w i i I i j i 1 ! i' i : i THE NEW-BERN I AN. EWBEBN. N. C. DECEMfeEE 4, 1880. GITT AND VICINITT. Brief Mention. Bad weather for the poor wood is so Vith the new moon, a desirable cfhange in the weather is not ony ooticable bat quite agreeable. The oysters now brought to this market are rery fine and Detrick always manages to secure the best. - , The loss by the great fire at Durham, If. C , on last Tuesday night is now esti mated at one hundred thousand dollars. . ' The steamer Neuse; from Kinston, ar rived Testerdav morniner with 200 bales cotton, and sailed on her return trip at 3 p. m. Rough rice continues to arrive in large quantities for this section; thus far this season!, about 40,000 bushels have been brought and sold in this saarfcet. Our people now have the privilege of reading the New York dailies on the same 4ay of their -publication j The fast mail twin arrives in Gotdsboro at 7:41 p. m. . The colored people about here allege, nd many white people subscribe to the declaration, that Court week w. is always jny, though we ean pot -down two fair days iuT this week. Prof. Martynes dancing Academy we . are glad to note, is being well attended. The Professor is teaching his pupils how to mastt r all the modern (figures as well as the popular old one. Visitors to the seaside during tbe sum mer months wjll rejoice to know that the new Morehead City hotel has been leased lby Dr. Blacknall, proprietor of the Yar boro' House, Raleigh. The steamer Conteritnea arrived down the Neuse on Thursday night with a full cargo7 of cotton and rice, and sailed up Trent last evening with a full cargo of merchandise for the various points on the Tiver. '3Ste pecnliarity of the A. fi. T. Co. Blacfk Tip is, that it in independent of the uppr, and simply protect) it from wear, without endaogering the upper from ripping, en is the ease with toe caps sewed on to the upper. s Our State electors eaet in the Senate chamber on Wednesday last and cast the State's tea, votes for Hancock and Eng lish. F. H. Busbee was chosen for mes- eneer' to bear the certified cetafrns to C7 Washington Detrick'a Jrestaurant has. now fairiy be- .. coipeone q the permanent and desirable tfelt the heed, of a first-class -eating estab lishment where one eoald be served with a ood ianch or meal at any hour of the day, and Detriok knows just bow to serve it. Oatton sales in our market during the week have been quite active and prices exceedingly good, the best grades aver-, aging about 11 -cents. The highest figure paid was il by Dail Bros, for a lot of 25 bales grown by Col. John - N. Whittord, which graded Middling and was probably the finest cotton ever before brought to this market. I Jeweler and! watchmaker Mr. B. A Bell of this city, returns to-day from his second trip this season to the North where be has been to replenish his stock, having through an unexpected run of trade dis posed of the large invoices purchased two cnonths ago - Mr. Bell sends us word that be has in transit the largest and finest assortment of jewelery and holiday goods that has ever before been exhibited in this section of the South. Look out for a fine display at: his store during the coming week, and the holidays The Fall term of the Superior C iurt for . this county. Judge R H Graves presid ing" convened it this city on Monday last. Up to the hour of our going to press, there had been four convictions of larceny and three for assault and battery. The parties to th: latter cases were fined, but no judgment has hs yet been passed upon the arceoy caes. The entire time of the Court yesterday and last night was taken upan the case of Nathan Tisdale, charged with the murder of J as. E. Thompson N result had been reached . at our latest reports While it ift