of Jndsre. which ; h Via- TiaI x. uouxjjt mu yam ioux years. f M ; , ! Wtt J, CULBSS. New Bzbkx, N. C. June 25, 1871. x . h td -' - ' . : A mmmmmt f: Go to the NW fitona turrt Aaar tn 3 jO s drug store to buy clothing at panic prices. July 11th. ' 13th. " 23rd. "24th. " 25th. " 28th. " 30th. 44 31st August 1st. All are earnestly requested to be nresent as questions involving the vital interest of our cit izens will be discussed. - - f in ? Tax Notice. The citizens of New Berne are hereby notified to List the Real Estate Property and Polls for City Taxation, on or before the 4th day of July next 1 "I will be in attendance to receive said Tax abksat my place cf , business on South Front Street until the date meaticed-W l -4 ' Juhe.l3-tf. Wk a BsTAlfudlman. Notice.- As there are certain parties enagsc! in the ice-cream business in this city who rep resent that tmvsrcs9 ci2ir7 tia ci3 fcr cvl htreby notify tho public tint aid parties haT0 been, and are nsaSang false r7.w;,ima, ta Iicnployno person to. sell for me upon the streets or elsewhere, tf. Sabah Oxxxz. ; .Hi it!

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