trne that the carrying capacity . of our Railroad is taxed to its utmost in the transportation of freight, yet we think that it mifght be made possible for the Road Master, with permission of the President, to make np a train say of a ducgien fiat-cars and by the aid of his various section bands load it with refuse cross ties and other wood to be foand lying along the road, and bring ing the train sthns loaded have the wood distributed to the poor. A. -charity of this character at this rncleruent season of the year won Id be of inestimable benefit to its recipients, and we trust our Railroad authorities may find it convenient to carry out this suggestion,' T. A. Hknby Abroad We clip the following fiom the Weekly Argifr, pub lished at Easton, Pa., which accounts for the brief absence of our worthy Collector of Customs: "For several days last week our town was graced with the presence of T. A. Iienry,.E9q . of Newbern, N.rth Carolina, i obertor of Customs for that port Mr. 5eotrv r xt ,live' our neighboring State of New Jersey, and counts among his ancestors the names of several revolu llZy .5flrtot"- He lived in the South before the war, arid is therefore fully lniormea as to the nature nt thQ people ?fis adopted State. : .Although a i M man or conservative . . ' ' t ' ' ' ' V ' i - - .- : ' ' I ' MM thought, whose influence can be no other than for god in tne commnuy m wmcu he resides. He is of the opinion that when th nennle of the North aod boutn come to understand each other better, it will be tn their mutual advantage. He has high hopes for the future of Nrth Carolina, a wealth with immense capabilities. Mr. Henrys visit North isj with a view to tracing up old titles oi properxy ownea oy his ancestors. ills granuiamer ownea fnnr hundred acres oa which the town of Mauch Chunck is now located. We trust friend Henry's visit to Penn sylvania, will result to his advantage in every way desirable to him Uktrujb. In justice to a fellow-citizen who we have every reason to believers as frA frnm pnile as the average mortal man, we clip and comment below upon the following article published in the Wilson Advance, and copied by some of its exchanges: 4 We learn from' a private letter that the man Parker who is in jail at Wash- ineton chareed with the murder of Gen. Grimes, has confessed his guilt, and that W. B. Paramore, Who was suspected oi havinsr instigated the enme. has since, fled C3 cr- to parts unknown." The report published in the Advance, so far as it relates to. Mr. ,W. B. Paramore, is untrue. That gentleman is in JNewoem and has been here for -the past week. Mr. Paramore was absent from ihe'eity, and State, for a few days on business, but as soon as that was concluded, returned. He has made his residence inVSbis city and can be found here at all times when wanted. We would suggest to our esteemed cotemporary the Advance and all other of our exchanges, that it would be well to make proper inquiries before publishing such statements as the above, when they reflect so seriously upon innocent parties Official Vote for Judges of the Superior Court and Congressmen Two Probable Contests. Nzwg and Observer, Nov. 27th ) The Board of State Canvassers met n Thursday, but on account ; of its being a holiday adjourned until yesterday, when it again met in the House of Commons. The bllowing, composing the Board, were pres ent: His Excellency (xov. Jar vis, Secretary of State W. L Saunders, Attorney-General Thos. S. Kenan, and Senators elect James Iioekbart, of Anson, and Wm. E. Clarke, of Craven. The following were the secre- tarfea: John Spelman, H. M. Cowan and C. W. Lambeth. The returns for Judges of Superior Court were first canvassed, od afterwards those for the Congressional election, ing is the official count: The f ollow- For Judges of the Superior, Court. j R. T. Bennett...... .....116.054 100,639 Nathaniel McLean John A. Gilmer.... U... .115.669 ames H. Headen.. 102,262 . iFbr Congrtss. FIE ST DISTBIOT. L. C. Latham .......14,796 Cyrus W. Grandy. ......14,290 j i -Lath" am s majority .. 06" 'SBCOia DISTBTCT. Orlando Hubbs.... .....19,259 Wm. H. Kitohin....... ...... .....14,305 Cicero Green....: ..... 104 Hubbs majority........ THIBD DISTBICT. . 4,954 John W. Shackelford .16,356 W. P. Canaday .15,017 H. B.. Kornegay 645 ' Shackelford's majority.... FOUBTH DISTBICT. . 1,339 Wm. R. Cox....... .....17,557 16,241 Moses A. Bledsoe Cox's majority.............. FIFTH DISTBICT. ..... 1,316 .....13,557 . . . 11,623 ... 562 Alfred M. Scales... ... Thomas B. Keogh John K. Winston Scales' majority SIXTH DISTBICT. 1,934 Clement Dowd.. ...16,401 ..........12,366 Wm. K. Myers Dowds majority SEVENTH DISTBICT. . 4,035 .13,331 .11,383 1,948 Robert F. Artu field. David M. Furches... Arm field's majority.. EIGHTH DISTBICT. Robert B. Vance .i Natt Atkinson Samuel L. Love.... ...1 14,099 6,244 1,336 Vance's majority 7,855 The following paper was handed to the Board by Col. A. W. Shaffer and; was read, Col. Shaffer declaring that he did not desire action by the Board postponed because of the paper, as he was not bo instructed: To the Honorable the Board of Stale Canvass- ; ers of Aorth Carolina: ! William P. Canaday, of New Hanover county, State of North Carolina, represents to the Board that many of the returns of the election for Congress in the Third Dis trict do not represent the lawful votes cast or; tendered at the election for members of Congress held on the second day of No vember, A. D., one thousand eight hundred arid eighty, but, on the contrary, an honest and true account and return of such votes would show that the undersigned was elec ted instead of John W. Shackelford, who was returned asv elected; and this the under signed fa ready to verify if called ! upon or permitted so to do by your Board. The undersigned protests to your Board that by not further specifying he does not waive any right , to contest the seat of the said Shackeiford before the National House of Representatives. Witness my hand this 23d day of Novem ber, 1880. (Signed) W. P. Canaday.. A paper writing; similar in form, was also handed in by Col. Shaffer, as! attorney for Cyrus W. Grandv. in recrard to the election in the First District, wherefrom Mr. Louis C. Latham is returned as elected. This paper was filed with the other, Col. Shaffer making the same statement as in the other case. THE STATE OFFICERS. The Official Count Completed. fX iN4w$ and Observer, Nov. 2Sth.) ; -', ; The Board of State Canvasse: yesterday resumed its work of canvassing fhe returns of the election of State officers.' The foH lowing is the official result: Governor: T. J. Jarvis 121,827: B. F. Buxton 115,500. Jarvis majority. 6,237. iAentenant Governor: James' L. Robin son 122,135; Rufus Barringer 115,018. Robinson's majority 7,117. I Secretary of State: Wm. L; Saunders 121,984 Riohard M. Norment lU,983. Saunders' majority 7,001.; Auditor: Wm. P. Roberts 121,971 ; Eiley H. Cannon 114,783. Roberts' majority 7,188. Treasurer: John M. Worth 122,145; Aaron D. Jenkins 114,572. Worth's ma jority 7,573. "'. Superintendent of Public Instruction: John C. Scarboro 121,965: Archibald R. Black 114,765. Scarboro's majority 7,200. Attorney General: Thomas S. Kenan 121,737; Augustus M. Moore 114,552. Kenan's majority -7,185. The official returns fail to show any votes cast for Attorney General at two precincts in Union county. The votes were doubt less cast, but were probably . overlooked irk transcribing the returns from . those pre cincts, or, it may be, that the tiokets were cut o close that the Attorney General's name was not on them. This accounts for the small votes the candidates for this office received in that county. ' The Board finished the canvass in the afternoon and adjourned. . Proclamation by the Governor Whereas the Secretary of State has, un der his hand and the seal of his office, in the manner prescribed by law, certified to me that the following named persons received the highest number of votes for electors of President and Vice-President of the United States at the election held therefor in this State on November 2d, 1880, to-wit: I Fabius H. Busbee of the Fourth Congres sional District, i ' James M. Leach of the Fifth Congres sional District. : ! Thomas R. Jernigan of the First Con gressional District. Henry R. Bryan of the Second Congres sional District, j . Daniel H. McLean of the Third Congres- I sional District William F. Green of the Fourth Congres sional District. I Frank C. Robbins of the Fifth Congres sional District. ! ! David A. Covington of the Sixth Congres sional District. Theodore F Klattz of the Seventh Con gressional District. James M. Gudger of the Eighth Congres sional District. ' - Now, therefore, I, Thomas' J. Jarvis, XiSLEgmoxjoOCfirthQaioJina-. do .as directed by law, issue this my proclamation declar ing that the said Fabius H. Busbee, James M. Leach, Thomas R. " Jernigan, Henry R. Bryan,. Daniel H. McLean, William F. Green, Frank C. Robbins, David A. Coving ton, Theodore F. KInttz and JairiesM. Gud ger have been duly elected as electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, and I do hereby warn each of them to attend at the Capitol, in the city of Raleigh, at noon, on the Tuesday preceding the first Wednesday'of December, 1880, to discharge the duties imposed upon them by law. Done at our city of Raleigh, this twentieth day of November, in the year of our Lord "one thousand eight hundred and eighty, and in the year Of American Independence the one hundred and fifth. By the Governor: Thomas J. Jabvis. G. L. Dudi-ey, Private Secretary. The Norfolk! and Baltimore steamers were due here yesterday,! but up to the hour of our going to press, they had not arrived. No head-ache or back-ache for ladies who drink "WINE OF CARDUI." ; For sale by Hancock BbosL Fob Rent. Forty acres cleared swamp land in Pamlico county, on Spring's Greek, with all necessary buildings thereon. For terms apply to T. F. Woodard, Pamlico, Pamlico county, N. C. j " BLACK-DRAUGHT " etircs cpstive ness and Kick-Headache. For sale by (Hancock Bbo. Seed rpB Tbuckeb8. U. S. Mace drng-j gist at market basin wharf has just received 200 bushels extra early Canada peas which he warrants to be good in every respect. Call and examine them before you -make your purchase for the coming crop. ' - "WINE OF CARDUI" four times a day makes a happy household. For sale by Hancock Bbos. FbomF. L. Habalson, State Librarian : Messrs. Hutchinson & Bro., I have tested your Neuralgine both on j myself and on others and have found it to be all that is claimed, a specific for Neuralgia and Head ache. I recommend it to my friends. "WINE OF CARDUI " for Ladies only, jb or sale by Hancock Bbos. ; E. S- Rountbee, on Broad street, has a splendid stock of Groceries, such as meats, flours, surgars, coffees, syrups, canned goods, corned beef, hams, breakfast strips, butter, cheese, lard, snuff, Jobacco, and in fact every thing to be found in a retail store; and he is selling his goods very cheap in&eed for cash. Gall and see him. Forty years' trial ha proved ' BLACK" DRAUGHT" the best liver medicine in the world. For sale by Hancock Bbos. Why will you suffer with chills when you can be cared with Hancock's Pills ? JUJKS. xtkbson a niranDY. 1 deem if r t- :- duty as well as a pleasure io let suffering humanity know what I Mr. Joe Person's Indian Xonic nas done fur me. I hare been a sufferer from scrofula for I more than five years, ifor eighteen months I tried various system of treatment, without success. I then placed myself under treatment of a Kicnmond pnysician for three and a half years, without being cured.! I had lost all hopea of ever being well again. Aboat that time, I obtained some testimonials of cures llrs Person's Tonio had effected, and deter mined to try it. After using it a short wnue. a iouna u was benefiting me, and Wishing to give it a fair test,1 1 concluded to visit ner lor treatment. I went on the 21st of June, and in a week's time could see a change in the sores from that time they began to improve, and in three months, I was entirely well. The directions should be strictly followed in taking the medicine, and th Bitters shonld, by all means, be taken softietiiue after the sores! are healed, tn plajtely eradicate the disease from the sys- msb. a nope ner 'ionic may soon be within retch of every one Rimil&rlv aflMntfA Most Respectfully, Geo. P. Wtt.t.tamh Mixchant Mills, Gates CoJ, N. C.,) ! September 20th. 1880. Information Wanted. , Miiisters of colored churches in Louisi ana end adlOimno States re AArneRtlv r. quested to read the following to . their re spectfve congregations: i TLfe brothers and sisters (John. petert SarajT and Kate) of Dorcas Richardson, daughter of the late Moses and Eliza "Rich ardson, of Craven county, N. C., are anxious to leirn of her wliereabonts. Dorcas was sold kt the age of 16 in Newbern, N. C. some! few years prior to! the late war and takeij to New Orleans, La., by one Page, a slave trader; since which! time no tidings of her have been received by: her relatives. Any information in the premises will be gratatully received and dres Sakah OxletJ appreciated. Ad- Newbern, N. C. NEWBEKN MARKETS. Corrected weekly by C. H. Blank, whole sale and retail Grocer, Middle street : JBcon Long clews f ft... ' Shoolders ft ... Hams ft Pork New mess bbl Salt 1 fcack w XATd ft......... Butter ft.: Cheese ft 08X19 06i07 " 1215 16 Ott 1.00 9i10 20S5 1518 28 33 910 910 8X 8 1218 19 20 Molasses Sugar house i gallon unos Dating 8ugar A ft .......... .. O extra f ft O golden ft . Brown 1& ft Coffee Bio fi ft ........... Costa Rica ft... Flour Super 9 bbl L.. ...... 4 50 5.50 6.50 9.50 3.50 " Fxtrabbl... 1. ....... 5.00 Fsnrny- bbl. . . . . . .1 . . . .... 6.75 8oap box ......... 0.50 Snuff Lorillard, bladder 56 Gail & AX.... U. ...... 48 Tobacco ft ...i. ....... ..J.. ...... 25 75 Kerosene oil gall, by the bbl -15 ft gallon I 17 Kails keg on basis 3.50 Chickens 1 pair i 85 Eggsperdozen.....,.......! 18 50 s NaVAIi STORES:; Rosin bbl i....... ...... .L.....i.. $1.10 Tar bbl.... L..V.L . 1.25 Turpentine, yellow dip. b!bl... 1.75 scrape bbl . .L........ 1.00 Drop Shot.... .............. 2.15 Buck " .... .-: ...;....... .L L . 2.4D powder, New York..,;..'...L C.2 oriental. Li. 6 60 West Indies Moiassts .......03 10 ; SaiSGLrA i Hearts 5 inch V M. ... $2.5(k$ $3.00 ... 4 00& 5.00 8 inch M..' ........ Saps-& inch msrr. . ?. : . .;. . . . . . . 1 rm 4 00 2.00 & men u m . .. . ......j... .0o COTTON AND GRAIN. - Middling.. .ii .10 it ..5 Strict lo middling..... ljOi middling....... .. Corn, in bulk, $ bushel Oats, : " ' r...i Rough Ric, ...(H .70 8S BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures dyspep sia, indigestion and heartburn. For unle lv Hancock Bbos L Grand Unrivaled Combination. T H E & U P. A L K 2 W W. K 2 R , Tlie lt irc-it ;it i ve Furm, Guitltn. mid Home Juurntil of Amerira, with Ha uluutilr Plant anl !efl Din Iribution. unl the NSWBERNIAN, One Year for only $3.75. All who subscribe an -aqve will receive (lrec of charge) the -.. -.'.. Free Plant and Seed Distribution of The Rural Jievr-Yorker. 1 i i Xbese distributions have been made during the past three rears, and it is conceded by oar first farmers aod horticulturists, j that they have intro duced to the couutry some of the most valuable farm, garden and ornamental plants in cultivation. In the pres . -nt distribution, it offers the follow, ing costly selection, all but two of which have not yet been offered for sale in this country, and , it will be mailed, free of all charge, to subscribers of the two journals t 1st. Trie White Elephant Potato, of the. lamest size, of the best quality, and so far as tested promising to be the greatest yielder known. 2d. THE RURAL BRANCHING SOK . GHUM. ; I According to concurrent testimony from the North, South, East and West, the coming fodder plant. . : ! I -I It produces an average of seven leafy stalss from one seed. " - ' j: ' --' 3d. Argentu il Asparagus. (French.) A ew era in Asparagus Culture. t j ' 4tli. GIASTUUTCH PURPLE ASPAR ;. . , . AOUS. ' .- ..- N.B Enough of each of ihe above inds of Asparagus teeds will be sent to subscribers to test both fairly. ! 5ti.' WASHINGTON OATS. Tall Straw, Large PaniclesJ Htavy Weight. The seed came irom Germany. ; The urmer who has tried them here, considers them by far, the beat of all the m ny kinds he has tried, and says they yield one-third more than the common oats. 6th it 7th. FOU THE LADIES. Choice Strains of Picotees, Carnations and Chinese Diauthne. including pianthuB Chine usis Heddewigii. Ibtis fl. pi. 8triatus. "Eastern Qaen,"i and .,- : 'Crimson Bel e," I , Tented here (Rural Grounds) last year. ; Dinthus Chineusis imperialis. ; X- . lacmiatus. In a second package the lotlowing kinds will be found: : t . 'Cabkatioss. Seeds raised irom choicest varieties scarlet, white, yellow. i j . PicuTEES. Steds saved from double flowers.! No other flowers are niore.iragrant. none better suited lor cut flowers, nons house culture. They bloom are hardy if protected. , i-Thus we oflfr: more captivating for the first eeaaonand THE NEWBERNIAN and TJie RURAL NEW-YORKER, which has no club or secoud price. $3.00. The Plant and Seed Distribution, which ifanyvalna. tlau can be placed upon such novelties, is worth at least $3.00, making a total, of 97.00 for the cash sum of $3.75. ;l The Uural' iiome fully supplied the news of the world the most trustworthy Agricultural f and Horticultural Information seeds; Plants all for about the price' of on good paper. 1 1 Specimen copies of the RtrBAi New-Yobkzs will be sent on application to the Pnb.isher, Sio 34 Park Row, New York, without charge, to our read ers. It is a bIx teen-page weekly, illustrated in the best manner from original drawings and filled with original contributions with the best writers in the world. Farm and Horticultural Experiment Grounds. (82 acres in extent.) are worked in the interests of its subscribers. J n Subscribe for the Rural New-Yorker and The Kewbtrnian per year. for on! y $3.79 WJXM Fi?. THE RURAL NW-TOfiKER. For the 5orth, South, East and West- TASMXBS. FRUITGROWERS, STOCXHXN, i., GARDENERS, DAIRYMEN. FLORISTS, ' YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO DO WITHOUT IT. , , . j 500 BEAUTIFUL, ILL-USTflATIOXS t FROM NATURE TEARLy. . , . .' kt First AHBricai: Rural AutMity! I J 16 Pages, Weekly, Only $2 o Tear. It has distributed ms amocg ita subscrib ers some of the most valuable ra . rieties of plants in caltiration. M for Sjeciieii Copies 'wlich will . 16 Forwarded Free. The present Free Seed and Plant Distribu- tion is worth more than the yearly , cost of subscription. ASK TH0SEWH0 KNOW. .Your family will be delighted with the ' Rural Neio-Yorker. ; It is Pore in Tone. Sparkling, Conscientious, Original. The Best Writers in the Uorld. 31st Year of Ita act, 4th or its preseat , management. SUBSGIBE KOW. Extjeriment cronnds of 82 acres, worked in the interests of subscribers. The Rural Xeio-Yorker will aid yon to make and to save' money. It will tell yon what new B$eds and plants, farm implements, etc., to K a purchase, without regard to advertising in. terests. . . ( Special department devoted to Markets, News of the Week, to Women, Domestio Economy, to Religions Matters, . Fashions. Ijrustworthy market reports from! all centers a specialty. . , Address, i Rural New-Yorker, 34 Park Row, New York. Noeth Carolina,) Cbaven Countt, D;N. Kilburn, Pnb-1 lie Administrator, f probate Court. Andrew Godett and Newbern, Nov. 16, '80. wife and others. . J It appearing to. the satisfaction of the Court, from the affidavit of Richard Tncker, that Shade and Benjamin Richards,. defend ants in the above case, are non-residents of this State, it is ordered that publication be made for them in the Nbwbebnxah for four -weeks, to the end that they may come forward and plead answer or demur to com plainant's petition, or there will be judg ment according to the prayer thereof. Said case is set for a hearing December 23, '80. E. W. Caepbnteb, . Probate Judge. , mi SEEDS are 1 the If not sold in not sold in roar can gttbem by. na loan and Prices. The Oldest G roicrrra in the United State. tmri extennve Seed DAVXD LtAKDlLETIX Sc 8 , . attbntioit: - D. O. Cbank, St. Cloud Bnilding, cor. F. and Ninth streets, Washing ton, D. C, collects Bounty and Back Pay for those entitled. Pension Claims prosecuted. Especial atten tion given cases before the Genera Lnd Office and Department of the Interior. Patents for i Inventors solicited. ' Iiand Scrip an 9 Soldiers' Additional Homesteads bought. WILLIAM SALTER. . . . DEALER IN Pork,, Bacon, La.rd. Cheese, Batter, Crackers, Meal, Coffee, Sugar, "M ")"' Molasses, Tobacco, ALL KINDS OF FANCY GROCERIES! Boots,' Shoes, Dry Goods, Yankee Xo tions, Crockery, Hardware, ' . Cutlery. 4- FARMERS SUPPLIES. Highest prices paid for SHINGLES in I j CASHORBARTEir. ;l . : . : Newbebn, N. C. CHAS. H. BLANK. : - DEALER IN QENERAL MERCHANDISE. CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON, CORN AND NAVAL STORES Middle Street, opp. Peoples' Market, V NEWBERN, N. C. DANCING ACADEMY. Prof. J. J. MARTTNEi OF BALTIMORE, MD.; Having returned to Newbern with the view of .reKpeniDg Mb DANCING ACADEMY, announces to the good people of this city and vicinity, that he has secured the con venient and well-appointed PATTERSON HALL, on Middle street, and commenced the first series of lessons on Friday, Nov. 19, 1880. i HOURS FOR INSTRUCTION : For1, Ladies. Misses and Masters, 4 o'clock p. m., for Gentlemen, from 7uJ0 to 10 p. m. Terms lor in Jbessons io.uu, one-nan pay able in advance. , i a J. J. MARTYNE. Nestbebk,, Nov. 18, 1880. ' j JAMES F. LONG, PHTSIOIAH A.HD SUEGEOH: S Practices in town and countrr. U . S . LI A C-.E , DEAIR IN' r nm Lin mmmi, t . mi Fall arid well assorted lines' of Irrvs, TtJb ent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Ferfcr eryj Soaps, Field and Garden .V j j Seeds,. Braces, Trasses, Ac.- CIOAna AND TODACCO, ' ( ;:J: , . GXiASS AXXD Pjaihts, Oilo? Hopes nnct SHIP HARD.WADB." llarket Wharf. 9 R WDElX2f W. C. - RELIABLE ready - hade clot;.;;:g I qf Home 2Vt axivtlkttTiro. GElITLEUEli'SPDBltlSHIlIQGDODS,- And Pisce Gccds fcr Order YTcrl , Charlottesville Ca::ir::rc a Cp::liltr,- y. ASAjpmis,:: M. Patterson's old Etsntl, . Middle Street, deaxr in Liquors CIGARS, TOBACCO, Ii B S, B B B n, otc.y ! "West side Middle street, Opposite Churchill's llardirarc Store, The Tery best brands of Liquors eonstantlt'on hand. ! and orders promptly and satlsiactoiilT filled.! I ' . The celebrated Gibson "Whisky a speeinltV. : Bzsj F. Gbapxon. Stobx B. Lado.- , Haxj3ebt E. Paine. lAite Commissioner of .Patents. : PATENTS PAffiE, GRAFTON & LADD, Attorneys at Law and Solicitor of American and i i jf orexgn raunis. 412 I Fifth Psext, Wasbwotox, D. C, Practice parent law in . all ita branches In the' Patent Office, and in the Supreme and Circuit Court of the United States. Pamphlet, sent free' on receipt of stamp for postage. Outfit furnished free.: with ull instruc-' tions for conducting .the most profit- able business that anyono can, engage in. The business Is so easy o luarn and our instructions are so simple and nlain. that any one can make creat . ; TtrolitB from the eiv tart. Ha one ' can fall who is willing to work Women are as successful as men. Boysnnd girls can cam large sums. Many have made at the business oTer one hundred dollars in a sicgle week. Nothing like it ever known before. All who enxage are sat', prised at 'the ease and rapidity with wh.ch they are able to make monej . You can engage in this" business during yonr spare time at great profit.' You do not have to Invest capital in it. We take ' all the rik. Those who need ready money, should write to us st once. All furnished free. Address'. Tbuk & Co., Augusta, Maine, , ,.t , '..-ju-Witi ' ' -Oy'.JWH"-.." iiii'iiii . . irr DETRICK' S- . mESTA0E,AETv HIDDLD CTI1S22T, 20" o tit- ber ' 1ST. MEALS AT ALL IIOUBS1 Oysters in Every Style HAVANA SMOKERS.- B est laoer Beer.- And Everything- in Pirst-Clasa Order Proprietor. HENRY L. HALL. DSAX.SZI ZX7 BOOKS, BLASK BOOKS STATIONERY , PEKIODI C A lis, SEASIDE UBRAEIES. PICTOMAL WEKLIIIS and FANCY ARTICLES. Mid die 8treet. . NEWBERK -N. n. A Cough, Cold or Sore lliroat should be topped. Neglect frequently revolt In an incurable Lung Ditratc or ( onimp tio. I RnOWS'8 IIUONOUI AL 1 H.OCIIE8 a.re wrlaJn to fcfvc relief In Asthma, llronrhlt U, Cong lis, Cta.rrl ConmrnptiTe and Throat Diseases, ier thirty j ears the Troches have been rncoxamended by pujBlcians, and alway gire perfect Mtisisc tion. They aie not new or untried, bat ha ring been tested hy wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained weli naerited rank among the few staple remedies of toe age. rnvim speaker and SI users naa them to clear and strengthen the Voice. Hold at twenty-fire cents a box everywhere. Motbcrii Mutheiall Slmtttmtmltt Are! you disturbed at nicht and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with tb exemciating pain of cutUnc teeth? If so. so st once and get a bottle cf UBS, W1KSLOW8 SOOTH i3iO 8KUR It will relieve the poor litUe snflerer immediately depend upon It. there Is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it; who will not tell Ton at once that it will renuiate the bowels, aad give rest to the mother, and relief snd health to the child, opera ting me maptc. it is perfectly safe to use io all cases j and pl-aaant to the taste, and is tea pre scription of one of the oldest and best female, physicians and nurses in the United 8 t. Bold everywhere.. 25 cents a bottle. Wanted Gentlemen to kno that we method of surface bare discarded the old cleaning (by which all the 'potH com back in a week) and hare adopted tbo new English method; this alone renders coats. pants I and vests clean as new, soft sod lustrous and islands the test of time. 1 ! 1 ' Kxsa, Sesiob, : j , x ieniiuoi oconrer, Middle St.. opp. Episcoral Chnrcb. ALL "t DYES FAST n AT KIK GU 4Can von ever force t m " No. never j t w as long as Dress Coats are $2.50 each at Moore's. ! j - ' . Every box of Hancocks TiU re war ranted to cure ohills. i' A. II I - 9U M.JJ Refreshing V ni l-IS ; si !-.; it f 2 i!:is .HI! '. 5 1 6 :1ft